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LIKE WINE, H0RSE=5H0W QROWS BETTER AND BETTER t*d ribbon. Elevator hafl nlrendy Ultcrl the blue .it thr mntlnee. The rldlng ?f Mrs. Birtlr JdhnsOn on Torchllght ejaused a storm of hand clnpping. SIu fcaa rldrion at xpveral of Iho showa ln Wadmont Vlrginlfl thla soason. and amoiijg the gpectatora were many peoplo tl'otn that section who had soon her perform ances and knew wlwt to expect. J. S. Hollowava lldlng of Chappio eatwed many pooplc lo ssy thnt a botlor tidw had not been seen here at any exhlbltion. Hia Btat i.? superto. Senator Banlel was a consplruous flK ure at the show last nlght. Ile otSCUpjed a aeat In the box of Mn.'or J. n. Potlon. Hf wlll romnln here untll Fflday or Sat urday. and wlll attend all the perform Repre?entatlre W. A. Jones. or the Flt'St JBietrlct. tvaa amnng the speclalolfa last nlght. occupylng a B?at in tlio box ot a Rlchmond frlend. Govemor Montagtie Har- not prr-aont last nlght. but Mrs. Itonlag ?? was there. In a box with a ?Umber of young glrls. Mr. Alexander Uamilton. of Palersburg, had a box seat, but hc OCCupled It but IKtle preferrlng to atroll about tho rlng and meet hls frlends. At the rlngalde ls the placo to mcot aeouaintnnoos. Judge James Keltti. of thd Supremo Court of Appeala, haa been prescnt al all tht perfortnanees thus fnr. Ile was In the bnx of Genertil Managcr C. E. Doylo. vt the Cheeapeake and Ohio, last nlght. Slill Grows Bcitcr. The show last nlght was bettor thon on Tuesday night. Thero was moro gin ger ln the audlenco, and there waa a larger audirnee. If the crowd to-night is gTeator. tho hulldlng wlll be dlsagroeably full. The Bhow thus far Is a succesa ?reater than was hopod for. Porfect att tvmn weather, and entrles Which few. if any. horse shows In the country ean ?urpass. unlte to promlsa that the exhl? bltlon wlll be a auccews to the elid. The Artlliery Post Band, from Fortress Monroe. ono of the best In tho cotmtry, whlch won a prlze horc some years ago, wlll play at the concort thla mornlng and npain to'-nlght. If the Marinc Hand, whlch waa called to Washlngton, falls to re turn In tlme. THE DETAILED STORY Those Who Won on tho Tar bark Last Nipht. and How They Won. A fashlonable crowd was hurrylns nround the walkway and seatlng itself 5n the boxes to the m.uslo from the Ma? rinc Band when tho first class was ! called?that for horaea In harness, over fourteen hands and one Inch, and not excoeding flfteen hands. The rcqulre rnents were that they should havo style, quality and all-around true action. and be abie to go a good pace. A splendld ; bunch responded to the sound of the hu- | ple. and as tho hlgh-steppers began to olrcle tho rlng the music lost Its charm ond all attentlpn was turned to the tan bark arena. A splendid lot of htgh-steppers that puzTded the Judges for some timo went the rounds to the npplauso of the large audieac*. which clapped Its hands with unwearied enthiislasm as the royaltiea of the horse kbigdom paraded before tfcem in all tho prlde of blrth and achieve roem. Mrs. John Gorken drovo her chestnut gelding Newsboy. a wlnner on many an aiena. and to many lie seemed the wln? ner on this ono. But there was a bettor. Faseination, a chesthiit gelding, entered bv G. Trowbridgu Hoilistcr, had a fasci riition for the judg-.r;. and to hlm was awarded the blue ribbon. IIO deserved it. Ho went the paco and hls action was :>.uo. Ho stepped as if ho scbrncd tho . giound on which he trod, and deiled any otber animal to oqual. Mrs. Jolm Gcr ktn's Xewsboy, a wlnner of blue rib bons, had to bo content with the second honor. Ho ls a splendld geldtnp, with h'eh/kneo action and abllity to boI a pace tliat is bard to follow. Hls win r.tng second placo is an Indlcntlon of tho liigh class of that la shown at the I'.iohmond Sliow. G. Trowbrldge liollls ter's Elevatlon, dri\*en by Thomas Brnnch, of this city. took the thlrd prlzb. Tho foiirth wont to Hrulus, exhil>lted by Mrs. W. S, G, Wllllams. ?Class 2S. Saildlu horaea, to bo shown at walk, trot and canter; to chonge the l.ead at the canter, to back oaslly and to atand for the mount and diHiuoiiiit, was tho ncxt class. Thero was a good