i , ???? 8.
Tilts T1M158, Koi'xni;]) isso.
WASHINGTON. Ori. 2n.-PV>rc; for
Wfiiur-H'iMy and Thursday:
Virginia ?Fair Wndhesjilay un<? Thurs?
day; fresh north West winds,
North Carol Inn ?Fair Wednesiinv and
Thursday: viirlnhle winds chirttiiK to
fresh northeast.
Considerably warmer temperature dis?
tinguished yesterday, hut Iho tempern
tiiro was at ho tini?'. unpleasant, T.ho indi?
cations arc for Hour weather to-day, und
tho mercury will Stand about n* yoster?
? ?. M. 49
12 M. M>
a r.
? P. M.M
? P. M.C2
U midnight . Kl
Average .CO
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature yostorday.4i
Moan temperature yesterday.5?>
Normal temperature fur October.<?\
Departure from normal temperature... 05
l'roclpltatlon during p?at 24 home,.>>?
Oct. 21, ?'??. ! HIGH TIDE.
Sun sets.5:2?; ? Morning.4:1G
Moon sets.i>:15 | Evening.5;0I
Political fight In H&nrlco grows hotter
and hotter; arrangements for speaking;
propositions for Joint debates Is declined
-Board of Aldermen passes redistrict?
Ing ordinance without amendment-Poor
to be given medicine and medicinal treat?
ment free-Victims of the Southern
v.-rock to be laid to rest to-day-Jury In
Hustings Court brings Iti unique verdict
?Baptist ministers fall to agree t<> the
dato of the second coming of Christ?
Sale of Strikebreaker Farley's pistol?
Alan charged with forgery goes free In
Jlenrlco-Alabama to have a statue of
Tir. J. L. ?1. Curry-Chesapeake and
Ohio directors provide for consolidation
of two roads-A uniform school system
adopted In Henrloo county-Lower rates
for Virginia goods-Tribute of John
Temple Graves to Governor Montague
Low rates given Confederate veterans by
the Chesapeake and Ohio road-Bap?
tists to try to raise a hundred thousand
dollars-Purse recovered? by a Tlmos
Dlspatoh want ad.-Congress of negro
farmers In session here-Annual meeting
of the Association for the Preservation of
Virginia. Antiquities-Engineer tells of
Plunge through bridge over the Potomac
-?Two members of Howitzer Buttery
have appendicitis-Meeting of the Rich?
mond Typothetac-Jamestown Island
not to be sold-Deep Run Hunt Club
chooses officers. MANCHESTER-Go?
ing to the Masonic bazaar Is the fad In
Manchester now-Case of Frank Fitzger?
ald to be called to-day; Colone! ?. O.
James retained to defend him-Olympia
Club's business meeting followed by a
?upper-Funeral of Mr. Atwell yester?
day afternoon-Fitzgerald Kaid to have
Concluded to plead guilty on one count,
and the others will bo nolle prosequled?
Work of tho Police Court.
Itecelver appointed for Chesapeake
Packing Company of King William
county-New steel pier to be built at
Virginia Beach-The search for young
Wentz continues without results; said to
he engaged and hla father was opposed
William Harris, prominent lumberman',
announces himself independent candidate
for House from Northumberland and
Westmoreland-Famous Seeley case de?
cided In (Jiiit.ed States District Court" at
Abingdon-A young girl mysteriously
missing from Salem; foul play suspected
-A little lad In Lynchhurg grasps a
dangling wire and receives an awful
fhock; will loose his hand-Judge Wad?
dill declares a Chinaman of ninety Is two
old to deport-Suit against city of Now
port News on account of boy who was
drowned in the street-General Wheeler
purchase? a .home In Frederleksburg?
