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HAS EFFECT ON STOCKS Nearly All Active Jones Affect the by Baltimore Failure. LONDON SALESARE HEAVY Weakness of American Securities in London Frobably Due to Advices from Baltimore?Ra'lroad Stocks Suffers. (By Associated Pre?.?.) NEW YORK. Oct. lO.-CJlouds of appre? hension rathered over the atock iwrKct again to-day. thu press of practical? ly all of the prominent act vo t>tooks w? c Impaired from 2 to 4 point* before the selling whs check'.'d. The of receivers for two Bnltimore trust com? Punic? was the Impeli tiK cause? of the celling. Weaknftefe was In evidenco fium the opening, and. In tact, befo,o that, London ?ending a decidedly lower lunge of micos as a result of the early trudln? there. It Is probable that the weakness of Americans In London ?manned from Baltimore, as one of the.? o trust o in panics made nn effort to eocure a. loan In London last week, thu? offer tig that, center advance Knowledge, of the trou? ble., immilliti also professed renewed Ap? prehension over the war cloud In th3 Far liuM. and rumors came over to cabios thst tho trouble ai the last week? ??ttlement. Was tldwl over, w.ik likely to crop out again. London sale* In New York, ?.? a con? sequence, were, heavy, be.list e:ttlm ted among the tornigli houses at as high as 60,000 share.?. Mow far the Pal l.nore troubles wore d rcclly responsible for tie fotclng down of stocks was not ve. y oloar. but the special wenknea* of some of the Southern Railroad .stocks indi? cated from that quarter. 1112 rcntimcntal effoct of the fallurui was Isi strong, and put a step to hopos of hotter prices, aroused by last week's Hharp rally in tho stock ma.kit, that rally having driven considerable sho,t lotetest to cover, left tho marKet deprived of some potential support, and made it more vulnerable to The line, of division, which began to develop iast week between tho ra.lroad stocks and the Industrials, was al o obi tor ted. The leading ra lroad s ockn suffered fully as severely as the Industrials as U shown bv the declines of 3 to .'1 1-2 msda bv Balt.m'iio and Onlo; Southern Hail way, preferred; IH noi? Centriti; Union Pacific, The only Dromnent lndust lai. Pacific The ony prominent Industrii!, which suffered to as lari,? an extent, v^ere United Bteol. preferred; Amalgamile ted Copper, the American Oar stock?, tho General Electr.c and West Inghouse. Electric, the last named drop? ping g points. The Baltimore failures soemed to be due. to the same causes have neces? sitated tli? greater part of the prolonged liquidation In the stock market, namely, over commitments In tho promotion and underwriting of new enterpr.sess. the ?counties of which have no value In the present ?tute of the money market and public sent.ment. There has been a growing hope, that the liquidation made nocessarv by this kind of poor ,nve.t nionts was approaching co.i pletlon. Trio revelation that It had been effectual io such an e.xient a? disclosed by the ?*.* ilmoio failures, causea the. of uncomfortable Inference.?'. It is remark, able also that up to to-day tne eno m "iii Mirlnk.-igc in Ihe.value of securities and the urgent requ.rementn Tvtucfc have met In liquidation, had not caused a ?lu? cie- failure in the hanking itr.c? trust com. panics circles. There was a rnldjay pause in the decline after tue completion of the London But the announce? ment of the recond Baiti.nore failure caused a renewal of the deci ne with in? creased violence, and the. closing was heavy, and only slightly above, tuo low? est. Illinois Central made a spasmodic re? covery of 1 1.8. The bond market yielded In sympathy with sioi'ks. after some early resl-.fance. Total salen, par value. ?,010,000. Uni ed Stute bonds were unchanged on the last call. Total sales were 70?.000 shares. MONEY ANI3 EXCHANGIS-CLOSE;? '.Money on call. ea?y at J IM? ??1-2: tl sing, bid and aeked. 2<Wl l-4? time loans, wea<; sixty days, ninety days and six month), 4 1-2??d per cent, on pr me colateral; ? mio mercantile paper, o 3-i#?3: steil ng ex? change, s.e;dy, at decline, w th actual bHfinejs in bankers' bill* at ?4.8?.4Ci?j/|.8j.5,i for demand, and at $4.N.2MM.S2.K? for six? ty-day -bills; posted rates. ?4.S3 and St.W 1?2: commercial bills, $4.S?; bar sil? ver, 51 3-4; Mexican dollars, 47 1-4. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Kleamond. V?., Oct. 10, 1003. CiOVBBN.MKNT SKCUBITIEB. V. ?, 3s, ennpon. lOOS-IOJfi. ion siati; ?i??uiUTiiia, nid. Astica. Vu. a?, new. ?. ?ad II., 10.?2- ?2i; .,, Vs. Centuries, 5-3, t!, and II. 02?; ... CITY. MSUUKITIBS. nichmond fiiy 4?, II., 1020-10.10.. 10GH ... IlAll.ilOAl) HUM)?, A. 0. I/. B. It. Coo. Tr. 4?. 00 On. of (It. By. ron. Ps, IMS_ io?? C. C. and A. 2<J 7a, C, 1810. 1(2 C, tod (>., n. and A. D, t;. M. 41^b 101 (irurjrlu mid Al?, con. A?, ni'ju.. in!?, Norfolk and Western R.v. la. 10(?e.. ?G? ?. und \V. Pocabonta? 4a?,. S7 ... Southern P.y. 1st Sa, 1004. 112 8. A. !.. Cou. 1st 4a, IMO. HO H. A. h. Collateral Tr. G?, 11)11.. !'? Western N. C. 1st 0?. 0? 1014.. 112 ic\ il,no ap stocks. Atlantic Const Une "A".100 100 AtlnntlO Const Une pfd.100 00 Atlantic Const Une com_100.103 ''hfilpfslie nnd Ohln.loo II) '?'a., Bo. nnd la. let pfd.ino 05 Hieb,, Trcd. und Put. MM....100 ... 