Newspaper Page Text
ADVERSE TO THE MARKET jVlany Things Conspire to Cause Very Bad Day, lARGE SUMS ARE SH1PPED Carrlod South Because of the Heavy Speculatlon ln Cotton?Important Stocks Showed Very Corv< slderable Weakness. (IV Aawelnteil Preea.) NEW YORK, September 14.-Tho course of to-day's stock market was ahaped by n number of a'dverse factors, chlef among them belng tho reported damago 'by storms In tlio sprlng wheat reglonB, and from In Iho corn belt. Lower prlcoB for Intornntlonal sojBUrltiOS ln London. whero consols wero ngaln deprcssed because of tho polltlcnl sltuatlon Jn Eastorn Europe, also gavo a set-back to tho 11st, whloh opened genorally lower: tho few Inltlnl advances havlng no apparont slgnlflcance. Mlasouri Paelflc dlsplayed tho grcatest weakness of anv stock ht the outaet, though a 'tr fle honvler than Atchlson, RondW. Bt. Paul, Unlon Paelflc, and Amnlgamated Coppor. Steel, oommon, ngaln broke bolow 20. but came ln for falrly Kood support and recovored. Thero was a story current durlng tlie day that the second steel syndlcate wnion some time ago oonverted $200,000,000 of pre ferrod atock Into, $250,000,000 of 6 per ciint. bonds, would soon mako another demand for a consldornble sum upon the undor wrllers. but thls could not be confrnied. A reactlonarv tendenoy-wns shown by tno Hat botore tho end of tho flrst hour, spo clal pressuro bolng onoe more dlrectea ?unon Brooklyn Translt, ae well as agalnst , Readlng and St. Paul. tho lfl-ttor recedlng Tho afternoon eeaslon of the market was noteworthy only for tho Inereased weakness ln ihe last hour, of such stocks ?as Atchlson. Readlng, Amolgamated Cop por, St. Paul. Mlsaourl Paelflc. Now York Central. Rock Island. Southern Paclflo and Unlon. Paelflc. Tho selllng of Read? lng and Unlon Paclflo waa sald to come from praotlcally tho one source, but waa unoxplalned. In the flnal tradlng the local market flUplayed further wealt neas. Unlon Paelflc belng espcclay heavy. Tho break ln Southern Paclflo waa partly explalned by tho_, company-a Julv report, whlch showed n doflctt pftor cha'rgos of $687,000. Tho market closed actlve and weafc. , ,. An Interesting devolopment of tho fl? nanclal eltuatinn was the rcnewal of heavy ahlpmenta ot currency to Now Orleana. whloh took from tho banka $400. 000 through the sub-treiiBiiry. besldes ad ditlonal sums on dlroct Bhipment. Tlio movoment now well undor way nlways ' takes hoavv aums from thls conter nnd because of tho exoesslvo Bpeoulatlon ln cotton is llkely to assume unusually large proportlons thls year Tho fnct that tbe Southern demand wlll be colncldcnt wlth that from tho Wost may prove ornbar raaslng for tho New York banks. althougn it wlll bo soveral weeks yot boforo tho total wlthdrawals can bo accurotoly esti mThee'bond market showed some lrregu larltv, but the speoulatlve Jssues decllned in aympathy wlth the weaknessof stocka. Total soIbh, par value. $l,_6o,otw. Unlted States 2"s decllned 1-2 on tho last ? Total sales of stocks to-day were 507,200 aliares. MONEY AND EXCMANGE-CLOSE: Money on call, stendy, 2@3; cloalng bld, offered at 2 1-2; time money, very dull: slxty aays, 4 1-.4?1 1-2 r>er cent.; ninety. daya, G; slx months. 5 1-2; prlme mercan tllo pajier, OffO 1-2; sterllng oxchaiige. wenk. wlth actual buslness ln bankers bllls nt" }I.S5.9.Vd4.Si; fnr demand and at $4;S2.05<g^.S2.20 for slxty days; postod rates, $4.83 nnd $4.87: commercial bllls. $4.82; bar sllver. 57 1-8; Mexlcan dollnrs, 44 3-4. Wall Street Qossip. (Speclal to The Xltnea-Dlapajleb.) NEW rOHK, Sept!) 14.? Tho murkot opened weak and uhaettled tyltb aufflclcnt reBumptlon of apecinl preeaure to make tlie trndcrs tnke tbe fhort slde of tbo general 11st. Tho heavy tone la London waa dlaoppolnllng, but probably llm unantlsinctory weathor reports from the North west hml na much to ilo wlth tho enrly wcnknciw aa anythlng. ?, i,f , The ofter of beta that Unlted Statea Bteol would pny lt? next dlvldcnd on tho ooninion dld not scen> to be pnrtlcularly convlnclng, nnd Ihe eelllng looked good; There Is probnblj- n ratliet week tiptown bull pool ln the atock. The early attvmpt to ndviince Ilrooklyn Itnpia Trnnalt on tho report waa ft fnllure. ?WEATmJR MADB TO ORDHR: Tbo n-enther wna the prtnclpul toplc of con rernntlon na fnr hs the Grangore were concern ed, and the genernl Iropreaalon wna that Chlcngo waa sendlng through weather reporta lo order. They rnngod anywhere from n bltwnrd to n hcat wavc, but dld not, genernlly ngree wlth the offlclal stntementa. Ttailera, .'