Newspaper Page Text
The Ral? for Classified Want Advertising? Is 1 cent per word Net Cash In ADVANCE, with a minimum cost of C3 cents for each Insertion. The seme r,ite applies to deaths, marriages, obituaries and all ether classified notices. No display typa allowed In the classified columns. LOST AND FOUND. FTRAYED?From 24C2 W, Main Street, between I 3 an.l <! o'clvk Monday morning, a Mack and | tan hound ?1???. with collet nnd cbntn on. I A reward will be raid If returned to ft? East | Broad Strre' J. H. M'OUl'PL'li. LOST?A BOUl black and tan TERRIER, with I long ear? and whit? mark on chest: answers | to the name of "Disio." A reward will be paid tor r.!s return to F. ft I.BEL. oon X. ' ricbth Street. LOST?Near Leonard Heirhti and Patterson ' Averne Sunday evening, female pointer ) PLTPPY? ? months old; lemon and white: hsd j no owner's rollar with address. Reward If returned to 10?? West Franklin Street. LOST?OFFRA GLASSES, mother of pearl frame, I Inscribed ?. ?. ?.: red velvet Mf?. Suitable I reward If retnmed to ?2 N. Laurel.' LOST?On Saturday nicht, tny POCKETBOOK. containing shout $'-'. ? check irsyrocnt has ; been stopped' arJ some papers, valuable only to me. Kindfr can keep 1he money and kind- j Ir return rae tho pockribook and pai~:r?. GEO. R. STEEL, 4<vi r..,?, Main Street. HELP WANTED?Male. BOYS?Wanted, two bey* hetween 14 and 16 years of ace to distribute circulars. Call I Tuesday or Wednesday morning at S o'clock. I T10 'Trace Street. TiHUOGlST?Wanted, a registered druggist to ! lake charro of a drus store In a town of ? J.0O0 population; aa excellent place for a coca! man. Addross LIN. P. <">.. Boi BIO, Richmond. Va. MANUFACTURER want! reliable man to deliver and collect; horse and wagon and S150 deposit necessarv; f?\ a week nnd espanse*; pvrma? nent. FRANKLIN. Bos TS. Philadelphia. Pa. BOLICIT0RS?Wanted, ?n towns along Norfolk; and Western and C. ?ud O. railroad?, solicitors ; fur reliable house ; $; per day guaranteed, j W. Y. ABRAHAM. "2S East MnlD Street. SCULPTURAL?Wanted, sculptural workman ! for a new marhle works; only competent men ? need apply. Address nt oner "MONV- ; MB?T6." cure this office. WANTED, raw box man; must be side, opener. ! KIRK WOOD'S, 1208 E. Main. SITUATION WANTED?Male SAWYER?Wanted, by a thoroughly practical ?iw-mlll and lumbertnun, a situation as saw? yer or manager; best references. Address "LUMBER." carp this office. WHERE IS THE CHINESE FERRYMAN'S ASSISTANT? - r?'.^f ""i Solution of puzzl? in Sunday'F TimcF-Dlspatch: Tho fish is Just holow the fishormnn on hridpo. , SITUATION WANTED?Male WANTED, an experiences! belt dressing sales? man for an Al article. Address SERO Sl'K I'lALTY CO.. ncveland. (1._ HELP WANTED?Female." B0OK-KEEFER?Experienced: must be able to take entire charge of the books of o largo mercantile bouse on Main Street, within two blocks of postofflce. Address, stating refer? ence, salary eipected. S. COMPANY, care this office - COOK?Waited a good cock. Apply to-day at fi'JT North Eighth Street. SERVANT?Wanted, a competent houpe servant. Apply at 116 East Franklin, between Tirst and Second. TEACHER?Wanted, first? class experienced teacher for Eighth Grnde city school; salary $3ft for balance. 0 month?' term Send pho? tograph, testimonial- and complete history of self W. H. JONES. B.irnwell. S. C. WANTED, refined, energetic ladies to introduce my toil?t requisite!,, pleasant work, liberal pay. For particulars address Miss DIXON, Law Building, Lynchbinrs, Va. SITUATION WANTED.Female TEACHER?Wanted, at ????, a position aa teacher; long experience: unquestionable ref? erences. Address A. M.. care News Editor, this office. SAL?SM?N~WANTED. TRAVELINO SALESMEN on commission to carry three samples of men's shoes to retali at $1.60; state territory covered, experience, references, etc. Address $1.B0 SHOE FAC? TORY, Baltimore. Md. a^??Ts~w??t?d. AGENTS?Wanted, lady agents throughout Vir? ginia; ladles' specialties: big money made. Send EOc. for sample, or ? one-cent stampe for particulars. ? 0. Bor 211. Tolono, 111. PAINTING. CALL UP LEE FORD ('phone 3586) if you want your house painted or parlora enameled: all work guaranteed; ordets promptly attended to. Shop No. 15 East Main Street COAL. BEST aUALITY COAL, full ton, prompt deliv? cry. ALBERT E. PEFEL. 1203 W. Main St BOARDING. e\i EAST CLAY?Two rooms, furnished! yount raen preferred: ten minutes' walk of post office. 714 33. FRANKLIN ST.?Persons looking i?? bofird Clin And well rurnisbed rooms, with good board. In ?.elect private boetdtng house; nil modern conveniences; 711 Esst Franklin St. BOARDERS?A privato family on Franklin, he tneon Third and Fourth Street?, want ? limited number of table hoarders; flrst-clnss tables nnd moderate prices. Adores* ?., care this office. BOARDERS?Wanted, hoarders in a largo front room, centrally located', refironeos ???.changed. Address R. R. M., cere this office. GRACE. W., 17?Winted, hoarders for well? furnished second-floor front room: also third? floor: first-class aocomraodfttlorj ut moderata terms; no children. C'nll at_317^ Wp*t ??"