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SINCE the WAR ?'Famous 4 (\C\ Q Q A " Prescription I UVJ? %J<JHr NOW OVER 40 YEARS -AND LIKELY TO REMAIN THE ONLY REAL C'JRE FOR Rheumatism ?noits blood h?tions, it dms-Rlmii. Ite, Beili?, Pes?n/ brings booklet. W?. B, Vt-LLrn. I'nlverrity l'inor. New York. IN DAY CASE Forfeits lus Bond in Whiskey Sailing Case. FEAR OP A FAULTY BOND The Chief of ? Supposed Band oi Freight Car Robbers Twice Indicted. The Slayer ol J. C. Reed Una? ble lo Secure Coline.I. AMTIERST, ?? . i' t. 19.?The hist of the .".?>?,?: . tscs against Drugrglst y. A. |i.i>, who ..... prominently in the Campbell Investigation, were disposed of by tho court hdre to-day. U'hllo Mr. Day wua under bond in the penalty of }."ou, he was convicted of soiling whiskey un lawfully, and a motion has been pending for some time in th.-- County Court, call? ing upon hlni to show causo why tins bond has hot been forfeited. \ Aitei being urguetl ut some length, oy counsel na both sides, the judge decided that the penulty of tin? bond had been forfeited, aid ordered that judgment no entered aguinst S. A. Day arni bis sure ty. ?. ?' Payne, for tho amount of the bund. "I'n tin.- voi-ill ot, Mr. Day. by bis coun? sel Immedl?tt?ly served notice of his In? tention to ?Tppoft'l ills case to the Circuit Court, but a few minutes later, a com? promise Vas proposed by Mr. T. C, Payne, ruiaifl lor .Mr. Day. In which ?I* offered ??0, aia! dismissed tin? appeal pr< This offer was leadlly accepted by tin Commonwealth's attorney and bis asso? ciate, Mr. Thomas Whltehead, the judge concurring, as they all seemed to be uneasy about the form of the bond, which Day and bis security luid given the jus? tice of the pence, a blank form being used and the name of the county left .out. Th.s was regarded by many mem? bers of the bar as being a fatal omis? sion. CHIEF OF ROBBER BAND. Judge J. M. White had n busy day In court. Two Indictments were brought 'against W. B. Davis, colored, for break- j ini; open and robbing railroad cars at Monroe. In '.his county. A band of robbers have been operatlnf at this place, for some time, and it wai said hero to-day by a railroad man that the company has lost five or six thou? sand dollin s worth of goods that bave been stolen from their car.? ot this point with? in the past year. This negro that has been captured had two guns that ho had gotten out of a en It is thought that he has a number of accomplices, who have been with him in Hi. ,. various robberlos that have been committed within the past year, whom the company hopo to capture. William Bold and George Wilson were jointly Indicted for grand larceny, and their trial set for to-morrow. NO COUNSEL FOR L.EESON. Robert I.eeson. the negro, who sliol and killed .1. C. Reed, near Lynch burg, on the i.tli of this month, was Indicted for mur? der, and his trial set for Wednesday of this week. This is regarded as a very ag? gravated case, and the prisoner as yet lias not be,? nable to engage counsel to de? fend 111 in. Congressman II. D. Flood was on thn courtgreerv{'flurlng the day erecting his constituents. FARMVILLE TELEPHONES County-Poor House Must Stop Raising Tobacco. iSperinl to Hie T?mos-Dispntcii.) FARM villi:, VA., Oct. la.?The Coun? cil has pranted tho Southsldo Telephone Company permission to enter the town and establish an ollice. Work on the lines of the company In Prince Edward and Cumberland counties Is being pushed, ? and before many weeks the system will have been completed. The espi nsi y of running tho county ! poor hnii--.. are to be cut, by reducing ? Ilio tenni lo two h.uses, tie? salary of li.e superlntendoni to S-'?? per annum, rais- ? Ing no mon tobacco, but to raise such articles ai will bo consumed on tho place, such its . "i '? . oats, hay and vegetables. ? supi rlht? ndehl will bo elo ted nl tho m m meeting of Ihe board. The bonn has ordered thai the $*J,O0O reported by the treasurer ns available :?? equally divided 11 twi mi the five dis rlcl for rond Improvements. MR.WALLACE TOBEWATOR Deliver Address at Newport News Pythian Service, UE JUNIORS GATHERING Del?gales Arriving for the State Coun eil Meeting To-Day ? Sueing for Killing of a Child?Coni to Galveston. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT Nl?lVS, VA;, Oct. 1?.?Mr. Jefferson Wallace, of Richmond, has ac? cepted the Invitation to deliver the me? morial address at tiic annual Pythian memorial exercises to bo hold at Acndo omy of .Muslo Sunday afternoon, ??\???? ljor 1st, by Warwick Lodge, No. 7-, Knights Of Pythias. The committee in ?hurgo of tho nr rangements for the exercises Is preparing; an elaborale programmo, and II Is ex? pected that the Academy will lie crowd? ed. About 1,500 tickets will be Issued und distributed by the members of the lodge. \Vushlngtoli Lodge, X". 10S, will attend the meeting in a body. JUNIORS ARE GATHERING, The Virginia State Council, Junior Or? de:? of Union American Mechanics, will con-rone here to-morrow for Its annual meeting. The meeting will hist three days, .im! sessions will he held morning, after? noon nnd evening. Executive sessions will lv held Thursday, and officers for the yeai will he elected. One of tile .social features of the mooting will be a big oyster roast at Buckroe Beach. ? number of the delegates arrived to? day and le-ulght. and Warwick Motel 'lias boon made the headquarters of the visitor.??. The case of Mrs. Emma J. Scott against the city of Newport News, suit for Jlrt.OtO damages, is set for trial In the Corpora? tion Court to-morrow, and a number of witnesses for both sides were summoned to-day. The plaintiff in this case Is Hip mother of the little four-year-old boy who was drowned in a hole In Huntington Avenue, between Forty-first and Forty second Streets, several months ago. She claims that tho negligence of tho city authorities caused her boy to lose his life. ? ?? IS EFFECTS SOT/D. Constable Mugler to-day sold at auction the office furniture, etc., of Blair P. Wilson, to satisfy a claim of $145 fnr rent. Wilson Is a well known real estate man, and recently left for West Virginia rather suddenly. The schooner Ada F. Brown, Captain Merry, cleared this morning for Gal'ves ton. Tex., with a cargo of 2,235 tous of [ coal. This was the first cargo of coal to be sent from this port for Galveston for several years. The Republican City Committee vrlU meet Wednesday night to discuss the senatorial campaign. S RAILROAD RESUMPTION A Line that Will Opsn a Fine Country. Cattle at Low Frice. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) PEARISBURG, VA., Oct. 10.?The peo? ple here ale exercised over the proposed resumption of work on the extension of the New River, Holston and \Vestern Railroad. Tills rea,] was commenced about three years ago. and seven miles completed from Narrows up Wolf Creek, In the direction of Bland county, to tho large lumber mills of the Yotinken Merri mini Company. This company has re? organized under the name of the Mer riman Company, Incorporated, which, aloni; with ether companies, own large tracts of limber lands In Bland, Smyth anil Tazewell counties that will be "de? veloped by the extension of this road. Resides, a very valuable agricultural country en Wolf Creek and upper Holston River, now isolated, will be brought into railroad connection. Tin? farmers of this county are some? what discouraged over tile cattle outlook. Stock cattle, Hie class principally grazed here, are selling very slowly, and at a price below what they were bought for by the farmers ? yenr ago. This means, perhaps, si.\ dollars per bead less than was expected for them, which, when applied m the chief money commodity of the county. Is quito a loss. However, with a good fritti eroi., pota? toes, cabbage anil other vegetables, for which they always have a good market near by. In the coal fields, the county I?? in a condition not to be complained of. Charles Ci:y Elocii ? Judtres, fRpoelnl ?, '??, 'e,?.? . . Ill -?. .?..', , CHARLES CITY COURTHOUSE VA Oct. 19.?The Electoral Hoard of Charles City county met here Thursday and the following bulges of election wero mime1? \Y. lv Gill. [Cdwln Marston. John ? Jones. Harrison Idtrlct: ,i h? r Wj.rj dill. LUtleburg Maxell. Lew's Dav's, Ty? ler District: H. C, On ve... Alex. Hum", He? " Wiillaec, (Miiekahotiilnv I ?Is? trici. v ^? r.'