Newspaper Page Text
. USE THE WANT ADS. THfi TJ.MK.B. KOUM'Kli ]W>5. TUE IMSPATCH. KOtTNnKD 1KW WHOLE NUMBER. 16,370. RICIIMOND, VA.f THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1003. PRICE TWO CENTS. SUMJMitfOFDArSNEWS. THE WEATHER. WA8H1NGTON. D. C Oct. U.-Foreenat fot ThUraday and ITiday: ? vngmia? Fnlr Tnursdny, toliowed t>.v IncronahiB clouillnosa; raln Krlday; llgnt varlablo wlmls, shiflliig to cast. Nortn Caroiina?Falr Thtltaday; frlday falr In fiouth; BhOWoM and eoojor borthorn portlohj frosh soutiicast wictas Thren hwiiitlful daya tiivv bteaaed Iho oountry, and tho Woathor BUroall proni Ihbk tlwt to-day wlll bo n foiirtli of a llke nature. To-morrow aliowora anu roolcr urc. on tho carda. STATE OF THE THERMOMETEU. R A. M. L2 M. . C3 8 v. m..'.:::.':::::.'..'.? ? p. m.? 0 P. M. 'I u mldnlghl ." Averugo 611-3 Hlghesl tcmpcratiira ycaterday . <1 lxwest temporflturo yeatcrday .? Aiean temperaturo yeatorday ....'>| Normal wmpcraturo for.Oclober.. "' DepartUre from normal tcmppralUre.... w fiacipltation diirliiK puut ':\ honra .w MtNlATCEE ALMANAC. OclObor 15, 130:). Siin risci*.'1:18 I IIIGH T1DB sun Kots.6:33 I Mornlng. Uoon rlBcs...l2:S5 | Bvenliig.i^01 KICHMONO. Bbcorid dav of tho Uorao Show marked by large atlandanr-n and Increased ?-? thualaam: llst of wlnnora in th>! varjouB evanta; Artillory B?nd of Fortreas ?lon tbb lo play at the roneert lo-day Frlenda or Trcaaurer Brauer, ot Hennco, Kiitimr and adopt atrong reaolutiona nj hia liehuit?Vetoran Parker dlamlsaod from Soldlera' Komoi sentoncp ol vet? oran Reeae to 1>U inade known to-day? uauslucro of Confederacy tnect-Cli.-ir tpra granted by tho Corporatlon Commls r?on?FolltlcH In plr-nty around the Horse tshow?Misa DonEeavy honorcd by tho jV,p.-Kellgious llTnid calla vetemna of tho Spanifti war brlganda?Plan ot co bperatioh oi Haptlai sohoois?Grand om ccrs of Koyal Arcanum hore to-nlirht?? Jotm ilappn dlea from the effoct of hls wonnda; Martfii Belton clalma that shoot Ihg waa accldental; an Irnpicst to-day?? Udndlddtea i-n K?aiatfr of the J>and or tic.?Hotela crowded witu horao-loverji ?Man's hair turna gray from paln?A LCRtilcnop ln Moxl'co throatena well-knowti VfTglniana-Vctcran narrowly cHcapes death. MAKCIiBSTBR?AU the rogf? trars wlll reai?n on accmint of a rcdutf tion of pay-A marriago ycaterday Board of Ald<'tmen to meet to-morrow iiiBti?t'olcphono company to bcgin to put In new ronnectlona-Camp ot Coit foderatf) vetorans Is called to meot Court nowa. V1RGINIA. A largevpoBBO from Vir*clllna huntlas ,'or a mlssing glrl; nuapK-ious clrcutn tianccs-The eecond day ot tho DlKtrjct Falr at Hadford a groat success; aptritod rlding and drivtriKj fat cattle-Many pt.OiTiliient tnarrlagea In all parta of the ata;c?Judge ISoss, of Buckln^ham. de eld'ea ln favor of tho Wfta-Wuliam N. Uanlal, oft prondunced oppOncnt of aul .?Ide. kllla Jum.solf-United Btatea Miti tral Company In Buukmgham to put m :ompletc reduction plant for eoppor oro ?ucglatration at Nowport Newa showa ir-ry t'ew cplorcd votcra-Trehy deciares the defoat of hl3 factlon In iNorfolk waa Jiifc to diabolical fratid-Surfman Cappa itlven-gold medal for llte-aavlng by Nor-. rolk Oad-Ke.lowa* lodg?-A new nC"?v.< paper to bo atartcd at Ctcwq?Eine bai n in Wcstmoreland hurns from apontaneous tornbuatlon-\\ est Jfolnt water boflds ralKt-d to 6 per cent.. and soll ln a bloCc -Practioal jokera givc very Hcrloua an noyantes over tho telophono ln Peters liurg, and tbolr punianmcnt aought Mr?. David II. Smlth, near Brlatol, hanga nerself tt-lth a hank of thread-Nqw iclephonp linn bullding f-ora Pcterabui-g to Cboaterfield Courthouse. NORTH CAROLINA. Hay-wood foand not gullty of tho inurdor of LudlOW Sklnner by a Itnlel},h Jury. af t?.T flttpcn nilmites' conalderatiori?Pr^ai <lont Sportcer and other otliolals of the Bouthorn vialt Sallsbury and Spencer A haif-mlle runnlng raco for at tho Btati! Falr-J. E. Gosleo getH h,s foot cut off at Klnaton-Mr. A. A. Yoder Hccldentally kllls a worthy colorod maa at