Newspaper Page Text
USE THE THB THE TIMKS. FOtlNDKD IM-?. WHOT K Nl JTVTRFR \r\ 3rl?. j "ispatctl FoiiNnKD IR50 wn\jL.a iN-UVADI-r*. *O,_0_.. RICHMOND, VA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER (>, 1903. WANT ADS. PRICE TWO CENTS. SMARY OF DAY'S NEWS IHE WEATHER. "WaSIIINOTON, T>. 6.1 Oct. n.-IrorectiRt for TllOSday nnrl WodnoHday: virnlnlii?I'tii-tiy eloudy Tuesday; rair uiiii warmer Wednoadayi varlable wlnds. North t'tirolltia?Partly eloudy Tuesday tind Wednesday; llght to Iresh east Wlnds. A somewhat iil_li temporftturb mado yesterday not f|ulte so pleasnnt ttS BOJIIO Of tho brucliig days of Inst weo?. 1 lio clioncea nro for eloudy skics to-day, and wnrmcr Weather to-morrow, . BTATE OF THK THBRMOMETER, ? A, M.?' 12 M.J? 2 Y. M. '% li. V. M. U 0 P. M.if 12 mldnlght .^_ Avorago .71 2'3 Hlgheat tomporuttiro yesterday .__.'. 74 i.owoHt lemperature yesterday .?u Mi-iiii temporaturo yesterday. ?{ Normal tomporaturo for pctober .ut Departuro trotn norinal tompcraturo.... [" Freelpltatlon during past 24 houra .i MINIATL'RK ALMANAC. October ii, 1003. Bun rlses.0:10 / HIOH TIDE _un Bots.6147 | Mornlng.J.u Moon rlses....6:lB I Evenlng.?.?? RICHMOND. Itemalns of Oeneral Bradley T. John son to roach here thls afternoon; lo Ilo In state ln tbo lotutJclti of tho CapltOlj and to be takon to Baltlmoro lo-mprrow mornlng; mllltary and old eomradoa to meet tho body at tho traln-Uocal tiothers' Excliahgc decldes not to uso trading stamps?Boom of Jir. james Caakic for mayor ls revived?lu-s.i.... tior. ot Rov. Dr. Georgo Cooper is ac ceptod and a commlttee wlll he named to chooao bls succeasor?Or. F. T._Mc Fadcn likely to come to tho Flrst i i?s hytOrlan Churoh here?Particlpants ln a dance that ended in a tlght are put undor l1(.nfj?_r. Hatcher p?>? a trlbute to iir-v. John Josper?Uins commltteea named for tho Horse Show?Franchlse sold by tbe Councll for ono dollar? Oeneral Matthew C. Butler, of South Carollna; palnrully Inlhred by a rock thrown through a car wlndow?-Lig charters granted to Rlohmond people? Startlinc dovelopmenta posslble whon now Henrlco commlttee meeta?Unlted States circult Court to convene tormorrow? WcdrieBday Club to reaumo Its, rencar B_lp-Reunlon of an aged famlly-He Algnatlon of Mr. J. G. Hanklns as Becre? tary or tho state commlttee?ooyernor t.) attond Lynohburg Horee Snow??? Strong erlllclsm by a Richmond mlnls ter?A workmun falla and brcaks lus nL.c_-_<0 arrest us .yet In connccllon with tlie murdor of J. A. Scott?-Strong resolutlons adopted by the Labor Leagufi cnntulnlng a pledgo to purify the munl cipai government-Robbery at Fulton i'urk-Llvely scene between Clty Attor? ney Pollard and City Accountant Carl tor. McCarthy-1'. St. George Barraud lndlcted for forgery by the grand Jury; hla father denlca that ho Blgned the deed .?Death of a mlsslonary-BanqUet given to Richmond College foot-ball man agers?Eplscopal clerlcua begins a teiu meeting. MANOHJSSTER-Repalrs to lhe Clty Hall-Klve-year lease ls grant? ed on shlrt factory-Ordlnance Commlt? teo agreea to contract with Southern Bollc Telephone-Cosi of registration JW>-Klrst german of tho season last night-James A. Foesc kllls hlmself Flre late Sunday nlght-Work of the Pollce Court-Judge Gregory vrites a letter ot thanks-?An approachlng mur rlage-AJ-reatcU for figmlng. VIRGINIA. "Wlllinm Massev Kontenced to 18 years In Staunton for wlfo murder?A watch maii Ignltea gasollne Kn.