SCORES OF BUILDINGS Not Less Than Forty Going Up In Loc Distrlet. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS Flala nnd Rosidences In Large Numbers Under Way?Plans for Factories and Stores Are Dis cusscd. Lee District seems to have tho mont ?cuto attack of buildlng fover at present. It Is estimated tliat not less tlian forty flrst-clnss rcsklences nro elther locelvlng tho flnlshlng touches, nre ln couiso of ercction or aro now bi-ing plnnrted by ar chltects. Thls means tho eXpotidlturo In Rlchmond Just now for buildlng ln thls ?ectlon alone of acnrcely lesM thnn $.00,000. Mr. Ancnrrow hns n good slzcd force of brlckiayers at work on tho foundatlons of tho proposod eplertdid ofllce buildlng of . th0 Vlrglnla Stnto Insurnnco Com? pnny. Tlie walls aro belng built wlde and ? trong, Biifllclent to support many floors above tho ground. ; The stores and f'ats across tho street on tho famous Allan lot hn-i-e boen com? pleted nnd o number of both stores nnd flnts hnvo beon rented to woll known business men und famllios. Tho rcsldences frontlng on Flfth Street aro commodlour nnd convcnlent. They wero completed flrst and nre now tlio homes of happy famllios. The/bulldings on tho lot nre b great Improi-emcnt and wlll doubtless Incroaso the valuo of the property in the nelghborhood. HANDSOME RESIDENCE. Contractor Wilson has nbout completed tho extenslve Improvements to the resl? dence. now owned by Mr. Hlckok, on West Frnnklln, nearly opposlte the Ches? terfleld apartmont house. Mr. Hlckok will havo one of the handsornest honies In tl J Rlnte when tho decorators are through with thelr work It was a stateiy old res? ldence on the lot , before Mr. Hlckok bought It. The late' XX. R. Ch.iilln. real estate agent, hnd It for his homo for-a number of years. Conslderable progress hns been mnde ln the Inst two weeks In lho finishlng work on the Cheslorfield npartmeru house. Tho lower floors nro now practlcally com? plete, whlle the enrpenters. deoorators' and others are buslly engaged upon the upper floors, The newest flats In Rlchmond ure those Jusl comp'.-ied at the southeast corner of Second and Frankllin Streets. These are excecdlngly oright and well arr.-inged npartments nnd roomy enough for the largest' fnmllles. Mr. T. J. Tod-l's two resldencc-s on West Grace Street are nearlng completlon. He wlll llve ln one nnd It Is expected that Captaln A. Xi. Guigon will take the other. THE RANK BUILDLNG. Contractor Pennock, of Phlladelphla are progresslng but slowly on the new home of the Amorlcan Nntlonnl Rank, nt the southeast corner of Tenth nnd Maln Streots. lt was expected that thls eight story structure wns to have been completed by February lst. t Already pinns nre being dlscussed for buildlng In the sprlng, factories, stores nnd rcsldences. Richmond Is not only n growing city, but old bulldings whlch have long beon eye-sores are being torn down nnd new nnd handsome ones are belng erc.ted in thelr places. Thls Ir eml nently true of the proposed rnzlng of the Swan Ta'i-ern buildlng on Bro.