Newspaper Page Text
The most dellghtful beverape. Aids Digestion, Relieves Mental and Phystcal Exhaustion. The Ideal Brain Tonic and Specific for Headache. Does not effect the Nerves. 5c at All Soda Fountafns. GALA TIME FOR THE CZAR __ _3_ Hls Reception ln Eternal Clty Wlll Be Most Magniflcent. BREAD AND SALT ON TRAY Delegatlon Wlll Meet tho Traln and Ob serve the Old Russian Custom?Dis cussion of Feast of Ste. Jeanne , d'Arc?Now Field Gun. By PAUL VILLIERS. i Special Cable to The Times-Dlspatch Copyright, 1903.) PARTB, Oct. ..--Among tho mo?t dlstln gulfc-hod visltors who havo recently stop ped In thln clty ls Prlnco Colonna, tho Mayor of Rome, who has now left hero ln order to return to Rome to start the first preparations for tlie reception of tho Czar, which wlll surpajvs the recep? tion given by the Eternal Clty to any monaroh. i The docoratlon of tho Vla Nazlonale and the I/Esedrc will bo more slmplc but much more effectlve than thoy were at the tlme of tho reception of Emperor William. ? Accordlng- to tho old Russian custom a delegatlon of the members ot tho Rus? sian colony In Romo wlll meet the Czar at the depot nnd hand hlm bread and Mlt on a golden tray. In honor of the Czar the munlclpality ? ol Rome wlll glvo a great gala solrco, which will take placo in the Theatre Costanzl, Iiocause this theatre Is tho nearest to thc Qulrlnol. Tho programme has not yet been Ilxed. It had flrst beon Intended to glve a re? ception to tbe Czar on the Capitolium, but thls idea has been given up, as the royal carrlages, to reach the Capitolium, would have to pass through streets in vhich it would be almost Imposslble to guard the Czar agalnst atterapts on hls life. There la a baro posslblllty, however, tbat some entortalnment wlll be glven to the Czar on thc Capitolium, as he has oxpro.'iwd a wlsh to soo thc Porum illu .?nlnatcd wlth Bengal lights from the hlll of :hu old fortress. Jeanno d'Arc. If tho Papal Court at Rome declares Jeanne d'Arc enllsted among tho saints, ?nhlch wlll probably happon In the very near futuro, theru Ie qulte n good deal ot guepsing rolng on ns to what day In the'year wlll t>o dedlcated to the patron saint of Franco. It Is true that the present government rtoos not belle\e very much in saints or sa-.ctity. but tho great majority of the French people wlll expect a certaln day In the yoar asslgne/i to tbe new saint, and they will celebrate It wlth all thelr . ohl-time fervor. It wlll, therefore, undoubtedly be ne? cessary evon tor the present athelstlc government to fix a certaln legal holiday In honor of Jeanno d'Arc, as it has al? ways beon dono by the government In elmllar cases. Tho numbor of logal holldays In Franco at the presont tlmo Is small compared to other Cathollc countrles. Bonaparto, ns flrst consul, proclaimod Christmas Day, the day of the A-scenslon and All Saints' Day n.s legal holldjrys. Now Year's Day has been a legal French holiday sinco the passago of a law by tho government ln 1R10. The law of the 6th of July. 1SS0, de? clared the 11th of July, the anniversary | of the\itormtng of tho Bastlle, and the Rundn.ys of Easter nnd Whltmintldo legal j holldays. No matter how llttlo lnclincd M. ' Combes may feel to Institute a new rellg- I lous holiday, thero seems to bo no escape for hlm. New Army Gun. Whlle Germany has hnd only dlfferent success wlth the new nrmy fleld gun wlth which tho Kalser Intends to equlp tho whole German nrmy, Frnnco nt the present tlmo not only posscsses tho most perfect fleld artlllcry ln tho world for gonernl purposes, but nlso a new moun? taln guns fur suporlor to any ln