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Miller ? Rhoads. Miller & Rhoixds. Embroidered White Linen Center Pieces, Scarfs and Doylies. IMPORTED FROM THE ISLAND OF MADEIRA. Doylies 6-in ? 6-in?35c, SOc and 60c. Centre Pieces 24, 27 and 30 inches in Diameter $3.50 to $10.00. Scarfs 18 ? 54 Inches $7.50 to $10.00. All hand-made by the natives of Madeira from the finest quality of Linen. The embroidery is French and English -work and is tho most tedi? ous thing to do imaginable.. Little holes are cut with a stiletto through the linen and tho edge of tho hole is then whipped all round. Each pieco is also scalloped ?along the edges. Yi'e have never seen any work to equal this?certainly there's nothing in American embroidery work that can touch it for fineness and skill and if there was it couldn't be sold at any such prices as wo quote. Time and labor is too valuable in this country to be sold at such low figures? ?<v ?^ZA^-zz^Cs *a*>'f>?S><?><?^?^?'^^ Social a?id ?Personal ?^??>f?G^f<?????^^^ To-day, Septembor 29th, Is Michaelmas Day, when It becomes all good Christians to commemorate the victo: y of the Eng? lish over the Spanish Armada by eating roast goose for dinner. The Introduction of the goose as a Michaelmas dish Is thus accounted for hy a tradition "that Queen Elizabeth, on her way to Tilbury Fort, September 21), 158S, dined at the ancient seat of Sir Neville Umfreyvllle, where, among o her things, two f'no geese were provided for dinner. Too '^ueen, having eaten heartily, called for a bumper of Bur? gundy, an?j gave as a toast "Destruction to the Spanish Armada!" "Scarcely had she spoken when a mes? senger announced the destruction of the fleet by a storm. The Queen demandcel a second bumper and said: "Henceforth shall a goose commemoiate this great victory." G'ascoigne, who died In 1577, refers to the cuBtom of goose-eating at Mlchael mas. In Christian art St. Michael Is some? times depleted as ? beautiful young man with a severe countenance, winged ami either clad in white or armor, bearing a lance and shield, with which he com? bats a dragon. In the final judgment, ho is represented with scales, Jn which he weighs the sous of tho risen ?lead. Milton makes him tt|e leader of tho celestial armies commanded by God to . drive the ?ebel angels out of heaven. Longfellow, in his "Golden Legend," says he Is the presiding spirit of tlie planet Mercury, and brings to man tbo Cift of prudence, as may be seen from the following lines: "The planet Mercury, whose place Is nearer to the sun In space, Is my allotted sphere; An?] with celestial ardor swift 1 bear upon my hands the gift Of heavenly prudence here." A return to a picturesque fashion of for? mer days was made last week by Mrs. Charles Astor Brlsted, when she gave a dance at lier Lenox country seat. Her ball-room was illuminated only by the soft radiance from myriads of candles placed in antieiue sconces, candelebra and a great chandelier. The return to the usages of our grand? fathers and grandmothers was most pleasing in effect. There seems to be no doubt but that the experiment will bo tried this winter In New York. The great ball-room in tho palace at Vienna Is lighted mv nn enormous crystal chandelier, in which there are thou? sands of wax candles producing the mild glow Which Is the prerogative of royal? ty. With the return of so many o? th? old fashions of . the beginning of last century. cancf?felight ,1s one of tho most grateful. It should now resume its wont? ed place ln the drawing and entertain-: ing-roorns and the old glass prisms which wore, perhaps, a source of weariness of spirit to many a housemaid em cleaning days, will be brought foith Hum the gar? ret and restored to their former