Newspaper Page Text
OCIETY (Continued! From Hlxth Pago.) .. ^,_ for ?n extended northern tour, which will Includo New York, Watklns Glen, Nia? gara Falls and Canaria, * ? f Mr. and Mrs. ?. G). Howard ????? Issued cards announcing the marriage (>f Iholr daughter, Miss Flossie Lucile, to Mr. It. Truoheart Rass, the wedding to occur Thursday, October 8, 1003. Personal Mention Miss Georgia Blankonshlp, who went Abroad with Miss lOinlly Hnnowlnckol last summer, hau been spending some months delightfully In Parla and Genova, Whcro a number of her friends wore factors In hor enjoyment. Miss Rlanken ahlp will return in November In company with Mrs. drace. Henry Harry, who, With her little daughter, has been abroad for the past year. ? * ? Miss Margaret Cabell Cnrrlngton will ro tum Richmond from B*au<ruler county to? morrow. Friends of Miss Carrlngton, '?vho was one of the pretty debutantes of last season, will bo glad to boo her 'at homo again, ? ? ? Miss p?sele Doy lu,'of Norfolk, will be the guest of Richmond friends during tt?orso Bhow week. ? ? * MIms Emily McCabn Thaw spent Mon? flay and Tuesday In Washington, whore ehe went to Join hor parents, returning to Richmond Wednesday. # f ? Mr. and Mrs. Homer It, Cooko are In New York, stopping at the Waldorf Astoria. From Now York they will go to Newport News to spend a/ week with Mr. Cooko's parents. f f f Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman Allan have been Spending tho last four months visiting different Northern resorts. They wiTl be tho guests of Mr. Allan's sister, Mrs. William R. Pryor. Ik New York city, beforo returning. f f f Miss Lucetta Knox will be at Mrs. Leake's, No. BOS Fast Orace, for tho winter. Great regret Is fell by the many friends Of Miss Constance Knox and Mr. J. C. Knox, her fsther. at their removal to Petersburg, where Mr. Knox will have' charge of tho TJunlop Branch of the Rrll lsh-Amerlcan Tobacco Company. Mr. and Miss Knox have been such delightrul so? cial factors in Richmond that their ?olng to another city Is widely deplored. -? F f > Miss Alice "Dix "Westwood will be tho BUcst of Miss Elizabeth Jones, of West? wood Avonuo, next week. F 4 * Miss LIMIe Gordon Rose, of Dotrolt. Mich., Is visiting her brother, Mr. Edward ?. Rose, of No. 1110 Grovo Avenue. f f ? Miss Llzzlo Norvell, who has been ?pending several weeks with Mrs. C. H. Hannewlnckel, of No. 103 West Cary Street, will leave Saturday to commen?a ber school, near Ashland, Va. f f f Applicants for a vacancy occurring In 'the salesroom of tho Woman's Exchange aro requested to apply to the chairman Of that room for further Information. Miss Lucy S. Cunningham hag opened her classes for children in tho Oraphlo Music Method at her studio, No. 301. East Graco Street. ? f f Mrs. Frank L. Brown, of Pittsburg, Pa., !s In the city, visiting her parents, Cap? tain and Mrs. Bailey. She will be one of the attendants art .the Judlce-FcrgiisBon Wedding. f f f Mis? 3?ary McRae Brook, of Park Ave? nue, who has been visiting her cousin. Misi ?. VcR'ac, of Cumberland county, hne returned home. ? f f Mrs. Edward Valentine has returned from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Hamp den Chamberlnyne. of Petersburg. *?????????"?"??'?-?"!' ?-1????1???? ?. .Chestnut Jf/tt and ?? ?fci'g/iiand ?Park \ \ Mr. Cooper, of St. James' Church, preached during tho past week at High? land Park Church. Services will be held during this week; preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. B. As Kcw. Miss Sue Yerby has returned home after a visit to Mrs. William Holla day. Miss Ruth Bowman, who has been quite Blck, Is somewhat Improved. Mrs. Perry, of Orango, Va., is expected Boon to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mor? timer McCluer. Miss LUllo Noel, of Bon Air, has re? turned, aftor a visit to ?urs. Charles L. juubank. The Young People's Flinch Club met Friday evening at tho resldonco of Miss Robecca Clarke, on Third Avenue. An enjoyablo evening wae spent, after which refreshments were served at a late hour. Among those present may be mentioned Misses Alletta Crump, Bessie and