-id. The owner, Mr. John Tyler, wlll soon hnve It torn down nnd several new stores will be erccted on the site. ELECTR1C CARS FOR SPENCER One Hundred Men Working for Anti Saloon L?ague. (Snoclnl to The Tlmes-Dlsnatch.) SALIS1UTRY. N. C, Oct. 3,-It is stnted offioially thnt enr-j wlll he runn'nc on the new Salisbury-Spencer Street Rallway bv tho first of the new year, nnd that the Northern capitallsts interested in the buildlng of tho road now have tbe monoy In hand for the purchase of the Salisburv telephone sytem nnd tho elec? trlc Ight plnnt at this place. Tles have been placed over most of tlie new road nnd rails nre now on the ground for.n good portlon of the track. Mr. Xi. Scott Allen, of Washlngton, D. C, of the Lnnd nnd Industrlal Depart? ment of the Southern Hallway. wns hero yesterday on Important busine-s con nected wlth tho compnny's lnterests nt this place. ile Indlcated that the mat? ter of ercct'ng the new shop buildlng. nt Spencer ls now recoivlng careful con sidernt'on of the Southern offlclnl?. Nearly one hundred men nro now at work In co-operatlon with tlie Sallsbury Antl-Saloon League in nn nctlve cam? palgn ngainst tlie snloons. The election to 1)0 held November 3d Ir looked for? ward to with much interest by both tho wets nnd drys, ond It ls belleved by many that tho snloons will be voted out of tho clty. The Rov. Snm. Jones nnd Rov, CJeorge Stu.nt nro yet expected lo hold a ten-dnys' meetlng hero before tho eloc? tlon comes off. Engineer \V. D. Swooney, of the South? ern, who was sorlously Injured in a wreek, which occurred at High Point last December, has rc-tijriied from R ch mond, where ho hns been undor treat? ment for some time. Ile Is nble to walk wlthout crutclies, but never hopes to bo woll agnin, havlng had hls legs, perma nently Injured. Tho Rov. Dr. R. D. Hnymore, of Mt. Alry, Is nssisting in n rov'val which Is In progross at the Baptlst Church, ln Spen? cer. Tho meetlng hns been qulto suc? cessful thus far. JOHN ISH CLEARED ON SECOND TRIAL (Speclal to Tho Timos-Dlspntoh.) WARRENTON, VA., Oct. 3.?Tho trlnl of John Ish, oharged wlth attempt ng to erimlnnlly assault .Mrs. Mary < ubbldge on Juno .llth, ended last nlght, with a ver? dict of not gullly. Thls was tho second trlnl of Ish, nt tlie August term he belng convlcted and sentenced to three yenrs in tho penlten? tlary. A new trlnl was granted by Judge C. M. Whlto, on tlio grounds of newly dlscovered evldonco. roflecilng upon tlie chnractor of Mrs. Cubbldge. Tlie defendant was represented bv Kelth and Kelth, who wero nbly nsslsted hy R. Wnlton Moore, of Falrf.-ix. Commonwenlth's Attorney Jnmes P. Jeffrles was also usslstcd by R. A. Mc Intyro. If you are troubled with Constlpitlon, liiliotl I1C--.S, SU'k llc.idath -, Kldiuy Allments Ird ; cstion, Dy_n.-p_.iuur Alnluriu, you nood tho liittors nt onco. lt will curo you nml rcstoro you to porfoot JloaJWi. A fnlr trlal will conviuoo you. Neip Autumn yWsses Suits, Styles ot s Furs iris. Most Fashionable Suits. $12.50?Heavy Black Chcviot Suits, blousc jackct, deep pcplum, collarless cape collar, finished with silk ornaments, full slccve, saLin lincd, skirt made ni the prevailing mode, lapped scams, en trainc. Special at . ....$12.50 $15.00? Princc Albert Walking Suits of English Twceds, Fancy Chcviots and Mannish Suitings, coats 30-inch to 40-inch length, nobby llared skirts. Also, Dress Suits in navy, brown and black extra quality Venetian cloth, collarless cape collar, blouse with peplum, taffeta trimmed; skirt made seven-gored flare, lapped scams. Two extra values at.? ? ?..$15-00 $20.00?Walking Suits of Chcviot and Fancy Mixtures, jackcts collarless Norfolk effect, fittcd back, entire, coat strapped and taffeta lincd; skirt strapped to match jacket. Very nobby at.??*.