280 Seaboard Air Une pfd.liXi 20 Seaboard air Una com.loo ja BANK STOCKS. American National.100 ... 12fl 1'lrat Natlona .100 ... 107 SaTlnya Hank of ... (15 Stilt? Bank of Vb.100 ... ItlO JNgUJUNOE COMPANIES. V?. Tire and Marluii.35 3S MlSCEI.LANEOtiS. Va..C'ar. Cbem. pfd 8 ?, ?.,,.??? S7 00 Va,-CarolIna chemical cora,..,ioo io II.WTIMOIIK S'Ull'K JIAUKKT ItALTIMOItl!. MD.. Oct. 10.???board Air Une common, 23&ft24. Seaboard 4s. ooy bid. Atlantic Cosrt Idee, common and preferred, not ipiotcd. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YOaK, Oe?. 10,?The cotton market "peuart ?ttuidy at an ?Arance of 1?4 pollila ?? the three near position?, while the latfr months "?re unehanped to 9 poliiu lower, Th? advance? were duo to coming; on froit uewa ?????? the decline? were lo sympathy ?'Uh low ftr cabla? tlinn c*peci"d. The froau ?|?o nroTcd rafber disappointing to tbo hulls, ?a Willing f<O*t wa? mporled fro? only on? ?er tlnn, Montgomery, and "lille Herbt fro?ta ware more or le?e general over the rasiera und cen? tral bellac, they wen,? aot roualdered llkoly THOMAS BRANCH? GO (ESTABLISHED IS08.) MEMBERS Kew York Sfook Exohangt, Kew York Cotton Exoliang?, PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS, Investment Securities Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York BALES: ??ttttt+t4*t44+^444*?^t4?t-t+4>^^ By Xhomm Branch k t^?- Bankers and Broker?. Open. High. Low. 100 lift 2100 IMO Ameritan Snuff com. American Btinff pfd. American Can com. American Can pfd. 2M{. Anier. Cotton OH ?.????.... ssife Amer. Locomotive com.. lAVa Atntr. Locomotive ? I'd... 78 American TObOCCa pfd. Amer. Car and Foundry.. 21 American Rugar . 112 ?,? T. and S. Fa. com.... r/i'i ?.. T. and 8. Fa pfd.'.i. SS ? tnnl gam a ted Copper. asti Biltlmorc and Ohio. 74% Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 83'.? Canadian Paclllc . lie no fhesniieake and Ohio. Canada Southern . Colorado Southern com.. Col. Southern 1st pfd,,?. Col. Southern 2d pfd.,,? Chi., Mil. and St. ?. Chi.? R'. I. and Pac. Colorado Fuel and Iron.. Chi. Great Western. 14U C; ?? C. and St. L..... Consolidated Gas. Del. and Hudson. Dot., Lac. and ? Vest. Erie com . 27% Eric 1st pfd. m Erle 2d pfd . 47'.; General Electric. IW Illinois Central . ISO Leather . 7 Louisville and N&nh. '.fi Manhattan . 1?U4 Metropolitan . 104 Mexican Central . 10 I2U M'b 2n Z37% 24', 2?% 178' :3 IM?? 281,4 wk 73 '?? IM? Wh ? 38% 71% 83U llSii if) 137% m 14% SB* 48 147% ISO 131 Vj 101 10V4 12M? 71 Vi *?9 hou CI'. *>% 72V4 311} 117*4 w& SI 18% 135% 231? 2*1 HH 1T?' r?S 471,4 141 12s m 13015 i?iii lu Closln?;. Bid Asked, M 110 70% M. RALES Open. High. Low. 88M 12Vi UH ltd? g?? 117? 28% 62?? litt ?0? 1!",? g? 2S 14% 08 171 LV? 230 MU OSU 471/i 143 1? eu 98 ino 1?li,4 10 ?*> CMi 12% if 64% $?g ??'.?si 73 ai > ? 118 29 11'?? mW S3678 Missouri Pacific. . W?V? 300 Mo., T?. and Tort. com.... lf>W 1110 Mo., ?. and Tcshr pfd_ ?M? ?"COO N?iw York Central. 117 2470 N. V. Orti, fltid West.... 20% aravi Norfolk and western... 1 r,7 |49700 Pennsylvania . 11S% 1430 preased Sfel Car. SOU 217 Pressed flteel Cnr pfd.... ?>? 1050 People's Gas Trust. 90$ 23X0 Reading com . Ml 23 U 29 14 Vi 70 173 ISS? 231 47? 144V? 130 m 131 103% I0?2 Reading lut pfd. Reading 2d pfd. ?V?) Republic I. and S. com.... 810 Rrtpuhllc I. nnd 8. pfd_ SlosR . RIopb pfd . 712 SL L. and San F. 2d pfd.. Seaboard Air Line com... Saeboard Air Lino pfd... 500 st. L. and South, pfd.... .1801S Southern Pacific. . I .">200 Southern Ry. com. j 2?70 Southern Ry. pfd. I 282* Tonne?,?.??* Coal and Iron.. 1 1200 Texas Pacido . ,73*00 Union Pacific com. Union Pacific ?pfd. Mi Wt 31 4M 18 l?1'' 2(1 ?% 721? L'iiJ?,|2*2m United States Steel com.. "13"4 0*4$ 3v?-)0 United State? Steel pfd.. ?1% 700 Va.-Car. Cbem. com? 39H \r.i.-Car. Chem. pfd. Wabaah com . 17^ 1(0 ?WOO 2170 l'i 34% 117% a>% 118% 30? i ??? M1*, 460. ?31 ??? IS ? ' 25% 70 "WA ?2 ?PV?; HV? 3o% Wabash pfd . 80?S Western union . S? Wisconsin Central . lo% Wisconsin Central pfd. .-? Tritai number of abaros sold, 722,600 . 2% 10 87% 1.V..J ? 84 11?W 10?% ?if;? 117 29% 1191A iw{ 44% ?wh ?V4 71U 27% 21% 12% 19 17V1 29% Kivi IB**, 33% 118% in% m im* 11% 7M? 39 Va 27% 21% f9i, 84 13 R9% is? Readers will observe that In some stockatlons *e give "bid and naked" prices only, and closing, bid and asked. Sometimes ' th tnc Now York and Rlchmo In the New York <niotatinns v;e ulve the closing bid In Inactive stock? Is me wo give hot nd quotations, opening sale, the Richmond quota? rely nominal and does not fairly Indicate the price of the stock, lowest naie, highest sale CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. 17, S. refunding; 2?, registered I.'. 8. refunding 2s, coupon 1?. S. :is, registered. ?, 8. ria, coupon. If. K. New te, r-gistcrcd C. ?. New 4s. cuuiH.ii .. U. S. Old 4?. resisterei!... ?*. ?. Old la, coupon. V. ?. 5s, registered. II. ti. Sa. rnii|inn . Atchleon Renerai 4s ...... Atclitson adji?flmint 4s . Atlantic C'oant (.Ine ?4 .. Baltimore and Ohio 4*.. Baltimore and Oblo :'?\?? Crntral of Oeorsla ?? ... Central of Georgia 1st Ine Chesapeake and Ohio 4H* Chicago and Alton 3V$s. Chicago, II. and Qulncy new Chica so, M. and St. Paul gen Chicago and Northwestern eon. 7? 