Newspaper Page Text
WON'TEXTEND TO COLLEGES Dr. Boatwrlght on Elimlna tldn of Exanilnatlons. NEW SYSTEM AT COLLEGE One Wlll Bo Instituted at tho Openlng ln About Two Weeks-Several lm. portanl Changes Wlll Bo Made. Not a Hltlo lnterest centcrs at thla momeiit ln tho much ugltatcd quoation of c?amli.atlo.iH In schools, prlvate aud pub lic The movement toward nn ellmlna tlon of thls foature of tho Hcliolastlc year, most objdctlbhabie to tho pupll,, lma bu _un ln tho publlo schools of Rlchmond u?d Henrico and other secondnry lnstl tutlons of leamlng nnd lt blds falr to _row ln populnrlty ns lt progresscs. An interesting and questlon that lias now nrlson In connoctlon with tlio matter Is whethor or not thls radlcnl move? ment wlll oxtenrt to the colleges and unl versltiosj na well as whether lt wlll stop ln tho seoondary< schools ln whlch Itbo gan. Thls latter seoms tho most llKeiy course. , .??, Whon Rlchmond Collego opens ln about two weeks It will Instituto an ontlre y new system of examlnatlons. Tho faculty nnd tlio truate-s havo roallzed iho need for a chango and thoy havo mado t. But thero wlll be no wholscaale ell.mlni.tlon. of the examlnatlons. such ns tho boys do slre. Thore wlll bo examlnatlons stlll. though thoy will bo shorter and ""l:orG"t lv arranged and dlstrlbuted through the year. Beyond thls tho faoulty would r.ot go.nnd^urthermoro tho now schome is to bo a pcrmanent thlng. Hence thero Is no ohanoe.that tho new plan proposed for tho Hlgh School of Rlchmond wlll ever work Ita way. Into tho collego. Heretofore thero hnvo been t*o wrlt? ton examlnatlons nt tho collego, ono ln Februnry nnd the other at the clos i of the college year in June. Each lasjed about ten days. nll tho ohwses belng_sus pended durlng thi's tlmo. Tho ^Ina tlon of onch clnss consumed froui.flvo tn ten hours. Tho now plnn Involves a chango 'from two wrltton examlnatlons, to Croe Tho sesslon wlll be ^Ido^lnto threo pnrts, nnd each profossor will,, so fn? nsposslble. hnvo n deflnlte coune for onch thlrd. Tho flrst thlrd wlU ond rtnmedlntely befpre j Chrlstmas and the remainlng portlon of ^??'??J*_? "h_? rourCdnTs'nw bo JtiSJ? No slhgle eSlnatlon wlll -frt .^^"Xm lehgthi whereas undor- ;,the old so erno fly to ten hours was ho n Tlds s SSSS of8 nT ^'* f flnv wlll bo hold. -*.-*-,-. Presl with groat 1 Uo'U the expertment bolng r-ilcln ho puWlo schools ot Rlohmond, 11? lunroved tho method proposed. but dTd not> thlnk tho scheme would apply o np nleher""l,ools.'lIe .thought lt would nirot wlth succew In tho secQlulary ln TJit t.ons but sald thnt' lt could not nnd vould not bo adopted at RIchmond_Co1 lrge. Moreover; .he prodletod that tho BCheine would make no l?jadw.1s.;.*0 nbileges nnd unlversUies. Dr. BoatwHgt, ln Mils connoctlon, quotod the follow ns sectlon ?rom hls report to tho trustees, whlch has never beforo boen "Tho-board Wlll note that thls actlon (tho declslon , wlth .referenco to tho new Bolieme ot oxnmlnntlons nt Ihe collego) -was taken boforo recent publlo dljcusslon of tha questlon of exnmlnatlons. ? It 1ms ?een ? consldered by tho fncnlty for nbout twelve months. and l?