exiHtenco at the prosent tlmo, whlch Iwb been In >vonted by Cnptnln Ducrost. Vory extenslvo experiments hnvo been cnrrlod out wlth thls cannon in Alglers, and theso have boen so successful thnt nll the mountaln batterles ln tho French nrmy wlll in tho near futuro bo equlppetl wlth thls new weapon. The gun Ducrost, ITS It Is cnlled ofll olally, ls of nlxty-elght mllllnietio oallbro, and welghtn only 200 pounds wlth the hydropneumatic brakc, with whlch lt is ?qulpped. Five mules are sufflclent to move it and the amunitlon wagon from placo to place, and tho rocoll ln flrlng is very sllght, so that lt mny even be flred from the bnck of a mulo or cnmei. Captaln Ducrest is only thlrty-four years old. Ho grndunted frnm the Poly School ln 1MK), was made a lleu tennnt In 1892, and has beon a oaptuln ?lnce July, 1900. Durlng three yenrs of thls tlmo he hns seen seni'Ico In tho Alplne depart ments, and lt was horo, thnt he made hlmsolf acqualnted wlth the nocessity of a new gun sorvlceablo In inountalnous reglons, Tho Secretary of War has sent hlm a personal letter of thonks for hls Inven? tlon, which he has given Krntultoiisly to tho government, nnd ho has been mudo an olilcer of the I.eglon of Honor, To Build Palace. The IClne of Belgulm, who evldently In? tends to sottlo down, hns expressed the wlsh to have one of the wlngs of hls palace at Laeken mndo habltablo for next summer, and nn army of sei'eu hundred mechunics hns started to qnrry out hls plans. Th0 Klng, otliowlso re puled to the mlsorly nnd wllling to makn hls country pay fnr as many ns posslble of his personal ospensosi ims tiiis timo mado an oxcopllon, and intends to pay the full cost of tlio ehnnges out of hls own pooket. lt ls hls Intentlon, If he Ik-es long enough, to bulld n p.lace nt Laeken su perlor In slzo nud magnlflcenco to any royal paiaco ln Europo ' TORTURED IN PRISOM Dreadful Storles Told of the Schlusselburg Fortress. NO VISITORS ARE ALLOWED Even Nearest Relatlves of Political Pris oners Are Not Permitted Within the Walls?Empress Goes to the Circus. BY MALCOLM CLARKE. Special Cable to The Times- Dispatch, Copyright, 1903. BKRL.IN, Octohor 3.?Russian polltical exlles report that polltical prlsoners con? tlnue to be tortured ln that terrible Rus? sian prlson known as the Schlusselburg fortress. i What rcaly goos on there-nobody knows, tot tbe secrets of this terrible prlson aro guarded zealously, and fow prlsoners ever escape allve. i No vlsitors are over permltted to onter this terrible prlson, and the world, even iu Russla, knows little or nothlng about lt. ! Up to August, 18&I, polltical offenders j who were regarded by the Russian Gov I ernment as belonglng to the most dan I gerous category, were conllned In tho Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, on tho ! banks of the Neva, In St. Petersburg, rlth.r ln the Trubetzkol Bastlon or ln another Isolated building known as the Alexelelevsky Rovelin. ! The chief warders llvo ln almost equally cloce confincment within those preclncts, belng seldom allowed to go out, and they recelved thelr orders dlrect from the chief of the secret pollce, ov.r the heads of the Governor nnd offlcers of the fortress. The isolatlon of the prlsoners con? demned to thoso "llvlng tombs" appeared to be complete. But a certaln Nechaeff, nfter many years' detentlon, contrived to eetabllsh relatlons with the outslde world. When thls was dlscovered _ome of the warders wero sent to Slberla. Nechaeff was executed, and the famous fortress of Schlusselburg, on a little Island in Lake Ladoga, near to where the Neva flows ' out of It, was