Newspaper Page Text
MAYSPEED CAKNONBALL Ordlnance of Town of Wake fleld Overruled by Judge. THE D1AMOND THIEVES Neyv York Detoctives Come to Peters? burg for th. Mulalto and Porto Rican Youths Who Stole Mrs. Herter's Jewols?Notos. nnd Western agalnst tho town of, Wake fl.ld Vn . perpotuatlng the Injunotlon E'evously grahted reslra nlng the en forwrnent of an ordlnance passed by the Councll of Wnkelleld festrlctlng tho spced W traln runnlng through the town to slx ^"jdgeHancock sald ln hls declslon thnt the ordlnance ls unrensonablo, and jthore fcre vold; that If the Councll of Wnkefte d could rostrlct tlio runnlng of tralns 1o s x mlle? an hour lt could require trnlns to run at a spocd ol only one mlle an hour; thnt such an ordlnnnce would be in vlo Intlon of the chartered rlghts of the rnll rood. nnd thnt tho Leglsloture, much tho lefs n town councll, could not enact n lnw nffoctlng such rlghts. Judgo| W. H. Mann nnd Mr. Georgo S. Bernnrd representod the rallroad and Mr. Hclland tlie town of Wakofleld. The court adjoiirned Ull October 6th, the tlmo set for tho sult of R. "Wallnco Colller for ?10,000 damages iigninst tho Vlrglnla Passenger and Power Compnny. Tl-IB SOCIAL.ISTS. Mr. J. J. Qunntz, clty orgnnlzer of tho Eoclnllsts in Rlchmond, wns ln Peters? burg to-day for the purpose of orgnnlsdng the Soclalhvts ln thls clty. There Is at present no organlzatlon In Petersburg nnd riot many nro known here to favor soclal lstic doctrlnos, Detectlve Sorgennts Dnrlng nnd Relley, of the New York clty Detccth-e Bureau. carried to New York thls afternoon liiifua "Worrell, a mulntto, and Nnrclsao JJ'olix Roberlo, tho Porta Rlcan youth, who were arrested In thls clty Inst week charged wlth steallng Jewolry worth $10,000 from Mrs. P. J. Herter, of Now York clty, whero Worrell wns omployed. The negro at flrst Rnld that Marcellus Bpencer, of Now York, wan tho tlilef, but beforo he left Petersburg ho ennfesx ed to tho robbory. They onrrled tho prls> oners by wny of tho Old Domlnlon stenm shlp llne. Captaln Robert S. Eclos wns In Potors- j burg thls mornlng, maklng tho first trlp , to thls clty slnce the wreck of hls trnln nt Dunlop's stntlon In Juno. He came over on tho Canrion Ball behlnd tho on glne. whlch wns wrockod at tho tlmo. thls belng the flrst trlp of tho englno also slnco the wreck. THE SCHOOD ROLI,. The enrollment of scholnrs at tho pnb llc schools ln thls clty to-day shows a do crense ot 181; whlto, 147, colored 37. Tho recent order of tho Hoalth Departmont denying enrollment for two months to nny pupll who had su'ffbred an ntlack nf dlphtherla or nny cbritnglou's dlsoase ex been In a homo where such disease cx isted was partly the cause. Tho enroll mciits to-day wero Hlgh School, 1S4; An? derson, 710; Enst Ward. 132; Slxth Ward, 127; total, 1,183. Cnlorod schools: Peabody, 622; .lones Street, -Hl; Lombard Street, 197, and jefferson Street, 04; lotnl, 1,291, mnklng the total enrollment ln the publlc schools ln thla clty, 2,477. Mr. W. J. Huwltt. representlng tho I.alghton Carnlval nnd Firowprks, Com? pnny, was In Petersburg to-day maklng urrnngements for tho nppcaranoo of hls compnny in thls clty for a week, begin nlng September 2Sth, under tho ausplees of the Petersburg Flro Department. A flro on Hallfax Street this mornlng dld small damngo to a houso occupfrsd by Mlss Emma Wood. Mr. Thomas G. Ijqntti, of Rlchmond, wns In Petersburg to-day, Mlss Mary Pleld returned lo Petersburg after'a dellghtful stay at Blacksbiirg. Dr. Hendorson, who, for seven yoais, ?wns nsalstnnt physlclan nt Contral State Hospltal, has t*ntered4'.upon hls dutles as flrst asslstant p"nyslblah at Enstern State Hospltal. Mrs. John A. Cpko, Jr,, of Rlchmond, returned to that clty thls afternoon after a stay of a few days wlth hor mother, Mrs. W, H. Hrirrlson, In Petersburg. A FREIQHL WRECK Merchandise Strewn About and Track Blockod. (Speclal tn Tho Tini08-1)1 spntch.) LYNCHBURG, VA., Bept. 14.