? MILL? NERVT"'_ GAEL AND BEE one of tho handsomest linos of Trimmed aud Cnlrinnned Hats: up-to-ilat? styles, at lowoet prices. MKS. JULIUS BEAR, 1423 Enst Main Street._ BEE OUR NEW styles In milllnoryi becoming shares and Just the right thins to wear; re?, sonable prices. Mrs. ANNA ?. ?????. 220 Enst Broad Street. YOU always feet tasty and fashionable liati at my store. All tho latest designs: all orders promptly attended to. MRS. M. I>. WORTHAM, 23i, North Third, between Grace and Broad. "dancing. MRS. FANNIE THAW GRYMES will reopen her privato dancing oln?s nt Mnsonlc Temple. Saturday afternoon. October 2lili. Apply at y>fi East Franklin Street, for terms. - M ISC ELL ANE O U S. JUROENS BELEB the "Royal" and the "Grand Helper" Ranges; no repairs necessary to these; Hike care of themselves. YOU CAN'T BE hospitable and have a cold home; get the Crown Base-Burner (the most economical coal stove) or the Mnglc Wood Stove from ?J?RGENS' nnd he happy. ? antiques! RICHMOND ANTiaUE FURNITURE CO., dealer in only original antiques, hrass good? and copper plate. 239 West Broad Street. WE WILL MOVE to our new store, S16 East Main Street. October 2nth: special sale this week. DIXIE ANTIQUE FURNITURE CO., aep, North Eighth Street. WINES~?ND LIQUORS] ONE GALLON "Clifton Springs," bo?t $8 Whii? key on earth, at THE I'F.N-MAB, Franklin and Seventeenth Streets. Goods delivered. OLD OVERSOLT, Monticene Calvert nnd other straight whiskies at low prices; goods deliv? ered any part of city. THE PEN-MAR, Franklin and Seventeenth Street?. WHISKEY?Four-year-old Duncan $2.00 per gallon; shipped direct to consumer in gov. eminent inspected distillery sealed bottles: packed in plain case. Gibson XXXX $3.00 per gallon; Dully Malt. SOc. per bottle: Wilson, $1.00 per quart. S. E. ULLMAN, Distillers' Agent. Richmond nnd Manchester, Va. THE TEE-bEE Daily Business Directory. CARDS under this head are taken on three tnunths' contract, D.illy and Sunday, at tl.&O per month. BOARDING. MISSES MARTTN'8 boarding homo?, permanent nnd transient; nice rooms and good fnr&; 100 North Seventh Street. BOAP.D AND ROOMS. HANDSOME ROOMS. Best Board. Fashionable locality? IMS V.'?st Grace, STORAGE. RICHARTJGON AND OHAPPELX, Belvldere and Main Streets. Very cheap and dry sforane rooms. Thone 843. SHOES. CHAPEST l'LACE to buy shoe?. H. 8HIREY, 501 East Marsha U Street. BOARDERS BOARDERS?505 E. Grace Street. A room al. ?way? for transient?. Mr?. .1. A. WAIIFIELD. BAKERS. IWAN MUELLER'S New York Bakery. 410 W. Broad Street, between Monroe and Henry, Richmond, Va. Flrst-cla?? Homo-Made Limad. Freucli, Vienna nnd German Kye Bread. Hot Bread delivered at your home. Cakes ami Pie? a specialty. Restaurant? and Private Fami? lies supplied dally. Telephone ?T>S0. WANTED. $1.85 FOR HALF CORD Kiln-Dried Cooking and Kindling Wood, delivered; oak and pine wood, cheapest cook fuel. Sec or 'phone J. B. LACY. WANTED, to buy. a good coon dog. Addrea? ,T. B. EDWARDS. Rock Falls, Conn. WANTED, good, small second-hand gentleman'? desk, cheap for cash; one with book com? partment preferred: give description and price. ? ?. B., enre this office. WANTED, to buy interest in a good paying busi? ness In Richmond; state ^.ull particulars. Ad PURCHASER? care this office. THE PUBLIO ia cordially Invited to the demon? stration of TryphosR Jelly at THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TBA CO., G.27 E. Broad Street; one week only?October 101b to 24th. STORE WANTED on Main Street?We want to lease for a term of years a good ?lie store for ? clean, neat business; must be on Main Street between Seventh and Twelfth. Address "GILT-EDGE," care this office. WOOD. WANTED, to sell seasoned Fine wood, sawed, at ?4.75 per cord; North OaroUna heart plue at SS: none better on the market. A. J. BOIS? SEAU, Linden and Beverly Street?; 'phone 4380._ FURNITU RE UPHOLSTER ED. HIGHEST PRICE paid for Furniture and Car? pets. BROWN, 527 West Broad Street. 'Phone 3550. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?At a whole, the stock of geoda of late Jos. B. Wall, of Farmvlllo. Va., com? prising dry goods, notions, clothing, boot?, shoo?, hats, carpets, mattine? and every article kept. In a first-class house; hn? an es? tablished trarlo of twenty years, nnd doe? the most extensive business of any houee west of Richmond and east of Lynchrmfg", ? fine op? portunity for nn Investment. Apply to Mr?. LUCY B. WALL. Administratrix, Fnrnivllle, Va. FOR SALE?COTTON PLANTATION on Roanoke River, N. C... 85 miles from Norfolk. r All nccesfr.ry house? and other buildings, good order; 300 ncreu under cultivation and 186 acres timber; steamboat landing on prem? ise?; great bargain II. 0. HARRINGTON, Palmyra, N. C. FOR SALE?Three horse-power Gasoline EN? GINE. GEO. W. EUKER CO., 30 North Sev? enth Street. FURNITURE?We have