converted Into the chief State prlson for polltical offenders. I It Is the only prlson where the con? demned are deprlved of seelng thelr near? est relatlves, such as father and mother, whlle in tho Schlusselburg. from the be ginnlng up to the present tlme?I. o., for ; nineteen years, no such intervlews havo been allowed." ! In 190) one of tho prlsoners (Popoff) . asked for permlsslon to see his old moth ; er, who had wrltten to hlm that she want I ed to see her son, lf only once, before she dled. | Thls was refused, although Popoff ls ! now completlng tho twenty-flrst year of '? hls Imprisonment. i Correspondence between the prlsoners ! and thelr nearest relatlves is, lndeed. al I lcwed, but under very strlngent condi , tlons?namely, not more than two letters a year. the slzo of tho lotter notto ex I ceed one sheot of note paper; the corre j spondent may touch only on his health, occupatlon and family affairs. In no case ls any alluslon to the prlson ! allowed. Even Its name must not bo j mentloned. After having been examlned, and lf passed by tho local authorltles, the let I ter Is sent for a second examinatlon to j tho Department of Pollce, which detalns I some of the letters every year, notwlth i standing tho absolutely harmless nature j of thelr contents. I Of the flfty-nlne persons conflned In thls | prlson slnce 1S84, elght wero executed, two shot for having struck at oflicinls, 1 three transferred to lunatlc asylums, two | sent to Snghatln Island to serve out thelr | term, three committed suicide, thirteen dled and twelve were sent Into exile and fourteen are stlll ln prlson. Sees the Circus. The Empress took tho little Prlncess Vlctoria to Busch's circus two or threo nlghts ago. Tbe Emprqss, at tho end of ono of the numbers, rose to go, but tho llttlo girl beggod her to stay, and sho dld until the>*nd of the show, whlch by the wny, |s on excellent one. At the end of the last number the Em? press summoned the proprlotor of tho cir? cus and compllmehted hlm on the "mill tary" preclslon wlth whlch hls programme was executed. One of the storles thnt appears to he wldely belleved outslde of Germany ls that Prlncess Vlctoria Is deaf and dumb. This is absolutely untruo. She is a nor? mal, henlthy little girl. Mr. Jackson late First Secretary of the Unlted Statea embassy here nnd now Mim'ster to Greece, wns lunchlng nt the palnco ono day, when Vlctoria ran In, grabhed her father's hand, nnd, child fashlon, cllmhed up (tnlklng and Inughlng nll the whlle) hls Maje.ty's person untll she renched hls shoulders. Ono eruest remnrked Hho was the only ono l'n the world who could wnlk over the Kmperor. Costly Praclical Joke. A practicnl Joke played on tho Kalsor durlng tho recent nrmy mnnoeuvres in Gormnny has cost n cnptnln of artlllory hls Job. Ar known ull the world over, the Kniser every yiai In porson leads a serles of fnrloiio onvniiy attneks upon the nr tlllery of Jho enemy, and, of course, Is nlwnys vlctormus, accordlng to the deci? slon of the umpires, who do not wlsh to offend the wnr lord. Tho cnptnln ln question flnnlly got tired of being teohnlcally defeated every dny, nnd the lnst day of tho mnnoeuvres, when gettlng ready to reslst the on slnught of tlio Kalser's diVlsion, ho gavo orders to load all the cannons wlth potatoes. When tho Kalser came stormlng on, leading hls vlctorlous massos ngalnst tho battery, the captaln dld not flre untll tho iittnckihg forco wsb wlthln a range of 600 yards, when he suddenly gave them a brondslde of good, hard German pota? toes, wlth the astnuudlng result that thonttack on thls polnt was