10?"? lOflti 107V? 10HU 1.14 L'lfi 110% U0?4 101U ??? % 08% 00 00 u 007? 08*i ???',4 WA 101 w 711? P2V4 lC0*i 1M2 Chicago, B, I. and Pac. 4?. 71V4 Chicago. B. 1. nnd Tac. col. 5?. 70H Ci C, C. and St. 7-oula gen. 4s. 00 Chicago Terminal 4s . 7.?? Consolidated Tobacco 4?. BS% Calorado and Kouthrm 4e . 83V4 Denver and Ilio Grunde 4a.... 0OH Eric prior lien 4? .07 Erie General si . 07 Erio General 4s . S2?4 Fort Worth and Denver City 1st?. 10314 Hocking Valley 4V4. 104*4 Unilsvlllr and Nasa. CnlQcd 4?. 0% Manhattan consol gold -4s. 101 Mexican Central 4s . 70 Mexican Central lai Ine. ??'? Minn, and St. Umls 4e. D0H Missouri, Kan. ?ml Texas 4?. 07 Missouri. Kau. and Texn* 2d?. "(I National ?. ?. of Mexico con. 4s. 74 New York Central gen. BMfl. 0^% New Jersey Central gen. ?e. 120V? Northern Pacific 4s ... lom Northern racine E?. ?0?? Norfolk and Western eon. 4? . 05U Oregon Short Une 4? ?od Partie., WVi Pennsylvania conv. 3W? . ??Vi Beading General le . Oft Ht. I., and Iron Mountain con. ??. 110 St. Louis ?nd Ban Francisco fg. 4i. ?1*4 at. touts Boutbweeteru 1st?. niVi Seaboard Air Line 4? . ?7 Southern Tiidflc 4s . SO Southern Bsllway Ms . U2VJ Texn? ?nd Pacific 1st? . 115 Toledo, St. I,, and Western 4s. OS Union, I'aciee i. loi?; Union Pacific cout. 4? . 64?,? f. ti. Steel 2d 5s . Wsliash Ists . Wabssh Deb. Bs. Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s . Wisconsin Central 4? . Colorado and Fuel nnd Iron eon. Bj. OS V?i M. snd 0., collateral trnst 4s . 90 Ontral of Georgia 2d Ine. 21 f.rt 8tit^ to work ?ny ro?terl?ly Injury to cotton. In addition to tills th? forecast ?c- for fair ?ni va-rnier weather, and with the receipt? liking? heavier ?gain there was heavy realising? right ?iter the opening that ?tart?;il prices down? vard. Later the ?elllnit was accelerated by re? ports of dlfflcultlf? ?roon?; prominent trust ?m[??I?.s at lUltlroore. October closed ?t O.M on Suturo"?.?, dropped to'0.83; I)eeemt>er reached f>.?5. January. 0.45, ?nit March 0.40. The market was finally ea?y under general ?filing ?jjd closed at pr?ctl? cslly the lowc?t of lb? lesitoa or at a net loss of 10?122 point?. Site? estimated at 600,000 Dalej. Th?; decline In the ?ftfrnoon wus promoted by the lower ruling of the Boutbern ?pot markets, rblcb wrre generally unchanged to He, lower, ?hile, the estimates, for to-morrow at leading point-, rau heavy. _ Cotton futures opened steady and elostd weak: Open. Hieb. L,w. Closi I Oetober ?V... 0.60 n.?? 0.3S November ... 9.55 0.57 tt.ZH [>;?i December_?.en ?.t? 9.4G, n.46 Jana?ry . 0.65 O.iV? ?1.4B 0.45 Fehrnary _0.61 !>.ei 0.54 8.45 Msrrh .9.70 ti.73 0.40 0.00 April ?.H.T3 p.T= 0.67 0.54 May .0.76 3.7<i 0.S4 0.63 June. .... .... 0,55 July .0.70 0.76 0.50 0.50 Spot cotton closed quiet. 30 point? lower; mid? dling uplands, 0.70; middling gulf, 0.85; ules, 24,435 balea. Gotton. (?ukt: middling. f>.7o; grois receipts, 6,277 bale?; ?alas, 24,433 nales; stock, 06,01.1 bales. Total to-d?y at ?II ???port??Net receipts., 40.827 bales; export to Oreat Britain. 24.460 b?l*e; to Frunce, 13,537 hale?; to tbe Continent, 6,771 bale?: itoci, '.15.800 bale?. 'ConaolldatiMl at all seaport??Net receipt?. 08,849 bales; export to Great Britain, 42,000 bales; to Prance, 13,537 bales; t/> the Continent, 44,50fi bales. Total ?lure Kentcraber 1st at all seaports?Net reselpt?, 1,?46,??> 7bole?: eiTKrrt to Oreat Britain, 366..'?26 balps; to France, 112,883 hales; to tho Continent, 403,130 bale?. NKTV ORLBAA'8, LA,. Oct. 10.?COTTON? Spot cotton, dull, ?lower; saJe?, 1.750 bales, In? cluditi?? 3.000- to arrive; luoutioni reduced 3-16C. frinire??Th? conr?e of price? wa? dl?? appointing. At tho opening the entire Hat wn? i<B,<y points above Saturday'? final, but Boon thereafter. norwlthitandtlip tho report of frosts In nearly all ?ecllr??,?.- ?,? the belt, the market took a ?lownward tendency, which continued to the end of the session, ?ben price? wore at the lowest of the day. th* ll?t e,howlng net los-es of 12IU.22 |>oluts. Cotton future? steady: October, 0.320 0.3:!: November, o.2s?30.80; December, 0,28(30.20; Jinuary. 0 V.lf/; February, 11.4000.11; March. O.Wtlto.M; April, ?.d????.??*,: MJJ, o.?r,<(jf'.o), PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. W.?KLOtlR-QuIter. but ?till firm. ??' Flour?Firm. Buckwheat Fluur and Duckwbeut?Firm. Coriiaieul?Easy. Rye? Pul?; Unie}???Steady, U'beat?Spot, cany; No. 2 red, S5Ze. Optloua displayed early depression because of lower cables. At ivoii, bow-over,' they turned strong and thereifter ruled firm until near the close, when ? bear attack broko prices. They wen? tlnaily IsO'sc net lowiir, Muy closed ut SZ%c.; Pcfi'inbrr. r>tl%c. Corn??pot, weak; Nn. a, nominal. Option rasrkel was dull nnd'weak all the session. Thp <li*e wus 7? (RI He. net lower. May i:slosed at 4*c; Peccinber, 60%?, Oat??Spot, ipilet; No. 2, 41>,c. lleef -steady; faintly. S]0?gll. Cot Meats? Quint. I.ard?-Kasy; weitem ?teamed, IT.Ki; reDii?d, dull; Continent, ?T.H5. Pork?Steady. Rositi??Firm. Turpe-utlne?Quiet. Coffee?Spot Hlo, rjulot; No. ? Invoice, T%c. : Cordova. 