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GAY OUTLOOK INLYNCHBURG Social Organizatlons Ready for thc Wlnter Season. THURSDAY CLUB ANNUAL Slockholders and Board to Meet at an Early Day?Piedmont Club Ladies' Day a Social Event Gladly Wel comed?Dinmond Hlll Club. (Speclal to Tlie Times-Dlspatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA.. Oct. 3.?Tbe comlng wintcr promlses to bc one ot the gnyest soclally that Lynchburg hns known for many years. The severnl organizatlons that were ln exlstence lnst year wlll contlnue In exlstenco thls yenr, nnd their weekly meetlngs wlll ndd much interest to the dolngs of soclety folks. One of thc best known nnd most suc sessful of these organizatlons' is tlie ThUrsday Club, whlch conslsts of twenty members. each one of whlch Is expected to entertaln thc club somo evenlng dur? lng the wlnter season. Of course. tho entertalning member does not necessarlly bave to conilnc herself to thc member; shlp or thc club. nnd mnny of the meet? lngs are of a most claborato nnd olegunt character. TnCRSDAY CLUB. Durlng last wlnter the Thursday Club was fre.uonily entortalncd most hand Bomely, on severnl occaslons the meet? lngs being held in the attractive home Cf the l'ledmont Club. In this connee tlon it may be stated that the Piedmont Club Is one of thc most successful es tabllshments of its kind in tho State. its membershlp to-dny /is about one hundred nnd lorty. Under the rules ot the club, there can be only one himdred and flfty resldent members. The annual meeting of the stockholders and Board of Governors of tlie club wlll be hold in the earlv future. This is a most Inter? estlng e'vent, nnd one of Its princlpal features is a sumptuous spread, whlch lncludes all the dellcacles nnd substan tlnls of tho season. The Piedmont Club has a ladies' dny, on which Its lady friends are expected ' to take advantago of its hospltallty, and, needless to say, the club does not throw opon its doors uselessly; for its kindneBS and llbcrallty nre fully npprcciated, and these lnformnl fuuctlons aro altended Oy a great many ladies. COOK1NG CLUB. _ , Tho ladies of Federal Hlll hnve a Cook? lng Club, whlch hns been In exlstence for severnl years, and which has proved a source of much pleasure and pronta.le instructlon to its members. Thls organl? zatlon ls now permnnently establlshed, nnd apparently is confronted with n long nnd successful future. Tbe Dlamond Ilill Drnmatlc Club has had a brilllant career. This organlzatlon devotes Itself to the presentatlon of plays of varlous kinds, particularly. the more humorous. and mnny of Its ctforts ha\o been among the most notahle sociarevenis of Lynchburg"s social season. On ono or two occaslons, ihe club hns given mii - strel perforraances, in wlilch it has got? ten off many jokes of a locnl charactei. These lokcs hnv.. boen thoroughlyjapprfcr clated 'and have beon frequently the ta k of the town. The members of the clun nre exceedlngly talented, nnd their work ls most admlrablo and effectlve. is mosi ____ H0RSB SH0\V. Natumlly one of the most Interestlng events ln Lynchburg for ihe fall of 1903 ls tbe Horse Show, whlch takes place o'n Wednesday, Thursday,^Friday- and Saturday of next week. Thc Ar.t ex hlbitlon of tbe Lynchburg Horse bhow wns given last year, nml Its grent success leads to the concluslon thnt the cxhllil tlon this yenr wlll he even more suc? cessful. The entrles thls year are much more numerous. and tho indlcatlons ara that thc attondance wlll be larger by many, mnny hundreds --?f,ih Among the organizatlons