lgnominously defeated, to tho great Joy of the arlll lerlsts, Tlm Kalser, however, dld not appreclate tho Joke, and tho poor captaln waa foroed to hmid In his roslgmulo l. Thls story hns Just become known, but to tell It In Germany ls consldered "letc nuiJeslB" of tho worst klnii, und will put ^?ou behlnd tho bars for at leusi a year. THE DOME OF ST.PAUL'S Some Work of Repalr Belng Done. but it is Still Staunch. IS AS OLD AS HIS TITLE But Marquis of Abergavenny, Who Has dust Celebrated His Seventy-sev-1 enth Birthday, is Nineteenth Baron of His Line. By PAUL LAM BETH. Special Cable to The Times-Dispatch Copyright, 1903. LONDON, October 3.?Lord Curzon, Vlct-roy of Indla, who is comlng wlth ffls Amerlcan wlfe. neo Mlss Lelter, of Chl cago, to spend a few months" vacatlon in England, is tho youngest admlnlstra tlve offleer In the Brltlsh government. He Is so encrgetlc nnd lndustrlous that bc has won the name of being a hustler. The Curzon famlly motto ls "Let Curzon hold what Curzon held," and lt ls ap? parent tho motto is a truthful one and that the present Curzon llves up to lt. The natiVc papers of Indla aro full of crltlclsms of hls kcopmg a rare and pro eious sulte of Ivory furnlture whlch ho obtalned from a natlve maharajah ln ex? change for n modern rifle. The prlco of the sulte was absurdly low, and so the natlve press Is attacking hlm for keep lng It. It. Is intimated that the Vlceroy got the art treasure merely because of hls position, whlch dazzlcd the simplc-minded maharajah into partlng wlth hiB cen turles-old furnlture for a song. Some of the Indlun papers declare Lord Curzon would have incontlnently dls mlssed and dlsgraced a subordlnato ofTi clal for acqulring' a blt of loot i_ thls way. Meanwhlle, the Vlceroy cllngs to the furnlturo and the Vleerelne wlll be able to show her vlsltrhg Chicago frlends one of tho rlchest and rarest treasures of antlque art that mysterlous Indla has disclosed to the eyes of her conquerors. St. Paul's Dome. An Engllsh aeronaut, Perclval Spencer, ln an Engllsh made alr shlp, has suc cecded fn steoring his flying machlne around the great dome of St. Paufs Cuthedral. The aeronaut passed so close to the dome that the workmen engaged in reno vatlng It shouted cheerful grec-tlngs to hlm. Durlng the pnst two centuries the storfe work of St. Paul's vast dome has de cayed somewhat, but not to a perllous degree. There was a scare last year (jfcOPtt OJ3&?JfOV?TCH A photograph of Georgo Obrenocitch, the alleged natural son of the late Klng Alllan. Tho young Prlnoe, though not actually clalmlng the throne of Servia, is rapldly galnlng populorlty among the largo number of his countrymen, _,-Ko are disgusted wlth the rulo of Klng Peter. that the cathedral, llko London brfdge in the Juvenile song, wns "fnlllng down, falllng down," but thore wus no basis for the frlght. St. Paul's Is ss staueh to-day as when flnlshed. The authorltles aro fearful, however, that If underground rallways nre run near tho cathedral they may 1m peril tlie foundntlon, and Parllament will bo nppealed to to keep the underground ronds at a Bafe dlstance from the blg baslllca. Old as His Title. The Marquess of Abergavenny hns heen celebrating lils seventy-seventh birth? day, Hls old tltle of Marquess ls only as old us he, for lie Is the flrst to havo hold the tltle, although ho Is tho nineteenth baron of 1ns llne. He ls a lean, gray, whlte-halred, little old man, and not rlch, Tho famlly nnme of tlie Abergavennys Is Nevillc, ond a son of the marquess rilsti.igulshed hlm? self recently by wrltlng a book of prlson experlences, for he had