Newspaper Page Text
AUTUMN WEDD1NGS Sherwood. tho Bolling Home, Sceneof Beauty. A BEAUTIFUL CEREMONY MissJessie May Bowling Brido pf Dr Qlasgow Armstrong-Rev. W. E. Rollina Wlns a Wife at Ashcville, N. C?Many Mnrriages. (Bpeclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) ?1AUNTON. V,\., Oct. H.~"Sher wond," the palatlal resldcnce of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Bowling, on East Bevorly ?Jtfcrrace, was thronged with a large con oourae of thelr frlends and rolatlvea at f:30 o'clock last evenlng to wltness Iho marriage of thelr daughter, Mlsa Jessle May Bowling, to Dr. Glasgbw Arm ?trong The color schemo of the ocenston was ?reen and whlto, and tho scene of the ?wedding was ln tho spaclous and beatltl fully docoratod parlorB. Rev. Charles JR. stribllng, of the Proabyterlan Churoh, of Wayncsboro, Va.. an unolo of tbe gronin, assisted by Bcv. Dr. A. M. Frnscr, of the Flrst Proabyterlan Church, of thla citv performed the ceremony before a large ullar plaboratoly bedecked In ohry Banthemuma and ferns, over whlch feli a Koft glow of candlo llgnt. The brldal party ontered the room to the sweet stralns of Ijohengrln's wed? ding march, played by the Stonewall Or chestra, under tho direction of Profossor Brereton, and during tho servlco Bchuberfs Serenade wns rendered. Tho plan of the wedding was out of the usunl order, ns thero was no best xnan, nnd the two ushers, Mr. Harry "VVnrdon Eowllng. brother of the bride, and Mr. Gordon Armstrong, brother of the proom, camo first, forming an alslo ?with ropes of whlte ribbon and taking thelr posltions on elther side of tho altar. Nexl entored the mald of honor, Mlss Dnlsy Yarbrough, handsomely ? puwneil ln white sllk nnd car rylng a bouquet of mnidenhalr fern. Fol lowing came the bride, accompanied by the groom. Her gown wns a heautiful creatlon of whlte panno crope de chlne, over whlte ta'ffeta, trlmmod in old lace. Sho wore n vell nnd carrled a shower bouquet of Jilles of the valley. Tho bride Is a descendent of ono of Tirginia's oldost familles, and In tho Foclal llfe of Staunton she ls vory popular in the younger set. The groom Is a son of Dr. and Mrs. Willlam Dlllon Armstrong, formerly of Ealem. Va., but now of Staunton, and is ono of the leadlng physlciana of this city. After the wedding ceremony an elabo rate course suppor was served. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong's wedding tour ?wlll be through the Northern States. Among those from a distance who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Glosgow. Mr. Willlam A. Glasgow, and Miss Bettle Glasgow. of Lexlngtori, Va.; Rev. Mrs. Charles R. Stribllng. of "Waynesbor. Va.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Clagett Bowling, of Charlostown, W. Va.; Mrs. Jacob Warden and Mrs. R. Clagett, oi Borryville, Va.; Rev. Dr. G. L. Staley ond Mlss Saley. of Baltlrrioro. WILK1NS0N?STRACHAN Elegunt Home Wed ing on High Street, Petersburg. (Pppclal to Tho Tlmep-Dlspatch.) PETERSRURG, VA., Oct. II.?Mr. Wll llam S. Wllklnson. of Norfolk, and Mss Susle Meade Strachan, of Petersburg, ?were marrled thls evenl g at 6 o'c ock at th?. honic of tho brlde's sliter. Mrs. Davld M.' Walko, on Hlgh Street, the Rev.. John Rldou'. pastor of G nco Epts eupal Church, offlciatlng. The drawlng roorns were henut fully decorated ln ?whlte and green. Tho r.bbons won; drawn so as to form an alale. d wn ?whlch the bndal pa ty pi ssed to the altar by llttle Mlss Sadie Forrest Walk- ln whlte organdy. und Master G'ooree \Vav erly Goodwyn, ln a whlte corduroy BUlt, niece and nephew of the brlde. The hildo ?wore a hand'ome going-away gown of dark hluovfoth. .wlth hat u> match, and oarried.a showef'' bouquet of lllly of tlio vallcv. ' She had an her ma'd of honor Mlsa B. Pannill, of Norfolk, who ?wore whlte tafteta silk, and carrled whlte roses. Mr. Gcorge Wilk iihou, of Nor? folk, brother of the groom, ac ed as best man. The bride nnd grnnm entered to gether to the stralns of Mendelssohn'a ?wedding nmrch, pl.iyed by Mlss Anna Stallard, followed hy the mald nf honor nnd best man. The was given nwiv by her father, Dr. John Blackwood Strachan. . , Thc groom Is treasurer and b ok kecper of tho Vlrginlan-Pllot, Norfolk, BJid Is well known. His brlde :s the b.-.iii tiful and attractlve daugnter of Dr. J. B. Strachan. of thls clty. After an extended Norlhern trlp, Includ lng Nlagara Falls, Ontar.o and other places of Intorejt, the couple will be at temt to thelr filinds in Norfolk. SITES?HARMAN An Elegant Wedding ln Trinity Episco pal Church, Staunton. (Speclal toThe TlmcB-Dlspatch.) STAUNTON, VA. Oct. 14.?A protty -wedding took plaee at Trinity Epiacopal Church at 9 o'clock to-nlght, when Miss jGllzabeth liarman, the only daughtor of .Mr. and Mrs, John a. liarman, bccanio the brlde of Mr. Bonjamln Eranklln Sltta, ,,: Roai oke, The church was beauilfully 0e iorated, u I mosi claborate prepnra Uons ?'