Newspaper Page Text
The Rate for Classlflfid Want Advertlslne ls 1 cent pe; word Net Cash In ADVANCE, with ? mlnlmum ccst of 25 cents for each Insertion The same rate applles to deaths mtrrlapes, obltuarles and all other |j classlfled notlces. Nc dlsplay type i | allowed In the clasalfled columns. I BJBMBHM IWIIilaTII '""??L-LaUii" LOST AND FOUND. WST-Tieaday nlght, WjJM" .'^ifJVSfflft _r>d I'lrM end Frank ln Street. whi e rhifTm MOt trlmmert wtth blnek. Snltnnle rew.ird ff rftnrVed to 18 fia.t Frsnklln Street . ?MZ_V-rT~ar.- nlamond SCABF PIN yester. 0?v nfternoon. Oonimnnleale with J- ??? IIATTIIEW8, ManebMtw._ MBT^^obTy~nl|". ?<l?\" ,_*&?_? ShO* twlween Tnrlftli nnd Bri.nd nnd H^rse snow hTitldPic Im.i"V gMd WATCIl, doiible cyae, wItt old r.'.b aud locket attnehed; letterl ?E' M ? Vncraved on both watrh and l.rkot. UbVral rrwnrd If reutrned to thla Q"'cc_ bELP WAN i ED-MALE. AOENTS wanted everywhere; M*. .$?*? ?0m. bltmtion nccldent nnd ?J<*y*M. '?'?'?,S et-rr offcred: drath brneflr. weeglj Indcmnltv; nhsolufe protectlon. norel ?.,V''I!J; nnnnTpromluma $1 to M: ao ?"?^lm. due>: ?fll to oreryone. elthrr *ex, all ciaimt Immrdlntrlr pald: tnmirnnee ?wt( $500.(100. nvral Mmmissions! exeinstte terrltory. x TBRNATIONAL CO.. 281 BrO-dwaT, New York._j_. __tPERIINC_D MAN?Wanted, to emp'.oy a thorouVh ert.erleneeo' man for mr whlte gooda, wasb wodi?domeatle. and llneti aeportmentai man taC be tboroughly "WJ*?* *?e li.iPB Vone other need apply. U. ai. uuu? BBNHKIMBR, 10SB-1081 Malti Street. I.yncb burc, Vn._-_ MANUFAc'TTOiR want. rallaMe man to dalirar and oollccti horse and wagon and $150 depoalt nrcen?a rV $21 a wrek and MPfnjes: pernm Sen" F-AXKLIX. Box 78. Plillndelpbla. P?. MILLER-W-nted. a miller at once to to to rrbanna to run a natent roller mlll. .ApplJ at ttlLEX IXGTO/ HOTEL bet^een 12 nnd 1 Frldnj or Saturday. L. A. Gl XPRt M. WANTED, peraon to call on retall trade for m?n?factu-lns bouae; lornl terrltory: snlary $Yo7Ci pnid weekl.r; expon.c moucy n.lvaneed: nrerlons experlence unnccsaary; buslncas juc eesaf-l: Ibelose aelf-addreascd enrelope. BTAXDARD HOCSE. Cblcngo. HE bP WAN ngD-?yemale. COOK?Wtman to cook about a month while regular cook awayi no children need nppty; 2ofl HarrlFon Street. ^_ COOK?Wanted. a flrst-class cook imroediately. Apply 02J Fark Arenue. _ TEACHER-Wanted, in my faato^M experi eneed tenrher. competent ln l-ugllsh. Musie, Mathematlci (inclndlng A gebra) nd Elra n inry Latln. Addresa, atating terms, T. M. G., Sliangbal, Va. THE BOXER TROOPS ARE IN PURSUIT OF A "FOREIGN DEVIL." CAN YOU Roltitlon of ruzzlo ln yesterday's Tlmes-Dlspatch: One can be seen at the bottom of pfcture%K irom Hght, and tho other ls on the left slde, looklng from top. SITUATION WANTED?Male A LIVE, ACTIVE, energotio young man, who has had e-peflenCO ?? ? Bullrltor. deslres to travcl for some Olcbmond house: he hHS lioen verv lucccuaful ln bandling novelttea. Ad dress C. K., cure thls offlce._ CLERK?Wanted, iltuatlon a. clerk in railroad cfflro freight or llchct, or nny slmllar poai< tlon; referencc. It. K., care Uila offlce. FRINTER?Wanted, by boy of two years' ?? nerlemv nt priutlnR trnee. n J-?b ln some good "day offlce. Address SITUATION, curo thls offlce. _______ WANTED, situation ln meroantils business by young nmn. 10 years old; referonce, lnst enj Plover. Address INDUSTUIOU8, care thls offlce. :_ AGEtNTS WANiED. WAKT_D, lndy or gentleman of fair educatton to trfvel for a flrm of J250.000 cpltal; sul nry S1.072 per yenr nnd c-ponsea, PM? wmi |y. Address. wlth starap, J. A. AL.fc.XA.> PER, Rlchmond, Va. _____ "FURNITURE. UPHOLS.rErvED. HIOHEST PHICE pald for Fumlture and Car pets. BROWN. 627 West Broad fltroot. ?Pnono 3550. SITUATION WANTED Female COMFANION?Wanted,?A middle-aged lady de 6lres n posltlon os cnmpanlon for Invnltd lady: will asslfit In fnmll.v sewliig. Address Mlss A. OARRETT, Chsriottc Courthouse. \ a. TEAOKER?A teaoher, who hsa enjoyed excep ttoiul noel?l as well as edueutlotial ndran tiiKes. deslres a posillou; would teacb ln re fiiied fanilly for amnll snlarj; and .priTllege of OUtslde pntronagc. Address VlRGIMAN, 1B3J West Baltlmore, Street. Baltlmute. Md. TLAOH-H?An experlonoNl and suooessful musle tencher would llkc to board Id a eoni munlty where nho can seonro a good clnja. or would teach in a school. Address I LTHI-.L, AN11ERTON. Hnlnda. Va.._ LADIES' SPECIAU THOBE OLD FA8HI0N Peppermlnt, Lemon, I.lnie and Horehound Drops,made fresh and puro dslly at DYER'S CONFECTIONKRTl. 04 Enst Marsuall Street, Wbolesnle ________ KEW, DELICIOUS Chooolate Ohlps at DYER'B COXFECTIONERY, 014 East Marshall Street, Wholessle and Retall._ " VPOU LTRY s'CfPPU E S. OOLD riBH, OLOBEB and suuplles now in. Flna Imported Canarles. FANCIER'S SUPPLY CO., B17 >V. Broad. bOARD.NG. 