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SOUTHERN'S OFFICIALS An Extitbitlon Flre Alarm at Spencer's Snop. A1ARION V 0 T E S WET Mr. Yoder, Firlng at a Targal With a Small Rifle, Kills an Oid Colorcd Man Inside thoHouae?Medtcal Sociely Adopts Rules. (Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) HAUBBURY. N. C., Oct, 14. -i'reindont Bamuel Spencor, tho vlco-prou'denta aud other orncials of tho South?vn Rnllway. Bpent a portlon of to-day ln Spencor and Snllsbury. Tho Southern'g flro department at tht Bliops. which has made un envlablo re cord at all recent Rtato t'ourmimonts, gavo an exhlbltion In the presonce of tho offlelals at 9 o'clock this mornlng. Tho alarm waB turned ln unoxpcctedly to tho men, and in lesii than ono mlnuto a largo Btream of water waa playlng upon tho bulldlnga. ? VETERAN3 TO THE FAIR. An effort Is bolng mado by tho Charles F, Klsber Camp of Confedoratc Veteratu, of Rowan county, to get one hundrod vet erans from this county to attend the Buto falr at Ralelgh, October lSKh-IUth. Colonel J. R. Crawford, who 1b command Ing tho camp is tialng c^ery effort to carry a large number from tho aection, and Is meetlng with much encourage ra?nt. At a meetlng of tho Rowan Medlcal Bociety held Monday aftemoon tho to cleyt adoptod tho new conatltutlon which waa proposed and approved at the last meeUng of the Stato Modlcal Sooiety held ot Hot Sprlngs In July. The Rowan aoclety ls very actlvo and haa a large memhershlp. ACCIDENTALBY KIBLED. ? At Ncwton Monday afternoon, Arch Bimms, a respected colored man, wna ac cldentally kllled by Mr. A. A. Todor. Simms had gon0 into an old building on Mr. Yoder's premlses and was grinding an axe. Mr! Yoder, not knowlng that any one waa In tho building. fired a amall rifle at a target on tho outslde. Tho ball paased through the wall of the building and enu-red the head of the colorod man, causlng a wound from whlch he dled a few mlnutes later. The coroner's jury found that the k.lllng was accidental and wlthout lntentlon to harm. Tho town of Marlon voted for dls tlllerlea and saloona Monday. tha result of th6 electlon belng as follows: For sa? loona, 128; agalnat, 84; for dlatlllerlee, 123; agalnst. 73. Rov. M. E. Scntclle, of Texas,, haa been elecied a member of the faculty of Davld son Collcge. near this place. MASON1C FAIR A Half-Mile Runnlng Race for Ladjes at t.e State Fair. (Special to The Tlmea-DIspatch.) RAL.EIGH, N. C, Oct. 14.?Thla is Jr. 0. U. A. M. nnd K. of P. day in the Mason'c Fair and fully as successful as eithor of the procedlng daye. The lecelpts during the two flrat days of the falr have been Ji.300 a sum exceedlng the most expectationa of th? falr rnan agement. Tho management of the State falr whlch epens Oct. 13th. announccs a novel feature ln a half-mllc dash runnlng horse race to be partcipatcd in by lad es. Tho purse ls $100 and Secretary Poguo says a num? ber of promlnent society ladles are to enter, Tho Misses Brldgos, of Concord, havo alrcady entored. Mr. T. K. Bruner, secretary of the North Carolina Board of Agrlculture, who ha<? been for thrce months or moto out ln the lnterost of the St. Louls Expo altlon, returned to Ralcigh to-day and aays the outlook for the exposltlon ls most auapteiouK and that tho pro&pect ls jood for North Carolina to have one of tho largest nnd l^est exhlblte in tho ex poalllon grounds. Tho Secretary of State chartered the Mantford 'IVleWione Company, oapltal $10,000. Tlio prlnclpal Incorporators aro D. Sharp Butler and Barnoy Butlor. Doputy Sherlff Cox, of Craven, brought thr?o convicb? to the ponltentlary to-day, all negroes, to serve respectlvely seven, two and one year for '.arceny. ?" "? ' ? ,. ,., A RICHMOND JAQ Young Man Goes to Sleep !n Car and Wakes Up ln Another State. (Special to The Tlmoa-Dlspatch.) KINSTON, N, G, Oct. 14.-A young Dieii, well dreaaed, was found in a car at the Atlantlc Coaat Llne depot last nlght by Agant Charles T- Meacham, and an offlrter 'pboned for. The car was loaded with elate, and camo from Rlchmond, and was eealed. On bolng nueatloned by Chlof Simmons, who rea/ionded to the summons for an ofiicor, the young man statod that he went into the car at Rlchmond two day* ago while drunk '.o cvade a pollcoman, and dropped off to tlecp. He dld not know where he waa and exprossod sur prlse whon told that he was 180 mllea from home. He had had nelther food nor water for two days. He waa releaaed by the oftlcer and camo up the atreet to cle-an hlmself up and get somcthlng to eet. GREENSBORO FAIR Crowds at tho Reunion Transferred to the Fair Grounds. (Bpeclal to The Timea-Dlapatoh.) GREENSBORO, N. C, Ootober 14. The fourth annual falr of the Central Carolina Falr Aaaoclatlon opened up yes? terday at noon. The oxhiblts thla yoar are better and larger In number than at any falr yet held here. Tho poultry exhlblt J? wlthout a douht