Newspaper Page Text
BOXES FILLED AT THE SHOW WITH BEAUTIFUL WQMEN Contlnued From Flrst Pnge.) hat. Mrs. Olmstoad was ln a gray panno volvot, With heliotropo hat, shaded with feathers. Mrs. Ilobson had on gray, with a blaok hat, and Mrs. Ryrd n whlto em broldorod llnon, with whlto hat. I*ist evenlng Mlss Camm was ln plnk etamlne trlmmod with lrlsh polnt laco. Her laco hat had whlto ostrlch plumes. Mrs. Olmstoad had on a boautlful bloek Jettod robo with a black ehlffon tocquc. Mrs. Rlohard Evelyn Eyrd was In wh'.te embroldorod cropo do chino and hat to tnatch. Ono of tho handsomesl of the Horso Show gowns soon, an embroldered not and Licu ovor Ivory whlto llberty sllk, was wom last evenlng by Mrs. Aloxander Oamoron. A panno vclvot tocquo and dlamond ornaments woro effoctlvo tollot accePsories. Mrs. R, T. Hunter had In her box party last nlght, Mlss Boss'o Hunter. Mlss Ellso Watklns, Mr. C. E. McReek. of tho Unlvorslty of Vlrglna; Mr. Garrolt Oooeh, of Btaunton, and Mr.- Wlllam Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Hamllton, of New York, occupylng box No, 24, had afl thelr dlnner and Horse Show gucst Mr. B. Btewart Hume. Mlss Rtlby Bodekor's box hold among othor OOCUpantS, Mlss Bodokcr In plnk orepc de chino, a plnk hat and cut-stcel ornaments. Mrs. Loula Merrlam, of Washlngton, D. C, In gray Manlla cloth abovo plnk with gray and p'nk hat; Mlss Mamlo Harvoy ln whlto with pioture hat; Mlss Bllen Joncs, In whlto voile. whlto hat with yellow plumes; Mrs. Willlam Mnybee, In black. Tostorday afternoon at matlnoo, Mlss Bodokor's box hold Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jnokson. M'iss Hostor Cnt)olt Tabb, Mrs. Ee Roy Ropor, Mrs. Merrlam. Mrs. Rark ?r and MIsh Wlllson. Gave Lu -.cheon. Mrs. Ida W, Ellerson jgave a handsomo lunoheon In honor of MJ-. and Mrs. J. W. Hopklns and thelr niece, Mlss Forbc, of "Guthrlo Hall," Albomarlo county, and of her gueste, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Waters and iho Messrs. Colcs, of Albo? marlo. .Mr. Hopklns, who owns one of the flnost eatatoa in I'ledmont Vlrglnla and niece, Mlss Forbes, has been ono of the most admlred guosta at tho show slnce her arrval, waa tho host of a box party last nlght, hls Rtiest ihcllldlng Mrs. E1 lorson. Mr. and Mrs. Massle, Mlss Forbca, Mr. Crump Tuoker, Mr. Ned Coles and Mr. Watklns EMorson. Mr. and Mrs. Hopklns have apartmonts at tho Jefferson and have beon tho ob Jivts of many flattering soclal atteriUons. One of the' most dlstlngnlslied tigures In the Horso Show boxos s Mrs. Chatlos Sonff. of Xew York, who has Just re turned from abroad and who appoarod last evenlng In a gown and hat of pale blue with Zbeautlful dlamonds. Mrs. fionff's box wlll be most attractlyo Frl <lay nlght, when sho wlll havo with her Mrs. Edward Mayo, Mrs. .lames Arm f.tron>7 Welsh, Mr. Dudley Maodonald, Mr. Eewis Brander and Mr. Edward Mayo. Mr. and Mrs. Edsar D. Taylnr wprc ln n box with Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor and Mr. Wallaee Gordon, of Newporl News. Mrs. Taylor was In a biaok embroldered hornani with ehlffon plait ings. Her blaok laco hat waa trlmmod with feathers! Mrs. Bobert Blnnkonshlp, In black not and Jei and ? black lace tocquc, Mlss Saddlo Sutton. In whlto voile em? broldered and whlte hat. Mlss May Handy, In whlto not op pllqued and embroblorod: whlte hat and long whlte sllk evenlng coat; pcarls. Mlss Annlo Moore, ln mauve and whlto gown; mauve hat. Mlss Mary E. Moore, In whlte with a whlto and vlolot hat. Mrs. Edward Mayo. In whlte vollo em? broldered. black hat and black sllk coat llned with whlte. Mrs. Willlam Moncure, In gray cropo do chino, whlto hat. Mlss Houston, ln plnk moussollno. plnk ehlffon hat. Misa Sue Bplllman, In whlte, whlto lace hat and whlte boa. Mrs. R. T. Hunter, ln black net robe embroldered In Jet and cut steel above whlto satln; black lace bonnot with cut ateel ornaments; black molro coat with laco ccllar. Mlss Ellse Watklns, in blue llberty satln with round corsagc capo of polnt lace; bluo ehlffon hat. Mlss Bosslo Hunter, ln whlte lace over green; white lace hat with whlte plumes. