Newspaper Page Text
VA. POLiTlCS Saturday's Events Are Widely Dlscussed. UEFEAT OFC. J. CAMPBELL Downfall of Former Judge of Amherst CnOoed No Surprlse?-Nelson's Nominoe a Young Physlclan of Popularl'.y?Vlrglnla Boys. Thore woro sonin stlrrlng and Inler BtBlng events ln Vlrglnla polltlcs on Sat? urday, nnd tho polltlcal tongUes aro stlll wagglng as a result. The defeat of forrnor Judge C. J. Camp? bell, of Amherst, along wlth nll hls ullii's on tho tlckot, ytho flnal iiwardlng of tlie cortlflcato of nomlnatlon to Mr, J. K, Fulton, of Grayson, for Senator over Judge J. R. Mooro, of Patrlck, ln the Slxth DlHlrlct, nnd the result of tho prl? mary ln Nelson, where Dr. Jolin' C. F.vorntt defeated nll hla opponents for tlie House rifter a hot bnttle, nro hII In? terestlng dcvoloptnetits nnd aro goltlnu a falr sliaro of oomment. Judge Camphell's cruslilng defent causod nO general surprlse. though a groat mnny polltlclans hore stlll hnd faltn ln . hla wlnnlng qualltles. Dr. Don Scott. whn wlll represent Amherst In the House, Is un knnwn to fnrne, san-c ns a brlght, modest, young country physlclnn, nnd tho fact thnt he hnd no puollc record. to bo nt tacked and defonded, had much to ao wlth hla1 swceplng . trluinph. .But there were other raiMons for the ehangn of front among tho sturdy moun taln (Vters of Amherst. Cnmpbcll had lolig ruled thp county wlth an Iron rod, accordlng to hls opponents, lnnd lt:cy hullt up a poworful prganlzritlpn de'Slgnod to nrcompllsh hla downfall long before tho campaign opened up inn publlo way. Never was tlicro a hottcr prlmniy con-. test. In Vlrglnla, nnd nover was a rcault hnllod wlth moro gonnlne dollght. by the vlctors. WHO DR. EVBRETT IS. Down In Nel?on there were flvo nsplrnnta for the' Houso. The vlc.tor, Dr. John C. Evorott, comes of one of the most fll.? tlngulshed fnnillles ln Albemarle county. and was born nt Keswlcl;. He ls a young physlclan of much pot> ularlty. nnd n Democratlc londer ?of Iri fluence. > Dr. Everctt haa ,on two former occn aions nsplred to n seat In tho HOuse, but wns each tlme defeated by hls old tlmo nntagonlnt, Dr. A. B. Kltzpatrlclc. This tlme the latter's flag wont, down hefore the forces of the former, nfter one of the hardest battles fought In tne aounty In m;in<--years. The prepent rep rcf.entatl've. llnn. '.V. II, Goodwln, has an noimcod hlsv Intentlon of opposlng Dr. Bverett, but tho latter wlll wlll out. ns the county ls safely Democratlc under tbe now Constltutlon, .nnd tho prlmary left but few wounds to be lienled. Dr. Evorott Is n warm hoartod, engaglng A'lrglnla g?n tloman, nnd ls llkoly to become one of the most popular membors of tho new House. *? POLITICAL COINCIDBNCB. ', The flnal awnrdlng of the cortlflcato ot nomlnatlon to Mr. J. K. Fulton. for Sena? tor ln the Bl-xth Dlstrlct furnlsh'ps'n cotn cJdenc'e of pocullnr pu./uc iritoresf. which' wlll be all strlklng II ho shull boelectod. flime firtecn years ago, two brothers went from Sonthwest A'lrglnla to Lcbanon, O.. to ptudy law. and whon they returned to practlcc. one sottled In Gray? son, and tho other in AA'nrren county. . They havo. now both been put forwnrd for the Sennto by thelr party from thelr respectlve dlstflcts, nnd if thoy shall wln at the poll? In Novemhor, they wlll llkoly bo hoord fitom In tho Senate. AVILL SCRRLV AVIN. There wlll bo no doubt of the electlcn of .Alr. M. J. Fulton up In , the A'alley district. nnd with a proper campaign on the part of tho Democrats. Mr. J. K. Ful? ton