Newspaper Page Text
^jjgp ^^jty Ba g_y ____s_a_s_ _s_ ^a-e^ ?? ___*._-?_* _?_- -?*- ? -? -- ? ? ? _ Tlio extreme limit of the range of possibility is scaled in bur effort to spread before --.the astonisliod gaze of Bichmond sl.oppers tlio greatest bartrain feast; of Syea" No matter whether lho market be in Europe or Amel'ica, our buyers, ovor watchful ol our mterests-which nro yours also are picking up thc merchandise bai'gains which have made tltis storo thc power it is._^_._ _?? W Rfw ? w H B ~- - -- whis--- - ?** ? ? - ~* ?? *"?*' *** ? ?H To describe all our curtains, draperies and upholstery would be to write a hook of the truly beautiful in house decorations. Our immense show-room-t 10 West in Richmond-is absolutely running over with them They were seleeted by an artist who knows exactly what is required by Richmond koiisekeepers. As to prices: we invitc a careful inspectlon and eomparison with prices e se where, knowing that ours cannot be beaten. Your attention is especially invited to our beautiful line of Nottingham Curtains on which you will save a full hall. A customer 5?id yesterday: ??These nre thc prcttlcst curtains 1 ever saw for thc money." Thls ls nn cveryday cxpresslon, now. I-Jcru Madras Curtalns, In all CCJors, ?rtripes. wlth frinpe flnlsh, 0B?. a pair. Madras Curtalns, in dark buck (rrounds, wlth silk strlpes, nll colors, ij_t.nO a pair. A full lino of Snowflako Curtains. ln varlous color strlpes, from $-.00 up to 912 a pair. Fancy Fifrured Madras for Curtain.l in ecrii and all oolors, from 20o. a yard upwards. Fvwich Floral Swlss Musllns for Curtalns and Draperles, l~?tC. and 10 2-3o. a yard. French Satteens, Crotones, Art Den lms. Linen Taffota, Sllkollne* 1U11I Fx_ncy Morcerlzed Dranerios, (aJl at this soason's new eat dowigns and col? orings. ." A completo lino of Vestihulo Laces in Nottingham, Arablan. Marlo An toinetto. Irish I'oint. Brussela and Tamt>oiu-. ? A full llne of YvTirte and Eeru Door Fanels, ranging in prices from ?itXc. to $r<~ti each. A complote llne of Tapestry Table Covers, In all slzes and styles, Orien ta_, Perslan and floral des-gns. Tapt.<=try nnd Oriental Couch Cov? ers from'**- to i?N each. A complete llno of Ropo Portieres, for singlo and doublo doors. Rlch Bbrdered rrish Point Lace Curtains, $5 vnlue, Sf-*,.S>S a pair. Irish Polnt Laco Curtains, wltli wide attractive borilere, good valuo, *??.r,0 a pair. _ . Real Irish. Polnt Laco Curtnlns, wlth wldo handsome iKirdcrs, four yards long, *f5.7B a pnlr. Elegant lrlsh Polnt Lnco Curtains, four yards long, wlth wide handsomo borders, CW-luch wldth, $32.50 value, $T.'JS a pair. lmporte<l lrlsh Polnt Lace Curtnlns wlth allover ermbossed work, $17 value, 918.50 a pnlr. Tapestry Portieres, In varlous col? ors, wlth knotted frtnge, ?1.2B a Roman Strlpo Tapestry Portieres, $3.50 vnlue. S-.or. a pair. Brooatel Portieres, ln varlous styles and colors. f**5.50 a pair. Solid Color Repp Portieres, wlth wide handsomo velour borders, ifr..75 a pair. Etegant grade of Morcorized Por? tieres, wlth handsome sllk cord fln? lsh, ln all colors, $0.25 a pair. Ualnty Brussels Lace Curtains, in nllover designs, af hand wonk, full four yards long, and full wldth, prlco Sl-t.CO a pair, valuo $22,",6. brussels Lace Curtains In exqulslto allover work, full four yards long, 9JN5 a pair, !?39 value. Imported Brussels Laco Curtalns In real allover hand mnde work; $05 value, speclal prlco !???