*?; * *'. .. $20.00 $25.00?Handsome Dress Suits, plain broadcloths, Louis XIV. coats, snoulder capes, piped witb peau de soie and finished with Persian lamb trimming, taffeta lincd throughout, perfect fitting, well tailored skirts. $30.00 and $35.00?Dress Suits of handsome plain broadcloths and panne cheviots, a varicty of styles. The plain corset-form 36-inch coats, stitched straps, taffeta llned, skirt trimmed to match jacket, and pannc-cheviot suits, short box plaited coat, taffeta collar, vest, straps and girdle and plaited skirt, are most popular. i Handsome Fall Skirts. The most complete assortment of Dress and Walking Skirts found in any Skirt Department south of New York. Walking Skirts of Plain Mcltons, made in the latest style, hip trimming, $3.48 value, at .$2.98 Several styles of plain cloths and English tweeds at .$5-oo Strictly Tailor-Made Skirts, of Man? nish suitings, strapped seams, at..$6.48 The sixtecn-gored Corset Skirt, plain cloths, navy and black. Our leader. .$7.48 Novelties in Walking Skirts, made of mannish cloths, plain, tailor-made and kilted effects, habit or inverted plait backs.$8.48 to $12.50 Dress Skirts. We are showing Dress Skirts in plain and panne-cheviots, broadcloth, zibe line, taffeta, peau de soie, voile and aeo lian cloth.$3-48 to $25.00 Silk Coats, just the thing for a light fall wrap. The NeW L&CeS An Entrancing Display. Importation after importation received day after day, until now we are able to announce the compleleness of our assortment?an assortment so comprehen sivc, so cxclusive, so dainty and so generally attractive as to deserve a visit from every woman within reach of our store whose tastes inspire a love for the beauti? ful. Nor is the charm of viewing the only attraction, the element of price?the lowest ever quoted hereabouts?plays an important part in this showing. Supcrb lines of Silk Cluny or Vegetable Silk, Point Venise, Guipure, Yak or Wool Calientes.and Applique, in black, white, ecru and buerre; Bands, Insertions, Galloons, Medallions, Collars, Stoles, Allovers, and the entire collection priced at lowest possible point. Magnificent Coat Display. Silk Coffee Coats.$5.00, $7.48 and $10.00 Silk Box-Coats.$7-50 to $25.00 Covcrt Coats?Every style is here represented. Plain tailor-made coats, 19 inch to 36-inch length, corset-form and Norfolk effects. I'riccs. .. ,$5.00 to $25.00 Thc latest novelties in Children's and Misses' Coats just rcceived. Newest Dress Goods. Pronounced examples of supcrior value-giving. The ambition of this de? partment is to place before its patrons every meritorious fabric possiblc to be found in a thorough search the world over, and to do it at the least possible^ cost to them that strictly legitimate merchandising will permit. Our special prices ex press unrivallcd values. 1 A new line of Cream Goods, such as Voile, Etaminc, Lansdown, Zibelines, Albatrosses, Henriettas, Broadcloths and Sergcs, from, a yard.50c. to $2.50 Beautiful assortment of Blue and Gray Mixed, for suits to sell for, yard...$1.00 A full line of Zibeline and Camcl's Hair Cloth, to sell for, yard, 50c. to $1.50 Just received a nice assortment of Fancies, to sell for, yard.50c. Just received a full line of Stripcd Tricots, a 39c. value, for, yard.35c. The New Dress Trimmirigs are more varied and beautiful than ever. Something new is daily added to this comprehensive assortment. There are Appliques, Jets, Spangles, Pearls, Steels, Silk and Vegetable Silk fibers, Bulgarian, Persian and Turkish effects, in Orna? mcnts, Drops, Pendants, Bands, Insertions and Garnitures of all kinds for the cor? rect adornment of gowns and waists. These, too, are priced just as low as they can be consistently. > Ribhons Temptingly Priced. Fancies in the New Autumn Weaves. 