will also wln out. It Is understood that whatever may be their personnl predollctlons regardlng the contest lor Unltod States Senator, they both nnnouncod In thelr ennvnsses thnt they would voto for whomsocrer should be endorsed by thelr people In tho prlma rles. The Fulton's are klnsmen of Mrs. Hnnry C. Stuart. and nro among the most sub stantlnl and hlghly respectod young men In tholr respectlve BectlonB. Mr. M. J. Fulton ls the law part nor of Hon. D. C. O'Flaherty. wlth offlces here nnd nt Front Roynl, nnd hls brother ls superlntendent of schools for Grayson county. GREAT BALL GAME The Commlsslon Men Who Wlll Llne Up To-Morrow The commlsslon morchants wlll play hall to-morrow afternoon at Broad-Stroet Park. This wlll be the second encountor between' tho. north nnd Southsldo men, nnd much Interest Is felt. Tho proceeds wlll be glven to a worthy lady who Wlshos to enter the Old Ladles' Homo. The llne-up wlll be as follows; Southsldo?Monroe Lovy. of L. Levy & Co.- P. A. Helndle, of AV. F. Seymour; ?Tom Spratloy, of AV. Ay. Spratley & Co. SERGT. R J. GORDON Troop M, l5th Cavalry, Manila, Phllippine Islands Rendathe followlngapprcclallvn teB tlmonlal to tlie vlrtue? of Cutlcura for dlBtrt'HsIng Bkin troubtes pccullar to that couutry: ? " I wlsh to apcak of the mcrlta of Cutlciira Soap. In the flrst place it has no equal. .1 have been uslng It lorflomo tlme niid I ttnd It to be ad cxcellent remedy for all skln troublcs. I havo been uslng other well known aoaps, but I can truly aay, they are not in It with the Cutlctira. Tlils country is tho place to test the merlta of Cutlcura as ouc Is troubled wlth all klnds of sklu troubles." Mllllons of the world'a-beat people use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Olntmout, for preHervlng. purlfylng antl beautlfylnf? tho akin, for cleanslng the scalp of cruats, acalcs and dandruff, and the stopplng of falling halr, for softenlnp, whltenitHC and soothlnj* red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashea, llchlngs and chaflngs, ln the form of batlis for aqnoying lrrltations and in flammatlona, or too free or ofTensive persplratlon, In the form of waabea for nlceratlvo weaknessea, and many sana tlve, antlseptic purposes which readlly stiggcst. themselvcs to, woraen, espd clally raothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilot, bath and nur sery. Catleare K?me<Ilee ?? ?old: Ihroafkont the *o*i. Cutlcur. ll??ol?eut, JOc. (ln form ol CftoeoUt* Cotted I'illt. U41*' ?iilol>l>). Olnlmeal,e0c..9o?p. Mc. Depolii l/jiidon, k Ckerterhou.e Sq.i Perii. & K_e.dlel.tWUi liodlon. IJ7 ColauiBiu Are. folur Uruj * Chem. Corp., ftctc Vtnn., WBend lor " Tbe Ort?l Bkin Book." S. F. Padgett, of S. F. Pndgett & Co.; AV. H. Curry, of AV. H. Curry _ Co.; L. S. Whitmoro, of L. S. AVhitmore & Co.; P. D. Ov.rton, of Capltal Commlsslon Co. Northslde-R. M. Mclntlre, of J. D. Mc Jntlre &" Co.; E. L. Frost. of E. L. Frost & Co.:'.AV. M. Luck, of VV. M. Luck; L. Boblneon, of Roblnson & Co.; J. T. Pow? ers, of John T. Powers; G., M. McMImm. of O. AV. McMImm & Co'.; L. Crovo, of Ferrero, Crovo & Co.; Tom Pearman, of Montgomery & Co.