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SPILLING OF STOCK Liquidation of small Quarters from ah Accounts. PRICES ARE DOWNWARD All News of" a Favorable Tenor ignored and Demand Paralyzed ? Bonds Weak in Sympathy with Stocks. Close Irregular. (Ry AiHoclnted Pre*??*.) NOW ????, Sepfmber 2S.? Another fl.'iy'H liquidation In the stock market kept npprcliennioll alive nnd was an much ?without specific ej-plunnlion ns that ?which has gone beloie. The liquidation vas ihoBtly In ?mull amounts anil came from rtll qUarlbrfe, There was a con Bidernblc accumulation, of the.-ic ???'?? oi dors over Sunday, und there seeincd to be a Kood deal of sellili,?? out by com? mission hollies whore notifications to customers lor- ndiht.onal margins had beon Ignored over Sunday. Ail the for? eign centers which hold ?my upprec.ahi?*) quantity of American ficcurltlcM also lig i.i,?? .,, tha tci..,,,. ..?. ,,?? ,???.?"? a lavbr able tenor was Ignoriti nnd the demand ?was practically paralyzed. Exe? pi for occasional liuvuig liy uiienveie?! ?dioits at periods of pause Hi the llquldhtlon, there was no demand distinguishable. The b.iy cr who form.i tlio compl?ment for eveiy (seller seemed to wait for stocks to bo offered to hiin and mado no bid. There was a consliui aille amount of tills Bort of buying, wbrrli was traced with confidence to Kotnc of tho largest hank? ing Interests, wlio satisfied thCiri.-clv? ? with tins measure.of support 101 the market. It was quite Ineffective in pre? venting the sharp downward course of prices, although It may have prevented a demoralization which was feared. All lb? United Stntcs Steel securities lowered their low records by wide margins. Thb local tractions we; e another center of weakness led by .Metropolitan Str?L-t Railway, which lell to w.thln a ?-bade of par. Selling In th,?- stock wan inld to come liom Philadelphia; which was also an onormbui? seller of Pennsylvania. The pressure upon Pennsylvania carried It down 4 1-1 at the last and was the factor In unsettling the cloiae. Previous to this last slump ln Penn? sylvania there had been quite an eflec tlve rally all around due to the rei ef felt by the apparent cessation of the urgent liquidation In United States Steel Issues. The close iV?s active and Irregu? lar. Ronds wero weak In. sympathy with Btocks. Total sales, ??,???,???, par value. United States 2's declined 1-4, and the 8? 1-2 on last call. Total sales of stocks to-day were 0S5, 100. MONEY AND EXCHANGE-CLOSE; W?m?*y on call, steady, at ?ij? per c?tit.; closed, 2 1-4; time money, ?jeadv; s.xty days, 5 1-2 per cent; ninety days, ti per cent; six months, li per cent; prime mer? cantile paper, Citti 1-2; sterling exchange, about steady, with actual Bucine? In bankers' bills at JI.S0.15 for demand end at $4.82.40 for sixty-ihiy bills: posted rates, $4.83 and J1.S7- commercial bi,!;?, $4.82 1-8; bar silver, h'J 3-8; Alexican dollars, 46. Wal. Street Gos:ip. (Special lu Tin; Tlmea-ljispatch.) NEW YORK. Kept. 2?*.?The opening of Hie Stock market ?a? ?cal:, although the liquidation was confined to ? few croupit, und there wa? good nupi-orl in place?. Comnuaslon houses re? ported mi accumulation of selling orderit ov?) nlylit and trader? ?ere very bearish; particularly ou the United ?talea Steel Btocks. . 1*hc Ih'ulilatKaii In Stiel seemed to be on? Wtttitu sellini* orders, nnd the unie of ?fonie ? stocks ll'juliluteil iu I/imlon before our opening. The po??lblII(y that suine members of tile bond underwriting syndicate would pull out was ? tut? tor, ond ther? was bearish talk of a rather vague character on trade condition?. . Th* weakness in LoUlirllle arid Nashville was aald to he due to selling of the stock by an Interest which was Instrumenta" ln transferring It from the Heliniint to the present control ond held on to Its slock too long. KARLY TRADING: Tile early break In the tractions was ac?pm paiiled by reports Ihal the Interests which have harp been carrying Metropoli tu n Securities anil lirooklyn Rapid Transit were obliged to lighten thfclr load In view of. ilio maturing of some eon ?Iderotile loua? In the nenr future. The de? struction of the Fifty-second Street power-botiso bad nn unfavorable inlliiencc upon lirooklyn Rnpld Transit. It- was thought that Amalgamated Copper wa? receiving smile support from the Standnrd Oil Interest, hut only ?ulTIcient tu hold the price ln band until the extent of the liquidation was ktkiivn. ... . , Tbe Erie statement materially helped the hard coal stocks In the enrly trading. LiqrmiATioN in first ii?uit? Tile liquidation w-(is serious In the first hour, nlthiiugli the market dbl n?i cet out of hand. It was receiving support in pinces, lint mostly on a seule down,, an,) It was recognized that nt least one account of some consequoiioo was Be? ing liquidateli, and possibly more floor trader? gate ? little ?upport by covering shorts on breaka. HEAVY SELLINO IN ?t???? BONUS: The henvy selling nf fnltr-it .States Steel, fis was traceable without much difficulty to mem? bers of the bond underwriting syndicate, liiere waa ? certain umoiitit of support |n the preferred, which probably represent arbitrage ofionitlons, but It was offset hy the persistent Western liqui? dation. , , London wo? a seller In th? early trading. FIRMER AFTER MIP-DAY: The lone was rather tinner jiftnr mid-day, although weakness was apparent Jn stocks which have hitherto received notably go-?? support,. It looked tlii If one group nfter another was sold, und about the only buying of consequence se(,m. cd to he , for the purpose of making :i better market for specilli ?looks. EARLY AFTERNOON MARKET: The mnrket steadied fairly at the Jower levels, a.a,..,,,,,1 aa ?,?