'Fair opens at Winchester: visiting Federal
veterans to hold camp tire with Confed?
erates-Mecklenburg farmers hold mass
meeting at Boydton; speakers advise them
to hold their tobacco crops until prices
are higher-A . temporary track laid
around wreck near Meherrln and tra^.e
resumed-The bar and officers? of Pow
hatan County Court pass resolutions of
esteem of Judge Hundley-Missing
watchmaker In Petersburg not p suicide
as suspected, as ho took money and other
people's watches away with -him-Wil?
liam Lewis (colored), car robber; thrown
himself on the mercy of the court at
Portsmouth and Ih given ? short sentence,
his bold methods-State Council .of the
Junior Order In session In Newport News
-Delega t?? John Whilehead, of Nor?
folk, will attempt to call up and pass
over the Governor's veto the Norfolk
primary hill-Tho bar of Halifax meet
and express regret at parting with Judge
Saumlers?-Miss McGlll, of Petersburg,
selected maid of .honor at large for the
Sons of Veterans-William Frith, of
Franklin county, kills his room-mate In
Pennsylvania and takes his own life with
the same pistol-Government engineers
commence dredging Appomattox below
Governor Aycock too sle'ic to make
opening address at state l'air?Masonic
committee met at Rateigli i" select site
for u new temple?The McKlmmlo Drug
Company to establish chain of drug stoics
in Norfolk-Tin: town of Newton suffers.
heavy loss by nrf-Dry goods merchant
at Statesvillo makes an assignment?
The North Carolina and Virginia photo?
graphers meet at Greensboro?The Un?
derwriters" Association meet In Raleigh
The dispensary defeated at WeUlon by
ten votes-Street Carnival opens at Wil?
mington with a big crowd In attendance
-Disastrous lire In Koe.kliigham. de?
stroying many buildings and causing 175.?
roo loss?Terry murder trial ?it Wilming?
ton *r' for .Monday.
Stocks regained losses of Monday and
market closed 11 mi. nearly at best
Canadians persist In their refusal to sign
award of the Alaskan Boundary Commis?
sion, and almost openly accuse. Lord Al?
vi rstono of a partnership-President
Roosevelt Issues call for both houses of.
Congress to convene In extra session Oil
November Mh at noon-Republicans of
Ilio West are said 10 be souring on House
velt and to bo ready to welcome sonic
other candidate for the Republican nomi?
nation?The prediction tlmt George H.
MeGlelliui may be strong candidato for
the Democratic nomination is receiving
much attention-Bridge across Potomac
lepalred temporarily und truffle over it is
resumed: no bodies have been found in
Ilio river, though it |h still believed that
liiere were two tramps on tho train who
must .havo been drowned-Financial
crisis In Baltimore relieved bv the. arrival
of piilllons of cash from New York, Wash?
ington ti till Philadelphia?Lou Dillon
easily defeats Major Delmo?, and the
timo made was not fasi?Hennis, sec?
ond favorite In the belting, easily wins
Hie Brighton cup?-Former Secretary
Gage makes till address to American
Bankers' Associatimi, telling them what
s good alleviator of the burdens of the
i:ch trust companies are-Judge called
ashore from boat by use uf megaphone
lo appoint a recel ver.
(By Associated Press.)
PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Oct. ?.?.--Sam?
uel J. Windier, aged forty yours, former
secretary of the niverslde, N. J., Build?
ing and Loan Associatimi, Is missing,
and a warrant lms, licen Issued for his
arrest, cnarglng hint with embezzling
(600 from the building association.
Proposition for a Joint
Debate Declined.
Warm Circulars Are Strewn
from Lnd to End.
State Committee Getting Ready to Sup?
port the Claims of Mr. Br..uer?Old
Democrat Pledges the Present
Treasurer His Support.
Struggle to Last Until
ELction Day.
A bitterness born nf long contention is
beginning to creep Into the political fight
In rfenrlco and to stir to Its muddy depths
the stream that is already raging like
sonic swollen torrent.