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, In white; whlte mollno hat with white rosos. Mlss Mary Lewls, in whlte lace gown and whlte laco and ehlffon hat. Mlss Jane Fisher, in a charmlng cos tume of plnk and whlte llberty satln; whlte hat with touches of plnk. Mrs. John Ellett, In black and silver. Mrs. Percy Hawes, in white, with laco trlmmlng. Mrs. Fltzhugh Leo, in gray crope de chlne, cut-steel appllquo. Mlss Antde Lec, ln whlte, with plcturo hat. Mrs. S. W, Travers, In black over white; poarls. Mrs. Wlllie Hlll, In whlto etamlne; whlto laco hat. Mrs. Mann S. Vnlentlne, In whlte voile; whlte ehlffon hat; turquolses. Mrs. Vlrglnius Hall, in a charmlng gown and hnt of blue nnd white, occu pled a box with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cannon Ilobson, Mr. Saunders Hobson, Mlss T.ady Hobson, Mr. Rlehard Gwathmey nnd the Rev. Mr. Matthews. Mrs. J, Stewart Bryan, ln pale blue llberty satln; bluo hat. Mlss Hattlo Itoss, ln whlto embroldered net over bluo sllk; bluo and white ehlf? fon hat. Mrs. Frank Nallo. of "Somerset." Orange county, in whlte; hellotrope hat. Mrs. Addlo Deano Lyons ln mauve gown and hat; vloleta. Mrs. Claudo A. Swanson, in black net embroldered In Jet ovor whlto; black and whlto hat. Mlss Loulle Lyons In whlto laco with touchoa of bluo panne 'velvot about hor gown and hat. Mra. Hcnry Bohmer, ln orenm vollo, trlmmod with yollow lace; crcam whlto hnt, yellow plumes. Mlsa Edlth Grant, ln hand-painted mousiHeltno; hnt garnlturod ln vlolota. Mlsa Maud Morgnn, ln whlto gown and hat. Mlss Blancho Morgnn, In whlto laco over green; black and whlto hat. Mlss Anna Deano Carr, ln green voile, appllqued ln whlto lace; wldte lace hat. Mra. Randolph Reyton, ln tollot of black and whllu Mra. Barton Grundy, ln whlte laco; Parls hnt, trlmmed with plnk rosos. Mra. Willlam E, Royall, ln gioy crepo For the Stom&ch's Sake drink pure wino. Gre&^t Western Champt\gne ?thc Standnrd of Amcrlcan Wlnca is pcrfcctly puro, tho vcry hlgheflt typo. Received Oold Medal, HKllllST AWARD Va^ggEg* ntParls, 1900. PI.HASANT VALLUY WINIi CO., 5ole flakcrs. Rheims, N, Y. Sold hy rcspcotnblo wlnn doalors everywhcre. J de chlnc and whlte chlffon; whllo hnt. Mrs. Harrle Webster, ln blaok appllqued nct ovor whllo; black and whlte tocquc, wlth plumcs. Mrs. E. M. Huntcr, in black nel; black lace hat. Mrs. Oeorge W. Hunter, In grey crope do chlnc; whlte chlffon hat. Mrs. Oeorge L. L. Da-i'la, ln whlte, wlth black ploture hat. MrB. Jainos Kclth, In black and whlte coatumo; hat trlmmed wlth black and whlte plumeH. Mrs, Orgaln, ln black nct, over whlte; black chlffon hat. , Mlss Loulae Yancey, |n whlte crop0 de chlno; whlte beaver hat. Mrs. Junlus B. Moshy, In black and whlte sllk; Iriah polnt lace collar: blnck hat. Mrs. Androw J. Montnguo, in whlte lace over gn-en whlte chlffon, nnd laco hat. Mlss Preston Womack, ln whlte, wlth blue hat. Mlsa Whltman, of Baltlmore, In hello trope moussellno; black nnd whlte hat. Mlss Olmstead, of Blizaboth, N. J., In black moussellno, cmbroldered In autumn leavea; black hat. Mrs. Georgo Haynes, in blue and whlte, wlth black hat. Mlsa Emlly Jennlngs. ln whlte, wlth Vlolots; hat trlmmed wlth sweet peas. Mrs. Hornco Hawes, In whlte appllqued not and black hat. Mrs. W. S. P. Mayo, a-ery handsomc In whlte. Occupnnts of Boxes, Among the occupnnts of boxea last night werP tho followlng: No. .1. .Mr. J. H. Bllett, Colonel 0, Percy Hnwos. Mr*. <i. Pcrcj Hnwos. Mrs. II. E. Brldge fortli. Mrs: John S. Ellelt. No. n. Mr. ImvM I.oake. Mlss S')o Kpllltnnn. John V. heary. Mlss Kcan, Mrs. Jnmes Casklc, Mr. Jnmes CAsklo. No. 12. Gcncral I'ltzlmgh Ia"-. Mrs, l-oc. Mlss A.ino Mlss Virglnla Ix-c. Mlss Grace Sheilds, Mlsa