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P. & P. Co, Rejects All Bids for the Work. TO FURNISH CITY POWER The Carnival Under the Auspices ofthe . Firemen's Relief Fund Opens for a *' Week?Talk of an Independent Candidate tor Legislature. (Spedo 1 lo The Tlmcs-Dlspnlch.) PETERSBURG, VA., September -8.? Tho Virginia Passengor und Power Com? pany will build Its dnm scross Appo- I mattox River ut ?ils city, all bids having , boen rejected. The dam will bo forty | feet high, forty-three feet thick and ' nearly a mile \ting. .More than 40,00) bar? rels uf cement and 2,000 carloads of sand will bo necessary in its construction, lt la estimated that tho building ??vili con sumo about three years. Tho power house at the locks near the city will develop about 5/?0 homo power, and a still larger plant at tho dam, seven miles beyond tho city, will develop morn than 7,000'horse power, giving a combined elec? tric power of about 12,000 horso power. A lino will bo built from Richmond to Petersburg to transfer electricity, and lt Is estimated that enough power will bo ; Idcvelopod In this city to supply both Rich- I mond and Petersburg. The canal rrom I the dam to the locks, seven miles long, ' 'will be forty feel wide and eighteen feet j ideep. The work of widening and deepen- ? ilng tbe canal Is now being done by Lano j Brothers, contractors. ? ?? MONK'S BRIGADE. Colonel W. 11. Stewart, of Portsmouth, ? was delighted with his visit to Peters burg Saturday In tlie interest of holding ; H reunion of the survivors of Mahonc's j Brigade, who participated In the battle ? o? tho Crater, July 30, 1S01. Colonel Stow- j urt commanded the .Sixty-firs'. Virginia ? Regiment In that Imtllc. He Is the chief ? officer of the Crater bivouacs that have | been formed In several localities, having originated the scheme for a reunion.. He ? Is enthusiastic In pushing tho movement : to success. Of the ?t? mon In Mahone's Brigade, he ea)_, about 2O0 are now liv? ing. One feature of the reunion will be j tho marching of the lino over the ground upon which they marched to the Crater j forty years ago. There will bo a roll ? call by the company of men of .Mahone's Brigade. YOUNG MET? IN TROUBLE. Morris Murphy and Jarnos M. Young v/ere arrested Saturday night on the charge of having broken Into the store \ ?o? ??. Vf. W. Brist?.-, ?,u Halifax Street, ; end the bicycle store of Sam Liobert and ! Southall's blacksmith shop. Young said ; he had nothing to do with the robbery and tried to dissuade Murphy from his purpose. The Mayor sent Murphy on to tho Corporation Court and dismissed Young. Tho carnival, under the auspices of tho Firemen's Relief Fund Committee, oponed this evening. It will be continued through? out the week. There seems to be a great deal of interest In the city, and large crowds are expected to turn out. The I contest for the eiueen continues, and votes aro being liberally casi. Tho Democrats next Friday evening will hold ward meetings for tho election of | members of tlio City Central Committee, j Three will he chosen from each ward. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. Rumors of an Independent candidate for the Legislature from Petersburg con? tinue, but It is hardly likely tnut any candidate will run with hope of success. There are 2,200 registered voters in the city. Of this number 1.0*0 participated In the recent primary, each of whom pledged himself to support tho regular Demo? cratic nominee, so that none of these voters will support an Independent can? didate. There Is nothing to Indicate that Mr. John Watson will not be the repre? sentative from Petersburg. Rev. j. t. O'Fcrrei; yesterday cele? brated ills eighteenth anniversary as pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church In this city, Father O'Ferrc-ll has done a splendid work In Petersburg. During his ministry his con/jregatjoh has built ene of tho most beautiful churches m AJrglnia, and his membrrshp has largely increased. Father (T Ferrell Is honored and beleved by the entire community. Roper nnd Company are now in the.V large, now ware-house . on Union Street. This com.iany has benn established since iwn, and is one of the oldest wholesale firms in the State. They recently occu? pied double three-story stores on Syca? more Street, but their business having grown to isuch proportions, and an addi? tional warehouse hein?? necessary to the handling of the goods, tho company