Nowton"-Ttio town ot Marion %-oto& for salooha and distllk-rlea. GENERAL Argument in th? Tillman case con Cluded, and not ex;>octed that tho Jury wlll bo abla to agr^o-Sensatlonal rove lationa ln tho Investlgatlon 6f tho affulra of the ahlpbulldlrig comblnatlon?Clovo land makes a notable apeech In Chlcogo on good eitlzenshlp-Tammany leader claims that the fusion movomont in New Vork haa coliapaed?Eltzslmmoha fails to knocJt Joe Oiim out, though the latter Koes down twehty timcH?Tho Restoru tion Hoat staits for Its cruaadc in Ncw vork-Kiiig Victor Emanuel and Queen tlelona of Iialy glven an enthuslaatlc ro ceptlon ln Parls and banqueted by uont .Loiibet-Caleb 1'owers and Jiin tiownrd rnmoved from Georgptown to t.ouisvilln to provont tlielr frionds from uoerating thern-Ex-Goverhor Henry E. MKcheli, of Florida, doad?E.-dy of Archblshop Kaln lying ln stnte In Baltl more-Three men kllied and aix lnjurcd in a rallroad wrock ln Georgla?Slx laHt lir.ats trotted In rich McDOwell atake, and Hawthorno lowers rocord but thuro is no rexult-(ieorge Groen, arrested for cou spiracy ivlth BeavorB, is admltted to bail -Pavonto ln Topeka to Ijh llned for tnoir clilidren playlng truant-Non unlon coal-wlieelera tircd upon by atrlkora ln New Orleans-Fover lullowlng ray agea of storin ln the South-Baltlmore aynod dlrects rcconsldcration of case of Itev. Robert A. Elhvood-Negro wlio had murdered a slx-year-old boy lyncliod Iri Mnntatta-Amorican Aaabclatlon of Oenora] Passonger //onta! to hold imxt annuai moetlng at O.a I'oint?RupBln lias an army of licJ.iKXi in tho Far East, and antlclpatldn of war ln at fovor heal; rumoia of war dlacoumcd ln London and Jiorlin. MUKDERERS MOVED TO PREVEIMT LIBERATIOIM (By Assoclatod Presa.) GEORGETOWN, KV., Octpbor M.?The county Jialga to-day grantod an ordor permlttlng tlic rerhoval of palob Powcrs and Jlm Ilow;Lrd, conylcted ln coniiectlon with tho nuinier of wijllnm Goobel, to tho Eoulsvlllo Jnll, and tho nion loft thla niornlng In cliargo or doputlt;s. Rocanily aovoral iQttera havo been in tercepted ln vvliloh It wna aluiwn that fl'londH of thP men ln Eastorn Kontuclty woro pln.nalng, to llboralo them from Jall. A knlfe waa found In Povvers' cell last week. Tho inen wero oxpeoted to ai'flvft at. Lotilavllle tlils ovonlng. and wero lo hc taken lo the jall whero Curtla jett is tr.carcoratod. ONE MARSHAL KiLLED THEOTI1ERW0UNDED (By A-soolated Presa.J MINEGIjA. TEXA3, Oot. H.-Dhvb Kltoliens and W: J, Hhuborl, United Htstra marahnla of Grand Silir.o, hco>uiu rngaged ln a ahooting to-day, Sliubort. ?was killed nnd K tchaip* aoilnualy wounded. f'it\' Marshal T. M. Gago, in trying lo eeparato .tho ooinhatant.s, whs fhot iu tlio lu-ad and ia reportod to bu dylng. Nowt Harpol?, a by?standor, waa ahot tjnder the lioarl. and his wounda itlc con aldered fstal, TILLMAN'S FATE NOW WITH JURY i_ No Vcrclict Reached and Result in Doubt. QUESTION OF BAiL IN CASE OF MISTRIAL State Will Object to Grant . ' ing it. THE ARGUMENT WAS > CONCLUDED YESTERDAY Tho Impression of All the Counsel and Oth^rs Interested in thc Case is lhat the Rasult Will Bo a Mis triul?IViotion fjr Bail is Being Pre- i pared. fSpecial to The TimeE-Dispatch.) , LEXINGTON, S. C, Oct. 14.?Thc caso of tho State against Jamcs Tillman waa aubmltted to-day to the Lexlngton county Jury. At 12 o'clock to-nlght the Jury wao Ktill locked up and no verdlcl liad bfccr\ agreed upon. It Beeraa to be the Impression of all the counsel iri the case that the trlal will result In a fallure to reach a n'ordlct, ar.d they are heglnnlng to prepnre for a mo tlon for ball. The underntand:ng to-nlght ls that |n the event of a mlstrlal the State will object to the granting of ball, al thongh ordl/iarily It Is granted in the event of mlstrials, whlch Indlcato a reasonablo doubt as to gnllt. At 2 o'loek thls mornlng the members of thc Tillman jury were reportcd aslccp In the court rooni. whlch had bocn clear ed of spectators for thelr uae. Tho argnment consumed two and a half daya. Senator