-, J. C. Page, of J. C. PnKe <fc Co.; Barnoy Bowman. of Bow roan & Co.;"W. T. Hudson, nf Hudson .fc Son. - MAV PLAY HERE Brooklyn League .Club and Virginia University I eam May Meet. ? Managers Bradley and Doiintl, of tho Broad-Street Park. have recelved a letter from the rnannger of tho University of A'lrglnla ball team, In which It Is stated that ho Is negotlatlng wlth the Brooklyn League Club manager.for a game.ln Rioli mond on September 30th. Every offort will he mnde to have tho game come off when Rlchmond rooters wlll bo glven a splendld exhibltlon of the natlonal game. _ Property Transfers, Rlchmond?Benjamin P. Ashton and to Agnes S. XL JJoJarnette, lo lVr-l* feet on east sule of Twenty-nmth Street, la) 10 _-12 feet north of Lel_h, $500. Che'wnlng _ Roso's trustees to Rlchard Gentry, 11W feet on south slde of Cuth erlno Street, 222 1-3 feet east of Hancock, 'iX J. Martln to Marla B., wlfe of AVm. Ehert, 2B feet on south slde or Mar? shall' Street, 20 1-2 feet west of Thlrly l'ourth Street, $2,325'. ? _ ?, AAralter S. Peyton to Norma E.. wlfe ot J R Thompson, 20 feet on east slde ot Eighih Streot, 10 feet south of Proston, %essle nnd Thomas R. Sutherland to H. _ Uenoon. 20 2-3 feet on south slde pf Park Avenue, 01 feet east of Morris SHeenfico-George M. Cayce nnd wlfo to Louls Fondrlck. 30 feet on north slde ot Maln Street. 110 7-12 feet east om Mul bHryL?<Denoon and wlfo to Bessie, wlfe of Thomas B. Sutherland lots 3 nnd 4 ln hlock 11 Barton Heights, $5,000. Jolm Lyforn's ho'rs to George L. Elcner. 15 acres on Barbytown Road. 5 miles be ,OMa>y0An,0Lynoh and others to School BIstHct No. 1. 5 2-5 acres near Dumbarton StSt,pn,AVaddlll. clork of Henrlco County Court to James TI. MIngee, 33 foot on ' l iaI ?? nirilrtv-sepond St"?ef, betw<"n S0ana0.0lnTnamoofCEaau Peterson. for taxes. $33.87._.??-.?_ Annual Examination. Tho annual examination for the post offlco servlce wlll bo held In this city on November 18th in the cuntom hpuse bulld? lng. Appllcatlon 'papers can be secured from H. F. Archor. local aecretary, regls try division, postofflce. COMESTOAN ABRUPT END Prosccutlon of Sherlff Solo mon Wlthdrawn. i THE CEASE CASE DROPS Qrand Jury Falled to Return True Blll Yesterday?Schwonzlngle Indlcted Along Wlth Several Othera-A Tombstono Thlef Jailed, Tho proBccutlon of Bhorlff Slmon Solo rnon, of Henrico county, for allegod dorl llcllon of duty, danie to an abrupt end yosterday mornlng when the plalntlff, tho 1'iiBsengor and 'Power Company, through Ita attorney, mado formal appllcatlon be? fore tho County Court for a dlamlssal of the charges. When tho case was called Mr. More dlth, ropresentlng tho company, arose to atate that it was the dcBlre of hls cllenb to wlthdraw from the prosocutlon, ? Tho Cbmmonwcalth, In tho' porson of Mr. Hoydon.lagreod wlth hlm to drop the mat ter.', On iiccount of hls recent renoml natlon Sherlff Solomon could be removcd from offlce for only two monthH at best and such a prosecution after a practlcnl re-elcctlon would aeem more llke perso ctltlon than otherwlse. Mr. Meredlth fur? ther stated thnt ihe company bolle^ed Ita rlghts had not beon properly guarded dur? lng the strlko and that It had submltled the queatlon to a Jury, whlch had not agreed. Stlll ho beh'evcd that good would come out ot the trlal. Nothing but bene flt to tho ocmpany and to the communlty at large could result from a clcar es tnbllshmont of the law govornlng tho dutles of tho sherlff ln time of rlot and dlaorder. Thus closes one of.the most Interesting of the many Incidents growing out of tho recent strlke. Sherlff Solomon wlns agaln and hls worrles nro probably over now. To-day tho grand Jury wlll meet npaln nnd it wlll conslder tho ciihcs of the three guards charged wlth shootlng Into the crowd at Lombardy and Main Streets. Thls case l's Intlmately