-Tho track of tho Chesaponke and Ohlo Railway bo tweon here nnd Gmdstono wns blockod ull duv yesterday by tho wreck of nn eastbpund frelght trnln at a polnt be? tween Slx-Mlle Bridge and Ji.mes Blvor Bridge. Passongor trnlns had to trusfer at tne scene of tho wreck, and lt was nlght before the traok wns oleared, Tho ?wreck occurri-d lnto Saturday nlght und was cliused by tho flango of a Whoel breaking. This doralled ono car, nnd Jn dolng so. lt ls suld. tho track was hent. As tho otber cars came along some would leave the traok and pllo up nlonijslde it, whlle a fow c<" tiuuod ou tln-lr wny uiist. One roport ls to tho effect thnt only ten or flflecn cars were wrockcd whlle an? other glves twenty-three ns the number. The cars were loaded wlth merolinndlse, nnd there was a terrlflo moss of gooda strewn all around. Fottunatoly nu ono was hurt. PASTORS GO SLOW Look lnto the Questlon of Social Clubs Lady Hurl. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmes-Plspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Sept. H.-~Al tho Pns-. tors1 Conterenco IIiIh mornlng, It wns deelded tp BO S^iw nlmui n local option olectlon, owlng to tho roporta about tho operallons of ihe social flubs. Rov. w. O, Tolbert waa appointod to Intorvlew promlnent leg?l Iqlenl on the Mnnn inw and Rev. 11. J. Hognn was appolnjted to go 10 Danvlllf- und SPO how local option ond social o)llb? workeil there, Mrs. Rallard (inrst foll from ttll olectile car yesterday und was serlously Injurod. Eb<! hud Just got ten Oll the car an\ mlgslng her pocKetbooK, atepppq BP the running )-"-i?<) to get off nnd Col), etrlk. Ing fan- downwBrd on tlie rocks. Slm was plcked up unconsclOUB nnd taken to the jiospltal, Pliyslc-lana say sha la suf fering from concuaalon ?f ti?- braln and li is h-Hii-n ber skull was rracturcu. FIREMAN STRUCK BY AN OVERHEAD BRIDGE (Speclal to Tlu- Tlmes-Pispaleh.) CHAKI/3TTKSVJLLE, VA.. Bept. H-? Mr. fleorgu 1'arln-r, Of Alexandila, flie inun on tho Boutlnin Hallwuy paBsenger traln No. 6, was probably fatally lnjuu-d lierp thlB afternoon. Ab tho traln pulled lnto the Union Statlon. J'arker, who was cllmbing over tho tendt-r, was strue'k by the overhead bridge nnd knockod down on the buinpere between tho car*-. Oon cusslon of Ihe brnln is fonrod.. 1'arkei w?? orlglnally from RoailOkP, whero ht was ernploycd on.tho Norfolk and Wwbt BTJ?, lio bua u wli't; und k*u wh'ld. She can'i En|oy The TJnlcss she ls ? henlthy mother. No woman enn. If the baby has drained her vitaHty; if its care is a tax; if, in short, the baby is u burden lnstend of a blessing, how can she enjoy it? She loves ft. but she ennnot feed lt. Slio ycarns for it, but has not the strength to fondle it, . L-., .. There is nothiiig more beautlful in tne world than a licalthy mother aud her heakliy child. The maflonria is the hiehest rench of ltttmnn art. In the serene strength which art gives to the typicnl mother nnd child there is distinct deiiial of suffering and wenkness as a necessity of molherhood. But how few women are there to whom motherhood is lialtirnlly au abiding joy. Ia how mnny cases n woman dates her loss ol health from the birth of her child! lo nll such suffering women Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prcscriptioti comes as a ventnble eod-send. lt prepares the mother for her hour of trial, tranguilizes her ncrves, encourages her nppetite, and brings her restfttl sleep. It makes the baby's ad vent practically painless, and gives the mother abundant strength to uurse aud notirish her child. Every claim niade for "Favonte Pre scription " is supported by the testimon ials of wives and inothers, thousands in number, nnd coverlng in their several experiences the whole range of womanly stvfferiug. In n great number of qases after the utter failure of nll doctors nnd medicines, Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Pre scriptiou, tried as a last resort, has cf fected a perfect and permnnent cure. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All womanly con fidences held under the seal of strict professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffnlo, N. Y. There is no alcohol in "Favonte Pre scription" and it is entirely free from opium', cocaiue, aud all other uarcottcs. Botwson Ute and Death. ?I thlnk Dr. Pierce's Knvorlte Prescrlptlon nnd SOoldeii Medlcal Discovery' the best med? icines lu the world," writeB Mrs. Amelln nough crty, of Kerrignu, Wnyne Co., Mo. "My bnby was born lnst summer. After beby came I be came 111, hnd tlie best physlclan thnt could be got, nud hediagnosed my cnse ns uterlnetroulile teiiding to dropsy. Medlctne seemed to do me no good; I Hngered between llfe and death for qulte n whlle, every