Ber? tha Marshall, Florence Baker, Annie Bale Maude Llvesay, Robecoa Clarke, Louise and Ruth Ronnie; Messrs. Bydnie Laird. Lamar Honloy Willie Hoppe, Wal? lace Perry, Richard Sale, Llewellyn Har? vey and others. The notlco of tho next meeting will be announced later. Mr. Frank Pogue, of Wilmington, N. C, has been the guest of his friend, Mr. Frank Beckham. Mrs. Horace Stillwell and little son. Rahnson, who for the past two months ' The Leading Piano House of Richmond" Special Bargains This Week in Slightly Used Upright anos Chase=Hackley Piano Co., 603 East Broad. have boon'the ruosIs of tho former's uls? ter, Mrs. Sum W. Marshall, left yester? day for Savannah. Qa. MIbk Janle Brooks loft Friday to spend several weeks with her parents In Rock brlrttre county. Master Itrtlmrd Halter Is convalescing after being quite sick. Mrs. Graham., who lias been visiting ????, Christian Schn?der Yor the past year, will leave for her homo In Topeka, ? as,, to-morrow. Mr. McDowell, of Richmond, will open a store at the Northsld? Hall next week. Mrs. N. K. VuuRhan, of Highland Park, will .eav? to-morrow for Primeo Edward county to visit hor sister, Mrs. Harper. Mr. John R. Llvesay Is back on tho Hill. Miss Ruby Bruco, ?G Hanover county. MR. JOHN H. POWELL. Mr. Powell, who studied with the most brilliant results under the great pianist, Leschettzky, last winter In Vienna, and who will return this autumn to still fur? ther develop his remarkable musical powers, will give a plano recital at the Woman's Club to-morrow afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock. Mr. Powell's programme will Include the following numbers: 1. Sonate?Grieg. 2. Gavotte?Bach.. 3, Nocturne?Field. 4. Prelude, Nocturne, D. p.; Waltz, A. p. ?Chopin. 5. Auf Fl?gel des Gesanqs? Mendelssohn-Liszt. 6. Mazurka?Les? chettzky. 7. Gavotte?Powell. 8. Andante and Polonaise?Chopin. During Mr. Powell's residence abroad last winter he was accorded a most flat? tering reception and recognition by the finest Viennese and European composers, before whom he gave a recital. has returned, after a visit to Miss Janle Usines. Miss Lizzie Bowman is Improving. Miss Bertha Mnrshall spent several days lost week with her friend, Miss Ruby Gresham. Miss Mary Oarnett was the guest last week of Miss Mattio Fourqurean. .Mr. Rosan, who has been quite sick at hla residence, is slowly improving. ?Fat'rmount Tfewss 8 ?OOOOCIOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO A very successful revival has been go? ing on at the Methodist Church during tho past week, conducted by tho^ pastor, assisted by Rev, Mr. Guthrlo, of Seven Pinos, and Rov. Kenneth Mears. of Al bcmarle county, Several conversions have been reported, and much good hau been done. Rev, C. C, Coy loft Tueeday to at? tend the Baptist Association In Nanbe mond county. From thoro he left for When You Think ??? OX ??? ... think of ... Ryan, Smith & Taiman. We thought of you when buying our stock?let us show you what we thought. Tou will seo tho very thing you wunt at the price you want to pay for it, You will ??? Carpets in a great variety at the old prices. You will see the best Matting you over saw for 25 cts. All floor coverings kid without extra oharge. This week in our window you will see a Tubi e for $1.25 that makes a low-water mark for parlor and lamp tables. Easy Terms at Cash Prices. Ryan, Smith ? Taiman, 609 Ezvst Broad Street. Cincinnati, O. Thon he will go to Ken tucky. He will bo away two weeks. Rev. Mr. Grcon will preach to-day at the Baptist Church, and next Sunday Rov. I. S. Boyles will occupy the pulpit for Mr. Cox, who Is away. Mrs. E, A. Smith has returned from Caroline county, whero she spent two of the summer months. Mrs. Maggie Boze; who has been vis? iting relatives in Norfolk, has returned. Mrs. Hannah Martin, of Honrlco coun? ty, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mena Greenstr?et, during the week. Tho ladlrs of the Baptist Church will havo a rummage sale on Oct. ISth for the building fund. ?Mrs. L. 13. Rogers, of No. 1H7 Grove Avenue, who has been seriously 111 in Washington, whore she is