Tillman, uncle of tho defendant, was present to-day. Colonel Croft resumed his argument to the Jury wtth the convenlng of court, nnd made the closlng address for the defendant and flnal nppeal for his ac (jtifttal. In aummlng up the defendant'a caBC hc diwelt upon the testlmony of, wltnesses fur the defcnae relallve to the poaltlon of Mr. Gonzules' hands as lie approached Mr. Tillman. He also pressed the polnt that the defendant waa to be Judged in the llght of clroumstanccs as they appcared to tho defendant, Colonel Croft also nddressed hjmself to law pointa Involvcd. He was followcd by Genernl j. G. Bellcngcr, who closed for the State and made the fina] argument of the tri'al. Gencral Bellengor made a genernl aum mlng up of the State's case, hiylng stress \ipon the etstlmony adduced by the Stato iclatlve to tho shooting. THE IN'STRUCTIONS. Counsel having con'cluded, Judge Gary Irhmedlately proceeded to charge the Jury. He deflned homicide. explnirlng the different Iclnds, Justfflable, excusahlo nnd folonidus, saying that felonloua homi? cide was eltlicr murder or manslaughter. Having deflned malice aforethought, cx preaspd and impllcd, the court lnatructed the Jury that the defendant set up a plea of self-dcfonse. nnd that to auatarh that plea he must satlsfy the jury by a preponderance of evldence. hcyond a reasonable doubt. of four tlilnga: That he was wlthout fa.ult in bringing on (he dlfflculty: lhat he belleved nt tho tlmo that it waa necessary to take the llfe of his adversary to save hia own lffe, or to save hfmself from serlous bodily harrn: that a mnn of ordlnnry flrmness. prudenee and courngo In a llke Bltuation would have come to the aame concluslon; and that he had no probabla nieans of escape. In explnnatlon ?f what eonstltutoa a preponderance of testlmony, the court sald: "If J'ou pnt the evldence In favor of the plea In one pnn of the balanco nnd the evldence ngainst tho plea in the otlier. and the evldence In favor bears down the evldence apalnst the plea, U preponderntes or butwclghs nnd the plea Is establlshed." Contlnulng, thu court chnrged: "It Is necessary for tlie State to establish Its caao to your aatlafactlon, bcyond a rea sonable doubt, not sllghtt vngue or wblmslcal doubt." Concludlng, tho court said: "Ge.ntlemen, brlng to bear on tho case your. besl judgment, and brlng in n. verdict necord ing to facta. dlsregardlng uny outslde clnltn, by whlch many homlcldes have gonc unpunished." A MONTANA MOB LYNCHES A NEGRO Swlft Justlce on the Slayer of a Slx-Year-Old Boy Last Niglit. (Hy AssociiUed Press.> HAMIl/1'ON, M'ONT., October H.?Wal ter Jnokson, the ronvlcted inurderer of l'Vnnlc Huck, a six-yonr-old boy, wns lakeu from tlie county Jail heia late last ulfcht by a niob and lynohod. Shorlly before mldiilght mventy-IH'o ninsked rnen, all arnicd wllh rltles or alinigunti. forctkl thelr way throush tho door of tho jall and ovorpowored Juller Htevrns. Wlio was ahlo to offer but. sllght ret-IMamu-. Jneksun was fouud erlngiiig in the darkest portlon of his ce|l. lie lileaded piteously for mfrcy, but w-ia ruplieti out Into Iho street, where tho n\ol> had aln-ady prnvlded thumsclvea %vhh a ro'no. Thls waa qulokly thrown over an electric llght pole and tho uooso placod aboul. Jac.U?on'p ueck, He. waa ;i!ked If he. |tad anythlng to tuy, but only pleaded for' inercy. The mnb then v'ulled hlm Into the alr. after vvhlc-h ihey tjiiiotly dlspersed, Nol a ahot wub tlvcd. LIKE WINE THE HORSE SHOW GROWS BETTER AND BETTER AS TIME QOES ON DR. W. E. WOODEND'S BLUE=RIBBON WINNERS. The four-in-hand is drivon by Mr. Oharles Fownes. Tho leaders are Baron Browu and Browu Baron; tbo whoclers are.Sautos and Shamrock. A FEARFUL PESTILENCE Plague Tlireatens Vlrginians in Mexlco. THE INSTITUfO LAURENS Alarming Letters Are Received Here from Prof. Campbell, Head of the School?People Panio Stricken. A dcath-dealing pcstllence. carrying sorrow and deatruction in lts wake, is sweeping over Monteroy, a Mexican town, the seat of tho