??.? I ?? ivedding had been made. The cerojnoii) waa per/ormed by tho iu v. w. y. llulllhen. The unde, who ls u very handsome ia iy looked unua ally i harmlng . own 01 I- ii nch oi gandy u VaU-ncicnnos luce over whlte itron ??! honpi waa Mra. Mlnnle Arington, Ohlo, aunt or tho | groom left tn-nlnht for Ip, after whlch thuy will .. in Roanoke, whero Mr. ? ? . ,i wlth the Norfolk and Hall way Company. ELEOANT HO.Y1E WEDD1NQ Marriage of Dr. E.isley and Miss Pansie Clayton Jones. (Speclal toThe Tlmea-Dlspatch.) CHATI1AM. VA.. Oct. H.?The marluKe of Mlsa J'ansi.- Cayton Jones to'Dr. Charlea Allen Easley, >.f Blueneld. W. Va.. at (Jhestnut EeveJ Baptl t Ch roh i.i :...?. noon Wadnebday, wns wltnesaed by ?? large aaaemblage <>f frjenda, Tho beautlful rtecoratloni were of autumu flowera. wth tmckground of everg-eena and pot planti, To thi atarlna of Eo? Jiepgrln'a wedding roarch, playcd by Mlsa U'ertiuda Adam*. the u ners, Meaara. AVJUle Adarnti, W'yatt Corbln, flfwley 'J'hompson and J. D. Oakes, ??; tered from the piaiu 'ii ?? and cr< alna at thc allar, took E'dr btands to the I'lghl nd |l ft. -i ?. .. , o,. i liowod \)i Ml e ? NatUu Allen, fw'syle Gregory and Mi i au e Ss'atboi., brldeamaldB, and Mosi Prank l Will i'.i'l: and J. K. '! hompaoi), eroomamen, rrieel i ?,? ?< tl altar, formeri a semlciiclo. Ml".- Nannie Jones, inald o! honor, piMcaaed the brlde, wfao mitercd with her brother. Mr. J. 8. .Tones who trive her awav, and was Jolned nt tlie fltar ln- tho'g'oomnnd hls b-st mrtH, Mr. T). M. Kasiev. Hev. R. E. U. Ajior, of rhnthnm. nfticlnted. ,,??j.,c To the inspirlng tuuslc from Mendei?? srTn's weihling march the part* fetittd from the ehutch ln reverse < rdor. Iho i,.i,in lo n d-uichter of Mr. Geo ge YV. Tono* of Pl tsvlvanla eottr.ty, a hietrtber of iha reeer. Cdtistltntlohftl Cohventlon, she U a vounft wohian of rnre nccom ntifhmcnt" v rv popular. The brldo waa" r.'n.V. ..'iv aowned ln n trave :ng ?i lt of green clolh. ahd carr ed a1 rge bou nuet of while r.irnntions. The mn dI of hohor wns n'tlred n while 0V6green, w 1 rrecii rlhbon. The bridosnialds wnm wKlto organdy. With Wllltfe ribhons. an carrled sliower bouquots of costrtos. liie groom is a piotn.nont young physioan nf Hluefield. ... ,,,?_ After n tour of Northern clt!ea they wlll be nt home to thelr frlends in Bluc flold. \V. Va._ PRETTV COUNTRY WEDDING Miss Kate Griffin Bride of Mr. Phi.ip George Seay. (Special 10 The Tlmns-Dlspalch.) FOIIK FNION. VA.. Oct. 14.-A full hoUso and tho tasteful and 01 ilioriito de<> orallon of Old Bothel C hurch to-dn. a - icsted the lutcros In the. wedd ng at 10 o'clock this mornlng Oi Mlss -Kato HOy* rat'ur ?Grlllln. an acc'Mnpllshed dnughter of Mr. Dgbert G.lllln, to Mr. I'nillip George Seay, of Shores. Vn. The* bride, a very protty .brtmel e? <J the netite BtvlO, was tastcfully nttlrod ln a travellng suil of mnroon Color. w-th whlte trlhimWs, and carrled Brldo a roses The cetomony was perfprrnea oy ) VVH Snead. of the Baplist Church, asslsted bv the Hev. R. W. vVntts. of the Mothodlst Cliurch. .?,, Tho mnld of honor was Mlss Jessie Grlllln. "ister of the bride, and was dressed In white otgandy, carrylng pmk rosos nnd tho best man was Dr, F. a. Wr?ghtf.0f Woolinpville. Va. The llshers wero Messrs. Fletcher Duncan. I.inday Burgess, I. O. I'erklns. Jr., and Hn t> driinn. Llttlo Mias Virglnln Beay-nolod a- flowor glrl. carrylng plnk earnatlpns, and Master Arthur Seay. Jr.. as ring boaror. Mlss L.11 y Ford Snead, a H? ' i muBlc medaltat. nlayed Mendelssohn s wedding march aa tho br.dal party aii vanced to the church. Tho nowlv marrled couple to^k tne noon train Wost. and wlll bo at home to frlends In about two weeks. ___?,_, The bride havlng been a most POPUiar tencher and church worker. wlll bo greatly mlssed in the communlty.. Tho Sroom ls n prosperous merchant ot Shores and stands ln the foremost rnnk as a. buslness man,_ QUIET HOME WEDDING Miss Mary Katherine Bngby Bride of Alexander V\ addcil May. (Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) *STAUNTON, VA.. Oct. ll.-A vory quiet but pretty wedding took place this morh-? ing at 10 o'clock at tlie resldence of M.s. ll.irrlet Therosn Ba'gby, when he: daugh? ter Marv Katharlne Bngby, becamo the bride of Alexander Waudell May. Tho ceremony was porformed by tho Hev. Waltor Q. Hullihen. of Trlnlty Eplsct'Pfll Church. The parlora were beautltullS dccoraled with a profus.on of flowvrs and evorgreens for tho occas.on. 1 e mald of honor was Miss Nett.o Bagby, Slster of the bride. of Frankl.n. \\ . V.... and Mr. Hariy May. of Washmgton,, D. C. btother of tho groom. actcd as best man. , , , ... The bride. who comes from an old v ir glnla famlly; Is ono of Staunton b most attractlvo and young ladlei, and on tho occas.on looked unusi ally happy and in hdr going away gown of bluo cloth. . ^lr. Mav has been for many years tho deputy clerk of the Suprorao court of Appeals at its place of session here. . A visit to tho home of the brldo re vealed a room nearly fillcd with costly wedding presents. ,,,.,. Mr and Mrs. Mav left on the mld-day train' for Washlngton, New York. and other Northern to spend thelr honeymoOn, aftcr which they will mako thelr home in thla city. M1LLER-LUCKE Intimate Friands O ly Witness Wedding of a Hopular Couple. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatch.) , LYNCIIBLTRG, VA., Oct. 14.?Mr. Edgar Patton Mlller, cashier of tho Flrst Na tional Bank, and Miss Eleanor Solden l-ucke were marrled here thls afternoon at the homo of Mr. Georgo H. Gllmer, whero Miss Eucke has been. vlsltlng. Only the immedlale relatives and a few intimate frlcnds were present. Rev. C. U. Pruden, of tho Eplscopal Church at Cbatham, assisled by Rev. J. M: Owons, of St. Paul'B Church, ofllciated. Mr. R. O. Hurton acted as best man, and Miss Doulso l.ucke, sister of tne brlde. as maid of honor. Among thoso present wero Mr. W. 11. Eucke, of Rlchmond, uncle Of tho bnde, and his two daughters. After tho wedding Mr, and Mrs. Miller took the traln for Natural Brldge, whero they will spend two weeks before retuin ing to the clty to live. In order that they may better vlew the beautios of the sunoundlng country, Mr. and M.s. Mil? ler had sent ahead of them to tlio brldge thoir saddle iiorses. Mr. Mlller is a brother of Mr. John Mi Mlller, of Rlchmond, who was also present at U'e wedding. M1N1STER WEDS Marriage of Rev. W. E. Rollins to Miss Helen Cjlllns. (Speoial to The Tlmes-Olspntcli.) COVINGTON. VA.. Oct. 14.?The mar? riage of Rev. \\. E. Roll ns, rectsr of the Covlng.on Eplacopal Church, and Mlss Helen CollhlB, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Colllns, of Aahoville, N, ('., took placo to-day at noon ln tlio l-'lrst Piesbvlerian Church. of A8hev.De. Mr. Rollins and lils w.fe will como to Coving.on the last of next woek, wheie they will make thelr homo. Among those present at the marriage was Mr. R. E. Parrish, of Covlngton. Mr. Rollins has beon the rector of tho Eplacopal Church at thls placo for tha last slx years, and dutlng that time tho work of the church has been succo s fuliv carrled forward, Mr. R'lllina . pent last summer In Europe, reuirnlng to thls country tho last of August. DRAMATIC WEDDING Members of the Lychburg Casino Com? pany Marry at .he Ar in ton, iSpeclal tn The Tlmi-s-Dispatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA.. Oct. 14.?At noon to-day the members ot tho Pa ge Comedy Company, w-ho are playlng at the mi.'t in the parlor of tho A tlngton Hotel to wilno38 tho marriage of the r loadlllg lady. Mlss l-'annlo Samp-nn, of EogalJH port. Ind., in the comodlan, Mr. Thnmas E Dopew, ol Topako, Kan. I'rofo.sor joe Eevy rendored a wcddlngonarch on tho pianu n tho prlnclpals ai.d thelr at tondants entered, nnd Rev, Dr, F. T. Mc I'-aden pcrformed tho ceremony, M ss Kuto Maradon was m i.o of honor nnd Mr. W; T, Hurdellfl hoat man. As a matlneo thls uftei n.i ai ihe < !a ? no and the rcgular performance ih-io at nlgh) preventod unv col Itrnl on nt l thoao wero ovor, a wedding auppor wu? setved to-nlght at half-paat 11 o'cl ?-k in tho Arlington dlnlng room. To-m irrow tho company goea to Bouth Boston for an ongagoment, Johnson Marlln, (Bpeclal to The Timea-Dlapatch.) UORDONSVJEEE, VA., Oct. 14.?Mlss Mlnnlo Martln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Maitin. of ibls placo nnd Mr. Ormond \V. Johnson, of Danvllle woio CONSTIPATION INACTIVE LIVEH, AND WEAK KIDNEYS are tln- !? lll of a weak Mom.-n-li. Then tlie only way to pie\c ni tin s<- aiini'-niH ls to Btrengthen the Htoinut li by taklng H" tettei a Btomach liitters. Prominent phyajclana always pn-srrlbr It In caaea of atomach troublea. Yoii <an therefora rel) on |t, |T POblTIVELY CUFlES OElXHINCi, HEARTBUHN, INDIGESTION, DYfa PEPSIA AND MALARIA, FEVER AND AGUE. TRY IT. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIITERS. BISHOP POTTER'S CRITICISM. A Protest Against De= ceiving the Sick and Wrecking Lives. T'nusunI commenl hns been onuped by Blshop Pottef'B deolnrntlon thnt Mnlne a prohlbltlon l,nv ls n fnlure when tho salo of .sarsaparllla.s and other so-called CUTftS cnntalnlng up to 'il P??r cent. (ovor half) alcohol ls unrestrlclod whllo clarot wlnr wlth onlv 10 per cent. nlcohol Ia bnrred out hv law. As a mattor of fact tho nia lorltv of tho wlnos-of-thls, wlties-of-tluu nnd other pntent medlclnes sold In all Stntcs depcnd UpOh alcohol nnd stupoty Ing drugs for thelr.tomporary effoct. they lower tho vllallty, wrocli the nerves. and often lead to nn uncontrollable di'.tlro. for nlcohol and nerve-deadcnlng drugs. inis ls one of the prlnclpnl reasons w.hy Uoc tor.s aro Opposed lo pntent medlclnes, nnd it ls ivhj- we have ropentedly statcd tlmt wlthout tho two ot alcohol or Injurlnus drugs Fathor .Tohn'B Medlclne ls tho best rr-medy over prescrlbed for htilldlng up thoso who pro wcik and run down, and for all thront and lung troubles. It mnkes strongth and flesh by whlch each organ of t.he body ls onnbl'ed to do lts proper work nnd thus drlvo tho Impuritlos out of tho blood. Dr. A. H. Straub, n notod physlclan of Brooklvn, N. V.. adds his In doresment to the aboVO In tho followlng lettor ovor his own slRtiaturo: "I have frequrntly prescrlbed Pather John s Medlclne for grlp, nnd for brnnchllls nnd other resplratory dlseases nnd found thnt hns cured when the regulnr phnrma cnpocla romndles falled. (Slgned) A. Hi Straub, M. D., 884 Bus-hwlck Avo., Brook lyn, N. Y." Flfty yoars ln use?got It to dny. Tho money Is refnnded In any case whore it does not do nll that ls clalmed for It. Pather John's Mcdl-.