state. The annual business meeting of tbo . Milton C. Work Whist Club will be held In Ihe a.uellencu room of the Woman's Club, Wednesday afternoon, September Suih, at 4:_0 o'cock, when new olllcers ?will be elected, and a day chosen for tho meetings of the club during tlie com? ing season. A full aitenijiu-.ce is dei ?iiiabl?, as there are several Important matters to lao decided. The Confederate Memorial Literary So? ciety will meet Wednesday, September 80th, at noon, In Lee Camp Hall, as ? lie Museum is undergoing: repairs. Leaflets r.ot already delivered, will U> distributed to vice-regents. Tho engagement of Miss Amy Henne Williojiis io Mr. llUKh l'hlllp Powell, has been announced. The wedding will b?* celebrated at the First Baptist Chinch, October -Oth, tbe Bev. Dr. George Cooler, ass sled by tbo Itev. Dr. Charles S, Gardner, of Graco 6trt-et liapllNi Church, olile.uitlng. Misa Williams is Die daughter of Mr. John C. Williams and In a must charm? ing young lady. Mr. Powell is engaged here ln business and Ib very popular, Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Elisa t?.???.?-,? Wood, the daugh? ter of Mr. and -Mrs. (.'liarles Wood, of Ivy, Albemarle county, to Dr, Clifford Sperow, a popular physician of Martlns l.urg, Vf. Va. The ceremony will take plac-i in St. 1'aul's Church, Ivy, Octo 1st, at -.80 P. M. A programme received iu Richmond brings n:.vs of the appearance of Misa Aliie Williams in a concert given at the Munlopel Th'e-atre, Lucerne. Miss Williams, who sang several num? bers, was accompanied by Monsieur I-ouIh Lombard, of New York. Miss ErVelyn Stroud and Mr. Janie? P. Cut Glass The World's Beet Ha. received the lilgheit Jtwiird. for 'tuattty itt every competitive exhibit THE E. B. TAYLOR CO., Exclutlve nichmoncl Aqente, 1011 E. Main _t. 8 E. Broad St, Onllonberg-er were married Sundny even? ing In his parlors by the Itev. J. O. Bab cock. Mr. and Mrs. Cnllonbergor. left Imme? diately after the ceremony for Suffolk, Va. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Belile, of West Frunklln SUrcet, will be In Philadelphia this week to attend the wedding of their son, Cliarles, and Miss Nittlnger. Miss Augusta Belile, the sister of tho groom, and Miss Elizabeth Siovers, of ?ork. Pa., will be bridesmaids. Mrs. Nannie D. Worth, who has been visiting frienils In Richmond, since giving up her hucse, will leave next week to visit her brother, Mr. Henry H. Worth, who has located on James River, near Brandon. Mrs. Worth will spend the winter with her son, Mr. John Wertli, who has re? cently removed to Philadelphia, to 1111 tho position of Inspector of engineering work at the League Island Navy Yard. Mrs. Sparks Vf. Melton, accompanied by her little son, Carroll, and her maid, ara spending a fe wdays with Mrs. Mel? ton's parents, Dr. and Mrs, James Nel? son, of the Woman's College, before re? turning to her home In Augusta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Robertson have re? turned from Atlantic City. Miss Amy M. Burko will leave the lat? ter part if Octolaer to spend the winter in New York. Mrs. Mary A. Burke Is the gueist of Mrs. J. F, Pyle. of Philadelphia. Mr. Victor Sholburne has just returned from a two-months' visit to France and Lngland. Miss Margaret Lee and her party of young ladles??Miss Margaret Shields, Miss Mary Buford and Miss Lily Urquharl? returned to Richmond Saturday night, having spent a delightful summer In England and on tho continent of Europe. The longest stays were made ln (London, Paris and in the principal Italian cities. Miss Mary M. Brockenbrough and Mr. Georgo B. Sut ton have returned from Richmond county, where (hoy went last week to attend the Cross-Brockenbrough wed ding. Mrs. E. C. Minor has