..bowever, were benrish on tho atoc-VB llkely to be nffected, n? they agrpefl thnt tbo nest .fortntght would be crttleal perlod, wltb tbe market olwnya llabla to snd fl-tnrblng nimora, SI.ORR BAkXTKGS: Sloes-Bbetrield for quarter ended Augnat 1)1, JPOi): Surplua, nfter chnrgoH, dlvldenda, depro clatlon, etc., $158,327 agalnat $127,000 tmmo nuarter 1002. . , ? .. TTie dlreetora declared tho regiilur qnarterly dlvldend of lll per cent., paynhle October lat. Ilooka cloae September 21st nnd roopou Octo. ber 2d. rriB fikbt noun: Prices ralllod a llttlo In tbe flrst hour from tho lowr lovels, but tbe mnrlcnt was very ?plr Itlens benvy. I/wdon waa n more acllve seller thaii for BOBJo llttle tlmo past nnd thlB waa doprcHilus. ns the forelgn support him leeri an lmportant Influenco whore the local but Ing han been lndirTerisnt. It was snld thnt some heavy eclllng of Unlted Blatra Bteel common was for I/mdon account, hut tbere wns sotne re&son to thlnk that Iho inosl Iraportimt renlUIng came from PIttsburg, Reportl from there nre beartah nn trade condl tlons. but curloualy enough are not so posltlve on the passlng of the common dlvldend as they were last week. Boston was anppoaed to have been an enrly seller of Amelgainated Copper. EARIW ArpBBNOW.I The market wn? wenk ln tho early afternoon, i.llhcugh a good deal of tlie selllnc w-ns llmil dntlon, md the prnfemlonnls v<re v?ry benrtsh, hut the floor tradera were dls poaed to take protlts on shorts put out earlj-. Tbe contlnued wenkness In Reftdtng has prob. ahlv been a rennlt of Itqutdatton of a hull p?>l of sonir, ?Ue. The hull acronnt tn It wns evten slre, and aevergl commlsslon houses reported the catcbtng ot stnp orders on tho deellne. Sonthern Paclflc was hanimeri'd on the rhnnce nf cetcblng a supposed stop order, hut the Htv-U ncted ns If trsders bsd been mlslu fnnr.ed on the polnt. THB CIJOBKMJs , , t The coverlng of traders aborts was Hhotit tha only support apparent tn tho market at Ihe <Ioh>. nnd sentlment wns very bearlsli. A can. viims of the commlsslon houses brought mreely THCMflS BRANCH &C0 tfiriTABLlSHKD 183J.I MEMBERS Kew York Stock Exohanga, Kew York Cotton Exohanga, PRIVATE WIRES TO K>RINC1PAL MARKETSs Inveitment Securities *tO*Of>OiV4V><$V;?)V?\^*V>3^^ Official Ran_e and Sale of Stocks in New York. + ~*.nAf\tf\i f Br Thom?s Branch h c SAL-ESi Open. Hlgh. Low. Closs Amsrlcan flnuff oommiiniiiii m ? ?< '" {__ Amerlcan Snuff pfd.. . 100 Amerlcan Can Com.,.., 4J4 1000 Amerlcan Can pfd. 89% Amerlcan Cotton Oil com.,,..* ... 285 Amerlcan Loeomotlve com. 17% 130 Amerlcan Locomotlve pfd.,..., 85 Amerlcan Tobaeco pfd.,,,.. .,_ 800 Amerlcan Car and Foiihdry..., 8H4 1850 Amerlcan Sugnr .? HB CSnOO A,, T. and Santa Va. com. 65% 1230 A? T, and Santa Pa pfd. 90 27675 Amalgfltnated Copper. 47 11300 Baitlmore nnd ohlo. 81% 26480 Brooklyn Rapld Translt.... 41 3100 Canadlan Paelflc. 123. ?SOO Chewi.peake and Ohlo. 33 Canada Soilt.hern . >?? Colorado Southern com.>. 1220 Colorado Southern lBt pfd. 54 275 Colorado Southern 2d pfd. 22 89700 Chlcngo, Mll. nnd St. Paul. 141*4 31100 Chl., Rock Island and Pnc. 2?% 700 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 44 1576 Chicago Oreot Western. 19% 400 C. C, C. nnd St, U. .# 600 Consolldnted Gna . 1?% 200 Delawaro and Hudson. 102 Del., l>ack. aml Western....,., .... 17475 Erlo com . <?? 2107 Erle lst pfd . p7 810 Erle 2d pfd . __2_7P 300 General Electrlp. l?_% 218C llllnots Contral . i? 1000 Leather .;i'*V"i',i. mrt/ S600 LouIbvIIIo and Nnshvllle. 105U 19(10 M.inhattan . f* 3S30 MetrnDolltan .?? nd?+ ?', Bankers and Btokeri. SALBSi B6S0 Moxlonn Central ...........,.??! 23362 Mlsaourl Pnclflc .'?'._"" WO Mo? Kan, nml Toxaa com,.., 688 Md., Kan. nnd Texrts pfd..,, 3460 Now York Central........,.., Ziro N, Y? Onl. and Wcstern.,,, 1660 Norfolk nnd "Weatern.,, 16700 Pcnnsylvanln,.?>' 600 Pivssod Steel Cnr ..,....,...., Presaed Stcol Cnr pfd. 1125 Ponplo's Cns Trust. 61800 n?adlng com.??<? 180 Rendlng lst pfd. Rondltig 2d pfd.................. 400 Hepuhllo Iron and Steel com., 200 Republlc Iron and Steel pfd.', Sfons ,._.??? ?''_"" St. I,. and San Pran. 2d pfd,.,, Seabonrd Alr Llne com........ Snaboard Alr Llne pfd....,.., 1200 St. L. nnd Soiithwestern pfd., 13010 Southern Paclflc. 400 Southern Rnllway com...,,... 400 Southern Railway pfd. 2000 Tonncssee Cont nnd Iron...... 2112 Tsxns Paclflc .>?.. 59700 Union Pnclflo com. 300 Union Paclflc pfd.,.4... 32300 Unlted States Steel com. 13825 Unlted States Steel pfd. 810 Vaf-Carollna Chom. com. 68 Vn.-Carollna Chsm. pfd. 250 AVabnsh com . 2200 Wnbash pfd . (WO "Weatern Union. 400 Wlsconsln Central. 200 Wlseonsln Central pfd Open. 12% 8314 10% 40 122 22% 62% 124% 83% 63% 79 '8* 35% 44% / 22V* 85% .87% 20% 76% . 86% 20% 6014 23% 0ft 21% 84", 83% 18% JflVt vvisconsin wm?" i""??'?!?????. <?"/i Total number of sales, 618,700 sharea. Jtlgh. 13% WVi 19% 40% IS! 22% 02% 12-1% 39% '03% 63% 79 'ib% C6 86% 4ft 22% 85% 38% 25% 75% 84% 20% 09% 23% 09 21% 31% 83% 18% 39% LOW. 11% 91 19 40 120% 22% 61 123% 39% 'm 60 79 'i.6% 05 86 43 21% 84% 87% 25% 72% 86% 19% 09 23% 99 21% 33 83 18 39 CL0S1NO BOND QUOTATIONS. 0, 8. refnndlng 2s, rcglntorod. 108 U. S. refttmllng 2s, coupon. l08^ U, 8. Oa, reglstcrcd. 10S , U, 8. 3s, coupon. 109 V. S. New 4n, reglstered. Ijjg U. S. New -ls, coupon. J<~ IT. S, old 4s, reglalored. JW tT. B. old 4a, coupon . J'0 t;. S. r,s, rcglitcred.. _?;_> U. B. Ca, coupon . '"'_ Atchlaon, general 4a . ?"