de? termined to build a warehouse on Union ?Street of suillclcnf size for the handling of all shipments. : The warehouse Is Nos. 1*1, IG and IS Union Street, and Is two stories high, running along the Atlantic Coust Lino ?for more than 200 feet. Several cars can he loaded and unloadeel from their pri? vate sldlm?. The stores on Sycamore Street for? merly occupied by Roper and Company will'now bo occupied by Mr. H. P. Har? rison, wholesale confectioner, in this city. Mr. HurrIso.ii hns begun ??????? Into his new store, and will probably bn "Kind words arc more than Coronet?, And simulo faith than Norman blood." Many and varied have been the kind words s.iid and the kind acts done since the new firm started. Thus en? couraged, we shall prove worthy. The "simple faith" we have reposed in the equity and good sense of our public has been fully repaid even now. Old friends have been loyal and new patrons arc daily being added. "? new broom sweeps clean," especially if in old and capable hands. Now seems the fitting* titne foi tidying up the home, and we simply suggest Curtains. Nottinghams, old and tried, S 1.00 to tfi?.OO. Irish Points, ornate and worthy, 8r,.?t) to ?futi.r.o. Ami-Inns, rich In tone, ?50.00 to ?in.oo. Tambours, popular at all times, Sri.OO to SJ1B.00, Renaissance, rich ond chaste, $ac.oo to ?*,.*,r*.(io. Among these are found many unique and bizarre patterns, "catchy*' and "fetchy" from with? in and without the homo. Orienta! Silk Blankets. These enmc ncross the water at : money, and their beauty adds to our special command, und tho I the Ruugnens at home, tints are bewildering and be- j Knl{ Blankets, ?1.00. ?1.SS, witching. j a-)?*..-.!' und ?4.K0. Come and have Thoy mean a trifling outlay in I the first glimpse. Horse Show Finery means so many things that we cannot enter into all the details : OLOVES. all lengths and shad- ? CHIFFON and MOUSSELINE ll?gs. only in worthy Roods and our [ DE SOIE we have ln standstrd o?vn Importations, ?1.00 to In- j goods at ???. Compare the qual flnity. ' Hy v-ith 75c. goods. SILK NETS, In the fino ftlm.y ! HOSIERY GALORE, In Cnrdl "kltids, and the smart lattice P?tr | nais. Coppers, Whites and Fancies, terns, range from ljsi.00 to ijIS.OO. | Koto tbe new Reds. 00 East Broad Street ?B9SBSE3 ^rrrrri'^vrrr-.v?,-,t ."vnTfa^^^r^. quartered there by the end of the weeK The mortuary report for the month of September shows the total number of death:; In Petersburg to be '?'?: whites Ih, colored 15. It Is a remarkable fact that lor Beverini months past teh rule of mor? tality has been greater among the whites than amor.-j the net-roes. Aa far as li Known thero lias not* been arhong the riogroe? ln this city any cases of diph? theria, which has been prevalent airone the whlte3 The rate of mortality for the past month for the white population was 1? per thousand per annum; among the colored 13 per thousand per annum. Messrs. ReinlioM Rogers and Churchill Chamberlnyne, who huv<? been spemllng sf-veral months abroad, have returned to Petersburg. Mr. Lewis Clmrnborlhyne, ono of the rrofeFsors at the Soutln-rn Female Col? lege ln this city during the past session, 1 ft to-,lav for Philadelphia, Pa., where he will teach ln the Chestnut Hill Acad? emy. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carpenter, of Balli m?re, nro vip-'tliit* Mrs. Carpenter's pa? rents, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Mouler, In this city. Mrs. R. A. Gamble has purchased pri? ve, fly from Mrs. Anna Jones'the hand? some brick residence on Marshall Street, now occupied l>y Mr. E. C. Kent. Thirty-four colored persons wero bap? tized In Dlsborry Creek In Chesterfield county yesterday. E. J. Archer, a well known colored bar? ber and local preacher, Is dead at his homo In Pocahohtos, Archer was thrown from an electric car about two weeks airo and sustained Injuries which re? sulted in his death. HALIFAX COUNTY COURT Grand Jury Indictments and Petnten tiarv Verdicts. CSnerlal to The Times-Iilsnatcli.') HOUSTON, VA., September 25.