visiting her niece, Mrs. Wrenn, is now much Im? proved. Mrs. S. R. Gary, of No. 2202 .Falrmount Avenue, is also a niece of Airs. Rogers. Miss Novle Williams, of New Kont county, who has been visiting Mrs. Louis Smith, has returned home. Mrs. Gray, of Bowling Green, Is visit? ing her daughter, Mrs. Sam Pavey, on 1'wenty-flrst Street. Mr. Scott Fidler is very much better and able to receive friends. Rev. J. O. Babcock is very much In? disposed. Miss Lee Duncan, of "Washington, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Teagle, on Twentieth Street, has re? turned home. Mrs. ftllza Davis, of the Eouthsl?e, was the guest of Mrs. O. A, Alberton tnrrtng tho week. Master Wingfleld Sims, who has been ill for eleven weeks, is convalescing. J. H. Pace has recently purchased tho dwelling, No. 1206 Twenty-flTst Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. Williams. The ladies of the Eaptlst Church con? templato holding a hazaar, beginning next week, for the purpose of furnishing t?Te large auditorium room of their hand? some church. Rev. Joel T. Tucker offloiated at a quiet, but pretty, wedding Wednesday evening at 6 ?j'clock in his parlors, when Mr. James S. Terry and Miss Alice Hine.s were married. After the ceremony tho happy couple were driven to the depot, where they boarded the 6 o'clock train for a short tr.'p. The Falrmount Hive of Lady Macca? bees will meet Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock In Curd's Hall, on Vennble Street. The regular meeting of the Aid So? ciety of the Methodist Church will bo held to-morrow evening at 3:30 o'clock in tho infant class-room. Mrs. Pierce, of Chelsea, who has been HI fxir^ some time, is now thought to bo In extremis. Mrs. Maude Harris, who has been quite 111. Is now better, but Is not out of danger as yet. The Home Circle of King's Daughters of Christ Church will have a reunion of Its membors Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock at the Church; and earnestly hopes to see everv member presont. Miss Lizzie Gauldln, who has been vis? iting her old home In Buckingham coun? ty, has returned home, after a delightful visrt. Rev. W. W. Royal; a missionary from China, will lecture at the Falrmount Methodist Church Thursday night for the benefit of the Woman's Foreign Mis? sionary Society of that church. Miss M. G. Kenny, of Petersburg, is the guest of Mrs. J. B. Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Chlsholm have returned from Hanover. Mr. WaldrotJ. of Louisa, Is visiting his mother. Miss Lee Cooper, who has been visiting friends In Louisa, has returned home. Mrs. C. W. Francis, of Newport News, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Ball. The Barton Heights M. E. Church will hold a prayer meeting at the residence of Mrs. Alvls on Socond Street Road to? day. Airs. W. L. Veil, of Portsmouth, Is visiting Mrs. Tiller, of Brookland Park. Miss L. 0. Dane, of Now York, is visit? ing Mrs. Benson. Miss Ball, of Louisa, la the guest of Miss West, of Meadow Bridge Roud. Mr. J. T. Ligon and son, Edgar, of Sabot Island, are the guests of Mrs. S. E. Long. Mr. J. E. Harding has left for short hunting trip. Mr. A. G. Melton and family have left for Staunton, to visit relatives. Mr. P. G. Wells, who has been visiting relatives in Jersey City, has returned. Mr. E. A. Bugg, of Richmond, lias moved to Brookland Park. Mr. E. P. Burton, who has been vl3 Itlng friends in Btaunton, has returned. Mr. Stewart, of Brookland Park, is visiting friends on Chestnut Hill. Mr. H. W. Hancock, who has been spending his vacation at Green Springs, has returned to tho Seminary, Mrs. N. B? Croxton Is expeoted home from a visit to friends in King William this week. Mr. A. P. Hall, of Brookland Park, hae moved to Richmond. Misses Amelia, Dolly and Janette -Jones, who have been visiting Mrs. T. P. Jones, have returned to Medloctc. Mr. Charles Watkins, who has been visiting Mr. James Marshall, has loft for his home. In Charleston. W. Va. Miss Elsie Jones and brothers, who have been visiting Miss Molilo Duval, have returned to Petersburg. Mies Lyda Graham, of WrlghtsvUlo, N. C, is