Newspaper Page Text
LAST PRICES THE WORST Attempts to Advance Values Were Dlsturbed. CAINS ARE W1PED OUT Strength in Early Dealings Wai Helped by Hlgher Rango of Prlcea In Lon* don, Where Feeling is Qreatly Improved Over Eastern Affair (By Assoclated PreM.) NEW YOIJ.K. Oct. 14.-AltemptK on tho ?art of profcsslonal trftders to advance ?toek prlccs to-day woro dlaturbed by tne dcvelopment of a number of weak potnts, ln very much the same mnntiBr aa yoa terday. Tho advancea whlch were nchlcved mere In conaequonce generally wlped out, and tho last prlcea wero below luat nlght h aa a rule. Tne strength in the early dcul tnga waa helped by the hlgher rango of prlccs in London whero Ihe financlnl com munlty felt great encoura'Kemont over tbe piospect of avertlng hoatllitlca botwoon -tunsla nnd Japan. ?? _ The stock markct altuntlon nt Pitlsburg *iub much Improved to-dtiy, and recovered valuna of Cruelblo Steol proferred went lar to repalrlne the damnge done by yesterday'n pnnlcky brenk. The reapon ?Ivfi pressurc upon T.'nltcd Stntes Steel preferred whlch broke that stock ln yesterday's innrknt, wns relloved In con Keijilence. Tho i/fflcln] denlai of eome of the rumora regardlng aomn ot the ln duslrlalH Indlcated the actlvity of l>ear maTrlrnnntors In dlsseminutlng tlie ru? mora, and prompted to Bomo rocovery. Tho weahness of tbe Amorlran Smelting stocks aeemed to be asaoc.latod with that of Amalgnmated. The vlofant break In Amerlcan Caf stocks toward tho cloae of the aenslon also had nn unECttllng ef fect. The common fcll 3 3-8 nnd tho pro? ferred 4 1-2. The promium eommlsslon ln these. stocks Indlcated an over-extonded ahort aieount, and tho coverlng by the bears rnllled thom In the la*?.- market. The cftect upon aentlment by tho later break waa correspondlngly greater, ow Ing to this supportlng Inlluence of the market. No news rogardlng the property waa known. Scveral nttempts wero made to raily the mark'-t after aevcral polnts df weakness had devoloped. Tho resumptlon of the hearlng In tho ITnlted States shlpbulldlng ault aeemed to excrclse a depresslng Influence On the tradlng. To-day'a rcturns of ratfroad earnlngs wero generally favornblo, and the dcclino In Imports and tho correspond lng beneflt to the country s favorab:e trade balancc, as reported by the Bureau of Stnt.lstlcs ln tho September forelgu trade roturn, Indlcated a favorable factor ln tr.e exchange aituatlon. Eut thcae con elderatlons falled to hold the lnte mnr ket agalnst renctlon. i.fnlted States Steel bonds gained 3-4 at onr, tlme, but lost prnctloally all the galn. The bond market generally was lrregtilar. Totnl salcs. par value, H.t-0. W). L'nltcd Htatea bonds were unchaaged on the last call. Total sales of stocks wero 4W.000 sharea. MONEY AND KXCHANGF,-Cl_OSi;: Aloncy on call steady at 1 Wlfl 1-2; clos Ing bld 2 3-1; offercd at 2; tlme loans, casler; slxty dnys, 4<?/41-2 por cent; nlnety days, 5; alx months, fcig'i 1-4 per cent.; prime mercnntlle p.iper, n 1 -_'or?> 1-2; aterling exchange. sieady. with actunl busineas !u bankr.ra' bllls at $4.fc.V50<_-I.85.K for demnnd and at J4.S-.lSfl4.?-.25 for alXty day bllls; posterj ralea, $1.83 and $4.S6 1-2; eommer cial bllls, $-1.82; bar allver, CO 3-4; Mexican Oullars, 46 1-i RICHMONl* STOCK MARKET. ? Rfcbmond, Va., Oct. 14. 1803. / BTATE BECDIUTIES. Blo. Atked. North Carcllna 4a. C, 1010. 102 Va. 3?. New. C. an.l 11.. 1032.... 82H ?-? Va. Oenturlea. 2-3, ('. and K^... '.>.'?, ... CITY HECLTUTIES. Rlchmond Clty 4a, R., 1920-1030.. 10S H.WI.UOAI" D0ND6. A. C. L. Con. Tr. 4p. c. 84 C. A. L. Con li.t 4a. 10.V). CT C* KAII.ltO.Ui STOCKS. Atlantlc Coaat Une pf.l.100 101 Cbenapeuke nnd Ohlo.100 -0U ... Norfolk and YVoatern com.100 S7ii ... Jlich.. rr^d. anrt Vot. com.100 ... 200 IUNK BTOCKS. fitule Ilank of Va.I0n... 100 Coiithcrn Trust Company.ioo ... 124 INSUiUNCK COMI'A.NIES. Vlrglnla Flre and Marln?.a 3S MIBCELLA.NEO-S. Va.-Car. Chem. ptd 8 p. c.100 SO S!? Va.-Carolina Chemlcal coiu...,100 IS 20 EAI.T1WORB STOCK MARKET. BALT1MORE. MD.. Oct. 14.-H*al>oar<l Alr IJnt comnion, 1I*4?12H; do. prrferred. 20 bld, Keahoard 4a, ftalJQtW. Atlantlc Coaal Llne. common aud pri.fcrreo, notblng dolng. COTTON MAEKETS. NEW VORK. Oct. 14.?TU* cotton market fipened atfgdy at an aitrancr nr 2 |i?lnii to a (le ciine of 2 polnta, the jaina belng riue to the hlgb cahles and rnporta of a brtter demand from aplnnlng Intereata abroail, while tbe do ellnea wcr? under reallzlntf na a re?ult of hctter weather than nipected. No frnata were report? ed, and ?blle tempprnturea Iu porthrru ncctlona of tho bi'It were Rtlll ratlier low for the brat deyalop'mont of cotton, tb? forecatt called for warmer wcathfr. For a tlne the marknt miod rory quiet. ahrm-lnp llttle rbange from thp openlng prlcea, but with the rocalpta runnlng bolilnd laal ycar'a ?n.I prlvate rnporta belng rcpt-lvcd from tbe houlb tflllnff of Qroirr apot tnarkata, an od Taudiig teudency aoon hecau.e nppnrcnt and tradlnB turned more octlre. Tbere waa conald erablc ooverlng by recent Pfllera un tbe