Newspaper Page Text
Miller & Rho&ds. Miller & Rhoads. Peau de Soie Coats. HANDSOME AND SERVICEABLE. Silk Coats have passcd tho stage of being raorely beantiful-look ilig garmcnls. Oura are not only liamlsonie in appearance, but as sorviceablo in every w.ay as any fall or wintor wrap you can bny. The demand for them this fall has beon vory great in looso-fitted backs and Louis XJ.V. stylos. / PeftU ?ie Soie Conts, 27 inches lontr. loos. back, Hned throughont,, trimmed with , t?b? nnd wood silk braid?$8.50. Peau de Soie Coal?, .10 incitcs lonp, loosc back, with a cape, trim? med with tnbs nnd wood silk?$10.00. Fittrd-Pnck Peau tlo Soie Coats, 30 inches lonfl. sfttin lined. and InterHnod (which makes them warmer), dottble capo and trlmmed with tabs nnd wood ailk?$79.50. _ One of the dresaiest .Silk Conts in the house is n Louis XIV. stjte, with sboulder capes, neatly Irlmmcd with silk brnid nnd long tabs, lined with penrl Rrny sntin?$-0.00. Another I-ouis XTV. Coat, mndo Bomcwhat similnr to the nbovc nnd trlmmed with silk brnid and fritifie?$43.50. Very Stylish Suits For Women, New Suits are coming in evory day?difforent styles and difforent pricos?but no matter what tho style or price, you can rest assurod that tho cut and fit of the garraeut is as porfect as care can make it. One of the latost is a well-tailored Yenotiau Cloth Suit, in black, Navy and Brown. Tho coat is niado witkout a collar and fits vory snugly around the neck?36 inchos long?and trimmed with braid? niceb' pleatod skirts?$18.50. Same stylo of suit in a new cotoh mixture is $16.50.' Scotch Mixture Stiita, with hip length coats and unlined skirts, $ts.5o. Zibeline Suits, Louis XIV. style, with enpo coats, which aro trimmed in Peau de Soie, full flared skirts, $16.50. Novelty Mixturo Suits of flno roaverials and colorings, for $22.50. J.ieket lined with taffota and has strapped seams. Handsomo Zibelines, at ?25.00, trimmed in contrasting colors and the coat lined with taffota. Very stylish Dress Suits of flne Brondcloth, for $30.00. Tho jnck et is 32 inches lonjr, has strapped seunia; lined and piped with taf fetn, Finely tailorcd Prince Albcrt Suits of lmported CbevjoL Tho Cont is faced down tho front with Peau de Soio and Nis lined with tailcta, $32.50. | Soceai and I 5/Jersonai Ono of tho prcttlest weddings of tho nutumn took place at 11 o'clock yester? day forenooh, ln All Sulnts' Protestant Episcopal Churph, when Mrs. Lucilla Powers Guest and Mr. James Lee Shel ton wero marrled, the Rev. John T. Downman. the rector of tlie church, per lormlng tlie ceremony. Tho church nnd altur of the church were canvased ln whlte, with a masslng of palms and Erecnery. Mr. Philip S. Powers played tho bridal chorus from Lohengrln und Mendolssohn's wedding march, nnd, while the. eeryfce was reud. the Intermezzo from Cavalierla Rusti cana. The brldo cnme In with her father, Mr R. W. Powers, who gave her away. She was preceded to tho by her littla Bon, Mastor l>avld Porter Gucst, in a protty suit of whlte. During tho ceremony he hold n white- prayer-book carrlod l>y hls mother. Mrs. Guest was handsomely gowned in a travellng costumo of Oxford gruy. ' Her flowers, in harmony with tho wed? ding color scheme, were vlolots. Mr. Sheltbn and hls best man. Mr. Verner .Moore. advanced from the vestry room to mcet her ns sho approached tho ohan col. The groom and hls attendants woro frock coats, whlte vcsls nnd gray gloves. Thelr houtonnieres were vlolets. Ushers included tho flve brothers of tho bride, Messrs: Goorgo, Robert, rhlllp. Frnnk. .and Ed#fcr' Powers, and Mr. Crump Tucker.' -" ' Among those from a dlstanre who wero at thn church were Mrs. Kninia Shelton and Mr. Davld Shelton, of Doulsa county, nnd Mrs. .1. fi. Mcllwalne. of Farmvlllo, Va. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shelton left by tho noon iraln yesterday for a Northern tour. They will locato nt No. 1110 West Avcnuo when they roturn to Rlchmond, where Mr. Sheltnn. who Is orlgfnally from Loulsa, has succossfully practlced law for the lort two years. Thc fncl that he and hla brlde aro both ldentlfied wlth Rlch? mond soclety In an ejclremely popular way invepts thelr marrfage with much intorest and congratulatory expresslon. Miss Dizzie Dunoan Rlchardson and Mr. lsaac Wlltoughby Bason. of Nor? folk. Va., will t"i marrlod at 0:15 P. M. to-day In tho home of thc brldo's mothcr, ,\lr.?. Mattle I.. Rrchardaon, of No. '_'(? Bast Maln Street, thc Rev. Dr. W. W. Jyfar, nf Centenary Methodlst Bplscopal Church, ofllclatlng. The wedding ceVbratlon of Mlss Hunter FergUBBon, tha daughter nf Mr. J. W. Pergusson, and Mr. Lotlla Judlrc, of l.oulslana, took place ln Trinity M. E. Church yesterday at f,:i,i r\ M., the paetor, the Rev. Ooorge H. Spooner, belng the celebrant. Whlte tapera In allver and <-ryf<tal rnn tfleabra, palma and forna, made elubo rntc church r.nd nlnr decoratlona, The brlde waa attended bv her tnnid of hoiu.r, Mlaa Phvllj! B^cbeller, nnd her brldoa malda, Mi.-<s Blancho Maattn. Mlss Annle J.' i Mlss Ducy M'naon and Mrs. Jesslo I. illey Brown, of Plttaburg, Pa- They nli worb whlte chlffon frocks nnd had bou. nueti of maldenhalr fern, ti'ed wlth green, Tha brlde'a gown waa of t>?nutlful whllo lace over taffeta. Her vetl ffll from a coronel <'l orange bloaaoma and BTI6 ln no other c_t flaaa It found auch cryal-I -iMrntaS. perfectlOD ol cut iluw, titauty ol deaiw'i and brllljance. The Jz&bey0"""") THE E. bTtAYLOR CO., Exclusive Hl-hmona Aqenta, 1011 B. Main 6t. 9 E. Ero.d St. carrled a shower of lilles of the valloy. Mr. Judlce hnd, as his best man, Dr. Raoul Trahern, of Lafayette, JLouif* iana. Groomsmpn were Mr. Nevlllo Hen shaw, of Now Iberla, La.; Mr. Ordway Grndv and Mr. Arthur Llpscomb, of Rlchmond; Mr. Wllllnm Prltchard, oC Nowport Kews. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Judlce lcft after tho wedding lnst nlght for a Canadian tour. They wlll return to their future home. at Scbtt, Louisluna, by steamer from New York. Much regret is felt over tho fact that Mrs. Judlce will not llvo ln Rlch? mond, where she ls a general favorlte, nnd ha_ a great many frlends. The wed? ding wns largely attnnded, guests from a dlstance belng: Mr. and Mrs. James Hud son, of Washlngtbn, D. C; Mrs. Hownrd Bi-r'ggs, of Mecklenburg county, Va.; Mrs.' Frank Brown, of Plttsburg, Pa.; nnd Mr. Edgnr Warflold, of Alexandrlo, Vn. ? ? ? A wedding or to-day In which many Rlchmondors have a llvely lnterest ifl that of Mlss Leonora Waddlll. the young est daughter of tlie late Edmund Wad? dlll, of Charles Clty county, Vn., to Mr. Robert Henry Talley. one of tho most successfu! and popular among tho youngr er membors of the Rlchmond bar. Tho ceremony wlll he performed nt 4 o'clock this afternoon, In Pt. Thomns* i Church. Garrlson Forrest, Md., by tho reetor, the Rev. P-r. Smlth. The bride will be marrled from "Groy Rock," tho be'autiful BUburbnn home of her aitnt, Mrs. Wllllnm B. Oraves, with whom for somo tlme she hns made her home. Ml'-s Margaret Gravs wlll be tho brlde'a mald of honor and Mr. Arthur M. Can? non. of this cltv, wlll attend the groom as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Talley wlll be with Miss Pltzor, nt No. 115 East Frnr.klln Street, nfter October 26th. Miss Blanoho Lnuoxa Theimer and Mr. Willlam Emll Franek were married last even'ng at S;SO o'clock, in the home of tlw brido's mother, Mrs. Chnrles Theimer. of No. 1202 North Nineteonth Street. by the Rev. Fnther Willlam, of St. Mary's Gonrjan Cathollc Church. The color r.chome of green and whlto was effectlvely carrled out. Prof. Frank E. Oosby plnyed tho wedding marches. Tho bride was gowned In whlte sllk, acc.ordlon plaited. Her vell was fastened with orantre blossoms