IJ'-tty Cocke. No. 14; Mr. Georpo Cole Keott and cnests. No. 13. MIm Paullne Powers, Mrs. John J. Mapp. Mrs. Hamllton Capem. Jr.. Mrs. Jnmes T. Kutherfoord Mrs. I. N. Jories. Mr. Bronks Blrd sonp. l.Ieutonnnt Thomns T. Dukc, Mr. Bc-rnard M. Jones. No. lrt. rolonol Areher Andersnn, Mlsscs An deraon, Mlss Snlly Archcr Anderabn. Mrs. W. H. Danlcl, Mlss Katblcrn Graham Andorson. ,Mr. YValter Brucc, Mr. John I'rlor. Mr. J. It. J. An No 17. Mr. B. A. Saundcrs, Mn. ? E. A. Saundrm, elty: Mr. John n. JefTress, olty; Mr. Wlllbim Itallov Baundera, Mr It. S. Saundera, Ilpper Shlrlev. Va.; Mrs. II. S. Saundcrs, Upper yiurl.-v Va.; Maater Itlcliurd It. Saundcrs, rlty. No 2-1 Mrs. Oenrpe McAilama, Mrs. Brans r.ird Roanoke; Mrs. Chsmblln. Mrs. Hot>i>rt G. Cabell. Mr. Jamos Brancb Cabell, I?r. Charles C'arrlngton. . . ? _ No 20. Mr. C, E. Boylo. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Doyle, Judse rnd Mrs. Kclth; Muatcr Ilobcrt I)oyW, Master Wnllaoo Honderaon. No. 31. Colonel J. I>nne Stern, MI'S Cnrter. ll'altlroore; Mrs. Stewart. Baltlmore; Mlss Hat tle Itorn. Colonel T. M. Landhnn. Jnmes D. Graves. ., , ? No 3-1 Mr A. E. Ploterleh. Mr. nnd Mrs. A.' K. Dleferlch, Mlss Holloway. Mr. Lewls G. VotniF. Mr. Itiiyniond A. McGee. No 34 Mr. Trnnlt B. Guest, Mr. and Mrs. CbarlV* Bvelyn Kmlth. Mts. Danlel E. Huger, Mr. Pelbam Blackford, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K. "vo ' .17. Mrs. Charles H. Scnff. Mrs. E. 0. Mavo Mrs. Ncwtnn McYcIgh, Mrs. Chnrlo? H. SenlT Mr. John Howard, Mr. John Butlierford. Mr. Charles S. McVeleb. No fl8 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew II. Christian. Jr' Mrs Orvllle N. Tyler. Fort I?av mworth; Ml'ia Jc'nnle Boyd, Mlss Annle Chrlstlnn, Mr. bsbner Curr. ~,'\i . ? "?'; No HO Mr. Allen Potts. Mrs. T. N. Cnrter. MUs-Pagc, Mrs. Donnani MIm Uonnnn. Mr. Bat No 41 8. Pabncv Crenshaw. Mlss Mary I>-'wls Crenshaw, Orsnpp cotmtr. Va.: Mlss Edlth Grant Grsntlapd. Va.; Mlss Warflcld Crenaljaw. Rlchmond. Va,'; SIIfs Kanny G. Crenshnw. Itlch mond Va.; Mr. Joacnh A. Grant. Rlchmond, Va. No 42 Mr. W. I). Wators. Mrs. W. D. WateVi Bcnator Mnrtln. Mrs. Mnrtln, Mlss Grace D-.v M'rs Ida W. Elkrson. I'eUon S. Coles. Vo 'r.> ' Mr. H. T. Morgan. Mlss BlanchO Mor pan. Mlsa Muude Morgan, Mlss Ethel Pneo. Mr. 1",\o'''44 Mr St. Oeorge nryan. Mr. and Mra. K.'n'. Tn'lcott. A. R, Holladay. Pr. K. C. Bryan, W. G. Kersusson. No 4S Mr. Tbomas Atkinson, Mlss Mary PaBC. Mlss AKiies Poise. Mrs. Butler, Mlss Berta Atklnfion. Randolph Holladay. Dr. Robert C. iiryan, Jonatban Bryan. No 48. Mr. P. II. Mayo. Mr. and Mrs. But ler Clarke county, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Mulllkin, Cla'rke county, Va.: thc Missea I'agc. No 47. Mr. Ciarcnec Mllllilser, Mr. and Mrs. Clarencc Mlllhlser. Mr. aud Mrs. E. Mlllhls?r, Mra. P. C. Sehloss, Mr. Gustavus Mlllhlser. No 4S. Mr. John Watson. Mlss Hancock. Rlchmond; Mlsa Brrlieley BU?}'?on. Ncwport NeWS, Vu.; Mrs. Pr. J. K. Corss, Ncwport Nen-s, Vn ? Pr. J. K. Corss, Ncwport News, Va.; J. Kemper Elleyaon. Nowport Ncwa, Vn.; I>r. E. W Blnkesleo, Ncwport News, Va.; innlley 11-111, Bnltlmorc, Md.; E. H. Ingram, Baltlmure, ' No. 40. Mlss Annle Roae Wulker, Mrs. Br. M 1). Ilogc, Jr.; MUs Marguerlte Warwlck, Mr. j. S. Davenport. Jr.; Dr. M. D. lh'Bo. Jr. No 50. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coke. Hon. Wlh liam A. Jones, memlier Congress, Flrst ConRress Inual Dlstrlot of Virglnla; Mrs. Frnnk Nnlle, Orangn county, Vo.; Jackaon Gay, Illchuiond, Va ? W. II- Urquhart, llichmond. No ftl. Mr. E. 0. Meyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. h. norcbers. Mlss Ittulkln. Ncw York; Mra. Wat aon. WashhiBton. ?,'??,-. Vn 52 W. F. he Bonta, Mrs. W. F. f.a Bo'nta, Mr. and Mra. Nat C. Dcan, Wasulng-ton. I). 