Newspaper Page Text
TAK|FLiGHt The Postofllco at Youngsvliie Broken into and Robbed. BLOODHOUND ON TRACK Cotton Warehouse Charlered at Dur rt?m?Corporation Cornmlillon Or* . den New Depot to Bo Erected ' at Durh_m*~Oth_r News. (Speclal to The Tlmes-rjlapatch,) RALEIOH, N. C., September 14.?Day ton Medlin flnd A. V. Klco, two whlte con'vlets, esoaped. this tnOrnlng from the penltontlary. Medlin wAs eorvini a llfe eentonce for murder from Oastdn"oounty and Rloo waa eervlr.g a ten.year sen tenc*. for loroeny, belng aent up from Now Hanover county. Tho'prlaon' authorltlcs offor 426 ro ward for eabh. _-? Charter waa laBued tha Durham Cotton and Cotton Goode Ware houao Company. of Durham, J. S. Carr, Jr., belng prlnclpal BtOekholdfer' and maitager. The capital 1* 116,000. The company proposeg to rceelve cotton and cotton gooda for etorage and advance money thereon. ; MUST BUILD A DEPOT. The Corporation Commlaalon to-day gave another hearlng to ofllclala and couriael for the Bouthern, Beaboard Air Llne and Norfolk and Weatern Rallroad Companles on the Durham Unlon Depot qiiestion,. the refiult belng an ugrcement for the matter Of the Seaboard's con demhatlon proceedlngs agalnat a por? tlon of the Southern Peabody Btreet rlght of wny now pendlng In the Fode ral Court to be ellmlnated cntlrely, and the commlaalon Isaued an order for the depot to be erected at onco, each road to bear one-thlrd of the oxpenBOs. POSTOFFICE ROBBED. Burglttra entered the postofflee at Youngsvllle lnst nlght and carried away practlcally all the atamps In the ofilce and nbout J200 In caah. the most of whlch belongftd to the government. , Theibaok dOOr of the,poatofllce bulld? ing waa unlocked, and the aafe. whlch eontalned the money and atamps. open? ed wlthdiit hnrm to tho eomblhation or Injury to the Inner lock. " The bloodhound of . the - county waa eent for and soon waa upon the flcene. The dog tralled td the water tank, on the rallroad, about one mlle north of nere, and there lost BCent of the track, lt ls siirmlsed that the burglarH boarded ? traln at thla polnt and escaped. \ UNITED STATES SENATOR SIMMONS* FATHER KILLED (Speclal to The Tlmes-DVmatch.) GOLDBBORO, N. C, September 14. Mr. F. G. Slmmons, father. of. Unlted Btates Senator F. M. Slmmona. was mur dered ln a dense, foro8t on hlB planta? tlon Saturday mornlng. .The-orlme'was commlttod on tho bank of Trent Rlver, and he waa found wlth' hla face down. ward about1 8 o'clock flunday, Alfred Dantela, a negro, haa been arreated and Jallecl at Trentbn. Court Is In sesslon, and it Is.probable he, wlll have a speedy ?? tr< Offlcers are'lrf scarclf of anothor negro named Klnr. who is'suspected of compllclty. ' Mr. Slmmons heard some ono Shootlng ln Tils wooda early Satur? day mornlng and went to tho sceno to warn the intruderB away. Ho took hls gun, and whlle he waa absent a ahot was heard, whlch. lt la thought, ended hla llfo. ?_? ?; , '_, _?? _ He lntended going to Pollocksvtllo that day to aell cotton. and as he dld not re? turn home it was thought that he had gono to Pollocksvllle. When ho dld not return homo at a proper time a. man was aent to hunt hlm. A searchlng party was Instltuted. which looked qverywhere that day. and on Sunday monnlng. the party found hla body near the banka of Trent Rlver. ' ? The funeral was held to-day from the home and attended by hundreds of peo plo who had learned of the tragedy. Suit for Damages. (Sneclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHA'rLOTTE. N. C, Sept. 14.?Mr. Os car ? Burohneld. one of the mall o erka ?ho waa Injured ln the wreok at the Ozark Mfll "witeh. near Gastort a. on the Sffht of Auguat 10th. haa entered sult SL^nat tho Xthorn for ?20.0<? damages. tfV aileiteB that he waa severely and per m_ne"tfy injured ln the head and should ?ra and that ooncuaalon of the aplne and partlal paralyala set jn,_ Died From Hls Injuries. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.1 ? TMTRHAM N. C, Sept. 14.