'THE 1ENN0X," 100B E. Marshall, ean fur- | nlsh tlrst-class dfonnimodatlons to vl"'t<,TS to the Horso Show; nnn sipinrc from Clty HMI. WH. C. ALEXANDKK, Troprletor. ROOMS FOR RENT. R00M8?Wanted, tenanls for a suite of thre? dclightful thlrd-atory iixiins ftt No. 205 hnst Irnnhlln. Apply on the prcmlses._ WANTED. WANXX-D, all the old rustomers of J. W. PEA; TKOSS. shoo dealor on Broad Street for pnsl flfrnj-n yenra, to cnll on me at my new <iunrt*rs, 311 East Broad Street, wlth UOF HEIMER'S ECONOMY STOItF.. ?WANTED. all per.ions who ha?e loat thelr voice dtirlng the change In wentlier to know thnt they can recover same br nstng the i.hei..kpe C'migh Drops. only fic. per bos at drug etores and oonfertlonerlos. WANTED, to buy a good coon dog, Address J, n. EDW^Iins. Roek F-IH, Conn. WANTED, to purohaie or buy an Interest n fomo retall drng business ln *eme town ln Virglnla. Addresa PFIlL'tlASEH, eare thls oiflce. _ SPECIAL FOR HORSE SHOW. HOW T/NHAPPY tnvst be the person who hu to stny nwake at night wlth thnt tlckllng ln thront. contlnually coiiRhlng wlth no rellef. Ds? Cherokee Cough prnps. Iet them dlssnlT? 1 In tnmith. nnd for onee ln your ilfo get a good nlght's rest and be happy. _| MISCELLANEOU3 I JUR0EN3 8ELLB tlie "Royal" and the "Orand ! Ilclper" llangesi no rcpulra necessary to thestii i tnke care of thrmsolTes. you CAN'T BE hospltablo and hare a oold home- get the Crown Bnso-Tturncr (tho most rmnomlenl qoal store) or tlio Maglc Wood Stove from JUROENS' nnd be bnppy._ FEATHER BED8. WANTED to buy Feather BED8; highest cash n-li-ei pald: nlso Fenthers UnnoTated. 'Phone 37S1.' f.ASPER BROS.. l.OfiVJ West Maln Street. elty. '_ FEATHER BEDS, Bolstera, Plllows wanted for cnslr nlso entlre hoiiseholils of Ftirnlture. Ad nress l-KATHKH BEDS. No. 330 Brook ATcnue. ~HUM"AN HAFr~AND MANAClTRiNQ. HUOHES' HAIR MANUFAOTORY?All kinds of huninn bnlr on hand and made to order. See our latest pompadours. Wholesnle nnd retall. Halr dresslng, manncurlng. Bhamtionlnc and faclnl massngc at 122 East Drond Street. POULTRY," BIRDS, ETC. IMPORTED HARTZ Mountain Canarles, Jap nnese Oold Flsh, Cngea, GlobeB. and full llno of Biipplles. FANCIER'S SOPPL.Y CO., 617 WeU ___________' =F HORSE-SHOW ~SEATS. 8EVERAL OF THE BEBT seats in the building, ln front row, for every night. for sale at LEXtNGTON IIOTEL, News Stand. OIL STOVES. JTJEOENB BEIXS OIL BTOVEB. THE TEE--EE Daily Business Directory. CARD8 under thl? head are taken en Jhwa reonthn' eontract, D..lly aud Sutiday, at fliM per rnnnth. BOARDING. M1BSEB MARTIN'B boaidlng houiei permanent nnd (rnnsleiil; nlee" and good fnro; 100 North Hovrnlb Street._ BOA R DINQ. MRS. 3. A. WARFIELD, 605 E. Qraee StiMt. Elegnnt hoiise. STORAQE. RICHARPSON _ND CHAPFELL, BeWIaera and Maln Slreets. Very cheap nnd dry storob.0 roonis. "Phone f>43. ____________ Thoes. OHAPF6T PLACE to buy shoes. H, BHIREY, 501 East Mnrshall Street. BOARD AND ROOM3. HANDSOME R00M8. Best Board. Fashlonable locallty; 003 West Oracc. BUSINESS OP PORTUNlTIftS PARTNER?Wanted, a partnor In a well-ostab llabed shoe store! 13,000 requlred. Address "lUIKlNESH," earo thls ofllee. WANT-D, to buy a good, gentlo fatnlly horae fnr enah; will tnke hnrness nnd enrrlnge If untlsfaetery. JOHN 0. FOX. 8__>rtl_Twelfth. ^RTJNl<i~R EPAIRE D; TRUNK REPAIRINO. 'phone MMl work eallad for nnd dellvered; qillrk nnd rellable. FXUNil MX TRUNK FACTOIIY. 311 Enat lhoail (up atnlrs)._ ,_ I . ~~ 7 ANTIQUES? jC WE WILL MOVE to our new store. 515 East Maln Street, Odolifr 20th: speclal snle thls week. mxiE ANTIQUE FL'RNITURI? CO.. JlOfl North Elglith StrecU paTntTnoT OALL UP LEE FORD ('phone 3580) If you want vour bouse painted or parlors enamelefl; all work gunrnnteed; ordern promptly attended to. Khop No. 15 ISnst Maln Street._ REMOVAL OLDE8T IN OITYi siUbllshed 1805. OEO. A I.EONHARD. 300 8. Tlne Street. Rlchmond. Vn., cublnet maker and uphotsterer: antlqiie work reMorod: new furnltiiro made; nll irork Ifiiaranteed; manufacturer of GHt-Ed?c l-ur nitare Pollsh._ BAKERS. IWAN MUELLER'B New York Bakery, *H> W. Hroad Street. betwcen Monroe and Henry, Rlchmond. Va. Flrst-claes Home-Made Drea.U Frencli. Vlenns and Gcrman Rye Bread. ltot ' Bread dellvered at your home. Cakes nud Ples k sneclalty. RestsurantB and Prlrato l.tml llw? aWPllPd d.lly. Telephone 1589. COLD FEET. YOU WON'T HATE oold feet if you buy a Flash or Maglc Wood Stoye at JURGKNS'. FOR SALE. FOR BALE?Ten-room DWELLINQ on Maln Street, oppoalte, coltegc: three-room offlen; one acre land; flne a|rrlng. For terma adilrnas Box 133. Mlckalmrg, Va. DRUOGIBTB?For aal. ^ -_ up-te-date nnd pro. grPMlng Vlrginln elt? of 2(1.000, an old p? tabllabed (2J1 yeat-a) bunlncnn; age of owner the onlr rennon Tor aclltng: an nM(|U6fetIoh?d bnrirnln for cnnh. Addreaa CITY DRTOOIST, Box 020, cnre thla olTlee. POR 8ALE?AtfTOMOB.LE, flno ocr.dltlon, Vlo torla top; flno r..r olty or country: ca*y to run; plenty of power for hlll or annd. Ad drens AUTOMOTULE, care tbla offlce. FREBH PHlLADtlVl.IA Carameli, Chocolate ltonated Almnnda. and other Bne cnndlea at DYER'S fONFECTIONEKY, 011 Enat Mor shnll Streel. FOR BALE?COTTOH PLANTAT10N on Hoanoka Rlver. N. c? 8.". mllea from Norfolk, Vn. All nccearary houae* nnd nlher liulldlnga, In good order; Hno arrea under ctilllTatlon and 1/?n ncrea tlniber; ateninlioat Inndlng rn preni Isea; bargnln II. C. IIAnlllNOTON, Pnlmyrn; N. 0. LAROE 8T00K OF VIOLETS?Vloleta freah dnlly at I'nlmnrp Brna.' Slxth nnd llroml. We reeelTP a freab jat evpry mornlng from the gnrdena. PALMORE IlltOS., Slxlh nnd Brond. FOR BALE?150 feot front by 170 faet doep on tirore Strppt, nn.l 150 by 1011 feet no QrotO Avenun, nn a whole r.r n? wanted; raay torniB. A. F. O. OtlAMER, ChnrlrMon, S. 0. HORSE BHOW BOX for nate. Box 60 for aalo entlro week or paeh performnnce. Apply B.i P. 0. nox 303, Klrbnionil. WANTED, to aell ono Wober Uprlght P1ANO, Rosewood cn*o anil ln good condlLloni crlglnnt coat J400. l dPf>lro to aell wllhln tho noxt tcn ilnya on aeconnt of leiivmg Iho clty; tprmn eaay. Addreaa I'lANO, care thla otTlre. FOR RENf FOR RENT?Blx-room modern flat; 111 Eaat Mnln.