spent flve years In a Brltlsh prlson for a llttle peccadlllo In the forgory line. Tho Abnrgavennys own lnnd In seven countles?16!M4 ncrcs ln Sussex alone? bul the estntes are not clear of debt. Ths noble marquess has twenty-four church llvlngs nt hls dlsposal; that Is, ho has tho rlght to tho nomlnutlon of twen? ty-four rectors to fat church livmgs, whoso Hslnrles nggregate S-U.OTO a year. Tho marnuesH Is, therefore, very popu? lar with tho younger clorgymen of Lon? don who nro looklng for pulpita-wlth good salaries nttached. An Amateur Qnrdener. Slr Wllllam Vernon Harcourt, former Chuncellor of the Exchequer, who mar? rled a daughter of tho famous Amerlcan hlstorlan, Molloy, and whose son mar? rled an Amerlcan woman as well, proba? bly knows moro about the Unlted States than any othor Brltlsh Btatesman oxcopt the Colonlal Secretary, Joseph Chnmber liiin, who, too, marrled an Amerlcnn. Slr Wllllam Ib beglnnlng to show slgns of nge. Hls huge flgure Is bowed und hls eaele-llke face ls seamed wlth wrlnkles, He Is seen rarely ln London when Pnr llr.ment ls not In sesslon, preferrlng Ilfo nt hls tlny country house at Malwood. Thls estate compnses only twenty-l'ive acres, Slr Wllllam ls, llke Joseph Chamber? laln, a devoted amateur gardener. He Bpondfj hours dally aniotife hls hdovcii plants nnd llowors. Ho has a "frlendslilp guriioti," conlalnlng trees iilanted by intl Here without thc usual swell price, which will please evcryone who intends furnlshing a home complcte or rcfurnishing a room hero and there. If there's any one thing that will make life pleasant, it's to have pleasant surroundings. Furniture that will make the home inviting, restful and attractive. VVe'rc furnishinp- just such Furniture for homes daily, and would like to furnisli yours at prices within your income. See the new fall line And Open an Account Our Terms Are the Easiest in the World. Carpets and Rugs In great variety. We are positively the lowest priced carpet house in the city. 25c. for Ingraln Carpets, sold elsewhcro 40c. G5c. for Tapestry Carpets, sold elsewhore 80c. 7Cc. for Good Velvet Brussels Carpets, sold elsewhere $1.00. 05c. for Good Velvet Carpet, sold elsewhere $1.20. "*ll4.f>0 for Large. Brussols Floor Rug, sold elsewhere $20.00, Large assortment of Dinner nnd Tollet Sets of all kinds. "Speclal" 42 - plece Dinner Set. ln flne decorations, excellent quallty ware. Tho &?? qc I rlght ihlng for a small family. ?p*J.y_7 011.1)5 for Decorated Tollet Set. Parlor Suits. jtj^rv g?A 'or Very Flne iPnrlor Suit, bcautlfully carvod, covered tn flne $*tV.OU Verona; regular vnlue, $G5. ?*")/: CTA for Pretty Tuftcd Back fi-plece Sllk Damask Covered Suit; rcgu J. AU.OU ]ar value, $35. ({??7 tzf\ UP tor 3-pIeco $J,D\J Tapeslry Coverod Pnrlor Suit. "<E'3E~_IfJ tor thls Beautiful Hlghly Pollshod Qunrtered Oak Suit, Dresser, $45.00. with swollcd front and lnrge French plate mlrror; regulnr vnlue, (?'">'") tZ(\ tor a Pretty Golden Onk Suit, swellod front dressing case, wlth handsomcly onrverl bed; regulnr vnlue, $30. (P1J nctor a Pretty Round _P 1 H-. /_> Corner Polished Oak China Closet; regular value, $20. C?'} RO t0T X.arge'''China Closet, _[)__<__'. i?U round "ends, mlrror top; regular value, J28. Lace Curtains and Portieres. Lace Curtalns and Portieres of evory descrlption. ly- 'tor Pretty Deslgn Laco Cur >_5C tains. $1.25 $-j ap for Irish Polnt Lace Cur _>.y_? talns, full length; regular. $6.60 value. <jj -j frf\ tor Heavy Tapestry Por ?P_*.?'U tleres; regular $5 value. Mnp for Pretty Deslgn Merce ? V?? rlzed Portieres; regulnr $8 _? for Extra Heavy Lace Curtains. Our Parlor Table llne contalns al? most every style of Table mado ln golden oak, weathered oak and ma hogany flnishes. for Handsomo Quartered $3 ."