> a paJr. Hand-Mado Russlan Laco Curtalns, four yards long. with wlde handsome borders, S">0 value, prlco l?:t7.",0 a pair. Hand-Mado RuBslan Laco Curtalns, ln assorted designs, $37 valuo, price Real Arab Lace Curtalns, wlth heavy corded borders, "??"> a pair. Hand-Mado Arablan Lace Curtalns, $3.50 a pair, $5.!>S value. Polnt tlo Pnris Laco Curtains, wlth fa.ncy colored borders, $5.75 a pair, full .'!V_ yards long. A full lino of fine Nottingham Laco Curtalns. values from 76c to $16; Iirices .'Kle. to $7.50 a pair. Over 1,000 yards to besold?widths 1 to 2 1-2 yards. Not a yard but is worth 50c. You take as much as you want at 25c ayard. EVERYTHING THfiT'S PRETTY IH FLOOR PMNQS. But for the fact that all our floor coverings were bought or contracted for six months to a year ago wo coufd not sell at the prices we are asking. The wonder? ful business we are doing in this department is not sur prising when you see om* prices. Onlv one more week and?with a blast of tnimpets?the Horse Show opens. llave you gotten your costume? If not, you still have time to get it and to have it fitted just as your tailor would do it. You will have to pay us a half?and jn some cases less?of what you would pay him. Worth saving. Don't you think so? Ladles* Tallor Sults of all-wool mel t<is*. geml-fltted coat, welted seams, In verted - p__lt skirts, black and blue, ipio. Taiior Suits, with Btraight cut and blouse effect, also Corsot Coats, trim? med and plaln skirts, all colors and irlzes. SliVr.O. Tallor Suits of chovlot and Tlilbot cloth, Btralglit cut and plalted ot'fect, $15. Blouse Suits, with long coats nt mi_ ed matlasse, thls Boaaon's newest fab rlc, drooping mllltary cape, fancy Kloovos, now skirts, finlshed wlth gun metal buttons and piping of taffeta, J?17.?S. Flnest Tallor Sults of Imported mlxed Ilourotte cloth, long and three QUpirtor coats, box plalted and nine Kore flnro skirts; (bluo, brown and black. $25, Others to WO. Mlsses' Huits of Rll-wool flake ch? viot. in cnllarless effects, plaln and mlxod effects, best styles, $10. Miss'-s' New Norfolk Sults, ln all wool Venetian cloth, box plalted skirts, $12.50, ,._?_.' Skirts Of melton, with lup trimmlng, $1.48. All-Wool Chevlot Skirts, tTlmroe with sllk hands, all colors, $8.08. Newest dealgna ln oJl-wool Walk? lng Skirts. kllt-phtited, straps, straight out and fancy dealgns, ohoice for $0. Handaomely Tallored siuits of all wool chevlot, trlmmed wlth four _rad uatod straps and buttons. formlng po-nel, stitched bottom, $7..M>._ Tallor-Made Slclrts of Thlbot ln best colors, strap trlinmlng. flnlahod at bottom wlth ornamerits, *?'i.-is. Noatly Tallored Sklrts of snowflake BulMrig, also checks, A-aitlous oolors and styles, l?li.r.O. Ladies" Walldng and Dress Sklrts, in blat-k and colors, new dosltrned strap trlmmlngs, 91.08. Finest Peau de Solo Sllk Sklrts, en? tlre sklrts tucked or embroldered, over drop, $10. Flner onea wlth yoko effect and panel trlmmlnpts, "jSlIi.OO, Handsome Sklrta of all-sllk I.mtis lne, rlohly embroidered, also tallor inado, JMH.fiO and IfllS. Flne SJlk Coata of Peau de Solo. ln tho new Louis XIV. styles, collarless, wlth froK trlmmod, stole fronta, !???