adrnncc, and It apemod to be a btttfr riemand from ont ?Ide annrcea, attractod by the predlctlnua of a botter demand for ronanmptlnn nnd enconragpd by tbe moro pmwful aapect of tb* far Eaatcrn trouble*. Tbe market aftcr reacbing a lerel net 10iitl2 polnta blgbcr on the acttTO niontha waa eaaed off by reulltlug, bowervr. tbe pn.flta afforded Ibe room longa by tbe adranTs of tbe day In connectlon with thnac of yesterday provlng at tniotlve, wbllc tbere wua alao ionr aelllng on the reaotlou theory. Tho market waa flnnlly htendy, net lOrrtlf. polnta hlgher. Salea wera eatlmated at n.BOO halea. Port recelpta for the day reached 42.SSO halea agnlnat 57,763 halea laat ycar, and the eatl rnatea for to-morrow's aaiea at leadlng polnta were llgbt. Ejport? reacbad about 10.000 halaa, maklng the total for tha'aeaaon aome 070.000 balea ncalnat 075.0O0 laat year. The Southem tpot marketa were generally Qrm to iinrunnced and S-lOc. hlfrber. and the New York apot market waa adtanced 10 polnta. THOMASBRANCH&CO lit) j T ABLIBHED 1839.j MEMBERS Kew York Stook Exohang., Kew York Cotton Exehinga. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINQIPALMARXETS, Inveslmenl Seouritios ?-M- i 4 4 ? H ?? a f h + M H H M +4 f?+#Hf4 ? ? ? I ? H444+W++4444++ 1 Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York +<? + M ? +++H+H t4-++?r44^4-H^*4~?-H4-/* ??????+ +44-M-f?H* 8ALE8: Op?n. Br Ttiomas Branr.h & C#, Rankera and Etokera, Amerlcan Can com. 350 Amcrlr-an Can pfd. 29 Amerlcan Bnuff com. Amerlcan Snuff pfd. Amcr. Colton Oll com. inoo Amcr. Docomollvo com... 12 1700 Anur. Docofnotlvo pfd... 70% Amer. Tobncro pfd. 7800 Amer. Car and Foiindry.. 21% rV7? AtnerlMn SttgRr . 109% 18713 A., T. and 9, Fa com.... 64% 121B A., T. nnd R. Fa pfd.... 87% 103800 Amalgamated Copper.... 8?% 8330 Baltlmore and Ohlo. 73% B3*W Brooklyn Rap. Tranclt.... 32% 27M5 Canadlnn Patlflo. 117% 860 Chcaaponkft nnd Ohlo.... 29% 1200 Cannda Southern . 6114 /JO0 Colorndo ROtlthern rom.. 11% 300 Col, Southern lat pfd.... 48 Southern 2d pfd.... 10 Mll. and St. Pnttl.... 136 It, I. nnd Pao. 24% Ftiel nnd Iron. 28% Oreot Weatcrn. 14%_ . J? C. and St. Li. 70% 225 Consolldatod aOs . 171% Del. and Hudson. 100 Dej'., Dack. and Woat. 231% 1220 Erle com . 27% 700 Erlc 1st pfd. 66% 400 Erlo 2d pfd. 47% 2oo Goneral Electric . 141% 1377 Illlnola Ccntrnl . 129% 760 Doathor . 6% 1850 Dotilavllle and Naah. 97% 1600 Mai.hAtton . WM* 3200 Molropolltan . 103% 420 Mexican Central . 10% Read W Col. llOfoiChl., 5?>>ttuhl., 1620 *Col. 2268 Ch!. 600 C, SAJ.ES Open. . 88% fiOSO Ml.isouil Paelfii Mn? k. nnd Tex. com. 000 Mo., K. and Tex. pfd.... 33% 2900 New York Ccntrnl... 116% 600 N. Y. Ont. nnd West. 20% 1028 Norfolk nnd Western.... 66% insno Pehhsylvntila .:. 117% 2510 ProHscd Steel Car. 80 410 Presfiod Steel Car pfd.... 70% 715 People', atl Truat. 00 26500 RcHdlnp com . 4f>% Rcadlng 1ct pfd. Vt) Rcadlng 2d pfd. 68% 500 7% 2300 Republlo I. and H. pfd.... 56% 400 SIobs . 22% Sloss pfd. 200 St, b. nnd Snn F. 2d pfd.. 44% Seaboflrd Alr Ldno com. Beabonrd Alr I,lne pfd. 360 St. D. and South. pfd.... 30 6470 Southern Paclflc . 40% 4300 Southern Rallway com.. 17% 2500 Southern Rallway pfd... ,1% 2000 Tenr.oRBCo Conl and Iron.. 27% 400 Texna Paclflc. 22% 31610 Unlon Paclflc com. 69% ,,.., . , 42.3 Unlon Paclno pfd.. 26?i 26-41-5600 Unlted Statea Steel com.. ' 4W00 TJnltod Btatea Steel pfd.. 1400 Va.-Car. Chom. com.... Va.-Car. Chom. pfd. 300 Wnbaah com . 14(0 Wabnah pfd . 1010 Weetern Unlon . 1C05 Wlr.cotialn Central........ 7(0 Wlsconsln Central pfd.... 84 13 68% 18% *io% 29% 81% 14% 35% Hlgh. 88% 34% 116% 30% 57 117% 30 7014 fr>% 40% '64 7% 66% 23% '44% ?m 40% 17% 71* 27% 22% 70% 84 13% 68% 18% 'ii 29_4> 81% 16% 85% JyOW. 87% $$ H 117% 20 70 fo 46 63% 7% 64% 22% "?% 30 39 16% 70 26% 22 Of/S 84 12% 67% 18% 29 80% 14% 34 69 L"'4 23 66 44 11% 19% 30 39 16% 70% 26% 21% 68$ S4 12% 68% 18% 89 IG% 29% 80% 14% 34 Total number of dharea sold, 467.700. In the Rlchmond nuotn y nomlnnl nnd doea not falrfy lndleat,and cloalng. bld and aaked. Soraetlmea the closlng btd ln lnactlve stocka li m? rely .. the prlca of the stock. U. fl. rrfunrtlng 2a. reglatered. lOfltt V. R. refundlnp 2?. eoopoo. 100% V. K. 3?, reglatered. I07'^ C. fl. 3i, conpon. 109Vt U. S. N?w 4a, reglatored. ,35 V. fl. Now 4?, conpon . l3B U, H. Old 4a. reslJtered. $J?V4 0. H. Old 4?, cuiipou. ??? U. ?. 6a, rnflitered. }?J# 0, H. C?. coupon. i_Si_* Alchlaon gencra! a4 . ?*'* Atehleon adjuatment 4? . g? Atlantlc Coaat I.lne 4a . ""J? Daltlmoro and Onlo 4a . '"'-* Baltlmore aod Ohlo S',_s. "?;,, Central of Ocnricla f* . 'M? Central of Georitla lat Inc. ?' and Oblo 4Ha . l2\{f CbleagO and Altcm 3H?-.?. '},,? Cblengo. n. and Qulncy new 4a. ?- j C-letfO, M. and Bt. Piul gen. 4a. 100,4 CLOSINO BOND QUOTATIONS. Chleago nnd Northweatern con. 7a. 1M*. Cbleagn.i It. I. nnd Pac. 4a. 70% Chleago. R. I. aud fac. col. r.a. 72 0.', 0., C. and Bt I/sqli gcn. 4*. 05% Cblcagn l.-rmlunl 4a.'.. 73V. Oonaolldl ted Tobaccd 4a. 02V4 Colorado and Ron'hern 4a. ?2 Denror and Itlo Graudc. 