and her bouquet was of BHde rosos. "The mald of honor, M'ss Marle Tholmor. wore blue sllk, trimmed in appllquo nnd carrled Amorlcan Bcautles. The best mnn wns Mr. Charles J. Theimer. of Chur Ibttonvllle, Va. Mr. Herbert T. Hymnn, Mr, L. B. Franck, Mr. Thomaa J. Fnr loy, Mr. Peter C. Theimer, Mr. Oeorgo H. Wnrner nnd Mr. Willlam Klng olTlci atod as ushers, A receptlon followed the ceremony, nf ter whlch Mr. and Mrs. Fmnck left for a northern trip. An tnformal receptlon wlll be glven by tho Board of Governors nt llcep Run Hunt Club-Housa this afternoon at i o'oloc.k. Hefreshments nro to ho servod nnd many vlsltors outsldo of the eluh mom borshlp nre oxpected to be proaont Tho lovely wenthor renders this proap-Otlvoly nne of the plcnsantest soclal events of tlie day. Porterficld--Hamlett. Miss Mary Ada Ilan.lett nnd Mr, Edgnr Hoiner Portei'fleld, of Petersburg, Vn., worti marrled on yesterday at 8 A. M., ln the homo of tho brido's slstar, Mrs. J. J. Jloblnn. Tho Rev. K. M. Maxey ofll clated. U. D. C, Meeting Thero was u large attendanco nt the meeting of the Rlchmond Chnpter, VJnited Daughtora of ths Confed eracy, nt l.*o Camp Hall yes? terday. Routlno buslness ovor, tha nr rangemanta for the Norfolk conventUiu followed. The lieudiiuarlcra of the Rlch? mond Chapter wlll he tho Hotel Grauliy, whlch is convenlent to the convcntli.u hall. Delegntes wlll report at 10 o'clock W.-dne.s.lay, (jctohor 2\*l. Kates to Norfolk and return over tho CheaBapoako and Ohlo, |3,W, loavipg Rlch? mond ut a A. M. and t P. M. selllng ciatcH, October, lfcth and 20th; ilnal l'rnlt for return. 27th. .V motlon waa mado that $2o be tent to the rfiuart Monument fund, at.d the bsr ItUiiy was liiHtructed lo wrlto and say that the cluipter was willlng to asslM the Btuart Monument Aaaoclatlop in any way they mlght dosire. Lottere were also sent to Mrs. Mon cure Perklns, Mra. John C Hagan and Mra. Artell, exttiidlnjf the syinpathy ot tho chaptcr in thelr recont aflUctlonfl. Rev. J. Wllllam Jonca, an honorary rhehibef of tho Rlchmond Chnpter, was present and made n few rcmnrks. The dcelgatcs lo tho Charlcston convontlon wero clccted. Tho presldent hegs that all members Pend In thelr duos at once to Mrs. Charles 13. Bolllng, No. 002 West Grnce Street, ho that all members mny apppar fis in (,-ood standlns. Tho followlng are thc. delcgatcs to Nor foIk: . -,- T, Mrs, Edgar D. Tnylor. Mrs. N. V, Rnn dolph, Mrs. C. W. P. Brock, Mrs. I. H. Tlmberlnko, Mrs. Wnlter Christian. Miss Mlnnlc Baughman, Mrs. J. H. Capora, Jr.. Mrs L. M. Hart, Mlss Dlzzlo Townes, Mrs! Charles K. Holllng, Mlss Annle Gray, Mrs. Ocorgn A. Lyori, Mlss Lucy Atkln ton, Mrs. R. W. Vawtef, Mrs. Crawford Redd. Mlss Irene Rurhcr, Mlss Betty Kl ]\6on, Mrs. John Tecfey. Mrs. Christian Now ' membors-Mlss Allco Shlnherger, Mrs. Estolle Roynolds, Mlss l< ridnoos Dlggcs, Mlss Mnbel Dlggns, Mlss Emma C. Flshor, Miss Helen C. Flsher. Mrs. Gcorgla Gnirlner Hayes, Mrs. Jontile Hnvcs -Wllson. Mrs. Mary Mlddloton Jervey. Mrs. A. M. Tylor, Mlss Saruh Ruthorford. Tho donations for tho haznnr to bo held In Culumbia October 21st have been very few. South f'nrollna was very gen rrous In her stipport to the Daughters' montinient bnzanr. A box will bo sent Thc dolrgatea olected last nfternoon to tho Chat'lcston (S. C.) Cnnventlon to mont Novembcr Uth, were: Mrs. N. V. Ran dolpll, Mrs, B. D. Tnylor, Mrs. Hugh Mlller, Mrs. J. H. Tlmhcrlakc Miss Bol ile Bllyson, Mrs. Walter Ghtiotlah, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Mrs. J. \V. Jones, Mrs A. H. Rocock, MIssMa.mlo Bnnghmaii, Mrs. Gcorge Dyon, Mrs. Bdwnrd Valentin-?, Mrs. B. A. Blcnnor, Ml.