*?. New Norfolk ('oats, Imx plalted, hnndwmo t-'llk gjirdle nnd jet buttons, full aaUn llned, 8)011,60. New Silk MaUnees ln Uprht blue, vlolet, whilo nnd black, flowlng Bloevea, largo fancy collar, rlohly trlmmed wlth laee, 155. Fino qu'tllty ICLmonas /of German flannel, wlth embroidered dots, if 1.2*5, Full length Klmonaa, of dalay cloth, with Perslan banda, *.1.70. New fall VVrappora of Percale, full s-kirts and sleeves, 7Bo, Plannolotte Wrappers In atrlpea nnd Poralan deslgna, full llned, 880. Extra hoavy Flannelotte Wrappera, etzes to 4fi, SU.Stt and tjti.'in. Flannelotte Drosslng Sacques, l>est Btylos, BOo, SKIRT-MAKING DEP We have an artist in charge. We guarantee a perfect fit and complete satisfaction, Prices $1.50 and up for making. KHIT OilDERWEAR. Made to sell at $3.75 a suit? for they are fincst gauze wool; thrown out for seconds?-ac? count dropped stitches or simi lar defects; on sale here Mon? day for 69c. a garment; This is the tale of this bargain. IDc?Women's Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, modlum weight; hoavler wolght, 25c 50c.??Women's Non-Shrinkable Wool Vests and Pants?extra quality. $1.25?Women's Pants and Vests, mado of Saxony wool?they are tho woll-known Ttoot mariufacture. 75c to $1.5(>?Munslng's Celebrated Plalted Pants and Vests for women? all slzes. 15c?Mlsses' TJnion Suits. 25c?Misscs' Rlbbed Pants and Vests, f'ne fleeced sllk trlmmed. jOc?Boys' and Glrls' Ribbed Under vests, extra sla.ys, slzes 1 to 12 years. 25c?Infants' Wool Rlbbed Sllk Trimmed Wi-apper Vests. LINENS fcT LITTLE PRICES. Housckcepers, restaurants and boarding-houses are espe cially interested in this sale of Linens. All of them are big bargains. 1!>c for Il'emstltchedi Linen Tray Cloths?18x27?drawh work borders. :?><?.?Linen Plllow Shams, hom stitched, open work ccnters. 7!)c. for S1.2o AU-Llnen Gorman Damask Table Cloth?sizo 8-4?frlnged and fancy bordor. ac. eaoh?All-Llnen Frlngcd Doy lios, 13 inch. _?c for 2T,a Extra Li.rge ITeavy Damask Towels?knotted fringe, 25c a ynrd?Unlon Table Damask, full bleached. , ?? BOc, a yard?AM Puro Llnen, full bleached Irish Tablo Damask, two yards wldo. l?l for $1.69 Doublo Damask, extra heavy tablo llnen, two yards wldo. Sl a dozen for All-Pure-Llnen 5-S Slze Dlnner Napkins. 89o. a dozon for 700 dozon Dlco Pat tern Ldnen Dlnner Napkins worth 76c-exc-llent for restaurants and boardlng houses. :!?<?. eaoh?Flnest AU-Llnen Satln Damask Table Covors and contor Pleces, cost $9 a dozon to Import. SH.P.T WISTS. _p8S? One of newest Waists, which we have gotten for the Horse Show, and will bc on sale Mon? day, is a handsome Silk Peau de Cygne Waist, in all the new shades; stitched tucks, full sleeves, silk crochet buttons, very stylish, for $5.98. liundreds of now Walst Veatlngs, polka dot or solld whlle, tucked back and front, Btolo collar, somo eiiilirold ored, regular Jl.fiO value for 08o, Black Mercerlaed Waists, flfty tucks ln front, haoh tucked, well made and perfocl littlrig walst, speclal prlco SOo, Btrlped Creponotte Waists, front tucked, all OOlOrS aml black. for r,!?e. Stvilsh heavy Vesttng Waists, flg? ured effects, tm-koil front, J.