Newspaper Page Text
Miller 6 Rhoads. Miller 6 Rhoads. School Begins To-day. Aud it's just as iliipoflttiit that tho young people bo suppliod witli propormalorials for school work as ifc is fov fatW to havo his offlae orshop'fittodfor the proper carryingonof his business or motho* providod with necessary housokooping nrticlos. Our Sohool supply dopartiuont is oomploto. Hero nro a fow spociiuou prices: 3 State Pencils for Ic. Lead Pcnclls, Sc a dozcn. Dustless Black board Brasers, Sc and tSc. Pencil Boxes, wlth pencils andpen, Sc. Comblnatlon and Fancy Shaped Pen? cil Boxes 10c. _ Crayort Pen dls, 1c a box, Paper Pads, ISO sheets, 3c. Best Paper Pads to be had, Sc. Com posltlon Books 3, 4, S, and 10c, Stenographcrs' ? Pads, assorted slzes Sc. Oood Fountaln Pen for school, 25c. Leathercttc Lunch Boxes, 10c. Folding Lunch Boxes, 19 and 25c, Watefproof 'Book Bagsi for both boys and glrfs, Sc io $1.25. Book Straps, 5 to 39c. A nico Kuler givea free with overy pnrchase, and with overy 60c Worth of supplies wo givb a nickol drop pencil. Dark Linen Center Pieces, Stamped and Tinted. as Low as 59c There's never been a time when dark Linen Center Picccs were more in demand than thoy nro now. Benutifully stamped nnd tinted deslgns in our Art Departmont ths week in.such patterns ns Topples, Rosos, Pomegranate, Iris, eto.-all rendy to be worked in silk. i 24 inches squnie, 59c. 30 inches squnre, $1.25 and $1.39. _ 39c a Yard For Wool Waist Cloths THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR 58c, 65c, 75c, and 85c a Yard. Tho largest portion sold at Iho intermediatc prices of 65c nnd 75c. We took one hundred piecea Lo get them at a low price, aud ouy ono ivanting a ten jackot, house gown or waist enn hnvo a choice from 25 styles in nU tho fashionnblo shades. I Social and \\ 1 fpersonal';: ??_ .n ?,i? mnrk the dlvtdlng Tho flrst wlld aster^mariv" a t, llne between tho summei s _olng nnu on-comlng ot auUimn. , ivihds of Novem'ber. ^rd!n,hr1o%Ca^otnn'dnpurph3 _y\owe?#po^s which radlato ir^m a 'conter of golden colored k I ? , and are charaotorlstic of tbe flinercm vrletlcs of a-slors. ?" _ , The ollowlng UtUo poom by Dora Read Onodalo gives n pretty plcture of tho ? scenes whefeln tho tihter plays iu part wlth consplcuous graco and ''WnllVd ln wlth flro on elther hand I walk tho lbnoly wood road through; The mnple flames above my head And ffpacos whence tbe wlnd has shed About my feet the llving red. Are lllled wlth broken blue. "And crowdlng closo along tho way The purple asters blossm freo, ln full profuslon. far nnd wlde, They 1111 the pnth on every slde, In loose cofftuslon.wultlpUcd To endlo'ss-hnrmony; "And stlll besldo the shadowy glen She holds tho color of the skles; Along tho purpling waysldo steep Ehe bangs her frlngos passlng deop, And moadows drjiwned ln happy sleep Aro Ht by starry eyos." September Weddings, Two weddlngs nt Hot Sprlngs to-dny wlll croato a dlstlnet ripple ln soclety at that fashlonable spa. Ml=s Lucllo Puller nnd former Llouten ant Charles Gllpin, nt the Unlted States naw, will bo married in tho Eplscopal Church and wlll nfterwards hold a re? ception at the Homeatea'd Hotel, whero Slicrry,' of New York, wlll furnlsh tho wedding siipper, Many guesta from a dl,stnnce wlll bo piesont at iho ceremony and reception. When lt ls over Mr. nnd Mr?. Qllpln wlll leave by spoclal traln for New York. The honeymoon wlll bo spent nhrond. Lloutonant Gllpln reslgned a nhort whllo ago from tho navy to enter mercantllo llfe. Mlss Edlth Paullne Pr.le and Dr. Thomas Shepherd Rlchardson, of Waynesboro, wlll be married at 4:80 o'clock this after? noon ln tho bome of tho brlde, "Uahco." near Hot Sprlngs. This also wlll bo an event of Interet-t. The marriago of MI.hs Ellzabeth Young to Lloutonant J. R. lt. llntm.-iy, of tho "Unlted States army, wlll be celebrated In Pt. Thomas Church. Wnslilngton, 1~>, c.\, October "ih nt < P, M. The wedding wlll bo mllitary ln detall, the color schorno bolng ln bluo, the ln WWI_-_SlSII-l-lll_IIIIMIIMIII_??? 