-s Uzzle Townes, Mrs. Crawford Redd, Mrs. Chnrlea Bor deri Mrs. W. R. Vawtor. Mrs. J. D. Rey nolda, Mrs. I_. M. Hart, Mrs. A. M. Tylor. Personal riention. Mlss Virglnla Holmes Gre'over, Mra. Grcever and Mrs. Mcrrcll reachod Rlch? mond yesterday a.ftornoon from Wash Ington, D. C. They will bo nt No. -Uo East Franklln Street for tho Horso Show. ? * ? Mr. nnd llrs. Wnlter St. John Bcnc dlct. of New York, wero cxpectod yester? day to attend tho Horso Show. They will be at No. 7 Wost Maln Streot. Mrs. Benedict wHl bo remembered hera as tho beautlful Mlss' Zarka. Slocovltch. who ofton vlsltoil her aunt. Mrs. Rnndolph Tatum, nnd has a large number of frionds In Rlchmond. Mr. Benedict ls a groat golf onthuaiaai and will doubt less onjoy tho llnks at Lakeslde and the Her mlta'ge Clubs whllo here. Mrs. Edwin Steele. of Hlgh Polnt, N. C, and M!ss Irene Royster, of Greennboro, N. C, are tho ptiosts of Mrs. W. B. Newell, of No. 1313 Park Avenue. durlng tho Horso Show. Among the strfklng clegant costumes secn at tho opening Horse Show per formanco wore thosc worn by Mrs. Mar lln E. Olmstead, of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Rfchaxd Evelyri Byrd, of Wln chester. Va. Mrs, OJmstead nppeared ln a hand-cmbroldered whlte crepe dn chlne, and h whlto bea.ver hat, wlth bnnds o? sa.ble. Mrs. Byrd had on pale blue c.rape. do chlnc, trlmmed wlth laoe and ombroid ery. Her hat to match had clustera of vlolots. Both ladles wore dlajnonda. ? * ? Mlss Dorothy Henry. of Millwood, Vn,, and Mlss Taylor, of Winchestor. <-re nt "Tho Shlrley," No. 17 South Thlrd Street, Mlss Nannle B. Palmcr ls very srlck at hor homo, on Blm Street. from tho enVscts of a siirglcal operation recently [ undergone. Mr. James B. McComb, whose marrlage to Mlss Reglna Courtney Smith. tnkes placo at noon to-day In Phlladclphia, will hring his brldo immedlately to Rlchmond to romaln until the end of the week. Miss Tsahel Thurston Carter, of Fnu quler, ls vlsltlng Mrs. Rlchard F. Morrls, of No. 1? North Beech Street. Mrs. William H. Glascock, of Washing? ton, D. C will he the guest of Mrs. George Haynes for tho Horse Show. ? ? ? Mrs. Huger, of Charleston, S. C, ocou pled a box with her sister, Mrs. Bornard Guest, for the flrst Horso Show en-enlng. Mrs. Huger woro a whlte gown and Galnsborough hat. Mrs. Guest was in black; Mrs. C. C. McPholl and Mrs. J. Arm strong Welsh were in Mr. Edward Mayo's box at tho Horso Show Tuesday eve nlng. Mrs. McPhnil woro hlnck lace over wh'.te, and a black chlffon tocque. Mrs. wns In handsomo whlte, wlth a very protty plnk chiffon hat nnd a whlte boa. Mlss Sophy Whlte woro a whlte lans downe gown, heavily trlmmed in lare. and embroldery, and a hat wlth wh:to ostrlch plumos. Hor slstor, Mrs. Stuart Bowo, had on whlte lace and n plcturo hat. Mr. Jullus Bumgartner, of Washington, D. C, Is vlHltlng his daughter, Mra. A. IC. Strnus. of No. 100 Wost Broad Street, and ls also attendlng the Horse Show. Mrs. T. O. Hnnkel, a popular ynung lady of Baslc Clty, Va., Is tho guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Davenport. Mlss Allco Henkol, a charmlng yonng lady of Harlsonburg, Va., Ia tho guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Gunn and llttle son, leairo to-day for Now York tn attend tho marrluge nf Mrs. Gunn's brother, Rov. Argus McClay Porter, to .Mlss Jewctt, of New York. A. S. Bbolte'r, brothor of Chlof Clork J. M. Booker, of tho Jeffcrson Hotel, wn mnrrled at Vordori, Va,, yesterday to Mlsa Corinno Crozler, daughter of Colonil Crozlor, of Staunton, Mrs. J. M. Booker, of thls clty. was among the guests at tho wedding. Mr. nnd Mrs, Percy B. Traylor havo rcturnod to the rity from a dcllghtful honeymoon apont ln Washington, Baltl? more, Phlladolplila and Now York. "THE LATEST approved pro ductions are cor.stan ly beir.g added to our stock, thus enablng customers at all limes to obtain whatever is nciv and desi'rable m G ms, Jeweiry and Si,veru>are? and at pnees lhat are invaricibly THE LOWEST, guality con sidered. GALT & BRO., JEWELLERS, SILVERSMlTtiS, STATIONERS, 1107 Permsylvanla Avenue, Washington, D. C. $3.50 