bargains In furniture; large stock of new and second-hand furni? ture to be solrl at ? sacrifice: perfect con? dition; call and see for yourself, 429 North Sixth Street. DRUGGISTS?For sal? In an up-to-dato and pro grossing Virginia city of 25.000. nn old es? tablished ?25 years) business; ?go of owner tho only reason for selling; an unquestioned bargain for cash. Address CITY DRUGGIST, Box 020, care this office. FOR BALE?Patent Medicine business, estab? lished In large territory on profitable basis; active account? und slock inventory nbout $10,000; will ?oil at Inventory; ?mall cash payment, balance easy terms; Investigate; good reason for selling. Address PROFITS, care this office. HORSE?Stylish, woll-gaited, black aaddlo horse for sale, seven years old; sound. Prie? $125. Apply HERBERT STEINBACK, 1007 West H rond Street, FOR RENT. FOR RENT?Nice 8-room modern ,hou?e; ar? ranged suitable for Hal?, 141,11,4 Well Main Street; possesKlon at nnee. Apply No. 0 South Morris Street. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC. IMPORTED HARTZ Mountain Canaries, Jap? anese Gold Fish. Cage?. Globes, and full line of supplies. FANCIER'S SUPPLY CO., 517 West Broad. OIL STOVES. JUROENS SELLS OfL BTOVEB. "~CcTd~FEE_:T\ YOU WON'T HAVE cold feat if you buy a Flash or Magic Wood Stove at J?RGENS". "removal OLDEST IN CITY; eitabliihed 1866. GEO. A LEONHARD, GOO S. Pine Street. Richmond, Va., cabinet maker and upholsterer; antique work restored; new furulture mude; all work guaranteed: manufacturer of Gilt-Edge Fur? niture Pollab. . PERSONALS. BEAUTIFUL LAMP Shades, Cream Cup? and Chrysantbemnmr,. In fancy Bowers. Mrs. PULLEY, fiLO West Broad. 'Phono 3720. WE CLEAN and block hat* of all description? cj'inl to new'Felt lints. av. ; Derbys cleaner), .V.; hands, bindings qnd suent tethers pill on: silk hala a specialty; clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. Membership fee, $l,*i9 month; work called for nnd delivered, ?Phone 1121. ?????????? CENTURY PRESSINO OLTJB, HOI Fast Broad. ONE GALLON "Clifton Springs," best ?2 m parili, m THE PEN-MAH, Franklin and So*. cnteentb. Goods delivered. OLD OVERHOLT, Monticene, Calvort and other straight whiskies nt low prices: goods deliv? ered any part of the city. THE FEN-MAR. Franklin nnd Seventeenth Streets. HOT ROASTEdIp??N?tS, Se, ^?iarTiTo??ut? roasted every day hy the New Process Peanut Roaster, wholesale nnd retail, et DYER'S CONFECTIONERY, 014 B. Marshall, liest Seventh Street. NOTICE. CHANCE IN REAL ESTATE FIRM-MR. LEROY G(. GRANT, who has boon with Mesar?. Sutton and CO., for the past, twelve yenr?, has formed ? oo-parlnership with Mr. It, It, HARRISON, of the Harrison Realty Co.. No. ? North Eleventh Street, and the style of tho new Ihm Is HARRISON AND GRANT. THE PUBLIC Is cordially Invited to the demon ettatloii of Tryphnsa .Telly at THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., 527 F.. Brood Street; one w"(-u only ?October 10th to 21th. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE PUBLIC la cordially Invited to the demon? stration of Tryphosa Jelly at THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC? TEA CO., 627 K. Broad Street; one week ouly?October 10th to 24th. SWEET STUFF. 8TRANGER8, DON'T FAIL to cet a bon of KAEMPF'S Candles before yon leave tonn. 80G?~ CREAM CANDY ? AT KAEMPF'S, 20c. pound. NOVELTIES In Chocolates at KAEMPF'S. TRY KAEMPF'S 40c. Mixture. 110 NORTH NINTH. 110 NORTH NINTH. MAIL ORDERS solicited; prompt attontlon as? sured. C???RVbYANT-AND PALMIST. MRS. 8ELBY. Palmist, AitrolOfjer, Clairvoyant and Card Render; reading? 2I5 cents. Reveals pnst, present, and futur?; tells who nnd when you. will marry, reunites the ?aparate?), cause? --peedy marriage. Lettera with date of birbi and ?I enclosed answered; 1100 East Broad Street, corner Elevnth. HUriAN HAI?TA?D ?1???CURINO. HUGHES' HAIR MANUFACTORY?All kind, of human hair on hand nnd made to order. Sco our latett pompadours. Wholesale and retail. HMr dreeing, manicuring, shampooing nnd fac(al message at 122 East Broad Street. Commissioner Sargent Asks Prosecution of Violators. HUNDREDS BROUGHT OVER Great Numbers of Coal Miners Brought Here from Wales?Secretary Wilson Sends Warning to Miners Not to Come. (By Associated Press, ? WASHINGTON, D. C, October 19.'