Each day that passes, lessening the rap?
idly disappearing Interval between the
present and the coming election, witness?
es to some harsher and fiercer note that
sounds out above the din of the warring
factions; some new and more fiery on
niaught that for the time being distracts
the attention from the main issue and
centers it upon Itself. As time flies by
and 'the battle thus, so far from weak?
ening, shows dally more signs of gather?
ing strength, it Is evident that It will
be a fight to the finish, tooth and nail,
knife to knife. The local and personal
feature has In. a certain respect almost
entirely been eliminated, and the contest
becomes one of State-wide importance.
The Central Democratic Committee is
pitted against the insubordinato County
Committee, and the two, 'test their
strength tothe-lasilpg harm of the party
In the county, which gives l'air promise of
being rended in the struggle. And mean?
while Hi?? two men, representatives of the
discordant elements, around whom the
light Is waging, are pushing their per?
sonal claims, and arc beginning to at?
tack each other In no uncertain style.
Flirgirg Mud.
A perfect stream of circulars, posters,
letters, cards and other campaign litera?
ture is flooding the county. Both sides
?re sending forth enough paper to litter
the county from end to end, and somo of
it is pretty hot stuff.
Mr. Todd. Is out with a circular that
will .shortly be scattered broadcast over
the Held, lie riuotes the resolutions adopt?
ed by the County Committee, and then
proceeds to belabor one or two prominent
Riehmonders. "You see from the above
(resolutions)," he says, '?that both com?
mittees, representing Henrlco county, hayo
declared me the nominee of the Demo?
cratic party for the office of treasurer,
and 1 Intend to stand by their ruling."
?Proceeding, .Mr. Todd declares that
Is a crowd of political wire-workers from
the city of Richmond, headed by two well
known Richmond men, whom lie names,
who seem to think that the people of
H en rico county haven't sense enough to
manage their own affairs, and who are
trying to put h collar around their necks
and lead them about like cattle. He con?
cludes by calling upon the people to volo
for himself, "the regularly declared nom
ir.eo of Henrlco county."
On the. side of Mr. Brnuer there is no
lack of activity In the matter of sending
out circulars, etc. A staff, of young men busily engaged last nislit mulling
several thousand pamphlets, posters, etc.
One of them was the Interview with
Chairman Kllyson, printed yesterday
morning. Another was ? pamphlet in?
troduced by a letter from ?Mr, Brauer
culling for the support of the Demo?
cratic voters, "having received the nom?
ination honestly and fairly,"
Declined Joint D bale.
An effort was made yesterday, presum?
ably fremi tho Todd side, foi a series of
Joint meetings, but It was totally with?
out effect- Mr. Blauer, It Is understood,
.flatly refused to entertain the proposition,
Just what passed in this connection
coi|ld bo obtained only Indirectly. It Is
known, howorer, that a certain member
of the Henrlco Committee, who voted to
give tho certificate to Todd, approached
one of the managers of Mr. Broiler's
fight and submitted lo bini a proposition
Huit thero bo held several meetings, at
which both Mr. Urauer and Mr. Todd
speak. This gentleman could not be reach
(Continued on Seventh Page.)
Number Killed in a Fighi
With a Posse of
0 Hears,
(By Associated Presa.)
MOW ORBIOANS, I,A.. Oct. ???.-As tho
result of it bloody encounter between a
bund of ncgruoH led by a white man and
li consta bio's posse, throe negroes have
been killed and Heren or eight wounded In
the rear of Pecan Grove plantation in
Kt. dairies Parish. None of tho posse was
hurt. The band, bended by the white man,
McO'.o, fled to the woods, Further trou?
ble Ih feared.
Mci'iee and Hip negroes have been work?
ing for Hi.? Mississippi Valley Railroad,
povera 1 days ugu complaint ivas lodged
that some of .them had contracted debts
?nul refused to pay. Charge? were made
rind Constable fiongy went out to seti the
negroes. On his way he met .Tohn Minds,
? negro assistant of McGeo, who cov?
ered him with ? Fhotgun, and command
ed him to keep away from the camp.