-Oounty Court was In session to-day. judge Barks' dale presiding. A special grand Jury was Impaneled and found t'ue bills for (elony against Thomas J. Hudson for attempted criminal ussault on "Mrs, Mary E. Mar? tin. Mnek Coleman, colored, for felonious shooting, und Leila Hopkl-ji?, for br?? iking nnd entering th?; dwelling of DrUsilla Al? len anil strains sundry dresses, D. R. Farley, charged with putting spikes in the track of the Southern Rail? road, was adjudged to bo of unsound mind and was ordered to be committed to one of the hospitals for the Insane. Henry Ball, charged with shooting Po? liceman Thomas Chandler, was found guilty and sent to tlie penitentiary for ten years. The case against Thomas J. Hudson was continued until the November term on account of the absence of a material witness for the defense. Muck Coleman will be tried to-morrow. TWO OF THE KILLED Dan P. Flory and Paul M. Argenbright, Natives o< Rocktngrnm. (Special to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) HARRISONBURG, VA., September 2S.? Dan P. Flory and Paul M. Argenbright, who were killed In the Southern wreck, near Danville Sunday, were both natives of this county. Flory wag twenty-three years of age, and entered the mall service when eighteen yeurs old. Ho was hurt in a wreck near Lynchburg in March, 1902, and at the time of his death had a suit for fH.OOO damages pending against tho Southern. He has two brothers In the mall service, one on the Bouthern antl tho other on the Chesapeake Western. The funeral will be held to-morrow at Mill Creek Church, In East Rockingharn, near where he was born. The body ar-_ rl'i-ed this afternoon. Argenbright wus thlrty-flvo years of ago, and had only been ln the service sluce last Christmas. He was formerly a magistrate and school teacher of this county and resided at Mt. Clinton. His wife and ono child survive him. The ar? rangements for tho funeral havo not been made as the body nas not been brought here. Painter?Topley. (Special to Tim Times-Dispatch.) SHENANDOAH, VA., September 23.? William C. Painter and Mis.s Katie Tup ley, both of Edhiburg, Va., were marrie^ at the residence of Mr. Eugene Redfern, In Slienun.loali, Va., Sunday night, Sep? tember 27th, by Rev. D. S. Henkol. JOHNSON CITY, TENNjI-D-ivid Gritt, a wntchnuin iH tho Fe?.iral Soldiers' Homo, was shot and killed to-day by Policeman George Xllen. Allen claims he had had a provimi" difficulty with Gritt over the* arrest of ffrltt's son on a trivial charge. Allen claims eelf-defenso. N.JUMR Nino Alen Killed and Seven / Wounded. BOY INSANE FROM HORROR An Official Statement by Vic-President Finley, of the Southern Road -Most of the Dead Are Postal Clerks, (Special to The Tlrncs-Dlspatch,) DANVI.LLE, VA., Sept. -?.-South bound trai? No. ?7 of the Southern Rail? way Jumped tha track yesterday after? e.of.ii at _;.I0 o'clock and fell through the Stilili?,U.SO nestle, a short distai. north of tin's city, on the Virginia Midland di? vision of the B.y_tcm, and without a mo? ment's warning the entilo train was pre. cipltated to the bottom of the ravine, about fifty feet deep, and practically de? molished. Nine persons were kllioii and, seven others woro badly Injured, ono tir?bably fatally. The dead aro: Engineer J. A. Eroady, Sallsvllle, Va.i Fireman A. J. Clapp, Qrensboro, N. C; Conductor J. Blair, Danville, Va.; Mall Clerk J. L. Thomp? son, Washington, D. C; Mall Clerk S. Chambers, Midland. Va.i Mall Clok D. T. Flory, Midland, Va.; Mall Clerk P. N. Augenbrlght, Mount Clinton, Va.; Flag? man J. 9. Moody, son of Mall Clerk Thompson. Tho Injured are: Mall Clerks Louis Vf. Spiers, Manassas, Va.; Frank E. Brooks, Chorlottesv?lle, Va.; Perclval Jnden mauer, Washington; Criarles E. Reames, CUlp?per, Va.; Jennings J. Dunl.-ip. Wash? ington, D. C; M. C. Maupln, Charlottes,? vllle. Va., and J. Harrison Thompson, St. Luke. Va. THE WRECKED TRAIN. The train was bound for New Orleans, La., and was known as the Southern mall express. It le?ft Washington yesterday morning at S o'clock, carrying local and Northern mall for Southern points. It was made up nf four mall cars and ono express car. Tho run from Washington to Danville ordinarily consumes about six hours: As No. 07 Is a mail train It Is re oulred to keep to the schedule ns closely as possible. Its speed yesterday was not above the ordinary, nnd as 'it approached Danville Engineer Broady, who lost his life, reduced tho speed to about thirty miles an hour, as required by ills orders. Just north of Stillhouse ravine tjio track takes a sudden turn. This curve had been passed and the train was ap? proaching the trestle. When within a hundred feet from the trestle the engine Jumped the tracks and ran along the cross-ties. As It was about to pass onto tlie bridge the engine careened, striking the wooden supports of the bridge struc? ture. The impact was