1 Bstiibllshed a Century Af!Q. Presentation PIECES. STERLING Sllver Louwg Cups of every size and cost. Sterlin? Sllver Punch Bowls, Pitch ers, Tea Sets, compleia Dinner Servlces, &c, All correnpiiiiiIoiioL- [dven oarolulund proinpt uitontioii. Goods m-m un an. proval ii;iuii witlofncKii-y ivferi'iicoa. QALT & BRO., JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITtlS, S'l'ATlONERS, 1107 Peansylvanla Avenue, Wushlnuton, li. C. fantry color. The ushers wlll be offlcers from tho Socond Infantry, the reglm.ent of tho grooni, who Is a son of Colonel Hannay, a rotlrod ofllcor. . MIbs Young's mnid of honor wlll he Mlss Margarot Knlght, her nloco, the daughter of Major John T. Knlght. and ploasantly remombered ln Richmond., whoro sho spont Fe-i'cral years jimt prlor to the Spanlsh-Amorlcnn wnr, when hor father was ln cliargo of tho recrultlng statlon horo, nnd waa a momber fef ex Govornor O'Ferrairs staff, tho Govornor bolng hls brothor-ln-law. The weddlng wlll bo followod by n re centlon at tho home of tho brltle'a father, Genoral S, ,13. M. Young. Mrs, Glbbons, who when In Rlchmond. was tho beauti? ful Mlss Mnjorlo Young, wlll como to Washington from hor home, Bryn Mawr, Pn., to suporlntend tho woddlng nrrange monts. , . ' Tlio young couplo wlll sllll for flio Phll Ipplnes, Octobor 31st. Personal Mention. Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Hughes roached Blehmond yesterday from tho Vlrglnln .mountalns. They aro wlth Mrs. Hughes' pareritSi Dr. aml Mrs. C. ^V. P. Brock, of No. IttO East Franklin Streot. Mr. Hughes wlll return co Norfolk to-day. Mrs. Hughes, with her ohlldron, will romaln for somo daya longer. Much intereat Is felt ln Wlnohester over a forolal coniody, ontitlod "Confusion," whlch la to bo put on the stago about October 1st, by Wlnchestor amatours, nnd ls to bo glven for tho linprovnmont of tho thlrd story ln the Memorlal Hospl? tal. Tho productlon Is to he dlreoted by Mrs A. M. Baker, Mrs. M. M. Lynch and others. Thoso taklng prnmlnent pnrts wlll tnclutlo Mrs. R. E. Byrd. Mlss Vlrglnla Bnkdr. Mlss Mary Hack,' Mrs. Archle Odon, Mr. Wllllam M. Calvert, Mr. Ran "dolph T. MoGulre, Mr. Theo. Y. Kinzel, Mr. Davld B. Conrad and Mr. R. Gr&j Wllllams. S * ? ? Mrs. J. A. Lefroy, who ls now at homo. spent August most ploasantly at tho Old Sweet Sprlngs. - ? ? ? Frlonds of Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Howltt wlll, bo much plcased to hoor that Mr. Hewltt's summer outlng was moat bono fk-lnl to hls henlth. Ho has roturnod to Richmond much Imprjoved. MIsb Ford, of Nao-heta, Mlss., stoppod at No. 215 Enst Franklin Street. for a day and nlght on hor way to Bnbot, Oooehlnnd county, where Bho will spond tho wlnter. Mrs. A. M. Butler, aceompanlod by her littlo granddaughter, Mlss Rao Wllaon ,Reams, la spondlng sweral weeks wlth frlonds ln Alexnndrla, Vn, ? ? ? Miss Mlnnlo MorrlB, the artlst, and her slstera havo roturnod to No. 103 Enst Main Streot, aftor a threo months' stay ln the Vlrglnla irlountalns. . ? ? Mlss liattlo Watllngton, of Greons born, N. C, la the guest of Mlss ltby Edvvards. , ? s Mrs. J. H. Barnes, of Mlddlesex county, Is vieitlne her Blster. Mrs. J. H. Mnuck, on Floyd Avcnuo. Mrs. Cllfford Caperton and children are in Richmond ngaln, Thoy have had a dellghtful summer. spendlng the eurly part of lt nt ^'lrglnla Heach nnd going from there to the mountuliis of West Vlr? glnla, whero tliey wero tho gut-stB of Mr. Canerton's father. Ml'ss Mlnnln Sclinutman has returncd home, after t.-iklijg n dellghtful trlp through the mountalns wlth Jier frlends, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. It. Guntner nnd thelr guest, Mra, Rosenthall. of Clnclnnali, O. Mlsses Aul,rt-y and SHlIp Gardner, who havo been vlsltlng thelr sistur, Mra. C. p, Gardner, Pf Washington, P, C? hovo returned to tln.-ir home ln Loulsu county, ucwimpanlpd by llttle Mlss Veata Oaid ner und Mi\ B. O'l.eary. ? ? ? Mlss Ivminn Schnurfiinn h.-is I<-ft to Joln tlie house-pnrty of Mrs. J. II. Guntner, at Staunton, Va. iii MlttS.Suslf) Harrjsbn. Mlss Amy McRno Worth ?nd Miss J.lna KhloldB attended a receptlon glven ut the Pocahontas ciub : ln Newport News last weok, Miss Sli|o|ds ls the guest of Miss Bessle Doylo In Nor fr.-lk. ?-???*? J Mia. Aubroy youny, of Norfolk, ib spendlng two weeks wlth relatlves in Rlchmoiul. Mr, nnd Mra. J.-T, Crawford. who havo boon vlsltlng Staunton, aro now nt Brnn? don Hotel, Bnslc Clty, * ? ? i Dr. Jnmes B. MoCtiw, Mrs. Davon port and tho Mlsses Devenport nro ex pectort ln Hlrhmond thls week front tho old sweet Sprlngs. a * ? Mrs. B, R. Solden lonvcs lo-dny to Joln her husbnntl. Major Solden. In Blncksburg, whoro thoy wlll.mnlto tholr home I11 future. ?..?'.* j Mr. nnd Mrs. t)an Talloy, Mlss Tnltey nnd Mlss Tnmpklns, who have beon at Sweet Sprlngs, hnvo gofio to Mlllboro for tho reat of September. ? ? ? Mlss Snlllo Bentrlco Llndsay", of Nor? folk, Is vlsltlng frlonds ln Ri'ohmond. <^^$><m><*><^MxS*3>'S><$>?3' -THE- <(> MAN ABOUT I t'ownI By $ HARRYTUCKER f ,^>4>$^?