___^_ WINES AN~D LIQUOR3. ONE OALLON "Clifton Bpringa," beat $2 on rnrth, at THE I'EN-.MAlt. I'rnnklln and Pcr eiUi-enth. Gooda dellrprrd. OLD OVERHOLT, Montlcalto, Calvort and other etrnlght whlakle* nt low prlrpn; gonda dell? ered nny part of the clty. THE I'EX-MAR. Kranklln nnd SeTcntcenth Streeta. 8WEET STUIK>". TRY KAEMPF'B 40C. MIXTURE; full money'i worth. BALTJL.D ALMONDB AT KAEMPF'B, 110 North Xlnth. _ CHOCOLATE ALMONDS, Chocolate Braill Nuti, Chocolate Engllsh Wnlnuta at KAEMPF'R. MINT CREAM3, any oolor, for that tea. OLD-FABHIONAL Llcorlce Dropa? KAEMPF'B, KAEMI'F'S. SUIYIAC WANTED. WE ARE IN poiltlon to pay raore for aumao than any dealer ln Vlrginln. Addresa SU MAC, care Uila offlce. PERSONALS. TABLE'DlCORATIONS, Bon-Bon Box" and lM Cupa, lalest dcalgna. Mr?. I'LLLKY, DZO W. Ilrnadi 'phoiie 3720. __________ NEW~ BOOTBLACK PARLOR-Flna ahlne, only boat pollnh tisrrt. no wnltlng. flve men; 101 Enat Mldfi Stfeet, npxt 1'nstofflce (hnae.ment)_. WANTEDT TO HANO all the lace eurtaina la town nu.1 Iny the carpeta. mnke the aliartei and put on the wentber atrlpa. 0. H. ?0J_* VELL, No. 211'. M. Slxth Htreet! 'phoue 43B WANTED, every one who ia aufloring with cougha, dioanuMiran nnd norp thront to try ttia Cberokpe Coilgh Dfotto nnd get quick rellefl Bc. per box nt <lrug atnrea nnd confccHonerlet, TO COUNTRY BTOREKEEPERB?When you or? der gooda froui yonr wlinlpsnln. drugglat tell llipm to put you In tbrep rtoxet) r.e. hoxce Cbcfokec Cough Dropa ?t tho wholennlc prlcat good proOl and anllafnetln'i to your oiiatoiiicra. ONE OAL1.0N "Olifton Sprlngi." beit $2 Whla kev on eiirlh, nt TIIB PKN-MAH, rninklla nnd Seventepnth Streeta. (iooda deltvered. OLD OVERKOLT. Montioello, Calvert and othai atrnlght whlsklen at loiv prlcra; gooda dell". oreil nnv pnrt of clty. TllB I'EN-MAU, Pranklln nnd Bevenleeiith Slrenia._ FRLNCH 8TEAM Dyelng entabllahment; olottiea Ihorollghly elimicd or ilyed uinde lo lnok cqual to new, proraptlj flnl-hed, III LEVIN, a_ Enat Mnln Street. _ HOT EOABTED PEANUT3, Bc, quartl peannta roaated crery day by. tbe New Woewa Peatoit HoaHter, wlit.lpaule and r.tiill. at DYF.Il'i roNFKCnoNEllY, 014 B, Mnrahnll, neaf Sevrnth Street. _ ?_^_ i BEAUTIFUL LAMP Bhadea, Oream Cupa and nirvaniilhemiima. In fnney Uowern. Mra.' PULI.BY, 529 Weat lirond. 'Phone 3720. NOTICB. J. W, PEATR0S8 wanta hla frlendi and patrona (o notlee hla new loentliin?wltli HOM1BI MBU'8 KCOMOM- BDOB BTORB, 311 haat llipnd Street. _' . . SPECIAL NOTICE. EVERYBODY who haa uaed the Cherekoe Cough Rropi will ehoprfully reenmmend them; pura and wholeaome; been on the mnrke.t ror the pnat Bfteeu yeara; only BC. per box. Solrt to the trnd.- by all wholeMle drug atorcg and by n n DYBR, Wholpsnl.. and Iletall Oandy Maimfaclurcr; 014 Eaat Morohall, noxt ? Seventb Htreet. Itlchmond. Va. IIOrTbeTbHOW BEATB?Not heing ablo t6 ua? them, wlll aell two apata ln front row. for ench nlght, for heat offrr. P. 0. Ifr'X -80, clty. I^illineryT NEWE8T THIN08 OUT in mlllinery, whita kid nnd wl.ltp lace hata; lateat deslgnn In Horse Show gooda. Mr*. M..U WOIUHAM. 210 N. Thlrd, between tjrace and Ilroad. LATEST DEBIOH8 in mlllnery. Hot?b Bhow R.H.d? a nprclnlty. Beaaonable prlcea and prompt delliery. Mra. ANXA B. ROACU. 220 Eaat Brond Street. __^ niCHMOND PANPHYSION. RUPTURE AND PILEB eured; no lota of tUna from biutneas: no kntfe. no dnnger; rbeii nintlsm and cbronle dlseaaea cured: free _. Ftay exnmlnatlon: 815 Eaat Frankllu. VETERAN PARKER WAS EXPELLED This Was the Punishment In nicted for Striking Com mander Peay. Yesterday morning. forty-e'ght hours af? ter Comrade W. M. Parker, of Peters burg, struck Commandant A. C. Peay, of the Soldiers* Home, In the face with his walklng stlck, an order was rearl out at thc breakfast table, carrylns lt the expulsion of Veteran Wllllam Parker from the Home. There was rapt attention ln thc hall while the paper whlch made the old sol dler an exile wns belng road. But it was not a great surprlse to the vetorans and to the publlc who had been following the case. ' Mr. Parker left the Home soon after breakfast. The Executlve Commlttee sustalncd Commandant Peay ln his courso ln tho matter. Colonel John Murphy, a member of the commlttee, speaks of Commandant Peay's admlnlstratlon ln the hlghest terma, declnrlng that he is the best ofttcer the Home has had slnce his connectlon with the board, a perlod of about flftenn years. The commlttee con.