terrific. Four supports, each thirteen feet long, wero greatly weakened and gave way under the weight of the engine. The engine fell through the opening, followed by the five cars, ahd landed in the mud at tlio bottom of the creek. The engine was partly buried by the weight of the cars which fell on top of It. Although the engine was not badly damaged, the cars were reduced to a great mass of broken wood and twisted steel and iron. WRECK TAES FIRE. When tbe cars struck tho bottom of the ravine the mall bags from the mall cars were torn to pieces, and letters and parcels flew ln every 'direction. The wreckage immediately took fire, but the flames were extinguished before they gained any headway by the flro depart? ment of Danville, Va., which had beer) summoned. No mail. It is thought, was destroyed. The contents of the express car wore scattered about in great con? fusion, and were practically destroyed. Several thousands of people quickly gathered and began the. rescue work. The bodies of nine persons, who had appar? ently suffered instant death, wero found. As these were beyond human aid, tho rescuers turned their attention to the injured. They were quickly placed on ?stretchers and removed to the hospital at Danville. In the meantime Superin? tendent Coapman und a large force of men arrived at the scence of the wreck from Danville. The superintendent took immediato charge and directed the work of recovering the bodies. The bodies of the engineer and firemen were found beside the engine, showing thnt they had mado no attempt to Jump as tho train went down. The bodies of tbe mall clerks were found under anali bags and other portions of the debris. Mall Clerk Spier is considered to be the most seriously Injured, and no hope Is entertained for his recovery. He sustain? ed injuries to his spine and head. All the other clerks reported to havo boen hurt are expected to recover. THE TRAFFIC BLOCKED. As soon as the rescue work had been completed Superintendent Cbapman ond Ills force began to clear away the wreck? age, which completely blocked traille over that division of the system until this morning. The mail sacks and loose mall wero gathered up and placed In ? secure place. All the debris of Iho cars was cleared away, but It was Impossible to pull the engine from tlie mud. While tho clearing ? 'GHT?R. ? No. 1.35 West ?98th Street, New Yohk C'mr, ?. Y., April 3, 100.3. "Wine of Cardui lias been a blessing to my homo. I have often found that it was a (treat relief when I wns weary or in pain, but 1 am especially grateful for-what it did for our daughter and only child. I noticed that her menses were tardy and sin; suffered with-beadaches and giddiness, heaviness in tho abdomen and about the loins. This seriously interfered with her studies and she had to discontinue several of them. A visitor calling on uic and disentitling the matter suggested that I give her a course of your Wine of Cardui as it had relieved her dr.ughter of a similar trouble. After my daughter 1 yp had used it for five weeks I found a great improvement in her looks, ?^ . ?/ ??F^ s health and behavior, in fact she was a different girl. The flow became ??-^-y*-*^ ?*?/?G? O Ccr*%y?arKf regular and we have not had any difficulty since. rr / T-utAsu?????-, lUriiUONK McMOKUb AbauoiAXlo?. Here the menstrual function had not been properly started and the uuaatural condition v/as making the young girl an Invalid. The headaches and giddiness, indicated something more than a mere temporary ailment. They were symptoms of a functional weakness which would become more and more aggravated as years went by. But Mrs. Thompson was ready to take advice for her daughter's welfare and she gave the little sufferer Wine of Cardui and now she is a well young woman. If your daughter is sickly and frequently ailing the letter of this good mother contains the best advice you cati follow. Wine of Cardui is the menstrual regulator that cures nine cases out of every ten. Young girls, mothers and middle aged women find this tonic indispensable. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. Established ?t Century Ago. Presentation end Wedding Gifts. To responsible persons we will be pleased to send goods on approval? express prepaid. Prices and* aescripfions of such i anieles as may be desired will be glap/y furnished. GALT & BRO., JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, STATIONERS, 1107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. fEBOM?VKBBCBBnsnX tai WStSSKBU work was In progress the trains wero sent on by way of the Norfolk nnd Western nnd the ?.. ??