06 test, Il?2fl2c. The market for cof? fee futures opened ?te.ady at a derllne. of (5 pointa on November to unchanged on other Petition?!, ?'? ""' session progressed business became f?l*S active and the market was linally steady, .'?'itM points higher. Sales, 48,00<> bag*. Silgar?Raw, steady; rellned. steady. ItV?? Qiltet. Molasses?Steady. Batter?-Finn; extra creamery. 22'or.; cream? er.?, comino?? to choice, I02t'31c; Stale dairy. 16(?2AI??. ?? e*? -Quiet; State, full creum, fanny ?mail, ?uloerd, I3%e.| large, colored, llii??.?. email white, III?*.; largo white, lltic. Kggs?Strong; Mate ana l'enn?yl??nU, faucy mixed. 21c,; western, extra, 35c.', western, sec mid? t? thirds. 17tfX22c.; we?!?.??. fir?*, 21c; refrigerated. 18tfc2l<?. I'otiitoesT-Qulet: I^tig latand. tt.".rif|/'J.2r.; Jerseys, il.7Billl.00i Ststf, Eastern and West eru, *3.??(?5.2.00; Jersey swreti. fi,00?2.6Q, 1'cftUutB-?teadJi. iiiiey handplclied. 41ifl5c; other doraeitlc. savie. CuhbHge??Quiet! do? minile, per 100, ISfl?; per barrel, 7flo.<i{||, Prelght to Iitrerpool?Quiet; cottoo by stesni 20c.? fraln by steam, ll-jd. CIllCAOO, ILL., Oct. 10.?Grulli pike? mini weilt to-day, Influenced by the clump lu Wall Street and by tb'i tiearlsh foreign new?. Decem? ber wheat clo?ed JMilic. lower; corn and oat? wtTC each down )41lHn?, ?nd Jan>iry provision? were 7Hite, lower at the Die*?, The leudtiig fiiltii'ca rungeil a? follow?: Open, Fllgb. Low. Clos?. WRKAT-Ni?, i,', OfC (new). 80I.J 81% ?0!i MM', May .) TO? 80?4 78% 7ft CO HV?No, ?. (let. 4:|li 43N ?!<?% IH% l>ei:. 411?, 4'^i 48U 48% Mas . 43'i 4S% ?i; ?'? 5Arra?No."*. Oct. .. .. :',4?i Pee. 3d ;,0W, .'?'i 35t? Muy . Milli ?I0*i 30 8t?i ?URS I'OItK-Per bill, , 0?t. ?,.? .... . 11.00 Jan.11.Miti 1I.H71.? 11.70 ll.mj Muy .11.071J t'?.00 I1.S5 ll.NT'i ?..* h ??Per loo ihs. Oct.0.00 e.Bji) O.lS'.i ?.15 Ile?:.O.nO I1321J 0.8214 ?Isii.'. ,.??? ?,.???? G? ?l?ti 0.40 May .6,571,4 ?102?, 0.47'i 6.47!? SHOUT ItlIlS-l'.r 100 Ib?. 8,no X.OI'I M.IVI Jan.0.25 6.25 0,1o ??. 17 ' ?'? May .?.,'?? ?.32^ 0.J71? ?.27ij l'agli OMOtallfiii? rrsvr n? l/.llows?fi Ol'lf tftparl.v. N?>. ;i spr|uj; wUci?;., 7lic,: No, 'J red. ?SUj'?l'H?i'?. Nu. 2 rom. 4;;!ic; No. 2 yillim, 44?,c. No. 2 oats, 84?j Hi 34"??. ; No. 3 while, S64j?37Uc No. 2 rye, Ma07c. ?food feeding barley, 40Q43c; fair to choleo malting, 44(0 54c. No. 1 flaxseed, 05c.; No, 1 northwestern, tl.02'/-ji prime Timothy seed, $3.03. Mess pork, per barrel. ?11f11.1244; Isrd, per 100 [?minds, fe.20ije.20; short ribs sides (loose), $7.25<??7..V)r. dry ?aitati shoulders (boied). M.IS,?''?.e.2?i short clear side? iboxedl, $7,75?. 8.00. Whiskey, basis of blgh wine?, $'#2d. Clover, contract grade, ttO.oOQ 10.60. Butter Steady; creamery, 15V4"32ni?c..: dairy, 14Q18C. Eggs?Firm at mark, c?i?es Included, ISfftWtAc. Cheewe? Easy at JO^egll Vic. Receipt??Wheat, lie.700 bushels; corn. 383.300 bushels; oats, SID,? 200 bushels; hog?, 37,000 heed. ? ???,???????. MD., Oct. 10.?FLOUB?Un? changed. Wheat?Firm; snot, contract, ?Hi@ E0*iic.; No. 2 red, western. 68??o.; October, 85?4 i3:85*se.; wuthern by ?ample. 74QR3c. Corn? Ei*?y: ?pot, ?0i?4j,6fla?c.: October, OOVi@50}?c.; ?outhern Tchfte corn, 50?54c. Oats?Firm; "No?. t white. 42;$*? Bye?Steady; No. 2. ??'.^?. Butter?Stronger, unchanged; fancy imitation, 171?18C-; fancy creamery. 2103270.; fancy Udle, 10*3:17c. Eggs?Firm, unchanged at 23o. CTbe#e*?Steady to Arm, unchanged; large. 32\tc. Bogar?Steady; coarse granulated and line, ?3.01'?. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKST. .Richmond, Va., Oct. JO, 1003. ? QUWATIO.Nfl WHEAT? Longberry . 00 !?.?l MUed . 00 (301 Sliortberry .?0 fail . Ko. 2 red . DO ?01 V?. bag lot* .80 ?,?? LOU-?? -. White (Va.) bsg lot?.S3 ?.? . So. 2 wbltc . S3 So. S white. 02!i So. 2 mixed . 33 So. 3 mixed. 021? OATS? So. 2 mixed.40<J So. 3 mixed.40 So; 2 white . 42>4 Winter seed . 43 ?50 B TE?Va. bag loto.00 Qb7 CATTLE MAKL'ETX RICHMOND LIVE ST?CK MARKET. . . (Sales at I'ulon Stock Tards,) Richmond, Va., Oct. 10, 100.!. Receipt? for week ending A-dey: CATTLE?Receipts. 33H lieud; market steady. Best steers, 4'??/4:l?c.; medium to good, 3Mi<U ?414c ; best heifers, 3?<<ii'4e. ; medium to gnidi 3"4 4i3t-:C.; common to fair, 2U@3c.? cow?, Unj? 3o.; oxen, aU?S^c; bulls. 2liW2?icJ; calve?, O't/O'/ir'?; fresh cow?, $20.0^40. IIOGK.?Receipt?, 1,41 Snesd; market active. <;<i?d hogs, ?.OO?JH.IB; pigs, weighing less tbau JOO ponnds? ."idlo'lir. 8HEEH ANU LAMBS?Receipts, 300 head. Fat sheep, .1H3?4c.? meilliiui and fair kind?, 3'fl3He.; bucks, 25j2%c.; lambs, ????^.; ?? m mou, clipped lamb?. 34$3>.???. CHICAGO, ILL., Oct. If??CATTLE? Receipts. S6.000 head, Including BO? Texan? and 6,000 Western, b'lnv,, iwrtlly lue. lower. Good to prime, l3,10(???i,GO; poor to medium. J8.604? ?1.6?; atockers and feeder?, t2.2fH34; cows, ?1.3??4.40| heifer?, $2??4.38; canner?. ??,???? 3.IB; bulls, ?2&4.?0; calve?, ?2.60(d.7.23; Tox ?n.fed ateers, $2.7603.50: western steers, Silfi -1.50. Ho???Receipts, S7.O00 heud; to-nior? low, 15,000 head; lB(n,20c. lower. Mixed and l>M tchers, 10,40029.73; good to choice heavy, J.1 40??5.00; rough, heavy. S4.004?S.35| light. ? ????.??? l'?lk of ??les. SB.S0rjt6.40, Sheep? il,.fw>lpt?, fl.OOO head. Sheep, ?toady to 10c. Inner: lambs, stead)- Xa 10c. lowur. Good to choice wethers. ?S.fflff?H.lO; fair to choice mix? ed. $2Ti3; native lambs, ??.25(iJ,5.76. N.EW ?0RK, Oct. 10.?BEEVES? Receipts; 4.SCO head. Steers, activo und trltle firm; hull? nnd cows, steady to Htrong. Steers, $3.00(3 ?.40; ?tag?. 14: hulls, ?'