Newspaper Page Text
??????,?4.??!?&; a^t..:??ivfi>uT.m. ?arrasara The Roto for * Classified Want Advertising Is 1 cent per word Not Cash In ADVANCE, with a minimum cost of 25 cents for each Insertion. The same ?-ate applies to deaths, marriages, obituaries and nil other classified notices. No display type 3 allowed In the classified columns. S| f&a*^.v^i^:::.i^^'?^^?v^LS,??i HELP WANTED?FEMALE. .WANTED, two competent WOMEN for in?iitu H?h work: one* f??r hoijsekil-por, tlie other for tulloress. Address SUl'T., cure Itile of WA?IID, an e-nerlcnced COOK it No. 917 West Prnnkllii Street CHAMBERMAID WANTED. Apply 1*107 East Broad Street. WANT-D?FEMALE SERVANT Avnntcd nt onco. Hi?. It. Wa MILLER, Bsrton Mrls-ls. ?A'rmnn SERVANT to cook nnd do irk. Apply, with rconmiiicii.lution, SERVANT WANTEO to cook nnd clenn for small family i IM E*?t t'nry. WILLIAM ARCHER? I TEACH LADIES the art of designing and on pravlni: oil pel.] nml silver nt ?hoir evuilm.*?,. Write for terms.. ENGRAVER, cure HELP WANTED?MALE. Vv'ANTED. LADIES' SHOEMAKER and pood ro? 'pnircr; ?toady work. Address JftHN ORZALI, llfl Went Market Street, Greensboro, N. C WANTED, MACHINIST, throrouf-hly praotlcal mnn; one nccuslomod tn die work und liuto mnllc IiiiicliliH'1'.v: stendy posltii.n. Apply, statins experience nnd salary expected, JAMES C. WILSON MIO. CO.. South Norf. Ut,. Vi WANTED, lialf prou-n colored BOY to caro for horse. Pr. It. W. MILLER. Hurlen Ilelshts. SITUATIONS WANTEO?MALE. WANTED, by a younp man, IT yo-rs of apo, with good hnl.lts nnd fnlr BOhonllnff. situation In the wholesnle business or office work: cnn . pive good reference If required. Address HORSE SHOW, care this onice. WANTED, a young MAN to travel for a well known specialty; reference require-. ?., G. O. Box 107, city. . CAN YOU FIND THE OTHER MAN WHO IS WAITING TO HAVE HIS PICTURE TAKE7 SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED, by a young lady with experience, copying to ?In nl bomo. Address COYTIST, cure llils ?.frico. SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, Cipar SALESMAN for Virginia, West Virginia mid North t'nrolliin on established brands from factory t.? the retnll Irndo direct. Address QtlMPBRT 1H10S., 11-1 North Seventh Street. Philadelphia, Pn. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, to know If you will distribute advor tlship ?muter; reliable chenilei.l company; $1B weekly inni expenses. TRIUMPH CO., Dallas, Tex. THE BEATTIE. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, nicoly appoint? ed house, best table hoard; Governor Street, opposi!. Cnpllol. 'Phone .11)0. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?On account of leaving, city will sell my household FURNITURE. Including line IlnrilniMii Upright Plnno; will sell cneop. H. II. C cure Ibis office. FOR SALE?COTTON PLANTATION on Roanoko River. N. I'., 85 miles from Norfolk, Vu. Al! ne.'.'Ksnr.?.' houses und other buildings, in good order; .100 ncrcs under cultivation 'anil Ifiei ncr.-s timber; steamboat landing on prem? ises: great bui-gnlii II. C. HARRINGTON, Piilinyrii. N. f!. TWO SAD?3LE HORSES for Bale. Apply at BENNETT'S STABLES, 001 West BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SHOE STORE, Stock and Fixtures for salo. In Staunton, Va.; good locution: been u shoo stcre 1!3 yours; good opportunity; slock abolit ?r..O00. Address E. I!. LIPSCOMU,, Vn. FOR RENT. ?lh,t Inform ?lVALL, ?,??? FOR RENT-Four e.l.ncctlni HOOKS on seconel and Franklin, _ FOR RENT???"?.??:1 comfortable t-ooms: II.? to the- riiliwiiT station Hon of the t?tvn, ? ? In the pince; can fnrnl deslre.l. lor lerm? apply to Miss KATE I ville. Va. _ __ "roomS FOR RENT.__^ WANTED, T^M^Zi t? , ?'?T , ,,G?-?_G,!,.????? ROOM, with good l.onrd, In privale fi*nllj, at ?US North Twenty seventh St'1?"*______ ?imwTrn ?,T_ u ... , ,-.??. ed ron?lemen to oc* <*pf two eunill ? h?*<? front ROOMS ?.i'seecmVn.Z!1',-':.'? ?'? ??'????? ,"" ?!*? e,.ld water; with , , table and al] boni.? comfort? nenr Monroe Parli ;:rd; splendid e Incili bu. ?lenite: G?? other hoarders.''''Address' PR?VATE FAMILY, .-aro this ofTlee._ STUDENTrc_n~^^--,,.?7.:icMy fi.ri.islied rooms by api-lyln:: .,1 No 801 F.nst Leigh Btrctt. ??, LOST-On Broad-Strct Ho_4. ??? Street or Mnln Street, n bunch of ??\8. ? 11 ?> r.. ro ward will he pnl.l for return of same to HEN? RICO COUNTY ?LVILEII WANTED, WE WILL SELL, rent or exohtui.e* your property ?11 parts of United Statesi no, <??,,.?., ssion chnrged. Send for pamphlet. MAT; *? '*J ; REGISTER, G.71 Fifth Avenue. New lork City. WANTED, to rent a HOUSE with somo ilcmrat.o party, or t.. rent a couple sortie rooms. Wltli or without board, R. C. V\., Box s.,1. my. T"'nIGHT SCHOOLSPECIAL, OUR NIGHT SCHOOL will roopon October Mb. Uooli-keepMic. Stenography! Typewriting, I on ?imiishlp!"Arithmetic, ^f\^^[%?y?