and $2.50 SHOES _SS_ Boy's Shoes,S2 and 81.75. "?E Bf8I ^65b1d8W?ES 'N "Wrlles Frank fnnon, 0. S. Inapector Nulloiuil Stock Ynrds, St. I.ouli, Mo. " I havo found W. h. Dougtns shoes satls factory in ovcry way. Thoy aro tbe best shoos in the world." ? Thla la llio ifntanit IV. T.. Pouglna mnltea niidaellainorriiieira(foodyenrA>nlt(lland Howed l*ri)ceaa)shoes tliiiiinnyotlierinaher. AV. L. Douclas S-.50 shoes are mado of bottor loathor, havo more stylo and will wcar longerthan anv othorS-.fiOshoo. Tho same hlRh grndo worktuanship as V> .L. Douglas 83.50 ahoos ? tbe best In the world. That Douglas u?oi Corona Colt provos there lt valnoin Douglas $3.50 ahoea. Corona Colt is tb 1 highost erado pntent leather mado. ui Nitii.o andprl. s on l.olloni. Tnke no anlutltute. FnatColor Hyeleta uaed exclnalvely. Bhoe. by ...all. M^eW. ?^0\>'^jfo^?tt?* RICHMOND: 623 East Broad Street. CLAIM SHOOTING WAS ACC1DENTAL John Hagan Died at Clty Hospital From Effects of Wound in Head. Martln Belton eaid yesterday that he knew nothing whatever of the shootlng of John Hagan, for whlch he is now be? lng held to await the rcsult of tlie ooro ner's lnquest thia mornlng at 10 o'clock. He would not talk with a Times-Dls? patch man about the case, but ho had pre vlously made the statemont that ho knew ncthing about it untll he was arrested. Both men, lt is clalmod, were drunk, and two negro wltnesses to tho shooting say they were on the corner "foollng with tho plstol," when it went off and struck Hagan. The wounded man lingered at the Clty Hospital until 8 o'clock yesterday morn? lng, when .he died. Tho body waa turned over to Undertaker Bllley, who prepared lt for burlal. Coroner Taylor held a post-mortem ex amlnatlon. Tho bullet entored the braln Uirough a polnt over the left eye. Tho funeral wlll be from the home, on SL James Street, at 4 o|clock thla after noon. Tho case wlll bo heard this mornlng in thu Pollco' Court, lf tho lnquest does not consume a great amount of tlme. If the lnnulry takes up more tlme than Is antlc ipated, tho hearing by 'Squire Graves will bo held to-morrow. Mr. Belton ia well known. He has a brothor on the pollce forco, ahd ls a brother-ln-law of Councllman Whalen. He ls somethlng of a factor ln ward polltlcs, and at a recent meeting of the Committee on Health got Into a hoated dispute with Superlntendent Cohn. Hifl brother ls keeper ot the cometery. The general . Imprcsslon is that the shooting was accidental. Surpris j Marriage. Mlss Allce Kunlce Coopor, daughter of Mr. Donett L. Cooper, master n.echanlj of tho Rlchmond, Fredorlcksi.urg a;.d Potomac Rallroad. was marrled to Mr. Kennedy C. Franek the 4th of October. Thev were marrled In the pa son ,ge of tho Sacred Heart Churclv by the Rev. J. B. O'Rellly. For tho presont Mr. nnd Mrs. Franek will be at the home of the brldo's pareius. Mr. and Mis. D. S. Coopor. of No. 1105 West Clay Street. ABSURD SAYS PLATT OF ALLEGED ACTION (Py Assoclated Pross.) NEW YORK, Oct. 14.? Mlss Mae Wood, of Washlngton. who, lt has been reported, camo to this olty yesterday to hogln sult for breach of prornlse of marriage against Senator Thomas C. Platt, could not be found to-day, nor could any record of any such a sult be located. Senator Platt was asked whother lt was truo that such a su't hnd been brought. Ho replied: "Absurd. It ls not truo." NEW CANAL TREATY FROM C0L0MBIA Schemo Presented Yesterday in the Senate of that Country. (By Assoclated Pross.) BOOOTA, COLOltfEflA, Oct. 34.?The Senate Comroittoo chargod with drawlntf up a blll authortzlng the president of the Republlc to negotlate a new canal treaty with tho l.'nltod States, to-day presented tho projoct to the Senate, It provides that th_ latter nitiHt npprovo or diaap prove tho extenalon of tho concos.ion for slx years. granted to the now Paiiama Canal Compaity in isoo. if this ls