bound up wlth that of the sherlff. If the yranrt Jiiry returns true bllls agalnst the men tho trlumph of Mr. Solomon wlll bo com plete. If It decs not the company wlll score a polnt, Tho prosent grand Jury term Is one. of tho largest and most Interesting ov?r held In the county. A great many Impor tant caess aro up ln addltlon to tho ono above mentloncd, and tho proceedlnes wlll bc watched with tho llvollost ln? terest. At the sesslnn of Ihe grand Jury yester? day several Important matters were con aldered. The Jury falled to return a trae blll agalnst young Harry Snyder, charged with shootlng hln brother-In-law, Mr. .1. S. Cease. ln thla manner, one of the most sensatlonal cases in the county for several years comes to an end. La Huyle and Sch'wartz, the two men charged wlth shootlng at an Oakwood car, also escaped wlthout Indlctments. True bllls were brought agalnst the followlngi Jullus Schwnrzlnger, charged wlth shootlng Into cars .durlng the strlke,, cnne set for the 21st;' J. Ryland .Martln. -harged wlth lllegally obtalnlng llcenso to marry Mlss Molly Yarbrough, caso set for the 18th; John Nelson, charged wlth tho murder ot Thomas Whltefan, caso set for the 23d; James A. Roane. charged wlth break Ing Into the cars of the Chesapeaka and Ohlo, cases set for the 16th; Wllllam Young, charged wlth housebreaklng, casn set for tho 2Cth: Neale Gasklns, charged wlth housebreaklng, case set for the 17th; Ernest Gllbert, chnrged wlth assaultlng Da'i-ld Gary, case set for the 17th; Moses Gunn, charged wlth blgamy, caso set for tho 19th. Tho prand Jury wlll meet agaln thls mornlng to concludo lts work. John Frozler. the negro keeper of, Blshop's .old burylng-ground, charged wlth robblng tho graves, was trled yes? terday beforo 'Squlre James T. Lewla, and was glvon slx monthB ln Jall. Fra zler, ns told Sunday mornlng, was no cused by John Balrd (colored) of havlng stolen and sold for $7, the marble slab to be placed over tho gravo of Balrd's father-ln-law, Jofferson Miles, In Ever groon Cemotery. The story Is one of the wolrdest that has ever nomo to tho at tentlon of the county offlcers. The account glvon In court yesterday was substantlally tho samo ns that prlnted ln thls paper Sunday mornlng. The school sesslon In Brookland Dlstrlct began yesterday. Tho prospects for a flne year aro very brlght. VA. HISTORICAL SOCIETY An Interesting Meeting of that Body Held Saturday Evening. The flrst meetlng of the Exocutlve Cominlttoe of the vlrglnla Hlstorlcal So clety after the summer recoas. waa held Saturday nlght at the soclety's house, No 707 Enst Franklin Street. Thero wore prosent Vlce-Presldent E. V. Valentlno Ir. the chalr, and Messrs. Moredlth,- Chand lor, Rlchardson, Patteson, Brooke and Stanard. ? _ ? After an Intorval of more than two months the report of tho correspondlng secretary and Ubrarlan was of somo Itnglh. About a hutv r/iii i,?okB iiliil pnmphlels hftvo beon nddcrl tn the llhrary and dnrlllg tho Btiinm,.,- n H),,.CLnl r.ffort hns beon mado lo collecl nnd itrmngo tho ptililloatlpns of nthor hlstorlcftl ro cietlos, nnd thoso ot oih,.r Btntoa, ns well ns tho vnrlous nlstprlcal imnrnMtiMs not pilbllshed by, soclotlns. Alnoitg thnsn whloh have been ?n mr niningpd -.iro fhoreorless completn Pftsmf thn publlca tlons of tho hlsloiiciil socletles of Liolu wnro, Cnllfornla, New Ynrk South Cnro llna, Mnlh_;* TOXIlBi Ncbrnakn, uiili, itiul Mnrylitnd; the New? Joreoy Afehlvofi, ftiir vurd, Johns Jlopkliis m,d Unlverslty