Newspaper Page Text
TNeRatefor , Oleitlfiid Wint Advertlilng is 1 cent ptf Wor-d Net Caeh'lrr ADVANCfe, Wlth a mlntrnurti 'eoif, of 28 centa for eaoH . Insertlpn.-, the 'eama >?? ajipllee to de'atHS,' marrlagee, obltuarlea and all othsr elaniflSd notleM. Ne display typa J allowed tn the elaaalfled eolumna. < ? -r. _!_!_1 H-LP WANTeD-r-BMALB, WOMEN WANTED to sell a naoeMlty to motherSI 112 a week claar. Bept. M? Box 78, I'hllndeh phln. WANTED, a toed COOK Apply st onoe.ta 1001 Kfist Mnrslmll. ,_, KIRKWOOD wanta three OIBL8 ?t 1801 and two nt 801 Boat Main Btreat. at once._ WANTED, experlenoed oyllnder Frt.a rSEDEHB. ?liniB?? AND HOTCllKIHa._ WANTED, a flrst-claes COOK wlth referenceej gnod wa?ea aml hoifie nssurod. Apply HTRAUH CIOAR CO? M7 Enat Mnln Htroet. WANTED, in my famlly, an experlenoed TEAOH EHl comrioteiit ln Engtlsb, f.ntln. - French, Miislo nnd Mnthemntles. Adilress. Klrlna referenre nnd experlenee. A, L.i I'lTTB, Ar? ________ niicklnshnm cnnnty, V a._- , situatTons w^nt?d?Temale. WANTED, oy young lady, a poaltlon to teaoh Engllsh. Lntln, FreDeh, German nnd Muslc to beglnnera. Addresa Mlaa MEDBEY, Ilnuaton, flnllfnx onunty, Vn, TAILOHESB, theroughly underaUnde buahel Ing of inon's clotlilng, wlshca n poaltlon. Ap? ply. 600 North Elgblh, Rtreot._. WANTED, by young lady of experlenee, poaltlon ln prlviite fnmlly lo tench Lntln, French, Mathomitlca, Engllsh nnd Mtiah-i reforciicea etcbar.gort. Addresn Mlas W.. Weudforaa, ,va. WANTED, b? a fermer student of the Btate Nornml School, wlth flre yeara'.experlenee. poaltlon to tench ln n prl-rnte fnmlly; nsiinl publlc scaool brnncbea. Addreaa Mlsa M IN TOSII, Leenburg, Vn. WELP WANTED-^MALB. WANTED, young man itenofrapher. keep booka apd do general; bonrd furnlsbed: state ln Orat letter aalnry extxirred. Addreaa Boc'k Box B. Lebsnon; Va. jaTANTED, good, aettled, exparlenoed hotel CI.BRK: year round work; must have good reference; ? send reference wltb appllcatlon. Addreaa rJnEENBIUBR HOTBI/, RonceTerte, W. Va._, WANTED, a awlft. aober and reliabU maeblne Llnotype OPEnATOR; prefer from nlne to ten hours n day'a work; aend referencea nnd state wagee. P. -D, OOt.,0 PUBUflHINO COM? PANY. Vvllaon, N. C._L BOTICE ?JEWELERB' ,01erka chance to double your ealary; wlll glve you.prlrate losaona In enprnrlng and get you dolng nlce work. eren Ings; am employcd by larg* J.ewelfrtvtsare, Address, or npply for low terms, ENGRAVER, Room NS, Hotel I>xlngton, at once. ' CAN YOU READ THlS QUOTATION7 Solutlon of puzslo ln Sunday's Tlmes-Dispatch: LooUIng from tho top of the ploturc, her arms outllne father'B proflle. HELP WANTED?MALB. GOOD MAN to take a_onoy for the Red Croaa Dlalnftctlcg llall. V. h. WlbMAMfj ANI) i CO.. 132 Market fltt<et > PHIIanelplila, Pa i WANTED, A YOVNCr MAN wlth experlenoe ln driiff bmlncas: references remil.-ed.- ' Lock Box 12. UurkevIIIe. Va._'? _;_ YOtTWO MAN to learn enfsvln. for Jewelery atnro posltlon, Afldreas, at once. as thisi la only cbance you can set ln thla clty, BN ORAYER, care this offlce._? COME WEST?Oood posltlons opon for saleamea bonk-keepers. tecJinlcal an.l profcilstnnni men. Onr booklet, "Prsetlcal Buelnesa Helps, mnlled fren' to nnror.e Ihtercated. NATION A_ CC/SARI.VC noCSB CO,. Penrer. Col. PESMANENT POfllTION for a man of irood hablts nnd enera-y to represent Inrjre manu fnctiirlnu estsbllshment known to every bank ln the Unlted Stale?: aalary |000 per year and expenscs! opportunlty for ndvancement. Applr. stntlng nce snd qunllflcatlons to MAN AGER. Dept. K-4, Box 82-1, Phlladelphla. Po. SITUATION8 'WANTED? MALE. A BALE8MAN of soven yoars' experienoe, well acqunlnfed wltb Vlrnlnla and North Carollna wboleaale nnd retail groccrs and drupbit. nnw open for enaagcment. Address T. P. A., Box 71, Crewe, Va. BUSINESS 0PP0RTUNITIE3. WANTED, PARTNER, wltli small capltal, ito eugngc ln desirable nml woll-pnying buslnemj must bnvo good followlng; good opportuiiltj fer rlght pirty. Addrese OPPORTUN1T1. care this offlce. _ WANTED, every patrlotlo Amerlcan elHien to subscrlbc for stock for the Jumestown Ismnrt Park and Land Company for tbe rcstorntlon nnd bcnntincntlon of "Old JnuieBtown for the Ter-Centenial; n good, Bafe Investmeiit, nnylng good dlvldends. Call or wrlte to JOHN IJAUN ANI) BON. No. 0 Nortb Tenth Street, Rlchmond Vn. -_______ A OOOD OPPORTUNITY for a flrst-clase busl ness rann. An old ond well-establlshcil llfe lnsurnnce company, wblch haa been dolng busl? ness ln Vlrglnla for thlrty-flvc yenrs. wlll em nlov n competent man as speclal agent to Incrense Its agency force In ti.? Stnle by np IK.lntlr.if and worklng wltb ngenta nnd n so to pronire biislriess by pcrsonsl work; beat rcf erenc. remilrcrl as to chnractor cnergy and abllltys"o ttotlco wlll be taken of any appll cat on for the poaltlon unless accompnnled by refe?"nccs| pre'rlous expcrlence not reqiilreil; good snlary pald to n competent man. Address rNBURANCB, care thla otrlce. A BOX OT KAEMPF'B 40o. candles aro all right.' Bare you erer trled them? ?? FOR HENTy FOfe RENT-My BEB1DENOE at Boi, Alr, fuf lilnhed or illifiirlilMie'l- I-?r imrtlnilnra k?t ? S^"? M^^v__f>_LJT--l ' "Alr' _____ FoITreNT?NO. 141a1/. We?t Main atrceti vory nltrnr-tlte 8-wom hintlern llrlrk iJlVntAtNOi ln flrst-fflns" order-, rcnlJ.,"'! pn j-enf. Ali* piy Mra,'"lli H. BLOOMBERO, No, n "Soiifh Morrla Hlree?.