<><> ..,,.,,l,..u.?.? .?.?..,. ?...a ?.*,,, .......? t lia* ,11,111' ? ?,,'??,??,??, , ,,;,\ ,, , ??,?? ,?,,.,? ,?,?-,-?, ?Ithoiigli It wns maulfelUy wen I: and still under pressure In severnl places. Traders w-erf bea??. Isti ?lid were" selling stocks where the support Jooked. poor, The short Interest, |n fnct. was obviously considerably extended, nnd wns in aonie extent a snnrce of strength. One of the most Importan*! Southern house? was ? particularly heavy seller of United States Stool bonds. > .New ??? Central held well, pud was one of the few stock? where It wns not hasy to cover ahorts. RICHMOND STOCK ?\TAT?K"E'"i'. Richmond. Vn., Sept. 2<*. 10(13. SALES. Virginia Rs~$r?iiO nl 01. Vlrglnln Centuries?$2.000 at OlVi: $?.nnn nl 01V, ; ?'i.oon nt oi '4. Vlrglijln-Cnrollnn t'hemicnl Cf>. preferred?,1 ?hure? nt DO. BTATB SECl'RP KS. Hid. Asked. Nord? CerMInn 4's. '. IPS Va. ns, New, 0. ??.'? It., 1032_ (11 Vn. Centurie?, 2- 0, mid R. 01M ... ?? . ?? ,??, ? ????;/ "'???? . p?, Atlanta und Charlotte.?00 140 inn &G? iEBTABLISJ?ED 1833.? MEMBERS (few fork Slock Excti?n??*, ttew York Cotton Exohange, PRIVATE WIRES TO -H + m^-rf-K+^f-m-f-H-r-f-r-f-fM^ ? ? Officiali Rang'e and Sale of Stocks in New ?H-f-fA4*m-f44+-f-f-fMf?r-f+*+U^^ Opon, iip.-h Lb**. 4444 2100 IMO 2200 1177:?. (W.-.70 r,K, 7.'.,".r0 Blfl?O ?'?'".',:? im 2W0 100 BOT ??rt 2") 35600 82psp 3?? 2935 .-,10 2*100 2300 3MF0 G,G.72 3200 im 3*?)4 4700 1!>l"0 13090 13-00 LES: Arht'Hcflrl SmilT com. American Snuff pfel. Amerlcnn Can com. American Cari pfd. ? irif iff-iii ('?.Hon 1)11 com American Locomotive celiti Atn.'tlc:in Locomotive pfel Anipricnn Tobacco pfd? American dir nnd Fournir Amili.fin Stilar . A? T. and Sfiniti Fil boni ?., ?? nini Santa Fu pfd Air.nli'nmat? el Copper _ rtnlllmnre nnd Olilo. Brooklyn Rapid Tranelt.. C?iniidlrtii PaVIflc .l dhCuapo?K? nnd Ohio .... Cnnnd?i Southern . Colorado B?Vltli-rt, coiti.. Colorado So-jtborn 1st |.M. tv.l' Southern 2,1 pfd Chlcni'o Mil. nnd St. Pai Chi., Rock I nia nel nnd P?t Colorado Fuel ond iron... Chicago Ore-it VVeate-rn... C, C, C. nnd St. Louis.... Consolidated fins . Delaware? and F?ud?;on. Dei. Luck, nnd Woi.lern.. Eric' ram . Erie 1st pM . Eric 2e1 nf?l. General Fl.-ctrlc . Illinois Central. Leather . loiiM'illc and N?-Hvlli-.., Manhattan . Me-t toponimi . By Open. Tlininas Ululi. Bran Le?w. 3 l_y_ 27? 2314 110 01?, S7<_ ??'? 73?4. iifi'4 107 It? rat. 4G, 113-J? 11**S 103 ?'l'i 2" 2.1'. 1 ilei 83?. IM. II'it 137_ 41? II'i 191. ?;? ' WA _i?*, im 127'. 07 I2S 103 Ch ti CO.. I) Citili? I KA Bfl I xm :??. laSt-150 71 "?; ns '27 t?? ???', loft ivi ?io 14'? 07 10". 1t0 iv\ 02'V, 44 KM i2C*4 128' ? 100 2?;.?,". 7H5 07!") 110 ipo 170 ?I-IO ???"??. SO'', 371. : 72 tt 2.1. list. ?7% 5S 11 47?*, )_U ir.??; 22V- 1512. 41 14% r.?i^ IM li'-? 233 2*1t_ 03 11?/* ira 12,?,? 4 .inkers and Piokeia. I.KS: ???.\|;.?,? ?*,?????1 . ?\tl_soiirl Paclflej . 3 I ?610 .M??., K -m. and Taxa? roui....... -ut. 1000 Mo., L'un, nhel Teixn? pfel. 23 11720 ,\.?\? Voile Central . 1-1".' D193 N. Y.. Ont. iiti.1 W'.'loni. .?'?, G,?'? Norfolk and \??'.????.?p?. I33 ?S??00 |?.-.| t.s?;, ivntila . !':r?"?',l Steel Car. Pre#fictl Stcel Car pf-1. Pe?ipl&'s ?ftS Trust. Ildltlltlg ertiti . Rending 1st pfd . ReitilifiS 21 i.f.l . 1t"?,iil P?? Iron Hrid F."M t-om.... Untiti bile iron and Stet?! fita..-. ?l L. and San' Frati. 2? pfd.?.. Seaboard Air Lino com. Beili .hi! Air Line pfel. Bt, L. ???? SoUiHWcatcrn pfd ? Solitile? !' iclllc .:. Sntilhnfrl 1!i!lwrtv ?jrotn. 1.--?) S'otllli.'it) R-ilhvey pfd. ?)7?)? Tfenliesfri? CnfU and Irr.n. -? o t?*x?1b l'nc'ilc . cvrl l'niem Pnc Ilo e-,m. 300 l'nlon Pfiolild nfd. 62315 l.'nllcei Slitto, picol com. .???ion riillcd States Steel pfd. 520 Va.-Carolina f'Ii.-pi. comi. 100 Vii.-Cnrollnn Chehi. pfd. lev?Q webrtsh cuti . line) AWnnsll i.f.l . 1270 Western Union . Rem ???|??p??-??? Central . Ce? \VI'-coi!H?n Centrnl pfd. Total number r.f sai?.*?, !K9,GO0 100?,', 11 42"? r. refunding 2*e, registered. 107% refunding 2h. coupon ., fis, registered_?. lof) Sa. coupon . li?) New- -1*?, regl.stcrcd. ?3 registered.... coupon . registered.... Coupon. l :?,.-, . 111 *i . 112V. l'. S. r,a, registered. 1021*, B, S. r.s, coupon .;.:. ]02'?i Alchliton general si . ;>ii?. Atchlfon adjiiatmcnt 4s. S!) Atlantic Coa*?t Line fa . 8. naltlmeh.? and t?nti si .?01_ naltlinore and Olilo 8t4?. 1)21_ Central of iflcr.rKln r.a . 101 y, central of r;fi,ri*ln let Ir.c. 70 f.1ieaap?*nl:o and Ohio -I i.m. 10?'4 Chicago ein! Alton :t'..i. 72-ri R?-a?i?rs will obser,vo tho.t in some stocks tloiiR wc Rive "bid and asked'' mices onlv and icloKlnf- bid. Sometimes the closing the stock. CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. Chicago, ??. and Q;ilnry hew nil'-ngo. M. i.n.l fit. Pan! froh, Chicago and Norlliei-eaterti c ChlcaSo. )!. 1. and I*nc. A'. Cillc-go, It. I. and Pac. col. C.. C, C, and f?t. Louis gen. Chicago Torminal 4s . Consolida teil Tobaccd ??. Iliern 4s. 'ramie Krlo prior lien la . Urie e;?*tieral 4a . Port Worth and p.oiver City 1 II.Kleltic \'alle.v l'?,s. Ixiiilsvllli? and Na?h. G????? Manhattan con. gold -il . Melica n Central 45 ., Mexican C.-ntrnl 1st Inc.... Minn, and St. Lou I' Is. MtMOUrl, K'nn. and Texas 4s, Mlss.,tirl. Kali, and ?????? 2ds. National It. It. of Ml York Centr Ml. 13115 u:i", no V'.rthrrn PaclOe In . Vorttiorn Pa"i*i,? n, . v.rfelk nnd Western con. Is Oregon Short Litio 4s nt:?l Pennsylvania conv, 3?,4**.... Heading elettemi r4 . St. h. and Iron Monntnln e St. L. and San Tran. fg. Is St. Limi? Ri.iitlnvMiierii lata. BenboarO Air Line 4s. SenMiern parine -Is . Se.itliern lliillv and Pacific 1st? Toleel t.'nlon l'aclfl I'liloti Paell) L. and Western Is. Fuel 1.1 O.. olla nral trust -Ii 7?! niela 2d Ine. 23 N'eu- .Terse?? Contrai g?li. ??. 