-Whlle out drlvln^ yeaterdiv afternoon, M. 8. Mack ney. a promlnent elttaan. wa? .thrown ' from hla butgy and death reaulted to nlght fromh" injuries Hls son, who wa* WHU Tm Vuffered^coKcu^lon^of bra.n and waaTnever oonscloua after the accl? dent. He was flfty-alx years ofage.ana wm a brother of ihe late ?x-Edltor H. C. HH?e"ieaves four' sona and two daugh tera, Mr. Andrews' Promotion. (Speclal to The Tlmea-Dlapatch.) CHARLOTTE, N, C?_ Sept. 14,-Mr. W. ? Andrews. formorly tralnmaater of the Charlotte Dlvlslon of the Southern, but more recently aealstant auperlntendent of the Waahlngton Dlvlslon. has been made superlntendent of the Wash ngton Dlvlslon wlth headquarters at Alexan arMr. Andrews wlll eucceed Mr. W. G. Choat*, who has reslgned to aocept other work. <?oo Ditoi'S XVfegctabl. P?p_ralibnr<ir As slmllattng ihcFoodondRegula l_igttw5to_?cteaialBowel3of Pf omotea Di^aHoaCheerrur ness andRestContalns nelUier Optum,Mofp.iine norMiuerai. tfoTNARcoTic. flm*kitSml~ AxJSutf* MWUSJ* tStt** -imnnm Aperfecl Rcmedy forConsUpa tlon. Sour Siomach.Diarrhoea Wbrms .Convulsions .Feverish ncsB and LQ89QF SLEEP. JacSimile Signalure of NEW YOHK. WBWnWj CASTORIA For Infants and Chlldton. The Kind You Have Always Bought EXACT COPY Or WRAPRER Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA th? oairw?? aaaawurv. wra? ?as_ am. ANNIVERSARY OF PATR1CK HENRY This Popular Junlbr Order Councll Has a Dellghtful Celebratlon. The slxteenth annlveraary ot Patrlck Henry Councll No. 13 J. O. U. A. M., of ?Fulton, waa celebrated last nlght at Nel son's.Hall. More than two hun'dred memberB of the second largest councll ln the State wero present. ? Tha councll was callad to order at the usual hour and at a rapld rate Councllor Z.V. Burch passed through the regular buslness. Six appllcants for mombershlp wero recelved and turned. to. the Inveatlgatlon .' Commlttee. The routlne buslness was soon dlaponsed, wlth and Councllor Burch, In a fow remarks, : turned the meeting over to Mr. George H. Duke, chalrman of the Reception Com-' mlttee. Mr. DukO assumed tho chalr, and ln a short speeoh lntroduced Mr. "VV; N. Whlt Icw, who would welcomo the brothers to thelr councll chamber. Mr. Whltlow was at hls best and his remarks of welcome were very appro prlate to the oocaslon Ho revlewed the hlstory of the councll from Its blrth, slx teon years ago, when nlne brothers banded themaelves together. and ho showed the growth of the co'tmcll by yeara the great? est taln havlng been made In the paat year, when ono hundred and fifty mem? bers had beon added to tho member shlp. , , Scveral muslcal seleotlons wero rendered, which-werevwelcomed. Mr. Henry Leon ard, a mlnlsterlal student and a well known member of tho oounoll, waa the next apoaker. Mr. 3>onard's subject was "Vlrtue, Llberty and Patrlotlam, tho three prlnclpala of the order. He deflned tho three great prlnclples ln a way that mado n deep Impresslon upon hls hearers. nnd at the conoiuslon of hls address he was loudly applauded. The Roblnson Reams' Funmnkera, com poaed of members ot the councll, wero tho next on the programme, and pre sented a clevor llttlo comedy sketch Colonel Chaflea B. Mosby, the paBt coun ollor, was the next speaher. He revlewed the groat work of the Councll of tho past yeara, and Invltfed the members to par take of llght refreshmenta, after which the councll held a. smoker. which waa mlngled wlth short storlos, songs and muslcal seleotlons. Bev. W. B, Brerrrner, of Canoda, form <rly a reporter on a dally paper but for the pase severa.1 years a mmlsterlal stu dent oooupled the Fulton Baptlat Church ath both servlces Bunday. Mr. Bremner la a splendid ? apeaker and the congregatlon waa ntuoh ploaBed wlth the sermons nt both servlces. Ho wlll attend Rlchmond Collego thla BQMlon nnd It ls very lltely that he wlll attend Fulton Churoh, aa he and the membera are greaUy attached "on^h^Wtfeun 8lh run of Corn Moon the chlefs and brothent of Mattaponl Trlbel NO. 119, I. 0. B. M..are "_"&, ,? hold ln their wlgwam at Nelsen s Hall, No. 8606 Wlillamsburg Avenue, a mocK trlal and a muslcale. The meeting ls go? lng to be pub lo and with tho old of the o^y.'