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STATEMENT AM ENIGMA fails to Have a Convincing Effect on Stock Market. VERY LANGUID MOVEMENT e Prices Advanced, but Slowly, and Whil the Closing Was Steady, it Was Very Dull, With Advancing 1 Tendency Checked. , . . (By Associated Press.) ; , NEW YORK. Oct. 31.?To-day a bank ?tattiment r.rovecl to bo tho usual enigma to stuck maiket observers. Tho state? ment reports a. decrease In cash of W.rov kOO. Tit-u ait- a number of estimates compiled nveiy Friday of tho weeks .cur? rency from tho bank officials themselves. Yest'ordav none of these estimates 'regard ed as reliable, showed a cash puitfo tor the week of less than thirteen million dol? lars and some of them ran to over ,15,009. 000. Last Saturday the bank statement in Its item of cash reserves failed to snow tho estimated decrease by $4,000,000. in? ner the workings of the averago system last week's discrepancy would 'tend to bo corrected in this week's statement. This conclusion is unavoidable that the actual showing ol the cash reserve Item In the bank statement. II It correctly represents tlio aerial condition of the banks, must be btuei upon money movements not dis? closed to the public In the information upon which the Friday estimates are hnsed. To-day's statement failed to,have convincing etfect In stock market cir? cles, and o very languid upward movement of prices resulted. This was partly due to tho fact that a skeptical feeling was felt yesterday as to whether the formidable decrease ? In cash would be In fact, re fle-.-.ed In to day's bank statement. There Is n. belief that the discrepancies in the bank statement may be explained by cash rpciations between the bank and trust companies, which do not appear in the reports of currency movements. The Increase in loans, which reached ?4. 4O3;60O; was not unexpected and is at? tributed to preparations for November 1st eettlements and to borrowings by West? ern Institutions In connection with their large cash withdrawals. The closing vraa steady, but very dull, end with the advancing tendency check? ed. United States 2's advanced 1-4 and the r? and old 4's 1-2 per cent, over the closing call of last week. Total sales of stocks to-day were 76.000 ?hares, ' MONEY AND EXCHANGE-CLOSE: Money on call, nominal; no loans; prime mercantile paper. 5 1-2 to. 6; ?terlU?K ex? change, weak, with .ictunl buslines . in bankers' bills at 434.75 to 474.87. for demand and at 4<H.25 to 4S1.M for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 4S2 1-2 to 483 and 4S6 1-2; commercial bills. 4S0 1-2 to 451; bar silver, 69 3-4; Mexican dollars,' 45 3-4. NEW TORK. Oct. Sl.-The stateent of averages of the clearing house banks of this city lor the week shows: Loans $911,678,500. increase *4,400;500. Deposits JS8o.616.fiOO. decrease I4.WS.000. Circulation S45,8?3.900. Increase 131.300. I-egal' tenders J66,Ml,S0O, decrease |1, 672.000. Specie $184.?83.S00, decrease I7.022.8CO. . Reserve |231.fi78,300, decrease 6S.694.S0O. Reserve required J221.404.160, decrease 11,024,500. Surplus $10,274,150, decrease $7,670,300. . Ex. I'. S. deposits ?lJ?,563.Mo, decrease 67,651,200. _ RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. : ..... .. - Richmond, Vs., Oct. 31," 190? STATE SECURITIES. Bid. Asked. North Carolina 4s, C. 1010.'. 102", ? Vs. Sf, New. C. and R.. 1032- WAU 94 Vi Va. Cauturlca, 2-3, C. and It. iMfe Or CI TV SECURITIES. Richmond City 4?. R., 1920.1930.... 106 UAli.UOAD BONUS. Atlanta and Cbar. lit 7s, R. 10ft A. C. L. R. It. Con. Tr. 4a. 91 Char. Col. and Aug. 2d "a C.112 ..*, G?or. and Ala. Con. .'?. 1945. 105 105U 6. A. U Con. lat 4?, 1050. ?7 RAILROAD STOCKS. Atl.nt. and Charlotte....100 14S ... Atlantic Coait Lln? "A".100 105 ... Atlantic Coast Line pfd.Km) ioi ... Atlantic Coast Line com.100 103 Atlantic Coast Lino of Conn...100 ... 250 Chesapeake and Ohio .100 Si'.i ... Oa? So. nnd Fla. l?t pfd.100 !?.'? Norfolk and Western com.100 58 ii ... Seaboard Air Line pfd...100 20 ... Seaboard Air Line com........100 12 .., Southern Hallway pfd.]0o 75 ? ... Southern Hallway com.100 18 ... RANK STOCKS. First' National .100 195- 197 National Bank of Va.100 ... 125 Havlufs Rank of Richmond_25 ... 52 Union Bank of Richmond.50 1361$ 137 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Va. Fire and Marino.23 38 MISCELLANEOUS. American Locomotive pfd,',-,,.'.100 70 ,,, Continental Tob. pfd 7 p. r.inn 102 Consolidated Tob. 4s bond*....100 55 ... Va.Car. niem. pfd S p. n.100 87- >0 VH.-Carollna Chemical com_100 10 20 Va.;Cttr. V. Co. Col. Tr. 5 p. c... 90-- ' 96/? BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE. HO., Oct 31.?Seaboard Air line common. 12%(ft 14; do. preferred, 21<ri22^.; Seaboard 4?, 68*1.70. Atlantic. Coast Llue coni. innn, 106 bid; do. preferred, nothing doing. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, Oct. 31?The cotton market opened steady at ? decllno of 2 points <? on advance of 2 polnta. Uio decline* being on the near positions, which were oft* under reallxlng. rncoursgi'd by the apparent failure or the snows aud fronts to niaterittlUe, n? predicted, and the outlook for a continuation of the. heavy move? ment, -whllo selling was checked b.v the reported rains In the Southwest and cables which were Just about an due on (he local closing of the previous night. Following the call spot people bought moderately. Europe was operating cu.. the long side of the market, nnd with but Utile' support prices were generally flrni a-t a net ad. ranee of IKS 11 points. ' Cotton futures opened Hourly and closed very steady: Spot cotton closed stendty. 10 points higher; middling uplands, lO.tli); middling gulf, 10.85; sales, 600 bales. Cotton, sternly; middling, 10.00! gross.recslpts. 12.82.1 bale*; sales. 1100 bales; stock, 75,728 bales. Totol to-dny at all seaports? Net recclpti. 1HCMAS BRANCH & GO (ESTABLISHED. 1838.) ? MEMBERS Kew York Stook Exohingt. Kow tork Cotton PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS, Investment Securities Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Broktra. BALES. Open. High. Low. 9400 100 6700 1100 1950 1200 120 1200 000 ISO ' 20% Wi4 114% 66% 90 3K 74% 35% American Snuff com. 110 American Snuff pfd. 300 American Can com.., ** American Cn.n pfd. 400 Amer, Cotton Oil com..., Amor, Locomotive com.. Amer. Locomotive pfd... 100 Conllnontal Tob pfd. 10J 1600 Amor. Cur anrl Foundry,. 1000 American Sugar . A.. T. anil 8, Fa com..., A., T. and 8. Fa pfd.... Amalgamated Copper.... Baltimore and Ohio. Brooklyn Rap. Transit.,.. Canadian Pacific . 113 Chesapeake and Ohio. Canada Southern . Colorado Southern com. Col, Southern 1st pfd.... 65 Col. Southern 2d pfd. Chi., Mil, and St. P. 1.13*4 Chi., It. I. and Pac. 24% Colorado Fuel and Iron.. 32% Chi. Groat Western. C, C, C. and St. L. Consolidated Can . D61, and Hudson. Del., Lack, and Went. 800 Brie com . 27% 530 Erie lnt pfd . 06% 100 Krlo 2d pfd .?. 49 General Electric. 115 Illinois Central . 130% S00 Leather . 7% 300 Louisville and^Nash. 100% 300 Manhattan . 135% 300 Metropolitan' . 109% 800 Mexican Central..;. 9% m 102 19% 115% 67 90 38% 76 35% 118% 138% 25 32% 27% ??% 49 130% 7% 101 135% 110 9% 80 1 2% 102 19% 114% 66% 90 38 74% 35% 118% 1381-4 24% 32% i 27 C6% 49 18014 100% 135% 109-% Closing. Bid Aaked W 110 70% 2% 27% 30 13 . 76% 101 66% 89% 38% /74% 35% 118% 29% 64% 12% 51% 22 ZZU 138% 138% 24% 25 31% 32V, 15 15g 73 74 174% 17514 154 158 240 2714 67 ?% 150 131 8 101 135% 110 9% 90 i II 77% 102% 10% 63 90 39 35% 118% 30% C5 13 238 27% 66% 48% 148% 130% 7% 100% 135% 109% 9ft SALES: Opon. High.' Low. ?1900 3426 100 810 4900 2700 5600 300 100 Wlsconsl n Cen tral. 16% Wisconsin Central pfd.... ... 35% 119 20% 94 45% 61% 61% 51% MlBdotlH Pacific . 90% 91% Mo., K. and Tog. coin. 600 Mo? K. and Tex. pfd.... 36% 410 Now York Central. 110 600 N. V., Ont. and Went..,. 20 200 Norfolk and Western. 67 9300 Pennsylvania. 119% 1086 Praised Stool Car.,. 27% 100 Prosw-d fltel Car pfd..., 69% 131 Pooplc'H Ons Trust.,. 91 1400 Heading com . 44% Reading lnt pfd....... . Reading 2d pfd. ... - Republic. I. and S. com. 1700 Republic I. and S. pfd. SIobs . Sloss pfd . St. L.'and San F. 2di pfd. Seaboard Air Line com. Seaboard Air Line pfd. St. L. and South, pfd. Southern Pacific . 41% Southern Ry. com. 17% Southern Ry. pfd.......... ,.. Tenn. Coal and Iron., 28% Texas Pacific. 28' Union Pacific com."... 71' 'Union Pacific pfd..,. . United States Steel com., 13% United States Steel pfd.. 58% Va.-Car. Chem. com...... 20 Va.-Car. Chem. pfd.. 400 Wabash com. 19% 2300 Wabash pfd . 33V 100 Western Union . 82 41% 17% '28% 'ii% *13% 69 20 *?> '19% 33% 82% 16% D0% "35 118% 20 ? M% 119% 26%' cw{ 91 44% 41% 17% 28% 13% 58% 19% 33% 82% 16% 16% 35% 118% 204 66% 120',4 93% ?% 76 CO 5$ 68 45% 12 20 30 42% iV/S 74% 28% 23% 71% 8314 13% 58% 19% 87 ISM, 33$ 82% 16 34% Total number of sharep sold, 76,700. the price of tho stock. -_' CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. V. H. refunding 2s. registered. 107% U. S. refunding 2*, coupon. 1?T% IT. g. 3s. registered. 108% V. S'. 3s. coupon.....?. 109K U. H. eXw 4s, registered.?? 184% L'. S. New 4s, coupon.??? 135% tj. 8. Old 4s. registered. 111% V. W. Old 4s. coupons.'?.1H% V. B; Cs. registered. 101% V. 8. 5s, coupon.? J?2% Ateblaon general 4s .,. 1<X>!4 Atchison adjustment 4?. ?1 Vi Atlantic Coast Line 4s. 91*4 Baltimore and Ohio 4s ..100% Baltimore and Ohio 3%. 95*4 Central'of Oeorgl ns.106*4 e'Cntriil of Georgia 1st Inc. 04 Chesapeake nnd Ohio 4%a. 101% Chicago and Alton 3%a.'