ot I'onnsylvanla blibllcttllnna; Amei-lunn llls torlcal Assocfatl'jn, Arneiiciii lllstorcal HevleW, Jowlsh I Isiorinii Sonloty, Now Kngland Hlstorlcal and Oenoalbglcrtl Br> clely (slnce 1M0). Atnnrleah Historlcn.l Mngnzlno (Nashvllle), Southern HltltoM. Arsoclfttlon (WftShlngtnnj, the Mlato.'loal Mngnzlno (Dnwsons), aecond nnd thlrd soricH; the Ks.?'X lliatlltitv nn I a number i>f othors. The socloty h.m ,i large num? ber of unbound coples nf tho puldlctitlons of varloUH socletles, and w?rk nn these, as'well Us to comploto all tlio other sots, Wlll bo contlnuod. Through tho klndnosn nf Mrs. Fletchor II. Archor, of Potersburg, tho wldow of tho gnllrint Colonel F etchor II. Archor, the nocloty haa come Intn thn poaaeaalon of the tlng prosonted nl lha beglnnlng of the Mexlcnn Wnr lo tlio "t'elerHburg Voluntoers" by the ladlca of that olty, and bnrno by the conipnny llirougliout Ihelr aorvlco ln Mcxlco. '~ils vnltied reiic wlll be most carefully preservod. Mr ?' I. WIIHiimst'ii. cf Itichmullil, l.ns deposlted wlth tho Bocloty us a lonn n flno portralt of Washington by Sttiarl. Thls has boen hung In the irnnt room, nnd ndds groatly to tho Inlen-Hllng Wash? ington coflectlon alroaily thom. The soclety ls Indohted tn Mr. A. W. Weddcll, ono of Its membors, rur a caso lo hold tho card Index tn the Vlrglnla books, and for havlng tho cards typo wrlttcn. ' Tho llag montioned was shown to tho commlttee. It Is a large nnd hanusomo battlo flag, with tho usual strlpcs; but In the place of tho IJnlrui It Iuih on ono aldo tho Vlrglnla arms and on tho nthor an eaglo, wlth a scroll In hls niouth, boarlng the lnsorlptlon. "Prcsented to the Petorshurg Mexlcan Voiuntcers by tho ladles of thls town," and beneath Iho cngle a label, Inscrlbod, "Tho Petersburg Mexl? can Voiuntcers." Tho textiire of tho llag Is so wonk from ago that -somo melhod of protcctlng lt from further lnjury wlll have to be dovlsed boforc It can be ox hiblted In th-j r> 'r.--. Tho correspondlng secretary reported the recelpt of a very valuuble document. The owner of the irianuscript has deposlt? ed with tho soclety. wllh pcrmlssion to publlsh, the orlginal voatry book of Klng Wllllam Parlsh, the parlsh of tho Hu guenot Bettlers at' Manoklntown, extend Ing from 1707 to 1769.- Most of this record Is in French, and the biTulr Ta full of well known Huguenot names. A subconT.nltteo was appointed to conslrler the rrm-er of tbe pufclioatlon of the vestry book. ? It wns declded that tlie annual meot ing should be hold on Frld.i.s, Decnniber 20, lMJ. <"in thls i ccasl m Rlg;h: ",ttv A \l Knn.lolph wlll denver iho annuut ad ilros.x. BIshop Rnndolph's eloqucui'o and lt-amlng .nmke i: cert.iln ;li .i thls ad? dresa wlll be ono of rare value and ln? terest. Tho followlng now mpmbers and sub scrtbers were elected: Mr. J. T. Huff mnater, Te>|xs; Jdrs. James Herncon" Llghtfoot, Washington, D. C.i Mrs. Jesslo A. Boyle, Iowa; Mra. Lomax Groen, vlr? glnla; Mr. John Bland Mayo, New York; Rov. Bakor P. Lee, D. D., Kentucky; Mrs. James H. LeGrand, Texas; Mr. J. L. Powell, Washington, D. C; Mrs. Jamos ?Pryor Carvln, Kentucky; Messrs. L. W. and E. G. Cullen, Vlrglnla, and tho Fenn sylvanLa State College., METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOLS Fine Meeling Held Supday at the High* land-Park Church; Tho regular rnonthly meotlng of the Methodlst Sunday-School Soclety of Rlch iiiaiiu \>js neid fciunday afternoon,,at Hi'gh land/ Park Church. "Tho Rev. W. A. Cooper, of St. James ,Church, offercd tho openlng prayor. Hon. 