4a . 00 Erlep rlor llen 4a . M_* Erlc fleneral 4a . Wt<, I'ort Worth nnd Denrer Clty lit?. 103V4 HockiNg Valley 'l^a. 104% Loillarlll- and Na?b. L'nlflcd 4a. ?* Mnnhattan ryin. gold 4a. 100? Mcxlcnn Centrol 4a . '0 Mexlcan Centrnl 1M Inc. 14 Mlon. and St. Loula 4* . 00',<j Mlpu-onrl, Kan. and Texaa 4a. OT',4 MlMourl, Kan. and Texaa 2ds. 05V. Natlonal R. B. of Moxlco cnn. *i. 74 New York Central gen. 3t.a. 07H New Joraey Central gen. 5s. 1201? Nortbcri. Paclfle 4a . 100?(, Northern Paclfle 3. 'JVn Norfolk and Weatero con. 4s. oa Orfgon Shnrt Mno 4a nnd Partlc. jn Pennaylraula codt. 3W?. "j ' Ileadlug Oeneral 4a ...???. ."?,,' Nt. I,. and Iron Mmintaln con. t>?. 1?H? St. Ix.uK and flan Franclaco fg. 4*. R'iS Rt. I^tila Southweatern l?ta. ?a?_ Senboard Air Une 4a. '? Roiithcrn Paclfle 4a . ??? Boittbern Rallway .la . }'* Texaa nnd Paclfle 1-ta. 110 Toeldo, 8t. L. and Woatern 4?. -68 ? tlnlon Paclfle 4a . 'W? Unlou Paclfle conr. 4a.??? ??tt Steel 2d 6f . ,?<$ Wabaah lata Wabaab D?b. lHt; r,2? WTieeUng and 1-vke Erle 4?. gj% Wlaconsln Central 4a. ?? Colorado Fnol con. 5a. <?'? M. and <">.. eollateral trnat 4a . 00 Central of Georgia Sd Inc.,. ? Aprli . P47 0.47 0.47 040 M-v .*?** !,??'?,, p-4" ?:_o iuiy :::::::: 6:54 b:u 6.45 _.*> Spot cotton closed onlct, 10 polnta blgber; mlddllng nplanda, 8.70; mlddllng gulf. 0.05, aalca, 780 balea. Cotton. quiet; mlddllng. 0.70; net recelpta. 11,300 balea; salet. 788 nal?; atoca, 108,46-. "?r'otal to-day ?t all scaoprU?Net welpt*. 42,160 b-lea; export to tbe Oootlnentf 10,lb6 balea: atock. 440.600 balea, _ ConaolldaUd ?t all aenporta-Set reeeipK 1&U.474 balea; erport to Great Brltabi. <4.<.;3 halea; to KraLce. 7.024 balea; to tbe Contlncnt, ' i'otal bIdc'c September lat at all aeaporta? Net rccelpW. 1.144.002 balea; eaporl; to Orea lirttaln. 20.-..2S4 balea; to Krancc. 85.106 balex; to the Contlnent. 317.777 balea. PR0DUCE MARKET. f HICAGO, ILL.. Oct. J4.?Increaaed prlranry reoclpta with a reductlon ln ihe pr?mlum ln ttc raah artlrlca were tnflurnrea tbat tendP.l to wenken tho wheat niarkpt to-day. aud cloalng pr|re? were wenk, Decembcr l*lng Vje. Jonjr', ne.tmbcr rorn waa un Wfc, with oata off ????? wbll'p rnTlalona eloiwd from 2V_?Be. lower. lUt icnoiui luturea ranced aa lollowat Opea. Hlgb. Low. Clo?. WHKAT?Ko. 2. I>ec. fn-w). - 79\; ! 70'i 7V. .8% May . 70>? 70% 78% 78% COitN ? No. 2. j. ' .... Oct. 46% 45H 45U 46H pec. 45tf 46% lo1? 45?i May . 44!? 44% 43% 44 0A05T^,.7. 37 -7 30% 30% i>?r . _7<_ 37'J 37% 37^, May . 3S 38 37% 37% MEBS I'OniC? Per bbl. -?? Oct. ,'-~ Jnn.12.15 12.22 12.07 12.07 Mot .12.30 ' 12.37 12.2$ 12.2. t.,\iil"l?Per 100 Iba. _' Oct . 6.R5 6.00 8.S21. 0.82 Dec . 0 82 0.02 0.87 8.87 j.n.0.02 ?.!?2 tl.87 0.00 May . 8.07 0.07 0.92 6.05 ? SH0RT HIBS?Per 100 Iba. Oct . 8..V) 8.60 - 8.80 S...0 j?,i . 0.60 0.62 a.45 0.45 May . 0.80 0.60 8.52 6.52 ?.'u?h uuutMloo- wert ai tellowa?fLoUlf. Bteady. No. 8 aprlog wbnat, 7S%c.: No. 2 red. 79T<,@80V_e. No. 2 corn, 45%<S45%cT Nn. 2 yellow. t7(-;l47'i,c. No. 2 oata. .10c.I No. 3 whlte, 35%4Ja8Vic. So. 2 rye, 54y.r>4',.c. Oood faedlng barley, 40@42c; falr to cbolce maltlug. MyoSc. No. 1 fluxaeed. 06e.; No. 1 ern. $1.0.1%; prlnie Tlmotby heed, $2.80. Mc?? pork, ptr borrel. $11.26?11.30; lard. per 100 , pounda. $0.8766.00; abort rlba aldea (lonae). $7.73<_.8.O0; dry aalted abooldera (boxed), $6.60 <30.75; abort clear Bldea Iboxcd), $S.124?8.2o. ; Whlekey, baala of blgb wlnea, Jt._7. Clover. , contract grade, *10.50i_,11.00. Butter?fiteady; creamery. 16%i820e.; dalry. 140j&lc8. Egga? Steady at mark. caaea Included. lSitlOVjc. Oieeae? Bteady ?t lliiRlIUe. Rccelpta?Wbeat, 200,600 biubda; corn, 425.300 buahela; onts, 415.4<>D buabela; boga, H.OOO head. RAI/riMORK. MD-. Qct. 14.?FLOUR?Quiet and uucbanged. Whcat?Flrm; apot, contract, &3ti't^3ViiC.! apot, No. 2 red. weetern. 85%c; Boutbern by aainplo. 72(B83<.e. Corn?Flrm; npot nnd October. M % &B1 %c; aoutliern yellow, 604153c. OatB?Flrm; No. 2 whlte, 42Vjc; aalca, No. 2 tnlxed, 40%^41c. Bye?Flrm. Hay?Flrui. Orelgbta Frelghta?Quiet. But ter?Flrm and nnchanged. Egga?Rtendy and unchanged; freab, 22c. Cbecae?Eaay nnd un chnnged. Sugar?Strong and ancbanged. RICHMOITD GRAIN MARKET. Rlchmond. Va., Oct, 14, 1003. QUO-ATJONfl, WnKAT? Ixjngberry .f.88 (_S0 Mlxed .88 <a?0 Bbortberry .88 ?S0 No. 2 red .80 Va. bag lota .,.80 f_s9 CORN? Whlte (Va.) bag lota.54 ?55 No. 2 whlto .S:i?a_;M No. 8 whlte .83 ft!..-i8Vj No. 2 mlxed . 63 ffiSSVi No. 0 mlxed .53',.I_I53 *>AT8? No. 3 mlxed .40V. No. II mlxed .*> , No. 2 whlte .4iU?.? Wlnter aeed .4J QB0 BTE?Va. bug lota .?0 4.67 OATTI.B MABKET74. C1IICACO, 1LL... Oct. 14.?CATTT.E?Hecelpta. 24,000 bead; market ateady to I0c. lowcr. Qood to prlnm ateera, ?6.10ft0.85; poor to niedlum f3.60it4.75; KU)CkiTB aud fnedera, $2.3519,4.15; cowa and heifcra. *l.40((t6.W); cannera. $1.40? 2.DOl bulla. ?.l&4.23; caljea, $2.23fil7.88j Tex aa-fed ateera, $2.75?3.76; Weatern ateera, $3? 4.60. Hoga?Hecelpta to-day, 14,'alO bead; to tuorrow, ?),000 beod; u.arket Ki<ii2oc. blgber. Mlxed, butcbera, $6.45G0.20; good to ehoice benry, W.nSiBO.lO; reugb. heaTy, $4,604(16.60; llgbt. $6.40a?