dis opinoved I'olombia wlll reJmburse $1,000, Ouo to tln- company, with lnterest, und wlll tako possosalori of the oanal works ncxt year, iti whlch caso this republlc w 11 then be ahle to negotlato a new treaty with tho l.nltecl Statoa. If tho extenMuu of tho concesslon la approved by tho Son ato tho new i'unuma Canal Company WJll have untll the year 11H0 to fultlll Ita ob llgatlona, The Bonato wlll tako up tho blll on Monday. It is polntod out that the au thorizatlena glven to th? ovooutlvo by tho Senate to negotlato trentles aro value loss as tho oxc-outlvo, acoording to tho constltutlon, enn negotlato troatles wlth? out aulhorlzatloii froip tho Senate and preaent them to Congress for approval and any law amondlng the constltut on to this or any other offect must be s*nc tloned by two oonsecutlve Congresses. A Tlmcs-lilspatch Want Piary need only be kept three dnys. Flrut day. atl. put in; second day. ad. appenra; thlrd day. aucceas. Phono the Want Ad. man, 'phone 54), FIRST GUN FORJRAUER His Friends Oatlier and Adopt Strong Resolutlons. WILL WRECK THE PARTY Thls IsWhat They Say of Thoso Who Are Behind tho Cancldacy ofWalter U. Todd?Hot Campaign A.ioad. The flrst blg gun In tho Honrico poli tlcnl battle wns touched off last nlglit, when a goodly number of cltlzcns and votcrs of tho county, gathorcd In Rich monri, ndoptcd a serles of resolutlons rccognizlng tho Stato Democratlc Com mittoe as tho supreme party power #'id plcdglng thelr aupport to Wllllam H. Brauer as tho only "regular and truo" nomlnce for thc oftlce of tretisuror. lt Wft? in et'l'oct tho 'flrst posftivo and deflnite movo In tho campaign, and par tlcular InteroHt attachcs to it from thls fact alono. Tho flght may now bo sald to bo on in all oarnost, and all along tho llno the battle is expocted to rago. The aklrmishitig of tho post few days, when oach aldo was busled moatly in slzing up tho other and gotting lts boarlngs, haa settlod down to a steady, brlsk firc, and tlio comlng days will probably be pregnant wlth happenlngs that will bear no sraall relatlon to tho rosults in tlio Novombcr electloa. The Meetlng. About one hundrod and flfty people gathered ln Sanger Hall at 0 o clock yes? terday aiternoon. All of them wore vot era 01 tno county anu all ot inern stauuch Democrats and adnerents of tho party as ropresenied v&y lnp- Biate Cwuraa Commlttea. lt is d. -i.niflcant fact that soveral of tho membora of tho County Cotnmitteo, wno, ln a muiunty report, owned aiiegluuco to tho Stato body, were present ana took prominent part ia the muottiia. Mr. Edward L.. Ryan, a young attorney, wtio waa deteaied by two voies for the oillco of county chairman, was chosen to pre sldo over the gathering and Mr. E. L Kellain, also a meraoer of the Couuiy Commlttee, was made aecrotary. Sevoral acJdreases were dellvered, fn cludlng one from Mr. Brauor hlmsolf. Every part of the county was repro sentcd, and tho greatest enthusiasm was manlfestod. Plans for conducting tho campaign were diacuaaed and a commlt? tee was appolnted from each preclnct to carry on the flght ln lts respectlve terrltory. The aituation wa? gone over aa a whole and provlalon waa made for every contingency that may arlao, indl catlng that it fa the purpose af the treas urer to make a flnlsh flght of lt. Be? fore the meetlng adjourned tho followlng resolutlons, whlch fully explaln the pur poses of the gathering, were adopted: We, Democratlc citlzens of the county of Henrico, reapectfully requeat all Dem? ocratlc oitlzena of the county of Henrico, to aupport Mr. Wllllam H. Brauer, the only regular and true Democratlc nomi | nee for the offlce of treaaurer ln aaid county. ? Tho State DemocraUc Commlttee on Oc? tober 2, 1903. having unanimously paased tho followlng resolutlon: (Here follow the resolutlons adopted by that body hcrotoforo printed.) ? It ls our duty as loyal