Newspaper Page Text
?tiVef nnd dlreetor; W. A. Towhes, dl wctor. Thoso gentlemen aro wldely known on two cotitlnonla. Rlchmond Coepocntioh, Ai-inng Iho olhrr chnrtera grnnted .Mtcrday by the Corporntloti Commta slon wero the followlng! The Elchlson Hat Company. Ineorpo tn'ted, of ltlehmond, to enrry on n. mer ?HUIo W?ln?M IB hats caps, njuUll.icr', ?to PrlnrlpM offlco In the clty of Rlch? mond Cnpllnl stock from WB.non to ffifto. nt.lhorlr.ed. Offlcers m.* Incm pomlori named: .tohn B. Etchlson, pt-es Idcnt: John E. Ktehlaon. JtV, vlce-prcal. dentn d roaaurer; Wllllam B, Brdfd _u? secretary. Tho corpornlors are weII k o'wn in "ho Jobblng ln thls ehy. Dlrrctors, tho offlcers nnmed nnd Robei H Pen.-clov and John II. Hcdd, Jr., nll ?SratdRosB Company. incorporated or Gladslon*, Nelson county. Vn., wlth Lvnchburg, vico-pres dent?, W, f;P'>f?"' of" Lynehburg, socretm-y .. *?^??fy ^rnS'^rectnls^Vhecoi^nnylB nuthorlierV to do a general mercantllo b,ThnrfBank of Shonfthdoah. Ineorpor.Uod ft?thorl?d to do a general bnnkliig bdsb n"? ?t Shenandonh. Pago county. \n. Canltnl Btock $2,500 to $26,000, Tho eor poffiion? to nuthdr?,6d to hold as much , fiftv thoHsand nores ?of land. Tne prlnclpal offlccn nro to be located ln Bhonandoah, corporators nnd offlecra aro: George W. Klte. of Bhonandoah. presl? dent; D. A, Fawcett, vlce-presldent, of Sprlngs. W. Va.: S. M. **$$ Bnennndnnh. cashler, nnd eleven dlrect ora all named. ln the charter. The Co-operattve Land Corporatlor, o Norfolk clty. Wlth a- capital of $10.ftM mlnlmum and $50,000 mnxlmum. Offlcors ?ni corporators: Nathanlel Beamon of Norfolk. presldent; D. Cnrpenter, of Noi folk vice-president; Abbott Morrto, of Norfolk, secretary and treasurer; E. ^ ? Wolcott of Norfolk, oontwU.. Tho forego-. ing and John B. Kaps, of New Tork, dl i rectors. Tho company is authorlfiod to do a Benoral realty and land sale busl? nesa. , Soclal Club9. The commlsslon yesterday irmntefl ohsr^ tcrs to these soclal clubs ln tho localltl-s "we*''WborwV Iclub, Incorpomted. of Newport News. Corpora'ors: WlUlam iBlackwell, George Stprra and Charles Wnshln-ton. Capital $500 to $2,n00. Tho Emont Soclal Club, oC Nowp.irt News: corporators: A. ~. BakerW. A. Baker and W. W. Slattery; capital, $500 ^rSontaha Soclal Club, of Norfolk county; corporators, Thomas Hall, Sam "erGrayson and Walter Roblnaon: capital. *rTne?Mo?hant9' and Mechanlcs' Soclal Club, of south Norfolk; corporators, \\. H Lane, presldent: John F. Slmpson, secretary; capital, $500 to $5,000. Charters Atnended. These amendmenta to exlstl.ig charters wero granted by tho commlsslon yoster ^The Vlrglnla nnd Kentucky Railway Company, chartered by the General As 3 eavo to so amend lls charter as to requiro tho company to commenco constructlon of its southwestorn exten IZ wlthln tW years from date and com Pleto tho aamo ns far ns Norton, Wlse 3. wlthln flve yoni's; to co?r,mence its northweatorly extenslon wltW? two vears nnd complotc same to the Stato iin?, or to n conneetion wlth a llno of raiiway south of tho State llno wlthln Sve yeara; to commenco work on the XtheWerly extenslon wlthln three ( ve-ir? and complete. tho same to Gurnd>, Buchanan county. wlthln flvo years. These changos in the charters wero nt thorlzed by holders-of nlnely per cent: of the stock of tho corporation at a gen? eral meetlng of stockholdors; hold Aug rst 2-ltli at the general ofllco of the com? pany ln'Chicago. Mr. E. F. Masterson i? presldent of tho corporation. The Chesapeake Translt Company, of Norfolk, wns grnnted an amendment to Its charter perrnltting the capital stock tc be Inrreased from $500,000 to 5&10.000. Thls ls a street railway corporation woll known to vlsltors to Norfolk. The Dodson-Foarlng-Mlllor Company was granted an amendment to lts charter authorlzlng lt to Increase Its capital stock from $20,000 to $28,000. Tho corpo? ration la engaged tn morcantllo busl neas. VIRGINIA COUPLES ELOPE TO MARYLAND (Speclal lo The Times-Dlspntch.) ROCICVTLLE, ^D., ^optemher 14.? [Wllllam Arthur ..Hollday Vmd Mlss Violet Jonnle Hollday, both ' of Altoona, Pa., wero married hero Saturday by Rov. Thomas J. Packard. Tho young folks vlslted Cumbcrlnnd on Frlday for tho purpose of belng married, but bocauso of the youth of the young man, who wns but nlnetoen years. llcense wns rofUBCd. He telcgraphed hls mother, who reslded in Alexandrla, Va., for hor consent. but the renuest wns refuscd, tho mother wlrlng the oouple to come to her homo. The young folks lOBt no tlmo ln start lng for .tho Vlrglnla clty, nnd porsunded the young man's motlior to consent to the mnrrlage. The same afternoon Frederick Clay Slngleton and Mlss Eva Oortrudo Mltchell, both of Gooohland county, \1r glnla, were married hore. TWO TUGS HERE FOR THE CRUISER GALVESTON The Mofiajvk and Hercules, oconn go? lng tugs are tled up at tho clty wharf, havlng come here for the purpose of tow ln? the Galveston and, ilenyuard, Unlted Btatea steanishlps, to Norfolk to be com pleted. It was Stated at tho wharf last nlchl that lt waa not Ukoly thnt the na tlon'B Ironclads would go to-day though, of course, lt was posslble lt may he twenty-four hours before thp Oalveston. and the Jienyuard wlll be fully ready ior thelr llrst trlp down tha James. lt ls moro than llkely also to bo tho last trlp tho Galveston wlll mnko all tho way down the historio stream. A man on one of tho ocenn tugs wns taken elck suddenly soon after reacnlUB here and nearly fell overboard before any. one could reacb hlm. Ile was treated by the surgeon on tho tug. A bigaMi'st flys WITH YOUNGEST WIFE (SperiHl to th?