Newspaper Page Text
XXy wny of compcnsatlon for n mosl Unusual July and August sonson, Ihe Sixth Plroet Market, tho Mecca of Rlch? mond women at large during early morn? ing hours now presonts in the frult, flower nnd vegetable llne, a most at trnctlve appearanop, The Rlchmond women aro n law unto themselves, nnd nn exninplo Io' women evcrywhere else. In the unvarylng rcgu lnrlty nnd punctuallty wlth whlch tliey fulfiil tholr matutlnal market engu'ffc ment:. Nattlly gowned, brlght, fresh nnd rtorp ly Interested, they make thelr rounds. The german or reception of , the. procedlng evening, the press of social ongngemonls, tho nbsorptlon of Whlst nnd other club pursults, llterary and artlstic, havo nccfer provod BUfnclently onthralllng to divort the mind of Rlchmond matrons from glving due and personal considerntlon to the solection. dnlly, of what Is after ?wards served at their tables. Just now they nro ablo to indulge pro ferenecs because of the October plenteous ncs- tn regard to tho fruits and tlowers of the earth. The great sheavos of golden rod offered by the market flower women have tnken on a richcr, deeper line, matched bv the exquisito -relvet tints of the many varleties of dahlles. peoping from the fringlng green fronds of the ferns whlch enclrclo them. The Vlvld scarlet of sage potals contrnsts wlth the riodding plumes of "Lovo Lles Bleedlng." October roscs, sun-kissed nnd lovely, l'ili tho alr wlth thelr fragranco, chrysantho mums and asters, in tholr hltter-sweet pungency. hold tho prosctence of the passlng of the year ln tlielr hearts even wlllle Indlan summer with its soft nlr. heguiles one into the bolief that wnrmth nnd pcrfumc and the out-of-door Joy ln lk-ing must go on Indeflnltely. Frult merclmnts In tho market havo learned the art of showing thelr dellolous wares to pretty advantage. Thc gvfvn of plpplns the ruddy chceks of winesaps, tlio pale yellow of Bellflower epples; thr darker tones of Florlda orangrs and rus sets; the graceful heaping of Tokny, Con c-ord and Malagas in translucent grapes; the plles of Californla pears und peachos mako a feast of color for thc eye no less tlian a succccding feast of flavor for the appetite. From the flowers and frult to vosetu bles the trnnsition seems easy nnd na? tural, and the steps of the mnrket visl tor turn instinctively from one to the other. Not yet hns one of summer's glfts in vegetatlon departed, October has only added to tbe list nnd might bc pic tured with her arms heaped hlgh In her abundance and prodlgaUtyi The scarlet glint of her blossomtng ls hot brlghter than tlie coloring whlch makes the hue of tomatoes and pepper pods. Hei-.dusky purples show In the smooth roundness nf egg plant; mllk-whlte iuclness is evl denced In teriptlng oars o'f corn, pale greenness In tbo crlsp promlse of poas nnd beahs; and rlch succulonco In potatoes and ptimpklns. Passlng llghtly hlthcr nnd thlther amld thls goodly nrmy, the Rlchmond house wife pauses long enough to cull wlth prac ticed hand and eye tho goods that nd Just themselves to tho measure of her purse nnd hor tasto. When. later, she Smilos at John across r bountlful board she demonstrates coijglu Fively the fact'that she has a better power of transmutntlon than Klng Mldos of old. John asknowledg-d lt In hls heart and, ln hls twentleth century fashlon. pays her as slncere homnge as dld the mediaeval knlght, who rode to battle with hls lady's searf twined In hls hol met. In the country. the huntlng season lu!1; heen Inaugurated, and the cracl: of the Rportsman's gun is henrd from the woods and the hlllsldes, where the sctulrrels and birds ar<_ falllng ?i-ictlms to his sklli. A llttle k>'t?r.