the most oomplete over ln the State, there belng 8,000 entriee ln thla depart? ment alone, TJve rnldway is wmposed of & large for Infants and Children. Tho Klnd You Have Always Bought hns borne tho signa turo of Clias. H. Flctchcr, and has bccil mado under his personnl supcrvision for over 30 years. Allow no ono to dccclvo y<m in this. Counterfclts, Imltations and <? Just-as-good" nro but Exporlments, and endanger tho hettlth of Cnlldron-Expcricnco against Expcrimcnt. The Kind You Have Always Bonght Bears the Signature of ln Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtNTAUW COW VIUWWAV gMj I number ot shows nnd other thlngs ror 1 nmusement, and they aro excopllonally ' good. All thc spnee to be used for at tracUons of thls klnd Is fllled. On oc count of tho reunlon cxerclscs at tho bat? tle ground yesterday It was naturally sup poeed that there would not be many peo? ple at the Folr Grounds, but thore was tho largest n-tteridance ever sccn on an optnlng day, and to-day tho crowd_ ls enormous. .. . Mr. Henry W. Burrcss, an expcrlenced horseman of RocUvllle. Md., ls tliostnrter for tho races. Thc Judges are Messrs. i C. P. Vanstory, Joe Hardy and T. M. j Arrasmlth. 1 Tho flrst race yesterday was the 2:Jo I class. trot and pace, for $300 purse. Thero I were three eturles in thls race?Mary M.. Jcwel, Palmeda, Blg Jako and Go den Thorn. Tho ra<?e was won by "'olacn Thorn. the time of tlio heata belng 2:26 1-4, 2:33 1-4. 2:22 1-4. The next race wao the 2:24 class, pacc, wlth the followlng entrles: Ramon, Peter, Warlock, Snapps nnd J. S. The racei was won by J. 8.. tho tlmo by heats belng ! 2:31 1-4. 2:31 1-4, 2:30 1-2. ThcTc wero three entrles in . the flve 1 elghths mllo runnlng race. They were Mr, Bmooth. Mlss Rosser and Fiossle. Mr. Kmooth won the race, the tlmo belng 1:06 1-2. NEVv"pHAkMACISTS About One-Half the Applica-ds Get Thri-uzri. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) GREENSBORO, K. C. Oct. 14.-Tho State Board of Pharmacy, in sesslon here I ysctcrdny, examined appll 1 mnts for llcense, three. .belng negroes. 'To-nJght the board announcec-d tho fol. lowing as having been successful: B-in. 8 Barnes. Fayettcvlllo; Polk C. Gray, Blatesvlllc; Karl L. Lawing, Lincolnton; Prlnco 8. Leboo, coiored, Wllmington; John A Rogers, Lllllngton; Thouias t>. Street i man. Henderaonvlllc; Mnthlas M. Sauls, I Ayden; Wllllam M. Stewart. MaUhows; Henry G. Whlte, Rcldsville; Cllnton R. Meyer, Chnrlotte. ' ? I Foot Cut Off in Plain. i (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) | K1NSTON, N. C. Oct. 14.?Mr. J. E. I Gdaleo had his foot cut off ln a planer at the H-irvev-Chaihv'CK mill thls morning whjle at work. All of tho toes on one ' tool were cut off nnd an efTort will he made to save tho balance of the foot from amputation. Mr. Goslee was the prlnclpal workman In tho cabinet shop, and waa at work at tho planer. A Jdank belng caught ln lt ho trled to pull it out. To do thls he put hla foot under tho plnnor to bracc hlm self, when the knlves etruck his foot. ... i GREEN IS ARRAIGNED AND GIVES BAIL (By Assoclated Press.) BINGHAMTON, V. Y., Oct. 14.-Sena tor George Green "was to-day arrestqd 1 nnd arralgned before Unltod States Com 1 mlssloner Hall. on an indictment found I October 8th In Waahlngton. charging hlm wlth consplring wlth Goorge W. ' Beavers and Wlllard Doremus to HiB 1 the government, through Beavers, stamp cancelllng machinos, known as the Dore I inus machlne. In whlch Green was largoly | Interosted. Green demunded an examlna tlon and the case was set flown for No l vember IHh, when the previous tndlct ments will come up. Ball was fixod at $5,000, whlch was furnished. ? ? ? i. HAD VERY NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH An Aged Veteran in Great Peril on Fiftrt-Street Brldge. An aged and feeble Confederate vett ran, N. C, Morso by name, narrowly es caped death last night on the brldge con nectlng Rlchmond with Chestnut Hlll. The man was inaklnp across the brldge ln the dlrectlon of PJchrnond, nbout 0 o'clock, wlien ho was overtaken hy an electrlc car travcllns ln tho name dlrec? tlon. The cav was crowded nnd was movlng rathor slQWly. Mr. Morso had deaarted the passeiiger wa)k and waa ln the middle of the. brldge. The teatlmony of men on the car Ia that he atepped stralght into the trnck-. At all eventa he was struck, caught on the fender and thrown against the slde of Uo bridge. TJve motonnan had but about flve fe*t l nwhlch to Btop tlio cur, but he sucoeed ed ln pulling up pretty well. The Injured man, who le sufferlng from a jjonouaalon of some sort. wae taken to tho Vlrglnia Honplta), whers ho )n belng trented hy Dr, MoLean, Burgeon for the company. The voteran had In hla pocket a cor tificate, sottlng forth hla idantlty and statlng that.he waa Injured and unable to work. The papor was Blgned by Dr. j, j, AnderBon, of Walton's Stoie, Va, rSale Ten Million Boxes aYear. ] 10c 25c 50c BEST FOR THE BOWE7 S TO PUNISH THE JOKERS Annoyances to CItizens Over the Telephone. KEEP APPOMATTOX OPEN lt is Expected that Work Will Conv on the Diversion Scheme by the First of Year? Homes Needed in Petersburg. (Special to The Tlmea-Dlapatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., Oct. 14.