/? Atchlson, ndjiistnient 4s. ;'J Dnltlmorc nnd Ohlo 4s. "'> nnltlmoro nnd Ohlo 3V,. ??*> llnltlmore nnd Ohlo conT. 4s. ?? Cnnndn Southern 2dn. J?">7 Contrnl of Gcorgln 5s . l''j>? Contral of deorgln lat Inc-.... e ChcMpcako nnd Ohlo 4UjS.?? I"*}* Chicago and Alton att*.?. J.;"? Chicago, ?. and Qulucy new 4a. ."_ .'j Chlcngo, M. nnd St. Pnul gen 4?.. 10* Chlcngo, Ilock Ialnnd nnd Pnc. 4s. Juuft Chlc.-i.To nnd Nnrthwoatorn con. 7a.180 A nnlttmoro nnd Ohlo Conv. 4a . ?? Chlcngo Termlnnl 4? . J"^? Colorado nnd Southern 4s,,. "?_? Denrer and tlio Ornndc 4a . "?'_ Erle prlor llen 4a . "_* Hrle Oenernl 4.??,:?"/:.irtntf Port Worth nnd Denrer Clty lata. 10?V5 Hocklng Vnllc.v 4V4? ..;............ "Jl* Umlsvllle nnd Nnshvllle Unllleil 4. ?? Mantnttan con. gold 4s . lu>? Mexlcan Centrnl 4s . ?_?_, Mexlcnn Centrnl lat Ino. J?? MUin. and 8t. Louls 4b.... ?'<>* Mlssotirl, Knn. and Tcxns 4?. ?? Mlasourl, Knn. and Texns 2da. <? New Vork Centrnl gon. 3MiS. "g? New .lersey Centrnl gcn. Bs. J'JJ Northern Pnclllc 4? . !S* Northern Pncltlc 8s...?. ?*, Norfolk nnd Western con. 4a.I.? ? "?.? llendlng General 4s.?.* ,Y. Bt. L. nnd Iron Mountain con. 5*. *_> St. Louls and Snn Frnnclsco 4s. u Rt. T.otiljs and Bouthwestcrn l"t?. t>4% St. r_tila nnd Sottttiwcstern 2de. 72J4 Snn Antonlo nnd Arkonsns Pnss 4?. (0% Soti'liern ipnclflc-4.i . t0J? Sotitbern Railway 6s . J]1]/* Texna nnd Paclflc Hts. U4% Toledo, Bt. r.. nnd Westorn 4s. Jljy tTnlon Pnctflc 4s .l.1)1% Unton Paclflc conv. I 4s. ;:'!}? Wnbnsh l?t?.???? U4% Wnhnsb 2d?. 1"B Wabash Deb. B's ,. BS,, Weat Shorc 4s . 100% Wlicetlng and I.ako Krlo 4a. j? Wlseonsln Central 4s . ?? Connollluted Tobncco 4b. "J? Colorado Ftiel Bs . J?V>: Rock Island 4b . ''', , Pennaylrnnln con. fl_s. JJg}/ II. B. Btecl 2d fis. ?<* Mi nnd 0.\ collnterol trttst -ls.I. go Ccntrnl of Oeorgla 2d Inc. ?J. Vlrglnln-Carollna Chetnlrnl Co. com. 2-1% Vlrginl.i-Cnrollnn Chemlcnl Co. pfd. "? n unlform tnlo of solltng of dlsguated bults or the closltig out of wenkly mnrglned nccounta. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. nlchmond, Vn.. Sept. 14, 3003. BALES. Vlrglnla 0s-?5,O00 at 00V.; $1,000 at 00. Vlrglnla Ccnturies?$100 nt 00%. _, Vlrglnln-Cnrollnn Chemlcnl Co. common?16 Bl,vrrrBlnln"?rollnn Chemlcnl Co? 8 per cent. bontls?6 sbnres at 06. STATE SBCUKITIES! Bld. AskaO. North Cnrolina 4's, 0....... ?????? J?* ??;?.., Vn. 8b New, C. and R,. 1032.... 00 00% Vn. Centnrles, 2-8, 0. and lt..00% ??-. 8TATE SECmUTIKS. ltlchmond Clty 4s, II., 1020-1030.. 105 ... UAtbROAD HONOB: A 0 I, R. R. Con. 4'b. 90% ... Oeorr.'ln, Southern nnd Fla., 1045.. 110 ... Oeorgla nnd Aln. Con. 3a 045.... 0a% 107 l',.t (Mnsa A J'S, 11. C, 1H2U.... 11* ? ?? PeL SftS n OV'R. O.. 1020. 120 ... a * T, Pnn lat 4n 1050. TT% <8? I A.- uStcrnl Tr. Oa, 1911,... 101% 103 STREET ltV IIONMIS. Norfolk Street Ily. lst 5s, 1013.... 100 112 STltEET RY. STOCKS. Norfolk Rr. nnd Co.25 8 12 UAtl.ltoAI) STOCKS: P?r. Atlnntlc ConRt Llnn "A".100 100% ... Atlantlc Const Llno pfd.300 102,- ... Atlantlc Const Llno com.100 110% ... Atlnntlc Const Llne of Conn... .100 230 ... Norfolk nnd Western com.100 0.2 ... Seabourd Alr Llne pfd.100 .4 d? Henbonrd Alr Llno com.100 20% -*Va Southern, Railway pfd.100 Si IJANK ANH TItllST CO. STOCKS; Itrond-Street llnnk .25 ??? V Clty nnnk.25 32% ... Metropolltnn llnnk of Vn..f -0 j-0% Snvlngs llnnk of ltlchmond..50 50. 0 Vlrglnla Trust Company.100 ... | ? IN8HP.ANUI-: COMPANIE8! Vlrglnla Flro ond Mnrlnc.25 87% ... MISCKLLANBOVJS: Amerlcan Locomotlve pfd.*29--_S . '_',,. Vn.-Cnr. Cbem. pfd 8 p. C.^JW 00% Va.-Car, Chemlcal com.1002J?# U Vn.-Cnr. C. Co. Col. Tr. Bs. 04%- ??? nALTiMonn stock market. BALTIMORB, MD., Sept. 14.?Soabonrd Alr Llne common, 10%(820; do. prefemid.--34; Sea lxinrd 4b, 70%@77. Atlnntlc Coast Llne c-om mond asd preferred, not qnoted. COTTON MARKETS. NEW yORK. Sept. 14.?The cotton market opened strong at nn adrnnce of 4Q1B polnts on Ihe higher cnbles nnd renewad apprebennlona rok-nrdlng the Southern tornndo whlcb wbb ro nortetl to be worklng Its wuj- over Florlda nnd nortlons of Alnbnmn. ln nddltlon to this tho won thor foreenst <nlled for rather low tempera tnrefi over tbe belt genenillj nnd for rnlna ln the centrnl belt. The pnrtles Interested ln aiiatnln Ing spot prices nrnlled thetnselven of the bull IbIi charneter of the news to stnrt an upward movement nnd Bupportcd tho nenr montha vlg orously at the openlng, wlth September ln the flrst few mlnutes renehlng a lovel nbout sm polnts net higher. October nlso stnrted out nt nu advnnce of 15 polnta. but met wlth conalder ablo opposlllon from brokers supr>6sed to bo representlng promlnent Phlladelphla Intorestn, wlth tho result thnt It was some 7 polnta below the openlng flgure, whlle September was selllng around 11.20. ... _. ,k. Lntor October rnllled wlth the rest of the llat but beforo mlddny the mnrket came under the' lnlluencB ? of realltlng snles nn,l aolo off aeveral poitita on the