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MARKET DULL ANDNARROW Deallngs Confined Largoly to Professlonal Operators. THE TONE IS UNSETTLED After an Opening Decline an Effectlvo ' Rally Was Lost on Appearance of Bank Statement?Some Stocks Ran to Top Level at Close. (Bv Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Oct. 8.?To-day's markot was nnrrow and dull, and was largely confined to profosrdonnl oporations. Tho movement was decldedly Irrcgular, es? peclally at the close wr.en ?o^i if lho loadlng stocks ran up to the top level of tlie day. notably Bt- Paul and Now York Central. whllo others ran off to thc lowest, Brle, und Mlssourl Paclflc bolng consplcuous, Tho tone was somo wliat un3ettlod throughout. London's in? fluence caUsod tbo openlng decline nnd pn ^ffoctlve rnlly was loi : on tho ap pearance of tho hank statement. Tho de? croaso In thc. loan was satlsfactory, ln vlow of tlie heavy roquli'ements of the October flrst soltlements and tho steel converslon syndlcnte needs, but the de? crease ln C_Sh of $1,011,500 dlsappoinlcd expeetations. Thls ltem, however, was compllcated by thc cash dlvldend pay mont of the Natlonal Rank of Commerce ' ln tho ndjustmont of Its merger wlth the Vveatorn Natlonal Bank. Tho market rnllled wol und cioaed Irregular, as abovo Indicatcd. Thoro wns evldence of somo left over llquldatlon and the out come of tho Baltlmore banking embnr rassmentfj was still a somewhat dlpturb Ing factor on sentiment. The vlolent jump ln the cotton markot on the gov ernmrnt's monthly report of condlUono was not well recelved ln the stock mar? kot. Sterling exebango wus ea*y ond -iscount ratos decTlncd in London wlth reports of large arrlvals of gold from Bouth Africa. New York's probably com? lng roqulrcments upon London for gold thus promlse to bo facllltated. The show lng In thc annual reports of Readlng and Js'ew York Central was conaldered favor? able. Thero were slgns of contlnuanco of arbltrnge otiorntlons bv tlie uyndlcato by buylng Unlted Statea Steel preferred and selling the bonds. Bonds wero not so nctlve as stocks, except for tlio enormous deallng ln stoel 6_, but that markot had tho beneflt of thn Improved feellng In stocka. : ? ? United States new and old 4 s decllned 1-2 por cent., the 3's coupon 3-4, thc 2 s 1 per cent. and 3's roglstored 1 1-2 per cent. as eompared wlth the closing call of last week. ,_,_ Total sales of stock to-day were _-7,o00 Bhares. MONEY AND EXCHANOE-CLOSE: Monev on call, nomlnal: no loans: tlmo money. easier; slxty days, 5g_ 1-2 per cent.; nlnety days. 5 1-2 per cent.; slx months, 5 1-2 per cent.; prlme mercantlle paper, 6fj6 1-2 por cent.; Kterling ex? change, eaMer with actunl business In bankers' bllls at $4.S2?i4.S2._5 for demand, and at $l._-.65.M.f~.7_ tor slxty-day bllls; posted rates, $1.82 1-2S>1.83 aJid $4.S6 1-2? J.S7; commerclal bllls. $4.81 l-2ff4.82 1-2; bar silver, -S 6-8; Mexican dollars, 40. WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK. Oct. 3.?The statement of avorages of thc clearing house banks of thls clty for the week shows: Loans $912,903,100, decrease J4.H4.MO. Leposit $-.7,-14,400, deci ouse $4,130,800. Circulatlon $_.671,700. decrease 111.SOO. T^egal tenders $70,762,700, decrease $1,057, 100. Speclo ?167,478,400. decrenso $67,400. Reservf-s $288,241,100, decrease $1,064,600. Reserve requlred $22.,30_,CO0, decrease $1,032,700. Surplus $13,337,500, decrease $031,800. Ex. U. S. depo.lts $23,139,700, decrease $1,162,800. _ Wall Street Gossip. ? (Speclal to Thc Tlmea-Dlspatch.) NBW YOItK, Oct. 3.?The openlng on the Btock Eicunnge. waa a (-bade under tha close of the prevlous dny on the uuecrtalnty anown ln tbe laat half bour of Frlday'a markot and Ihe lower quotatlona from London. The underUine was, bon-rer, very strong, especlally as the srbltrairc houses dld not attnch muoh Import? ance to the movoment on thc otber slde. L'nlteil Stntes Steel Issues held well ln splte of fuirly heavy proBMaklng and posslbly aome selllng by amnll liolders through tbe commlaalon houses. Tbe arbitrnglng of the preferred agalnat tbe bonda contlnued to be Ihe feature, and per? haps the beat algn waa that tho larger iave-t nient houses wero absorblug the bonda. btati;mi:nt disappointino: The bank statement was rather dlsnppolntlng, as the street liad lieen looklng for a larger de? crease In the loana and dld not expect ao cun sldt-rablc n loss ln cafb. Stocka illd not sell ofT very mueb. but' aa a llttle liquldatlon de veloped ln places tbe trnders who had taken thc liug alde. wero content merely to support. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Rlchmond, Va., Oct. 8, 1003. STATE SECnilITlES. Bld. Asked. Nortb Carolina 4s, C, 1010. 102 Va. 3s, New. 0. and lt., 1032- 0111 02 Va. Centurlea, 2-8, 0. nnd B. 01 Mi ... KAILIIOAD BONHS. A. 0. Xi. Xi. XX. Con. Tr. 4. 00 B. ... _. Con. lat 4s, 1050. GS? ... E. A. _. Oollateral 6a, 1011. 101 KAILKOAD STOCKS. Atlantlc Coast Llne com.IOO ... IU Chesapeake and Ohlo.IOO 211 Norfolk aud Western com.100 58 Seaboard Alr Llne pfd.IOO 25 20 Seaboartl Alr Lino com.100 14 15 Southern Hallway ' pfd.100 77 Southern llnllwiiy com.100 10 BANK STOCKS. Flrst Natlonal .100 ... 200 Vlrglnla Trust Company.100... 