-l?i O"'11 0' ,ul<". *o.404f6.86. Sbecp?Iiccelpta, 2.6O0 bead; atrnng. (iood to cholce wetbera, ?a.30?t4.25; falr _i cbolce ndx ed, ?8??: nallTC lamba. $3.50(010.00. CIN'CINNATI, O., Oct. 14.?H008?Actlve at $1415.05. Cnttle?flieuily at $2? 1,00. Bhcep? IHlll at $1.75(6:3.60. Lauiba?Btrongor and hlgher at $4.O0?6.0O. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. NORPOLK, VA.. Oct. 14.-PEANUT8 raruiera' marUel qalet. Pancy, HVjc,; atrietly grlmo, Olic; prlme, 8?.; oommoq, 2% 68c; panUb, por bmhel. 80c. No new crop cowlng '"pETEBSUnBO. VA.. Oct. 14.?I'EANUTB Bpunlsh, OO?02',4c. Market flrm, atock 'laht and few belng offered. Vlrglutu'i, 8V4?. for fuiiry; uinrUet ateudj'. nnr ttoorw ?UHKKT. NEW TORK. Oct. 14.? Oparatlona iu dr.v gooda hara not been on un extended acala, aud yet allgbtly more tnqulry baa do??loped and buyvra bttTO abowo more dealra to Innulre. re gardlug tha futara. Tbey reall-o tbclr Btocka 5re dowu to a leTel wbaro it wl!i take couald erabla actlve purcbajllng to brlng them up to tb?nr normal cudltloti. but are awulting piore favoriiblt! prlci'tl. NAVAL STORKa W1LMINOTON. N. S.. Oet. u:?tPUIITB. TfJBP-NTINB?Notblng dotagi aalea after boura ?t B5t,c; recelpti, 58 caakn. Boaln? Flrm at 12.10; recelpta. 118 barrela. Crndc Tnrpcntlne?Flrra at 12.2541.1.80; rpcelpta. 108 harrela. Tar?Flrm at 11.80; rerolpfa, 24 bar BAVANNAH. GA., Oct- 14.?TURPENTINE? Flrm at 56YjC.; recelpts, 608 caaka; aalea, 618 ruk).' Rnaln?NotblDg doluR; recelpta, 2.601 b.rrela: exports, 2,400 b&rrela. CHABLEBTON. B. C. Oct 14.? TURPEN? TINE?NomlnaL Roaln?Steady. COTTONHEED 011. AJARKET. NEW TORK. Oct. 14.?Cotton?ei>rt oll ahow. ed llttle actlrlty and waa nomlnall7 eaaler, elonlng unaetUed. Prlmo crnde, f. o. b. mllla, Sl^cSic: prlme aumracr yelolw. 3?%o.; apot, SflftfHTVic; off summer yellow. 35?87c; prlme wbftc, 4C4.J prlme wlntcr yellow, 44c. MARINE INTELUGEKCe! PORT OF RICHMOND, OCT. 14, 190U. _UK!VEL>. Bteamer Brandon. Uhodea. Norfolk. mercbaa dlie and piaaougera, Old Domlnlon llne. BAILED. Bteamer Pocabontaa, GrarM Jaxnea Rirer land log* aad Norfolk. nicrciianrtlae and p-aacngen, Virglnla Navlcatlon Company. Bleunier Brundon. Khoaea. Norfotk, mercba. dlie aud paaaengera, Old bomlnlon llno. PORT OF WE8T I'OINT. OCT. 14, 1003. AUUIVKU Baltlmor?. Courtney, Baltlmore, paaecngere and geueral curgo. SA1LKD. Baltlmore. Courtney. Baltlmore, paaaengera and genera.1 corgo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS. OCT. 14. 1003. i ARRIVEt). Kchooner Vannaine and Ki_g, New Aork. llarge Emily. Provldonre. Uarge New York, New Iledford. S A l LEL) Stpamcr Ikball, Lirerpool. Scbooner Henry W. CrBnip. Boaton. Barge Kcntucky. Allyn'a Polnt. FITZ FAILED TO STOP THEITALIAN CBv Assoclated Press.) PinUADElLPHlA, PA.. Oct. 14.-Boo Fitzsiiranons falled to atop Joe Grlm, tha Itallan pugUIst of thls city, ln slx rounds at the Southern Athletlc Club t.vniffht. Grim waa down twenty tlmes all told, Includlng; ono aocklental fa.ll, one. alip out of tho rlnc and aome half a dozen t'alls to avold punlahment. Tho others were sure knock-downs and lt must be sald to Grim's credit that" very few oth? er boxers could havo takon Uieao blows and aliown ao llttle effect from them. When tho men. faced each other, tho dieparity ln kizo waa mfflrked, - Fitzalra mons towered a head ahove' the Itallan nnd whlle not in the. best condition, he looked every inch the flghter. While Grlm Is not clevor he hns a ehiftiness that has folled all the bifc men he haa met, in? cludlng Peter Maher, Joe, Vfalcott and Kld Carter. FitzslmmphsVcontcnted hlm self with chaslng Grlm- arouna the rlng wlth strong felnta wi'ttf now and 'then a flght blow. In tho. fourth round he be (rnn to warra up to his work and ln the flftlv apd.. sixth rounds Bob apparently dld the best he could and yet failed to atop the Philadelphla boy. Grlm adopted evaalve tactics from tho rst and merely tried to stay the roqulred number of rounds. He does not know how to hit. Grim waa down tw'ce ln the second round, once in the thlrd (an accidental fall) three -tlmes ln the fourth, sJx tlmes In the flfth. and elght tlmes ln the sixth round. NEWS OF ALL SORTS FROM STATE AT LARGE FARMVILLE. VA.. Oct 14.?Walter McCoy, an omployee of the Norfolk and Western Rallway. was to-day run over and Instantly kllled by a freight t oJn near Prospect .de'pot, ten m le* wes-t of Farmville. His body was to ribly man srlod. Ho was on his way home from Bluclleld. W. Va.. and was attemptlng to Jump from tho traln, wbon he was thrown beneath thc wheels. WILLlAMSBURG. VA.-Mr?. Lela Busby. ot Richmond, who ls vislting her slstor. Mrs. John S. Charles, fell the steps of Mr. N. L. Hunley's re.