-uii(i Ule muslc of tho fox hounds wlll be followed ln country meets, where tbo pink coated liorsemen nnd fnlr Vlrglnla equestrlerines wlll curb thelr Im pati'cnt mounts, by the view and liallo of the chase und tho breathless onrush of tho flnlsh. Then wlll como tho lelsurely rldo home through tho mlld Ociobor gloamlng, when the moon rlse is dangerously near, when rotrospeclive t.-ilks are apt to prove dangerously sweet alike to liunter and huntress. Openiiiffof Art C!ub. Mlss Anne Fletrhor, who has spent the summer ln Pans, wlll return to Rich? mond about October 6th, to lesunie her position ?; as rtistructor of classes at tho Kichmond Art Club studlo, corner of Grace nnd Mr.dison Streets. Mlss Fletoher wlll mako a speclulty WOMEN MAY EXCHANGE VIEWS ON THE HOUSEHOLD MATTERS Beglnnlng Wlth noxt Sundny the Wo? mnn's page ot Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch wlll brondin It scopo so ns lo Include n fuller dovclopmoht of" hoilsohold Interests through tbo intorchnnKo of womnnly Ideas on stibjeets pertnlnlng tn nll depart ments of domostlc llfc, which nnturnlly Interest lntelligettt thlnkcrs nnd doors In Rlchmond and Vlrglnla. , It Is proposod to rehder thp pngo n modlum, whero questions mny bc nsked nnd answered, nnd whore probloms mny bo advnntngeously sjolved, hy menns of dlscusslon nnd pxpresslon whlch wlll glve the result of exporionco ns to whnt is most cfflcaclous in household methods nnrl government . Contrlbutions, no texcecding two hun droil words in length, 011 whnt comes uppermost in the femlnlno mlnd as belng of prlme Importaiice?rcclpcs whlch hnve made tables ovor whlch Vlrglnln women have presided famous for gehcratlons, th. acqulsltlons ot which would bo an un doubted help to women nt huge wherover The Tlmos-Dlspntch Is road; reclpos also for pot-pourrl, for tho cleanlng of carpets nnd brnssos; hlnts as to tho lntest Idons ln fancy work, ln houso decoratlon, lli floral ndornmcnt for tho tablo nnd pnr? lor?wlll bo glndly recelved nnd publlsh cd ovor the namo of tho contrlbutor. To thc household query and nnswer column, spcclnl enro wlll bo glven, wlth tho alm nnd Intentlon of rendorlng ft a prnctlcnl nnd not n thoorctlcnl nsslstnnoo for thoso who wlsh to obtnln Informa? tion. Thc fashlon cuts nnd readlng mnttor of tbo pngo wlll undcrgo change only ln belng improved, nnd the very best and latest Idens on styles, Amerlcan nnd Pnrlsnn, wlll not bo lacklng. A cordlal Invltntlon for any nnd every? thlng- mentloned ls extendod confldontly. the edltor of the womnn's pngo feellng sure thnt tho co-opurntlon of the wo? men here nnd throughout thc Stnto ls just whnt Is needed to produce tho flnesi nnd most cndurlng results for tho pago. durlng tho comlng yenr nf her classes in deslgn, wlth spicial rolatlon to the hu man figure. Tho classes wll! bo orgafi Ized and tbo studiVi opened by October lSttt. Tho splrlt of eiitliuslnsm nnd de votlon to work which pervades tho club membershlp glvbr excellent pronilso for aceompllshmunt nnd progress tbls wln? ter. Mr. M. M. Straus, who bns been pur suing hls artlstlc-worll for severnl months at Chlcngo, wlll devclop class work along MISS MARY SKEEN, OF COVINGTON, VA. Mlss Skeen ls vlsiting Mrs. K. T. Hunter at No. S15 East tfranklin Street. the li'ne of the arts nnd crafts movement, whlch he considers a great factor In Uio education of taslo and a great Slrlde forward In tho art world of to-day. II* wlll glvo Instructlon to workers In pottory, ln metal work deslgn, to be carrled out Jn brass, copper and silver, und In artlsti'o leather work, wlth designs for inaguzino and portfollo covers, bag.s, pur i : und card casos. Tbe opening on October l.".lli wlll be fol? lowed by nn inl'onnal reception tlio next week. A