\ thereforo, ? taken nfter maturo dollberation, It ls In llno v,-Ith chnnges nlr'eady tostod and npprovc-d Vjv somo of the best Northerii colleges nnd Tj'nlvarsltlps, nnd It ls holleved tho plnn proposed wlll moet our needs. Examlnn tlons, unqucstionably, hnvo sometlmes tnxed the ondurnnce of studonts rathor than tested tholr knowledge or thelr pow? er to thlnk. On tho other band, examl? natlons nro exeellent mentnl alsclpltno, They comncl- atudents to revlow and sys tt mntlzo, wc_rkl wnlch mny. of necesslty, hnvo be'dn done. plece by plece. ln propa rntlon for oxnminntion students; consider the subject of study ns nn organizod whole, and rcason alds memory ln tho jnental graBp.' I-lfe hns lts tests moro Bovero than cxaminntlons, nnd it ls part of the buslness of a collego to traln Its rtudents to do work undor slress nnd etrnln. Attentlve students need nover fonr the- brlef examlnatlons proposed by tlio faculty, It should bo addod thnt for sev eral sesMons It lms been enstomary to give rnonthly cxaminntlons, or wrltton miizzcs, on tho detalls of tho month's vork, and that these examlnatlons havo helped to dotermlno graduatlon. DR. EVERETT WINS OUT FOR HOUSE IN NELSON As Indlcnted by early returns prlntod ln Bunday's Tlmea'-Dlspatch from tlie prlmn The "Smolte of Peace," The Cream of the Islands Tlie one cigar you can depcnd ttpon beingthe satnein quality whether you smoke one or a thousaucl. Always 5 ceuts, and so good the dealcr cau't afford to cut the price.' The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the'.World. The Band Is the Smokar's Proleotion. iv for Houso ot Delegates held ln Nolson county on Snturday, Dr. John C. Bverotl, nf the Hockllsh Dlstrlct, wns nominated, havlng recelved n cdmfortablo l>h'?'U over hls competltom Dr. A.. 13. 1- Itzpnt rlck, Mossrs. P. B. Young, W. H. 1 ai and George W. \\ hiu-hoad. The followlng tolegrnm wns ,.recelved hero Sunday by a gentlc-maii from Mr. W C. Fltzpntrlck, chalrman of tlie Lounty Democratlc Commltteo, which romoves rill doubt ns to tho result: "Bverett w,IU havo a safo mnjorlty for the House!" , , , Dr. Everott is n young physlclan lcsn tlinn forty yonrs of ngo nnd enjoys n wlde prnctleo In tho Rookflsh Vnlloy, where he livos. Ho hns twlee before sought tho Democratlc nomlnatlon for tho Houso, but wlthout success, nnd hns long beon a leader In loenl county polltlcf. Ho Is a member of the County Commlttee nnd Is a man of wldo nciiunlntance and popu lorlty, He wlll In nll probnbllity bo olectefl by n snfo mnporlty In November. THE NEWS OFCREWE Prcparing for tho White Ribboners Bnzaar. . .-?' (Spoclal to Tho Timos-Dlspatch.) CRISWE, VA.. Sept. 14.?At a jolnt meeting of tho . Uuhes" AUxlllary of tho Y. M. C. A. and tlie Presbytorlan Church to-day arrarigoihpnls wero made nnd sov? ornl commlltees appnlnted Cor the bnzaar to bo hold September 28th to Ootober 3d. The Whllo Rlbbon Brass Band, of .1'etors burg. nnd somo of 'Rlolurionclfs best tnl ent wlll take part: IJboral donntlons huve been mado from nll purts of tho Stato, includlnir Messrs. Kent, J. B. Worth. Slmon Sewnrd lih'd Frnnk Owons, of Potersburg. A banntiet'-wlll be held on Tuesday; September 2Sthl nud an oyster suppor, Frlday, Oelobor 2d, - Bernl_P, tho three-yoar-old daughtor o? Mr. ntul Mrs. Alphonso Short, dled Sun day mornlng, nt 0 o'clock, and was burlcd In the Crewo Ce'motory. Monclny afternoon nt 4:30. Rov. J. Klncheloe. of the naptlst Church, conducted tho funeral servlces. Tho old soldlers of Nottowny county wlll hokl tholr annual plcnlc at -Notto? wny Courthcvso Frlday," Sdptombor tho ISth. A rouslng good itimo- ls^nntlcl pated, ;' ?";,' !'??'! ''?['?';' ?,, Mr. Acnew Hnrnor.has nnnet)l.e.d n posi tlon offored by the Norfolk and \S ostern ln Norfolk._ - ? ? ?