-locnco last n.ght, b'roaklng one of her legs Jaftt abovo the ankle. She is suftering con siderablyfrom the shock. WEST POINT. VA.?The West Polnt Lodge I. O. O. F., will be installed next Thuraday evening at thelr new hall, corner D and Seventh St eots. The ch ir ter membera will exceed twenty. and promlsea to be one of the best conductcd lodges In tho town. ?. ' PBTERSBURG. VA.?Mr. Jo?eph W. Seward hns awarded to Mr. E. Elchberg, of ths city, tho contraot for an up-to dnte Hteam heatlng system to be placed ln the Acadomv of Muslo. CHESTISRFIELD. VA.?Real estate !n the vlolnltv of Che*tor seems to bo Icxik Ing up. Mrc. II. C. Hnr.lson. accordlng lo a dcod recorded on yesterday, aa nold a plece of woodland of twenty-fowr ncres, In Dale Dlstrict, at tho prlco ot JldO per acro to Mrs. Susie S. Dawson. NORFOLK. VA.-Mr. M. P. Jones. who has boen for nearly slx yea:s paat super Intendent of tho Norfolk. Portemouth -. nd Ncwport Newa Rallway in Port.imouth. has respcucd to tako offect on the 1st of the comlng month. , , -, NORFOLK. VA.-A naval bmttllcn compoaed of some 500 blue Jackets. left tho navy vard thls evening for Wash ng ton. aboard n chnrtored steamer of the Norfolk and Woshlngton llne. They will partldpato ln tho parade to-morrow at the Sherman unvelling. LYNCHBURG. VA.-Rov. J. M. HoIU day. pnator of the Presbytorlan Church at FlnciiHtlo. hns nccepted a call to Man nlng. S. C. H s restgnatlon has been ac cepted hy the Flnoustlo Church. LYNCHBURG. VA.-Rev E, W. Mc Corkle. D. D., haa sent ln his reslgna lon ns paator of tho Presbytorlan Church nt Cllfton Forge, but at the lequegt of tha church the matter haa hoon deterred to a meotlng of Montgomery Presbytery to bo held ln Ablngdon. ? , . , WIN13SOR. VA.-Mr. W. Fred Johnsnn, who wns so seriouBiy Inlured i.y the Trllhy excurslon October 4th. dled thls ovenlng at 6 o'clock at Leigh's Hospltal. The lemalns arrlved hero to-nlght. WHITE HALL. VA.?The storage hoii.o of tho R, M. Anderaon Company was do otroyed by an Incendiary ftre Saturday nlglit. The building oonUilned Jiay. eorn, oats and ampty bngs, valiied at $500; fully eovered by inHurance, ?.,_,, WINCHESTEIt. VA.?The Th rd Bat tory. Unltod State3 Artlllory. eommand d by'Captaln C. P. Eummer-ll, Ia camped near town. The ?oldo:s aro en routo to Fort Mver from Chlckamauga Pork. LKESBI.TRG. VA.?The ontlro rogl terei voto for FaiKiuier county on the purma nfiiit roll. roglstered ln 1002 and 1B03 ta of whltes 3.8-9 and of coloied 336. In Loudoun the oll numbera 3.374 wli tes nnd the colored reglatercd vote 239. Theio are twenty preclncts In Faufiuior, Wur renton belng the largost, wlth 638 whl.e and 77 colored voters. PAMPL1N CITY. VA?Wllllam McCoy (colored), who has been worklng for the Noifolk nnd Western Ruilroad at Blue tield, W, Vu-. and who lias a famlly llv Ing on-Mr. Samuel Oaka' plnce. l-i Pi-Iiko Edward eount.v. about four m lea froni here, was found dead to-duy, cut in two , ncar his home and by tho s'de of tho raArc'ororie?'<Sk'inquen hold this afteraoon decided that he came to his death. by lumping off a frolght train on whlcn. it is bupposed. ho waa beatin* h._ -woy home. SHIRLBV. VA.-Tho member* of Har I rlson-Hownrd Camp of Cor.federute Vet l erans. wlll hold their anr.ualioun.on and barbecue at Charloa City Courthouse Fn day. tho 16th lnatant. Judge George I... Christlan and Congressman Joha uratt aro expected to address the camp. i The Klnjr'a Daugh e:s of Charles Clty i county hefo arrnnged to have an oystcr ! suppor and concert in the evenlng. Polk I Miller's darky auartetto wlll fu.nlah the | muslc for tho occaalon. , BRISTOU VA.-The hreaklng of a brake ataff on the V rginla and Sonth ' westorn Rallway yaids here to-mght cau::ed Doc Carr. a your.g man. to ba thrown under a movlng train. llla boflv waa llterallv grour.d to plece?. Carr camn hero from Knoxvllle. Tenn., but hW home waa at Newport Nows. Va. Ho waa un ?"un2"01-K, VA.-r-A mcssuge from tho South to-dnv roports nn unknown four maated schooner ln dlatiess and prob ably eomlng aahoro on tho Carolina coaat, and alao statlpg that a body has wnshed un on the "bcach. Conimunlcation hns been restored ..along the Vlrginia-Carollnn c.oast from Cape Henry to Cape Hatterns. No vesael waa loat along the slxty miles of troa-cherous ahoals south from Currl tuolt to Hattwas in laat woeK's huri'J cane. But Two More Nlghts. I The special aervlces of Immanuel B.ip I tlst Church, belng hold at tho Cavalry I Armory, In wlilch ao much Intoteat hna been manlfested, wlll closo to-morrow I nlght. Rev. Mr. iJike. who has bo en deared hlmself to tho people, wlll preaoh to-nlght and to-morrow nlght. Mr. Lake prea-ched a llno sermon Inat nlght to al rgo congregatlon. Thero waa one converalon. In the afternoon Mr. l.nko addressofl a largo number of lndlea on the subjeot of mlaalona. i Mainly About People I Mr. and Mra. II. S. Snunders, of Upper Shlrley on tho James, ure tho gueata for t hl-t week of Mr. and Mra. JS. i A. Baundere. of West Franklin. Mr. If. 8. Saundors haa hla naphtha launuh. the Angle, In the dock ln this clty for re-, palrs. Mr. W. D. Coalter, of I-.ower Weyanoke, la ln Hlohmond atteudlng the Horao Show, Ho la tho guoat of hla brothor, Mr. Honry St, John Coalter, of No, 11 North Sixlh Stroet, Mr. Willlam M. flell, formorly of CharloH City