expeoted homo soon. Mrs. J. T. LlBon, of Sabot Island, will be tho guest of Mrs, T. E. Long, In a few days. Miss Cammie Smith, who Is visiting her mother, Mrs. F. R, Witt, will leave In a fow days for Farmvllle. M<-s. White will leavo in a faw days for Baltimore, Mr. H. W. Lee has returned after a visit to his brother, In Staunton. Miss Lea Cooper lias returned from a visit to friends in Louisa. Mr. Tom. A. Brown has loft for Win? chester on account of the death of his mother. Misa Gertrude Robinson, of Petersburg, la the guest of Mis. W. K. Bach. Miss Hlokerson hua left for Washing? ton and other pointa on u pleasure trip. Mr. James Collina, of Raleigh, Is vis? iting at the home of Mr, C, M, Atkln bOll. Miss Minnie Lynch, of Chesterfield, lu tho guest of Mrs. George Carter. Mrs. L. West, of Louisa, Is the guest of Mrs. George Coffey. MIs? Edna Hutchor, who has been vis? iting Miss Stella .lumen, of Dumbarton, hus returned homo. mum mew To-dftv will bo rally day nt Fulton Bap? tist Church, the occasion being ihn wel? coming of their new pastor, ltov. David J-irpburn, who enters upon his duties Mr. Hepburn will occupy his pulpit lit I both services, and Invitos the friends of the church to be present. Rev. ?. A. Jones, pastor of Denny Street ?. E. Church, will fill his pulpit at the Usual services to-day. Chester Dwycr, of Baltimore, has re? turned after a visit to his parents on Fulton Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Turner have ro ttimed from Louisa, where they spent thp summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. ? Pease havo returned home from an extended trip to friends and relatives In New Jersey. Tho King's Daughters and Sons will meet Monday,, night With tho Misses JJowdens, of Graham Street. Rev. John W. Daufrhorty continues quite sick at his residence on Graham Street. Mr. Franklin Rowls left this week for Flttsburg, Pa., where he will locate In business. Tho Toadies' Auxiliary Society of Den? ny-Street ?. E. Church will meet to? morrow afternoon with Mrs. Charles E. MOSby, of Nicholson Street. Rev. P. E. Throckmorton Is quite sick at his residence on Hopkins Street, Miss Ida Ray Clarke, of Varlna, who has been visiting In tho mountains, will return this week, Mrs. Waltor P. Tumor and daughter, of Boswell, Now Mexico, will arrive to? morrow to spend the winter with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jordan, of Nicholson Street. Tho family of Rev, David Hepburn will arrive noxt week, and will reside at No. 701 Graham Street. Mrs. John Wann Is much Improved after her recent Illness. ? '.*i G? S ? ? i ? t?? i f i ? .?i .*??~;**?"*r*r *j X M The fourth ' quarterly conference of Seven Pines charge will be held Oct. Hth at Highland Springs Methodist Epis? copal Church. A committee consisting of Dr. S. A. Koope, Mrs. ?. N. Somors and Miss Do Wolf met at tho home of Mrs. Somers, whore plans regafulng tho supper to bo given In Library Hall at an early date were discussed and arranged. Tho first moeting of the Woman's Study Club for tho coming season will tako placo In Library Hall Wednesday after? noon, the 14th Instant, when tho presi? dent expects to meet all of the mem? bers. Mrs. Brothers and family, of Daisy Avenue, aro making pr?parations Ito leave for Newport News, where they will in future reelde. Mr. F. P. Read, contractor, has fin? ished his now home on Elm Avenue, which he will rent. } Mr. J. W. Dudley, rurjil letter carrier No. 1, who recently met with a painful accident by the running away of his horse, Is able to bo out. Mrs. Parker, of Richmond, was a visitor at Sunset Cottage, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Dudley. A large ' number of Highland Springs social circle witnessed the performance of "The Governor's Son" at the Bijou on Thursday. Thoy were Mrs. H. L. Vinal, Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. Chllds. Mrs. McDowell, Miss DeWolf. Miss Nellie Vi? nal, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Road. Mrs. ?? ?. Somers, Dr. S. A. Roope, Mr. E. S. Itead. Miss Lllllo ML Turner Is visiting friends near East