0,| Mr. nnd Mrs. AoVnr Allnn, ,Tr., Ilieh morid, Vn. No. 63. Mr. W. II. I'nrrlsh, Mrs. Pnkor Ilnll. Tlfiltlinnro, Md.; Mr. fttid Mrs. rilflnn Mlllefi Mnjor -foliri W. llnrrK Mr. nnd Mrs. Wi II. I'nr flfth, Mr. t. \V. Ilnmder. No. ,17. Mr. Jnmos I). Pntton. Mrs. fhnr'.r? E. Wi.rltinin. Mr. wllllnm T. Worthnm. Mrs. Bi l>. OlHnlHn, Mnji.r John W, Dnnlcl, Mlss Nniinle l/'nry I'ntlon, Mnstcr .1. I). I'ntton, Jr.; >ln, Jnnii'K H. I'ntton. No. r?0. Mr. John Stonnrl Hrynn. Ilon. nnd Mrfl. Ib'iiry Pnlrfn*. JttdfrO OCOrgO M-irrls. Mr. W. Ilrvdon Tiiiniint. Mr. Ravld II. TcnnaM. No. 00. Mlss Iloli?o:i, Goochland o.,iiiit.v; Mr. nnd Mr*, Cniwron llnlison, Mrs. Vlrglnla llnd, Rlchtnond: Mr. C, H. MaltheWg, Soutli (nrollna; Mr*. Illi-linril Ownthmcy, lll', Vn. No. 01. Mrn. Wlllliinin. Mrs. Pelnflrdd, Mr. nnd Mrn. Holllng. Nn. on. Mr. [j, Piitnoy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Latlg< hotne I'utncr, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Mllol, Mlss Smltli, Mlss I'Mlnr.v, It, \V. Wlllliurs. No. 01. Mr. Archor Andorson, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Omlinrtl II, llotmon, Mr. nnd Mrs. St. (leorge M. Andorson. Mr. Ijlwnrd It. Arohor. I No. Ofi, Mr. nnd SIr.'i. II. <i. Uonnolds, Mrs. , Wi H. Mrrnclllh, Mrs. S. li. Wnllno... Mlss Cnr rlo Honnolds, W. It. Meredlth. S. 0. Wnllnro. No. 07. Mcssrs. J. S. finldsmllh nnd A. M. Trnvors. Mrs. J. .!. Htokey. Hlolnnond; Mlsn .1. n. Taylor, oiarke conntyi Mlss Dorothy rienry, Clnrko County! Mr. nnd Mra. Bowac, Nctv }ork; Mr. I'ntilr, rtlchltiond. ,, A No. 70. Mr. II. II. blndsry. Mlsn I.lndsoy. Mlss Klonnor I.lndscy. Mlss Ilnynrd. Mlss Ilor nnrd CockO, Mr. KvnnK blndsoy. No. 71. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. \V. TrnTcrn, Mr. nnd Mrn. Wllllnm M. IIIII. No. 70. Mrs. It. T. Miintor. Mlss Ellso Vint klns. Mlss Hi-sslo Ilunlor. Mr. <:. E. McPeek, Wcsl Vlrirlnln; Mr. 0, (!. Ooorh, Stnunton, \n.; Mr. WIIIIiiiii tirny. No. 77. Mr. Chnrlos V. Palmcr, Saltvlllo, \n. No. 78. Mr. Wllllnm M. Tnllnfirrn. Dr. nnd Mrs. .Inooli Mlrhnux. Mr. nnd Mrn. Itobert Illnnk onshlp. Mr. nnd Mrs. Atistln Brockonbrouith, Mrs. John Hrmidor, Niw Vork. No. S7. II. M. Cannon, Uenry M. Cannon, Mr. nnd Mrs Ilenry M. Cnrinon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Y. n. llnrksdnlc, Mr. and Mrn. Wllllnm A. VSn No. M. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Innics W. Ilnll, Pr, nnil Mrs. II, 8, Cnroy, Mr. J. P, Whifrco, Mlsn r.niinn Dtl Vnl. Mlss Annn Pnyni). No. 80. Mr. \i, 0, Yoiingnr, GOTftnor nnd Mrn. A. J. MontnKiie, Mlss Kate WUIUnis, OrmiKo; Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. P. tMrdwdl, Mr. L. 0. Younger. No. HO. Mr. T. Sltterdtng, Mr. nnd Mrs. i. filttordlng, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Keennn, Mlsson Sltterdtng. ., ,. , No. S7. Mrs. John <i. Hopklns. Mlss lorlios, Mr. Eugonc ('. Mnsglc, Mr. W. Crump Tuckcr, Mr. H. W. nilorson. Mr. Pcyton S. Colcs. ?No. RS. Mr. Morlwothor Jonos. Mrs. Cnlonol Tbomnn rjnluos Smlth, Wnrrentnn. Vn.; Mlss Mnrv (Jnlnis, Wnrrentnn. Vn.; Mr. It. A. I'nrkcr, Boston, Mnns.; Mr. Itoy M. Jonos. Senator John W. Dnnlcl. No SO. Mr. C. II. Antrltn. Mrs CieorBC Tun Injrbnrn, Mlss Msry Iln.vos. Mlss Anrilc firny. Mr. Mnlhlnson, Mr. E, V. Wllllams, Mr. C, II. An trlm. No. 01. Mr. runnlncham Ilnll. Mrs. Ilonry Bolimor, Phllndelphln; Mrs. A. I). Lyons, Illcu Munyon's ?Wt Witch Hazel oap It cures bnbles nnd grown folks of all skln oruptlnns. It curos dnndruff. It Rtops the halr tf .n falllng out. It makes Ihr nalr grow. It Is the best shampoo made, It Is Ideal for shavlng. It glves the glow of youth to sallow and dull comploxlons. It is morc soothlng than cold cream; moro boautlfying than any lotlon or coa tnotlc. It Is the best toilct sonp made. of tho Sherman monurmnt. The band wlll return hcre ln tlme for the porform ance to-nlght. It Is hopod, but the mnn agemont Is taking no chanccs, and tho b'ort Alonroe Artillery Band has been secured to mako the melody at the con eort to-day and at the ahow to-nlght in tho evcnt that the Marlno Band Is un able to return In titno. The muslc of tho Marlno Band has cro ated great i|.ithuslasm on tho part of the atto'ndantia or the show but it Ib prc illctetl that tho melody whlch tho Fort Monroc aggregatlon wlll mako wlll lenvo tho hoarors ln doubt as to wlother tho .?irt'illory has not a band whlch approaches closely to that of the marine arm of tho Hervlce ln pdltit of exoellonoo. tion. R. B. Hartloy, of Susnex, former member of tho State Senate, was at tho show last nlght. and While he Is not In any sonso a hor.