-Practl cal Jokers ha/re been at - work ? recently In Potcraburg, uaing the telephone ai a mcana ot carrylng out thelr Jokea. The Buthoritles are thoroughly determined to punlsh to the fullest extent any that are apprehendcd. Sevcral daya ago a young man received a telephone mossago at hls place of buslness, telllng hlm to comc home at once, as hls wifo waa dead. Ho hurned to his home and there found hls wife In her usual good health. All eftorts to flnd out who sent the messago fallcd. The police racently have received many: hurry calls and upon responding promptly have four.d that nothlng was wrong. The jokers wlll bo dealt with sevoroly. THE APPOMATTOX. Mr. Cartcr R. Blshop reported to the Chamber of Commerce yesterday alter noon that everythljig la bolng dono to keep Appomattox River open to navlga tlon. and that the diversion plan la be? lng pushed as rapldly aa poss.ble. The enginoers In charge of thla work are preparlng speclficatlons, and lt is hoped that about the first of the year tho plar.s can be glven to the contractore. Mr, C. A. Jordan, chairman of the Com mitteo on Emlgratlon. reported that hls commlttee had mapped out a plan to In duce people to como to thla clty and re <iuested the chamber to glve them all tbe support posslble, Mr. Slmon Sownrd sald that what la most needed ln Peteraburg at this time is homes in Petersburg. There is now a greater demand for housea than haa ever been known in the clty. The Chamber of Commorce ls doing a aplendld work ln thelr effort to ad>vance tha JntereBt* of the clty. With tha consolldatlon has oome a now llfe, and every commlttee of the body is worklng dillgently ln the lnterost ot Petersburg. INCORPORATE ETTRICK. An effort wlll probably be made at the next sesslon of the lyeglslature to havo Ettrlck. Cheaterfleld county, lncorporated. Tho populatlon of that place ls now about 2,000, and many of the cltlrens are anxloua for the vlllage to be lncorporated. Roir, Michaux Ra-lnea waa lnatalled yea terday aa paator of Hebron Proabyterlan Church, In Dinwlddlo county. Rev. 3. 8. Eoater, of this clty, preached 'tho lnstal latlon aermon. The charge to the pastor was dellvered by Rev. Willlam McC, White, of Peteraburg, and Rov, Mr, W?l thall. There was a large attendance. WTBRARY CLUB. Mles Martha D. Vaughan, the presi? dent; Mlss Mary Buntlng, the Becrotary and treaaurer. and the I^ecture Commlt? tee of the Ladies Llterary Club, in thla clty, have now perfocted thelr plana for the courae of hlstorloal lectures to be glven ln thla clty by Profeasor 8.' C. Mltchell, of Rlchmond College, under tha auaplces of the olub. Dr. Mltchell'a rVrst lecture. wlll bo given next Frlday eve. ning at A. P. Hlll Camp Hall, the aub Joct belng belng the "Mlrabeau." The commlttee in chargo of theae leotures are: Lecture Commlttee?Mlsa Mary P. Hoper, chairman: Mrs, Gordou MoCabe, Mrs. Aloxanrior D. Hamllton, Mlss fng Pe gram, Mlss Hlbornla Frlend, Mlsa Janle McB. Vaughan, Mlee Bettle V. Hamllton. Commlttee of, Oentlemen?:Mr. John Watkina, chairman; Mr. Aloxander HamljtOP, Mr. Bamuel W, Artington, Mr. Slmon Seward. Mr. B. B. Vauehan, Dr. Robort Mcllwalne, ox-Oovernor Cameron. MISS HASW&LL'S OPENING A Splandid Success Achleved in Annap olis, Md., Last Nifht. (Spoelal to The Tlmea-DIspatoh.) ANNAPQU8, MD., Oct. H.?Mlsg Percy Haawell inaugurated her etarrlng tour under the dlrection of Goorgo Fawcott at the New Colonial Theatre, to-nlght be? fore one of tha inoat brllllant nudlences ever gathered ln this clty, Inuludliw: many nuval mon, and with a sprlnkllne of eoclal nnd llterary leadora from thla city and Bnltlmore. "Tho Favor of tha Queon," the vehlcle she uscd, dupllcntcd its tremendoua suc? cess ln Bttltlraore, whon orlglnnlly pro duced nnd offored to Mlss Haswoll, ono of the best comedy parts avnr written ubout tho romantlo perlod. Mlsa Antta Carroll, the Baltltnoro soclety womar, who re? cently went on tho atage, appeared as Anne Hnthawny, Bhnlteapoare's wlffc ln the prodttctlop, itnd. mado a favorable Impreaalon. As for Mlas Huawell her work was pro nouueed Huperb throughout, Beyond Mlss Has well, Hiibstantlal hita were made by Kegau Huglistoit, George Hohraeder ae Shakospoare, Muud Renm Stover, Alfrcd Hudsun In tt Fulsluilvio .part, apd Vlola, Burton. Scenlcally nnd ln coetumlng the prortuotion 1? megnifl cent. S REGISTER IN MANCHESTER Do Not Like the Pay and Will Resfgn. ALDERMEN MEET FRIDAY Telephone Service Will Be Enlarged at One.:?Marriage of Mr. Tinglo and Miss