Tented her house, furnished, to Mr. Alfred Williams, and will bo with her mother nnd sisters during the winter. ? ?a ? Miss Mattie Pollard has returned after somo weeks spent with friends In Carolino county. Of Interest to Richmond nnd Virginia pcoplo ls the announcement of the wed? ding on October Cth of Miss Joy Van Cammed Davis, ono of the most beau? tiful girls in Kentucky, and Mr. Beverly Randolph Wellford, of Memphis, Tenti. Mr. Norman Call, Dr. Manfred Call and Mr. John B. Morderai left last evening for Lebanon, In Russell county, Va. On Wednesday at noon Mr. Call will bo mar? ried to Miss Eileen M. Ilenron. After a wending trip, Mr. Call nnd his bride will be at homo to their friends ln No. ???? West Grace Street, Miss Anna Doane Cnrr has returned from a visit to Miss Elizabeth Crutchtleld, O? Fredericksburg. Miss,. Shorroil Wlllcox Is the guest of Miss Mary U'lllcuX of Norfolk, Vu. Mrs. Courtney Jenkins Is spending some time In Ghent, Norfolk, with Mrs. James 1. Jenkins. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Hughes, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. G. Vf, P. Brock, have left for Norfolk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace 8. Halves have returned to the city. Miss Kathorlne llawes ls also at homo after a summer spent at tho North. IS CALLED TO RANDOLPH-STREET Rev. Mr. Richardson Will Suc? ceed the Rev. I. S. Boyles Here. At the servii*?* held Sunday morning at tho Randolph Huuel Baptist Church a ? ul| to tin- pasto-rato was extended to Ihn Itev. E, J. Richardson, of Saluda, Va. in? num.) limi inen under consid? eration for some time, ?Uul when placed in nomination received th? hearty vote of the congregation. ? Mr. Richardson is a young man of great ? blllty, who hnn served with much sue cesa In other pastorates. He Ih abolit thirty-five years nf ngu und is married, Up l<) a .short time ???? Im was paglO| o? iti?-? churches ,?i Saluda ond Urbanns, Hi? work there wiiB of a most excellent iiort, He had been there quite ? lon-j while, however, and rteoldod that it was b^hi to change hi? Held. Hence tin? re? lent res:? nal ion. it is more than probable thai Mr? Rich. ai'dxon will accept? the call to Randolph .Street. ill- will probably inti-r ii|?ui his work here about October let, wlu-n hie ret-lyriatlon lu bullida goes luti., ef? fect. SEE STUART MODELS THIS AFTERNOON Capt. Dlmmock's Committee Meets at 4:30 o'clock?No Selection Just Yet. Tho committee to make a selection of a model for Ihe Stuart equestrian statue will meet this nfternoon at 4.80 o'clock to tako a look at the offerings ot nine or ten artlatS. These moelels aro mount? ed In a room on Broad Street, botweeu Fifth and Sixth, very near Lee Cnmp Hall. Captain ?Vmmock, the well known architect, Is the chairman of the com? mittee?, and ftevernl members of the Ex? ecutive* Hoard of the Veteran Cavalry Association nro acting with him.. It is pretty certain thnt ? decision will not be reached this nfternoon, but this will bo the first time thnt tho committee as a body hns seen tho models. The merits of each will he discussed nnd impressions nrn likely to ho made which will be fruitful when the. time for voting comes. All of tho commltteemen save Mr. Joseph liryan have seen Iho models, and lt Is learned thnt nt least some will hnve no trouble about rhaklngj Up their minds. Captni'n Dlmmncl?: Is nnxlous for Mr. Brynn to see the models before the selection Is mnde. This gentlemnn Is returning now from Europe and will bo In Richmond probably the latter pnrt of the week, or the first nf next. Some de? cisive report from tho committee will be mnde now ns soon ns possible. THE EXPENSE LIST OF MR. II. C. HECHLER Mr. H. C. Hechler, who Is now contest? ing for the ofllce of treasurer of Henrico county, yesterday filed his list of expenses Incurred in tlie recent primary. It is as follows: July?0'ICeefe, printing.? 