___^ _ FOR 8ALE, wANTED. to aell i very Hrg* Ice BOX, al ?1n??n'l ln perfect -?.ll.lon; aullnble j for'menI htialnesn nr. resatirniit. Aptily nt FOR BALE?A palr'df flne- sa,|,1ln MARr.Sl young, aotind nnd, ttell-Kitited: one hns lieoti rl.-lden liy. n lndy Uie pnst two years, aml he other mlniit be onslty tfSlnert ??..".n?-wiintr; ?-r,rk. Mny bo acon_ nt.the iknmitt 1,1V. t'PY BTtBtEfl. IIIH Weat Ilnm-, Stirct. FOR SALE?COTTON FLANTATION on Roanoko Itirer N. Oi, 8f> tnltea frqin Nr.rfolk, Vn. All iiocessnry boiisea nnd eiliet biilldlnga, (n good order! 1100 nrtea iinriet- ctiltlrntton nnd lol.ncrea tlmbcr; ntenmbont, l?"'?;;(i on pmn. Iseni great bnrgnln.. H. C. IIAIlltlMI'lON. I'nlmyrn, N. ,C,_ FOR SALE?To maka room, for new stock wo nre forred to offer nll our nconnd-lmml VIIIII ' CLBS nt.,?acriric_ prlcon. ?e linve second 'hnnd l'haetona, Kurrey" nnd Rinmbniits. in good order, wbleb wlll be Mojw. We need the room; AINRtlG OABttfAOE ro? 8 nnd 10 Smith Tenth Btrael. boardep.1T BOARDERB WANTED?Can'.take scvrrnl bonrd em. wlth gnod referencea; good rrxms nnil lieet lnentlon ln clty., Apply nt Nn. 8 Enst Grneo Blreet. FLATS for pent. FOH RENT?Flrat-floor FLAT, Apply 1121 West Main Street._ FOR RENT?BccSond floor FLAT, No. I Weat Gince Street, corner Foushee; nlsn offlc-o Rooms on ground floor: nll rnndern eenrehj lencna. Apply to C. D, __ARJJ-.No. 7 South Twenty-flrst Street, between Mnln nnd Cary. LOST. LOST?In tho 6 and lOo. Btoro, or between tho r, nnd 10e. Store nnd the ElUn Stmllo, ono emnll lenther POCKETBOOK cniitnlnlng he t.veen -I nnd 5 dollnrs. Elnde.r wlll plenac re tuin rnrac to No. filO Weat Cby Strwt, LOBT?One small blaok Bat Tcrrler DOO, Libern! rewnrd lf returned to C. MANMNO 14-13 E. *'______________' -'? ?_,_ LOST?Sunday nljht, September 13th, o. whlto sllk embrolrtered SHAWU elther onthy Ilrnnil Street el^ctr.'c cnr or nt Wtst-I.n'l rnrk. Flndcr wlll nlcBSe return to thls uCTIee nnil ro eelvp rewnrd. I ROOMS FOR KENT. FOR RENT?On tho Rlver View car llne, threo ROOMS. use of bntb: nlso onc-or two llnardern. Apply to It, U. COURTNEY. Ulrer View. TWO FURNtBHED ROOMB;'No ? 1824 Floyd Avo nue,. ___?_ BICYCLES AND, AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES, BIOYOLES and' Machlnory of eret-j- descrlptlnn hullf'iuid. repnlred nt BLEN NBR'S MAC1IINE SIIOI*,, 310 North Flfth Btreet. 'Phone SS8. . .'- ? THE TEE-DEE DaHy Business Directory. CARDS undot- this licnd are tafcen on thrj* tnoutlia'. contraet, Dnlly nnd Suudny, nt 11.00 per month. ?_; bTcycLes^nd~t6v9; TOMPKIHS' 'OTCLE ETQRE,' 311 Wilt Broad. PLUMBING ANdTmANTELS. W.".. MAHON-Y AND CO,, W.Haat Maln.f. ,~\ PHOTOQRAPlHE R9. THE DAVI8 OALLSRY, 222 Eant Broad._. MINERAL WATER3, TJtAW AND OftANT. Rlolimond, Va. """ EUE6TRI- SHO_" FACTORY. \V. [is; DREW AND 00.. 710 Eaat Maln. SEWING MACMINR9. TME NEW HOME; Crii. 1446). 902 Ea?t Broad. B.UIRT-BUILDERS. 3, E. BlSHOP, 70B _ast Maln. TtN-PLATE AND STOVE8. HARRIB HARDWARECO,. 400 Eal.t Broad. . Kl'EW BICYCLES. AT BLENNEH'B, 310 fy Flfth 81r_____ NEW BIOYO__B.-'.for 115.00 at' BLENNER'B, .'110 North Flfth'.. Street. . ,. ^V,_. WANTED. WANTED, to ibU'or ront by Beptembor lat, my old- rellnble Oroccry nml Llquor .stnml!.. nlao Stock nnd Llcense.' . OfiO. :K. ANDBRSON, 18Ha West Cnry, county. Rlcliinnnd. HA.NDSOME ROOMS. Best'Board. Faahlonablo locnllty; 008 Weat Grace .^_ THREE -ROOMB on second floor, oonvenlont to bath between- Nlnth nnd Twelfth Streets. Answer II. Y. ?.. carn. thln ,nrflro._ WANTED?OLD GOLD AND 8ILVER ln any ronilttlnn: lilghest cash, prices pald. or wjll glve -watebes; Jewelry. dlhrer-are ln exchange A. M MF.YElt ANT1 HRO.. .Icwelors, No. f.23 Urond Street. nlrhrriniul, Vn. ,_! WANTED. DE8K ROOM, elther fiimlihed or un fiirtilalied. for-n raortgnge brqker. Address "KIN-AJfOIAIi. caro tbls roffk'e._, JTJBT THE THINO?Nlght Oold.Oure. . Bold by rellnble drugg|st?: prlce lftc. _ ? STENOORAPKY?Wanted pupils for prlvate InslrncMon In el.orthand-Pltmnn SyaUm^by, tencher wholls a xrndunto of n Inrgn Southern school, and hns aleo tnkeji a pont-courae ln Bnstmnn College nnd Pncknrd's, New lork. Address S. C, M.. B"X 332. clty._ " SCHOOL BOOKS. "lrNDREDS OF ALL klnda of School Booka at hnl? Dricei College 'nnd Hlgh School Booka,. o prco LltirnrlcVof Ml3cel1nnC0,is nooks b-nglit fnr ensh. No- 820_Brqqk\;^^__ RICHMOND PANPHYSION. niTPTURE AND PILEB Iosb of tlmo RVrom buslness: no knlfo, no dangcrs rben mn Ism nnd' cbronlc dlsc.nsos cured frco X Itay examination! 810 East Frnnkiln. CANDIES. KAEMPF'S OANDtEB Aro'puro and fresh. Try nf hlH llnine-Mitile rinrneinla; ? lt-M-I11 mnlio ynur henrt bent faatcr, lt la ao gnod; 28c. n p.ibhd. H.DUogto: Fnioes, iPRIoEH REDUOED on waloh work i Cleanlnr, $1; Main SprlngR. jlj twe'ity ycnrn etperl ehee, wm. TomnN. Jr,, m B._8ri?M:?