127T4 we iTlvc both the New York and Richmond ?uibtatloiis. In the RlcitehrVd nuotn In tho New York euiolatlons we ulve opening sole, lowest stile, highest sale bid In inactive stocks is merely nominal and does not fairly Indicati the prlco of I Chesapeake nnd Ohio.IOO 28 Norfolk dud Western com.Usi 60 Seaboard Air Line pfd.IOO 32 I Sea board Air.Line com.IOO IS Southern Railway pfd.JOO 70 Southern Haliwny com.100 IT hA.Ma ??? I Itt'ST CD. STOCKS: ?jertopolltan Rank of Vn.25 ... Virginia Trust Company.IOO ... I.vsi ???????: <0*,I1'AN1?S?. Va. Fire and Marine .25 ... -li.M i:i.i..\.\!-'uL3: Va.-Cor. Chem. pfd., 8 p. c.1<j0 S7 Va.-Car, cha-tn. com.l???j 10',' Va.-Car. p. Co. Col. Tr. 3s. 00 ' BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, MD., Sept. 2?.? Seaboard Air Line common, 104?1~'?; do. preferred, liiii.-if, 01 Vi. Seaboard Air Line -Is, 74;-?..(<iTO. Atlantic Coast Line, common and pre?crr?il, not quoted. COTTon MARKETS. NEW YuilK. Sept, 2S.?Tbe eotton murket opened linn ut an advance of :i points, foUowlug hither cables and covering. Almost ut ?Sep? tember turned very active and excited. Trading In Hint position Is ut an end atterrinoli on Wed? nesday, nnd this wus ?-?nslili-fid practically the Just notice day for Unit delivery. Some no? tices were said t? be ?ui, but stopped by house representing the New ilrliiius bull cuiitlng-ut, mill the New Orleans btiil leader, wus In the ria? Hlpporlltig September nuj.-rvianvc-l}?. The result w: s ,n wild seoru/ot ?hotte; and the fluctuations In Bsflember were the most vlolint of uny since the earll.r duys of the old bull campaign. Clishig on Saturday ut 11.12 It opened this morning nt ll.10, told at 11.17, then Jumped lo 11,23 and from tbiat to 12.05, a net gain of very nearly of a cent a potimi or SSou on a trudlng coulract of. 1W balea. This seemed to exhaust the demand some and then the price reacted to 11.30. but milled ugnili to 11.Su und closed ut 11.70. The srarc.of Spptcmber ?h?r's naturally exerted a strengthening elTect on the general list, and while the receipts avere heavy the es limata for to-morrow nre light mid the prices remain llrtri. The reactionary perl,,ds. with an Important Interest, ret?n to he opposing tho nd vntice vlgnrou.sly but prices jye?e forced slowly upward ami at tile best showed f.-l gulns ot S'a 17 ou ili?? active montile. Toward the claie there was enough realizing ? to take the edge oft the market, but the tone ' was finally steady at net galuii of 4 fill polii!? on oil options except September. . whlrh closed ns indien ted above; ijet ."is points higher. Sales were estimated at bales. An Influence encouraging the hulls to-day was the oxp'otutlon of ? bullish weeklv tnirenu re? port to-mornnv nnd antlclp??loii that October report of the government, duo on Saturday, would show deterioration!! Cotton futures opened (Irin nnd closed steady: ??,??. High. Low. Clo?j September ...?.10 12.05 11.1(1 11.70 Oitol.ei? .0.45 0.55 0.15 ?1.10 emhi-r ... U.17 n.ns ??.,?: December_0.17 0.59 0.4(1 0.?1 January .I). IS tl.f.S 0.4(1 0.32 February . 0.42 0.10 fl.ts 0:53 March .0.32 0.03 0.32 0.G?) April . .... .??? 0.00 Muv .0.37 II.OS 0.57 DOS 0.07 Spot rojton closed qui?ti nildiillug uplands, 11.25; hiblilllng g'llf. 11.50; sales, 3,400 bales. Cotton, ijitiet; nildiillug. 11.23; gross receipts, 17.207 hnles; sales, 3.400 bales; stock, 103,500 biilee. Total to-day at all seaports?Net receipts, 52, 505 hales; export to Great ISrltnin, 0.034 bale: to Frunce, 7,210 bales; to the Continent, 4,2-aS bales; stock, 3111,S02 bales. Consolidated (it ?ill 6 e ani ris?Net receipts, US,. OSO bales; export to Croat lliltnln. 13.1.-.3 bales; to prance: 7,2I0 bales; to Ilio Continent, 21,434 bales. 'otiil sliice September 1st at ?ill seaports?"Sot ii.ts. 410.208, bales; expon to Great Ilrltuln, .'17 Bolea! to France, 10,017 tuiles; to the Con tliient, 00,467 balea, , NHW ORLEANS, Sept,, 2?.?In the spot cot? ton market factor?? reported ti good demand lor September deliveries, cullaci! by delayed country shipments or failure to ship, ? good Inquiry from ?pinners was reported by factor?. Much of the cotton hero is now held above bunrd prl.cee. Sales, 7.000 bales, Inelmllng 7,?Kid to ar? rice. Delivered on coiilracl, 7no hales; quotu tlons unehanged. Futures opened atendy with prices from 5??.7 points hlghir than Rntul-ilay's el??lng. Liver? pool wus much better than expected, and curly ?11 the morning u fiilr ?leininid developed for spot, Thcfti? elements caused ii Sharp advance, owing lo heavy put rpceliil??. In tin? trading Heptcin? ber sold doNn to 0.SO nnd up to 0.01; October down to 0,3$ nnd up to 0.43; November to Oils and up to li.-15; December to 0.31 nnd up to 0. II; Jiiiiunry ?hiwn to 0,38 am) up to 0,40. Lutei- In the duv iirolll-taklng eiil'rleil prices down 4f,iS points from the highest level of the day, the list nt the close showing ne| gnlnr, on, Kcnt'ilii lier of il points. October 5 nnd -Kit S pointu on the tinlntiee Of the list coiton future? ?teady; "September, usked; October, 0 f'.Ofi 0.1(1; November. I).3"fft0 .'18; Uf ceinbei', 0.3(l'i?0.37: .Tnnui'l'.v. O.IK'?O.12; l'eli? riliiry, O.-HclO.-ie; March, PRODUCE MARKET. NEJV VORK, Sept, 28.?FLOUR-Qulot und ?teiulv. Rye Flo?r?Flrni. (.'ornineiil?ijtilet. Rye?Dull. Ilhrll?}??Dull. Wheat?Spot, stonily; NO-, 2 led. Sl*-,e. Op? tions opened weul; Untier easier cables uml line weather West. Lutei' It was liiegiilur, closing Btendy, net <?