- j Evidence has been collected by the Bu- . reati of Immigration. Department of Cora rrerce and Labor, of a systematic and | ?Mentire violation of the contract labor { l?.t\?. Commissioner-General F, P- Sar- : gent has submitted the evidence to the J Department of Justice, and has requested ? the Attorney-General to Institute pro- j teedlngs against-the alleged violators of I th(: lav.?. The case in hand involve? hundreds ot | roen, many of vr'nom already are in this [ country. Otr.ers ere en route to the 1 United States and expected to arrive in a. few day* "'Forty men who arrived in Phlladelr.'riia-'-yesi?rday on the steamer Haveford are being detained as contract laborers, and many others are expected on a steamer of the White Star Line, due at New York In a day or two. The men ere Welsh coal miner?, and come to the | United States under an alleged agreement j to work for the Elrworth Coal Company, of Elsworth. Pa. It Is said that men are r-elng sent to this country by a firm In Pontyprldl, Wales. The condition of : orne of the Imported miners Is serious. Many have requested the Board of Im? migration to send them back to Wales, a? they say the agreement under which j they came here is not being kept. The majority of the immigrants were obliged to sell their personal belongings in order tr. obtain money with which to come to the United States, and a few of them were Induced to dispose of places of bus? iness which previously had enabled them, in part, to support their famlli?-' Welsh ?liners Lured Here. LONDON, October 13.-At a meeting of miners, held to-day in the Rhondda Val? ley. Wales, William Abraham, the Lib? eral member of Parliament from the Khondda Valley Division, read a cable? gram from Secretary Wilson, of the United Mine Workers of America, warn? ing Welsh miners against advertisements offering them employment by a Pennsyl? vania coal operator. Mr. Abraham said he had Investigated the mailer ami found that Welsh miners had been lured to the United States under false pretenses. JUNIOR DELEGATION OFF FOR SEASHORE Richmond and Manchester are now rep? resented In Newport Nous by ,-ome of the mobi prominent members of ino Junior COUlD NOT SLEEP FOR COUGH? ING, "Id the winter of 10)3 l contracte)] a se. vere cold, and it resulted In pneumonia," taya Mr. Bert Hatch, of Bomh Dayton, K. Y. "l'or five days and nights I could not Sleep; was constantly rough liig. Mr. J. J. Buiniell, knowing of hiy Illness, sent tw-. a bottle of Chamberlain'? Cough Remedy, and in a short time it gvs\e me relief bo that I could sleep, and two bottles of the remedy cured me. j had Uken five dlffeicmt remedies, but nould get no relief until ? began usine Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Too much cannot be eald for such a medicine." "When a druggist takes Uiq liberty cC ?finding a medicine to a friend, you may know that the remedy tentsb. a good one. For sale by all druggists. Cottin? ,? po?tlon Is of vital importance lo troops in battle. Jt Is equally Impor? tent In in? buttle of Ule. Tlnit?B-DIsu?ti h Want Ad. Columna are full d? nuau-gi ca) polni;. "... .t., ?,,? .. r,< them, Tiici.e l;.e ?'..-.i A4, MMkii. Order United American Mechanic? of eithe.i city. This morning In the Ship? building Citv will begin the nineteenth annual meeting of State Council. The Richmond and Manchester delegati ns left nt 4 o'clock yesterday aftevnoan on a spedai car attached to the fan train o? the Chesapeake and Ohio road, leaving the city dailv at that hour for Old Point. The Rlchmonders, with their Manches? ter brethren, w 11 have their rooms at the Hotel Warwick, which is the headquar? ters of the.councl wh le in session. Tho^e from this citv were looking forward to the meeting which begins to-day with much Interest and fully expect to have a good time. A PACKED HOUSE AT LO0P1NG-THE-LOOP Melodrama' has been side-tracked at the, Bijou this week, and the right of way ?riven to musical comedy. Just for a change, the latter is welcome to the pa? trons of the. house. The heavy villian. the heroine and the lone comedian a!I need a rest, and in their place appear Foxy Grandpa, "Happy Hocligan." Mrs. Katzenjammer and a score of ot ers. They all made merry last night and the audience was in the best so.t of humor when the last curtain fell. "Looping the Loop" is merely a. catch title and has nothing to do with the niece. As no one would have the temen 3tv to write a musical comedy with a plot is of little ronsequence All the au. dlence care?, about Is to see. "something doing" all the time, and that requisito is provided in "Looping the Loop." There were a number of clever special? ties introduced during tre act:on of the niece. As no o.-.e would have the temen ty to write a musical comedy with a plot the title is of little consequence. All the au piece. The Otto Brother?, after the fashion of the famous Roger Brothers, contributed a number that received sev? eral encores F:ed A. Chagnon. ven trllocuist and m m c. w.