___*_' Blehmond. Vn. Speetnrlcs nnd l.yeglnssca, IS cls. All wnrk euarnnlncrt. ____.__.? SPECIAL FALL BAROAIN3,j DON'T KEEP your old worn out BlANOt we wlll ctehniiRO It for rnit nnd nllow full ensli riilim for lt!- new nnd-allahlly used BlntiM At n anerlllce; very enny terms. _r}'" CABLI-S COMPANY, 213 Enst llrnni! BtrUCt, OABLE PIANOB, 213 E, Droad Streot. A plnno thnt wlll Inst n llfe llme; 02,000 innile nnd sold; blg vnlun In used Plnnns. Pnll or wrlto for enlnloguen nnd our nnsy pnyment plnn,_ STEINWAY, Knabo, Kranloh nnd Baoh nnd Orov ersteln nnd Fuller, nnil iiiniiy other Ptanoa nt prlrpn from .$7fi.O0 up; grentent i-hnnen ever nC fereil ln purchnae n plnnn nt low prlen; must.1)8 sold; eney terms; cnll tn-dny. TI1K CAULH COMPANY, 213 E. llrnnd Stree-t. , . $180.00?At $6,00 OABH and SJ.OO por month, fHll she, nprlght, 7 1-8 nctiues. three pMala niiil mnhngiiny. enso; n eemilnn ImrgMn. THE CAI1L15 COMPANY; 21ft 15. Drond Street. THE PLACE FOR P1AN0 Bnrgnlna la THE cSjttS COM I'ANV. 213JM_??1 Street. BUY "fROM~~ThE MAKER and eayo mlddlo proflta. TME OABMS COMPANY, Mnnutnelnr ers, 21,'t 13. Ilrond Street. _ YOU OET THE BEST PIANO whon you buy from THE OABLE COMPANY._ OABLE PIANC~tho_bcrt. TBE OABLE COM? PANY, Manufaeturera,_ OABLE PIANO, the liest known. THE OABLE COMPANY, Manufaeturera. CABLE PIANO, hnown aa tho beat. THE OABLE COMPANY, Mniiiifiict.irers. DENTISTRY. i DR.' W1LFRED W, WOOD, . DENTIST. _.__ NO 101 A EAST MAIN STREET.. HOURS: 0-A.-_r.-TO 6 P. M. 'PHONH 2074 ItlCIIMONl). VA._ DR. DORSET, 121 East Brond Stroet Tooth evtrneted pnlnlossly: Gold Crowna. $r. up; Oold Fllllngs. '81 up; Sllver Fllllngs, *50o. up; aotn nf Tooth. Sr, up. _ ' . fPERSONA_8;S A BOX OF KAEMPF' wlll brlng you gnod llick. \i____ PERSONAL?My huab-iid was a hnrd drlnker for nver thlrtT venrs. I cured hlm hy n alinplo hnno. Mtment,. nrid I wlll glndly tell yoll hn -I dld II. I Imve not .Ing to sell, no I wnnt no monoy? 'Mr?; MAUGA.BOT ANDER? SON. Box 140, nillniirn, N. \. OOLD CURE. NIOHT OOLD CURE , goea .tr&Ight aftor t.ho ??old nnd enti hn rollcd on to cure onlckly. Bold'by rellnhld druggjgtaj prlce 10c._ THEY HAVE DONE good whoro others faU?l? BLANKS'i-OJ. nnd.-S. nimc Llver P11H. Hold by rellahlo drueglate; prlco 10c. NOTICB, TO WflOM If MAY CONCllttN.? ffnlil.c l? lierehy hntlfled thnt the bnnkriiptcy pweedltiBJ , Inttltiltdtl by Mr. .lOBI'.PH tjASITTRU doe* ,. not ln nuy tvay nffect the limtlnets nf tne RlCllMONIl llAHAAIl. tnlt relnlc* solely te tho bi'slncss toribnrly eondtlctrd !).?' Mr. Lallt ter on hls ow'n acenunl. Mr.'-i,n?tltW wlll ton* tlntic with inc ns Manager nt my snld buslnoia. IltCUMoNfi BAKAAR, hy .fof'epli lt. ariibhs, Trobfletof. Sept, 0, 1003. . . . . ~*I I1AVH THANitl-'KltUton TO MV NHl'llBW, JOSBl'M M. KAIN.-et this clty, t?i? J?."*1 ___* "V of tJnilertaker, Bmhnlmor nml Funernl nlroctoT, \. ?o long conducted nt Flrst nnd Brond, nnd how nt No, 400 W. ltrnnd Street, Mr, Knln haa been nssoclated wlth inn fnr Rcvernl yeara !? < thn mnnngement of snld buslness. nnd can com. mnnd hlm fnr hls cITIclency. Thnnklng my frleuda for thelr klndness In tha pnat, I romftln Tery truly. ..,,?? ,TOS. W. LAtlflR. ? ;, N. B.?All pcrsons lndebtrd to rac wlll plcaae closo account. wlth. Mr. Kah1.g. _, _At]flB Referrlng- to tho nbovo notlcc 1 b<-g to saf.',. thnt t wlll contlnue Iho btintnosA nbove tnon.' tloned at-No.-400 W. Tlronil. Btrent. , I respcclfiilly sollclt tho cnnsl.lerntlon pf my frlonda nnd n contlniinnco of thnt nccorded te my predecosBor, nnd wlll glvo anmo my prompt nnd personnl nttentlon. , ; Vory rospcclully. ? i,? Ang. 10-lmo _JOS. M, KA1N. ~~ sp_cTAl~rToficE. 1 WIStI Tf) CTIMMUNICATF. WITH'ANV t Bit. son who snw one of the Rlchmond PnsschRor. nnd Power Compnny'a Mnnches er oiirarun lnto my horso nn.l buggy. opposlte my, off ?e on Sercnth Street, Sntnrdnynfternoo i.nt 4.30 o'clock. Any. Informntlon wlll ?n hlghly npr preclntcd by me. ??;.??? R. I?. PJJTBM.- , No. 0 North Scvcnth Street. FuWfTrTURE^pT^irSTERED. SPECLAL MIDSUMMER PRICES on ra^hotttirij Ing Tnrlnr Furnlturn, Cnuchos. ntc. OnARIi-B 0..JttRGBNS' SON, -110-21 B. Brond .Streot.^ HIOHEBT PRICE pald for Ftinittiire amUCaj. pcts. BROWN, 627 WeSt ' Brond Stfo*_ , ?Phone .T.r,n. ? /. BAKERS. 1WAN MUELLER'S New York Bakery, 410 W.,: Brond Street, between Monroe nnd Henry, Rlchmond. Vn. Klrst-clasacHome-Miitle-BrcaoV Froiich, Vlenna nnd Oermnn Rye Broad; Hot. Brend dellvered at your homo. Cnkes nnd I'les n ineclalty. ItestnnrnntM nnd Frlvnto Fttml-^ llca Biipplled dnlly. T"lephone2n80. ..._.-, . BUSINESS WANTS. ,; 1.600.000 POUNDS OF 8UMAO wanted, for whtolr : wo wlll pay 70 enntn prompt ennh nnd furnlafc bnga anrt twlne. A. D. 3I.IOTWBLL AND C0|, Mnnclicater. Vn,_. _- - ? CURES IN .LESS Ume , than. .10 mlnirta* BLANKS' nendnche nnd Ncqrnlgla Tnblets.. , Sold by rollnblo dnigglsts; Jirlce me. ? ? FURNITURE UPHO|iSTERED. .;! BPEOIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES, on,reupholster-, lne Parlor Furniture, Couchefl. etc. CHAKLEa O.. jmtOBNB' SON, 410-21 E. Brond^Street. QQLD AND SILVE"pr~BUYERS. .'