.. 74 Chicago, B. and Qulncy new 4s. 04% Chicago, M. and 8t Paul gen. 4..a. .110% Chicago and Northwestern c,on. 7sy. 132. Chicago. It. I, and Pac. ?4. 75% Clilcsgo. K. 1. and Pac. col. 5s. 74 C. C, C. and St. Louis gen. 4b. 97 Chicago Terminal a4 ..'? 74 Consolidated Tobacco 4s. &?? Colorado and Southern 4s. tQ% I>i>nver nnd Klo Grande 4s. 99% Erlep rlor lien 4s . 08V, Hrle Ovnernl 4s . 83% Fort Worth and Denier City 1st. lOi fleering Valley 4V4?. 106% Louisville nnd Nash Unified 4s. 08% Manhattan conaol gold 4s. 102 Mexican Central 4s .3 Mexican Central 1st Inn-. 14 Minn, and 8t. Louis 4s. 97 Missouri. Kan- and Texan 4*. 9S% Missouri. nKn. nnd Tex. 2d*. 70t,-i National K. B. Mexico con, 4*. 76% .Vow York Central gen. 314*. "?J? New Jersey Central gen. 5s. 130% Northern Pacific 4?.102ft Northern Pacific la.- 70*4 Northern Pacific. 8s. l'0ft Norfolk and Western con. 4s. 91% I'enn?yhsiilH conv. 3%?. 97 Reading General s4. 90% 8t. Louis'and Iron Mountain con. 5a.110% 8tt Ioula ant} San Francisco fg. It. 81** St. Louis Southweatarn lsts..... 95 Seaboard Air Lino s4. oi% Southern Pacific 4i. ?7*6 Houtrwu Hallway'r* . 113*4 Texas and Pacific lata....... 116& Toledo, St. I..- and Western 4s. 69 Union Pacific 4s .'.. 102ft Union Pacific conv. 4s..,. 90H Ul S. Steel 2d.*5. '72% Wabash lata :...?;.;..:..;. HCft Wabash Deb," Bs.3" , Whecllnc and Lake. Brie.4s. 80*,, Wisconsin Central 4s,..' 89ft Colorado Fuel. con. Bs.:.'..'.;-. f>7*$ M. and O.. collateral trusts..... 91 ? Central of Georgia 2d,Inc . 27 7,172,324 bales; export to Great Britain. 47,214 bale*: to France, 41,800 balea; to the Continent, 89,200 hales; stock, 540,723 bales. ' Consolidated at all sosporte?Net receipts, 72.324 bales; export to Great- Britain. 47,214 bale*: to France, 41.060 bales; to the Continent, 33.290 bales; to Mexico, 1,99 8bales. Total since September 1st at all seaports?Net receipts, 2,031.4i4 balea; export to Great Britain, 6:;:;,059 balea; to France. 200.865 bales: to the Continent, 548.761 balea; to Japan, 1,930 balea; to Mexico, 4,895 hales. NEW ORLEANS,' IA.. Oct- 31.?COTTON? Spot cotton quiet, but firm. Sales. 4.200 bales. Including 2.550 to nrrlTc. Quotations adTanced %c. under the Influence of futures and the Im? provement In New York. Futures opened unchanged to 3 point* higher. The weather forecast-was bad. general declines In tho western portion* of the belt were also considered an unfavorable feature, and was made good use of to boost prices. The weak shorts soon became alarmed at the advance an/1 began to run for cover, and Hooded the market wltS stop orders. Heavy port receipts appar? ently bad no effect on prices, the advance con? tinuing to the end of the hslf-duy session, when the list showed net gains of 206*23 points. Cotton futures firm: November. 10.28; Decem? ber. , J0.28(ai0.27: January. 10.30? 10.31;-.' Feb. ruarv. 10.381210.30; March. 10.47?10.48; April, 10.83310.65; May. 10.00010.61; June. lO.OJa 10.84; JuTy,-1069tafQ-.71. ' - - PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.?FLOOR?Quiet, but firm. Winter patents, $4144.35: Minnesota pa tent. $4.60?{4.85. Bye Flour?Steady. Fair to good. $3.20<2a.f>0. Buckwheat Flour?Quiet nt S3 4082.50. Cornmeal?Steady; yelolw western, 1108. Bye?Steady; No. J! western, 82c. Barley Quiet; feeding, 42J4C. _?., ? ? .. Wheat?Firm; No. 2 red. 78*; H. Options developed considerable firmness on predlctlona of decreasing northwest receipts. The close was very firm on further covering. Trices %?-%c. net higher. May closed at S3ftc. ^December,. Corn?Spot firm; No. 2 51c. Option market was advanced by the heavy southwest rains, .?becking receipts and in sympathy with wheat. The market closed firm and lj?jrlc. net higher. Mjiy closed at 40c: December, 51*?c. Oeu? ^eef^teidy: "family. '$10? 10.50; beef, hams. ?21.50?23.i>J. Cut Me?W?Quiet: Pickled bellies u^tftllc per |K>und; pickled shoulders. B%e0c, pick led hams. 11 (g 12c. Lord-Firmer; western steamed. $7.20. October closed at $7.20 nominal, refined, su-ady; Continent. $7.40: .compound; *"B874''a7.12%. Pork?Steady; family. $10.50, short c*.r! $?3.23?15.O0; mess. ?W?13.W. Butter-Steady; extra creamery, 32%c., State dairy. LMSa*. Cheese?Strong; Btate. t Ull cream, fancy amall. colored. September. JlVa^.r October. Uftc.; small white. September/ M%c.i October; HKc Kggs?Urm; State and Penn sylvanla.,fancy mixed, 27c. ,?,, Tallow-Steady; city 1*2 PWtfJ"]?/)^?.^ country (packages free). 44?;4ftc. Rosin? Firm; strained., common to good, $2,70. Xurpen tlncz-^flteady at 59>4<iI00e. ? .. > (^ffpe?Spot lUo. firm: No. 7 Invoice. 6*,c.. mild, steady; Cordova. 