nome njonths. September. whlch hnd renched 11.23. sold back to 11.08. whlle October hung about 0.00. Around the noon hour bowever, the bnlla ngaln came to tho mnrkefa snpjiort and the coxerlng waa recom rnenced wlth inl-l-afternooii flndlug the prices ut the beat level of the dny, or net 10_33 polnta up on thn ncllrn months. Just beforo tbo close thero wns a ullght reoc llon under re'allalni, but the mnrket waa flnnl lv atendy, not 17(387 polnta hlgher. Snlea wero e'atlmnted nt 000.000 balea, Tbe adrance of irt polnt* ln 'be Mrerpool spot market canaed consldernble romnient. nnd tho strength of the si>ot market there dlreeled ntten tlon to the nearhy apeculntlrc noalUons ln tbo local market In eonnectloii wlth Ihe oullook for new crop aunpllea. The. port receipta to-day were 10.7ns balea nnd nver 4.0f?i balea were reoelTfd at Now Vork. Tlie New York stock runnlng connt la now 110,000 balea ngslnst 107,. 200 balea on Saturday and 41,018 ualej but year. Cotton futurea opened strong nnd cloaed B"'",>-' Open. HlKh. Uiw. Cloae September ...11,00 11.83 10,98 11.17 October .10.00 10.10 ?.oa 10.04 Novemher ... 0.88 -0.08 9.80 0.06 l?.,-..mber .... 0.82 1000 0.82 0.06 janunry .9.84 8.08 9.82 0.M l-e'runrr .... 085 0.85 O.RB 0-08 March .084 10.00 0.83 p.OT Aurll . - ???? 9.07 M.y .0.84 0.00 0.84 0.07 Bpot clton closed stendy, nilddlliig uplanda, 12.00; inlddlliiR gulf. 1225; anlei. 3.785 bnlea. Cottim. ati-ady. 18.00; groja receipta, 4,0n,1 baleat sales. R 7115 bnlea; stock, 110,000 bales; riporl lo Grrnt Urltuln, 45 bales; lo the Oplttli lieut, 250 bnles. Total tO-day at nll seaporta?Ket recelpts, 12 701 rtnles; export to Great Urltuln. 507 bales; to'the ConllneiU. 2<V1 bules; alock, 1111,322 bales, ConsoPdnted at all seaporta?Net receipta, 24 680 bnles; siport to Oruut llrtlalu, 723 bulcs; To'tbe OoutlneiH. 400 bnles. Tolal slnce September Uet at all seaporta v?t recelrits. 83.84 Rbalea; aaport to Great Hrltnln,15,237 b?)e?i W <?? Contlnent. 3,8-18 balea. -_ NEW OKLEANB LA., Sept. U.-fOTTON? Rootcot oil flrm; aalea. 8,000 bnles, Includlng t WKi ?j .rrlTe; uufitattoiis advanred 1-lflc. un i'er he Influcncc of Llverpool Kiit ires were llrm ut tbe openlng. prices tvlug o??ir nnlma hluher on the aetWe moiitlia. l-ai o i JteWacbuWr"nd r.ble. and dam !_, to tho growlng crop by atorrns. shedding and f, )U wccvll wero Ibe most porfnt bi.ll featm-i-a. V "y gei ,'ral bellef that ihe goremrnent bureuii rVii'rt would be bulllsb ol?o usalsted ln suaulii [_g WlWI Bept.mber MM.M4 a* 0,0?, ndvan.-cd t'. 10 00, the-., down to 10.00; October opened at 0 83, soldup l? 0.00, then down to 0.77; Oeccm. 1,,-r opened at 0.07. aold up to 0.70. then dowr, to 0.00, nud Marcb opened ut 0.S2, aold Ul> to 0.88 und'tU-n dowu to 0.82. Tbe market then took another opward turn, and when the sesslon ended prlcee wi-re but 2(i(4 polul/i nnfU-r Ihe hlghest flgures of Ibe day. Tlia board at tbv Clu?u, wmpurpil Hltti liatur days' lerel, Bhowed net gnlnB on September of 18 polnts, October 13 nnd 11 polnta ench on tho balnncc of the llnt. ? 0_timw Cotton futurea cloe-ed stendy: geptemtaf, 10.00! October 0.80@0.87; *?"?h"u?'??VJ. ricceraber. 0.7500.70; nnunry, 0.70@D.80; I-eb rtiary, 8.20; March, 0.85. PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Sept. 14.-FI'OWR-More netlve and llrm. Rye Flour?Flrm. Cornmenl-pStendy. Rye?Dull. Ilnrley?Stendy. Whcnt-Bpot flrm; No. 2 red, 85i>4c. In J'aeo of blg world's Bhlpments wheat wns gencrally flrm nud higher. Its Impetus enrae from a etrong co" market, rnlns In sprlng whent aoctlona and coverlng. Ncnr tho close some renllrlng oo ourretl. flnal prlcea were atfll %m\e.not higher. Mny ciosed at-88%c; September, 87%c; Dcccm bCCor8nS-SC'pot flrm;-No. 2. 50%c. Option market bnd a strong ndvnnce to-dny on predictlonB of frostn ever the corn belt to-nlght. \>K?r?'18 coverlng by nhortn rosulted nnd prices advnu-ed over a cent. cloalng 17_l?.c. net higher. May closed nt 57%e.'l Sppteraber, 68%c; December, BSVic. Onts?Spot flrm; No. 2, 30%c. Deef?Flrm. Cut Mcats-Flrm. Ifrd?Flrm. reflned. flrm. Pork-Flrm. Tnllow-Qnlet. RoBln-Flrm. Rlce-Qnlot. MolnssoB?l*rm. Coffco?Tlie market for coffee ftittires opened stendy at nnchanged prlcea to an ndvnnce ,of 0 polnts nnd closed stendy, net 5??ip polnts higher. Snlcs were 10.250 bngs. Spot Rlo. stendy. ^o. 7 tnroice B%e.i mlld. qulet; Cordovn. ,?Uc. Sugnr?Flrm; reflned, stendy; coiifeetlonera A. 4.75; mould A, $5.15; cut lonf nnd criishe.1. $5.50; powdercd, $5; grunulnted, $4.00, cubes. *5_utt'*r?Flrms extra creamery, 20%c.j State dalrv, 14%<flll8c. Cheese?Flrm; State. .full cream, fancy ' small, colored, ll%e.; amall whlte. 11 %c Egga?Irregiilnr: Stntn nnd Pennsylvn nla, fnncy, mlxed, 23?24o. PoUtoes-Steady; Long Island, ILW1?2, Jer? sey. $1.60(32.75; JerseyABwcotai U-??*?