Inatltnto.ljaurens, estab liifhed by children of Virglnla and cori ducted by mlsslonaries from thls State, oiie'of whora, a young lady, formorly of Rlchmond, has but recently left, full of hope. for tho far Southern field. Alarming roports aro belng received and groat concern ia experienced by Me.thodlsts In Rlchmond and In the con fcrenco at large. All effort.s to cbock the advauce of tho epldemlc have proven futllo, and now Monteroy llea in the grlp of yellow fover. Hundreds of people aro dying. and the head of the Christian Col lege has succumbed. The Instituto Lau rens itself has been closed, and "tho fac ulty ave in Imminent danger. Friends and relntlves here aro greatly disturbed, and plV-ls for auccor ara bolng dls cussed. A apeclalcollcction will be takea in the denomination, and the children throughout the State are already aending In their penniea to be promptly forwarded for the rollef of the heloved ones. Those fhere. The Instituto Tjaurens was establlshed in U?fl2 by the Roaebud Mlsslonary Soc.i oty of Vlrginla, of whlch Mr. Frank L. Kerns, of thia eity, Ia the seerotary. It ofctalned lts name from the Rev. J. B. Laurcns, for many yeara the moving spirlt in tho organizatlon, the "Unclo Larry." of beloved memory. nnown to all Methodlat children of the State. At the hend of the achool is Profesaor Fletch ei> C. Campbell, of Virglnla, a son of the Rev. T. H. Campbell, of tho Bates ville Clrcult. A nu'mber of native teach err, are engnged in the work, but directly assoclated wlth Profeasor Campbell are Mlss Kennedy and MIss Mary Holmes Dnvls. Tho latter Is an oxceedlngly well known voung lady, who has but recently rone to Mextco. She Is a daughter of the Rov. WMlllnm F. Davis, formerly paa tor of Bnworth Methodlst Chuich. of tlllfl cliy. and ia a brilllaut grnduate of the Rnndolph-Maoon YVoman's College. For some time past yellow fever has bren epldwilc at Llnarca, nenr Monteroy. but it waa hoped to contlne it to that Kcetlon. Kverv precautlon was taken. A fiuarantine was establlshed and armed inen were atatlone<l In tho railroad dopots Wlth strlngent orders to shoot auybody who tricd to comn Into tne town from Unnrea. But thc pcstllence crept In nev ertheless, and now the citlzensblp of Monterey Is belng swept nwny ?tyj** advance of tho yellow perll, Hqw t wime. nobody knows or cares, Hlnoe it is there. The people aro panie-str cken. nnd the Methodlat mieslon, ln addltion to other thinga, is awampod tlnnncially. Alarmin Letters. Prof. Cainpboll wriU'a to Mr. K"rns, aBltlpg for the prayors or the Rosebuds. "I wlsh you were here to-night." he aaya, "to glve mo tre l>enelU of your ndvkv. Our peoVle are pauic.-strioken. 1-nat fcr.t urday evonlng sonio Aniorlcari physlojana ? ero rallod In to see n Mexican. They prouou.uTd the case yellow revpr of the inost mnllgnant klnd; tho patlent M On the same day a mnn died at thy Christian Instituto at nhout tho same hour wlth the same d'sease. The same nsrht a toaohman of tlie man who ||y.C? nexL door to the Christian Inst.ltute dl.-d. Mr Aldeinian. tho of tho Inst. tuto has what tho doctors say is yellow fever To-day it waa reported that no was deaflj whiln thls was untiue, It is satd that he can't Hve through to-nlght. Many of our pupils ptopped school to day ' I do not expecl to have a handrul to-morrow. People are gottlng away from town ns rapklly as powjipje.! I r.m unwllllng tn leavo my l'f'?t, but I ?