display of Mr. Straus' work wlll bo given October Oth, 7th and Stb nt the studlo durlng the forenoon und eve? nlng hours. United Daughters to Meet. Thc Vlrglnla Divi'slon, Unlted Daugh? ters of tlio C onfederncy, will meot in Nor? folk Ootob-ii' 20th. Rlchmond delegates who havo accopted tholr appolntment include: Mrs, C. XV. p. Brock, Mrs. J. H. Tlmbcrlake, Mrs. Walter Christinn, Mrs. Charles E. Bol? llng, Mrs. Jamea H. Cnpers, Jr., Mrs. Edgar D. Taylor, Mrs. George A. Lyon, Mrs. Crawford.Redd, Mrs. Lee Lorralno, Mlss Annlo Gray, Mlss Mlnnita Baughman, Mlss Clalro Atklnson and Mlss Betty Kllyson. Several of the delegates have not been heard from. Mrs. Randolph, presldent of tho Rlchmond Chapter, wislioa to oinphaslzo tho fact that It ls posltlvely necessary for the correspond ing secretary, Mlsa Sally Deane, to have nl! nnmes of thoso golng not later thnn October 7th, ns cards for reducod rail way rates will hnvo to be obtnlned. Tlio Plckott-Buchnnun Chapter of Con fedbrate Dnughters In Norfolk wlll enter? taln ono dolegato fruni each chnptor and all dlvlslon ofllcers, Bonrd at tho Hotel G'rnnby and the Montlcollo Hotol In Norfolk, k-3nt on tho European plan, cun be obtalned at reusonnble rates. The faro over thn C'ncsapoake nnd Ohlo road for the round trlp tlcket wlll be $3.50. Tho Confederate Daughters of Colum? bla, Suuili Curolina, will hold a bazaar October lCth, to ralse funds toward the Wade liainpti'in monument. They have wrltten nn appeal to tho Confederato women of Rlchmond for nld ln thelr iiiidcrtaliiiig. Al tho bazaar hold here lnst spring, South Carolina stood second on tbe llst of States ln tho amount ralsed. Ench woman who took pnrt ln the Rlchmond bnzanr Is now nsked to send n contrlbution, largo or small, for tho box, whlch tho chnlrmnn of tlie central cammlUo", Davls Memorlal, wlll pack und forward to Columbla. All ar tlclcB should be sent to her address, No. tlll Enst i.'ranl'.llii Street. # ? ? Tbo lady innnagers of the Rotreat for the Slck wlll glve nn excursion to the wonderful Caverna of Lurny early ln No vember, when the mountains aro glorlnus In the crlmson nnd gold llvery of the maglu indlan .Summer. ? ? ? Fidellty CouilCll, No. 7, Daughters of l.ii.'ity, wlll havo a soclal ut Sprlngfleld IIa.lI, Twenty-slxth and M Streets, on Thursday evenlng, Oetobor 8th. at 8 p. M., and would llltu for :i" memtiers to como out aud enjoy themsoivea. An Important meeting of St. John's Cir clo Of Klng's Daughters and Sons wlll bi held in Sl. John's school house nn Monday uflerjiooii, October 5th, nt 1:30 o'clock. Electlon of olllcera will take i lace, nnd thero wlll be reports of impoi Iimii commlttees. Members wlll please be prepared lo pay ull pnclt dues, us nlso U,. livu cents conventlon tax ln all caues whero nol pievlously pald. A uavtlin; ol tho "Clty Unlon" of TBAOtMARK, <^_^^B???________I Corsets StudyliiK the R-qulr-mtnts of V/cll Developed Ficuros ha. robultod iu thu productiotl ol L.nefnlo Model, _ly|_ 5? j'?| |? a nar. ment of (Io.Ibk uud proporliuu..ucu ua uro eh.L-iiiiiil toi iigurmor hii>-n duvrlon. moui. iJraw iho lli<-h(ii,iii tu-abdouie- to iho hip., wIutu ItJ.held R-curely in ?rucoful linei by tlio lur?u luiii-h.ri: uoro.Nu upduu pre-sure 'Jlm rurv.d end bius .cctious do thc ivur_. No sti-p.. tiotu tittriie.. but u iclentlnculh isou* btiuclou oort.,4 Mad,, of llmfCoutil, iu \M,ii,-, prnbapd Hlack. BI-.U IS lo ?_, $_.__. 