'John Barub dellv ered a splendld address, whlch was hlgh ly appreclated by all present. Tho singlng by thercholr was excellent aa was also two beaXHIfiil s'olos rendered by.MIss Ellzabeth Pqmberton. and littlo Louiso Austln. - Recltatlons were dellvor ed by Mlss Josle. Scott-'and littlo Louis Clay Yarbrough.,- whloh were much en joved. The next meetlng of the socloty held on the second Sunday In Oc? tober.' at Fairmount Methodlst Church. The schools reported aa follows, vlz; Unlon Statlon.853 323 38 $24 01 Fairmount Avenue.... 611 250 40 27 13 Denny Street .402 229 E0 1-1-10 Clay Street .379 132 33 33 oo TJiturel Stroet . 303 154 42 1716 Trlnltv . 32? 125 3s 14 *? Broad Street ..*? 301 103 30 12 ?3 St James . 283 111 39 176 ir.8 Asbury^'.. .109 ?? 32 ' :7 ? HlghlandPark .127 72 57 7 03 Mlssion . 8? 62 <__________-! CLERICUS MEETS Episcopal Minister to Hold Tent Mis sion on Church Hill, The Episcopal Clovlcus met yesterday mornlng at St. James' Church for tho flrst tlmo slnce the summor vncatlon. Nearly all of the mlnlstors have ro? turnod to tho clty, and aro back at work agaln. Tho attendance at tho open? lng meetlng was qulto largo. An interesting conference was hold on tho duestlon of holdlng a tent mlssion pn Church Hill. It was decUled to start the work as ponn as posslble and a commlt? tee wns appolnted to make all necessary arrangements. The commlttoo conslsta of tho Rev. Robert A. Good wln nnd tho Rev. O. Otls Mead. ? ,'-.:,. A commlttee, conslstlng of tho Rov. J. J Gravait and the Rev. W. E. Evnns, D D wns appolnted by tho Clerlcus to draft sultahle resolutlons of regret at tho death of Rev. Rucknor M. Randolph, lato rector of Emmariuel Church, In Henrico county,_ Lady Maccabe'es, Rlchmond Hlve. Nol 8, Lady Mnccnbeos, wlll hold thelr i-ogular revlow Tuea? day Sepjomber 15th, at 8 o'clock P, M. A full attendance ls deslrod, nnd a good tlmo promlsed to all who attend. Doivt Neglect Your HesJth. 1468 Second St., LounmLMt, Kt., April 14, 1903. I have been woak and stokly for the past four years, cawscd by irregnlnrity and carolessness regarding tho lawa of health, but about five months ugo my wndition becamo very Borious. I had aevero backache nnd Btiflered a constant dull pain m my head. I loet my appotite and be came estremely nervous aud irritable. I spent weary, palnful days, and miserablo, restleaa nights. The ooc'tor told me that I must have patience aa I had a uerioas caseof inflummation of tho bladder and utarug and he preecribecl un iniectioii as.well as a tonic. His medicino did not, however, give mo even temporary relief and as 1 hfW beon told of the curativo qualities of Wino of Cardui I docided to try it. I found that it relieved me of pain. As my general heaJtb improved my othor troubles were uTadually diminiBhed and after flve weeks use of 'the - * ? 7./ jl. Wine of Cardui I waa once more a wejl and huppy woman. 7?t* ? ///. (Mju-^vmj mn&GMimi How oan a woman who is follyitware of tho danger amiinovitable consequonoes hos itate for a moment to seek rolief when her uionstruation begius to be painful or irrogular P Wino of Cardui is a oertain ouro for these, daugerous irregultirities- ft rogulates tho lnonstftuU (low, banishes headaches, buckachea and bearing-down |??ns. &overo headoohes, bearhjg-down pains, jndigestion, loss of appetite aud nervousness: ara very Btiro eymptoms of fomalo weakness and should lw given prauapt aUentiou, ? you wo troubjed