><^!x5><^<^^^S^ Littlo WIJllo hnd a palr Of patits made by hls mother; Thought thoy'd lnst a year or two| Then go to hls brother. , But ho olayod a gnmo of ball; Took an aw/ul chance, . i And hls littlo brother now Is sans tho homomado pants. ? a * Wo tlncl notos on our dosk every dny from pooplo who oall to sea us whon wo Wo w'lsh to' Bay rlght horo that wo hnvo our own offlco hours, nnd oven when wo aro In, our offlco boy hns hls own m struotlons. , , Thoroforo. wo lnstructod our prlvato socrotnry, Rogors, to get us somo carus prlntod for tho boneflt of thoso who call to seo us durlng our offlco hours. " He went to Rufus Wllllams' and tho two together mappod out thls: Prlvato Offlco Man About Town. Notlce. , , _., Tlmo Allowod for lntotviows lni thls Offlco _ -g Frtondly Calls. 5 ? 2 Friendly Cnlls. when busy. 9 1? Llfo IiiBitrrinco Agonts. 0 u l Book Agotns.-. ? S r Frlends wlth a great sohomo..'-. 0 0 6 Frlonds wllllng to lot us ln on tho ground floor...,. 0 0 O .Frlends wlth a suro wlnnor.... 0 0 1 Frlonds who want us to go flshlng 8 10 42 Frlonds who ask us to drlnk... ? 0 0 Frlends who ask us to lunoh... 0 60 0 Frlends wnntlng an extenslon.. 0 0 Frlends wantlng to borrow {5.. 0 0 S Frlonds wantlng to borrow $10.. 0 0 2 Frlends wantlng to borrow J100 0 0 1 Colloctors-wo romlt by mail.0 0 0 Bores-Mnlo . JJ ? ? Boros?Fomalo ._. J> JJ .g Boros?Female. lf attractlve.... O 0 68 Advertlslng Sollcltors........... 0 . O 1 Thoso wantlng to pny old bllls. C0 60 60 Mnn who wants chcck cashod. 0 O l Frlends havlng the latest story 0 0 B Tho Ico Man, wlth samplos,,., 0 20 0 ~Wo-whTh to ndd that our offlco hours nro from mldnlght to 3 A. M? wlth no elevntor runnlng, and no Ico water at tho top when tho top Is reached. - Wo are grateful to tho prnmlnent Bnl tlmoro clgar houso for offorlng to place a brnnd of clgars on the market wlth our plcture on the box. Wo thlnk tho concorn knows Its busl? ness, npd we feol that the clgars wlll bo of the very best. They'll have to be. Now. what wo wisli Is a photograph of oursolf. We had a lot, but ex.hausted them In sendlng thom all over tho coun trv, Anybody who hns a photograph of us wlll greatlv obllge by sendlng lt In, and wo wlll glve them a clgar. DAILY FASHION HINTS GIRL'S RUSSIAN BLOUSE. The vnguo of tho Russlan blouse as a general utlllty garment for glrls con tlnuos unabatcd. Tho reason? Bocause thoso smart littlo dresses nro so qujcfcly and so easlly made, easy to got into, and liave tho merlt of lnoklng woll aftor bolng laundered. Then, too, .t'horo are fow glrls to whom tho stylo ls not rx ceedtngly becomlng. In tho pretty modcl shown hero tho hlouso ls ln two piooes? front and baeK?and may bo gathered to tlio belt or worn wlth a fancy leathor belt. Tho full sklrt ls sewed to nn un dcrbody, Tho fiock is enhanoed by tho uso of bands, whlch mny bo substltutcd by bands of contrastlng matorlol; ov, lf mado of wash goods, bandB ot em broldery. For a model to follow for school dresses thls ls 'especlally good, although It Is ono that is not conflnod to any spoclal mntorlnl, ns tho cotton3 aro as sultablo as llnen or sllk, . ? No. 4,450?sfzcs for B, 7, ?, 9, )0 and 12 years. On recelpt of 10 cents this pnttern wlll bo sent to any addross. All orders must ba dlroctcd to THE L1TTLE P0LK8 PATTERN CO., 7S Elfth Avenue, New York. When orderlng plcaso do not fall to mentton nurnber. No. 4,450. r'lie. Name.. UUKNF.TT'S FXTUACT OF VANIU.A Ja t_? bcal, MffccUj t"JU-, bl^-V WwaUulcil. PERIL ISLAND. By SIDNEY DREW. Copyrlght, 1903, by W. R. Hearst. CIIAPTMIt **v', ' ..?,,,_ Tho Fortress In the Rock nnd the House "'.-?? In the Woods. It wns n wlld and i?rrlblo nwaUenlng, thougln the mornlng wns ns fn r nnd puro n ono.ns ovor ihiwned. Tho atartled men lcapt from thelr Hhimbera and rtiah cd out of tho Boddnn tont. Tholr shouta dled on tholr llpa. U wns neccllesa tor questlon, Tho two venscls floatlng sldo hy Hlde.ln tbe hny nnd tho Bwormlng Ilguros on tho yacht'H deck proclalmed tho hldooua truth. Thoy recognlzod tho Antlonetto nt a Blnnco. Agaln amoko aprnng from tho novon-poundor, and the men flod llko rubblts ns a sholl ahrloked ovor tho snnd. The nlrvntlon wns too gront. It pounded In nmonc tho acrub nnd ilurig moro annd and branobea lnto tho alr. StUnned nml stnggnred though ho waa by thla Bhastly turn of fortunon whoel. lt atruclc Lockburn thnt tho foes woro wrotched gunnoi'S. And thon, wlth hla falr halr toaslng ln tl10 or,sI> broo-zo, ho put hls great hnnds to hla mouth and ronrod!