2-inch wide All-Silk Satin Ribbon, gros-grain back, in black only. Special, yard .10c. All-Silk Taffeta- Neck Ribbons, in the most desirable shades, Nos. 22, 40, 60, to be sold at.10c, i2_-'c.. 15c. A Fancy Black Ribbon, in satin stripe; also corded, every thread silk..25c, 29c. White Waistings will be more popular this season than ever. Beautiful mercerized fabrics that look very "much like silk, yet are heavy and comfortable as warmest wool, and launder like muslin. We are showing rich and exclusive kinds in Satin Damask, jjacquard and Madras, Oxford and Basket Weaves, at prices like these?35c, 50c, ' 65c. and 75c. New Gloves. YOU need a new pair of Gloves or mny he two or 'threo palrs, Here's the chance. Here's a two-clasp prlme Clerman Iximbsltin Lndles' G'love, one row of embroldory nnd In a full llne of colors, mode, beaver, brown, ox blood, stato, navy, blnck and whlte? speclal.J)ll The JMarvel Washable Glace Kid, two-clasp Polnt de Parls stltehlng ln blnck, whito, pearl, masUc, mode and gray, at.$1.7fl A New Veil. to ho good must bo of chiffon, and preforably of black, brown or blue wlth whito border?hemstltchod, of courso, or black covorod wlth small chenlllo dots. Wo havo these at BOo., 7Bo? lfl to i.**?1.75 i Infants' Goods. Lots of the new things for tlie little folks to wear for the cool autumn days are now at hand for you to choose from. There are dainty Caps, warm little Coats, Bootces, ete, ete, ete. The Art Department. Just recelved a new llne of frlnged Scarfs. In red, blue and whito 17c. and.*2**>o . Stamped CushJon Tops, with backs to match, each.JK5o. Palnted Cushlons, In dlfferent colors, oach.BOo. Cotton Cords and Tassels, ln all col? ors."?">o. Sllk Cords and Tassels, In all colors, BOe. and.?>8c Mercerlzed Cords and Tassels, Laundry Bags, In all colors and de slgrns. 2Bo. and .BOe, Appllquo Squares and Scarfs to match, upwards from.25c. Cords by the yard, ln sllk, all col? ors, per yard.12?. Household Linen Dept. It has reoently added a llno of open worked nll-llnen Table Cloths In 8- 10 12- and 14-4, whlch to those of llmlted means affords an opportunlty of se curlng- a handsome and durable cloth al very low prices, eaoh Uti.25 to .**-.? Tho better or rather flner gTades of hemstltched goods in Cloths alonn or In sets of Cloth. and Napklns to match, rango ln prices frnm t?a.5l) to "?l.-> a sot and to $10 for a Cloth. P1CTURBSQUB AND COMFORT ABLE HOME, COSTING $3,800 TO BUILD Thls deslgn is an extremely plenslng nnd wnll-arranged houso, havlng tho giaco I'ul effects of sloplng roofs whlch bolong to story and a half houses, while it ia :n reiillty cut nowhero on tlie second lloor. Its grncoful bays and poroli?partly cov. erod nnd partly opon-wlth tlio swooplng curves of tho roof make It a very striking houso outsldo, whllo the lntorlor is ex? tremely woll plnnned. Tho house la shlngled, with a rough-cast frieze under tlio eaves. It can ho built of brlck or 8tone_la very well ada.pted to elther? but thla, of course, wlll cost moro; {1175 moro in ordlnary brlck. Stono ilepond.i upon tho cost of samo ln your locality. Tlie nnlsh ls of chestnut; hardwood iloors ln liiexpenslvo hard wood for Ilrst lloors. Tlled Ilre-placo wlth pretty nian tel. Hot-air heatlng und good, plain open. plumblng, porcelaln