list of cn tries, and they were all of a high gradb | of excellence, Quality, mannera, paces j and conformatlon woro to count. Dr. ? Woodend's Maple Lo.if enptured tho Ihst j r'.bbon, and tho second wont to Mr. Uon ry Fairfax's Fancy. a bay mare. Fancy | \\at. nover before been in u ahow Hng, I and her wlnnlng o'ver horaea that havo j ccptured blue rlbbona at some of the j best shows'bf'the^pountry Is a tostlmony | not only'do tliO excellence of this horse, but to Vlrglnla 'horaea In general. AViil- | lor Holladay's Koritucky Cardlnnl,' alao :i Vlrglnla horse, by Hlghland Denmark, won the thlrd ribbon. Tho fourth went to Amerloa, Mlss Holloway's horse, rld den by Mr. Jlolladay. whose horscman- I Bhlp is one of tho foaluroa of Iho show. Class i^-glg horBCs?vitii the noxt on i the programme. A Rlchmohder drovo the wlnner and won the applauao of tho ? ?rowd, whlch by this tlme tllled overy > neai and crowded all tho spaco around tho rlng and overflowed into ttic receaaes where refreshmonts were ae'rved. ' There woro a numbr of highcsl grado horaos ln tho cla^s, as Ih abundantly . eliowu ljy the faot that Baron Brown was; ontered and dld not capture an honor. G. Trowbrldge Holllater's Fasclnalion, . dnven by Mr. Thoroaa Branch, capturod ih? blue rliibon from Mra. John Gor Ven's Newsboy, a horse that hld high foi tho firat honor ln cvery class In whlch ho wah onterod. Dandellon, a cheBtnut geldlhg, entorod ny Charles Fl ? 'orniiif-:. Won tho thlrd rlbboh; and Mrs. Grosvenor's Litlle Boy Blue Ioon tho fourth. In Class it. for purk four-ln-handa, there weri only i'"''1 ontrlea, Mrs. Dlet. erich'a entrles bavlug been u'cratched, Vjr. W'oodend!i coach wa? n llttlo late in arrlving, but tljej' wore the target of all eyos, and wci>> followed around the rlng by a wavo of applauae. Mr. Charles Fownes, the gruut whlp, again handled tho relns in his Inimitable ntylo, and Bldney Manley, ihe greal BngllsJi liorn. blower, ln lila ecarlel coat, ag'afn caugh( tVK- crowd by hta oxperl hoi'n windlng a; the Bplendtd horaea swept around tho brown arena, The VVoodond team con sl-t^ of Bsron Brown and Brown Baroti, h sdera, and Sharoroc* and Banlos, wheol <t>. and moved with perfect rhythm un der Mr, Fawnea' mastorful guldanoe. Tliu othor two compeliton ln the claae woro Mrs. James'M- E. Grosvenor's hand BOtna four and lhat <?! Mr. Thomas I)?-. ford, of Baltlmoro. tt was hard to choose among such a trlo, bul the Judgea finally awarded the bluo ribbon to tho Woodend turnroit, though many of tb.e crowd were fivorable to the clalms of Mrs. Grosvenor'i four, whlch iatulcd the red ribbon and second prlae; Mr. Peford'a four gettlrig tho yellow and thlrd honors, Tho n^^.t claa^ la always the most popular of every show, and Invarlably fuiulshes the eloruoiit uf exoltomont to the ahow?the ludle.s' hunttr's class. Ix>not grij* r.or Iritute tho ullr tar? ranal. 'ilay an ijently, projuptly, cleaaae elicclually und Qlvo GamforH jVOld by all drma;bis. 'il .cuu REMEMBER, nnytliiiKj you mny hefid in dress for nny oecnsnon nnd cou'i nnd nnywhere else, cbii alwnys be hnd HERE. ln Frock-Coats nnd Evening Suits, the principal ohanges are skirts a little longer and falling strnighter from the hips and ndlffercnlcut to the lapels. There is riothing bettef* than the best?the Best is here. l'ull Dress Stiits-$38.0D to $-10.01). Tuxcdo Suits?J26.O0 to ?SS.O0. Sillt Hnts?$5 00, 58.00 and *10.00. Tuxcdo Hats-$8.50 and $5.00. Business Suits?$8.00 to $28. Wlth a fleid of elghtccn and thc most famous eques^rj.ennes of Xorth nnd South fn the saddle, it was a royal strtlg gle for thc honors, and one that made the blood of tho spectalors tlnglo wlth excltement nnd evoked unbounded nd miration of the dashing, fearless and masterfui rldlng of tlie ladios. Chapple, Mr. llolloway's great Jumper. | wlth Mlss Holloway ri'dlng. was the , first to bo aent ovor tho jumps, nnd though well rlddcn, tlie famous bay was out of It on performance. Mlss Hollo? way, who rodc several othcr mouints In this class. is a ptrlklngly handsome woman, and is one of thc fi'nest eques trtennes over seen in thls clty. Eloyator, Mr. J. Stowart Bryan's glant DR. WOODEND'S WILD GERANIUM. (Dlok