- '. :? FROM NORFOLK TO BEAUFORT INLET Waterway of One^undred and Ninety Miles. Which Cost Ten Millions. AVASHINGTON, Sept. 14.?Tho report of tho englnoerlng olllcors of tho army con cernlng tho proposltlon for an Inlund water route between Norfolk, Vn., and Eenufort Inlet, N. C.', lias been sub Tnlttod to the War Departmoht, but wlll bo wlthbeld frum publlcftHon untll Cnn gress mcets. Sevoral routes wore g'ono over by the onglnoors. Tho most fensi lile and oconomlcnl route. which flnnlly was docldod upon, ls through vory shal low wator nnd Hwninp r'eglo'ni lt Is understood that the dlstanCe cov? ered hy tho waterway Is VM nilleH and tbat tlie estlm'nted cost Is $10,000,000. After cnreftil consldorntlon of tho mat? tor the ohglheoi-H recninnicrid tho con ptructton of tho c?nnl at "Sea lovel." 11 |? sald thnt th(> englnoerB have In mlnd a method wh'oreby tho prbposed! water? way may bo shortenort, The subject of locks wns gono lnto and whlle it may bo nocessary to omploy tbem In somo In stnnces, tho nllleers were Influenced ln thelr deelslpii rcspecting tho routo so lected by tho -fact tbat It obvlntes tbe hecbsslt'y f?r "" oxtcn'slvo lock con structlon. After Decidmg what is needed In Call to See Us. We will make the payments easy as well as the selection. If floor covoring is tho problom, our luin of vnlvot eiirpot ijun. now innttii.K-s, rtg9 ""d driiKKnts of ovory kuid, .QinOTfWJng new und oxclusivo jiatl?vhs in nxininKtor, body-uriissoJs nml snivriifi, will Ijokui'o to pliMiso you. " Duily urrivuls of liirnilino keops our stock amon_ tho loro most. T>et us show it to you. _. Easy Terms at Cash Prices. R^Alt^MITH 6^Al/MAN, 600 EAST BROAD STREET. HANDSOME NEW HOME OF PRESBYTERIAN COnniTTEE When tho plans of Messrs. J. Jf. Dlm mock nnd'.G. R. Tolmah, nssocintert ar-, cbltects, aro carrled lnto effect tho Pres bytorlnn Commlttee of Publlcatlon wlll hwvo on Flfth Streot, betwoon Grace nnd Broad, one of tbe most desirable and com modlous buslness homes to bo found any where. v Tho bulldlng will hnve n basement nnd four storles abovo ground, nnd the mn tcrlal used wlll be sele'cted brick and Bedford, Indlnna, stono. both ln front and on the sldes nnd alloywny. It wl 1 be flnlshed In tho bost nianner nnd wlll contnln n powor elcvator and hoatod.wlth Htonm. Tbe whold bulldlng wlll bo ocnu pled by tbe Publlshlng Commlttoo. Tbe flrst floor wlll bo devoted to the oxnlbl tloln of books, nrrnnged ln'stn'cks like rt library. wlth '.readirig ,space and soats for vlsltors, etc. The second floor wlll. be dovoted to the'-'offlces, arranged' {n -sulros, and ln ndditlo'n, thero ahnndsom* dhapol on this floor, capablo ot soatlng ono hundred p'orsons. , ,,. .'..?? Tho thlrd nn,d' fourth floors used for buslness purposes, packlng, shlpplng, etc. Tbe oo'nstructi'on of tho bulldlng wlll be slow burnlng constructlon, viz.: Iron col umns and girders, doublo rioors. onch two Inchos thlck, nnd tho roof coVistruct?Jn wlll - bo tho samo. . Tho bulldlng wlll bo completed In-thn early part of next year, and wlll be nd mirably arranged and oqulppod for tho purposes to which lt ls to bo dovotod. FASTEST SAILING CRAFT HAMPTON ROADS Tho fastost bit of snlllng craft in i Hampton Roads a?u iidjneciu wators Ih now aclmltlod to bo tho Sugltta, ownod by Messrs. C 0. Cobb and J. I.?'mi Wood, i,f Norfolk. If any ono had any dou-n of it ii fow days ago, lt has dlsuppoarcd now. un last Momlny oci-urrcd the rognUft pf tho Hampton KoadH yacht Clul) and Ihipugb tbe vessi-ls In tho raco wero the lasli-sl lu bP {OUIKI on