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There'? a charm ?bout the best that i? entirely lacking in the inferior. Dorflinger Glassware ?s intrinsically and ?rtitu'cally the stand nrd. Look for nbove trade-mark label. 1?a/p?). DEBATE AT Scenic Contest Between R. G. Southal. and F. T. Saunders ATTACK ON THE MANN BILL The SouUisids Coi gressman Makes a Satisfactory Defense ...f Judg.; Mann and thj Crowd Leavj the Inde? pendent Stil Speaking. (Specillilo ine 1 nnes-DIspatch.) FARM VILLE, VA., Oct. 13.?Congress? man It. G. SOuths.ll, of Amelia county, and Mr. Frank T. Saunders, Independent eandldate for tho State Senate from this district, met this afternoon In a joint debate In the courthouse, and for two hours and th.rty minutes, these gentle? men discussed In it forcible manner the fall campaign Issues. Mr. ?outhall vrus the first to speak, and In words fired with enthusiasm, urged the voters to support the pr.mary nominees. He paid a glowing tr.bute to Judge William H. Mann, the Democratic nominee from this district, In whose Interest he spoke. Mr. Saunders spoke for forty minuten, during which time he had the Mann bill under heavy fire. It ?s on this issue alone he Is making bis fight. > During the course of his remarks, sev? eral assertions were made with ref'p'*m e to Judge Mann a.nd Senator Wiak.ns, that did not meet with the approvai of Mr. Southull, and as soon ns the speaker concluded, Mr. Sou thai 1 In about a fif? teen-minute talk defended these gentle? men In a manner that created an uie *ir of laughter and applause. The audience left Mr. Saunders speaking. GILES AND BLAND ?Judge Williams Declined to Run Again A Self-Appainted Republican. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) PEARISBURG, VA., Oct. 13.--There is no opposition to the old county olllcers, except that Judge Martin Williams de? clines to be ? candidate for re-election as Commonwealth's attorney, and W. B. Snldow, a young attorney here, Is the only candidate. J. II. Durham will be sheriff; J. H. Woodrum, treasurer, and C. W. Stafford, commissioner of the reve? nue, without opposition. Mr. George T. Bird, of Bland county, tho Democratic nominee for the Legisla? ture from Bland and Giles, has been in the county this week, as well as hail been lils opponent, Huv. George W. Penley, ? ,f Bland county. How Mr. Penley got the nomination, no one seems to know. Mr. Charles Bane was tho candidate nominated by the reg? ular Republican convention. He with? drew from the cum'ass, and Mr. Penley became the candidate without" a conven? tion or meeting of the committee so fay u^ your correspondent knows. However, his candidacy is not consid? ered seriously by even tho Republicans, us Mr. Bird will be elected. FIGHT IN ? ??? EWS Mr. J. E. Eibb, an Independent Can? didat", in Louisa. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FRKDERICKSBURG, VA., Oct. 19.'? The Republicans of Mathews county have nominated W. li. Repass for the Legis? lature from the district composed of Muthows and Middlesex counties, in op? position to the Democratic nominee, Hon. George V. Hunloy, of Mathews; and \Y. I ;. ?hownlng, of Middlesex, who Is run? ning as an Independent candidate. The 1 lumocrats of Mathews have reorganized by electing Hon. J. Boyd Sears chair? man of the County Democratic Commit? tee, Mr. J. 10. Bibb, former editor of tho Louisa News, of Louisa county, has an? nounced himself ?in Independent candi? date for the Legislature against Mr. "W. A. Crawford, the Democratic nominee. Withdrawals In Charlotte. (Special to The Times-Disput,?1?.) ? KV S VI ?. LI?:, VA.. Oct. 10,?Judge Mov? imi Green who has b.