Dohnolly up,) groy, with Mlss Skeltbn rldlng, furnlshed the excltomeiu for the evening. The liorso Juat cloured tho ilrst fenco, whon tlu> rldcr w'ni seeii lo alip and then .to Call foco foremoat ln tha irlng, cloee beslde the rail. ICverybody wa.s on tip toe of cxcltement for a inoinent, but hardly longer, for tlie plucky and dash ing rider was up ln ;i iwiiikling, and lo tho surprlso and pleaaure of all present, was- unlnjurod, having slid from tho sad? dle and brolcen tlie forco of tho fall by her own coolnesB. In Justlce to her, it should bc s:iiil that the accldent was catiaod by the allpplng of tho safety stir rup. Ia a momcni Miss SUolton was up, had ovortaken her mount, and ln less time than tlie rocltal bf u requlres ahe remounted, / auiid unboundod applauac. it was an exhlbltlon of IntoUlgonca Ilrst, 'and then of duuutloes couragb, whlch the crowd admlred In ajnoat voclferous i munnoi". Mlss fekeltop then took tho horse ovor the rornaluing JurriPN with adraJrable sklll, baroly Upplng thc fences. Tho other horses, ln the order of thelr juroplng, wero: Bo Bur, Mr, rlohderson'a . blg ba'y huntcr; rldden by Mlss Dorothy i lJetiry; Mrs, Hlalr Jphnspu'H X-Kay, rid ; <Ien by hor owiu-r, ono of the tinest and ' mosi popular horflevfontop thaj vlslt tho j IMchniond show; Churlos Pflzer'S Youf l-'ejldw, wlnper of the htgh juiup arid ;i ' npiendld peifurmor, rlddon BUporhly by Mlsa Beablt, of N'\v York, making a I clean and fuultless performanco; Freo* Innce, Mr. [Jolloway'a second entry, rld? den witii rui<: BTOCO and bkill by JJIsa Marian Holloways Forest Ktng, Mr. i Jumea B. PortoKa ehowy black, rldden I Ij> Mlss Dailiol, of VJrglnia; T. 1.. Kvana' j Joker, is <1 ?!.-11 hy Mlss I J.-ni y. nnd glvlpg a ilno perforTnanco; Mr. R, M, Tayor'a clmmplon Jtimpor, Grey rtock, rldden by 1 Mrs. niair Johiison, and well rldden; King Dodo, Mr. McCoinh's ilustnut, rld? den i-y Mlss Bkolton in dashjng itylo; 1 jack of plamonds, rldden by Mlss sel den, his owner; i-miy Wlnsome, Mlss < Weatherbee's liuptor, rldden by Mtsn Hol loway, one i.t the mosi popular rldors of tho f-y nlngi liod Raven. ownod by 11-> ' gc-r Brothera, and rlddi'i. by Mlsa llrnry; I Oranlto, owned by Mr. Jull \r\ Morrls, nnd i ddon t.v Mih-i Bkeltoni Janloe, wlth Misa Hi r.\'u. ridlng, refusiiiB the Jumps; Bllis iit rd, i v.:..- i bj Mr. roung, i r.d rlddon I by m tt li-.' :?? Puthflnder, owned by Mr. ?\ouna ?'?? ? iIddi n by Mlss ii>'!'.!". nnd | di-ikIi g, owned by Mdrrie and Joslln, nnd rlddon by Ml?? Wom y, i? ?..ia.-1 icing, wflh Mi.-- punlc) rldlng, ovei lurned the i< -'?? e, snd I 'i fi i her . ; ?,-,, :.! ).???? emani - would have throv:. ? !. i/ut wlth rare pyesenca -if mhid nhi .? i lipod i.i I- i. i. -i. i .'. ? i idlj a| plauded by the uuil ? or i- at .Yij..-. Jlfcliry. v,i.v | .-? .; .-. .. waj warmly applntidnd ns she carrled hhn c\ii uio Jumps and dld BOhio vory fi?e rldlng. In mnklng oward. tlio Judges had to take Into ronslderation tho fact that utldor the coudltlons imposcd, manners counted i.'C> pcr cont.) performahfte over fcncos 60 pcr ' cont., and conformation lVp por ccnt. Tho HOfSoa wero hnsaddlcil ahd subjoctcd to crltical test, afler whlch tho bltiu ribbon wns vory Jtlstly plnnoil on Mr. I'flzcr's .Your Follow, this splen? dld Jumper havlng givo'tl a stiperl) exhlbl? tion. Thore was no doubt of his vlctory. Ilis rldcr, Mlss Bello Bcach, tindor tho rondltlons of tho pontest, was awnrded the hnndsome sllvcr ctlp offorod by the .issoolatlon to (ho rldor of tho wlnnlng horse. Hho was grected with great np phutso, the nwitrrt belng a popular one ln both cas-cs. Tho rod ribbon went to Mr. Eryan's Elevator, wlnner of tho blue ln the green h'fldvy wolght Inintrr class nt tho mnllncp. The awnrd wns ox Iromely popular becatlSO of tho hnrse's fino porfnrmanco and Mlss Skelton's rld? lng and her forttimttc escapo from injury. Tto Bar, Mr. ? llonderann's hnndsome bny, n son or Bnhomlnn, rldden by Mlss llonry, captured tlio yellow and thlrd prlze, and Mr, McComb's Klng Dodo, riddon by Mlss Skolfnn. got tho ribbon. There wns but one more event. the tho roiighbrcd hunter class. with flvc con testnnts, tho other entrles hna'tng l>cen