tho Itouils, tlio Ha gnlta t>)i<>wi-il tbi-ni all a i-loan palr of lieels. The yaclits rnclng wero tpo 8ft gltln. the Ktln Si-yniour, tho Howard and tho KItty. Thoy hnd n track ton mllos In |engtli and laid out as follows; Start nt Nor? folk and AUanllc Tt-rniliinl pk-r, hence lo RushhlUff UghtKhlp. hetu-o to MMdl. Gruund Ughthouiso, Nuw.orl Nows, henco to Boll and i.lght fiuoy, and to utartlng polnt. ,,,. .? The HaKlltd ei-ossod tho llno Ut l.HMi.iO whlle tho Kiitv, whlch cnine ne*t, dlil not sco tho llulah untll 2:00:n0. Tho others broiiBlH ui> iho dlstant rear. Tho Hagltta was hulll by Alonzo Smlth. islip, 1, I, Her dlinenaloiiB are, over all O'J ii-l. water llno. B2 foot, borim, Ih 1-. rec-i leiigii, of most rom .dock. i>.i reei, main biioiii, nt foot, gaff,M& feet- ll'r owner.i for tho next twelve months wlll l,o the proud jioHsessors nf a nand some sllver cup ns tholr hoat's tropny. CJentlemen on tho wlnnlng yaclit, wlm wero Kut'Hts of Mosars. Cobb andi W oo,, were Messrs. Bdward U WOOd,: St.mley \V. Hiillei- l'ercy I'oterson, Ernest.ler.-y, Jnnica II.' McCaw, C. Rarkor Breese. Wllllam F, Allon, O. T. Tuylor -ann soi , Josepi, t. Morse, Henry nprn.tbnl, II. W. vVliltclmrd. of Norfolk, and p. t-m uit-ll UuUc, of Rlchmond. HON. H. D. FLOOD 1SFORCORMAN Tenth Dlstrlct Congressman talks About Senatorlal Contest and Prlmary. Congrossmnn Hnl D. Flood, of Appomat tox. ls out ln nn Inlorvlew ln' ydst?rday ? Washlngton Post, n which ho say;: aOme very Interestlng thlngs concornlng Vir BMr. PFlood8'decl/.res tor Gorntan for Presldent next ycnr l$stftttg, >f ?*>?&? nnd rhvm tho Mary nnd leador ls a ao cldod favorllo wlth .tho Vlrglnla Domo C|,fnB8Deaklng of the new Stato ?prlmary ivstom nnd tho Unlted States senatorlal camiinlcn of 1W)B. Mr. Flood aaysj ?tC tnlk ln the papor8 nbout organ? lzod ODPosltlon to the prlmary ls wlth? out foundatlon. cortnmly wlthout just fnimdntlon. 1 havo heard of no such onnoslt on Some of the feattirea of the ?>r innry plan are vory unpopular In cer ta n soctlo s of tho Stato, nnd ln somo of thoso sectlons tho whole prlmary is ulipr imlnr; lf tho prlmary has been dls c-el touiywhere, lt is on account of a feo ik oi nnlagonlsm on tho part of tho neoplethomsolves, nnd not becntiso thoro 1 to? anv effort to bring about that roBUIt. It ls tno onrly to s_y now what wlll be tho dlsnnslt.lon of tho popp 0Mtm tho fftll olcctlons ln roforonco lo thla Q"'Tboliovo Sonntor Mnrtln 1? indirferont ns m tho mannor ln which tho tlon of hls succossor s to bo mado, ns ho nnd hls frlends foel ho wlll bo nn oasy winn? whether ho gacs before ho neople or whothor the noinrnat on 1? had by a conventlon. ln the countles 1 havo vlsltea this summer 1 havo found tho peoplo BtrSngl" for Martin. ' Three-fourtns of th? Stato Sonators nominated this fall. and who wlll havo a say and vote ln tne eholcnof Senator Martin s successpr, avo^hlH^re-ol'oction, I bellevo nlne,-tenths of tho lawyers who nttonded tho Binte ?3ar Associatlon at Hot Springs favorod lll"what do you thlnk of A. C. Braxton _ candldacv?" Mr. BUOpd waB asked. C^Mr nraxton- ls hot a. catidh a e.? wa. tho reDly. "Ho wroto me to thla effect some tlme ngo, ond I haveseen tho same stntcmont from hlm slnce. vir_lnla 1 '.'Mr, Braxton ls a blg man ln ylrBmia. Ho mndo a brllllnnt rcputatlonln tlie, Con stltutlonnl Conventlon. and he has ndded to this every tlmo be has appenred ln publlc slnce. Hls nddro,s before tlie Vlr clnia Bar Associatlon at Hot Sprlngs and hls aneeoh of Welcome to tho Amerl? can Bar Associatlon. nt tho same. plnce the followlng week, wero of tne'-nlgheBt ordor. Mr. Brnxton Ls also oxtremcly pooular ln tho Stato. but 1 do. not be llove ho ls n candidate for anv offlce nt this tlme."