day growlng weaker, untll I could not walk ncross the room. My frlcnda were lookiug for my death'every minute. A friend wrote and told me nbout Dr. R. V. Pierce, and I at once wrote to hlm lor medlcal ndyice. He rcpHed iinmedlntely, givlng me full Instruc tions as to whnt to do. 1 nt once followed hts ndvlce, nnd when I hnd taken his medlcine about n week J felt a good deal strongcr. When 1 had taken lt about one inotitli I felt as strong ns I clo to-day. I took four bottles of each klnd nnd two vlals of 'l'leasant Pellets.' Many thanks for tlie mcdiclne. It has cured me per luauently." Galnod #0 Pounda. ?I iiq very gltid to let other poor sufferera know what Dr, rlerce's medlclues have doue for me," wrltes Mrs, Edwln H. Onrdner, or , Becchwood, Norfolk Co., Mnaa., Box 70. ?"\ou 1 know I wrole to you summer. I rend wnnt ?vour medlclne lind doue for other people, so thought I would try lt, nnd I found thnt is was a bleasing to me nnd my famlly. 1 began >'? Juue and look slx bottles of your medlclne, nnd tluee vlals of ' Pellets.' I took your medlclne a year when I hnd n ten pound glrl. I had the ensiest time I ever had wlth any of my thnie children. I hnve been very well slnce I took your medl? clne. I took three bottles of' Favorlte Prescrip tion,'three of'Golden Medlcnl Dlscovery,'nnd three virils of'Pelleta.' I had no appfltite nnd could not eat much wlthout lt dlitres.iing me before l took your 'Fnvoritc Preacrlptlou' and 1 ouly welghed 135 pounda. Now I weiga 175 pounda.!! Dr. Piercc's Pleasant Pellets commend themselves as a fauiily laxatlve. They are easy to take, efTectlve in results, and tbeir use does not beget the plll Uabit. THE SHOOTING WAS JUSTIFIABLE C. D. Abernathy Acquitted of the Charge of Murder. (Spcci'nl to TJio Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., Sept. I4.-C. D. Abernathy, who shot hls nephew, Henry Abernathy, August last, InOletlng wounds from whloh the young man dled, has been ncqultted on tho charge of murder by Justlce Hall, of Groeneavllle county ?u tho ground thnt the shootlng wns .ustl liah'le, Tlio cnso recently camo before the County Court, but wua sent back to luwor court ou account of a dofecttve wnrrant. Abernathy dlscovercd thnt thloves had otitered hls storo and trnoklng thom, came up wlth two mon, who started to run on IiIh npproaeh and failed tn halt nt Jila i-ommuiiil. Ho flrod, Inlllallng a, deadly wound on his nephew, nnd dld not know Who It wns ho hnd Injured untll hc reachod tho young man. Some of tho Htolon ni'tleles wore found :,ii hlm, Abernathy Immotllutoly went for ini'dU.-ul ald und surremlered hlmself. Ho vislted hls nephew whllo ln tho hos pltal ln Petersburg and wns dooply af I'vcted by the nffulr. Ut, was defendoci by Mr. P. H, Drewry, nf this olty, The Commouwoalth'a at? torney of Grbenesvlllb repreaented the Stato, LYNCHBURfl'S SCHOOLS OPEN Session Begins Wlth Large Enrollment. Looklng for Bradley, (Speclal to The TlmeK-rilspntch.) l.YNt'JIUl'HO. VA., Sept. H.-The pub? llc Bohoois of Lynchburg openoc] to-day, 'j'he attondance ls tlie laigest ln tho hla? tory of Ihe aohoola. 'I'he uullioj'llles pf Nelsou are now look Ing for u negro iiumed Frank lliadluy, who hails from Rlchmond, nn,] who la cliiiiged wlth helpln/; lo murder Wllllam 1'. Uarrlss on n frelght trnln near i','lad Ktone, It ls sald that ho wns wlth ihe two nugiocs, Low Young nud U'llllum Murphy, who huvo been arrested for the crlme. -?~. Brunswlck Registration. (Speeml to Tho Tlmes-Plapivlch.) l.A-\VRENC!EVJI.LB. VA-, Sept. 11, ~ The ri-glsirotlnn books nt this Pfoelnct wero clofcoil Thursday nlght wlth andltlon o( ii nauies to tlie "??'? of YOton. Lttllo Interest seemed to be shown. n? thero Vi-pro sald io bo 70 or moro ellglblu aud t.ouiu livlng ln tha town, falled to jegla ter. No eoiort-d peraon wub rejrtstoiud ut thU SflUlng, A NOBLE PATRIARCH CALLED ATNINETV-SIX The above picfcure represents the late Mr. Asa Ohumbley, of .Montgomery county his son, grandson ?nf.v nrirl is a well-known member of the Virgima Synod. , (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspateh.) , , RADFORD, VA., Sept. 14,-Mr. ABa Chumley, who dled at the home of hls son, Mr. Robert Chumley, near here, last Thursday nlght. was at once tho oldeat and one of the most remarkable men ln Pulaakl county. He almost rounded out a century, and leaves flfty descendants, and what ls yet) more remarkable ts the fnct that In all thls great famlly there have been only two doaths prevlous .to hls ln aaxty-flve years-that.?