Newspaper Page Text
Heattierbloom is Entered for Horse Show Here. AND OTHER GREAT HORSES Found Necessary to Provi *c an Extra Malinee?Three Times as Many Entries ns Last Year in Ihe Harness Class. One more weok nnd then?Iho 1-lorsc Show, wlth capltal letters, for lt is going tc be a c.apllal show, the greatest over given in thla State or anywhere else ex? cept in New York. lt is the week lo Whlch BO-letj- and fanclora nf flne horses have long been looking fo/ward, and whlch will without doubt ttttract to thls clty not otilj th.- finest nrrai* ot liorsfes, l?t tho greatest assemblogo ot brllllant nnd beautiful "women and prominent tnon. lndeed, the Rlchmond Horse Show, with this cxhibltion, wlll ceaso to bc a local affnlr, and nfter thls cxhibltion? not to say 'wlth this one-wlll he thero after a natlonnl show, and ono that wlll rank wlth New Vork and Boston nnd Rhnve all the others. m HEATHERBLOOM, THE CIIAMPION. Perhaps the most interestlng slngle fcature of tho show of October 13th to 17th wlll be the cxhibltion here of Heath erblnnm, thc | world's champlon hlgh Jiimpor, whlch recently cloared the bars nt Brvn Mawr, Pa.. nt soven feet nlne nnd one-quarter inches. establlshlng a new record never equalledi This magnl ficcnt horse. owned and exhlblted by Howai-d W'lllets, of White Plalns, N. Y'., will be aci'ompanled by a string of thor nughbrcd jumpers hardly les'a famous, nmung which are -Cissy Crnw, Toronto, Jack, nAd oth?rs. ? Thls grent horse. wlll not only compoto In tho hlgh .Ushp Ing contest,.-but wlll jump ngalnst his own record rti tho hope of maklng here n new one, even greater. But Heatherbloom, fresh from hls brll? llant feat at Bryn Mawr two mo*ntlis ngo,' will liave no walk'-h'wriy for thc honors horo. Ho wlll havo to contest for them wlth other horses hardly less famous nnd with brllllant records. Among the other great jumpers entered for the Richmond show is T. J. Hollo way's Chajiplc, whlch hold the roul/O until lt was wrested from him by thc Willets gelding, uud is stul a formida ble asplrant for tho laurels. Charles H. Hurkamp's Amarot, whlch has beaten Heatherbloom at Madlsoti Square < den, wlll agaln be his compctltor. nnd the Fredericksburg horso wlll ho a favor ,ite here, as his owner is. Another great jumper entered bore Is RIchard Don nelly's bay geldlng, Rifle, wht'ch won the hlgh jump at Madlson Square C? r tlen last year at tlio New York sho All these will be seen in thu hlgh jump Ing class to be shown at the ma>rnoc performance Wednesday, October 1-tth, at 2 P. M. It wlll be the greatest bunch r.f Jumpers ever exhlblted ln thls cou.i try. In the snme class may be Included Mr. Hurkamp's Hnrnpipe. another horse well known hero from hls pcriormances ln the last two years. Mr. Hoftoway, the owner of Chnppio, comes from Scars dalo. N, Y. THE HARNESS CLASS. This is hut one feature of tlie great _how of next week. ln tho harness classes there aro three times as mnny entrlcs as last year, including many of tho most fa? mous horses and toaran of the country. The total mim'.'er of entries v.ill approx imate slx hundred, nearly two hundred more than last year. Nearly nll the prlze wiuners of the Virglnia shows of thls year wlll be present. The pdny classes wlll be unusually well filled, as- will be the harness classes and thc tandems and thc hunt club contest. Flve or slx hunt clubs will have teams iu the club class. Jn tho harness classes ihe entries ara from all parts of the country. from Rich? mond to l_f,ng Island, and frnm Western polnts aa well. Among tlio fnmous oquestrlennes who nlll be present with their llne horses and rlde at the Rlchmond show wlll be Mlss M:.ri.-.n Holloway ond Mlss Honrlctta Weathorbee, of Westchesior county, N. y.. who asi_, -rank^d among tho greatest Bross-couptry-rldofs in the Unlted States. They have entered their hunters and will be seen in tho ladies" hunter classes. Mr. XV. II. West, n prominent member or the Maryland Club, of Baltlmore, and r. famoua four-ln-hohd whlp, will drlve a team of fours at the Rlchmond show. Among those whn have entered cxhlbita ln the hunter or elnsaea are Mr. and Mrs. W. S. G. William., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. DefOrd, XV, II. West nnd Ernost M. Jenkins, ull of Baltlmore, Mrs. Willlams will drlve hor own horses in the ahow. Sho i? considercd one of the flnes.t lady whlpa in the country, AN EXTRA MATINEE. On account of tho largo number of on trles nnd thr- tlme it wlll lako to BO tbrough the programmc, with i;o many competltors, it has pcon foupd Imposi to give tln- show in flve nlghts nnd 6m maUnce, us orlglnally plannod. Aocord lngly, tho raanagomenl has provlded nn additlonal ma-...??. ,?. ?._?:. v.ill bo given on 'Wednesday, Ootbbor llth, beglnnlng at 2 V. M., aml whlch promlsos lo he ln many re.pecta tho greateai alngle exhlbl? tlon of the entlro .