_) Oak Tablo; 'regulnr value, $6.50. 98 ,, for 24-lnch Top Oak Parlor - Table. <J? | aq for Quartered Oak and ?J> I .-TO polished Parlor Table. Roll-Top Desks. Roll-Top Desks, In slnle and dou blo pedestals, from SflC.50 up. (?'}'?) cf\ tor Large Goldon Oak $j-j-.0\r Double Pedestal Desk, hlgh roll top. for Handsomo Oak Desk. $26.50 (j?"7 f?[\ t0T Pretty Clustor-Bnso "p/.OvJ Golden Oak Extenslon Ta? ble; regular value, $10. (tj'-jj jo tor Oood Extenslon Table; ?P^?-tO cost elsewhere $4. <C01 CA fpr Magnlflcent Pedostnl J.__ I ..51/ Baso Extenslon Table; regular vnlue, $30. Chiffon iers. C 1 A Cfl for LarK?. Hlghly Pol J) I t.?3U ished Qunrtered Oak Chlffonler, wlth mlrror; regular value, $20. I_rt *7j- for Flnely Flnlshed Gol $V./0 den Oak Chlffonler, with mlrror; rogular value, $14. 4_A 'JS 'or B-drawer Oak Chlf J)t-.__._> fonler; spooial value, and for Monday only. tfjj QC for Heavy Enameled Bed, ?P0."_? contlnuous post, brnss trlmmed; regular valuo, $10. q E for Pretty Brass Trlmmed ? "*' Enameled Bed; regular value, $4.50. Enameled regular value, $3. $2 <T? | AQ tor Substontlal Couches and Davenports A beautlful line of Couches, ln ve? lour, leather or Verona coverings. (j? | a fzf\ tor a Very Largo Verona & a -4-.01/ Covered Couch, finest constructlon, spring edge all around; cost elsewhere $20. $6 q gr for Protty Velour Covored ? "_> Couch, llko cut. $3.95 covored In velour. Corner Foushee and Broad Streets. mato friends, most of whom ho has out llved. Tho garden contalns an oak planted by Gladfttono. Slr William Vornon Har court, lf the Liberals ever return to pow? er, and Just now thero Is a chance that they wlll, mny probably once moro enter tbe Britlsh Cablnet as Chuncellor of tho Excheiiuer, one of the moat important of flces under the Britlsh Government. Byron's Granddaughter. Lady Anno Blunt, granddaughtor of the poet Byron, Is one of the most striklng looklng women ln London soclety. She hns snow whlte halr, blg dark eyes, and hor flgure ls tall and slender. She ls tlio daughter of that Lord Love laco, who married Byron's only child. "Ada, solo daughter of my homo und heart," as tho poot descrlbed her. Lndy Anno Blunt is tho wife of Wllfrld Scawon Blunt, a noted traveller and wrlter. She is a very accompllshod wo? man, and speaks fluently that most dif? flcult of all languages, Arablc. The Blunts have a wlnter home on the edge of the Suhnra Dosort. Thoir only duUghter married Lord Lyt ton, and thus the two famous lltornry houses of Byron nnd Lytton were nsso clated. Lady Anne Blunt ls soon raroly In Lon? don Rocloty, preferrlng the Hecluslon ol her country homo to the garlsh drnwlng rooms of Mayfalr, The Klng's Daughters. Klngs, prlnces and prlncosses aro, afler nll, Just liko ordlnary mortals, when thoir royal state Is not made manlfeat by crowns nnd tlnras. Klng Edward's ilaughterH froquently go shopplng ln the West End of London nnd none recognlzes them. Rocontly tho Klng's daughters, Prlncess Charles, of Penmurk, und Prlncess Maud, were shop liing In Bond Street, and not ono of the throng of well ilressed women that lllled the storo rerognlzeil them. The prlncesKes aro not pretty, nor aro they ever dressed us woll as tho averago Amerlcan girl whn does her summer ahop ping In London. The Duchess of Flfe, another of tho Klng's daughters, fre quently shops unatteiiiled und unrecos nizecl by the I.onilon throng, The other day I'flncess Vlntorla, the King's fnvorlle