^rXtbir'nu^ ^nfS they einect to havo a very enjoyablo evenlng The oWst-End Angels a farnoua mandofln club, of the clty, will be there. They lnvlto all brother Redmen and thelr wlves or aweethearts to be wlth them at tho above sleep, also slsters of the degree ? HenrTco?Co_ncll. No. T33, Boyal Arca num ^Mll hold an Important meeting Thursday nlght. After routne^uslness Is over refreshments wlll be ffrjed. ine offlcers aro making preparationa to in ?roduce eeveral novel features at the meetlngs thla fall. Powhatan Lodge, No. 1510, K. of H.. wlll hold a speclal meeting to-nlght at Kerse's HPll. The grand dlctator of the SUte Asslstant Grand ^tAtor R. Edgar Shlne and Grand Reporter Wllllam H. Balley - wlll bo present. .. ?_-,.',,?_, Mrs J. T. ROUtten and son, Wllllam Routten.of Newport News, are visltlng fIMrdWaverlv Nuckols has returned from ^l^hrNv. Daugherty, pastor of the Apostollc Church, is qulto sick at hls resi flGnco. on Graham Street. ? The FuVon Road has been repalred and ls now open to travel. Several electrlc lie-hts have reoently beem placed along the road. whlcli add greatly to the com for't of travellng afts.r dnrk Mr. and Mra. Thomas H. W'elmer are visltlng ln Chesterfleld c.Cunty, Had the Necessary Tools. Mr. J. M. Taylor. of the Oakwood Mar ble and Granlte Works, thlnks the lan guage used ln Sunday's paper In the story of the.theft of tho tombstone ln reference to hls "yards" llable to mls oonstruotlon. He aay* ho had all the necossarx tools at his plant for remodel Ing the stone. but sent lt to Brown'a yard to be polished. Carrip Defied the Keat. Plckett Camp, Confederate. Veterans, hold qulte a well attended sesslon last nltrht, notwithatandlng th ehigh posltlon ln the tube ooouplcd by the mercury. Commander P. P. Wl/?ton Drealdad. Mon tion was made of the d*atk?V"2f2 Mlaor. whoae devotion to Confererata camps everywhere waa well known. AMUSKMENTS. A C A D E M Y -0 NIGHT. THE TWO EMPERORS, MASON AND MASON, IN RUDOLPH AND ADOLPH. Tho MuBlcalOomedy Succossof the ago. PRICES?26o, B5o, 60c, 76o, $1.00. The Girl and Tho Judgo. BY OLYDE FITOH. Mlii Eleanor Monttll Supnorted by Carofully Seleotcd Company. HE WANTS A RECOUNT Mr. Todd /Mt-kes Kcquest of the Commlttee. IT MIOHT BE A MISTAKE Much lnterest Taken In ihe Henrico Contesti?Mr, Throckmorton Filea Sensalional Charges Agalnst Mr. Wendenburg. Tho iateet davelopment In connoctlon wlth the Henrico election, the aftermath of whloh Isalmoet na Interesting aa tho ballollng Itaelf,. ls tho roouost of Mr. Walter J. Todd, a dofeaUd candldate for tho offlco of Treasurer, for a recount of the entlro vote Caet for that posltlon. Up to yesterday. Mr. Todd had mado nO movo toward maklng a eontoat, but ln ao far aa hls requeat tnay be regarded ln thls llght, ho is now ln the fleld, and Mr. Brauor la beslcged on both atdes. Mr. Hcchler has already nied notlce of a oontest, on tho ground of vlolatlon of the Barkadale pure-electlon law. Mr. Todd makes no euch chargo, but merely aaka that the ballots be gone over agaln. The vote whlch gavo Mr. Brauor the nomlnatlon oxceeded Mr. Todd'a by leas than a hundred. The defeated candldate bellovos that a mistake ln tho count 1* very posslhle, and wlth such cloae run? nlng a mistake, lnslgnlflcant aa lt mlght under ordlnary clrcumstances nppear, would count for a good deal, Tho Judges worked late aftor a hard day of lt, and Mr. Todd thinks lt very posslblo that they mlght have made a mlscount here and there. It ls on thls aupposltlon that he baBes hla request. EPECIFICATIONS FILED. Great lnterest is taken ln the aeveral contcats that ha/ve sprung out of the prl? marv, and the meetlng of the commlttee on Saturday next .when the mattera wlll be taken up, Investlgated, and consldered wlll be an lmportant event In the onun ty. In tho contest over the offlce of Com monwealth's Attorney, Mr. Throckmorton haa formally flled charges agalnst Mr. Wendenburg, the succeasful candldate, al leglng that he violated the Barksdale law. Mr. Throckmorton makes speciflcatlona that are dcldedly