|ll yery anxlou's for Mabcl and the teach ers'to go to Soltlllo. Thoy retuse to go withuut me. I ii-rn in a <|iiandary. Mabcl has not been very well, hcnce I' do not want her to run any rlak, yet- I cannot get my consent to leave unless \ see thftt 1 oatl he of no smvIco here. Brotherti Klng atul Cobb tiro golng to seud tholr faintl'es to-mnrrow." bater repqrts etate that Prof. Alder man, of the Christian school, has dlert. In a more recent Jettcr Prof. Camnbiili aaya further: "Undcr tho advice of both American and Mexlcan phyaio ana I closed tho school to awoit developments The discase Is rapldly spreadlng In Slon toroy. Gur ncxt door neighbor, Mr. W.l llam Eucas, dled wltM it. Carlos Agullos, ona of our Bltola school boya. !h sick with what Is suppoaed to bo yellow fever. Bo far overy caae haa been fata.l. Tp-night'a traln la the last ono'that wlll carry pas sengers,' from Mexlco to the Unlted States." Special Collcctions. Frora .all sectlona of the Vlrglnla Con fercnce wlll go.up for tho safety of the lieloved ones .ln Mexlco. Further lettora are expected by iMr. Kerns to-day. A special communlcatlon from the For clgn Mlsslon Board at' NashviUe yeatcr? day salrt: "We havo no late a.nd definlte news from Monterey. All our work there is pretty well broken up." At stated above, the:. mlsslon is badly, ln need of finaneial aid. A :.peclal col lectlon wlll be lafcen up amoug the Rose buda and contrlbutlona: from any aourco wlll be aoceptable. Uncle Larry haa Is sued an appeaJ to the childron aad tha penniea are beglnning to pour in. The money. as faat aa lt ia recelvcd, will -bo promptly forwarded to Mexico. ? MEETING OF CITIZENS CALLED T9>R0TEST (By AssoctatocT Pregs.). BOSTON. JIASS., Oct. H.?The Chinese vlco-consul io Boston. Colonel Stephen W. NIckcrsan, has called an Indlgnation moetlng, to be held ln Faneuil Hall next Frlday, to -protcst against the treatment of ChinCse residents of Boston last Sun day by the polfce. The protest prows out of a general raid made by the pollce to get hold of Chinese who .could *iot aliow Immlgration certiflcatcs, as a result of reccnt alleged "Hlgh-blnder" dolncs in Boston's Chlnese nuarter. About :$50 arreats were made Sunday, but all but seventy-flve of thoso taken i'nto custody were rolenaed by Monday. nlght. CHILDREN PLAY TRUANT: PARENTS TO BE FINED (By Assoclatod Prcss.) ' TOPEKA, KAS., Oct. 14.?E. T. Gagn. truanev offlcer, to-day notified the clty suporlntendent that there aro 5,000 chll dren of school ago who aro not attending the clty schoola. The truancy law re nulres all children between the agos of elght and flfteen to bo sont to HChool. A Ust of the mlsslng children la in the handa of the oflleers. and the parcnts of I the children who play "hookcy" wlll I be flned. ? NON-UNION WORKmEIM WERE FIRED UPON (By ABnorlntoil PrPBS.) NEW ORLEANS. EA.. Oct. .]?.?A num ber of non-union eoal wheelers were flred upon bv strlker.i to-day as they v\e:e about to land from a tug. A nogro wna fatally wounded, but no others were In Jured. I HAYWOOD FOUND NOT GUILTY The Jury Out Only Flfteen MInutes?Hlstory of Gase. (By A.ssociated Pressj RALElCIll, N, C, Oot, J-t.?Aftor botpg out for flfteen inlnutes to-day, tho Jury In tho trlal of iirnoat Hriywood for the inurrier of Eudlow Skluner, rclurned a vtrdlcl of not gullty. There waa no dornonstration, but amllos ot tlolight were on tho fae'ea of Hoywopd, hls counaet and hls threo brothers, who havo oon stanlly been with hltn. Ilaywood slioolc handa with hls counsol, nn.d when ho was dlachargod wont at onoo I to tho jury box and shook handa with | oaoh Juror. roturnhig thanks. Next ho i wont to Judge Pcebles and dld tho aanio. I Colonn] T. G. Argo cloaefl for tho do fonso tlila mornlng, tirglng solf.dofense for Ilaywood and poisocutlon of him ' nnd tho wltnesses for the dcfoiise. Judge I pceblos next commontod on tho eyldence and charged iho Jury. It was a chargo very fayorablo to tha dnfondanl. Ilaywood atlOt and kllh'd Skluner In front of Iho poatollbe hero on Fehruary i'trt. I'ri llminaiy hoarlng waa walved, and at the Murch torhi tho trlal was ' r.oatponod on plaa of abaont wltnesaea. I At a habeas corpus the flrat of June, I Haywond wa.s r^lo.isfd on tcu thousaud I dollara1 hall. In tho caso pevmi lawyers appearcd for the dofenao and flvo for tho Htato. An actlng sollcitor W88 otnployed, aa the I Rolloitdr decllnoil tf1 ni"t bocaiiso of hls lelatlonshlp to Ilaywood. Tho dofon dant dld not tosllly. but eolf-defenso \vas plfa. rlaiming to havo heen titruck by Bklnner, who then tried lo druw h's Plstol. / HOW SCHWAB