- on board n tug nt West Point and Jumps overboard lu Have hls llfe; the boat is scuttled In tho rjver?The Roekbrldge Colt Show niu Its Inltlal exhlblllon-Negro cut to dcti. ut a negro associatlon meeting ln Pittsvl vunia-.Sonator Uraham ClaytOr dies sud Uenlv at Bedford Clty-German steamer ln Norfolk harbor, with cargo ot cotton on liro-Two whlte brothers locked up lu Chesterfleld Jail, charged with murder of Otls White, colored-Colored school teacher ln Fairfax shows slgns of havlng been kiilod by stryclmlne; bls stomach brought to Rlchmond to be analyzed?? The Lynchburg Tobacco Associatlon holds annual meeting and c-Iects otlicers-lslo ol Wlght Democrats. iu masa-meetlngj i eleci an Executive Commlttee, and tho conrnltteo elecls a chalrman-W. Fred. Johnson falls under a traln at WIndsor and ls perhaps fatally hurt?A child lalls 50 feet in Bedford, and a colored man ls knorkfd from the track by a K-comotlvc; both aro gottlng well-Blsh op Van de Vyver blesses new Cathollc SCbOO] ln Newport News-Sonator Dan? lel dlscusses natlonal and Stato polltlca In a strong spcoch .-it Rocky -Mount. Franklin county?The Republlcana ot Falrfax nomlnate on advocate of tho Mr.nn bill-A mad-ilog acaro In the vll lage of Chester; soveral dogs kllled Rev. XV. C. Taylor, of Indlanapolls, preaches hls tlrsl sermnn in tho First Ji.-tritist Church, Petersburg-Rev. Dr. George li. Hunt, prominent Baptist min ll.ter In Alexandria, desiroa to rotlro Two largo barns full of valuablc crops burned near Front Royal-Crnigon Tun? nel, on the Norfolk and Western Rail? road, open again to traffic. NORTH CAROLINA. The dlaponaary wlns by a small vote In Ralelgh, aftor close, but qulet, nght; to open January lst-The Haywood trlal still on; Governor Aycock proves tho eharacter of wltneases-Important char? ters Issued by tho secretary of Stato The WlnatOli Tobacco Associatlon holds annual meetings und elects plllcers Boy fburteon years old sniothored to di-nth ln a pilo of cotton-seed. GENERAL Markot slugglsh, deallngs small nnd prlcea torpld-lnsane man enters Whlte licuso, nnd, after fiiillng to soo Prefl oent, bocomos vlolent, requlrlng soveral mc-n to subduo hlm-Flro truck collldea wlth sireet car, and all firemon aboard lt woro hurt-Tho Tlllman Juror who was slck ls better, nnd trlal may pro ceod to-day-Federal grand jury hrlngs ln iifteon new indienments ln connectlon wlth.tho postal frauds-Strong flght bo? ing mado to got Gnmt nnd Fornes off tho Now York fuslon tlokot-John !'? Nlclds appolnted dlstrlot attorney of Dol awaro-Wllllam S. Devory nomlnatod by Independent Peoplos party fnr mayor ?-i-Chlcaglo' threatenerl wlih strlko on Btreet car lino-Prlnting houses In Win? dy Cltv ombarmsHod by mlsunderstnndliig wlth prlntors-Now Brltlsh mlnlstry ls nnnounced. CHICAGO MAY HAVE STREET CAR STRIKE (By Assoelnlod Pross.) CHJCAQO, ILL.. Oct. 5.?A crlsls In tho rolntions of thu C.'lilougo Clty Railway and its union employes, which may ro Biilt ln a strlko. was roaelier! to-day when General Manager McCulloch re fuwi-d tho (lein.inds of a delogatlon of employes headed by Presldent Wllllam D. Miihon, of tho Intornutionnl orgnnliia tion. , Tho mon demanded nn increnso ln pny for men ln tho olectrlcal departmont, a reductlon In hours for tlie hani and re pnh- mon, and tho einploymont of ntino but union men. Tho streot oar company ls n member of tho Chlengo Fmployors' Associatlon and ls, thuteforc, placed on tho ' open shop" prlnclpal. WILLIAM S. DEVERY NOMINATED FOR MAYOR (By Assoolntod Fre*s.) NEW YOItlv, Oct, r>.?At tho conventlon of tho Independent people'a party huid to-nlght, WilliMiii S, Uovory waa noinl ?iiiod for niayur, GRAZY MAN IN WHITE HOUSE Made Futile Efforts to See the President. FOUGHT OFFICERS WITH VIOLENCE Two Men Were Unable to Subdue the Mariiac. FIRED PISTOL SHOTS TO SUMMON SUCCOR After Being Taken to the Police Station Experts Pronounced the Man In sane, and an Order Was Issued Committing Him t o a n Asylum. (By Assoclated Press.) WASHINGTON, U. C, Oct. 5.?A des porato hand-to-hand encounler wlth an urincd lnsano man, who was doternilned to see Presldent Roosevelt, occurred In the vestlbule of tlie Whlte House shortly before noon to-day. The man. who gavo his name as lJeu-r Elllott, aud his hom<4 as Mlnneapolis, Mlnn., was overpowered by the otticers on duty at the Whlte House entrance and carried to a police van, whlch had been summoned. He was placed ln tho van ln tlie