Sdrifly rettirned to St. lioso and organized
a posse. Near (ho ennui tho posso tin*
'?oiitilerod eighteen of tho negroes and
McGeo, all heavily armed. Both partios
concealed themselves In the high weed*
and a battio of twenty minutes resulted.
Tho negroes and McGeo finally ]o*t th'lr
nerve und flod. The hodlos of three of
tho negrops were picked up when the
smoko cleared away. Several of thntii
were wounded.
Hi)? Associated Pre??..)
. DOVER, DEI?., Oct. 20.-Chancellor
Nicholson to-day granted an application
lor a receiver for the International Bank
and Trust Company of America. .lames H.
Hughes, of Delaware, was appointed ref
elver und subordinate receivers will la'fcir
be appointed In all other Stores where the
corporation bus assets. j
Efforts win also be made to bnvo su?
bord?nate receivers nnmed in Mexico. Her?
bert Compton, a stockholder, made tho
application for a receiver, and Dawyel
William f>. Qoodlng made answer for
the, company.
When an effort was made to reach the
chancellor las tnlght he was on a pilot
boat off. Delaware Breakwater, but a
party of officers and stockholders located
him by megaphoning the boat.' the chan?
cellor was brought ashore, and after somw
explanation by counsel the application
wan granted.
fBy Associated Press.) .
MEMPHIS, TENN.. Oct. SO.?The Jury
In the case, of W. ? T. Hosklns, charged
w'th the killing of John Robertson, in
this city, several months ago, returned
s. verdict to-day of not gulty. The case
has attracted attention because of tho
plea of the defense, the lino of which
was thet Hosklns shot Robertson to pre.
vent him from killing Mrs. Robertson.
Hosklns claimed .to he a disinterested
spectator to the assault and shot only
when he thought Mrs. Rjbo t;on's 1 ft way
In danger
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, October 20.?
The President has commuted to expire
immediately the sentences of Marlon Mar?
shall,, Cyrus Raines and Burton Harper,
coal miners, who were convicted In West
Virginia of resisting a United otates .dep?
uty marshal. They were sentenced on
Jine .11, 1903, Marshall and ?Harper to
Imprisonment for eight, months, and
Raines to Imprisonment for five months
in tho Raleigh county Jail.
(By Associated Press.)
PITTSBURG, PA., Oct. 20.?As a result
of a special meeting, of tho Structural
Iron Workers' Union, held last night,
damage suits aggregating $100,000 may
be brought against tho American Bridge
Company, charging negligence in the con?
struction of the Wabash Railroad Bridge,
whore the disastrous accident happened
yesterday. The officers of the union arc
reticent on the subject, but one of them
said the union may take charge of all
the cases and bring suits.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 20.? Another indict
ment wa.s returned to-day against Sam'l
Parks, the walking delegate. This time
Parks Is indicted for perjury, it being
alV-ged that he had committed the crlmo
during his own trial, when he swore that
he did not see Josophus Plenty, the New
Jersey contractor, pay over the $200 In
cash which it is alleged Parks received
for ending a strike.
(Bv Associated Press.)
LONDON. Oct. 20.?A special dispatch
from Rome sayi Premie- Zanardell! tele?
graphed to King Victor Emmanuel to?
day the resignation of the entire Cabi?
Unique Verdict Impels Judge
Witt to Tell a Good
Tho Hustings Court was engaged yes?
terday In the trial of O, P. Wright on
the charge of throwing rocks at a street
car during tho recent strlko and at 4:30
? o'clock the Jury brought. In a verdict Of
guilty and fined tho prisoner $5 nnd
costs. Tho latter amounted to about. $"u
and t.lie man went to jail for three montila
In default of payment. The case con?
sumed nearly the. ontlre day and among
tho witnesses was Captain Carter Brag?
ton, of Augusta, who was in command
of one of the military companies during
the trouble,
Mr. D. O. Wendenburg defended tho
accused nnd he was prosecuted by Judge
D, C. Richardson.