Ailey?Reorganization of Joo Johnslon Camp?Notes. Manchoster Bureau, Timrs-Dlspatch, l No. 1102 Hull Street. J In vlew of tho fact thnt tho Cdnimon Councll of Manchester has declded to pay the roglstvars only %2M 1-3 per day for thelr scrvlces, lnstead of $3.50, ns has been horctoforo pnld, tho entlre delo gatlon will reslgn, and when the clty wlshes registrars In fnture a great dcal of trouBlf, lt ls sald, will bo cxperlcncod ln gettlng men to serve. One of the rcglstrars told a Tlmes-Dls? patch man last night that a mectlng or tho rcglstrars would be held and that they would reslgn ln n. body some tlmo thls week, probably on Saiurday, after the mcetlng of the Board ot Aldermcn. Thta actlon on tho part of the Common Councll has been deprecated by clttzens gcnerally, who do no^ thlnk the amount ordered pald sufflcient compensatlon tor tha work, eapeclally as moat of tho regls trars are business men, who have to leave thelr buslnesB to attend to the rcglstra t!on. One man sald last night. that he would not walt for tho mectlng, but would ten der hla reslgnatlon to-day. MARRIED YESTERDAY. Mr. Wllllam Tingle and Mlss Ola Alley were marrled at 5 o'clock yesterdny af ternoon at the residouco of tho brlde, in the West End, Rlchmond, by Rev. Ben. Dennla, of Meade Memorla! Church. Mr. Tingle is a well known young butcher of Manchester, whoso place of business ls on Hull Street, near Thlr teenth, and his brido is a popular and charming young lady of Rlchmond. BCARD OF ALDERMEN. Thls body will mept at 8 o'clock to morrow night. A consldorable amount of routine business will bo transacted. Some of the important mnttcrs to come up are the telephono franchlse and tho pay to the registrars. The franchlse ntatter will go through wlthout a hltch, but the queBtlon of pay for the rcglstrars will probably be subject to debate. Chalrman French. of thc Clty Commlt? tee, will bo on hand. Ho will argue for the same pay that was pald tho offlclalg upon formor oocaslons. and will en deavor to show that tho condltions havo not changed, and that there is no reason why tho registrars should not bo pald as much now as they were a year or two years ago. TELEPHONE BUSINESS. Wlth tha franchlse ln hand, tho Bell Telephone Company will at onco begln to put in the new conncctlons whlch hnye so long bpen deslred by many cltizens and business men. Up to thls tlmo this company haa been handloapped ln lts endeavors to-give a.good'-and proper servfce to Manchester, * because of the lock of a franchlee, but now unlimltod service can . bo socured:?py Manchester subscrlbers to the service. CAMP REORGANIZATON. 'Squlrc Jordan has called a meotlng of the members of Joseph E. Johnston Camp. to be held at No. 903 Hull Street. on Saturday night. The meetlng Is for tho purpose of reorganlzation, and ar rangements will also be made to attend the reunion at the Crater on October 31st. All Confederates are invlted to attend thls meetlng, COURT NOTES. In the County Court tho case of Tsaac Stratifl, on appeal from 'Squlre Cheat ham's court, haa been c'ontinued to the next term. Wllllam FoBter. on appeal, waa flned $100 for selllng liquor at Mount Sinai Church tho day Otls Whlte was murdered. HA1R TURNED GRAY FROM AWFUL PAIN "I havo had a most remarkable experi ence durlng my present trtp here," sald Colonel B. H. Mercer, the popular repro sentatlve of H. B. Granloy, cigar mantt facturer, of Phlladelphla, who Is stop plng at Murphy's. "When I came here two weeka ago, ho contlnued, "thero waa not a streak of gray halr In iny head. I havo been suf ferlng elnce from a sevore attack of scl atlca and now you see tho change." Tho commerolal man liftod hlB hat, and his halr, but recently black, waa of a dis tlnct lron gray tlnge, Colonel Mercor was ln bed for about ten days, and ho eays he suffered the trost oxoruclattng palns. and thls ls the only way ho can account for the change ln the color of hla halr. GREAT INTEREST IN THE TENT SERVICES The EplBcopal tent servlceB in the Easo End have been resumed and thore ia every evldence of a contlnued Interest on the purt of the congre#atlon. An excellent orowd was preaent last night and tho aorvlce was most heart'ly rendered. The snging wob a partlcular feature. Tho Rev. Wllllam Meade Clark, of St. Jnmes and Pr. John Moncure pre slded. A llne sermon was proached hy Dr. Robert Strange, rector of St. Paul's. Hla subject waa "Falth/ Tho oxhorta tion wn? read by tho Rev. Robert A. Goodwln, of St. John's. Tho sorvlces wlil contlnue until furthar notlce. Dr. Strange w'll preach durlng the romalnder of the week. Funeral r>f Mr. Laube, The furieral of Mr. Joseph W. I^aube, who dh.d at l o'clock yosterdav morning at his hCirte. NO. 17 East Clay Street, will take place at 10:30 o'clock to-morrow morning from St. Peter'a Cattwlral. Tho Intorment will bo made ln Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Tho fnllowlng gentlnmen will act aa pall-bearors: Actlve?Mcssrs. Frank P. Burke, "\Vll llam A. Munn, Gcorge Eppb J. I.eroy Butherhind, A.ugimt Mall, John Ty'or, J. T. l.ewls nnd Carl Ruehrinuiul, HoiiorHfi'?Cniopel John Murpliy, Judgn H. 13. ' WlU. P'". A. Wondllnger nnd Dr. Oi W, P. Brock, and Meaara. T. H. Jllcks, H. M.