custody of two otlicers. Seemlng to realize then for the flrst time that he was unaer arrest, Klliott began a furious struggle wlth his capors for llberty. He drew a re? volver from the rlght slde pocket of hi3 .trousers and attempted to shoot Oltlcer James Clssell. The oillcer grabbed hls hand and wrenchod the weapon from hls grasp. Elliott's struggles were so flerce, however, that the two, ln the cramped quarters of the van. were un ablo to ovorcome hlm. Olflcer Clssell then drcw. hls revolver and fired tWo ehots to attract attentlon. Chlef Usher Thomus Stone and Olllccr Parker, of the White House force, who had asslsted In carrying Elllott to the van, attracted .by the shots, ran bsfck to the vehiclo and asslsted in overpower tng hlm. In the struggle wlthln tho police van, Elllott: had broken a glass panel wlth hls head, severely cuttlng his head and face. Otticer Clssell sustalned a serious cut on his right arm, two inches of flesh being cut out of tlio fleshy part of the arm. He suffered considerably from loss ot blood, but hls lnjury ls not sorious. The van was hurricd to the Emergency Hospltal, where the injuries of both Cls? sell and Elllott were dressed. Sent Photograph. Several days ago Secretary Eoeb re? ceived a letter, postmarked Washing? ton, D. C, and wrltten on letter paper of the St. James Hotel, thls clty. The letter enclosed a photograph of Blhott nnd an Incoherent request for an lnter view with Presldent Poosevelt. The let? ter was slgned "Poter EI1.," the statement belng; made Immedlately under the slgna turo that the writer was roglstured at tlie liotel ns Poter Blllot. lt was evldent to Secretary Eoeb that thls correspen dent was Insane, nnd he Issued dlrectlons nt onco that the oftlcers on duty nt the Whlto House and at tho execulve offlces should be on thelr gunril agalnst hlm. Tho photograph was turned over to the stcret servlce ofTicers. Nothing was seen of the man untll yos? torday. when tho Presldont attended morn? lng servlce at Grace Beformed Church. Elllntt went to tho church early, and durlng the flrst part of the sor%ices oc cupied a seat ln the gallery overlooklng tlie pow ln which thn Presldent sat. Ho left the church nt tho beglnnlng of tho pnmmunion servlce and loancd ngalnst tlie fence ralllng of a houso Just below tlie church. Thoro he nwnlted the exlt of tho President. When tho Presldent emerged from tho church he walked rpilckly down tho streot toward Elllott. Elllott stepped SUddonly up to the Presl (Contlnucd on Socond Page.) FORMER SENATOR STRUCK BY ROCK General M. C. Butler Victim of an Accldent Near Rlchmond. General M. C. Butler, of South Caro? llna, for many yoars Unlted States Son ator, prlor to thut tlmo a Confederate gcnerul and lator a major-genoral ln tho Unlted States army, wa8 jiainfully In? jured Sunday mornlng by bolng struck with n stone burled tlll'Qltgh a car win? dow whllo tho General was a pussonger ou a Seaboard Alr I.lno traln entorlng thls clly. Tho accldent, as It ls believed to bo, occurred nbout 10:30; Just ns tho traln was passing tho Junctlon of the Southern nnd Washington nnd Southern traclts nenr thls clty, Gonoral Butler, who wus In a Puilman cnr, was struck a sovere blow on the sldo of hls head, causlng a palnful scalp wound and cuttlng hls oar. Tho wound was dressed by a physlclan on tha car, and Goneral Butler contlnued hla trlp, rocelvlng additional troatinrmt on hlt ii.rrl.viil at hls homo, It Ib nellevori that tha stons was thrown by somo mlHchlovous boy, but whothor 111. lonilud for tho traln or not ls unknown, No Informatlon mi to tho Idontlty of thn thrower of tlie mlssllo cnn bo hnd, oven as a rohtilt of dlllgont iuuulry by thn t'ullwuy oitlriulii, THREE MEN KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION (I5y AsnocNitpil PfMI.) MOBILE, ALA., October 6.?By the ex plOBlon of a boller thls mornlng In tho snw mlll of Thomas Motcalf, seven miles south of Monllo, threo