Richmond. Miss Ina Loii Kldd la Improving after a severe recent* attack of 'laryngitis. Miss Lizzie Jordan, of "Ben Lomond" visited Miss Kidd during, the week. Misses Ruth and Leila Atkisson wero puoits at Bellvlew on Tuesday eve? ning. Mr. Johnson, of Richmond has taken possession of his house here, recently va? cated by -r. Blenco. Mrs. A. J. Hudgins, of Richmond, visit? ed her sister, Miss Jennie Hudgins at Tho RefUgo the past -weckr Mrs. H. L. Vinal ,?aa. purchased tho property recently occupied by Mr. Joseph Gentry on Ivy Avenue, to bo known In luture as "The Summit House." Misses Stella and Hope Kldd, c/ Rich? mond, accompanied" by their cousin, Miss Daisy Hroaddus, of Caroline county, were guests of. Mrs. Joel Kldd Wednesday. ? FUHRT LIE MEWS. ? Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tressler and fam? ily, of Fulton, spent Sunday with Mr. Tressler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller and fam? ily were guests at tho home of their friends, Mr, and Mrs. Pebblo, on tho Darbytown Road, during tho week. Mr. J. A. Monroe has sold his place on the Charles City Rond below hero to Mr. J. McCarthy, of Richmond. Mrs. Gerhart and family, of Richmond, spent a day here during the week. Mrs. Frank Bondlo has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs, Charles yvhitiock. Mr. Clopton, who recently sold his home here, ?as moved to New Kent county, Mr. O. Duke spent last Sunday at tho home of his parents. The pie party given at Fort Leo school houso on Thursday evening for tho bene? fit of Beulah Church was largely attend? ed and greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Nlebbls nas gone on a two-weeks' visit to Richmond, and will spend her time visiting among her children. Mrs. Lou Huxter spent several days in Richmond the past week visiting rela? tives and friends. In conclusion of a revival meeting hold during the week, there will be baptized a number of converts at Pioneer Chapel at 3 P. M. to-day. Rev. Joel Tucker will officiate. <?><?><S*$><?><?><?><3><3><*?fr^^ "While Mrs. James Lyna was at church last Tuesday evening some one took the seats from her carriage and then turned her horse looso. She had no lit? tle trouble In gottlnr; homo, besides tho loss of the carriage seats. If tho party who took them will kindly return thorn she will gladly pay for them. ? great many visitors wero here dur? ing the week, many of whom were from various parts of the North, reviewing the old battlefields and seeking relics from tho samo. Miss Annie Rood spent yesterday In Richmond, ? ? Mrs. George Graves Is visiting hor mothor, Mrs. Selph, In Carolino coun? ty Mrs. Bottoms gavn an entertainment lnst week in honor of littlo Pearl Selph, who la visiting her daughter. Quite on enjoyable Urne was spent by the littlo ones In their morry gamos, after which refreshments wero served, to which all did ampio Justice. Among those present worot Pearl Established a Century Ago. Wedding Gifts. 'TTHOSE interested in approach? ing weddings will find the se? lection of appropriate gifts greatly facilitated by an inspection of our STERLING SILVERWARE. ?jceTQoods sent on approval to responsible parties?express pre? paid. GALT ? BRO., JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, STATIONERS, 1107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. a emach, Richmond's Foremost Millinery t^XfllfJiT? ?? A Showing of Horse Show Hats. Especially produced for this coming event. Comprehensive to such an ex? tent as to startle the most fastidious. The Imported Models, as well as the productions of our own workrooms, forming a combination of Smart Mil? linery such as has never been equalled or seen under one roof in Richmond. Never Have Styles Been So Attractive, So Effective, So Becoming. The endless variety presents an ex P ceptioiial opportunity for selection. , We claim to show the finest Hats this seasion?the most elaborate down to the very simple?yet rich and taste? ful effects. From a style and price standpoint our values are incomparable. The New $] Millinery Store, 427 East Broad, Next to Fourqurean, Temple & Co. -A?O?O?