-.-O valuo, for $, Now .'.iu ile Cygno Waists, all Blmdoa and black-?two designs, elabo. rately trlmmed and a woaderful bar ir.un al $M.8B, LOQKING FOR A PASTOR Court-Street Want. Rev. Dr. Kelly, of Tennessee Conference. rgpeclal to ThoTlmei Di.patoh ) i,y.N*?'in:i'it<;. va., Oct, 8, -Th*- offl 0I ,| |)0dy ol Court-Btn el i liurch haa tii ? n lndu_trlou?ly engaged foi several monlfia nuat ii, looklng over ihe flold for a t-ult able paator to bui.I Dr. W, J- i'oung, oi thal church. A U known, Dr. VoUng hai served Court-fltieet Church the i"!1i yeara' Umlt prenerlbed by the Uiiierant nt.i of Bouthern Method m And, under the lnexor?ble rule, mui l i vlgned to aome other charge. He haa Ku-utly etidiaitd hlmaell t" the oongre Satlon of Churoh and ih recoirnized ln thla eounnunliy aa a pi i! .,i ereat i/iti* aiui * pahtor of |nt l - niable uai rulnesi Largi and wealthy congregutlona of olher SlatM liave inurie nvetiurea '" Dr. >'om ?' and p it*"i lo ,., i i,i- conaent to belng tran foi n d to thelt jf'ii'tcl.vo .-.i.n.iu?.u, _ui li.u nou.. nbllltv Is thnt Dr. Voung wlll riTiinln v wllh tho Vlrglnla Conforence, III. name has been connected wlth the paatorate o| Mnln-Stroet Church, of Danville, ""d leading churohes ot other cltles, As stated above, Court-Btroel church, through its offlclnl board, haa been es? pecially Intereated In geUlnij* aome Btroi _ preacher lo auoceed Dr, ?oung, and lt look. aa lf thla resull has beeu aohleved, it was learned yesterday from a u-u-t worthy source tnat corrospondence wua hegun some tlme back ?nii Dr, <: C Kelly, pastor ol the loadlng Methodl I Church, lh Nanhvllh Tenn., wlth a vlew , i .ectirlng Dr. Ki lli i - sorvlcoa at ('ourl'Streot Church, Dr. Kelly, It ls said, was abmad at tbe (lino but on hls return from Burop cently he is aald i" have wrltten (<? the I'luit i-stfiM't authorltles, iiumfying bis wnnngnesi t" coine la Nyucnburg should hucIi an arrangemenl prove agreeublo to Ihe nn tl i ;? bl hops t tho Tunw _o nnd Vlrglnla ('",;l ??? ? ? l;,|,.,:< ha 11 lli .t ip ? . i uh ??? ul ? i 'I llit; o'll.lul board ol COUrt ?,-;:i".l Ol. | n decided to nsk for Dr, Kelly's transfor to thla charge. Communicatlon was ha_ witii lllahop llepdrlx, who Is to proBlde al the VHrglnla Oonferonoo, ond also with Blsh ip -x. Coko Bmlth, ronner pa*? tor of Couit-Htreet Qhuroh, who Ih to preside at tlio TennosBeo Conreionce, and, ii i ind< rstood, that Bishop Smlth, upon lhe i. ,u.. i of plshop )i' niiilx. cousonti d to transfer Dr, Kelly from tho Torine'soe to the Vlrglnla Conference; and ihuro em bo llttlo doiiiit that Dr. Kelly wlll be as Hlunod io the pnstorate of Court-Street . liurch for the next ensulna coufoienco reoenl years there has hoen much rovei v ln the Vlrelnlii C'onfi rt ni o lho transfor system, Therg ? >; -ald . moro or loss piejudii-e ugain t fi I,. lu uli iho conforenoes, but thut ? more pronounced lu tlm Vlrglnla . n nca than in any othor, though B ol lhe ublOHl men iu iho Vlrglnla ?? ln reconl v-ait. mh-Ii as lu. lf.Fflf.TS' WEAR. SSSP Infants' Long nod ford Cord Cloaks, doublo llnltur, fanoy bralded oollnr, $1.75 valuo for t**l. Others Jn Cashmere and Bllk, to soll to t?io. Prvrtty .Crnrjhot 8n_ques, varlous cotnblnatlons and colors, less than cost of materlal, for JM!c, each. Dnlnty French Flannel Sacques. fancy crochet edgo, all colors, for O.