>. lower. .May closed ut 83c; SepKinbei?, Slvio.; December, H'.V\i\ Com?Spot, Steady; No. 2, 52*(,?;. option mar? ket declined under splendid wi'iithcr eiindlllons ?un) elisici' cables, bul rallied biter und eliseli Sleu'iiy ui M?', net loss. .liny closed lit B2Uib,, September, 52*-.,*. ; Deeiiniber, 52?i,c. Outs-, spul, dull; No. 2. ?lUko, llpef?I lini. Cut Mente--Firm. Lnril-Jliill; western aleninoli, $8. On; n-liiieil. ensyt ????|???? nl, ?S.D0: coiiipiiuiiil. S7,12?ij7 25. Pork?guiet; short clini?. $15r(i'1(l.75. . Tallow?Hnsy; city, ?I'-Wr.: country. 4,'"'.ir,r. Rosln^-l'lrni. Turpen? tine -r-iilei nt 5Si.:,r.f50c. Coffee?Tin? rimtkel fur e'rilThe futures opened sternly nt uncinili?,?!?! pilco* to ? decllnu of G, points. Shortly i.fti-r th?? mnrket sjiowed 1 stomi? lei' toile nml i'lo'?o?) Drin, nel Bf-?* 15 iiolhts libili, er. Knies. .-IS,??? liiii-s. Snot RI??, s'ei'ilv; No, 7 Invoice, 5 ??,,?. Sentir- -Itiiw; Orni: reduci Orni Ilici?rinn: diitnistlc fili? t'? extra, 4\\ di Uta e.; Jai'iiii. r>?l fl (le. Molature?Finn. Untici'-- S'in l.v: exliyi iTCunior.v 2?'?'.?. Cheese, SI.Iv; Stnte. filli frenili, fiiney sionll, Wlnied. Jt?Wc.l stilali white. !2'le. Heus - HI roue; Suite und l'cnnsylvniiiii, fu.icy mixed, 21 ?? ???. ** , . Potatoes?Steady: Lone Island. SI. 112411.87: Jersey: $1.50*31.75; State, Kellern and Western, $1..:7H1.75; ,1ers. ey Bweets, r2.5tnii2.75. Pea? nuts-Stonily; fancy haiidplokcd, l%f'ir.(.; other domestic. 3@.l_c. Cnhliugos?Stc?,|v; domestic, per ???), ?2e;?.r,; per burrel, 00@70o. Cotton?lit stream to Liverpool, 12c. "CHICAGO. ILL.. Sept. 28.?Wall Street ?oak no?? and heavy world's ?hipmenta cnu?cd depres? sion In grain to-day. December wheat closed 'U.c. oft; OecemVi- corn was dotili t?*3-5sC.: and onta showed a 1 ss of vie. Proe-Islons were,reg? ular, closing from 2e)c. lower to 22H'C higher. The lending futures ranged a? follow?: .Ojien. High. Low. Clone WHEAT ?No. 2. Sept. (now) 70'/4 70?j "O 7CU Dec. (new). 1A% 77>4 70?! T7 May . 71 7SH '78 78?,', COIiN?No. 2. Sept. 45*4 45% 40 45% Dec. 45% 40'?, -ire's; 40 May . .514 '40% 45 4.V}*. OATS?No. 2. Sept. G.0???*, 30*1 30 SCV1 Dec. 37!_ 37!", SO*. ?0*>_ May . 37vi 37'?, 37-j. 37% MKSS POKE?Per 1.01. Oct.11.00 11.F0 11.00 11.75 Jnn.12.10 12.55 12.1.1? 12.50 May .12.271. 12.05 12.27 "4 12.02*. I..? till?I*cr 100 lbs. Sept.10.00 10.50 10.10 10.10 Oct.7.G.0 7.S7H 7.50 7.75 Jan.0.75 0.1*2'4 0.75 0.00 HUIS?Per 100 H.a. Sept. _ _ 0.20 net.0.20 0.25 0.20 0.2,"? Jen.0.47*. 0.05 . 0.47?. 0.0214 ?.,??? Quolaiions were as iolluws?CLOCK: Steady. Wheat, No. 3, Sic.; No. 2 red. 70*2 70'ic No. 2 corn. -leic. ; No. 2 yellow. 4Sc. No. 2 outs. 30ueg.37c; No. 3 white. 37?Vi'.l'"c No. 2 rye, 5-*458C Oo-il feeding hurley, 17c: fair to cbolce molting, 524158c No. 1 a-seed. 07c. ; No. 1 northwestern, $1.023; prime Timothy seed, ??i.07>i*. Mesa pork, lier barrel, 811.70(3)11.75; lard, per leal poiiwis. $10,45(310.00; sh?.rt ril.s fides (loos-): St8.75ia0.12i.; dry Halted shoulders ? liovedi. $0.02V.elC75; ahort clear aides (boxed), f\ 75 M 0.25. Whiskey, basis ??G high wine?, SI.2::. Clover, contract grade. $12.50. Hinter? Steady; creamery. 10?21>,ic?: dairy. ?4'??i'.l'tc. Kggs?Stendy nt mark., cases included, s.'Oc ( licose?Firm nt 10?4 <Tt 11 "?;c Receipt???Wheat, 1)0.000 htishels; corn. 5S0,700 bushels: oats, 300,. 100 bushels; hogs, 82,000 head. IIALTIMOni:. MD.. Sept. 2$.?FLOUR?Quiet, stendy and unchanged,. Wheat?Steady; s|.ot, cinitract. 7!)?>;7'.)',?. ; spot. No. 2 red, western, 81-'.-i*)iS2e. ; southern by sample. ?JS'.i 70 '.c. Corn?Easier.; ?.pot. contrae!, 52V?v*; southern white corn. 53*ii-.lie. Oats?Steady; oN. 2 white, 42'jc. Hye?Si -ally. butter?Steady and un? changed. Eggs and Cheese?Firm and unchang? ed, Sugar?Steady nnd unchanged. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Illchmond, Va., Sept. 28, 1003. QUOTATIONS. ?,?????? Lmigherry .SO <?i SG Mired . SO *380 Shurilie.-ry . 85 eus?' No. 2 red . 80 Va. bag lots . 70 QSO coi*, v - / Wlilte( Va.) bug lois. 57 No. 2 white . 57 No. 3 white . 50 No. 2 mixed .50 No. 3 mixed . 531,4 OATS? No. 2 mixed . *10V_ No. 3 mixed . ill Winter seed .40 ?50 UVE?Vu. bag lots'. 00 (?idi CATTLE MAUKICTfl. IU?HMOKP LIVE STOCK MARKET. iSales at Union Stock Vards.) Klclim.ind. .Va., Sept. 2S, 1003. Uccellile for week ending to-day: CATTLE? Iteceli.ts, 403 head; market active, liest cattle, 4 !-_',i G??,; me.llnm to good, 3";ff/> ?l'Oc; llglit sleers und hellers. 2<,'*r<i.3><',.c; good lielferg: biHl to l.Oliei pounds, .1')', *1i I i/o. ; cows, 2^'??3?.?.; bulls. 2)-.?ffi,3c; calves, 6<??tl",_i?.; treuil cows, ?25.'.i 10. ; deiiiand good. HOGS?Receipts. 1,303 head; market steady. Good h.igH, II". r,i0'4c SHEEP AND LAMllS-lteeeli.ta, 1,410 head; market active; dein | il good. .. Pest sheep, 3".i_? 4c; feed sheep, M&l.'i'.o.; lambs, 4?G(.?!?. Prospecta good for nil kinds of st?ck. t.'llio?taO, ILL.. Sept. 28.?C.VTTLE?Re I'l.-lplH, A.l.iion head: market lord 10c. lower. Prl?lQ steers. "fB.60fi0.0u: poor io medi.un, $3 75 (35,001 stockera and feeders. $2.2.? 1.25; e.iwa $1, |.ie.i-1.:!0; heifers, .*?2*i, 5.10; caiillei?, **l.-|iiij 2.1IO; liulle. $2(014,60; calves, *f:l.50*g?7.60? Texas sleers. $2.75??fl; Western steers. ?3??-1.25. 110(18 -llecelpts tn-ilny. 32.01)0 lie.?,,I; to-hiorrow, 20,000 head; market closed |0(fl)20e, lower. Mix ed and hut.'hers, $5.50(??.25; go-,,1 to eie.lei. heavy. $5.70(0 II; rough, heavy. $5.:!.)',> 5.Uli; light, $5,71.(20,40; hulk of sales. i-O.COroO. Shoep-vRo celpts, 41.(100 tieni!; market steady to 15c lower, flood to cholee ?voilier.?, $.1 ;;????*4; fair to dioico mixed, $2.25f?3.2">: native lambs, $!!. Olir? 5,50. Kitty" VOltK, Sept. '?'s.?lilCE VES-Receipts, 5.2,!?) I,end. Hood steern. IQeillle. lower; others IfilffSSe, on?, very slow: lieht bulls, stenilv; fat l?,II?, easier; e'ows. slow to tele. p.wer. Steers, $3 50',','fi.i'O: Texans, f3.8S/?i3.05?, bulls. SS.Wliii ?1: cows, t3tfrfi.tl5? t..