- Tlmcs-PlBpatch.) BRISTOL. TF.NN-. Sopt. M.-A. O. llur Tit; nn InsurftllCO man, i;lxty years ot ftge, who came here reeenMy, epuned und married Mlst, Myrtlo Jones, 1111 ittlrai-tivo Bristol young lady. lt now dovelopg that llnrrls Intu a wlfo and chlldM-n In At lanta, Ga. His Atlanta wlfe wrotu to Bristol liiiiuiritig for Ilarrls nnd saying Khc hadn't lu-'inl hlm so long she feart-d harm hnd ln-falli-n hlm. When Harrls lenrned ho was about to bo ex po?ed, he wrote hls. Atlantit wlfe, snylng he had beon forced to rniirry th? Hrlut ,] glrl. Ilarils tht-n flod from Itrl.-toi, ac tompanicd by his Bristol wlfe. Maatlache lilllouKiie&B, sour etomai-h, constip^. Uou gud all llver iiis mo cured l; Wood's Pills The non-lrritatlnif cathartle. P/. 26 w-ritu of all druKglBts or by i . ttlilooa4(te,Ior7eU,AU??. To supply clothing to make them look as taeautllul as thelr mothers think they are, and have a price satisfactory to the Fathers and a style that the lit tle ones won'trebel agalnst, is the condition thatconfronts us. We'd Hkeyour oplnlon onthe way we meet lt. \ $2.80 up. SUMMER SUITS. Boy's and Men's Summer Suits at fractlonal pricesl' LAST, WI^TER'S SUITS. Boy's and Men's Last Sea sou's Suits at30 to 40 of,f last season's prices! CIBELL'S DEFEAT NOW GOMPLETE (Contlnued From Flrst Page.) tor work could not bo done hecauso no lamb could ho found wllllng to rajr.lilrnself upon tho nltor for the sacrlfice. Robert AV. Blalr, AVytho counly's member of the lnto Constltutlonal Convemlon, was men tloiied, but docllnod to nccopt the nom - nation for tho House of Delegates. Wll? llam E. tllllenbeig, of Crocketts, was nominated. . : ? WANT ANOTHER JUDGE , TO TRY JAMES TILLMAN (Speclal to The Timos-Dispatch.) SPARTANBURC1, S. C, September U.?A motion wns entered here to-day before Chlef Justlco Pope by attornoys reprcscntlng the Commonwenlth of South Cnrolinn, in tho cnso of James H. TIU man, chnrged wlth the murder of Edltor Gonzales, asklng for the rovocatlon of tho order nppolntlng Judge Townsend to preslde nt tho comlng trlnl. Tho objectlons wero based on tcchni calltles. ''?'? '.;'?' .'? Justlce Popo wlll nnnounce hls decislon later. ' Tho term of court during which Tll mnn wJU bo trled will be convcned Sep? tember 21st, Sipe to Oppose Keezle, ; (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlsnatcli.). HARRISONBURO, VA.. Sept.' 14. George B. Keezle. who wns Saturday re nominntcd for the Stnte Senate, wlll have formldnble ripposltlon. The , Republleans wlll make stronunns offorts to. dcfeatlilm, Georee Slpe, present member pf 'th6 Leg lslnture, wlll probably be' the 'candidate nominated at tho Republlcan Conventlon on September 2Sth. .... . Another posslblo cnndldato Is Colonel O B; RoIIpi-, mnynr nf Hnrrlspnourg. For the Houso. Dr. H. M. Rodgers'and AV. H. Hedrick wore nominated. Colonol D. II. Leo Mnrtz, prosentiplerk of tho Clrcult Court. wns nominated for clerk of tho now court nnd prominent Roinibllcnns statod thnt thero Vi'IIl be no opposltlon candidate. " -., ? The prlnctpal flght ln tho couhty of? flcors wlll h* agalnst George N. Conr rnd, Commonwealth's attorney, and E. A\. Carpentor, treasurer, Both those men wore ronomlnated by acclatnatlon, as waa also John A, Switzer for sheriff,. tf&ss Warm Contest ln Lunenburg. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspnteh.) MEHERRIN, ArA? Sept. 14?The prlmary which wns ordered by tho Dlstrlct Com? mlttee was held nt Plensnnt Grovo nnd Mehcrrln Preclncts Saturday last. Tho warmeBt flght wns made by tho people who ran Hon. AV. C. Winn ngalnat Mr. E. O. Wallaco for Bupervlsor. Accordlng to an acreement, Mr. Wlnn would not consent to be n cnndldato for tho ofllco but tho peoplo wont tn work and nomi? nated hlm by 90 votes agalnst 3 for Wal? laco, Mr. Winn hlmself votlng for Wal? laco. Mr. Wallaco was not ln favor of the prlmary nnd Itept some of hls frlendi from votlng and lt Is understood that he will net abldo by the rosults. Vaden Withdraws. (Specinl to The Tlmop-THspntch.) CHATHAM, ArA., Sept. H.-Gllos H. Vaden, contostant of AV. D, Duncan, Deinocrtitic nomlnee for troasurer of Plttsylvanla county, at tho rooent prl? mary. tlled nolice to-dtiy wlth County Chalrman E. S. Reld, wlthdrawlng hls contest. Tlils lea'Ves tho field opon to Duncan, exoeptlng Thomns N. Willlams, Independent cnndldato, who Iuib not beon henrd from shu-e the prlmary. A'aden wlll IsBtie a clrculur, atatlng bia reasons for wlthdrawlnn* ,-? Ticket in Northumberlaucl. (Spoclal tn Tne Tlmofl-nispnieh.) WARBAW". A'A.. Sopt. 14.