Newspaper Page Text
HOMES FOR THE BIRD Dlrectlons for Attracttng Slng ing Foathored Frlenda. DESTROY THE SPARROWS Thay 6hould Be Killed Romoraelaaaly. Houses for Martlnsi Wrene. Blue blrds?Tho Valuo of Shrubbary. By EDWARD B. CLARK. Aaiociato Member Amorlcan Ornltholo ghta' Union. B would he grnleful to tho wrlter nf the?e te? summer nrlloles upon blrds to know that hls words had atlrnulated In? terest enough lo Induce some of hls rend ers to welcome the blrds to thelr homca When the spring cumos onco agaln nnd th. feathored nrmy ln marchlng, wllh tho horth stnr ns a guldon. "Whether you llvn In clty or country you may hnve tho blrda as companlonn lf ynu wlll but preparo for thom tho housos In Whlch thoy liko to dwell, or seo to II that condllloiis of surrouudlnKs uf yard, gar? don or orohard aro mado congenlal, Somo thlng of thls haa boen snld ln a prevlous artlcle, but tho nttompt wlll be here to glvo speclllc dlrcotlons for tho attractlng and holdlng of our tunoful frlonds. Q1_T 1UD OF SPARROWS. It may be n shock to somo of our hu manltarlans when it Is sald thut tho Ilrst necessary step of pruparution for aecur lng robln, wren, bluoblrd, otlole, martin ond other foathored nelghbors ls tho get? tlng rld of tho companlonshlp of the pes tlferous English sparrow, tho unspeaka tlo feathered plrato, tho "avlan rat" of out domostlc life. Call hlm what you vi111, there ls no tttrm too harsh and no name which ln tho descrlption of his utter worthlessness und savagcry can go beyond tho bounds of truth. I havo eeen tho English sparrow kill our natlve blrds; I havo seen hlm rob tho young of tho food whlch thelr patlent and too tlnild parents had brought them; T have seen hlm tear to pleces the laborl ously bullt nests of tho robln and tho wren. Ho deserves no mercy, and he should bo shown none. If you wlsh song blrds about your doorstop, klll thls mur derous little thief wlth the rusty hlngo creok In hls throat, and In the kllllng mako tho world better by the loss of a pest and add to your llves the muslc of the blrds whoso ways aro lovlng and whose companlonshlp Is swoet. Thls co-ming wlnter arm yourself wlth a small rifle, and usb cartridges filled with u few blrd shot. You won't harm your noighbors wlth thls kind of a charge, nelther will you rnake nolso enough to bring you Into dlscredit. If you slmply wlsh to keep your own promlses freo from eparrow3 kill four or flve of them a day for a week and aftor that for somo tlmo you can't get one of tho cunning rascals to come within slghtlng distance of your yard. If aftor a month.they show a dls Iiosltlon to become bolder kill a few m?re, and'koep at It nt odd Intervals well into the aprln/. THB POISON PLAN. If you wish to do all your nelghbors a servlce go to work systematlcally to kill tbo sparows. Frank Bond, now con? nected wlth the government blological hurvoy and formerly a resldent of XVyo mlng rld Cheyonne of English sparrows in a singlo season, and when ho started out there wero thousands upon thousands of the savage llttlo allens ln the clty streets. Mr. Bond used polson. In fall and winter tbo sparows feed ln groat flocks. Flnd out ono of thoir favorlto feedlng grounds, choofio a baro spot near by nnd strew lt with polsonod whoat. You will soon reap a harvest of the only. good sparrows ?doad onea. Watch tho place where tho wheat waa strewn, and when the spar? rows havo flnlshed thelr flnal rnea'y eweep up tho remalnlng polsoned gralns and destroy thom. Here fti a reclpo for the stuff: Mlx a drachm of strychnla wlth three cjuarts of bolllng wator. Let tho mlxturo boll untll the poison ls dlssolved. Put enough wheat tato the polsonod water to absorb lt; thon put the mlxturo asldo for forty elght hours. Tho whoat wlll bo found to have swollen greatly. Sproad It ovor tho bottom of a pan and placo lt in an oven to dry, but be suro it doos not scorch. Tlio sparrows wll] like wheat prepared in this way. Thore Is no cruelty ln thelr kllllng. Death ls swlft and paitiless. After having kllled your sparrows got roady to wolcome your frlonds of tho spring. If you live ln tho clty, und have large grounds, you may hope to havo