^ WANTED_Old Gold ond Sllver ln any condltlons hlghost ensh prices pnld, or wlll glTO Watches. Jewelry, Sllvcrwaro In exchange. A. M. ME\- '. ER AND. BRO.. Jewolers, No. B23 Broad I Street, Rlchmond, Va. Teachers' Meetings. 'Offlce Supt. Publlo Schools,' Rlchmond, Vn., Sept. 12, 1903. Whlte-The Prlnclpala, Teachers, Re ?crvo and Klndergnrten * Teiichera, wlll meet at the Central School on Monday, at Coiore'd-The Prlnclpal; of Colored Bohoola. the Tenchora and Reserves wlll meet nt the same place, at 12 M. Openlng of ihe Schools. The aehools will bo open for the> recep tlon of pupils on Tueaday 15th September, gX 0 A. M. Former pupils regia tered on> Tuesdoy.^ew pupils on _?\ ed nesdarT0 At tho Hlgh Schools both old and now puplla.: Wlll be reglstered on ^<l*ndoeyr'6artcn pupils wlll be roglfltered on Tueaday. Thla embraces children be? tween 6 and 6 1-2 .veara old. A,,trt-, The Klndergarton for the flrst dlstrlct wlll bo locatea at 2307 Enat Broad Street and wlll be open to puplla Uving east of Beventeonth Street. The Klndergarton for the Second Dls? trlct wlll be located at 310 North Elghlh ?troet, aJid will bo open for pupils lKIng between Seventeenth Street and Fou 8>The8KfnderR-rten for the Thlrd Dlo. trlot w 11 he iScated at Weat End School Lombardy and Main Streets, nnd wlll be ?op\n to, puplla Uving west of Fouaheo . B Non'-'realdent pupils applylngr for adrnl. slon to any school must secure a porm t from C P. Walford. tho cierk and bu pervlsor. WILLIAM F. FOX. ' ?un&tues -superlntendent. NOTICE. THE Pi.UM.BERS'. EXAMIWNO stnard mcets the second nnd fourth Frl oayrnl_hts ln room 9. Clty Hall. All por _ons"wlshln_ to work nt tho plumblng busfneaa ln the clty of Rlchmond must mak" wrltten appllcatlon to the above board for a llcense nt once. THOMAS M. L-ANDERS. See. Soetlon 5 of an ordlnance approved Do eember 12? 1902?' Every peraon dealrlngto So work at the buslnesa of plumb nst wlth? ln Yh_ llmlts of the clty of Rlohmond. Lhall -w thln thlrty daya after tho paa _____!,0f thls ordinnnco ma_te wrltten ap Klcatlon to-tne Board of ExomlnaUon Slr a- llcenso. whlch exaroinatlon shall ba Sndo at the next meetlng of board or aa ioon thereafter as practloable. ?ept 13-0t, , ? . . . LEGAl NOTICES. TN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OFTHE J CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF POWHATAN. ON THE 29TH DAY OF AUGU6T, 1903. Commonwealth of Vlrglnls, who aues at Itfie rolatlon of T. Palnter.Plalntlff, M F Bwnnn. J. C. Jordan. Snmantha M. Jordan E P. T?lcka. U M, HickSjA. T. Brown, Dnvls Tabor. Celeatlne Tabor, A, j. Atk nson. M. W. Nlcholls and James A Tlllman.? ?.Def endants. Actlon of debt on the offlclnl bond of M. F. Bwnnn, glven bjrjhlm on tha> 2<th dny of June, 1896, for the fajthful diachargo of'hla dutles as Treasurer of Powhatnn Th^object of thls ault lato make llable thn aforeanld offclol bond of M. F. Bwann and ^ repover money thireon, becaua* ..the aald .???__? Bwnnn vlolated. breaohed nnd fnlled fo Serform certaln of h}. dutlos ?. Trens. urer of powhatan county by havlng, con-. trary to lnw. returned and reported delln auent, nnd sold- for the non-payrnent of Uxes duo thereon for the year? 1897, a cer? taln tract of ?2y_ acrea of land one T. PaU-ter, and altuated ln mmm Dlstrlot ln Pow.hatnn county, Va., w th; out Brai havlng demanded the mrmmtot ,nld taxea, or endeavored to colleot the inld taxos nocordtng to law, And en nffldavtt havlng been made nnd flled that the defendnnta, Davla Tabor and Celeatlne Tabor, are not realdents of Iho State nf Vlrglnla. lt ls ordered that they doappear horo wlthln Bfleen days aftor _ue publlcatlon hereof, nnd do what-may.. K naccsaary to proteot thelr Intereat ln this ault, And lt Is further ordered that a eopy hereof be publlshed onre a woek for four weeka ln The Tlme.-Dlapatch, a dally newapaner publlsbecl ln the clty of Rlo?; monn7Va., and that a'copy be posted. at the front door of ??>? courthouso of thla county on the flrst day of the nezt term of the County Court. A oopy-TeBte-kg ? -^-J^ ^^ Bnead & flonlfnnt, p. <\ eeptl-law-U WANTED-ft TEftCHER. X YOUNO MAN WJTH ? BPEC.A^ quallflcattona to tak^ oharae of tho fiym nualum and Athlo.lo W'ork at Bellevue Hlgh School. Apply tb ? W. R. ABBOT, PrincipaJ.. Bellevue, Va. SEALED PROPOSAL8. i Cofrnonwealth of Vlrglnla. Offlce of Sup't. of Publlc Prlnting;. < nichmond Sept 11. 1903. SEALED PROPOBALS WILL BE JFtE celved nt thla offlce untll 12 M. of FRI DAY. 8EPTEMBER 25. 1903, for furnlsh ln_ the followlng papers for the use of the-Commonwealth: , -t , ' ? 400REAMS 24x38 50 lb. No. 1 M.. _'.. 2Sfl REAMS 20x30 50 lb. E. S; Flat Wrlt "l-S REAMS 17x2X32 lb. Flat' 325 REAMS 16x21 24 lb. Flat. 00 REAM8 28x86 72 lb. No. 2. Lcdger. 80 REAMS 22x32 54 lb. No. 2. Lcdger, 40.000 No. 6 3-4 No. 1 Rag Envolopes (Gov.l , lr, -'. 15.0C_ No. 10 No. 1 Rag Env.elppes (Gov/) Papers, etc, to be dellvered lnto auch places-as the SupeHntendent' mfly-dlrect wlthoutr charge fnr frelght or drayage. Bldders wlll furnlsh samplea ? of slae and- wolghts advertlsed for. Tho rlght la reserved'to reject anv or nll blds, . J. H. O'BANNON. Supt. Publlo Prlnting. e. o. d.?6t. $20,000 Chase City, Va., f wenfy Year Bonds. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undorslgned at the Mayor'a Of? flce, Chnse Clty. Va., untll 6 P. M. of OCTOBER 12. 1903 (when they wlll bo opened at a meeting of the Town Coun? cll) for the purchnso of the wholo or part of 120,000 "6 PER CENT. BONDS for Pnvlnrf Streets nnd other Town Tm provements," of a denomlnatlon of *500 each. Interest payable seml-annually. and bondn to run 20 years. The Councll resorves the rlght to ac? cept bldB for, 115,000 or J2O.OO0 of bonds, and to reject any or all blda. This Isstie waa authorlzed by a voto of the people at an election held under the laws of Vlrglnla on Juno 9, 1903, , when only three votes were east agalnst "interest payable at offlce of Town Treasurer. Chnae Clty. Va. ? '??' THOS. D. JEFFRESS. Mayor, i For'further Informatlon nddress sept ll,13,l_-3t Chase Clty, Va. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Offlce City Englneor, Rlchmond. Va.. Sept. 9. 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at this offlce untll 4 P. M. on TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER. 15, 1003 For PAVINCJ WITH GRAN1TE SPALLS certaln gutters. _ For PAVING WITH G-RANITE SPALLS tho roadbed of certaln streets For PAVING WITH VITRIF1ED B-RICKS the roadbed of stroet. _ For PAVING WITH VITRIFIED BRICKS gutter In certaln localltles, and for LAYING GRANOLITHIC CIJRB AND GUTTER. . , ,_-_ . v Full Informntlon to bldders. wlll be furnlehed upon nppllcatlon at thla offlce, A oertlfiert" check for $250.00 must ac eompnny blda for each clnss of work, The Commlttee on Streets nnd Shockoo Creek reserve the rlght to .reject n-ny nnd nll pronosals offered, and to nward the contract ?b a wholo or In sopnratu parts. W. E. .CUTSHAW, . aeptl2-td Clty Enarlneor. ? DEPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Washlnsrton. D. C? September 14, 1903.? eonled Propoaals. ln trlpllcate, wlll bo re? celved at thia offlce untll 2 o'clock P. M. MONDAY. October 14. 1903, nnd then puh Mclv opened, for constructlng a Suporln ten'dent'B Lodgo at the Gettvsbui'K, Pa.. Natlonal Cemetery. Plans nnd spoclflca tlons oan be seen at this offlce. nlso nt tho offlce of tho Superlntendent of anld Cerie-: tery. Tho Unlted States reserves tho rlght to roleot arjy or nll nroposala or nny pnrt thoieof. Envelopes 'cr.ntalnlng ? proponah thould be marked '-'Proposals for Lodgo. and addressed to Captaln ARCIBALD W. BUTT. Quartermaster. U. S. Army, m chargte of Depot. Rlohmond. Va.. Sent. lJu*$?_ ! SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BIO itE oelved at tho offlce of the Chlef of Pollce for furnlshlnsr tha jPp'Jje, De partmont wlth. WINTER HELMET8. The Pollce Board reserve thorlght to. accept or rajeot any or. al] blda. Flds recelved_up to noon, Sentember 21. 1903. ? B. P. liOWARP, Chtef of Pollce, r WANTED^ Qirls for the followlng work at good wages and steady employ nient. Beginners pald whlle learnlng. Hand Rollers, Machine Bunch Breakeri, Operators and femfcfc'on-.i'tWtl tobacco Clgarette Mat?|ine_, Apply tP .."..r-v < ,,:--,.- ? ALLEN & QINTER Branch SCHOOt-S. ATUHTA COLLEQE OF PMIIMAOY. Free Wspcnsory; ojily collego opcrating an actunl (lruK store. Greater demnndI for t our Eraduntes than *?&$&'&&?%&?, 21 W. Nortb Are.. Atlnnta, Oa. McGuire's University School, OPP. MONROE PARK, RICHMOND, VA. UPPER SCHOOL,?slx CulTeralty Men (one nrt of clayI- LOWER SCHOOL.?four Lndles. P PVTRAOTS from UNMV. nml COLL. EE 60EllD"unWbaralt,of VUllnla. 1WMK fanr de alxi 1001-2, four. In 10024. Unjv. of Va. tbrec degrees Univ.,,Coll. or _ea., ihre*- Carnill, tno; ,M?s. In.ff of Tech., one II S S'avnl Acnd. : 1SO0-7, flrst 'entrnnce'; 180bp.flrstVMJm 1000. thlrd; 1002-3, two re presentntlves. botb successful. ' Thlrty-Ninth session. Enter..Sept. lS.ilO.rctc. AsJemble.'Sent; 22. Boarders llmlted. Princlpal ,, t v Helvldere after Sept. 0. Fnrfull Collesc Recnrd, Teachers, ote? sef caUloBUe "t book nnd drng stpres or by mall JOHN P. M'OUIRE, Prlno pal, I,P. M'OUIRE, Jr.. Aasociate, Mr. Jacob ReinharcH, wlll resume his Class on the 15th of September. Piano, Organ and Harmony. Studto030 W. Graco St. 'Phono 426. MRS.J.S.BR0GKEN6R0UGH T.-lll resume her CLASS INMUSIC ON SEPTEMBER 23p' AT No. 3 EAST GRACE STREET. The Glebe School, A SCHOOL FOR BOYS, wlll open ln the old Crenshaw Bulldlng, No. 11 Wost Maln Street. JUNIU8 B. LEIOI-I, Head Mnstor. The second session ot thls school wlll beglh "MONDAY. September 21, 1003. Pre-; pnres for colleges nnd unlversltles. Prl? mary Department for small boys. School llmltod to twonty-flvo boys. Enrly regis? tration desirable. -Termai $100 per yoarti onc-hnlf pnynble on entrnnce and cne-half payable February lst onsulng. Adclross Of Head Master, 321 \V. Ornce Stroet. MissStanard's School, 102 North Monroe Street. Tho next session will bogiu on tho 17th of Soptombor. ? WANTED, WHITE G1RLS TO MAKE Cheroots and Cigars. Learners pald whlle belng Uught, Address or apply to Whitlock Branch, ' 23d and 0?RY STS., RICHMOND, VA, SCHOOLS. RICHMOND COLLEGE. SPECIAL ADVAMTAGES. Strong' faculti-j'rhodern-eqiilpment ln library. laboratorles. '.