-The Pemo cratB of Nnrthumborlnnd mot In eonvpn tlon nt Ileathsvlllo Ihls afternoon nnd notnlna-tert tho followlng ticket; I'or Coiiiinonwoiilth's attorney, C, p, Towles. For tronsuror. J. M. Uooth. For commlssioncr of rovenue. R, S, Brent, . ., l-',,i- aheflft, \VI B, French. of Nortlunn. hfiiand, who hns boeil ln Gennany. No Primnry In Loulsa. ISpi-clul t<> Tli? Tluics-OlspntcU,) IXH'I.SA, ArA., Sept. 14.?At a mas.i meoting here tn-?lny, representing nll p.-uts of tho oounty, iho nrtinnry was abandont-d nnd a now eominlttoo appolnl-, ed with ex-Stato Henaior w. 0, uihh as tho chalrman, of tho new oommlUei'i Mr. Hlbb also decjarod hlmself a t-iuuli dato for Commonwealth's attorney ln op noMtlQh to II. to Gordon, tho preBoiu ln ciiinboiit. Tho contest from now on for tho various county Ofllcei promlses to be. n v.nrin one. ? f'Knce Edward Candidates. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Pispntch.) l-'AHMVII.I.F, VA.. Sept- H.~Thero nro only IWQ ponteslanis for tho LeKlsl.-iiiuv ln prlnce Kdwaid county now, Mr. J. W. Mi-I'urliind, thu thlrd candidate. hav Ina wtthdrawn irotn the raco. leavlng MeWs. Hiuic- and Owen for the peoplo tn di-i-hle pelwean at the prlmary, Septem. her 29th. Very llttle interest 1b being nifilllfryted. Mr. \V. G. I.amhfrt, innnager of the Rlchmond Union Stock Company, left lnrt nlgnt lor Now York on a pleaitire trlp, SJiia. Henry Meyftr, of No. S10 East clay Street. returned homo last nlght, after a weok'a fcUv wlth frlends in Norfolk. A'n. LEADERS DEFEATED Plttsburg Natlonals and Bos ton Amerlcans Both Lose. THE GIANTS WIN TWICE St. Louls the Victlm of the ' Gothnm Natlonals?Phlllles Trounce Pltts? burg, and Grlfflth's Hlghland ers Down Collins' Hubites. Scores Yesterday. Clnclnnali 1, Boston 4 St. r.onln 2, New Vork 8. St Louls 0, Now York 5 (saoond same). .illb-Ul'g -, i'.niUuOlpili.l to. Whoro They Play To-Day. Boston at Plttsburg. Bropklyn at St. Louls. New York at Clnclnnatl.,, Phlladelphla at Chicago". Standingofthe Clubs. Won. Loot. P. C. Plttsburg .V.'..85 42 .070 New York,...'. 70 ' 60 .013 Chicago .........75 52 ; ._90 Clnclnnali. .6 68 , .oil Brooklyn .>????.$! 63 .50U Boston . .3 73 Ml Phlladolphla...-11 ., 70 .342 St. Louls...;. 42, 87, ,m NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY At Plttsburg: Phlladelphla batted both local pltchers- freely. Plttsburg's work was mlsorable, bot hat bat and ln flold. Score: R. H. B. Plttsburg .0 1 001 00 00-2 r 5 Phlladelphla.0 0 3 3 0 1111?10 17. 0 Batteiles: Pfeister, Kennedy and Pho ps; Duggleby and Doolng. Time, 1:55. ? Um plre, O'Dny. > Attendance, 1,700. At Chicago: By bimohlng hlts the Io cals defdated Brooklyn easlly to-day. Score; K. H. K. Chicago .2 2 0 0 0 2 "-6 10 2 Brooklvn .0 0 0 0 2 0 0?2 6 4 Batterles: Taylor and Kllng; Jones and Rltter. Time. 1:20. Umpire, Bmslle. At? tendance, 1,000. At Sf. Louls: St. Louls lost both games of a double-heador here to-day to Iho New York club. In the flrst game the vlsltors pounded MoFarland hard. In tho second games Ames, McGraw's new pltch? er made hls debut. St. Louls had not made a hlt off hlm when the game waa called at the end of the flfth lnnlng, on account of darkness. Flrst Game? _ _? __ Score: . R. H. 15. St. Louls.0 20 0 000 00?2 9 4 New York ........ 2 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 0-8 12 1 Batterles: MoFarland and Ryan; Tay? lor and Warner. Time, 1:47. Umpires, Johnstone and Moran. Seoond Game? Scoro: R. H. B. st. Louis.'??'252SH' _? 5 New York . 3 10 0 1-5 6 1 Batterles: O'Nell and Ryan; Ames a.n_ Warner. Umpires, Moran and Johnstone. Attondancc, 1,890. Time, 1:20. At Washington: Washington barely es. caped a shut-outat the hands of. Phlla? delphla to-day. The vls tors llked- Patten s . iltchlnp and batted hlm to all parts or %?*?: . \ ? : R.ILB. Washington .0 0 0 07000 10-:l 6 3 Phlladelphla .1 1 0 o 2 1 3 0 0?13 15 0 Batterles: Patten and Kitrldge; Henley. Plnnnco and Shrcckongost. Time, 1:80. Umpire, Connolly. Attendance, 967. American Scores Yesterday. Phlladelphla 13, Washington 1. New York 4, Boston 2. Detrolt 5, Chicago 1. Detrolt 8, Chicago 10 (second game). Schedule for To-Day. , New York at Boston. Phlladelphla at Washington. Standlng of tho Clubs. Won. Loct. P. C. Uoston . 81 43 .053 Cleveland . 72 66 .563 Phlladelphla . 60 56 .541 New Yor.'c . 12 57 .oA Detrolt . 61 . 62 .496 St. Louis . 00 05 .4S0 Chicago . 56 09 .4-18 Washington . 37 S7 .298 tn At Boston: Now York won to-day'fl gnme bv bunchlng hlts off Dlneen In the slxth Innlng. Scoro: R, H. E. Boston .0 2000000 0-2 8 3 New Y'ork.0 0 00 180 0 0?1 8 2 Batterles:''Dlnoen nnd Stahl: Chosbro and Bevlllo. Tlme, 1:19. Umplros, Has sett nnd ICerlns. Attendance, 4,021. At Detrolt: Tho locnls supported KIs slnger woll, and won the flrst gamo wlth enso. They also had tho second, went to ploces, rallled and flnlshed bad. ' Score: B. H.E. Chlcago .;,....0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0?1 3 1 Detrolt .10O00103?