.ablhhed 1803. >\ , . :!',,, ?;?''/' ? - T,,e - ? ^1 A " l.i-aiiln'r,' Piano limisi? ol i/itliniond. " *>y_ \!?$ ? (: a i. WA ? s ha vi; n a roa ins.\kv| *|r A ... Special ?'entures in ... "jJ v ??fiackley Pianos] Tone? Beauty- Endurance- Quollt) riiey Art Worth lour Consideration. ChasG'Hackley Piano ???*., ?. Company, X;'y , on,) bust llruad SI. Successors to Thomas R. Price &. Co. A Little Leaf. "A lenr may hide the largasi Mnr From Love's uplifted eye; A mote of prejudice out-bar ? world of Chnrlly." YVc owe an apology to the gifted 3Ot1n.LT Virginian for tin's mercantile use of his lines: they arc so perfect wc want all 1o sec thcni. How many uses and variations of the leaf we have from the first drapery ever known down to the present witchery of the woods? Speaking of DRAPERY suggests the complete con? dition of our CURTAIN STOCK. These sterling stand? ards in Nottinghams range from $1.00 to $5.00 the win? dow. Arabian, Tambour, Renaissance and the many nov? elties we have so soon as they come : many prices and varied tints from $5.00 to $,35.00 the pair. Wc can drape these properly for y ?tti VOTIONS?All the little adjuncts to the toilet and home we have rlrdit at the front floor?Buttons, Pini?.. Jewelry, Hnt-Plns, Hook-Ons, Dressmakers' Sundries?all at the right figures. CORSETS?Wo show all the good, reliable makes that you have known. Competent young ladies have charco of the stock. All we ask is a cha nee to show you what we have. UNDERWEAR for Ladles. In Cambric and Cotton of the best Brades and generously eut. with best trimmings. SKtRTS, CHEMISE, DRAWERS and NICHT nOHKS at any cost for the Kood things; we carry no other. COATS. SLITS and SEPARATE SKIRTS are coming in dally, of the eut and fashion approved in New.York. Alterations perfectly dono In the house free of ohnrjro to you. DRESS GOODS In tho brilliant array of rough and smooth fancies. Tlie very Kllnts of autumn seem caught in the tints of many. They be? gin at 50c. and run up to $2.50. Evening use britiRS lis a complete range of those CREPES at 12'/je. All the colors, including black and white. .lust a plimpse at the SILK GAUZE at 19c. These aro just what you want. 309 East Broad Street. County Commitlee Declares Primary Irregular. BOY FALLS IN THE RIVER Mrs. Turnbull Enters Suit for Devorce. The Children's Home Soc ety Meets at Y. M. C. ?.?Three Attrac? tions One Night. (Special to The Times-Dispatch, ? PETERSBURG, VA., Oct. 39.?? very muddled political situation exists in Surry county as a result of the refusal to awaid certificates of election to Dr. Daniel, of Prince George, who is said to have re? ceived a majority of the votes polled for the Legislature from the district com? posed of Surry and Prince George. At the primary election candidates for county olflces were also nominated. A dispute over the result followed, and the cha.r nian refused to declaro Or. Daniel the nominee. Chairman Hobbs, of Prince George, declared Dr. Daniel the nomi? nee, however, and to further complicate matters the Surry Committee a few days ago adopted resolutions declaring the late primary Irregular and void. Thus there will be a free for all fight at the general election. Mr. W. W. Eaugh, who M'as a candidate at the primary for tho legislative nomi? nee, It Is said, will lie a candidate against Dr. Daniel at tin; general election. FELL IN T1IK RIVER. Bernard Stewart, the elght-yeur-old ??? of Police Oflicer .1. P. Stewart, while gathering ?rapes along the shore fell into Appomattox Hiver Just above Poole's mill and narrowly escaped drowning. The lit? tle fellow when he arose grabbed the root of a tree and pulled himself from the water. Tho regular meeting of the Excelsior V. W, i'. T. ?, will bo held to-morrow night at Die home of the president, on Washington Street. Miss Julia Budd has returned after a navel