_i_ Ceceli.i Yachting Club. The lndies of the Cecelia Yachting Club dollBhtfUlly entertalnod Its membera and a few frlends last nlght ln honor of thelr guest. Mlss Blnnchc Wnrrlner, ntthe resl? dence of Mr. John Knschor No 311 North Nlneteenth Street. Followlng ls n Hst of a few of those nrescnt: Mlss Blnnehe Wnrrlner, Mlss -Kate Grlggs, Mlss Loulse O-alnes. Mlss Mamle Dvsrin Mlss Lella Atklsson, MIsb Ruth Atklsson: Messrs. Bd. Palmatory, Ed. Kratz. Andrew Atklsson, John Rascher, Chnrlos Bnrlow. Jullan Frazlor. Gront interest Is helng dlsplnycd by tho mambers, and a good mnny ploasant occ.i slons wlll bo spent In the comlng sea? son. OBITUARY, Augustus Arsell, Jr. - Mr.' Augustus Arsell, Jr., one of tho oldest ond best known resldents of tno cltv dled at 7:05 o'clock last nlght at hls home. No. 1210 East Marshnll Street. For some years paat Mr. Arsell had , been in falllng health, and moro recently hls condltlon hnd grown more aerlous. Somo months ago he aiitforert a very aovere spoll, but-ho puttod through nnd desplte hla years nppenred on tho streots ngaln. On Wednesday last ho wns strlcken for a second time wlth naraly ss nnil slnce thon hls condltlon has been prccarlous. Durlng yesterday it wns | reallzed that ho was grndually pnsslng , aWdfli\"Arsell was ln the soventy-thlrd venr ! of hls nge. He was one of the oldest nnd bes? known cltlzens of Rlchmond. nnd was wldely known and esteemed. Mr. j Arsell wns a natlve of Rlchmond nnd for nbout flftcon yoars precedlng tho elose of the Clvll Wnr was connected wlth thoClt. Wntor W'orks. flrst as foro ma? of the hands and lnter ns Bsalstant suDorlntondent. After tho war ho suc c'edei hls father in the management of what?was ono of tho oldest plumblng estoiillshments in the Unlted Statos. Ten or twelve years ago he retlred from.bual, nosa on i_jeount of hls ago and falllng health;" Subsequontly. however. he served on" term as plumblng Inspoctpr of Rlch? mond Mr Arsell was nn actlve rnomber "ho Broad-Htreol Mcthodlpt Church. and was alfio a member of Dove I.odge. A F and Ai M.. Royal Arcanum, Knlghts Tomnlar and other organlzations He leavos hs wldow. Mrs. Fannle \v. ArsellUwo'daughters, Mrs. W. '^Booth. of this cltv nnd Mrs, James II. wauace, o Newark/ N. J.. nnd two som?? Messrs Wllllam A. and Warren C. Arsol 1. Ono slsier nlso survlyes, Mra. I. J. Mercer, ot thTheClnr'ranKements for tho funeral have not yet been complotcd. Mrs. Mariha J. Stamper, The death of Mrs. Mnrtha J. Stamper oceurrod Sunday at her, No. 407 North Eleventh Street. Mrs. Stnmper wns tho wldow of Mr. Jnm'os Stamper, of New Kent county. Sho wns elghty years of nge, and had llved ln Rlchmond slnce the wnr. Sho ls Btirvlved by two children. Mlss Knte Isol sor. Stamper nnd Mr. John Stamper, who is connected wlth the NowB-I.onder In thls clty, nnd abo a step-dnughter, Mrs. I'ettte Bloxten, of Wllllnmsbufg. The remnlnK wlll be taken thls morn? lng to Now Kent county, and the Inter me'nt will he mnde in the famlly bury Ing ground of Emmnus Bnptlst Church, The servlce nt tho grave wlll be conducted by Dr. George Cooper, of thls clty. IVr3'. Mnrtha E. Haddock, Mrs. Mnrtha JBlizabeth Haddock dled nt II o'clock Sunday mornlng nt'hor home, No, S10 North Flfth