-.e. Tho Japaneso Sacque, sllk trlmmed, styllsh and attraotlvo, for IJ1.BO, Children's Flannel Undersklrts, long nnd short. wlth neat orocliet sllk edgo, 60o. to 91.08, Our Spangled Net nnd Lnco Ilobes aro all this season's designs, nnd all that is best froin tlie dainty Parisiari and tho bolder but inoro picturesque Anierican ideas. Laces this Fall aro entirely different from any of previous years, An inspec tion of our supei'b colloction will show you what tho daintiest, np-to-date, drcssors aro wearing in Paris as well as this country. " ALL THE LATEST NOVELTBES. A flower garden cannot show more pretty shailcs and tints than o'ur Woollen Dress Fabrics?in fact, art seems to be out doing naturc in some of thc new color combinations. Examine thc goods carefully and note how little are thc prices, quality considercd. Tn some cases wc closed out cntire lots at a price that enablcs us to save you a fourth, a third. 60-inoh Scotch Su.1t.ln.-_, ln all tho latest woave effocts, for 81.30 a yard. French /.Ibellnes, halr lino and flcck e<l effoclK, full l',. yards wide, for 81.50 a yard. London Twlne Cnnvns Sultlng-, ono of the newest lmTwrtntlons, all the wn.nle<l colors, 40 lnches wldo, at 81.-5 a ynrd. French Brn.'idcloUis ln every color, $1.2G kind. for 02e. 45-inch Zlbellnes In nll colors. regular prlco $1, for 7Bo. a yard. Covcrt Cloths, EiiKllsh Bniirettes and Zlbellnes, DO dlfferent styles and col? ors to select from, for 4Se. a yard. I-squlmau Cloth for children's cloftks or ladlos' suits, new nnd very styllsh, at "f-.ON a yard, IV. yards wldo. All-Wool SlcIUian Stntlng, 38 Inches wide, ln all tho new colors, speclal for 306. a yard. Auto Cloths, full llno of fall colors, 3S lnohes wldo, for 09a. a yard. need no praise. The fabrics sold for many years speak for them? selves. Every price undergoes the most careful criticism before offered on sale, even as "bargains." Monday's many special prices?as, for instance: 52 lnches wldo Imported Zibellno. the J1.S5 g-rndo, for 91.12; the $2 grado for t.i.35. 56 inches wide All-Wool Blnck Ker sey. for 05c. All-Wool Mumle Cloth, best C9c. value, for .'tOc. 60-lnoh .1 Black Chevlot for 75c. French Crepo Cloth for 75c. Handsome new French Armure Cloth, doublo welght, tho prott'est produc? tlons ln years, prlco 1*11.45. M-lnch Coatlne Cloth. All-Wool Black Vonetian, 411c. Over a hundred other Black Dress Fabrics. It is somebody's loss that enables us to sell these goods at the prices. It matters not so you are the gainer. To tell how we were able to get them so cheaply would be merely a peep into methods of successful merchants. Cohen's is an aggrega tion of stores, and thc Cotton Goods Store is one of the import? ant factors in the organization. Read thc details carefully and see what a programme we have for your Monday entertainment 0 S-le. for Fancy Prlnted Alaskan, Fleoco, desli-able styles and colorings, usual prlc-e I2'_c SV.c