Democrats hav? ing the Interest of the party at heart, rather than the Interest of any one man to aocept tho declsion of tho Stato Dem? ocratlc Commlttee. tho highest nuthorlty ln the Democratlo party, and it having doclared that Wm. H. Brauer, Is the reg? ular Democratlc candidato for trcasirrer, we are ln honor bourai to support hlm and by all lawful means hold up iho banner of Democracy and elect ita can dldatos. We call upon all Democratlc voters to rally around tho Democratlc flag and carry lts ticket to victory. We recall the fact that when the county waa hapelessly Republican, somo of tho offloos belng flllod by negroes, it w-s Wllllam H. Brauer, at a personal sacri fice to himself, who entere dthe fleld as tho Democratlo nominee for treaaurer, when nobody else would have the noml naUon, and by the ald of tho good voters of Henrico succeeded ln placing Henrico in the Democratlc ranks. We make thls appeal to the Democratlc. voters for a further reaaon; that should the pcop'e now flghtlng the State Commlttee, suc ceed in this electlon It would be the cn tering wedge of the Republican party. Thefie misgulded people who aro at tomptlng to run anothor candidate against the regular Democratlc nominee, Wm. H. Brauor, are ln our Judgment dolng moro to wreck tho Democratlo party than If they openly deolared themselves Repub? lican. for under the gulso of Democrats the seeklng to elect a man who haa openly defled the Democratlo party of tha State and can no longer be termed a Domocrat. (Slgned.) EDWARD L. RYAN, Chairma.n. E. S. KEI.LAM, -Secretary. About the New Committe?. Aocordlng to eomo of tho gcnt.Iomen present at Saenger Halle last night tho llght Is now one In the Interest of tlie preservatlon of the party. Tho elernont of personallty haa been olimlratod and It Is now a qoestlon of whother or not tho Democratlo organlzatlon ahall be kept Intaet. Tho movement to organ'zp a new coun? ty commJttoo around the four men who stand around the State Commltleo Is still bolng pualied. Mr. Rynn mndo a alato ment at the meetlng last night urg:ng suoh a atoi>. Bverybody on tho Brauor sido soems to thiiir'c that tho actlon should be tnkon but the advlsahiltty of dolng so now has been questloned. Tho Stato ohalnnnn hns been cnnsulted about tho matter and thlngs w'U Inrgely depend upon tho attltudo ho usumes. Soveral momt>ers of the Stato Commlttee havo Indlcated that they would" be decldedly ln favor of a new commlttee. So far as can bo gathered, nothlng pos Itlve haa hoon honrd yet hy Mr. Brauer from tho Stato Commlttoemen, who havo beo nasked to eomo out and spenk In his hohalf. Somo deftnlto response from them Is oxpootod in a few dnyg. Dr. MrF-fie- De'a'neci, Owlng to the lllncss of ono of hls prom Iriont church membora, Dr. F. T. Mc? Faden, of Lynchburg, wns unnhle to bo nt tho Flrst Presbylor an Chii'-ch. r>f Rlchmond, last night. He will probably vlslt Rlchmond lator In tho week. D virce Gnjrterl. In the and Equ'ty Court ye~ter dav Mra. II. T. Thaoker waa grantod an absolute dlvorce from her hushand, C. Q, Thaoker, on tho ground of desertlou. BURNETT'S HXTIMCT OF VANILLA Haa token gtild awdala agaluit all other branda.? adTi CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, Largest Manufactureri, tmporters and Dlstrlbutors of PQRTLAND AN? ROSENDAIE CEMENT, LIM? AND BUILDING NJATER1AL IN THE UNITED STATES. Ix>wost dellvered prlces quotcd, on appllcntlon. on Rlnndnrd Brnnds. In car ro lots. cnrload lots, smnll lots, to any polnt In Amorlca. Full stocks at Inlcrlor mllls;- also nt Baltlmore, Md.; Nowport Ncws, Va.; Norfolk, Vn.; Portmnouth. Vn.; Wllmlngton, N. C; Charleston, 8. C.j Savnnnah, Ga.; Fernandlnn, Fla.j Jacksonvllle, Fla.; Pensacola, Fln.; Mobllo, Aln.; Npw Orlcnns, La.; Gulvcston, Tcx.; Blrmlnghnm, Aln., nnd Atlnnta, Ga. Wrlto for our prlces. HORSE-SHOW VISITORS Aro Invlted