<dered charges against Veteran Reese yesterday afier noon. and the decislon rcached will be oommunlcated to the vcterans nt break I Cast this morning. MR. KEEZELL BELIEVES HE WILL WIN HIS FIGHT Senator George B. Koezcll, of Rocking liam, was a central ftguro ln Murphy's lobby last night, and was In good splrits concerning his frght for return to the Benate thls f_ll. "He was asked by a large number of his admlrers as to the outlook, and to all he declared in the rriost cheerful manner that ho oxpected 'to win. \ "Our party is ln prc-tty good shape," ] paid the Rocklngham leador, "and wo have every reason to be hopcful of re bults. My ruhning matos are good men, and tho convention that named the tlcket ?was harmonlous. and for the Ilrst tlmo in years every single delegate olected was present ln person and took nctive Interest ln the proceedings. "My opponer.t and I have. had one ,1oint discuBBlon, and there will bc others, If lt Jt, left to mo. "While we have a flght on our hands, I see no reason to fear deteat, and wlth the.. proper work from now on I belleve Rocklngham will return Demo cratlc representativea to the Genernl As scmbly thls. foll." Be-nator Keezell left for his home last night, and will go actlvely into tho can vass upon his return. HOTELS ARE CROWDED WITH HORSE LOVERS The hotels of the c-ty are all doing a hrlvlng buslnesj us a result of the Horse Show. Aa early us 9 o'clock la*t night very room at Murphy'a and the I^xlng on were taken and at the former, par ora nnd aample rooms were belng press 4 Into serv ce as bed-rooms. At Murphy'e lie Lexlngton and the Jtrferson, tho lon les were crowr'cd rt\<\ they ell pro ented llvely acenoa durlng the oarly ?art of the e.venlng. . Some of the Vlrginlans repre-sented ere last night were: Murphv's?J. II. Freeman, Virglnla; 8. ", Mlller, Mathows; L. O. Gionnlny, havloiletvllle; C. C. Vaughan, Jr., ranklln; E. L. Goss, Somcrtnt; James , B'chards and wlfe. Bowllng Green; ' 'ra. Sarah Hunter, Fic-derlckshurg; Geo. . Tallaferro, Gloucester; N. O. l.ecky, ortsmouth: V. \V. Trower, Keller; T. 'alter Chageman, Smlthfleld; J. O. Jones .d wlfe. Hampton; V. \Y, Gregory, ol haBe Clty; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Camp, ranklln; V>'. H Gray f.nd wlfe, S - ?ell; W C. Fltzhugh, I.'rhana; B. W. nlth, Norfolk; S. G. Hanger, Poru outh; W. G. Pritchard. Newport Howr; W. Bowdoln. Arcomac; 11. Rlcharda, ewport News; Mr. and Mra. \V. \\". 'are, Toanb; G. 1_. Wave. Raph'ne; K. Murphy, Botetourt; H. M. Murphy, Ab QUARLES, No. 105 EaHt Broad, 9R TOYS AND BPUlt'lING Gl Ingdon; Tracy aiiowalter, Harrlsonburg; E. B. Chlles, Hampton; J. H. Crank, Frcdericks Hall; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaln, Augusta county; J. 1>. Blalr, of Churchvlllo; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mc? Clung, Staunton; Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Jordan, Hot Springs; E. A. Snead. Cllf ton Forge; C. S. Wood, ClarksvlUe; B. F. Myers, Harrtsonburg; Mr. and M-S.-T. J. Saiindera.i Everetts, Oscar, "vVH llamsburg; W. G. Mathews, Glasgow; W. F. Clarke, Chase Clty; Mrs. J. J. bawson, South Boston; John D. Fox, Avon; J. G. Wilkinson. Charlottesvllle; Geo. A. Lake, Hampton; B. S. Scott, Ewell. , , Lexlngton?Chas. L. Mosby. Vlrg'nia; O. G. Deek and w'fe, Smithfleld; E. L. Everhart and wife, Fnrmville; Wi H. Wallace. M. D., Dlsputanta; S. T. Bland, AVest Polnt; T. J. Valsh, Rlchmond; J. B. Pearce, Rocky Mount; I. H. Adams, A. E. Hodgson, Norfolk; J. D. Thomp sou and wlfe. Scottsvllle; James Mltchell, Hampton; H. P. Kent. Virglnla; J. S. Pltts and wlfe. Scottsvllle; F. H. Metter and wlfe. Portsmouth; M. B. Qulsenber ry, Mineral: A. S. Green. Lawrencev'llo; W. H. ElIIs, Chase Clty; T. H. Adams, , Lynchburg. P93eo_?e?o??eae???o??> ????$ I *#7 -V-*_> jfcactemy. i eocGsseooooocooooeoffMXBis?! With Miss Percy Haswell as the star, cupported by the Gcorge Fawcett Com? pany, the most talked of play of recont years, "The Favor of the Queen," will come to the Academy for two perform ar.ces next Saturday. As a literary pro ductlon, "The Favor of the Queen" took the hlghest rank immediateiy on the oc caslon of lts orlglnal prescntatlon, when ! it was received wlth a whlrlwind of ap proval, and as a darlng play In concep tlon and execution, It has been more written and talked of than any play ; for many years past. For tho Ilrst time '? in thls play Wllllam Shakespoare is ln- | troduccd as a charaoter, whlle the ex tremo youth of lts nuthor, Roy S. Sensa baugh, has been the subject of magazino ortlcles. Ada Rehan. When Mlss Ada Rehan flrst oppearod as Katherlne ln Shakespearo'a "Tho Tam lng of the Shrew," nearly twenty years ; ago, there were many prao'na versod in the hlstory and trndltlon of the sta^e i who declared that the role had nevor been | so well embodled. Mlss Rehan and Mr. Sklnner will be at tho Academy next Wednesda,y, Bi Mus c I Come^y Companv. "The Sllver Sllpper," John C. Flshcr's huge muslcal productlon, whlch ls bookod foi on eiigngament