-eman. ho enjoyod tha eventa as tn'u'ch us thoso who may bo called professlonals. "That clticklng causes many a horso to losc," sald a member nr the Rlng Com ir.lltoe last nlght. He went on to Bpoak of tho practlco of tho backors or horsos to urgo on thelr favorltoa by clucklng or whlstllng to tliem as they pass around the rlng. The cluckors aro gonerally at the rnll wntchlng tho performance, and while tlieir method of urglng on thelr favorltes Is actuatod liy tho best of in tentlons lt frequently causes the result to be dlfferent to what It would be if enthuslasm dld not get tho bettor of ccmraon sensc. In plain word.s, the horso Is rattled by tho clucks, and loses what iViKS. W. B. WOODdND'S MAPLE LEAF, "SVinner of biue rlbbon at Philadeiph'in, Atlantlo City, Long Brancli, Xewport nnd Brockton Horse Shows. mond- Mrs. A. C. Young, Rlchmond; Mlss Lulle I.yons, Rlchmond; Hon. Claude A. Kwnnsou, Cbatlinm. Va.: C. A. Young. Rlchmond, Va. No. 94. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Burke, Mlss Racbel Urquhart; R, W. Burke, Jr., Mr. E. M. Funkbo'uaer, Mrs. Junies riruillry. No 00 Mr. L. W. Brandor, Mlss Alinc Pet tlt't Norfolk; Mlss I.011 Adklns. Mlss Uzzie Brander, Dr. Vtennc. Baltlmore. No 00. Mlss Michaux, Rlchmond; Mlas Hob ins 'Rlchmond; Mr. Allln It. Clurk. I'hlladel ubiii- Mr. Alonzo 0. Mahor. I'bllndelphla. No 07. Mr. and Mrs. B, T. Orgaln, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B- Orgaln, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart Jones, Mlss Loulse L. Vanoey. No OS Mr. and Mrs. Charles n-avenport, Mlss Flien Gulgon, Mlsa Bessle Tompkliis, Mlsa Della Davennori. Mr. McCaw Tompklns. Vo 90 Mr. Artbur M. Cannon, Mrs. Robert Cham'berlavne. Judge and Mrs. Edmund Wsddlll, ir Mr and Mrs. Kmmett A. 8hepherd.Mr.Bar rl'it Svnnr,Ashland; Mlss Mary Wsddlll. Mr. ilcnncus l.angford, Norfulk; Mr. aud Mrs. Ar *No,'^ioof",i5?ii LllHc Menzcl, Mr. Charles Rueger. _?_ ARTILLERY BAND That Splendid Organization Plays at the Horse Show To-Day. The Marlne Bnnd, whlch has been ma'< ing tho Horse Show music, will havo to relttrn to Washlngton to-day ln ordor to be ln tho processlon at tho dedlcatlon would otherwise bo hls. Mrs. S, Gordon Cummlng, of Hampton, who Is here with her husband .'??oeliin; tho show, says thev wlll ro urn home ihH afternoon. And Mr. Cumin ngs Is try-ng to get ta.kers on a wage'r/at blg odds that thev wlll not do anythlng of the k'nd. Mlss Grace Day, daughtar of Colonel Fenton Day. of Isle of Wight, nnd stster of Mrs. Thomas S. Mart n. was n hor slster's box last nlght. She wlll rem.tln until the show ends. Miss Day was am irig tho most ehthuslastlo of the spectatora last night. "I Wlsh tho pollco would put that boy out of here," sa Id n red-halied mm ln evenlng dress, speaklng of a boy who was crying Huylor'? candy at the top of hls volce. "He has cost me J3.'J0 aleady and mav cost mo more unlesa he is gotten rid of."' Amerlcan beautles decorated tho fronts of most of tho b0X63, It seemod mo-t lltting that Huylo.'s should be In tho lmmedlato vlclnity. THE FAIRFAX FARM. Aldie is Repr?