Streot. Sho waa the wlfo of Mr. Nloholns Haddock. The funornl took plnco at 4 o'clock yos In day nfternoon from tho Grace-Streot Bnptlst Church, Miss Bess'e Sch ^ell -hbenr. Mlss- Bossle Schellonberg dled nt hor rosidencei No. 117 Corrlngton Streot, aged sixlcon yenrs. Tho funeral will tako placo in 1 o'clock thls nfternoon from St. Mnry's Clorman Cuthollc Churc-h. ' John Keith Hsrvjy,. Mr. John Kelth Harvey. fnrmcrly of thla clty, dled nt Port Rlchmond. lalahd, N.i Y., In tho thlrty-seventh.year of hla ngp. Uo leaves hls wldow, Mrs. Vlrglnla ! II. Hurvoy; father, mother,. sb-tnr nnd i-i-nthe.-.H, of Scotland.. Alox P, Moor-. Mr Alox, P, Moore, n clork In tho St.iiQ Trensurer's olllon, from Rockhrldge coun? ty dled yesterday nfternoon at the homo Cured otf Asthma A,fter 35 years of Sufferlng-, It will bo grntlfylng to Astliniutlo roudora to learn that an ubsoluto ouro liua at last buon dlseovcred by Pr, Solilffmnmi. Thut tho roincdy ls i\n otToctual ono can? not bo doubtod after poru3al of. such toatl* mony as tluitof 0. \V, Vnu Antwerp, Ful ton, W. V? who says: "*our romody (Sehiirinaiin's Asthuift Curo) la tho besfl overnsod.. I uoit?ht V. paekugo of our drugglat nnd trlod lUndono hoxontlraly curoit mo of Astlimn, and I havo not had It slnco. I can now gq to bocl nnd slcop all nlght wlth purfoct comfort, whlch' I havo nutdono boforo for 8ft year-*and Ithaulc youfor tlio hoaltH tlml l ,n,f?Y ?i>Joj_. \ linpo that you wlll ntibllsh thla lotter, that utlmrs may |eurno<ltswbnaer(t}l vlrtiips/? Sold by all driiRttlsta at 6Dc nnd ItOO. Send!.'c8tamptoDr.llSohl(Tn)ana,not8ni, St. j'uul, Ulau.. (or u freo saw plo yacUago, LITHIA VlfeTER No Remedy of Ordinary Merit Could Ever / Have Received Indorsations from Men Like These. ' Alfrad L. Loomla, iyi. On/ornier Prof. Palhology andthePractice ofMedtctne in tht InBrlght'sDIaeaie Albuminuria and < Pott-Scarlatlnal Nephrltls. Medical Dept. ofthe UniversiiyofNew York. Wm. A. Hammond, M. 0.,'Surgeo? General {r.rtired) U. S. Army, and fortner Prof. of Diseases of ihe Mind and Nervout System in the Universiiy of New York. Geo. Halated Boyland. A.M., M.O., Doctor of Atedicine of the Faeuliy of Parii, and fortner Prof. of Surgery in Ballimor* Medtcal College. ? ; ? Wm. B. Towles, M. D., former Prof. ^ofAnatomy and Afaierta Medica tn the Medt> cal Dept. ofthe Universiiy of Va. ? > ? E. H. Pratt, A. M... M.D., LL.D., Prof OriAcial Surgery to the Chtcago Homef palhic.Hospilal. C. W. P. Brook, M. D., Ex-Pres. Na tionat Assn. Railway Surgeons, and Atembtr Medical Sodielyof Va. J. T. Davldson, M. D., Ex-Pres. Nm V> Orleans Surgical and Medical Assn. . . Dr. A.Gabrlel Pouohot, Prof. ofPhar> macology and Afaierta Aledica of the Pacultp of Atedicine ofParis. J. T. LeBlanchard, M. D., Prof. Mon. IrealC/inic, SAI., SN., V. U. James K. Crook, A. M.. M. D., Prof. Clinical Afedictne, and Cltntcal Diagnosts, New York Post-Graduate Aledical School. Joa. Holt, M. D., Ex-President of tk* .Louisiana State Board of Health, etc. Robert Bartholow, M. D., M. A., LL D , Prof. Afaierta Afedica and General Therapcutics Jefferson Afedical College, Phii adelphia. Jas. L. Cabell, M. D., A. M., LL.D., fortner Prof of P/ivstologv and Surgery m the Medical Dept. of Ihe Universiiy ofVa., and Pres. ofthe Nalional Board of Health. Horatlo C. Wood, M.D., former Prof. of Afateria Afedica, etc, tn the Medtcal Dept. of the Universiiy of Pen nsylvania. Chas. B. Nanerede, M.