\ Pennuts-Steady; fancylfhnndplcfced, -fyWfc' other domestlc, fl?34?c. Oabbages^teaay, domestlc, per 100, $3(35; per barrel, $3@5. Cot? ton?By stenm to Llverpnol, 12c. CHICAOO. ILL., Sept. 14.?There wns atreugth ln the grnln plta nnd all prices were blgher. December, which mnde n net gnln of %C., clnaefl %c higher; corn cloned %c, and December onts ,ip %(9%c, Provlslnns up 1O032%C. Tbe lendlng futurea runged ns fotlowit Open. Hlgb. Low. Close. W"ept\.ew)2-80%- 80% 80% 80% Dec. (new). 82% S2% 82% 82% Mnv. S-tVj S4?i 84% 84% C<SepV.rN'?:..2- ol* 02% 51% 52 Dec, Mny 52% 50^4 52 Bl% 52% 51 52% ?S*.2: 80% 80% " 30 80% rinc. B1U 38% 37% 88, Mnv::;.:.. ro% ??% &w ao% "S^^WtW >3.72% 13.72% 13.72% Oct ....13.80 18.85 10.76 13.82% Mny -'..'....18.57% 13.82% 13.57% 13.82% LA8ep,rFC.r..,.00n!nb7,% 0.4O 0.85 0.35 Oct . 8.82% 8,15 8.32% 8.45 Jan! .......7.40 7.47% 7.40 7.47% SIIOBT RIBS?Per 100 lbs Hent.8.80 8.82% 8.80 ?-?Z? Oct ... 8-70 0.0O 8.05 0.00 Jan, ....... 0.02% 7.20 0.02% 7.17% Cnsli nnotjitlons ?'ere as follows?FLOURl Flrm. Wheat, No. 2 red, 80%@82%c No. 2 corn 50% c; No. 2 yellow, 53c. No. 2 whlte 0. i 85%t<a37%c; No 3 whho-87%.?S8%e.^NO 2rve 6fl%(il57c. Oood foedlng bnrley 4n<3...0e.; falr to cbolce maltlng. B2_B0o.- No. 1 flaxaee* OOUe.; No. 1 northwestem, $1.05; prlme Tlmothy ?r.ed ?a 12%. Mesn pork, per hsrrel, $13.7n(iJ 18 76- Is'rd, per 100 pounds. $0.32% _0,8B; Bhort rlhes aldes (loose). $8.50(it8.87%; dry ?a tcd abonldera (boxed). $0,020^0.75; short elear stdes (boxed, $8.25(<t8.60. f'lover. contrnct / grndc, $0.30(30.40. Uutter?Flrm; creamery, 1B?20?-. dalry 18?17%C. Bgga-Stendy at 170-Sc. Cuoese-Flrm nt 10_11%C Recolpts.-'Wheat, 153.876 bushela; corn, 580 700 Imsbels; oata, 108,050 bushels; hogs, 27.000 head. BALTIMORB. MD., Sept. 14.?FLOUR?Qulet, nnchanged. Wbent?Flrmer: spot. contract, 82%_82%0.; spot, No. 2 red. western, 84Mi<<J 84aic.; southern by sample, 71Q82%c. Corn? Flrrner; spot, 5fl?i@66%c.| southern whlte corn, Mtfinnp. Onts?Flrm; No. 2 whlte. 42?42%c. Rye?Flrm at 58?50c. nutter--Flrm und nn? changed. BggH?Flrm and higher; freah. 22c. Cheese?Flrm and nnchanged. Bngar?fitrone and nnchanged. \ RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. nichmond, Va, Bept. 14, 1003, QUOTATIONB. wn~AT? _,? _,__. . Loiigberry. 88 ?H0 Mlxed . 88 ?80 Bhortberry . jg ?80 No. 2 red . 88 _780 Va. bag lota . 70 _s7 COltN? .? _,_,; Whlto (Vn.) bag lota. BO 000 No. 2 whlte . B0 No. B whlte . B8V4 No. 2 tnlxed. 68 No. 8 mlxed . B7V4 OAT8? No. 3 mlxed . 881^ No. 3 mlxed . 88 Wlnter seed . 40 0N 11YB . B2 _U2 CATTLE MARKKTS. CHICAGO, ILL, bept, H.?CATTLE?Ito relpti, 40,000 head, Includlng 1,000 Toiana and 8,000 Weaterna; steariy lo |O0, lower. Good to prlme steers, f6.B0(gfl.50; poor to medlum, f 1.00 fr|5.r,n; ntuckera and feeilers, J2.50*14.15; eows. 11,6004.60; helfors. *2<34.76; canners. |l.5nr(_ 2.00; bnlls, 12(34.50; cnlres, I3.WHI11.75; Ti-x as sleera, *8.35<_ 1.60; wealern sleera, S3.2B4S ?l.r.0 Hogs? llecrlpta, 27 000 head; to-morrow. 22.1100 htad; alrong to 10c. hlghcr. Mlxed and biilchers, 16.30**0.20; good lo cbolcehenvy, *5.NOr,{0,I0; rough, beovy, *5.60135.75; llglit. S6.T0Q0.2Ql bulk of sales. IB.fiSQ 11.60. Bheep? Rfcelpta, 42,000 head. Bbtep, slendy; Inmbs, atcodj. Good to choice weihera. }.'?f(4.60; falr o i-holco mlved, |2f(,3; nallys lamba, S3.tJO4fB.70. NEW YORK. Sept. 14?HEEVES?Receipta. 6.800 head; lower. Stiers, |4<rt5; bulls ?_.r,0ffC 6 BO; cows, ?l.8628.76; driesed beef at n'.._,,,. 8V- per pouud. Callea? Recelpla. 1,130 head. Veuls and western cnlrcs steady; genei-nl sales of gratsers. 25c. lower. Veuls aold ut 14.6041 8.76; a few head nt 10; general salea ?f grnss crs. |:uyi ,v>; wesleru ralres ut hm.yi.v Bheep and LjmlH?ftrcalpta, 20.220 heod: aheep und luuibs, lower 'Ib,- rangc for sheep wui %'i.60@) 3.87^;>f?r lauiba. S6410.2.',: ooe al ?1.40. Iiress ed miitlon, QKilflC per pound; dreased touibh ot 7V.4J101.C. per pouud. Uua??ncceUiU. U_3*Q hond; mnrkct ratcd shnde ensler. Oenernl snles of Stnte hogs nt S5.50igO.BO for benTy to llght welghtB. HBRU'S ISLAND. PA.. Sept 14.?<pACTLK? Lower ?t $3(71)5,60; prlme, 85.10ffJB.25; fnlr, S3.75fft4.25. Hogs? Steady. Prlme hcnvy, 10.26 (fr.fl.SO; medlurria Sn.30ffin.40; henTy .jorkers, nnd llgbt yorkers. ?0.35?70.3Q; plgs, _*8@0.10, roughs. ?4@5.60. flhcep-Steody. _neet wothers. ?4@4?2S; culls nnd common, $1.60(712.25; venl cnlrcs, $7.00<R8! ?sprlng Inhs, 13.60(30. CINCIXNATI, 0? Sept. 14.-17008--Actlve nnd hlgher nt ?4.25iii:<V25. C"t(ln-n"H "o"1* lower nt 82(77)4.00. Sheep?Thil! nt J1.2.,ljJS.2o. Lnmbs?Dull nnd lower nt J3.60ift5.60, MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT MARKKT. ? NORFOLK, VA., 8ept. 14.?PEANU-.TS? Fnrmers1 market qulet. Fnncy, RU_o;i strlctly pitme, 3Mc.; prlme, 3c; common, 2*/,c. Spnn lah nuts, 87Hc. per biishel. .