>sented at 'he Horse Show by Some Pood Ones. The Oak Ilill Farm of Hon. Ilenry Fairfax, Aldlo, which has for yoar play ed a most consplouous part nat only among Vlrglnla breodlng ostabllshment, In produclng hackneys of the hlghest class btlt those ot the ent:re country as well, Is ropresontod by a couple of extra good ones horo in tho claases for ponles and saddle horsen. Pllter Pattor, the bay goldlng, by Northern Elght, dam the im IM>rted Wolsh Rony Dotlott, wlnner of tho class for t>onles ln harness, Is a phonomenal door and has won at all of tho blg shows In tho hands of hls presont ownor. Dr. Woodond, of New York. He was sold by Mr. Falrfax at the T*hlla delphla Horso Show when four years old, to Mrs. Willlam E. Ellls, who Jtidged ln the harness clnsses here last year. Eater tlds small, but oxfceorilnglly attiiactlvo looklng son of Northern Elght became a membor of the select oatorlo fomlng tho Woodond stablo. He Is n full broth or to Eotta, a well knnwn prlzo wlnner In tho hands of Arlhur Kemp, New York. At yesterday's matlnee Plttor Ratter was soeond to hls stable mato, Maple Eeaf nnd at tho samo performnnce tho Oak Hlll moro, Fancy, by Northern E'ght, was second on tho snddlo claas to the Woodond entry, Maple Eeaf. This flne datlgktor of Northern Elght Is a green mnre and Just from the farm, hence the Bhowlng sbo made when pltted agalnat horsos of real classes is all the moro merl torlous. WRECKEO (Contlnucd from Flrst Pngc.) pany would bo all rlght. I went over all j tho shlp-bulldlng mattor with Charley Ilnrria slx weeks ago. I told hlm thon that tho wrocklng of the shlp-bulldlng company was duo to Mr. Schwab with hllding tho proflts of Bcthlehem, Instond of lettlng them flow into tho shlp-bulld? lng company, whcre they belong. I asked Mr. Harrls to telephone to Mr. Schwab and ho dld so. If out of tho moss and mlro the TJnlted States Shlp-Buildlng Company can bo rehabilltatcd, that Is what I want to soc done. I have no flnanclal Interest, but I feel that it wlll help me. Said He Must Resign. Mr. Dresser sald that when ho under took tho shlpbulldlng project for tht Trust Company of the Bopubllc, ho be Hcved that $fi,000,000 had been underwrit ten in Francc. He saw the name of J. F. Morgan in the llst of members of tho Sheldon syndlcato, but dld not know If Mr. Schwab was a member. The wltness made no Indcpendent Investlgation of tho shlpbulldlng plants, but acceptod tho ro ports of others. He testifled that tho prospectus had been approved by tho Mercantile Trust Company. Ho sald ho had several talks with Mr. Pam during tho month of Dcccmber, 1902, about tho rarnings of the company. Mr. Pam showed hlm rcpor'.s whlch indlcated that tht earnlngs of tho shlpbulldlng corpo ratlon for tho flrst three months were about $1,100,000, about half of whlch came from the Bethlehem) property. Tho wlt r.-ess sald thnt when he told Mr. Pam that he (Dresser) must make an aaslgn nient. Mr. Pam told him he must resign at onco from the shlpbulldlng board. Mr. Pam, he sald, seemed to be runnlng the whole company. The wltness sald he dld not know that when the eonstltuent companles of tho shlpbulldlng comblnatlon had been taken over that all of them were. heavlly laden with debt, but had beon told so later on. Ho had not known that tney were In debt when the prospectus was Issued. The underwrlters took - up the bonds for whlch they had preseribed, paylng ninoty for them and getting bonus ln stock. There had been no other assessment. Tho bonds had been offered to the publlc at ninety-seven. When the Bethlehem prop? erty was bought he knew that it was Hiibjoct to two mortgages of about $S,500, 000. Mr. Schwab, according to the wlt? ness, sald that the Bethlehem had earncd $1,100,000, which had not been taken from tho biisinesB. The wltness snld that other than he had stated in the mornlng he had made no protlt from the transactlon. Practice o( FurnUhing Directors. Mr. Dresser was succeeded on the stand by Georgo P. Dayley, nsslstant trcasurer of the Corporation Trust Com? pany, of New Jersey, and one of the res Ident directors ln New Jersey of tho shlpbulldlng comblnatlon. He testifled that hls company mado a practice of