WRECKED IT Dresser Testifles Further in Case of Shipbullding Co. WAS KEPT IN THE DARK Did Not Know Constituent Companios Were Laden With Debt, and Found OutOnlyWhen Prospectus Was Issued?Cause of Disaster. (By Assoclated Press.) NEW YORK, Oct.. 14.?The Inqulry be Btranded shlp-bullding combination, at the instance o? tho Bondholdera' Protectivo Asaoclatlon, waa resumed to-day. and productlve of fresh developmants that will claim the attention ol.the fiiiancial world, and those who follow lts fbrtiinea. It developed that ycsterday, D. I.eroy Dresser, late president of the Trust Com pany of the Republic, who laat week d^'tilged much of tho inner hlstory of tho formatlon of the combine, made an effort to communlcate wlth Charles M. Schwab with a view to obtainlng somo ! concessions as to the Bethlehem steel . woras, that. would ronder easler the! schemo for rehabiliating the partly wreck ed concem. The mesage of Mr. Dresaer wna delivered to Mr. Schwab by Mr. Harrls, of the brokerage houae of Har ria, Gates & Co., whlch marketcd part of the ahlp-bulldlng stock, but Mr. Schwab decllned to bco Mr. Dresser. W.-D. Guthrlo, counsel for Mr. Schwab, brought the facts of the incldent Otlt at the hoarlng In a serles of quoHtlons directed to Mr. Dressor. H1b aim was to ahow that Mr. Dreaser had aought to plead wlth Mr. Schwab and had throat ened to make certain diaclosures when recallod to the atand that would roflect upon Mr. Schwab. Mr. Dresaer denied that he had gone to plead wlth Mr. Schwab or to tlireaten hlm, for- he had no addltlonal informatlon to dlvulge, but had Bought to appronch hlm in the hope that somethlng mlght be done to aavo the ahlp-bulldlng company, How it Was Wrecked. Mr. Dresaer aasorted that the shlp-bui]d Ing company had beon wreeked bocauso Mr. Schwab had withheld tho profits of tho Bethlehem Steel Company. Thls declaratlon he twico splrltfidly re peated when at the end o? the cross-ox amlnatlon by Mr. Guthrlo he was given an opportunlty to explnln. Mr, Untormyor, in bohalf of the bond? holdera, producod two of the reaident dl rectora ohtalned in Ncw Jersey formal ly to carry on tho affalrs of the ship? bullding company, but only finlshed his exanilnatlon of one of them. He clalmud that they wore moroly dummy dlrectors, who votod upon questlons irwolvlng mll llons of dollars of tho socurltles of the company wlthout other Informatlon or Inqulry than tho orders of the lawycra of thn corporatlon. Georgo P. Dayley, one of tho Now Jer? sey dlrectors, could not tell whoro the Bath Iron located, and could not tell who pald for a alnglo ahare of atock placed ln his namo that he mlght quallfy as a dlrootor. Some In eresting Fiejures. Thore was prnduced as evldence a mem orandum sald to have been prepared by Colonel McConk and given by hlm to Mr, Dresser, It cnntalnod the flgurflfi upon whlch tho Trust Company of the Ropublic uhdortook tho underwrltlng of the shlp-bulldlng company, and whllo Ita puipoao was not explalned, It Ia sald that it will cut an Importnnt flgure at a later stngo of tho proecedlngs. It l? sald thnt hesldca tho divlsinu of stock dotallad last week by Mr. Dresaer, Ihere was an addltlonal dlvlalon of money. Tho memo raudum showa an allowanco for "ox pensea" of $200,000 ca-sh. $300,000 |n bouds, jriOO.OOO in preferred stock and $500,000 In coninion stock. Replylng to a questlun by Mr. Un termyer, the wltneas sald that slx weeka ago he saw Mr. Gates and told hlm thnt if Mr. Schwab would tako hla grlp o(T Bethlehem. tho ahlp-bulldlng company WOllld be "II rlght. "I wnnt to tho offlco of Harrls, Gates <fc Co., he said. "In tho Intereats of thn shlp-bulldlng company. Mr. Schwab has takc-n thls means of puttlng U beforo tho publlc to shnw that I waa thore to plead with hlrn. I wnnt thero not to pload wlth hlm. but to ask hlm to tako his grlp off Methlehem, and that If he dld so It would inalte the shlp Viullrilns company all rlght. 