__ ? __, PETBRSBI'RO, VA.. Sept. 14.?PBAMJTS?? Spanlsh. O0(ft02V4c Mnrket flrm. stock llgbt nnd few belng offered. Vlrglnin'a, H\.c. for, fancy; mnrkut stcuily. DRT GOODS MARKET. NKW YORK, Sept, 14.?Tbe weeks opens wlth llttle Ilkellhood of buycrs operutlng on nny lnrger scnle. Mnnufnctiirers nro not wllllng to mukc conccsstdns, nnd nlthough here and thero more or less spot stocks nrc to be hnd, the mnnu fncturer is uiiwllling to nnnie prices for tho future. BuyerH, howeyer. Is not operntlng nhend nnd sectn to hnvo rioffcnr for the future. NAVAL STORE8. WtLMINGTON, N. C? Sept. 1-1.?SPIRIT8 Tt'RPEXTl.NE? Stendy at 64V5c; receipta 30 cncks. Rosln?Flrm nt $1.70ffJ 1.76; recelpts, ItVS bnrrels. Tar?Flrm nt J1.7ii; recelpts. 80 bnr? rels. Crnde Turpcntlne?Flrm nt $2(iJ3.70; re? celpts. 102 bnrrels. SAVANNAH, 0A._ Sept. 14.?TURPBNTTNE? Flrm nt 65V,c.; recelpts, 388 ensks; snles. 132 ensks; exports, 05 ensks. Rosln?Flrm; re? celpts, 1,040 bnrrels; snles, 1,055 bnrrels; ex ports. 2.407 bnrrels. ' _,?_?,. CnARLERTON, S. C, Sept. 14.?T7JRPEN TINE?Nomlnnl. Rosln?Stendy. COTTOXSEED OIL MARKET. NF3W YORK, Sopt. 14.?Cottonseed oil on chnnged. Prlme crude, f. o. b. mllls, nomlnnl; nrlire summer yellow 41(a4l%e.; off summer ye-low, 41?4H4c; oft* summer yellow, 30(337c.; prline whlte, 45c; prlme wlnter yellow, 45c, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICDMOXD. SEPT. 14, 1003. ARR1VED. Stenmer Brnndon. Rhodes. Norfolk. merchnn dlse nnd pnsnengers. Old Domlnlon llne. Tug Rndlnnt, Ilnltlmore, bnrge of oil, Stnnd nrd 011 Co. ' Rnrge Pamllco, Sepplc, conl, S. H. nnwes nnd Co. SAILED. Stenmer Poeshontna, Grntea. James Rlver land Ings and Norfolk. merchanrttae ond pnaaengera. Vlrglnln NnTlentlon Compnny. Stenmer Brnndon. Rhodes. Norfo k. mcrchan dlre nnd pnssengers, Old Domlnlon llne. Schooner Allce . Venable, Blgnnlgo, Jnmes Rlver. llght. Tug Radlnnt, Ilnltlmore, oil bnrge, PORT-'OF WF.HT POI.VT. SEPT, 24, 1008. ARRIVED. Bnltlmoro, Courtney. Bnltltnore, pnssengera nnd genernl csrgo. ^..^ Baitlmore, Courtney, Bnltlmore. pnssengers nnd general enrgo. Hon. G. "W. Kolner, Commlaaloner of Agrlculturo, who Ib attendlng ,the meet? lng of tho Arnerlcnn Pomologlcal Socloty, in Boston. Mnaa,, Is oxpected home to-day or to-morrow, JOHN L. WILUAMS & SOMS lANKERS. beelere tn IUCMMOND. VA, SOUTHCM INVESTMENT SEQUMTIES. t_fT. MUNICIPAX, BONDS A SPBCUlaTT, OorrMpMdinM Invtted. DIVISIONlrT THE CABINET Chancellor Rltchle and Others 1 Expected to Retlre. (By ABsoclated Preas.) LONDON, Soptember 16.?The mlnls tcrs kopt seorct the dlsousstons of yes terdny's Cablnot Councll so ofTeetlvely thnt spectilntton ns to tho rosults ls al most miBntory. nnd the government press orgnns this mornlng offer tho most confllctlng ncoounts of whnt took place nt tlio mootlng. . Tho Dnlls' Telegraph, which is prob nhly tho best Infortncd. nsscrts thnt tho Cnblnct crlsls wns postponcd untll this ovonlng, nnd thnt the dlscusslon of tho flBonl questlon wlll bo contlnued nt tne rosumcd meeting to-day, but thnt whnt ever mny bo, tho upshot, Promlcr Bnl four wlll nolthcr rcslgn, dlssolvo Pnrlla mont nor mimmon nn niitumn session. The Btnntlnrd, on tho other hand, nS serts wlth equal posltlvoness that tho flscnl Inqulry wns flnlslied nnd that the ntllourned meeting wlll dcnl wlth forelgn poiluiea. lt undcrstnnrls ^nt the ques? tlon of ImpofllnK preforontlnl tarlffs hns been shelved untll nn nppenll enn- bo mndo to tho country, nnd thnt during tho exlatonco of tho present Parllnmcnt tho action of tho tnlnlstcra wlll be con flned to dlacuss nnd Inqulry. RTTOH.IE WILL RT5SIGN. The Assoclnted Press undorstnnds thnt the rumors of tho approaohlns- reslgnn tlon of tho Chnncollor of the Exohcquer. Mr. Rltchle nre well founded. Othor rnl nor reslgnn'tlons nro llkoly to ocenr. but Ccflonlnl Secretnry Chnmberlnln nnd Pre mlor Bnlfour nro reported tn bo iWnfl Ing togethcr nnd Intond keeplng up the Cnblnct bv Mllnor the vnr-nnelw. Unon the arrlvnl of Mr. Chnmberlnln nt Dojvnlng Street, he wns '"?<">? hooted. A crowd of lnborers ernployod on the new govornment billldlngs ln eotirse of eron tlnn nenrhy jotned ln this untisunl "emon stratlon ngnlnst the co.lonlnl secretary, Mr. Chnmberlnln. who wns nccompanlod by Gemld Bnlfour, presldent of the Foard of Tra-de. ahowod hls ctwtomnry Indirrer ence to thla rocoptlon. Tho pollce ovent unlly wore obllged to form n rtouhle llne frnm Mr. Bnlfour's house to the Forelgn Offlce, so ns to enn.hlo tho Cnblnet min lstors to entor the Inttor nlacn. DIVISION OF CABINET. -The sneclnl Cnblnet mr-etlnr bejmn nt 3 o'clock nnd erided nt B:S0 P. M. It trans plro dthnt tho prodlcted division ln tne Cnblnct over Mr. Chnmberlnln s flscal proposnls nctunlly occurrod, nnd that s pnrtlnl reorganlzntlon of the mlnlalry ls probable. Mr. Rltchle expressed hls un nltcrable opposltlon to nny chnnare in tho flscnl svstem. nnd nothlng- Is belleved o hnvc occurrcd to modlf.v the oplnlon held this mornlng thnt he wlll realgn the cnan eellorshlp of the exchequor. . KILLS HIMSELF BECAUSE HIS W1FE HAD DIED (By AsBOdnted Press.) ST. LOUIS, MO., Sept. 14.