-lne ls for sale by Owcns nnd Mlnor Drtiff Co., 1007 13. Maln Street; Clty Drug Slnre, 1444 E. Maln Street; Pcoplo's Mnig Swre, swu Willlamsburg Avenue; North Slde J;ahr mncy, 901 N. Flfth Street; Plno-Stroct Phnrmncy, 334 S. Plno Street; East Pharmacy, 2G01 Venablo Street. mnrrlod at the home of tho brldo Wcd nesdny mornlng nt 11 o'clock. _ Hev. W. Tuppor "Wlngllcld performed tho ceremony. , Aftcr the murrlago a sumptuous repnat was scrvod to the; assembled guests. Tho young couple bonrded tho l hesa pfllRe and Ohio train for Rlchmond and other polnts. ? ? WIGHT--CHILDRESS A Quiet Mnrrlago at the Home ofthe Bride in Fultn. ann Street. at 9 o clock. The marrlage was a very quiet one onlv the rolntlves of tho contrnctlng partles being present. Joel?Hall. (Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) HARKISONBURO. VA.. Oct. M.-MIss Alma Hollander. daughter of Mr. ai.a Mrs. Isaac Hollander, and Mr. Elljan M. Joel. of Roanoko, Va.. were marrled this evenlng ln tho Jewish synagoguc. D . Edward N. Callsch. of Rlchmond offl ciatlng. The brldesmalds wero Misses Bessle Hollander nnd Mayhello Joel. M.s. Maurlco Kauffman, of Ch cago, a s.ater of the bride. was matron of honor. The groom's brother. Mr. Wllllo Joel, of Rlchmond. was best man. A recep tlon and danco followed tho wedding, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joel leave to-morrow mornlng for a trip to Eastern clt.os. Thev wlll reslde in Ro.noke, wheie Mt. Joel is connected with the general officos of the Norfolk and Westcrn Railwny. Barton?Rinker. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch,) \\ OODSTOCK. VA., Oct. ll.-A pretty sunrlae wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rinker. west of Mount Jackson. this mon.lng, when thelr daughter, Miss Zadle M. Rinker, and Dr. O. \V. Barton wero marrled. The groom is a prominent dontlst of Westmlnstor. Md. Tbe ceremony wns performed by Rev. N. F. A. Cupp, pas tor of tlie Unlted Brethren Church. Iho couple wero ntterided only by two httle llower girls, Misses Rutb Pennywlt. a niece of the groom, and Vlrglnla Rinke:, a cousin of the and Miss Martha J. Rinker. tho llcense-bearer. a cousin of The bride woro a travellng suit nf bluo broadcloth. Miss Zadio Smith. of Churcll ville. Va.. pres.ded at tlie organ duilng the ceremony. Estes? Woo folk. (Special to The Times-Dlspatch.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA., Oct. 14? Jlr Josepli II. Estes and Mlss Sall e Woofolk, bolh of Orange bounty, were marrled Saturdny at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Glbbs. in that c unty. Rev. Richard Bagby offlciattng. The brldes? malds were Misses Bolle C. Woolfolk. Lizzle T. Terrlll. Mor e and Jnnie Hal ey. Fannv and Mav Davis. Mr. and .Mrs. EslesJeft for a br.dal trip of ten days, and upon their return w.ll rcside at Thorn II111._ Britts?Minter. ,(Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., Oct. 14.?Mr. Samuel P. Britts, a young buslness man, and Mlss Maggle Minter, an attracth-e young lady, were marrled at the Flrst Presbyteria'n Church to-night at il o'clock, Rev. W. C. Campboll olllciating. Miss Meado Min? ter, slater of the bride, was mald of honor, and Mr. B. M. Phelps, best man. McClung?Wood. (Speclal to The Times-Dispatch.) BTAUNTON VA., Oct. 14.?Mlsa Mary K. Wood and Mr. E. \V. McClung wero j marrlod at 10:30 this morning at the resi dence of Mr. R. G. Stratton in this city. The ceremony was porformed by Rev. L. W. Canter, of the Methodlst Churcli. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Mc? Clung left on the 11 o'clock traln for Kichmond and other polnts, and after the.ii- wedding trlp will muko thelr homo in thls clty, whero the groom ls empioyed as book-keepor for the Vlrglnla-Carolina (Jhomlcal Company. , Luttrell?Grim. (Speclal to The Tiines-Dlspatch.), W1NCHESTER. VA.. Oct. 14.-Mlss Mary Iudla Grlm, daughter of Contrac or j. Rellly Grlm. was marrlod at 6 o'clock this afteinoon to Rev. Gny A. Euttrell, pastor of the Methodlst Church at R.w llngs, Md. Rev. C. G. Woede olllclated, and Ibe bappy couple left on thelr hrldal trlp. Thev will reslde ln Kawllngs. Haines?Deloatch. (Kpeclnl to The Tlmes-Dlsriateh.) WINDSOR, VA,, Oct. 11.?Mlss Clara Deloatch, tho accomplisliod daughter of Mrs. J M. Bradshaw. was wedded to Mr. Charles Ilalncs, manoger of thc Postal Cabe Company. at 7 o'clock. Tho marrlago was solemnlzed by Rev. J. T. Kitchen at the brldo's homo. The brlde was guwncd ln whlte vollo. Tisdale?Puryoar. (Speclal to The Tlmen-Dlspatch.'l HASKEKVIEEE, VA., Oct. II.-Mr. Goo. M. Tisdale, Jr., was marrlod to-day at 1 "MuCkrOBB," the homo Of the brlde's paronta, near here, to Miss Mary Eilza I puryoar, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Itob I ert ii. Puryoar. I McCalley?Purks. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatcli.) FREDEBICKSBURO, VA., October 14.?Mr. Robert McCalley, of Klng (loorgo county, and MrH. Ella Purks, of thls clty, were married lioro last night, at tha Methodlst paraonage, Roy, John 8. Jlutphlnson ofliclatlng, Meeks? Payno. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Idspateh.; DANvlEEE, VA.. Oct. II -Mlss Messio Payno daughter of Mrs. Hallle \t. I'ayne, waii marrlod ihis morning at iho roal rtonco of lior mothor on Mu|n Slicot lo Mr. 1'rank M. Mei-lis, an ern.doyc of Ihc it, J. ReynoidM TobUCCO ( ompany. Tho ceremony was porformed by Rov, w. u. i.aiid. and was wltnoast-d by oi iv n fow Intimate frlepda of the contrncUng par IIUM. ~ Wedding Cards Is'ued. iKpeelai lo Tlio T|mos.pi?pulcli.) BORROW'H BTOUK, VA., Qc|. II. Mr. and Mra. J. Q, Bucon have g'npounced iln marrlogu of Uiolr dauglucr, Mlaa i ... i .', l<, Mr. U lilie I- lluii lo lakc, place ai Rock Hiiu Churib on TiicmIiij, (iclo I,. i Sfl |i, at 3;30 o'rlo.-k. Mri i'. j 'I'lin- ot Cumbarland, Ia vu lllng b-i h i-ler. Mr- Q M I <i l coll, 0|| North TwtilfHi BUeei Mlaa Kwma W '?'? hltlleld Ia In the elty *t :><>, '?? Ea?t Qraco utrei-t. VADEN CASE NOT TRIED Telephone LIne Buildlng From Petersburg to the Courthouse, (Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) CHBSTERFIEBD, VA., Oclobor 14.? The caso agalnst Waltor Vadcn, who la awaiUng trlal for the murdor of Robert S. Wobster, on July 16th, near Wlnter pock, waa not begun to-day, havlng on Mohday bccn postponed by tho court and sot for hearlng on the second day of tho next term-Novcmbor 10th. Many of the Commonwcalth's wltnosses, not havlng heard that the caso had been contlnued, come from thelr distant homes to tho courthouso to-dny, expectlng to testlfy ln tho caso, among them Mossrs. R. T. Lane and J. W. Couslns, of Amella. Judge J. M. Gregory and Mr. Harry Smith, the attornoys for tho prosecutlon, havo mado good use of tho mlsundor s-.tanding on the part of thoao who came ln, closely questlonlng thom and gathor Ing such lnformatlon as wlll strengthen the Commonwealths sldo. Mr. Vadcn haa ongaged a strong toam for hla dvfonse In Measrs. Charles B. Page and E. H. Wolls, of Manchoster, and thoy will mako a stout flght to show that tho homlcldo was justlfiablo and in self-defense. He ls a son of Mr. Mlke Vaden, late of this county, and brothor to Honry Vnden, nnd marrled a daughter of Dr. E. j. Fowlkcs, of Winterpock. Some of tho witnesses ln tho case exprcssed dlssat lsfactlon to-day at the postponement of the trlal of tho Vaden case, aa the weathcr ls now'Ideal, and may bo dlsa greeable in November. Tho PeteTsburB Telephone Company. which has secured permission from tho county supervisors and indlvldual land owners to Xnstruct a branch telephone hne along tne highway from tho Peters? burg tumplke to tho courthouso, has be tiun tho distrlbutlon of Its telephone poles between here and Contrulia, whlch work will occupy about a week. Tho peoplo aro expectlng to be put In toucb with Rlch? mond and Petersburg in about a month a tlme. * ., The Theobald tract of 103 acres, on the Centralla road, has been sold to Mrs. I.awrenco Cassehnan, who has recently moved to this county from Ohlo. Mlss Mabel T. Cogblll ls slowly recov ering from an nttack of typhoid fever. DECIUhD FOR WETS Buckingham Republicans Are to Make Oounly Nominations. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WHiTE HAEE, VA., Oct. 14.?'Ihe local option contestcd clection in Marshall Dla trlct was argued before Judgo John R. Moss Monduy. Tho appcllees' prlhclpal polrit ln the contest waa the excludlng ot some non-resident voters, but they so clearly eBtabhBhed thelr el.?iblllty that the case was decldod In favoi of tho wets. Candidates wore out ln full forco at court greeiing old friends and maklng new ones. Tiie RepubhcanB have made the followlhg nominations for county ot flces: J. \V. llaber, sheriff; Honry bpen cer Ue.rry Lesueur; for eommlssioners of revenue: \V. B. Snepherd for Uouse of Ueiegates. Thc graded school has opened wlth good attendunce under the chargo of Miss Rosa K. Blanton. princlpal, and Mlsa Annio Chariton, aisistant. The Unlted Statos Mineral Company will in a few weeka put in a completo plant at thelr copper mlnes for rcductlun o-f tho ore. They have ?unk a shaft to the depih of lorty feet, and at the bottom of the shaft tho voin was soven leet wide. Analysls of the ore token at dlf ferent depths as the shaft was sunlt .show from 0 to 40 per cent. copper. Spec imens of this ore has been aubmlttod to the examlnatlon of an export of tho btahdard 011 company, as well as other dlsttnguished chemiHt,s and all pronounca it a wonderiul and rich mlne. Mr. Chick, of New Vork, has tnken op tlons on somo go.d property, and has In stallod a smafi plant for aurface inln ing. . > VERDICT OF IfNSANITY C. F, Alexander Committad to Eastern State Hcspital. (Speclal to Tho Timos-Dlspatch.) MATHEWS C. II., VA.. Ociooer 14.? Tho Becond trlal of C. V. Aloxanoer, lato edltor of tho Mathows and Gloucester Tribune, on an indlotment for arson, was termlnatcd to-day. ?' Tho attornoy for the defendant put ln I a plea of Insanlty, and the casu was heard for 'tho second thno on that Issue. The Jury urought In a verdlct of Insanlty, and tho prlsouer was ordorcd to ho cora mitted to the Eastern Stato llospltnl. j. N. Stubbs, ono of the nttorneys for tho defense, belng called away, E. C. Garnott opened and closed the argument for the prlaoner, and J. Boyd Beara rep tho Commonwealth. NEWPORT NEWS HAS FEW NEGRO VOTERS (Bpeclal toTho Tiines-Dispatch.) NKWl'ORT NHWS, VA., Oct. 14.