sensatlonal. He ohargea that In the course of hls eanvas Wenden? burg and hls frlends ln different parts of the county vislted bar-rooma at varloua plaoes and Bpent money for drlnks, ln this manner Influenclng a sufflolent number of ivoters to wln the nomlnatlon. The petl tloner furthermore speclfles Instances In whlch he charges that thla occurred. He clted a bar-room In Shumaker's precinct whero he chargea j that Wendenbtfrg treated twenty mon, gave the bartender 15 and recslved 60,centa ln chango. Mr. Wendenburg ? flatly denlea the chargeg brought ag&lnet hlm, and de clares that they are" 86 rldlculous that ho cannot concelve that Mr. Throckmor? ton Is serlous. The chnfges, he says, are not worth the paper'they a.r_ wrltten on. Mr. Wendenburg further says that Mr. Throokmorton Insults bne-flfth of thq votera ot Henrico county when he saya that the-676 majorlty agalnat hlm were bought wlth whlakey: i._| THE E-XPENSE3/ Some of the candldates have flled thelr statemflnts of campaign expenses - and some of them are unusually interesting. One of them shows the sum of 50 oenta pald to a campaign orator, The statoment flled up to thls time are as follows: <U<, ? Sherlff Slmon Solomon i The accouni shows an expendlture of $167.90, tho four prlnclpal Items belng as- tollows: Print? lng, $26; enterlng prlmary, $25; carrlage hlre, $40; steamped envolopes, $21.80. Statement of L. H. Kemp, candldate fnr Commlssloner of Revenue of expenses In cident to prlmary eleqtlon held Septom ber 3: July 1?Amount pald J. A. Enos for for prlnting 1,000 cards..4 150 July 1?Amount pald F. -E. Jones for advertlslng on candldates' bulletln. 5 00 August-rAmount pald Jacob'Glfford for hall rent.. ?M AugUBt 18? Pald A. Doraontl, hall rent.. . * <? August 28? Pald Mrs. Bell, hall rent. 2 00, For advertlslng spaca In Sacrod Heart Church Bulletln. -100 August 14?Pald County, Committeo entrance feo ln prlmary...10 0ft Total.v....*#E0 ?VV. J. Binford, House .of Delegates: To 'prlnting cards-:... ,.$10 00 Assessment County Commlttee. f> 00 Inoldentals. 2 00 Total.117 00 Caskle E. Smlth, Commlssloner of Rev enue: May 26?Amount pald F. E. Jones for advertlslng.* i 00 May 26?Amount paia O'Keefe for advertlslng.;.. 6 00 cards;.?. 176 July 21-Amount pald F. B. Folsom for advertlslng. 2 00 August 12?Amount pald W. E .Jones for 1,000 cards. 175 August 14?Amount pald oommltteo for assesament.10 OC August 8-Rent of Terry's Hall. B 00 August 13?Rent of Andtrson's Hall.. I 00 August 31?To epeaker. 50 Total. ?????-..82 000 Mlss Susle Evana, of No. 1902 Grove Avenue, has returned home, nfter spond? lng slx weeks with hor frlend. Mrs, G. -W. Lvle, of Rndford. Va. I We hsv. a very l.r,e .took of ,eod patterns * *? ?^^ IcesTa^e our *** and WQ^AXmlnj^ SZ^JZm?** nuailtie* of S..rTa^r,er^^^ ~ ^?Bt.varlety of *ug. and Dru68eta, conie and look us ove, We ^We^Just"^ parlor and Bedr?>m Veivet and Axm.nst.r CarpeU. Al, U? Tree, wlth good llnlng. Tapestry Carpet* from 46o, per yard lald?Just a fewj com* early. CHAS. Q. SON, DBueuRiH-Your Credlt is good at Juraene' for anythlng you want to buy, 0?, ^TLfsraxgis** *-~ m m* tjSffi*?i?Ir& - ?"?-m -M?,n "? and the amallness of our prices, for wJUCh we're well known, wlll surprlse you. AH prlcea marked ln plaln flgures. LOOKING FORWADE Pollce Searching for the Would*Be Murderer. ASSAULTE6 MR. GORDON Young Man Qoea to Ihe Sleeplng, Flg ura of James Wllten dordon, ?; Boarder Wlth Hia Mother, and Attempta to Klll Hlm. Whlle hls murderoue Asaallnnt flees from Justlce, Mr, James Wllten Gordon went to tho Clty Hosplta), sufforlng from mnny cuts and blowa about the head. Early Sunday mornlng, beforo lt was yet llght. George Wade, a young_ man. aged twonty-lhree years, atUmpted to klll Mr. Gordon, a boarder tn hla motnerai home, No. 1100 Bevefly Street. Had lt boen llght, or had there been a lamp ln tho room the aBsallant would doubtless have succeeded In accomplisn lng hls evldent purpose of murdor. But in tho dark hls blows fell unalmed and at random. lt i? probably due. to this that Mr. GPrdon ls how a malmed man rather than a corp?