A very amusing incident occurred when
the Jury rendered the verdict, The body
not being familiar with the law sought
to reduce the offense ho as to take It
out of the penitentiary class and found
the prisoner guilty of "assault and bat?
tery." The verdict greatly nmuetvl
Judge Witt and his portly form fairly
shook wltl) laughter, Klnally he remind?
ed the foreman, Mr. R. T. Daniel, that
"assault and battery" could not bo com?
m)tti'd whore a street car or other Inani?
mate thing was tho vlotlm. Tho verdict
was rewritten so as to conform to tho
law and His Honor said he was re?
minded of a Jury of hie-court which ro
turned a verdict for "Involuntary pinati*
Hhuiglitor." whore the prisoner was
charged In the indictment with hltling
? man with ?. stick. After this llttlo
piece of pleasantry, the court adjourned
unt? to-day.
Very Bitter Over Alaskan
Boundary Decision.
Will Strain Relations With
/Mother Country.
Kiog Edward Vainly Endeavored to
: Persuada Two Commiss oners lo
Say They Accepted the Si ua
tion?Are Very Soro and
Almost Accuse Lord
(By Associated Press.)
? LONDON, October 20.?In consequence
of the attitude maintained by the Cana?
dian commissioners, Lord Chief Justice
Alverstone decided .tills, morning not. to
hold the proposed public meeting of the
Alaskan Boundary Commission, but to
hand Its decision ; to Messrs. Foster and
elf ton, 'respective'" agents of the American
and Canadian Governments.
The Canadlan'coramisslonors not only de?
clined to algn the award, but said they
would publicly withdraw from the com?
mission. They, as'well as all the Cana?
dians connected with tho case, are very
bitter. Telegrams from Premier Laurier
and other prominent persons in Canada
show that this sentiment Is shared gen?
erally throughout the Dominion. The
Alaska award relating to the Portland
Canal gives the United Stated 'two is?
lands, Kannaghunut and Sltklan, com?
manding the entrance of the Portland
channel and the ocean passage to Gort
Sjfimpson, and. . destroytoj; the strategic
value of Wales aniTPmrRe inlands, which
are given to Canada.! '., '-' .
The change In the'Alaskan, procedure
(due to Lord Alverstohe's-declslon not to
hold the proposed meeting and to hand
the tribunal's decision to the American
an? Canadian Governments' agents)
caused -much astonishment among the
people who crowdedthc corridors adjoin?
ing the .-waiting rooms. Ambassador
Choate, .as well as the Canadians and
others immediately connected with the
case, were admitted to the room where
tho tribunal had been holding the open
sessions, but the commissioners remained
closeted In the Cabinet room. The sec?
retary? of the commission, Reginald T.
Tower, finally emerged and Informed the
waiting crowd that .no puhllc session
would be held, and that the award would
?e made public through the agents. No
explanation was offered, and but few per?
sons knew that the attitude of tho Cana?
dian commissioners was responsible for
the awkward change.
Very Sere.
The Canadians feel very sore over the
outcome. They almost openly accused
Lord Alverstone of partisanship. When
the latter presented them to King Ed?
ward at Buckingham Palaco yesterday.
j the King endeavored vainly to Induco
Messrs. .Tetto and Aylesworth to say they
were satisfied or that they accepted the
situation, but the two Canadians declined
to In any way express acquiescence with
this view. They simply shook hands for?
mally and bowed. '
One of the Canadian' commissioners
afterwards said to a representativo .of
tho Associated Press:
"This award affects much more the
relations between the Dominion and tho
mother country than people here seem
(Continued on Second Page.)
William Frith Kills His Room
Mate and Then
(Special to The Tlmes-Dispntch.)
