Newspaper Page Text
BIGDOORS SW1NG OPEN Clty Schools Open Thls Morn? lng at 9 o'Clock. THE TEACHERS RALLY They Met Yesterday, and Wore Ad dreeted by Members of the Board . ?nd Superlntendent Fox?The Teachen Aislgned. To-day tho sesslon of 1003-'4 of tha Rlchmond publlc schools wlll begin. Ths. doora of all tho dlstriot ?hools nf the clty wlll be thrown open at 0 o'clook thls mornlng for the reglstra tlon of formor pupils; the Hlgh nnd Normal Behools for reglatratlon of both former and new puplla; the throo kin flergartenn wlll register only new pupils, as thls ls the flrst year of thelr Inaugu ratlon.; The anntinl meetlng lot teachers was held yesterday nt Centrnl School. the whlto toaehi.Ts mrollng nt 10 o'clock and the colored t?achers at 12 o'clock. It wns the openlng rnlly. Not less than two hundred ladles and gentlemen, compoetng membors of tho Bchool lioai-d. prlncipals and teachers, gathered nt School'at 10 o'clock. Superlntendent Fox prcslded and oi'c acnted j Major Cnpcrs, chnlrman of tho board. Major Cnpers spoke of the new fiyatem of promotion and the work th* prlncipals had dono In helping to de vlse It. Ifo commended the to the teachers and cxpiesacd hls appro clatlon of tho aervlces of the iatter. Dr. F. W. St,!ff, tho. youngeat meniber of the board In polnt of scrvlcc. spoke and made a flne Imprcsslon on the toaohers. He cxprcissed hlmself as hlglily ln favor of somo plan by whlch examlliotiona gcnorally could be abollshed- Mr. C. V. Wnlford, clerk of tho board, cautloned tho on the olert for.non rcaldcrit puplla, who must not be ad mlttod wlthout a pormlt from tho s't perlntendent. COMMENCED THEIR WORK. Superlntendent Fox spoke oncournB ingly to the teachers. Ho commended those who wero worklng ln the summer nchools to Improve, themselves. He closed by announclng the aaslgnment of teachers and prlncipals for tho comlng sesslon. The new teachers for Sprlng field are Mlaa l,ula Dunkll, aubstltuto; Mlsses Lella M. Krause. Laure J. Mc Cabe. pupll teachers; aupervlsJng teach? er, reasslgned. R. Estello Shackclford. Bollcvue?New teachers: Mlsses Helon Fleet, Fannlo AV. Tallaforro and Re becca AV. Rohlnson, pupll teachers. Marshall?New Tcachera: Mlaa Mary E. Clenden. aubatltute; Mlsaes Lloa Pol lard and Bena L. Phillips, pupll teaon era; Mlas Lulle F. Jonca, supervlslng teacher, reasslgned. Central?Prlnclpal. W. A. Crenshaw, reasslgned from Navy HH1. ' Lolgh?New teachers: Mlsses Jeanlc A. Frascr, Hannah Cohn nnd Hattlo M. Bcherer, tho lntter two belng pupll tenehers. Madlson?Now tench er, Mlas Chadle B. Lawson. Elba?Now teachers: ?'Mlsses -Isabella R. Pen^leton. subatltute; Cornella S. Adajr and Helen C. Esieklel, tho lattor two belng?pupll teachers. reasslgned; Miss C. Hortenae Botllghelmer, aupervlslng teacher. Raii dolph School?New teachers, Misses L. Grace Phillips and Alma P. Clash, pupll teachers. Colored Schools?East End: New teneh? ers, Mnttlo V. Cephas nnd Wllnette C, Smlth. A'alley?Dalsy V. Taylor. Lula R. Forrester and Julta E. Roblnaon. Baker?New teacher, Lena L. Jasper. Monroe?New teachers. Lucy M. Deano and Albuna M. Stowart, THE FULL, LI8T. . Tho full comploment of teachers for the sesslon Is glven here, aa announced by Superlntendent Fox: AVHITE TEACHERS. Hlgh School-Jullan P. Thomas, prlncl? pal; teachers: H. Leo McBnln. W. M. Adams. Bortha Dlcklnson. Mabeth S. Rua sell. Rachel Van Vort. Alice_G. Owons, Mary A. Apporaon, Julla R. Hennlng, E. Marla Blnford, Clara M. Chappell, Sarah GVathmey- Florence Bloomberg, Cor nella M. Ellett. L. Rebeoca Angel Camllla. Dickeraon. Carrie L. Clarko. Nora C. Phillips. Nannle G. Edwards, Llzzlo S. Phllllpa. Ama L. Llp?combe. AVlIllam N. Hamlet' C. C. Penrson, Maggie C. Meagh er. Lucllo F. Johnaon. Nloholaon School?fltephen O. Porklns, prlnclpal: teaohera: Mary S. Schermar fiorn. Ella M. West. Jante N. AAalah, Lflla