for Wovon Plaid, Checked and Strlped, i-VL-c. Dress Ginghams, all the stylos made for fall wear. _2>_c. for' KmboFsod Kimona Cloth, doublo tno&L% ;_andson_e nnd etylish designs, the 20c. sort. 25c for GOc. and TOc. Handsome Jrforcorized Walstings, new weaves and colorings, some whlto onos among thom. 8 :i-lc. for 12>/zC. Cropo Flnlshcd Flannelettes, every conceivable color, styllsh designs. _.9o, for 35c Fleeced Lined Merco rizrd Walstings, fancy printod on whlto colored and cream grounds. .1 3-ic for ISc. Fleece Lined -\lor cerlaed Oxfords, speclal dbsogns for shlrt wnlsts. 45c. for Jl Handsome Wovon Mer cerlzed Walstings and Suitlngs-whlle ond fancy. , , ?, 12V.C for White Wool Flannel, 24 inches wldo. 4fie for Fancy Woven Sklrt Pat torns?ready for belt, wlth deop flounco. 7 U-.o. for 12'_c. and 1(1 2-8c. Cash mero Flnlshed Raven Black Satteens? 1 to 10 yard lengths. r, ?-4o for 8 l-3o. Doublo Fncod Fancy Wovon Outings for nlght robes, pojamas and bath robes. 7 .'{-4c for 10c. Woven Seersucker Gingliam?several weaves. _5o. for 25c. nnd !!5c. Imported Black Satteens? some 40 Inches wldo. 10 S-3c. for 22c. Rod, Navy and Gray Twlll Flannels. 0 3-4 o. for 12',.c. Double Faced Eng lLs-h Fleece?all wovon colors, in fancy stripes, plaids, che-cks and knlcker bockor effects. 50c. for 09c. and 75c. Sllk Embrold erod and liemstltohod "White "Wool Flannels?yard wldo, soveral designs. lSV_c, for ili 2-3c. Perslan Fieece, all tho designs nnd styles milt.ablo for klinonas, bath robos and pajamas, 12V_?. for 17c- Doublo Fold Slborlan Fleece, knlckerbocker plald and other effects. 2f?c for* Doublo Faced Fancy "Woven Sklrt Patterns. ready for belt. 2.1c. for All-Wool Elderdown?fancy prlnted and solld colors. From 9 to 9.30 o'Clock. Woven Strlpod Seersucker Ging hams that always retail for 10c, for rSe a yard. From 10 to 10.30 o'Clock. Doublo Fold Slborlan Flo.nneletos, _. i blc lao'. ilm .io. quality for im. a y. rd. s A cosy corner adds immensely, not only to the looks, but also to the comfort of a home. Many beautiful ideas among our Art Goods on second floor. Unlike most fancy goods depart liKiits, you don't have to pay fancy prices here. Handsomo Velour nnd SUk Lajnbro quins, prices tj-.i5.DH to 1.5,76, Novoltios In Centor Pleces and Cush ids of Cushlon Tops, varlous and designs, reprular 25a kind, old Monday for i**o. each. llundr subject' wlll be Other Cushloh Tops, hundreds o_ styles, llthograph, tapestry nnd silk; all tln' latest productlon, prlc. 25o, to, Embroldored Muslln flcnrfs nnd Pll low kShiuhs. varOoty of doslgns, for ar.e. oaoh. Fancy Hllow Shams and Bcarfs, ap pllque, Dinbroiderod nnd lrlsh Polnt, every style nnd deslgn. tho Kind that II for 60o. aro horo for 25c. Satteen Lambroqulns, elabo na heavy tled frlngo, all col always a Freni'h rate desll ors for - lon Tops, wlth nl! necessary worklng materlal, ernbroldery, Jewol and cross ttitoh, prlco 45c. and 50c. Now Btampod Linen Center Pleces, Tray Cloths, Bcarfs, nnd Lunch Cloths, wlth edges ready ombroldered, overy linaglnablo deslgn, prlco 8o. to 81,50, Now Hungarlan Art Work, heavy cvnivns, o]a_oratoly embrolderod ln colors, scarl's, center pleces and tablo cloths, 15c. to t.5. Mount MolllcU Emhroldery WorK, nll slzes, square** '? 