* "Oot your rlfles nnd ainmunltlon, lads, Hoctor, Cllvol'show l'101" thQ wn-y' Selz? all tho food vou can carry. Come, coniol Thoy don't know how to shoot, Qulek, qutok! Thoy havon't got nt tho rlflos yot. Confound you. bucklo up!" ' ? Tho men ?'dashed lnto tha tont nnd selzed all thoy could. Tho noxt momont they wore flylng Inland ovor tho ridgo. For the flrst tlmo Lockburn inlased Bur? nand, Tho storm hnd come on so qulck ly tho day before thnt ho hnd not notlccd tho flrst ofllccr'H abHcnco. Ho bad hn aglnod thnt, nftor sharlng sontry duty wlth tho men, ho hnd returned wlth them and elected to sleep in tho blg tont. There 'was no tlmo now to ques? tlon or mako inquirios. Thoy fied ovor tho ridge, and tho seven-potinder rnng ngain. This tlmo tho nim wns dcndly. The shell fell lnto tho blg tont, exploded, nnd tore tbo ennvas to rlbbons. "Downl" shrlekcd Leckburn. It a our turn. Sprcnd out, spread out! Twonty yards npnrt nt leust. To tho rlght, Cltva; left, Hector. Keop under covor nnd poppor thom. Do ns I do, lads. Now, back agaln, nnd don't show a flnger. Shoot for all you know." Tralling hla rllle, tho glant began to worm' up tbo ridge. Heotor and Cllvo hustled tho mon lnto thelr posltions. Thoy formed a llno almost a hundrcd and flfty yards long. Thoy cropt through tho scrub and ferns untll, acreencd by tho loaves, they could look down tho alopo. Apparently Vnndorlot hnd not auo cceded ln pichlng tho lock of tho mnga zlno nndrenohlng tho rlflos nnd nmmu nltlon. A fow shells hnd beon loft on tho trall-box of tho sovon-poundor, nnd ho hnd"found. them. Thero wero twonty mon at least on tbe yncht's dock. Leck? burn meaaurcd tho dlstanco wltb hla tralncd eyo. ? "Nlne hundred yards," ho sboutod. Word waa ? passed and tho rifiea were slghted. "Flre!" , _ Tho c-rnck, c-rack, c-rack! spluttorod down tho llno, and " tho falnt amoko swopt away. . Leckburn yelled with do? llght. Thoro was n sudden panlc on tho yacht. Mon tumblod. ovor ench othor to got out of tho way. A second straggllng volley.was flrcd, and then tho deck was deserted...., ,'.,_-; "Wah!" sald Mumps, whose slght was almost mlraculoua, "wo klllco one at loastee. Wlmtpo,. dey done wld Ruby? Wheroo.;.do dootah? Wah! dls flrstee chopeo bad." ' ''And where.'a Burnand? asked Leck? burn. "Dldn't bo como back wlth you yesterdny?" "Nebber seo^liirri nt alloe.' "What! Wasn't ho wnltlng for you up thero?". r . \ :_ Tho Lascnr shook hls head. Leokburn frowned nnd blt hls llps. Could tho gold fever havo dragged Burnand back to tho treasuro chambor? Hnd he sllp ped from tho ,Iedge? It wns a hideous thought. Or hnd ho fallen Into the hands of the Unknown. the mystorlous spcctro who haunted Pcril Island? But Leokburn was compellcct to dls miss Burnand from hls mlnd. Tho crlsls was too grave, Ho beckoned Cllvo, Heo tor and Mnrsden. "Mumps," ho sald, "keep tho boys awako. Shoot if you see a head," "No chopee use," slghed tho Lascnr. "Dey get out of rangoe." It wns true, Tho Antionetto was al rendy out of Shrapnel Bay nnd the Sllver Star showed hor drlpplng nnd gleamlng anohor. Moro bullets went whlstllng after thom ns they slowly rode towards the open sea. Mumps cllmbed tho Hoof to watch the vessels, and tho labor of transportlng tho goods over tho rldge commcnced. They hnd littlo tlmo to speculate, or oven to drnw broath. Lucklly they hnd plenty of ropes nnd plonty of Iron bars. Mumps and Mnrsdon went down, and, di-lvlng ln the bars, formed a rail of ropo nnd Iron along tho narrow lodgo. Then the cnses nnd bnles wero lowored nnd passed from hand to hand to bo bundled Into the civo. Tho work ? Insted fnr nearly four hours, and-both vessels wero out of slght. "I wondcr what tho old wolf ls up to? sald Hoctor. "Ho'll run round tho Island and put Into tho bay In tlio nlght, I expect." sald Cllve. "That's It," sale? Leokburn, We vo got tho BtulT down, but wo haven't ,nn iHhed, Wo hnvo to protoot our ronrs. Wo'll rlg up a rlllo plt or a couplo ori thn edgo of tho lloof. It's a nosty cllmb for an nttacklng party, and Vanderlet wlll nnd that out If ho trles to rush us. Mumps had hun_ a tough rope laddcr from tho ledgo to tho Hoof. Tnklng spados and mattooks thoy mountcd. All Jolned ln tlio tnsk nnd throw up a strong tronch