&?Q?????O???????????? Selph, Minnie West, Hazel Reed, Nettlo | Bottoms, Vlrgie Bottoms, Raymond West and Eddie Grlggs. Misses ROea and Mary Marano, with their friends, Misses Lizzie and Josle TI gnor, spent a day during the weok with the Misses Reod. Mrs.. Bradly, Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Thorpe, from Richmond, visited Mrs. Reed during the week. Mrs, Reed and Mrs. George Jordan, Jr.,. spent ? day in New Kent county, last week, visiting among their friends. Mrs. Andrew Hundley, of Richmond, with a party of friends from Norfolk, visited the Pines during the week. i EIST RICHMOHD. < Rev. P. ?. Price will proach In Bun day-Bchool Hall this evening at S o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited. Mise Grace Lord, of Florida, who has been on a visit to relatives hero, re? turned to her home during the week. Mrs. William Crowdor has gone to In? diana, where in future ? ho will make her home with her son, James C. Booker, a prominent tobacco manufacturer, of Rochester, New York, visited his sister, Mrs. P. Fiege, the paat week und while there received the news of tho sudden bereavement of' his wife. He Immediately returned homo. Many Improvements are being made to tho property adjoining the postofflce re- , cently purchased by Messrs. Jordon and Blankenshlp, of Highland Springs. Tho entertainment given in Sunday- ? school Hall Thursday evening was a suc? cess in every way. The various num? bers on the programme were especially well given, careful study and talent be? ine displayed In every Instance. Cherry and Sullivan kept tho house in an up? roar during the cntlro ronditlon of their parts which wore especially good. Master Roy Mountcnstlo's singing was most oxcollent. The recitation of dainty and graceful little Miss Ruth Lord was very pleasing. There woro also some fine Instrument numbers. Tho dialogue. Aunt Betsy's Beau, cap? ped tho climax, tho characters holng Impersonated by Richmond ladles and gentlemen, who did themselves credit. The house was filled to overflowing and it snug sum realized, to bo devoted to church work. <?>fff<?>3><?><$?}><$??^^ Misa Mamiu Spencer has returned, after a pleasant three-weeks' visit to friends In Richmond und to Mrs. E. B. Wlnn, of this placo. Mrs. Holen Gnrthrlght spent soventi days with friends, attending whllo hero Um meetings of Antloe.h Church. Miss Myrtle Sharp Is visiting frlonds in Richmond. Mis? Lizzie Green has returned after a visit to friends in Richmond. The night meetings h<;ltl at Alitinoli ? Church have boon largely ut tondini. There ; havo boon several conversions, Leslie N. Baker died Wednesday at 10:J() A. M. of typhoid rover at the homo . Of Ills lather. Ilo had been Hielt about six weeks, hut did not complain, and no ?one thought ho was seriously 111 until a week ago. Mr. Baker was the son of Willie 0, Baker, who Is well known In this neighborhood, He was connected, with the Richmond. Cedar Works, iiu was about twenty-one years of age. Ile was a brother of John and WIIHo Baker, of Richmond, and loaves a father, moth? er, live Bieters and two other brothers, ilo was burled by Mio J. O. V. A. Me? chanics Thursday. i Mr. D. (?. Fulton, tho manager of Fulton Park, expects to go to New York during tho week on u business trip. Many hundreds havo visited the jmik during the week, and the curtj are each evening wuii-iiiied with passengers, The, Une plano, with tho stilu^ud lu struments, make tho muslo a feature of attraction not to be resisted. Mr. Jtiowley, who occupied his own house during the summer months, has moved his family to tho city for the winter. , The . musical railway draws great crowds. MAKE FIGHT FOR G1TY OFFICERS That Understood to Be the Plan of the Richmond Labor League. The Lahor Leaguo of Richmond will meet Monday night at No. 210 East Broad Street to hoar and consider the report of the special committeo constituted to draft and submit a declaration of prin? ciples and) purposes and by-laws for tho government of the organization. Mr. John M. Ryall is president of tho league and Mr. W. H. Mullen secretary. With tho