1 sald that If ho would gh'e ua any docent plau of retaganizatlon and not the conflscatlon plan that had been proposed. the com Cuiitlnued on Thlrd Paael HORSESHOW EVENTS TO-DAYANDNIGHT. 11 A. M.?Concert at the Amphl theatre by tho Artlllery Post Band of Fortrosa Monroe, whleh wlll alao play at nlght, shoutd the Marlne Band not return from Waahlngton In tlme. 8:00 P. M.?Judglng ' Palrs Harnesa Hories. 8:20 P. M,?Judglng Roadsters. 8:40 P. M.?Judglng Unlcorn Teama. 9:00 P. M.?Judglng Ladles' Turnout. 9:20 P. M.?Judglng Ponles In Har neas't 9:40 P. M.?Judglng Palrs of Hunt era. 10:10 P. M.?Judglng Quallfled Hunt era (llght welght). 10:45 P. M.?Judglng Quallfled Hunt era (heavy welght). THE BOXES WERE FILLED Soclety Well Represented at the Horse Show. BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES Description of a Number of tho Gowns Worn by Well-Known Ladies. Somo of Those Who Occupied Boxes. A big "crowd fllied the boxes and the tiers or seats in the Horse Show bulld ing laat nlght. There was no packlng or crowdlng. Bverybody was comfortable, and tho promenado around the boxes could bo taken wRhout undue Jostllng. Tho brlght lights shone on boautlfully dresaed wo lnen; tho mualc was gay and anlmating and cverybody looked happy, ready to bo amused and full of intorest. Occupants of boxes exchangod amll lng salutatlona and vlalted wfth thclr fricnda in dflfferont parts of the houao. Invltatlona'woro glvon and rccelved and many pleaaant engagemonta were on tered Into. Mr. H. D. Flood was the host of a de ligb,tful post-Hhow aupper, given laat evenlng at tho Westmoreland Club. Mr. Flood's Guests. Among Mr. Flood's guoats were Mlsa Gertrudo Camm,' Mra. M. 13. Olmstoad, Mlsa Grace Day, of Smlthfiold, Va.j the sistor of Mra. Thomas Martln; Mra. Rlch ard Evelyn Byrd, Mra. J. R. A. Hobaon. Meaara. Joseph Button. Alec. Weddell, Douglas Gordon and others. ? ? ? Mra. R. T. Hunter chaporoned a supper given alao Jit tho Weatmoreland, in honor of Mlas Kllao Watklna and Mlss Beaafe Hunter. The club's attractlvn appearanoe haa made It a most doslrable resort durlng tho woek. Tho muslo in the' afternoons and evenlngs. tho floral decoratlons and the apacous apartments aro all polnts to commond lt to vlsltors and RIchmondora. Indeod. the Horse Show featuro of yes terday and last evenlng were tho num? ber of matlnee and box partle3 glvon, and the auppers whfch followed at the Jefferaon Hotel and the Westmoreland and Commonwoalth Cluba. In Mr. Hal. D. Flood's box at the matineo woro: Mlsa Gortrudo Camm, Mra. M. E. Olmstoad. of Waahlngton, D. C.'i Mrs. J. R. A. Hohson, of Bavan nah, Ga.; Mra. Rlchard Evelyn Byrd,'of tVlnchestcr, Va.; Messra. Dopglas Gor? don, Archer Anderson, Alec. Wedidoll and H. D. Flood. Mlss Camm woro a ohnrmlng gown of eleotrlo blue clotn and a black plcturo Contlnued on Thlrd Page.) LADY HUNG BY HANK OF THREAD Placed It Around Her Neck and Jumped From Bureau. (Special to Tho Tlmea-Elapatch.) BRISTOE, VA., Oct. 14.-Mra. Davld H. Bmlth, forty-slx years of age and hlghly connocted, oommltted sulclde at her home a fow mfles weat of Brlatol yostorday by hanglng. Sho attac.hed a hank of thread bo a Jolat In the upper Btory of tho houwe and with It about har neck leapod from a bureau. Reatll followed frotn strangu latlon. Mrs. Bmlth la survlvad by her huaband. a subatantlal cltUon of the county, and nine children, tho youngest buing a babe of tdx mnnths. 'i'h? funeraj took placa to-da.v, whon the home was a soene of great glooin. Mrs. Stnith Is fcaid to hava been tnmpo rurlly Insaue. A Day of Enttiusiasm at the Amphitheatre. A FALL SUSTAINED BY MISS SKELTON HurtsWere Slight and She, Pluckily Remounted. THE ARTILLERY POST BAND PLAYS TO-DAYl Takcs the Place Tomporarily of tho)' Marine Band ? Dr, Woodend's Teams Do Excellent Work?H1& Four-In-Hand Takes the Blue Riobon?Story of the Day and Night. THE WINNERS OF PR1ZES YESTERDAY NIGHT WINNERS. Class 5?Horses In Harness?G. Trow brldgs Holllster's Fasclnatlon. Class 28?Saddle Horses?Dr. W. E. Woodend's Maple- Leaf. Class 23?Glg Horses?Mrs. John Ger ken's Newsboy. Class 17?Park Four-ln-Handsr-Dr. W. E. Woodend's team flrst.' Class 41?Ladles* Hunters?Charles Pflzer's Your Fellow, his rlder, MIss Belle Beach, recelvlng the sllwer cup. Class 39?Thoroughbred Hunters?L. D, Passano's Colleon t)awn. MATINEE WINNERS. Class 25?Horse and Runabout?J.' Kerr Branh's Rosedale won. Class 48?Ponles Undar Saddle?Dr. W. E. Woodend's Melody. Class 49?Horses In Harness?Thomas DsFord's Whlte - Stocklng and Mother. Class ?)