M. Saunders. Lltzle Ide. Ella Cohn. Arta A. Choakley, Mabel G. Turner, Lula O. Phlllns. Bva B. Howle, Alberta Parkln eon. Anna G. Welah. Lllile Shepper "sprlngfleld School-Jesso II. Blnford. nrtnclpal; teachers; Cora BlUott. Lula DunkeL subsUtuto: Sallie F. AVallier, Ea ile Curtls, M. Ivy Roblna, Lyno E, Moae Uy, Hattle B. AVIJllams, Vlrgle B. Gary. Josephlne H, Halloran, Francea H. Mc Kevett. Annle Coletnan. Em ly C, Royall. ?velyn T, Proaaer. Henrletta II. Rieh frdson; R. Estelle Bhackelford, supervis jnir teacher; pupll-teachers: Lella M, Krauae Laura J, MoCabo. Bellevue School?Ellhu Morrlaotte, prln? clpal; tesehara: Wlllle Bowlea. EllBa P. Kealo. Edna V. Bloomberg. Llsale Arohyr, Mattlo W. Hasksr, Nannle M. Mondy, Hat e B. Morrla, Belle J. AValthall. Nan? nle c" Mlller, Kate I. AVhitlock. Joalo H. Klddoi? iWrletta Q. Pulliam, Emily M. Bnydor, Helen Fleet: A. Branoh Blnford, lUpervlBlng teacher; puDll-teaohera! Fan nle AV. Tallaferro, Robecca W. Robln ??M'arshall Sohool-Albert H. HIJ1. prlnel 8al; teachera: Magglo B, Cralg, Bpulah r HnlL Mary E. Clendon, aubatltute; ArsbellQ. S. Pllchor. Hattle C. Hughea, Louls CT Kelley. Gabrlelle Boaher, Louls* C McCarthy, Evelyn I. R. Rex. Mary "THE LEACINQ PIAHO HOUSE Of MOHMOND." 60_ EAST BROAD STRllBT. (Reasonabte Prlcea.) (Llberal Terma.), (Planos _uarant&d.) DlDMtlllC ? Second-Hond "Eatey" Parlor Organ, $18.00 Cash. DAIfUMlRv ? Second-ltand -Pollcck" Chapel Organ, $18.00 Caah V. Dlckerson, Clara O. Mooro, Bessie B. Tiibbett, Mlnnlo,L, Roberaon; Lulle F. Jones, supervlslng toachor; pupll-teach ers: Llna P. Pollard, Bena L. Phllllps. Central School-W. Asa Crenshaw, prln clpal; teachor.: Lena M. Duke. J^lorence E. Duke. Llllle Smlth. Mary F. Budd, Fannle Blako. Lucy B. _?*er?_ Hfnnlo McOeheo, Florenco_ Laughton. Mabel C. Dobblns. Lula B. Epps, Beulah B. Mey? er, Isabel R. Woodson, Lucy M. Hlcks. Lelgh School-Jullan A. Burriiss, prln clpal; teachers: Mamle H. Blackburn, Vlr? glnla T. Sutton. Roblna F. Whltlock, Clara L, Crenshaw, Maggle L. <5mcke, Nottlo M. Pollard. Luoy G. Armlstead. Adele Nott. Minnle T. Taylor,- Cornalla S. Taylor, Jeanle A. Frascr Elleabeth W. Wlnston, supervlBlng teachec; pup" teachers: Hannah Cohn, Hattie ?? Schercr. Madlson School-vV'llllnm G. Jones. prln clpal; teachors: LucyP. Hulce, Annlo L. Grnnger. Elln M. Garnett.?JeMle.aBuch nnan, Fannle Angus, He len M. HaU. Rosa O'. Albcrt, Annle V. Burke. Louiaa Dlxbn, Nlna P. Latlmer. Allce K. Tancex, Josle H. Cohon, Klttlo M. Morrla. Annle B. Wnrthen. Chadlo B, Lowson. ,_?,?.,. Elba School-Herbort F. Cox, prinolpal; teachers: Henrietta Crnver. Rosa B. An K\?, Emmn R. C. Bheltoti, Amelln. W. Schmldt. Emlly J. Hatchett >ora Shep. pcrson, Auguata E. Loth, Dalay C. Smlth, Loo M. Eppes, Abby D. Gwathmey, Fan? nle L. Lawson: Isnbella R. Pendleton, sub? stltute; C. Hortense Bottlghelmer. super? vlslng teacher; pupll-teachers: Cornelia 8. 'Adalr. Hclen C. Ezaklcl. Wost End School-D. H. Rucker, prln clpal; teachers; Nannle Newell, Rosalle C. Zctelle. Julla. H. Eggleston, Sallle A. Wllkinson. M. Lou Eggleston. Nannle T. Pegram, Gertrude V. Snead. Genevleye E. Sharp, Loula Willlnma, Vlrglnla L. Cottrell. Maggle A. Neale, Nelllo D. Spenc-e, Margaret E, Colln. _? ? _ Randolph School-Samuel D. Turner, arliiclpal; teachers: Mnry A. Eubank, [ary E. Frnyser, M. Ellse Prlco, Ireno Valentlne, Julla. B. Spence, Mary R. AVebb, Nellie W. Blrdsong, Constance Hnrtaook. Peachy B. Shell, Luelo C. pug glns, Vlrglnla Bowen: A. Hopson KlrbJ, supervlslng teacher; pupll-teacners: U Grace Phllllps. Alma.P, ClaBh. _ Normnl Scho.ol-Jarnes C. Harwood, prlnclpal; teachers: Kate Dunkol. Jessio. R. Pendleton, 8. Ashton Cook, Kate L. Puller. Rosa Marks. Martha H. Chap pell, Fannle C. Ragland, Emlly D. Bosn er, Beaale C. B. Bydnor. COLORED TEACHERS. Fulton School?Teacher, Nelaon Wil? llams, Jr. ' _, Kast tmd Sohool-Rlchard W. Flournoy, prinolpal; Teachera: ^J. Andrew Bowler, Roaa B. Yaneey, Lucy V. Bolllng, A. _u zabeth Willlams, Eva, B. JonnUian. Lula A. Wlllls, Mary E. Wlllla, Maud E. Mun dln, Lula G. Haskins, Mattie V. Ccphae, Wllnetto C. Smlth, _'...'