fur nishlng rosldent directors for corpora lions organized ln New Jersey, and that he and two oT hls fellow clerks, Messra. Ncwman and Seward, liad been mado di? rectors of the shlpbulldlng company. Ho dld not know who had asked hlm to act as a director, but understood that the arrangoment was made by Alexander and Green with the New York branch of hls company. He sald a slngle share of stock had been bought for hlm In order that he mlght quallfy, but he dld not I know who had pald for It or how lt had i been pald for. ! After much fenclng, ho sald 'ho dld not i have a personal .bank account at tho l tlme he ooqulred tho quallfylng sharo. ' He romembered attendlng at least two ' meotlnga, but kept referring Mr. Untor rnyer to tho mlnutes for lnformatlon as to what had boen done at the meotlnga. He had not vlsited any of tho plnnts and had not ordered an appralsement of prop? erty. and while he admltted that he and hls fellow directors In New Jersey knew nothing of the 'shlpbulldlng buslnoaa ex eep't suct) lnformatlon as reached thom in the documonts lald beforo hlm, ho would not adtnlt that ho was moroly a tii.mmy director. He flnally sald, how ever, that ho and tho others acted on tho dlrectlon of the attornoya for tho com 1 any. He knew of tho E'nlon Iron Works Uirough tho pross, but dld not know whero tho Bath Iron Works woro. From Thousands to IVHIiors. Mr. Ulltermyer produced tho meetlng rocords, ahOWy^ the Increaae of tha capital stock from $3,000 to $15,000,000, and the proposal from John W. Young for the salo of tho Bethlehem property. but tho wltness could glvo no dotalls as to tho moetfng. Mr. Untermyer rominded hlm that ho and hls fellow directors had VOted to Issuo noarly 170,000,000 worth of seourltles, and tho wltness sald he know nothing of tho pla.11 to buy tlie nothloliom works untll he camo lo tho moetlng. II" sald that tho dlroctars had exorolaed no dlsorotlon or Judgmom ln tho matter, but had followed tho dlroctlon of counsol. Frodoiick '/>. Ward, a lawyer, and tho second of tho Now .lorsey dlreootors, waa also called as a wltness, but tho oxamlna SCENES OF STRIKINO INTEREST AT THE SHOW. CATARRH THE CAUSE OF MLOST KIDNEY DISEASES. FRED. R. PENNELL. A Prominent Pianist Went to Hot Springs for Kidney Trouble, But Pe-ru-na Cured Him. 4 M H H ?H H 4 4 4 4 ++4+++++4"4 4 4 * H H ? ? 4 4 4 ??4 4 4 t M 4 4 4 4 4 4 ?V '.1 Fred R. Pennoll. Plnnlst, Grand Opera House. Hot Sprlngs, Ark., wrltea: -? '" "Two years aao I came to Hot Sprlnas to take the baths and be treated J ''"- for bladder and kidney trouble. After spending two months here under the -? "* care of one of the tnost prominent phyalclans and recelvlng llttle or no benellt, ^ "-"- I was persuaded to try Peruna. I had llttle falth In It, but after uslng one + ?* bottle I notlced a marked Improvement. Three bottles entirely cured me, I ^ ?" can cheerfully recommend Peruna. to any one affllcted as I was."?Fred R. T .*. Pennell. T Catarrh of the Kldneys a Common DIs ease?Kidney Trouble Often Falls to be Regarded as Catarrh by Physlclans. Catarrh of tho kldneys Ia very com? mon lndeed. It Ia a pity thla fnct Ia not better known to the physlclans aa well as: the people. People have kidney dlaeaao. They take somo dluretlc, hoplng to got better. They never once thlnk of catarrh. Kid? ney dlsease and catarrh are seldom as soclated ln tho mlnds of tho people, and alas. it ls not very often assoclated in the minds of tho physlclans. Too few physlclans recognize catarrh of the kld? neys. They doctor for somethlng clae. They try thls remedy and that remedy. The trouble may be catarrh all the tlme, A few bottles of Peruna would cure them. Pe-ru-na Removes the Cause of the Kid? ney Troub'e. Peruna strikes at the very center of the dlfflculty, by eradlcnting the catarrh from the kldneys. Catarrh ls tho causo of kidney dlfflculty. Removo the cauao and you remove the effect. Wlth un