Newspaper Page Text
MAHONE'S BRIGADE Preparations to Glve the Sur vlvors a Warm Welcome. A. P. HILL CAMP'S PLANS The Spoclal Committeo Outlinos the Purposes ofthe Meeling and the Programme for the Day?To Perfect the Roll. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.) PETERSBURQ, VA., Oct. 3.?Tho vote rans ln PotersburB Hook an actlvo Inter est In the suggestlon of Colonel William 11. Stewart ln reference to the reunlon of Mahono's Brlgado ln thls clty. A committeo was appointed to map out and arrange tho programme for th? occa? slon. Thelr work hat. been dono and tho report submltted by them has been adopted by A. P. Hlll Camp. Thls wlll lndeed bo a memorable event for Peters burg, and tho veterans and thelr friends ln the clty wlll leavo nothlng undono to contrlbute to the pleasuro of thoso who may bo In thc city on thls interestlng nnd utilquo occauion. Thls is tho re? port as adoptfd by the camp: THE COMMITTEE, A. P Hlll Camp of Confederate Vete? rans of thls clty, at lta July meeting, 1903, adopted a resolutlon provldlng for the appoititmont of a commlttee of flve, whose duty lt was to make In.wlry and report what actlon tho* camp shall tako in furtheranco of thc proposed reunlon of members of Mahone's Brlgade on the battlefield of the Crater. Commander Patterson appointed a commlttoo under thls resolutlon, and at a meeting held on Tuesday afternoon last tho commlttee acrf-cd to mako at. thc meeting of the camp to-nlght the followlng report, whlch recomtnends un interestlng pro grarnme for meeting tho expected vete To Captaln John R. Patterson, Com? mander of A. P. HU1 Camp of Confed? erate Veterans, of Petersburg, Va.: Tho underslgned, a commlttee appointed by tho camp under a resolutlon adopted at its meeting on the 2d day of July, 1903, dlrecting tho commlttee to make Inqulry and report to tbe camp what actlon had btst be taken by the camp ln furtheranco ol the proposed reunlon of survlvors of Mahone's Brlgade on the fleld of the bat? tlo of tho Crater, respectfully report that Bliice the date of tha adoptlon of the rc.olutloti refcircd to several bivouacs of members of tho brlgade who partlcipated in that battle havo been organized at Portsmouth and other places, Petersburg lncluded. THB REUNION. lt ls tho purposo of ths members of tho brlgade resldlng in Portsmouth, Norfolk and other places along the llno of the Norfolk and Western Rallroad and else vhere, to come to Petersburg on Satur? day, the 31st of October. those from Nor? folk and intermedlate polnta to come on an excursion traln. to go out to the bat? tlefield immedlately after their arrlval ln Petersburg, and to there form a line of battle at tho very place at -whlch the brlgade mado Its charge on tho 30th of July, 1861, thls formaUon to bo under the dlrectlon of Lleutenant-Colonel William H. Stewart, of the Thlrty-flrst Virglnia Reglment. the ranklng offlcer in Virglnia who partlcipated in tho engagement, and now tho chief of the Crater Leglon of Mahono's Brlgade, and to move across the fleld of battlo whon assaultlng tho enemy ln possesslon of tho Confederate earthworks, arrlved at whlch the surviv ing partlclpants will proceed to perfect a roll of those who were in thevbattle, to take the statements of those present and to perform other functlons of tho occa? slon. THE_PROGRAMME. Thls belng the programme ot the mem? bers of the brlgado who wlll reach Pe? tersburg on tho mornlng of the 31st of October, tho underslgned, after having fully consldered the matter. respectfully recommend the followlng actlon of the part of tho camp: 1. That tho camp hall be opon to all members of Mahone's Brlgade and other vlsiting veterans on tho 31st of October, 1903. 