-Now 1 reglstratlon shows that there are only ! I'JS nogro votora In tho clty. Throo wards | have not a slnglo n??ro votor, and ln only | ono Ward iloi's tlie colored voto pre, |, HAIH WON'T FALL OUT If You Klll the Dandruff Germ Wlth the New Treatment. John N. Kuller, a well-known eltlzen of Coifax, Wiish., snya: "1 had dandruff ao Imdly llial It cakfil on my acalp. ilor plcldo complotoly oured me." (Joorgo II. MoWhlrlt, of Wa'dn Walln, Wash., says: ."llerpblile ronipletely cured mo of a ba?l case of dandruff of 30 yeara' siandlng." They took tho only really aonslhlo treat iii. in, a remedy that destroys tho dan? druff Borm Newbro'H llerplclde. Btop dandruff. halr wou't fall out, but will grow miturally, luxurluntly. Allaya ilcli Ing lliutaijtly aial maluu halr glosey and soft as sllk. Ono bouio will convlnco any duubicr ot lts inorita. Bold by lourt Ing drtlgglata, Hend 19c. ln Htampa for aamplo tu The iiorjdcldo Co., Dotrolt, Mleh. Owoila & Mlnor Drug Co., Bpe? clal Agents. FIOHT IN CAROLINE Contest for Commonwealth Attorney ls Close. KING GEORGE CONTEST Mr. J. H. Boggs Appeals to County Ex ecutlve Commlttee from Ruling of Canvassing Board?Barn Flred by Spontaneous Combustlon. (Special to Tho Times-Dlapatch.) FREDERICKSHURO, VA., Octobor 14. A flght In Carollno county for Common wcnlth's Attorney, botwccn Mr. W. E. Ennls, tho present incunvbenl, nnd Mr. A. B. Chandlcr, who formerly hold the odlco, Is probably tho hottest In tlio Stato. Thorc aro contcsts for a number of othor oftlccs in the county, but this ovcrshad owo all tho balanco. The Ropubllcans held a meotlng nnd declded not to en dorae any candldate, but to leavo the mattor froe to Indlvlduals t-j voto thelr cholco aa betwoen men. Exprcsslons from U number of lndlvldual Republlcans lndl catc that a mnjorlty of that party would Btipport the Indcpendent candldatos whero thero aro any. Mr. J. II. Boggs, of Klng Georgo coun? ty, who ls a oandldate for commlssioner of the revonuo ln tho Democratic prl mary hold last Saturdny, nnd was de feated by Mr. J. A. Pullen, tlie Incum bent, by a mnjorlty of sevcnty in tho county, has, through hls counsel, Messrs. C. D. Foster and W. D. Carter, of this clty, fllcd a protcat with the Canvassing Board ngalnst countlng tbe voto of Shl loh Dlatrlct, charglng illognllty, on tho grounds that tho openlng of the reglstra tlon books last Saturday wns unconstltu tlonal, owlng to tho lack of proper no tlco. The board overrulcd tho protest, and an nppeal was taken lo Hio County Exocutlve Commlttee. Hon. George E. Murrell, reproaontlng the Vlrglnla CommtHsion, has been in Rappahannock county recently, arrang Ing for an exhlbltion of frult from that county ln the Vlrglnla exhlbit at the St. Louls Exposltlon. Rappahannock 1b ono of the best frult produclng countlcs of the State. The fine barn of Mr. E. B. Hutt, in Westmoreland county, with contenta of farmlng implemonts, graln and feed, has beon burned, the flre orlglnatlng from a large quantlty of pea hay whlch had been packed ln the barn and become heated. Rev. R. S. Mondy has reslgned hls pastorate of several churchcs ln West? moreland county and nccepted a call to Belhel and Hnllwood Baptlst Churches. in Accomac county. The reslgnation will not take effect untll December. Mlss Stella Payne, daughter of Mr. Jchn \V. Payne, ls 111 with typhold fever at her father's home, near Brooke Sta tlon, In Stafford county, maklng the slxth case of tho same dlsease ln that famlly this year. Mr. A. Loewenson, of this clty, Is at work on an Ingenlous clock of hls own invention, whlch he wlll cxhlblt at tho St. Louls Exposltlon. Lieutenant Robert S. Knox, of the United States army, is on a vislt here to tho family of hls father, Treasurer Robert T. Knox, of this clty. LARGE PARTY HUNT A MISSING GIRL (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) VIRGIL.1NA, VA., Oct. 14.?Miss Kate Sanford, a young lady about twcnty threo years old, disappeared from her home yesterday evenlng under peculiar circumstnnces. She is a daughter of James R. Sanford. a hlghly respccted c'.tizen li'vlng about a mlle and a half southeast from here, In Granvtllc copnty. N.' C. Mlss Sanford has boen ln bad health nearly during tho whole year, but a few weeks ago was ablo to rn- j Bume her part of tho houschold dutios. Yesterday after dinner she started to vlsit a nelghbor, Mrs. John Puryear, yv lrig about half a mlle from her