^$^$_ acon after marrlage, and that of n? wire '"h? was born in 1808 on the banks ot New Rlver, wlthln the present llmlto ot Radford, hls father belng from Amella county and hls mother from Nottoway. S&X" UlTco^otton of tha old EAf tt'aTo'of eleven. havlng lost both faVher and mother. ho went to llva wlth Mr Isnac Hudon. of Pulaskl, and learned thHef w4Cr8marileed at th.rty. hls be Ing Mlss Ellm Hudson, of AuguBta. A few months later he settled n Pulaskl. whero he acqulred conalderable property and reared flvo sons.^^ CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD. Durlng the Clvll War he was a captaln ln the Home Guarda, and four of hle f ve sons were In the Confederate sorvico, three ngl.tlng the entlre four yjiri,Wo In tho Stonewall Brigade and one ln Gen? eral Lee's body guard, Mr. Chumbley unlted wlth the Preaby terian Church ln enrly mnnhood, li?l<?nS his mombershlp at New Dublln untll 1863. and slnce that-tlmo at Be! Sprlng. He Berved as an elder for flfty-flve years nnd gave llberally of hls worldly poMoaalona, hls devotlon to hls church and dellght ln Its aervloes belng beautlful to wltness. A Blble, from which he had learned to read at school, wns recently found be? tween the walls ln tenrlng down an old bulldlng, It had been lost about elghty years, but when his son placed It before hlm, hls face llt up, and grnsplng tho book wlth both hands, he exelnlmed wlth fervor: "My Blble." The old man hnd ,not forgotten the book that had been a gulde to hls feet and a llght to hls path way slnce early chlldhood. Mr. Chumbley"'never hnd an enemy, and no one over sald dught of hlm but good. He was a man 'of high Integrlty nnd honor, and his long, usofulllfo was fUlod wlth good deeds. He wa? actlve and vlgorous to the last, hls mlnd belng oloar and brlght a?d hls memory remarkable. Ho not only kept up wlth offalrs.of. to-day, but knew the history of Southwegt Vlrglnla like a book, tho changes that have takon place ns lt was, gradually opened,up nnd developed and tho hlatory ot Its famllles for gonera tlons back, A FINE HORSEMAN. i He rode horseback to tho day of hla death, taklng the trlp to Bland county, between thlrty and forty miles', In June. His death occurred suddonly from heart fnllure Thursday nlght at tho l.ome of hls son, and funeral servlces were conducted Saturday mornlng by hls pastor, Rev. Daniel J\ Currle, asslsted by Rov. D. W. Irwln, of Radford, and Rev. Georgo H. Gilmor, of Draper'.v Vnlloy. A large concourse of relatlves and frlends had gathored to poy thelr last trlbute to tho dead, and lnterment was made at tho Hlckman burlal ground. Mr. Chumbley waa ln hlB nlnoty-alxth year. He leaves flvo sons, well-to-do farmers and buslness' men?Georgo H., Wllllam A., Joseph H. and Robert M. Chumbley. all of Pulaskl county, ond Mr. S C. Chumbley, of Bland, bosidcs elgh teon grondchlldren and sevcnteen great grandchlldren, nearly all ot whom were present at hls funeral. GOVERNOR TL.YER MOURNS HIM. Among those who followed the old man to hls gravo were ox-Govornor and Mrs. Tyler, tho Governor belng ono of hln warmest frienda. Tho two were oldors of tho same church for twenty years, and the old man's gratlflcatlon, when hla colleague became Governor of the Commonwoalth, wns supremo. He llked to tell how, when tho Govornor was brought on lnfant to Pulaskl, shortly after the death of. hls young. mother, whlch oecurrod at hls hlrth, he had gono down to the rlver to moet tho carrlago and recelved tho baby from the grand mothor's arms, thus bolng tho flrst man to welcome hj.m to tho county. On tho other hand, Govornor Tyler'a fnco grows very tender ns he speaks of tho good deeds" of hls old frlend. "Such a llfo ls a monument more to be deslrod," sald he "than a grand shaft of marble erected by the people." SUPERVISORS MUST REFUND Judge Prentis Rules That They Owe County $13,000. DEY'S FATHER SUMMONED An Attempt Wlll Be Made to Throw Out the Boy's Confesaion of Ad? mlniatoring Poison?Dr. Taylor Resigna Hla Paatorate. (Speclal to The Tlmea-Dtspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., September 14.? CbarleB Lemkuhl and R. M. Avery, two