5 00 July?Ellis Jones, printing. BOO july?Wllliam Montgomery, printing, 9 (K) July and August?Flanhart. printing, f> " August?John W. Fergusson, printing 3 00 August?O. Enos, printing. 1?G.0 August?Messrs. Uriel, hall rent. 1 00 August?Messrs. Garden, hall rent.... 3 00 August?Whlttot and Shopperson, printing ..'. 3 G.0 August?County Committee.20 00 August?One breakfast. 50 SOS "d In Sunday's report of the proceedings before tho committee a typographical er? ror made lt appear that Mr. Hechler had given tho man L. A. Green $10 to go to Norfolk and escape having to testify be? fore the committee. This was, of course, a mistake. The witness was testifying ns to the defendant, and tho name shoulel have beon Brauer, and not Hechler. SACRED HEART LEAGUE HAVE BEEft REORGANIZED Sunday afternoon nn Important meet? ing was held in the basement of St. Pe ttr's Cathedral, when the League of the Sacred Heart was reorganized. Rev. Father Joseph Magri has been appointed chaplain and under his guidance the so? ciety will no doubt be propogated and li.e meiniietship greatly incrensed. Tho League of tlie Sacred Heart Is one of tho most important and flourishing or? ganizations In the Catholic Church and includes somewhere In tho neighborhood of a million members and has for Its object the spreading of tho devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On the tirst Friday of each month spe? cial services are held in all of the church?: es under the auspices of the League! About thirty-five promoters were present Sunday afternoon, notwithstanding tho inclomency of the weather nnd the chap? lain was greatly encouraged by the bright outlook. SALES OF THE WEEK ? Some Desirable Properly Offered, Be? ginning To-Morrow, No real estato was offered for sale at public auction yesterday. Monday Is al? ways regarded as a dull day ln real es? tate market. Considerable desirable prop? erty will be offered later In the week. Messrs. j. Thompson Brown nnd Com? pany will sell the two-story frame dwel? ling, No; G'J9 Soutli Lau, el Street, Wed? nesday afternoon at ii o'clock. Tlie same firm will offer No. 1420 Floyd Avenue on Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. This Is a very desirable brick residence. The Edward S. Rose Company will sell the "Klondyke," No. 10 East Broad Street, also on Thursday. It Is not often that investors have the opportunity of buying East Broad-Street property. The ?Klon? dyke," as would naturnlly be expected, Is on the north side of Broad. j A NICE SHOWING Property Aggregating $29,000 Sold by Taylor & Company. Messrs. H. Seldon Taylor and Company, well known real estate agents, recently sold privately p;operty aggregating in pile ? $29,000. A detailed list ?? the sales is given here. Store, No. 1300, nt northeast corner of Main ?uni Thirteenth Streets, fK.r.oo? small brick dwelling, No. Ulli Clay Siren anil Brook Avenue, $2,GOO; brick dwelling No ??Is .South Third Street. $4,600?/?vacant lot -0x130 feet at northeast corrjftr of Lorn bardy and Hanover Streets, $2,560; vacant lot 45x150 feet, north side of Franklin Street, between Harrison and Ryland Streets, {0,750, Property Transfers. ^Richmond-Ida M. Crouch to Harvey \\, in feet on west skie of Twenty fourth Street, CO foet north Of Clay, $525. Herndon Felldlng t., Cornelia Herndon, life Interest In 12 feet on Gllmer Street, TS feot from southwest cornel- of Moore, ?f."). John W. Hughes to William Slmms, 26 f.