nearly all the feathorod frlenda about you that your country couslns can clnlm, but lf you havo moroly tho ordlnary clty back yard your vlsitors wlll bo few, though they are llkoly to bo Interestlng. lf you llvo In a flat you can havo but one kind of blrd nelghbor, and ho wlll bo a roof dweiler. for whom you must preparo n box, and mako certaln tbat tho othor tenants of tho flat building wlll not Inter ?fere with hla housekeopll)g arrangements. BOX FOR PURPLE MARTJN8. Tho purplo martln (Progno subls) ls a housobulldlng blrd, and somethlng of hls hablts have beqn told beforo, If you have a good sizod yard, put your box on a polo about twenty-flve feot hlgh. If lt ho necessary to go aloft for a slte, ralse tho houae about four feot abovo the roof. You may provlde as many apartments In your martln house as you wlsh. Tho blrds live in colonlos, and as a mattor of fact wlth the martln lt seems to ho n casq of the moro tho mcrrler. Havo each onmpart ment about s?ven lnches from front to renr, at lenst six lnches hlgh nnd flve Inches ln wldth. Tho entrance holo, prefer ably, should be made midway between tho top and bottom of the front,'and It should bo about the slzo of a sllvor half-dollar. Koop thc sparrows nwuy and tho chancos aro that ln oarly Aprll plonoer martlns wlll be examlnlng tho premlses, and If satlsfled wlth the arrnngoment you g^DAYS. Base-Batl Park, fl^j I21h. W NIOHTS. Broad Stroef, West. UGI? 17th a@-MagnlfIo.nt Hlgh-Glnsa Amuiement Ailraotlons?___. ? 6ASKILL-MUNDHEVITT Prescnts tho World's GrcntcR. and Dosb Shows, Dlstlngulshod by Now Fcnturos, Artlstioaiul Rxolualvo rvrformanoos of a Strlotly Mornl r.nil IMucotlonal Oliaractor. QC of tho Most Costly nnd Sonsatlonal Free Aota In the OC lo World Featurlns the Great &u Tho Doath Dofylug, Oentrlfugal, Klnutio, Marvol of tho Ago, Hundred Foot Hlgh Dlve?Oreat Splral Asoansion?Sllde tor Llte. Motor Cyole Whlrl-Stalrcase Hlde-Hlghast Hl*h Wire. Gorgeous Eleotrlcal Displays?Grand Band Conoerts. ONE SOLI) WEEK. ? AFTER OONS AND EVENINQS. ADMISSION .O CTS. wlll ho occunled beforo Muy day by de slrable tenanta. HOME FOR THS WRBN. t-ersons who have yard room and some shrubbery can got the wren and the blue bird ub neighbors if they wlll make a httlo preparation for them the comlng Winter. Tho wren wlll ncst in almost any kind of box, but, of course, ho llkes to have things woll arranged. A sm.ill keg mich as anchovie.s are sometlmes packed In makes a good wren home. A wren Is a mlto of a crosturo, but he llkes considerablo room, nnd hls npart ment should bo sllgKily larger than that provlded for tlio martin. Uo not expect, however, two palrs of wrens to llve In iho same box. even though lt be dlvldcd into compartments. They won't, or ,t thoy do they'11 bo ho busy flghtlng that they'll forgct to lay eggs. Mako tho entrnnce hole Into the wren heme mldwny between tho top and bot? tom Of ono end of tho box or keg. Muke lt exactly tlio ;=i_e of a silver quarter. lf you do this the wron Is safe from the attackH of tho blucblrd and cpArrow. It Ih nothlng whort of cruelty porhaps to give the wron too blg a box for ht.1 homo. Ho and hlw wlfe Hoem to feel in duty bound to fl 11 wlth twlgs whateyer p'.aco thoy chooso for thelr dwelllng, and lf you gave them a dry goods box they A HOME FOR THE PURPDE MARTINS. would probably work from Aprll to Oc? tober ln tho effort to flll the thing up boforo thoy gavo a thought to matter of progeny. Bo not put a perch outsldo tho holo of the wren's home. The blrd doosn t need It, aud tho porch nffords a resting-place for tho English sparrow. who can Kot hla head through tho en? tranco and do somo mischlof, even though hls body Is too blg to follow. lf you don't liko muslc, Incessant muslc, don't invitc the wron to bo a nelghbor. He wlll pirig from 3 A. M. to 8 P. M. all through the nestlng season, and hls last noto at nlght Is likely to havo n touch of complalnt in it, that he's too sleopy to slng nny long er, BLUEBrRD. ORIOLE AND ROBIN. Tho bluebird wlll bring a hlt of the sky to you on h's bnck In tho narly spring lt you wlll but bld hlm welcome, The nlue blrd Hkes an ordlnary starch box for