\ anil P, lino-?. CLEARING Till-": WRfiCtt. Tho work of clearing away tho wreck or No. !?7, fast mall on tho Virginia Mid? land Division, which run off a trc-tle near this city yesterday afternoon, con? tinuos, but owing to the depth of Iho ravine. It Is very slow, ? boy frnm Lynchburg named Rutled Armlgtcd, who was In llie expiess car, la supposed to still be under the wreckdfec. It was reported 10-day that he bad left the train at Franklin Junction, but the train did not stop tboro, and he must have been |n the wreck. Workmen are still engaged in search? ing for the body ?nd II Is expected that it will be recovered before morning. The boy was onlv sixteen, years of nge. and It was his habit to get on the train at Lynchburg, come ns far as Danville and then return, and It was on one of theso trips lie embarked yesterday. Thero were two boys under the trestlg tvhon the wreck occurred, and one of them has been Insane ever since. He has nighty spells and imagines that he can see trains flying through tbe air. His parents are very much exorcised, but it ls hoped the abber?tlan is only temporary. OFFICIAL STATKM li.NT. Vice-Pr?sident Finley, of the Sou ? horn Railway, Was Interviewed this morning regarding the accident. He gnldt "The train consisted of two postal cars, one express car, and one baggage car for the storage of mall. The trestle ls very little damaged, as tho train Jumped the track about forty feot north of the tr.-alln on sound track, In good lino and surface, and proper gauge. The trestle was In first-class condition, nnd was so well bracea that the eriglpe and train falling on the outside of the curve knock? ed down the oillsida. posta and left the other side standing. By.?-wltnesses re? port that the train was approaching the trestle nt rate nf speed of thirty to tblrty five miles per hour. The losa ot Ufe and the personal Injuries are very much re? gretted. The cause of tlio accident 1=.? b ? ing Investigated. The trestle was prompt? ly replaced and the first train pass? d over It at 0:10 tills morning." One of the most remarkable escapes was that of one of the mall clerks, who was on a rear car. Ilo attempted to Jump aH tho car toppled. The heavy structuro beat him to the ground by reason of Its weight, .he lighting nimbly on the top of, it, much battered nnd bruised, but not seriously hurt, lie was unconscious. ' FUNERAL OF TRAINMEN White Brothers Gave Bond in Double the Amount Required by the Court. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.? SALISBURY, N. C? Sept. 2S.?Tho body of Conductor J. T. Blair, who was kill? ed ln the wreck of No. 07, the fast mull, at Danville, Va., Sunday afternoon, wa3 brought to his home at Spencer, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tho funeral services wero held at once and the interment was in the cemetery near Spencer. Fireman A. G. Clapp, of Spencer, who was killed in the same wreck, was burled this afternoon ut Gibsonville, N. C? with ? ?. O. F. honors. About fifteen mem? bers of Spencer Dodge of thi.?? Order at? tended the funeral, which was held at Glhsonvlll??, the home of the deceased. Mr. Clapp was highly esteemed by/all who knew him and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He carried $.",000 life Insurance In Lh<i Railway Broth? erhood. Engineer Broady, who was killed at the same time, had recently moved to Spen? cer to live, having been transferred from Cumberland, Md. This was his lirst run or, the fast mall. He wa.s burled at Salt ville, V.l., his native place." T'ornas J. and Calvin White, of Con? cord, who killed Russell Sborrili, at Mt. Ulla, on tho 17th instant, left hero for tholr respective homes Saturday night, after giving bond of ?5OS800 each. Thu was twice tho amount required by Judge Brown, who heard tho habeas corpus proceedings Saturday. The result of the preliminary hearing seems to meet tho approval of tho gene? ra! public. The trial Is set for the No? vember term of Rowan Superior Court. CHARLOTTESVILLE CLERKS They Had Been in Wrecks a Shgrt Time Before. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) CHARLOTTKSVIDI.E, VA., September 28.?Mrs.? Brooks, wife of Mr. Frank E. Brooks, one of the postal clerks, w+io escaped death In yesterday's wreck, nenr Danville, left for that city at 3 o'clock this afternoon to attend the bedsld? of her Injured husband. Th's morning u telegram was received from TUr. Itrooks, stating that he was not sonously In? jured, and telling his family not lo worry about him, ?is he would be homo ln the next three or four days. Mr. Brooke was hudly Injured In a f-oulliorii Hallway wreck near Dyni.-libui-g on April 'Jlid last, and was Incaplcilatod for duty over five months, buying re? sameli bis run on Soptembor 1st, Cloren Maupin, another mall clerk, who was among thu Injured, is also a resident of this city, the son of Mr, N. C. Mau? pin. In the twelve months he has been ?inployed in the postal sorvlco lie has been In two wrecks. -??-?? , MISSOURI EXPECTED TO SHOW SPEED Government to Acquire Extra Land for Fort Monroe. Virginia. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch,) NKWl'OllT NEWS, YA.. Sept. 2S.~ Cuptiiiu Kichard Inch, senior inspectm* uf inaeh.nury, Dulled Statua Navy, ranking navul ofllcer at tho ship yard, has been notlllod that Ilio oillclal trial of thu bat? tleship .Missouri wuuld bo held off the Massachusetts uoust October L'lst. The builders' inai Of lliu vessel will bu In.-id iiiM iSnturduy, when sha; av i 11 tallo a run oui through thu Virginia capes. Oil that occasion, her compasses will be ad Justixl und silo will be put through her paces. OaptaJn William S. Cowles, commander ol iho Missouri, hits not yet arrived. Her t-eommandor, John Madison iir ???????, who will I??? executive mllcqr o? Un, new fighter, arrived yestorday. The Missouri will IohvS liei?,? potobr l?, for ? lie trini Course off Massachusetts. Her OOUII "' ?l"'?-d |S ultihluun limit.-. ,ai,u Is expeoted to ?lo boiler. Jamos M. Cuiiiinliig, a lluinpluu r?-al ostate man"*?left last night r?u? Waahlns. fon, iii" consummate ? deal, whereby thu govorniiieiit will aeiiuiro land ly ng on th?? northeastern limit of l'Ori Monroe, I'm? the I'Uipi'Se of eiilargli.)? Huit rcs?T Vatlon. The new grounds will bu U-ed | iur in-adlcu ground?*. L?Qltleship Maine With Inspec? tion Board for Practice. CONDEMNS A BAD HABIT Sailors to Take $2,600 in the Stock of tlie ?Jamestown Exposition?The Atlantic Hotel to Open Under Old Management. (Special to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., September 2?.?The battleship ?Maine, with tlie Board of Inspection, bonded by Cajtuln Charles J. Train, passed out the capes this morning for great gun tests at sea. At the commandant's oillce here, It Is stated that sho will bring the board back before starting for Culebra. Rev. J. P. Barrett, for many years pastor* of the Memorial Christian Tem? ple, this city, and Rea-. J. J. Taylor, pas? tor of tho Freemason Street Baptist Church,, each preached his farewell ser? mon yesterday. Dr. Barrett goe sto Cov* Inglon, U., and Dr. Taylor assumes the presidency of Georgetown, Ky., College. Rev, Father .Doherty, of St. Mary's Catholic Church yesterday denounced tho men who expectorate In church and threatened to prosecute thorn'. BOYS SENT ON. Four little white boys wero sent on to tho grand Jury for stealing hams to-day. Nonti of them are more tha ntwejve years old. A negro man, Pig Williams, made them ateal tho hams for him. He has been -arrested. He gave the boys fifteen cents for the theft. Green Pettlford, convicted ln North Carolina of stealing something like a quarter of a million feet of logs from the Roanoko Railroad and Lumber Com? pany, was arrested hore to-day as a fugitivo from Justice. After his escape from Jail he came hero to work, nnd was Identified by tho Portsmouth police. Pettlford says that the companion who assisted him to break Jail was shot by the Jailer. Adi Maddrtck. clcven-yeurs-old, has boon arrested, charged with snatching from the hands of a Mrs. Morgan, her pocket-book, containing $30. The boy became frlghtoned after steal? ing the purso ond threw lt overboard with Its contents. He is charged with highway robbery. *.uORS SUBSCRIBE. Tho sailors aboard tho torpedo flotilla, of which this city la tlie headquarters, have determined to raise $2,500 for the Jamestown Exposition. It |s stated that $1,400 of this amount has been raised among the enlisted men alone. The Atlantic Hotel, which was burned two yenrs ago will be reopened next Mon? day. Colonel J. Hull Davidson will bo on charge. ? it The ownership of-valuablo fisheries Is Involved In a suit ?n-er 1,800 feet of ocean front property at Virginia Beach. W. H. Hall seeks to recover