-et em west siile ?G Thirtieth Street, ;i8 feel north of Q, $a.5. Mrs. Mary A. McAiiiih to Mrs, Mary C. West, 6S feet on east sido eif Shook?'Al? ley, north of Duval, ^:,U. Henrico?Goorgo .M. Cnyce ami wife lo C. L. Howard, 25 foot e,u north side uf .Main Street, between Robinson nml Mul? berry, $-70. L. J. Cheiitwood and wife to Molilo Johnson, 20 0-13 feet on north side of Car? rlngton Street, 100 11-12 (eoi east of Tw?.n ty-second, $526. Thornton I3acho to Stephen B, Mln.on, '.' actes ahout seven or eight miles frulli Richmond e.u the Portugeo Roud, $10. JoJ.n C, Fowler find wife to J. II. Dow den, ?.G? aeres em west sido of County Huiul lea. ling from the Nino Mile Road to the Cralglon Road, .fOOO. F W. Lowe nnel wife nnel Catharine Lowe to Charles Miller, il acres about four miles southeast of Rlohmond, near ??,it Lee, :?". Stephen B. and .lune .Minsi.? tu Mor? ti.',* i.ishv. 88 (13 aproa about eevon or D'.Bht mile? bolnw Richmond e.n th?, ??. S ?. Railway, $-???. Ro?a V, & ?. M- 11?.'eher tu Wm, I*? Goddln, -1 fe?t Oll West eldO l.uoko Street, October Toi ni. Th?? October ?.?11" of Ilio Chancery' Court ?f ||?. city ,,? Richmond, .lud??.? G) ?,,?>,?? uri ? nan presiding,-will begin on Monday next. TJiere Ik a great deal ,.t heavy w',,k to bo disposed of nt the tenu. ju'giiiH' t Rendered? In t'ne l/iw and K'nilty Court ye?terc]ay ,1u.?,;;?,.???? was rendered ni*nln_t I.. l> Hat? Itlntj lu favor ol I.. T, Mui itoii for $129.74, HURNUTT'S HXTRACT OP vanu.i.a ??? iu.?l l.l.l.1> (tueler??*} by ull k-udlutf liuli-l-, ?-?? "v;w\t vqur/'k ^$?? tlf-ni Cure fails Ma mm ??-? ,??:?-.'-:?:?;".?:?i?Av"ji -A?? M UN f ON ^? ISP to cure ,".??.. I will refund your money. MANY DRUNKS WERE BEFORE THE 'SQUIRE Twenty-five Cases Disposed o??The Hlqgins' Affair Continued. "Whiskey must hnve (lowed llko James River," said 'Squire Bonnie, as he ad? justed his spoca and looked over tho docket. "How many drunks are there?" he asked Sergeant Thomas. "Twenty-live even," woe tho reply. "That's odd," aald Scribe Edgar. Then the roll was called, and Bailiff Barry gathered tho witnesses together. The caso of Mike Hlgglns was not entered Into the suggeslilou of Mr. Har? ry Glenn, counsel In tho case, but It went over until this ?norning, when more evi? dence will be produced. Hlgglns Is charged with attacking J. R. Livingston on the street with a pistol at-'l with taking, .fi from him. Living-ion as walking a on,- M ishall .street i?l h as in ?. -n ,i o - "-.?"'?, w- Oi? II, gin?, cciisted them. A lilllo light ensued between the two ? ?ji,i> i-o , ?j ri ? ie it was the arrest ,of the men. Livingston was afterward released. J. Gluiinott) was lined $,'0 on the charge of exhibiting a) vulgar piotine. He took an appeal, and the case will probably bo heard by a jufy. Sidney Jackson was put under bonds for sixty days tor taking some wood anj coal that did not? belong to him. J. B. Wilson paid $5 for fighting. Gilbert Gray;[charged with cutting Joo Taylor with a'lraaor, will be heard to? day. Lonnlo ?Zimmer got six months? security lor taking $11 and a silver watch from ?1. Branch. /' Robert Beacham, as a fugitive from Page county, ?-'here he Is wanted for al? leged criminal'assault, was held for the authorities of rage. William Brocjts nnd Martha Sale paid $2 each for throwing rocks in the street. Junius Coles was held to October Tlh on the charge of cutting Ella Coles. Junius Hlnton1 was charged $:u? for con? ducting a gambling place, and six negroes were1 fined ?2.S0 loach for playing "skin." James Judahi paid $2.?O for shooting craps. Then the drunks lined up, and were treu..