<s loudly ap? plauded for his work. John Leach, in a monologue, got off a lot of timely stuff, and Robert Ott. vocalist, came in for hin share of applause. Phil Ott wa? clever all the way through In the role of Tum? ble Tom. The usual Monday night audienci). which means that the hou;e was crowd d to capacity, witnessed the performance. The Washington and Lee boys wero pres? ent, and the audience? knew it, though, ex cent for a few college yells, they were not at ail demonstrative. r?nd didn't man? ifest any disposition to lift the roof. B. C. NEW YORK CAMPAIGN Murphy Says Devery and Odell Did Meet?No Immoral Fund. fBy Associated Pros?.) 1VEW YORK. Oct. IS.?Charles F. Mur? phy, leader of Tammany Hall, reiterated to-day that William S. Deve: ? and Gov? ernor Odcll had met at the Fifth-Avenue Hotel recently. "They met.1' said Mr. Murphy, "though I did not expect Devery tn admit It. Nor could we expect any similar admis? sion from Odcll. I have positive proof of their meeting. They were sent here." The Tammany leader was asked .f he had anything to say to the report that Tammany Hall has gathered a fund of (200,000 for campaign purposes from dis? orderly Rouse-keepers and otheis of that kind. "There is no such fund," said .Mr. Mur jihy: nor would auch a fund collected Irani that source be u ed by this organiza? tion." Mr. Murphy said the heavy registration showed the popular Interest In the r/m? palgii und the people were determined n't ro permit the city to fall Into the ha;.da of "G?-Rtato Grafters." Dr. Steel Losss Purse. W bile enjoying an evening at the Horse Show last week 3_>r. George. B. Steel, of this city, had tin- misfortune to lose a pcckeibook containing a small amount of money and a number of Important pa? pers. The finder of the purse, will be per? mitted to retain the money therein, pro vMi <i he return? ?he remainder of the contents Sovo:al of the papers while of nc interest or importance to another am valuable to I'-ir. Steel, and he is anxlou? to rex over ? hem. Electrolysis Matter. The Subcommittee on Water, having Charge of the iiioctrolyeis matter, held u long session last night and adjourned to meet aguln on Thursday night at ? o cio.-k. wt.ei, a report win he made to ti?! fud ciiininltten. WEINTZ NOI" FOUND Attorney of Ihe M issinp; Man's Kather Makes Statement. (By Associated Pies: , PHlLAriBLPHIA. 1?., Oct, lS.-lj, joiin H. Went;, father of l j. Went? general manager of the Virginia Coal Company, who hai- mysteriously iilaap. pea rod, accompanied by hi wife and (?????*., ? .?MJ A statement Issued by Mr. Wentz's at? torney, states that E. L. Wentz was last -een In Kellyvlew. four miles from Appa? lachian on a public road, leading to Wise, the. county seat of Wise county. Va. He left his home at Big Stone Gap to visit one of his men and although a small army of men. assisted by dogs, are scour? ing the woods and mountains no trace has been found of the missing man. French Cruiser Arrives. (Bv Associated Press.} CHARLESTON. S. C. Oct. 19.?The French cruiser Fronde came into port this morning on the way to New Or? leans from Boston. The u=ual cour? tesies were exchanged between the har? bor forts and the ships. SPECIAL SERVICES AT CHRIST CHURCH, Twentv-second aud Venable Sts., Each Night This Week at 8 o'clock Sea Trout and Drum Fishing, Meadow Hen, Quail, Rabbit, Duck, Brant and Goose Shooting at Hotel Wachapreague ("near (Cohb's Island); 73 elegant rooms. Make your engagements at once. For booklets and further Information, apply to A. H. G. HEARS, Prop., Wachapreague, Va. SCHOOLS. THE ART SCHOOL OF THE ART CLUB OF RICHMOND, Session ol ivOo-'O-t opens October 15th. Miss Annie C. Fletcher, Instructresr; Mr. ?. M. Straus, Arts and Crafts. Apply for circulars of MRS. B. LORRAINE. Treasurer, 1409 Hanover Street. GRAND ENCAMPMENT CONFEDn ERATE VETERANS. Newport News, Va., via C. &. O. Rail? way, For the Grand Encampment, Confed? erate Veterans, at Newport News, Va., October 2&th to 30th, the C. & O. will sell tickets from Richmond to Newport News and return at one fare for the round trip, namely ?2.2S. Tickets on sale October 27th and 2Sth. with final limit of October 31st. On October 23th, a "special fast train" will leave Richmond at ? A. M. to carry ? ??etehans, military and friends to the re? union at Newport News. Returning, the special will leave Newport News at 8 P. M., same day. The rate on the "special" October 29th, will be fl.SO for tho round trip. Times-Dispatch Want Ads. brighten business. They are fleet-footed messen? gers that do In a. day the work of a month. "Phone the Want Ad. man," SPECIAL FAST TRAIN TO NEW PORT.PEWS, October 29th?$1.60 for the Round Trip, For the Confederate Veterans' Reunion and Military Parade, during the Grand Encampment at Newport News, tho C. &. O, Railway will run a "Special Fast Train," leaving Richmond 8 A. M., Octo? ber ?8th, to carry Confederate veterans, the military and friends, at a rato of il..7) for the round trip, returning on "sp?? cial,'' leaving Newport News at ? ??. m., traine day. WINTER TOURISTS' EXCURSION RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAIL? WAY. H'^mning with October l?. 1?03, and continuing until Apri) Z0, i?i. iui?. South? ern Hallway will have on sale excursion tickets to many points in the South and Southwest ftt greatly reduced rates. Fre quent and convenient nrhedules. Through Pullman and thoroughfare wire; dining ear service of the highest class on all through trellis, For details apply to >,?