^{. I.vtnuglit: terms ??????????. MAfSBJ ?' sl NICKS ?OLLEO?, ??? East Main Street. SPARE TIME AND MONEY put in our Night School will prove ? paying Investment-* ?^J? begins October nth. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE. V.'.', East Main street._ "~ FEATHER 3EDS. WANTED, to buy Feather BEDS; cash ;??.s loil.l: also Feathers Renovated. Phone ,*17SI CASPER BROS., 1205 ? Went Main SOLS. PARASOL MARINO and repairing, locksmlthlng ???..1 bell hiinplnp: razors honed, SCIIREMP, 317 North Fifth Streot. \ I Daily Business Directory. CARPS umlor thi? heaal aro tnkon on three mouths' ?? ,??????, I, Daily and Sundny, nt $1.50 per month, 13ICYCLES AN D TOYS. " TOMPK1NS- 'CYCLE STORE. 311 Went Bronn, PLUMbT?G~AND MANTELS. W. F. MAHONEY AND CO.. 7?7 East Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS. ???? DAVIS 0*LLTRY. 522 ?-int Broad. MIWEKAL WATERS. THAW AND OIIANT, Rlohmond, Vt. ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. W, E. DRFW AND CO., 71C East Mnln. SEWING MACHINES, THE NEW HOME (Pit, Mil. 908 Eut Brond. SHIRT-BUILDERS, ?. E. TilRUOr 7?!* En.t Mnln. TIN-PLATE AND STOVES. HAR?IS HAItlJWARE CO.. 4(19 E.-u.t llroad. BOARD AND ROOMS. HANDSOME ROOKS, B-st Board. Faehlonalile lornllty; COS Wi'.-t Cine-e. BOARDING. MRS. J. A, WARI'IELD, SOS E. Grace Streot. Elepnnl lionip. STORAGE. j RICHARDSON AND Cl?AITFI.L. BMvltler<i nml Main Rlrp^l?. Vory cheap anil dry Storage rimni??. 'Phone Ml". MILLINERY. BEAUTT'in. DISPLAY of Horse Show HATS nt Mr?. IV. I.. ""VOltTHAM'3, 2111 North Third, between Qracr and Ilrimil. Don't fall to cull un?! examine them. THE NEW COLUMBIA. THE ONLY TYPEWRITER 1??.?1??t pnrnRTnnli nnd inlmeogranli ntliirliiiicnts; nothing extra for Hi??*.?. THE !1??!?.?G? ? VP HIV It ITE ? OFFICE (Thine irn. 712 East Main Street. COPYING BOOKS. THE TOKIO COPYING BOOK la the host; oriirl nnl .liiiiiini'se paner: iierfoet results. THE BARLOCK TYPEWRITER OFFICE ('Phone 10), "12 I'"'' Mai? Street. POULTRY SUPPLIES, HARDINO'S nOUP CURE: Kiinrantneil full lino poultry eunpltcB. FANCIER'S SUPPLY CO., 517 West Broad. TYPEWRITER DESKS. OUR ?G????G, ItOLL-TOP CABINET in a , lienuty, See our stick liornrc buying. THE llAHLOCK TYPUWIHTER OFFICE ('Phone 15), 712 Haul Mnln Streot. MIMEOGRAPH SUPPLIES. WE HANDLE tho Tlimoograph nnd Nooatyl?* niiiehlneit nnil xtipiillcs. THE HAUMH'K TYPEWRITER OFFICH ('Phone 15), TIB KnM Main Street. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS^ THE BARLOCK TYPEWRITER Office ('Phone 15). 712 I'iinI Mnln. ???? a lot ?if nronnil ham! (?11 iia-i!.???<> TJfiewrllCrt for sal?? clt?lipi must hi ve room for now I'nhitnhla. TYPEWRITER PAPER. WE HANDLE all tho host lirani'.a Typewriter ??????? ?????????,????- for Hip ?lUklntfi THU ll.Mt t.OCK TYPEWRITER OFFICE (?????? 18), 712 Elisi Main Streit. TYPEWRITER CARBON. A. P. LITTLE'S Satin Finish, the host Cnrhon In the world. M bor. any ?dz? nml color, t?p* haiii.oci* typewriter OFFICE ('Phone 151. 712 Fust Mnln Street. SWEET STUFF. COLD WEATHER CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 North Ninth. BOIT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S 20c, poli nil, KAEMPF'S HOME-MADE CARAMELS, 26o pollini. SCOTCH KISSES AT KAEMPF'S, ?IOo, pound, SALT WATER TAFFY AT KAEMPF'S, 26o, poti lid, MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Mall ordors so Melted. LADIES' COLUMN. l'Ile? aro all right. A BOX OF KAEMPF'S CANDIES will brlnr? you Rood lud?. REDUCED PRICES. FRIOE8 REDUCED on watch work: CUnnlng, $1; Mnln Sprlm.?*. SI: twenty year?? expert? onre. WM. TOBtKN*. Jr.. 40H K. I!ro??l Street, niellinomi. Vii. Spectacle? ?nil Ityc-flfiMCS, 25 cts. All work cunrntit?????!. RICHMOND PANPHYSION. RUPTURE AND PILES cured; no loss of timo luiRlnens: no knife, no danger; rilen mullan* nml chronic (ll??Msen cureil: free X Itny examination: S15 East Frnnklln. NOTICE. NOTICI! IR HEREBY (1IVHN THAT A CHECK for ,12?,fi2. 'Mirni'il ?,? Virulilla North Csrollna Wheel f'?>., inaile piivnlilo to W. R. KldOI.H nini endora?d .T. '!. (???GG?11?, han heen lost, anil nil person?? ore warned not to accept of trade for snme, ns payment has been ?toppe?!. Mr. .1. (J, (?K.'FFEHT. SPECIAL NOTICE. IF YOU WANT a stylish, up-to-date HAT or BONNET nt popular prices, ilon'l fall to attenti Mrs. M. la. WOitTIIAM'S Millinery Opening !'?'|.