-- according to law. Cone-iris at the Parks. Concerts nt the various suburban parks will be continued all this week at Reser? voir Park. Iardella's Band playing there from S:.".? to 0 and from 7 to 11 P. M. This excellent band la constantly adding new music to Its repertoire and thus maintains tbe interest In Its concerts. The sacred concert at tho Reservoir Park Sunday attracted about two thou? sand people, de-pite tho threatening cloud, which later in the evening brought rain. Forest Hill, Lakeside, Westhnmpton and ?Seven Pines nil proved attractive destina? tions for outing narties Sunday after? noon, and the travel for the day was very large. Better ca.r service was given on the Westhampion branch Sunday, as promised by tho company. DAILY FASHION HINTS RUSSIAN BLOUSE. The ultimatum that every girl shall havo a Russian blouse In her wardrobe has brought out some new styles that are especially practical for this autumn for girls' school frocks. In tho charming design shown here the stilt mny be varied by using the blouse with separate skirt, and vice versa. The little yoke effect In front is very pretty, nnd when made of white or light colors, livens up ? dark suit wonderfully. The front of waist Is gathered slightly nt the yoke edge, giv? ing a pretty roundness to tho waist, and the fullness In confined at tho waist by a belt. The lining may or may not be used, and tho blouse may be gathered and stitched to the waist or adjusted by tho belt. The skirt Is five-gored, tho most approved stylo for mlss3S and girls, and will ho a good model to follow for either suit or ns a separate skirt. Tho back may be mado with an inverted box pleat or gathered. Any of the waist materials or autumn suitings will mako up satisfactorily In the mode, although serge, mohair, cas Blmore or light-weight woollens will bo exceedingly pretty when combined with a bright braid for decoration. No, 4,*1?38?Sizes for 8, in. 12, 14 and lii years. On receipt of 10 ?'enta this patlurn will bu sent to any add resa, ?11 oidora muet be directed to THE I.ITTI,IO KOLKS ?'?????? Cd, 78 rifili Avenue, New York. When indorine pienso do not fall to mention number, ?'a?. Nome. -I,-la"*.' ITS ANNIVERSARY WAS CELEBRATED Bethlehem Church Has Now Passed Its Fiftieth Year. The fiftieth anniversary "G tho Bothlo hem Evangelical? Lutheran Church was celebrated Sunday morning and night with special exorcises. Tho occasion proved a most Interest? ing and delightful one lo tlio congrega? tion. Largo congregations wero present at both soi-ylcoH, and much ofithuslnsm and zonl were manifested. The church has roeontly been repainted and other? wise thoroughly repaired Inside and out. It was beautifully decorated with palms and flowers. At. tho morning service tho Rev. C. F. W. Meyer, of Baltimore, preached an elo? quent soniion. and at night the pulpit was occupied by the Hev. t?. H. StlITIns, also of Baltimore; Tho present postor of the church, tho Rov. F. H. Menscliko, gavo a history of the church during tho fifty years of Its life. The congregation Is now In a very flourishing condition, and a handsome parsonage Is being built. Tho congr?gation was organized on the first Sunday In October, 1S52, with thirty nine members, but now has a ?vory largo membership. The first church was erect? ed In 1854. Tho congregation had a steady growth, and in 1SC8 It built nnd dedi? cated Ihe presont sanctuary. During Ihe fifty years of Its oxlstonco tho follow? ing pastors served the congregation: Wil? liam Sohmogrow, K. Lubkert, Carl Gross, C. L. Lochncr, P. Ilreyor, C. .1. Oelscbl.