~5 10 1 Bntlerles: Klfrsinger nnd McGuire; Flahertv and Slattery. Tlme, 1:20. Um? plre, O'Loughltn. '. . Second gamo? < ? . Scoro: R. H. E. Chlcago .000205030-10 12 2 Detrolt.0 0 1 1 5 0 l 0 0- 8-11 5 Batterles: Owen nnd Sulll.vnn; Kane, Mullln nnd McGuire. Tlmo, 2 hours. Um? plre, O'Loughlln. Attendance. 2,812. At Clnclnnntl: Clhclnhnti took the Inst gamo of tho sorles from Bostqn to-day. by hard hltting.' ? ? ' Scoro: . H- H..E. Clnclnnntl .........1 0 M l 3 4 2 ?-11 10 1 nnston .2 02 000 000-4 )> 1 Batterles: Phllllps and ?PelU: PIttlngor and Moran. Tlme, 1:M, Umplre, llurst. Attendance, 1,711. Soufhern League Qnmer MEMPHIS, TI3NN,, Septemher 1-1. __p____) "? W* **? Memphls . 2 2OO0O01X-6 ? 3 Molugomefy !..... 0 0 1 0 l 1 0 0 0-3 3,0 Batterles: Brltonsteln and Fitz; Stnt-rf dnle nnd Clarko. At Shmveport: Nnshvlllo defented the liomo team ln both tlio gamea playod here to-day, ,, ... ,,. Khrovenort.2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 11 2 NaehvW . .....0301300(10-7 14 2 BntterTea: Levls and Qrafflua; Herman and ltoth. Seeoiul game- __ ??? R ShroveDOrt .2 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 11 0 Unttcrlea: Kelb, Swan und Urnfflus, Jolmson und Roth. At l.lttle Rock- ' lr ,, r-ittir. hock.200000001-3 6 1 Atlanta .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-S 2 1 Unttorles: Uulln and Lynch; WHson nnd Mntthrwa. Second gamo? ? ... Boorei. A ? Tl- lh B;, Llttle Rock.0 00 0 0-0 3. 0 Atlanta .2 0 10 0-3 0 0 Unttorles: Weyhlng and Lynch; LU ond MalthowB. At New Orleans: _ __ __ Score: _ R. Hi K. New Oi-leans.O0010010 ??2 6 5 Blrmlngham .00000000 0-0 3 0 Batterlei: Dnnnehower and Iinviey; Ci-ahell and Mlllo<-k. -,-? Lleutennnt M. M. Taylor has been Ae tuched from tho "Franklin" at the Nor full; navy yard nnd asslgned to the com muin} of the torpedo bout "Hopklns. MUNYONS' Mo'j-SOAP Haxel *?* Intly'H _ ;.> Fonp Is n soap fofc oVerybody wh? wMlM ? best tolleb sonpuver inntla, APPEALS to THE POWEBS '(Conflmtcd From Flrst Pnge.^ Turklsh forces 'riowTrTKastorn Macedonla nro esttmated'tii 17,000, " NoW fclooks Like Wnr. ' (By Assoclnlcl I'rcM.) , SOF1A, BULGARIA, September 14.? AVhlle It is posslble that a Turko-Bul garlnn war'inifty. even yet P? averted, tho prcjbabllltles of etieh nn encounter woro nover grcnter thnii nt the present moment. Tho recent noto to tho Powers, tho most dcolded stop yet taken by the prlnclpallty, -wns d|ctntor1 not only, by the nlarmlng'r-ports of wholcsnle massn crea and dovastotlon dnlly nrrlvlng, but oven moro .by: tho IntlKTeronce of tho Powers towards the soverlty of Turkey s rcpresslve mcaSUres, People here .conshler thnt tho anxloty of tho Powers' aenm lo bo manlfosted chlefly ln repeatod admonltlons to tho Porte to siippress mvolutlon wlth nll speed nnd enorgy pnsslMe. Telograms from Constantlhoplo appear In tlils evenlng'a papers nssertlng thnt the nm hassadors hnd. tirged tho Sultnn s gov? ernment to -suppress tho Insurrection wlthout.any consldcrnllons of morcy nnd not to hosltnto to burn nnd dostroy the vlllnges or take any other steps which mlght be decmed nccessnry. 'These dlspatches,. though of doubtfiil orlgln nnd posslbly not worthy of serl ous acceptatlon; aro not entlrely out of hnrmony wlth repnrts prevlously re? celved here. , Tha Bulgarinn mlnlstry. thoro nppenrs to he llttle 'doubt, lii face of strongest pressuro from wlthln nnd wlthout. hns endeavored, to rnainlnln strlct-ncutrnllty, but It nppear3 vory probahlo thnt the government may now depnrt from this posltlon. Demrnds Actlve tntervantln. (By.' ABSociated Presa.) PETERSBURG; ' Sept. 14.-The Novoe Vfemvo to-day 'demands actlve Interven tlon In Macedonla and proposes as a so lutlon of the dlfnctiltles, the attachlng of ofneers of the representative forelgn pow? ors to all Turkish.'supresstve expedltions,' SITUATION AT BEIRUT Chiefof Pollce Deposed and Twenty eight Arrest s Made. (By Assoclated' Press.) .. ,, . WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 14.-Tho Navy Department to-day posted the fol lowlrig.buIlet'lnt(/',. ' , "Admlral,Cotton lelegraphs from Bel? rut, 12th instant,, that he had exchanged very satisfactbry ylslts wlth tho govern or-generai; The: governor has personal chargcof vlcCfConsul case. Tho lato chlet of pollce ' has ,'baeiv deposed. TwentyT eightpersons.'Vfh'n'nBj.the/prlncipals ,In the dlsturbances./of last Sunday, have been arrestSfc"'1 Beirrtt'./iujet.' . Admln Istratlon'ofrf^w gbvernor-Kenoral In'splres conflden'c'o!''. The former! gb'frernor-genoral left on the J2th Ins'tant for; Constantlno? ple. ? , ".- .'..,-? . '''.' New Vali of Beirut. (By Asrfoclated Press.)' ? ?* BEIRUT. SYRTA, Sept.