of noverai months In Europe. Mr. Alexander ? Moore, formerly of Norfolk, is fluito III at the home of Mr. W. I,. Badger, In this city. -Mr. Moore has been ill for scroral days with heart trouble. His physicians' to-day consider liis cuse more favorable, ? valuable horse belonging to Mr. W. A. Ttotty, i'f 'bis city, fell into a ditch :iai? lie- city Saturday afternoon and In ? fl? its 10 i;et nut again was so exjiausted it it died. I'liiuuM?: Homi?: BOCIETV, Home Society of Ylr V. M. C ?. In this . Mr. Mnybeo, Hu- su oHsed tin? meeting on ,1 Objects of tho So? ire.? attractions. In Pe .Mil, will dolivi o; I.. nuli r I Hilera < Inn. l'ani Burr For divorce Mrs. Kai,% H Toi,,). ,.| , ,,?.-?,-,? suit Il the CorpOl Hlon Conn of Ibi.- city |o oe.? io mou.livore? a vincilo inairi? h ' mi from William ?, 'j'unibull. Tito di rendant is nut now ?? resident of th; . ' ?. . und b.. H" ? torti ordered IO appear I ore wltliln llfleeii daj ? io do what |u necea .uy ?., protect his Intercuts lu this hill. BLOT ON THE FAIR NAME OF RICHMOND (BpMluJ tO ? he 'I'lincs-Iilnci'li ? NEWPORT NEWS, VA?, Oot 19 Itev. Q'-orge W, Wtuy, paster of 1'r.nit/ McUi odist Church, created somethffig of p sensation last nlRlit by preaching a ser? mon on "Render Luto Caesar, the Things That Are Caesar's, and t'nto God, the Things That Are God's," in which he roasted Richmond for the result of the recent Democratic legislative primary. He said that it was a blot on the fair name of the capital city to allow "bar-room bums" to defeat Christian gen? tlemen. It was reported recently that Mr. Wray will be sent to ?a? Street Methodist Church, Richmond, next year. OCEAN BREAKS OVER BEACH Surfmen Take to Life Boats to Save 1 hems^lves. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ONANCOCK, VA.', October 19.?Many Incidents connected with the recent great storm are still being told. The principal damage was on the ocean side. The surf broke entirely over several of the beaches, and the crews of Matomkln and Cedar Island life saving stations were compelled to desert their buildings. On their way to the mainland they saved tho Uves of several watchmen on the oyster grounds, taking them from their houses. Every? thing movable on tho beaches was washed away, and hut few of the oyster houses are left. Many of the planted oysters are sanded, and the loss to tho planters will piobably exceed one hundred thousand dollars. CONFEDERATE REUNION Barbecue and Speiking at Charles City Courthouse. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) CHARLES CITY C. ?., ?., Oct. 19. Tlie Harrlsoii-Harw?od Camp of Confed? erate Veterans, beiti their annual reunion and barbecue at Charles City Courthouse Fr-'day. After a sumptuous free dinner served on tho grounds, tho camp was addresses by Congressman John Lamb, Judge Isaac II. Christian and Mr. L. A. Waddlll, in the evening the Charles City Circle of King's Daughters gave an oyster sup? per and concert. The music for the en? tertainment was furnished by Polk Mil? ler's well-known darky quartette. The concert over, an Impromptu dance was gotten up by the young people. JUDGE WHITE AFTER THE SOCIAL CLUB (.Special to The Times-Dispatch.) NORFOLK, VA., October 17.?The first pronouncement from the bench against tin soelal club evil In Virginia, which has been alleged to be nothing more than a ?lever evasion of the provisions of the drastic Mann liquor law, was mado by Judge William N. Portloek, In the Nor? folk County Court, to-day. Tin? .ludi;,, cliurgfjd the grami jury to ho nn oi'iii to ascertain If any of tho clubs ??old liquor to non-members, and wero thus by |heir promoters to pervert tin? law, ??,? the penalty for violation of I In. regulations lawfully governing the op? erations of the clubs, by the sale of liquor to nun-members, were pointed nut as being forfeiture, of license and punish? trout. pG ihe offender for selling liquor without a license. Many clubs,, tlio court hold, now exist ii localities where tho court has repeat? otlj.v refused to grant licenses, on tho ground thai, they wore