at the Academy on Thuraday of next week, Is by tlie authors of "Florodora," and comes here with the eiidorsemcnt of a slx months' run at the Broadway Thcatrc, New York. The Atlnntlc Clty press spnaks hlghly of Paid Gllmore, who wlll bo seen here rext week at the Acndemy. "No. Guilty." Joseph LeBrandt'B boat play, "Not Guilty,." a nieludrama along the conven tlonal llnes, ls the uttractlon whlch la runnlng at the B'jou Theatre all this week. Charles C. Patterson, tho pollceman, haa a nong that keeps the crowd In good hu mnr. He is n man "with u heart so bl? that he flnds it difflcult to button hls voat" "Xot Guilty" Is the hlll for all tho week, wiih a matlnoo to-day nnd one Sat urday. " Loo-iin'^ the Loop." "I.ooplng tho l,oop," rovlsed and mado newcr, brlghter nnd bettor ln cvery ro Bpect, under tho managmnt of Alf. T. Wll? ton, wlll ho the attract'on at tho BIJou Theatre all noxt week. It is n farco oomedy-musical comblnatlon, affordlng ops ortunlty for olever apeclaltlna nnd go--d ainglng with n chorua of nome twenty fcmnle volcos, ln now and handsome cos tumes. FEVER IS FOLLOWING RAVAGES OF STORM (By Assoclated Preas,) MOrtll.E. AI-A.. Oct. 14,-Accordlng to Informatlon roce ved by stoamrhlp f "in GeorgetQWn, Grand C yinon. tho <? .ndl tlon? on the lhlniidn a? n re-uli of tho lltirrloana and flood are depl ipohlo, and the people are sulfer nvt from fever. lt li. al o utated tlmt thn silpplv of foixl Is BCapt, The lireakiiiK out of fever l.s ut trihiitid to decaying fniit and mip of trees whlch wero fi-llnd hy tho storin and the numoroua cattle that perlshed, lt is- Ktated that sinaii rlonntlona of fn-<i aro coinlng frmn varloti* aources, bu there l? not aufllolent to relleve. tho ?uf ferliiBa of the pooror e|are, On thn i lud are onl;,- two pliyalcl-iia. o c of wli in is a young tnan of Irnlted oxpericnce, whilc tho othe; la ralher au old mau. SUICIDE OPPONENT KILLS HIMSELF William U. Danlel Puts a Hole in Hls Temple. (Special to The Timea-Dlspatch.) DBLAPLANE, VA., Oct. 14.?Willlam U. Danlel shot hlmself yesterday morn? lng in the temple with a plstol, and was doad when found, the plstol lying near hlm. Ho has resided for about twelve years throo mlles and a half west of Dolaplano. Since comlng to that nelgh borhood he has always been consldered qulte occentrlc. but has freciuently ex pressed hlmself as a warm opponent of suicide, His health has beon very poor for somo time past, and no doubt he was entlrely insane when tho deed was perpetrated. Two sulcldes have occurred ln this vl oinity within the last slx months, not more than half a mlle apart. Mr. Danlel was a native of Rappahannock and waa a Confederate soldier. He ls survived by hls wife and one daughter. DR. EVERETT HERE Democratic Nominej Ir m Nelson At t- ac's Att ntion. Dr. John C Eve-ett, Democratic nom lnee for the House of Delegaies irom Nelson county, accompinieo . y Mrs. Everett. Is ln the city ntfcm'lng the Horsa Show. and is stopping at tho Hotel Lex Ington. Dr. Everett has never held a publlc offlce. nnd havlng I mei before contested for the honor of a seat in the House, was eagerly sousiit ov those lntere'Hed in politics who leatned of his presence in tho clty last n ght. Ho Is a man of rather d:Htinsuid-.ed bearlng, and is a most companionauio gcntleman, '?, ,, ' Dr. Everett d'd not care to dlscuss tho politlcal sltuaton ln hls county for pub licatlnn. but he Is known to be a 1 a: a worker, and the lmpresslon prova la among tho"e well posted that ho wlll cairy the Democratic bannor to succcss this fall.. . _ ' . , .. His opponent, Mr. W. H. Goodwln. tho presont member. has not teen noxnlimea by tho Republlcans. though ho ls of that falth, nnd was ln all the conierences of tlie mlnorlly party held here last wlr.tar. Dr. and Mlss Everett wlll remaln here untll Saturday. MR. BRAXTON LEAVES Papers in Railroad Appeal Cases Now Wi'h Frinter, Hon Allen Caperton Rraxton, of Staun? ton. lefi for hla home la.t nlght, havlng spent tho day ln conferonce with hls colleague, Hon. John D. Jeffrles. of Nor? folk. on Iho rallroad npppal cise.s. whlch wlll come up ahorty ln the Supreme Court In relatlon to tho mntter of demurrag und delcntlon chn, ges. The battlo proml os to bo a groat one, nnd somo of the greatest legnl llghts n the State- wlll appoar on hoth rlde--. At tnrnov-G'ener; I Andorson will havo charg j of tho case for the Stnto and jeffrles and Braxton will apneai .vitn hlm for the Stato Board of Trndo, Messrs. Thom, Hamllton, Wutts, Winkham nnd others will repra'ent tho ra lioads. a: d It Is likely that the enses wlll be argued both ornlv nnd by brlofs. The paperB p epnred by tho rallroad at tornoya havo beon filod and are now In tlie hands of tho prlntor, MANY COMMIT TEES ARE SCI1EDULED Streeta, 6 P. M.; Gro\inds and Bu.ldlngs, 8 P. M.i Light, 7:30 P. M.; "Wuier. 