orring nccuracy Peruna goes rlght to the spot. The kldneys are soon dolng thelr work wlth pcrfect regulnrity. Thouaanda of teatlmonlnla from peopln who have had kidney dlseaso whlch had gone beyond the control of the physlclnn are received by Dr. Hartman every yenr, givlng Peruna the whole praise for mar velous cures. Peruna cures kidney dlsease. The reason It cures kidney dlseaso is becauso It cures catarrh. Catarrh of the kldneys 1h the cause of most kidney dlsease. Peruna cures catarrh wherever ft hap pens to be located. it rarely falls. Presldent Loulslana Commerclal Club. Hon. \Yllllnm Watson Washburn. Presldent of the I^ouisiana Commercial Club nnd a very well known man of New Orlenns, Ln., -wrltes from 687 Canal Street: "I nm sntlsfled that there ls not a flner medlclne placed before the publlc to-dny than Porunn. I liavo been troubled for nearly twclvo years wlth kidney and liver trouble. and at tlmes I have been n pretty slck man, unablo to attend to my dutles. "I had nbout made up my mlnd that no medlcinei coidd help mc, when ono of your booklcts was biought to my of fice. whlch I rend ln a lelsure fiour. I then declded to glve Peruna a trlnl and found thnt I had at last secured tho rlght medlclne for me. "For two months I uaed It faithfully and then felt so well thnt I was like a, young man once more. Thls wns over a ycar ngo, and I have not had any trou? ble slnce. "Although I am ln the seventlos, I faol better and more actlve than I dld thirty years ago."?W. W. Washburn, If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, wrlte at onco to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a full statcment of your case, and he will bo pleaacd to glvo yott his valuable ad-. vice gratls. Address Dr. Hartman, Presldent of Tho Hartman Sanltarlum, Columbus. O. AMPHITHEATRE?WEST-END PARK, October 13, 14,15,16,17. Admlsslon to night exhibltlons. fiOc. Reserved seats, 91.OO and $1,50, in cludlng admlsslon. Speclally attractlvo MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. Reserved seats, flrst three rows, 70e. Gencral admlsslon for re mnlnlng rows, r?0o, Concerts by United States Marine Band 11 A. M. to 1 P. M.. during eser clslng and conformatlon Judglng of horses Tttesdny, Thursday and Frlday. Box tlckets to concerts, 7Bo. No reserved seats. Genernl admlsalon, 50o.; children, 25c. tlo'n had only uproeoedod a short dhrtance when tho hearlng wa.s adjourn.ed untll to-ninrrnw. CARNIVAL'S SUCCESS Big Crowd Out Yesterday and Saw Many Wonderful Thirgs. j Tho thlrd night of tlie blg RlOhinotld carnival at tho baao-luill parli was tha greutost yot, und tho ^trouhdh woro thrungod wlth a happy crowd of T.OOfl pooplo, who hugely enjoyod the many flno uttractluns. Every ihing pttssed <>lf Hinoothly nnd the uiauy dunseruUH aota wero porfornied wltli an Btt?0 that nlmosl made them louk ?UfO. .Maycr looped tho loop ln great stylo, ainl'd groat a|i|>!au~i<1, niul Iloldcn dlvod off lils hlBh hidder u huiiilrcd fct-t tliruugh the alr wtthuut ft iremor. Prlnca Voiiturkey, the el.-v.-r Jap. walked hla hlgh wlre Just as graet). fuiiy as ho parudea down Broad SMuet, . of morulngs, and addeq" R cake WB-llt just to show that (ivarythlPS ls ,as-v wll>" ! ?~u know Uuw- ^'i'iJtu cetne uU Ud? l No. 1"5 Eaat Rroad, KOH TOYS AND SPOUTING GOODS. c?ujgh with Dr. Davld'a t'oush SyrtlP, l'uiv Plna Tar. Uorehoutid, Wlld Chorry, &0, A (BW doses of thls old titne i '??>:!. I'.irc will oure vou befora your lung* be. conia (00 nuK'h lavolved. l.argo botils ?j.;-. nents averywhera. aplral Incliue amld n shower ot flre wnrks without a (all or .i burn, andj .si.,ii>', Huhcoek amt 8ton?, tli" cycle whlt'l I'tdoia, dld tllclr dl*?' '?1,! WlthOlIt uceldeut. Arrangi'incnts are lioliiff madu for ?" i.ig chiiiiri-irs aftemoan an Baturday, when all tho children Qf ""' l'll>' u,"!,'p flfteen years of ftge will be admlUPd '" Ihfl ground* and nlw'- -4 (|V? ?????