ROCKY MOUNT, VA.. Oct. 20.?News
has Just been received here by Sheriff
B. L. Angle that William Frith, of this
county, who was wanted for killing two
men In West virglnn, and for whoso cap?
turo ? largo rewnrdi was offered, killed
his room-mate. Charles Urbor, In Dn
nora, Pa., on the 15th Instant, and Im?
mediately' thereafter committed suicido
by shooting himself through the head
with tlies same revolver, a .32 calibre
Smith and Wesson, with which ho had
murdered his room-mite.
Frith was a son of respectable parents,
about twenty-four years of age, but u
very desperate character. Ilo returned
to his native county after killing two
men In West Virginia; was followed by
detectives, ami traced to his home, eight
miles south of Rocky Mount, but he
was shrewd enough, by tho aid of his
friends, to keep out of reach of Ilio
! olll?ers.
I Stimulated 1?' the large reward Offered
j for the capturo of the desperado, llald
I win's Rnanoke detectives made several
I unsuccessful efforts to capturo him
while In this county. The sheriff and his
' deputies, who were thoroimhlv nonuulntcd
I with his home and surroundings, sur?
rounded the homo at night while the
man wan actually hi bed. but w'th tho
assistance of members o( the fumili", ho
made good h's escape In tho duritene,
ile finally lott tin county; was traced
to Cincinnati and Pennsylvania, the hor?
rible tragedy In bis life's drama having
occurred "i"l ended his career in tho
latter t?tulo. The remains huvo been
?hipped to this county,
Lord Alverstone, the member of tho Alaska boundary tribunal, whose voto
decided the disputo in favor of the United States, has been Lord Chief Justice
or England since. 1900. He stepped into that high offico from the post of At?
torney-General, which ho had occupied for twelve years. Tho upper line in tho
map indicates the boundary as fixed by tho tribunal.
The A. P. V. A. Adopts Very
Decisive Resolutions,
Association Declined to Allow Her to
Resign?Monument that is Soon
to Bo Unveiled?Mrs. Bag
by's Report.
The annual meeting of the Association
for the Preservation of Virginia Anti?
quities was held last night at tho build?
ing of the Virginia Historical Society,
Mrs. ,T. Taylor Ellyson presiding. Mem?
bers present wero Mesdames Davlos,
Savage, Southnll, Valentine, Pace, Wil?
liams, Wlnn, Taylor, Wollford, Tucker,
Mercer, Ellyson, Henry Taylor, Jr.,
liagby, Woodward, I. N. Jones, Stanarti,
Robertson, Crump, Robinson, Robins and
Redd; Misses Galt, Blair,.Garretti Messrs.
Valentino, Wcddoll, Mercer, Carrlngton,
Voting, Redd, liobortson und Dr. J, ?.
Wellford. The address of the president,
(Continued on Seventh Page.)
Visit of Pay-Car to Asheville
May Result in Some of the
Men Being Dropped.
(Special to The TImes-DlspaUhj
ASHEVILLE, N, C, Oct. 20.-As n n
sult of ? trip of the pay-car of the
Southern Hallway to AshevlllO to-day,
a shaking up In tho higher positions of
the road Is anticipated. Superintendent
Ramsuui' Is now in Washington, confer?
ring with proper ofUcluls, regarding the
Arrangements were uuido from Wash?
ington to pay off from the car lien? io
day Instead of sending Individual chocks
as Is tho custom. When the last ma,?
had been paid there, wa.-; a discrepancy
of about $100 between the total of the
pay-roll as sent In to headquarters tiv
1st. of October and the amount paid out.
It lias been only a short limo s'neo
one of tho company's men was arrested
charged with pudding his pay-roll to the
amount of $1.200.
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, Oct. 'JO.?The Duke of Ji.-v.
oiishlre, until recently Lord President of
| the Council, In a published letter, while
acknowledging I hut (he fiscal question
may require a reconsideration of the
Liberal Unionist attitude towards tho
government, advises the Liberal Union?
ists at present to remain loyal tu Um
government; "especially as precautions
against homo rule proposals in 1'uiJU?
ment aro utili necessary."