-ledturo' halls, etc. Courses of gtudy .lead to degrees In Arts. Sclenceahd Law. Total an? nual fees of a clt_-?8t\ident ln full, course, $9-5,. Ihcluding"^fe'fur(do..ljlb con-' tlngent. In .only one school, $50. ?. MsoriobL Three profeSsors'. Course. of .study leads to degree of Bachelor of-v_aw.. Cost of-flrst year, J62.50-, cost of second yeari'$82/30: both.together; $07.60. Jun-. lor class meetB 4:30 to 5:30. F. M.i Serilor'class mects fi:30' to't'P." M. 'All gradufites successful "before Stato Boards. *'?' ADMISSIOHOF WOMEN. 'The Colloge Is not co-cducationol ln uatial sense. but welcomes well-pre- - .pared young women to -advnncca clnsses. Once admltted all college non ors are open to them. Women may take ono class only or a. rogular ao gree course. Number of women stu dents varles from flvo to elght. Re? ception nnd. study hall for speclal use ot youna women. .Charges .same as for youruj men. ENTRANCE. Session begins Thursday, September 24th. Students should preylotis y hav? completed grammar,- arlthmetlc, ?le mentary Algebra and have had one year of Lntln.' - '. ::'; - :, V For full Informatlon',-nddrass PRESIDBNT F.- W. BOATRIGHT, Tolephono 2312, RlchmoncU Va. MISS $ORR.S' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, EAST GRACE STREET. Opons SEPTEMBER 23D. MlSS SUSIE P. MORRIS, Prlnclpal. Mlss Margaret Lee, Asslstant. For lnformctlon apply to the prlnclpal, 412 West,Maln Street. THE ART SCHOOL OF THE ART CLUB OF RICHMOND. Session of 1903-'04 Opens October 15th. Mlss Annlo C, Flotcher, Instructress: Mr, M. M. Strause, Arta and Crafts. AddIv for clrculars of Appiy ior ?-'MR3i Bi.LORRArNE, Treasurer, 1409 Hanover Stroet. - Nolley's School for Boys, PINE STREET; Between drucc nnii Franklin. George Merritt Nolley, Prinolpal, The flfteenth sosslon of thla school wlll begin Wedhesday. September 23d. Now pupils enrolled September 21st and 22d ' ? Preoares boys for colleges and unlver sltles. School llmlted to flfty boys. Catalogues nt tho book-storos and I Chelf's lDruc Storo. Address of prlnclpal, No. 112 North Flfth Btreot^ MISS J. P. READ . wlll ro-onen hor.Sehool for Ohlldron - SEPTEMRKO. 16THJ ATNO. 12 ? NORTH F0.UR.T1_ STREET. Pupils for conchlng on reasonhle torms, ^l.ESTMINsfETsCHOOL, *" 705 WEST GRACE STREET. MISS CAKK1F. LEE CAMPBELL. Prlnclpal. Fnculty of Ton. ; ? .'?' " Course from Klndcr_nrte,rr/:to Orndun tlon. CnrrlBfie cslls for CHIlflren-.-.i " Boarding Dopavtmom nex^-edsslon'bo glns -Soptember 24th. VsLoinbarUy St. nnd,'.Park Ave Prei&res lioys for oollego or unlvorBlty. Seven[? teach-is. all men.. Lnrge play. K-ourid oyninnslum. Ll.mtted to ninoty niinils'-'? New Inilldlng (now- bolng ereoted. Sooond sosslon opens SEPTEMBER 28th. For Infornintlnn apply to J. A. C. CHANPLER, Dean, Rlchmond' College. jf^ErSsf L BoFliiig, lns.ruc.oron ihe Piano. 'Atltliess 1017 Floyd Avenue, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIM vf, i? ?i,o Cnpstone of the Publlc Scho'jl Svsteiu o *1? Sute' FBEE TO.VIR QINIAN6 ln ^e Acudcmto Department. LETTERS, SCIENvBi UAW. *fcT,P"s' meDICINE. ENQINEERINQ. 'sosslon bcyln? ?TH -SPPTEMRER. Frfrr""alo_uo nddress J, M. PAGE, ror. i-'iwi ?,.i?.??u?i ic, ? v_ Ch'airinuii, Charlottesville.' V* PBABODY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIO, HAROLB RANDOLPII, DIRECTOR. Mt. Vcrnon I'lace ond ChnrlcB Street, Diilttruoro. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MAY OARRETTSON EVANS, Superlntendent. 23 und 25 Enst MT. VERNON PLACE. REOI'ENS OCTOBER 1 for Instrucllon. Apply li, September. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Tbo Peabody olTors ndvnntiisea whlch n -OHEAT MT.'SIO CENTRFJ AND UNSORP.VSSED BY ANY OTHER CONBERVATOtlY IN THE COUNTRY. I-'Bculty ot 40 Europoan' nnd Amerlcan Mnatera, Inclildlng PROPESBOBS 'BARKWORTH. EOISH, BROfKWAY, GOODWIN, HGIMENDA1IL. HI1L STKYKi IIUTCIIESON, MINETTI, WAD, cto. AilvHiicml nnd clenientnry. lnatructlon Blven. BcliolurrthlpB, Dlploiuns nnd Toncbers' CerUflcatea. TUITON KEES. .11 10-|80 . for ?ebolaatlt, year, ocoordloK to grude nud brnnch ot atudy, Clnss nnd I'rlvnto Iroasons. Frea Adyanta_o? to Pupils, ClreulnrB mulled. freo, ../The..;, " ~~. Virginia Hechanics' Institufe, , Nlght School of Technology, will begin It8' twehtloth ? ? gesalon ou AVEDNES,pAY,Vth'e.'30th dny ot Septem-' her, 1903,.' Tho soholnrs. of Inst sesslon' wlll bo glven-kthe oxciuaive prlvllego of entorlng untll tho 10th of September; nftor that d'ato nll ? applicntlons wlll bo conslderecl in ?tutSo". ;? untll . tlio limlt of. onfli clnss,..Is.-reaehod. Apply to seero-. tru-v at Instltuto, 1014 Enat Droad Streot,' dally from 10 o'clock'A.M.' to 2 o'clock P. M.,".nnd from' 4 ;o'clock'P.' M. to fl O'clOPk, P. W. ''"'.',-,..ikkjilU ??;?'