7ii<8l2c. The market coffeo future* opened strong ?fan advance acfiju poll.U. on active bull support and general de maml. with prominent cotton exchange Interests, supposed to be operating for New Orleans heavy buyers. The advance, caught ?top-loss orders nnd the market closed firm, net I5(?U>0 points higher. Rales. 128,600 bags. ^ ?* S,'lKar?Raw. steady: fair refining. 3ftc. centrifugal. 90 test. 3%C.l molasses sugar, 3%C... refined, quiet. Confectioners' A. $4.?0; mould A. $.',7 cut loaf and crushed. $5.33; powdered. ?48?: granulated. $475; eubes. $5. Rice-Steady; do mestic/ fair to extra, 4?6o.: Japan nominal. Molawes?Steady. New Orleans, open kettle, ?rood to choice, 311342c. : ?' _ Potatoes-Steady: Long Island. N-JBSWS *?? ,ey. fl.62<81.8T; State. Eastern and \Astern. tl.B0?l.Tlt; Jersey sweet*. *l.f0?2.23. I ea fmts-Strsdv: fancy bandplrkcd. 13.24(34; do $3.50184 Of.. Cahbagea-Steady: domes lie per 1?1. foQtl: l*r barrel, 7Be.g$l. Cot ton?By steam to Liverpool. 15e, CHICAGO, ILL., Oct. 31.?Small contract stocks and a good shipping demand were in? fluences that created au urgent:.demand for I>e. i-ember wheat to-day aud prices In thnt pit ruled strong. December closing with a gain of %c; December corn nnd oats were each a shade nigh. er, %ybll? January provlslona closod from .10(9 12%c. higher, The leudlne quotations ranged as follows: Open. High. Low. Close. WHF.AT?No. 2. Dec. (new)V SOt: 81 S014 . SOU May ....... 71% 70*4 TS% 79',1 CUKN?No. 2. , Otc. ?? ??? ? "*??% Dec ....... 411% .. - 43H 44 Mac ........ 43'* .. 421, 43% O.-r ....... ? ? ? ? '. '.' ">3ts Dee. 3591 .33?i 35ft 33?>J May ....... 3?% 36% 30ft ??V, MKSS PORK?rer bbl. Oct.. ???? ??'?? 11.50 j,, .|2.?0 . 12.30 12.20, 12.25 mb": ::::.::i3.25 12.40 12.25 12.37% ??ocr^.^BlBO- ?.B2*4 ?.50 JMUg vw. i.... .... ... 0.81 Is j?? .(1.72*j 0.82'i 1172*4 6.82*5 May ....... 0.80 0.871?, ?????> ??<"%* BHOltT BIIIB-J'cr 100 lbs. ? ,l?n.' 6.40 0,30 (1.40 May ....... 0.45 H.52% 6.45 6.50 Ciisn auotatlom were us lolluws?FLOURs Stpailv. No. 2 spring wheat. 81ffl84e.: No. 3, 7ii<ii'83c; No. 2 red. SlftfflSJiVjC, No. 2 corn, 41c; .No. 2 yellow, 44U?4tftc. No. J, ou s, H5%C! No. 3 white, 35SS8714e No. 2 rye. Bile. Fair to cliolco malting barley,-4H?JnUiv No. I, 89c; No. 1 northwestern, IWc; prime 'lliiuithr seed. $2.0o. Mess pork, per hprrftlj $11.(iuflll.0S14l Unl. P<t 100 pounds;- $rt.6<i?I. ll.62'4; short ribs sides (loose). $7,004(7.60; short clear stiles l boxed t. $7.58187,80, 1\ Wakey. Imsls of .high wines, $1.25. Clover, contract fli'ii.l..', $lti..visrio.Ot). Butter Euslor: creamtr; les, isii4i'2l*4i'.; dairies. 11? 18c Kggs?llrm , in murk, esses Included. 10%?20H?. Obeeee? Steady to firm lit- lOVi?!!*1- Uectdpta?^ beat, U8.1I0H buuhvl's; com, 871,600 Imsbi'Is; outs, 342,200 buslicls; luigs, 11,000 head. - 1IAI.TIM0IIB, MD.. Oct.' 31.?KMiOlt -Quiet anil tmchiiugod. \Vlient--8ti'nd.v; spot, iwunict, SlUr.iSlftc; do. No. 3 rod, western, SSWSaVtO,; the month. 8 lUfflftlMit.-! "southern by sample. riiiiS.ic Corn-Firm; , spot, llrm: tho month.1 MV.?frOi\: syuthern white .corn. oOWSl. Oats Steiilj: No. 2 white, 42c Hyu--Flrui; NO.,-8, BS%ft nutter'?Firm and higher; fancy lmlla Hon.. l&'jjUOc; do. croumery. 23.',; do. ludle. lflffilSo. Kgg??Klvm and .higher: fresh. 2o?. t'hoeso?Steady aud unchanged, b'ugur?feUuug and unchanged. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. (Wholesale prices. Quotations corrected Tues? days and Fridays.) FLOUR?Unchanged, slow and dull, moderate receipts. RYE?Light receipts; demand good; Virginia bsg lots wanted. ValiEAT?Receipts continue light and market active. CORN?-Quiet and. dull. Oats?Steady. HAY?With moderate receipts the market Is steady; common and low grades almost uussle able. EGGS?Active; moderate receipts. BUTTER?Receipts increasing; market rather quiet this week ut prices quoted. POULTRY?Receipts light; all good fat bright stock active at quotations; poor and droopy Stock not wanted. VIRGINIA BACON?Ham* active; sides and shoulders quiet. POTATOES-^Becelpts Increasing; market fair? ly active. APPLES?Receipts heavy: market weak. GAME?The season la now open for Venison and the demand for same Is active' at full quo? tations. Season for other gamo will open No? vember 1st. RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK?Wheat, 33,784 bushels; corn. 30,14$ bushels; oats, 37.190 bush? els; rye.'2,212 bushels; flour. 2,315 barrels; bay, 415 tons;, mill.offal. 55 tons. STOCK rVELEVATOR?Wheat, 824 bushels; corn 27\739 hushels: oats, '4,249 bushels. - POULTRY?LIVE. Turkeys, hens, ptr lb.$ 11 @$ 12*4 Turkeys, gobblers, per lb.... 10 ? 11 Turkeys, small aud thin, lb.... 8 ? 0 Chickens, spring, small, lb.15 Cblckena, spring, medium, lb. 14 Chickens, spring,' large, lb... 13 Hens, per lb.? 11 Ducks, large, per lb... 13 ? 12% Ducks, small, per lb. il <U 12 Roosters, per piece. 