100 INSUP.ANCE COMl'ANIES. Virginia Flre and Marlno.25 ... 80 MISCELLANEOl'S. Amerlcan Locomotlvo pfd....100 82 8. Consolldated Tob. 4s bonds... .100 52 Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. 8 p. r..IOO 85 05 Va.-Carolina Chemlcal com.,..'100 17$. 20 Va.-Car. 0. Co. Col. Tr. 6s. 00 lULTIMORB STOCK MAKKET. BALTIMOnH. MD.. Oet. 8.?Seaboard Alr Lino common, 14i4fffll4V_; do. preferred, 2flrfI27. Senboard 4a, 08V4_00, Atlantlc CoaBt Llne, eomnjon und preferred, nothlng dolng. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YOItK, Oct. 3.?The government Octo. ber report on the cnndltlnu cotton, placlng lt at 85.1, proved lower tlian hnd beeu generally ex? pected, and lta annonncement was followed by grent ojcelteim-nt nnd nn ndvnnce of 20@_2 polnts wltb October Juniplng from n.18 to 0.40; Pecember from 0.27 to 0.40, nnd Jnnuary from 9.28 to 0.50. Tlie mnrket liud opened wenk, 0_ 0 polnts lower on tho hnnrlsb enbles and fnvm-. nble weather ln connectlon wlth renewed selllng by promlnent benr lnterests und llnuldatlnn, After aelllug at 0.44 for October, 0.60 for Do IHGMAS BRANCH &C0 IKBTABLISHED 1833.) MEMBERS Few York Stock Exohanga, Kew York Cotion Exchange. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS, :: Offici&l Range and Sale of Stocks in New York ?H+++4444+4_H+44.f+4_f+444 By Thomas Branch & ?i>- Bnnkers ond BALE3 Open. Hlgh. Low. jsoo. 200 1100 1763 2?H1 ano wifi cooo am 1000 920 125 2fi0 125 10700 8JXJ0 100 200 Amerlcnn Elnuff com...... Amerlcnn Bnuff pfd...... Amerlcan Cnn com....... Amerlcnn Can pfd. Amer. Cotton Oil com.... Amer. Locomotlve com.., Amer. Locomotlvp pfd.., Amorlcan Tobacco pfd.... Amer. Onr nnd Koundry.. Amerlcnn Sugar . 112 A., T. nnd B. En com.,.. 04 A.. T. nnd S. Ea pfd.... 88 Amnlgnmntcd Copper.... 41% nnltlmore nnd Ohlo. 76*4 Brooklyn Rap. Translt.... .*14% Canndlnn Paclflo . 120*4 Chc.npeako ano Ohlo.... 80% Canada Southorn . Col. Southorn com. 13*4. Col. Bouthorn ]pt pfd.... r>0'._ Col, Southern 2d pfd.... m Cnl,, Mll. and Bt. P. 140% Chl.. R. I. nnd Pnc. 2T.% Col. Fuel and Iron. 40*4 700 Chl. Great Wostorn. 16% C. C, C. and St. L. Consolldntr-d Ona . 172% Del. and Hudson. Del? Lnck. and Western.. 2.13% Erlo com . 28% Erle lst pfd . 66% Erle 2d pfd. 48% 100 34040 1600 900 1290 300 F/jO 2100 600 2200 1% Gencr-1 Electrlc. 14*'% Illinols Central . 130% Lonther . 7% I,oulsvlllo and Nash. 98H Manhattan . 131% Metropolltan . 1<6% 31% 16 Closlng. Bld Asked, 9. 110 no a% .I."-, 80% 10 Mt. 112 64% 76% 84% 1211,4 30% ' Vs'4 WA 21% 141 jZ 26% 40% 16% 'ny*. 233% 29 07 491. 150 130% .7% 'DR*1* 131*. 107 20% 63% 33 41% 4 w % 21 110% 26% 40% 16% '172% 2r,% 28% 66% 48% 148 130% 711 98% 131% 105% 8% 31% **9% 82<<. 130 20% 111% 63% 88 41% 76$ 34 % 120% R 13 BO 20*4 140% 26% 41 16% 09% 172 163% 233 28% 66% 48% 148% 180% 7% 98 131% 100% 8.1 142 27 112 61 88% ?% 7T,% a<% 12ml 8*1% 00 1.'l% WM/T 21% 141 20% nl 71 \ 13 16C% 23,"; 28% 67 49 150 131 7% 98% 131% 106% Open. Hlgh, Low. 6T. 6860 300 4000 1400 Mcxlran fVnlral . 11% Mlssourl Parltlc . ?l% Mo., K. nnd Trx. pfd. 86". M.i, K. and Tcx. nom...., ... New York Contral. 117V4 N, Y., Otlt, and Wont... 21% 7T.% 63 m, 03 11% 9nVi ;ioi_ 117% 21% 92% 4S% Tf>% 01 10 63 RendcrF wlll pbserve thnt In some stocks wo glve both thp New York nnd Rlchmond quotatlons Norfolk nnd Wostern..., 16600 P-mnnylv.nlM . 1'19% Prersed Steel fur. Pf.M.d Steel Cnr pfd. 100 Poople'S Clnn Trust. 92% 1RS00 Pendlng com . 47% ara, Readlng lst pfd. 800 Readlng 2d pfd. 1600 RcpUbllO I. nnd fl. rom.. 1200 Republlo I, nnd S. pfd.. Sloss . Bloss pfd. . 800 Bt. L. nnd Snn F. 2d pfd.. 46% Honboard A. L. com. 8eab0_r_ A. L. pfii. 200 St. L. nnd South. flpfd.... 32% 4000 Southern Pnclflc . 42% 2700 Southern Ry. com. 1!'% 600 Bouthcni Ry. pfd. 77% 100 Tenn. Coal nnd Iron. 84'i 1100 Texas Pnclllc . 24% U5000 Unlon Pnclllc com. 71% Unlon Paclflo pfd. 11160 U. S. Steel com. L% 14!r_0 U. S. Steel pfd. 63% 100 Va.-Car. Chorn. oom.... 10% 200 Wnrash com. 20 3800 Wabush pfd . 32% 210 Western Unlon . 8 Wlsconsln Central. ??? Wlsconsln Central pfd. Total number of Bharos sold, 232,900. tho 11'. K0% 116% 21% 119% 118% 92% 47% 70% 63 9% 62% 40% Vt 110% 21% 68 m% 84% n\i 47% 70% 63 8% 02% 28 71% 47 14 201. m 19 76% 33 24 71 84% 64% 19% 19% 31% 81% 10% 36 Rlchmond qUOta nle. hlchpsi..salo , .Rs -e -Ive "Md nnd n-ked'-'tvieesonlv. ln the New York quotatlons we_ glve or>enln>-- sale. Joweet fffifJ'!? _&_!?_ ? )d. Somctimea tho closlng bld In lnactlve stocks ls mo rely nomlnal and does not falrl> indicat. and closlng. bld nnd asked. tho prlce of thc stock. CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. 0. 8. refundlng 2s, rcglstero-. 107 TJ. S. refundlng 2?. co-pon, ex-lnt. 107 | D. H. 8s, reglstered. loS I D. 8. 8s, coupon . los% U. 8. New 4?, reglstered. i:j3 0. 8. New 4s, coupon .???? 136 U. 8. Old 4s, reglstered. m 0. 8. Old 4s, coupon, ex-lnt.....??? IU 0. 8. 8s, reglstered. 1<l2^ 0, 8. 5s, coupon. 102'^ Atchlson generol -ls. ?8 Atchlson ndjustment 4s. 80*i Atlantlc Const I.lne 4s . 00 Baltlmore nnd Ohlo 4s . 09^ liatllmorc and Ohlo 3'js . yjn Central of Georgla 5s . "Hw Centrnl of Georgla lst Inc. 70 (Chesapeake and Oblo 4'.?. 