u dwelllng place, It Ih bettor, however, to bulld hlm a box of hard wood and inako lt rain and storm proof. He needs a larger ontranco than doos tho wron, ono nbout the slzo of u silver half-dollar en? tlrely sultlng hls convenience. lf you have troos you muv be able to InducQ tho glennrng orlolo to swlng his cradlo abovo your roof tioo. lf you catoh a gllmpso of IiIb llvery of black and gold iu tho oarly May days, throw out blts of string und yarn whore he nuy flnd them, ond oro long thls beauty may MAKES LIGHT, SWEET, WHOLESOME PURELY VEGETABLE. At AH Grocers, Write For Free Sample, FULTON YEAST COMPANY, Richmond, Vfc. be weaving hls nost at the tlps of the swaying trco boughs. You may have the robln and the phoobe under the roof of your porch, for bo h theso blrds when certaln they wlll not bo dlsturbed, lovo to bulld on the tons of the porch plllars Under tlio cover of the roof. Plant ahrubbery In the corner of your yard and don't keep It too woll trlmmed, lio.-ip a plle of bnish in one corner. Vou | oan mako tho rest of your yard bo at tractlvo that people wlll forglve a bt I of soemlng neglect. Tho brush mnko^ a ! good hldlng place for tho birfls. Slnlc a | pnn Into the turf in the center of tho yard and flll it with fresh water twlce a day. Do theso things and lt makes llttlo dlfference where you livo, the blrds will ilnd vou out and .stay with you and 11 the same conditlons prcvall, they wlll oomo back oach sprlng wlth the south wlnd and Mng nt your wlndow EDWARD B. CI.ARK. __-. STAUN'ION WEDDINQS Well-Knov/n Younp Peopla Join Hands for Life. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) STAUKTOX, VA.," Oct. 3.?Mr. J. P. Kisor, of this county, and Miss Littio Coakley, of Rocklngham county, were quletly unlted ln marn'age ln thls clty Tuesday nlght, nt the resldence of and by ihe Rev. J. C. Garber, of the German Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Kiser Wlll mako their futuro homo near Mt. Sclon, where the groom ls In buslnoss. Mr. Elmer E. Hall, a prominent young man of thls city, nnd Mlss Ella J. Eye, daughter of Hnmrlen Eye, of the county, wero marn'ed at tho Methodlst parsunage by the Rev. Isaac XV, Can ter, pastor, Wednesday nlght. The marriage was a nulet ono nnd only the most Intlmato friends of tlio contractlng partles were present. Mr. and Mrs. Hall wlll make thc-lr futtu-o home In thls clty, whero the groom has a positlon at tlie Putnam organ factory. Mrs. Harriot T. Bagby, of thls olty. has issued invltntion to the marriage of her daughter, Mlss Mnry Katberlnq Bag? by, to Mr. Alexander Waddell May, the ceremony to tako placo at tho resldence of thc brlde-elect nt 10 o'clock on the Mth Instant. Tho marriage wlll be u qulet ono, and no cards nro Issued lu the c:'ty. Mr. Mny Is ono of Staunton'* most popular young men, nnd for years was a most prominent and efllcletit member of the Stonewnll Brlgado band, nnd now assistant clerk ot the Virglnia Court of Appeals nt thls placo. Mr. AS'llllam H. Zelgler nnd Mlss Gnrllo M, Huffmnn, nf tho county, wero mar? ried nenr jennlngs' Osp Wednesday. Mlss iluffman l's well known ln thls seo tion, and ls an attractive young lady wlth many oharmlng ways. Invltatlons nre out nnnounelng the ap? proachlng inarrlngo of Mlss Josslo May Bowllng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bowllng, of thls clty, to Pr. Glusgow Armstrong. Tho ceretnony will take placo at "Sherwood," tha beautiful home of the brlde'B parents, on tho Hth instant, at 0:80 A. M. Dr. Armstrong ls a succosBful and prominent pjijr. loiait of Staunton, Thls wlll ha tho prlnolpal socloty ovont of tho season. ?. ?. The Muslc Master, (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) BRISTOL, VA., Oot. 3.-l'rofoBSor Uter moehloiij tho aoooinpllshed muslctun, who wuo formerly director of muslo ut Marthn Waslnngton Collego, Ablngdon, Va., has been elected to n Blmllar positlon In the faculty of Sulllns Collego for Young Ladies, in thla clty, He has accepted and wlll enter upon tho duti.s of tho positlon next woek. GAY WEEK AT HOT SPRINGS Two Rlchmond BoIIes FIguro Promlnently There. A BABY DRESS BALL A Unique Affair In Which the Qowns Wero Infantile, and the Entertaln? ment Ended With a Plungo in the Swimming Pool. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch.) HOT SPItlNGS, VA.. Oct. 3.-Th!s has been a very gay week ,-it tliu Virginia Hot Sprlngs, and two young Rlchmond bellc.i havo flgured promlnently in all thc social Ilfo of tho resort. They are .Mlss Ella Boflher, who haa lately rn turned from Europo, und Mlss Kate Har? rls. On Tuo3dny Mrs. James Robs Todd, of LOUlsVlllo, gavo a coachlng party to tho Cnscado, whero her guests had tea ou the rocks. Somo of them went lri tlio coach, whllo a large number followod on horsoback, Mlss Kate Harrls hnd tho box soat of the coach. Others ln the party were Mlss Boshor and Lcwis Ginter Young, of Rlchmond; MlnlKtor Christoplior Hauge, of Sweden (from Washlngton); Miss Ethel Lewls, of Phll? adelphla; Mr. nnd Mrs. j. Bradley Cum mlngs, Mr. Llnzeo Blagden, Mr. Ru dolph Nceser, Mr. Dwlglit XV. Taylor anil Mr. Ceell Barret, of New Vork; Mr. Jos? eph Burnett, of Cambn'dce; Miss Laura Smith and Mr. Dallas Byers, of Pltts? burg; J1!"b Menie. of New Orleans, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederlc Sterry. . Ba?y _*A__l_. Miss Etlicl Lewls, of Phlladelphla, gavi a fancy dress ball Tuosday nlght at thc club house, when tlie guests, all drossed ur "babies." Mlss Harrls and Mlss Bosher were the prettiest "llttlo gitts" cf tho party. Tliey wore white dresses hanging to the ankles, with sashos, nnd hair in loose curls. Miss Bosher wore a "baby hat"-of white lace. The others wore rldiculous costumes, ono of tlie funnlest being that of Mlss Laura'Smith, of Pittsburg, who represented "SIs Hop? kins." Mr. Lowis Ginter Young wns dressed as a girl, and carried off his honors very well. Mrs. Henry Lewls chaperoned the party, and a number of promlnent guest3 were present. After the refreshments and danclng the par ticlpnnts went to the swimming pool at mldnlght, where they had a lot of sport diving and swimming for a half hour be? fore dlspersing. Tho whole thlng was quite orlginal, and a duplicate of the pnrty given by Mlss Lowis at Narragan sett Pler last summer. RICHMOND PEOPLE. Mrs. Albert Young and her daughter, Miss Arents, of Rlchmond, havo been at the Homcstead for tho past weok. Mlss Arents wears some exqulslte gowns. As Is usually the case wlth Vlrglnla women, Miss Arents is a flne horsewoman. (She Is a nlece of the late 'Major Ginter, I belleve.1 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Potts were here thls week from Rlchmond, where Mr. Potts is passenger agent for tho Chesa? peake and Ohio Railroad. Ho was given a dnVe In tho coach of Mf. James Ho bart Moore. Dr. L.-M. Gowardin harf b?en here all summer, with hls famlly; from Richmond. They own a handsome cottage here.. Dr. Cowardin will leave for Rlchmond Sun? day, to be followed by his famlly a week later. Mrs. Robert Newell Groner, ot Rich? mond. Is visitlng at the cottage of Gen? eral D. V. Groner, of Norfolk. A number of tho young set callod at Mrs. Groner's "nt home" Sunday afternoon. Mr. Frank A. Davenport, of Richmond, is at the Homestead, where he arrived Thursday morning. Former Secretary Hllary A. Herbert, of the navy. is a consplcuous flgure hero; nnd from Washlngton nre also Mr. and Mrs Bariah Wilkins. Mr. "Wllklns, owner of the Washlngton Post, has been In poor health for the past slx months, but Is slowly rccoverlng. CHARITY BALL IN DANVILLE The Washlngton Marlne Band to Furnish the Muslc. (Special to Tlie Times-Dlspatch.) DANVILLE, VA? Octobor 3.?One of the swellest events that has happened ln Dan? ville for many years ls promised noxt Tuesday nlght in the grand charity ball and band concert. Tlio Washlngton Ma rino Band has been engaged, and wlll give a concort at tho Academy of Muslc, Whlch will bo followed by a grand ball ln Municlpal Hall. It Is expected to make this a very swell affalr, and tlio proceeds wlll bo applled tbwards the furnishing of thc new Dnnvllle Hospital. Tho varlous commlttees havlng ln chargo the Masonlc Baznur, which wlll bo given here November 18th to 28th, aro gettlng down to work. and the bnzaar ls almost un nssurcd