men lost ihelr llves nnd two other persons were Injured. The dead! THOMAS METCALF, proprlotor. C1IAKL.ES CROCKETT, a negro cm ploye. TIM DAVTD, a negro omployo. Tho Injured: Ben Norwood and a boy named Davls. BOY IS SMOTHERED IN COTTON SEED PILE (By Assoclated Pross.) RALEIOH, N. C, Oct. 6.?Cynis John son, a fourtcen-ycar-old boy, whllo play? lng In a plle of sood cotton nenr hls home, eleven mlles from Ralelgh. fell into a funnel-shapod holo he had i-x cavntod In the mass, and belng unablo to oxtrlcate hlmself, was smothcrcd to death. A younger boy, hls step brothor, saw IiIh legs stlcklng from the cotton secd and dragged hlm out, but only to flnd . that he' was dend. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE RESIGNS HIS 0FF1CE (By Assoclated Press.) I.ONDON, Oct. E.?The Duke of Dcvon fihiro, who was leader of the Consorva tlvo parly i,n tlio Houso of Lords, has leelgned the offlco of lx>rd Presldent ot the Councll, and tho Klng haa accoptod hls reslgnation. The Duke wrote to Mr. Balfour, glv Ing hls reasons for hla reslgnation, which he attribuled, among other things, to the Prernier's speech at Shefllold and hls pamphlet on insular free trade. SENATOR CLAYTOR Dles Very Suddenly at His Bedford Home. ILLNESS OF A FEW HOURS Relurned from Office Complainin_, He Went to Sleep and Never Regained Consciousness?-State Senator and Commonwea'th's Att'y. (Speclal to Tho TlmeB-Dlspatch.) BEDFORD CITY, VA., Oct. 5.?State Senator Graham Claytor was taken 111 this afternoon and later became entlrely unconsclous. He had not seemed qulte well for sev? eral days, but ho attended to his acCus tomed duties. This mornlng he returned ln a buggy very early from his offlce, complalnlng of lllness, and at onco re tlred to bed and seemed to fall asleep immedlately. At noon his wlfe became alarmed at his heavy breathing and hor inabillty to arouse hlm, and summoned physlclans, but all of thelr efforts were unavalllng, and he passed away about 5 STATE SENATOR GRAHAM CLAYTOR o'clock wlthout ever rogainlng conscious? ness. Only a few months ago Wllllam G. Claytor, hls fnther, dled wlthout a mo ment's wnrnlng. A fow years ago John M. Claytor, a brother, passed away In tho nlght wlnlo -sleeplng. Mr. GrrWiam Clnytor wns about flfty-two years of age. He was Commonwealth's attorney of Bedford county, whlch posltlon ho had filled wlth marked ablllty for tho past elght yoars. Ho reprosonted Bed? ford ln tbo Stato Senato durlng tho last sesslon of tho Leglslnturo. Ho was posscssed of brilliant Intelloct, glfted In a remarkable degree as an orntor, and as wri'ter was versntilo, gracoful and schol nrly. Hls manner was most propossos slng and court eous. rondoring hlm a charming compnnion. Mr. Clnytor is a member of a lartfe nnd lionorahlo famlly connecilon nnd lind many frlends in thls county nnd olso whoro ln Vlrglnla. Ho is survivod by hls wlfo, who wns Mlss Marion Bell, an only daughter, Mlss Marlon Clnytor, and a son, Graham Clnytor. -4, MAKES A CONFESSION OFNUMEROUSCRIMES (By Assoclatod Press.) DENVER, COL., Oct. 5.?The Btiper. Intondont of n detectlve agency ln Den vor last nlght verlfled a dlspatch from St. Louls thnt N. E, Hammond, who has soveral asBiimed names, and who ls under survelllance at a hospltal horo, liaB confessed to havlng commlttod num? orous forgerles, swindlea and mnll-pouch robbot'los ovor tho country, hls opora. tlons nggrogntlog Bomothlng llke "J&OG.OOi), Ho was found soveral dny. ngo at tho hospltal, whore he liad boen for a woek or moro titidet' treatment, Tho ondl tlon of Haniiiiond, whoito real nume ls Boll, Is sorlouti, but lt ia believed ho wlll focover. A LIVELY SCENE IN COMMITTEE Messrs. Pollard and Mc? Carthy Clash. OPINION OF THE FORMER CRITICISED Clty Accountant Took Issue Wlth the Attorney. MR. POLLARD MADE VERY WARM REPLY Refused to Submit to Criticism from a Layman, and Used t!:<i Word "Up ,start"?Declared if Committee Was Not