-ioger. Tho prerent Incumbent, Rev. F. IT. Menscliko, has been tn charge of the congregation since last March, and ls preaching In English and Cerm an. WHO WISHES TO ADOPT A PRETTY LITTLE GIRL Mr. Davis hrt-s a pretty little girl about six weeks old at tho Almshouso, whom he desires somo ono to adopt. Any one v-antlng ,1 sweet little ono would do well to con ??,.?? with Mr. I'livls. United States Court lo Convene. The Unitevi States District and Circuit Courts for tho Eastern'District of Vir? ginia will convene In this city October I'th and will bo ln session for two weeks or move The lists of grand and petit Jurors havo not yet been drawn, but will be out In a few days. Judge Edmund Waddlll will leave to? day for Ablngdon; where he will hold a term of court for Judgo McDowell. Mr. J. N. Whlttnker, court stenographer, will accompany him. Mr. Grccnwaid Honored. Mr. W. B. Greenwald hns been appoint? ed special supreme deputy of Fraternal Mystic Circle, for this city. MAL STORIES FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS Th? Owl at Dinner. "Waiter, whore's tho bill of fare? Same old dishes, I declare, Rat-tall soup, nnd fresh mico stew. Can't you bring me something new? "WHERE'S THE BILL OF FARE?" Then the waiter scratched his head; "Chicken's very good," ho said. "That's the very thing to fetch up," Cried tho owl, "and lots of ketchup." "Bring It soon, I havo a date At the club at half-past eight; When I spenk I nlways feel Bettor If I've bad a meal." W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50 and $2.50SHQES? Boy's Shoes, ?2 and $1.75. A "???? PRESIDENT'S ENDORSEMENT. John II. Scud.lor, I'rerthlent ?if the lli'tat -Niitliuml Hunk of Ticiitoii, writes .Mr. ii.iu|. In-, ; ''Your ?t?.G?? shoes oqual custom inailo |Siio('s tor whloh 1 havo formerly paid S>?S.0?? titillili,?,' wem? longer," lui-, is ti,,, I'tUIHDil IV, T.. ]>?????1??? mulles find ?I'll?. iimiai,,oiiVfiiMH*ye'-r\V'-|t(JI?na?'? r >??<?*?.,HhocH thiiniiiiyolhiiriiiiiUm?. i'liiiglas ?2.00 slices aro minio of iilier, havo inore st,vio and will wear m any other {f?i,DO slioo, l'ho name ilu worl-itiaiisliip as W.L. Doli?las "s ?tho best in the world. finit D mglai uteu Corona Colt proves there is vain? ? liuuifhis $3.60 sliocn, Coruna Colt is tholun'i t made patent leather mado. a*" N;"" ? ????,? ??-lee mi l.oltuin. 'lutai no MilmtlluU?. lii-l '',i|ui' I'anUlu USOtl ??iJ.cliualvcly. Ubo?? l'f nuil,8" ell, .-vim. ?????.??????! G???????? free, mou...,. w? 1- ??,?????.?.?,, ????,?-?,????. G????.1,. RICHMOND: 623 East Broad Street, Sew nil ? W. I. betler |i longer l IliBli (!!' {*;t.,rii! ? IRTLAMO CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, Largest Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors of PO?TL?^ ft?n ROS?NDAIE C'SMENT, ?ME AUD BUILDIH8 i^ATEil?aL EN THE UNITED STATES. Lowest delivered prices quoted, on nppllcnttoh, on Rtnndnrd Rrnnds, In enr go lots, cnrlond lots, small lots, to any point In Amerli'n. Full stocks at Interior mills; nlso at Baltimore, Md.; Newport News, Vn.; Norfolk, Vn.; Portsmouth, Va.; Wilmington, N. C.i Chnrloslon, B. C; Savannah, Ga.i Fermi Udina, l'In.; Jiii.'ksonvllle, Flit.? Pensacela, PI?.i Mobile, Ala.; New Orleans, La.; Galveston, Tex.i Hlrnilnghtim. Ain., nnd Atlanta, C?a. AVrlto for nur prices, CHEAP SPECTACLES and eye-glasses?? 1 i? h t o <1 work??*tro frightfully expen? sive in tho end. " Not how cheap, but how good," should lie tlio motto of all wlio need optical work. "Wo sliould supply .vour optical needs. Satisfaction -and lowest charges guaranteed. The S. Galeski Optical Co., Ninth and Main Sts. H____&E_ TKE F-Rf?. OF having gono out of business I I will Business a. ? Bb?S '_?/,:tj ????IM--W?* ?19 E.. Franklin S .reef, under tlie ?am? of f. w. TiSiOR's sob. I will be glad te-; serve the pat? rons of tho old concern in the best-way possible*, and my per? sonal friends? Tlie repair work left with ?. ??. Tignor's Sons can be found at 1719 E. Franklin St., and will not. be kept longer than the 15th of December?then it will bo sold for repairs. .J. C. TIGNOTt. are In abundance nt Hunter'.?. If you j want cheap stuff shop around; but If ] you want good goods and full value | for your money, como to Hunter's, j ?