Financial Atmosphere in Bal?
timore Cleared Up.
Four Million Dollars Comes by Express
from O her Cities?No Further
? Trou.'.le Anticipated Among
Financial Institutions.
(By Associated Press.)
U.VLTIM?RK, M.?., Oct. 20.?Four mil?
lions of dollars, which arrived here early
this morning by express from New York,
Philadelphia and Washington, cleared
tho financial atmosphere and at the clos?
ing timo of the various monetary institu?
tions this afternoon there was every con
fldoneo that tho crls's In the financial
district of the city had been safely pass?
ed. Every Incoming train during the af?
ternoon and evening brought packages
of money to the banks and trust com?
panies and to-night it is estimated that
tlieto is at least $?,000,000 of currency in
the vaults of the tlnanclal institutions
of the city.
Conferences were hold during (lie
evening between various interests, and
it. was stated late to-night by a prom?
inent banker that no further trouble
among the banks or financial Institutions
of tho city was probable.
The directors and the receiver of the
Maryland Trust Company, the first to
close Its doors on .Monday, hold a con?
ference to-day and d'soussed ways and
means, hut late to-night Receiver Allan
McLane said he limi nothing to make
public, although he expressed tho opin?
ion that the company would In the near
future lie in position to pay dollar for
dollar to depositors and creditors.
.The directors ..t' tho Union Trust Com?
pany also hol da long session during tho
day. While the statement of assets and
?'abilities Of this company Is not ready
to lie presented to the courts, Receiver
White expressed the opinion tint ilio
company will In a few days resume bus
Other bunking nnd trust companies
have been well fortified with currency,
and no further trouble Is expected from
any quarter.
Attempt to Get Expression oi
Opinion from King Edward
Is Rebuked,
.(ll.V Associated Press, ?
LONDON, Oct. no.--An attempt tu draw
an expression of op nlon from King
Kilwnrd on the fiscal controversy, he iL
let tir ashing l'or Ilio trulli et a in??
mont published to the uffovt that the
King whs a free trad??!? .md (tod suhl
that he would regard with great dislike
any proposa) for taxing food, elicited
?? curt reply from Iluektngham Palace,
"??10 private secretary Is commanded
to soy that the Kim.: never expresses any
opinion?on political matters, except on
the advice of his responsible minister?,
and. therefore, the maU-uicui must bo
Republicans of West Said
to Be Souring on Him.
Senator Teller Tells of tna
Prospect of Victory.
Washington Filling Up in Anticipation:
of the Convening of Congress. ? ,
Many Conventions in Sessijn In
Washington This Week
Masons May Eschew
Tho Times-Dispatch Bureau,
No. 1417 G Street, N. W..' '
AVashingtou, D. C. Oct.. 2?
Representativo William A. Jones, of tho,
First Virginia District, has taken the
rosldenco at No. 170? Q Street, .N, W.,
and brought his family to this city. Mr.
Jones caino thus early In order that hie
children might attend school bore.
The recent prediction mude by Mr. Jone?
and published in The Tlmos-Dlspatclv.
that if, as ho thought probable, George
B. McClcllan is choson Mayor of New
York, he will bo.a strong candidate for
tho Democratic nomination to the presi?
dency next year, has attracted consid?r?
able attention. Mr. Jones believes Mr.
McClcllan will win by ?O.COO majority. Ali
McOlellan Is not regarded as an especial?
ly strong man by hie colleagues, but'Mv.
Jone^, who knows him specially well,
thinks him a u-ery ablo man. ThnprostiRO
of a big 'victory In New York city, would.
undoubtedly make Mr. McClellan fi inali
t? bo reokohed-with. in the next conven?
' Tho Democrat? of tho District otxohjfnv '
bla will, it is said, support Wlllian) G!.