-eii canvassing 111? COUllty In opposition to .Mr. Thus. ?. Wi.i ? kins. The prosont Commonwealth's attor? ney, has announced ids withdrawal fri>m the canvass. This leaves Mr. vVatkliu? Without an oppi,nein. Mr. I?:. F. Daniel, the pre l'ut treasurer, lins also' with? drawn us a candidate, which leaves Mr, LJoorgo H. Russell without opposition. Tin? great Unlit mi now Is lor sliorht'. Mr. Janus II. Price, (he present incum? bent, Is being opposed by Mr. Cbarbs .;. OShornc, of Keysvll'i?. With the exception of the rotiimbsliiiii'!? of the revenue for Hie upper end, the other candidates Wdl have nu opposition. H.llmd Clinirmin, (Sp?cial lo The Times-Dispatch.) FRANKLIN, VA., int. i-.i.-Tho Demo? cratic F.xcculivi? Committee of Suutli umplon county, Va,', mot In the lotirt house at Courtbuid to-day and elected .1. Peter Holland, of Fr.inkl'n, couniy,-linlr liinn, J. L. lili I'll a Ul, of Newsoms, was nlso placed in nomination; The enunnit teo Is composed of thirty members. Mr. ? ?(and received, x' voles, Mr. 3, 3 noi voting und ? nb.-eut, Reception to th ? New Secretary. A reception in honor of Miss listello .ICiald. the recently elected Stale pepi c tuiy 01 the V. YV. '-'. T. U., will 1)0 ten? dered iliis evening, All of the Y presidents or Richmond and vicinity urn cordially Invited to ho present nuil do honor to 11??-??? new secretary. A very pleasant evening of Rood and enjoyable enlurlalniiicnt la assured. BAZAAR IN MANCHESTER Beauty and the Beaat at Ma? sonic Temple. GOVERNOR MAKES SPEECH Introduced by Judge Ingram?Bodies Brought Home ? Fitzgerald Case To? morrow ? Lipsco?mbCrooks. Cases In Court. Manchester Bureau, Times-Dispatch, I No. 1102 Hull Street. ) in a blending ot beauty auu chivalry, with bright lights and rich decorations, Governor Montague started the wlieem of the Masonic bazaar ai the Temple lust night at 0 o'clock. Then the scores of ladles hi charge of tho various booths did thu rust and for an opening night It was a great suc? cess. The largo hall was crowded with ti?Kn, women and children, not one of whom apiicared to be having anything but a guud time. Captain ?. H, Hetty made the first move. In a few words he presented Judge John Ingram, who introduced Governor Montague. Judge Ingrain's romar-Me were short an,] good. He said the Manchester trudge wan organized by Governor Brooke and Chluf Justice Marshall more than one hundred years ago. The lodge still has In its possession tho Jcyela and Blbie used when the lodge was organized. In his panegyric, Governor Montague spoke of the. ?Teat good that arose from such organizations, und congratulated tho ladles who ha/1 done so much for the success of the bazaar. He spoke about ten minutes and was heartily applaudeu, Tho hall presented a beautltul scene with Its rich colors and many lights and Its pretty women. There are so\en booths besides the restaurant, The lat? ter Is located on the banquet hall floor. The booths are in charge of the follow? ing ladles Reception Booth?Mrs. John H. Shot well, chairman: Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. E, Bowlott Tralntnn, Mrs. Ju?ge In? gram, Misses Bessie Gill, Lucy O'Brien, Leila O'lirlen. Clara O'Brien. Furniture Booth?Mrs. A. J. Daffron, chairman; Misses Pago Hewlett, Helen Mcltea, Rita Welslger, the Misses Owens. At this booth a handsome bath robe will be voted to the most popular phy slc'an, and a stove to the most popular little girl. In th's latter contest the names of Misses Esther Shotwell, Ann Friend, Gladys Robinson and Nina Gil? bert have already been mentioned. Oth? er articles, such as easy chairs, lamps, rugs, etc., will be voted off. Candy Booth?Mrs. A. H. Fitzgerald, chairman: Mrs. C. E. Friend, Mrs. W. B. Bradley, Mrs. O'Br'en, Misses Dizzlo Robertson, Fitzgerald, Vadcai, Gallyou and Lit ligo w. Tobacco and Flower Booth?Mrs. S. A. Hall, chairman; Misses Mary Pool, 'An? nie Pool, Grace GIbbs, Emma Perdue, Grace Perdue. Annie Rucker, Florence Hall, Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Bolton. Fancy Booth?Mrs. Graves, chairman; Mrs. Archer. Mrs. DuVal, Mrs. Redford, Mrs. Pool, Mrs. Snelllngs, ' Misses Brown, Jiollic Hatcher. Nichols, Vlrgie Snell Ings, Mrs. Schaadt. General Country Store?Mr?. T. H. Bet? ty, chairman: Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. .? v? M,.. bowman. Mrs. Bacon M'.l. f-.dep. Mrs, frizzarti; Mrs. Sam ?