25 ? SO Geese '.. 40 @ 85 GAME. Venison, whole deer, per lb.... 10 ? n Venison, saddles, per lb. 14 tl 15 Squirrels, each . 5 (is 8 BUTTER. Choice, family packed. 17 i& 18 Fancy, dairy packed. 17 ? 18 Choice, dairy packed. 10 M 17 Choice, store ?i 18 Medium . ,14 <3 15 Common . .12 Q 13 Choice yellow rolls, per lb.. 17 ft 18 Mixed, white aud yellow, lb.. 15 Q 16 EGGS. Crates, nearby, fresh laid.... 21 (g 22 Crates, -fresh stock. 21 Barrels and boxes. 20 Gulena. 12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. ? APPLES? Pec bbl., fancy hand pk.... 2.25 if} '2.50 Per bbl., choice hand pk_ 1.75 ? 2.00 Per bbl, medium. 1.50 @ 1.78 Per bbl., common . 1.00 ? 1.26 ORANGES?Jamaica . 2.75 ? 3.25 Florida, per box, fancy.... 2.75 ? y.25 >? PINE APPLES? Per crate, fancy. 2.00 ? 2.50 LEMONS?Per box;. 2.75 ? 3.80 ' PEARS? Per barrel, Sickles.... 6.00 ? 7.00 I'er barrel, Duchess. 3.50 ? 4.00 Keefer-?. 2.23 ? 2.60 PEACES? Per 6 bskt. carrier, fancy.. 2.50 @ 3.00 ? Per 6 bskt. carrier, cholc..- 2.00 ? 2.60 Fancy, white health. 3.00 GRAPES? Concord per 5-lb. bskt. 15 ? 18 . Salem per S-lb. bskt. 10 ? n . Delawares per 5-lb. bskt.... 22 ? 24 Maraga per S-lb. bskt...... -20 ? 22 Common to good .". nominal. BLACK PEAS. nominal. 8LACKEYE PEAS? Price to fancy. 1.15 <3 1,25 Common to good . 1.00 ? 140 CLAP PEA8?Per bushel. nominal MIXED TEAS . nominal BEANS? Navy,'No. i. white........ 2.25 ? 2,40 Common, white . 2.00, ? 2.10 Mixed, per bus. 1.60 ? 1.75 Colored .'.. 1-60 @ 1.75 POTATOES^-. Per bushel. 63 ? 05 ONIONS? Per barrel . 1.75 ? 2.00 Per bushel, car lots. 00 y 65* CABBAGE?Per 100. 4.00 ? 8.0 Per ton . 15.00 ?18.00 CELERY?Large, per dot;... ' BO ?t ?0 Small, per doien..,,.,.,,.... . 25 ? 35 HA.V. No. 1 Tltmothy (new). 14.50 No. 2 Tlmoutj (new).13.60 No. 3 Timothy, (new).. nomlm.1. No. 1 clover., mixed (new).... 13,00 ? 1B.5Q , No. 2 clover, mixed (new).... nominal No. 1 clover (new). 12.00 No. '2 crovor (new)...'..'. nominal Vs. Timothy, No. I (new).... 18.60 Vsr-Tlmothy, No. 2 (new),... 11.50 ? 12.00 Virginia mixed (now). 9.00 ?10.00 Clover, Virginia. . nominal SHUCKS?Baled dry (new).. nominal STRAW?Comprossod ....... 7.60 Loose-presaed. large bales.. 8.00 ? 8.50 Load your cars so that hay nt doors repre? sents contents, and thua avoid rejectlous, FLOOR. Family.,,.. 3.40 ? 3.00 Family,' fancy. 3.86 ? 4 00 Patent choice to fuuey. 4.00 ? 4.10 Choice extra . 3.10 Ultra.???. 2.85 Rupernno . 2.00- (ft 2.70 C11RN.MEAI1?City sacked. 60 Country bolted, sacked..... 55 ? Mll.l.FKKD? ?'.-?? .,? , Shlimiuff, per ton, tacked... 22.50 limn .-. 10.00 WII BAT. No. 2 red, new. 91 No, 3 red.- new ?'???.I..;. - SO c<? 90 rituuiuur. new . "7 w es iiejiii'ieii, new ..'....:.' ffi ? so Bag lots, full' to prime, now.. si, ? 90 CORN. No. 2 white .<.- tl2!4 No. H white . ^12 No. 2 ml veil.,.. ,," No ".'mixed . nii.j \ ? White corn.-tVli, bag lots...'. 63 IUT8. Winter seed outs..,.,..'..,. 48 ? ' 50 No. 2.uil,v -?.. 4U No. 3 mixed .1.' 80*4 Bye. lug lots.??'. 80 ? 8 7 MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES. - ... Dry Hint, per lb. 11 ? )U Ddry salted, per lb. 10 ? n Green' sslted, per lb.'..,'.... 6*4 Green, per lb..-.:.......'?-?.. 6?4@; 6 Dry Uint cslfskrns, per lb..-. 0 ? 10 Sheep skins ..'. 56 ft 80 Green salted' calfskins. ' 6B ? 80 Lamb iklns.-?'?". 15 ? HO BUCKWHEAT FLOUR?lib... 2 @ 214 FEATHER8 ? Live gesse, per lb. 45 Mixed, per lb.............. 85 ? 40 SEEDS? - ' '? " Clover, wholesale, per bus.. 0.00 ? 8.50 Timothy, wholesale, bus,... 1.00 ? 1.70 Oichurd igruss, wnolesaje. . 1.25 ? t.iu Buckwheat, per bus.::;.... S3 ? 1.00 Utrumn millet, per bus..,, l.iu ?a 1.2a BEESWAX, per lb. 20 ? 27 DRIED APPLES? Sl|ccr, per lb.....:... 3 .Quartered, per lb..V.'.. 2%? ? ' 3 . Common to good, per lb.... 2 ?. - 2li DRIED PBACHES-r . ,,.,. Peeled,; per lb..-....:..,... 10 ? 11 Peeled, dark, per lb...',',. 7 ? S Unpeelcd, per lb. 3 CHEKUlESrr- . I! Pitted (new), dry order.-... 15 ? 18' RASPBERRIES?Per lb...... 18 ? 18 BLACKBERRIES .:.:..',".".... '4%S B WHORTLEBERRIES ,..-.i...''?' do ? 12 tyVOQL? -"?? ? I". ' ' " ?'"? TubwuiOjed, fro*6f'barrs...!-- 26 -? 28 Unwashed, frtys of <hurr?v...i;'.^ at ? 22 Merino, unwashed ........ 13 ? 14 Burry, 8 to'8c. per lb, leas, ROOTS? '?'?? Ginseng," per lb...;... 4.00 ? 4.50 , Senlea, per lb....,.-..,- 40 ? 45 Virginia snake, per lb...... ' 20 ? 25 May apple, per lb. 2*4? 8 True pink, per lb. 10 ? 13 Wild Ginger, free of fibrt>. 0 ? ? 12 Wild ginger, natural. 0 ? . . I PEANUTS?Per lb., farmers,, . 3 ? ? 8*4 BACON?' " . Hams,- small, smoked...... 18 ? .18 Hams, large, smoked. 13 ? 15 1 Bide*, smoked ............ 11 ? 12 Shoulder*, smoked . 10 ? 11 LARD^rCoontry jrlrr.e......; 10. ? ? 11 FLAX8HHP?Per bushel,.... 1.20 ? 1.40 CHESTNUTS?per |b.',... 7 ? S TALLOW?Per lb.....