*. THB INJURBD MAN. Wade. the ! fugltlve, llve* wlth hle mother, who ls -twlce a wldow, her aat husband's name havlng been Ifjlng. Mr. Gordon hae been a boarder wlth her for some tlme. He ls an Inspector for the Rlchmond, Freflerlckshurg and Poto mao Railroad, and haB beon a good frlend to Mr*. Lovlng and her people for a long tlme. There ls no one who could possl bly glve a cause for the murderous as? sault upon hlm by young Wade. The only reason asslgned ls that of Jealousy ond an Insane dealre to do Mr. Gordon personal Injury. At the tlmo he was attacked Mr. Gordon was aaleep. The young man was par tlally dressed, anfl had been lying on a couch ln tho room wlth Mr. Gordon and hls mother, nll talklng in a general way. The young man was notloed to have been sulten and qulet, and he stayed up later than usual. Flnally Mr. Gordon went to bed, Later Wade went out the back door, and lt I* thought the attaok upon Gordon was through an open wlndow near hls bed, rather than from Inside the room. TOLD HIS MOTHBR. After commlttlng the orlmo Wade went to hls.mother's rdom and awoko her. "I have flxod hlm and have flxed hlm good. Go ln and attend to hlm tf'you want to."" Mrs. Lovlng saw the bloody axe, and she ran to Mr. Gordon'a room, where the slght of the wounded man, wlth blood flowlng freely from half a dozen places ln hls head, almost made her slck. ffhe called Dr. MoGowan, and the am bulance was sent for. Dr, Sycle respond cd, and Mr. Gordon was taken hurrledly to the Clty Hosplta], where he was glven the best of attentlon, arjd mado as com forUble as posslbto untll last nlght, when he returned home, much Improved and probably out of danger. Hls famlly physlclan wlll now attend hlm. For the Sunshlne Room. A lawn party wlll be had ln th* Caval? ry Armory on 'North Soventh Street be> yond Lelgh this evenlng- from 6 to 11 o'olock under the ausplces and dlrectlon of the Sunshino Club and for tne beneflt of the Bunshlne room ln the Clty Hos pital. Refreshments wlll be served by tne ladles, among whom aro many of thoae promlnently known ln all charltablo movements. ThoJjtuubllo nra Invltod to attend and besldew enjoylng a pleaBant evenlng ald this worthy projeot, of whloh tho slck stranger and the wanderer and tho wounded wlll bo the beneflclarlos. BANK STATEMENT8. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF T_*B PROV1DENT SAVINGS BANK, LOCATED AT RICH MOND, VA., IN THE STATE OF VIR G1NIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 9, 1903, MADE TO THB AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOTJNTS OF VIRGIN1A: RESOURCES. Loans and dlscounts.$150,39107 Stocks, bondfc and mortgagos...... 24,240 63 Furniture and flxtures.;. 1,548 21 Checks and other cash ltema. 118 89 Due from natlonal banks,.. 5,(89 05 Spocle, nlckols and cents. 32171 Paper ourrency . 1,230 00 Current expenses and taxes pald. 3,630 04 Total ,'........!...........'......$187,162 60 LIABIL1TIBB. Capltal stock pald in.$60,000 00 Undlvided prollts. 7,22566 Tlme certlflcatos of deposlt........ 111,819 02 Due to natlonal banks.... 18,117 f Total .;...1187.163 60 I w. Gray Wattson, Caahler, do eolemn* ly Woar that the above ls a true state ment of the flnanclal condltlon of the Provklent Savlngs Bank, located at Rlch? mond; ln the State of Vlrglnla, at the close of bualnesa on the 9tn day of Bep tem, 1903, to the best of my knowledge and bellof. ' ?> W. GRAY WATTSON, Cashler. Correct?Attest: JAMES WHITTBT, H. T. GATES, JOSBiPH B, MONTGOMERY. Dlreotors. State of Vlrglnla, clty of Rlchmond i Sworn to and subsorlbert before me thla 14th day of September. 1903. GEO. J. HOOPEft, Notary Publlc, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN.?THB IINPBU. ?lencd httreby glve natlce that they tmv* qualioed aa AdmlnUtratori. wlth Ihe wlll annexed, of B. B, WWIOHT, deoeaeen. late of tb? olty of Rloboiopd, Btata of Vlrglnla. - All persoiu knowlnu tbeaiaelvea to bo ln debtod to tbd (ald deeedent wlll plonse make prompt paywmit U> tho undenilgned or to WACTBB SYDNOR, Ko.