boya mlsslng from Baltlmoro, havo been traced to tho Norfolk atlk mlll, whero they havo been at work. They dlsap peared from the sllk mllls laat week and have not been slnoe iieen. The polloe nro looklng for thom. Young Avery la tho only son of Dr. and Mrs, John Avery, of 182 North Broadway, Baltlmore, nnd Lemkuhl ls the aon ot o- Jeweler by that name llvlng nt 153a North Avenue, Bal? tlmore. Tho mothera of both boya are here looklng for thom. MUST REFUND. Tho Board of County BupervJsors may havo to reirnburse tho county of Norfolk $13,000. Judgo Prentis, of the Clroult Court, to-day deelded that tho conton tlon of tho tnx-payera that thla amount has been lllegally drawn by the supor. vlsors Ih woll taken, nnd that they had no rlght, as they olalmed they had, to drnw attondance nnd mllenge for com inltlee meotlngs. Tho court had no doubt that tho earvlces rondered wore very valuable and that there was noth? lng in the record to Juatlfy any Intlmn tion of fraud or oonsplracy. Tho mombers had followed a hnd cus? tom thnt had grown up In thla nnd some other oountlea, but bed aetod wlthout authority of any statute. Tho case wlll bo oppealed, and upon th? l??ue of tlie caso hlngea the blttercst polltlcal con fllct known ln thla seotlon ln yenra; JTTVENILE POISON CASE. Tho caso of John H. Doy, the thlrteen year-old boy ahargod wlth lmvlng mlxed tho polson whlcli kllled hl? atepmother, Mrs. Olln Slmpaon Doy, 1" not to be dls. mlssed wlthout a hearlng, and whon tho rnso comes up ln Justlee Taylor s court on Wednnsday of this week there wlll bo a aearchlng Inveatlgatlon on the pnrt nf iho Commonwealth, the aamo to be oonducted by Commonwealth'a Attorney John O. Tllton. Tho boy'? father, Mr, Wllllam 8- fW> who haa not appeared In the court caae In any way lieretoforn, ls to bo logally aummoned by the Commonwealth to tell all he knowM concornlng the charges pre? ferred hla llttle ?on. and al?o ?ll dctnlls leadlng up to the alleged polaon ing and confesalon. A further attempt wlll be made to rulo out tha entlro eonfeaalon made by tho hoy to hla father nnd later to Mayor Itlddlck and othera ln the presenca of hls father. upon tho grounrt that he made lt whlle in great fear and waa ufuild at the time to say anythlng other than the Bt?rDR. TAYI.OR'S RESIGNATION. Rev. J. J. Taylor, D. D., pastor of the Freemason-Strcet Baptlst Churoh, yes? terday tendered hls reslgnatlon to tne congregation, that he nnay aecopt tho presldency of Georgetown Co'loge, Ken tucky. Tho church wlll 'accept ^ ?. natlon at a meetlng to bo held Wednes dTho veterana of the charge at the Cra ter wlll to-morrow hold a reunlonat^Bat t#rv Park near Portsmouth. Colonet >v. H^Stewart Captaln J. T. West..andtoth? ers wlll make addresse*'. A. tlmo will no agreed upon for tho reunlon of all the Crater sirvlvors on tho famous battle fleld at Petersburg. . The Vlrglnla oystormen say that a great hardshlp was Inlllcted upon^themby tho act of Asfembly provlding that the os*ter ?aaon should not open untll the. tfth or September. Thoy deolare that all thelr advance ordora have been caneelled on ao count of the unavoldable delay,. an<that thelr cuatomers havo been captured oy Maryland concerns, Wr,rrv WIREDESS READY POR w0?*? The wireleas tolograph statlon at ^apo Henry wlll bo opened for burinMf to morrow. It Is ono of the flneei ln the world. It wlll communleate wlth Bhips at e*a and wlth tho navy yard here. THE OJA'MPIA HORROR. Date dotalla of the horror aboard tne Unlted Statea cruiser Olympla at ti. navy yard In thls clty lato Saturday nlght So not d.tract from the flrst shocW S in? formatlon of tho death of two men ano. the lnjury of threo others. . One of tho vletlms of the exploslon dled yesterday at the nnval hospltal. Ho wna Flrst Clast' AppronUco Solfort, of i mm delphia. The othor vlctlm of. the oxpio sion, Corporal of Mnrlnea Yerkea, -was nlso of Phlladelphla. The two rnon_iuea wlthln four blocks of oach othor ln _him delphla, wlthout evor knowlng that tne> were suoh close nelghbarswhenftt home. Yerkes was kllled Inatantly,: When tno 62-gallon barrel of alcohol blew up ?''oft? tho shlp. Ho wo. struok of tno (lying barrel honds, both of whloh weie Ulown out by the force of the eKP10*'0"' The remalns were forwardeH t?- * n,"|" delphla to-day, uccompanlert by * rnut tary escort, an unusual honor for men of tho rnnk of the deort. ,.'