county. l? in Rlchmond. He Ih aaaoclated with flnrbor and Cfarbor, of IXarrlaonburg, who havo n ntable of horaea at tho Horse Show. Mr. Boil rldcs the lumters, Qood I.uck nnd Yellow Juekot, JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SOKS, BANKERS, Dstlars lll IUCHMOND, VA-, SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MVNICIPAX. BONDB A BPRCIAX/Tr. CorraspondMioa Invltod. CLEVELAND;" DEMOCRATS Addresses Members of Com merclal Club, Chloago. (By Assoclated Presa.) CHICAGO. ILI... Oct. 14.?"Glvo to our nc-oplc somothlng thnt will concentrnlo tholr common affoctlon and sollcltous caro, and lot that bo thelr country's good; glve them a purpose that Btlmu lates them to unllo lh lofty endeavor. and Ict that purposo be demonstratlon of tho efflclency and bonoflconce of our popular rule." Thls was tho solutlon of? fered by former Presldent Grover Clevn land an n. romedy for corrupt polltlcs in a apecch before the members of tho Coramerclal Club at thelr annual bannuet, given at the Aurlltorlum Hotcl to-nlght. The subject dlscttssed by Mr. Clovoland was "Amerlcan Oood Cltlzenshlp," a.nd he dwclt at length on the necosslty of every cltlzotl dolng his pnrt to mnko poll tlcal actlon whnt lt should be. This Is the flrst tlmc in elght years that Mr. Clevoland hus visited Chlcago. and he received an enthuslaatlc recop tlon hy tho two hundrod banquottera when he appenrodi at the speakor's stand. Mr. Cleveland sald: I am by no mcans unmlndful of the cxtcnt to whlch the Amerlcan pooplo are ln a certaln senso govcrned by partlos, and I am riulto wllllng to confoss a strong party alleglance. I speak to nlght of somothlng broader and lofller than party?of a hlgher law under whose sanctlon all pnrtles should exlst and by whoee decroes all par.tles should bo Judged. I would have tho moss of our voters so constantly Impresscd by thls law, and so Inslstent upon lts obsorv anco aa to forco upon the manngern of pnrty organlzatlons tho necesalty and oxpedlency of lts recogntti'on. Within the limits of thls law of patrlotlc Amerl? can good cltlzenshlp there fs abundant room for intelllgent party activlty; but thls activlty must ho clean and uncor rupted. slncere In lts lntontions, frank ln tho declaratlon of Ita purposes, and honest in the affalrs of the pe'iple . It is as clear as noonday that if the patriotlsro of our people ls to be aggrea slvely vlgorous and equal to our natlonal presorvatlon, and if polltlcs ia to subscrve a hlgh purpose, Instead of degeneratlng to the levol of a cunnlng game, our good men in every walk cf life must arouso themselves to consclousness that.tho safe ty and best intcrosts of thoir country In vclve every other intercst. and that by service In the fleld of good oltlzenshlp they not only do patrlotlc duty, hut in a direct way save for themsolves tho ebare.of heneflts due them. from our frce lnstltutlons. If our businesa men, In thelr hard strugglos for accumulatlon. will remember these tWngs and admlt thelr country's weal to a share ln thelr. struggles: if our scholars and educators will not only tcach patrlotisnv. but will omergo from theoretlcal co'ntcmpl_tlon and givo proof. by. thelr example that thelr leesons mean politlcal care for thelr coun? try. and if In every way posslble our people are remtnded of the value of the government they hold for themselves and in trust for tholr children, and are stlm ulated to intelllgent activlty In lts pro tcction, wa may confldently look for tho cenditlons nnd results treasured up in adivine purpose, and prophesied through fnlth ln God. at our natlon's blrth. ln tho day'when ali shadowH shall have passed away, and when good cltlzenshlp shall have mado Buro the safety, per n.nnence and happlness of our natlon, how small will appear the strifes of ?el flshness in our clvic life, and how petty will seem the machlnatlona of degraded polltlcs. Thero shall be aot over against them ln that time a reverent sense of co-operatlon In heaven's plans for our poople's greatness, and the Joyous prlde of standlng among those wno. in the com radeshlp of Amerlcan good cltlzenshlp, havo so protected and defended our hor itago of self-govemment that our trea-i ures are safe In the citadel of patrlotlsm, where nelther moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thlevea do not break through nor etoal. RESTORATION HOST MOVES ON NEW YORK (By Assoclated Press.^ CIIICAGO, ILL., Oct. 11.?"The Re sjoratlon ITost." from Zlon Clty. began ita movement upon New York clty to-day. At Intorvals of one-half hour traln Ioads of the follower8 of John Alexander Dowlo loft tho North Shore clty, elght tralns trt all, bearing oi-or threo ? thnusand cru sadors. At tho hlowlng of tho flro whlstle. every Inhabltant of tho clty knelt nnd prnyed for n snfe- Journoy, and ovor seven thousand men, womon nnd chMdrcn gathered at the rallroad stutton to llst to tho flnal instructlons of thelr len<?