|is. $12.50. Calves?Veals, ilr-ndy: grafsers. 10??. lnver. (?ressers.'Q 3 25: Wei-'lerliK. ilotnlnnl. City ?li-esaeil veals steaiiv at ()???13?.',?. nor pound; coitntrv ?lK-sned. 7e.l,2e. per pound. Sheet, and Lan,hx ?Receipts 1(1255 head. Sheep, went; to I0e. lower; c?v,d P'lnl?. Mri'.lv others weak ??. 15e lower. Slieen. .*".'. 5.1',?; cuIIh. **?2: p.iul.s, ill r.iprifl; culls. $3 70 (?t I."5: Cenada lambs. S*?-tlPiifl. ??,,.?-??.. Celili?, li.lrill. bond: fnllv Jilo lower. S'tale and t'ennsvlvanln boga, $0.??41?,??| course, heavy, $0.10, CIVCINXATI. ?1.,' Seni. 2*??.- -llneiR--. \etlvo and litri???!?. ?I M,25?TO 25. Co ttl..--lnill and low? er al $'_e,?l.r,n. Sheen - pull and Inlrcr ?it-?1 r.Oil 138.2.1, lailiil.s?Hull and_ lower at $ MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. ????".;'G MAHKKT. ????G??.?, VA..? Sepl. 28. -Pl?AVl?TS l':,,..v. :;',.?.: sti-leilv i rime. .?:.',,..; ?,-?,,,,, ?,,. onlli'iiry, 2"-,,?. ; m retili,,? ii|ckei| 2!'',r*V::,? ? 's?,-, Uli H7"'..? Tin* ??,?????,?? \. i|iil?t. ???:t?:??.'??!'???.??. va. s.-ot. 2?. pi-ani????.-; Sl.anbli. l)0?,,'.^.-.c. Mari:,?! tirili, stock il_h and few Pel,ut ofTnreil, Vlrulnla's, ??... t, fune?: market Steady. '" ' VA VAL RTOI?E8, WILMI.NUTUN, N. C, Kept. 2S.-SPll(Ilf TURPENTINE? NothlnR dille: receipts, 81 casks. R ti n?Steady nt Sl.riO'?I.S5; receipts. 47 barrels. Crude TurfientInn?Firm nt f2T?3.80; receipt!. 02 barrels. Tor?ITvin nt $1.80; ro celt'ts. 12'J barrels. SAVANNA!), G.V.. Kept. 2S.--TCRl'KNTINB? Firm at 55c; receipts, ?15 casks; sales. OSI casks; export, 13 casks. Ros.n?Firm; reeelpta, 3,"111 barrels; sales. 1,314 bnr.-els; exports. 1.755 barrels. CHARLESTON, S. C, Seit. ??.?TURPEN? TINE?Nominal. Rosin?Stealy. rrtTTONSEED 'HI MARKET. NEW YORK. Sept. 23.?(?ittnnsrrd oil was quiet, but again very well sustained on spot, without much offering. Prime crude, f., n. b. mills. 2015310.; prime sum-pa-r yellow. 41V.0I 42c; October. 30c; elf sitinitur yellow. 30ff?37c.; prim? white, 45c; prime winter yellow, 45c MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF .RICHMOND. SEPT. 2S. 1003. ARRIVED. Steamer Brandon. Rhodes. . Norfolk, merchnu dise nnd passengers. Old Dominion line. Schooner Alice J. Venal,l?. Slgnalgo, James River, wheat, E. A. Saundem' Sons. S.Xli.Eb. Steamer Rrandon, Rhodes, Norfolk, merchan? dise und passengers. Old Dominion line. Steamer I'ocnhoiitiis. Orafe??, Jame.? ttiver land? ings and Norfolk, merchandise nnd pnsserige'rj, Vlrglnlu Navigation Company, Schooner Bill Nye, Robinson, lames River, light. PORT OF WEST POINT, SEPT. 23, 1003. ? AltltlVED. Baltimore, Courtney, Baltimore, passenger? and generul cargo. SAILED. ' Baltimore, Courtney, Bnltlmore, passcngera and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS. SEPT. 23. 1003. ARRIVED. Schooner J. B. Mantling. Ilevcrly. .Schooner F. nnd T. I.upton, Fall River Schooner S. P. Hiackburn, Portlaud. Barge Ohio, Full River. Barge San Joaqu?n, New York. SAILED. German cruiser Panther, Wilmnne. Steamer West Gate, Antwerp. GOVERNOR GONE TO WILLIAMSBURG Governor Montague ls in Wllllamsburg-, having gone down yesterday morning. Ills Excellent!?.' will return bere to-day. The exact object of his visit could not bo learned, though it Is likely that It was to attend the opening exercises of Wll linni ami Mary College. Tho Governor lias announced the ap polntmet of Mr. William C. ,L. Tallii ferro, of Hampton, ne a member of the lio-iid of Vii-itrus ot William and Mary Cqll?g'?, vico Hon. W. ?. Clarke, of Surry, de? ceased. Tile Governor's little daughter Is much Improved, nnd will be able to be out In a short while. , R- fused to Rescind. The Water Committee hohl a called meeting last night, and refused to re? scind Its former action to withdraw tl:o escavatine contract at the proposed stantlp'po from V. S. Goodwin, contrac? tor. Tbo Finn nee nnd Printing Committees failed to get quorums, and did not meet. MAKES BREAD THAT FATTENS jqhn L M\iim-? sitos BANKERS, Denier?? in UlCHMOND. VA SOUTHEM IHV?$TMENT SECURITIES. M CMC ? PAD BONDS A SPEClAl/Tt Correspondence Invited. THE PREMIUM LIST IS MUCH LARGER It Will Run from Eight to Nino Thousand ? The Catalogue. The nggrognto sum invested in the pre? mium list oi the Richmond Horso Show Association tar Its exhibition October Kl'.h to 17th inijlnslve, Is nei y much lorgfer than last year. Tiie sum given In pre? miums last year was nboul fl.OOO, cum pnrod with from {.S,.TM to ?0.0OO till? year. 'J'b'i'e aro more classes nhd large pre? miums in all those, m? the figures oi-slilerably exiced those last year. Kntrl???- for the show will close Thursday night, but any entry mailed on October 1st will bo received, whether It roach tho city that day or inter. Reports nil Indi? cate a lnrge number of entries before the dnto for closing thorn, and a number are already In the hands of tbo secre? tary. Manager C. Vf. Smith, who has been away for h-everal days In the interest ot the show Is expected bn'ck to-day. Tho catalogue, with complete lists of entries in all the classes, programmes -for every night and for the band con? certs, list of box-holders, with tho loca? tion of boxes and 0 great deal of other Information will be Issued about October ftth or 10th. It will be In every way tbo handsomest nnd most complete cataloguo ever Issued by a southern show. It Is expected that Mr. J. T. Anderson, president of the association will hnvo fieveral entries In the show. He will probably havo a team In the sporting tandems, several In tlio various single and doublo harness classes and one or more in