-.we..*. Mrs. Joe Owens. Misses Owens. Pi.cinia Owens. Phaup. Virglo Bottv, rer'Ie V lit? er. Bottle Walker, Ada Walker, Lottie Will ams. tussle Tyree. Bessie Weils; Marlon Walsh. Mela Chatham. At this booth anything found In the typical country store may be seen, from a string of red pepper to a clay ?'.?? or a head of cabbage. Mrs. John J. O'Brien is president of the bazaar, and Mr. T. II. Betty, master of ceremonies. The bazaar will continue for ten days. GOT THIRTY DAYS. TJie fury In tho case of Fred C'row?er yesterday evening returned a verdict ? f thirty days in jail. The your g men pleid. ed guilty to taking a watch wolle under Hi" Influence of linuor. He has alwa.s borne u good character, und he his e ceivcd the sympathy of many persons w'.o di, rot believe he will ever agJi.'i do anything wrong. SO CASKS. After ? lel.pthy Inquiry Into cercan ru? mor-; thai gambling was goii.g on it sor? tant [ilac-h i? this city, the gra.r.l iu.y late? yet toi day evening could not s?.-c.ur.j su'f'Vi? ? t evidence to make out mdltt 'icnts. ur.d ? he rumors were looked upon a.s mere rumors, BODIES BROUGHT HOME. The bu?y o Mr, 10. II. Alw-il, tr.e Southern engineer, who was killed, was brought ?? Richmond last night ti; le I repaieo ny th'- Peerman Burial Company fir '.-urial Th" time of the funeral ?ill be announced to-day. Mr Vwoil leaves his wife and four young UiilJren. He was for?v tutte veijs old. une has been living it. Man vi!i:si??)- 1er ? number of years. He came ii'ui.i Ale.v.ultia. where ids rola?''C? il.e His wile is a native of Ohio. He was a ii.ember of .Manchester 7-,???,?:, No H. and a member of Central lUelho ,1.-' Chinch. Mr Ar.vell was very popular, ami h's 'arge number of friends regret his (?eaib. 'Hie body of Dan Pinchion, the colored lireman, was also brought hero last natii-.? ami curled to his home, ili? tv.-.s! liked and considered a faithful w?..:* man. FITZGERALD CASE. Tho Fitzgerald case will come up for trial In the Corporation Court to-morrow morning. Judge Clopton has appointed Judge Gregory, Commonwealth's Attorney of Chesterfield to prosecute the case. This action was taken because Common? wealth's Attorney Pago had, before he was elected Commonwealth's Attorney, been engaged In tho matter in the In? terests pf Fitzgerald, Judge Gregory Ins consented to net In tho matter. Mr. Fitzgerald has not yet mude known what action or defense he w 11 make. MARRIAGE TO-DAY, Mr. Eugi'iie \V, Llpscomb, a popular young man. of Manohosto , and Miss Maliel nooks, daughter of Mr. a. d Mrs. j. A. Crooks, formerly of (Manchester, now of l'ori Norfolk, are to ho married lit the home of the bride this iil'loruoou at 3:30 o'clock. Alter an extended trip, the couple Will be at home, No, lidS Grove Avenue, after November 1st, CORPORATION COURT, Judge Clopton has set the following eases for trie!I F. 11. Fitzgerald, Wednesday; Mason An Interview With La/oie. No ball player got fame and fortune as quickly as Napoleon Lajoie, second baseman and captain of the Cleveland.'