thnt contrlD Uted much to the Interest of soclety last wlnter wns the Splelers, wliicli was enter tained soveral tlmes most dellghtfully. The Splelers Is not ln exlstence just now, but when the gay season bcglns in ear? nest it Is posslble that it may be re oriTtinlzcd A number of ladies of tho clty orga nlzed themselves lnst wlnter into a euclire club and ench member entertnlned the club once. Kuchre wns played, nnd the handsomo prlze whlch was contested for wns not to be awarded untll all the meet? lngs were held. A complete score was held. The closlng game wns naturally of n most excltlng chnineter. This club will probably bo reorgnnized for the comlng wlnter. ?-? A SILVER TEA An Affair at the Mary Wash - '*"... inglon Hospltal, (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspntch.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Oct. 3.-One of the most enjoynble soclal events of thls week was a sllver tea given at the CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S. CM Largest Manutacturers, Importers and Dlstrlbutors of PORTLAND l\m ROSENDALE CEfiSEHT, \Mt Ar.0 mnmm en the ukbted states. Lnwrst dellvered prlces quoted. on nppllcnllon, on Rtandnrd Brnnds, In cnr po lot-: carload lols. smrdrlots, to any polnt ln Amerlca. Full stocks nt Interlor mills; 'also nt Bnltlmore, Md.; Newport News, Vn.; Norfolk, Va.i Portsmouth, Va ? Wllmlngton, N. C.i Charl.Slon, S. C; Savannah, (5a.; Fernnndinn, Fla.; Jneksnnvlllc, Fln.; Pensncoln, Fhi.; Moblle, Aln.j New Orleans, La.; Galveston, Tex.; fllrmlnghnm. Aln., and Atlanta., On. Write for our prlces. Mary Wnshlngtoti Hospital hy tho lndles of tho Ilospltnl Assoclatlon for tho bone. flt of thc Seymour White memorlal fund. Tlie hospital wns thrown open 011 thlr oocaslon for tho Inspectlon of vlsitors nnd on every hand wns fccii OVIaenceS of the excellent managotnont of tho In? stltutlon. The toa wns largely attenaed and greatly enjoyed by nll who pnrticl pated, and tho nmount added to the fund wns a substftntlnl one. Mr? R, H. Roberts, of Rlchmnod, has returned home, nfter n pleasant-vlslt to the fnmlly of Colonel E. D. Cole, on Washlngton Avenuo. Mlss Llna Mnvo. of Rlchmond, ls the guest of her rolatlves, Mr, nnd Mrs. A. Randolph llownnl, on llnnover Street. Miss Annle Cnrr, Who hns been visit? lng Mlss Bllzabeth Crutchfleld, has re? turned to her homo in Kichmond. ' Miss Mninic I'endleton, of Ashland, who MIS3 LUCY CLIFION BIGQS. Mlss Lucy Cllfton Blggs Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blggs, of Salem', Va. Mlss Blggs, who has very dark-brown halr and hazel eyes, Is one of the handsomert and best known soclety glrls In Southwest Virginia. She recently returned from a yachtlng trlp to Atlantlc Clty, and It Is her Inten? tion to spend part of the winter in Porto Rlco. vlslted hor relatlves hore thls week, Mrs. Anna C. Klng, has roturnod home. Mrs. A. T. Embrey hns returned from a vlslt to relatlves in Now York. Mlss Fannie Bradbury hns returned to her home, noar Nason's, in Orange coun? ty, aftor a pleaiant vlslt to Mlss Fnn? nle Bealo. ';_; , Mrs. XV. C. Stearns, of New York, ls the guest of frlends here. Colonel K. A, Murchlson nnd Mrs. Murchison, of New oYrk, parents of Mrs. C. II. Hurkamp, aro snjourning In the city- , ??], _ Mlss Helen Meotzc, who hns been vls itliiB her relatlve, Mrs. XV. 3. Chownlng, 1ms returned to hor home, ln Washlng? ton. Mrs. F. C. Fltzhugh, of KIiir: George county, who has been visitlng hor .slster here, Mrs. T. AV. Frnnklln, hns roturnod homo. Mrs. XVi P. Beaflley nnd dnughtor, of Petersburg, were tho kucsIk tllls week of Mrs. jnmes XV. MttsseTmnn, Rev. R. A. Wlllinnis, of Loulsa Court house, was the guest of Captaln S. J. Quliin tbis week. a A TOWN HALL Eiizabeth City Telephone Company Putting in New Wires. (Speclnl to The Tlmos-Dlspnlch.) HERTFORD. N. C Oct. 3.