-how Owlng to ihls change of progrumme, t:,. morulug eon ccrt announced tor thal ?:.?; wlll be oroltted, i'm th.- Marlne Band wlll play for tlu- raatlnt . . . i ??: ii.' foutui bh of the Wednesday matlnce wlll ho lhe hlgh jump contest, In whlch Heatherbloom, Chnpple, !:.::?? Am ?? n??> -il tho famous dl.tanci --.i treri il bi .-? ? n ln competl? tlon for the ??? The i- i matlnee wlll al-o presi nl en attractlvi | .- gramme, whlch wlll ln clude a nurobei ol pony classes and other exhlbltlona dcslgned t., pleaei especlally th<- ladles and chlldren Tho champlonship classes wlll, aa ubuu), be seen on Saturday nlght, an ,n addl? tion to ihe exhlbltlon ni tha v, iiners in ccmpetltlpn, speclal arrangementa have been made for Heatherbloom to jump egalnst the w n I'i n cord made and hold bj hlm. 1JU8T T.\i-:i: S15AT8 All personi who have engaged seata nre expected to luko them up thla wook, Tlie management wlll be founil ut the Oilice. No, K-'I East Main r-'tri-.-t, , v. : V day, beglnnlng Monday, from ti ... M to .', P. M. Among the wi ii known horses nmi horaem'-n who wlll be here uro Mr. wy eth, of Mountuiu S'jew Farm, wltli Pavld llaruir., I.ord Algy nml Jy.rd Rudlant. _il ln flne ti'im. David Harum wetu l_me laet year. but ln iu purfect <-" tio.i this year, Mr. Wiilt'.s' Heatherbloom and other ?ntries and Mr. Rlchard Wulluch's on. trles wlll l.,u Bhlpped dlrect frotn l.rocK ton, Masa , to Hk-hmoiul. Among thb well known oxhlbltors whose Htabii-.H win I,, shlpped to Rlchmond arej Mr. P, H. Twiuant, wi'.li Ju,,,].-,. and otherp; I. r>. f.leketls, of Orange, wlth Lady Olga and .-) long slrlng of tltor oughbrcd.; J. XV. nnd J. Ii Mn.', of Pomertet, wlth a large .lr!u_ ot ifood e-m-h; Vf. I- Boelnjf, of Greenwood; james E. Porter, "i [onlsa; Mr. and Mrs A, m Li.lil.h, wlth li-.k, u U_. <ja_u*.r IS Sl THE IN5J // you knew How much your success in music de= pended upon the selection of a proper piano you would take time to investi gate their value. We represent six of the finest makes in this country, and you are sure to be suited if you choose your instrument from these (nabe, Kimba mm\ By the aid of the wonderful 1 you can bring your piano into active service, and without any knowledge of music you will be able to play the most difficult compositions. supplies this demand. It is the king of talking machines. Clear and loud and the most perfect reproduction of the human voice. 5,000 records to select from. Call and hear them. Oldest Music House in Virginia, 103 East Broad Street. Write for catalogues. Mailed free. seen here lust year, nnd n flno bunch of harness horses nnd four.-in-hand team; Morrls _. Jcslyn, of Albemarle; L. D. Pn.ssano, of AViirrentoii. wlth Coucen Lawn, Marjorie, Rod Cock and others; Jack Hcnderson, of Orange, with j his famous Bohemian horses, Hiawatha , and Bo-Pai", Rogers Brothers, wltli Red j Raven, and others; T. L. Evans, of | Hempatead, L L. with Jokcr nnd La I Tbraine; Mr. nnd Mrs. Blalr Johnson, wlth their celebrated saddler, Robin Adalr, nnd X-Ray, a flno Junlper; Gar ber & Garber. of Harrlsoriburg, wltli a large stablo of flne horses; Mlss Seld_n. with her fine jumper, Jack of Dlamonds; }?:-. J. Scott Parrlsh, wlth Major B., a t-i-.n park saddler, which he has recently purchased ln Clarke county, with u record of four bluo. rlbbons and three reds won at the shows thls season, nnd many others. OTHER FAMOUS HORSES. Among lhe other fatnous saodlors and hunters which will be hero aro: Garnqtt Ripple, Grey Rock. Chlpmunk, Klng Dodo, Lady llathi-W.iy. Grey Dawn, Te bonlte, Forest Rlng. Bllzzard, Pathflnder, Easter Li!.v. Granlte, Huntsman, Janice, Danclng, Gertrude L., Judlth Armstend, Mopsle Masaey, Slmon Kenton, Proflt, Yellow Jacket, Margrave Chapplo, Free Lance, Amerlca, Lady Winsomo, and many others. Mr. J. Stowart Brynn, of thls clty, has In Elevator one of tlie flnest Jumpers to bo seen here, and wlll make tho wlnnors in the grcon hunter classes liustlo to win. Mr. CourtUvnd II. Smlth. wlth hls strlng - of hunters, wlll not bo hero, hnv.lng ar? ranged 10 Kansas Clty instead. Thero will be so mnny flne onesi thnt nobody wlll havo a sure tlu'ng, however flne hls cntrles. ALLEGED TO HAVE WORKED FRAUD HERE (Hy Associated Pross.