-14v?It-|s report? ed that Klazlm Boy,- 'governor'of Pales tino, will Bucceed Roahld Bey as vali of ?Belrut, rollevlng Nazim Pnsha, govornor of Damascus, now acllng vali Of Beirut. Klazlm Bey has shown much exeoutlvo ^ablllty and has malntalned ?.'excellenf 'order in Palestlne. A Reverse Blow. CSoeclnl to the Timefi-Dlspatch.) ?. CITARLOTTESVILLE, VA.. Sopt. 14. Englncer Rlchard Mooro, of . Charlottes vlllo, who is runnlng frelgh.t traln No. td on tho Soufhern Rallroad. was quite bad ly hurt nt Orange, Va. The reverse lever of his englne Bllpped, strlklng hlm a. ter rlflc. blow and knocklng hlm out of his cab. Two rlbs wore broken. ..: -> .,..,.? * ??' CULLEN UNABLE TOGIVEBAIL fSneolal to The Tlmo'-Dlspatch.l WtNCHESTER, VA., Bept. 14,-Orbln C. Cullen. tho lawyer^proaeher and pro prlelor of the Whlte Sulphur Sprlngs nt Wnter Llck, Loudoun county, Va.. wlio was arrosted Saturday for fraudulent uso of the mnlls. had not been ablo to se curo the nocfisnnrv flvo thousand dollar ball for his reloaae, " _ ? . _ . Attorney M. J. Fulton, ot Front. Royal, conforrod wlth Unlted Statos Commls Blonor T. J, Tnvonner to-day concernlng ball, but none has been furnlahed. uov ornmont offlcers alleffe'fl that Culjon ls one of the slickest fllm-flammers ln tho country. He Is sald to hnVeS 'a certlfleate of lunncy whlch has savert hlm from ,_?t.?-.? ?,>., n? .al nrti.na1nnfl. PRESIDENT ROOSVELT WOULD LOVESUCH AMAN (Specinl to Tho Times-DIspatch.) EAST RAPFORD, VA., September 14. Mrs, George Stump, of East Radford, wlfe of n carpentBr, gnve blrth'last nlght to trlplots, one boy and two glrlBi Mothor nnd chlldren dolng well. M1NISTER SAVES MEMBER'S LIEE Rev, Mr. Abraham Rescues W.L. Goode, of Sklnquar? ter, from Drowning. Mr. \V. P. Goodo, a prorrilnent oUbon cf Sklnquarter, Chostorflold county, ,had a narrow oscapo from drownlng on-Satur? day last. whllo flshlng wHh^jv^rty of frlends ln hla prlvate pond, . \ Hls pastor, ltov.'Sl. George T, Ahra Jiam, pastor of the Sklnquarter ?Maptlst Church, savuil hl.-i llfe, Wlthln wlght of hls wlfe, ohlldron, sls tors nnd membera of his famlly ne ?0,.,t down several tlmes. Ho was ontnngled in u not and could not free hlmself. Rev. Mr. Abrohnm swnr.j out to hlm fncl,.nt the last monif-nt suecoeded ln drawing tne oxhaustcd. niau to shullntv water, It wns recognlsed by all to bo n groat rlsk f?r Mr. Abraham slnce ho had 'also(been "> tha wator and wns wufferlng' from crnmp. Mr. Goode was Ina aeml-conaclous con dltlon for somo tlme after belng'ref?u0L.''' Ho.could ecarcely reallzo how lt all tiap pencfl. Both Mr. Goode and Mr. Abrauam are wdl known ip Rlchmond. Th? \>e0}}\? of Sklnquarter vlllage are ?steemlngincir gallant pastor moro blghly M* |nan HIGHBAITS rWRUN He Captured Junlor Cham? plon Stakes Yesterday. HE CARRIED 127 POUNDS Hla Time Wai IHO 2-6-The Stakes Are V_lued at FifteSn Thousand Dollare ?The Other \ ? '?.' ? Results. : NEW YORK, Sopt. 14,-Hlghball, wlth 127 nounds on hls back, added another claaalo to hls nlready long hat by cap turlng the $15,000 Junlor Champlon stakes for two-year-old* at ClraveBend to-day. Arlstocracy and Loonidaa Jumped away in front wlth Hlghball ln thlrd poaltlon. Roundlng into the stretch thero was a genoral closing up, but Arlstocracy droppcd bnck benton. In tho dnve through the atretch Hlghball came through and won. Tho flrat speclal for three-yenr-olda and upwnrds, ono mlle ond a quartcr was only a gallop for Mc Chesnoy. Qottlng off ln* front ho made oil Ihe pace nnd won caslly by four longtha. Slummnrles: _ ? ' ... Flrst raco-about slx furlongs-Wenlth (0 to 1) flrst, Dlvlnlatlon (4 to 1) second. Jocund (8 to 5) thlrd. Time 1:10. Second rncc-the Hltchcock BtcopleolHuse, rbout two mlles and a half-Caller (0 to ?,) flrst, Carrier Plgeon (13 to 1) second, Amur (9 to 2) thlrd. Tlmo'6:04.; Thlrd race-the Junlor champlon of *ir>, 000 about seven furlongs-IIIghball (4 to 1) 'flrst, LeonlrinB (0 to B) aecond, Or mondo's Rlght (12 to 1) thlrd, Tlmo 1:10 2-5. ' , - Fourth race-tho flrst Speclal, one mlle and a quarter-McChesney (1 to 8) flrst, Goldsmlth (T to 1) second, Sherlff Boll (20 to 1) thlrd, Ti'me 2:08. Flfth race?selllng; flve and a half.fur Icngs-Tol Snn (11 to 5) flrst, Wlet/rla (20 to 1) second, Redman (13 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo 1:07 4-5. Slxth rnce-solllnK; ono mllo and a slx teonth?Stuyve (16 to 5) flrst, Mabcl Rlch ardson (5 to 1) second, Hoodwlnk (18 to 5) thlrd. Time 1:47. Seventh race?selllng; flvo and a, half furlongs-For Luck (0 to 10) flrst, Mor della (12 to U aecond, Bath Beach (6 to 1) thlrd. Time 1:07. LOU DILLON'S TIME WAS NOT BEATEN Major Demar Failed on Ac count of Poor Pacc Making. (By Assoclated Pross.) REABVILLE, ;>IASS? Sept. 14.?Al though the weathor condltlons wore ldeal and tho Rcadvlllo track llghtnlng fast Mhjor Dehia^.fafled ''to-.beat Lou Dillon's 'performanco oh the same track of a mlle 1n two mlnutes, prlnclpally through poor pace-maklng. Tho geldlng,. wlth the'as slstance-of an automoblle for the flrst half and a r.unnlng horse ahoad ln the second, covored the mllo in 2:00 3-4. Tho flrst quarter waB made i'n :30 3-1 seconds, the 'automoblle keeplng off to the slde. At the three-elghths pole a runner started in about ten yarda ahead of the blg trot? ter. The half was mado ln 1:00 1-2. The two horses swept around tho curvo to the three-quarters, rcachlng the pole ln 1:30 1-4 from the start( whlch made the tlmo for the thlrd quarter :2fl 3-4. As tho three came Into the stretch the rtin nor faltored sllghtly ond MoBonald was forced to pull up a blt. Comi'ng to tho wlre McDon.