success. A cotlllon club has been organlzed nnd wlll give thelr flrat german thls week. The new club wlll une tho old armory, and lt ls expected that there wlll be a great deal of plensuro derlved from it this winter. It Is propoaed to hold ger? mans weekly. Mlss Annio Lee Penu, who hus been spendlng the summer In Aluska, haB re? turned to tho clty for tho winter. Mlss Mamlo Easley, nn attrnctivo young lndy of South Boston und a great fuvorlto ln Danvlllo soolety, l? ln tho clty. Mlss Llghtfoot Hobson has returned from n vlslt to Pnlrlek Sprlng*. Mlss Beulali Jones hus returned to tho clty from South Boston, where she uas beon spendlng tho summer. CADILLAC AUTOMOBILES Are Provinit All That ls Clalmed For Them. Ask Alr. R. W. Coffee for Hls Oplnlon. FOSTER TFOSTEB, 307 North 7th St. If We Haven't Got the Kind You Want Wo Will Qetlt For You. AND-OTHERS. Tho botter class of druggists, evcrywhere, aro mon of scientific attainments and high integrity, tvho dovoto their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with phyBicians' prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacturo many excellent remedies,' but always under original or officinal names and thoy nover Bell f alse brands, or imitation medicines. Thoy aro tho men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includea all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilot articles and prcpurations and many useful accessorieB and remedial applianceB. The carning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of tho bonefits rlgSlBan OXCCUt-Ub IBaUUVO I__tiu_y anu Wlll i.u guco uuiYuoui __.wu._._v._?., ?..._. *?? .?.--- -~~j aro selling many millions of bottles annually to tho well informed purchasers of the choicesfc remedies, and they always tako pleasure in handing out tho genuine article bearing the full namo of tho Company?California Fig Syrup Co.?printed on the front of every packagei. Thoy know that in cases of colds and hcadaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of wcakncs3 or torpidity of tho livcr and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that thero is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they aro glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho exccllenco of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and the immenso demand for it, imitations have been mado, tried and condemned, but there^ aro individual druggists to bo found, hero and there, who do notmaintain tho dignity and principlcs of the profossion and whoso grecd gets tho better of their judgment, and who do not hcsitate to recommond and try to sell tho imitations in order to mako a larger proflt. Such preparations sometimos havo tho name?" Syrup of Figs"?or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have tho full name of the Company?California Fig Syrup Co.?printed on tho front of the package. The imitations Bhould bo rejected becauso they are injurious to tho system. In order to sell the imitations they find it pecessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customor a preparation under tho namo of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup,' which does not bear the full namo of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attompting to deceivo and mislead tho patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it bo large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do bo with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians' prescriptions, and should be aVoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists aro reliable, we supply tho immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through tho druggists, of whom it rnay be purchased eyery where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptionB exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.?printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggistB who will Bell you what you wieh and the best of every thin g m his line at reasonable prices. BIGGEST TRIBUTE TO WATER MELONS DarRIes from Church "Take" Them and Slng "Nearer. My God, to Thee." Out at Rlchmond College Thursday nlght Dr. W. R. L. Smlth, pastor of