eomnuindlng tho eldo ?' lho Hoof thnt faced Shrnpnel Bny. , fhero seomed to ho no othor Inndlng plnco, lf Vanderlet mndo a roar nttaok ho would hnve to put hls mnn nshoro on the othor sldo of tho island nr fnco a hot riflo nro lf ho attempted to land from tho buy. i Atv aasoult from tlio soa was Impos sible. Ho mlght bombard tho envo, If ho Joohted lt, but undor ordlnary clrcum? stances It would bo a. moro waste of powder aiul rnetal, And thero wns on,. powerful ohjoctlon agalnst a Iiombani ment. Such a shrewd reasonor as tlie nuthmim would guess that the trea sui-u wns lylng In the cavern. ? iho con cusslon of ., well-placod shell would probably brlng about "a fall of rock that would rond.r tho reoovory or ttiack Juiin's gold an Imposslblo or trf">'." doualy dlillmlt task. But thoy felt t.iat Vniideil.-t would strnlii overy norvo to oiitwlt and mnster thom beforo comlng to terms. , ., ... Slx men wero left to gunrd the rlfle plt. and a great lire was llghtod ln tho ohllly cavoni. Bundles of pioss jind d.-y fi-rus were gathored for beda. i??-> nna two mctnl druina of paralln P-?J? ??l" lamps. The oil, oven Wlth eeon?my could not last long, Glalsher, who uiil gom, further along the lodgo to i.m.i so,,.,- sea-hlrds' eggs. a dlsco vo-y. lt waa a pm-ko, Irfthe cllff, WJefl *Hn a durk, ovll-smelllng UquM. owlo ?' '' li-uin. Th.y trled lt In ono of lh? lamps. U burned ,1-uily. Two teapot*. |>l. wl-k thrust Into thelr spouts, wero^tuin .<l Into a couplo of "llamers. suon .a aro ureil ln coal mlnes froe of flfP'^ami,. and pluce.l ln thu cave. Lookburn vsatn ?d tbe men not to wandor too far Mumps was a powor in Hlmself. I ., rlggu-d up a couplJ of sea llnos and ?ont iivwu .tho c\i(t ll-o ?. nw-HejC *W. cotikl boo liim.far hclow nahlng lnsslly tti tt doop pool. Whon ho roliimotl ho hnd threo btigo cod, tho amnlloat wclghltig moro than twonty pounda, And mo thoy mado tholr flrst mcnl ln tholr rockj; fbr tress; which Cllvo chrlatencd "Tho Black Ilole." "Now; Hoc," sald Lockburn, na ho flting a tmndollcr ovor hls tnnsslvo shouldora, "wo must not bo Idlo. Wo want freab tnenl. Tlils Is n sort of cold atorngo chnnibor, whoro mont.wlll keop a month, We'll lenvo Cllvo in commtind nnd go httritlng. ? Oot your llttlo gun." "Don't go too far," sald Cllve. I annll bo jolly nnxlons." " ? "You noodn't worry, o1cl chnp. Wo can look nftor oursolves. Mutnps, bring a ahotguti nnd n bng. We'll cut ncross tho snndlillla and bo hnclt boforo dark nt latost." Leckburn glnnccd lnto tho rlflo-plt nnd warned Maradou to keop a brlght look out. Thoy turned Inland nnd begnn to cllmb tho yellow sandhllls. Whon they roached tho sununlt a pntch of coarao graHH-grown land lay bclow dottcd wlth snnd. Boyond thnt whnt looked n dla tnnt mnsa of troes?tho edge of tho forest whore. nccordlng to Mack dunn's niap, woro "mnny llerco bonsts." They cnnie upon a few ponls of wnter which swarniod wlth tbo quoor-bcuked nnlmnla nnd nn occaslonnl ilnmlngo or atork flappcd sorenmlng away. Thoy woro ncarlng tbo forest. Tlld 'treca wero o apcclcs of Or with t.n.11, red atoma and fcathory branches. Ho.-toi pecrcd lnto tho prrcon depths of tho forest longlngly. Tho sun waa stlll hlgh. They aank anklo-deep lnto plno neodlcH nnd cones. "Wlint'B tbat?" sald Lockburn, turn Ing awlftly. Leckburn begnn to run back, and thoy boiimled after hlm. They galned tho wator's edge. A canoo, pulled by a BOll tary flgure, waa flylng down tho stream. Thoy shouted, but the- enpoe sped on, nnd wns lost in a grccn avenue of tnnglcd troos. . , They broko lnto a trot. "Thero ho la," orled Hoctor. A pnddlo flnshed In tho sunlight far down tho Btroam, and ngnln tho ennno vanlshcd under tho overhanglng brnnches. Thoy qulckened tholr pnee. Why dld tho unknown mnn (ly from them? Whnt wns hla object In conconllng hlmself? Hector waa n famous runnor, nnd ho soon bn gan to draw ahend. The Unknown hnd tho current In hls favor. nnd twlgs, brambles nnd llttle runnels impeded Dano. He sprang ovor tho obstneloa llko n grcyhound. Tho. stream wldoned out nll nt once, nnd Hector pulled up sharp ly. Tlie ennoo -was not ln slght. Ho rubbed hls eyos nnd bronthed honvlly. Boforo hlm lny n stretch of wator as bluo. clear and unrufTlcd ns tho sky nbovo. A few black awnns woro mlrrorcd on its bosom, and the brnnchea bont aa If tn klsa It. And on Its banks atood na trhn and ncat a bungalow na nny thnt graccd the banka of Englnnd's falr Thames. A volvot Inwn aloped down