} NEW I.AVEN, C0NN., Oct. 3.-C. S. Malteso, an Itallan barbor, whn has been worklng In Brldgeport, wns arreated in clty by Unlted Stalog Bocrot aer vlce offlcera this afterneon and brought hore, After a hearlng beforo Unlted States Commlssloner Wrlght. tho man waa hold under bonds of ?1,0_j for a further hearlng noxt Tlio secret Horvlce offlcera nllego that Malteae, durlng the paat aummer, was In vlrglnla, whero lie represented him H.lf as a secret servlce man and nn Iho liirength. of th? reprosentatlona aecured varloua sums of money, Thoy havo boen ? i rchlng for hlm f- r i evora! p iol b, jmilteae Informod CommlsBlonor wright that he would not go back to virglnia without extrudltion papcra. Tw'i Small Flre*-, 'ii. stoiago rooma "f Adam Dlaconr, ii, itrosa iiiiiimfactiircr, in the roar of No, '" North Twenty?thlrd Bti.I, wero ilnm nged in iii'- extent of aboul .uO yeaterdu-y mornlng by flre. The orlgln of iho flre ii unknown, and quickly extlntful.hod by l_iiElno Companies 1 and '-'? 'liio oxploalon "f u hall Inmp lant night at k o'clock was tho aecond call ni ihe iii-'- departmont. Tho alarm came ln from Box 60 **t lli(> cornor of Beaor vclr and Challln Striseta, Tlio durnaso was irllllng._ OBITUARY, Mrs. Clara Rickard. (Speclal lo Tha Tlmca-'Dlspatgh.) l.l.UAV, VA., Oct, '-'.???Mrs. t'lara Hklt nni, wldow of Aalior Rickard, dlod at her home neat- Klmbtill yoatarflay, aged Bbout SO, Bho hiid been ln falllng heujth roi hoiiiu tlmo, havlnu had u atroke nf pnralyalu aeveral monlha ago, Hho waa Uio mother ol Meaara, M- !>? Culvjn, I A. and W. H. Hickurrt, all wtll-lumv. u nsidenu of the county. Her funoral to >k placo al :: o'clock thla altoinoon, and WBh cqnductad by hor pastor, Bev, 11. A. Wllson, of tln- Metho cjltit ('hiu-ch. A. Hatch-tt.. (Spei lal lt The Tlmea-Dlapaloh.) KORT Mi'r''iii:i.i.. uwknhi'rc, COUNTV, VA., Oct. 8_Word hai been recelvod at the dealh ol Archlbald jiatch. ull. lu Hiu tsyldicitt', Bulcigh, la.t Sunday. He was a son ? of the late Dr. J. II. Hntcliett, of Dunenburg, who ro sidcd not vory far from here. "Baldy" Hatchett. as he was famlliar ly called by his frlends and ucquain tnnces w.ih about I'my elglu yeais u.d, and served as a member of tho Nlnth -, I . i.'av ilry. u ? r ienei il _( n Bolllng, who wah- hls life-long friend. At ono time he was commlssioner of tho revenue ln Lunenburg, nnd later served ns doputy sheriff several terms. Imt the past flfteen years he had reslded In Durham, Henderson and Raleigh, ulter nately, sometlmes edltlng papers and oi' ener acting ns corrospondont. Since 19-0 his health had been falllng, nnd he striiggled hard with poverty and 111 health against him, to mnintain hlmself. A fow months ago he went lo tho Sol diei.' Home, in Ralelgh, where ho was n patlont ln the hospital most of tho tlme until hc answered the final roll-call On lhe moinlng of tho 27th, and on tho following day his remains were tnken to l.iu ? re.?'.' of Confederate Veterans met at the de? pot nnd dscorted tho body to the ceme? tery, where it was placed boslde tho graves of hls parents. Mr. Hatchett was brnve. chlvalrous nnd hlgh-minded, and n true son of the South. lie wns n trenchant wrlter, nnd always readv to de'fend the "lost eau-e" nnd its horoes. About ten years ago some nar wroto a scurrllous artlcle about President Jefferson Davls, and Mr. Hatchett re plied to same wlth characterlstlo vigor, answerlng the fellow so well that Mrs. Davis?now at the point of death?wrote Mr. Hatchett a personal letter thanking und cornmendlng hlm. Let us hope the poor, weaty splrlt of tlio brove old horo, whose proud naturo suffered so keenly wlillo struggllng of late vonrs against ndverslty, ls at rest at inst. Ho left one slster, Mrs. M. H. Fnlr hi pr, nf Gre.iisbor , N. _!,, und une brother, Mr. W. M. Hatchett, of Ynzoo. Miss. Mrs. Bat bro Sherck. fSpoclnl to The Tlmos-Dlspatcli.) PETERSBURG', VA., Ocl. 8.?Mra. Barbl'o Sliorck, who moved wlth her hus? band two inoniliH ago to Petersburg from Belevuo, Ohlo, dled at hor homo on llillton Street thls morning. Mrs. Sliorik celebrated hor sovonty-ftrst birthday last Thursday. She had, for several year.