?.2S(tf!l.75? cows, tl.WS? S. 10. Calves?Receipts, 3.000 bend, Good veni? In demand; steady; all other? clow; grassem, dilli: western?, lowor. Venls, 54.50^8-73; t'ipn, ?8.SO(?!0.00; culls, $4(3:4.50; grosser?, ?S.flO? 1.2.V, western?, $.;rtrflIt. 12',??. City dressed real? sold at 8'.i<iJ|Re. per pound; country dresaefl, 7(? 12c, Sheen and Lami??Receipt?. 22.080 head. Sheep, lOfiXSBe. lower; lambs, opened 15f(t28c. lower. clCHied 23<?33c. off. Sheep, ?2.50(23,75; few exports at 14; lambs, ?4.IWr?B.80; extra, ??.87??:,<G?.,).00; culls, $3.7.'5???4.?0; Canada lamb?, t0.30ajf3.S0. Hogs?llecelpl?, 11.043 bead; mar? ket ?80?, lower. State and Pennsylvania hog?, (4310.15; choice light, SO.20. CINCINNATI, 0., Oct. 1ft.?HOGS? Fairly active at 14(85,80. Cattle?Quiet at ?2<ir,4.50. ep?Easy at ?,1,76@8,8?. Lambs?IJujl at (3.T8@B,B0, MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. NORFOLK. VA? Oct. 10.?PEANUTS? Furniers' market (pilot, Fancy, .'Ilici ?Irlctly prime. Sit?.) prime, 3c; common. aajrtlHc.i Rnanksh. per buibel, 80c. No new crop coming Hi?TEitSBt'nr,, S'A.. Oct. 10.?peanuts? Spanish. OOdiO'J^e, Market Arm, ?lock 'Ight and few being offered. Virginia'?, 814c, for fnncy; market ateadr. nrtv uoonti *r*RKRT, NEW VOBK. Oct 10.?The dry good? market is In improved condition, and although tho vol inrie of transaction? im? not materially in? rrtiiapd, It Is rvjdeut buyer? are commencing the necessity of supplylii)? tholr wants for the coming stesimi. Burine; <? *\ a conservative ?????? utili, but there Is no doubt thcro 1? more ?'tilingueas to negotiate. NAVAL BTOBE8. WILMINGTON, N, C-., Oct, 10_SPIRIT? TI'ltlT.NTINE -Slearty nt DfHiC,) recelpls 18 ciiBk?. ??????--Kirni ?1 ?2.06: lecelpla, 48 I'lmk?. Tar- Firm ut ti.So; r?ce|l!t?, ft 7|,ur ipIh. Crude ?\??|????1???.' ?????? al f2.2.Fia'i3>'ii: iveflpl?, 2t? liiiireUi ?'UAllLF.Sl'lIN. S. t;., Oit. Ul.? Tl'lU'l?N - TINK- Steudy nt ?5\??. Itnsln?Slemly ut S2.?U, HAVANNAIl, GA., Oo?. 10. ?????????????'? ? Firm al f>tlUc.J reeelpt", 627 casks. Iloslti- - Sli-iid.v; rrerlpt?, ?43 liarrel?; utuor/li, 3,?10? barr?is. COT'f ONSEU?TTl ? ??????'.?. NEW VOKK, 0,:|. ju.? Cottonseed oil dnil and nominally unchanged. Trim? crude, f. o. b. mills, Z8igU?Hc.; prime emomer yellow, 35387c.; prime whit?, 44c; prime winter yel? low. 44c MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, QCT. 10, 3003. A ?RI VED. eteamer Berkeley, Guy, Norfolk, mcrchandl?? ?nd passoneers. Old Dominion line, Schooner John S. Benebam, Morgrtp, Oyster Bay. gravel, Armitage Oo. Schooner Maule Seunders, Soper, eNw Tork. ?ale, Harvey Blanr and Co.. Schooner Annie Klmbkli, ?weetrnan. Prcrulee lend, flsb scrap. .Richmond (.nano Co, Schooner Manaway. Reine?. Urbanna. . Vn., fish and canned goods. Lrftfhvre and Armlstead. ?Barge Sharon Hill, Batterby, Ferryvllle, ..coal, S. H. Uawe? and Co. Schooner Clarence 0. Holland, losley, Severn River, ?and, Warner Moore Co. BAILED. Steamer Rrekeley, Guy, Norfolk. tuercbaodlM ? nd passeneer?. oid Dominion Uoe. Steamer Pocauootaa. Grsv?? James River land? ing? and Norfolk, merchandise ?ud paaseogirs. Virginia Navigation Company. PORT NFjWrOHVT >-BWS;"OCT. 10, 3803. AIUUVKI&. : , . . Schooner Ellrabetb Palmerr ^Boston. Schooner Addio 3G. Lawrence. Portland. Schooner T. Charleston Henry, Boston. Schooner William ?. P?ltner, Portion?!. Schooner Alice E. Clark, rortlaud. S?:hooner W. (J. Carnegie, Boston. Schooner Martha P. Small, Portsmouth. Barge City of Montreal. Boston. Barge O. R. Skt'*t!e]d. Salem. Burgo Iowa, Providence. Barge Puritan and Horncci New Ixjndon. SAILED. Schooner Governor Ames, rroTld'.nce. PORT BERMUDA HUNDRED. OCT. 10, 1903. ARRIVED Barge Glenwood, Falrbrothcr?, to load railroad ttae. Barge Roanoke, ?"?tlloohy, to load poplar wood. Schooner Harry C. Shepherd, ('runnier, to load lumber. Schooner Etile Bedsworth. Williams, to load lumber. Schooner Matilda Brooks, Nottag?, loadod railroad tie?, Cray's Creek. CREDITORS AGREE TO EXTENSION Advisory Committee of Wil? liams & Sons andMldden dorf Send Out Letter Tlie Advisory Committee appointed to take charge of tlie uffalrs of John L?. Wil? liams and Sons, of this city, rind J. Wil? liam. Mlddcndorf and Company, of Balti? more, with a view of recommeiulini- a plan of adjustment und llquldutlon, sent out from Baltimore yesterday a most im? portant letter to all the creditors of the two concerne. It Is appended; Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 10, 1903. Pear Sirs,?