7:S0 P, M. Tho above nro somo of the Imrortnnt Cotincll commlttces that nro schedulod to rneet this aftornoon and ovening, though thoso nro not all. All tho meotlnga inontlnnod are rngular ones nnd mUOh routlnn mattor wlll U'irr.'e boforo them. Tho proposltlons for c.honper gas wlll bo conaldored hy tbe Lig'.a \"om mltleo, and will likely cautio muoh clls CUIllot), Tho Wnler Commlttoo, hesldeaj regular ljualiieaa, wlll consldcr cwri? tracta, olectrolyB'.a reportS nnd many other special rnuttura. James Hlvor linprrn'oinont r-illod of a quorum last nlght, tho on'y nieplbara present belng Mobhis. C'41'tla, lioelc, G!l tmin und Dunlop. Tho Hiibcommlttee on water also falled to meot to,' tho sanie roason. Dlstin |i fhed V's'to-s 8omn of tho dlslingulshed vls'tors ut Wurphy'a last nlght to attecd tho iiorsa AMUSEMENTS. B'JOU. Every Mlght. Popular Prices MATINEE TO-DAY. Tho MeloJramatlo Success. NOT GUSLTY Beautllul Sceneryl Thriling Situatlonsl . ALL THIS WEEK. Richmond's Carnival. BASE-BALL PARK. G8SKIU-MUK0Y.-Lcy?Ty. Splendld attractions, featurlng the latest sensatlon. ; Loop the Loop. 25-MAfGNTFICt:NT SHOWS?25. 7?Great Free Acts?7. Afternoons and evenlngs. Admlaston, 10 centa. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STRKBTB. OPEN 10 A. M. TO B,P. M. ADMISSION 25C. FREE ON SATURDAYa The Gonfederate Museum, TWELFTH AND Cj-AY BTKEKTS. Opens daily from 9 A. M. to o f..m. Admisalon. 25 centa. Free on Saturda> The Royss.1 Smokeless Oil He<\ter 's the beat. Every one guaranteeO. Ask your deacr lor it. Southern Stove Works. THE ART SCHOOL OF THE ART CLUB OF RICHMO.iD. Session of I9j3-'ih pens October 15th. Mlsa Annle C. Fletcher. Instructreaa; Mr. M. M. ritracs. Aits and Cralts. Annly for clrculars of ?__! VPV MRS. B. LORRArNB, , Treasurar, 1409 Hanover Street. HOTELS. Sea Trout and Drum Flshlng. Meadow Hen, Quall. Rabblt, Duck, Brant and Gooso Bhootlng at Hotel wachaprea^ue (ncar (Cobb's Islund); 75 olegant rooms. Mako your ongagements at once. For booklets and further Informatlon, appiy to Al H. Ci. MEARS, Prop.. Wachapreaeue, Va. Show were Sergeant-nt-Arms of the Sen nto Frank B. Watklns. of Chai lotte; 1/on, John J. Owen. of Prlice EVlwa d: Hon. T. A. Overby. of Lunenbiirg: ex-Sonator Thomas N. Willlams. of Mtckenburg. nnd nx-Congressman James F. Epea, of Not toway. 1NVESTIGATION IS NOW NEARLY OVER Tho Commltteo of Munlclpal Investlga tlon has nearly oompleted Uh work, and but llttle Interost scems to be rnanlfested ln further moet:ngs of tho body. So far nothlng has developcd upon wnieh any one Is llkely to be cunvlctefl ~>t wrjng rlolng, and tho bnlk of the most itnniagfi._ testlmony Ia ln. Tho commltteo now nwalts tho return of Major M. M. Mar'lo, who ls dctalnod ln New York on bilr-llCSS, and It Ia l.kely that ho may oo gr on a hoarlng next woek. Utit few moro ("Itllig". aro expected nnd then the work of draw ing th oreport will ho laKert up. lt |m Qxpeoted Chalrman John B Minor will do tho bulk of thls intrioato work, though thn flndlngs can bo ea-iilv d'a counti'd, unless Home furlhor ovldenco of a slurtllng nntnre should deyolof), whlch now Kcerns ultogether unllkoly. Pres dent Will G.?t to Work. CHy Assoclated PrctBS.) WArilllNGTON, I). t.\, Oct. 14-? Presl? dent ItooHovelt's spcech at the unveillng of the Shcrnian alatiie hore to-morrow will bo tho laat ho will dellver for aomo tlmc. After Congress meeta lie will pro ceecl to dovote h'mnelf to the rnuny Jni portant inatters coiietmitly comlng up nnd ho will not b? uble, to miilte engagementH durlng the aeaaion elthor in Washlngton or elsewhore. NOW IS THE TIME To Order Your Books For the New Year. Do not wnlfc untll you want to open th ^m. Ordor now and havo thom ready for use, Wrlto or 'phono (1563). SIMONS BLANK BOOK C0.f Designers and Manufacturers of ELANK BOOKS. 1201 MAINSTREET.RICHMOND.VA WANTED dirls for the following work at good wages and steady employ ment. Beginners paid while learning. Hand Rollers, Machine Bunch Breakers, Cperatorsand Feeders on All-Tobacco Cigarette Ma chines. Apply to ALLEN & QINTER Branch. Vigorous Rubbin with Dixie Nerve and Bone Liniraent w ll cure Rheumatiam. Neuralgla, D.rawn Muscles and Slnews, Enlarged J-lnts, Palns ln Sides. Back. Shouldera and L.mbs. Best on earth for Man and Beast. For a lamejiorse lt_has no equal._ SEALE-T'PROPOSALS. FROPOSALS FOB CAST-IRON AND Btcel Projectllea for Cannon.?Ordnance Offlce War Department, Washlngton, October 13, 1003, Sealcd proposala ln dupllcate wlll be received here untll 3 F. M NOVEMBER 12. 1003. for furnlshlng the following projectlles. more or loss: Cast-Iron-1.000 15-lb. 3-inch fleld gun shella; 10.000 76 mm. 18-lb. shell. All the abovo to be borod and tapped fpr fuze but wlthout fuzes. 1.800 lo-pdr. 3-lnch R. F. gun solld shof, 100 33-pdr. 4-lnch so d shot; 500 1.048-lb. 12-lnch B U /rifle solld ahot.Steel--.0M 6-pdr. 2.24-inch A. JP. shell; 2.000 15 pdr.3-lnch A P. shell; 200 "l.nrlr 4-inch A. P. Bhel; 1.300 KS-par. ti lnch A. P capped shell; 1.600 106-lb. 6-lnch AP capped shell; 486 08-lb. 5- nch capped shot 750106-lb. 6-lnf.i capped shot. All tha above steel projectlles to be bored and tapped for fuze hut wlthout fuzes. All the above to be ln accotdanco with Ordnanco Departmont deslgns except that alternate blda wlll bo received for all he above steel projectlles on deslgns of the lddcr. especlally thoso Havlng ln vlew an increaso In the shel capac ty wlthout decreasing the balllstlc nunlltles. Blds wlll bo received for all or part for fho foregoing. Tho Unlted States reaerves tho right to? reject any or all proposala or narts thoreof. lnformatlon cr.nb.liid upon appllcation to Brlg. Gen. WILLIAM CRQZIER, Chlof of Ord-_j_ The City ol' nichmond, Va., ampp, Clty Wntor WnW's. Clty Hall. Ofnce city chas _, Bouing. Supt., Rlchmond, Va.. Bopt. itt. .93. ceived at thla offlce until 6 P. M. OCTO? BER "9. 