Satlsfied He Would Pay Another Lawyer to Write an Opinion. Thore was a sploy sesslon of tho Fl nanco Commltteo and tho Board of Slnk? lng Fund Commlssioners at the Clty Hall yesterday afternoon, ln whlch there wero somo sharp passages .etwcen Clty At? torney H, R. Pollard and City Account? ant Carlton McCarthy. AVhile tho lncl dcnt lasted but a few minutes, lt was fast and furlous throughout, and lt was ovldcnt that the Clty Attorney was ex cecdlngly angry. Neither was tha Clty Accountant ln a pleaslng mood, though he made no reply to tho thrusts of tho Clty Attorney, but proceeded flnally wlth the readlng of the paper whlch had provoked the trouble. The Jolnt body has bieen holdlng meet? ings from time to tlrrte for the past month to endeavor to- arrive at some settled pollcy with reference to tho af? falrs of the slnklng .-und, the immedlate matter under conslderatlon being the questlon of issulng $600,000 of 4 per cent. bonds to meet some Outstandfng obliga tlons of the city shortly to mature. OPINION, p:c. .1. AJTter the llrst lne.tlng Mr. Pollard was asked for an opinion aa to the rlghts of the Slnklng-Fund Commlssioners ln tho matter of dealing wlth bond issues, and when thls wns submitted Captaln McCarthy took issue in a measure and critlcised the paper in a Iengthy prepared statement of the condltlon of the city's finances. The Clty Attorney was asked for a further opinion, and this was sub? mitted later on. Captaln McCarthy In another prepared statement was crlticlsing this second doc ument yesterday evening. Ho liad not referred to Mr. Pollard by name, nor did he use the term ''Clty Attorney," but mnny references were made in hls paper to tho "oplnlon." SOME WARM WORDS. The city accountant was firlng into the lawyers oplnions by inference, differing with Mr. Pollard In many of the lat tei-s conclualons. Flnally Mr. Pollard aroso and declared that he had practiced in all th? courts, from tho Unlted States Su? preme Court to tho huinblest in the State, and he had not had hls oplnions critlcised by a layman. Later ho sald ho dld not proposo that one of them should now be assalled by an "up start." Mr. rollard further sald wlth some- show of feeling, thnt if the Committee were not satisfied wlth hls oplnlon, he would personally pny some other lawyer to write one, but he re sented the criticism whlch wns then bo? lng passed upon it. Tho Clty Attorney at one time started to leave the room, but was lnvited to re? maln, whlch he flnally dld. Tho committee rose about 6 o'clock, the lncident havlng olosod, but no voto was taken on any pendlng propositlon. The body wlll meet agaln on Monday nlght next, when It ls llkely that a report wlll bo formulated. The lncident between the two clty ofllcinls waa the chlef toplc about the Hall last nlght. THE D1SPENSARY W1NS 1 RALEIGH A Qulet But Hard Fought Election?Open Flrst of of Year. (Specinl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) RALEIGH, N. C, Oclober 6.?The oleo tlon ln Ralolgh to-day rosulted in a vic? tory for tho dlspensary, tho majorlty be? lng 191. The reglstratlon was 1.C3S. The voto for dlspensary was 677, agalnst dls ponsary and for open saloons 4-1. Not votlng, -117. Tho dlspensary opens January Ist. The election was qulot, but hard fought. -? WILL NOT USE TRAD1NG STAMPS A Unanlmous Resolutlon ls Adopted by the Ciothlers' Exchange. Al a niootlnu of tho Ciothlers' MxohaiiRe, held last nlght at Mui'phy's Anne., lt wns resolved thut nr, nifliiibor of the exoliungo would usn iraitlng Htauips, Tho exchaiigo l., coinpoeed of itll the loadlng olothloi. Mita t-ont- furiil-herni-f th. olty. QREET HIM WITH ROLL OF MUFFLED DRUflS GENERAL BRADLEY TYLER JOHNSON. DANIEL IN FRANKLIN Silver Tongue as Clear and Eloquent as Ever. AN INSPIRING ADDRESS Both State and National Issues Dis cussed?County Libraries and Ex periment Stations in Every Co. Urged to Erect Monument. (Speclal