-The Hert. Its new buildlng: the upper story wlll ford Banking Compay hns pommencedI on bo turned Into n Town Hall; such a hall is crently neoded hero. Tho Ell-.ibeth Clty Telephone Company is tenring down tho old 'phone line In town nnd wlll put in a new llne, whlch wlll have a centrnl offlce. . Approaching Wedding. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch.) WJNCHESTER. VA., Oct. 3.?Cards are out announclng tbo approachlng rnarrlago of "Mlss Mary Yurnell, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander G. Carey, of Baltl? more, to Dr. Frederlck Honry Baetjer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baetjer. of thls clty. The ceremony wlll tako plac_ at hlgh noon, Wednesday, October 14th, nt Uio church of St. Mlchaol and Old Angel, ln Baltlmore. Dr. Baetjer Ib n member of the Johns Hopklns' faculty and ls one of tho loadlng domonstrators of tho X-Rny ln thc world. PETERSBURG S0C1AUIFE The Lfterary Club Wlll Soon Begln lhe Winter Season. DR.M_TCHEL.l_ TO LECTURE A Revival of Interest in the Receplions and Dancos at the Country Club. Petersburg Guests and Their Hosts. fSpecinl to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspntch.) PETERSBURG, VA.. Oct. 8.?Tho so? cial soason ln Petersburg Is not yot ln I full blast but many preparations are be? ing made for plen-suros this winter. Tho I.iterary Club, whloh has among its mem? bers the most oulturod women ln tho clty, wlll begln thelr winter sesslon about tho mlddle of thuj month. Dr. S. C. Mltchell, professor of hlstory at Rlchmond College, who Is a favorite wiLb lovers of lltora turo In the Cockado City, has kindly agreed to dellvor three lectures beforo the Litorary Club, lho genernl subjeot bolng "Tho French Rovolut-Oll." "MIru- . beau" wlll me tho subject for Friday evoning, Octobor 10th; "Robesplorrc," for Friday evening, October 23d, and "Napo leon," for Friday evening, Octobor 30th. The lectures wlll be dellvered at A. P. Hill Camp Hall, on Tabb Street Tlio ladles havlng in charge the arrangementa for those lectures have perfected them.and nnticipato an exceeddngly successful se ries. There has been a revival of interest In the receptlons nnd dances at the Coun? try Club. The commltteo of ladles ln chargo hnvo been worklng very dlllgent ly and tho teas, whloh are given each Saturday afternoon, aro always well at? tended and dellghtful. A bowling alley is buildlng, the golf llnks havo beon Improved and many other things done to add to the pleasuro of the members and tholr frlends. SIX WEDDINGS. Thero wlll bc slx marrlages among the society peoplo of Petersburg durlng Oc? tober and November. Mr. and Mrs. Frederlck Hahr, of Rlch? mond, ulh thalr return from a stay In MaJne, aro spendlng n. fow days wlth Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, in thls city. | Mlss Bettle Willcox, of Flower de Hun? dred, is visitlng ln Roanoke. Mr. Churchill Chamberlayno nnd Mr. Reinhold Rogers, both formerly of Po tc-vsburg, !ha.vto return ed home from a dellghtful and profitable* trip through Kurnpenn countries. Mr. Chamberlayno wlll complete hls course at the Unlon Theolog'cal Seminai.'y this yean Mr. Rogers ls professor of Phllosophy at the TTniversity of Vlrglnla. Mlss Bettie Floyd has returned to Pe? tersburg