the Second Baptlst Church, told a good story which he had heard from Dr. Charles H. Ryland, secretary of the college, Dr. Ryland has a flourishing llttlo church out ln the country and Sunday mornings ho goos out there and preaches, returnlng ln afternoon. Last Sundny as he was maklng hls way comfortably back to the clty ln hls buggy. he over took a wagon loaded with colored peo? ple, of almost all ages. Thoyl wore evldontly returnlng from church. Peoplo who llve ln tho country know that darkies go to morning services about 12:30 P. M. ond come away betwoen 3 and 5 o'clook. The wagon in front of the Doctor was jogglng along and ovidently no one in lt had seen tho mlnlster. Presently a wntermelon patch came into vlow. Tho colored people spied lt at once and be? fore the wagon stopped two young bucks had salled out and were soon gatherlng up several of the largest and best. Dr. Ryland was amused. He was astonishod, as well, when, as soon as tho molons were safely out of slght iu tlie wagon, every man and woman In it, began to slng at tho top of hls volce, "Nearer, My God, to Thee." _ TR1NITY COLLEGE Southern Association to Meet There in November. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatch.) TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM, N. C. Oct. 8.?The Association of Colleges nnd Preparatory Schools of tho Southorn Statos will hold Its annual meetlng at Trlnity College, November 4th, 5th and 6th. Tho ofllcors of tho assooiotlon are: President, R. H. Jcsse, Unlverslty of Mlssourl; Secrotnry Chancellor James H. Klrkland, Vanderbllt Unlverslty. On nc count of the absonco of Chancellor Klrk? land, who is in Europo, Dr. Edwln Mima is acting socrotury. A largo number of southern Institutlons wlll bo ropresented. An lnteroatlng programme hns been ar runged, A very complete equlpment for the druughting room hns been purchased and ls now belng arranged. Thls oqulpment Ib bolng Instnlled on tho socond floor of tho Duke buildlng. Mr. XV. C. L. White, p graduate of Prutt Instltuto, Is glving u courso ln mechunicol drawlng. Professor Edwln Mlms haa In prepa ratlon tlio ilfo of Sldney I_mlor for tlie Amorlcan Men of Letters serlcs, pub? lished by Houghton, Mllllln & Co. Lunler ls the thlrd southorn wrlter to bo Included ln tliis serlos, the othor two belng Poo nnd Slmms. Tlio Amerlcnn Book Company wlll publlsh In n few days un edition of Carlyle's Essay on Burns, by Professor Mlms. Thls Ib ono of the Untmvay uerles of Rngllsli cIiisbIcm, odlted hy Honry Van Dyke. Smlth and Lamar linve Just brought out a volume on southern wrlters, Tlie Htudy of Thomas Nelson Page, ls by Pro. fOHSor Mlms. Professor J. S. Bassett Is prepnrlng a Ilfo of Andrew Jackson for Doubleduy, Pnge * Co. Durlng tho pnst summer ho mado speclal Invoatigatlons lu tlio CongroBBinnnl Llbrary at Washlngton. He hns hnd access to somo very in.purtunt letters not lilthorto prlnted. Tho nrclilvo staff for thls college year Is: I.dttor-lu-Clilof, XV. P. flndd, Durhnm, N. C.; Business Munnger, '?. P, Beach board, Bell Biu.-klo, Toun.; Asslstant Edl? tor, W. S. Lockurt, Mohun, N. C; Lltor ary Department, G. II. Hmith. KlUatmlli Clty; Exoluiuge Edltor. II. C. Sutterflold, Roxboro; Edltor "At Home and A brond" Dopartinent, B. S. Wonible, Nowton, N. 0,1 Y. M. C, A. Edltor, Zensky Hinoharn, Hlroshlna, Japan. PUBL.IC ENTERTAINMENTS Fairs, Carnivals and Thcatrlcal Enter tainmei'ts Interfere With Programme, (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Octobor ---Owlng to tlie many uttructlons of a publlo ciiur uoler and tho contlniieit w-iriii weaiher, there have heen vory few social unter tnluments this fall. Itoanoae hus hnd an iiiiusuully largo number of thealrlcal ou brides can be found at our stores. We are now occupying the attractive store, No. 1409 East Main Street, in addition to our old stand, which gives us space to show a more complete 6tock than ever. We have many new designs and patterns in Pixrlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Brass and Iron Beds. Dining-RciOm, Kitchen and Hall Furniture, Bedding, Floor Coverings, Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters for Wood, Coal or Oil. DEAL WITH US AND SAVE MONEY. Low Prices . & co. 1406 and 1409 EAST MAIN STREET. Liberal Terms. $100 K-Ward. Jhe /Association of Sttnsrican Plrectory Pubilshers will pay $100 reward for the arrest and conviction of any pirson or persons attempiing to collect money on fraudu lent directory advertisemsnts. iOilliam /f. Bates, Sec'y, 89 Jhird /tve., tfew tfork City Jiill Pirectory Co., - - Richmond, Va. tertalnmonts, a carnival for a week, and lastly Wallaco'a Clrous. Next comoB tho flrst falr of the Roanoko AsBoclation, whlch beglns October 21st and runs for four daya. The grounds are Idoal, and como nearer llke tho plctures of falr grounds soen on tho Uthograph represen tntlons than aro usually sotm. With tho exception of a bluff that acta as a nat? ural backlng for tho grand stand, tho grounds aro as level a3 a bllllard table. In addltlon to the thousands of litho graphs sent out, tho falr people havo adopted a novol way of advortlslng tho cxhibltion, employlng a "barker" wlth tho Wallace Show to mnke an announcement at every Bhow glven ln Vlrglnla, and a ten-foot banner is hung ln tlie tent. The marriage of Councllman A. Blalr Antrlm and Mlss Adrlan Davant, Wed? nesday nlght, wns the Ilrst brllllant mnr rlage of tho fall. Mr. Antrlm, the groom, Is the father of the much dtscussed cow law, and hns made a grent flght, although a hopelcss ono. Speaklng of tho cow law, tho soie cause of the defeat of lt was rolslng Uio question of rlch and poor. It so happoned thnt the rlcheBt men in tho clty were leaders of tho nntl-cow crowd, nml Genoral Manager Johnson, now presldent, of the Norfolk nnd West? ern. wns very prominent In the flght. The cow people snld tho Norfolk nnd Wostorn wanted to got rld of tho cows so they would not hnve to pay for cows kllled on tho rond ln the clty limlts. To add to othor trOUblOB, tho clty ls throatened wlth a local option electlon. Only abOUt half of the mlnlstors of the clty nre ut present taklng nny part ln lt, aml tlio buKlnofis men generally are op? posed to local option. Kostuoko ronlly luts very little to compltiln about In the whls Fall and Winter Display of AND Ready-to-is3ear Gfoods. UT-TO-DATE STYLES. llntulsomo llno of Pattorn Hats at nuitleruto prices. Onll Airs. Julius Bear 1128 Enst Mttlu Streot. DONTNEED I am Cured. No Knlfe, No. Uunger, No Oetentlon Front Businesa RICHMONl) PANPHYSION, 8I5 East Frenklin. koy business. Tho bar-rooms of the city nro contined withln a radlus of flve blocks, diroctly under tho eyes of the pollce. There are none noar a church, theatre, park or any publlo placo of worshlp or entertalnment. They are also closed at mldnlght. TERRAPIN FROM JAPAN Over There Thoy Are Raised in Pen$ nnd We Want to Know How, The Unlted States Plsti Ccmmission has sent un expert to Japan for the purposo of studyinv ter--apin 'u'turn na prai'tlcod Jn tliat country, whero tliey seemed to have succeedod ln breedlug ti.e turtles by artiflee. It ls truo that the Japanese terrapin is not tlio same species as ours. but its habits. uro slmllar, and there ls reason 10 suppose that llke methods of cultur. mlght be successful ln tho Unlted States. The matter ls of no small Importance, tnasmuch as our terrapin ls on tho vergo of extlnctlon. lt used to be vustly num? erous, especlally In the neighborhood o( tiie Chesapeake, and in l&O dlamond backs sold In Baltlmore for 12 1-3 cents apie.e, But tliey have boen llterally hunted almost to tho point of exiermlnatipn, and at the present tlmo they fotch ttlQ u dozen. Tha Jupanesa species, whlch ls said to bo! to our own ln ilavor, ls known ns tho "suppon," and, llke the Amerlcan terrapin, ls an Inhubltant of uiiu rlvers aud salt marshes. Arliih'lui ponds, wlth a muddy bot? tom, uro employ.d for rtmrlug purposes, wlth a low fenca to prevent tho turtlea from oscuplug. Tho pond la sliallow, und ut laylng tlino, lu early ?uinmor, the l'emah's climb out on tho bank. aoratch a shallow hole and deposlt thelr e_|{3, tinaliy covei'lna them up und louvlng th_m to bo hutoluut by the heat of the sun. Net.s are spread to prevent blid. from dlgging up the cb'K??Naw Vork Herald.