to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.) ROCKY MOUNT, VA., Octobor 5.?Thls has been a great day for tho Democracy of Franklin. L'nitod States Senator John W. Danlel, dlscusscd all of the llve lssuea ln polltlcs, Stato and natlonal, _i a. mas torful address of two nnd a half hours. A large crowd grooted tho dlstlngulshed speaker in tho most onthusiastlc ahd af fectlonate manner, and listened to him in rapt attentlon wlthout loslng a word which fell from hls eloquent lips. Many ladles gracod tho occaslon by tholr pros enco. Tho introductory speech was mado by County Chalrman L. XV. Anderson, who pald glowing.trlbutes to tho dlstln gulslied statesman, soldior and patrlot, whose roputntion was State, natlonal and tnlernatlonal. A GREAT ADDRESS. It la lmposslblo in a llmlted space to glvo even a briof outlino of this great and lnsplrlng address. He f'.ld not favor tlio prlmary systom na a general p'ropoaltion, but thought that each county or clty should determlne for Itsolf tho modo |t preferred for noml natlng candldates. He wanted county li brarlos establlshed at evory courthouso ln tho State, and agrlcultur'aj e.vporimont stations in evory county also. A vote on the flrst proposltlon ahowed a ma? jorlty ln favor of It. Tho latter proposl? tlon ho dld not nsk tho voto upon. SUFFRAGH. Tho auffrngo clauso of tho new Con Btltutlon was dlscussed to tho gront do llght and satlsfactlon nf tho peoplo. Ho pald eloquent trlbuto to tho followors of Leo and Jackson, and sald ho would rather havo boon a soldior In tho Con fbderato army than to be Presldent, Tho Senator was a guest of F. O. Hoff man, edltor of tho Tlinos-Domoerut, who has supported hlm In all of hls polltlcal naplratlons slnco ho has beon lu publlc llfo. Tho Senator ln coneluslon, In eloquent stralu, which brought teafs to tho eyos nf hls hearors, urged tho peoplo to orect a aultablo monumont to tho momory of tho brnvc Confoderato soldlors wlio v.'fnt fortli to war from Franklin county. FAIRFAX REPUBLICANS Nominatea Candidate Who is in Favor of the Mann Bill. (Speclal lo Tho Timos-nispntch.) FAIKI-'AX C. II., VA., Oct. C?Tho Re publicaim <if Falrfax county In conven? tlon horo to-day noinlnaled John _l, Payne, of Fall.s Church for the Houso of Dulogutos. Ho Ih ltno n to be n Btmng Bflvocato Of tho .Mann law. as la Robfll't K l.oo, tho Deiniii-ratlc catulldate. Thls insures a OOntoal ln thls i-minly on puioiy party tlnea only, A partlal county ticket was nominated conslsllng of Henry A, Crlppen for slierill and 0, H. Steor fnr i-onunlsslouer of rovu nur on tlio North side. Tho followlng were electod delegates to tho Senatorlal conventlon, which im-ei.s. |n Aloxnndrlu on Iho 7th In.stant: li, W. llawxluust, 10. L. 8. Houlmi, K. 1.. IIcjw ard, Henry llalght, Jlnyward Davis, J. W. Roberts, Hugh Snula, M. R Church, C. J. Moler and XV. D. Bealey. ? ? I, ?? DANIELS AND MONTAGUE 7 hey Journoy to Grayaon Together to Spenk, (Hpoolal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.) PULASICI, VA,, Ootoljor 6.?Bonntor HantelH nnd Oovernor Montuguo pussod through Puluskl thla mornlng, on route fm liulopiuuleni-o. (Iruyson county, whoro ilu.y sycali ut tbo fulr lu .w:ufiro3_ lUiu. HAVESTRUCK THE BOTTOM Fifteen New Indlctments by Federal Grand Jury. N MR.PAYNE WELL SATISFIED Glad Departmental Investigation is at an End?Many of the Bills Are Against Persons Already Inoicted. (Bv Assoclated Press.