scratohod. ln t,hls class conformation and quality wero rated at flfty por cont., and performahce over ft-ncos at flfty. Colleen Bawn, tho brown marc. ownod by Mr. E. D. Passano, and rldden by hls ownor, was tho flrst to be sent over the Jumpa and gavo a clean exhlbltion,, clearlng everythlng In faultless stylo amld great appluuso. Dcep Run, Mr. Harry Boattla'a splendld hunter. and a Rlchmond-bred horse, with IiIh ownor rldlng. tlppcd iho last fence ln gnlng over, but othcrwtse acoulttcd hlmself handsomely, and waa c'xceedlngly wcll handled. Joker, Mr. T. E. En-nns.' entr.v, rldden by that graceful and sktlltul rldcr, Mr. Sldney llolloway, was the noxt to bo Rent at the fencos, and took them all In oasy fashion, snvo the last, whlch ho tipped sllghtly. Messrs. Morrls and .Toslin's cntry, Eanclng, rld? den by Mr. Rlchard Donnolly, gavo a flne exhlbltion aftor ho had warmed up, taklng tho fenccs rilocly and oaslly, nltur tlpplng the flrst two sllghtly. Mnrjorlo Eong, riddon b,y her ownor, Mr. E, D. Passano, Jr? aftor several refusals, cloar ed tho fences ln falr style. Mr. T. E. Evans' La Touralne, rldden by hls ownor, tlppod tho flrst fenco sllghtly, but elear cd teh others In dashing stylo. After tho Judges had passed upon tho matter of conformation, tho awnrd waa announceu, Colleen Bawn, wae Justly glven the blue ribbon, whllo Joker ro- l coh-ed th? red, ahd Mr. Boatfo's Decp , Bun, tho yellow. Tho whltc went to Ea | Touralne, Just bcforo tho last class, Mr. C, W, Sinlth's flno huntcr, Chlpmuhk, saddlod but rlderless. was perniittcd by tho owher | to givo an exhlbitlon that dcllghltd tho ; large crowd and evoked unboundod en- j thuslasrn, The prctty and Intclllgent hcast j twlce made tho rotmd of tho fcnces, cleai- i lng thpm all enslly nnd cloanly. The crowd wlldly applauded the performance of the Intolllgeht well tralncd anirnal. The Summnres. Class 5.?Horses In barness, over four teen hands and one lnch and not oxcee-d Ing flfteen hands, to have qual ty, style, all-around actlon and bo able to go n good pncc; to be shown to n llght two- or four-wheel vehieie?G. Trowbrldgo iioi Uster's Pnscinatlon, oh; g,, ilrst; Mrs. John Gorken's Nowsboy, ch, g., socond; G. Trowbrldgo llollistor's Klavatlnn, ch. g? thlrd; Mrs. \V, H. G. Wlllinms' Brutus, br. g., fourth, Class tK?Horses 15 hands ?> inches or ovor: galts requlred wnlk, trol and nui tor?Dr, W. 13, Woodend's Maplo hoaf, Ilrst; llonry Ka'rfax's Kahcy, b. in., sco ond! Wuller Ilolladay's Kontuclty Cardl naJ, l>, g? thlrd; Miss Marlan Holloway's ? -.. t'Mtrlh, Class 23?For best liorse sultablo for r gig?o. Trowtiidge HoJIIstor's Frisolna tlon, ch, g-, flrst; Mrs. John Gerkon's Neb.-ibov, ch. g., socond; Charles v. norti ing's Dandellon, oh, g., thlrd; Mrs, j, n. M, GrOBVonor's 1/ttle Boy Biuo, b. g., fourth. Class 17?Kour-ln-luiiuls, lioraea to bo 15 |ia,nds nnd bver; conforrhutlofi, style, rnanncrs and ull-rumid actlon oonsliler <-d Mr. \Y. )?',. Woodend's team flrst; Mrs. Jaiiiis h. M. Grosvenor's four so i cond: Trothas peford'w four thlrd; Mr. \V. B, Hoelng's four acrutchctl, I Class II- I.ndles' huntOlS, to be rlddon by ladies who rlde wlth a recognlzcd liunt I'lub. ovor Jumps not to ojeceed 4 feet- Charles Pflser'a Your Fellowi h. k-. wlth Mlss IJOflCll tl|i, flrst. she I'OCOlvJnB the handsomo sllver CUP offoivd to I'Jder of wlnncr; j. stewart Bryan's Bleyutor, g, g., wlth Mlss SKelton rlding, socond; 00 Bor, b. g., wlth Miss llonry up. tlilnl; Klni; Dodo, ch, k-. owned by J. u. M, Comb und rldden by Miss Bkellon, rlh? bon, (.'bisH 3J?Thorouglihred hunters, opeu 10 aii reglstorcd thoroughbred tjuullfled and greeti hunt?rs, conformatlon and quality to coiint Co per cent and p(-r fonnanco over fences 60 per eept.-?-Jv, l>. Ps .ii-j':i br. in. Colleen |5awn, wlth his own i' up, flrai; T. i-. Kvans' Jokor, 10 (iUKE A COI.D IN ONE BAY ; T?k? UiStlVS BrOIUo IJllhilm- 'f?.:-. ,\ll >irugk.?.< n-find tlie uiuury If I' fslli lo oure. > i- u ,:.,,..?. ?[^u?i..?- U ..u Muifc I-... 