150 Other _tyl_?A Shupu tor l-very I-i_uro At youi dcuicis. Horse-Shoh? Treparation ! Make Your Selection This Week From the Most Complete and tiewest Stock. All the lcadinf novcltics of the season in women's wear havo been gathered together prior to tho Horse Show. A stock that is usually confined to tho big nietropolitan centres has now reached Richmond, but without the excesBivo cost that pertains to the cnormous city stores; in fact prices have been iixed at the lowost ebb adequate to good com mercial tradino. You may bo assured that tho latest styles are here; garments of intrinsio worth are here, and the prices compare favorably with all others. ALL WE SAY IS COME, SEE, AND COMPARE. Neck Chains, Bags, Fans Pearl Neck laces are agaln popular, as also are the Fan Chains of Pearl. They come ln one, two or three rows of beads antd are very effective for ovening wear; 25c. w?^ go _. . n or Wrlst Bnps, the nanO tiagS, newest Bhapes, wlth leather or chnln hnndles, sllk llned, flttcd wlth enrd-caao nnd purse, colors black, tnn, brown, green, gray, blue a_t gn and red, 26c. to. tp/.OU j-. ln white or black, sllk gatize nanS, or lace, handsome new de signs, stoel spangled or hnnd- qs- (?/_ pnlntod, $1.25 to . tpO.Oy New Autumn Gloves. Ladlos' Fall Welght Glaco or Suede Gloves slngle or double stlch pcnrl but? ton and olasp, In nll colors, /n# nn Wnehablo Kid Glovos, In white only, double stltch, two pearl <f? JC clnsps. Ql.tO Russian Kid, extromely flexlble, black only, stltched ln whito, whlte, d>? nf) pearl buttons . rf'".U Millinery for Horse<*Show Week. Wo have prepared lavishly in Novelty Trimmed Millinery for tho Horse Show week. Pure white, cream, champagno, 'lilac, and othor extreme colorings aro on every hand in large picture shapes, new French turbans, and the new sailor effects. Besides these we have white tuelle, white kid, white fur and white beaver Hats, trimmed with large or half plumes, the snake plume, and the long white coque plume. The styles are innumerablo, ranging from the small toque to the extromely large Hats, yet they are all sighty designs and peculiarly becoming. Our Strictly Tailor-Made Hats are very stylish?the combination of brown velvet with white kid crown, seal and champagne felt cloth, and the new sailors in white beaver cloth, with black velvet combination, ornamented with black and white birds. These costume Hats are strictly our own designs, and are priced from $5.00 to $7.50. Dressy Neckwear. WeVe Novcltics in Neckwear 6ticli as you don't see every wherc. The best makcrs are giv ing us a succcssion of extra values in cxclusivc designs, that's why our store is hunted for the latcst wear shown. This is what we provided for the coming dressy event. cti /~? and Long Stolo End 0///C LsGpCS rtuchos, of I.lberty sllk, ruffled, Vandykcd or trlmmed wlth rlbbon qullllng, blnck, whlto, aq /-fl or blnck nnd whlto, B8c. to... J>?.t}U /r> __?_,_ _*_( i wlth stole ends, inffeta Stocks m o d & 111on trlmmed, Perslan or laco, _.-? flQ S1.48 to . $?.xJO Point de Rose Stocks, wlth three tabs of laco. 62c WtlSh StOCks, now de- -r slgns, 60c. to . /COC Oolf Blouses. Ladles' Knltted Blouses ln red, green, black'and white, wlth turnover cuffa and collnrs, largo peo/rl buttons. _?^ s-^ 22.22. JXZ.OjZ Knlttcd Vewtfl to wear wlth tho new Prlnco Albert coata, In all col- g** *-y ors and alres, for $1.75._... Vl.lsS Women's Suits^=The Latest z>esfx"s: High-grade Walking Suits, in up-to-date strictly tailor made effects of fine blind cheviots and imported mixtures, are here in large variety. Three Special Values for This Week. a ___/?--) _r nn Walking Suit of Brown or Blue Etamine Cbc A.t$2d.Ul) viot, tight-fitting long coat, new sleeVe and velvet collar, nobby skirt, button trimmed; an extremely stylish suit. i ??(-*?'-_ Nobby deslgn, sultnblo for the comlng evcnt, ls of broken plald, At $35.00 ln Gray Scotch Chevlot, made up In now blouso effect, with long neblum, has spllt cape, is collarless, wlth neck inlald of velvet and trimmed ln Imported passamonterle; skirt ls a nino-gore flaro, strictly tallor-mado. The whole suit Just such a garmcnt as you would havo made to order. _?