.- _'-;?. ?, An lnvestlgutlnn Is belng'conducted at the yard to-day to dote'rmlna. the; r.esl'?n: siblllty tor tho entlre traglo nffalr, mit the report of tho board wlll bo forwnrciou to Washlngton before any Informatlon ia glven out. , ,. That the entlre fourth dlvlBlon of tno Bhlp'f company was not blown lnto etoi nlty, or humeil to death Is the wonaer m the day abonrd tho Olymplu. Tho ?ivi slon was stamllng nt qunrters wRnm a fpw feet nf Iho fatnl barrel When tne- ex" ploslon came. . Poor Selfort was stondlng ln the ro-""8 whllo Maator-at-Arma Curtl*. awwtoO ?y Corporal Verkns, wns pourlng for safaty s snke tho coiiti-nis of tho contraband unr re: of alcohol that hnd been found on tho deck lnto tho vut provlded for lnflamma_ ble llqulda. A sallor, whoaa name la not Known, curne by at iho tlme wlth the )antern which lf.- utcd by the MnBter'at-Arms in golng through tha ehlp ut nlfht, ahP. U Is belleved thnt tho fumos from tlie p?rl01 of ak-ohol were ignited by tho flaraei TWO E-XPLOSIONS. At any rate there wore two terrlftQ vx-r ploslons, tho deck nnd three of the men iu tho ranka woro covered wlth the Pij?* Ing blue llames und Corporul Yerkesi my ii blaalng henp on tho deck, whllo ^.v'_,, ' wrapped ln flames, daahed frant?ean> down tho companlon way, to ?' gguttlo butt, where tho di'Jntfvf .?OT?'r ls kopt. He plunged ln and tho flames woro extlnguislied, but not beforo he was burned almoft boyond rocognltlon. Ho was removod to tho hospltal, whoro he llngered in great ngony untll yestordny mornlng, whon he dled. Yerkes was blown agalnst tho sldo of the shlp and fell to the deck a blozing mass. Ho was dead whon tho flames wero extlnguls'hed. Mnster-at-Arma Curtls was burned about the hoad and face, but he was about yes? terday and to-day, and lt lt1 thought that hls Injurlcs wlll not provo troublesome. Tho orlgln of tho exploslon was, of courso, the contaot between the flame of tho lantern and the fumes from the bar? rel. How tho barrel camo to be aboard the shlp Is told by tho ofllcera of the Olympla a? follows: The master-at-arms detected the odor of alcohol ln 0,'uantlty and upon maklng an Investlgatlon, ho dls covered a buokotful of tha stuff whlch had been brewed Into punch by the men. Convlncod that thore was moro of tho stuff secretod about the vessol, and know? lng Its dangerous charnoter tho ma*tor at-arms made a thorough search for tho contrnbantl. Somo of the boats had beon sent ashoro nnd under tho tarpaullns coverlng them he found the fatal barrol, This was taken aboard tho j-.hlp and whllo the contonts wero belng placed ln tho snfoty vat the accldent occurred. As the shlp wns at the tlme ln the dry dock, lt was Imposslble to wo her pumps. Tho yard flre department and the entlre jnarlno bnttallon, undor Cnritnln Boots, wero onlled out and the flames were qulck ly subdued before any Berlous damage wns dono to the shlp. The awntngsi were cut away whlle stlll ahlaze and a hundred hammocks wero thrown ashore whlle atlll on flre. Much of tho men's beddlng was saturated wlth alcohol, HOTEL WEAVER BURNED Guesls Barely Escape Wlth|Thelr Lives Loss Heavy. (Spoclal to The Tlmea-Dlspatoh.) MANASSAS. VA? Sept, U.-The Hotel AVeavor conducted by Measrs. Weaver i_ THtifl, recently of I/oesburg, Va., und ownod by Mrs, Annle Davls was dastroy-, od by fire at nn early hour Sunday morn? lng. Tlio flro was dlBcovered about UiiJfi o'clook and the alarm was glven at onqo, liy tha time the flro englne arrlved upon tho Hi-ono the llamoa had galned suoh hemiway that thero was no poaaible cliunco of eaving the doomed bullding, aud work was begun to sava adJolnlng proporty, It was only by the untlrlng of iiuis of the. llromon that the Hotol Man nsana, Just across tho Btreet trom tho AVsuver Hotel, was saved, Streams of water wore kept playlng on thls bullding uotii n|| danger frpm tha heat ?f the other wns over. _>' ? , ???