? ?,? Vallcry School?George R. Pace, prln? clpal: Teachors: BenJ. A. Graves, Kato J. Cooke, Henrletta. F. Bacchus, Nonnlo J Wvnn. Wm. A, Dlitehell, Kate G, Randolph Cora L. Brlght, Sallle Li WII 11b, M. fioyd, EJlla J. Willlams. Fannle M, Roblnson, Ella F. Bolllng, DalayV.Tny lor, Lula R. Forrester, Julla E. Roblnson. Navy Hlll School-Slephen T. Pendle? ton, prinolpal, transferred from Central School; Teachers: Alr^rt V. Norrell, Rosa I?. Brooks, Bessie L. WhUtle. Emma B. Lucas, Cora L. Brown, Vlrglnla B. Har pcr. Man- L. JaBper, Fann e M. Wll frams Marlrl" L. Smlth. Earlle A. Lee. MaTgareJ L. Tlnsley, Mary E. Morrle. Hallie B. Roblnson, Sarah E. Brown. Mnrtha C Trlce Julla I. St^ens. Baker School-Thos. P. Crump, P"n clpnl: Teachers: Ro-a D. Bowsor, Marl etta LVhiles, D. Webster Davls Mattie Ci Thnaley Vera A. Holmes, JvJary H SmlTh?8,LiulsV. J. Corbln Cornelia F Brown, Rosa L. James, Mnry E. AUe? Martha R. Crump. Llzile G, Yancey, Ee TjMJoio"ro0'''School-Hubbard G. Carlton prlnclpal: Teaohem: Mary g. Holmes Abram L. Morton. Lucy A. Peters, AdA G Foster, Octav a. L. Pattorson, A. Deb ornh PatterVon. A. Blanche M?seley, Hat. tlo E. Wallaco, Besele L. Murray, Cor nelln W. Tnvlor, Annle E. Grant, Annle B. Knlght. Nannle C. Bowler, Emlly B. Powell, Kate G. -Roblnson. Monroe School?Tacob L. Eaeklel, prln clDal: Teachera: KntaC. Watklns^Minnle M. BrStnch, Emma A. Evnns. Buale B. Crum. Ger+rudo D. I^vwrerce. Lucy J. woodson, l>ioy M. Deine. Albuna M. 8teWKIND'ERGARTEN TEACHERS. Flrat Dlstrlot?Annle Bates, dlrector; Fannle C. Plttman, asUtant. Second Dlstrlot?Annle B. Klrk, dlrector; Allce B, Moncure, nsslstant Thlrd Dlstrlct?Goorgla Ryland, dlrec? tor; Isabelle G. Buohanan, nsslstant, Muslcal Dlrector?Wa-lter C. Mercer, The onrollment last year roached ll.lti, pupils. Jt ls expected that thla number wlll be Incressed thla year bjr soveral hundred, not includl/g the 180 or moro ln the kindergarten echools. Jlon, >na MALARIA Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps and marshy regions of the country, but; wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and gases frora sewere, and the muaty air of dauip cellars are laden with tho genus of this imserable disease, which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the Wood and trausmitted to every part of the body. Then you begin to feel out of #ort3 w thout ever suspecting the Jauee. No energy or appetite, dull ueadaehes, eleepy and tiredand completely fagged out from the slightest exer Son, are some of the deptorable effects of this enfecbling malady. Ao the di?ease progressesan.d the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, boils and abucesses and dark or yellow spots appear upon the akin. When the poison is feft to ferment and tbe microbes and germs to raultiply in the blood, Wver and Kldney troubles and other eerious cotupHcatious often arise. As Malariabegins aud develops in the blood, the treatment to be ? effective niust begin there too, 8, S, S. destroys the gonua and poisona and purifies the polluted blood, and under its tonie effect the debilitated constitution'rapidly recuneratea and the systcra is ?. ?^ - poon clear of all signs of this depressing disease. S, S, 8, is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, ruitd, pleasant and harniless. Wrifeus ? y?w *??* wedical ?dviw QV att* ePccwl MQm* tiou about your case, This will cost you nothing, THE 8WIFT 9PECIFIG CQ? ATUMTA, l!4U MANY FINES PAID IN POLICE COURT Oood Day for the Collectlon of Funds from the Slnners. 