- Bmtth ,lr? 0, P. DeWIUJ, Jumes Kaln, Sam Coheii, l'\ C. Ebel, Armen C, Helnrlch and Frank Jacobs, Tho Itlehmond Lndge of Kllis, of whlch Mr. I.mibo waa a momber, inet yesterday and adoptod suitable resplmloiw. Thn members nf tho lodtfo Hi'e rauuetited to ni'i'i in limii to attend tlio fuucvul In u body. A Tlmes-Dlspatch Want Hlary need only be kept three diiya. Plrft day, ad. put lu; second day, ad. uppcara; thlrd day, ?sur.coBH. 'Phone the Want Ad. man, 'phone 6W. * i ATTHE WQRLD'S FAIR THE ARTISTIC was awarded the fflrst-prize gold medal I INVESTI&ATE! STIEFF, 431 E. Broad St. J. E. DUNBAK, Mgr. THE HIBERNIANS' ,-?? ENTERTAINMENT Dellghtful Celebratlon Last Nlght at Lee Camp Hall. Tho Ancient Order of Hlbornians' enter talnment at Lee Camp Hall last nlght was a brllliant affair. and for aplendor was not excelled by any provlous effort of the order. The Ladles' Auxlllary waa in attendance, lendlng addltlonal lustro to tho occaslon. The entcrtalnmont waa under tho dlrec torshlp of Messrs. H. E. Grlllln, James E. O'Grady and John E. McDonough, and thelr effort to mako the occasion one of long continued pleasuro was crowned with succcsa. The hall was crowded, perhaps, aa it was nover before. The prlncipal feature was tho address by tho Rev. H. J. McKcefrey, who had for hls subject, "Ireland." Father McICeefrey, who recently return cd from a trip to Europe, gavo careful Btudy to tho conditlons of the present and of Ircland's past hlstory, and in tho dellverenco of hls speech, whlch wna a masterly effort, ho wae froquently lnter rupted by applause. Evory number on the programmo waa happtly received. After tho address of Pather McKcefrey, the romainder of the programme followed. Thoso hawlng part sassignod to them wero: Mlss May Cavedo, Mr. S. L. Kelloy, Mr. John FInnegan, Mr. Thomas Ryan, Mr. James J. Crenmer. Mlss Mnyme McSweeney proslded at tho plano, and the selectlons wero boautlfully rendered. Of Father McKcefrey's address, lt need only be sald, that tho speaker, in tho course of hls oratlon, at times seemed to touch with electrlo flre the henitH of hla audltory, and hls frequent nsagta of hls audltory, and hls frequent passages bounded applause; whllo at tlmes agnln. the keen wlt of the orator oaused "waves of mirth" to pasa over the auaionce, which were aa dellghtful as hls .->orlous and oarnest wrords were pathotlc and powerful. DID L1TTLE BUS1NESS State Board of Fisherles to Meet Again Nov. 20th. The State Board of Fisherles beld two gessions yesterday and transacted muoh bUBlnesB, but lt waa mostly ln relatlon to routlne mattera, and on subjoots too local to bo of general lnterest. All the members wero prcsont, as fol lowsj ?Jr. J. W. Bowdoln, chairman. Ac? comac; Seth M. Millor, secretary, Ma thewa; R. J. Camp, Southampton; Goo. B. Keezelli Rockingham, and H, M. Tyler, Rlchmond. The board postponed tho matter In controversy from Lant^ator county untll the next meetlng, whioh wlll bo held on November 20th elther here or ln Nor? folk, becauso of tho abaenco of some of the parties ln lnterest. At thla meottng the deop-water planting schemo wlll also como up. ONE KILLED FOUR AND TWO OTHERS FLED (By Assoclated Press.) MANILA, Oct. M, 6:30 P. M.?Tho crow of tho boat in whlch Johnaton and Her mann, tho runaway conatabulary o~leors,. accompanled by ono conatable, atarted from Oulbal for Cagayun'H Island, at tackod tho outlawa on nearing the lattor placo, kllllng Johnaton ond woundlng Hormann and the oonstablo. Honnann klllcd four of the crew and the other two jumped overbonrd. Ho then put back to Nogros, where ho aent guns and amm.t nltlon to tho polleo nnd abuudoned the boat off Nwvalva, Baynuan, whore he waa ln uldlng when the laat was beard of Wm. On Saturday nlght Inat the pollce cap tured the boat, reeovorlng a number of constabulnry guns, ammunition and some money. Thoy also burled Johnaton, whose body waa found In the boat, lt la pr? aumod that the crew Intondod to klll the outlaws and aecure thelr money and nrms. Buckingrnm Tob-cco, (Special to The Tlrhes-Plapatch.) WHITE HAI.U VA.. Oct. 14.? Tho to bacco marltat he'o w 11 onen un ln No? vember undur tho manng?mont of Mr. Chastaln Atklnaon. of nichmond. Bucklngham hns the bbst nrop it hns ralsed for sevenil yeara, but tiio pro ducera nre blue ovor the prospecta of selllng nt ruinoua prlcoa. ONE LADY'5 RECOMMENDATION SOLP FIFTY BOXE3 OF CHAMBER LAIN'S 6TOMACH AND UIVER TAB UETS. ,_ . I hava, I bollove, sold flfty boxea of Chatuborlaln'H Stomneh and Llver Tab lata on tho reoommendutlon of one