'J-.i Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curatiye Properties of Swamp-Root To Prove What Swamp-Root, the World-Famous Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, Will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Richmond Daily Timcs-Dispatch May Have a 5ample Bottle FREE. Gentlcmen -?Some two ycars ago I was so run down that I lacked strength, had no appetitc and could not slcen nights. Somctimea it seemctl as though my back would brcak m two aftcr stoopmg. 1 had to cet up many tiiilcs during the niglit to urinatc and go oftcn through the day. After .having the best olivsicians prescribe for me without relief, I decided from my symptoms that the medicine I necded was" Dr Kilmcr's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, livcr and bladder remedy. Aftcr trymg a sample boillc >vith good rcsults, I purchased six bottlcs of the rcgular sizc, and aftcr taking them was cntircly cured. Swamp-Root is a wonderfu! remedy when a man is not feelmg well. after ex posure or loss of sleep and irregular mcals. It is also a great medicine to tone up a man s systcm. Othcr members of the Policc force are using and rccommending Swamp-Root. 1 hey, like mysclf, cannot say too much in praisc of this great remedy. -y The Officcrs (whose signatures accompany this. letter), as well as mysclf, thank yon for the good you have accomplishcd m the compounding of Swamp-Root. ? We remain, yours very truly, A'aZL^,-fr/crm^ Chlcf of Policc". -j ? ? ' BlnghamtoB, N. T. . I QlOjLt-x- <?/? fYc^/if nrri^.r. r,f fhn Wnrimmton. N. Y.. Follco. Departmont. I " To Dr. Kilmor & Co. Offlcers of the Blnghamton. N. Y, Pollco. Departmont. If vou aro siok or "feel badly," begln taking the famons | Enhealthy kldnoys cause iheumatisin. gravel, catarrh of the ? '?' ,?, , o tj?^. i .,?.,,i? nc mnn n's ! bladder, palu or dull abhe in the back. Jolnts and musoles; new discovcry, Dr. Kilmcr's Swamp-Root, b-c.iuso ns soon n. j m^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ,??,,,,,????_ stomach and llver tronble; you get a sallow, yellow com plexlun, makes you fcl as though you had heart trbuble; you mn'y havo plenty of nmbitlou, but no BtrongtbJ get woak and wasto away. Swamp-Root Is pleasont lo tnke and Is uscd In tho lead ing hospltals, rocommonded by physlcian^ in thelr prlvato praotlce and is takon by doctors themselvcs. becausc thoy rognlzo in it tho greatcst and m'ost uttcCessful remedy that yotir kidneys ar,e well they wlll help all the othor organs to hcalth. A trlalvWill eonvlncc anyone. Weak and.;amhoalthy kidneys aro rcsponslble for mpre sickness and'.-tfttfff rlng than any othcr diaease. therefore, when through neglect or other causcs, kidney trouble Is por mitted to contjjnio. fatal results are aure to follow. Kidney trouble Irritatea the nerves, makes you dizzy. rcstless. sleep lcss and irrltablo. Makes you pass wnter ofton through tho day and obllges you to get up many tlines during the nlght. ; sclence has ever been ablc to compound. EDlTORlAE NOTICE?Swamp-Root, tho great kidney, llver and bladder remedy, Is so remarkably #suecossful that a special arrangoiheiit has been made by which all of our readera who have not alrcady tried It may have a sample bottle aent absolutely fvee by ma'.l. Also a book tclling all about.kidnoy and bladder troubles and contalnlng many of the t.hou inndsv uhrii] thousands of testlmonlal Ictters recolvqd from meli and ? women cured by Bwamp-Root. In wrltlng, be suro and montlon thatjvoii reod this genorous offer in Tho.Rlqhmond Dally Tlmes-Dlspatch when sending yo\ir addreds to Dr. Klltncr & Co? Blngha?nto?, J& Y. j ? ? It?'?ypirwar? rilr'eady convlnccd that Swamp-Root is what you ueod. you can purchase tho rcgutar flfly-cent and one dollar sizo*bottlcs atrthe drug storos evorywherc. Don't mukc-any mbtako. but remombor the nnme, Swamp-Root?Dr. Klhrier's Swamp-Root, and tho address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on ovefy bottle, br, g-, Mr. Ridney Hollowny rlding, se- j cond; Mr. II. C. Beattie's Deep Run, b. g. with owiler up, thlrd; Mr. T. L. Evans' L.% Fouralne. Mr. Bvans rlding, fourth. _k_. BRILLIANT MATINEE The Winners Yesterday Afternoon. Hentherbioom Loudly Applauded. Tho flrst matlneo of( tho Horso Show waa a brllllant success ln every dot'all. An excellont iirogrammo was carrled through on thne without accldont or In cideht of a dl.