-!, boon an Invaiid 'from rheumatism, Thu body will he taken to the ohlo home for burlal. DEATH. DONOVAN.?Dled, m ihe homo of hir fathor, Nn. lol.s iiuoiiiiniiii Street, ut 0:;so l\ M, sea. tcrday, l.I'l'V JANB DONO VAN, aged eight moiitlia und fourtoen dnys. liuiciul at ?! o'eloclt TO-DAY from tlio real dence. liitiiuii'iii ut Ou-wd-d, (iiui by oln- llfe'a Ui'h un- broken, Aa we aeo our lovo ducay, And tbo Uopea aa fotidlj cberlahed Urlgllteu blll to 1'iihn awny, out* hy ono life'i liopea grow hrlghtrr, As wo iii-ur tlio eliluln, ahore, l'"or wo kuQW aci-oaa tlio rlver Wulu lba loved OMO gopo beforo. ii.nt wm in- -Dled, October 3d, at A. m. at Wentley Hospital, Chicago, 111., HAltltV 8, HAUWilOli, ln tlu- thlrty-itl.Ui year uf 1.1m ugu, Tlie i-i'iuuliik wlll ii'iicii Hlcliiuoud -Mi.'l iluy uioriihig ul 7:15 u't-l.c-. i'murul iiiillcu lator. JAIiviH. - Dled, Sciitomber 80, 1003, ut a p. M., Mra, iatiiaiuni-: jauvis, uged aoveptr. eiglu yeara, 1'iiiurul iiiuk placo ut re?|donce, Now Kent county, Vo. luleriiu-ni lu rainllj- liurylng ground. JOHNSTON.-Dled, at 1:05 o'clock this (Sunday) inornlng aRORQl. ?. JOHN? STON, BOrrOf Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Johnston, No. 1017 Uiichnnan Stroot, ln tln- sixth year of hls ugo. Funeral .monday AFTERNOON at 8:30 o'clock. W.M/ratH? Tln. fiinenil of Mr?. MAV WAI. T15I18, wlio wus l.llleil on Sutiii-duji ou Oheaa, p.'uUi: i,i,.I niiio ity., opuoalte tbo Albemarlo I'upir Mills. wlll tako pluco ut 4 l>. M. 'I'O. PAV (.Sunday) at Mt. Culviiry iVmoU-ry. FUNERAL NOTI E. I'll'.lti K. 1 nni-iiil of Min. .1. II. PJBKOB wlll liik!- I'lii.f M'.uii I'liribt Church TO-IIAV (Sun. day), October -11lt. und Imi'i'iucnt ut Klm Vlew Ceuiotory, Klio Is binvlved |>y aU i-liil (mn Mr. I. 8. I'Iitiv, 1). A. nnd II. W. i , .1 A. 8. I'l.-r.-i... ol 1(1,11111.111,1. uu,) Mi>. 0. A Kraii. ol Cllfton Korgel Mra, L, S, Cro.a of llhhn .ml. All tii.i.'li. ,,1 ll?. luiully an, eol.lily lovlu-d to utteiid. Wanhlngion ID, C.) uud Aiimiu (Ou.) puper. iilvu.e cow, IOIRMNIA A. F. thorilas Dcfeats William A. O'Brien for Senate. EUGENE OULD FOR HO'JSE County of Northumberland Chooscs Dr. Sydnor as its Candidate in the ' Prlmary Between that County nnd Westmoreland. (Spcclnl to Tho Tlmes-l'ispnlrh.) LYNCHBURO, VA., October S.-I11 tho Democratie prlmary held ln Lyncnmirg and Campbell county to-day, tho ple cincts .so far as heard from glve tne nom Inatlon to A. F. Thomn_ oVer Wllllnm A O'Brien for tho Stnte Senate by elghty ono mnjorlty. Only three preclncts are lo be heard from, aud it is thought thnt these will increase Thomas' majority. Tho prlmary ln Cumpbcll, from returns so fnr received,'glvos the nomlnation to John XV. Clay, for treasurer,-over Davld Walker nnd J. G, Brown; S. C. Goggin, for clerk of courts, over John E. Wlth? ers! UJugene Ould, for Houso of Dele? gates, over A. D. Trevillnn. Mr. Thomas ls avowedly for the Mann blll. Voto at Lyrch's. (Special to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatch.) I,YNCHS, VA., October 3.?The olllcial vote hero: For Senate?O'Brien, SO; Thom as, 55. For House?Ould, 103; Trevillnn, 31. For treasurer?Wlthers, 63; Qoggln, 78. For clerk?Clay, RU; Brown, 21; Malkerj 81. For commlssloner of revenue?Wllklnson, 13G. ? Kit g and Quesn Politics. (Speclal to Thc Tlmes-Dlspntch.) KING. AISID QUI.KX COURTHOUSE, VA., Oct. 3.?The candldates were out in full force yesterday shaking hands wlth the voters and'talklng up their chances. as thls is the last court day they wlll have before the 'electlon. Tho fjght for commlssloner of the rev? enue between Messrs. Courtney (tho in? cumbent) and Hutohinson is the princlpal fight. They nre both maklng a closo ennvass and they botli seem to feel eon? fldent. , , ., Mr. XV. I. Allen has announced himself a candidate for sitpervisor from Stevens vllle Dlstrlct ngalnst Mr. XV. T. Henloy (the Incumbent). , . Captain R. 11. Spencer wlll be re-elect ed from the Beuna Vista Dlstrlct, with? out opposltlon. _,,.,. Mr. Broaddus. from Newtown Dlstrlct, docllnes to be a candidate nnd so far no one has filed notlco with the clerk of hls candidacy. ?"_._., , Thero ls a rumor thnt Mr. S. S. Schools will offer for the place. GLOUCESTER ACADEMY Burned Buildings Restored With Great Energy. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) GLOUCESTER C. H., VA., October 3.? A corr-espondent stated lately "that tho Gloucester Academy, Gioucester, Va., Pro? fessor John Tabb, princlpal, would bo opened two mlles from tho dwelllng," whllo tho schoolhouse ls scarcely two hundred yards from the dwelllng, being bullt in tho llno lawn whlch surrounds the Tabb ifome. "I'lie school has opened most ausplciuusly. "The building and fur? niture wero destroyed by tlre In May, and ihe promptness with whlch Mr. Tabb re paircd hls losses speaks volumes for his udmlnlstratlve abillty. There seems 10 be an educationai ml crobe ubroad thls session, judging by the vell filled schools in Gloucester and the number who have left for college and normal schools. October admonishes tho farmers that the tlmo for frost ls at hand. There is much activity in tho way of storlng frulls and vegelables for the wlnter's use. Tho season has been a profltabie one for farmers, the hay and corn crops belng especially llne. Mrs. W. N. Waller, who, much to tho pleasure of very many friends, spent a few woeks In Gloucester, has returned to Norfolk. Aliss Sally Totnpklns is at Whito Marsh, vlic guest of Hon. and Mrs. J. N. Tabb. -? Mrs. XV. S. Mott has returned from a vlslt to Clarke. Miss Lella Duval ls at Summervlllo. Mrs. XV. F. Jones left yesterday for Norfolk, accompanied by Miss Sally Jones. who wlll be a pupil of the Leechwoud Scmlnary. of that city. Mlss Catherlne Dlnlcle Is in Norfolk. Mrs. W. E. Corr and Mrs. Cassldy havo returned from Baltlmore. Professor and Mrs. Jefferson Stubbs and family, who spent the summer at "Valley Fore." hnvo rturned to Willlamsburg. Mrs. Green and daughters, who also spent part Of the summer at Vai.ey Fore, left on AVednesday for Norfolk. Mrs. Lella Brunson and Mlss Lucy Brunson aro guests of tho Mlsses Stubbs ut Valley Fore, ? Judgo J. L. Tnllaferro hns returned from a business trlp to Baltlmoro. Mrs. XV. XX. Graves ls in North Caro? lina. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham havo returned to New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Corbln Wullar nnd fam llv left to-duy for Norfolk. Mr Allen, of Norfolk. ls a guest of Captaln und Mrs. R. XV. Byrd at White Mrs. A. AV. Wlthors nnd Master Dun hnrn Wlthors have returned from Dulti Mis's Anno Pago Vandergrlft Is In Bal? tlmore. guost of Mlss Mary Llslo Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Fudge, who spent somo weeks nt Wilson'* Creek, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Moredlth, havo roturnod to Phlladelphla. Mrs J, Lloyd Tabb nnd Master J. Lloyd Tabb, Jr., 1 lavo roturnod to Baltlmore for Mr. John Marshall has roturnod to New York nnd gone into buslncns ngaln wltli hls formor partnor, Mr. John Crlgnan, who has been visitlng Pr, John Crlgiiun, has returned to Itlchmond. A number of pooplo from Gloucester will attend tho Rlchmond Horso Show, among thom n bevy of young lndles, who wlll be chaperonod by Mrs. H. O. San devs, and who wlll board at No. m)j East Graco Street. Mrs. David Sanders nnd Mrs. John San? ders spent part of the woek wlth Mrs. F. B. Lane, of Woodstock, Mathowa county. AT Tlll. COUNTRY. CLUB A Gootl Bill for Week at tho Theatro. Dr. Taylor's First Sermon. (Sutclal lo Tlm Tlme?-DlHl'utcrh.) PETEKKill'KG, VA., October J.-A v U di-llghtful hour wna spout at tho Counti> Club thls al'ternoou by tho members nnd their frlends. The committoe wu? ussis - od i,v Mlusea Mary Buniing, Annle \Y?t' bou, Marlo McQlll, Martha Colller, Allco Colller, Loulso Zlinmer, Jean Trigg. of Al.ini-duii, Va.; Rena Johnston, Llma Temple, Charlotte M. Blrd, Jounotto Ler naid, Mary I'nimstm, Jonophlno Budd, Nidli" Hamllton, i.'urrlo Craddock and Ni.n Davls, ' Black PaW, Monday night; Marry Re l-tsford, Tuesday nlght, in "The Pi'ofcs BOf'a I.ovo Slory," nnd l.ll-aheth Konne oy, Wednesday nlBlit, i" "Aii Yo" ul;0 lt,'' are tlio uttrutdons at tho. theatro In thls clty next weok. There ls moro interets being tnkon ln tho theatre than has been for several yoars, nnd thls sea? son promlses to be one of the most suc? cessful In tho hlstory of Petersburg the atres. Rov. pr. W. 0. Taylor, tho new pnstor ofthe Flrst Baptlst Church, wlll preach nt thnt church to-morrow mornlng nnd ovening. POST A, T. P. A. Tho Chcck Scheme ticls Falr to Bo Vety 8ucce__fllli