1903, for tho coristniotlon nf a WOODEN CONDUIT, extending from tho Baslns to tho Punip Work... Infor nmtloii, speciflcatlons nnd drawlnga can be oljtalnod at thla oftlca. ,'_"_.. An i.roposnls must bo accompanled by n eertlrted check for $500, payablo to the Clty Treasurer. ., Tho Commlttee on Water reservo tha ( right to reJect^Hor_aUBP^a|a, sop80,ocl,4:SWS,lj,|2,25,2j______Bupt._ MEETING8. MKMBERS OF 11ICHMON1) LOIHIK. NO, 1. 1 O u F. are roquoatod lo tucet at iodge fooro THIS mounixo ot 1Q;30 o'olnek. to ?;? , lenil fuucrul of brother 15. t- 1'E PUIEST (noitnoned froai .veatcrday). !?;. K. PAVIH, llecordliiK Srorotary. RAILROADS. SEABOARD AlH LlNE llAJi^VAV THA1NB W-AVi- UIC-.A-uMj UAIL.V _uv i'. M.?oea-oard Aliui?10:35 F. M.? e.auourd _,*pibj>??To tiuvu-iu.ab, Jacx bJlivillo. AUuihu und tioutliwest. 8;W A. __.?l^ocul?For Norllna and Haro TRAINS *!R.UVH .WOHMQSp DAILT 6'_6 A M.?No. 34?4:B? P. M.?No. 66? From Florldu. Atlant.t ..nd bouthweat. 6:80 P. M.?From Norllna and local P Cit'y' Tloket OBlce 8? Eojit M?in Btreet ?Puouo *OS. RA1LROAD3. LEAVB RICHMOND DAILT. 1:00 A. M., NUK*X)J lv LlAlUED. Ar rlves Norfolk ll:_0 A M. Stops only at Peler_ljuiK. SVavcrlj and ouDuik. 6:05 A. M., CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Porlor Car. Peturaburg to Lynehuur* urid Roanoke. Pullmar. SleeperB RoanoUe to I'olurpbus. Bluedeld to Clnclnnatl; alao RoanoKe to Knoxville. and Knoxvllle to ChJi'nnoogn and Mernphla. 12:10 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchburr and Hoanoke. ?:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE L1MITED. Arrlvea Norfolk 5:20 P. M Stops only rA PeterBburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Conneota wlth steamcry to Boston. Proyldence. Neiv York. Haltlmore nnd V.ashlngton. 7:2* P. M., for Norfolk and all atatlon euat of Petersbure. ?_ _,,_._._ 9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEAN3 SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepera. Rlchmond to Lynchburr and Roanoke: Petersburg to East Radford; Lynchourg to Chattanooga. Mernphla and New Orleans. Cafe Dlnin_ Car. Tralns arrlve from the West 7:35 A M.. 2:05 P. M. and 9:10 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. nnd 7:20 P. M. Offlce No. 83S East Maln Street. W B REVTT.L. C. H. ROSLEf. Gen. Paaa. A_?n? *>la Paaa. Acent. RC __ D Rlchmond, FrederleVt ? ?? 0. r ? turg o. Potomac R. rt Irain. ue_ve m_n...uii_?i*orui?_ru. I:(>1 A M., dally, Byrd St. nuuugo. b.-tJ A- Al., d_m. Alaui 6i. Vbruugn. 7:lii A. A-., wt-ea d_>a. Eioa. Aantauu ac cummoaatlon. . S.ou A. M., Sunday only. Byrd St. t'hrough. _,_ 1:40 A. M? week daya, Byrd St. Through. i_:uonoon, weeK daya. Byrd St. Itirougo. 4.0U P. M, wh?Ic daya Byru St. I'r.a erlcksburg accommoaation. 6-06 P. M.. dally. Maln St. Through. *:_6 P. M.. week daya. Elba. Aahland ao commodatton. _. e:uo I' Al.. dully. Byrd St. Through. Tralns Arrlve Rlchmond?Southward. 6:4U a; M., weeit daya. Erb_- Aahl_nu ao commodatlon. _ ,_?-?_ 8:15 A M., week days. Byrd St. Fred erlc-ksbur* accommodatlon. B-.K A. M.. dally. Byrd St. Throuxb 11:? A. M. week days. Byrd 8t. Through. ?t.vo P. M., aaiiy. Main St. Tnruu.n. 8:00 P. M.. week daya. WlDa. Aahland ac? commoaation. _. ? 7:16 P. M. dally, Byrd 8t. Througn. Sw / P, ,\1.. dally. rtyrd St I'.primgn. I0T29 P. M.. dally. Maln St. Through, Note--Pullman Sleeplng or l'arlor Car on all tralns *xcept local arcommodatlonj. W. D. DUKE, C W. CULP. \V. P. TATf LOR, Gen'l Man'r. ^laa'tGen'l Man'r. Traf. Man 1 Icoo 1-1. 1008. ATLANTIG GOAST LINE ii.^ii.w _._.?>_? iuvn_u.\U DA1L.'? BYKU-S'inci-T Sl'ATlON. BFFJ-OTi'V-l niUN-JAY-i SEPT. 21ST. 0:05 A. Ml A. C. L. Express to all polnts South. , ? ? 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:10 P. M. Potersbiirg and N. & W. West. 3-00 P. M. Peteisburg and Norfolk. ?(4-10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 5-50 P. M. Petersburg Local. 7-25 P. M. "Florlda and West Indlan Llm Ited," to all polnts South. 9-HO P. M. Petersburg nnd N. & W. West. U -30 P. M. Peteraburg Local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:43 A M. 7:35 A. M., 8:25 A. M.1 Sunday only 11:25 A. M.: 11:00 A. M.. 1:05 P. M.. except Sunday; 2:05 P. M., 7:20 P. M., 7:4c P. M., 9:10 P. M. tExcept Sunday. ? C. S. CAMPBELL, Dlv. PasaAgt W. J. CRAIG, Gon. Pass. Agt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. BCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT 4. 1903. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local for Charlotto. 12:30 P. M.