the hca?vy weight hunter class, and possibly In other hunter classes. Tickets are selling steadily, a'nd will be In great demand when tho show: ne Umlly opens. Everything possible has been done to promote the comfort of those attending the exhibitions and to facilitate transportation to and from tho am? phitheatre. RICHMOND COLLEGE Dr. Wighlmari Proves Very Popular. Rats Are EntTliined. The "session of 1003-1901 practically opened at Richmond College yesterday with an attendance larger than any ln the history of the Institution. Those iiitertit'eil In tho establishment of the chair of biology will be gratified to hoar that so far it has been a marked success. Dr. Wlghtman delivered his Ilrst lecture yesterday, and his class of thirty or forty students were completely carried away with his wit nnd originality. In the wee small hours ot Monday morning all of the "Rats" were enter? tained by the old men. The * unique fea? ture of this entertainment was that tho amusements were furnished by the guests. The first featuro on the programme was a cake walk. Each smiling lad led his "old lady" Into the circle Illuminated by the immense bonfire, and when the band, composed of crack "rat" whistlers, struck up, the participants,. with their llowlng robes of white, formed really a oicturo no artist could paint. . f The next feature was a whistling con? test. Two of the guests were Invited to put their noses together and whistle dif? ferent tunes. It Is true that tho melody resulting therefrom did not reach somo of tho heights attained by Sousa or Patti, but still their efforts wero appreciated and enjoyed immensely. Tho guests were finally taught tho col ley?: yell' nrd were then'escorted to their rooms with every mark of honor and re? spect. Foot-ball ?prospects are brightening every day. The first game of tho season ls Saturday at Broad Street Pnrk, with Locust Dale. This Is a strong Aggregation fiom all reports, and a close game may be confidently expected. TWO CASES WHICH SHOULD BE RELIEVED 1,dislike to go In the papers for such oasBs- but my conscience reyulres It. Ibero is ?? ??? city a woman with fout young children, one of them a baby, two months' old. Her husband has left hor penniless and run off with another wo? man. She has been forced to let things g? until she has rio stovo or tiny other tinnitine of her own, but is using the stove of the widow who lives down stairs. A manager In ono of tho tobacco fac? tories will give her an opportunity to learn, but the ""wages will bo a mero pittance fol- ii few weeks, and It will be nt least two months before she can mako bread for herself nnd four children. Another urgent case is that of a woman who is slowly dying with un Incurable dis? ease, llor mother has followed her to This hopr of misery find,suffering*, whllo the rest of the family have all turned against her on nccount of her sin. With the limited menus at my disposal for these cases^ which are only two of many olhois that I know to be proper cases for help, I am wholly unable lo relievo their suffering. Many seem to think thoie .Is no suffering among the poor in tho summer, as If everything was supplied When the thermometer changed. If I arri 'phoned or written to I will be glad to take parties to see those eases, or will receive contributions for thoni. GEORGE H. WILEY, "Methudlsl Institute. Nineteenth and Main Street, Street Committee. The Committee on Streets nnd Shockoe Creel; i'i'U yc-letluy afternoon In regu ar session and sat for solilo time though nothing of special Importance was noted l||l(lll. Tlio committee disposed of some rout'no matter? ami Ilio neons d?raille discussion followed In renani tu Ihe burglary al inn ordinance and It finally went over, the C'li.-lir ruling It wouid hove to be consid? ered al a special meeting. In?. Op'txuiholiiifir, president of tbo Board of Health, appeared boforo the (??.iiiiiiltteo and risked nome sanitary Im? provements on Hiu-haiian Street. After disposing ?if a great many matters re latlng u? the paving of streets and alloys, tbo body set Thursdny evening, October Uth, as tho lime fpr holding u spec nl mooting lo consider the burglary ultimi oidiuanco. The committee at (1:S0 o'clock adjourned, Coipoi*itl"ii Commis"' n. The I'oi'punitloii Commissioner.s were back in tbi'lr olllres yestenlny niter t|i? r Inspection of the ('unsi Line and Norfo'k and Southern Railways. They will ho busy for sunn? weeks to nonni, milk ng out the assc?RIlientS Of the railway prup oi'tle.-i of llu> Slate, bused upon tbe n-|i'?ns of the companies and tho ob.'Olvtitloii of tic ciiiiiiiiiss'liiiiors. There 's a considerable ni'i'?mul 'lion Of charter iippll?? tlliuis which the coni? li)!.- lui will Ini'lil?? ami disposo of tn-d ly as far an mny he possible, Tjio work In thu oil)co Is heavy at this Foason. (Tclimo? do?"- in Mew York. (Spechi) io Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.. N'K\y vcOtK, ?"jen], ?.- Aelor. Ri, M. .Marlin; Now Amsterdam, 11. B'lOppi r; li?livelier?*}, Mjw, T, p. Boreherti. Miss M. A, C. Horchers: Hinndway Centi-il, J. \V. Bowling; ilol'l-nali, \V. II. Sands. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK i Capital S20i.,Qf ?, Surnfus and Profit? $672,445,15 ? Dcslynated State, United States arid City Depository. ? Mercantile and Bartk Accounts I Largest Bnnk Depository South ? respectfully solicited. of Baltimore. I 3 per cant. Interest PiU on D.o.?lh In Savings Department, ? P*vab!e on Pemand. ? JOHN P. BRANCH, President. JOhN KERR BRANCH, Vlce-Pre?. I JOHN F. GLENN, Cashier. ?F_^++++++?+++++*??+???+?^ ?>?