|emlier 24lh, 28tll nnd 2(lth. 210 North Tli'nl, between Cruce and Broad. FURNITURE URHOLSTERED. SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES on roupholster. Ing Parlor Furniture. Couches, etc. CHAttLEH O. .HiROEXS' SON, 410-21 E. Rroad Street. HIOHEST PRICE onld for Furniture and Car? pels. BROWN, 5:!7 West Blond Street. J TYPEWRITER RIBBON. HUNDREDS OF KINDS of Rfbhons made, but the Sterling Branit leads. THE BARLOCK TYPEWRITER OFFICE ('Phono I?), 712 East Molli Street. AUTOMOBILES AND BICYCLES. AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES and Maohlnory of er ,fv inscription hullt and ripulrnl nt I1LJ?N*. M"lt'l?? MACUINW SHOP, 810 North Fifth A MEW TYPEWRITER. THE COLUMBIA, tlio now singlo keyboard ma? chino.? only ono nhlftt built with M nnd no character?; noiseless In notion, easy and llchl touch; rtieeil reini|'?t?"l (?> suit operator. THE IIAItLOCK TYPEWRITER OFFICE ('Phone 151, 712 East Main. j DENTISTRY. DR. WILFRED W. WOOD, DENTIST. No. 104 A. EAST MAIN STIIHET HOntS: 0 A. M. TO ? P. ?. ?????? 2074. RICHMOND, VA. BAKERS. IWAN MUELLER'S Now York Bakery, 410 W. Urlimi Str.-ct. between Monroe and Henry, Richmond. Vn. Flrst-clam Homo-Miule Hrenil, French, Vienna nnd fiermnn Rye ?ires?!. Hot Bread dollvcri'l at yonr home. Cakes ami Plei n specialty. Restaurants and privato Fami? lies supplie?! (?ally. Telephone 25SD. TALK OF LYNCHING A POLICEMAN He Shot and Killed a Man Whose Boy He Accused of Stealing. (Special t? The Times-Dispatch.) BRISTOL. TENN., Sept. 28.?ln the presence of bis wife and children, David Brltt, forty-five years of age, wns shot through the heart and fell dead upon a *?!d_walk nt Johnson City to-day. The outrage*, was enacted by Policeman Geo. Vf. Allen, who used a ll-calibre revolver. Allen had accused Britt's boys of steal? ing a lawn hose and the* father of the* bovs resented Die accusation and struck Alien on the head with an umbrella staff and the shooting began. Allen surrendered, but In the angry crowd which' gathered there wero repeat-? ed cries nf "lynch him," and ihe of fic?is in charge hurried him out of town to avoid violence. Allen was placed in.Jail at Jonesnoro, Tenn. Alien's victim was ! a watchman at tlie National Soldiers' Home. 4 :f Sit the ?frot?is. l?;?... ?. Reservations of rooms for the Horse Show are oeiiig made Uy letter and tele? gram almost daily, arid many desirable rooms have been set by the JeU'er sciii aim Min pay's. Those contemplating attenuing ine great equine exhibition and who desire choice Quarters snouid engage their looms in uuvanee aud as early as practicable, tor witn .hotels it is List come, llrst served. Tbe indications are that all the hotels .ut the City will he well filled during the week of the show. Colonel George L. Peyton, one of the new piopileluis of the .ford's Hotel, ar? rived in the City last nignl Horn ins home in ?siauiiluu. Coluiiel Peyton re? tired almost Immediately and ?i.d nut discuss his plans with any one. It is un? derstood that lie and Captain Berkeley will take possess.on ot the proporty to-day and will at once begin 10 mature their plans lor tlie rehabilitation o? tlie hotel property. They will also decide upuii tliuii clerical lorce witiiout delay. Cap tan "_>?l-rkel??>? Is expected to-day. The epuratoti -ot ine hotel will continue witu out Interruption, and the repairs \w,tl oo made without Interference with the con? duct of the hotel. The large and popular lobby at Mur? phy's Is siili cumbered with scaffolding, necessary In the work-of repainting iho ceiling. It will he cleared out early next week or possibly this week. Tlie lobby will be greatly brightened and beauti? fied; Among the arrival, in the olty yester? day was -Major John T. Cowan, of Montr goinery, Democratic candidate for tho House of Delegates? Major Cowan was defeated two years ago, by Hon. C. A*. Heermuns, but hopes to win out with united support this lull. Hon. !.. ij. Stearnea, of Newport News, a member of the lions?.?, who lias been renominated, is in the city, stopping at Murphy's; where Major Cowan is also. Mr. Steai'ne?' re-election is assured. Among tin* other arrivals at .Murphy's yesterday were Mr. Win. C. Stuart and Krank Li. Berkeley, both of Newport News; W. J. Kelly, ?,f Norfolk; W. II. j. Brown, oi Howard-ville; C. P. Homes, of Boydton; Frank a. O.wen, of Peters? burg; a. \v. Qverton, of Lynchburg; ll. M. Buck nnd J. P. Jones, of Ko.m.ik.?; Kioy.i Chaney ?mil G. Ci. Burnley, of Louisa. At the* New Ford's are J. Vf, Notting? ham, of Eastvllle; C, T. Baskervlllo, -of Boydton; ?, B, Miau,,.?., .,1 l*'lshOra\'.l.e? Suinuol .Scoli, ,,i Vinlttt; Vf. T. ??*?_ pa trick, ot Bedford City, At tin- Lexington .?.,>? thoso Virginian: H. S. i'1'..ok--. ?,i 3ui??ilk; il. ?. White and ? on, oi White? ? ?? George .M. Bayne, of Norwood; C. B. Hunt, <.i Nor !?