Hearst in the convention. This statement
is made by the loader of one faction p.f
the party in this city. The district wt.l
have eleven delegates In the convention.
There was a contest at the Kansas City
contention between two delegations, and
hoth were seated, each delegate being
given half a vote. It Is not kno^n ' thtit
both the district factions favor tho nomi?
nation of Mr. Hearst.
A'gentleman from Wisconsin, who Is *
lifelong Republican, told me tills morning
that thero was a great falling off In the
popularity of Mr. Roosevelt In the West.
"I suppose ho will bo nominated," li?
said, "hut I would not be cer?
tain that he would not have op? '
position In the convention. I think ;it
perfectly safe to say, however, that hp
would not get as Inrge a vote as he would
have received twelve months ago.. Conser?
vative men arc afraid of him.".
Uno of the best known Republicans In
Southwest Virginia said a few days ago
that if Mr. Gorman were the opponent-of
Roosevelt ho should vote for Gortn&o.
Washington Is filling up very percop
tibly In anticipation of the opening ofth?
congressional session. The hotels are all
filed, not to overflowing, but crowded
In comparison with their deserted condi?
tion two months ago even. Few mem?
bers of Congress are here yet. They wilt
not come In noticeable numbers until
ufter the election. November Od.
Senator Teller, of Colorado. Is here. He
said to-day that he thought the'Demo?
cratic party was In good condition for the
i-ontosi In 10W. and that with either Gjpr
nuui, Parker or Gray as tho nominee,
thero was excellent chance of winning
lie Indicated very decidedly that he pre?
ferred Judge Gray as the standard bearer.
In view of tho fact that Senator Teller
bolted the Republican Nations I Conven?
tion In 1?"? because of Its refusal to de?
clare for the free coinage of silver, since
which time he bus occupied a seat on th?
Democratic side of tho chamber, his ut?
terances as to candidates Is significant.
Judge Gray, for Instance. Is understood
to have voted for rainier and Duokuer In
isni nnd for Mr. McKinley inl?'rtO. It is
as certain u? anything In the future
can be that the national convention wilt I
rot reiterate the Kansas City platform.'
Yd Senator Teller will support the nom-'
mee, Ills declaration seems to mean h?
i.: a Democrat for keeps,
The Pan-American'Congress of Protes?
tant Episcopal Bishops, the National Con?
vention of C'nlversallstt., the National
Convention of Seventh-Day Adventlsf*.
the National Convention of Spiritualists.
the convention of the Supreme Council of
the Thlriv-thlrd Degree, Ancient anil Ac?
cepted Scottish Ulte Masons, of the
Southern Jurisdiction, und possibly two or
tinco others, are some of the conven?
ti, n?:- bel?i); held hi this city this week.
The Congres? "G Hlstiops convened this
morning In the Pro-Cathedral, at Twelfth
nnd Massachusetts Avenue, More than
?????' the Suites of tlv Union were repr?
sented, and si vocal of the Canadian
'blshoiw were present. The exercl?M
consisted of n sermon by Tllshop Donne
und the celebrxllon of the Sacrament ?}f
Holy Communion. To-night u reception
in honor of tho visiting elerery was held
by Hlshop ?utlerlee and hl-< wife, nt
their home, No, 11"7 Massachusetts Ave?
nue. The president of the concrete I*
Itlshoo Diiulel S. TuMlo, of Missouri
The distinction of presiding officer comes
to him licciuse of his having been con
?., ?- m,! hishop lonirer Hum any other
In n?.? country. He Is. however, milr
.?.ixiy-.-ix >' ars old.
I loh, James D. Richardson, who v?
slgii'id his seat In Congres? from Ten
? . a few month? ut:?1 to beoom*
Ki-und commander of tho Scottish Rl<*
Council of tho Southern Jurisdiction, i*
bis annuii address last nii?ht reeoip
iv?tnded that li? ?euncll plainly decU*?