101_ ' Chicago and Alton 8_l. 75 Chicago, J!. nnd Qulncy new 4s. 01 Cblcago, M. and St. Paul gen. 4s. 104^ Chlcngo and Northwestern con. 7a. 181M Chicago, T.. I. and I'ac. 4?.1. 70% Chicago, lt. I. and Pac. col. 5s. 74 C, C, C. nnd St. Loula gen. 4s. 00 Olilcngo Termlnal 4s . '2?> CnncolMnted Tobacco 4s. tW/n Colorado and Soutlierri 4s. B3H Denv erand Illo Grando 4b. 08->4 Krle prlor Ilen 4s . 00% Erle Genernl 4s . S3W Fort Worth snd Denver Clty lsts. 102i_ Hocklng Vnlley 4>.b . 105 Loulnvllle and Nash. l.'nlfied 4a. 08 Mnnhtttan consol gold ?. WA , Mexlcan Central 4s . 00 _ , Mexlcan Central l?t Inc. 14 | Mlnn. nnd 8t. LoalB 4s. B8% | Mlssourl, Kan. and Texnn 4s. 07_ I Mlssourl. Knn. and Texas Sds. 77 I Nntlonal R. lt. of Mexlco Cf.n. 4k. 7C New York Central gen. 3_s. 00*4 I New Jersey Centrul gen. 6s. 128',_ Northern Paclflc ?4 . 100Vt Northern Paclflc 8s . 70ft Norfolk and Western con. 4s. 05 Oregou Short I.lne 4s nnd Partlc. 8S?4 Pennsylvanla conv. 3%s .- 00 Readlng General 4s .?. I'.'Vs St L. nnd Iron Mountaln con. 5s. lOOVs St. Louls nnd San FranclRco fg. 4s. 81V. St. LouIb Southwestern lsts . 1)3 Soabonrd Alr Llne 4s. O1 Southern Paclflc -ls. 85% Southern Rallway 5? . "-Vs Texaa and Paclflc lsts. 114_ Toledo, St. L. nnd Western 4s. 00 Unlon Paclflc 4s . 100? Unlon Paclflc conv. 4s. O.ift IJ. S. Steel 2d 5s . 71 Waba.h lsts .'. 1.'1 Wnliash Dcb. Ba . 68 Wbeellng and Lake Erle 4s .?.. SO Wlsconsln Central 4s . 80 Colorndo Fnpl nnd Iron con. 5s. 60 M. nnd 0., collnternl trust 4a . 00 Centrnl of Georgla 2d Inc. 23 I ecmber and 0.51 for January thc advance vrns checkdc Ny thc renlliln. of partles wbo bad bought early In the sesslon on the Idea that tne bureau roport mlght he Uulllah, and who appar ently preferred taklng prollta to carrylng thelr eominltmenta over Sunday in vlew of th.! wcui: ness in the stock market aud tbo unsimafaetory dcninnd for actual cotton. When prloes bad secc'd off a few polnta from the top, however. the market stcadted and finally closed very steady at il?10 polnta hlgber. Sales wcrc e*tl i maled at 3OV.0O0 bales. ( Cotton futures opened weak and closed very ! steady: Open. Migb. I.OW. Closi October .0.21 0.44 0.18 8.30 November ... B.27 St. 10 U.?* 0.41 December .... 0.2. 9.50 9.27 0.43 jJanuary .9.29 0.6 0.28 0.46 February . 0.3O S.30 U. ? March.0.20 0.52 .20 0.48 ADrii . U.34 0.J.I 0-51 May ....0.30 0XO 0.37 0.55 T?n0 . 0.03 .... 0.5'J .."y :.::.:,. e.46 . 9.03 0.45 o.u_ Spot cotton closed qulet. 15 polnts lower: mld d'lng uplands, 0.85; mlddllng gulf, 1?>.10; sales, 1,815 bales. Cotton. qulet; middUng, 9.85; grosa reeetpta. 5,051 bales; sales. 1,615 bales; "stock. 10.,610 Vo'tal to-day at all seaports?Net receipts, 48, 34i; bales; export to FMU.e, 1.0MJ bales;xo the Contlnent. 15.524 bales; stock. 811:850 bales Consolldatcd at all seaports?Net receipts, 4S340 balea; eiport to France, 1,080 bales; to the Contlnent, 15,52-1 bales. Total slnce Sentember rr,l at all seaports?>et recelpta. 685,400'bales; export to Grent lirltain. 114,092 bales: to France, .5,617 bales; to tbe Contlnent, 100,002 bales. NEW ORLF.A'JS. LA.. Oct. 3.?COTTON? Spot cotton In falr demand at unchanged prices. Sales. 2,72.1 bales. Includlng 1,150 to arrlve. The opening on rhn future market was sornc what nervous. prices showlng frequent tluctua tlons. but ot a materlally lower level than yes terday's close. October opened at 0.10, galned 4 polnts to 0.20, and after tbe readlng of tho government .ureati monthly report. rapldly ad vanced to 0.40. November rose from 0.12 to D.80: December from 0.17 to 0.35; January from 9 22 to n.43; March from 0.31 to 0.5.1. Tbe market closed quelt wltb losses of 2f.l0 polnts from tbe blghest level of the day, tntt showed net galns over yesterday* close of 2?4 poiuts. Cotton futures qulet and steady: October, {..?'/.'- 0.31; November. O.2S0O.29; December. 0 20. 3.30; Januarv. 0.34i_0.il5; February, 0.J5Q 9.37;" March, 0.40*30.47. PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. B.?FLOUIl?Quiot, but wltb prices steadlly beld. Wlnter patents, ?;: :-'",i 1.30; Mlnnesota patenl, $4.i0_C4.0o. Rye Flour?Steady; falr to good, f3.15-fl3.40. Corn meal?Dull; yellow western, $1.10. Rye?Ently; No. 2 western, 00%e. Barley -Qulet; fceding, B*Wbeat?Spot easy; No. 2 red, 84*.c. Optlons developed early strength, but soon ylelded to reallzlng nnd western depresslon. Tho close was rather weak, %_;%c. net lower. Mny closed at 83i.c.; December, 84*jic. .: .; Corn?Spot, easy; No. 2 nomlnal. Option market decllned under llquldatlon Inducod by favorable weather condltlons. 'rhe market closed weak, ?.??Hc- net lower. Mny cIosmI ut oO-XtC.; December. ;>J ?-?;<? Onts- fafot 'hn ;.___'__ Beef? Firm; family, $10?U; mess, Jxg.s.SO; beef hams, .21.50(323. Cut Meats?Easy; plckled bellles, 0% ffl lle.; plckled shoulders, SVU'c; plckled hams. n%@l'_',.c. Lnrd? Dull; western stearjed. fSAV, October closed nt 18.25 nomlnal; reflned. easy; contlnent,_fS,o0) couipound, f7.12',_r.,7.25. Pork?Easy; fa'nlb-. $10; sbort clear, .14.50i_J1U.50; mesa, ,13.75'i. Coffee?The market for coffeo futures opened steady at a decllne of 5 polnts under reallzlng. As tbo sesslon progrrssed llquldatlon became heavler and at one tlwi prices were 5((_ 10 polnta lower. The mnrket was flmilly steady ut n partlal of 5 polnts. Sales, 20,250 bag* Spot Rio, flrm; No. 7 Involcc, 6%o,; Wlld, steady; Cotdova, 7(<Ulc. Sugar? ltnw, stendy; falr reflnlng. 