home. Not returnlng at supper, some of her younger brothers went after her, but found that she had not beon there. In qulry was mado at some other nelghbors, but no trace could bo found. An alarm was glven and a search was atnrted, and has been kept up to the tlme that this 1s wrltten wlthout any result. No motlvo can be ascrlbed for the young lady's leavlng home. Some colored peoplo wero huntlng In the nelghbor hood, but ono of them, in spite of tho fact that ho had rabblts for dinner to dav, denies that he was huntlng. The search ls still kept up and a large posso from our town took pnrt in It.last nlght, and others are nsslstlng in the search to-day. ? ? A NEW NEWSPAPER The Nottoway Journal to Bo Printed at Crewe. (Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) CREWE, VA., October 14.?Crowe is soon to havo a newspaper nnd an up-to date Job prlntlng oflice, to be mana-ged by Mr. E. M. Willlams. The paper will ho known as the "Nottoway Nows," and wlll be publlshed Frlday of ench week. Mr. Willlams will attend to the editorlal nnd buslness managemont of the paper, and has nlroady securcd good workmen for the ofllco. Tho Town Councll mot Inst nlght and are arranging to establlsh nn olectrio llght plant. Property Is ndvanclng, and thero Is not a vacant house In town. CALLS FOR HELP FROM PREAGHERS BROTHER (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspntch.) NEWPORT NIOWS, VA? Oct. 14,-Tho case of tho "Rev." llnrry McKnlght. charged with the larcony of some furnl ture, whlch was to have beon trled this mornlng, waa postponed untll next Tuos McKnlght clalms to be a brother of tho Rev. George McKnlght, pastor of Holy Trlnty Church, of Buffalo, and yesteiduy sent hlm a wlro asklng hls asslslanco. No thlng has beon heurd from hls brother, nnd tho case wns contlnued nt hls requost in ordor to gko hlm tlmo to recolve n conimunlcaton that he oxpocts, McKniglit clulmed to bo Intetestod in eslabllsldng newshoys' homos. NO NEGROES REGISTER IN APPOMATTOX (Speelnl to The Tlinrs-DI'niatch.) 8PANI8II 0AK8, VA.. Oct. 14.-Tho regiatrntlon for Appoma'tox county oloaed yesterday. Flfty-scven whlte vot ert wero roglatorod. About llve por cent. of tho whlto voters from somo cause or other declned to roglster. Tho .ngroea d d not applv, nnd nono were rcglftored No whlte man who applled waa turned , down. The Ttan from E>gypt Smokes LGYPTIAN CIGARLTTXS 10 for 15 centi. Cork Tipi or Plaln. Save the. Couponi. BY FRAUD DIABOLICAL Is the Way Trehy Accounts for Defeat. THEY WILL NOT CONTEST Surfman Capps Will Be Presented With a Gold Medal for Life Saving by Harmony Lodge of Odd-Feilows of Which He is a Member. (Speclal to Thc Timos-DUpatch.) NORFOEK, VA., Oct. 14.?James V. Trehy, lcaoier of the dcfealed faction of tho Democratic prlmary yesterday. declarca tho rcsult shown on the facc of tho returns was achlevcd by "dlaboll cal fraud." Ho wifl, howevcr, counsel his slde agalnat a contest. He was ac qultted In tho Pollce Court to-day of assaultlng a pollceman at the polls. The Dey factlon prolests that everythlng was conductcd falrly. GOED MEDAE. Burfman Capps, of Soa Tack life saylng station, who, unnided, rcscued two of the crew ot thu- Ocean Bello ln the hur rlcano Saturday, ia to receivc a go''' mcdal. It will be prcsented by Harrnony a.odgo, Odd-Fellows, of thls clty. of whlch he ls a member. lt will bo pre Kt-nted at a publlc. mectlng hy Colonel Wllllam Lamb. Tho government will als.o llkely present Mr. Capps with two life savlng rnedals. The schooner J. U. Holocn, whlch struck durlng the storm on Currltuck Bcach, does not requlre the assi'atanco of wreckers. She will llkely be saved, although she is now full of water. CITY DECORATED. The clty ls decorated ln honor of the great Jamestov.n Exposltlon mass meet Ing to-morrow. A banquet will be teri dered the Govcrnors of North Carolina nnd Virglnla after the mectlng. Tho Seventy-flrst Reglment will act as mlll tarv escort to the dlstlngulshed vlsltors. General Fitz Leo, Senators Daniel and Martin, Congressmcn Swanson, Lamb and Mavnard, will also be here. Clark Howell and John Tcmplo Graves, of Georgla, will come. ? THfa D1SIRICT FAIR Spirited Races and Riding Contests Prlze Winners. (Speclal to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) EAST RADFORD, VA.. Oct. 14.