enameled tub. The hall ls a very largo ono, and lf deslj-d; tn0 portlon of it whlch- ls partly scroenod off by an open partltlon wlth columns, can be mudo another room with sllding doors or openlng for curtalue only. Tho stalrs aro vory pretty, the bnck stalrs Join thom on tlie second huul lng. Thero ls a pretty parlor and a beautlful dliilng-rooin, wlth a bay und corner china closets. An excellent pantry connccts thls with the kltclien, whlch hns, however, a separate entrance to tho hall. Thore ls u small luunilry. Ey enlarglng it somewliat, the 'whoel room" can bo convertod into an inito moblle houso, or lt may bo included In tlie pluzza. On the second lloor thero aro four very nlco bed-rooimt, wlth txoellent closeis, und a bath-room wlth opon plumblng. There ls ono room and storngo space ln thc, attio. Tho wlndow effoctB on tho second lloor, aro very protty und seals can be put ln whero des'red. Tlie houso looks partlcularly well staln? ed all green excopt ^0 frlesie, or a cliost nut brown wlth green or red roof. Tho r.elllng-s are 0 feet und 8 foat 0 inches. Wldth 40 feeu Depth 47 feet. VERY LOW RATES To Richmond, Va., nnd Return vla tho South.'rn Railway, Account the Riclv mon.i Horse Show, For the nbovo oooasion, tho Southern ltai'lway wlll soll speolnl tlckets from nll polnts in Vlrglnla and North Carolina at ono faro for thu round trlp, plus flfty rents, Including ono uUml-si'on to the Horse Show. Theso speclal tlckets on salo from A'lrglnla polnta October 12 to IT, Incluslvo, and from North CnroUnu polnts October 12 to 15, Incluslve, return llmit Ootober 10. Do not fall to vlslt Rlcllinonil on thls interestlng occaslon. Music by tho Unlted States Marlne Corps llund, of Wushint. ton, D, C, Afternoon uu. nlght, e^hl biti'ons, t, JAMESTOWN Young Men to Be Organlzed into Auxiliary. AMPHITRITE AS TENDER Recruits Aboard the Franklin Will Prac? tice With Her Big Guns? Ma e Of? flcers Bet on Their Ship Against Missouri. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspntch.) NORFOLK, VA., Oet. 3.-TU_ young men of the varlous cltles of Vlrglnla wlll be organlzed Into nn auxiliary to the Jamestown Exposltlon Company, and will ald in tho effort to raise tho threo-quar tcrs of a mlllion whlch must bo sub scribed to tho capltal stock of the com? pany beforo the flrst of tho yoar, tn ordor to render tlio charter of tho^ company valid. The movement orglnated ln Portsmouth. Mr. Grlffln Ellls Staples is headlng tho movement In thls clty. Ho has the ncth-o co-operutlon of Thlrd Vlco-Prcsictent T. J. Wool, who is In charge of the promu tlon of tho exposltlon, and of Secretary Gwynn T. Bhopherd. The company wlll Issue a spoclal let? ter, npprovlng nnd endorsing tlio under taking of the young men. Thla wlll set forth tho fnct that they aro virtually n part of tho company, nnd that what they aro dolng Is n pntrlotlc effort to nid tlie groat enlerprlso, whloh meots wlth tho lieurty approval ot tho management. WOH1C ALREADY STARTED. As soon ns Norfolk nnd Portsmouth nro organlzed, tlie schomo wlll be ex? tended to all tho towns und cltles In tlie Stato. Tho publlc school ohlldron wll) bo intorcistod, and tho coliogo men ln all tho vnrious InBtltutloiis nf learnlng ln tlio Stato wlll bo appnaled to to nid In tho great work of oolebratlng In a flitlng manner tho flrst sottlement by tho Eng? llsh. Tlio work among tho coliogo mon haa already started, Mr. Robert Siuuidors, of thls city, Is nrgnnlzlng tho