(?:,' I 1 W. WKKTBCHV, D. P. A. Richmond, Va. Getting a position is of vital Importan CO to troop? in battle. It I? equally Impur? ? p? ? tho battle of fife. Tltncs-Dlepatch ? Atl Columns are full of ?(rateai? ? '. On up> bin ?" thi iq i ...? Ihe U'tt/it Ad. man, AMUSEMENTS. APAflEftfiV VvEDNESDAY, AuMUtlni Oct. 21. Night Only. Miss Ada Rohan and Mr. Otis Skinner In a magnl?cent revival of THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.60'and $2.00. BIJOU THEATRE. ALL THIS WEEK. LOOP THE LOOP. Pretty Music, Pretty Costume?, PrettV Girls. Matinees Tuesday. Thur.-day. Saturday Foot-Ball VIRGINIA vs. V. P. I. Sa'urday, October 24th. BROAD-STREET PARK 3:15 P. M. Admission 50c. and "So. The Very Best Wood Heaters FLASH?Cast Iron bottom and top (in four sizes ) STAR?Sheet Iron, with cast-iron feet (In three sizes.) For sale by leading dealers everywhere. SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stoves. WANTED Girls for the following work at good wages and steady employ? ment. Beginners paid while learning. Hand Rollers, Machine Bunch Breakers, Operators and Feeders on All-Tobacco Cigarette Ma? chines. Apply to ALLEN & GINTER Branch. WHITE GIRLS TO MAKE Cheroots and Cigars. Learners paid while being taught. Address or apply to Whiflock Branch, 23d and CARY STS., RICHMOND VA., Carpenters Wanted. Vi Good Ciirpeutursforone month's job 041 of the city, Call this morning 10 to 13 A. M. Virginia Anthracite Goal Go., jtovmibiM, Klx'l liulhling. LEGAL NOTICE. "TBTS COMMONWEALTH OF VIR 1 GINIA:?TO THE SHERIFF OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND. GREETING: We command you. as at ano'her time we have commanded you, to summon The New York. Chicago and St. Louis Ral - road Company, a foreign corporation and non-resident of Virginia: The Pennsyl van'a Railroad Company, a forelrn cor? poration and non-resident of "VI glnla.; The Pennsylvania Company, a for lgn cor? poration and non-resident of Virginia; The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com? pany, a foreign corporation and non-res' dent of Virginia; The Ohio River Rail oad Company, a foreign corporation and non? resident of Virginia; The ? ttsburg, Cin? cinnati. Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, a foreign corporation and non? resident of Virginia; The Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad Company, a foreign cir poratlon and non-resident of Virginia; The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Com? pany, a corporat on organized under nnd doing business In the State of \''rglnia, and the Kanawha and Michigan Railway Company, a foreign corporation and non? resident of Virginia, to appear at the Clerk's Office of our Law and Equ ty Court, of the C'tv of Richmond, at tho Courthouse of said city, at the rules to be holden for said court on the third Monday In November, 1903 to answer the action of Joseph Ferrer?, Lawence J. Crovo and Walter C. Crenshaw. portners In trade under the firm and style of Fer? rer? & Company. Of a nlea of tresspass on the ca?-o. Dam ages-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. And have then there this writ. Witness. P. P. Winston, cl?rk of our said court, at Richmond, the 10th day of October. 1903. and In the 128th year of tho Commonwealth. P. P. WINSTON, Cle-k. A Copy?Teste: P. P. Winston. Clerk. Sholton & Moore, p. q, ocl3-law-4w SEALED PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR CAST-IRON AND Steel Projectiles for Cannon.?Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, October 13, 1903. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received here until 3 P. M. NOVEMBER 12. 1903, for furnishing the following projectiles, more or less: Cast-Iron?1,000 15-lb. 3-lnch field gun shells; 10,000 75 mm. 18-lb. shell. All the above to be bored and tapped for fuze but without fuzes. 1.S00 lS-pdr. 3-lnch R. F. gun solid shot; 100 33-pdr. 4-lnch solid shot; ?00 l,04S-lb. 12-inch B. L. rifle solid shot. Steel?2,000 6-pdr. 2.24-lnch A. P. shell; 2,000 16 pdr. 3-lnch A. P. shell; 200 33-pdr. 4-lnch A. P. shell; 1.300 5S-pdr. 5 lnch A. P. capped shell; 1,600 106-lb. 6-inch A- P. capped shell; 485 68-lb. S-lnch capped shot; 750106-lb. 6-lnoJh capped shot. All tho above steel projectiles to be bored and tapped for fuze but without fuzes. All the above to be In accordance with Ordnance Department designe except that alternate bids will be received for all the above steel projectiles on designs of the bidder, especially those .having In view ' an Increase In the shell capacity without decreasing the ballistic qualities. Bids will be received for all or part for Che foregoing. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. Information can be had upon application ? Brtg. Gen. WILLIAM OROZIER, Chlet of Ord. FORT MONROE. VA., OCT. 16. 