'Squlre Lonnle Busy. i . i A long llne of flnea was collected by Sergeant Thomas, ln the Pollco Court yesterday. They were lmposed by 'Squitc Lonm'e, and ln nearly every instance were paid. Parthenia AVoodson pald $2.60 for tbreat enlng to klll Lithea Broks. Andrew Thompson pald $2.60 for belng dlsorderly on the street. Allce Saunders pald $2.50 for dlsorderly conduct. " y Flemlng Sldney, Joseph BJackwell and AVUIle Robinson each paid $2.60 for playing craps. ?'_ Roaa Dlggs pald $2.60 for beatlng Lll llan Banks wlth a stick. Lonnie Boxley pald $2.50 for strlklng James Foater. Wlllle AVaahington pald $2.50 for beatlng Robert Baker. And AVlllie Klng pald $2.50 for belng dlsorderly on the street. Ro'sa Bello Johnaon and Rosa Johnson, as suaplclous charaoters, were held for further hearlng. Eleanora Couslns went down for ten days for belng drunk on the street. ' John Smlth wlll tell on the 10th why he is charged' with" havlng trospassed and threatened to klll AVillle Murray. S. B. Jackson paid $10 for belng drunk on a stroet car. Arthur Reod was sent to Jall for six months for taklng some coal bclonglng to the C. & O. Then there was a large number of amall drunks, about twenty . Most of them were flnod the usual sum of $1 each, and a few wero dlscharged. FINE SERVICES Thbse at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday Inter? esting?Next Week's Programme. Services at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday af? ternoon were well attended. and exceed ir.gly Interesting. The 3:30 meotlng waa thoughtful ond parUclpated ln by a good ly number of young men. The Blbla clasa at 4:80 was well attended and ex ceedlngly interesting, whlle the Workers'' League, at 5 o'clock, had the largest at? tendance for months. Next Sunday afternoon tho larger meet? ings wlll heglri. Dr. Wlll P. Mathews wlll bs the spsaker, and the subject, "Slns That Klll.!.' It wlll be a heart talk from an Influentlal young man to young men. Thero wlll be speclal muslc. The commlttees are beglnnlng to tako aetlvo hold, and-gotttng thelr fall worlc ln Bhape, Tho week will Incl'ude meetings by the Mombarshop Campaign Commlttee, Receptlon Commlttee, Association Course Commlttee, Edueatlonal Claaa and other commlttees, ond wlthln two weeks tho moat actlve campaign ever entered upon will b? begun by the association, The boys' gymnoslura clnss resumed yeaterday afternoon, and the junlors wlll begin thls afternoon at i o'clook. From now on there wlll be aotive work. CORNERSTONE OF THE NEW IMMANUEL Tho corner-Htone of the now Immnnuoi Baptlst Churoh wlll be laid on tho aftor. noon Qf Saturday, Sejjtember 26th, Tha exerclsesj wlll begin ot 4 o'clook. On the flrst Sunday ln October rovlva. services wlll be held at the armory by hte Rev, Davld A. Sollv. oaator of tha ohurch, Mr. Sollv wlll bo asslsted ln thla work by the Rev, John Lako, who has recently been aocepted by the Bap? tlst Forelgn Board for misslonary work abroad. HOWITZERS WILL BE INSPECTED FRIDAY The Riohmond HowiUors wlll drlll to nlght. Frlday evening the regular In apeotlon wlll take placo, and thls will be followed by a dance, Mrs. Annspa'ugh'i Lecture. Mls? Aunspaugh's looture- In one or tha olaas rooms of the Second Presbyterlan Churoh yesterday afternoon was honrd wllh deep lnterest by her audlence, gon alstlng largaly of studonts from tha Unlon Theologioal Seminary, A Btudant who had enjoyed her lnstruotlon, lil_hly compllmenled hor courso and Rov. Dr, Cecll and Rev, Dr. W. R. L. Smlth, of the Sooond Bantlat Churoh, gavo thelr warm eommendatlon on Tlie ? vitlues to mlnlsters o( hor course on expresslon, eto. The meefing was soclable and pleasant In a hlgh degree. It ls hoped that Mlss Aurmpaugh wlll havo large olassea at the Seminary and elsewhero. She ls a natlv? of LynotfBurg, ond daughifer of Mr. R, T. Aunspaugh._ Mrs, McDowell's Loas. Mra. Al'/ord II. McDowoll, w|fe of tha popular ojork of the Councll Commlttees, had