daughter, waa sliopplng ln busy Bond Street. Deslilng to cross Ihe street, whloh was lllled wlth earrluges, sho snu__|uil up ar.alnst u Htalwarl pollceinnn. Ab slio dldn't tako ndvuntiigo of un iipaiilng |n tho sireuin uf cairiages, thu nulluuuiun rather gruffly oxclalmed: "Come, hurry up, young woman. Wo can't keep the cabs waltlng all day for you." The Prlncess smiled and darted across tho street. Unrocognlzod prlncesses aro us othor mortals to tho London "bobble," DISCOVERS NEW USE FOR ILLUSTRATED CARDS (Speclal C.ahlo to Tho Tlmes-Dispatch. Copyrlght, 1903.) PARIS, Octobor 3.?Tho Mnrqulss de Rochambeau, whoso vlslt to Amerlca last yoar In connectlon wlth tho Rocham? beau Monument at Washlngton will be recnlled, 1ms dlscovered a now nnd aesthetlc use for lllustrnted post-cards. She lias decorated tho walls of tha vllliige schooihouse noar Vendomo wlth post-cards showing landscapes, vlstas, portralts. panoramas of towns nnd othor pretty views which slio hns soon In hor truveis. Theso are object lessons In gooruphy nnd blograpliy, and aro moro jnlerestlng to tlio chlldren than tlio suildenlng ple ttires of welghts and meusiires whlch sometlmes hang upon the walls of french school houses. Tlie Morqulse has enllsted lie frlends ln tho good work. Whenovor they flnd a pretty post-card thoy send It to hor. Ths Idea is spreadlng, nnd tho ro.sult ero long will be that tho walls nf tho rural school houses of France will be con tiliUOUs object lessons of ueslhotlo geog raphy. . TRYING TO FIND ROUTE WHICH SARDINES FOLLOW (Speclal Cable to Tlio Times-Dlspatch. Copyrlght, 1903.) PAIUS, October 3?Tho Prlnco of Mon aco ls unitlng phlluntluopy wlth hls oceanogruphlo studles. At prosent he ii trylng to flnd tlio route whlch tlie snr dlnes follow lu the East Atlantlc. His humiinllarlan object Ih to help tha poor Hretun fisberincii wlio suffered so Hoverely lust winter becuuso tliey could not flnd tlio route whloh theso llitle flsh? thelr l.veliliood- -followed. Prlnco Albert ls accompanled by M. Ydiilet, tho only piofossur of oeoano grupliy ln Prance. MISS BAKKYMORE IS A HIGH DIVER (Speclal Cntilo to Tlie Times-Dlspatch. Copyrlght, !t>03.) LONDON, Octobor 3.?Thero ls Biir BICHMOND CEDAR WORKS Price, $1.50 Hnlf Cord. Cord Wood, $2.75 and $3 Half Cord. 'PHONE 8017, OR POSTAL, CARD. THE Watt Plow Co. <'???; Gor. 15th and Franklin and 1404 Main Street, RICliriOND, VA. REPRESENTING Columbus HiiRKy Oo., Ooliinibus, Olilo, Hlgh-Cirado. Vohlolns, Gulser Munufiioturliig Co., Waynosboro, I'a., Poerloss hnginos, Saw Mills and .hresnlng Machincs, ,__,?_'-,; _ ,, . South Hend Ohlllod Plow Co., South Ueiul, Ind., Chlllod Plowa and Oul tlvutors. A lnrgo nnd well-Seluctod Stock of Agrlculturul Iniplements of ovory descrlp? tion, Vohlolos and Hnrno-s and ll'iivy Muchliiiu-y. prlso over the report thnt Mlss Eethel Barrymore, on hor return to Aniericu, attenipted to denv possesslou of a trophy for hlgh dlving. The pluln faot ls that the actress dlsttngulshed her ftff Durlng her stay lu EiirIiiiuI Mlss Bnr rymoro wns the guest of tho Duchess of Suthniluiid. and, wllh her Grace, vls? lted nn mjiiatlo display at tht) Dunioblii prlvaU finu Among ilio.-u who purtiol pnted were Lady O.mstance Mao keu.lo, the cluiinpluu lady swimmor, und -Mlss Ohaplln, nlso sluylng at Duniobln Castle. i The actress, expresslng a wlsh to take : part ln the swlnnnlng, borrowed a co-. tiime, complained that a SO-foot platform was too low to dlve from, and had a Btep-ladder placed on top. Hlie dived fron* thls-a helght of to lect?und won the , PllClleSS's PIIIU lOt b-Ml^iial -_!l-H.-U ut ttvuuutlca.