1903. Healed proposals, In triplicate, for In? stalling Hot Water Heating Plants In 23 buildings here will he received until 32 M. OCT. 26, 1903. U. S, rosorves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof, Information fur? nished on application. Envelopes con? taining proposals should be marked "Pro? posal lor Heating,'' address C. P. TOW.NBLEY, Q. M. MEETINGS, ft OFFICERS AND MEMBERS RICH? VV ?0?? ItA-VDOLril LODGE, NO. 30. /Vn a. k. and A. M.?Ple??e attend the ?tilled communication of your lodge THIS (Tuesday) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock at Maaon?.' Hall, Members aister lodgeB invited to meet with us. By order or tho Worshipful Master. W. h. OOODE, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING ?G THE STOCKHOLD? era of the ItlOHMONP TRACTION COMPANY will be held, a? required by the by-law? of the Company, at the Company'? office, Sev. entb and Main Street?, Richmond, Vs., at 13 o'clock noon on TUESDAY. NoTember 3d. WM. NOHTHROP, Secretary. ThTConfed?rat?T Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open? dally from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Admls-don. 25 cents. Free gllj^turday?1; RICKpOHn !"D PmRSBUfU ELECTRIC RAILWAY, LefcinninK April ut, ?????. Cars leave corner Perry and Seventh Streets, Manchester, every hour (on the Jiourl from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M., last car 11:60 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from 6:30 A. M. to 10:30 t?. M. I-RIPAV AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. ft LE.NTt?-HOUND TlilP-Uj CENTS RAILROADS. ATLANTIC COAST LINE THAliSM Li/AV? HiCHlMOND DAILY? bykdrstreet station?. effective Monday, sept. 21st. 0:05 A. M. A. C. L. Express to all points South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12.10 P. SI. Petersburg and N. & W. West. 300 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk, ft 10 P. M. Goldsboro Local, 650 P. M. Petersburg Local. 7:25 P. M. "Florida and West Indian Lim? ited," to all points South. 9-40 P. SI. Petersburg and N. & W. West 11 30 P. >L Petersburg Local. ' TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:43 A. M. 7:35 A. SL, S:25 A. M.; Sunda"y only 11:25 A. M.; 11:00 A. M., 1:05 P. SI., except Sunday; 2:05 P. M., 7:20 P. SL, 7:45 P. SI.. 9:10 P. SI. 'Except Sunday. C. S. CASIPBELL. DIv. Paas.AgL W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass Agt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT 4. 1903. 7;C0 A. SI.?Dally. Local for Charlotte. 12:30 P. SI.?Daily. Limited. Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Slemphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6:00 P. SI.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City ?coal. 11:05 P. M.?Dally. Limited. Pullman ready 9:30 P. SI., for all the South. YORK RIVER LINE. The favorite route to Baltimore and Eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. SI. dally, except Sunday. 5:00 A. SI. Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 2:15 P. SI.?Local for West Point. 4:30 P. St.?Except Sunday. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings. . TRAINS ARRIVE RICHSIOND. 6:65 A. M. and 6:45 P. Sf.-Frorn all tho South. 3:35 P. St.?From Charlotte and Durham. 8:40 A. St.?From Chase City. 9:15 A. SL?Baltimore and West Point. 5:10 P. St.?From West Point. I C. H. ACKERT, S. H. HARDWICK. ' G. SI. G. P. A. C. W. WESTBURY, D. P. ?.. Richmond. Va. r0U"i 2 Meurt and 25 Minutes toNorfolk Lb.iv'fa nlCHMO.M)?EAS'i'UOl.'ND. 7.45 A. II.?Dally?Local to Nuivport Notre and way stations. 0:00 A. M?Dally?Limited?Arrivas Williams biirg 0:66 A. M., Newport News'JO:B0 ?. M., Old Point ll;00 A. M., Norfolk 11:38 A. M. 4:00 P, M.?Week days?Specilli?Arrhes Wll! llamsburg 4:50 G. M.. Newport News 5:110 P. M., Old l'oint 0:00 1*. M., Norfolk 0:25 P. M 5:00 P. M.?Dolly?I/icM to Old Point. MAIN LINE?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Local?Dally to Cbarlottcsvllls, except Sunday to Clifton Forge. 8:00 P. M.?Dally?Special to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Chicago. 5:15 l\ M.?Week day??Local to Gordonsvllle. lu;30 P. SI.?Dolly?Limiten to Cincinnati. Louisville. St. I/iul* and Chicago. JAMES HIVER LINE. 10:20 A. M.?Dally-Expuss to Lynehburg, Ollflon Forgo and principal stations. 6:15 P. M.?Week doys.-Locul to Warren. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND FROM Norfolk and Old Pnltit 40:05 A. M. dally, 11:45 A. M. Ex. Sun., and 7:00 P. M dully. Newport News Local 7:55 P. M. dally. From Cincinnati and West 7 15 A. M. dally and 3:50 P. M. dal!/. Muli) Line Locul from Clifton Forge 8:10 P. M. Ex. Sun. from Clifton Forge, dolly from Churl?fC?vllle. Gnrdoubvlllo Accoro 8:30 A. M. Ex. Siluri Jarno? lllver Line I<orol from Clifton Forge 6:38 P. M. dal/'. Warren Accnm. 8:40 ?. M Ex. Sun. C. E. DOYLE, W. O. WARTHEN. flen'l Manager Plat. Pass. Agt. RE ? D Richmond, Frederic*? ? G ? (? G ? burg & Potomac R. ri Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:61 A. SI., daily. Byrd St. Through. 6:45 A. SI., dally. Slain St. Through. 7;15 A. SL, week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. St., Sunday only. Byrd St. Through. ? 