-Grlovlng over the doath of hls wlfe, tho newn which reaohod hlm In telegrams threo days aftor her rlemlse, Robert Stoekwell Hntch er aged 40 yeara, of Lafayotte, Ind,, shot and kllled hlmself ln a room at the Plant? ers' Hotol about noon to-dny. Mr Hatcher wns a clerk In the offico of Wiltcr B. Stevens, secretary of the? Loulslnnn Purchnse Exponltlon Company. Mrs Hntoher -nt the tlme. of her denth was correspondlng socretnry-genernl of the Daughters of tho Amerlcan Revolu tion._ PRICE OFALL GRADES OF SUGARS REDUCED (By A-ssoclated Ptosb.) NEW YORK, Sept. 34.?All gradea of reflned sugnr were reduced ten cents a hundred pounds to-day. ,?.-. Mrs. SallieHarper. fSpeclal to The Tlmes-DlBpntch.) STUART'S DRAFT, VA., Sept 14. Mlss Sallle Harper, a vory brlgrht and popular young lady, dlod Sunday at 2 P M. nt the resldence of hor brother, J. Frank Karper; She leaves four broth? ers-J. Frnnk, S. B., George, Marlon and two BlsterB?Mrs. Kolner and Mrs. Hers berger. -- a Hennies?Whltlock. fSneclnl to The Times-DIspatch.) GORDONSVTLLE, VA., Sept. 14.?Mr. C. F. HcnnleB nnd Mra. L. A. "Whltlock, bnth of Charlottesville. wero married at the BaptiRt pnrsonago, this place, Satur dnv afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. Tup per Wlngfleld offlclatlng, MORE MAMMOTHS* BONES AT BLUE RIDGE (Spectnl to Tlie Tlmes.Dlspilch.) ; BLUE RIDGE, VA. Sept. 14.?A seetlon of a mammoth's hfp bonc, mensurlng slx IncheB through, was unenrthed near Summlt to-day. T. P. A. MEN TO HAVE AN EXCITING RAFFLE There la llable to be a very e*eitlng time at the T. P. A. rooms, Thlrd and Mnln Btroets, to-nlglit for the raffle of tn8,n|)rs_! nnd takes place at 8:30, ocibncK nnd runnbout tnlios placo at o ciotn. There wlll doubtloBH he several nunareo IntoroBted piirtleB In attendance at tne ceremonlea and the method mat wlll be adopterl ln detormlnlng tne \wih ner la calculnted to furnlah plenty or ex clterner.t. . Thero nro a largo number ofohancoB bnld. nnd these chancea are dMdert Into "class.-s." Each wlll be drawn 'r?m aepnrately, one, numbor from eacn W Wlnnlng n "plnce," Then comes tn? nn?; drnwljtg-tlie oiimax of aeveral w""? woltlng-and ono numbor drawn m>ra thoae numbcra that have won a %.',_, wlll bo tho wlnnlng number ?",?';_ owner, If present. wlll huve the P>en*1'r.. of drlving homo behlnd "?*?rroor? *""* and a hrand new runabout, all repreaent Ing a coat of 1450. A few chances yet remaln unsold ano theae wlll he put on sale tto-nlght. Whlle tho drawlnga from the njaasea are taklng place the ohancea remalnlng un cold on the aerles not helng drawn from wlll be nn Bale, As each serles la drawn from. the num>. i*>r wlnnlng a "place," with the owner s name, wlll be poated on a blackboarfl, nnd In the meantlme the unroirl fhanees ln tha other aerlea wlll be p)?ood on Sflle. Thls method of proceftiM',* lsi. unlquej and w|i| aaaure an obaoluuly falr onanse for all holdera of numbera In.the rsffle ns well na a most Interesting nnd ?*e|ttn( evening. , ' __. The nbove drawlng ls made from ? phdin ot tho horae and runnbout. Tho gonoral publlo Is invlted to be present riNANCIAL, ?,',,' - ,?????'?, aj.w.aanmsj_is>?awi> ia<H m' tpmisii i iiujlhij fuVt.VrVr*---.-'" +?****?***+**?* + MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK j; : Capital $200,000, Surplui Md Proflti 1672,445.76 \\ T DsslgnaUd atata, Unlted Blatea and Clty Ueposltory, <. Msrcsntli. and Bank Accounta j i-argast iiank Bepoellory louth _; , reapsetfully ssllolted, I (ii '^ of Baltlmora. :? i pir oint. Intoratl H\i on Diotilti ln Sivlnft OipirtmMl, :: ? - p ??ytbli on Oiitund, , ?. J '" JOHN P. BRANCH, - PrMMMlt JOHN KBRR BRANCH, Vlea-Pres. ? ;_ JO"r' r JOHN P.._LENN, Caahl.r. 1ttIM?>>M>MM|Mv>v>Ht?t> TWOOFTHEM SURRENDER Mcplehan ,and Huntmgton Glve Themselves Up. (By Assoclated Preea.) NEW TORK, Soptember 14.?Isaac Mc Olohan and Oeorge Huntlngton, of the Columbla Supply Company, who w.ere Irt dlotod In Waehlngton, D. C, in connec tlon wlth the postnl scandals, surrendor ed themaelves to Unlted Btatee Marahnl Hcnkte In thla clty to-day. Each gavo, ball ln the aum ot $6,000.. . ? Bench warrants were iBeued for Hunt? lngton and McOlehan laat weok. The warrantg charge thom wlth havlng, ln the clty. of Waahlngton, unlawfully conaplred together, and wlth Auguat W. Machen and others to defraud the Unitett States out of the BUm of flfty cents for eac. and every package box to bo fur? nlahed to the Postofflce Department-under a contract wlth the Columbla Supply Company, And, with hwvlng glven to Mnchon 1100 in pursuonce of thls conapi racy. OFFICIAL RETURNS CHANOE THE RESULT (Speclal to The Tltnoa-DlspHtch.) ONANCOCK. VA., Sept. lB.