-The socond day ot the dstrlct fair was a great buccoss. The weather was ideal and fully three thousand people were on tho grounds. Tho races were spirited and ollclted much npplause, while the riduig and drivlng contests and thc music by the Roanoke Machino Works Band wero much enjoyed. Tho madcn race, half-mllo hoats. was won hy Commonwealth, owned by Tru man Bullard, of Radford. Tlmo 54->t scc ""I'he seven-elghtlis-mlo dash was won by Dovll to Play. owned hy Frank Welch, of Roanoke. Tlmo, 1:38 4-5. Tho trottlng race, one-mllo hcats, waa won by Sport. owned by Dyor Bros.. of Roanoke, after five cloaely contestcd hoats, Jack Cook, owned by Mr. Jlm Dyer, of Roanoke, maklng a close Hecond. Tho contest for best gentleman's rld? ing horso brought out n large inunbcr of beautlful horaoB. Roscoe, rldden by Dr. Edmondson. of Saltv'llo, won flrst prlzo. Rob, ildden by J. J. Trolllnger. of Monigomery county. won second. Othera were Prtnce Denmnrk, rldden hy J. K. K. Bell, of Pulaskl: Dandy, rddcn by Mr. T 1 Nooll of East Radford; Stella. rldden by Mr. Fred B. Btulo; Nollie rld? den by Mr. W. H. Trolllnger; Daisy Cook, rlddon by Mr. Joseph nraham iinfl Joc Johnson. rldden hy Mr. Eeo Mlllor The speclal promlum of J. Hall \\ Hson for best lady drlver, was won by Mis, 0 T Cearsley. of East Radford. Tho npeclal premluni of J. F. Martin for best young lady drlvor under slx.een wns W0I1 by Mlss Euelle Cnssell, of EaJt Radford. . . . ? ,,? Tho trlck horso Gretten, oVned by Mr. John Martin, of Pulaskl, gavo an l iter ostlng oxhlblt. The l>oll nrgus cattlo of V P 1. won $175 ln promiums, Oolnnei W. J. Jordan, of Pulaskl. won the promlum on heavy draught horse. post stalllon four years old and out. flrst prlzo, won by Poimporn, owned b> Dublln Horse Company; socond priao. WOjj by /.old, owned by Montgomery Horso CBcstU stalllon between 3and 3 years flrst prlze, won by Colonel J. W. Jordan; second prlze by Mr. D. M. Cloyd, of Pu laBest brood mare and best colt won by Colonel J W. Jordan. The mlnlaturo rallroad was one of the. chiof attract'ons on the grounds and dld a thrlvlng business. To-nlght a gorman was danced at tho Satllllon Club-house, whllo tho Honuoko Machino Works Band will g?o a poncert at the Opcra rlouse. To-morrow will l>e o great day. Even lurger crowds aro expected. WESTPOINT WATER BONDS i Taken in a Block at Slx Per Cent. WATER WORKSTO BE BUILT New Electric "lant in Prospect?Ne\* Bank Building for the Mumford Banking Company?Damage by the Recent Storm, (Special to The Tlines-Dlspatch.) WEST l'OINT, VA., Oct. 14.?Tho aale of the flfteen thousand dollars thlrty yoar water bonds, Issucd by West I'olnt Town Counell for the purpose of Ilre pro tectlon. waa flnally cpnsunimited to day. Uocelvlng no blds for the bonds on a 5 per cent. basls. the Town Council awarded tho bonds iu a block to the L. E. Mumford Banking Company, at West Polnt, Va., at par on a 0 per cent. baala. E. S. Kcne. a capltallst, of Chlcago, 111., also bld for the bonds at par on a 0 pcr cent. basls. The bonds were prepared by the Unlted .Staios Mortgage and Trust Company, of Now York c-ity and will be deil\ erc-d Oc lober 30th. NEW WATER WORIZS. The oohtractora will begin tiie water works the lirst of ncxt wcek and will push the work to completlon. The outlook for the new electric llght plant ls very promislng. but as yet noth Ing dcflnite has been doclded. Work of solicitlng llghts has begun. The L. E. Mumford Banking Com? pany has begun tho orection of a new two-story banking building. The ground floor wlll be oocuplcd by the bank. 'Iho second floor wlll contaln off ccs. Tho building will be of handsorno, lin Ishcd In oak wlthin, with all modern con venlences. The entertalnment glven by tho \\ est Polnt Flremen'a Assod ation at the Ma sonlc Hall last Frldoy evenlng was tlior ouphlv enjoyed by a large and arp.ecia tlvo audlence and wns quitc a sutcesa llnanclally. II1GH TIDES, Tlie higti tirles of IrtiL wcek were very damaglng to the wharf at Brooke'a Fer ry, but othorwlse no scrlous damage waa done. Oystcrs are not so plcntlful th s sea Bon, but the oystermen are dolng a rush ing buslness. ARMY OF CUMBERLAND Annual Reunion Being Held in Wash ington?Offic^rs Chosen. (By Ansociatcd PrcKK.) WASilINGTON. Octol>or 14.?Votes ot thanks to General H. V. Boynton, secre tnry of the Chh'kamauga Park Commls I son und correspondlng sdcietary of tbe ' Army of the Cumberlanr, and to General ! Charles Grosvenor. of Ohto, for thelr ser I ylcos in connectlon with tho mllltnry , park at Chlokamauga wero the featuros 1 of the nrst sesslon of the thlrty-flrst re? union of tho Army of the Cumberland, whlch was hold nt the Shoreham Hotel to-day. This reunion is one of the evonta prollmlnnrv to the unveiling of the Sher inan Btatuq Thuraday itfternoon, and vet orans from many States aro in attend nnce. At tho aftornoon sesslon General Boyn? ton was eloctod president of the sociply. Among the othor ofllccrs elected were; Vlco-Presldonts?Alabamn, Colon'ol M. D, Wlckorsham; Georgla, Major George ri. Davis; TenneBsoo, Major W. J. Colburnl Kentticky, Captan John Speed. Tho noxt meotlng wlll bo held in In dlanapolls during Chlokamauga wook. No, lOfi Enst Broad, FOR TOYS AND SPOR1ING GOOD3. HERE FOR THE NEW STATIONERY Every senson the pnper makors turn out somo new concolts In statlonory. Somo novel tlnt, or orlglnal shapo, or maybe a paper whoao toxture |s decldodlv new. Just aa Bonn ub these leave the fac torios. wo get them?get them with tno freahnesK of tho makors still on them. Pooplo who llko orlglnallty in thelr c.orrespondenco will do well to como to HUNTEIVS. Our paper at 26c. the pound la 3lm ply splendld ln .ounllty, nnd mighty Boonomloil ln prico; 170 shoets of pn? per ln n pound, 25c. Can yau match it? HUNTER & 00., 629 EAST BROAD STHEET.