\Va lieroby advise you that creditors imbibir* or owning not leH?i?thiin 7T per cent. In amount of the liabilities of eaeli of the firma of John h. Williams ?fe Sons, of Hlchmond, Va., and J. Wil? liam ??I'idilendorf & Company, of Balli? li ???, Md,, have assented to the plan proposed to their creditors In our circular letter dated Oct. e 1003. Other creditors have agreed to the ex? tension, but under conditions that do not Justify UK In Including their claims In the 7f. per cent, that have signed. We, there? fore, declaro tho plan proposed In our above mentioned circular to bo operative', These two firme will at onno. under our general direction nnd supervision, enter vigorously upon the worn of liquidation and adjustment Of their llabtlltle?. Respectfully yours, (Signed.) Hoheit c. Davidson, chairman; Pouglii? H, Thomas, Douglas II. Gor? don John B. flaiiir?ay, lingue hovering, Baltimore; Eppa llnnton, Jr., Richmond, Va,; Frank O. Briggs, Trenton, N. J. For Mr. Taylor's Seit. ?The friends of Messrs? P? Romper Ree. tor und Heniy Colui aie urijln?? them for the seat In the City Committee from Madison Ward, shortly to be made va? cant by the raslKnnt. on of Mr. Joseph C. Taylor. Mr. Reo tor la chief booKKeopor for Messrs. Blair & Tabi?, und Mr. Conn Is superintendent of the Street. Cleaning Deportment, Jud^e Hji-s ?? H tre. Judge John I). Horsloy, of Dyuohburg, was at l'10 Coi pornt on Commlss on rooms vestcrday. ho declared his belief that the Senator chosen to succeed Mr. Martin would b? iiomlnalod in a pri? mary. Judge Mursley Is an avowed ad? vocate of Ilio lei-vlccllou of th., Junior Senstor, Hustings C uri, In ihr ????.'?????? Court yesterday einr? enne Moni? ami Willi? fnilon wure con? victed ?of polli lui'coiiy and given six ii'oiitlis In Juli. John Montini was tib'd on the suino Churgo and ec(|tiitted. il. IJ, l'irur?? wus acquitted, ?? the charge of grumi Imceny? JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SONS? BANKERS, Dealer? tn IUCBMOND, VA-, SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICrPATi BONUS A 8PECIALTT. Correspondence Invited. TWELVE HOURS OF SERVICES SUNDAY Rev. J. B. Hutson Welcomes the Seventieth Baptist Minister Here. Hunday was taken Up with religious ser? vices exclusively In Fulton. They were In progress every hour from 0 A, M. to ? P. M? Kvory service wuh well attended. The day's services began with tho an? imal rally o? Denny-Street M. E. Sunday? scliool, and closed wlih the regular ser? vices In the four churches nt night. The exercises at tho rally were well rendered, nnd tho school should bo complimented on Its line showing. Captain John Lamb nd dresned the school on foreign missions. The r?cognition services at Fulton Bap? tist Church In tho afternoon also attract? ed an audience that flltod the edifice. Rev. Dr. George Cooper presided, und Hev. Dr. J. B. Hutson welcomed Hev. David Hep? burn to the clly and State. Hev, A. A. Jones, of Denny-Street M, K. Church. In a lew remarks, welcomed Uev. Mr. Hepburn to Fulton. Mr. Floyd Reams welcomed tho new pastor In behalf of the church. Rev. Dr. Whitsltt, utliler whom Rev. Mr. Ilepburh was a student, paid an excellent tribute to tho new pastor. A number of Baptist ministers wero present and ns sisted in the exercises. During his re? marks Rev. Dr. Hutson staled thnt Rev. Mr. Hepburn wan the seventieth Baptist pastor he had welcomed to this city dur? ing tho past thirty years. Tho choir ren? dered an excellent programme. A meeting for mon was held In tho Wcddell Memorial Chapel at 5 o'clock. Rev, Otis Meado addressed the audience, end Captain Frank Cunningham sang a solo. Rev. ?. ?. Jones and wlfo gave "house warming" reception at the now parsonago last night. ? large number of tho members wore present, and spent a social evening. Tho new personage received its finishing touches last week. Tho Cup of Cold Water Circle of King's Daughters and Sons held an Important meeting Inet night at the residence of Miss Martha Block. The following dele? gates were elected to represent the circle at? the State convention, which convene? tr. this city next week! Misses Mayme Jordan, Pearl Smith, Lllllo Kelsen, Bessie Lamb, Annlo Gayle and Martha Black. Messrs. George' H. Duke and Walter Rock left yosterday afternoon for New? port New? a? delegates from Patrick Henry Council, No.? 12, to the State Coun? cil. Phyllis, the little daughter of Mr. VV. Floyd Reams, Is quito sick. - A heavy frost fell In Varlna Sunday night and played havoc with late vege? tables, which were plentiful. ? Mr. R. Lv Dowdy has returned to his heme' In Cumberland county after spend? ing several weeks with his daughter, Mrs. David Cobb. He was accompanied by his granddaughter, Annie Ruth Cobb, who will spend the winter. CHARTERS GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION The following charters were granted by the Corporation Commission yester? day: "Port Norfolk Pleasure Club, Port Nor? folk," H. T. Crump, president Sandy Bottom Pleasure Club, Inc., Nansemond county, John D. Corbell, president. A'irglnla Beach Amusement Company, Inc., Norfolk, W. B. Rudolph, president and treasurer ; capital stock ?40,0X10 to ?75,000, Keystone . Social Club, Inc., Elizabeth City county. M. F. Brady, president. \Tlrginla Hardwood Lumber Company, Big Stone Gap, capital Increased from $5,00o to $10.000. Augusta Milling and Mercantile Com? pany, Inc., Mossy Creek, Sairiunl Fer? rer, president: capital stock $18,000 to $25.000. Everett Social Club. Inc. Eyeretts, W. K, Wagner, president, Amendment to ortgrter of Cape Henry Synrt'cate Increasing capital stock to $600,000. Fourth Ward Soclul Club. Inc., Nor fo'k, James E. Gordon, president. Taylor Wagon Works, Lynchburg, se? cured an amendment lncrcuslng; itsj cap? ital stock- to $150.000. The Pearl Nellds and MeCormlek Com? pani', chartered under the laws of New Jersey, were authorized to do business In Virginia. The company proposes to conduct the business of operating planing and k.