- t Worth Blerentb Street, Rlehmond, V?? tholr ooutudi nnd nll neraons -harlne t-lalnn aialnit the ducedcut wlll pleaae preaent annie.- properly proron, for piiynii-nt, to tbe underalgned, or to thelr aa,d ?ttgmjN?;?;-; . wBIOnT. AdrainUtratora of 8< B, Wrlgbt.-doeoaeod, IJOa ? KlUt Carr Stroet, Rloltmona, Va. . - - ilAVINa QUAUF'BP AS ADMINJSTR VTOK Op tiic Mlnto of GEOROB K. TAYLOIt, ilaceasod, Hlt poreonn linvlrg claluig ugulnst anlil o-itaH wlll preeimt them to nid for payiuont an- all indebted to tha citata wlll aettle wlth me, - OABI'AND B, TAYLOR. T SOuth Nlnth Street, RlenmoniJ, V*. ..,_ . .--I-, ? -" rrrrni SEALED PROPOSAU8, The Clty ot Rlohmond, Va. Offlce Clty Wator Works, City Hall, Oharloa B. Rolling, Bupt. Rlohmond, Va., Bept. H, 1903. BEAIiED PROPOSAI.S W-ILL BE RE, celved at this offlce untll 6 P. M. SEP? TEMBER 24th for the conatruotlon of Q WOODEN CONDUIT. oxtendlng from the Baslnu to the Pump Worka, and then publlcly opened. informatlon, gpeclflcatlona and drawing can be obtalned at thla offlce. All prot posals must be nocompanled by a certl fied oheck, nayabie to Olty Troasurer, for tho sum of $2,000. The Commlttee on Water r.aaety* the right ^?^SSH?&&!Sm, gept' 11,18,16,17,20,^,24. Bupei'lntenOent. BANK STATBMENT8. ?.M,I.,<M??M||?.,??, > ,?"?' ???'??<?.>.* "? .? REPORT OF T_!18 CONDITtON OF THE FIR8T NATtONAb BANK, AT nlCH MOND. INTHB BTATg OP JHtOlNiA, "AT Tflffl _T_08B OF BUSlNBM 8EP' TEMBER 9, 1603: , _u_aouRcfEB, ._ ^ __> _, Overdrafta, p.ecured and utise- ''__ _,. oured .!?" ?2 6? U, S. bonds to seotiro olreu- ____?_,,_. laHon.i,.,,.',.'J..i,',... W9,M0(W U, .8. bonda to deeura IT. B. deposit* .,.-,,..*.._,.,.. 12,?0OM Vlrglnla bonds to seoure u, ?.__. depqslla .'.,..,,.. 00 Slocka, aecurltles, eto.i,...,.. 17,901 78 Banklng house, furnlture ahd __ flxtures....T,.? JJ.njo oo Other roal estftte ownsd,,,..,,. 87,510 1-1 Due from natlonal banka- (not __ __,,__ reserve atents)..? 182,188 71 Due from State banks and _ bnnkere .,.,...,.. 116.026 7s Due . from appr"ovcd reserva sgenla ..',.,.,,,.,,,. M6,8zl 63 ChecKs and other cash ltems.,i, 8.688 ?t Exchange* for elearJng house. i 86,224 68 Notea of other natlonal bank. 18,000 OU Fractlonal paper ourrenoy, nlcK? els and centn.>....,. 912 87 Lawful money reserve In bank, vl*. i Bp-iclB .$92,1O0IX) Legal-tendor notoa..131,000 00 _, . 213,100 00 Redemption fund wlth U. 8, Treasurer. (6 per cent. of clr- ________ culatlon) ....?. M.W.. 00 Total .....,,..$6,680,467 7S MABIMTIBfl. _?,_?,_. Capital stock pald In.I ?2S-<52 __> Burplus fund. 400,00000 Undlvldod proflts, lesa expenses and, taxes pald. 116,744 28 Natlonal bank notoa outatand-' Ing . . 599,000 00 Due -to other na? tlonal banks.$ 440,674 00 Due to State banks and hankers. 882,913 46 Due' to ? trust compa? nles and aavlngs banks . 67,198 24 Dlvldends unpald. 672 00 Indlvldual deposlts, BUbJect to check.... 6,087,6X3 48 Demand eertlflcates of deposit . 208,(67 79 Certlfled cheeka. 13,642 88 '. Caehler'a ohecks out- _ _ atandlng. 2,08060 U. S. doposlta. 270,000 00 _____,_,? -? 4,447,119 61 U. S. bond aocount. J_'5SS5S Vlrglnla bond account. 896,000 00 Llabllltles other than those abovo_ stated (reserved for In- ___ terestj. 8,096 01 Total.$6,680,467 75 State of "Vlrglnla. olty of Rlchmond?sa. : I, Jno. M, Mlller, Jr., cashler of the above-named barvk, do solemnly swear that the above atatement la true to the best of my knowledge ond bellef, JNO. M. MILIiBR, Jr., CaBhler. Subscrlbed and sworn to boforo me thla Uth day of September, 1903. OEO. BRYAN, Notary Publl*. My commlaalon expIreB October 21, 1803. Correct?Atteat: _.?._ ?_._?__,.,, VIRGINIUS NEWTON, JNO. B. PURCELD, ISRABL, STERN, Dlreotors. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OFTHB UNION BANK OF RICHMOND; IXiCATBD AT RICH? MOND, IN' THB STATE OF VIRGINIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINBSS SEP? TEMBER 9, 1908, MADE TO THE AUDI TOR. OF P^BLIC ACCOHNT8 OF VIR? GINIA: RESOUROBS, Doans and dlscounts,.$1,436,247 23 Stooks. bonds and mortgagea.... 