2. That the camp meet the vlsiting vet? erans at the Norfolk and Western depot on tho arrlval of the excursion traln from Norfolk and cscort them to the camp hall. 3. That the ranklng reglment:* oftlcer of Mahone's Brlgade, who may be present tako command of all members of the brlgade who may assemble at thc Nor? folk and Western depot: the men of tho flve regiments of the brlgade to be form? ed accordlng to companies and regiments as they exlsted at tho date of the battle of the Crater, and to be placed ln llne ln the samo ordf *? |n which they were at that date; tho cw-ps of brlgade and sharp shooters to be on the rlght of the brl? gade; ranklng reglmentul and company offlcers to tako command of thelr re apectlve regiments and companies; sur vlvlng staff offlcers of tho brlgade and regiments to offlclate aa such as far as practlcable; the brlgade when thus form edto march to the camp hall, escorted by the camp, and such other organlzatlon. as may asslst as an escort; the brlgade and escort to be dlsmissed on arrlvlng at the camp hall, It belng understood that the members of tho brlgado who partlci? pated In the battle of tho Crator and all others who deslre to wltness the movo ment of the Crater veterans on the bat tlofleld Wlll tnke tho Btreet cars for that | place, upon thelr arrlval at whlch the partlclpants in the battle wlll, as al? ready mentlonod bo formed In llne of bat? tle under tho dlrectlnn of Colonel Stewart n? hrlp.-ido commander, nnd Judgo Drury A. Illnlon na St&f- ofllcor, and wlll move ncross lhe flold as on tho JlOth of July, 1 *<?>!. "All of whlch is respectfully mibmlttcd thls flrst day of October, 1903. "OEOROE 3. BF.P.NARD, "RICHARD B. DAVIS, "RO. XV. THOMPSON. ' "JOHN R. TURNER, "HUOII R. SMITII." "Commlttee." REVIVAL IN SCOTTSVILLE Graded School Adjourns to Await Com pletion of Repairs. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) SCOTTSVILLE. VA., Oct. 3.?Tho meetlng nt the Methodlst Church, con? ducted by Rov, L. P. Bransford, of Dan vllle, durlng the ptist two weoks. closod on Tuesday nlght wlth twenty-flvo con vorrlons. The Bcottsvllle graded school opened on Monday wlth Mr. J. S. Eostman, of Mlddlesex county, as principal, but the repairs to tlio buildlng not^ bolng qulto completed, pupils and teachers adjournod to meot agaln Thursday. A birthday party was given on the lst by MIsb Ellzabeth Tompkins. of Rlch mond, at "Locust Shade," the homo of hor unclo, Mr. John C. Tompkins. Dr. B. L. Dlllard and chlldren, of North Garden, vlslted Chester last week. The Mlsses Hughes, of Fluvanna, havo been Br>ondlng rome days wlth relatlves here. Mlss XX'. E. Hlekock has returned homo from Petersburg. Mrs. Nlchol, of Manassas, ls visitlng hor mother, Mrs. James Moon, at "Shlr land." MIsb Balllo Loeklo, of Phlladelphla. ls spendlng somo tlmo at hor old homo here. Mlss Nora Dlllard left on Sunday for North Garden, wheio she wlll teach ln thc famlly of hor brother, Dr. B. L. Dlllard. Captaln J. I* Pltts is visitlng hls famlly at Belle Haven. Messrs. W. A. Powers and R. I. Wade, of Rlchmond, spent Sunday hero. Mesdames J. V. Perlra and Frank Park Inson npent Monday in Charlottesvllle. Mesdames Honry Lane, John Lane and Taylor were In town thls week. Hon. H. D. Flood has been a guest at "Scottlands." Messrs. D. H. Pltts and Luther Rttts, of Elk Hill, aro visitlng thelr old home. Mr. Alexander Ward, of Alexandrla, arrlved here a few days since. Captaln John Alexander and daughter vlsited Scottsvllle Wednesday. FAUQUIER HORSES Take Rlbbons at Brockton?A Training Track for Jumpers. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatch.) "WARRENTON. VA.. Oct. 3.?The car? load of horses. whlch left hero for the Horse Show, at Brockton. Mass., some divs a?. app?:;rf. to have Peen a Woll selected lot. The Brockton show ranks among the flrst of ItB klnd in thls coun trv?a show whlch Northern capltal has furnlshed wlth overythlng ln the shape og a complete and splendld equlpment. Among the carload of animuls whlch left here last week, was a horse named "Allgrlt," possossed of flne breed'ng and many promising show-rlng qualities. HIS owner, Mr. W. S. Sov.-ers. of Was&sn ton, naturallv felt hlghly elated the oth? er evening after recelvlng a telegram an nouncing that hls valuable equlne had proved hlmself a wlnner ln two dls tlnct classes. He captured the blue rlbbon and a comfortable sum of prize money In a green hunter class, where competltlon waxed strong, and walked out of the arena with a "red" flutterlng from hls brldle at the close of a large handicap class. which was full of breathless in? terest. It only proved the truth of thc old say ing around here, "that you aro apt to hear from Fauquier horses wherover they go.'" Dr. James Kerr Is havlng a half-a mlle track made In a field adjolning his place. for the purpose of schooling hls Jumpers In tho art of steeple-chasing. "Antrlm," the doctor's flne farm here. has been the homse of many a gallant thoroughbred and this new addltion ln the shape of a one-half mile course will prove of Invaluable beneflt ln turnlng out exceptionaily fine track horses. g _ WEDDING CARDS The Roxbury Literary Society Holds Its First Meeting. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch.) v. ROXBURY, VA., October 3.?Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hubbard have announced the marriage of thelr daughter, Mary Waddll.l to Mr. T. Newton Hubbard. Tho cere? mony will take place at Bethanv Church, next Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. No Invltatlons havo been issued. The publlc schools of thls county open? ed last Thursday with a good attend? ance. The Roxbury Literary Soclety held the flrst meeting of the season last Friday evoning at the homo of Dr. T. Bradley. The members all seom to be lnterested in the work of the soclety nnd no doubt they wlll accompllsh much in a literary wav during the comlng winter, Mlss Fanny Walker returnod home last Wednesday after a dellghtful visit in Rlchmond. ? Willing Workers. (Speclal to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) ROXBURY, VA., Oct. 3.?The Society of Willing Workers of Emeus Church gave an entertalnment Wednesday even lng. 'Mr. XV. D. Freemnn, of Richmond, was wlth them and gave some excellent recltatlons. Thore was a largo crowd present. ? Roman Antiquities in England. The Brltlsh Soclety of, Antiquarles' ro search at Silchester has just been roward ed by the unearthlng of the greater part of a large Roman publlc bath, with all the varlous apartmenta, hypocausts, pllae, heatine chnmbers, "etc. Withln the area where dlgglng operotions havo beon carried on on unnscrlbed Roman altar was also discovered. Further careful search is in progress.?Commerclal Adver tlser. mala: Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swainps and raarshy regions of the country, but wherever there 13 bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and gases from sewers, aud the musty air of damp cellars are laden with the genns of this miserable disease, which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the Wood and trausmitted to every part of the body. Then you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspectmg tlie cause No energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer tion are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling tnalady. As the disease progresses and the blood becotues more deeply poisoned, boils and abscesses and dark or yellow snots appear upon the skin. When the poison is left to ferraent aud the microbes and germs to multiply in the blood, Live. aud Kidney troubles and other seriouseonipHcatious often arise. As Malaria begins and developsiu the blood, the treatment tobe elTective must begin there too. S. &. S. destroys the germs and poisons and purifies the polluted blood, and under its tonic effect the debihtated constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is _^ -.,__. .___.. soon clear of all signs of this depressing disease. S S S is a Euaranteed purely vegetable remedy, raild, pleasant and baimles. Write us if you want medical advice or any special imorma Uoa about your case. This will cost you notlung. we swier spegihg co.. atumta, ga? ; strictly mi PRIGE and THAT ALWAYS T..E tl _???'- >l ? __ rXr ''I Dl LOWPRIGES AND LITTLE PAYMENTS. ;'s Easy to Buy Here and meet your for your money and make SUR TERMS ARE THE FAIRE! ig'ations. We always give you the best payments to suit your purse. AND QOR PK5CES THE LOWEST. Oil, Gas, Wood, Hari and Soft Coal Hec^ters. ? The best base burners in tho Market? Comet, Astor and Ruby. ^%Ba\ Ranges. Fitz Lee, Aida, Pat&.psco, Magic, Novelty and Beauty. Everyone a perfect Cook and Baker. Wilton, Brussels and Ingraun Carpets. Druggets in - ;.'W sizes. Rugs~carPet Moquet, Smyrna and Velvet. Lace Curtains. Portieres. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Lorguettes and Fobs, Diamond Rings and Brooches. Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen, Solid Gold and GoldFilled, Only Elgin and Waltham Move ments, Clocks and Bronzes. Blankets, Comforts and Quilts Our Fall Stock Now Ready. MISSOUR] Rev. J. W. Jones Ranges Up Alongslde. A REUNION AT COLUMBIA Good Entertainment with Fine Music and a Basket Plcnic, and the Old Confederates Had Llngering Evidences of War Appetites. (Wrltten for Tho Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) COLUMBIA. MO., Sept. 28.-I havo been'spendlng a few days In thls beauti? ful town. The reunlon of the Mlssourl Dlvlslon, U. C. V., has Just been held here and was voted the most pleasant one they ever had. Thore were about 1,000 old Confederates present, and all of them wore entertalned ln tho homes of the clty. The meetings were held ln the beautiful and spaclous audltorium of tho Unlverslty, whlch was packed to lta utmost capaclty. Tho ad? dresses by Hon. B. XV. Stephens, Judg. Lawson, of the Unlverslty; Colonel J. XV. Boyd, Unlted States Senator Cock rcll, who was a gall suit brigadlar-general In the Army of Tenne.s.see, and Unlted States Senator Stono wero of a hlgh or? der, and were greatly enjoyed by the orowds who heard them. SuNG ANU STORY. There -were son_s and rocltntlons by varlous ladies, whlch wore greatly en? joyed and frequsnUj* clicltod "tho old Confederate yell," and they wero kind enough to allow your corrospondent to "K?!t up an aroua.ment" wlth several cainp yarns. There waa a "baskot plcnic" spread on long tables ln the beautiful grovo on tho Unlverslty oarapns and thero waa ham, shoat, chlcken, mutton, salads, ooffce, lee tea, vcgetables, oalt*, piea, Ico-creiun, lemonade, ete, in the greatest profuslon. I found myself Imaglnlng what would havo been the rosull lf a reglment of hungry Conlfedjerates had been march ed up to thoso loaded tables, but I noted that grU.lea and gray veterans had not fnrgotten how to dlspose of good thlngs when set before them. BATTLE ABBEY. The assoclatlon passed unanlmously and hoartlly resolutlons expresslng their sym pathy wlth tho Confederato Momorlal ("Battle Abbey"), and urged camps and Indlvlduals to contrlbute to Uio fund. I had opportunlty of seeinc a good deal of thls lnstltutlon aa I was so fortunato as to be a guest ln tlie channlng homo of my old Vlrglnla frlend, Dr. R. H. Josslo, wlio has been for eleven years presldent of the Unlverslty and haa made a most admira.ble record ln building up thla great school. When lie went there they had an en rollinent of only B10 students, now they have over 1,600, who havo already ma trlculatod and tho numbor ls likely to reach 1,800 durlng th*> curront swsslon. Tho flntmces of tho Unlverslty h/tve A/otsix eo Adirurably nuuuiged ih.u lta uu nual incomo is now $125,000 (four hundred ond twenty-five thousand dollars). Thero ls no chargo for tuition fee3, and no ono is allowed to enter tho Unlverslty until a graduate of a hdgh school, or havlng equivalent attainments. COLLE-E BUTLDING BURNED. Qn the Sth of January, 1S9., the main buildlng, an Immense structurc, oontaln ing the llhrary, museum, and other col lectlons, was burned to tbe ground, tho hall of architecture nnd tho observntory, belng the oniy bulldings for Instruetlon left on tho campus. Hut tho flro proved; In tho end, a real nh-sslng nnd tho Unl? verslty now nos most beautlful and con venlent buuumgs, each of its departments of law, medic'ne. englneerlng, academlcs, agrlculturo, chemistry, physics, etc, hav? lng separate oulldlngs. The students enrolled represent fifty two States nnd Terrltorles, and foreign countries. and thc. Unlverslty ls exerl lng a wlde Influonce, I was especlally struek wlth tho qulet doportmont, good ordor, and genllemnn ly bouring of tho students, nnd wa-s very much ploased at what I loarnod of ihe mornl and r-eligious influences brought to bear on thom. J. WM. JONES. ? LONDON TO HAVE SCHOOL FOR MOTOR DRIVING (Speclal Cable to Tho Times-Dlspatch. Copyrlght, 1903.) LONDON, October 3.?Withln a few days London will have a school for mn tor car drivers. Tlio objeot ls to glvo a thorough nnd practlcal tralnhig to mon who wlsh to becomo skllful chnuffeur ??. The course will bo dlvlded Into two branches?inotor car drlvlng and lechiiicai instruetlon. Certiflcates of compoieucy will be Issued to thoso who pnss through tlie courso and are conslderod hy (he In? structors to possess a thorough knowl odgo of tho art. Motor car owners wlll no doubt wr-lcomo the Innovatlon. Too often thoy aro at tho mercy of Incomimtent chauffeiir.