-?... J- ?.m?, a railway ? .niruutor, .: !?;-??,.,i,i, ami ..? w. Gocci., ?-'. l.yncn burg, The arrivals at the Jefferson ?.?-1> i-il-iy were: ?. B. Byrnes ami wife, Vf. ?, Walers. ?. 1-. Dltclielt, Ciiarlcs ?. /...;, nltz, il. C, Hardy, m. Joe Borger, ?. ?. ?? /.v. !.. .M,-> ?,..,-ii ,,! New V'.rk; Il II. B.-..-.---U, Ilion, ?. Y ; ?::i Joseph; ??.? Cin? cinnati; Mr. and Mre, George ?, Hutch inga, ?.? Galveston: <;. i. Moi lier. <*. J. MoLaushlln, ot Rochester, N V.? ? ??.-xii.j.-r, .,f Baltimore: ?, p. Orom w.-ii, ,,i Baltimore; B. i'. Pllson, of Wasji. Ington; N i< Seltaer, ..t Washington; James J'. Hondoreon, Germaniown, Pa.; P. P.. Maiiahan, of Philadelphia; P.. a. Burke, oi Boi |on, Dr. Cunmn ham Her.?. Or. L'i-.ii.k .-J ? ?unii?,,,,?!, n.-,. bon of Captain P. W Cunnli si pi ., g . " ??.?' li ????? ivi ih hi ; rem il,- ?..,s re cenUj ?? luriied from d year - study In Europe. H.- Uiu r? ; irned to Ne*,?, -fork, where he resumes the prat tice ot medi? cine. Richiii? ini Academy Opens, The Rlohmond AoaeJenay, under the con? tro', of HI??.?.in? ml College tin ? -. rnlUee of trust ?..?..? . ,,?.,? ges. bIoii yesl+rday ivith large attendance Bads were roatrioul ? ? -? ,|! i ly, n |_ expected that n??? ' apai ; ?,? ,,;,,,-?? stu? dents will -e ?sha-usted. Cla .-??? will i.u organized to-day, and work will begin in earnest to-morrow. Dr. William II. Whltsltt will give a course In experimental psychology tills session, sometblni,- new In the college. The study win "li-gin ns soon as the ap? paratus can be g?lten here. ' Cluster Springs Academy. The Cluster Springs Academy of Black Walnut, Va., lins opened with the bejt attendance in its history. "Every one of tbe thirty places in tbe boarding depart? ment has been taken for tbe year, ' and about ten day pupils have entered. Tbe morale of Kie school is fine, ..and the students seem to be unusually Interested in their work. This school will have about twenty-five representatives In tin colleges of tlio South tills year. "Mr. Hampden Wilson Is bead master. Westnver Notes. (Sneelal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WESTOVER, VA., Sept. 28.-r-Mrs. ,T. C. Cornlck and children returned to Rectory to-day after severnl weeks' absence In '-"rliicess Anne. Hugh Hughes, who has been tbe guest of Mr. R. B. nox at "Berkeley," re? turns to Newbern, N. C. Miss F. 3s*. Upsbaw is at home at Berke? ley after an absence of several months. Messrs. Cornici- and Booruni, of Nor? folk, Va.., were guests at Rectory for two o Elders' and Deacons' Convention. (Special to The iimes-JMspritrh.i EMORY, VA., Sept. 2S.?-The elders and deacons voneentlon of Washington and Smvtli counties was held at Hock Spring Presbyterian Church,'about six miles from here last Friday and Saturday, The ??????.?? inimr \>-is inaeiestii'? ma severnl learned talks were made. On Fri? day the sermon by Rev. Vf. H. T. ?filil?es, of Bnr-tjl, was especia ly good. ACADEMY ... WEDNESDAY ... Sept. 30, Mat. and Night. uose cecilia shay M.?Bohemian Girl, Kight?Faust. PRICES: Mat.-25c-5Jc75c-SI.O0 Night?25c-35c-50c-$ 1,-SL50 Evory liven? ing 8:150. 'S SON, .(By Georg,? M. Cohen.) Bright music, pretty chorus, special scenery, bande?me costumes. Popular prices. LECTURE. "Sunshine and Shadow," Xui'ilisiil?? Hull, Chestnut Hill, Sopt, ??, 8:15 P. M. The Oonferierate itaeum, TWELFTH A.NU Ci-AY. tiTKEETS. Opens dully I ruin il A. Al. to ? 1? M. Admission. -.'. et-iits l?'reu on Saturday?. BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE, UNITED STATES, POR THE EAST. ERN DISR1CT ?il?* VIRGINIA, in the matter of ? Upon lnvolunlaiy Appui il. Tliii-i'inani) Proceedings h yVy-idliam Boiling, } Bankruptcy. It appearing to tlie court Hint tin: al? leged bankrupt, Wyndlmin Boiling, Is not an Inhabit.u ? of. .1 Cannot lie found within ilus juduelitl district, anil lia- ii"t voluntarily entered blu appparunco heren uni that persona) eervico upon him Is n?t praotlcuble. n is Iu-i.-.a ordered that the said sv.viiilliiuii Bulling appe u? Bnd plead, an? : u. ?- or demur fa the petition filed by Anton il. Thlormnnn utsahtbt b m by TUESDAY, Till-: QTH DAY OF OCTO? BER, 1903. and in default thereof Die ? ?nun will proceed t?> ihe ???-.??-.?? and adjudication o? tho cause, Witness thq Honorable Edmund Wad. ?nil. jl. |udgo uf ib?? said court, and ih?j .? ? il il?,ii?,,?. ,,? Richmond, in said dis n ct, ,,?? u.,? 