8%c; centrlfugal, Ot) test, 3 20-32c; molnsses sugar, 3 5.32c.; reflned qulet; cunfectlnucers' A, 54.05; rooitld A. *b.05: cut loaf nnd crushed, $5.40; powdered, $4.00: grau ulated. $4.80; cubes, $5.05. Molasscs?htiady; New Orlcuns, open kctlle, good to cholce. MGi) 12c. Rlce?Flrm; domeatlc, falr to extra, 4%(ffl 0%c,i Jnpnn, 5%C?u>. Iltttter? Qniet; cxtrn creamery, 21c.; Stnte dnlry. 160*200, Cheese?Qulet; Stnte, full crea'ni, fnuey small, colored, 11!/,.,i small whlte, 12%C. Eggs?Flrm; Stnte nnd I'eunsylvnitlu, foncy mlxed, 28?20c. Tallow?Easy; clty ($2 package), 4V-; cotiu try (packages free), 4%-a-4%c. Roslu-bteady; stralned, eoaniuou to good, $2.30. .urpentlno? Flrm ut 50%-_U0e. . .,-,_? - potatoes?Stendy; I-ong Island, $1.75fi2; Jer? soy. $1.02(3,1.87; Stnte, Eastern and WYsteni, $1.50(al.87; Jersey swects JJ-uS 60. Penuuts Steiuly; fancy ltandplcked, 44i<_)5c.; other do m.itle. 8(?';4'_o. Cabbages?Steady; domestlc, per 100. $2'?5; per harrol, 00?80c. Cotton?Hy steam to Llyerpool, 20c. CHICAGO, ILL., Oct. 8.?A sovere decllne occurred In wheat to-day, due to the beurlsh nd vlcra from tho Southwest, whore stocks nre. sald tn'be plllng UP raldly, nnd December closed at u loss of l(_*l%c.: December corn closed lc. low i? oats wero olt %<jl%c., whllo January pro vlslous wero from 3%(tf7%0, lower. Tho leading luttues ranged aa followa: Opeu. Iflgb, Low. Close. WHEAT?No. 2. Dec. (new). 78% 7fi<,4 77% 77% May. 70 7U% 78._ 78.4 COHN?No. 2. Oe . ...... 44',. 44% ? 44% 41% D," . 45% ? 45% 44% 44% Mny. 46% -ifiU 4*% *"% '4oK''': SO',4 30'. 85% 85% Dee. KtH. m\. 35% 85% May . 87% 87>. 30% 38% MESS I'OUK?Per bbl. lc...11.20 U.80 1L20 11.20 JUU.12 50 12.60 12.42% 12.15 May .12.65 12.00 12.45 12.50 LAItli?I'er 100 Ibs. Oct. !...... 7.02% 7.02% 7.00 7.H0 Dec.(1.02% 0.02W 0.K5 0,85 Jan.0.85 8.87% 0..2% 0.87% ? lilJt.S ? I " 100 |l>s. Oet ..... 0.40 0.45 0.40 0.45 jBn', ". n.HO 000 0.55 U.57% Cash quotatlons were as lallows?flAnili. Steady. No. 3 sprlug wheat, 72<rtt>2c; No. 2 red, 77!4/?78%e. No. 2 corn. 44l?,o.; No, 2 yellow, 401,0. No. 2 oaia, 35ai?37c.; No. _ whlte, 85V.?37%c. Ko, 2 rye, 53c. Uood feed ing bnrley, 43?45c.; falr to cholce malting bnr ley. 4"(({55c. No. 1 flaxseed, H5c.; No. 1 norib western. S1.01V.: primt Tlmothy seed, $2.95. Mcu pork. per barrel. $U.25_11.60i lard, per 100 pouuds, $7.02'.iiX7.05; ahort riba sides (loose). $0fl0.25; dry salted aroulders (boxedi, fii.o_%0C.75; short clear sides (boxed), $8.7r.'-i 9.00. Whlskey, basis of hlgh wlnes, $1.23. Olover, contract grade. 110.75. Butter?Dull, easy; c.-enmerles, 10_20_c; dnlrk-a, 14_.ll>c. j.;Kgft?Ensy nt mark, cases lncludc-d, IS'alOc. Chccso?Steady at llfflll?c. BALTIMOBE, MD.. Oct. 8.?FLOUR?Qulet. tinebanged. Wheat?Flrm; spot. eontnict. MV1 S07ie.; spot, No. 2 red, western, &'J% iSSIi'sc.: Bouthern by sample. ft8<S.Slc. Corn?Eusy; spot, 51ft5mc; southern white corn, 50ig54c. Onts? Flrm; No. 2 white, 42M|C. Rye?Flrm; No. 2. 5S'.c. Butter?Flrm and uncbanged. Eggs? Sieiidv nnd unch.inged. Cheese??*rm nnd un? cbanged. Sugar?Strong and uuchanged. RICHMONlr PRODTJCE MARKET. (Wholesale prlces. Quotatlona corrected Tues days nnd Frldnya). FLOUR?Recelpts heavy and market very dull. RYE?Contlnucs ln good demand. Vlrglnla bag lots wanted. WHEAT? Moderate recelpts and demand good. CORN?Supply ln excess of demand; prlces tandlnp lower. OATS?Stondy. HAY?Wlth more llhernl recelpts the demand ls not fo nctlve. even at reduced prlces from last weck's qootatlons; there is llttle or no de? mand ns yet for clover hHy. EGGS?Recelpts more Uberal and market eas BCTTER?Actlve at qnotatlons; recelpts mod POULTRY?Chlckens not so actlve thls week at the prevnlllng bigh prlces. All other fowls ln good nctlve demand at prlces quoted. VIRGINIA BACON?Recelpts llght; cholce well curred stock ln good demand. POTATOES?Flrra ut quotations. 4PPLES?Market actlve for hnndplcked and handpaclsed Vlrglnla atock; other gradea qulet at quotations; recelpts moderate. CATTLE?MARKET?Reef cattle nnd cnlves actlve;' hogs steady; Bhcep and lamhs in good demand. '-J , WOOL?Contlnues actlve; light recelpts. rj VMB?The season is now open for > enlson and the demand for same Ib actlve at full quo RECEIPTS FOR TI1E WEEK?Whent. G1.530 husliels; corn. 30.724 bushels; oats, 4505S bush ols- rye 3 *02 bushels; flour. 5,407 barrels; hny, 831 tons; mlll offal. 12S tons. _ STOCK IN ELEVATOR?Wheat, 5,064 bush? els; corn, 4,524 bushels; oets, 1,933 bnsbels; rve, 1,620 bushels. POULTRY?ALIVE. Turkeys, hens, per lb.$ 11 fa$ J2 Turkeys, gobblers, per lb- 0 <n 10 Chlckens, sprlng, small, lb.... 15 ? xu Chlckens, sprlng, medlum, lb. 10. ? Chlckens, Bprlng large, lb- 1- ?S 14 Hens. lh. }? ? .. Duclis, old, lb. 10 ? 11 Diicls, young, lb. Jl ? Jz Roosters, per plece. 25 - Geeso . 40 ? w GAME. Venison, whnlc deer, per lb.. 11 Venlson, saddlca, per lb. lo fa 18 Squlrrels, ench . 6 <_ 8 BUTTER. Cholce, famlly pneked. 17 fa 18 Fnncy. dalry packed. 17 fa 18 Cholce, dalry packed. 10 fa 17 Cholce, Btoro pneked. 15 fa 10 Medlum . 13 fa 14 Common to fnlr . 11 @ 18 EGGS. Crates. nenrby, fresh lald- 21 _ 22 Crates. frcab stock. 