30x80 Inches, varlety of deslKita, prices 100, to 5?c. Bc a yard for 40-inch Soft Fin Eiu;lish Nainsook worih 12 |-2c. (Basement.) J2VJc. and 18c. ciuuUty -'orcalines, speolal, 7 3-lc yard. Lot of 20p. anfl {80, Hlack Alolre Per callnea for m ?-ie. ynrd. .:..-. M. iv.rlzed Liniiig, JUc a yard. ir.e. I'.icallues, in all colors und blat k, for J?H>. a yard. A new KIlk-FlnlKlin.i Llnlng ln all tho lato i Hhadw, for ''""'? a y^rd. TOILETS. Whlto Floatlng Soap, SH.O, a cake. Lot of Buinplo Tooth Brushes for 10c each. Kxtruel of Wmto Hoho, Op, an ounce, Brlng your vlnls with you. Smull Wooden-Baok Null Brushes, ::?-. each. Satln Ta-fota, hV. Inohes wldo, COc nnd Mc. quality for !<*'? a yard. ?iho. Satln Taffeta Rlbbon for 12V.C Bluo only. Nos. 6 and 7 Wiibh Rlbbons. ??? and r>c. a yard, K-liu-li Wnsh Rlbbons, Bc a ynrd. Illii'. Ili-iiinlit-'.hed Rlbbons, special, 20c n yard. lei-t's Monday Iiinsats. Bargains! Yes, everythlng in ihe Cohen Base? ment is a bargain or else it would not be there. The goods aro bought especially for the Basement and are sor.ufcii.ized elosely to see that thc standard? strictly dependable goods at the least prices?is lived up to. Blankets and Sheets are dilTicult to get bargains, but heavy buying, epmbined with the saviiig is a half. 11-4 and 12-t White, Gray and Tun Blankets, twilled and extra |-.eavy fleeced. fancy colored borders, sold up to ?2.50, cholce of 127 palrs, IJ'l.BO a pair. 10-1 Cnmel's Halr Blankets, fancy border. Cot 5no. Fancy Bath nnd Slumber Kobo Blankets for TBe. $1.00 and $1.75 Blankets, fancy, tan nnd whlte, cholce 91.25, 10-4 Whito Wool $3 Blankets for 9**.i*5. 11-4 $3.50 Blankets nre f?i*.5'?. 50.50 California Whito Wool j BlanketB for >.5. 12-4 Whlte Wool Blankets, worth ! $8.50, for H'O.GO. Sllkoline Covered Lamlnatcd Cot ton Comforts, tttfted, for lf>l. Some $1.69 Comforta are 91.25. aattceri and Sllkoline Covered San ltary Cotton Comforta for t?l*. such standard goods it is our buycr did* managc it by a little luck. In some cases Wool Comforta. sllkoline covered, tufted, Ihe $5 kind, are $3.50. Full Doublc-Bcd Slze Comforts, chlntz dovcrod, for T5e. others for 50c. SALE OF QUILTS. 140 White Crochet Quilts. Marsell; les deslgn!?, worth $1.25, for OUe. Quilts that retalled for II .75, wlll be l.f.35. i Tho usual $1 Qullln are prlced at 22c. Bolster Cases, two yards lonlT, for lHo. 25c. llomstitr.hed and Linen Fln? lshed Pillow Cases are 15c. SIiikIo nnd Double Bed Bleach? ed nnd Brown Sheets. for 42c. Singlo Bed Sheets for 35e. Kxtra Large C5e. and 70c. Bleach? ed Sheets for B5e. 45x3. lnch 12U.C. Pillow Cases, for 8 l-3e. GuHngs, Ooffons, On some you save near a half, and all the saving is substantial. You'll have no better chance this season. O .'{-lc. for 16 2-3c. Handsomo Prlnted Double Faced English Fleeee for pajarnas and klmonas. O 3-lc. for 10c. Fancy Prlnted Flannelettos, all new fall designs and eolorlngs. C 3-4c. for 7'.c. yard-wlde flno threa-d Unbleached Cotton. :$ 3-lc. for Woven Plald, Check ed and Strlped Outings, dark styles for fall wear. 5 l-2c. for 8 l-3c. Fnncy Printed Robe Hnd Curtaln Calicoes. ?1 :t-1c. for Sc. Double Warp Can? ton Flannels. 