this strip from W. W. Coson. ROCKING HAM REPUBLICANS Make Legislative and County Nomina? tions?Sipe Not in the Race. (Special to Tho Tlmes-DIspatch,) 1?? RRLSONBURG, VA., Sept. 28.?The Republican County Convention met here to-day and mado tho following nomina? tions: Senator, George ?. Barman; House of Delegates Jame. T. Robson nnd J. H. Shlpp; Commonwealth's Attorney, Chas. D. Harrison; Treu.stii???!?, P. \V. Reherd; Commissioners of the Revenue. Dorm?n Smith, W. T. Menton, J. N. Mauzey, B. F. Ralston and W. Harvey Zirkle. Tho convention decl'ned to mako nom? ination for sheriff and county clerk In opposition to John A. Swltzer and Colonel D. H. I*eo Martz, tho Democratic nomi? nee for thoio olllces. Geo. ?. Barman, who will oppose Sen? ator K?e_ell, was a member of tho Con? stitutional Convention und is regarded us a strong candidate. Geo. E. Slpe, a present representative In the Legsluture,, declined to allow his ?nine to be used: Charles D. Hitrrlson, who ran Inde? pendently for Commonwealth-? attorney In 1899, which ofllce ho hold, was de? feated by Geo. ?. Conrad. The nominees are largely from the Lewis faction which was f?>rmor antagonistic to tho resillar organization. FLOOD THE SPEAKER Successful Church Entertainment In Nelso'i County. (Special to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) GRAPE LAWN. VA., Sept. S?.-A pleas? ant and successful entertainment was held at Oak Hill Church, In one of tho best neighborhoods lu Nulson county, Sat? urday. The clay was delightful, and a largo crowd enjoyed the feast that had been provided, leaving a handsome sum of money to tlie credit of the churoll, Tho special fea turo of the day was an address by Congressman IL D. Flood. Aftor paying a beautiful tribute to Uio value of church Influence.and Bible teach? ing, ho dwelt briefly, but effectively, upon some of the great problems of tho day, such as Imperialism, trusts and tho race problem, closing with a powerful plea for continued elevotlyn to thoso principies and duties which alone can make a na? tion great and secura the perpetuity of this great Republic. LOW RATES TO CHASE CITY. Every Saturday until October 2ith, tho Southern Railway will sell speclul tickets to Chuso City and return at ono fare for the round trip, limited, returning Monduy following date of sale. SLEEPLESSNESS, You can't sleep In the stillest night, If your dlgest'on i-? bad. Take Hood's Sarsnparllla?Ii strengthens the stomach and establishes that condi? tion In which sleep regularly comes uud Is oweet and refreshing. AUCTION SALES?f-UTURE DAYS. .?.in -t??e?: ?"?-fi, ' ?*':':?-'.,; - ?, ?"> .?? ' / li \J I will sell at pubi'?? auction. IM Horses aii.i Mules Wl.l'NKSl-A V, SEPTEMBER. -0TI I. The Horses aie pf 1*?"'?1 i|i,alHy, con? sisting Of Sunth,in Chunk?! lo a speedy read horse; uhm a few Buddle Horte??, und nue lot bru? 11*,?.-es s -I.I fur want oi u-,? U? parti SQld Illa tarili, Tins.) Hur?,?,' aro ?.? good klflcj ready f<*r use. Atiend -al.' ?r fii ueed. JOSEPH LAt?-TTEit. ?Manager? AUCTION SALES?THI3 DAY. By the Vnlfntlne Auction Co., Auctioneers, A UCTION SALE OF NICE ANTJ ? WELL KEPT DOT OF CHAMBEA snd Dining-room Furnitur??, Br?ssel Car. pets, Feather Bed, Bolster? nnd Pillow?, Hair anil Wool Mattresses, handsome Bronze Drop Light. Walnut Jefferson Desk, etc., BOI Hast Grncn Street, second TUESDAY M'iHNINO, SEPT. 23TH, On account of ?lecllnlng housekeeping we will sell for Mrs. A. C. llegarty No. COI Rast Grace Street, second flnt. begin? ning 10:3o o'clock, very fine Walnut .tef. ferson Desk, handsome Bronze Drop L'ght, 1 Inlaid Marble Top Center Tritilo, Cobler Seat nnd other Rocker?, Hody Brussels Carpets. haiirlonm?*? Walnut Chamber Pull With Tennessee .Marble Top, Wool nnd Hnlr Matting", Wardrobes, Feather tied, Bolsters and Pillows Toi? let Pet?. Coueh, CphoDterlng In ??Ilk brocatclle; Walnut Refrigerator, flue Walnut pillar Kxtenslon Table. 10-feotl Lnce Curtains, Walnut Sideboard, Sew? ing Talle, lot of Crockery. Gla<?=? and Plated Ware. Gas Slove, Cooking Utensil?, Blanket.". Sheets, Counterpanes, Table Linen, ate. Also 1 Picture of "Burial of Latane." THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO., pep2?