*>?? mm*H CONVENTION OF WHITE RIBBONERS An Interesting Event that Will Take Place in Char lotle-sville. The State Ootivcntlon nf {ho's Christian Temperance fnlnn will meet In CharlottesvHIe to-nlght and will coh tlnue throughout I'rliluy. The place ot meeting win lie the Methodist Church, d I'letty nini commodious eelltice In the heart of the city. The year's record has boen ? gratlfv.? In*; ono, nnd It Is snld that more 10_&) unions ware organized during: tho ?lsciu year than ever before In one year. Mrs. ?. B, Newton, of Staunton, the Stair? orgmnl_er, has rendered very loyal anil effective service. Tlio following figures nro from tho re? port of Mrs. W. M. Kickers, State super? intendent of the flower Mission Depart? ment, which will give some Idea of tin extent of services rendered the sick, needy and unfortunate. The figures quoted ate made up from the reports of Hit several local unions?both ff's, and Vs.?ami elo not embraces man?.? other deeds of love* and mercy which, from their variety, could not be easily tabu? lated or classified: Visits to nick, 10\a>7? delicacies to sick, 8,845; plantn and bouquets, 5,!?13; gat ments to needy. r,,r.!)0; persons helped, 1,0.1? money spent, *fl,T?f,.lV: text cards given, ?M'OO; J?ibles, 156; pledges signed; 8?G. Hundreds of slclt ones we're nursed, given rides, and other helpful service rendered thein-piiblle Institutions, pris? ons, hospitals, etc., were visited, prayer meetings held, graves decorated. All in? dications point tn an excellent conven? tion. The >???t has been one of progress nnd harmony, nnd the foni- expressed ln some quarters that there will be a con? tention between Ihe Y's. nnd the present organization seems to have no founda? tion. Certain it Is, thnt this great or? ganization Is doing ? grand work, and has the hearty sympathy of those who desire tho propagation of tempeiance principles. MRS. BETHEL WINS SUIT AGAINST CITY Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bethel, who as tho administratrix of a klnswOm?h. Is suing the city for $10,00*0 danlnges, was given il.r.00 by a Jury of the T-ttw and Equty, Court yesterday e\cnlng. The caso Is one * growing out of the asphyxiation of a laely at the Franklin House some months ago, and 'damage*] were claimed on the ground that the c.ty wns at fault ln permitting lenlts In Its iras main3 ? motion was mudo by the City Attor? ney to set aside the verd'et but was promptly overruled by the court, and time was given to tile bills of exceptions. gCHO+0+0-fO-*-0*HD-KD-fO-fO-K>?H_H'? d The Governor's Son. q QO"K>-f ?-f?-fO-KHO-f O+O-rO-fO-fO-, o "The Governor's Son" opened at the Bijou last night for a week's engage? ment to an audience extending all the way from the orchestra railing to the box office, packed and jammed, as the house has rarely boen oil a former occasion. The reputation of thu company was lived up in every respect. The play Is tho same made famous by the .Four Cohans, and the company which pros'ented tho production last evening in In every way superior to that company. Tho work of Martin McGovern, the keeper of Vaca? tion Irin, was filie, while Harry Hi Les? ter, Dickie Dickinson, the fugitive hus? band, disguised ils tlie German detective, kept tho audience In a ? oar from the mo? ment lie entered Until he left the stage. The. company is one of stars, John McVeigh, the. Governor's son, .and tho "Governor" of Charles PiiSey, tho roles of tlie male members of thu Four Cohans combination; wero just exactly what tho audience wanted, the characters fitting admirably. Benjamin Curtis, the new married man. very jealous of his pietty wife, was as good as tlie best of them, with Will Hnlladriy as Bill Swift, the brother of the deserted bride, on the lookout for tho fleeing benedict, adapted to his role. MJss Ituth Halben, as Mrs. Dickie Dickson, wns easily tho star nf tlie fe? male members of the company, with Grace Hazard as Emerald Green, fully up to every requirement of her role. Miss, Louise Gomel, as the wife of Ben? jamin Curtis, tlie Jeiiloiis husband, was capable. The chorus Is one of the best tlie Bijou has presented to Its patrons: The mem? bers of the chorus aro pretty, weil drill? ed, and have splendid voices. Tlie cos? tumes are now" and attractive. The show came highly, endorsed dud "made gooel" ln every way. The house was almost continuously In a rgar of laughter at tlio witty dialogues, complicated situations ond humor of the much-mixed mauled couples. Tho play Is new, up-to-date and replete with catchy, tuneful muslo. A matinee will be given to-day. ? ho advance ??.lie oi seats fqr "The Governor's Son," where it is to run for all lids week, would indiente that tho -ec oiil fnr iituini.iiicei will be broken dur? ing iho engagement, Seats for each per l or mance havo been going witn a rush, tlie Saturday rale already being largo. Tho matinees will take place on ine usual (Says?Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday? und tliero is a degnami lor matinee tlck? ots that Is most satisfying to the man? agement. Tlmt thu publie, generally, and more especially tho people of lliu Kouili and \\ est are heartily slclt und tlreel ?>t lag limo and tlie inUi-cal irusli ihlU h ,s buideueil tl.u si.ige for tile past l?:w years Is thu llrm belief ot ." Rose Cecilia Shay, thu beautiful anci talented prima dimmi of Ilio splendid 11.??alligai.?u now tuui'iiig thu country, which bears lier name. "1 am coiilldoiit," sa'd Miss Shay yes? terday, "tlmt the- day of what Mr. pieve? land would call liie Innocuous ileMiieiuue oi music !_ past. "There can bo doubt about the f.iet thut the trend Is tlio other way now. Why, even lu my time, then, has been a most decided chango for the heller, Wneu j liogail my Starring tour two years, ufcy my frlonds all win ned ine against grand Opera, The people nf In-.lay do not II, limy all Insisted. Try something 1 K?u, they s.ild, and you will make money, Tnat mount, or bourse, owe ot kick-up? yuili-lu els iliiii;-?. ???.?? are some oil,, ? ideas In the world b.