-D.,^/ of Surgery, Medical Dept. of the Umverstiy of Michigati. \ Wm. T. Howard, ^?P^t/P,rmer.Pr?{: of Diseases of Women and Chtldren tn- tne University of Afaryland. A. Alexander Smlth, M. O.iProf. of Praciice of Afedictne and Cltntcal Aledtan*, ^Beflevue Afedical College, N. Y. Voluminous medical testtmony mailed. . . ??.._.-... __ ? M-unm lif_--r*a- for sale by the general drug and mtn BUIFALO LlTHIA WATER erai water trade. PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO MTHIA SPRINCS, VA. PURCELL LADD & CO., Rlchmond, Va. In Renal Calcull, Stone in tha Bladder and Inflammatlon off iho Bladder. In Gout, Rhaumatlsm and Urlc Aeid Gondllions. of hls brothor. Mr. H. E. Moore. near Lcxington. Mr. Mooro hns been In W!. Ing heallh for some tlmo. Ho was ono of the- most popular employos of tho Stato government. ? ? ? ''' , R,iv. W.'D. Best. (Speci'al to Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.) PETERSBURG, VA., Sept. M--^?Vj Wllllam D. Best dled nt hls homo on Ha to Street. yesterday mornlng and hla funeral took planftthls a tornoom from Washlnr.ton-Street Methodlst Chuith. Be" ???. Best wns about slxty-nlne yeais of nge and hnd beon for many years j local Methodlst preacher. though hebnd not been actively ongaged ln "ilnlsteilnl work for some ytfi?- A wldow nnd tlnco chlldren survlvo him. ? A'cxandtr P. Mooro. CRnoolnl to The Times-DIspatch.) LBXINOTON. VA.. Sept. U.-Mr. Alex ander P. Moore. for nlne years book keepor ln Stnto Trensurer's offlce. Rlch? mond dled this afternoon nt the homo $ hls slster, Mrs. J. Wlll Mooro, of Lex ,n?hT Immedlato ;cause of death was pneumonla. Mr. Mooro was a natlvo of Rockbrldge; son of the 'ft? Dr Jbomas S. Moore. and was aged flfty years- l w hrothers County Tre.isurer Samuel ?. Moore of Lexlngton; Harry E. Mooro, of Rockbrldge. and two slsters, Mrs; \\ iU 11am M. Dunlop, and Mrs. J. Wlll Moore, j 0V^reffi?8wlT^be taken to-morrow '. to Aueustn.county for Interment at Bethol Churcliu where hls wlfe.was burled about olghtoen ye.'.rs ?"n Mnjor J. Hardy Henoren. I (Spoolal .to Tho Times-DIspatch.) | HS^nfren^ed S^&Sf^ \ N'orfoUt's most venernblo and rospocted KfiiSlis llo wns the best known mnrlno nonr" on he South Atlantlc coast Ma tnor Hendren was olghty yonrs old. Ho loaves two married daughters. I h im* i.'l. . arnctt. fHu*ol I ln Tlm tlnv"?!-lUspntori.V noANOKE VA.. Sept. u.-Cnptnln Thomaa M Bnrnett. n l.romlnont cltl ,?n of Montgomery, d ed auddenly last n!_ht nt h?s fiomo oiar Bluo Rldge. nged 0lihb-B\iUnrS} He commanded a com? pany ln the Confederato army and was a promlnent Democrat, iViiis t-iostle HaVvklns. fE?"flal to The Tlmen-Dlspatcb.) PETERSBURG, VA., Sept. Wr?lW wioKsie Ilawklns, daughter of Mr. WII lllm W.iwk n? d ed nt her father home, , Ktti-cl; yoB orday. MIsh Hnwklns waa only nine een yeara7ot ngo, byt'to^W in'ill hciilth for somo tlmo. Tho funonu ? ?d.'bur{aFtooK"P^ UEr\THS. , AtisELL.?Dlrd on Mnmuiy. September H. 1003. nt 7-or p I., nt hla realdencei No. 1210 Kn.t J e'raha I Str.-el. Affi.'STl'H A1.BB1.I.. Jr.. |n the HCTCiity-llilnl >P?r <>' hl? urp. funeral notlec Intcr. Fii-n'fir-HON.-ntort. iin. n.vNiEi. nywi'sos ?M11 l>? Imrlfd TO-MOU ROW AFTUHNOOX nt 101S nitliibrlrtgo Htrent, MnncheMcr. irviinorif--Dled. Simdny nrrning! S'-ptepiher 1 iBIh" 1008 at n O'olooki nt tho reMdeiice ?t W,'r:,n0ofnr'al-1;..nV.;,,lVKKTBItn.VV(Mon;l.1.v) AFTHllNOflN nt 4 o'clocll nt tlio I'lruce-Slrect niilitlBtmnireh. SniNPr,I,BNHBIIO.--r>li>cl. Scptenihei- 18..W3. ,, r...