to tho edge nf tho stream. and a purit waa moored tn a ruatlc landlng stage. Smoke roso from tho chlmneya; pigeona coocd on tho thatchod eavea, and a cow browsed on a paddock behlnd. Agaln Hector rubbod hla eyos, nnd Leckburn enrrio lumborlns up. Both men atared nt the rose-clad bungalow, A dog began to bark ond a llttlo torrlor darted through tho open door. On tho stepa a cat wna sunning itsolf, and a canaryin a brnsa cngo sang lustlly. "WoP?l'm?hanged!" sald Lockburn, Jorklng out hls worda. "So nm I," said Hoctor. "And 1'm golng on, if I get shot," add cd Leckburn, shouldorlnpr his rlflo. "I'm wlth you," aald Hector Dano. Both gnrden and paddock wero atrong ly gunrded by a network of bnrbed wlro. Tho gnte was unfastened. ltiano knnck ed at-'the open door, whllo tho torrlor frlaked round them. Tho knocks were not answored. Leckburn, promptly strodo over tho threahold and onterod tho Bqunro ball. There waa a flreplnco nt one end. Guns, flahlng-roda, fstulted anlmals, and the henda of deer. tlgors nnd bears hung on the wnlls. Rugs covered tho flnor, nnd an open tacklc-boolc, contalnlng nrtlficlnl snlmon and trotit flles, lay on the lable. Thero wero sllver vnsea con? talnlng freahly-cut flowera. Aftor ono glanco nnd a aubdued wblatlo, Leckburn opened the nearest door. All at onco a sound of hoofa mado them rush to the wlndow. A horae roso lnto tho alr llko a blrd and sklmmed tho barb-wlro fence. "A woman, by Hcaven!" Leckburn crled. ? Ho dashed acrosa tho room, followed by Hoctor. A dark-fncod, beautlful wo? man hnd lenpt from a tdll, black iiorae. Lockburn ataggorcd agnlnat tho door post. Hnd the earth opened he could not havo been moro astounded. "Vnncssa!" ho crlod. "Tho Quecn!" CHAPTBR XXVI. The Hand of the Unknown?Prlsonera, Cllvo's henrt bounded wlth relief and ploasuro. A lnntarn wns crceplng along tho ledgo outsldo tho cavo, "Ned!" ho Bhouted. "It's mo, Slr Clivo," called Marsdon's volco. " 'Ero, frlend," ho addod, gruffly. "Get on. Remembor I'vo got a slx shontor behlnd you." "Bedad, t'nnn," nnswored anothor votco, L. DOUCLAS $3.50 SHOE BIK8B A LETTER OABRIEE'B INDORSEMENT. Geo, F. Vnnn, 8?t Woxt 31at St., Now XorU Clty, u lotto*" oarrlur, "wrltoss "Tho tost thafi in my onlllng I hnvo put your $3.60 shoos to olonrly shows that for caso, stylo aud ilurabllity they cannot bo o*colled by any othor hlgh class shoo." Thla la tho nynton W, I? limiglne mnkea iwuUolU moro meii'a S3.SO ?.lim*a thuu any iither wuuufuoturor 1" tlio tvotid. ThatDouglas uaoa Oorofta Colt provcB thero ia. value in Douglaa $3,50 shoos, Coroua Colt is the kigliest grade patent loather made. *a~ Kiviii- nmf prlce on liottoin. '4'nko iio lubitltutc, Fuat Color Uyeleta iwoUl o-uluslvoly. Bojra woai. W. L. Ooualam Sho??. Prloa, *a,QQ mntl ? h 7*. ' Shoe. t,y ,n_ll, ^t,^aJ53?^Soa!1ttSr HICHMONO: 623 East Broad Street. GAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S, C, Lar'oest Mariufaotureia, Irrtporters and Dlatrlbutora of PORTUHD ANQ ROSENDALE CFMIEHT, LIMEJHD BUILDINQ MATERIAL IN THE UNiTED STATES. Lowcst dnllvoretl prlcea qiiotcd, on nppllcntlon, on Btnmlnrd Rtnnds. ln car? go lols, cnrlond lota, atiuill lota, to nny.polnt In Amorlcn, Full atocks nt ititor or mlllsj nlso nt Bnltltnol'o, Md,; Nowport Nows, Vn.| Norfolk, Vn.) l'ortamotitn, Vrt.i WllmliiRtotii N, C,( Churloston, B. C.| Snvnnnnh, On.i Fcrnandlnit, Fln.s Jnckaonvllle, Fla.i Ponancolu, Fltt.i Mobllo, Ala.i Now O.rlcnns, La,j Ontvoston, Tox.i fllrinlnghiim, Aln,, and Atlanta, On. Wl-lto for our prlcea, "bo mlghty cnroful how yoz httndlo thnt siutio thrlggor, Mlsthor Sor, for OI'm ns nroud of mo Imek ns ovof a mnn wna. Nnloo ulsy ronds thoso nro, to bo suro, swiito nnd woldo, lolko yor slhnlrcnBo. Troth, whln 01 como to tny nlxt tlmo OP11 como ln tho daylolght." Ho put an onvotopo Into Cllvo's hnnd. It wns nll stnlnod, orumpled nnd tlli-ly. C'llvo took tho Inntern and looltod nt hlm., Pulting iislde Leokburn, ho hml seldom socn tt moro mngnlllcotit spcolmon of mnn hood or n moro plcaslng ono. Hla faco wns frecklcd nnd tannod, but tho two bluo eyes thnt apnrkled In it woro ns hoticst ns tho sunllght. A rlflo wns nlung ovor hls monsli-ouHly liroud Blioiildors, nnd tlio hnnd tKat hold tho letter wns llko n lcg of mutton. Ho hnd a lilnck clny plpo In hls mouth, nnd n ruby In bls tle thnt, If roal, wns worth a hun? dred gulnenB 'nt least. "Who aro you?" nsked Cllvo. , "Me niuno ls Torrcnco Muldoon, yor honor." Tho men