\G? have one of tho most completo j assortment of School Supplies here- I about, and If you will look them j over, ten chances to ono you will buy 1 our goods. If you wish School Boeiks, a look ! over our second-hand stock will most J likely secure you tho one you want, I In good condition and at a moderate | price. t C29 EAST ?????? STRI2ET. 75c. Half-Soling Men's Shoes Ladies', 60c. Evory pair Welt Shoe restltched on our Kl?*?'trlc Stitcher; no big ugly sow* ?j ing around Ilio sole like a cobbler Hews ( by hand; no nails, no pegs; the only up-to-elato plant for repairing shoes In ITjRFW'S ElECTRIO POWER uncvv o SH0E FACTOaYi 716 East Main Street. ?Phono 'J6G7, will seuid anywhere and deliver. This advertisement good for 10c. REV. MR. WILSON STILL BUILDING NEW CHURCH Tho G???. ?.?. A. Wilson, of Southwest Virginia, is in the olty, In tlie lntoreslu of u now Baptist church ho Is build? ing. Mr. Wilson is now advanced in years but his autlvlly Is unimpaired, Ho Is v.orkhig unii.?!? Ihe Slato Mission Hoard und for thirty years has been opening up new lipidi, ile lu.a built moro Baptist churches than any other pastor in tlio State, Suii'o of tlifiu have developed Into l'ini chin >;i.-j. A notable instance Is that Oi* th.? ohliroh at ?lUvfleld, whlcli I.?? Marled with thlr.eeii ?????????..??? ami which li)H? yin.1" gave }1,000 to foreignmissions, A Cold Sna?. Ono of Moenta's ie'e-cremn delivery wng.nis. which bad been left standing on Eighth Street between Main and Franklin ' Huiuia.v nun iilng, was strii'k by a street car und upsol, spiling much of lin, contents in the qtruot, No so.juu.. ilainagi? was? ?lone. It is salii thut the horso linei moved from Dio position at Wlacli ho was loft ??taiullng und thus potion in thu way of tli_ car. na ti ?m ??li Now is the time to fur? nish the house. Our stock is complete of all the latest designs in M ?si s w i-fU f.'-*? li ti LrV) "?? M WH (o* 'See our stock and prices. Both will please you. ? e 2 i 5 EAST BROAD STREET. <&&?&Z^t&h?$i&&2!W S?EINWAY UPRIGHT $275, harden mimi Theso piano-i are in perfect condition. Thoy were taken <?? na part payment on tlic fi AUTISTIC ?Ti???? ii ULbU ?J ca We havo many others. Cash or Kiity Terms. Investigate. STIEFF, 431 E. Broad St. J. B. DUNHAM, ????, Gs*; :-?$?j ?&rf hoh't delay. U?al ?t o?r ?wo stores' and save bohey. Best American Granulated Sugar, pound .5o* Lion Coffee, 1-pound papers.9c. Sour Plcklea, gallon.25*? Fresh Soda Crackers and Ginger Snaps, per pound.W. Carolina Rice, per pound.??. Small California Hams, pound.9c. 8 bars Octanon-Shaoe Soap for.25c. Pure Cider Vinegar, gallon.20c. Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.12c. Be_t City Meal, per peck.18c. or, bushel .700. Mixed Spices, for pickling, pound.20o. Best Cream Cheese, pound.15o. Arbucklea' Ariosa Coffee, pound.9?... Brown Sugar, pound.?? No. 1 Timothy Hay. hundred .85c. Root Beer (make 5 gallon-), bottle...5c. Good Lard, .pound, 9c; or 3 lbs. for..20o. Wholo Sweet Pickles, quart.10o. Gibson, XXXX, Mt. Vernon, Oscar Peper. Old Brocks Whiskey, bottle..75o. 3-pound jars Home-Made Preserves 18c. Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart..120. Ennmellne Stove Polish, box.4c. Salt Pork, per pound.7o Pound cans Chipped Beef.1Bo. New Clipped Herrln-js, per dozen-10o, Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound... .30c. 3 cans Potted Tongue and Ham for..10o. Carolina Rice, good quality, pound...6o, Lareie Lump Starch, pound.40. Duffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle-BOo. Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 East Street. Uptown Storo, 006 East shall Street. 'Pilones ot our two Store?