-ild used hls best efforts to got evory partlcle of speed out of tho fust-tlrlng trotter, but was unablo tp make up tho tlmo lost at tho head of the stretch. Summary: 2:07 pace?purse $1.000?Major C, won ln wo stralght hoats; .Locanda second, Sptilnx thlrd. Best time 2:04. lflOO foals trot?purse 51.000-Totara won iu two Btrafght heats; Callform'a Cres? ceus second. Bost tlmo 2:17 1-2, 2:13 trot-purso $1,000?Promlse won In two stralght heats; Cresccnt second; Guy Fortune thlrd. Best time 2:10 1-4. Foals of 1891) trot?purso $2,000-Margaret Bathgate won ln three stralght heats; Walnscott second, Judge Groon thlrd. Bost time 2:11 1-4. The Harlem Races. CHICAGO, ILL,, Sopt. H.-Resulta at Hnrlem: Flrst race?slx furlongs-QuIzz II. (0 to 10) flrst, Charlle Grnlnger (7 to 1) sec? ond, Sweet Tooth (20 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo 1:22 3-5. Second race ? steeplechase, short course-Llngo (0 to 2) flrst, Llmeltght (00 to 1) second, Mr. Roso (2 to 1) thlrd. Timn 8:68. Thlrd race?Tho Cicero solhng stnkes, ono mlle-Fadlng Llght (20 to 1) flrst, Orfen (8 to B) second, Brush Bay (7 to 1) thlrd. Tlme 1:47 3-S. (Fourth race?slx furlohgs?Albemarlo (7 to 2) flrst, Wlll Shelly (18 to 1) second, Lady Kent (12 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo 1:21 3-5. Flfth raco?flvo furlongs?Nnnnle Hodge (11 to 10) flrst, Casclne (3 to 8) sooond, Tokalbn (0 to (5) thi'rd. Tlme 1:00 2-5, Slxth race?one nnd a quarter miles? Lord Melbnurno (2 to l) flrst Falr Lady (12 to 1) second, Dodle S. thlrd. Tlme not tnkon, . PROMINENT VIRGINIA WIIOISNOWINRICHMOND Among tho promlnent Alrglnlnns ln the clty to nttond tho hearlngs on the nssess inent of rnllway property which wlll be-, Pln In tho Law npd Equity Court room before the State Corporatlon Commts. slon this nooii ls Mr. George L. Cavtor, of Brlatol, who 1b Identifled wlth some of tho largest rnllway and inlnlng cor? poratlons ln the South. Mr. Carter orgnnlzed the Vlrglnla Iron Coai and Colte Company, a twenty mlL llon dollnr corporatlon, and wns Its presl? dent untll ho sold hls Interest theroin. Ho ls now prealdent, of the Crnne's Nc?t Coal Company, a corporatlon ownU'E 115.000 acros of coal Innds and ono thou so nd coko ovons. He is also presldent Of the South and wcstern Railway, which auccendod ?.ho old railway known ns the "Three C's.." This in now belng oxtended southward from Crane's Nest, Va.. to Johnaon Clty. Totm. Mr. Cartor ls also a large ralsor of flne c.Lttlo, havlng a honrd of 300 ex? port cnttle. H? ie Identifled wlth other large intoroste. COULDN'T GET MARRIED Norfolk Gouple Found Richmond Min-. istera Qulte Hard Hearted. A fow duys ago, whlle an exeurslop from Norfolk *'as ln the clty, n young man. clogelv followed by a self-eonsctous young uii-i," approached ono of the capl? tal pniicmnen and announced thnt ne Vlshed to get married, und asked to be dlreelcd ivto n. mlnlster. The emlftoous; ofllcor polilted otit three Melhodlst rrtlh-. tsters slttlng atl a benoh ln. th* pftt-ltn aha the love lorh sWaln nt once sought out the preaohor. Jla tadkledRev, John T, Bosmali, pnstor ?of the_ Park Place churoh, doublless attracted by hls, be--, novolent faeei nnd InVIIIng alr of cottrlesy, and nnnotinoed hla. deslro. Mr. Bosmnn becnme interested, and doalrod to know when and where the couplo dealred the ccremonv to ba performnd. "Oh, nnywhefn, and just as aoon as you ean," wns tlie reply. The mlnlBtof, wlth an oyo to tha proprletlea of the alluntlon and tba dlg-' nlty of tho proceedlng, aUggeatod :tlmt tho couplo seek somo. moro prlvate flnd'. nttlng plaoe. Thereuport the Lexlngton Hotel wns, selected, _and tho ceremony puiled off ln ttpprovod inaiinor. ' Rev, W. B, Boauchamp, anothor of tho mlnlflterial trlo, wns aoon aftorwards ap proachod by anothor couple on tho same mlflslon. , ... , . "Havo you aecured your Hcenso7 nakod tl'Voll"h'lieri thought I could get that hqre or nlmo8t_anywhero," Unon belng lnformed that ho must get hls nconaoltt Norfolk, the Pro? v? groom was somowlmt porploxod, but fltt allyahnppy thought lllumlned hls eager oountcnance. , _, ?,_,., '"Well, you tlo us up hero nnd woll got tho llcenso whon wo get home, nnivo lyTrheePlmfn.lshtorBffl.' *&*? euppresaed hls mlrth -and lnformed Iho eoupo that thls plan, too, wos out of thejiueBtlon. Then another happy thought camo to tho anxloua, prospectlve brldegroom. "Can't you use tho long dlfltanco lele pliono and got tt llcenso for us In Nor Velng nssurod that thla waa Irrerular, tho couplo turnod nway wlth heavy hoarts and I'eiuotantly poatponefl the nuptlals untll thoy returned to Norfolk, whoro, lt Is presumed, they flnally bocame^ tlotl up. ^*j^4*4._^H?++H?'M*i-M*4+ : Mainly About People :: ?