- 5 .WALNUT KKIINKLS?Per lb. . 13 ? 18 CHICKENS COOPS. SB ffl 90 . TURKEY "COOPS .......... lTls"? 1.25 GUli CIUTKS.._.......... 45 ? 60 BUTTER BUCKETS^ Pfr floiep .1... 2.75 ? 3.00 RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. ???.. !>--.-?-' Richmond, V*-.; Oct. 31. 1003. QUOTATIONa vTnEAT? ? Lcngberry (car lots . 90 ?91 Mixed (car lots) . ?u ?01 Short berry (ear lots) ."80 ?91 No, 3 red (acr lots) .01 Vs.' bag'Jots :.80 ?90 CORV Wblte(Vs.) bag Jots (new).41 Qst White (Va.) b?g lots (old).,62 ?63 No. 3 white, (acr lots).,.... 62 .?52*4 No. 3 white {acr lots)..,........ 61%iBB2 No. 3 mixed (car kits).81%?62 o.v. 3 mixed (car lots).61 ?51*4 OATS No. S mixed (car lots!. 40 ?40*4 No. 8 mixed (car lots*....30 ?40 0N..2 white (car lots)....42 (iri2% Winter seed (bag lots)...,. 43. ?50 RYE?Vs. bag lot*.60 (,t07 CATTLE MARKETS. ' CHICAGO. ILL., Oct 31.?CATTLE?Receipts, 500 head, nominal. Good to prime steers, $5.25(ft 6.03; poor to medium, $3.4084.75: stockers and feeders. $2,2B?4.40; cows. $1.25?4,25; heifers. $2.00134.76; canner*. $1.2532.40: bulls, satff 4.36; citlvea, $2?6.75; Tvsas.fed steers. $2.75(2 3.BO; Western steers. $3(34.50. Hogs?Receipts to-day, 11,000 bead; Mouday. 30.000 bead; about steady. Mixed' onJ butchers, $5?5.46; good to choice heavy, $4.D0ffi6.20; rough, heavy, $4.80(fJ 4.86; light, $4.00?B.85: bulk of sales, $4,850 fi.10. Sheep?Ttecelpta. 2.000 head. Shcop, steady; lambs, stesdy. Good to choice wethers, $8.Q0?8.65; fate to cholco mixed. $2.00?3.00; native lambs, $3.26(23.00. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-BEEVES?No receipts, no 'salts reported. Dressed beef, steady; city drustfd, native, In the extreme range, OQOc. per pound. Calves?Receipts, 41 bead. Veals? ?low, shout steady In price. Western calves, dull and lower. Mainly Western veals sold at $4.60(28.50; a car of Western ut ft. City dressed veals, 8? 13c. per pound. Sheep and Ijtmbs?Receipts, 2,538 head. Sheep, slow and weak; lambs, lower, generally lower und slow. Sheep sold at $3@3.50 per 100; lambs. $.va5.05. Including a cur of Canailaa at IB.25. Dri'smid mutton. 5(fj:7c. per pound.; dressed lambs, 7*4? tOn. Hog*?Receipts, 2.U07 head; 110 sslcs re? ported. UN10 NSTOOK YARDS. PITTSIIURG. PA., Oct. 81.?CATTLF^?Steady. Oliolcu. $B.8S? B.B0; prim*, $6.10?5.2i; fair, $3.40(84.00. Hogs?Active. Iflme beHvIes, $5.(0?5.50; me dluTus, $5.33(ri5;4r.: heavy yorkers. $5.80(88.85; light yorkeri, $5.25(^5.30; pigs, $5?S.2o; roughs. 14118, Sheep?SIendy. Prime wethers, $3,600 8.801 culls and common, fl.30122; choice liimbs, $B.4O?8;60; Teal calves, $7f?7.73. ' CINCINNATI, O.. Oct. 81.?JHOGS?Quiet ?t $4,00?D.U0. Cattle? Weak at $2?4.il0. Sheep? Steady nt $I.7B?.'12.V Latubs?Dull nnd lower at $3.76f}0.60. TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Vs., lli't; 81, 1003, Dark i'H'i'd Tobacco- (Reordered) ?Market conUiiul'S very quiet ill unchanged? quotatlnn*, with light receipts. Itrlght*?Market continues quiet; very llgtil receipts. , Huti-l'lircd (old)-.. Market continue* sternly ut unchanged limita? tions, receipt* llghf. new, receipts Tory light und prices low, ?* '4'hu (munitions ?to n? Collun*; DARK FIRED TOIIACClJ-RKORDKItED. Printing*, tiuw.??? 76 ?$ 2,00 Lugs, cununon lo good.? 4,uo ? 4.7.1 Lugs, good tu piluii!. 4.76 ? B.OU Short leaf .?. B.SO ? u.ou Meillutu loaf . O.DO ? 7.0H Long leaf . 7.00 ?J 0,00 Wrapper*-anil *uicciiop. 10.00 ? ia.00 IlltiaiU' TOBACCOS,, SMQUKIIS-Couimon. ? 6.0t> ? ?.oo .Medium.,.....i,. 8,011 ? icon Fine .i. 10.00 ? J2.C0 C'llTTHRS-Cimimnn . 10.00 ? 12.00 Midtum ....??.. J2.0U ?13.0U Flu* '. 15.00 ? 1T.00 Fuucy .'.>! 17.00 ?20,00 FILLBBB-tomwon . 8.00 ? 7.00 JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SONS. BANKERS, Dealer* la IUCHMOND, VA^ SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPECIALTY. Corraaoondenee invite*L Medium. 8.00 ? n.on (iood . O.OU ?11.00 Fine .18.00 ? 14.00 WRAPPERS?Common .14 00 ? 18.00 Medium . 18.00 ? 25.01 Good . 27.00 ? M3.CH1 Fin* . 85.00 U 40.00 ' Fancy ,.;.. 46.09 it 66.00 SUN-CURED TORACCO. Primings (new) . BO ? 200 Lug*, .common to good. 4.60 ? 6.00 Lugs, good to prims...'. 6.00 ? 8.5u Hhort leaf. 8.50 ? 10.00 Long Its f . 10.00 ifj 12.60 Wrappers. 13.00 <a 20.00 DANVILLE TOBACCO MARKET. Danville, Va., Oct. 31. 