-*, and aro llohle to ho dotalnod for hours, ns tho result of a sllght ml.shap whloh could be remedlod by a compotent man ln a few mlnutes. More Iniporunt, however, Is the fact that the hlundoi-H of inexperienced ohnf fours have prohahly done much to foster tho prejudlco whlcii BOtpa pooplo havo against all klnds of motor cars. -__.-. PRIZES FOR PEOPLE WHO GO TO CHURCH CSpqclal Cablo to Tlio Tlmes-Dlsputch, Copyriglit, 1903,) -JAR1S, Oct. 3.?The pastor of a church in tho district of the i.owor Hullio glves prl.e. of tobact.o lo mon uud of I'uce powder to women in order to iuduce tiiem to g? to chuivh. Thla new Ineentlve works llke mugic, especlally wlth lho ladles. 'irio coiiBTcgatlon is llio mntit hopow dered ono in Krance, and Iho pastor care? fully uvolds any roi-reii.u tu l_inul_ luiiy ln dross. A Large Family to stave off "race suicide" needs good bread. What is "good bread? Bread made of high-grade flour, raised by yeast that has uo suspicion of aught else than purity, aud baked bj skil ful workmen who believe cleauliness to be a cardinal virtue. That's the kind of "good" bread made and sold by L. B R O M M, 516 E. Marshall St. Ia uuu ot l-o Uroateat lluulur.t at tlm Slck od UurUi. Cures ull Dlscusen or uo Cuurgu. I cura ull ilki.-...-1's thut ure Uuowu to tliu Imiiiuu rucs or uo cuur.e. uo uuitter whut your dlucu?o. ulclc uena, or ufflictiun mu/ uu. und rcstore you to pcrfqct uoulth, I curo tbe folloivlog dls.usoa; Heurt 'DUooso, Cousumptlou. lilood, Kldnoy. Llvir, Bladder. I'IIcb ln uny form, Vertljo, Quliwj. Bore Throat, Lane*. nyaprpalu, indlses tlou, Coiitfllputwn. llheuiutitltfin lu nnv form. I'ulim, und Acuea ol nny kind, Colds, UropenU) Xrinilil-s, Bortts, Bklu Dt?i>u?e?, ull Itctilri. Son liutloim. Lu lirlppc. or Pm-uiiv.iilu; I'li-era. Cir l.mi.lis, Holls. Cunnr. 'he Hurst fnrimt, with? out Ihe use of knife or Instrumonts; Eozemo., I IMmpli'H "ii facp und bolly | Dlnboten of Kldimya, pr IlrlKht'H Plm-u.u of tlm KldUOVB. 1 curo un/ dlmiiH!-. nu inutter ?f whut nulure. Mi-dliduu ?cnt to nnv nddreit by exproea, For full i>nr tlculara aend a ?'?cent itaiup for answer, Drancta atore No. 104 Wwt Ilroiiil Streot. RlcUmoud, V?. HIGS9-QRADE Gentlemen'. ?ntl ladies* wcarlng ap? parel of every deserlptlon cleaned and dyed by tlio latest inctlioils. Laco Curtains aml Hlankets e oatied aud _toTed, BrooatelJe. Oamusk und Prnperlea ot ull kinds cleaned. or dyed. MltS. A. J. PYLE, 3(5 N. Flfth St., Rlchmond, Va, n 'Phono No. 2.i_2. Bend for booklet. V ?, H ,,,?-? .x Bargains at Moore's, 1724 E. Main Street. Phone 507. Best Anierican Granulated Sugar, pound Arbuckles' Coffee, pound._.... Large Mackerel, pound................ __,.?_--.. California Hams, pound.-...____^._... Best Full Cream Cheese, pound.-. Best City Meal, peck, 18c; bushel-. Best No. i Timothy Hay, ton..-,-_-. Duffy's Malt Whiskey, bottle. Wilson Whiskey, bottle._..,___-_,. James E. Pepper Whiskey, bottle...._-? Good Lard, 9c, or 3 pounds for.-_*,_ Blackberry and Catawba Wine, quart. _?....? Ltfmp Starch, pound....,-....._,,_.....?-_-. New Cut Herring, dozen-.-......-. Salt Pork, pound...-_,....,_ ...?.._. ,?,....._ Pure Lard, pound.-__.._-,......_.-_?-_,_.-.?. Butchers' Lard, pound.....___..,?.,._,-,__ 8 bars Octagon-Shape Soap-......... Smithfield Hams, pound...?.........~.-~ Roe Herring, dozen..-_, Old Virginia Appie Brandy, gallon..,.. Pride of Richmond Flour, sack, 30c; barrel.._l .~5C ...9_ ...10c -...9c ...15c ,..70c $17.50 , ..80c .$1.00 .$1.00 ...25c _, . I2C ...4C ...IOC .-..7c IIC ..I2C ..25C ..20C ..18c $3.00 ?$475 J. S. Moore's Sons, Inc. We Invlto Inspectlon of our Woodworlc lng Plant, Dry KUns, Lltne and Cement Warehousea, sltuated on R., F. and P, nnd 8. A. L. Rallroads, north of RJoh mond College. SITT 12 RD1NO-CARNEAL-DAVIS CO., Eeolers and Biillders. The Nowlan Company beg to announce that their preparations for for the Wedding Season have been completed and they cordlally invlte an inspection of the largest assortment of Elegant Oifts in Flne Qotd and Sterling Silver to be found ln the South.