_'_. The dwelllng of Mrs. Davls oaught fire and tliough it burned flercaly, tho flames wc-re naily conquered and a part of the bullding saved. From the llames and water together, bowever, the dwelllng ls aliiiost n complete wreck. Tho mo seems to have origlnated in a hallway I t-twoen the main part of the h?ioi and the itltchen part, as it wub hui-ulng florcoly both ways from thut polnt, Tlie eiscapo by way of the eta rs was out nfo nnd those lnslde tho burnlng buiidlns wero forcod to seelc other means ot eacana. Mr. H. I. Goodwin. a guest, Jumpisi from a seoond-story window ond eacapod without injury, ?? f- .Robitison, Blahoi rowhm, Bppa Goodwin, Hai-ry Dorrrtl nnd Mr. Armstronf,. a|l guests nnd Mr. Wcaver, escnped by ciimiitng from thelr wlndows Into near-by troes in ii down to the ground. _"_ . _.__ Mra. Tltus was so overoowus by tho denso smoke that sho falnted allOllLW her Uiaely an<J bwola jeaflua bv *?r. ^eading foocl ex perts declare that Pabst Beer is always pure. An lmpottant matter, asthe greatest care skquld oe used to a Void carelessly made articles of diet. Pabst Blue Rlbbon is tne acme of purity, flavor and paktamhty 1 Orders filled by Pabst Richmond Branch, Telephone 380. Weo-ver and Mr. Bowseo, who rlsked thelr llves to save her, aho would have perlshod ln tho flames. ' There were abtteen porsons ln tle hotel and though thoy all oscapcd. they dld 6 3 wlth thelr llvos only. Nearly overy pleces of clothlng ln the bulldlng wns burned and tho guests clad only ln thelr nlght olotlies were forced to stand arm shlvor ln the cool, nlght alr untll tho othor hotels could be opened for them. Some of the guests were heavy loeers by the flre. A gontleman from Washlng? ton, whose name could not be loarned, ipat rilnety odd dollars ln money and a val uable dlamond rlng as well aa hls own clothlng and that of hls wlfe. Mr. L. Conte.e Moredlth hnd about WOO worth of clothlng ln ttre bulldlng, all of which wns burned. Measra. Weaver nnd Tltus are heavy losers. Evory-thlng that they had ln the bulldlng was burned Tbe prlncl pal loss, howevec falls on Mrs. Davls, the owner ot tho proporty. Thero Is somo Insurnnce but not enough to cover tho Iosb. The darkeys of tho town deservo great commendatlon and thnnks for tho efforts they put forth m holping to savo surroupdlng property. Had It not been for thelr courage. perscT. voranoe and unttrlng energy tho.Manns sas Hotel would cortalnly havo burned and then tho town of Manassaa would havo beon at the mercy of the flames. -# Jamea Clty Teachers. (Speclal to Tho Tlmea-Dlapatch.) WTLLTAMSBURG. VA., Sept. 1*.?Tho Jnmes Cltv County School Board met to dav and elocted trustees aa followa: _ Powhatnn Dlstrlct, J. D. Warburton, E. B. Meanloy; Jameatown Dlstrlct, C. E. Nlghtongalo. , : , To-day wae regular court day, but thero was nothlng of Importance before tho Thoro were several candldates on hand. but there wns a very small crowd of voters present. Fined for Attempting to Klll. (Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.) BA8T RADPORD. VA.. Sopt. H.-Hcr bert Brady, triod to-day in Radfprd Hust ings Court for attempting to klll Darnus Morgan last May. was found gullty- ot Blinple iaaault and flned J25. He waa nbly defonded by Hon. J C. Wysor. . ?? Sails for Home. (Speclnlto Tba Timei-Dlapatch.) HEATHSVILLB, VA., Sept. U.-Mr. Lloyd T. Smlth for hls health -for the past month or more snllod from Llverpool on tho Wth instant for hls home. MR. THOMPSON BACK Unique Features of Fire Alarm?Teleg raphers' Convention. Mr. W. H. Thompson. superlntendent of tho Flro Alarm Telegrnph, and untll the recent meetlng, presldent of the Interna tlonal Association of Fire Alarm Tele graph Operators, who attended the reoent meetlng of that body at Atlantlo Clty, ac companled by hls wlfe and llttle daughter, Ductlo, the daughter of the aseoclatton, brought back wlth hlm many interesting souvenlra of the annual meetlng. Mr?. Thompson and the llttle glrl. who Is such a pet of tho association, have not roturned yet, but nro vlsltlng frlends ln Ponnsylvajila. Mr. Thompson states that durlng the four days' slttlngs of the asaoclatlon the one hundred meartiers were tho guesta of tho olty and wero ontortalned ln the moat lavie-h stylo, all ontortalnments pf every Bo'rt belng freu to the association mera boia, One of the unlquo features of tho meoting and entertalnmont waa a parade of soveral hundred persons along tha board walk ln boach rolllng chalrs, pushed tav negroes. Mr Thompson rotlred from tho preal denoy of the osaoclation, but waa made a member of the F.xecutlve Commlttee. He ls reoognlzed as one of tho leadlng rounl clnal eleotrlolaiialn tho country, and 1? nmong the most progreaalve, Korean