lady horo, who firal htaight a box of them nbout a year ago. Hho uovov tlrea of telllng her nelghbora and frlends ubout the good qunlltlea of theao Tablota,--P. M. Hhoro, DruBglat. Itooheater, Ind. Tho pk'iiHiint purgutlve effect of theae Tablets nmltea tliom a favorlte with lndles every when*. For salo by all drugjjlate. QUARLES, No. 105 Eaat Broad, VOH TOYS AND aPORTING QOODS. Auction Sales?This Day. By Edwnrd S. Rose Company, Real Eatato Auctloneers. TRUSTEF/8 AUCTION SAI.E 1 OF THOSE TWO ATTRAOTIVE FRAME DWBM..INGS. NOS. 1203 AND 1207 NORTH NINETEENTH STREET, "FAIRMOUNT." By vlrtuo ot two certaln cleeds ot trust, flrst dated 21st Juno. 1902, and of rocord ln tho clerk's offlce. Henrlco County Court, D. B. PVI B page 250; second dated August lo, 1903, nnd recorded ln sald clerk's offlco, D. B, 165 B. page 82. default having been made In tho payment of the debts secured under both of the abovo deeda, and belng requlrcd by the bonofl olary so to do, I Will sell by auction, upon the picmlscH, on THURSOAY, 1STII DAY OF OCT., 1003, at 4:H0 P. M.-Flrst. No. 1203 North Nlne tecnth Street. The lot has a front of 23 Mi feet on tho oast llne of Nlnen?en.*? Street, nnd extenda bnck 125 feet 8 inches to an fllley In common 14 foet wtde. Socond, No. 1207 North Nlnoteenth Street, whlch has n llltc front and dopth nnd extends back to sald allcy ot 14 feet. These dwell Ings are comparatlvoly new, and In view of tho growlng and presslng drmand for houscs ln thls favorerf sectlon, we bespeak a goodlv attondanoe of bldders. TERMS?At Bale. EDWARD 8. ROSE. Truateo under tho both deeds of trust. oot 10-tds By J. B. Elam A Co., Real Estato Auotloneers. publhTsale OF THE THREE ST0RY DETACHE?, GORNER BRICX RESIDENCE. No. 2812 East Franklin Street. Fronting Llbby Hill Park, With Good Lot. Bv dlrectlon of tho owners, who are solllng for divlslon. we shall sell by pub? llc auction. on tho promtses, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER IS. 1J03. at 4:30 o'clock P. M., tho dwe.llng abovo referred to, lt bolng a most subatantlal, well built, cornor residenco of lu rooms, besldes kltchen o? 4 rooms, and ti.rge and spaclous brlck atable. The pripe-ty is well known as the resldence of the late Charles J. Fox, and as stoted, fronts Llb? by Hlll Park, and commanda one of tho flnest vlews of any resldence In the clty. Tho lot ls ogpeclally largo. a front of 27 feet 8 3-4 Inchos on Frankhn Street by a depth of 156 foet to a wide alley ln renr. on whlch It fronts 28 feet. It ls seldom that such deshable property comea upon the market at sale for dlvlaion. and we urgontlv rcuest all parties intorested to attend the sale promptly, TERMS?One-fourth cash, bslance at 1 and 2 years, wlth Interest added. J. B. ELAM & CO., Auctloneers. oclO-tds. / By Tho Valentlno Auction Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF JUNTTTS A. SCOTT'S. , DECEASED, EF FECTS. As admlnlstrator of Junlus A. Scott, deccased, I will sell at auction, No. 2711 East Maln Stroet, THIS (Thursday) MORNING, OCT. 15th. at 10:30 o'clock, tho entlre stock of gooda, etc, contalned In sald building, No. 2711 East Maln Street, such as Soda Fountain and Copper Tanks, Countcr3, Marble Slabs, Scalcs, Show Cases, Cnndy and Candv Jars. Peppor, Splce. Picklos. Cntsup, vlnegar. CIovos, Cakes, Cruckors, Cigars. Tobaeco, Clgar ettes, Preserves, Nutmegs, Tobaeco Knlfo, ote. etc; also. lot of furnlturc such aa Tables. Chairs. Washstands. Wardrobe, BIdebonrd, Onrnet. Clock. Mlrror, etc, etc. TERMS?Cash. W. D. GAY. Admlnlstrator. The Valentlne Auction Co., Auctloneers. oct 14-2t Geo. W. Mayo, Auetloneer, 110 North Seventh. T T ORSE. COUPEE, VICTORIA, DESKS. H STOVES. FOLDING BED. FINE FURNITURB, ETC. AT lAUCTION. I will sell at my auctlon-house at 10:30 A' THURSDAY OCTTOBER 15, 1003. 1 largo Work Horse, 1 Brewster Coupee, ln good condition, leather top and seats: l Ainslie's made Vlctorla. In excellent condition j 1 Walnut Foldlng Bed. Iron Beds, Cooklng, Heatlng and Wood Stoves, Chamber Suits, Odd Buroaua, Wash? stands and Bedsteads, Offlce and^ other Dcsks. Extenslon nnd other Tables, Couches, Chairs, Rockers, Mattresses, Carpets, Ruga, and numerous other artl clea, A. R. MAYO, Proprletor. Geo. H. VaUntlne and A. P. Montgomory, Salcsmen. AUCTION SALES?Fuure Pays. By Byrd & Baldwln Brothers, Auctloneers. Rare Opportunity to Purchase Smal Truck Farms in tho Diraction of Nor? folk's Growth and of the Jamestown Exposition Grounds. By vlrtuo of authorlty veated ln us, we will offer for eale. at pubiio auction, on tho promlaes. on _>?