2Sih day >ji September, A, D. ?, ? BQ"\V.?EN, Clerk? ;-pii r. Brady, Deputy Clerk. TO MAKE Learners paid while being taught. Address or apply to J 23d and CARY STS.. To Order Your Books For the Kew Year. Do not wait until you want to open them Order now and have them re? ly for use. , Write or 'phone (1562) SIMS BLANK BOOK CO,, Designers "ond Manufacturers of BLANK BOOKS. 1201 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA MEETINGS. ?A? OFFICERS AND MEMBERS RICH XX MUNII RANDOLPH LODGE, NO. 10, r ? > A, F. nml ?. M.?Please intend n culled communication of your lodge THIS (Tuesday) EVENING "t S o'clock, MaeoilB' Hull, fur work. Members of sister lodges Invited to moot with with us. lly order of the Womlilpful Master. Vf. I.. GOODE, Secretary. Till?: HOARD OF PHARMACY OF VIRGINIA will meet OCTOBER l-tli nt ?? A. 11. .it tlio University College of Medicine, llielimond, Va, All applications must In? on 111?- hy Ol?oi???, Bd. Address t. ?. MILLER, Secretan, Rifil? ili' Va. Till: ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE STOCK holders of/the SOUTHERN THEATRE COM? PANY will be held nt tbo office of Ilio com? piili}?, 111)11 Hum Broad Street, lu the city of Kli-luuoiid. Vii., mi WEDNESDAY. October Till, ???).'', lit G? ?Veloci: P. M. REGINALD OILI1AM, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holdere of THE DAVIS HOOT AND SHOE COMPANY will be held at Hie ottico ?if thu company, in Richmond, Vu., nn MONDAY, October in, mon, nt 12 M. L. ?. Tll.U'iiE!!, Presidenti T, Vf, TIIACllER, Secretary, Girls for the following work at good wages and steady employ? ment. Beginners paid while learning. &SantJ Rollers, Machine Bunch Breakers, Operators and Feeders on All-Tobacco Cigarette Ma? chines. Apply to ALLI-iN & ?INTBR Branch. NOTICE. aSiiperliili-iiileut uf 1'ublli? Bi-IiooIh, Richmond, V.l.. ?' pi. ?l), IMS. ?????)?:?<???????:? assistant, t? ? ? Cils- School il'mrd Will ???, t .? ICiiiib-l? U'-irtoj) AsHlstHlll lu-xi iVoek. Apnlloa. tIons illusi ??? In the fiiinerliit enden t'a office by noon ?>n ????a?, oc'?oaanx L\ 11*03. w-M. ?, FOX, Superintendent. The Roye>J Smokeless Oil Heater is ih,? beul ?,? un? market, Every ?na guaranteed, .*..-?!; your dealer for II, Southern Stove Works, ?Msftylftoturem ot ui| kinds of Slovc* Roberts' Sehool will re-open Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, at Mo. 7 East Cary. Nature Study and Physical Cul? ture will be taugh??. Williamsburg, Va. Opens October i si THE ART SCHOOL OF THE ART CLUB OF RICHtfOm Session of 1'>?>3-*?? Opens October 15th. Miss Annie C. Fletcher, Instructress; Mr. M. M. Strause. Arts nnd Crafts. Apply for circulars of MRS. B. LORRAINE, Treasurer, 1409 Hanover Street. INoIley's School for Boys, PINI; STREET, Between Onice nnJ Franklin. George ferriti Holley, Principal. The fifteenth session of this school will begin Wednesday, September 23d. New pupils enrolled September 22d at the schoolhouso. Prepares uoys for collones and univer? sities. Sehool limiteli to fifty boys. Catalogues at tho book-stores and Choir's Drug Store. Address of principal, No. 11- North Flflh Street. ...THE... Lombard)? St. and Park Ave. Prepares boys for college or university. Seven teachers, all men. Large play? ground. Gymnasium. Limited to ninety pupils. Now building now being erected. Second session opens SEPTEMBER -8th. For Information apply to J. A. C. CHANDLER, Dean, Richmond College. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL WACHAPREAGUE NEAll COIirt'S ISLAKD. All-yctir-round r.'??.rt. Tuiir-story elevation; three-story porc-i si-v.-nty-tlvi? large, airy room??, GwhI II lilng, Bliootliig ?nul nulling. Only pinco on tlio const wlllcli offers ?? many niiltiral ari* ????????*?.'-, llrst.clnss nccoinmoiltitiouB ut uiud criil.- prlco-. Will?; f,.r references, booklet?, etc. ?, ?. ?. WEARS, Prop., ?WaoliRlireai-ue?, Va. SEALED PROPOSALS, The City of Hlchmonil, Vn.. Of fit.? City Water Works, City Hull, i', 13, Polling. Supmiuteinloiit, September U'J. 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved .it this office until & l'?,?'?'? MON. DAY, IH'TOIIKU 5, 19011, for (?'< TTIN'C anil llEFILUNQ'.PIPE-??'ENCirES, In macadamized, paved, gravolotl and clay Btreet , por cubii.? yard, Sp?cifications and further Informa? tion ? n be obtained at this office. Ce tilled oheelt for $-00 must accom? pany each bid. The Committee on Wa? ve ilio right to reject any or all CHAS. 13, BOLLINI!, ?1,2,? ?uperlnteud-nt. The City of Richmond, V>., Office* i'ity -Wnter Works, City Hull. Richmond, Va.,,. Sept. -'s, ?;?.,;?. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE KE c-ivoil at tliis office until OCTOiiKl: li', 190-, ,t r, ?, m., for tin- droctloii oi an ANNEN ?'G?G/niNU to Ihe New l'unii, Hont ? Plans, f-p.'i'HU'atloiiH and full in? torni Hon in. iv be i.l.tnlni'il ut ti? i -. ot? ilen, All bids musi. ?..? ;??.?????