5 3-lc. for 9n. yard Wide Bleach? ed Oottons, Cambrlcs and Common c'ntb. _, ? ? 7 l-?c, for loc. now Fall Per cales, 8 1-2d. for 12H-C. Fanoy Woven Dress Glnghams, all new designs for fall wear. 8c. for Yard-Wldo 12*_c. to 15c. Bleached Cambrlcs nnd Cottons. H 3-4<i. for 10 2-3c. Fleeced Llned PIques and Oxfords, llght and dark grounds. rt 3-4c. for 12J_o. Yard Wide Chambrny Pcrcales, the solld tlnts. 7 3-le. for 10c. aml 12V=r. Doublo Faced Teazledown, In tho two-loncd effecta. 4 3-'4c. fnr 0 1-4c. Fancy Prlnted Dress Prints?some navy blue ones among them. 5 S-lc: for fic. Double Fnocrt Woven Colored Outings?strlpes and checks. ?t a-le. for n 1-Ie. Unbloaohed Cottona. 7 8-4'e. for 12V.C. Fancy Prlnted Crepe Flannolottes, all new designs for fnll wear. Ifcdoes look liko a-wrong timo to soll Muslin Und rwear, but whenevor we can gota bargain liko this for our customers wo fool it a duty to tako it, Tho saving is from a third-tp ovor a half. Tlioso goods wore all picked up at factones from thoir odd lots aud left-over cases. For convenioiico tho salo will bo held altogether in tho basoment;' 10e. for 25o. nnd 35c. Hem? stltched Kuffled Drawers. 25c. for 3'Jc. and 50c. Muslln Drawers. 50c. for $1 to $1.50 Lace Trim? med Drawers. 48c. for Muslln Sklrts?tucked. lawn rufflo nnd hemstltched? some lnco trlmmed. 05o, for ?Sc. Fancy Trlmmed Sklrts, ,_ 1)Sc. for $1.50 to $2 Lnce 'Irlm tned Cambrlc und Muslln Sklrts. SOe. for 69c. nnd G5c. Trlmmed Jduslln Clow.ns. BOe, for 75c. to SKc. Gowns, 7:?c, for $1 to $1.25 Fnncy Trlnl med Gowns, M>c. for 39a, Carnbric Covers, 25c. for fiOo. Cambrlc Corset Covers. 50c. for $1.25 T-Iaiulsomcly Trlm? med Corset Covors. Our 20C. a pound Chocolate Mixtures are made of thc purest, most digcstible ingredicrits. HOUSEFURNISMNGS. Tollot Sot-s, nlno p'eces, gold stlppled docoratlon. IjHl.BO, Dinner Sols, 100 ploces, decoratod, Ualf-Gallon AVator Pltchor, 2!lo. Vlnegar Bottles, Op, 17-lnch Glass Flower Vasos, Oe, Threo-Stiiug Brooms, 12o, Coal Slevos, 3c. Tooth I'icks, 3c. a package, 14- and 15-inch Chalr Seats for B?. oaoh. , _ _ 150 Brownlo Lunch Boxes, ao, each. ' _.. ?l-qunrt Hiee Bollers, RVQ, 3- and 5-(|uart Round Pnddlng Pans, wlth handles, 15". nud 1U?*. 8-quart Sauce Pans, 5I>?. 4-duart Stralght Beamless Banco Pans. 3.'Jc <j- and 10-lnch Plo Platcs, Ho. nnd lle. each. ? _ fi-quurl Coffeo Bollers, ?!??'. 10-ouart Seamless Snowflake Gran itrt Palls. 4'?<'. 10- 12- 14- 17-.|Uart Dlsh Pans, 30o., BRo,, <|Q?>, 5t)c Jfi-quart Heavy Oalvanlzed Pnlls, -Uo. Nos. 7, 8, 0 Wash Bollors, 55o., -.Oii,, (15c, 12-(|tiart Flarlng Pails, 11c. Glnas Oil Cuns, wlth tln lackots, 21c, Largo Block Tln Ba?lns, 12c. 4!'c Galvanlned Foot Tttbs, 35c. BOOKS ALMOST A GIFT. It's dono In ordor to closo thoso on hand beforo tho new ones arrlve. 15c. for Pooks that sold up to 42c. 3Ho. for Ponks that wero to SBo, JBu. for 12 ino?. that sold for 45o, Paddcd Ixmther volumos, cholco tltlcs, perfect ln ovory way, to closo out for 50c. All tho papor-bnuml Books that were So, lo 15c, to c]o..o out for Bo. each. Sots of Books ut simllar reduc? tions. pound packngo. Closlng 17c Pound Paper for lOo. _na?M_wM_u____n_u_______H___ai_n___B___aa