21 Barrels nnd boxes . 13 Gul?ca . 12 VEALS, LAMBS AND SHEEP. Veals. per lh. 0 fa T Lnmbs, per lb. 4 fa 8 Sheep, per lb. 2 <<B 4 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. APPLES? . ?_,?,? Per bbl,; fnncy band pk.... 2.25 (!T. 2.50 Pir bbl., cliuk-P bund pk.... 1.75 df. 2.00 Per bbl.', uicdlum. 1.25 fa 1.50 Per bbl., common. 75 @ 1.00 PAMSONS?Per buabol . 8.00 ORANGES?Jninnlou . 8.00 ? 3.60 PINE APPLES? Per crnte. fnncy. 2.60 @ I.IOMONS,?Per box . 2.50 8.25 Per' barrel, Sickles. 5.00 ?_ 0.110 Per barrel, Bnrtlolt. 4.00 @ 4.60 Keo'fer . 1-75 (ii) 2.uo PJ3ACBS? ? __ Per (I bskt. carrler, fancy., 2.25 ff_ 2.50 Per 0 hf'kt. cnrrler. cholc. 1.75 (itt 8.00 Per (1 lislS. cnrrler, coru.... 1.00 fjj 1.50 Fancy, whlto huultb. 8.00 Concord, por 5-lb. basket,, 10 fa 17 Salem. per 6-lb. basket- 15 fa 1(1 Di'ltiwiiius, per C-lb linsket.. 18 @ 20 Nliilfiini, per 6-lb. bu-ket.. 17 _ 18 BLACK I'EAB. nomlnal, Jll.ACKEYE PEAS? Prline to fancy. nomlnnl. Common to good. nomlnal. CLAY PEAS, per bushel. nomlnal. MIXED PEAS . uomlnal. Nnvy . 1.76 ?l 2.00 Mlxed. per bushel. 1.25 fi. 1.50 Colored. 1-26 _ l.BO POTATOES? Per bbl., Nn. 1. 2-ftn fa 2.2.1 Per bbl.. Nu- 3. 1-60 fa 1.75 I'cr busliol . 70 ? 75 ONJONS? Per buabol, store lota. 80 S. 85 Per barrel . 8.00 ? 2.25 Per hiishel. car lots. 110 (01 1)5" CAIIHAGM?Per IOO. 0.00 d? 8.00 pCi ton . IH.OO @_0.i)(i CICI.UUY?I.nrtto. per <1oz- 50 it ?0 Small. per do?. 20 @ 30 HAY. No. 1 Tltinolhy (newl. 14.60 No, 2 '.'imulity (noivi. 18.50 Nu, 3 Tlmothy (new). nomlnal. No. 1 elovir. mlxed (new)..., 18.00 (ii) 13.50 Nu, 2 clover, mlxed (new).... nonilnul No. 1 clover (new). 11.0(1 No. 2 clover (nuw). nonilnul Va. Tlmothy, No. t (nim-)_ 13.5(1 Vn. Tlmotby, No. 2 lUOWJ- 11.6(1 <jj) 12.00 Vtt, mlxeil (new). 6.00 <jj 0.50 Olover, Vhglnlu . nonilnul SHt'CKS? B11I11I dry. new.. II.01) (uv 0.60 STIUW- -Compressetl . 7.60 l.oose-pres.eil, lurgc lialea,. 8-00 _> 8.50 Load your cars ?. thut buy at door* repio scnts contonts, and thus nvold rejectlons. FLOtJK. Famlly . 8.40 (ft 3.00 Famlly, fancy . 8.S5 (jfl 4.00 ? Patent cholce to fancy. 4.00 _> 4.10 Cholce extra . 3.10 (Extra . 2.85 Supcrfine . 2.00 (S 2.70 CORN'MEAL?Clty sacked.... r,r, <Q C7_ i Country, bolted, sacked.... 60 i MILLFKED? , ShtpstuCf, per ton, sacfeed.. 21.50 | Bran . 10.00 1 WBEAT. No. 2 red, new. , No. 3 red, now. ! Steamer. new . \ Rejected, new . Bag lots, falr to prlme, now.. 75 (g) 86 CORN. No. 2 white. 53_ No.3 white . 55 No. 2 mlxed . No. 3 mlxed . Whlto corn (Va.) bag lota.., HIDES. Dry fllnt. per lb. Dry Balted, per lb. Green ralted. per lb. Green, per lb. Dry fllnt calfsklns, per lb. .V. V rn) 10 Sheep skins . 55 (_) 80 Green aalted calfsklns. 53 (_) 80 Lamb sklns . 15 _ 60 MISCELLANEOUS. FEATnERS? Llve geese, per lb. 45 Mlxed, per lb. 35 @ 40 SEEDS? Clover, wholesale, per bns.. Tlmothy, whoiesnle, bus.... Orchard grass, wholesale. . fluckwheot. per bus. German mlllet, per bus.... BBESWAX. 'per lb. DRIED APPLES-J Sllcfr, per lb. Quartered. per lb. Common to good. per lb.... DRIED PEACnES? Pceled, per lb. Pceled, darw, per lb. Unpeeled, per lb. CHERBIES? Pltted (new), dry order.... RASPBERRIES?Per lb. BLACKBERRIES . WHORTLEBERRIEa. . WOOL? Tub-waahed. freo of burrs.. Unwaahed, free of bu.-rs.... Merlnn, unwashed . Burry, 2 to Sc. per lb. less. ROOTS? Glnseng, per lb...,. 4.00 fa Senlea. per lb. 40 (g Vlrglnln snake, per lb. 20 May apple, per lb.'. True plnk, per lb. Wlld glnger, free of llbre.. ? Wlld glnger. natural. PEANUTS?Per Ib., fnrraera.. BACON? Hnms, smull, smoked. Hams, large, smoked. Sides. smoked . Sbouldcrs. smoked . VA. BACON? Hnms, small . Hams, large . LARD?Country irlir.e. 10 v. 11 FLAXSHBD?Per bushel. 1.20 fa 1.40 CHINQUEPIN8, per lh. 8 & 4 CIlESTNUE. per . 11 fa 12 ? TALLOW?Per lb. 5 WALNI'T KERNELS?Per lb. 12 <H 1.1 CH1CKEN COOPS. 85 Q 00 TURKEY COOPS. 1.00 (fj 1.10 EOG CRATES. 45 & 60 BUTTER BUCKETS? Per dozen . 2.75 ? 8.00 RICHTylOND GRAIN MARKET. Rlchmond, Va., Oct. 8, 1003. QUOTATIONR WnKAT? Longherry . 88 faSO Mlxied. 85 faMl Shorlberry . 85 _MI No. 2 red . RO Vfl. bog lots . 75 <_85 COHV - Whlto (Va.) bag lots. 55 _5(1 No. 2 whlto . 65!_ No. 3 whlto . 55 No. 2 mlxed. 51V. ' No.3 mlxed.?.64 OATS? No. 2 mlxed . 40_ No. s mlxed .40 Wlntnr sred .,.43 650 RYE?Vu. hns |0t? ?. 00 ?U7 CATTLE MABKBTS. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.?BEF.VEH?No reeelpta. Dre*aed beef steady; elty dresaed, natlvo sldos, flflOc. Cnlves?Recelpts, (l head; 823 hend on sule; nearly all western calvea. Reported milos were of a few veals nt ?7(,i.h.50. Clty dressed vuuls, 8V.fal3M,c. Sheep und Lnmbs?RflCOlpt-, 2,030 head. Khiep?Hull; rsted Ktoinly In prlco lamba, slow und weuk; nbout alx cara of stock unsold, A few sheop sold ut 91; lnmbs ut $5.75 (39,201 ii car of CunadiiH at $5.80. Dressed tnut ton, $6?7V4o.| drcased lainbH. 7V.fal0l.e. Hogs? Keoelpls, 1,111 hend; ronorlod snles wero of a few State hogs nt SH.70 'urid u deek of wostcru hogs ut $0. CINOINNATI, 0., Ocl. 3?HOGS?Actlvo at |4@a,20, Cultlc?Sti-utly ut i2'd4. Sheep?Stnmg ut ?i.60fa3.35. Lamba?Stroug ut $0.60Q6.6O, IIl.lll-'B ISLAND. PA.. Ocl. 8.?OATTLE? Slow. Cholco, $5.60<if3,_O; prline, J5.10Hfi.