from Blucfiold, XV. Va. Mr. Gustavus Bruner and famlly, of St. Louis, wlll spend the winter rh Peters? burg at the McGIll resldence, near thls city. Miss Jane Lovett is the guest of her cousins, tho Mlsses Collier, rh this city. Mr. Lowls Chamberlayno. who was professor at the Southern Female Col? lege In this clty durlng last sesslon, has gono to Phlladelphla, where ho wlll teach rh nn academy In that clty. LOOK TO RICHMOND. The horse loving people of Petersburg nre taking n llvety interest in the Horso Show to be held in Richmond thls month. Many have nlready arranged for seats durlng the show, and the clty wlll doubt less be well represented. Mrs. John Herbert Claiborno and Miss Annle Watson havo returned from a trlp to Bnltlmore. Mr. Broocks Rogers is at homo to spend a few days In thls clty. Miss Jean Trigg, of Abingdon, who is an accomph'shed musician, is the guest of Mlssos Zimmer, on Sycamore Stroet. Miss Trigg wlll loave in a short tlmo for New York for tho further tralnlng of her voico. Mlss Vlvian Wilson. of Moblle, Ala., is visitlng In tho clty. Mlss Mary Pcgram, of Rlchmond, was tho guest of her slster, Mrs. Georgo Cameron, thls week. Mrs. Boltmg Willcox. of Flower do Hundred, ls spendlng a few days with her slster, Mrs. George Pegram, on Hlgh Street. Mrs. Ennlon Willlams, of Rlchmond, ls visiting her brother, Mr. Cbarles T. Las slter, ln Petersburg. Mr. Edmunds, of New York, has re? turned after a short stay at the home of Mr. Pereivall, ln this city. Mlss Hettle Wilklns, of the Eastern We were very busy last woek, and know that we <li<l not ship out goods just as promptly as we should have, but our cleri cal force is now complete, so is our shippihg force, and our fall stock is now in; in fact, our numerous warerooms are packed and jammed with the best and choicest assortment of Furniture nf all kinds, Carpets, Druggets and Draperics, that has ever been shown in the city of Richmond?perhaps?this and the fact of the lowness of our prices, you know Jurgens' prices are always ihe lowest and Jurgens' prices are all marked in plain figures, may have been thc cause of our being swarnped with orders las.t week. Come to See Us. CHAS. Q 419=21 E. BROAD ST., BET, FOURTH AND FIFTI1 ST5. "All the Credit you want you can get for the asking." Our Children's . Department hlhe Largest South of New York, Thousasids of New Fall Suits on Display. Our Entire Second Floor Devoted to the "Little Man." This splendld assortment embraces all styles, all materials, all colors?every thing this sea? son has produced in Boys' Wear. # ;.-*,, . _, . There are three-piece suits, with vests, double-hrcasted suits, sailor blousc suits, Russian blouse suits and Norfolk suits of wool cassimeres, cheviot, tweed, wool worstcd scrge and black thibct. , . ,',."?; , ',. In make correct, in style perfect, in price surprising. A largcr and more comolcte line has never been shown. Boys' Overcoats in all thc new ' kinks," including "Raglan' cfTccts and top coats. $L48, $1.98, $2.48, $2.98. $3-98, $5.00 MONDAY ONLY. p;_ "Boy's Fast Black Stockings, S^ Satisfaclion Guaranteed. T JBRpAD AND SEVENTH ST<Sy Free Repair for One Year. Shore, will spend the wlnter wlth her grandmother, Mrs. Weddell, ln Peters? burg:. and will bc a student at the South? ern Female College. Mlss Blanchc Hart. of Ralelgh, ls a guest in tho home of Mr. Alfrod Friend, on Franklln Street. Mrs. McClevy and her mother, and Mrs. and Mlss Osbi.rne, have returned from a sumro-r stay in the mountains of Vlr Rinla. . , _ Mr and Mrs. James Kouth have been spendlng- several days at Old Point. They ar<- now at homo in Potersburg. Mrs Oavld Dunlop, Sr., has returned to iho city from her country home ln Brunawlck county. _-? SOCIETY AT ASHEVILLE Card Parties and Teas Kept the Ball a Rolling. (Speclal to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) ASHEVILLE, N. C, October 3.