%w m'lls, Ould-Carlcr Company, Inc., Lynchburg, James W, Ould, president: capital stock $150.000 to $300,000. Norfolk County Athletlo Club, Ino., Norfolk, A. O. Qurgnnts, president and treasurer, Norfolk Amusement Company, Inc., Norfolk, J. H. Livingston, president anil treasurer; cap'tai stock to $ The charter of the Hampton Roads Railway and Electric Company, Newport Ntitvii, was extended for three years from date; capital stock $50,000 to $509,000. ? awi?i.lKlSKln:fIUSGMIHiiOCl.,ovforal t.vA Property Transfers. Richmond: M. W, Crouch to G, M. Crnloton. 2f> feet on ea>t sido of Twenty, fourth Street. 140 feot south of Clay, ?too. J. B. Puce nnd wife to R, H. Pace. ::." feet on west slue of Randolph Street, 90 feet smith of Clolboriie, tile Vlr'ln'a Trust Company, unites herein to rel^a*? the property from a deed of trust, of Julv 10, ItfO?-'. S2>>e. Richard Wilson a"d w'fo tn W. J, Rush. It feet un north side of CUlio-ino Street, ?7?? i-i feet waat of Mon-no, J3no. Hem ho: Mary IC. Clir'stlau to E. S. Read, lots II and Hi blo'ult 1?, s-ct'on |i. Highland Kpr'ngK. ?12S. George H. Denny to F. M. Hoxloy, 10 (?12 foot on south Mde of Cury Street, 112 feet w??t of Carter, ?DM. 15. C. Onrrlson and wlfo to M. Eliza? beth Vanghen, Wl f*et on north sido of Dickeneon Street, and 30 feet on south side of Dickenson Street, $."(?>. The Branchas Olosocl. (By Associated Press.) SEATTLE, WASH., Oct. 10.-Tha Seut il(> branch of the international Bank and Trust Company of America, ut tho city ol Mexico, which failed Saturday, ha* en sod ltn doors nml In In nlllil'go ol a receiver. ? HAN FRANCISCO, (AL.. Od. IM- An .? result of 111* faillir? In Mexico City of II.? liiterimilonnl l'utili mid ? rimi i.oinpaiiy of America, tho brunch of tlmt bank In lilla clly did not opon for luiKliii.i&b lo? ony. Opening of Tenne sse Home. (Sprillai tu Tho Tlme?> mil.) IlltiaroL TKN.N'.. Oct. 19, W'i/il? only t.ii*- hnspluil erguii of building* luive hetui completed, ?till the ?utluiml Boldleiy' Home, at Johnson City, Tenu., lias been ?1'ened lo tin: veteran? Who We're in wuiting inoro for the occasliin, About fifty veterans lune been received, The opening I'l'iijuonles win; nttetuh'il by a Urge, number of persans, t??, ohlol feut? Ui'e of I In- oCCiil'Jon ?as the addl'06a ol FINANCIAL. viB-tirtiu'? KiwTtm. COLCMAN WO*tT?IAM. DAVENPORT & CO. INSURANCE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE NO. 51. GENERAL AGENTS LIVERPOOL ?V LONDON ? GLOBE, 1113 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. VA. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO IMPROVEMENT OF RI8KS WHEREBY A LOWER RATE IS OBTAINABLI : I MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Caplfa! $200,000, Surplus and Profits $672,445.75 t Designated State, United State* and City Depository. X Mercantile and Bank Accounts ? Largest Bank Depositary South t respectfully solleltetf. of Baltimore.' ? 3 per cent. Interest Paid on Deooslts in Savings Department, t Payable on Demand. ? JOHN P. BRANCH, Prealdent. JOHN KCRR BRANCH, Vlce-Pre?, ? JOHN F. GLENN, Caahler, J. U+lfM 0??.?>?? the ?mvel-no'f- of the home, Hun. John P. smith. Congressman w, P. Brownlow, of tho First Tennessee Dlntftet", wn;< among those in attendance. It was Con? gressman Brownlow's bill that provided for the home. NEW HATSFOh IHEiOUtE, The new winter helmets for tho police? men are being delivered by Messia, ?. ?. Berry .1 Co., they having secured tho con? tract for "furiitfihlti?* ?ami: awarded by the Police Board to tho lowest bidder. IMPORTANT NOTICE R., F. & P. R. R Until the damage to Long Bridgi?, over tho Potomac Hiver, can bo repaired, there will bo no through car servier: between Richmond and Washington and pointa be? yond. Pusscngors for VTashlnstbn and be? yond, with their baggage, will be. trans? ferred at Aloxnndrin. W. P. TAYLOR. Trafile Manager. AGREAT CONVENIENCE TO THE PUBLIC. The Southern Railway ticket office at T?o. 320 East Main Street, Is open dally except Sundays, where the nubi c m^y purchase tickets and mako steering car reservations to all ?oints, thus' avoid ng the rush that sometimes occurs at dopot offices. Information a3 to schedules ard connections cheerfully furnished. "No trouble to answer questions." LOW RATES TO GREENSBORO, ? C, AND RETURN. Acoount meeting; of PtotogVaphera' As? sociation of Virginia the Southern Rail? way offors special low rate of ono and one-third first-class fares for the round trip. ????? Richmond, ?7.67. Equally low rates from all points In Virginia and North Carolina. , CUT FLOWERS, ROSES, VIOLETS The largest stock of Roses, Violets, Llllee of the Valley, Chrysanthemums and Cut Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and Designs shipped to all points. Mall, telephone or telegraph orders promptly attended to. W; A. HAMMOND, No. 107 Wast Broad St. ARE YOU GOING GOUTH ? Low Winter Tourist Rates via Seaboard Air Lire Railway. Seaboard Air Line Railway announces isp?ela! WINTER TOURIST rates to all tho prlnolpal point? In Flor da and the Southvyeit. Tickets on salo Oo ober 15th. good teturnlng unti May. 31. 