{.+._.+._.+._. * ?_? 4 't ? !? 4 '1- ? fr+4?**+4?M Dr. E. M. Hardy has; returned from Europe. ' ; ??___ Mrs. Jennle Yeomans, who haa beon connected wlth the Byron W. Klng Bchool of oratory thls Biimmor, ond who spent the tlmo conductlng InatltuteB ln New York and Ponnsylvanla, haB returned to the clty, and wlll remaln horo thla Wln ter, ''?"*' Henry W. Stampor, Jr? of Alexandrla,, resldent onglneer In charge of tho Ponn svlvania Rallroad lmprovements botweon Quantlco and Wa8hlngton, has returned Messrs. C. A. Poplc, of tho Stato Bank and W. M. Addlaon, ot the Natlonal Bank of Vlrglnla. wlH leave Wednesday for Cleveland, O., to attend the conven? tion of tho Amerlcan Imitltute. Dr. AV. J. West left yosterday for Roa noko lo attend the sesslon of the Stato Medlcni Soclety. ? ? ?'?] .-_ Mr. Cullen S. Pltt, of Barton Helghts. has left for a vacatlon trlp to Boston and lts viclnlty. i - Tho Masonic Homo Auxlllary wlll meet at 11 o'clock thls mornlng at tho Maaonlc Temple. Mrs. Dr. Wyatt S. Boazley and chll? dren, who havo been spendlng. the paat month ln Greeno county. returned home yesterday. Mrs. AVIlllam A. Bragg, Jr.. and chll? dren, of Petersburg, who have been vislt? lng Afton for the past threo weeks, are the guosts of Mrs. AV. L. Gordon. Mlsses Jnnie and Evn AValsh are homo BKnln, nfter a ploasant month at Crozet, Va. V Mlss Bella- W'alford ls visltlng frlondB at Crdzet. Va. xa z Mrs. St. Julian Oppenholmer nnd chll? dren aro expected home to-day from Fluvanna county, whero they have been vhltlng the past few weeks. Mrs. AV. J. Pnyne, who has been spond? lng the month of August at tho Bed ford Sprlngs, Pa., has returned to her home l:i this clty. -Mrs, AV. H. Davls and her daughter, Mlss Mnudo Mcrccr Davls, huvi. g'ino to N?w Y,.rk. >?? i>. Lrior pleasure trlp. Hon. D. Q. Eggloston, Secretary of tho Commonivt-atth, hno returned to tne city nfter a weok's rost at Hls home in Char jotto county. Mr. .Samuel Bendlt, Unlted'States De pmvMarshal, who haa beun 111, Is stend llv Improvlng, and hls frlends nre hope ful of hls completo recovery soon. Judgo Edmiind AVaddlll. Jr.. who re? turned to Gje clty to attend the funernl of Judge Minor, has gone agnln to the Cold Sulphur SprlngB. A'a., to resume hls recroatlon stny there. Mr. Joseph P. B'rady, clerk of the V. ?. Courts. ls expected home to-day from tho mountnlns of A'lrglnia where ho has been enjoying a fortnlght's vacatlon. Mlss Bornlce M. Stahl will leave tO-<lny for Holllns. Va., where sho entered Hol llns Inatltute to take tho ncademlo course thore. . Mr. Charles O B. Cowardln, a well known young nowspaper man fprmer-ly connected wlth tho press of this clty, but lntor of Staunton, Is in tho city vistl Iiik frlends and relatives. .,',_, .. ? Dr E W. Mngnidor. chemlst of the Department of Agriculture. whp hns been 111 of malarla, a,t Charlottesville, has re? turned to the clty and ls about wo.l nMn"'srs. J. Jordan Leako, KIrkwood Ml cheli and George Alnsllo nnd *Mfn have just returned from * Vh>?e-?^ slnv ln Cnnada, visltlng North Hnttcy, Q,A,l0,-)enndnM.?shH.,S "tfeard and famlly. social acquisitlons. TO RIDE THROUGH FEUD DISTRICTS Salvatlon Army to Employ Cavalry in More Dangerous Kentucky Sectlons. C1NCINNATI, O., Sept. 14.-The flrst use of cavalry ln the Salvatlon army wlll be made this week In a march through ?he feSo dlBtrlcts of Kentucky. Those who wlll rlde wlth Staff Captaln Wllllam EHentt nnd Colonel Rlchard E. Haley, ar Hved he"o to-day In Rough Rlder unl forrris. To-morrow they wlll have a day meeting at AVInchester, Ky. Next day thoy wlll hold meetlngs nt Jackaon nnd wlll start across the mountnlns for meet i-ngs at Salyersvillo, Prestonburg, Flkos '?Ule Hlndman. Hnzard, AVhitosburg and then'oe lnto Tennossee and Vlrglnla. Tho itlnerarv of threo weeks may be extended; The offlcrs ot the Snlvatlon army will be the guests at Jnckson, of former State Senntor Alexander Hnrgla who ls now nt Cynthlann, attondlng tht trlal of Curtls Jet, ____ PJlPLES I trlofl all klnrla of Wnorl romodlea which 'alled {oiiYin'ulnB tha uikT of Hiorn anil reoorainontiina' hoi" to piy frfonrtn. I feol llne yrlian I riso n tl?3 niornhia. i?Icpo t? lmvo u chanco to rocommouil C*fww*". rsd 0. WHUP, W El? Bt? Nawark, N. J, Plauut, PalaUbla, Potent, TaatoOood.P?9?*> Quarutitoed to ouro or r??* wmiey pw1*' v Sterllng Romedy Co., Chlc?|o or N.V. 595 $ Seventy Yeara of Progress The manuf-cture of iGorham Silver requlfed in" 1832 a rnere handiul ot wprk men. To-day over two thousand 01 the most skilled craftsrrien in mt world are occupied iri its production. Jewelera keap lt MONEY PAID PARKS TO PREVENT STR1KE The Orand Jury Returns Two More Indi6tments Agalnst the Walking Delegate. (By Assoclated PrcBa.) NEW YORK, Sopt. 14.