-Evon though tho cool days of October havo suc cerded the summer warmth. Ashevllle has stlll a numbor of guests and a large ir-isure at soclal gayety. ._..?? ?? ? alf a dozen card partles and twlce as many other functlons have k*pt soclotj s hall a rolling. Thursday was a dav of nfeasant affairs. Mrs. FVances Clem ?n?r entrrtained on Thursday afternoon n.*a"tea to honor Mlss Una Dorgan, of Mrs. Charles Prlce, of S*"1*?1^', Ea-%,? a dellghtful card party at ^e Vlctoria. Inn. Mrs. George Brown, of North caro? lina won the first prlze, and Mrs. C. E. Hamllton, of Alabama. won the consola "MrifrJV E. Rumbough entertain.d at cards'on Thursday evenlng- to honor Mrs. William Randolph Porte*;- Pfcgj?_f* Mrs Sara Selbels won the first Pr./o. Mlss Merrlck the second. and Mrs. A. S. rtarnard the consolatlon prlze. _,?..i. On Friday mornlng Mrs. Thomas; Set. o gave a euchro party. Mra. L.-.M.^BoUrne won the flrst prlze. the consolatlon favor golng to Mrs. Theodore Dav dson. Mrs E. C. Lalrd was hostess at a whi;st'party on Saturday afternoon. The prlze in brldge went to Mrs. A. D. Mar? tin. and that ln dupllcate to Miss Annlo ^M'tes'Me'rrlck entertAined at a tea. on Wednesday afternoon to honor Mrs. Drow. of Texas, who has spent the summer hero. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A.O Mar? tin eave a tea to Mrs. Charlq_ Ffic, ot Salifhury: Mrs. Lucas. of Memphls. and Mrs. London. of Blrmlngham. WEEKLY WHIST CLUB Marriage Near Whittles?Lieut. Gilmer U. S. N., at Home. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) CHATHAM, VA., Oct. 3,-Th. lady do votees of whlst In m*atlne this week or? ganlzed "Tho Weekly Whist Club, wlth tho following offlcers: Mrs. S. M. Coles, president; Mlns Isla_Ra.gsd-.le. dent. The club will meet on Saturday nlght of each week Nearly all of the lovers of whist wlll becomo members. Mlss Myrtle B. Cox and Mr. James A. Wichter, of Plttsylvania county woro marrled Wednesday ?.?._rB-On bt the home of tho brlders father, ; Mr. J. A. "ox, near Whltlles. Rev. Cblswoll Dali ney E-pleoopal mlnlster of thls place, peformfd the ceremony. The ft?^" very nuiet, onlv members of the famlly and a few intlmato frlends wore pres '"Aev. C. B. Wllmor, after a short vlslt to his slster, Mlss Lucy Page Wilmer;, of chatham. left on Wednesday for Atlanta, ^'Lleutenunt Wllllam Qilrner, of the Unlted States Navy, was the guest of hls mother and slstor n few days tnis week returnlng on Wednesday to Nor? folk, where he ls now statloned. NORTH CAROLINA UN1VERS1TY Large' Enrollment-Schedule of Foot Ball Games. (Special to The Tlmes-DiBpatoh.) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO? LINA, Ohapol Hill, N. O, Octobor 3. The present enrollment of students in tho Unlverslty indicate a satlsfactory increase in the number o-ver that of laat yoar. whloh was the greatest ln tha hls? tory of the instltutlon, A schedule of the games stlll to oe played by the 'Varslty foot-ball team follows: ?? . ..... October 3-Oak Rldge at Chapel Hill. October 10?South Carolina Colloge at Columbla, B. 0, ; ' October 17-Vlrglnla Mllltary Instltuto at Roanoke, V.i. October _.?Georgetown Unlverslty at Norfolk, Va. October ..-Unlverslty of Kentucky at Greensboro. N. C. _"'?/?''