-5; fnlr. $3.0oifi 1.25. Hou-h Ai-tlvc. Prlme heavy, J0.8Sr<(..45: uiiMlliims. p6.6B<_| O.tlil; heavy york nrs. fll.50_ll.65; llght J'orkers, ftl..'l,V<(t).|ii; p|ga. UMiH 26; rouglm, $4(fl)B.73, Sheep--Slcudy. PrlWO wi'thers, $1(5(1.15; i-uIN nnd i-uiuiinni, $1.50 fit'JOO; chi,Ico luiiibs, J5..i?'it5._u; veul riilves, $74i7.50. TOBACCO MARKET. Hk-Iimond, Vu.. Oct. 3, 11)03. Dnrk Flred Tobacco? (Hiiirderod)?Reeelpta. coullniiii Ilgbt und iiiurfcel vcr.v qulet. Tpbaccq imt In kaoplug order m'IIs voimhlrrubly holou prlces quoleil. Ilrlghls Wry llght recelpts und Diarkol' qulet. Suii-Ciirc- -H.e.lpta contlmi. vim.v Hglit uud iiiuiuct .ti-ndy al uneliuiiged quo. I u 11. .ii_. Tbe qiiolntlmw are us follows; DAUK I'lllKD TDIlAt'lO -UEORDEIIEI). Prlmlngs. new.* 75 (,<$ 2.00 bugs, loiiimim to good. 4.00 di 4.76 Luga, good to pilmu. 4.76 _ 6,00 JOHN L. WILLIAMS & S0.1S. BANKERS, Deal.nt lu IUCHMOND. VA., SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SEOURITIES. MUNICIPAl. BUND3 A SPBCIAJLTT. Correnpondnnc* Invltod. Short lenf . 6.-0 Sl 0.00 Medlum lenf . O.OO (_) 7.00 txuifj leaf . 7.0(1 (ii 9.00 Wrnppers and scloctlon. 10.00 4} 18.00 nitioiiT ToiiAccoa, BMOKBn*"?Ootmoon . n.oo ? n oo MiMllum . 1*1.00 .( 11.00 Flne . 12.1)0 ',: 13.00 CUTTEIIS? Common . IV 00 r,j l:i.ou Medlum . 14.00 ? 15.00 . Flne . lR.'i'l <>1 20.(lfl Fancy . 22.60 Gi .7.50 ni.r.EHR?Common . 7.00 fi? O.OO Medlum . 0.00 GI 11,00 Oood . 11.00 ffl 12.00 Fino . 12.00 (!? 14.00 WRAl'PKIta?Common . 14 00 Q 18.00 Medlum . IS.Od it. 26.03 Good .27.0(1 Gt H5.O0 Fine. 85.00 Gl '0.0f? Fancy . 45.00 a 65.00 SHN-OURED ,TOBACCO. Prlmlngs ncw?. 50 ff? 1.75 t.turn. eommmi to good. 4.51 lij, Lugs. good to prlme. 0 no fi} N,",n Short leaf . B.50 ($10.00 l.nng lenf . in.OO fi_ 12.50 Wrappers . 13.00 & 80.00 LYNCIlIH'lUi TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg, Va.. Oct. 3, 1003. Rnlos of tobneco on the Lvnrbbnrg market for Ihe two weeks endlng September 20. 1003. rc pOTted hy John L. Oglesby, of Lyneh's Wnro house! Sold week endlng September 10th. 11H.200 pounds; sold week endlng Septembor 20th, 105, P0O pounds; decrease for IV60 kendlng Septem? ber i'Oth. in,.')ori pounds. Hold frun .1c:o!ier 1, 1002. to September 20, 1003, 2_,t02.POO pounds; rold from October I, 10O2, to September 20. 1003. 21.i|i5n.r,oo pounds; Increaso for 1003, 8<v_,4O0 pounds. Tbo weather durlng the week hns been fnv nr.'ibln for farm work generally, parttctilnrly for curlng tobacco. The tobacco hottsed hns been generally cured and tho color fnstonod, whlch Is nbnnt whnt the trade wnnts, belng red or brown. The late tobacco ls belng very much Improved by the good weather of tho pnst flre woeks. The followlng nre thc qttotationi. DARK GRADES. Prlmmlngs .$1.50 0$ 3.50 Coinir.on dark liicfl. 3.50 ? 4.04 Medlum dnrk lugs . 4.00 <3 5.00 Oood dnrk lugs . 5.00 Gt C.50 Common dnrk lenf. 5.00 <0 0.00 Medlum dnrk lenf . 5.50 Gt 0.50 Good dark lenf . 7.00 & B.Ofl Flr.r dark leaf. 10.00 Gt 12 01 Black wrnppera. 10.00 ? 20.03 Hrlght Tobnccos?None on market. Common Wrnppers?None nfTerlug. Good Wrappers?None offerlng. DANVILLE MARKET. Dnnvlllc, Va., Oct 3, 1903. Messrs. Dlbrell Brothers Issuo the followlng revlew of the tobneco mnrket for tbe woek: Sales for tho pnst week bave been compara tlroly small, n larger prorortlon of tobneco shlp? ped In from the Onrollnas showlng up. Mnny farmers proclalm Uieir Intentlon of hold? lng bnck their tobacco for better prices. Saloa for month of September sllghtly ovor 000,000 pounds. whlle sales for Septembor. 1002. were nbout 3,100,000 pounds, whlch Indlcntcs thnt the farmers nro ln earnest. though the lntosnoss of tho orop nnd tho fact that they bave been busy cuttlng and curlng lnfltlences receipts conslder nbly. Prices on nll grades hnvo advanced somo, pnrticularly low grades out of tjie new crop. TTadlng ln round lots ls qulte Innctlve. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. NORFOLK. VA.. Oct. 3.?PEANUTS? Farmers' markot qulet. I'oncy, 3'_c.; strictly prlme. 3%c.; primo. 3c; common, 2*)i(f.;tc. Spnnish, per bushel, 80c. No new crop comlng lu. PETERSBTIRG. VA., Oct. 3.?PEANUTS? Spnnish. 00(302Vj0. Market flrm. stock 'J,.ht and few belng offered. Vlrglula'a, 8%c. for fancy; markot steady. nnv ijoods .varket. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.?Thp operatlons of buy? ers of dry goods nre evldently rotnrded by the deslre to walt untll thelr October payments nre mnde. The local Jobbers' trade has dwlndled materlnlly durlng the lnst weok or two. nnd whilo western Jobbers nre stlll reported tn bo ox perlenclng a fnlr buslness,. the nnnnclal situation causes llttlo warrant for speculatlve purebnses. NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 3.?SPIRITS TUR PENT1.VE?Flrm nt 5u:ic; receipts. 47 casks. KoHin?Steady at $1.80(SM.S5; recelpta. 100 bar relB. Crude Turpentlne?Flrm at $2.25fri;3.._ii; recolptB. 112 bnrrels. Tar?Flrm at $1.S0; re? ceipts. 102 barrela. SAVANNAH. GA.. Oot. 3.?TURPENTINE? Flrm at 50"-lc; receipts. 483 casks; salea, 453 caBks; exports, 1,200 casko. Kosiu?Flrm; re? ceipts. 2,075 barrolB; salea, 404 barrels; exports, 2,500 barrels. CHARLESTON. S. C, Oct. 3.?TURPEN? TINE?Nothlng dolng. Rosln?Stendy, COTTONSBED OII MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. 