**\ Dowle's plans contemploto the nrrlval ln Ncvv York of all the tralns at the same tlmo. Upon loa-rlng the tralns the oru saders will spread thomselvcs over the clty In search of lhe quurtern whlch woro nssignod them aevornl weoks ago, Onct? establlshed tho work of profolytlng will begln ln propnratlon for next Snndny'p meotlng ln Madlson Square Gardon. In hands of ten, commandod by cnptnlns, tho host will endeavor to carry tho toach Ings of Dowie Into every housohold whlle tlio loadcrs hold eornor mcotlnga. -. ?-?. Popular Young People Wed. Mlss M- Uiulse Smltli, tlie pretty and acconipWshod rt.nVhttfr pf Mr. J. B. Sin'th, wns marrlod at 7:30 o'clock last ovonlng to Dr. Samticl A. MoAnally, a woll-known dentlst of thls clty. The cere? mony was porformed by Rev. Dr. W. W. Leiir, pastor of Centonary Methodlst Church, at his rosdenee, No. 112 North Flfth Streeti Tht. brldo waa luindsomoly attlrod ln a gown ot' I'luo sllk. She wore o whllo hat and carriod Brldo rosea. Amoug thoso prosent at tho murrlage was M'ss Gertrude MoConnoll. Mr. W. G. MoAnally, brother of tlio groom ond Mr. B. Porcy Fleld. Dr. and Mrs. MoAnally will resldo here, whero both havo hundreds of frlenda. Sla i s h Co cagf s. M* Armistonil C. Gordon, of Staunion, tho inemUer of tho blbnirv Hourd, who npposed tlio ejoctlon of Mr. Kennedy to suc-i-ced Mr. Sontt. hns written a lelter horu. from whlch thc followlnir Is tak<Ji)| "I uopo the aowapapora w II soou |ei up on tha llbrary onctlon. I am auro whni evor our Indlv dinl vlew.s may have been prlor to tho eleetlon, every nieinber of fhe hourd deslrea to mako Mr. Kcnncdy's ndmlnlHtratlon as effeetlvo ng pmall lo, Tlils'is nnd lias been mv wlah nnd pur? poso from thn uiomeni of his elootion, QUARLES, No. 105 Kast Broacl. FOR TOYS AND SPORTING GOODS. FINANCIAL. ^+4+++++++?++++*f ???+?? M M M ? ??tt' MERGHANTS NATIONAL BANK | Gapifal S200fOGOy Surplus and Profits $672,445.75 | Deiignated Stato, Unlted Statos and Clty Depoaltory. 11 Mercantlle and Bank AccounU | Largeat Bank Depoaltory Soutli T.; f reapectfully eollcltod. of Bnltlmoro. T f 3 per cent. lnterest Pald on Deooslts in Savings Dspartment, %\ X Payable on Demand. t t JOHN P. BRANCH, Prealderit. JOHN KCRR BRANCH, Vlee-Pres. Tl T JOHN F. QL.ENN, Caahler. XI MMMIIIHIIIMIHHUtMMH FINALACTOF WAR GAME i Russia's Army in Far East Revlewed by Viceroy. (By Assoclatod Presa.) FORT ARTHUR, TUESDAY, Oct. 13.? The rcvlew by the viceroy, Admlral Alejcioff. on Sundny. of 7R,000 aoldiers, partlclpatlng ln the manoeuvres was the flnal act of laat wook's "war gamc." This force. tho greatest Russla has over concenorated In the Far East, was maaaed on the plalns outsid^e this city. It included infantry, cavalry and artillery. Every infantry reglmont is partly mounted, ln accordanco with tho rocont rogulat.nna. Forcignera were glvon every opportunity to wltness the diaplay, and the atatemontft of offlcors rcgardlng tho total forco wero vertfied by count ot the n-isltlng experta. It was also offlclally announced that the cntlro forco wlthln easy operatlng dls tance of Port Arthur numbcrs ono hun dred thouaand men. Two months ago it was slxty thouaand men. Sunday'a spoc tacle demonstrated that tho reports ro garding tho relnforcements arrlylng ln Manchuria hnd underestimated tho real lncrease. Tho army asaembled Sundny waa greater than tho Pckln dlplomata belleved Rusala's entlro fofve ln Manchu? ria to be. Ofllclala hore are taking pnlris to advertlao Russia's strongth and pro clalm that the miinoeiivros are Intondcd as an objoct lesson. Admlral Alexieff, speaking to an Amerl can offlctal.sald: "War would bo a great calamtty. Hero we bolleiro that tho boat way to provent, would bo to strengthen ourselvcs ns much as posslble. Therofore, we havo no atops untnken fov that pjir pose." Rumors De"l"d by Japan. ' (By Aasoclatcd rroes.) I.ONDON, Oct. H.?The Jnpanoso Gov ernment has issued a denlnl of the alarmlst reporta of tho lmmlncnce of war with Itusala ln a dlayatch from Toklo, dated yowtordny, nnd sent to tho Jnpa nese Mlnistors nbroad. It snys: "The negotlatlona concernlng Manohu rian and Corean queations. are following thelr normnl course, and. thero ts no rea son to anticlpato a rupturo botwean Japan and Rusaia. Tlie alarmiat reports current abrond are devold of founda tlon." . . ? MR. PHILIP BAGBY IS NOW LIEUTENANT Mr. Phllip Bo_-by Is shown by tho Army and Navy Journal to have stood second In tho ciass oxaminod at Fort Leaven worth September 1st for lloutnnants ln the Unlted Statea Army. Mr. Bagby la a aon of tho Dr. Georgo W. Bagby. of bolovod memory nnd of Mra. Parko C. Bagby. Ho wna educated In thla clty in Nolley's and Mo's schools, sarved for somo months In Company B of tho Uluea and havlng always had a great deslre for army llfe, enllstod in 1?D1, whon only eighteon yoars old. -1 , OBITUARY. T. S. Lea'-e. Mr. T. S. Lenko d'ed at hls home. near Short Pump, In Henrlco county, yostor dnv ln the sixty-recond year of hls nge. Tho funernl wlll tako placo nt Shndy Orovo Church at .1 o'clock to-day, rum r . Se vicas. Owlntr to the lunbllity of hla daughter ln arrlvo in tlmo on yesterday. tho fun oral of Mr. Etnmott E. Do Pr.o-t his been pontponed untll 11 o'clock thla mornlng. Joseph Fultz. (Speolnl to Tho Tlmon-Dlsnatcll.) LJ3XJNGTQN, VA.. Oct- H.