to See Our Largo Dlsplay of Viclorias, Depol Rockaways, Runabouts, Surreys, Traps, Buggies. R. H. Bosher's Sons5 15 Soulh Wiiith Street. REPAIRING AND REPAINTING. for Jha JforsQ JTiow / Iu Jewolry tho edict will be in favor of thoso designs which aro signiiicaut of rid ing, driving, aud tho hunt. Iu anticipation of this, sco our pins, brooches, eto., that carrj out this idea ! Prize cups, silver-mouuted whips, crops, etc, will make Buitable prizes, and appro priato souvonirs ! That's what the makers of Dr. David's Cough Syrup hnve done when they pro duced the greatest Cough Cure known. Dr. David's Cough Syrup wlll cure Coughs. Colds. Croup, BronchlUs and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Laigo jottles 25 conts everywhero. 9ETTINGITD0WNPAT' CHESTERFIELD LUHUH R JOMS. SPECIAL 25c DINNER, 12 to 8 P.M. POPULAR PRICES BEST tFRVICE, Open Tuesday, Sept. I, 03 lLfja K. Maln St. Sienorgraphers SuppBied for huj macUluc. We kecp exncrieuced opera tora alwoya on cull at our offlce. Nn charge foi our aerTlces. Good atenograpbcra euould loar* thelr Hddreaaea. BOUTH-RN STAMP AND STATIONKRY CO. ?Phone 1895. Entlre Bldg., TwoItb-SIx Malo. Rlchmond. Va. QUARLEST No. 105 East BroTd. FOR TOYS AND SPOItTlNQ GOODS. MEET NEXT YEAR AT OLD POINT VA. S. H. Hardwick. of the South ern. Wlll be the Orator at That Tlme. (By Assoclated Pross.) NEW OREEANS, LA., Octoher 14.? The forty-eighth annual convention of tho AmorlCiin Assoclatlon of General Passen ?er and Ticket Agents wns brought to a closo this mornlng. Old Polnt Comfort, Vn., wns elected as the meeting place ln October noxt. Detrolt, Chleago, Cleve Innd, Put-In-Bay and Chattanooga wero biddora for the conventlon. An Invltation was read from President Francls, of tlte Loulstana Purchaso Kxpo sitlon, nsklng the ngonts to hold a spe? cial mc-Hing ln St. Louls not later thnn Ft-bruary 1, 1?M. The Invltation was pre npiited by General Passcnger Agent Craiio of 'the Wabasli, and Manager Hex tnn of the Press nnd Publlelty Depart inent of tho Exposltlon. Tho Invltation was licurtlly accopte.d, nnd Januury Ulh wns tlie dnlo decided on. Special ratoa. for the exposltlon will probnbly bc made at this meeting. B II. Hardwick, ot tho Southern Rall? way, has boen seleeted as the orator for 11(01. _ Kosolutlone on tho doath of Jarnes Ba kor woro adopted. This afternoon the agents enJoyed a rlde on tho rlvor on tho Morgnn stoamer Ex c-lslor. O. D Hand otm Elo-klet, An attractlvo booklet hns been issued hv tho Old Domlnion Hteameh p, Com nany. glYlns lnformatlon regard ng Its handsome liners P otures ure Kiveti of tho Monroe. Jeffei-on, Hamllton. 1 rln oess Anne. Jamestown. Borkeley ai d Birmdon with some hnndsome exterio. vlows The amoku.K loom of the Mon? roe nresents an exceodlrgly handfOme Lnpearanee. oomWW favorubly wi.h those of nnv of the ocean 1 ne'. Conles of the ho'kiet oan be secured at tho company's olllces. No. 808 East Malu Street. SEE OUR LINE OF Arabians, Brussels, Rennaissance, Irish Point, Ruffled Bobbinels, All fhe Lafest NoveKies. DONT FORGET THE 215 EAST BROAD STREET. 75c. Half-Soling Men's Shoes Ladies', 60c. Every pair Well Shoe roatltchod on our BlQCtrlo Stitolier; no big ugly aew lng around the sole HUe a cobbler aevva by hand: no nalls, no pega; the only up-to-dato plant for ropalrlng shoca ,n 'S ELECTRIC POWER w SHOE FACTOHY, 716 East Main Street. ?Phone -0B7, will send anywhere and dehver. ,' '? ., Thla advertlaement good for 10c. Gan CancerBe tfured? II Can. Wltbout the uaa of the knlfe we our, Cancers, Tumora and. Chronlo Sorea, charglng nothing for oxamlnation. Our patlepta are our beat frlenda. Come nnd eee the canoera wa have ramoved and oured from "jur now happy patienta, and ar* dally eurlng. Thev are wonderlul. If ihen you nre not satt-fled. wo will p_y all your expenae*. ilfll Twelfth and Bank Str-et-N Hlehmoud. Va.