473,646 2ft Other real eatate.i,.<, *492 S2 Checks and other oash ltems.... 183 S0 Due from natlonal banka...,. 28,605 a Specle, nlckela and cents. 62 93 Paper currency.,. 69, ? Current expepses..... - 1-^ss " ' Total ..-.____*_______ 84 LIABIUTIES. Capital stock pald ln.*_?S'2? ?? Undlvlded proflts. v313,774 04 Dlvldends unpald.'/:?"???;? loO uo Indlvldual deposIta, subject to Check alxty days' notlce).1,288.32*67 Tlm6 certlflcate of depoelt (elxty daya' notlce).. 74,277 23 lnterest-on deposit ln advance... 36,000 00 Total;.;......?......$1,931,275 84 , r, .Ji .B. Beasley, Cashler,. do solemnly swear that the above la a true statement of the flnanclal condltlon of tho Unlon Bank o? Rlohmond, located At Richmond, In the State of Vlrglnla, at the close of bualneaa on the -9th day of September 1903, to the best of^y knewl^nd8b^ef.cMh|8r Correct-Atte.tvTRr_wiug NBWTON. | N. W. BOWB. R. T. ARRINOTON, DIreotors. State of Vlrglnla, olty of Rlohmond: Sworn to and subaorlbed before me thls 12th day of September, 1903. OEO. BRYAN, Notary Publlo. MBBTiNQ8. Rlohmond, Va., 6>pt, 16, 1008. ? OrriOMRS AND MBMBQRS IlICH YY MOND RANDOLPH LODOE, NO. 19. A. /VN F. and A. M., pleaae attend tha Stated Commur.lcatlon ot /oiir ledge Tlllfl (Tnaertajr) EVKNINO at 8 o'elook, afaaoni' ITall. Membera oVelatar lodsaa Invltsd'to-iriaet wlth us. By orflar ot the W. M. W. i. OOODB, Secretary. __- A 8PECI Al* COMMUNICATION OF Mg? VV TROPOUTAN LOD0B, NO. 11. A. F. f\fr and A. MABONB, wlll be hald at tbe 4-n_mla 'farople THIS iTceaney) BVl.NfNO, ln W atsadlDg an is^ted to attend. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. ol.ut. tubttin al and Well Ap SSdWAREHOUSE PROPERTY Jn imntHnlhandDookStnati. hoTist,' ^U^-^-l^^'*^ P'NPORT? MORRIS & CO., comprlslng THREE boNTmUOIJS HOUBES of flne ?i_o to be rented elther sopnratoly or oa a whole. Excellent ralfway Jftellltlea, ?levators, and all nocesaary modern ??_?? vinTenceS affordlnB unUSU-1 opportuhlty to merchants and warehouaemen, We would urge nrompt inspaotlonof thls ox. cellent property, an?l wlll take pleueure ln giving any WonnMtoto^ ^ topt U,l8,l6,17,20-6t 1U3 Malr. Btreet. For Sale Cheap. Easy Terms. CHOICE LOTS ON BEVERLY AND Wallaoo, between Carter and Rlohla Stroets. Bovorly-Btreot lots, $10 per foot, Wallaoe-fltreet lots, $7 per foot. Lots front 24x127 feet. Termai $25 caah, bal ano payable rnonthly, Abelraat frt*. POLLARO & BAQBY, 8 and 7 North Eleventh Btreet. : Farnts, Milli, *c., For Sale. GEO. E. OiiA WEORP <fe 00., AUCTION 8ALB?-TMIi DAY. By Stttldn * Oft, , Rertl rc.ita.le Auctloneer*. > Corner Tonth and B*nK Btreatts > LARGB SALB or IMPROVBD AND TJNllWPROVWt) f?0** BRTY ON BROAD, SECOND. JACK> BON, bUVAL.AND BAKBR . BTTtBETS. At the requeht of tho partles IntsreatWl, who aro non-resldents And eeltlng for tfia purpose of aettllng up an estate, we enall offer for gale at publlo aiiollc-n, on tha premlses, the followlng pronerty, ln the ? followlng order, commenclng TUBSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1903, promptly at 4 o'clock P, M, : FIRST?Vacant Lot on the south slde of Baker Street, near Prentli*' Alley, front Ing 2(1 feet, and runnlng back between parnllel llnes about 160 feet to an alley. SECOND?Say at 4:1B P. M., those two small Ft'Atne Hotises, known as No*. 828 and ?flH West Duval Btreet. wlth .lot* frontlng togethor 48 feet and runnlng baek about ieo feet to an alley. THIRD?Say at 6 o'clock P. M? two small Brlok and one Frame Dwelllng, Nos. 4, 0 and 8 Eflat Jackson Street, wlth lots frontlng together 84 feet II lnchea and runnlng back A depth of 166 feet. FOURTH-Say at B!80 V. M., that two sflory detached Frame Dwelllng, No, 18 East Jackson Stroet, wlth lot frontlng- 88 feet and runnlng baok between parallel tlnei 168 feot ?_? -.?:_ FTFTH?Say at 6 o'eloclt P. M? emall Frame Dwelllng. No. 728 North; Second Street, wlth lot frontlng 22 feet and run? nlng back a good JJPj__,?-,,; .__ ON WBDNESDAY, SBPTBMBRtt 16, lWl, commenclng at 4:80 o'clock r. M. ', FIRST?Vacnut Lot on the ea?t ?W?