with pienstrual IrrogplariUes, do not lot thoix^run. 0u. They will certtUniy giow lnto dangerous aud phronio troubles, Get a bottle of Wino of Cardui aml Pogin treatmcnt at cmoe, AW druggistt sell #;.00 botfles of Wine ot Cardui. HHS. U M. TnOMPSOW,' Director, Be*tboveu Muslcal Soclety. Before YOU Home THE OCTOBER NUMBER, now on the news-_tands, answers squarely the queftion of supremacy among the magazines for woman and the home. In your selettion of a magazine you may choose from two classes?those you need ancj those you read for recreation?or else you take THE dELINEATOR and combine both. lf the word "necessary" is susceptible of a superlatlve, THE DELINEATOR is beyond all question 'the "most necessary" of all the magazines published for Woman. Nine hundred thousand families proved this to be so last month; and each month bnngs its new thousands ot members into the ever-growing DELINEATOR FAMILY. Among the fashions it is the "mosT: necessary" becauseit is all the fashion magazines, with their mistakes eliminated?their exaggerations correded, andthe really successful novelties stampedwith the seal of authontative approval? for if it is pictured in THE DELINEATOR it is "good form. It is equally the "mos. necessary" in the Nurserv-^in the Sewing-Room?in the Kitchen?throughout the whole house and out-of-doors in city and m country. The partial list of contents below can only hint at the interest underlying every line. The Evolution of a Club Woman. by Agnes Surbridge, begins in this number. * It is an autobiography and is the predicled success of the year. J. C. Hemment, the world-famed camera expert, begins one of the most remarkable series of photographic articles ever presented. They relate to hU personal adventures at home and in toreign lands. The Silent Partner, by Lynn Roby Meekins; A Florida Cracker, by Virginia Frazer Boyle, are promment among the fidtion features, while the departments are. fuller than usual of ?he good tbings, with special interest centenng in the ch_ dren's page. If the "most necessary" of the magazines for Woman is that one which helps most in every hour of "her" day and brings its after-hour of fascinating leisure-reading when the day is over, then, surely, "JUST GET THE DELINEATOR." Of your newsdealer or any Buttenck agent at fifteen cents a copy, or of the publishers, one dollar for an entire year. THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY. LTD.,' 17 W?t Thirtenth Street. New Y?l We are Richmond Agents for The Delineator and all Butterick Publications and Patterns. Fourqurean, Temple & Co. JUDGE J. H. 1NGRAM ORMR.W.A.MONCURE City Lawyers to Nomlnate Judge Minor's Succes sor To-Day. A great battlo wlll' be fought out be? tween the lawyers of tho clty to-day, when tlioy meet ln the nssemoly room of the Chamber oC Commorce at noon to nomlnate to Governor Montnguo tor ap pomtment n cundidate for Judge Minor's succesfcor-on tho bench of the Law nnd Equlty Court. Judge L.. L>. Lewls has boon selectod to preslde at tho meeting. nnd all whlto prnctlclng lnwyera of tho city, whether membors of the associatlon or not, wlll be entltled to pnrtlclpnte In the meotlng. The only cnndldates aro Judgo John H. Ingram, lof tlie Corporatlon Court of the clty of Mniichoster, nnd Mr. Wi C. Mon oure, of the ilrm of Smlth, Moncura & Gcrdon. .-'.'