1004. The Seaboard offers a most attractive schedule: fast trains With Pullman's latest and most Improved Drawing-Ronm .Sleeping Cars; Dining Car Service south of Hamlet Information aa to ratus, tickets, etc., cheerfully furnished on application to the undersigned. VA'. J. MAY, City Ticket Agent. H. 8. Loard, Dist. Pass'g'r. Asent, 'Phono 403. Richmond, Va. SPECIAL LO H RATES VIA SEA? BOARD A?R LINE RAILWAY. North Carolina State Agricultural Fair, Raleigh, N. C, October 19^24, 1903. On account of the abova occasion the Seaboard Air Lino Railway will sell tick? ets to Raleigh and rutitrn at rato of one laro, plus ?ifty cents, admission to tho fall grounds. Tickets on sale October 16th lo 23d, inclusive, final limit October 2tith. LOW RATES WEST AND NORTH? WEST. Via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, every day until November HO, 11)03. $;>,">, Chicago to San Francisco, Los An gtilas, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle nnd many other Pacific Coast points. $30, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Off don, Grand Junction and many other noli; Is In Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. LoVv rates to hundreds of ether pollile . Through train 'Service, Chicago to San Francisco. Only $t? for a dotiblo berth, tourist sleeper", nil the way. To the Northwest via. St. Paul or via. Omaha. Writ?: to-day for folder. Coorga J. Lincoln, 81S Chestnut Street, Philadel? phia', Pa. Best American Granu? lated Sugar, lb. 4|c. Gardova or Lion Coffee, lb. ? lia UUi Lion Colfee, 3-pound papers.9c Virginia Comb Honey, pound.15c. Pure Cider Vinegar, gallon.20c. Mixed Spices, for pickling, pound.20c. Oyster Crackers' and Cracker Duat, pound . .6c. Small California Hams, pound.9c. 2 pounds New Hominy and Qrlte for.,lie. Malt? Vita, package .12c, Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.13c. Best City Meal, per peck.3Bc. or, bushel . .70c. Large New Irish Potatoes, peek.22o, Beat Cream Cheese, pound.iba Brown Sugar, pound .A?. Canned Tomatoes, per can.6c, Mother's Oats, package .9c. Good Lard, pound, Oo; or 3 Ib6, for..25o. Whole Sweet Pickles, quart.10c Gibson, XXXX, Mt, Vernon, Oscar Pepar Old Brands Whiskey, bottle..75c. 3-pound Jars Home-Made Preserves. .18c. Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart 12c. Bnamellne Stove Polish, box.4c. Salt Pork, per pound. ...7c Hound cans Chipped Beef.I5q New Clipped Herrings, por doten_10c. Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound_30c. 3 cans Rotted Tongue and Hani for.. 10c. Canned Sugar Corn .8c. or, 4 cans for.30c, Large Lump Starcb, pound.4o. Duffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle_80c. S. ULUAN'S SON, Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 east Main Strsot, Uptown Store, 506 f'ast Mar? shall Street. ?Phones at our two Store? G.W. Branch & Go. BANKERS ami BROKERS Members of Now York Cotton Ex? chango and Chicago 3jirJ .>,? Trail New York Correspondents?> LADENBURG, THALMANN & CO PRINCE &. WHITLEY LEHMAN BROS. to | NEW YORK, Frlvate Wires to ^ BOSTON. CHICAGO. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS * SOLICITED BY THE Slate Bank of Virginia, fill E.MainSf? Richmond, Vi. Bankers and Brokers 1114 E. Main St., Richmond, Va Private Wires to Principal Points Correspondents?W. E. WQODEND & CO., Members New York Consolidated Stock Exchange,. Correspondence lnvlte.1. THE FIRM OF ?. f. IP SONS having gone out of business, I will continuo the Gun, Rifle, Pistol and Sport? ing Goods Business at the Old Stand, 1719 EAST FRANKLIN STREET, under the name of T.W. TIGNOR'S SON. I will bo glad to.servo tho pat? rons of tho old concern in the best way possible, and ??t per? sonal friends. The repair work left with T. W. Tignor's 80ns can bo found at 1719 ? Franklin St., and will not bo kept longer than the 15th of November?then it will be sold for repairs. J. C. TIGrNOB, Proprietor. Yon can't be. happy if you uro burning poor Coal. The Coal wo. soil is not a worry producer. U is a--worry saver. \Sr?) ?audio all Ulmls of Antliruelto, Btove. Egg, Nut unti llrokon Splint, hump, KW Crook Lump, New Hiver Lump nnd Steam Coni. W'hv not try a loluPof our Domestic Coak'for cooking ?tore*? It will save von money. WOOD Wo handln all kinds of dak ami Pin? Wood, Ions and ?awed; in any length (o Mu? any stove. Give up a cell sud bo convinced. 'Phono 1 Olili; 1710 Ka>!. Broad Street. 75c. Half-Soling Men's Shoes Ladies', 60c. livery pair Well Snoe reatlUhed on our lCle.ei.ric Stitcher; no big usly sew? ing around the sole like a cobbler e*w? by hand; no nails, no pegs; the only plant lor repairing shoea In '? ELECTRIC POWER w SHOE FAOTOaT, 716 East Main Street. 'Phone -'007, will send un> whore and deliver. This advertisement good tor 10c? Vigorous Rubbing with Dixie .Nerve and itone Utniiuent will eure Hlkouniailsiii. Neuralgia. Drawn Muscles and Klnew?, Knlary, il Joints, l'alni in Bidet?. Urica, BbQUldor? un* i,imbH. tieit on earth tot Man and liv??t. Or a Ionia ber?* ? Ile* ,l? e*l'?l?