-Tho grand Jut to-day returned another lndlctment agalnst 8am Parks, tho walking dclegato, maklng the Jlfth lndlctment found agalnst ' hlm. On ono lndlctment Parks haa beon found gullty. The lndlctment returncd to-day chargei Parks wlth tho extortlon of $000 from the Tlffany Studlcs, on Fourth Avenue . Parks was arralgned beforo Judgo Foa-' tor, and ball was fixod at $2,000, whlch was Immedlately furnlahed. On Decembor 31, 1902, lt is alleged, the men worklng on the bulldings for tho Tlffany concern, alopped work and upon Foreman Louls Scmltt Inqulrlng the cause, ho swears he was told to "Oo and see pArks. Schmltt says.-ln hla affl davlt that he went and saw Parks and was told by tho latter that he was flned #00, "as inltlntlon fee, whlch the unlon demands." Schmltt saya the money was ? pald to Parks at tho latter's home, on Jahuary 5th, and the men returncd tr work. ^fews of ffiaiiroads. j The statement of earnlngs and cxpenaes of the Southern Railway Company for the flrst week in September, wlth com parlaons wlth tho correspondlng week last year, are thuB glven out: Southern rail? way syatern, excludlng the St. Louls LoulBvllle lines for the week of thls year, were $7-12.742, compared wlth JT01.S5?, saine week last) year, an Increase of $40,S8t for the week of 1903. The earnlngs of the St. Louls llnes for the week thla year were $74,718. compared wlth $03,330, an Incroase of $11,388. _ ,, The Norfolk nnd Western Railway car? ried down to the seashore. Sunday on 113, outlng ? traln' 430 pasBengers, There Ib a mlstaaen Improsslon thnt this was uie last Trllby trlp this season, but the man-. agement of tho road announco that they wlll ba continued through the month and poBBlbly Into October, if tbe weather ba favorable. Mr. C. B. Ryan, general passengcr agent of the Seaboard Alr Llno, with hcadquar tors at Portsmouth, Is ln tho clty on om clal buslness. Ho wlll leave for the north to-day. Mr Arthur G. Lewls, Southern pasnen gor 'a?ent of tho Baitlmore and Ohlo Railway, was a vlaltor at the passenger offlces of the Southern Railway. Captaln C. W. Weatbury, dlstrlct passen gor agent of the Southern Railway, is in Washington on buslness of the company; Mr. Nlcholas Slattery, hls chlef clerk, waa ln oharge of the olflco durlng hls -b 86TlCt?. Tho Chesapeake and Ohlo Railway car t-led down on Its Sunday outlng tralna to the seashore cltles and reaorts Sunilay about B00 persons. The season promisca to run later thls year than over before, owlng to tho large patrouage. HER ANNUAL TRIP Mrs. Gill Tntccs Wash? ington Monday. Mrs. Ollls annual fall excurslor,i to Wash? ington. for whlch so many walt. wlll be conducted by hor on next Mon. ay Sop? tomhor 21st.' No trlps are run out 01 R|mhmond whlcli havo in the years past SveTmoVaaUafaetlon ???? ?! For a long Urne sho has ' set the pi? nnd othera have followed. Sho aUends to o?ry detall of tho trlp herself and sees lt ls rlght, sho Invarlably looks after the comfort of her patrona. herself and sho has nover had nn accldent Hor crowd* aro alwayn very largeU?ut:Order ly. Many adtea go wlth her ^ co.t The man '''Washington who Issue. marrlage llcenses has aeen Mrs. Glll b aa vertlsement and has gotten a WJWm of blanka so that none wlll bo dlsnppoln - cd. Tho traln wlll leave Broad nnd Han cock Streets next Monday mornlng at_?.io nncl returntng, leave Washington, W cd7 nosday, 23d, at fl P. M. STRUCK WlTH ROCK Oolored Womaii Serlously Injured by Bflng Hlt Wlth aRock. a renort was recelved at tho Thlrd StatlonP?ast nlght thnt a colored woman ?";J Hnttlo A. Wn ace had beon hlt ln the elde wlth a rock and badjvhurt Upon investlgatlon lt was learned hat Hib woman waa struok on the nlght 01 he Wth whlle walking along, Jnckaon Rreot and that sho la now ln a bad way at her home, No. 706 Prlco Street. Ntw Teelphone Llne. (Speclal to Thn Tlmes-pispateh.) FARMYILLB. VAi. Sept. M.-Work has PonM-nencer on the telephone system to h? hu?lt ln Prlnce Edward apd Cumber i?nri countles b" tho Southsldo Telephone Company, recently organlred,. jn Farm ,V The main llne wlll be built to Bethlehora Church ln Prlnce Edward. connectlng There wlth--the Pamplln Clty and Char iott? courthouse system. and In Cum wi?nS countyI the llne wlll coniiect at ctiWrland Courthouae. wlth a llne to RThom offlcers are Dr. Peter Wlnston, DS'anV.Tt D Eggloaton, vlee-pres dent, S^f'-UnePftrimweae?, ?i W. Venable, neVrotiryand- Kenrier Crowley, who is chulrrnnn of tho .eonstruetlon forces. ?, i a ' , "' Bad Luck WlthMules. fHpeolal to Tlie Tlmes-Dlspatch.) TRUITT. VA., Sept. 14.-Mr. A. B. Ke> ley, a fat-mer, llvlng nenr here, has had ? flne mule. whlch ho was rld ng fox hunt* Ina Patiu-day, tp fall over a log and break Ib neek. ' Mr. Kelley somo. t me ago had afiqtlier flne mule kllled by Ughtnlng. The Bsrtenders Meet. The Bartendera' Unlon, No, 498. held ,?. meetlng Sunday afternoon ln Murphy ? ?IotoAnneX whlch wns well attended by,Ihe membors. Mr. John C Hlckey, natlonal organhser. was present. as a, giieat of the unlon and made an Jn er eatlna nddress to the. unlon. Ha left veaterday for Norfolk. where .he wlll orsanlze a unlon of tha bartendera there. lJt.eal.Noi 498. wlll meet acaln next Sun* day afternoon at 8 o'clock at the ?B? *iex. a speclal seaslon,