. Both men nre admlttedly well equtpped for the plnce, nnd lt ls now Inrgely a questlon of which enn .command tho r,i enter number of votea iimong their con temporarles nt tho bnr. Judgo Ingrnm ls n Jurlst who has already nttnlned to distlhgulshed eml nenco on the bench, whlle Mr. Moncuro Is recognlzed ns.a lawyer of wldo lenrnlng und nblllty nnd n mlnd which has a de clded judlclnl turn. ' The frlends of both tho nsplrants nro hard at work. nnd nro puttlng up strong clulms for tholr mpectlvo rnvorltes. Ench slde clnlins enough votes to noml iiruo nnd the result promtsos to he very close. It is belloved that Oovernor Montagno wlll he gulded by the nction of tho law? yers to-tlny, nnd that Hls Bxeoltoncy wlll iiame wlmever shall bo choson lu tho meeting'. Tho appolntmont of the Oovernor wlll hold untll the nsk-eninllng nf tho Loglslii ture on Novomhor 12th, whon u biiooobsqp to Judgo Mlnor wlll bo oloetod. Sacrecl Henrt School. Tho thlrd annual session of Sncrcd Heart School begnn yostorduy. I.iist year over '.'M pupils woro enrolled, n gnln of 100 per cont. over tlie llrst session. This school |ti ln charge of tho Slsters o( Oliurlty nf Niizereth, ono of tha most successful leachlng liodles In tlils eoiui try. Mnny Improvoinents linvo lieon riddod tlils session and tho course ln llHiroughly modern In every respoct. W. C T. U, Oonvent'on, An excolloiit lltornry nnd musicnl pro Brainme hns been iirrnngod hy thn Kx <!iitlve Honi-d of tho AV. O, T. U., No. ?, for u publlc iiu-etlng, Septomber 15th. nt 8 ,,',-lodc P, M.. ut Thlrd-Stroot A. M. E, Churoh. Tho pnstor niul other woll known spealters und slngprs wlll inuKo Iho oxorclses of groat liiloroat to all. Come. VQU al6 woJeumo. No admlsslon fee, The moinboi's und frlends wlll also meet on Soptuniber 10th. at -1 o'clock I'. M.. iit r.olgh-Streot M. E. Churoh. Mr. Dunn Renoverinp. Mr Gnrnett Dunn, who has beon 111 at the Vlrglnla Huspllul, Is Jinpiovliig und now on thu rnpld ro;ul to rppavory. much to thu dollght of lll? wa?V frlends. Horse-Show Vehicles A FINE LINE OF THE LATEST DESIGNS IN Runabouts, Traps, Victorias. Carts, fire. Now ls the ttmo to got rondy for tho HORSE SHOW. Wooan fl- you. R. N. BOSHER'S SONS, 15 S. Nlnth Street. REPAIRING AND REPAINTING PLATE CAMERAS. wumfff LaBt week wo ndvertlsed 9 Plato Cameras nt different prices; four of theso nro all wo havo left. Don't loao this opportunlty to get a hlgh-grade Camera bolow cost. Cnt. Prlce. Sale Prloe. PONY PREMO. No. 2, 4x5.?"-00 $ 7.00 PONY PREMO. 5x7.25.00 17.00 CYCLONE, 3HX4U. 7,00 4.00 RAY, No. 1, 5x7. 26.00 17,00 ALBUMS, Brownle Camera .i? Also a gonoral nssortmont of dlfforont. slzo Albuma nt same reduotlon. Mat Cnrds, Blnglo photos, 12o. dozon; doublo, 25o. dozon. Rochestor Carrylng Cases at one-half llst prlce. THE S. GALESKI OPTiGAL G0. Nlnth and Main St*. asmuBmmwMwmmmmmMwmm iiihiimhhhh Automobiles! I HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF THEM ALL. Either GASOUNE, ELECTRIC or STEAM. NEW and SECONDHAND. B. A. BLENNER, Priu'tlctil Mnohinlsfc, Autotnohllo Denleruml Roputrer. Miiohlno Bhop, :H0 N. Fifth Streot. Kepoaitory, 807-1100 N. Kluventh Stroot. UiitaloBiioa aml uxpert nplnlon glven wlthout charga 'Phono 888. CHESTERFIELD LUHCH ROOMS. POPULAR PRICES HiiST ^rvice, Opori TlK'sday, Sopfc. 1,08 lUOJI K. Mnln St. SPECIAL 25c PINNKH, ldto3P. M Stenorgraphers Supplltd for un>- miu-lilue. We kaep uperknced opcre* tura alivaya uu c-uII at our ufllcu. No ci>ur?-u fat uur M-rvlivs. i;,.?il iteuufrapliera atiuulil luara tla-lr ailUri-wca. SOUTlIKIt'N 8TAMP AND STATIONBBX CO. ? PUQUI lSt>5. Butlra Hldj... Twelra-SI* M?l*i AliJiuioud. Va.