stuileuts at Wllllani nnd Mnry Coliogo. Tlie Unl? verslty and othor collcgos wlll bo or ganlzed as' rapldly as posslhlo. As soon as Ihls work Is completed the ladlea and publlc school pupils wlll ho organlzed. Mr. Slaplos bollovea thnt thls plan wlll do much towaril solvlng tho linotty problem now ooiifruntlng tho ex position magnntos. NO OFF1C1AI, COGNIZANCIS, Tho Polico C'oiiimlssloneis at tholp bcs slon to-day took no ofllclnl oognlzunca nf tho ullogntlin of C. II. Ollvor ln thnt Policeman Pallotto wns eo-rcsponUrnt |n hls dlvorco sult. No formal charges ngninst Lho olllcor havo boen filed., Rev. J. T. T. lliindley, of Fssex ooun? ty, Vu., has uccopieil tho call extended him by tho Flrst Church, of Ciu-lsCs DIs clples, tlils clty. ilo wlll pioucli hls flrst sormon to-morrow. MONlTOlt AH TI;:Nni'm. The Norfolk, Va,, cotnmiinilniil'H olllce of tho yard wns nuti-led to-day that tho iMinltor Aniphltrlio sallod nt 8 O'clock from Newport for thls port. Tha blg mouttor v.Ul ba kopt ln eumiiil.>_irt_ und used as a tender to tho receiving shlp Franklln. The recrults aboard the Franklln will bf taken out on the Amphitn'to tor practlco wlth her blg twelve lnch guns. They have been taught navlgatlon and how to handio the secondary batterles on tho yachts Restless and Syren, but thesa little vessels have no guns larger thnn one and slx pounders. The Malne wlll bo coaled Monday from the colller Caesar and wlll leave Tues? day for Bnrren Island for her staridard lzntlon tcsts. Her offlcers aro maklng bets that they wlll beat ar.y record tho Mlssourl', her slster shlp, may have made on hor bullders' trial to-day. NO FAVORITI8M. Tho accuracy of recent publlcntions hereabouts to tha effect that non-unlon workmen reglstered at tho navy yard here nre dlscrlmlnated ngalnst ln favor of unlon mon ls omphatlcally denlod nt the navy ynrd. . Mr. A. J. Murden. of Norfolk, who has been suporlntondent of the mllls of tho Atlantlc Const Lumber Company at Georgotown, S. C, Is dead. He was but twenty-slx yc-nrs old and was kllled In an accldent nt the mlll. Tho commlttee of buslness men ap? pointed to walt on the Govornor of Vlr? glnla and secure hls attendance at thn Jamestown mass meotlng, went to Rieh mnnd to-day. Judge T. S. Garnett nnd Caldor S. Sherwood comrono tho com? mitteo. "Vrs. Grcot Slck. Mrs. Rosa Groot ln qulte slck nt her resldence, No. 9 West Cary Street. ONEOF RICHMOND'S INDUSTRIES The Mak!ng of Blotting and Absorbent Paper is on a Very Large Scale, It may r.ot be generally known to tho people of Rlchmond, but lt ls nevorthe less a fact, that thero is moro blotting and absorbent pnper mado ln thls clty than ln all tho rest of tho Unlted States together. That Rlchmond hns becotno hendquar ters on absorbent papers Is due to tho recent acqulsltlon by tho city.. of tho Standard Paper Manufaoturlng Com pany'a splendld new mill at tlio Manches? ter ond of Mayo's brldge. Tho mlll has a cnpaclty of 31,000 lhs. of paper ln twenty-four hours, and has been Huocessfully opjeratod slnce Mny, li'itL', tho company boing Ineorporated In August, 1001, wlth -.HlO.UUO eapltul. Tho odlcors bomg 0. H. Button, prealdeiTt; l"). O. Davls, vlce-presldent, nnd Ro, 8. Crump, secretary and treasurer, with Mr, w. J. Stllos, puporlntonduiit, who hns porsonally plnnned and aupervlaod tlie construction nf tho plant. All 0 thn above belng well known loetil citizens The Standard mlll ooouplea ono of tln finest sites around tho clty, belng