the mtsfortuna, on Sunday to |as? & chatelain bag. whloh ahe very mueh valuod taecauea lt wae tln grtft of a frlend. The bag contalnod only two koys. lt wm lost on Seventh. Lalgli or Tenth StieetT about noon. Mr, MeDoweU wn_ reward the flnder lf the bag u rgturned tg bitp at tha Clty Hall. SENDING OUTCHECKS Penslons Golng Out at Rate of Four HUndred a Day, CHOOSE STATE LIBRARIAN Tho Board to Moet Here Noxt Monday Evenlng?Virglnln Commlssioners to St. Louls to Asasm ble. : Mr. 13. L. C. Scott and nn nRslstant m tho uudltor's offlce aro busy every day now miiklng out wttrrants and attachea of tho troasurer's offlco drawing and sond-' lng out chocks In paymont of peimlons, under tho acts of J.000 and 1002. Already warranta have beon drawn and chocks sent out to 5,000 bonOIlclarloB out ot a total of about 8,800, leavlng about :i,S0O more to bo drawn and sent out. Tho offl clal clcrlcnl forco. 1b mnking out the wnrrants at tho rate of about 400 per day, leavlng about ton- days bofore all havo been sent out. These penHlons vary m tho amount carrlOd from J15 to $31) for Boldlers and to' ?25 for wldows. ThoBe are tho penslons due under tho two penslon ncts statod. Among tho vlsltora at the troasuror's of? flco yesterday wero Shehlff R. S. Cnmp bell, of Fluvanna, nnd. Osborne Sndlor, of tho flamo county, who called on busl? ness. i SELECT A LIBRARIAN. Tho fltate Library1 Bpord, rerently choaen by the Stato Board of Educa tlon wlll meet ln-this city next Monday ovonlng to clect a Stato llbrarian to suc ceed Mr. W. W. Scbtt, who wlll rotlro from that positlon, which he has long and accoptably flllod, ns soon ns hls suc ccssnr* Ib elocted and nuallfled. The bohrd conslsta" of Armlstoad C. Oordon, of Staunton; J. A. iFlshburne, of Char? lottesville; Judge Theo. S. Garnett, ot Norfolk; Dr. J. A. C. Ohandler, of Rlch? mond Collego, and Hon. S. S. P. Patto Bon, of this city. So far the chances of Messrs. J. G. Hankins and Franklin P, Brent are consldored best for the poHltlon, both gontlemon havlng equlpped themselves for the techni'pal duties of the post by taklng speclal courses nt Am? herst Collego. Tho frlends of each gen tlemon are hopeful of hls success, and the two asplrants aro. themselves pcr Bonal frlends and are maklng a clean open contest for tho plaqo'on thelr merlts. Tho result wlll not be known untll the board has reachod and announced It. Tha election of tho llbrarian of tho Library Board Is an Innovatlon maugurated under the provlslons of the new Constltutlon. ST. LOUIS COMMISSION. Tho Vlrglnla Commlsslon to tho St, Louls Exposltlon will meet ln this city next Tuesday at the offlces of.the commlsslon, No, 14 Governor Street, tp forward tbe prospects of the State's p.xhlblt at tho ? falr. The commlsslon conslsta of Com nv.'ssIoner-of-Agrlculturo G. W. Kolner, Hons. A. M. Bowman and-W- W. Baker, Superlntendent George E. - Murrell nnd Messrs. O. W. Stono and-iiT.-.C.-Morton, employes of the commlsslon, wlll 'meet wlth, them. Among the-mattors of In? terest that wlll probably ffcome up fnr consideratlon Is the mntter of sele'etlng Vlrglnla Day at the exposltlon and the consideratlon of tho proposrtlon submltted hy Mr. Wllllam Shtelds McKean, Secre? tary Of the Thomas Jeffcrson Memo'rlnl Associatlon that Vlrglnla Day and Jef? feraon Day be mado to colncldo. Action on this proposltion was deferred recently owlng to the absonco of'.'the Governor from tho city, tho commlsslon taklng tho ground that Governor Montague, who wlll certalnly bo ono of tho speakers and, dlaUngulshed guests, should' have a. votco In selectlng tho date for Vlrglnla Day. Furthermore tho commlsslpn held that there was no occaslon for haste In tho matter. ELECTROLYSIS DIECUSSED BUT NO ACTION TAKEN The Commlttee on Electriclty met ln *ho Clty Hall last nlght and discussed tlie subject of elcctrolysis at-somo