. ? November 7-Vlrglnla Polytechnlc Instl? tute at Norfolk, Va. November 14-Clemson College at I-hapol November 26-Unlvorslty of Vlrglnla at .tlchmond. BRILLIANT BALL IN WILMINGTON Full Four Hundred Guests at Entertalnment Glven Vlsit? ing German Offlcers. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON, N. C, October 3.?Tho ball and banquet glven Tuesday at tho Masonlc Temple In honor of the offlcers of tho German gunboat Parither, now vls? iting ln port, was a brllllant soc'a occa? slon, and tho affalr was the crownlng even of the hospltalltles that have been showered upon the German offlcers. Ful? ly four hundred persons wero present, as invlted guests. Bcsldos the scores of young soclety men and women, who took a consplcuous part in the ball. there wero present many clty and county offlcials and thelr friends. Tho navy unlformn of the vlsiting offlcerB and tho always at? tractive full dress unlforms of local and State milltary offlcers mlngled beautl fully and were set off to porfectlon by the wealth of handsomo gowns and lovely women. Tho ball room was splendldly xlocorated and It presented a aceno of grandour. Lieutenant II. M. Chase. of the Naval Reserves, was ball manager, and very we.ll dld ho perform hls dutles. Tho mu? slc was by Hollowbush's Orchestra, and lt was ln full keeplng wlth" tho occa? slon. A programme ball was dancod untll after mldnight when the banquet was served. After tho banquet the cotilllon I was danced. Ono striklng featuro of the decorations was the blendlng of Unlted States, Gor? man and Britlsh flags. Tho decoratloiiH around the hall wero largely ln German colors, red, whlte and black. The chaperones wero as follows: Mrs. J. Vlctor Granger, Mrs. Walter Small bones, Mrs. C. 8. Grainger, Mrs. Walker Taylor, Mrs. J. C. Kenly, Mrs. D. W. Willlams, IIrs. XV. F. Robertson, Mrs. R. C. De Rosset, Mrs. It. F. Gardner, Mrs XV. S. Johnson, JIrn. Marcus W, Jacobl, Mrs. Joiin 11. Rehder, -Mrs. H. U Vollers, Mlss Ilannah Bollos and Miss Adelaide Meares. The banquet was sorvcd at 1 o'clock in the banquei hall on the next floor below. The tables were handsomcly decorated and the hall presented a beautiful scene. The banquet was most elaborato aud was served In elegant style by tho Klngs Daughters. After the repast dnncing was resumed, and contlnued untll an early hour. It was a brllllant and succoBSllil soclal affalr, and one to be long remein bered. For Infants and Cbildren. The Kind You Have Aiways Bought Bears the Signature of _2^^5S BALTIMORE &OHIO RAILROAD. One-Way Colonlst Rates to the West. Tickets on salo dally untll November 20th 1903, Inclush-e, at all tlcket oftlcos of 'the Baltlmoro & Ohlo Railroad to polnts in Arl-oiia, Callfornia, Colorado, Idaho Mexlco, Montana, Nebrasku, ,.o vada New Mexlco, Oregon. South Da kota' Texas, Utah, Washlngton, Wyo ,nlng and Britsh Columbia at. Greatly Beduced Rates. For full Informatlon call on or ad? dress Arthur Q, Lewls, S. P. A., 10 Granby S,t? Norfolk, Va. C_3 _-_., IE?-3? C* _=_.__ _9_ . ieara tha ~/1ltl8 Kln(l YoiL_Ll_______________5 BoIlfi,ll .i^nttarn of t^caA-yy. /?co Stenorgraphers Supplied for sny m-i'blno. We kuop experlenced opera. ture -livnys on cnll ut our ofTlco. hn ehurgo foi ,iur tervlee-. Houd -tenograplicr. sliould lcuvu _OUT-.(KK*<!8TAMP ANP STATIONintY CO. ?I'hon. 1695. Entire Illd.., Twelvu-Slx Malu. illefcuiouU, Vu. are all to bo found in overy yariety and at prices to suit at tlio _ 215 EAST BROAD STREET. TO MAKE Learnors pald whllo belns taught Address or apply to 23d and GARY STS., RI-MOHD VA?