not proper local Wen lor Hie traille to be earrled on. In Ulti ooiiiieollon the language of tho ? li. i'go is Interesting. It Is "to permit lite public at lai ne, under guiso of inoro mem? bership, io purcliaso liquors at such I Im is, would amount to a dangerous and serious evasion of the lav,?." THE HOLDEN WILLBE LOST Fine Schooner That Refused Assislancc at First. A VICTIM OF FIRE AT SEA A Sailor that Stayed at His Post Until Hauled Out of the Hold Uncon sious?Mr. Old Denies a Statement. (Special lo The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., Oct. 19.?The tug Rescue, of the Merrltt and Chapman Wrecking Company returned to this city this afternoon after a fruitless attempt to pull the schooner J. l?. Holden off the beach, about twenty-four miles south of Currltuck, The Itesene left Norfolk Saturday night to assist the Holden, but reports that nothing can bo done, and tho vessel will, In all probability, become a total wreck, The Holden was laden with lumber from Norfolk to Now York, and wont ashore during the recent severo gale, tho cap? tain signalling at tho timo that ho did not require any assistance. Adolph Peterson, a victim of the fire aboard the Gorman steamship Erica, died Sunday at St. Vincent's Hospital; He was sent Into the hold when the fir? ?was discovered at sea, mid worked there while the ship raced for life Into this port, remaining at his post until uncon? scious from the fumes. Ho had to bo hauled on dock with ropes. , Tn respect to the memory of the Iato John Whltehead, chairman of the school board for many years, the public schools will be closed during the hours of his funeral to-morrnw. The business or? ganizations of the city have also ap? pointee' committees to attend the fune? ral. Tlip city's present public school system Is a monument to bis untiring interest and activity. DENIES CONTEST. W. W. Old. Jr.. defeated candidate for the Democratic legislative nomlnntlnn, to-dny denied that ho would ask Stato Chairman Ellysnn for a new primary on account of fraud at the one recently held here. It would do him no good, ho declared, in view of the fact" that Iho time bns exp'red for candidates to file their notices for the general election. The transportation eormvinles centering here are to come to the aid of the Jamestown Exposition and assist the management to raise the million dollars necessary before January 1st. Thl? Is the most Imnortant move, from a finan? cial standpoint, that has yet been made In connection with the ?t????1?!??. TO HELP JAMESTOWN. It Is probable that a general meeting of the railway and steamer lines Inter? ested will be held at Oidi Point Comfort within a few days. They have already extended free transportation to repre? sentatives of the company traveling In the Interest of stock subscriptions. It will be necessary to secure JIO.OX) a da ? subscriptions from now to January 1st If the guarantee fund Is to bo raised. AN UNIQUE WILL. The will of J. U. Addenbrook, admitted to probate to-day. Is unique In that It ikes it necessary for one daughter, Minnie Addenbrook, to divide her father's estate between herself and his other children as she may deem advisable. The estate Is valued at S.1.0o0. AMALGAMATION. The Portsmouth Business Men'R Asso? ciation and the Southern Produce Com? pany nro to be amalgamated, under the corporate name of "The Merchants' and fFnrmcrs' Chamber of Commerce." Tn this connection It Is Interesting to note the fact that the present* truckers' organ? ization, known as the Southern Produce Company, has been most active In form? ing the Independent truckers' line of steamships between this port and New Tork. The truckers organization, taking In as it does the producers of Norfolk county, Princess Anne and Nansemorid counties to a large extent. Is a most Influential body, and the union of the commercial interests of thp city of Portsmouth with those of the farmers Is rcgnrded as the logical sequence of present conditions. DR. M'FADEN'S CALL Hopes to Give His Congregation an Answer Next Sunday. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) LYNCHRHRG. VA., Oct. 19,-DurIng the rncrnlng services at the First Presby? terian Church yesterday the pastor Rev. Dr. F. T. McFaden, made a few remarks concerning lie recent call extended to him by tho First Presbyterian Church In Richmond, ?' stated that, owing to tho illness and death of a prominent member of bis congregation, he had been unablo to go to Richmond to meet tho congrega? tion of the. church there last week, and thought II hardly likely that he would be able to o this week, as. If circum? stances permitted, he expected to attend the meeting of synod at Abingdon. He hopeo, however, to lie able to an? nounce next Sunday to J??a congregation his determination In the matter and closed by gracefully acknowledging the reluctance which not only his own church had shown to Ills accepting the call, but which lowing members of other churches had also expressed to him. -a UNITED COMPANY BUYS UP BRISTOL PROSPERITIES (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) BRISTOL, VA.. Oct. 1D.-The United Gas and Electric Company, of New York, has purchased the properties of the Bris? tol Helt Line Railway Company, the Urla? tili Gas and Electric. Company and the Brlstol-Goodson Water Company, Tue new company, which owns sl.uilar prop? erties in a number of the cities of tho I'nited states, announces that it will ox tend the electric car lino, and will also provide a new water supply for tho city, the cost of which will probably not bo less than half a million dollars, -,-m-, A b'etraycr Floes. iSpecW to The Times-Dispatch.) WINCHESTER. VA? Oct. 19.-II. I. Ilotlel, suspected of betraying a young lady In Mlddleton, Va., bus lied. Sheriff Pnrcell to-day attached the young man's .store gooiLs for a ifaOO note in the Hlienan doali Valley National Hunk and several other items, Ills whereabouts nre not known. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITA MEDIOINE ?OC, '?Se, 50a" C?.1SH3"V CATHARTIC rwi AU Druggists BEST FOR THE BOWE? S ttWE3BC3ggffifflBBffig^^ is trie stanaardr\men can brew. Lstablisk ea in 1844. JYLeaals conferred, by leading governments or tne "World. Ine beer tnats always pure, nealtniul* a?a delicious. me 1x1 dd on* pleasing palatable? p Orders tilled by Pabst Richmond Branch, Telephone 386._ HBIBBBBBMBaBSBaiiB3BSBBaffigiaHBaBMCTBMta?Baaanu The NowJan Company are headquarters for Elegant Wedding Gifts in Sterling Sil? ver and rich CutOIass, and when quality is considered, their prices are the lowest. T, W. Tignor's Sons have sold their stock of SPORTING GOODS to us, and rather than move this stock, as well as to reduce the big surplus, we are offering special Inducements in prices, and will eontlnue to do so until November Jst. This applies to the stock nt Tignor's old stand. No. 1219 EAST MAIN STRICKT. Mr. Tom Tlgnor and Mr. Dick Coleman arc now With un and will be glad to seo their friends. Mr. Cris, tho expert gunsmith, formerly with Messrs. Tlgnor, Is now with us and will serve his friends and tho sporting public generally in the best manner. ELECTRO-PLATING. GAS AND LAMP FIXTURES REFINISHED. HARRIS, FLIPPEN ? CO., 1219 EAST MAIN STREET. 1307 EAST MAIN STREET. ?rmwmifiiF*1 ?p?^???^!?^^^ FOR STOVES You have boon told how Wo saved money in buying our stoves We will savo you money in buying yours. We want to show you our #15.00 Square Sefl-feeder, ?G????? #2.98 Co?J Stoves S?f? Wood Stoves &^<#$ Ranges, Gas and Oil Stoves a Furniture find Floor Coverings of evory description. Liberal Terms of Credit Given. 609 East Broad Street. Stenographers Supplied ror ?iiy,iiiiiculiui. We keep ei per liana? d operti? ton iilwuy? on cull ?t "?? Offici?, Nn Charge fol our ??G?????-??." ?""J Btiai?tiupliB? Humid leu v.? ?e?UTUBUK*8TAMP ???1 STATION ? ? Y CO. b? 'ih'uc l"?.',. Entire Hl.lg. TwUvo-SU Muta, lih-'inii'ii'l. Vu, w CouBh with Dr. David's Cough Syrup, l'uro Pine Tar. lloi uliound, Wild Cherry, &e A few doses of tills old time Cm,uh Cure will cure you before your lung*) be? come too much Involved. Lui'uu botila 23 cents everywhere,