length. At the last meeting tho Vlrglnla Passen ger and Powor Company was roauosted to furnlsh th committeo with thlr plans for bondlng stroet railway tracks propoaod to be used in this clty andia letter wns recolved from Genoral Manager Huff,'of that company, statlng that theso plans hnd not ye.t beon perfocted, but would he fumished the commlttee when the Kimo wero gotten lnto rtflnito shnpe. No action wns tnken by tho oommltteo ln this mattor laat evenlng. The matter of llcenslng electrlcnl work mon wns discussed Informnlly nnd lt Is llkely thnt a speclal motlng wlll be held for the consideratlon of tho ordlnanca governlng thla Biiblect at which electrlcnl eontractors and wlromen wlll bo heard, The commlttee also dteposed of a fow mattora of buslness of a routlno nature, Bltr Schodul* for Ta-Da-. The followlng munteipnl commlttee meetlnga wlll bo hold to-dayi Btrcets nt 6 P. M,| Marketa at 7:80 P. M.; Water nt 7:30 P. M.j Jolnt sosslon to elect physlclan to poor to succeod Dr. It. L. Kerr, reslgnod; Board of Aldermen ln MAKES BREAD THAT FATTENS POWDER To sweeten, Torefresh, To cleanse the system, Effectuolly andGently; There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene iicial effects Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best on the kidneys and liver, stomach and bowels; Always bay tbe genuine ? Manufactitred by the S*t\ rmncisco.Ceda /jevvttrka** li^&vHle. Ky. The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by afl fLrst-class druggists., The full name of the company?California Fig Syrup Co.?is always printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. -K&l regular session at 8 P. M; Llght at 8 P, M. .' . THE SOUTHERN ROAD FIGHTING THE L. & N. (By Assoclated Press.) :" K.NCXVILLE, TENN., . Sept., 14.-The Southern Railway has placed loaded cars. on numerous sldo tracksi at Ollver Sprlngs, where, Ib is sald, tho Loulsvllle and Nnsh vllle railroad wlll make an offort to con nect Us Coal Creek bransm wlth tho Southern pendlng the complotion of.the Louisvlllo and Nashvllle maln llno lnto Knoxvlllo. '?' ? ' "?? ?- - - Tho'Loulsvllle arid Nashvllle last weok dellvered a qunntlty of rails, frogs, etc, at Ollver Springs at a point whero lt was belleved tho connectlon would bo made. The Southern onTclals.aro sald to bo de? termlned to prevent tho' connectlon, ? ALL DANGER FROM A HURRICANE IS OVER (By Assoclated Pross.) ?MOBILE, ALA., Sept. 14.?It was an nounced by the Woather Bureau hero to day that nll darigor from a h'urrlcane ln tlils vlclnlty has passed. The barometer ls alowly rlslng. Sleam er is Safe. (By Assoclated Press.) SAVANNAH, GA, Sept. 14.?The stoam shlp Now Oxlenns froni-Baltlmore, own? ed by tho Morehant and Marlno Transpor tation Company, which was reportod last nlght to havo^ gono.nground at Hunter's Island, forty miles north of Beaufort, ar rlved hero at noon to-day. All of tho twontv passengers aboard were roported well. ' .., ; "I !-!?",'? ' J -. Torpedo Flotilla Trlal. (By Assoclated Pross.) .W'ASHtNGTON; D, C.,- Sept. 14,-Tho Naval Board of Inspectlon and Survey, of which Captaln C.-C.-Traln Is presl? dent, hns been ordored to Norfolk, Va., to conduot the trials tn a; soaway ot tho torpedo flotilla, whtoh loaves thla autumn for the Aslatlo staitlon, Ih- command of Lloutonant Lloyd H. Chandler. ??? s ? Antletam'a Annlveraary. Tho most snngulnary day'a flghtlng during tho Clvll War was that of Sop tcmbor 17, 18(13,'around tho-town of Sharps burg, Md, Of late yonra tho recurrlng annlvqranrloa of this bnttlo havo nnnually boen obsarved by tho assembly on tho battlofleld of survlvlng veternns who wlt ness tho dotlloation of a monumont to fallen comradoa of somo Stato, or company. A number of qulto hancl somo momorlala havo nlrondy baen prpot ed and many. others nro ln contompla Marylnnd haa a unkitia monumont on tha flold rearod ln