Bonrd nf Directors Of tho Vlrglnln Dl ?rlslon Trnvolors* rnlectlvn Assoclatlon mot last nlght at Post A herulqunrtors. Prosldont nf tho Board nnd tho Dlvlslon. Mr. T. S. Bcckwlth, of Potersburg, occu? pled the chalr. .Secrotnry Il.irwood re? corded the prncct'dlngs. Tho reports nf thc varlous commlttee.. wero road. Tlie report of the Rallroad Commlttee wns of cxceptlonal Interest. They aVo nctlvo In prosecutlng tho dutles dovolvlng upon them. Mr, C. K. Herbert, of Norfolk, wns ln nttendanco Upon tho meeting. Tho other gentlemen present wor0 Mr. T. S. Bcck? wlth, Petersburg; Thomas Poindexter^ B. "W. Bpllmaii, Paul Hrlndl, Wllllnm Jen klns, It. B. Walthall, II. L. llnlwood and H. F. Smlth. It wns declded that a committeo from thls board would vlslt Norfolk noxt Sat? urday (n tlio Intorfcst of tho Norfolk Post. SniUrday nlght n banquet would bo tendorod thls commlttee. ln the report mndo before the board from Post A, the secrotnry stated that Ihe novel scheme of sendlng out checks to n llst of nnmes had boon a succoms. So far rcsponacs of a very cncouraglng naturb had boen recelved from u number of persons Indlcating a heurty wllllng-ncss to entcr into tho scheme , SHOOTS A WOMAN A Negro, in a Drunken Fit, Fires Hls Pistol. Anthony WOrsham, a young colorod man, is under nrrost at tho Flrst Statlon on the chargo of murderously shootlng a colored womnn named Tina Coloman. The shootlng took placo In a house in tho roar of No. 2222 East Maln Streot. Worsham wont thero nbout 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ho hnd been drlnk ing and carrled a plstol. The girl toid hlm .he should not come to that place. as he had not long boen married. Tho man uttcrcd nn oath, accordlng to the womnn's statemont, flourishod the plstol a moment nnd flred . The hull struck the woman in t.h back, and later sho was tnkon to tho Clty Hospltal, whore she wns mado com fortnble. Tho wound ls not consldered serions. Immedlately nfter tho shootlng the negro ran out and attompted to m.iko hls escape. Pollcemnn Sherry got on the trall and starled ln pursuit. lle gavu a godd run and was not captured untll ho had reached Soventeonth Stroot. Worsham denlcs that he-shot tho woman Inttntlonnlly. Me says he Just dropped ln tn seo her and wns about to hand her the plstol to put away for him whon lt exploded. The case will come up In the Police Court to-morrow mornlng. The Deer Season Open. (Speclal to The Tlmos-Plsnatch.) SI11RLEY, VA.. Oct. 3.?Thursday waH th" flrst day of the deer season ln Charles City county. A party of gentle? men wore out Ihls mornlng, but dld not succeed in gettlng a deer. Among thoso In tho huntlng party were: Mr. Samuol Clark, of Phlladelphla, Pa.; Mr. J. M. Glll. of Granvllle; Mr. Royall Giteward, real estato agent at Elko, und Master Thomas Clark. -? Rec.eptiorv.amt Drc-ss Dril't. "Walkor Llght Guard, Company "B" of tho Seventietli Reglment, will glve a re? ception and full dress drlll in tho near future. Lieutenant William A. Stack, Sergeant James 11. Spencer and Sergeant Stuart A. ? Welss compose tho Committeo of Arrangements. FiTZ LEE TO SEE STUART MQDELS Expected MeWill Attend Meet? ing on Wednesday Night. Some Minds Made Up. A moetlng of the Executh'e Commlttee of the Veteran Cavalry Assoclatlon will be called for Wednesday nlght of this week. when lt Is vory probablo that n model for the Stuart monumont to bo erocted ln the Capltol S.uare will bo se lected practlcally, lf not actually. lt ls learned from an untiuestlonable sourco that nbout all who havo seen the models havo rcaliy mndo up thelr minds. A momber of tho committeo stated last nlght that he would have no dlfilculty ln decldlng whlch he thought was the best, and from what he had heard tho others say, lt wns tho same wlth the oth"** members of the commlttee, All of the members of the cornmtttue have seen thc models several tlmes, except General FItzhugh Lee, chalrman of tho commlt toe; Major A. R. Venable. of Farnwllle, and Mr. Joseph Bryan, who haa just ro? turned from abroad. lt ls expected that MR. WH.LIAM SIKVKILS. General Leo and Mr. Bryan will bo at the mootlng Wednesday night. Major Veu ublo is expected ln tho Clty ono day this woek for tho purposo of seolng tlio models and will then expross lils prol'oronce. Not many, probably, aro uwaro that Bli-liuiond has un urlist ln lho raco. Thls is Mr> Wllllam