-Offlclal ro turnB of the Democratlc prlmary eloct Joff. D. Jacob commlsslonor of tho reve? nuo for St. Oeorgo'B parlsh. U. R. Boggs wns nt flrst thought to have. beon auc ifr Eugeno Boohm and aaslstants hnvo been at work Bovernl days destroylng the wreck of the aunken steamshlp Amadow off Wachnprcague lale. Twelve blastB we.o mndo and 1,500 pounda of dynamlte used. Blxteon feet of wator cnn now be had over the apot. Some of the. largcat sheepshead were kllled by the blasts. v .,_,__._ Two steamers are now runnlng between Wlsharfa Polnt and ChincoteagOe Ialand. ' -_? Staunton Weddings, (Speclal to Tho Tlmefl-Dlapatch.1. pS^olfTu &%&& $586 PrenSrtc* -SC? Howanl, of Phllndelphla Pa., wore married yesterday mornlng by tho Rev. T. W. Cnnler. pnstor of tho Mothodlst Church. Tho marriage was a outol one.and took place at the pnr sonage. The brlde and aroorn wlll rcrnnln In Staunton for some time. v_?,nn Miss Necly Balloy and Mr. Vernon Swart-el, both of Staunton, wero mar riod here yesterday. Kllled on tho Track. (Speclal to Tho TJmes--DtR?fUch.) ,.,. WYTHEVILLE,' VA., Sflpt. 14.-Robert Vaught. a farnier. was strucK nndffiri stnntly kllled by a traln at Rurnl R^tront Frldav rlght. He wns about thlrty yenis of aue and unmarrled, and llve-J wtlin> wldowed mother. He wns .y|pr>osed to have been sittlner or lying upon tho track. . -?*-? Richmonders in New York. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspntch.) NEW YORK. Sept. 14.-The followlng Rlchmond peoplo are reglstered at tho New York hotels: ?>__'_'. Iloffman. R. L. Henry. R. H. Kern; Nnvarro. E. B. Sydnor. P. W. Raftor; rr,ntin?ntnl Mlss M.- Freeman, Mrs. J. f Pattl"on Mlss N. Oordon, Mlss Mynts, Mlss B Toonc: EirllnKton. J. S. Hazen; Mnrlborough. B. D. Taylor and wlfe and Mnrioorousn. ^^ M J# Roaenbaum, I Hutzlef- Broadway CentraL J. S. Low Railroad Car Men. (Dr Asaoclntad Ptent.f ST LOfflS, MO., Sept. 14.-The Brother hood'of Railroad Car-Men to-day-elocUd W F Ronemus, of Kansas Clty. grand ehlef cTr-man, nnd C. E. Wallnce ot Wllmington, N.. C., a. member of tho oxacutlve board. . Mr. Squlres Crltlcally III. Mrs. E. J. Devine. formerly Mrs. Geo. C M^ser of Chllhowle, Vn., ls wlth her ?T;??w Mr C L. Squlres. who ls crltl X 111 j? hlsChofne"n Barton Heights. - Qoneto Roanoke. n* M W Peyser has left for _Ronn ok^to attend the7 meeting of the Medlcal 0Ke to ftiy? vtrsilnla. He was accom JSn^b^MrrPeyier and hls slster, Ml? Peyser, ot Petorsburg. Low~1rates WEST ANP north WEST. Vla Chlcago, Mllwaukee and St. Paul Railway. every day untll November CO. "18, Chlcago to Son Franclsco Los An gekls, Portland. Tacoma, Seatt e and niany other. Paoiflo Coast pomts' ?30, Shlcago to Salt Lake Clty. Ogdeni Grand junctlon and many other polnts ln UW, Colorado and Wyomlng. Low rates to hundreds of Other polnts. Through traln servlce, Chlcago to San Franolsoo. Only $8 for a double berth, tourtst- sleeper, all the way, To the Northwest vla. St. Paul or vla. OmaliV Wrlte to-day for folder. George J. LlMOln, 818 Chestnut Street, Phlladel? phla, /Pa. _ ? ? ? A complexlon grows falrer dally uslng Satln-Skin Cream and Satln-Skln Com plexlon Powder. 260, Mlller & Rhoads. THE GLEBE SCHOOL IN NEW QUARTERS The Qlebe Sohool, of whi'ch Junlus B, Lels-h Ib head master, wlll opon Mon? day. September aat, at No. H West Maln Street, the spactous and hand ?ome old Chenshaw reRldence. School furniture, new. wlth latest tmprovements. Mr I- Hothschlld ls now wlth Tht Huli Clothlng Compsny, Elghth and Broad Streets, where he wlll be glad to serve hls many frlends and. the publlo. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS TO PEN? VER, COL., VIA SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. On Ootober 3d-7th. the Southern Rnllway wlll sell tlckets from polnts on Us llne to Denver, Qpl? and return st one fare, nlus flfty cents for the round trlp, wlth return Umlt Ootober ,31st, oftpMng. ? choice of routes, through Atlanta and Btrmlnghsm, er through A.hevllW. "Land of th* Bky," Memphls n?<l Kensas Clty. strength an4 b??ld? "P *? wh0'8 Ws" tem. ? C.W. Branch &Co. BANKERS and BBOKERS Mcmbers of New York Cotton S?. change and Ohicago Board i,' Trjs i > New York Correspondents? LADENBURG, THALMANrt 3i O'J , PRINOE & WHITLEY, ' LEHMAN BROS. NEW YOHK. Prlvate Wlres to{ BOSTON, CHICAGO, i itoJ f BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITBD BY l THE State Bank of Virginia, IIII E. Main St., Rlohmond, Va. BALL&WINFREE Bankers and Brokers 1114 E. Main St., Richmond, Va Prlvate Wlres to Prinolpal Polnt*. Correspondcnts?W. E. WOODEND. k CO., Membefs New York ConsolWatei Stock Exchange.. Correapondonoo Jnvlt-jl. Carpefs, Rugs. Our stock Is complote. Mako your selcctlons, and we wlll keep them untll you are rcady to havo them Iald, Lace Curiains, Portieres, All the latest novelties. ANDERSON S CARPET HOUSE, 215 EAST BROAD STREET. 75c. Halt-Soling Men's Shoes Ladies', 60c. n-vBrv Dalr Welt Shoe reatltohed on our Bhactrm Stltoher; no blg ugly sew fnB around ihe aole llks a oobbler hy hand; no nalla. no pejraj the on y up-to-date plant for repalrlng shoea ln UnCff * shoe FACTORY, 716 Eaat Main Street, tphona 2fi?7, will send anywhere and dThlsr'advertlsement good for ?0c. M. H. PENDLETON & COMPANY, 1203 EAST MalR STREET, Rfchmond, Va. Factory Bopresentntlvoa for coro plpto Llnos of Queonswnro, Glasswure, Stonownro, Peoorated, Lanips, &o. " * Stop paying .obbora proflts and buy direot front' faotory through us, Wrlto for net prlco Jlst. WHOLESALE ONUY,