-agreeable naturo nnd 10 tho dollght of a One, gathering. In fact. the managornent was well pleascd wlth tho attondanoo at thls matlneo, wlilclv was almost up to that on tho openlng night, and In point of enthuslasm was far ahead of it. There wero several classcs on tlie programmo that provokod unboundod enthuslasm, notnbly the tan denis, tho heavyweight groon huntera and the hlgb jump, the last belng tho cll mnx of the entlre performance. The audlonco was a parUsah ono and testillad lts satlsfact'on and lts dlssatisfactlon aa occaslon roqulred by applauso of the fa vorlte, but there -was an entlre nbsenca of hlsslng or outward expresslons in the naturo of crltlclsm. Tho boxe-s were well fllled and tho rc sorved rows likewlse, tho crovd over-. flowlng Into the htgher seats, whlch whllo not fllled, were well sprinklcd wlth admlrlng spectatora, There wore in tho gathering inany noteworthy people. though not so many as wero aeen In tho ovenillg when everything was woll fllled. A feature of tho matlneo, not on tho programmo. was thfl parado of Hoather bloom ln tho rlng by Mr. Rlchard Dr-n nollv, In whoao ohnrge tho groat helght clearor Is, Tho nmgniticont an'mal waa choered ngain and again as he was |ed uround tho rlnsr and bohaved hlmselt qulotly nnd wlth bei:omlng modesty, Tho groat horso was roally univorsally ad mlrod, ii"t only for lils achlevem.ents, but for his splendld appearanco. Tho crowd j eyldently apprecint&d the parade of tho j'.mper. , , , Tho inuslcal programmo rendorod by the Murlne Band was ono Of the dcl'ghL ful foatliros of a fuultless programmo. It was a cholco oollectlon of populur and clusslc muslc and was rendered In UM best style, The flrst event on tho programmo oiasfl 85, for local horses and runahouts. brought oul n tine tield of compotltorn nnd tho handsome horses nnd faultleea runabouls and appolntmonls wero great lv ailmlrod. Aftor some dellberatlon an.i I oonforenco the jtulges plnned tho bluo rlbbon on Mr, J. ICorr nranch s Rosc I dalo. whllo Mr. J. T. Andorsous Moru Ing Glory capltired tho red and Hocond ; monev. The vellow rlhbon went to Mr. Granfa Tomahawk. whllo Auburn n. : landod the whlto. The proud horses then j whoelod from tho ring to mako pluce for I tho next class. I Class is, pon'oa ?? hnrnoas, IntrodueaU I a protty tield of eompetltors and u snirit I ed contost, Mrs- John Gerken ei 1 ow ' thorpo Quoou was a favorito wlth tho speetfttors, but the Judgos placod Mrs. Woodend's beautlful V?W Melody flrst, glvlng tho red rlbbou to Pitler Pa'jor, anothor entry of the woodond stnuies, 1 socond nnd Towtlvoi'ne thlrd. Harniony, j tho thlrd of tho Woodend stablcs1 entrles, : was given the whH-e. ' I Class -"J brought out tho palrs of horscu ! ln haruois. and though the class wuh small, several ontrJes bo'ng wis hurd m ehoose amoug the splendld : palrs shown. Khially nfter tho judgca : had drlven tho teanis thomsclves n.ud ! saUsfled lheinse)vea as to tho golng qua. Ities of the horses. tho blue \ibbon waa awarded to Mr. Deford's palr. Whlto Stocklng and Mothqr. a pair of chestnutb. Oarbor & aarbe'r's Harrlsonhurg horses, Ilajiaum nui vancbon, wero Justly given the red rlbbon, whllo Mr. Boc'ng's splon did pair of bays, Rujah and Pasha, cx hlblted last year by Dr. F. D.' OwsU'y. wero placed thlrd. Frenchman and John nlo were placed fourth. Class I, roadstcts and appolntments. brought out a small, but cholce fleld, there belng four In thc eompetltlon when the horses cntered the rlng. One of these, IClsle, was dlsqualifiod by tho judgoy. belng found to bo below tho standard of helght requlred. This loft Alert, Red Rock nnd Prlnco to fight It out for tho rlb? bon. Alert flnally captured the blue, Mr. Noltihg's Red Rock, gcttlng tho socond RIFLE, WITH DICK DONNELLY, HIS OWNERJUP. honor and Prlnce tho thlrd. All of thcm wero well night fnultlesa, and only nx ports could havo (lutccted tho dlffereneo nmong them. Class 11, tho park tandems, whllo hav? ing few ontrles, thero wns grent dlffer? eneo of pplrildn aniong tho poptilar crlllos as to tho relatl-ro merlts of thn hoiaea ??BHBfflHKHBBMPBBfflBBMi! IIARCWCCDS, tfAHOGAKY, MITE PINE, YELLOW PINE, Kongh and Dressod. Yards Covering Seven Aores, Mttiu OIHim?Ninth & Arch rtta., and th'.