Slovors, who is n Vlrglnlnii to tbo inunnur born. Develop Ing Unusual taletit whllo in Rlchmond Borne yeur.fl ago, ho wus persuuded by frlends to dovoto hls ilfo to urt. Ho left Rlchmond ln 1W7, nud spent four yeara ln llniiui, nnd ono yenr In truvol, Hu Is now u resident of Now York elty, nnd ls htisily engaged ln work for tho St Louls Exposltlon. By arllstlc genlus, closo study, nnd application, Mr, Sievors hns becomo a man of n0 01ulllIU'>' reputatlon, both ln thls country and ln I.uropu. The publlc has nui boen allowed to sue tlm models, and tho cumnilttee ure not inelliuid lo talk about tholr comparn tlvo nierlts, but those wlio know of Mr. SWver'B work aro coni'ident Uiut Rlch iiiond is worllilly represuutcd. NEW IDEA PATTERNS, IOc. Our Credit System--- ifou can buy what you want at cash prices paid itl small payments, weekly or monthly. Special Sale Carpets, Druggets and Rugs. Window Estimates Furnlshed Free. All Work Guaranteed. Great Offering for Dress Goods Buyers. Among Them To-Morrow 69c Zibeline at 50c a Yard. fifle. Wool Bourotte Zlt.cllno Novcl. ty Rultlng, 150c. ynrd. Llght nnd Modium-Wclght Dress Fnbrles, splendld Imitation of tlie hn pnitcd kind, largo vnrlcty, medlum mlxtures Bourotte, strlpes, chock3, plftlds nnd plain mlxtures, very styl? lsh nnd dressy; spoclal Monday, BOo, FOREIGN ZIBELINES. They are In solld eorors, some wlth Invlslble slrlpes, nro In strong de? mand for the com'lig senson for tho highest clnss of stroot gowns; the favorlto shndes nre rcprcsentod In VOVIOUB llnes at I.1.2B, ?.1.30, WIX.O, 91.00 91.Nl) nnd $0. Etamlno nnd Vollo aro popular ln tho bltto shades for llght.welght dresses?BOc., 7Bc. nnd ffl ynrd. Snowflnko and Covort Sultlng, 6. Inches wldo, vory popular for long cont suits, 91 ynrd. $1 All-Wool Albatroas, ernbroldery dot; spoclnl, 0?e. ynrd. . At .'JOc?All-Wool Sulttng, 88 lnches wide, In nll pnpulnr shades. At 2.1c. ynrd?All-Wool Walsttng. ln llght nnd dnrk shades, At 25c.?Wool CnsT'.mere, 30 Inches wldo, In dark and llght shndes. At 7Bc?Blnck Chcviot, 42 lnches wide, real vnluo $1. Imported Black CUpetl Zlbellne, only comes ln dress patterns, flt.BO yard. Swell Tailor-Made Suits and Skirtr. Every New Idea and Style. We cannot begln to toll you ln thls mentn now dlsplnyed, nll -of whlch Is tho carefully solocted for style and prices. Lndles' Handsomo Tan Broadcloth Tallor-Mnde Suits. mnde ln latest style, wlth long lilouse coat. clabo rately trlmmed wlth silk brald and ornamcnts, wlth trimmed flarcd sklrt, nt S.32. Ladlos' Snowflake Chevlot (Tullor Mado Suit, ln tan and gray, with throe-tiuarter lcngm blouse coat, trlmmed wlth fancy sllver buttons and patent -leather bolt, nt $81.50. Blnck nnd Nnvy Blue Chevlot Sklrt. walklng, unllned, flve-gore flare skirt, wlth cot?ded neamH, stltchod bottom, JO value, for 9*.*.28, ndvorttsement of stock of many gar very latest fashlons. Thoy have been Mixed Chevlot Sklrt, flve-gore flare, trlmmed In banor, mack cloth, wlth buttons, panoi front, unllned. real vnlue $0; spcclnl. 94. Black Chevlot Sklrt, soven.goro flare, unllned, wlth new sido, wlfle tucks, well worth $7; speclal for *JB. Zlbellne Sklrt, seven-gore flare. panel front, trlmmrd In straps and buttons of the same. stltched wlth sllk cord. well worth tlO; speclal, 90.50. They are In _ray. black and navy blue. Bleuikets, Quilts and Flannels. Our buyer -was lucky thls season In gettlng such large lots at a mere fractlon of thelr real value. Every ono represents the dependuble products of leading makers. nnd lf bought In tho regular way would cost you .onald erahly more thnn wo uro marklng them. Full Slzo Cotton Blanket3, OSc. pair. White and Sllver aray, -with plnk and blue borders, soft nap, full slzo, $1.25 kind, f)Sc. pnlr. $2.25 Sllkoline Quilts, the samo thlricr on both sldes, pur. wrmc cot? ton fllling; spoclal Monday. tfl.HO. Double Bed Slzo Wool Blankots, extra heavy, all-wool Blankets, srlth spool cotton chaln, keep from shrlnk lng, (J3.08 pair. Spoclal sale Whlte Flannel at lBo., 17c. 21c. nnd 2">c. Speclal salo Gray and Red Flan? nels at speclal roduced prices. KID GLOVE SALE. $1 Kid Gloves, ??<!. White and B'scuit Color, 2-clasp, all slzes, 00c. pair. WASHABLE KID GLOVES, 8*1.25 PAIR, In whlte, gray nnd mode. Dlrectlons ln ench pair. Very slmple _o clenn. Every pair guarantcea. HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. 