8:40 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 12.05 noon, week (lays. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. SI., week days? Byrd St. Fred erlcksburg accommodation. 5:05 P. SI., dally. Slain St. Through. 0l36 P. M-, week days. Elba. Ashland ac commoda t Ion. ._ 8:C6 P. My daily. . Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. SI., week days. Elba. Ashland accommodation. 8:15 A. SI., week deys. Byrd St. Fred orlcksburg accommodation. 8:35 A. SI., dally. Byrd St. Through. 11:55 A. SI., week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. SI., dally. Stain St. Through. 6:00 P. SI., week days. Elba. Ashland ac commodatlon. 7:15 P. SI., dally. Byrd St, Through. 9:00 P. SI., dully. Hynt SI. Through. 10:29 P. SL, dally. Sia.'n St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cars on all traini? except 1?.??1 Hccominoiiutlons, W.D. DUKH.O, W, GULP, \>. P. TAYLOR, Gon'l Slan'r Ats't. l'?en'l Man'r, ??af. Slan, 41) ? ? 14, 1W3, RAILR0AD8. ?W(Wolk??aWesta LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M.?NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk ?1:C0 A- M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. 9:05 A. M.-CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus. Bluefleld to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to Knoxvllle; and Knoxvllle to Chattanooga and Memphis. 12:10 P. M.-ROANOKE EXPRES8 for Farmvllle. Lynchburg and Roanoke. 3:f'1 P. M.?OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk ?:C0 P. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Con? nects with steamers to Boston. Provi, dence, New York, Baltimore and Wash? ington. 7:25 P. M.?For Norfolk and all stations east of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M.?NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanoke; Petersburg to EaFt Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe Dining Car. Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A. M., 2:03 P. M. and 9:10 P. M:: from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Office No, S3S East Main StreeL W. B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLEY. Gen. Pass. Agent. Dia. Pass. Agent. SEABOARD Air Line Railwa?t TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 p. M.?Seaboard Mall?10:35 P. M.? Seaboard Express?To Savannah, Jack? sonville. Atlanta and Southwest. 9.10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Hara leL TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:35 A. M.-No. 31-4:55 P. M.?No. 68? From Florida. Atlanta and Southwest. 5:30 P. M.?From Norllna and loe?! pointe. City Ticket Office, ?30 E. Main Street. 'Phone 405. STEAMBOATS. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, Steamship Lino. Direct Route to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. 1, Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day., Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence. Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at t> P. M. Passengers and freight taken for all New England points. Tick? ets on sale at C & O. Ry. and N. & W. Ry. Offices and No. S19 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT. Agt., Norfolk, Va. VIRGIHIA KAVIGATIO). COMPANY JAB?ES RIVER DAY LINE, STEAMER POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremont and .lame? River landings, and connecting nt Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and th? North. State-rooms reserved for the night nt moderate prices. Electric cars direct to wharf. Fare only tl.&O and $1 to Nor? folk. Music, by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-name) place? and all points in Eastern Virginia aud North Carolina. IRVIN WEISGER, General Manager, E. A. BARBER, Jr., Secretary. BAY LIKE TO BALTIMORE Via C. ic 0. Rwy. ana uia ?Oiot. U. ? MAIL ?UUl'L, I.tMMi lllchmouil ria C. ic O. dal)/ except tiundiiy, at 4 I'. M? tun? u eci hi ? at Old Point with iitearuur? of Old Ila? Line, leaving 7:16 P. M., arriving Daltlui'ire 6:30 A, 11. counectlUB North, Ka?t and IVmi, Kor ticket? and Information U|i|>ly to C. & O. Itvry., Rich? munii Tranafer Cotnnauy, '?' ?30 Enat Mala 8t STEAMSHIP GO. Night Un? for Norfolk. Leave Richmond every evening: tfoot of ?? Street) 7 P. M, Steamers atop at New? port News In both directions. Fare $2.60, Includes stateroom berth! meals, 60?. oach. ' ?-' FOR NEW YORK. By Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., 9 A M.. 4 ? M ; by Norfolk and Western Ry., I -\ M 3 P. M. All linos connect at Nor? folk with direct steamers for New York, sailing dailv (except bunday) 7 P. if, ? ? rlIALKLEY. City Ticket Agent, ?" SOS E. Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent, Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. ? 1) AVALKER, V. P. &_T; M., New York. Clyde Steamship Co.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK DINE. Freight reoelved and delivered dally at C. &. O. R'w'y Co.'s depot, Sovonteentl. ?aid Broad Streou,.