|,????|?-?| . will, ., certified clieol? of $5u0. The .',.nnnll toi? ou AVntcr reservo th., righi to ivi Ot nnv or nil bids? ClfAS, E, HOLLINO. Supt, popi :"? ? t 1,3,G,.';. 11.111 NOTICE. ?idi. vn.. s?nt? ?? ,'?".; WI? ll.'.Vi: TUtw HAY H1SHOI.VI.I) HY Sir. i.iii ? ???*?? iti,, imrlncrslilp htreteifoi? ?*????. In.? ... .-r th.? unni,, ime) -tvli- of f.. ?usi: AMI I'd salii Iiii?Iiichi will lu? r">iielm*tcl ?>.?. il.T il?,? -ion,* ?,,,?,?- in- ?-?'?:?> ??????????'*?? ? ??? |.???..,!?|.-???- In tvlipiH nil money? ilii? ???? llrm .-I, . ? ? * 1 ?.? ,?,1,1 IH? ?? RTieiilN'H-?lMKII. 1 ? ? r ?- t, sT?KNtiniMI'.ll. H .1".? ??.|?????????.? Ih? iiUi*i'."t "? ISA*" :-'M l:\nrt\ii:it ,,, i|M. firm of I?, IIOSK ???? ? ei ? .?,,,?? ,?,??'!1?,. ,,n?, ?. ?,.-1-.'t?'??,,.-, m - .'?' ': .vn. inni S', ?vili.itb, Itoci, m ,1 ????.*. ?- unii rosi.I fully n-.Mi??? ?> >'? ' ? nice, of Iho ,.,.t*??..,*.*:?? ??_?,?.,??,?"? *?'?? ??? tun, VlillU ?TlOltNUI.lM?J SCHOOLS. ita wTh, o. ???e?eeG "VUOAJj i:TIJDIO, 117 WEST MAIN. ' ITALIAN METHOD. LAB?HQWSKI'S SCHOOL01 WILL OPEN OCTOBER 1ST. Apply by letter ??2 East Main Street. 5PEC1AL NOTICE. Physical Gullure for Healih. SIX WEEK'S COURSE. Introductory talk on BREATH IN O In WOMEN'S CLUB. THURSDAY?. OCTO? BER 1ST, at 4:30 P. M. FREE. For further purtioulnrs, apply to MISS JESSIE R. l'ENDEETOX, No, 12 North Fourth Street. s? WESTMINSTER SCHOOL, * 705 WEST GRACE STREET. MISS CARRIE LEE CAMPBELL. Principal. Faculty of Ten. Course from Kindergarten to Gradua? tion. Carriage calls for Children. Boarding Dejp?vtment next session lie gins September 24th. Muire's University School, OP!'. MONROE PARK, RICH MONI), VA. UPPER SCHOOL,??li University Men ione part ?if day); LOWER SCHOOL.?four Ladles. EXTRACTS fr?in I.'.VIV. uiifl COLL. HE? CORD."?University of Virginia! 180.1-6, four do groen; 1000-3, 61x; 11101-2. four. In 1002-3; Univ. of Va., tliine (legre??; Univ. Coll. of Mod., tbra-a?; Cornell, two; Mass. Inst. of Tech., one. G. S. \nvnl Ai/ud. : lSlifl-T, first 'entrance'; 1800, lirait Ktiind'; 1000, third; 1902-8, two re? presentative!!, belli miccesafiil. Thirty-Ninth session. Enter. Sept. 18. ltl, etc. AsKomble. Sept. 22. Boarders limited. Principal lit 7 N. Ili'hliliTi? iifl.-r Sept. C. Eor full College Record, Teachers, etc.. see catalogue nt book unii ?lnig Mures or hy mall. JOHN P. M'OUTRE, Principal. J, P. M'OUIRE, Jr.. .Associato. MRS. ALBERT C. BRUCE will open her MUSIC CLASS October 1st nt 10 North Laurel Street. Miss Ellett's School for OirSs ?I2 East Franklin Street FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Bryn Mawr Examinations will be held in Richmond In 1904. There Will be Special Classes Preparatory to Travel In Europe. Lessons In German wKl bo given with? out extra cliargo to pupils of six or seven. The number of pupils ln every depart? ment will bo limited. The fee for tuition from October to Juno varios, according to nue and to class, from twenty to seventy dollars. Circulars nt 112 East Frnnklln Streot and at bookstores. Kindergarten und Sub-Primary, 14 West Main Street, October 1, 1903. MISSES TALCOTT AND SCOTT. 1 Pupil of Kullal- und Liszt, nnd of Con? servatories of Stockholm nnd lderlin, INSTRUCTION IN PIANO AND ORGAN PLAYING, HARMONY AND COMPOSITION, Lessons will begin October 1st. Weekly Theory Class free of charge to pupils. Apply at No. SOU Kast Franklin Str?set or tit Wi t?. Hoses & Co, ...The... Virginia aechantes' ?ns??iu?e, Mjht School <>( Technology, will begin ita twentieth session on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of Septem? ber, 11103. The scholars of last session will be given tho exclusivo privilege of entering until tlio Kith of September; after that dato all applications will be considered In turn, until the limit of each rlnsM is reached, Apply to secre? tary at Institute, 1014 Bast B rond Street, ? hilly from 1? o'clock A. SI. to 2 o'clock P. M.,' anil from I o'clock P, M, to ? ri'i.'lock 1'. l\t. ? ???? S. QUAIU.NS, Chairman School Committee. THOMAS S. )?:LLKTT, Secretary. 'S 800 Floyd Avenue, I'Oiirteeiitli session ripens September 22(1. Full corps of trained teachers. In grades firm l*lnder?;arten to eoli.;;,?. Circulara at book stores. Arrangements may bu inaile lo huvu en irlaKn e ill for pupils, l'Or liil'iniialion, uppiy to the iti-iuoliml !'''?; Fluyii Avenu*?? RAILROADS. ? ? ?? Richmond. Frederick, Mi?aK G m Lurg ?Je Potomac R..R Trains Leave Ri_nni_ri_?t-aortrt.v-ru. ?..1 A. Al., dally, Byrd St. Through, CM. A. M., daily. Main St. J.'hrou?n. 7:1& A. M.. weeK days. I-loa. A-tilanu ac? commodation. Il 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. B/id St. Phroufch. 1:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through. i_:'J5noon, weeK day?. Bvrd St. Tiiroui**!. 4:00 P. M.. we-ek days Byrd St. I'red* ericksbiir?? accommodation. ? 6:05 P. M., daily. .Main St. Through, i:<? P. MV, week: days. Liba. Ashland ao commoelatlon. 6:"-'. I' M.. dully Byrd St. Through. Trains Arriva Richmond?Southward. I C:<u A. M,. week nays. Elba. Ashland ae* I co?imodatlon. 8:1*". A. M., week days. Byrd St., Krcd eneksbiir- ;u????. m m odati on. 8:15 A. M., dully. Byrd St. Thro-Kh ; 11:E6 A. M. week days. Bvrd St. ThrouKh. ? ?:? P. M.? liaiiy. Main St. Tnioin-n. | 3:00 P. M.. \v<*ek days. Elba. Ashland ac- : cmrnoelatlon. 7:15 P. M? daily, Byrd St. Through, i V P? M- dnlly. livrd Si Thmili?tl. IOT.9 P. M., dally.' Mnln St. Thr-iijj?l. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cari on nil trains ?xcct.t local ac?-oininnilatlein!?. W.D.DUKE.C AWOl'LI'. AV. P.TAYLOR, Gen'l Man'r. .isn't, On'l Man'r. Traf. M*n'r 3uo?> 14. ions. lw!i. ??? _?_ ?-_.?-. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT. 9:00 ?. ?1.. NOitKoi-lv Ll.Uiilip. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:_0 A. M. Stops only ut p.-uihtiui?,;, Wuverli ami a-iluix. S;0- A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Bullet Parlor Car, PeteranurK to Lynchb?rg ar.d Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to -olumlins, Pluerteld to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllle? to Ch.'iitanooKii ami Memphis. 12:10 P. M? ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchburc and Roanoke. ? 2:00 P. M.. OCEAN 'SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 V. M Stops only et I Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Connecta ! with steamers lo Boston. Providence. New ? York. Baltimore and Washington. 7:25 P. M., for Norfolk and all stations east of Petersburg. 9.40 P. M.', NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg nnel Roanoko: Petersburg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Memphis and Now Orleans. Cafe Dlnlllai Car. | Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A. M 2:0G P. M. and 9:10 P. M.; from Norfolk H:00 A. M. nnel 7:20 P. M. Office* No. fW East Mr. I ? Street. W B. REVILL. C. H. ROSLEY Gen. Paos Afcfnt '"'la Pass. Artent f?fin?re ?si Q?e TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY? BYRD-STHEET STATION. EFFECTIVE .MONDAY, SEPT. 21ST. 0:05 A. M. A. C. L. Express to all points South. 9:00 A. M. Potersbur-f nnd Norfolk. 12:10 P. Mi Petersburg and N. & W. West. 3-00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t-i-10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. _*._0 P. M. Petersburg Local. 7*-25 P. M. "Florida arid West Indian Lim? ited," to ?ill points South. 9:10 P. Mi Peten bur;,*? and N. & W. West. 11-ao P. M. Petersburg Local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:? A. M. 7:35 A. M.. 8:25 A. M.I Sunday onlv 11:25 A. M.; 11:10 A. M? 1:05 P. M? exropt Sunday; 2:0.', P. M? 7:20 P. M., 7:4? P. M., 9:10 P. M. -Except Sundny. C. S. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Piiss.Agt. W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt. 2 and 26 Minutes .oNorfollc ldi,?>i? ...ulljiu.?- ? bABXllilUSti. a. a?.?uuaij?-t^octti to tJivivport KfW? ii?l- liny ?Halloa?, 0:00 A. Sl.--i'iiiiy~LI_jiti;d -Arrives Wlllluwn* UUfl* 0:111 A. M., .\uwport News 1U:U0 ?. ??., t)lU I'ulnl ll:uu ?. ??., Nurrolit 11:?U A. Al. 4:00 l*. .M.--W?*c-l! ?luys?S|it*i']nl?Arrires Wll* IlniuHlmi-i,? I fill 1*. ??.. Newport News ~:.i? ??. ??., Olii l'oint 0:1)0 P. li., Norfulk U;_0 ?*. M. 6:00 ?*. Al. -Dally?Lociil tu Olii Point. main lini:- wlstiioiinii. 10:10 ?. M.?bucal-?Dulls- tu t:iiiirlotte?Tllle, e?cept Siimlny n. (-lift?m Porge. 8?00 I*. M.?Pally--Special to Cincinnati, IaiuIhvIIU' St. nuil Oilcan?). 6:16 1*. Al. -VvVeli ?luya?Lucili to l.onlonev'llo. 10:30 p. M.?Pally?Limiti??! lo Cincinnati, l-?ulavlll?'. St. Lutila ?nil <'lilca?,*u. .1? M ICS HI VlOll LINK. lOi?O a AI,?Pally-?Expresa to Lynchtnirs, Cllfti.u l'uri?.? ni.U |.rliicl|,al atiitlona. 6:16 P. M.? .lay? -Lucili u. Warren. TUAINB AltltlVK KH.'IIMOND FltOAl ?-rr..?l: ?nil old Point 1D:U3 A. M. ?littly. lli-J.1 A M. l!.\. Bun., and 7:nu I' M. dully. Newport Ni'Wfl Lucili 7:5.1 l\ M. daily. Plum (.'Ini-liiiiiitl and ASVat 7:1*1 A. M. dally und ,'l:fin I'. M. daily, slain Linn fioui Ollftpn l'Oriti? S:10 P. M. Uv Sou. frinii Clifton l'Ont., dully from finirli,tti'Hvllle. Oor.lonmlllu Accon,. Ki.tO A. Al. Ex. Sun. James Hirer Line Local from Clifton For ? s ?:'?5 P. si. dally. Wunen Arenili. 