_?? TUESDAY. THE 20TH DAY OF OCTO? BER, 1903, AT 11 A. M? the followlng property, tp wlt: Thoso certaln tracts of land embrao Ing about 48 Acres at Lambert's Polnt, on the Norfolk and Atlantic Terminai Com pany's Eledric R<ilwiy, whlch run? entlroly through the tractsi lving north of the landa of Jamea H. BammoiiB and W. J. Vanderberry and South of the landa of W. J. Ro&lnsou and ShumajJlno Brothers, and of tha power house of the Electrio Railway Com? pany, sald tract belng formerly owned by W'elr and others, but lately known aa the Talt and Holmes tracts. Those traota havo been eub-divlded into eleyen tracts. numbered A to K, and contalnlng each from about 8 to 7 ucrea, At tho eale the several tractB will be offered oeparate ly, nnd then the Talt tract will be offer. ed as a whole, and tho northern half and the southorn half of, the Holmes tract will bo offered aa a whole, and the property will be aold whlchever way ag gregates the hlghest prico. This land Uea northwest of Norfolk olty, about ono mile from lt? corporato llmita ln tho dlrectlon of the city's moiit rapla BYiy tlie electrio llne. for a 5-eent fare, tho heart of the c!ty la reaohed ln W or 15 mlnutes. Tho 8-inoh water maln qf the Norfolk County Water Company foi. lowlng tho llne of the electric roac s rlght of way, runa entlrely through tho The'land belng In a hlgh state of oul tlvatlon, is siilted for amull truck (armi. poultry ralslng or dalry, nurser es. green houses nnd hot-beds, etc, whllo |w lucutlon, ln the dlrectlon ot Norfolk u growth, will mako lt of great volue to bo fiiibdlvldod into building lots, whloh tho electric and wator ituitn w.ll roadlly niiilco avallable for dwolllngs. PlatB of the property. wlth furthor p?r tlculara as to tertns of sale and nll other Informatlon. will bo furnlahad by mall, or at our offlce, on appllcatlon. Freo tranaportotton from Norfolk will bo furnlshea thoao who attend tho salo, hv the car leavlns; the atatlon of tho Norfolk and A'lnnto Terminai Howell? IWCtt0^VUwB.UOS., Norfolk, Va., Auotinnoers, oct 16,18 FOR BENT, FOR RENT, t?? West Grace St. Two up-to-dar-o, 18-room, now brlokdwell Inga. Runt low. J, ?. CARNEAL & BON. FOR 6AUB, C?? C?l? BWaoroaon thoJainesHlvrv rOl OolBi 10 mtleu from lUoluuonrt. Pj-lco $1,600. OtO. B. CRAWl'ORP&CO, 60UHW4/.inSt.,UUy. AUCTION SALES-mttiwDay*. ..11.1... i i..i.w By .T. B. Kln m A Co., Real Estnto Auotloneers. TRUSTEE'S BABK OF FOUR BUII,D 1 INO LOTS. IN HIGHLAND SFRING8. In execi.'tlon of a certaln dced of truat dated Aprll fi. 1903. and dnly reeorfled ln tho clerk's offlce of Henrlco County Court ln D. B. 165 13. page 203. tho undera gned IruatoQ wlll sen. by publlc aitctiin, In front of tho Henrlco County Courthouse. ln tha clty of R chmord. on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 16, 100*. at 12:30 o'clock P. M.. tte four lots, No?, 23, 25, 27 and 29, In block P, sectlon 1. re forred to ln sald dced, ahd an shown on the plan of Hlghland Sprlngs bul.dlng lots. A copy of the sald plan can be seen at the ofdco of the auetloneer*. TERMS?Ono-thrd cash. balance at ? and 12 months. by notes wl h Intareat nrided and secured by deed of tiust upon the p:operty, or all In cash, at the optlon of tho purchasor. IIILL MONTAOUE. Trustee. octll-tds. Bv J. B. Elam & Co., Real Estato Auct oneers. COMMISSIONBRS' AUCTION SAM3 OF Eight Lots in Highland Springs and Two Lots in Woodville. In execution of a decrea of the Law and Equlty Court, entered August 14, XbJi, In the stilt styled Fannlo D. Fuller, ad mlnlstratrlx, vs. Prudential Banking and Trust Company, the underaigncd spe? cial commissionorn wlll sell, oy publlo auction. In front of tho Henrlco Coun? ty Courthouse, ln the city ot Rlchmond, FRIDAT. OCTOBER 16. 1908. nt 12 o'clock M., tho real estato descrlbed In snld decroe aa lota Nos. 22. 23. 21. 26. 26, 27, 2a and 29, In block B, sectlon 1, ln the plan of Hlghland Bprinjs. And Immedlatelv theteafter, the real estate de.cnbed ln tho aald decree aa lots Nos. 95 and 96 in square 20, ln tho plan of the town of Woodville. fronttng 60 foet on the south lmo of Nowbern Street. and runnlng back botween paral lel llnes on tho west alde of Mosby Street, 120 feet tp an alley. Theao Tota aro well sltuated and ara adapted to small suburban homes. TERMS?One-thlrd cash. balance at ? and 12 months. by negotlablo notoa with lnterest from date of sale, and ttl? to ba retalned untll all of money ls pald and oonveyanco ordered by court. HILI, MONTAGUE, ?-, JAMB3 LEWIS ANDERSON. Special Commissioners. I, P. P. WInston, clork of aald court, icortlfy that the bond requhed of tha special commissioners by the decree ln tho above named cause of Mth of August. 1903. has been duly givon. Glvon undor my hand, thla 0th day of October. 1903. i _ . - P. p. WINSTON. Clerk. oct.U-tda. ___________?.* By J. D. Carneal and Son. Rcnl listate Agents and Auetloneera. 1109 Eaut Maln Street. ?.?