1003. Dlbrcll Brothers give thn following review of the week: During the early part of the week our sales were ? fairly large and composed of old belt stock from the nearby district, but during the latter part of the week sales wero lighter, and with a larger proportion of Eastern nnd Southern tobaccos: jj Altogether the quality of the ou>r ing* this weak has been poorer than.usual, lack? ing both color and quality. The genera) charx acter of the offerings this wook has been good medium, with n scurclty of common und tine. Prices have been Qrm with a slight upward tendency. All grades show some slight advance, and lu tome It is decidedly noticeable. Several of our Independent domestic manufacturers have entered the market this week, und their presence is decidedly felt on such grades as suit them. Very few exporters sre buying anything of con? sequence. Trade in old tobacco seems to tie picking up and inquiries and sales are more frequent than for some months past. Tha holders of old to? bacco* seem to be In better spirits, especially those holding stocks of old bright* snd wrappers. They claim that the present crop affords com? paratively s, small proportion of these grade, nnd they feel encouraged In consequence. The weather Is not such to admit ot large receipts, and we. therefore, look for only moderate re? ceipts for the coming week, unless there should be a decided chsnge In the weather. Tho farm era seem to appreciate the Importance of not rushing their tobacco to market this year, and have the, good sense not to crowd the buy? ers. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg, Vs., Oct. 31, J003. Sales of tobacco on the Lynchburg market for the. two weeks ending October 24. 10O3. reported by Mr. John L. Oglesby, ot Lynch's Warehouse ;? Sold week .ending October 17th, 74,200 pounds; sold week ending October 24th, 124,500 pounds; Increase for week ending October 24th. 50,300 pounds. Sold from October 1, 1008, to 24, 1003. 886,t>00 pounds; sold from October 1, 1002, to October 24, 1002. 390,000 pounds; decrease for 1003. 13.100 pounds. Receipts this week largely of new tobacco, but little primings being offered. Prices well up to quotations, the average being abont the same as last year at this time. ?> DARK GRADES. Primings.$1.50 ?$ 8.50 Common dark lues. 8.50 U s-01 Medium uark lug*. 4.00 ? 6.06 Good durk lugs . 6.00 ? 6.St Common dark leaf. B.00 ? n.oo Medium'dark'leaf. B.BO ? O.CO Good dark leaf. 7.00 ? 8.0s Fine dark leaf;....;......10.06 ? 1200 Black wruppcra.,.,16.00 ?20.00 Bright Tobacco*?None . on market. Common Wrappers?Ncfhe offering. ' Good Wrappers?None offering. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. NORFOLK.' VA- Oct. 31.?PEANUTS? Fnriuera' market quiet. Fancy, 8%c.; strictly prima, 8%c.;. .prime, 8c; common. 2KQ3c.; Spanish, per bujhol, 80c. No n*w crop-coming lu. PETERSBURG. VA., Oct. 81.?PEANUTS? Spanish, 00@D2Hc. Market firm, stock 'l.shl and few being offered. Virginia's, 8%c.-for fancy; market steady. DRY GOODS MARKET, NEW YORK. Oft. 81.-^Ths dry goods market ends tbc week In a firm condition, and yet tho volume of bnslness shows a certain reduction from, the comparative activity which marked the first of the week. coruervatlve, and yet there lr-Indication In certain quarters that buyers are willing .to anticipate their needs to a certain extent. Jobbers aro transacting only a moderate business. NAVAL- STORES. ... WILMINGTON. N.. C..'^ >Qc>. .r3l:? SPIRITS TURPENTINE?Firm nt BScy-Tecolpt*. 30 cisks. ltosln?Firm nt $2.15; rcoelntsj; 203 barrels. Tnr?Firm at $1.80; receipts. OU barrels. Crude Turpentine?Firm at $2.25(38.80, SAVANNAH. OA.. Oct,. 81.?TURPENTINE? Firm at B0Vi@58Wc; receipts, 400 casks; sales, 081 casks: exports. 04p casks.. Rosin?Finn;.re? ceipts, 2,632 barrels; sales,- 001 barrels; exports, 4,661 barrels. ." . . CHARLESTON. 8. C. Oct. 31.?TURPEN? TINE?Quoted at 56%c. Rosin?Steady. COTTONSEED OIL.MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.?Cottonseed oil dull, but fairly steady. Prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 27C128C.: prime summer yellow,- 88(f|36Hc; spot, November. 33Q33Vac.; off summer yellow, 3S%c; prime white, 43c.; prime winter-yellow, 43c, MARINE "INTELLIGENCE. TORT OF RICHMOND. OCT. 31, 1003. A U it IV ED. Stesmer Pocabontss, Grave*.'James River land? ings and Norfolk, mercbaodls* and passengsr*. Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Berkeley. Guy. Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, Old Dominion line. ?AILED. Steamer Brekeley, Guy, Norfolk, tvercbandli* and passengers, Old Dominion line. PORT OF WEST POINT, OCT. 31. 1003. ARRIVED. Charlotte. Murphy, Baltlmoro, paaienger* and genera] cargo. SAILED. Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passenger* and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS. OCT. 31, 1003. ARRIVED. Barge Cllntonia, Trovldence. Barge Florida, Providence. Barge White Band, Providence. SAILED. Steamer Rappahannock. Liverpool. Schooner Murguertte, Iloltltnore. Schooner Corn F. Creasy, Boston. Schooner Young Bros., Boston, Schooner F. nnd T. Lupton, Fall River. Barge Independent. Boston. Schooner l.uclnda Sutton, Boston, Smoke "MAHOGANY BLEND." mnito right hero In thlu city, by our own hon? est, linril working people. Patronlso our homei production, especially when such high grade goods. MAN ABOUT TOWN CIGAKS Wuslilngton anA Early, Munchester. FINANCIAL. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Age, Strength, Conservatism And Prompt Payment of Claims Make it the Ideal Company to Insure Your Life in. Men of character wanted in every town in Virginia to writs ? business. Liberal contracts given. Address WALTER H. GRIMES, Genl. Agent, No. 40, Chamber of Commerce Building, Richmond, Va. VinOINIU* NtWTON. OOLCMAN WORTHAM. DAVENPORT 8c CO. INSURANCE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE NO. 51. GENERAL AGENTS LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, 1113 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. 8PECIAL ATTENTION OIYEN TO IMPROVEMENT OF RI8K6 WHEREBY A LOWER RATE 13 OBTAINABLE; THE SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND 1117 East Main Street, Next to Hotel Lexington. THE INSTITUTION FOR THE PEOPLE. Deposits in Bums ot ONE DOLLAR and upwards received and interest allowed. Loans made on real estate. Negotiable paper discounted. B. A. PATTERSON, President. L. Z. MORRIS, Vlce-Praaldon* \ JAMES M. BALL. Cashier. DIRECTORS?George L. Christian, N. D. Hargrove. P. Whlttock; H. Theodore Ellyson. W. H. Zimmerman, B. Alsop. R. A. Patterson. L. Z. Morris, F. Sltterding, IT. Seldon Taylor, O. O. Owens. John XV. Gordon. G. G. Valentin* ' MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 1 Capital 1200,000, Surplus and Profits $612,445.75 ?. i Designated State,. United States and City -Depository. X Mercantile and Bank Accounts I Largest Bank Depository South -T . respectfully sollcltod. i of Baltimore. ^ :; 3 per oent. Interest Paid on Deooslts In Sayings Department, i Pavable on Demand. ? ?* JOHN" P. BRANCH, President JOHN KERR BRANCH, Vlee-Pre* X ? JOHN F. GLENN, Cashier. i ITTTHt4TTTTf Capital Savings Bank Peoples' Depository, No. IIII East Main Street. Pays 4 Per Cent, on Deposits. Whoto ono man g?ts rich through speculation, n hundred "become POOH; whoro ono person remains poor through tho slow method of Savlm?, a hundred get. RICH. Tho^o who novor mado an effort to save their money aro Invited to como and boo what wo can do for them y ALL SUMS ACCEPTED, INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Provident Savings Bank, 911 East Main Street. S. GALESKI, Pre*. W. GRAY WATTSON. Cashier. LANCASTER & LUCKE, Bankers and Brokers. RICHMOND, VA. High-Grade Southern Securities. Correspondence Solicited, 3 MONTHS FREE. Ip-K.-cliito MlnliiR paper (fullv Il? lustrated) am I Mining nil the latest news from famous itold nanips, lie i-luillUK BIO CREEK AND THUNDER MOUNTAIN. V. B. MININO JOURNAL, 1&0 Naiaau St.. N. Y. PRODUCTION OF GOLD Nearly Three Hundred Million Dollars Worth Dug in 1902. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. D. Q>, Oct. 21^-The to? tal World's production of Hold In 1902, us estimated by the dlrecter ot the mint, is jraj.ssD.oo, ami of sliver, coining' valno, HS.Mii.soo. Kor tho United Btutea tie ttgurea moi^uoid. $8,oon,oou; silver, $71, Vu7,tHX>. As compared with li>ol these ilguroq show an increase In tho production o| ?old <>f i.Wi'.CH duiicea uiuJ :i decreuau pr'.'.iui minces in (lib production of sil? ver. During liio year, AfrU'ii men-used it? bom productUm from i:i'.>.T<>i ounce* to i,W7,7i;i ounces, mul Australia jncreu*iHl Its gold production n> $$l,5T8,$ou. which t? ovor a million and a, half dollars lu ex? cess ol the production of lite United Htutes, whifli again Likes second place. Tlio production uf proclaim metals in Southern Stales wis us follws: Alutmina, Bold. " 53.610; silver, $l!lfl| Ueorgla, gold, WTiKOU; silver. $;>I7; North Carolina, Bold, jiW.TDO; stiver, JJT.iO.'; South t'.uoiui.i. gold. $1-1.'I'H': s'lWflr, jaSsT'T-'iiie >">?''. -II \er. 115,803; \Tr?inlu. gold, 13,100; silver, ,7,02S. BALL &WINFREE Bankers and Brokers 1114 ?. Main St., Richmond, Va Private Wires to Principal Polnte Correspondents?W. JS. \vuUDEl\D S CO., Members New York Consolidated Stock Exchange.. Corroepondonoo Inrltsi BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED BY THE Stale Bank of Virginia, (III E. Main3!,, Richmond, V). Virginia-Carolina lihemical Company, Manufacturers ot Fertilisers, Fertilis? ing Materials and Chc.tucala. Importers of Potash, Salts and. Nitrates. Capacity! Ono thousand carloads ot Manufactured Fertilizers per day. Hlcbmond. Va. Smith-Courtney Go. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Southern agents for the. Improved Bat* Corliss Kngino Machinery, t-umpa. B?IU'. lug, Steel and Wood Pulleys, Shafting and Hangers, Hallroad?> Mine. Mill and Contractors' Supplies, Flint Koto Kcoflu$,