|n a st.. nt her realdcnro., No. 1117 rfiwion fitwtl mshsib housbi.-i.enpbuu. uijed Hlxleni yenrB. Fprpwril, niotlier, I must Ipnvo you, Fnr tho dnrk anrl Htlent tninli, Clw nij- p)'P? ?? iluHtlily tluuiner, Fndod' ln my aarly bloom. Parcwell, nwther. lny uie Kcntly ,. In niy opld nnd narrPW bcd; Thluk nf Hlm wlm gnve nnd tnok mo, Now I Bltiinber wlth Ihe di-ad. . MOTHUn ANP FATMBB. ' Shnll we no more nur Ib'?ple ?pq < Whllo we nn enrth remaln. . Wb wlll uWe he; W. aurt c?n It-ba ' Thnt wV.aliall ibeot tofnW,p"5$&j. ' KnrewDll, donr Bonnli', fnrowell, Your aonl from ua |in? eo?e.. To Ond there U n new aii?pj; We ml?? Ihe lnvo your frlend. Farewell. U?nr Hc??l? farawoll. Ftinernl ir'ow St. M?ry'? Onthollo Cbjircb TIIISMTUMdny) AFTBRNOON at 4 o'clock. Ffl'iid. nnd rriatlvea are invltrd to attend. _ WBttNEn.--ril*d. Beptemher Htbl atJ A. M.. "n"nfll AltPT HABSK1, Infant cUld'of fiUfB liardt Ilabiel Worner und M.gitle Wcruer, a0ed two ujoutnj and aoventeen U?>e. ENGINE BUILDERS INVADE THE CITY Purchasing Agents of Amerl? can Locomotive Works' Meetlng Here. The local purchasing agcnts_ and lonnl storekeepers of the Amerlcan Locpmotlt-e Works are meetlng ln-thla clty at iireaent. Moro than a score' of these oinclals reacti'ed the clty yesterday mornlng .and at once went to the Jefferson Hotol, where they havo thelr headauartera. Pretty soon nfler a brush up was had they were drlvcn ln tally-hos to the Rloh mond hranoh of the Amerlcan Locomo? tive Works, where they were received hy Mr H.' A. Gllls, general HUperlntentlent, and Mr. W. R. Wllllama, local purchasing agent. These two gontlemon at onco took Imiu of liie.|iariy and cscorted thelr tel low locomotlvo bullders over the. vast plnnt hero. The vlaltors aro meotlng to dlscufs -va rloua questlons and mattera of Intorest to tholr departments. Two sessions were.held yesterday wlth nn elogant lunch hetworn nt Reugor's. Tho cntlre party was photo grnpheil. Late In tho tlay they were drlvon In tally-hos ovor iis much of the clty ns lt wna possiblo for thom to roach befoto dark. They wlll rosumo thelr trlps ahout' thn clty thls mornlng nnd leave thla afternoon lover tho Chosnpcako and Ohlo road for Old Polnt on thelr way to thelr varlous homes. Tho IochI locomotlvo bulldera nro dolng ovorythlng In thelr povyer to mnka | the stay of the visltora here pleasnnt. nnd appnrently they aro succeedlng well. Among thoso hero.aro Messra. c. is. Patterson, New York, obmptrollerj H. C Hequembourg, Schorieetady, N. _-V, ?en eral purchasing agent.;. J. O. H?bb>'- ,N?W York N Y.: M, A. Ollmdre, Sehonoctnoy. N r'-t T. S. Wlnslow, New York, Bonoriil Storeisecper: AV. J. Van Aukon, Bdw. Humbort, Schunoctntly, N. Y.; ?>? "? Hblmoa, H. L. nrockenrlilge, Punklrk, N. . Y ? T. B. Young, B.D. Pottltt. .Bcranton. ! Pn ? F.' L. Campbell, T. L. Mclntyro, Alloglieny, Pa.; 0. H. JtMartww c. C. Wewlen. Pateraon, N, J.! B. H..- S acK, J, P. AVIlson, Mnnehoater, N. ?_.( ??? l" Glbson, Aileghony, Pn., auporvlaor: Alox nnder McNnughton, Buffalo. N. ^.; H. M; Clarke, R. A. Oreeno. Provldence, R. i.< Kdw. Kelly, Now York, r Buying Jemlry aml Rems-is a matter of oonfi clonco! MoRt pooplo cannot ncouratoly dotormino for them solvos tho Yttluo of procious s'tdnes aud golfl and silver things. Thoreforo, it is invpoi tunt to know tho storo you buy from. C, Lumsden & Son aro as anxious to satisfy you as you aro yom-Holf?thoy oan't afford to do othenviso, 0. Lumsdon ?fc Son, Jewolers and Opticians, ~ 781 East Main Street, Biohmond, Va.