-ir golng qualltlos, the class requlr lng showy ar.ri woll-bred leaders wlth good all rottnd actlon, and pacc, and mnnncrs consldered. The best judgtnor.t of tho expcrts was rcqulred to docldc tho honors. hut aftcr comparlug tho teams the blue rlbbon flnally went to the ?\Yoodend entry, Baron Brown nnd Brown Baron. a beautlful pair of browns, al most the aamc hoight nnd nge. Mrs. Dc Ford's team, Lucintta and Sampson. a beautlful pair of blacka, porfcctly raatoh cd, wero given the rod rlbbon, and Mrs, Grosvenor's tandem, tiammy and Jack of Hcarls, a palr of ohestnuts, wero placcd third. Mr. James H. Grant's entry, Flagg and Tomahawk, a chestnut and a bay were immensely popular ,wlth tho nudlonce, and wero applaudod untll they left tho rlng, but they were glvon tho ribbon only. Thon ennie tho featuro of greatoat ln torost from tho popular standpolnt. tho Judglng of beuvyweight. green huntors, with a fiold of elnven oompetltors. the plck of tho young hunlers of North ar.d South. The hordos wero sent over tho Junipa ln succesH;on. Morrls and Joslln's Ilunlsman golng flrat, but making a rathur poor porformanco. Doop Run. with Mr. Ueattle up, gave a flnn performanco tlll tho fourth Jump, whloh ho tlppod heavlly. Margravo, Garbor and Gnrber's boautlful black hunter, with Mr. Bell up. gave n spjendld exhlbltion amld grout en thuslasm. On Jumplng alono this horso waa eqiial to any ln t|ie claes. but con lon ootinted forty por cent. and per foimiitico the other slxty. Lady Hathaway waa out of It on her vory ordlnary porformance, Eliyirntor, a tall gruv goldlng thoroughbred, with hla ownor up. Mr. J. Htcwart Bryan, oaslly cleared all tho Junipa amld applauao. lllawatha, Mr. Hondorson's entry, clear? ed the fences, but not in tho beyt atyle, golng over In a short nprlng Insteaa of a long sweoplng Jump, but his wor* was npplnudcd wnrnily. Foreat Klng acqultted hlmself hand aomely untll the lsat jump, when ha knocked down tho fence, and was out of It. Bohemlnn Joc wns rtiled out aftar three refuaals. but Taconlte, Mr. Boelns'a splondld thrcn-year-old bay, gnve a mng nlficent performance, clonrlng every jump In flne nnd faultless fnahlon amld applnuse from the crowd. He was adi mlrnhly rlddon by Mr. Osborne and well handled. Thls horso had won a hltia rlb? bon In thls clasa at Lynchburg. Mr. Hen derson's Bo Bar. son of Uohomlan, wlih his owner ?p, tlpped tho wlng at tha second Jump, but otherwlse gave a good performance, though not In as good styla ni some of tho othern. Tho horses wero then unsnddled, and the Judges got out thelr pnnclls and walk od hround tho horses one by one, to Jurtga them on conformatlon. When tho Inspeo tlon had beon completod nnd the ax porls hnd eompnred eoneluslons, tho tall gray Elovator wns led up to reeolv0 tha bluo rlhbon, nmld manlfestatlons of ap proval from tho spoclators, Taconlte waa vcry Justly plnced socond on his splendld oxhlbltlon and good conformatlon, whlla Mnrgrave, the Messrs. Gnrher's hnndsome hlack, was given thc yellow rlbbon and Bccond money. In the hlgh Jumplng contest, open to all, there wns some of an flno rlding as haa over been seen ln a Rlchmond Horre Show rhig, nnd surely In no othor has It been surpaased. Rlchard Donnelly, who rodo thc wlnner. Charlea Pflzcr's Your Fellow, wns tho tnost daBhlng of tha rldera, but for grncc and horaemanshlp the palm should he. nwnrdod Mr. 9. J. Holloway, who captured the thlrd and fourth rlhbons on his Freo Lar.ce and Chapple. Mr. Wllbur Osborne. who rode Mc Comh's Klng Dodo, Is also a moxt grac ful rlder, and though he dld not get nn honor, It Waa not thc fault of his horsc mftnshlp. There were a aplendld lot of cntrles for thls contest, Includlng tho last year fa vorl'te, Orey Rock. entered and rldden by Robort M. Taylor, of Baltlmore. The Jumps wero started at four foet nnd n half and ralsed to flvo feet slx. ln the flrst round tb4re wero a ndmber of clean performances, Chapple, Rlfle. Grey Rock, Free Lance, Klng Dodo, Your Fellow nnd Hiawatha all golng over the hars In flno style and wlth plenty of dayllght between them and the top rall. When the hurdlo wns rnTsed to five feet there waa more dlfTl culty, but the excollcnce of the per fornvnee was kept un. Mr. Donnelly. oii Rlfle, a olean thoroughbred. gavc a daahlng oxhlbltlon of darlng, not to say dare-devll. rlding. for ho went at tha hurdlea wlth a speed that was hrcath taking. The thoroughbred was not up to the hlghest jump. howover, and drop ped out. Jack Hendorson, on Hiawatha, rode with an nbandon thnt made tha crowd, hold-its brc.