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.?Fifteen new Indlctments woro brought in by tho grand Jury of tho Supromo Court for the Dls? trlct of Columbla,to-day as the llnal re? sult of an investlgatlon in tho Postofflee Department. Several of those llndings woro agalnst persons who already ha.vo been indictod. Tho now indlctments involvo James R. Tyner, the lato asslstant attorney gene? ral for the Posloltlco Deparlment, and hls asslstnnt, Harrlson J. Barrett; James T. Metcalf, superlntendent of the monoy order system of tho Postofflee Depart? mont; Norman Metcalf, son of James T. Metcalf; Harry C. Hallenbeck,, presldont and gonoral manager of the Wynkop, Hallenbeck and Crawford Compnny, of New York, tho flrm whlch for several years supplled tho department wlth- lts money-order blanks, and Wllllam D. Do remus, who ls connected with a houso Whlch hns been suppylng a stamp-can celllng mftchlii- to the department. Thero woro additional Indlctments agalnst August AV. Maohen, former su? perlntendent of freo dellvory; Goorge W. Boavors, former chlef of the salary and allowanco dlvlslon; W. Scott Towors, who wns In charge of a sub-statlon of tho Washington clty postofflee, and Stato Senator Georgo A. Green, of Now York, ln somo cases thero woro soveral Indlct? ments agalnst ono person. Boiyl was flxed for Barret in tho sum of ?10,000 nnd for Tyner, in tho sum of $5,000. Mr. Tyner wns not In court nnd It was stated that ho was too 111 to ap? pear. His bond wns theroforc perfected at hls homo in thls city. Tho older Metcalf's Iwind was flxod at (Contlnuod on Socond Page,) COMPLICATIONS IN THE METROPOLIS Flght for and Agalnst Grant and Fornes ls Belng Waged Wlth Great Vlgor. (Hy Assoclnted Press.) N1;;\V YORK, Oct. 5.?It is denlod agaln to-day thnt Comptroller Qrout and Presl? dont Fornos, of thn Board of Aldernien, wlll voluntnrlly wlthdraw from tho Fuslon tlckot. The compllcatlon that has arls-.-n over tho acceptfthca by them of tho Doni ooi'fltlo enilorseinent, ronialns tlie major ft'.iturti of tho polltical sltuittlun ln Gronter New York, aud tlio fight for aml agalnst them ls belng uctlvoly waged. ll Is down to a quostlon of nieniory and vernclty between Mayor Low nnd Comptrollor Qrout as to tlie foriner'a Itnowlodgo of the lntter's plnn to aeeept Democratlo endorseinent, Tho Mayor lu rojolnder to the Inst lotter of tho comp troller, snys ho lias no rccollectlon of n second con't'orsntlon ahotit tho Deinocratl.' nnnilnation. Comptroller Grout mado anothor contri butlon to the campaign pamplilets tn day. lt was a lotter to K. Fulton t'uttlng, cliulnnan of tho Citizens' Unlon Commlt? tee, as to the so-culled pledgo of the Citizens' Unlon not to voto for any Tam mnny cnndldato. Ho takos dlroct lssuo wlth Mr, Cuttlng nnd assortH that tho pledgo doou not ,-\i:,i or if lt exlats lt ls vloljited. Old Comradesto Receive Gen. JohnsorTs Body. TO LIE IN STATE IN THE ROTUNDA Remains of the Veteran Reach Here This Afternoon. DIED YESTERDAY IN GOOCHLAND COUNTY To Be Taken to Baltlmore To-Morrow Mornlng and Laid Beslde His Wife. Sketch of the Career of a Man Who Served His Country Well Both In War and In Peace. Another Confederato ehleftaln haa an swered "Here!" to tho last roll-call. Bradley T. Johnson te gone But a fow now remaln They are Gen? eral Fltzhugh Lee, General John B. Gor? don, General James Longstreet and a fow others, Just' a few, and tho 11st la completo. Of thoae named only General Lee is in robust health. Of all the roster of Confederato soldlers, no splrlt was gen tlor and nono braver than that which' passed away at Rock Castle yesterday mornlng. General Johnson dlod at 4:25 o'clock. Ho was spendlng the summer nt the rosi lence of Mrs. Ann S. Ruther foord, Rock Castlo, Goochland county, about forty miles above Rlchmond on tha James Rlver Division of tho Chesapeaae and Ohlo Railway. While ho had been ln falling health for six months or more and those nearest him recognlzed that the end; was gradually approaohinig, hls doathi was sudden and unexpocted. He was apparently no worse Sunday nlght when he retlred than he had boen for some weeka?posaluiy a llttle weak er. He was conscious untll a short tlme boforo the last breath camo, and passed lnto tho long sleop wlthout a murmur. Hia yees rested on those whom he held most dear?his only son. Colonel Bradley a. Johnson, the wlfo of hls son, who could scaroely have loved and cared for her own father more