!. From tho time he entered the "big league" he has been a wonder, taking first place as a heavy batter, and he is to-day the best paid and greatest ball player In the world. The hard work of last season threw him Into an Illness which lasted all win? ter and spring. His magnificent frame Was so reduced that It was stated In the newspapers that he could never again appear on the field. But to the delight of the lovers of the game, he appeared with his club, looking stronger, hitting harder and playing a better game than ever. Of his recovery from shattered health to perfect form, Lajoie. says: "During my illness 1 did not begin to Improve till I trok Father John's Medicine. It quickly built up my body to Its former strength, and made me active as at any time In rrry career. Now I carry a bottle of the medicine with me on the trips with my club, and it keeps me well all the time." Father John's Medicine is for sale by Owens and Minor Drug Company, 1007 East Main Street: City Drug Store, 1441 East Main Street: People's Drug Store, 3900 Wllllamsburg Avenue: Northslde Pharmacy. Ml North Flftn Street; Pine-Street. Pharmacy, 334 South Pine Street; East Pharmacy, 2G01 Ven? able Street. son Anderson, alleged murdT. Friday; William and Thomas Howe?. Joseph W!l ? hams; sel Uns: liquor without license, to- ? day. , . A number of civil cases were also set I for hearing next week. Freder ck Crowder was Indicted for tak? ing a watch, and Thomas Berry for maintain1 npr a nuisance. SUPERVISOR TO RESIGN. Mr. R. A. Bowen. one of tha mo t pop? ular supervisori Che.ite:fi<ld county e er had. and one of the most patriotic, has signified his Intention of resigning his position. In order to give his whole at? tention to his business. Mr. Bowen de? clined to run for re-elect on. Mr. Jo? seph Mlddendorf will probably be appoint? ed as Ids successor. THE OYSTER COMMISSION (Continued From First Page.) fair sample of the bottom. Side by side wllh these men, and with the same tongs, he has worked day after day, and in nino cases out of ten ho has made a far more creditable showing than the oystermen themselves, invaria? bly lifting more oysters under like con? ditions. As a matter of fact, he has become one of the most expert tongmen In tho State." "We shall finish our work this week, wo believe, but may poslbly have to run over a day or two in the coming week, when the work will be ready for tabula? tion and the report to the Legislature fored from that." LEGISLATIVE PLAN. Seen through the horoscope of Mr. Cardwell's spectacles, the work of tho Legislature at Its coming session will be along these lines; To straighten out the lines of tho Baylor survey and mark them with a definite and Indestructible mark. After getting theso Hues In proper shape, the policy will ho made to properly police the beds and keep them In shape at all hazards. Whatever the reduction In acreage may be, there Is one thing certain, tho State can neither mark nor police '.'???,??? acres, a matter of physical Impossibility. Under the re? stricted acreage both of these idens. can be accomplished, which the Legislature will see will be done. Then will open a new era in the great oyster industry of tho good old Commonwealth of Vir? ginia. Tho gentlemen are perfect pictures of health, und aside from their onerous du. ties, have had what might be termed a good time. THE LYNCH BURG HOSPITAL Mr. Ryan Bought a Lot for it Las Spring, (NpeiTTw to The Times-Dispatch.) LYNCH BURG, va., Oct. 10.?According to Richmond advices, Mr. Thomas !?. Ityntl, ?ho New York and Nelson county millionaire, stated to a reporter' tliers that Ilio purchase or the land for the Lyuchbtirg hospital Is about tov'bo made, and probably buildlm; will very shortly in. , As ? matter of fact. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan purchased a lot u| the cornel? of Clay and Tenth Streets with ICQ foot front on Clay Street, a year or two agp, but for nome reason nothing was done towards the erection of a hospital, al? though ?ill the plans and estimules for one lumi long since been completed, .Mr. D. W. Myers, who attends to husi? llos In this city l'or Mr. and .Mrs. Ryan, and sees thai the tuxes are paid on their property, when shown tho statement Irom Richmond this viornlng, said thai j be had not heard anything dolinlte eon Curnlllg ||)0 plans Of Mr. and Mrs. Rj.m 111 this matt er, but he would not be sur? prised If they commenced tla- building of tho hospital on Clay Street ne.