^? ,-.-, Very Swoll Dress Suit of Imported Broadcloth, blouse effect, wlth At $50.00 long poblum, deep cape collar formed of brald, embroldory and Persian trlmmlng; sklrt elaborately trlmmed ln brald. A very elegant costumo. Stylish SUk Coats. Taffeta Blouse with long peblum, collarless effect, stole front, white satin lined. A very dressy garment, all sizes, from 32 to 42, special price for the week $12.00. Nobby Blouse of best quality black taffeta, with extra long. peblum, deep shoulder cape, trimmed in fringe, peau de cygne; a garment specially adapted to visiting and d*/yjr /)/_ evening wear .%p?aJ. UU In addition, we are showing some very nobby Loose Silk Coats in short and threc-quarter effects, suitable for d*/Tjr f\{\ evening wear, prices ranging from $10.00 to..pOaD.UU Also Black, White and Champagne Colored Cloth Evening Wraps, in all the newest designs, priced from d*ytT (\{\ 5.25.00 to .*pt O. UU Silk Petticoats. a j(J* _r f\_r\ For this week we /\ Z%p*J. UU are showing an excellent value in Black and Col? ored Taffeta Petticoats. These Skirts would usually be consid ered a bargain at one dollar more. a j. tfC no Orop-Sklrt, cut wlth full At IpD.i?- traln,. flounce and rufflcs, In black and all-colorcd taffeta, of ex ccptlonal quallty. . _. d"7 _v_ Even Length Tnffota At 3>/.OU Sklrt, ln, black and col? ors, graduated acoordeon-pleated flounco, tucked ruffled bottom. New Furs. Our first consignment of the new Furs have arrived in generous assortment. They comprise Genuine Mink, Isabella and Sable Fox, Marten, Squirrel, Persian Lamb, Chinchilla, in all the newest styles in boa, round and flat, satin lined, stolls and ties with ornamcnts of silk braid and chenille ends; chain, cord or the latest cut-steel and oxidizcd buckle fastenings, cape or collar effect, with long stole ends reaching to the bottom of skirt, at prices $4.50 (t?c_T nn Also Misses' and Children's Sets and Separate Scarfs, in Chinchilla, French Ermine and Squirrel, prices d*-pj nn Muffs to match the Sets in both Ladies' and Misses' and also Separate Muffs, in round and melon shapes, ^o nn with braid ornamcnts, prices $2.48 to.&jZO.UU Evening Waists. Stylish Silk Waist of Crcpe de Chine, in white and all the even? ing shades, made with back, front and sleeves of fine tucks and drawn-work inscr tion. Special for this $5.98 week _?t _*/! Penu d0 Sole Walst, In At J>/._?1/ white and light colors, yoke and shoulders of narrow bands and Mexlcan stitched botween, full slcovo nnd fancy cuffs. A -4- ?v ?> /./I Dr0BHY Wftiat, of cream At *pL?*VU down front and ovor ahoulders, formed of broad open-work lace nnd llnlshed with Perslan medal Uons, deep, full slcove, ma/n/w Fourth and Broad Streets. "The Klng's Daughters," of Rlchmond, wlll be held ln the Woman's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon Building, Nos.. 711-713 East Frnnklln Streot, Wednesday afternoon, October 7th, at 4 o'clock, All members of the ordor are urged to bo present, as arrangemonts for the com? lng conventlon aro to bo made at thls tlmo. * ? ? The flrst readlng ln Mlss Aunspaugh'n llterature courno for thls season was hold at. Miss Aunspaugh's studlo parlors, No. 818 East Franklln Street, Thursday after The reader was lntroduced by the Rov. Dr. AV. R. L. Smlth, the subject for the occaslon belng "Geralnt and Bnid, from Tennyson's "Idylls of tho Klng." The story nnd tho purpose of the poern, wlth tho appllcatlon of Us ethlcal truths lo the every day qualltlos of life, was glven In a very Interestlng and compre henslvo