8.?Cottouseed oil dull and about steady. Prlme crude, f. o. b. mllls, 29(5) 31c; priino summer yellow, 41(34Hic.; spot, October. 37if_3fic.; off summer yeliow, 30(ft37c; prlme white, 4.5c; prlme wlnter yellow, 45c. MARIWE INTELLIGENCE. TORT OF RICHMOND, OCT. 8, 1003. ARRIVED, Steamer Bcrkcley, Guy, Norfolk, mcrchandls. aud pussen.ers. Old Domlnlon llne. Stenmer Pocahontns, Graves Jumea Rlver land Ings and Norfolk, merchnndlse and, Vlrglnla Navlgutlon Compnny. SAILED. Steamer Brekcley. Ouy, Norfolk. mercbandls. ? nd passengers. Old Domlnlon Une. TORT OF WEST POINT, OCT. 3, 1D03. ARUIVhD. Danville. Short, Baltlmore, passengers aud general cargo. SAILED. Danville, Short, Baltlmore, passengers nnd general cargo. POUT NEWPORT NEWS, OCT. 3, 1003. ARRIVED. Bnrge Florlda, I'rovldence, SAILED Schooner Natbnnlcl T. Palmer, Boston. Sehoouer Hurry Prescott, Savannah. Schooner Wllllum Uooth, Newbury Port FINANCIAL. 11x4 E. Main St, Rlchmond, Va Prlvate Wlres to Prlnolpal Polnts. Correspondents?W. E. WOODEND. & CO., Members New York Consolidated Stock Exchange.. Corivspondonoo Invltol. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITI3U HY THE 1111 E, Maln St., Rlchmond, Va. ma* Mamifacturera of Kertlll.ora, Fortlll. |nu Mutorlal.s and Chemlcitl* lmportera of Potnsb. .Salts und Nitrates. Capaclty. Duo thousund ciiiIouUh of Manufactured I<'erUU_ert? por day. l.lcbmond, Va. Qnabllnu owner* of apprpvpd _ronort|ea to Di.VKi.or--KX'i>:m>- Kgi'ii' ' INl'M'STlUAl.S, KAll.WAY.S, MlNKS und Bimllar enterprluas, Addreaa wlth fuli di'tnii.H, j. s. \viutk, ManoBer, Be ouiity l.lfn Iiih. ('<>., 61 WAU, UTltKl.T, NliW VUltlv. FINANCIAL. THE SAVINGS BANK 1117 Eaat Mnln Street, Next to Hotel Lcxitigton. THE PEOPLE. Deposlts ln aums of ONE DOLLAR and upward-? recelved and Interest allowod. Loans mado on real estate. Negotioble paper dlscounted. lt, A. PATTKRSON, I'resklenfc. L. Z. MOBEIS, Vlco-Prosldou.!; JAMES M. BALL, Casbior. DirtECTOns-Ooorgc L. Chrlstlnn, N. D. rlargrove. P. Whitlock. H. Theodoro Ellyson. W. XX., D. Alsop, R. A. I'atterson, L. Z. Morrls, F. .Sittcrdlng, II. Seldon Taylor, O. O. Owens, John XV. Gordon, O. G. Vnlontln* RCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Capital $200,0C0, Surplus and Profits $672,445.75 Deslgnated State, Unlted States and City Deposltory. Mercantllc anrl Bank Accounts respectfully sollclted. Largest Bank Deposltory South of Baltlmore. 3 per cent, Interest Pald on Deooslts In Savings Department, Payable on Demand. JOHN P. BRANCH, President. JOHN KERR BRANCH, Vlce-Prea. JOHN F. GLENN, Cashler. HIMtHTHMItlltMHI.MHHfUMHHIIIMMUMH Mlsfortuno Is llablo to ovortnko you In monoy rnatters. Then It. Ib that a good-slzed "nest egg" ln the eavings bank comos "poworful handy." Over and ovor again have we seen comfortlng rellef como to thoso who hnd aecumulated a fund ln thla bank. If you are not alrcady a deposltor with us, wo Invlto you to becomo one. ALL SUMS ACCEPTED. INTEREST ALLOWED Provident Savings Bank, 911 East Main Street. W. QRAY WATTSON, Cashler. LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ANT BANK OR TRU3T COMPANY IN THB SOTTTH-ATXANTIO STATES Bichmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company. Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. $1,712,188.69 Executes Trusts. ftecelvea Deposlts from $1.00 and Upwards. Allows 3 per cent. Interest on Dally Balances Subject to Check. Accounts Sollclted. Correspondence Invlted. JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS. LEWIS D. CRENSHAW. JR.. President Treasurer. JAMES H. DOOLEY. HENKTt. CABELL, Vlco-Presldents. He Would Like to Round Out Career in U. S. Senate. IS HEACANDIDATEOR NO? Thisisa Qucstion Yet Unanswered to Himself by Himself?He Takes a Deep and Close Interest in Virginia Polilics. (From a Staff Corrcspondent.) EAST RADFORD, VA., October D.~ "Withln thn past slx months Inindreds of pooplo have asked me if ox-Governor Tyler would bo a eandiVlato for tbe Unlted Statea Senate noxt year against Senator Martin. After a dellghtful woek spent in tho Governor's soclety, l still havo to reply I do not know. Governor Tyler doos not know. He frankly admlta ho would like to round out hls polltlcal career as Senator of tlio United States from Vlrglnla. Ho is per fectly willing to dlscUBB every phase of tho altuatlon; but La is not willing to say whether lie wlll or wlll not bo a candldate. And his unwllllngness Is wholly duo to tho fact that ho has not mado up his mlnd. Ho rooalled tliat ho told me ln a publiahed Int-rvY-W last Kebruary lhat ho would bo a candltluto lf tho candldato woro chosen at a pri? mary oieotlon. Tho Caot that he does not wlthdraw a word of that lntervlew now leads me lo belleve that thore ls some prospect of lils ellterlng tho raco. Ilo does not tliink tho party law reauirlng tho candi'dato to be chosen at a primary wlll bo repealed bofore it haa been given a full trlal. Ho hus for years iidvo calcd tlils mothod. Uo bellevea lt ls cortiiin to provo aocoptablo to tho ma? jorlty of tho Democrats of .tlio Stato, Although OUt of olllce, tho Governor Iri still very much in polltlcs. 