-tth. but wlth all his fuas he dld not siticcoed In maklng Hia? watha even attempt thc flvc nnd a half foot Jump. It was a Joy to see Mr. Holloway'a rlding. He haa a :?'??! I ao graceful as to malto hlm seem a part of his mount, and ho handled his horses wlth the sklll of a ve'toran and the grace of an Adoni-?. Thore general rcgr"t when his big gray gel'lng tlpped the hars sllghtly nnd thua lost for hitnr-elf the blue rlbbon. Horso and rlder won a warm place with the Rlchmond crowd. nnd both wero given llbcral apptau'se when the yellow rlbbon wns put on tho bendstall of Free I>anc.:'s brldlc. HIMMARY. Class 25?I.ocnl horse nnd runabout: horse to count slxty nnd runabout forty per cent.: cohforroatiori', nuollly and a good paco requlred?J. Kerr Branch's ch. g. Rosedaie. flrst; J. T. Anderaon's blk. g. Morning Glory, t-ocond; Jamcs II. nranfs b. g. Tomahawk. thlrd: C. W. Br.-mch's Auburn 1I-. ch. m., rlbbon. Oii?., 4K?Ponles under saddle: not ox reoding fourtoen haiuls one lnch? Dr. W. E. Woodend's Malody, br. m-. flrst; Dr. Woodend's Pltter Patter, b. g.. socond; Mrs. John Gerken's b. m-. Towthorpe Queen, thlrd; Dr. W. E. Woodend's br. m.; Harmony, rlbbon. Clnsa 40?Hoi-^en in harness: conformn tron and quallty, 50 pe rcont.; actlon and style of gong. 50 per cent.?ThoTas Dc fo'rd's Whrte Stocklng. ch- p-. and Mother. ch. m.. flrst; Girbcr & Oarbcr's pair of bay geldincs, Il'insom nnd Fanchon. sec ond: W. K.'s R-ijnh and Paaha. b. gs. thlrtl: Deford and Wllllams' r. g.. Fr*richman, nnd ch. g.. Johnnle. rlbbon Class 4?Judglng rnndrtors nnd npnolnt monts.-AIcrt. flrst; Mr. Noltlng'a ch. g. Red Rock. second: Prince, thlrd; Elsle, dKnuallfled. not belng up to rcqulred holuht. CIufs 14?Park tandems; showv lender* rcqulred nnd good golng oualltios.?Dr. W. E. Woodend's br. g- Baron Browr. nnd br. g- Brown Baron. flrst; Thomai Deford'" 1>. m. Luclnda itpd b. g. Samp son second; Mrs. J. B. M. Grosvonor'i c. g. Simmv and c, tr. Jack of llearta. thlrd; Mr James II .Grant's c. g. Flagg nnd h. g- Tomahawk. rlbbon. Clnss 25?Groen beavy werght hunters. tip to cnrrylng 180 potuido to hounds.? J. Stewart Bryan's g. g- Elevator, flrst; W. E. Boelng's h. g. Taconlte, second; Onrber & Gnr'or's blk. m. Margrave. thlrd; H. C. Beattle's b. g. Deop Run, rlbbon. Hlgh Jump; eomnottion to begin at four and a half feet and bnrs ralaed to five und a half.?Mr. Charles Pfizer'.i h. g. Yotir Fellow, flrst; R. M. Tavlor's Kr. g. Grey Rock. second; S. .1. IIollo wny'a gr. g. Freo L,nnce. thlrd; Mr. Ilol loway's b. g. Chapple, rlbbon. HURKAMP'S HORSES He Will Bo Here this f/orning With Horn-Ip* nr'd Arn'r"1!. Mnnagcr C. W. Smlth yesterday after noon recol'ved from Mr. Charles II. Hur kamp at Frederlcksburg a tologram statlng that ho would be here thls morn Ing wlth Hornplpe, Amnret and Alnn Dalo, his flno hunters, and asklng the manngor to reserve three stalla for tha horses. That means that thoso fhje Jutniiers will : participato In ,tho remalnlng classes.of tho show ln whlch thoy are entered. Amarot and Hornplpe are both entered ln the rjuallfled hcavy welght hunter clasa to-nlght, and Amarot In the Jadles' Jump ! Ing class to-nl'ght, agalnst n flno fleld. ! iBoth aro niterod 'in tho C^'Vithian) class Frldny night nnd Alan Dalo In the grcon llght welght hunters cVUurdoy afternoon, and Hornplpo and Amaret In the hunt club teams at tho matlnce. Ona or both may be in tho champion heavy welght hunter class Haturday night. I A Tlmea-Dlspatch Want Dtary neod I only bo kept three days. Flrst day, ad. put ! In; second day, ad- uppears; thlrd day, I SUCC03B. 'Phono the Want Ad. man, 'phone 519. QUARLCS, No. 105 East Rroad, FOR TOYS AND_HPOm'?NG GOODS. QUARLESr No. J05 East Broad, FOR TOYS AND 8PORTING GOODS,