manner. Other locture-readlngs from the grent poets wlll follow ln MIbs Aunspaugh's course, . * * The Board of Managera of the Assoola tlon for the Presorvatlon of Virglnia An tiqultleB wlll hold Its seml-annual meet? ing Tuesday, October 6th, ln the rooms of tho Virglnia IJlstorlcal Soclety, at 4 P. M. Tho board is composed' of the Central Commlttee and the Advlsory Board. ? ? ? Tho Board of Mnnngers of the Home for Needy ConfoXerate Women met yesterday nt No. 213 East Graco Street, wlth Mra. Andrew J. Montaguo ln tha chair, A large number of lndles attonded the meotlng, and much roullne buslness was trans acted. Tho tlme of meeting hereaftor wlll be at 11 A. M. on the flrst Thursday of each month. ? ? ? Mlss Lucy Coleman's Prlmary and Kln dcrgarten Sohool opened most suocessfully Wednesday, lust year's llst of pupils be? lng Incrensed by a number of new ones enterlng thls sesslon, An attructlve featuro of the school, and one of Its grent recommendatlons s tho klndergarten work, under the dlreotion of Mlss I.ou Rclle Catesby -Jones. a gradu? ate of yenr from Mlss Parker'e Tra n lng Bchool for Klndorgartners. The kln? dergarten system seems lo be rapldly iccommendhig'itself to the good peopje of Rlchmond, aud thore ls an increased de mand for good workers along these lines. ________?i-,-, .?.,-. The Milton C. Work Whist Club wlll meet Tuesday afternoon for the flrst tlme thls season, at 4:30 o'clock, ln the audi? ence hall of the Womnn'a Club. A charmlng feature of club llfe durlng October wlll bo the lnformal tea, served every day from 5 to 7 P. M. ln the club parlors. Members returnlng from the sea slde, tho mountalns, or from travel North nnd abroad, drop in for hnlf an hour's chat, and the circle gathered ls alwayB a cultured and agreoable ono. Entertainments. Mlss Ruby Bodeker haa Issued cards .or an "at home," to be given Saturday, October 10th, from 5 to 7 P. M., in honor ol her friend, Mrs. Louls Merrlam, of Washlngton, D. C, n great social favor? ite of tho natlonal capltal, who wlll be Mlss Bodekor's guest durlng tho Horse Bhow. ? * ? Mlss Madelalne Iazsl, of Lynchburg, Va,,' and Mlss Lllllan Lloyd, of Norfolk, who aro visitlng Mlss Mayms Drake, of No. 610 Reservolr Streot, woro guests of honor at an entertalnment given Friday ovenlng by tlielr young hostosB and ohaporoned by Mrs. Drake and Mra. Lloyd, of Nor? folk. A very pleasant vocal and lnstrumental muslcal programme, was rendered, guests prosent ineludlng, beslde the honorees: Miss Stewart Wade, Mlss Mayme Black, Mlss Margaret Murphy, Mlss Ethel Whlt lock, Mlss Annle McDonnell, Mlss Lo. retta Lealiy, Mlss Margaret Mabel Drake, Miss Mnyme Drake; Mossrs. Robert Knightly, Frank Rowe, John Dollard, Itlohard Booth. Louis Knightly, Willium Brannan, Benjamln Wllliams, Charles V. Blttcliburn nnd Wilson Blaclt. Wedding Announcements. Mrs, Mattlo L. Rlchardson has sont out cards for tho marriage of hor daughter, Mlss Llzzla Dunoan, to Mr. Isaao Wll? loughby __ason, of Norfolk. The ceremony wlll tako place Thursday evening, Octobor 15th, at 6:30 o'clock, ln tlie home of the bride, No. 208 East Maln Street. The young couple wlll be at home afler November lst, at No. .23 Hamllton Avenuo, Norfolk. Mr. liason is a graduate of Randolph Maeon Colloge, Wushlngton ond Lee Unl? verslty, and lu a successful member o? the Norfolk bar. He has many frlends In Rlchmond. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Sllas Shelburne announce the engagement of thelr daughter, Ethol Carollne, to Dr. Thomas Demoral Armlstoad, of Roanoke. The marriage wlll take placo early ln December. ? ? ? The approachlng weddlng ls announcod of Mlss Dora Lewis, formerly of Rldley Park, Pa., but for several yeara a resi? dent ln the homo of her slster, Mrs. W. A. Marston, thls clty, nnd Mr. Charles B. Cary, the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cary. The ceremony wlll be performed in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklln Pearce Lewls, of Rldley Park, Pa., on tho afternoon of October 27th. ? ? ? At the weddlng last Wednesday of Mlss Mamle Cornella Delaney to Mr. Malcolm Elmore Walthall, of thls olty, the cere? mony was performed ln the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Delaney, of Scrnnton, Pa. House decoratlons were ln plnk, quan tltles of roses and carnatlons belng em pioyed wlth masses of palms and ferns. The dlnlng room was especlally effectlve. Tlie bride entered wlth her father, pre ceded by Rev. Dr. R. F. -. Plerce, of the Penn Avenue Baptlst Church, and the maida of honor, Mlsses Joeaphlne and Nellie Delaney, alsters of the bride. The I groom walked wlth the best man, J. : Pallaa Smlth, of Phlladelphla. The uahers , were Arthur Lipsoombe, of Rlohmond, and j Douglase Grymes, of thls clty. The bride wore white erepe de ohlne, fashloned wlth muoh shlrrlng and adorn ed wlth chlffon and real lace. She car? ried Bride roses nnd wore a voll. The gowns of the mnlds wore preclsoly alike, and wore oxcoedlngly charnilng. They were of whlto spun gauzo, with deep polnted yokeB and shoulder frills of lace. The skirts were trlmmed wlth entro deux of laoe and plaltings. Tliey wore plnk aashea and carried plnk roses. Mrs. Do laney, the bride's mother. wore blaok net and Jet. The ceremony was Irnpresslvely pro nounced by Dr. Plerce, the bride belng given away by her fsther. The weddli _ muslo was played by Mr, Doersam. An elaborate uupper waa served, after whloh Mr. and Mrs. Walthall left for thelr new home in Coalton, W. Va. _monir tha w_daiu_, was the brlde's grandomther, Mrs. C. Lt. BIgelow, of Rlchmond. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bnwo havo an? nounced the engagoment of thelr daugh? ter, Mlss Addlo Willlams Bowo, to Lieu? tenant Harry Lumsden Hodges, of the Unlted States army, now stationed at the army post ln San Antonlo, Tox. Mlss Bowe, who ,1s now the guest of her slsler, Mrs. Penn, ln Martlnsn'llle. Va., ls exceedlngly attractive, and has been consldered one of the most charmlng of Rlchmond'a glrls slnce her dehut two wlnters ago. Hor flanco ls the son of Col? onel and Mrs. Harry Hodges, of Nor? folk. The weddlng wlll tako place ln November. Hirschberg',.- Bailey. One of the most Interestlng evonts of the past week was tho rnarrlago of Mlss Ellzabeth Balley nnd Mr. John A. Hirsch? berg, whlch took place on Wednesday evenlng at 6:30 o'clo.ll In the homo of the brlde's parents, Mr, and Mra. J. A. Balley. The brlde was gowned ln a handBome travellng suit of mode cloth, wlth hat an?J glove. to match. Sho oarrled a largo' bouquet of Brlde roses. Her alster, Mlsa Bessle Balley, In an exquislto costume of whlte cloth, carryhig Amerlcan Beauty roBes, was her mald of honor. The brlde enterod wlth her father, and at an lm provlBec. altar of palms and flowors, met the groom and hls best man, Mr, John Myers, Pr, Goodwyn, of St. John's Eplscopal Churoh, performed the .Impress.tro cere? mony. The parlors were beautlfully de> corated ln palms and f)owers.v. Tho weddlng glfts wero numerous aad very handsome. Immedlatoly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hirschberg left (Contlnued on Soventh Page.) CURES DISEASE. Beoause lt oontalns nothlng ln vlolatlon of the natural lawa. It Is a comblnatlon of nature's forces, actlng dlrectly on the nei-vo centers, fllllng the velns wlth pure blood aiwl drlvlng the polson from the systom. Thlrty days' treatment 260.. All dryraisf}