lookod up ut tho Btrangor curlously. Cllvo toro open tho lotter. tt wns typcwrltton, and ho road, becom? lng moro mystllled ovory momont: "To tho Captaln nnd Olllccrs of tho Sllver Stnr, now at anchot- ln Sllver Bny, Garden Island,?I nm nwaro of tho ob Jcct of your cxpedltion', nnd that you woro In soarch of nnd hnvo dlscovered trensui-o. It wns' my Intcntlon to allow you to rctnovo tho tronsuro on tho un deistnndlng thnt you promlsod nevor to dlsturb my prlvucy agaln or to dlscloso the lntltndo or longltudo of thls , Islo, whlch is my sole and. prlvato property. I have haiiled down tho llag, not becauso 1 do not honor It or your motlves ln holstlng It. but because lt nlrendy llo.its over Gnrdon Island. Somethlng I hnvo Icnrned'has made mo altor my flrst In tentlons. "I sond you this warnlng. A vcsscl Is neurlng tho Island. Keep n good wntch. If you nro outwltted, look to tho left of tho enche ln whlch tho treastiro Is hlddon, and llgbt your best.?Tho Un known." Cllvo rend tho lotter over ngaln boforo be grnsped Ita meanlng. "Your name Is Toronce Aroon?7" "Muldoon, yor honor. OI'm sorry nbout that note. bedad Ol am. Ol ahould havo brought It last nolght. but, bednd, 01 got treed by a pack of peocorles?llttle wolld plgs wid tusks lolke needlos?and those bnstes would tenr up a tractlon-engliid u v they stharrtod, yor honor. Somohow, Ol lost. the letter, and Ol wbb all day nfore Ol found It. OI'm sorry. 01 dld fnlnd lt nt last, and hero Ol am. OI'm mod wid mcsllf, terrlblo mud. Av Mlck wn.-_ to hea: of it hi-'d chaff me for Icr. Promlse me, ycr honoi, you won't tell Mlok." (To bo Contlnuod To-morrow.) X ~+ $ \\C/iGstnut Jfcill and | % Je/ahiand SPar* | i J x ?H-W-!-:-H";~l"i"H"2-H-W-H~I"I"i-W-v Tho Young Pooplo's Fllnch Cliib met last Frlday evening at tho homo of Mlss Bortha Marsliall, on Fourth Avonuo. yuuo an eujoyablo evening was aperit by all. Itofiesumouts woro sorye'd at a lato hour, after 'whlch tho young folks returned lo tuelr nuiiios. Auioiig muou who partlolpated In tno pleaauro oi thu evuning may Iju mentiouou Aliasos Be. tua Marsliall, and K-utti Ueiuue, AntiiO _alu, Floiorieo Bakei-, Kebeuca Ciarne, Allotta Cr'unip and Mauuo Livosay; Mesars. lvanhoe .Sc-iater, willlo lloppo, gyrlnlo Ladu, johnnie Grossoit,. Liiiiiar Jienley, Rlcnnrd Sale and Harvey. Tno noxt meoting wlll bo held next Frlday evening at the roaldonce of Mlss Baker, on Fourth Avenue. Mis. Terry, ot' Giango county, spont several days wlth hor daughter, Mrs. Mc Cluor. , . ? .Mlss Dalsy Booth has returned home after a pleasant vlsit to hor cousln. Mlss Mary Booth, of Moudow Brldgo Road. An enjoyable watermolon foast wan Lrlveii on Monday evening last by tho Young Pooplo's Fllnch Club at tho resl? dence Of Mlss Allotta Crump, on FoUitli Avonuo. Muslo and games wero lndulgcd in untll a lato hour, after which tho young people repalred to tho lawn whoio molona wero servod In abundance. Mr Damoron, of Brunswlck, Is vlsltlng hls nlece, Mrs. Flcmlng. of Fourth Avo "mJk.h W. H. Hlll la tho gueat of .Mra. Kastelburg. ^v w SnUl|.(lny for Can. ton, O., whore ho wlll spcnd anmo tlmo visltlng hla frlends. Misa Nettlo Mosby, who haa been rmlto slck for soino tlmo, Is slowly lmproying. Mrs. A. JT Seal, who has boen visltlng hor slster, Mrs, W. A. Board for tho paat two weoks, has roturnod home. Mlsa Maud Tlllor, of Hnnovor. haa boen visltlng her cousln, Mlss Edlth Ynrhroilgh Rov. J. B. Aakow wlll hold a aorles of meotlnga at Hlghlnnd Park Mett'odlst Church, cnmmoncln.g tho fourth Sunday in this month. , . , Mlaa Addlo Huffmnn hna roturnod homo aftor spondlng soveral wooka ln Hiin ovor county. , ,{*'" Mrs. Llllio M. Ynrbrnngl) nnd chlldren, of Atlnntn. Ga., wlll anond thp wlnter wltb Mrs. Mary Edlth Ynrbrough. Mrs. Grnffoy hns returned homo nftpr apondlriglho summor months In tho coun trv Mr- Ceorij-o Bonth hna roturnod homo aftor a vlalt to Hanover. | ? SIHwra ifuikie?. % Tho Mlsses Taylor tondorod thelr many frlends a wfttormelon feust tho pa?t weok. Tho affalr being tho nioat dollght iul ovont of tho soaaoii. A wholo load oi llno rlpo lusoloua moloim wero dls potiod of, mucli to tlio aallst'tieUon and eiiJoyinerit of all who partook ut-tiio le.