_ TRCSTEE'H AUCTION 8ALE OF A MOST EXCELLBNT DWELLIXG PHOPEHTY ON Montelro Avonue, Darton llolehts. By Tlrtaa of a certaln deed of truat, dated Joly 1, 1901, aud rocordfrt ln Henrlco County. Court. clerk's offlce, ln D. B. 163 A, page 14, do fault hayliig been made In the uaynient of a por-' tion ot the debt sccured thnreby. and havlng been requlred by.the bencllciary therelu bo to do, I wlll, on FRIDAY, October 16, 1903, at 4:80 P. M., on the premlses, procaed to sell by publie auction, the property conveyod thereln, vla. i All that certaln pleee or parcol of land, with all lm provementa thereon. lytr.g and b^lng ln tha eoun-. ty of Henrlco, Va., and conslatlng of the north 17 feet of lot No. 2, all of lot No. 8, and tho south 22 feet of lot No. 4. ln block "E," la Barton Hclgnta, Va. Tho dwelllng has 8 roomi end orcry nccessary eonTtntence. TERMS?Caah. F. WILL, Trnatee. N. B.?An nrrongement can bo made for loog tlme if deslred. oct4-HW STREET RAIL.WAY. ELECTRIC UGHT AND ICE PLANTS AND REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE, AT PUB LIC AUCTION. More than six months' default havlng beon made in the payment of mtereat on the bonds of the Charlottesvllle City >t.d Suburban Rallway Company. aooured in tho deed of trust from sa.d Rallway Com? pany, dated September 15, 190U, and re corded in the clerk's offlce of the Cor poratlon Court for the Corporation -ot Charlottesvllle. D. B. 11. pagea 104 to 117, and clerk's offlce of tho County Court of Albemarlo county, D. B. 118, pages H6 to 162, at the writtou requeat of tho ho.d ers of a majorlty of sald bonds, the un doraigned, eubstltuted trusteej under aald deed ot' trust, wlll, on ? ?M TUESDA.Y, N6VEMBER 10, 1903. at 12 M., at pubhc auction. at Lhe front door of the courthouoe of Albemarla County Court, m tho clty of Charlottes vllle, Va? exposo to solo all tha prop? erty, real and peraonal, conveyed by aald. deed of trust, conslsting ln part ot the Street Rallway tracks, with aU Its aidtnga and connoctlons. an loe Plant and an Eleotrlo Plant, with all Ita oonnecting wlres, polos, &c, togolher with all puvl leges, leasea, easementa, rlghta, fran chiscs and contracts relatlng and pertaln lng to sald rallroad or either of, sala plants; all cqulpmenta, machlnery. plants, polos, wlres and all property tanglble atid Intanglblo used in connoctlon with sald rallroad, electric llght plant, ioo platu. &c: soveral piecea of Real Estata, sqma in tha county of Albemarle, and aoma in tho clty of Charlottesvllle. especially about 110 acres of Innd along sa.d rall? way, on whlch there are mlneral eprwiga and a valuablo hotel building. In ehort all the property covered by said deed of trust wlll be eold. This la valuablo and deslrable property. . -^ TERMS?As roqulrod by sald deeo ot trust, cash. Sale will bo made subjeot to a rnart gage of the Ptedmont Conatruotlon and Improvoment Company, dated Fobruary 1, 1S95. to aecure 12!i.000, flret mor^gage bonds, and alao aubject to a. llen to ??-? cure the payment for new ralle reoent bought by sald C. C. A S. Co. 0 B oy "o.? MICAJAH WOODa. R. T. W. DUKB. jr.. C. QUY ROBINBON, octl-lw. Trustees By Edward S. Roie Company, Real Estato Auotioneors, T*RUSTEE6' AUCTION SALJ3 i OF ? BRICK DWKL.LING NO. UOO NORTM SECOND STREET. By vlrtue of a oortuln deed of trua dated September lat. isos, ot record the clerk's oftioe. Rlchmond Chanoei Court, D. B. 163 C, page 413, default havB Ing been made In the payment of the deb~ thoroby aecured, end belng requlred OL the beneflclary so to do. we wlll aall bm uuctlon. upon tho premlses, oii FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1*. 1803, nt 4:30 o'clock P. M-. the property nurrfl bered aa abovo. The lot haa a front Itivi feet. mora or leaa, and extanda b* or less. and on the north by a dlagon iliui 96 feet, more or leaa. havlng a wldt on Its rear llne of 61 feet, more or leaa, TERMS?Cash a? to expenaes of eale. taxea that may ba du? and paat due.-? a note of 1-75. with Intereat theroon fro Heptember 1st, 1003, tlll pald: the realdr no may be named at tlmei of aale. A. J. CHEWNINO, EDWARD 8, ROSE). oct 10-tda Truatew TRUSTEE'S SALE _ OJT A VALUABLB FARM IN GOOCIOiAl COUNTY. VA.. BY PUBLIC AUCTION. By vlrtue of a deed of trust from ella J, Creawell and her husband to M underslgned. dated 20th February, 1SI rocorded 19th March, 1902, In Goochla| County Cuurt elerlc'a oftioe. in V. 8. p. 171, belng requlred ?o to do by the ei flolary ln suld d?ed, I willaell by put auction, at Goochland Courthouso. onl M^ONDAY. OCTOBER 19. WM. ' (Court Day), at 13 o'elocK, noont . above mentloned property. ThU fftl coutalnn Wi aoree nnd adjoine the Uil of P. 1). w.vui nn, j. p. Bowlei and ol era. I? eaaily tllled and produot ve, f cated In a healthful sectlon, good nalj bors and oonven'enr. to aohools r churohei: l?:ge frame dwell ns a-d. liecessiirv out-bulldlnes In good lapull TERMS?Cash aufflclent to defrav I penses of executlng this truit and to f charge a debt of ?S? with InUiest th^ on from 20th day of Ftbruary, 1003. i puid, baUnce on auch temi aa ?'IH| auiiounced at aale. _. _ C. P. CARDWELIv. Tr4?t oo.U-sun.tu.thu.sat.auu.