1 do not know any man who is a iiconer observer of polltlcal events ni Virginia al present, or ono better Informed, Whlle ho was Qoyernor bo would froijuetilly loso slght of ocourreiices of u polltlcal slgnlUoaiico, owlng to his multltudlnou- oftlclal du? ties, hut he has lelsuro now, and ho oin ploys muoh ot lt ni readlng lho stato papers and otherwlse Informlng hlmaelf aa to iho course of ovonts |n V'relnlR, WELL UP ON P0L1TICS. Ho knows exivotly tho senatorlal prefcr oncos of every Domocrat nomlnated to tho Statn Senato thls fall?whethor thoy aro for Hetiator Martin or Governor Mon lugue?and 1 hellevn hn knows tlio prof creiU'OS nlso of ilonrly all (ho iiominees to tho Houso of Delegates, Uo haa a larga uonespoiuU-iico, uxtoiidlng to pursons ili ovory sootlon of thr, State. lils ourro spoiideiits know lils bont, and lils con vot'Hatlon liulicatos tliat thoy koep hlm Ir. for mod. Governor Tyler Is fond af publlo llWi and lt iu no vlolatlon of tho propt loti'es lo say tliat Mrs. Tylor also hus u strong polltlcal bent. siio hus alwaya taken tlie deepeat Inlerust ln lho pqlltlonl BOi tlvltloa und aspliations of lior iiusband. und hls workers know that her advlco und iiifliuiioi! hnvo lieoti of great value to hlm. Sho would llku to luive hlm go to tho Senate. "I hftVS -?t ft I'ttto gasollne onghie and a cut-off saw down undor tho hill, nnd I am sawing wood und sitylng noth? lng." Thls was tho way Governor Tyler ir. dlcatod lils posltlon na to tho seiiniorshin in respOllSO to my uuu_ti'on a. we stood Smith-Gourtney Go. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Southern agents for tho Improved Bato Cotiiss Engine Machlnery, rumps, Belt lng, Stoel and Wood Pulleys, Shaftlng and Hangors, Rallroads, Mlne, Mlll and Contractors' Supplles, Fllnt Kote Rooflng. ln tho yard at hls home, enjoylng the sunshlno of a frosty mornlng. IIo spoke the truth, flguratlvely nnd liternlly. Hls life ls full, though he does not hold ofllce. Ho has large buslness Inter? ests, nnd though Mr. Edward Tyler, hls son, ls ln dlrect chargo of the farm, tha Governor knows cverythmg that ls golng on about It, and much of the buslness re celvos hls personal attention. Hls church work requlros a great deal of attention. IIo Is tbo superlntendent of the Sunday school of the Presbyterlan Church at Radford, and nlso of otie a fow mlles dls tant from tho town. ANNUAL. JOINT PICNlC. I was a guest at tho annual jolnt plcnic of the two schools ln a beautiful grove near Radford last waaK, and tha Governor was tho central ligure. Hla daughters nre> as deeply interosted in tho two schools as ho and they, too, were leading 6plrits at tho plcnic. lt ls easy for thn vlsltor to Radford to uudorstand tho deep hold whlch Gov? ernor Tyler has always had on his peo? plo. Halwick. hls beautiful home on the hlgh hlll, whlch overlooks the town from tho onst, Is nlwnys opon to vlsitors. He belleves In keeping tho latch string on the outslde, und ls belng constantly pull ed. He knows ovorybody in tho town, of course, nnd he very nearly knows all tha peoplo In thev surrooinding country as* well. His clieory greotlng luid pleasant words aro hoard constantly as ho pasa> os along the streot. Many of hls nelKh bars ho calls by thelr Chriatlan names, ln that easy style I have heard vlsitors to rural eastern Vlrglnla coramout upon und admlro. 1 can scarcely oxnggornto Govornor Ty ler's popularlty ln (hla sectlon. Hvory mnn to whom hls namo 1s mentloned takes pleasure ln expresslng hls ndmlr atlon. Tlio people aro protid of hls ca? reor, aud hls ndmlnlstratlon ns Governor of Vlrglnla. Many tlmes I havo heard out here nlluslon mado to tho fact that though there, was only $1(1,000 In the State treasury when Governor Tylor went to tho iOxooutlvo Manslon, thore was over $WW,00U when ho left, thoiiKht ho had cquipped thrsa reglmontB of soldlors for tho Spnnish war, pnld hnlf of tho extra orttlmiry OXPQIISQ of a Cuustltutiomtl Con vuniiim and added a large sum to the slnklng [und, provided for ihe redeniptlou of Stato bonds. DIHl'OSKTJ TO CJUTICIZE, Tho friends of ex-Uoveruor Tyler are dlsposed to crllleiso Govornor Montague fnr hls fallure to appolnt tho Governor to tho Corporatlon Qommlaslpn. lt ls sald thn Governor deslied tho appolnt? ment. IIo had been one of Governor Mon tague's Btrongeat supportera. But ex Govemor Tyler would not speak half a dozen wot'ds on tho subject whon I broaohed lt to hlm. not a word to indicate that ho blattied Govornor .Montague or that ho would liuva accepted tho place hnd he bin-ii oflered It. Though I havo not been able to say in thla h'tlor Uuu Governor Tylor wlll or wlll not ll" 8 candldato for the Senate, I surely havo nol it slred to vloatw the Impiosslon that wlth him out of offlce means belng out of polltlcs. He and a largo body of Inlluenllal friends are tn polltlcs stlll?very WUCh lu. And the peo? plo of Virglnia wlll probably bo mado BW&re 0J tho (aol bofore Senator Martln'a successor l.-j ohoain WAIVPER KDWARD HAUR13. . i. ??-?'-?.- - ' i ? Bully. U Ith A. A. Moss, eapitnllst; Ptiink C. l.ems, bank presldent; Samuel H. Mux von, lawyer; Burnurd II. Seuitneu, law? yer, and Arthur E. Hurcher, merchant, In the raco tor tho tnayoralty, \:-ho ehall say tho "better element" I* not In the polltical wblrl In Nowport News??New? port News Presa.