-uivity. Thoso proaoiu wore ..Miases, Juaio Tiuiiiu-, Bchhjo Ciuy, Boulaii Tiiiur, ?uuy uotidin, ltuby Qotlajn, Annle Ro.a, Orncu llotd Irono HecKloi, MauUu 'ililor, Mury Setdon, Sadlo Tiller, Mattlu Fronoli, Muudu Tlllor, Hunior Tuylor, Lula Cosuy, Huwuna Taylor, Bnlllo Taylor, Mrs. May Osuorue, Mra. lrune Oravoa, Mubbi's. Lea llo Hold, Arthur llooklur, Edgur Hocklor, Alloy Hlcks, llerbert Boalon, Wlllio Tay? lor. Arnold Graves, llowai'd Giavoa, Llo>d Kberliardt. Luo Bolph, Mr. B. EberlinriU, Mr. Glllona, Mr. Blnpnian, Mr. Brlll. Mra. Hundloy and Mrs. Brown, of Rlch iniiiid, wero guests ot Mra. lt, A. Itold during tho paat wook. ''_,'_ Mrs. A. J. Woat has returned home aftor a vory ploasant vlslt to hor slster, Mra. Hlcks. ... Mrs. S. N. West haa gono on a vlslt to hor .-nothor, ^ilrs- Solfdi, ot Carollna C?tuus'' Besslo Cury, of Rlchmond, -nnd JHaa Joalo Tlgnor, pf Sprlnga havo roturnod to thoir lioinoa after nmpjj| dellghtful vlalt jo thelr frlonda, Mlste* Annlo und Grace Reld. ?; *< Mlad Bouluh Tiller Has returned to Farmvllle. to cojlego, whore alie gooa to comploto hor studlos. , ? . Mlaa Annlo Rold held an Infonnal re? ception on Tuosday evonlng ln lioiior ot her gueala nt tho "Old llomostoad. Mr. and Mrs. John Clurko havo inoved to their homo at New Brldue. J-j'Sc }\ J_'AUcb;.*m_._W!* *W1&'ojv-ivsra For Photographs The Elite Studio, 307 B. Broad. C. H. STAUNTON, Mgr. WHY NOT SAVE ON SGNOOL THINGS? It's li protty nxponslvo Joh gettlnar the youngster roady for school, nnd you mlght as woll rfavc a llttle hore and there by buying tho supplles at Huntor's. FolkB gonerally haven't nny ldoa tho rango of tablots. and slates nnd pens und ponclls. nnd inemoranilurn and coinpositlon books, and all sorts of school necessarles we aro showing, nnd tho reinarkubly littlo prices wo nro wllllng to sell them for. It wlll pay you tu "havo a look." Every kiiid'of school book thut uny klnd of school renulrca, . Bpellors and roadbraj geographles and gra'mniiirs; hlstoi-loa and 'rlthmollcs tjnlore. lf you aro not so partlcular nliout the books belng brand now. llkely hh not Wo can fit you out wlth a Beconil-hand lot, whlch wlll wear Just as good and cost much less. HUNTER & 00., 020 EAST BROAB STREET. guests of Mrs. Frnnck's slstor, Mrs. R. A. Relil. ' Mrs. May Osborno. of "old llarbor, ls on a vislt tn her mothor, Mrs, Tlllor. The Sevon Pines School was reoponed yesterdav wlth .Mlss Blancho Fussoll In charge. "ns teacher. There was a largo number of old pupils enrotled and many new ones. Mlss Vussell Is very populaf and much beloved by hor puplla. BOARD OF ALDERMEN TO MEET TO-NIGHT Tho Board nt Aldcrmon wlll hold a regu? lar sesslon at S o'clock to-nlght, and a great dcnl of Iniportnnt buslness Is on the calendni- to be transneted. Tho sessiOn is llkely to Inst untll nearly midnlght. and as the volume of buslness Is so groat, the presldent doslres a full attendance of membors. The Commlttee of Investlgatlon wlll meet on Thursday nlght to tako up tho streot railway franchlso matter. ANIMAL STORIES FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS The Discontenteci Deer and tho Jackals' -) Dinner. A deer onco hecame dlssatlsfled with his lot. Hls homo was on a hlgh platoau, whlch was woll covored wlth woods and broken by beautiful streams whlch fell in buhbllng casendes al the edge of tho plateau to tho valley below. "That Ls- 'a beautiful valley," declared tho deor, ono dny, as he stood and lookod at tho pretty landscap'e spread out beforo hlm, but many hundred feet below. How I should llko to llvo thero, and yot it Ib Imposslblo for mo to cll.nb down tho steep "ldoa of thls Immonso preclplco. Just now I saw a Uttlo spnrrow, who hnd beon twlttering ln n bush at my slde,spread nia wYngs aud swlftly lly down, down, dowa to the moadow qn tho bank of tho vaiioy stream. Why should not I fl.v?" And tho fuollsli duer thought so long on thls subjoc-t that ho nctually became po'sossed of tlio Idea thnt ho could Ib' "Horo I go," ho crled, at last, "Here I go to tho volvot meadows nud tho cool shudo of yondor valloy." Then he plunged forward Into tho alr. Woll, thero Isn't nhythlng moro to tell nbout tl.o deer, but lt. may bo sald that on that sulf-sume day tho Jackals of that beautiful valley had a foast of boneleas venlson such as thoy hud nover enjoyed boforo, CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC.CHQLERA AND DIARRHCEA REMEDY Tho uotform succesy of thls propnratlon ln the relief and curo of liowol coniplaints has brought lt Into almost unlversal use, lt nover fulla nnd when roduced wlthj W?ter aud sweotcned ls pleasant to take. 11 ls erjually valuablo for children and. Wd.iUtUt ,EP? Sttla-.bjvuH.^liUifiWg..