adoption of tho report of fills committeo tho intentions of the now organisation will bo sot forth authorlta tlvoly for the first time. It has been be? lieved 'by many that tho leaguo contem? plated placing a legislativo ticket In tue field this fall, hut this hns been denied by mon who aro influential in the or? ganization. it is understood that the league may and probably will participate in tho so loctibn of city officers next summer, but whother it will undertake to do this by placing a ticket In tho field or by uniting Its voto in tho Domooratlo primary Is yet problematical. Gas Healers, Gas Ranges, Gas Stoves, Special Prices This Week. RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL CO,, 26 North 9th Street. WARM PRAISE FOR JACOB AND BOSHER Police Board Sends Them Engrossed Resolutions, as Mark of Esteem. Usually a public official gets mora blamo than praise, but sometimes when men have served tholr city or country with an evidently unselfish motive, great falthfulrresa and distinguished ability, they live to seo the return of gratitude both from associates ?in office and the pooplo at large. / A fow days ago Mossrs. John F. Jacob and Charles G. Boshor, for many years police commissioners, received from tho clerk of the Police Board handsomely engrossed copies of resolutions lately passed by that body setting forth the es? teem In which they are hold by their former colleagues. The preamble and resolutions are given ho re: "It seldom happens that one great branch of our city government loses the services of two of Its staunohest direc? tors. This occurred to the Police Depart, ment by the voluntary retirement of John F. Jacob and Charles G. Bosher, the ono by resignation, and the other by the expiring of his term of office and his refusal to stand for re-election which was assured. Tho career of both gen? tlemen In their high and responsible of? ficial positions, and so similar, what may bo said of the one, being eminently true of the other, that we deom It fit? ting to embody In one memorial the dis. tlnguished public services of this "par nobile fratrura," Keen wltted In discerning the right path, walking therein with sure and steady steps, wise and conservative In counsel, merciful, but Inflexible, In dis. clpllno. firm in maintaining carefully the elaborated plans of action, but respect? ful to tholr associates and courteous to the subordinates, they have for long and woary years tolled for the welfare of tin? City In general, and the Police Depart? ment in particular, free from selfish and sordid alms, and with an oye sing!? for tho public weal. It is by such self sacrificing men that the foundations of iiiunlclp?lltles are laid doep and their walls bullded four square. Therefore) ba It resolved by tho Board of Police Commissioners: First, That we part from our former colluugues, John F. Jacob and Charles O, Boshor, with profound regret, and senti, menta of affectloiiato regard and uual. loyed respect; expressing the hope that for many yeurs they may Uva to witness In the good order of our olty and the fearless devotion to duty of the polle? fproe, the results of their Wise foresight and enlightened labors. Second, That these resolutions be spread upon tho minutes and a copy of them sent to each of these gentlemen. (Signed) RICHARD M. TAYLOR, Presidenti GEORGE E. POLLOCK. Secretary, August d, 1903. Messrs, Jacob und Rosher have sent ap? preciative acknowledgments to Che board of receiving the resolutions. Both natur? ally piizri them very highly. A Relic of Nero, The Italian government has undertaken excuvatlons on the site of the Campus Mariis, and ha? discovered remains and foundations of the monument erected by tho Roman Senate 13 U. cv, under the con bUHolilp oi Nero and ijuintlllug hi honor Of the Emperor Augustus uftor his vlo torloa In Spain and Gaul. The remain* now discovered, together with those col. lected In I860, ?nd preserved in museums, are sufficient to allow of the reconstruo. tlon of the monument, which Is gymbollo of pouce, and it l<j hoped to complete tin? work ou tho oceualou of tho Cssr's Visit,