-Mr. Jo-eph Fultz. one of tho best known fa mo s of Ilorkbrlduo oounty, (1 od ve.sterdav ?U hls home. nonr Knlrlleld, aftor o. ly a week's illnosa. Hls dlseaso wnsvdiaK nosod bv tho physlclans as appordlcltl > nnd that nn ope:atlon waa neco ary. In porformlng the operation tho r.liysl rians dlacovored that tho patimit could llvo but a few dnys. Mr Fullz was promlnent in hls eommti nlty in all matiers that pertained to tho publlo good. Ile. waa a menih r of tho Board Of Directors ot' tho Uoikbrlds Mutii.-ii Inauranoe Company und wm publU'-splrlted and gone oua. Ho wns u stoward of tho Fn rflehl Mothodht Church. Ho is surv ved by h's w t'\ who was M aa Ida W.laon, dat ghtar of Mr. Robert Wllson. of Falrflo d. llo [yavefi llve children? Jailott, Isanc, Dr p er, Katherlno and Jo'ophlne FulU. Four brothers and llvo slstors urio lurvva, as follows: Rev, R. Leo Fultr. of tbe Hal tlmora Conferencv. Methodisl Bplacopil Ohurcli. South. statlone-U at l.owial'urg, \\. Vu.: Muasrs. Arthur Fulu. of Fair tlold: Alfffd Fultz. of Rtflino. and liraatU* Fultz. Of Hoanoke; Mr*. J. D Orlit- Mr. T. A. Orl?t. Mlft.<" ;ra UVy and Mlss Salllo Ftilt*. of Rockbrldge. nnd Mra, Saundeis, of MUflWlppl. Mr. Fulu was boni Murch SO, l!>w. C. W. Branch & Co. BANKERS and BROKERS Members of New York Cotton Ex chango and Chicaro dsiri a Vrxis New York Correspondents? LADENBURG, THALMANN Si CO PRINCE &. WHITLEY, LEHMAN BPOS. NEW YORK. Privato Wlres to{ BOSTON, CHICAGO. to-J f BALL&WINFREE 1114 E. Main St., Rlchmond, Va Private Wires to Principal Polnts. Correspondents?W. ?. WOODEND. & CO., Members New York Consolidate. Stock Excbange.. Correapondonco Invltol. BUSINESS AHD PERSOKAL AGCOUNTS SOLICITED I3Y t THE State Bank of Virginia, 1111 E. Maln St? Rlchmon., Va. Though qulte young, he served in the Confoderate nrmv as a membor of Chew s Battery. of Charlostown. W. Va. He was a membor of I^ee-Jackson Carap of Confederato Vcterans, of Lexlngton. Mrs. Kate E. Hurt. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.> ABINGDON', VA., Oct. 11.?Mrs. Kate K. Hurt wlfe of Floyd B. Hurt, dled Inst night about ruldnight, after illnesa of about two wooks. Mrs, Hurt was prominent in Abingdon fioolcty, nnd waa noarly seventy-two years of age Some llvo yeara ago, by a fall, sha bl'oke her hlp-Joint, but, contrary to ex pectatlons, reeoverert her power of loco inotlon. Mrs. Hurt wns a slHtcr of tho lato Colo? nel Brown Pulkerson. nnd was a lady of flno mlnd, exqUlolte tasto and pure char acter. 8ho was marrled to Mr. Floyd B. Hurt in Decembor, I!W, and was educatad at Martha Waahlngton Collegej of whlch sho n.rtnrward becamo a teacher, nnd still later a teacher nt Tnzewdl, Tenn. Her ohlldren are Samuol F. Hurt, of iS'ew York clly; Mrs. Wllllam O. Hay. of Easton, Penn.; Mrs. Rev. t. A. Wt.arton. of Columhla, Tonn., and Mlss Kate I,. Hurt, of Abingdon. Eho Will long bo mourned as ono of Abingdon'a brlghteat and lovellost char noters, George W. Fowlkes. (Speclal to Tlie Tlrnoa-DlBp'atch.) FARMVIt/US, VA., Oot, ll.-Mi. Oeorge W, FOWlkes, an aged nnd well known cltlzon of Farmvliio, dled rathor unex pectedly thls evening. He wns in his slxly-nlflith year. utui leavea ono ciaugli ti-r Hiiri ?!? liivnllrl wlfe. He waa a gnl'&nt Confi di Ki.ti snldler, nn honorci! eitl-on, brlght Maaon uim a conslatent chil-tian. Htnr/ C. Perklns. (By Assoclated Press.) NKW YOKK. Oot. II- -Henry O. Perklns. a cotton merohant, dled auddonly from l-.ft.'irt dlseaso ln his otliio in Wall Street to-day. Wltii'iui warnlng, he 10:1 iife lets from his chalr. Ex-Govi?rnor Milchell Dead. (By Assoclated Press.} TA.MPA. FLA.i Oct. H.-Oovernor H?nr.V U Mltehell dled ?t his homo mre to-Uay of goneial ?iebii ty. Ho wns elxtv? nlne yeara old, ami hla hoaltli had Ueon falllnir u year. He was o rctilt ludgo from 1877 to 18SS. and from 18-6 to 1KK> wir, lustlce of the Suprome Court of tha Stato. He was Governor from 1S-3 to 1837. DEATH.-5. DIIQAN.?nii-il. at her father'i re?|d*ace, No. SIIUH Knm Maln, October 13, 1(103, at IK-13 1*. M.. AN'NIi: I'l.nuKNi.'t:. daiighiar vC Janica T. I'im.-.ii mitl Murj A. Kaua Pugau, m ttta lllteoul|i jrear ?f her att*. 'l'tii- ( will ta-e [il.t.v m m St, I'atrlck'a fliurrli THIS -.( Al'TEU NOuX ut ;i oVuki_. rrlonltb aiul avtpiulnt. auceii inrlU'd to utti-ml. DK I'ltlKST.?Tha fut^ial of UMMET B. 11H PIIIKST (IKUHiiound fii'in yi-aliTila.v) vrlll tak" iiluca from bla luttf hiniic, No. IJ tfoiitb t'lno Slrctt, TI11B MOKNl.Nti at II o'cliwk. M?to borl uf Uio Caaip, 0. \'., -ud Itu-iuuoad todje, N* 1. I. O. O. ?.. tf r?'|ia-st.?l to CIAUXl'rrT.-Dled, October nth. I'Atf. at 1:15 A. M.i al Uia resldence of hor ?hliIii law. Mr. IX C Zolllckoffcr, No. H:o Floyd Avenue. Mrs. S.Ut.Ul M. ilAR Ni:'l,T. relict of the late Or. Jamoa H. Garnott, of Malhews county, In tho sev cnty-flfth year of her ag< I'tiiu-ral nollce later. Ilultlmoro and Norfolk pai-or? jple&sf. copy,