?Roadsters?E. A. Saunderi, Jr.'s Alert. Class 14?Tandems?Dr. W. E. Wood; end's Santos, Shamrock, Brbwn Baron and Baron Brown, Class 36?Heavy Welght Green Hunt? ers?J. Stewart Bryan's Elevator. Class 40?High Jump, Greatest Helght 5 Feet 6 InhCs?Charles Pflzer's' Your Fellow. Enthuslaam was the featuro of tho ovenlng at the Horao Show last night. Thoro waa some lack of It for the flrst half hour hecauae the crowd was not there. But beforo the aecond event had endqd, the' and tho aeats. and the ringslde promenade were fllled and every man, woman, and ohlld nmong the spec tators seemed poBsessed of a dealre to manlfoat In some extraordlnary way ap proval of the performances on the tan bark. What a crowd It was! Every box wa* fllled. Every scat Was ocoupied. Th? promenado waa a Jam throughout th* evonlng. One could help but wonder how great tho crush would be were It not for tho refreshment room In the rear of the bulldlng. whoro drlnks, hard?hard est?and soft wero belng dlspensed. and emoklng was poaalble. "No Smoklng" in glnring black, Is a algn displayed at every tuni In the amphitheatre. Increased Attendance. There were several hundred rnore peopje present last night than at the perform? ances on Tueaday night. The eventa wera probably more interestlng. There wera two hlgh-Jumping eventa". and the ap plause they oxclted would have caused that of a polltical conventlon to pale Into uttcr Insignlflcanco. And then there wai tho four-ln-hand event?and the horn blowlng. Tho glltterlng equlpages, th? gloaay-coated croaUiroa that apurned that tanbark, tho magnlflcent handllng of tha rlbbona, excited atorma of applauso. but tho wlndlng of those horns, the rlas and fall of tho notea of old conchlng tujje,s, wlth whlch are connected so much thnt la romantlo In Engllah aong and storj. ia what will llnger In the meniory of th<? thouaanda who crowded the amphitheatre last night. Dr. Woodend's team won ?> well desori-od vlctory, carrylng off t|i? bhte rlhbon. Mnnloy, ln acarlet coat and gray coaohman'a hat, soundlng at fr?~ quent Intervals hla long sllvern horn, waa tho foatnro of the turnout, Wlth many a mlsplnced h Manley tella tho strangc that ho Is tho champlon, hornblowor of England, and nfter his performance last night It was easy to helleve he spoka thn truth. The crowd gnthered vory slowly. Tha hnnd worked hard for half an hour be t'oro tho flrst event to make tho interlor of thn amphitheatre aeem ?a llvely as tho gorgeous colorlng and -tho rndianca of tho llghta suggested, but all In valnl Tho boxes wero desorted and tha ro? perved scats wero generally vacant. Pniinptly at 8 o'clock the flrst of tho alxteon horsea In harness duahed lnto> the rlng, followed by flfteen competltora. Tho bcautlful anltnals und flno drivtng created tremendous applause. Thus far thore has been no botter drlv Ing of horsea In slngle hamesa than that donn by Mrs. W*. 8. O. W'llllams. Her handllng of the llnes over Tarquln., h'er prottv hrown geldtng. caused great ap? pltiiiso. It was hard to say that her drlvlng excclled that of Mrs. John Ger? kon, who was showlng N'ewsboy. }lr. Monry Fa'rfax drovo Chlqulta, Mrs. John Stewart Ilryan's ehestnut geldlng. fc'u* 0. Trowhrldge Holllster's Pa*cl?fttlon won tho rlhbon. after prolonged dolay on tho part of th? Judges. But Nowsbotf won ln the glg horse class. r/iss Ske'ton'a Pluck. Mlfg Oertrude Skelton. on Mr. Johtt Btewart Bryan's Elevator, got d fall whlle showlng th? btg ?ray ovf>r tpa jumps. But she was not hurt. and r*-? mouuUd In a hurry ani1 carried off Ifct