\i spring. For ? orso Stealing. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) ALEXANDRIA, VA , Got, 19,?Howard L. Adams, a young wh to man, win claims to b? a trav ling salesman for a Pittsburg Jowelry house, was arraigned In the folce Court this mondili;, ehurg'ii with steal nu a horte ?uni bug try ?' nn? Mr. R. L. Myers ? Kon, liverymen of llili city. Achims bred the learn Fr'di,? evening, stating Un t he was go ue to Fulls Chuivli. and would be bock Sil urday morning, hut instead of doing so be wont to Washington and endeavor? ed to sell the team. lie wan arreolOd there, ?mil sent back to this elty. Mayor <;<? r(;,> !.. S m - son Ibis tuoni un seat tini cae ? to (hu fraud iwx. HOLD ALL SHE HASJAINED This Believed to Bo the Atti? tude of Russia. READY TO REPEL ATTACK Hat Fleet and Navy Assembled Suffi? cient to Meet Japan ? Another Standstill In Negotiations?Ja? pan Takes Calm View. (By Associated Press.) PEKIN, October 19.?Like other cities In tho Far Bust, P?kin Is perplexed by the reports from various points of events lortendlng a Russian-Japanese war. Most of these reports on Investigation prove to bo unfounded. The opinion prevails hero that Russin proposes to hold all she has gained In Manchuria, and refrain for the present from further advances Into Coica. It Is also believed that Russia Is convinced that no nation except Japan thinks of contesting her position, and, having ussemblod a lleet and army which she considers strong enough to repel any .Japanese attack, she is awaiting devel? opments In Japan's policy. A majority of the Russian ships have left Port Arthur since the manoeuvres foi* an unknown destination, but It Is supposed that some of them are cruising on tho shores of Corea, watching Mn Hiir.-Pho and other ports. The Japanese ships, whose presence at Ma-San-Pbo caused tho report that Japan had occu? pied that port, have sailed, probably In the direction of Sascho, Japan. T.-k s ? CMrn V w. (By Associated Press.) LONDON, Oct. 19.?Tho Japanese lega? tion attaches no Importance to the re? ports of the landing of Japanese troops at Plug-Yang, Corca, or to the alleged concentration of Japanese forces In the neighborhood of Hakodate, Japan. Tho legation says there is every reason to believe that tho situation has not changed materially since last week's reassuring officiai telegram from Tokio, and tho opinion was ex-pressed that the Czar's ap? pointment Of a special commission to consider affairs in Ihe far east would tend to limit the powers of Admiral Alexieff, the viceroy of the far east. Negotiations al a Stand'-till (By Associated Press.) YOKOHAMA, Oct. 10.?The negotia? tions between Russia and Japan have come to another standstill. It. is thought doubtful that the Marquis Ito's view of the military occupation of Manchuria Is endorsed by the whole country, but It Is believed that Ito is strong enough to carry his point, owing to the para? mount stand taken for the Integrity of Corea and the open door In Manchuria for all nations. RVLROA^S THR%: ATEn'ED WITE DYNAMITE'S USE (By Associated Press.) H15LENA. MONT., Oct. 19-According to well authoticated reports, the Northern raclflc Is not alone In Its troubles with dynamiters, though it has thus far been tho only sufferer. There have been a g? eat number of secret service men of the urcat Northern Railway In Helena, and It develops that their mission is to try tr. .locate the person who has sent the company a letter levying- blackmail. The letter was mailed at Cascade. i\rd It de? manded the payment of $15,000. The rail? road company was commanded to dis? play a. signal If it acceded to the demand, and was given until Tuesday evening October 20th, to comply. If it did not com? ply then the amount of the blackmail would be raised to $P,o.noo, and dynamite, the letter said, would be used on the rails. Richmonders in New York. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK. Oct. 19.?Imperial. H. R. Rlall: Hoffman. M. M. Marfn, F. W. Christian: Westminster, O. S. McRac; Broadway Central. C. F. Sauer; Victoria, J. W. Nokely. a Oleomargarine Found. A tub of oleomargarine was picked up on tlie street by Second Station olllcers,' sud can be recovered by Identification at the station. Millinery Dep't. Every woman is delighted with our fall exhibit, .Special?Walking Hats, $1.50. Ladies ' Cn rments. EXTRA PRICE INDUCEMENTS. ?Sfl Smartly Pressed. Do you wish to In? smartly dressed ? Of course you do, liatlu-r silly ni' ib to ask tin.- (i last ion. Suits und Overcoats ? hutwo tiro thowillg arc tho sinurlci-t clothes that can |ionsluly lio producid ??)?}? uro boro redy lo lit ilio minili you "want them. Try ourctasy-jMiy plan 1 00 | firoail St. ? We have just received a solid carload of Extension Tables, in plain and quartered j polished oak and mahogany, ranging in price from $J.0i) to $45.00. (Of course we j have others running from $3.(50 to $135 ea^h.) We take particular pleasure in an | nouncing the arrival of these tables, first, because we have ordered the leaves to these j to match tlic tops, so that yoti can serve t >a on them without the use of the table? cloth ; secondly, because we have handled this make of tables for tho past five years, and know we oiler you an extension table that won't walk about while you're carving. For style, wearability and finish we regard these as absolutely:the very best extension tables ever ofiered for sale at medium prices. To see them is to buy CHAS. G. SON, ^.19-21 ??? ai st: road S>-tr?o"fc, Our clailj arrivals of new Fall Furniture last week included Antwerp, Weathered and Mahogany Odd Chairs and Rockers, in mission and oilier styles. Also, Bird's-eye Maple and Mahogany Dressers, Chiffoniers and Toilet Tables and many other things beautiful and useful for ihe home. Did you ever hear of or see a 9xl2-foot genuine Smyrna Hug sell for $10.00 ? We've got 'em, but?come early ! Prices like the above is what's crowding our Carpet Department with orders. YOUR CREDIT'S ALWAYS GOOD AT J?RGENS'. SEE OUR UNE OF lians, Brussels, Irish Point, 's Cluny, Bobbinels, All the Latest novelties. IT E AND 215 EAST BROAD STREET. NOW IS THE TIME ?? Order Your Books For fhe New Year. Do not wall unlil .von waul to open ih'in. Order now and have theni rea ly for use. Wrltu or 'phoiio ( I.VV.?). Simons blank BOOK CO., Designers and Manufacturers of 1 LANK BOOK . 1201 MAINS r.KLcr. RICHMOND, VA GOOD EYESIGHT is ? blessing. Thoso who need Glassos, whether children or adults, may roly on our expert service und secure tho best only at lowest possible pri?es. We look to tho preservation of tho Eyesight, as well ns tho appearance of the weurer Completo Optical manufacturing plant on tho premises. Prescription Work Our Specialty. THE S. GALESKI OPTICAL CO., Corner Ninth and Main Streets. OW VISITORS Are Invited to See Our Large Display of l -vjiwi iiuvnunuje, , Surreys, , Buggies. . H. Bosher's Sons, 15 Souih Hinth Street. REPAIRING AND REPAINTING. KHMICi^ 111 <JC\\'( in favor v)) which an pOr Jhe J-iorse J"hovf i ry tho edict will be of those designs significant of rid? ing, driving, ii?d tho hunt. In anticipation of this, see our pins, brooches, otc, that carry out this idea Prize cups, silver-papquted whips, crops, etc., will make suiti bio prizes, and appro? priato souvenirs I OOOO???OOOO?OOOOCOCOOC^^ O F" ? INI V BVIA &< (?. i NEW AND SECOND HAND. Gasoline, Electric and 5 lea m for business or Pleasure. ?B.A.BLENNER, IS MANUFACTURER, uiiAl.Kk AND REPAIRER. ; 1 ? Special Attention given to Gasoline, Gasanti Steam Engine Work ?j Ig MACHINE SHOP, 310 NORTH IMI 111 STREET. ? ?p REPOSITORY, 303.3?7 ?. ?;U:Vi:N 1 H ST. Phone ?88,