-2t Auctioneers. By Oliver & Jones, Auctioneers, 41(5 Vf, Broad St., 'Phono 227G?. PARLOR ?????. NKW MATTINO. ? MIRRORS. PICTURES, FURNI? TURE. COOKING STOVES, &C, AT AUCTION. We will sell at our auction house, 418 West Broad Street, TO-DAY, AT 10:30 A. M., 1 Upright Parlor Organ, several rolls ot New Matting. Mantel Mirrors, Pictures, Oak and Walnut Bed-room Furn'turo, Wardrolies, Extension nnd bther Tables. Sideboards, China Press, Chairs, Odd Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wnshstands, Lounges, Couches, 4 Good Cooking Stove?, also lot of other goods too numerous to mention. Ladles Invited to attend. _______ GEO. V. OLIVER, Salesman. AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAY8. By Sutton & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, Corner Tenth and BankjStreeta. AUCTION SHALE OF THAT LARGE. DE? TACHED. CENTRALLY LOCATED. BRICK DWELLING', NO. 209 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. At the request of the owner, who ls moving from the city to live, we shall offer for sale, at publie auction, upon the premises, on,, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903, at ? o'clock P. M;, that large brick dwel? ling on the east side of Fourth Street, between Canal nnd Byrd Streets. The house contains nine or ten rooms, with all the modern Improvements, ana Is In flrst-clnss order. Lot fronts 45 feet, running back ? good depth. TERMS?Liberal and announced at the hour of sale. SUTTON .t CO., sep27-tds Auctioneers. By J. Thompson Brown & Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. PUBLIC AUCTION BALE Bay Window, Two-Story Brick Residence, No. 1426, THURSDAY, October 1st, 1903, 5:00 P. M. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. The above desirable residence contains S rooms, with all modern Improvements, heated by furnace, nice bay windows, nice mansard roof, lino granolithic walk and basement, lynl ls Just such a home as one would desire to bo neat and comfortable. Ono block from electric Une. The lot fronts on north line of Floyd Avonuo 21 feet ? lnohes with depth of 110 feet to an alley ten feet wide. Thero IS: a three-foot alley In common between this nnd the residence on the west, run? ning from front to renr of lot. TERMS?One-third cash, balance In one and two years, six per cent., secured by trust deed; or all cash, at option of pur? chaser. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO., sop 25-tds Auctioneers. J. Thompson Brown ?& Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 1113 Main Street. ? UBLIC AUCTION SALE ON UNUSUAL LONG. EASY TERMS. A DETACHED . Two-Story Frame Dwelling 609 South Laurel Street, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1803,8 O'CLOCK P. ?. , This modern bay-window dwelling ha? six rooms nnd is .on east side?of Laurel Street, between China and Holly Btreets near the electric line. It ls always rented and will pay 12 to 15 per cent, on Invest, ment. It Is sold for the benefit of an educational Institution away from city, having no need of lt.. TERMS: Only $200 cash, and balance one, two and three years. 6 per cent. In? terest, secured bv trust deed. J, THOMPSON BROWN &. CO., sep25-tds. Auctioneers. 1 By Edward S. Rose Company, Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONER'S AUCTION SALE OF c Highly Valuable East Broad Street Business Property. lu part execution of th? below men? tioned decree, tho undersigned, thereby appointed for the purpose, will sell by auction, upon tho premises, on THURSDAY, 1ST DAY OF OCT., 19u3, at 0 o'clock P. M., that tJiree-story and basement Brick Store No. 16 East Broad St., bettor known us the KL0NDYKE. The lot has u front of 21 6-12 feet and extends bac?i between Irregular linos 121 feet by. Inclus ??> an alley IS feet wide, and having" a frolli on said alley o? 27 feet 5Vi inches. The demand for Broad-Street property Is far In excess of a comeatable supply; hence a mom extended aulico 1? unnecessary her?, us the advantages will bo fully put before Tts competitori- at time of sale. TERMS?One-fourth cash, the residue ... threo equal Installments, 6, 12 and 18 ninni lis, ? per cent, addutl. und title re lalutd until the whole purchase money la paid and a conveyance In ordered hy the court; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser, 8. a. P. pattbson, Specilli Commissioner. Richmond Chancery Court, Decree of lOtlj Of March, ????. lloiij. F. Nelez, Adrar,, vs. Barbara Neis?. The bond reiiu'red of thu Special Com'i- lina noeti duly given, sent 20 CHAS. O SAVll.I.B, Herk. FOR SALE. rn, ???? U-? acres on the Janice Hiver rOl ?C.I6. n? mil..?? from KlcUiuimO. |-rlou$l.f-tX>. Ul-O. l?. CRAWFORD ? CO., ?w?i K. Main tit., City.