fvlisslonary. Rev C T, Colller, ? well known Matho diet mlsslonary, who, hns beeij laborlng ln the Korean lleld at Song Do for the past seven yeara and but reoontly returned to thla clty, preached an interoatlng aermon at the yBroad-Street MothodJat Church Sunday ovenlng. Mr. Colllor !? an V*e Ushman by blrth, but an Amerlcan hy adoptlon, and,-married a well known lady rtf Amelln oounty, Vn., who ahnrea hla work ht the dtatant Orlent wlth hlm. Dur ln_ hls seven yeara servlce ln tho Korean Held Mr, Colller has proolnlmed the gogpol wlUi suecess, teven hundred nccesslons to tha ohureh have marked tho seven yeara work. Ho wlll remaln In this clty for a fow days and wlll then go to Ensland on | u vlslt to hla old home-_, At tlie Institute. The Rev. Chnrloa E. Furmnn, tho well known avangellst of Now York, bcmii a iW o? wrmoni last nlght nt tho Sinth odlst Institute on East Maln Street. Qulto a large attendance wns present. A most tntereatlng feature qf tho lactures ore tho omyo" llluatr^lona dmwn by Mr, Furman hlmeelf.. . - Sutliff? Ralans. Mr. James, fyUll/f andMrs. Mattlo E. Balens woro married Sunday nlght at No. m 1-i North Bocond Street, Rev. Mr. Mark. of the Seventh-StreeL Lutheran Church. performlng the ceremony. WARM CAMPAIGN IN CAMPBELL i __________________ Personal Encounters and Ar* i rests Made ln the Court-Room. (Sparlal to The Tlmea-Olapateb.) LYNCHBURG, VA., Sept. M.?Lynch burgera returnlng from Campbell Court houae to-day Btate that 8. C. Ooggln and Jchn E. Wlthera, who aro candldates for the Democratlc nomlnatlon for clark of tho court of Campbell county, trled to en gage In Jolnt dlscuaalon; that Goggln led off, and In the"oourae of hls speech waa froquently Interrupted; that flnally Thoei. C. Nqlson.. askad how much' he-had' rnoda.; "out of tbe lond grab bualness," and that Nelson asked another question, whlch G'oggln reiented as belng untrue. Nelson, they aay, thon atruck Goggln and the lat ter retallated. All thlB took place on tha rottrum of the Judge ln the court room. Order was restored, but a fow mlnutcs afterwards, it ls sald, Nelaon had a dif flculty wlth Walter Prlce and Oarland Petty, la said to have trled to take a hand ln the meloe wlth a knlfe. When James Arthur took the knlfe from Petty, ho was slightly eut on the hand. The nolae was m> great that Judge Adams gavo orders for tho sherlff to .ar reat thoae maklng the dlaorder. In thls way qulet was restored. but thero was no moro apeaklng, and shortly theroafter court returned lts sesslon. -I. i ? Historical Hotel Sold. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlapatoh.) AVYTHiEVlLUi, VA., Sopt. 14.?At noon the woll-known Boyd Hotel bullding, land and furnlture was sold at auction, brlng Ing, In all, the sum of J7.600, three hundred of whlch was for the furnlture. The prop erty brought more as a whole than whon offered In narcels. The'purchasere wore Mr. J. P. >T Sandera, of Foster's A'alley. AVylhe county; Johni B. Whltehead, of Norfolk. and Judge Tliomas S- Ganiett, of Norfolk, as recelver for Burruss gona 51 Co. Thls ls a well known and historical hotel proporty. Carter?Forsytho. (Speclal to The Tlmea-Dlapatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Sopt. lt?Mlss Mlola Forsythe01 eldest daughter ofMr. anff Mrs T. A. Foraythe, and Mr. C. D. car. to? of jacksonvlllo, Fla? were aolotir married at the parsonago of Trlnlty Meth? odlst Church thla afternoon, Rev. Horry ^MpS-'wSS attendedby MjssNonle Forsytho! one of the brlde's slslora. and Mr. AV', R. Muso. _- , ?. Overstreet?Spradlln. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-DlBpatch.) ROANOKE, VA? Sept. K.-Mr. R. C. Overatreet and Mlss Bleanor Spradlln. 'we.ifwK1s,tnn8iaOnfna0natlISFa; Ka?o &_& mald of bonor._____._ a??% STIEFF What la Thtr* in a Nnme? #%'??? laif lf tho reputatlon of the Flrm suaulna le. 60 lt 1? wlth tho cole braWsTIBFtt PIANOS, whloh aro u?ed ln tho most nromlnentoonaerva torloa of thla country. In ftddltion to Its swcot and aupcrb tone, it koops in tune and atnntls the liaril usagu "f tho stntlont bot top than nny other. Tho entlurlng quulltlos jrf tho S'-THSFP mako lt the moBtdcHlmbloPIANO , for plthor homo or con jervfttory, Poforo purohaslng iv Plnno cnll or wrlto ns, aa we onn mnko lt worth your whllo, STIEFF I 431 E. eroad St., I E. DUNBAR, Mtpr. M i5i