-siih, making menu?}? and I absolutely declined ami 1 am aw? fully glad now Hull I peremptorily re? fused to permit my managers or any ,, e el--,, t,, persuada ine to sing nnytli'ng but < the best thai there is in mii-ar, tlO?nu.e people a:?? rapidly tiring of freak musi? ?md ra.-uiiiie ami (looking lute., to Iho li?jll st. m 1 nils ..G ii 11:.-. : ? ili.? ni,? found uiiiy i>> griijid operas, urotorOs .-.? ? ??_ musi,? of Ilo chuivhes. compose*, by the ? masters. A? to &i'iiiid operd, (he l ,ye for ii ?a-day Is greater than u over was ? In ihe history of th? world, l llimly be Tke ?ah iy Upora Company will aproar Bankers and Brokers lit/. E. Main St., Richmond, V? Private Wires to Principal Points, Correspondents?W. E. WOODEND & CO., Members New York Cona?.M?tei Stock Exchange.. , Correepondonco Invita I. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED BY THE State Bank of Virginia, 1111 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. . W. Branch & C?. BANKERS and BROKERS Members of New York Cotton ?x? change and Chica?*) Boari a Trail ' New York Correspondents? LADENBURG, THALMANN & OO PRINCE & VVHITLEY, LEHMAN BROS. | NEW.YORK Private Wires ?? I BOSTON. I CHICAGO. ?t the Acadetrty to-morrow, matin'?e and evciiliig, The Eohoihiah Girl will, bo sung in tho afternoon and "Faust" tx Hlfcht. There are few enough ovfeii ?r?OTi? tho vory belt of American pl?yors to? day who luive a right to assume, that they can play Ibsen?to pr?sent the,strug? gle of Ideas, tlio transition of. emotloh?, tho real Inner life, of the cultivated lndl-? vidual. G? this tho highest of culture ! Is necessary, a perfect knowledge.of the world's progress In thought and affaira, ti more than ordinary understanding ot the springs of human feeling as well as the temperament, the . high ?luallty of mind, that 'a given to the few. Miss ?1 i berta Gallatin, who will be seen at the t Academy on Thursday night ln "Ghosts," ' possesses all of the above requirements. Her work shows great emotional power, perfect training, and subtile skill.. Her I conception of the author's l?eal Is re | riiarkable.. Ibsen's "Ghosts" With M l'eli ? Gallatan will be one of tre notable drt?ii ? atic events of the year. | "Sweet Sixteen," ls the. uni'du?. title given to one of the musical comedies, which will be presented at th? Academy of Music hy the Wills Musical. Comedy Company next Friday and Saturday, ,"*t Is said to contain more new and catchy music, sextettes, ciutart?ttes and due.ts than any similar production of its kind ever produced. Tho famous., beau t'y, cho? rus, In Ilfteen different numbers. Is but one of th? many features offered; and by far th? highest salaried show girls travel? ing. , Tho scenery' carried is all special '???} from the celebrated "Hodgdbn" Studios lr New York city. Tho specialties "ate all new and novel and compris?; ,the, cream of the vaudeville.sphere. Taking It ?lt In all,,.this evenly balanced company,..whof*p calibre Is far above, the average, will give ti performance second t? none, and, one that, will not offend the most fastidio-u?. NEGRO C?NlVI?tt-D OF MANSLAUGHTER Washington . D'nughtry, a negro yo.Utli. wins, yesterday convicted. In th? Hustings Court of voluntary, manslaughter and sentenced to two and a. half ,yea,rs,ln thb penitentiary. The negro was prosecuted "by Mr. 11. M. Smith and Judg? D. C, Richardson. Suit Filed. In Ilio Law and Equity Court y?st,'er"day ' suit was filed by the Virginia Sta,te in? surance Conrpany vs. tlio Gorman-Wright Company for $1,100 damages. . ,,./. In tiie Circuit Court, W. F. Kellam and wlfo Instituted sijit against. the ?Paseen, ger and Power Company for $5151.10. Wed ing Car;!-*. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FRlilUKl?CKSbUHG. VA., .'f'pt. .28.^ . Cards ar?* out for tho marriage o? Miss Ida Louise Taliaferro, daughter of Air. Felix l'alia ferro, formerly of Orange county, ? Mr. Arthur Thomas Pendle, at St. John's Episcopal Church, at Elizabeth, Now Jersey, on October 8tlu LOW RATEO WEST AND NORTM. V\EST. Via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, every day until November 80, inox "533. Ghlcngo to San Francisco, Los An? gel'?, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle aha many other Pacific Coast points. $30, Chicago- to Salt Lnke City. Ogden, Grand Junction and mnny other points In Utah, Colorado an?) Wyoming. Low rates to hundreds of (.?her points. Through train service, Chicago to Sah Francisco, Only $e for u doublo berth, tr,uri"t slcepiM', ull the way. To the Northwest via. St, Paul or via. Omaha. Write to-dny for folder. George J. Lincoln, 81S Chestnut Street, Philadel? phia. Pa. rich ond Horse show. October 13-17?Reduced Rates Via R.? F. & p. note: Ono fare for round, trip, plus ?JO cent? for admission to Horse Show. Tickets on salo at all station??, October l'.'tli to 17th. Inclusive, final inilt Oetn, her 19, 1903; good gn'ng only on date of sale and for continuous passage In each ??|,m:ll0M? W, P. ?.???.??. Traffic Manager. sunday Excursions To Old Point and Norfolk vis C. & O Riilway. Th?? Chesapeake tin.l Ohio I'-iHwav will continue to run their popular Sunday Oiiilngs l'ioni ltlehmoin! to Old Point, Norfolk mu! tlio teanlioro onch .Snuda}' for iho present, It Is probable that th?*i escursione, owing to the ?unto numhe o? excursionists taking advantage of th opportunity to leave Richmond ?n Sun? ?Jays, will cuntlnue ut least until thai malulo of October. ?r