8:-IU A. M. 15s. Hun. DIVIDEND NOTICE. ????.????????? National Binili ut niellinomi, Va. Tin: ni:in'L.vit quaKTl.ltI.Y 1)1 vilumi of OSE PUH 01?NT. iipou Un? Capital st-.i-k of II.N Iliinl? lina li-cn ?1,?,?1,?.???|. piiyalilc OCTO? IIHIl lai. III.i:i, In slncUliolilcra nf record Hep, I l'in ber lifltli. O. 11. HILL. (Insilici?. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY BTRHETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ; ADMISSION 250. FREE ON SATURDAYS. RAILROAD3. squthi a^-iu^uuL?^ IN EFFECT A?u 12, laOJ. , .??a. Ji?.--ijaiiy. Local lor Cbuiiotl?. I2:og I'. M.-?.Daily. Limited, IJutiet Pull? man to Atlanta and liirmhigiium, New Queans. Alciuphis. ?Ubattuiiougu. and all the booth. 6:(X) p. Jl.?Ex. Sunday. Chaso City lo? cal. 11;? P. ??.?Dally. Limited; Pullman ready S<:30 P. ??., for all tbo South. VORji RIVER S,??e. 1 he favorii?, route to U-altlmore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. Al. Dally, ex cut Sunday. D:00 A. At,?Excej-jl Sunday. Local mixed for West Point 2:16 P. M.?Local for West Point. 4:30 P. ??.?Except Sunday. For Weil Point, connecting with ftti?ameira for U ai? timeli? and river landings. TRAIN'S AHK1VE KlCJtlAtOUS. C:*,5 A. M. and ?:? P. ??.?From all th? South: 3:25 P. M.?From Charlotte and Durham. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:15 A M.?Baltimore and West Point. 5:1?? G. M.?From West Point. C. II. ACKERT. S. II. liARDWICK, f?. U. O. P. A. C. W. W ESTUI" UV. I). P. ?.. Illrbnaond. V?. SEABOARD: Air Line Railway" trains Leave Richmond daily. ??:m 1'. M.??eaboard P. Ai.? Seaboard ExiirtiS?To., laek sonvllle, Atlanta and Southwest. !):10 A. A..?Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILT.. 0:25 A. M.?No. 34-4:5f* P. M.?No. 66 Fra-.m Florida. Atlanta and Southwest. 6:30 P. M.?From Norllna and local points. City Ticket ?frico S30 East Main StreoL 'Phono 40?* ELECYRtC RAILWAY, April ist, IW02, Cars lar^vc coiner Perry and Seventh Stiuets, Manchester, every nour <.on the houiv troni ?J A. AL to 10 P. AL, lait car 11:6? P. M. Car? leave PetersburK, foot of Syca moic Street, every hour from 6:30 A. AL to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS, SO CENTS?ROUND TRIP-?) CENTS. STEAMDOATS. .__ OLD.DSMII ,'r^STEAHSHI? ? ? * High! Uni far Norfollc. Leave Richmond dally (foot of Ash ' Street) 7 P. M. Steamers stop at New- I port News in both directions. Fare $2.50, includes stateroom berth; meals, 50c. each. -?- ? FOR NEW YORK. I IIv Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., 8 A. M? 4 P. M.; bv Norfolk and Western Ry.. 9 A. Mi. 3 P. AL All lines connect at Norfolk with direct steamers for New York, ?all- , Ini; dally (except Sunday) 7 P. Al. ?. F. CHALK LEY, City Ticket Agent, 1 ! 80S 13. Main Street. I JOHN F. MAYER, Ac-nut, Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. ?. ?. WALKER, V. P. <?? T. M? New York. VlR?Kit* a*T.VKJATl0>l (WMPANY JA.UES RIVER DAV LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves AION? DAV. VVEDNESDA1' and FRIDAV at 7 A. Al. tor Norfolk. Portsmouth, ' Uld Point, Newport News, Claremont and James River landings, nnd coni.ectlng at Old Point for Wnihliifrton, Ralllniore and the North. State-rooms reserved for tho nl?lit at moderate prices. Electric care direct to wharf. Fore only $1.50 and $1 to Norfolk. Music hy Grand Orchestrion. FrelKlit received for above-named pinces and all points In Eastern Vlr-rlnin and > North Carolina. IRVIN WEISIGKR, General Alantiger. E, A. RARBER. Jr.. Secretary. m_-,-,-?. uav uni: to daltimobe Via 0. & 0. llwy. and Old *"oint. U. ? MAU, ROUTE. Leave niellinomi ?lu 0. lc O. dally excppt Humbly, ut 4 P. M., con? necting ?t Olii l'oint ?'Uli Meunier? uf Olii liny Lino, liiiivliin 7: ir, P. M., urrlvlii? llnltloioru fl:80 ?. M., connecting North, Hunt nml West. For ticket? ami lufornmtlon nppl)' to a Kr. 0. l?wy., Rieh? inumi Triumfcr diminuii-, m ??io l"iiKt Multi ?U G!yfe Sflearnsfeip Oo.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NURFOLK LINM. Freight received and doli ver od Uauy ut C. ?i U, R'w'y Co.'ji depot, Seventeenth and Proud tHieols. (eerohsBris m? Hirers Blfiiiiisliii* Liiio.Dimoi Konto to Boston, Mass., oiul Provit1onGe,?. I. ??.?\??,??.??> le,? ve Km iiilu lor l'inumi ' I'll uh day, \\?'il.n'.,Uiiy, l'ilil.iy unti Sunday. For Providence Moildtl?, Tluiraiiay and Satur? day at ii P. ?? 1????;? u/jera and trolglit taken fur all New Knnluiid iniluts. Tick elb un na?t) al C. & l). Ry. and N. & Vf. Ry. ?????-n a o, I No. Jill? Kast Main Si:eet. It. 11, WRIGHT. A??.. Norfolk, Vat.