honor of both Union and Confedorate partlolpants In the bat? tlo of Antletam. Its dodlcatton oocuri'ed threo yoars ago on-Momorml Day, wlth Prealrtont MoKlnlev ae the orator of tho day, New Jersey wlll. unvull a atntoly ahaft to hor fallen sons on tho approaoh Ing annlveraary of tho battle and PreBl dent RooBevelt? hns arranged to he prea ent and dellvor nn addroBa. ' Tha occaslon ls ono merltlng the pres once of the Chlef Exeoutlvp pf the na? tion, Many deeda of valor.and herolsm are recorded of men who have mado Sep? tember 17th n memorable.dnto, and many Insplrlng leaeons aro to he drawn from the splrlt of Indomltablo couruge tlien fllaplayod-?Baltlmore Amorloan, ? ?- ". ?? ?i-i-i. Governor Montague. During tha rocont meetlnga nt the JMt Sprlngs, Vlrglnla, of the Vlrglnla stato Bar Associatlon, und tho Amorloan Rnr AsBoolatlon, tho preaent Governor. "f Vlr? glnla, wns a qulet, but - dlgulfled rep resentntlvo of the Old Domhilon. llut, nt Iho oniielusion on Frlday nlght of tno meetlm; of tho Aniorlcun Ilar Assoola tlon, G'ovornor Montnguo oell_Hed all Iho speakers of tho sousau a- aio llot Spt'lngs, bv ono of tho nuwl brllllmU efforts ever mado by a son nf tlils grand old Com mnnwonllli. By thlH graelotis, moilBst beitrlng, nnd Jils genlal personalUy, ho had paved tha way for a warm recop tlou- but b.v hla apeech nf Frlday, hls akllful nnd dellcnto hnndllng of lntrlcato ?llvlng ISSUes, hlH urguments full of alo uiium-o nud powor. hn curileil ovorythlng before hlm, nud plaoed hlmsolf head mul Bhoiilders above all the orntors. who, through tho Amorloan Bar Associatlon, represontod tho whola nation. it was a dooislvo trlumph. Vlrgliilnns wero proiul of tholr aavornor, and folt that ho was ubly sUHtuIiiIng ihe nrostlgo of tho moth? er of Htatea nnd of stntosmon.?AJexim. dfla Gnssetto. -o ? Rov. J. T. Whltley, prasldlng elder of tho Ruiipnhnnnocli Dlstrlot, M, H. Churoh, South, has roturiieil to hls homo ln- (hls olty, after an offlgial tour of duty Ju ||)p , aistrlct. Dominion Cement wlll be usod oxcluslvely in tho constructlon of tho SETTLING BASIN, aoon to bo construoted for-tho purpose of furnlshing the publlo of Rlchmond wlth _?sa? water No bettor evldenob of lts hlgh standnrd ot quallty than tho fact E theatciTYN0OFeRICHMOND has detormlnodl to use it in thls work For work where CEMENT ls to be used you want tho best. Wrlte to us. Fricoa and partlculars for the asklng. . BALDWIN & BROWN, Agents, OPPOSITE OLD MARKET. RICHMOND, VA. ? Hendquartera for Hardware, Tln, Plate, V Crlmp fP^ CorPUflat?d Roofllng, "? Llrne, Cement nnd Terra Ootta Plpe, Carey's Ma.nesla Flex .Ible Cement Rooflna, etc. HEAR RAILROAD .PEOPLE TO-DAY State'-Corporation ] Commis sion to Hold Important ?;: SIttings. . Tho. State'Corporation Commlsslon wlll hold so!nio.Ivery importanthearlngs this "week, for the purpose of asoortainlng and assessln'gtha value of property .'up. the present year. Beglnnlng wlth to-day, hearlngs' wlll bo gi'/on tho steam rail? way companles ot tho State, Thls aubject wlll llkely conaume two days, and on Thursday tho stoamboat companles, electrlc llnes and oxpross oompnnlOB wlll bo heard, Frlday Is set .apart for tho hearlngs of telephone, tolo gtaph and canal cbmpanieB, and the clty wlll bo flooded wlth, corporation attor noys and olllclals all durlng tho weok. ThoN commlsslon aftor hearlng counsel and oillcors wlll- make up the assesa ments lator on, and announco thom nnd tho partlca ln lntorost. The work was formerly dono by the old Board of Pub? llo Worka, _ ??; . Tho commlsslon has Isstted tho followlng . olroular lotter to tho varlous corpora tlons of tho Stato: Tho Stato Corporation Commlsslon wlll hold slttlnga ln thelr ofllces ln tho Clty Hall, Richmond, Va., on tho datos named bolow for tho purposo of nacortolnlng and a.ssosslng tho valuo of tho proporty foi* tho prosent