.' M'ANN S, QUARI.ES, Chalrman School. Commlttee. THOMAS S. EI.J. ETT. Secretary. lisTEJie^lchooi for Blrls 112 East Franklin Street. FALL TERM BEQINS SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Dryn .Mawi- Exnmliiatlona wlll ba hold ln Rlchmond In 1904. . Thero Wlll be Speclal Classea Proparatory to Travel ln Europe, r..esai)iiH ln dorman wlll bo glvon wlth? out extrd, cliiirRo to pupils of alx or Tho number of.puplla In ovory dopart? ment wlll bo llmltod. Tlio fee'for tultlon from October to Juno viiilea; .-ict-oidlnK to ah'o nnd to olnbs, from twenty M BOVeiUV rlullnrs. Clroulnrs nt 112 East-, Franklin Streot niul nt bnokBtoroa. Klndorsarton mul Sub-PrJmnry, 31 Weat Mnln Street, October I, 1U03. MIBSES TALCOTT AND SCOTT. RAIUROADS. ATLANTIC COAST LINE HiAtiNri 1-EAVE lliCUnlUWU 1>AAL.> UVRU-STUEET dTATlON, ___ ? KFFKCT1VE BUNPAV, AU(J. 2D. _ 9:05 A. W. Ai C, U expteas to all polnt* tuiw A..M. FoteraWs and-Norfolk. 12:10 P, M. Petersburg und N. ,- \Y. west 3:wj P, M, Petersburg und Norfolk. 14:10 P, M. UoldHboro J^ocal. 6:60 1'. M. I'eUi-shurt. I.uual. 7-26 P, M., "Florlda ancj AVest Indlan 1 Unlted " to Ull polllti* South. ' 8-io P. M. Poteraburs nnd N. & VY. West h'&j t\ M. I'vioi-abura . lin-ul. " TRAINS A-'UtlvIo V:IOHMOND. .?43 A M.. 7;?-A. M.. 8i? A. M., excepl Suiiuav II 25 A ..%. 11:00 A. M..'2:05 f.' M 7-20 p, M., 7:15 P. M?, 9:10 P. _t , tEx^t Sunrlny unlv _((MAj;fc \Y. J. CftAIQ, Qen. Pa-J&. A?t.' RAILROADS._. r\"_C" "???? ..?-???. ??*!?? ?..-.'" LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT. 9:00 A. M.. NOR?'0*.K LIMITED. Ar rlves Norfolk U:20 A. M.. Stops only-at Petersburg,'Waverly and auffqlk. 9:05 A.m:. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffot Parlor Car. Potersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Blueneld .to Clnclnnatl: also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxville to Chattanooga and Memphls. _* 12:10 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Fnrinvllle, Lynchburot nnd Roanoke. 8:00 P. M..0CEAN:SH0RE LIMITED. Afrives Norfollc 5:20 P. M. Stops only? M Petersburg. Waverly and Siirtolk. Conneotj wlth stoafncw to Boston, Provldence. N?w gftft ? Naonrdfo?fehdn_if"stat.ons ;en9lio?P.PRie.rSNErfv; ORLEANS," SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Rlohmond to Lynchburg nnd Roanoke: Fetorsburij; to East Radford; Lynchburg to Ch-Uanoopa Memphls and-Now; prleans.. Cafo Dlnlng Trnlns arrlvofrom the West 7:35 A.M., 2:_ P *ft;;nna ?:W P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. Mr. nnd 7:20 .P. M.. -*?'-, Offlce No. KlS.East Matrf Streot. W, B. BETTLL. > C. H. ROSLEY. Qen. Pas3,?AKent; ;f>!s.; Pass. Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT AUG. 12, 1W3. 3.00 A, M.?Dally, - Local - for CbarlotU. 12:50 P. M.-Dally. Llmlted, . Buffet Pult man to! Atlanta and' Blrmlngham, New OrlealfD,' Mcniphis. Chattanooira and all the S6uth. ??'' " . \ ,-V _^ _.. , 6:00 P::rM.?E?, SUnday. Chase Clty lo U:06 p. M.?Dally. , Llmlted; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M? for all tho Bouth. YOBK BIVER LINE. , The fovorltb vroute to Baltlmore and eastern polnts. -.Leave Rlohmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. _ ,?-."'_ 5:00 A. M.?Except-Sunday. Local mlxed for West Polnt..- - t 2:16 P. M.-Local for West Polnt 4:30 P. M.-Except :Sunday. For West Polnt, conneotlng wlth ateamers for B?l> tlmoro and rlver landlngSj_ TBAINS ARBIVE JUOHMOHD. 6:65 A. M; and B;23 P. M.-From all the 8-20 P. M.--From Chnrlotto nnd Durham. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase Clty. 9:is A. M-.?Baltlmore and West Polnt 6:10 P. M.?From Wost Polnt. O. H. AOKERT. -8. H. RaRDWICK, ?? ii'. f?, J|, _. -tr. A. O. W. WE8TDOBX. D. t*. _.. Blcbmwid. V_, 2 Kours and 26 Mlnutes to Norfolk ___V_ HIOHAIOKU?-ASTBOUKll. 7l45 _, (i.?Dully?Local to Sewport New? und way stailous. OlOO A,' M.?Duily?LlinltocI?Arrlvos Wllllnma. burg 0:00 A.'U.,' .Nbwport News 10:30 A. M., Olu" Polat 11:00 A. II., Norfolk 11:^3 A. M. ?,? 4:00 1'. M.?>Vuclt dnya-Spcclal?Arr ves jytl. Jlsmsuui-B -1:60 l\ M., Newport Nowi B:30 l?. M., Old Polut 0:00 P. M., horiolk u:2r. p, m. - ? 6i00 V. M,?Dnlly?I.ocnl to Old Polnt. 10:10 A. II.?Looul?Dully to CtmrlottoSTllle. oxcept Suiidny tn Cllfton 1'?Bba,1??. ?? 1100 r... M.?Ilally-fipeola, o Cincinnstl, Loulsvlllo. Ht. Louls aml Clilcngo. 5:15 1'. II.?Wook days?I.oi:nl to Cionlonsyllle. 10:30 P Sl.-I)ally-I.Hull.-.l to- Cincinnstl. ? " ' ? UulavlUe. Ht. I-oula nnd tlilon.o. JV.MH8 BIV15B MNH. . 10)80 A. II. -Dull)? Kxpres* to Lj-ncnlmre. Cllfton I'orgo aml prluoliml stutlons. , 4:15 1? M ?Wt'i'k duys - .oi-.-il b Wnrren,. ? VlAIHB AHIllVrfllltHIMOND KBOU Norfolk nnd Old l'olnt 10:05 A. M. , 11:J,1 A. 51. Bx. Him.. nnd 7:00 P. M. dully. Newport Noivs I.ocnl 7:55 P, M. dnlly. r-'roin Cliicliinntl and Weat 7:? A. M. dnl r and 11:80 P M. dully. Maln I.lno I>ical froin Olirton I'orgu 8:10 *. M. Kx. Hiin, from CUtton Forge ilalfy' from Clinrlottesvlllo. Oordouavlllo Accom, 8:H0 A. M. Ex. Sun. Juiiiva Itlvcr Llne IaioiiI from Cllfton forse 0:33 I'. M. dnlly. Warron Aeeoui. 8:40 A. U. 0.r'K.SnoYT,H'. W. 0. WABTflRN, qen'l Mnnogor, ; DUt. ?n?a. Act. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURQ ELECTRIO RAILWAY, fcfcfeinnint Aprll Ut, 1902, Cnrs leave corner Porry und Soventli Streets, Martt'hester, every Hour '.on tno liour) iruui li A. M. to 10 P. M., last cur U:50 P. M. Cars leave Potershurg, foot of Syca. moro Street, evtry hour from b:30 A. ??* V? F0R10DA*YMAND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONH. ?_.,_, (0 CENTS-ROUND TUIP-?0 CENTB, 8UMMEF1 RE30RTS, iiOTEr^V^Cri^ PRE AGUE, HEAB COBB'B ISLAND, All-yrnr-round ivaort, i-'onr-.tory elevatloir, three-story porch; ?ov.-nl)-llve laige. alr}- rooroa. , fl_f_ flsblo*,9 JuootlnV ">"> MlMW. Only i>l?^ vaiuigea ?S'l lll"t-"uiW nwoiumodmloim ai mud i-rnto prices. ?.-_,_i??"_ ,.,..' ^rue.ivr 0 MEAB8, Prop.. WuchuprcsKue, Va. RAILROADS., RC __> D Rtehrnend, FrerJerfekg j g li tt ?? burg& Potomac R. R Tralna Leave Rlohmond?-Northward, 3:61 A. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through, 6:43 A. M..- dally. Main St. Through. 7:16 A.M., week days. Elba. Aahiand ac commodatlon. ? '?_'?.. ,__v 8:00 A. M.. Sunday only. Byrd 8U Through. ,? ? ___ __,-_, . 1:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through. 12:05 noon, week days. Byrd St. Througll, 1:00 P. M., week days. Byrd St. 1'red* erlcksburg accommpdatlon. __,"-.? 6:06 P. M? dally. Main St Through; 6:26 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao? commodatlon. v _ ? ? __, 8:06 P. M... dally. Byrd St. Through. Tralna Arrlve Rlchmond?SouthwardV 6:40 A. M.. week days. Elba- Aahiand aov commodatlon. .'_'? _ ?. ??,__ ?_ 8:15%A. M? week days. Byrd St. Fred erleksburg nccommodatlon. 8:36 A. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through 11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. M? dally, Main St. Through. f 0:00 P. M., week days. Elba, Ashland-ao commodatlon.- _. ___ ?-. 7:16 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. (UXJ P. M., dally. Byrd St. I'hrougnl 10T29 P. M., dally. Main St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeplng or Parlor Cara on all tralns except local accominoniUIona. W. D- DUKE, C. W. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR. Oen'l Man'r. Jtaa't Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Man a June 14, taoa. SEABOARD Air Line Railway TRAIN8 LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.?Seaboard Mall?10:35 P. M. Seaboard Bxpreas?To Savannah, Jaok* Bonvllle. Atlanta and Southwest __ 9:10 A. Bt_Local?For Norllna and Hase? let TRAINS ARRIVB RICHMOND DAILT. 0:35 A. M.?No. 34?1:55 P. M.-No. (a? From Florlda, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:30 P. M.?From Norllna and local P?Cltty* Ticket Offlce 830 Eaat Main Street 'Phono 406. _' STEAMBOATS, OLD D0MINI0N STEAMSHIP C0. Nlght Llna for Norfolk. Leave Rlchmond dally (foot of Asli Street) 7 P. M. Steamers stop at New?; port News In both dlreotlona. Fara |3.80. Inciudea etateroom berthi moala, 50*. CaCh' FOR NEW YORK. '.. ... __\ . Bv Chesapenko and Ohlo Ry., 9 A. M., 4 P M.i by Norfolk and WeBtern Ry., I A. M., 8 P, M. All.llnes connoct at Norfolk wlth direct steamors for New York. aall* Iiik dally (oxcept Sunday) 7 P. M. K. F. CHALI<LEY. Clty Ticket Agent. " S0S E. Main Stroot. JOHN F. MAYER, Agont, Whart Foot ot Aah Street, Rlchmond, va. ? ' H. B. WALKER, V. P. & T. M? New York. VIRGIMIA NAVI0ATI0N COMPANY JAME3 RIVBR DAY LiNE. Steamer POCAHONTAS lf.avea MON. DAY. WEDNESDAY and FR1DAY al 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Foriswouth, Old Polnt. Newport Nowb, Ciaremont and | jamea Rlvor lnndlncs, and copneotlng at Old Polnt for Washington, Baitlmore and tho Nurth, Stuta-roonm reaerved for th? ? nlght at modorato prices. Klootrlo car* - dlroct to wharf, Faro only $150 and fl to ? Norfolk. Muslo by Qrnnd Orchestrlon, ? ? Frelght received for nbovo-naThed placea nnd nll nolnta lll Enstorn Vlrglnin un* North Carol nn.lRVlN WIfllSIORR. -^ tsorm ?-?? Ooneral Mnnnger. ? B. A. BARBKR. Jr.. Secretary. __________???.-?---.? i ' i'< BAY LINE TO _A_TI_OBB Via 0. 4 0, Bwy, and OU imiqI U. S MAIL ROUTE, r.i'uvo Ittc-tinioud yIu O. k 0. dally exciit Miiiiclny, nt -t l>. M.. i-ou ii.-i-tliiK ut Old Polnt wlili ktwmeraj ' of Olil )Jajr I.lne. l?Uvln? T:.15 l', M., arrlvlns I)iiltlm?ru 11:30 A. ,M.. coiiiifctlng Nnrth, Kaat und Wnl, t''?r tlrtiKta bihI infurmallon upply to C. & 0. Rwr., Itlcbi rimnil Triuiafer Compauy, oi RI10 Haat Mqln at. Clyde Sleamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NOBFOLK LINB, Frelght recoived aiid dollvereil dally, at C, & O. R'w'y.Co.'s depot. tieveme?Mfc and Broau Streets. _ Merchants and Miners Transportatlon Company. Btoumsbip I4uQ.Diroofc Houto to Boston, Mats., andProvidince.H, I, Sieamora leavo Norfolk for Boston Tuea? day, Wednesday. Frlday aud Sunday. For Prpvldenco Monday, Thursuay aud riatur. day ut t> P. M. Puaaengors aud frelght taken for all New England polntH. 2lc,K* ita on aala at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W,, Ry offlces and No. S19 East Main Btreet,' ' * ?, H. WRIQiiT. Agt.. Norfolk, Vfc '