-Dnlly. LImltod. Buffot Pull? man to Atlanta and Ulrmlnghnm, Now Orleans, Memphls, Chattanooga and all tho South. , ? 6:00 P, M,?Ex. Sunday. Chase Clty local. 11:05 P. M.-Daily. Llmtted. Pullman ready 9:30 P. Mr, for all the South. YORK RIVER LINE. Tho favorlte route to Baltlmore and Eastern polnts. Leave Rlchmond 4:31) P,i M. dally. except Sunday. 5:00 A. M. Except Bunday. Local mlxod for West Polnt. ' - 2:35 P. M.-Loool for AVest Polnt. ? ? 4:30 P, M.-Exoept Sunday. l'or \\ost Polnt, connectlng wlth steamera for Bal? tlmore nnd river land'^L.-.,-,?. TRAINS ARRIVE RICUMOND 6:5f> A. M. und 6:45 P. M.-From nl| the 8^3oUp''M.~From Clmrlotte nnd Durham, 8:40 A. M.-From Chase Clty. 0:15 A. M.-Bnltlmoro and West Polnt. 5:10 P. M.-From West 'Polnt. ? _ _ C. H. ACK10RT, S, H. HAKDWICh,, G. M. ? _. ?i } ? A. C. W. WESTBURY, D. |>. A., Rlchmond, Va, A Veferan's New Book, "The Passing of Satan, Death airtWell." A rarltv ln snered fictlon. unlque and instructlve; by Colonel A. J. Rogera. l'or ml by"ali book doalers. Malled to any addresa; prloe, $1.00. RAILROADS. 2 I ciis and 25 rY.Inut.s loHor/oIk L.0.A V _ _iL'>ww.v_,. 7:48 _. _.. ? u-.ij?i^cl tu :.v?i<ort Nawa -<iU Hu; ?L_Uuua. 6:00 A. Al.?U-lly?Liwlted?Arrlres WillUma. burji U:Sti A. VI.. Newrpor: Newa lu:30 A. it., Old l'uliu U:0o A. M., Nurfol* HUtS A. Al 4:00 l: Al.?Wefk daya?Sprrlal?Arrlr,* Wll Iknonburg i M P. Al.. Kawporl New? 6:30 I'. Al.. Old l'ulnt 6:00 1'. Al.. Norfolk 6:25 P. Al. 6i00 P. M ? Dally?Lwal fo Oh! r<d_t. AJA1N LJNK-WKSTIIOt'ND. 10:10 A. At.?Local?Dally ?o Cbiirlotte-rllla, eiceut Bundiiy lo Cllfton Konse. 8:00 P, Al.?Dnlly?Speclal tu Clnclnnmtl, IxlulnTllle St. Lollli. KIlU ClllCagO. 6:15 1'. AJ.? IVitli daya?Local to UuriLinartlle. 10:30 P, M.?Dally?Llmlted to Cloclnnatl, Loulavllle. St. Lonla end Chteasn. JAAIE8 HIVEK LINE. 10:20 A M.?b?llj?E.xiircnx to Lynchtmra. Cllfton I'orce and prlnclp-l atntloo-. 6:10 P. Jl.?I7p>k daya?Local to Wirren. TKAINB AtlUIVE KICIIAIONII FllOAl Norfolk and Old I'olut 10:05 A. Al. da Jy. 11:45 A Ai. Bx. Surj.. and 7:00 P. Al. dclly. Nctvpo.-t NfHi- I^ocal 7:65 P, Al. dally. F:om CiiKiunutl and Weat 7:45 A. Al. dnlly and 3:50 f. 11. dally. Maln Llur Ixwat from CllfKn Forgf S:10 l>. M. Kx. Sun from Clltton Forpe dalljr trom Cbarlotteartlle*. Gordon-trlll Accom. A. Al. Ei. Sun. Junea Klffr Llnr Local from Cllfton ForBB 6:35 P. Al. dally. Vt'arren Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. Pon. C. E. POvr.E. Ocd'1 AIana_*r. f..ckkpwi i*d pstomum ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Lt_iiiiiin_, Af-i'ii i-t, idj_, Cars Icuvc cumur i'eny uuu aeventb Btretita, Ma-Ciib-l?ry every nuur '.on tho liouu irom o A. M. to lu I'. M., laat car ll:ou P. M -'? _ Cara leavo Peteraburg, foot of byca moie Street, every hour froir 6:30 A. M_ to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. (0 CENTS?ROUND TP.lP-?> CENT*. STEAMQOATS. BSerchanis and RSiners Transpor.ation Company. Steamship Line.Direct Routo to fcosion, Mass,r and Providencs,!!.!, Olcaint-ib i-u,? .miiIuii, lyi uu.'iu.i iu?. day, Wounu.uay. _? riuny and tiuuday. For piuviUenuu MouJay, Tliuraauy and riarur day at ? P. M. Paasengers anu trelght taken for all New Kngiund polnts Tick ets on sale ot C. & O. Ry and N. & W. Ry offlces nnd No. 819 East Mmn Street. R. H WRiGHT. A!" Norfolk. Va Bw-stiiifslff_i cj. Hlght LIiij for Norfolk. Leave Rlchmond dally (foot of Aah 6treet) 7 P- M, Steamera stop at New port Newa in both dlrectlons. Fare $2.60, Incluoea atateroorn berthi meala, 50c. eUC"' FOR NEW YORK. Bv Chesapeako and Ohlo Ry? ! A, M? 4 P Ml! hy Norfolk nnd Wostorn Ry., 3 A \1 3 P. M. All llnos connoi-t at Norfolk w'lth'clirect steamera for New York, aall uYK dally ( Sunday) 7 P M. k. F.CIIALKLEY. Clty Tlckot Agent, S08 0, Main Street! JOHN F. MAYF.R. Affont, Wharf Foot o( A-;h Street, Rlchmond, Vn. H R. WAI.KEH. V. P. & T. M., New York. VIPGIWV F7V!CftTfO>l COMPAHY jA.U-9 i,l?-ll JJ-il _,liS_,. tjteawiei t'yCAWVW'A'AS leavea MON Da?, \t i_jJiS_.ou^t_ uiiU i-'rCiiJAl at 7 a. M. for Norfolk, Portaiiiuuiti, uici Poillt, Newpurt Nevva, Claicinunt ami I jamoi itivor lundmns, and at Old Point for Wa-iiingion, Ualllrnoro and tlie North. Stute-rooms rosurved for tha jilulit at modoiutu pricea, Electrio cora dlreot to wluuf. Fare only J1.60 und $1 to Norfolk. Mualc hy Orand OrolH'str;on. Freisht rcculved for above-n^med plucea and nl polnta In Eastern Vlrginia nni North Carollna. IRV1N WEISlUKR. Genernl Mnnager. E, A. BARBER. Jr., Se'-retary. BAY 1.IKE TO UAI.TJMOHE VU U. & O. Hwy, umi um I'uinU U, B MA1L HOUl'h, Li'iivii ICU-liinuiiil vl.i 0. k 0. ilnllj fici-pl (liniilny. ut 4 P. Al., coii ot'ctlnc ii t Old Polnt wlth atcuuiora of iilil itnv l.lin-. liiuvliig T: 1ft l*. M? urrlvliii; naltlmori' fl:3fi A. Al.. coniii'ctliiK NorlU. Knat nnd West. I'nr tlrkt-ti ?jiiiI liiforinallmi iipply to C. & O. Kwy.. nkh inotid Truuafrr Compuuy, ot XliO Kaal Muln 8t Giiyde Steamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND ANJJ NUUFUtiK LINM. FremIH ruct-iveu anu umiveitU uui.y -t C. & u. R'w'y Co.'a douoi, SuvuiueouUl mid Rroad _troeu_