Hilti ated ou tho Manehostfr power canal, taklng out a water dovelopment nf 800 horse-power, whlch m supplomonted by loo horao-power Btoam, They nro nlso Immu dlatoly upnn the tracks of the Souther Rnilway. A trlp through the mlll and an Inspectlon of tlio latest imprhved paper-iunldiiK ma? chlnery, :nucb of lt worklng uutomatt cally, Is u treat lor tho onglneor as woll as tho unl-arned. Ono of tho moat slrlk Ing thlngs notloeahle ls thn blg fllter plant, whlch soiuls out a flow of the e'earest wntor at the rate of 7iK) bii.,oiis iu-r pilnuto, und thla flow pomea frnm Ihe orange and saffrun llquld of tha riV?r Janics. Tlie runnlnK expenso of thls l.lnnt Is n-'xt to nothlng, as tho water Ih nll handli-il hy gnivity. Tho produot of tlie company goeg ail ovor tho Unlted States, pilnclpally to tlu< l.-.rgo Northern aml AVestern ottles, lluiiigh no llttlo of it rinds way tn Europo und Anierku's ln.ul.-ir possiipajons, Tho Standard Company mv tho munu faclurois ot' Iho woll known "Standard," "Imperlal" nnd "Stmilius" Llotllngs and ' StundajJ." U^U'U. NEARLY READY FOR FALL FESTIVAL Loop-the-Loop to Be the Sen? sation at the Base Ball Park. Preparations for the Fall Festlval, whlch is to be lield at the base-ball park, are belng rapldly pushed, and next week the work of constructing the stagos ond platforms for tho blg aggregau'on of shows ond the eleotrlcal constructlon wlll be commenced. The carnlval wlll open Monday, Octo? ber 1-th, and wlll contlnuo ono week, belng open every afternoon ond evening. The eleotrlcal displays wlll be partlou larly brilllant, and tho scoro or moro hlgh cluss shows of the Gaskill-Mundy Levltt Carni'val Company aro said to bo excellent. Foremost among tho freo acts is the Loop the Loop. No act has occasioned such sensntlon and nono has klllod and in? jured so mnny men. It has been trled hy many, but accomplished by few. A dozen men have beon killed outrlght whllo trylng to succes'sfully rlde lt, and r. scoro or moro aro now helpless crlp ples as the result. It is the nowest and most novel loop in existence, inusmuch as Its exlt does not descend beside the clrclo proper, but by means of a sprlng cradlO trap in tlio bottom of the loop lt is mada complete in ono turn. After the rlder hns n_conded one slde tho trap quickly Khlfts and makes a clear track out tho othor slde. ln tho event of the trap be? lng slow or falllng to work qulck enough, tho rlder would be Instantly killed. Dlav olo, tlio presont rtder, takes hls llfe In his hnnds every time ho makes tho deadly rlde. The sensation ho creates as he dashes down tho Incllno und around tho Clrcle l's beyond descrlption. Bpeclal days wlll also bo a feature ol! tho carnlval, among which wlll be Mon ilny, openlng dny. Clty and county offl Oiala and mllltary. Tho Mayor Is ex? pected to make tlio openlng nddrosv Tuesday, Petersburg folks. Richmond Jlilo Orphan Asylum inmates und Chll? dren- Day, all chlldren under flfteen yeara paylng but f)Ve cents nt the gntes nnd shows. The Jr, O, V. A. M., Red Mon, Royal Arcanum nud Woodmen wlll also bo presont. Wednesday, St. Paut s Orphan Asylum, tho A. O. II., nnd Catho? lic ICnlghtS "f Amerlca. Thursday. Man? chester folks, H. P. O.'ID., 1. O. O. F., K. ot P.. polico und flremen. Friday, trades unloni. IC, of G. H. S,, Legion of Honor nnd Frntornal Loglon. Snturday, Chlldrons' Doy, Orientai, cnlothiunptun und confe'.tl battle*, CALLED IO PENNSYLVANIA Young Lady Who Swnllowed lodine Will R'covor.