20c. nnd 25c. Tooth Brushes, 4 rows bristles nnd 18 long; speclal. 10c. Halr Brushes nt 25?.., worm 50c. BOe. Halr Brushes, are 75c. values. 50c. Steel Nall Files, long polhted ones; speclal. 25e. CURTAIN MUSLIN. 40-inch Whllo Dot and Laco Stripo Curtaln Muslln, 26c. value, 12 l-2e. LEATHER QOODS. New noveltles ln Hand Bags, ln red. green, gray and tan, prices 25a to $3; special sale Bags at BOo.' SILK COATS. Eton and Long Three-Quarter Coats, some plain wntte, others are trlmmed, 97 to 916; wortb double. . LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES SALE. Speclal sale manufacturer's stock Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3V. yarda long. woven lock-stltch edges, at 91.2r,, 91: and 92.30 pair, worth near? ly double. Damask Portieres, ncwest designs, 90 to 90 pair. Rope Portieres, worth $5 pair, 9:1,50. New Styles in Fall and Winter Cloaks and Fur./* For Ladies and Children. Now Ready. Special Sale Sheets and Pillow Slips, Monday, In Basement. Special Sale TABLE LINEN, Monday, Third Floor. Women's and Children's Hosiery and Underwear. Seasonable Weighti. Best Mjke. liigh Grades. Thls department is ready to fill any wants In tho Underwear nnd Hosiery line Our -assortment ls cxcoptlonnlly flne. We carry only the be.U kind. Tho -" a _at\ng prices wo quote mean ln every case At Be. pnir?Ladies' Fancy Colored Hose, that sold for 12V_c. pair. At 8e pair?Lndles' Black Drop stltched Hose, that sold for 12V.C. a I".Yt 12V-?-?Tho be'st School Hoso ln tho world, black Herotles ribbed. At 10 S-Bo.?Ladies' Blain Black Hormsdorf Dye Hose, real price 25c. At 33o,?Ladies' Thin i-tsio I'ln lhhed ilos'e, that sold ror 60c. Infants' nnd Children's Heavy Cot? ton Fleeco Shirts and Wrups, worth 17c; Monday, lle. Boys' Floeco Shirts, 2nc. Infants' Ruben's Shirts, no button, double nt brenst, all doctors rccom mend thom, 2Be. to BOo. over thoso usually asked. Children's Heavy nnrt Modlum Welght Shirts, in whito, 23c. to BOo, Children's Medlum Welght Gray Shirts, all slzes, 2nc, Infants' Wool Bands, 25c. to BOo, Ladies' Jorsey Ribbed Tlght-Klttlng Corset Covers, llght welght, long and short sleeves, 25c. Llght-' Jersey Ribbed Shirts and Paiits, sllk-bound edges and tape neck; speclnl valuo for BOe. Ladlos' Whito, Gray nnd Medlcated Shirts; spoclal pricea, ??1 and IJ1.2B, Children's Unlon Suits, fleeco llned, ribbed, 50c. value, 23c, Mlsses' Rlbbod Shirts, speclal value, 25c. Speclal sale Down Plllows, 83o. to OSc. Speclal sale Feather Plllows, BOo. to 1.1. BO. COL. STERN TO INSPECT BATTERY Howitzers to Assemble at Their Armory Wednes? day Evening. Tlie Richmond Howltzers wlll be ln snoctod next Wodnesduy evoning by Colo noi Jo Ltino Stern, asslstant inspoctor goneral. in porson, lt is snld. Acting under ordors recelvod from the AdJu nnt-Gonei-ars ottlco, Captaln Alye s last nlght issued tho following order to tho battery: October 3, 1003 ?In0rcompllanco wlth lnstiuotioiis from lho BtUta lon Hoadnunrtcrs, thls datc tho Ihoors and onllstod men of thls battery nre hereby ordered to assembio in t'us ?nio-y on Wednesday ovenlng, Octobor ? 1003 at 8 o'clock, in fatigue unlform wlth slde arms, niUltury collar, whHo Bloves and black shoe.s, for annual Inspec? tlon and niuster by Colonol Jo Lano btoj-n Aeslstant Inspoelor-G.uoiul of Virginia. Each man wlll seo that hls uniform ls ln a neat condltlon with _N metal parts of his equlpment pollshed brlght. The Chlefs of Sectlons wlll seo that a copy of thls order ia dellvered to eaoh member of tholr reapeetlve sectlons and that evory avallablo man Js present. By ordor WILLIAM M. M-KRB, Captaln Commandlng, MISS BESS1E ANTHONY WOMAN CHAMPION (By Associated Press.) WnEATON, ILL? Oot. 8.-The W_ mun's natlonal golf champlonship be longs to Mlss Bessle Anthony, of tho B'lenvlow Club, Chicago. Siio made a runaway match of her game wlth Mlsa J. Anna Carponter, of Weatward. Ho, ln tho flnals for the oluunploiislilp over tlio Whoaton course to-day, taking the lead ut the fourth hole and steadlly ln creaslng it untll the ond came at the twelfth hole, Mlsa Anthony wlnnlng 7 up uud 11 to play. _ Thomas?Mussfclman. (Speclal to Tlie Times-Dlspatch.,) FKi-DEUlOKSliURG, VA., Oct. 3.?Mr. John M. Tiiumus and Miss Suruli Mussel inaii, both of thls city, were rnurrlod hero last nlght at tlie Methodlst par (.i.nn;;e, Kev. J, g. Hutchliisou olUclattng,