__ Second Street, between Byrd and Afoh Streets, frontlng 98 feet 3 lnchea end run? nlng back between parallel Une? a good depth to what ls known aa Stavenaon'e Street SBCONl>-At M? P. M., that valuable Lot on tfce north slde of Broad, between Graham and Kancoak Streets, wlth A traalt Frame Tenement thereon,kn<>wn as No. 918 West Broad Street. TMi lot fronte 80 feet and nin? back about 140 feet to a wlde alley. All of the abovo property la well located ond In good rentlng loeatlona. PertoM wlshlng to Invest should Arall themetlvM of thla opportunlty, as the property wlll TBRAW?Announced at the hour of aale. SUTTON tk CO? sept 11-tds _Auctkmeert), By Pollard A Bagby, Real Bstato Auetloneera. Sili by Auollon tl Ditaebii f *? Slory Frniii Dwtlllnf, H 2913 WIIMamtburc /Ut, Nloi Blg Lot. We wlll eell by auotlon, on tha pretn TUBSDAY, SEPT. 16, 196J, &__?? P. St. the above-mentloned attraetlve llttle home. Lot 38 feet front by. good depth. TERMS? Very aMommodatlng. ?.?___, POLLARD A BAOBT. sept-13,18,16-8t By Ollver & Jones, Auctloheerj. 116 Weat Broad Street: 'Phone 2878. WE WILL SBDL TO-DAY AT 10:80 FOR PARTIBS LBAV1NQ< THB clty, Oak and Walnut Bed-room Furni? ture. Fnather Bede, Iron Bedstead and BDrlnas. Wardrobes, Loungea, Couohes, ChalrsT Rockers, Dlnlng and other Tablee, Sldeboarda. Hat Racks, Odd Bedsteads, Buroau, Washstands, Rugs, Druggets, Mattlng, Plctures, Sewing Maemnee. Cooklng Stoves and a general llne of household goods too numerous to ttien tlon. Ladles Invlted to attend sale. QBO. V. OLIVBR, Saleaman. Geo. W. Mayo, Auotloneer. I WILL SELL FOR ACCOUNT-OF. CHESAPEAKE AND 0HI0 RAILWAY COMPANY at frelaht statlon of sald oompany, Slx -teenth ancTBroad Streets, thle olty, on TUBSDA.Y. SEPTEMBER 13,1903, commenclng at 9:30 o'clock A. M.' Three HiSndrei and Flfty Paokages (more or lOBS) Of UNCLAIMED AND REFUSED FREIGHT sale to be In conformity wlth law gw* ornlng suoh aalea. / OEORBE W. MAYO, Auotlanoar. Geo. H. Valentlne, A. P. Mont*omar?\ Salesmen. _-;_j. AUg 16,23 aep 6,15,13. By Sutton * Co.. Real BstAte Auetloneera. Corner Tenth and Bank Streeta. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALB OF ,: THAT LAROB THRBE-8TORY ANW BASDMENT BRICK TJWBMBNT, SITUATED ON THB NORTH 8IXMB oriwan. between eiohth AND NINTH STRBOTTfl. KNOWN AS NO. **H B. LWIOH Wt. In oxeoutlon of a decree of the Rlch? mond Ohanoery Court, entered on the lit Say"ot August; 1903, ln the suit of W. H. Tatum'a Admtnletrator ,va. Bfary W. Taturn and others, the underalgned Speclal ComSlsaloners, appolnted fcheraby. wlll proceed to aell at publlo auotlon. upon tha PreTHURB?DAY. ?BP^BBB 3T 1M at 6 o'clock P. M? the above-deecilbe* prTR_rdwelllng la a large three-atory and! tmiement brlok tenement, contalnlng ahpat 13 rooms, bealdes detached Iritohen, and ln ^The'Ttronta about ? feet on the northi sldo of-Lelgn Street and runa back be tween paralw ?nM ?* <Bet- m<>re or ,eM| t0The "noTrness of this property to tha bua nisa portlon of the olty. to> tne icheota and -hurohea makea It very dealrabU as aTERMS-One:fourtih cash, Mluca ln three enual Instalments, payable ln _ U. <&7i ?r montha from date of eale, wlth In? terest ftded and th. title rotamed untll all the Purchaw money la pald and a oan, veyan'coVdered by tha offifoa*. R, w. PBYTON. Jr.. \ Speclal CtomTnlseloneW. I certlfy that the bond requlred of> tta Speclal CommlMloners by the aboye-mea. tlPon.d -^^^".StelSPWfc sept tl-tde __^ By Pollard * Bagby. Auotlon Salt for Division of That Desirable Gtntral Dataohtd Houii, No. 634 North Slxth Stroot. By direotlon of partles Interested, wa at 6:S0 p. M.. the abovo desorlbed proper? ty. The house la very, neat, and deairame l0TERM?4--Llberal and announaed at sale. FOH SALE. FOR SALE. ONB Oy TBE THrUlTIMT OIOAR MANW. FAOTU1UNO CONOBUNS in tbtl country, C*. naelty; 78,000 W 100,000 elgiM P? awat*. Itead* sali for tbe *a?U ootwt. *nt-?quippe4 iactorr ln <b? *>uttu no oW atoolt o? b?n<}| 11600 tpau ; lu ?dv?rtl?lng liet year. Bra?*? &?t&_ u tbe "?w ?'*y-""'"a lu tbe Unlted Stetee. Belltog on sccount <4 *'*U''' Ad4m* Bo* ??, BarrkwaNri, ?*.