devotedly, ond hls grnnd son, Cadet Bradloy T. Johnson. Jr., of tho Annapolis Academy, whom the aged sol? dier loved very tenderly. It was prl niarlly to be wlth thls young man who was at home on a furlough that General Johnson was at Rock Castlo at this tlmo. Othors of the household which was de? voted to hlm woro at hls bedslde. Kirst Known Here. Early yesterday mornlng Captaln Louls F. Bossloux. of No. 322 South Thlrd Stroot, a llfelong frlend of the General. recelved a tolegrnm from the famlly ask Ing hlm to come up, as the General was | dead. Captaln Bossleux spent the day at | Rock Castle, returnlng ln tho evenlng, and last nlght made tno arrangements neces? sary for recelvlng tho body here. The remains wlll reach the Maln Street ' passenger dopot thls ovenlng at 6:35 i o'clock, coming over the Chesaponke nnd j Ohlo road. Old comrades, ofllcers and membera of the old Flrst Vlrglnla Regl ment, of which General Johnson was at j one tlme colonel; members of Lee and I PIckott Cnmps, and tho local companles j ot tho Sevcntlelh Reglmont, really tho ! -'Old Flrst," wlll form the escort from j tho depot to tho Capitol. Here, beneath the rotunda, the body wlll Ile In stato un ' til 8:40 to-morrow mornlng, when lt wlll bo taken. via tho Rlchmond, Frederleks burg and Potomac road, to Baltlmoro. Tho Iritermeht will ho mado upon the ar rlyal of tho romalns ln Baltlmore ln the Lcudoun Park Cemctery, ln the seotlon among tho Confederato soldlers of tho Maryland llne, whore hls wlfo Is also burled. Soventloth Roglment companles which wlll form tho escort aro A, B, C, F and H, nnd wlll bo under the command ot Major Charles O. Savllle. Captaln C. G. Bossleux, adjutant, postod ordera laat ! night for tho companlos to nssomble at i tho armory at 5:30 o'clock thls afternoon I |p. servlco unlform. Leo and Plckett 1 Cnmps aro both cordlully invlted to turn oul in a body. A detall from the survlv ing members of Iho old First will ao company the body to Baltlmore. Bradloy Tyler Johnson saw tho llght ln Fredorlok, Md., Septombor 29, 1828, and was, tboroforo, juat slx days more than sovonty-flvo yenrs of ago, Gonoral John? son came of an illusirlous Mary lnnd fam? lly. Hla father was Dr. Charles M. John? son, nnd hls mother, beforo her mar? riago, Mlss Ellnor Murdock Tyler, both of Freclcrlek. Md. Ono of his ancestors was Governor of that Stnte. Whon the war broko out ho llnked hls fortunes with thoso of tho South, und thls sectlon had beon hls homo sinco, After spendlng hls boyhood In tho prl vato schools of Fredorlok, his father aent lllrn to Prlucoton College, whore ho wna gradtiated ln 184t?, recelvlng hlgh honora. Deoldlng to become n lawyer, he went to llarvaiil and took the course. In No? vember of 1851 ho was electod Common? wealth's Attorney ln Maryland, From the tlmo he began tho practlce of law untll the confllot, ho took an ao etlv part in politlcs. Was a Gallnnt Soldier, Tho country wus now on tho eve of war, and ho hnd llttlo dltllculty In deold? lng what course ho would pursuo. Throvv lng bls fiit'Uines at onco wltb tho South, tlio gulUnt and enthualastlc young man ralsed a company at hls own expeuae, aud hi- becamo the captaln of lt. Juno itith ho was made major; 21st of July, lleutoii ant-colotu-1, and lSlh of Alnrch, 1S62, col? onel. He i-ommaiided his reglmont at all tho battlea pf Juckson's valley campaign of JSH2, und in tho seven days' battlea around Richmond. Tho roglment havlng almost been unnlhiluU'd, ln August, 18*13, tho remnant was mustered out. and Col? onel Johnson was then asslgned to Jack Bon'a division. .luuo 28. lsi,4, ha was coinmlsaioned to brlgadler-'geiH-ial of cavalry. ill_ bervlcoa in dofeuting Imhlgrtm on hls rold to warda Rlrbmond were recognlaed In a general order, nnd General Wude Hamp? ton presonted hlm with a aabre. He conunandod a hrlgado of cavalry undor Euriy ln the cauipulgn of 1884. On _s,'urly'a udvunvo liHi? Mtuylwid Geutrat