year; Of stoam rallroads, on Soptembor lEthi'of stoamboat nnd oloctric llnos and oxpress companles, on Soptom? hor 17th; of telephono, tologrnph and canal llnos, on Soptomhor 18th. If you dealre to bo prosent, tho mom hers of the commlsslon wlll bo glnd to have you and to henr any statements you may wlsh to nmko rolatlyo to tho na sesamont of tho property of the com nany you roprosont. _ _ Pleaso send tho tnx report of your oom pany to tho olerk of tho commlsslon on or boforo Soptomhor lst, pn blanks fur? nlahed and forwarded on July, uth. REV. M. ASHBY JONES AIMD BROTHER RETURN Rov. M. Ashby Jones ond hls brother, Howard II, Jonoa, of Now York, arrived Bafoly at Nowport News from abroad yesterday iiftoinoon on tho steamer Rap pahannock, und wlll coroa to Rlohmond ut 10;?S thla mornlng. Tho ludlos ot Lolgh-Stroot Church took potnesalon of Mr. Jones' house, No. HMXi Enst Franklin gtreot, yesterday, and flllod hib panti-y wlth good things, Wodnosdny nlght they wlll glvo thelr pastor a rocoptlou and woleome homo. WILL INVESTIGATE Charles J. Bonaoarle to Look Into Ins dlan Territory Affalrs. (lly Assoclated 1're.m.) \WABBINGTON, Sopt. ll.-It was an nouiicail ut tho Interlor Pupartment to day that Cliarle.i Josoph Iioiiaparto, of Biillliiiiu-o, who ha? boat) asslatlug in tho pi-DHiciitloii pf tho po.itul ciiaos, had ao oented tho liiviuuion of Booruiury liitcli oock to tuku ohurgo ?f tho liivt-atlgatlon of certaln Indlan Toi-i-lt.u-y aitalrn und onk-lals under tho juriadlctlon of tha Bo-. naitmoiU uf the liUorlor. M'lia hcoiio of Iho liivestlgntlnn, lt ls sald wlll ho aultlclemly coiuprehenslva to oinbnico all stiilenionts wlthlji tlie Wnowlodgo of tho Interlor IX-partment, Vlilob, Jn any respcot. rellpet upon ttiu THE OLDEST HECHEAPESTCASHQRO GERY STQRES IN THE CITY. Beat Amerlcan Granulated Suflar, pound .? .8o? Llon Coffee, 1-pound papers.* *" *?__P" Sour Plckloa, gallon.25o FreBh Soda Crackora and Qlnger Snaps, per pound .4%o'. Carollna Rlce, per pound.oo. Small Callfornla Hama, pound.9c. B bars Octagon-Slsape Soap for.25c. Pure Clder Vlnegar, gallon.20o. Large Julcy Lemons, doien..'..12c Beat Clty Meal, par peck....18c, or, bushel .7?c? Mlxed Splces, for plokllng, pound.20* Beat Cream Cheeae, pound.1So, Arbucklea' Arlosa Coffee, pound.VA* Brown Sugar, pound.>?*? No. 1 Tlmothy Hay, hundred.880. Root Beer (make 5 gallons), bottle...60. Good Lard, pound, 9c,j or 3 lbs. for..2ac Whola Sweet Ploklea, quart.100. Qlbson, XXXX, Mt. Vernon, Osoar Peper Old Brands Whlsksy, bottle. .750, 3-pound Jars Home-Made Preserves 18c. Blackberry or Catswba Wine, quart..12o. Enamellne Stove Pollah, box.4c. Salt Pork, per pound."9 Pound cans Chlpped Beef.15o. New Cllpped Herrlnga, per dozen.... lOo. Good Green or Mlxed Tea, pound....30c. 3 cnna Potted Tongue and Ham for. .10o. Carollna Rlce, good quality, pound...60. Large Lump Starch, pound..,....40. Duffy'a Malt Whlakey, per bottle...,80c S. ULLMAN'S SON. Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 Bsst Maln Street. Uptown Store, 500 East Mar? shall Street. 'Phonea at our two Store*. French Cleanin* of Fine Fabrics IMniiltlns for Iitonoh cleanlng fabrlea unsiirpassed, ombraclng every artlcle-. from t.ho plumo on tho head to the sllppers on tho feet. MRS. A, J. PYLC, Proprlotor Rlchmond Steam Dyelng. Scpurlng and Carpet Cleanlng Works. 'Phone No, &>23, 315 NORTH PIPTH STREET. Band for Booklot. offlctal charaoter, conduct or acts at tt>? liitwon coinmlsalon, or any memtwr thereof, atul tho Inspootor for tho IndlM Terrltorv. Wlill" these ure prlmarlly tifi dects of tho Investlgatlon, lt ls sald It wlll bo oxionded to suah other persapf und thlnss ln tho Indtin Terrltory over which th? interlor Department h*s ?u nrovlalnn na may he deeraed bj? Mr. Bon?? rarte to bo for tho wolfuro of the *er vfca or _? may bo refemd ?o hlm by U* BeoreUiry vi tlw im*r?