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As the frost opens tho burr and shows the gleaming nuts within, so docs colder weather unfold the glorious wealth of beautiful things bore. It has required, months of careful buying to get together a stock of goods such as this-s-all the latest things that science and art have evolved at prices tlmt will save you money. ' Every season adds more arid more to our reputation as the money-saving-store of Richmond. The recent rise in cottons and wools, and sympathetic increase in kindred goods, however, have done, more in this respect than ever before, because we bought the bulk of our season's stock before the rise. We don't know a store where less prices obtain. Do you ? Ready-Made Garments A Complete New Line. In many of our patterns we sold out entirely and had to get full new lines. It gives you a chance at the very newest suit ideas at The Cohen prices. Or? dinarily you pay a premium for the latest fashion, but that's not our way?you get all we can save for you. SUITS. Woman's Suits of fine Venetian Cloth, with new designed blouse coats, silk trimmings, 910. Tailor-Made Suit with straight cut coats of checked and mixed fabrics, strap trimmings, suta.r.o. Tailor Suits of Scotch tweed, with Inns; peplmn and shoulder capes, skirts over the newest models, * 10.50. Handsome Broadcloth Suits, collnr less blouse, tucked, long plaited pepl'um, finished with stitched peair de sole, graduated plait skirts, i*Ba..'M). Now designed Suits of Zlbellne, pleated side effects, collarless, plait? ed skirts, with panel front, entirely new. !?i!7.W>. Handsome Broadcloth Suits in blnr.k, blue and brown, new Eton ef? fect, with fancy designed vest, plait? ed skirt. i?2Jl. Others of various .fabrics to t?OB. Misses' Suits in plain and fancy mix? tures at f?*<.no, iftlO, ?12.r>0 and *15 COATS* Women's Elbellne end. Melton Coats, in all Hie new colorings and designs, tho usual $5 ones, for fa.1*8. The usual $7.50 Kersey Coats, In black, blue and castor, are $5. Full variety of Clonks/ In Kersey and Cheviot Coats, military and box effect, *?(>, IJU2.3U, *'"> to fdS. Children's Coats of fine quality kersey, in blue, red and castor. -1 to 14 years, trimmed with stitched vel? vet. spu.DS. 3-4 Coats of kersey, In all the new designs, FuJl-length Coat*) . of Z?!be-llno| with large circular collar, trimmed with two-toned velvet, SM.ftS. Handsome Military Coats, In navy blue cloth, shoulder straps, piping of red cloth and brass buttons, $7.fi0. Others to ^'-n. SKIRTS. Walking Skirts of cheviot In all colors and sizes, 75o. Walking Skirts of snowflake suit? ing, seven gore flare, #lS.riO. Walking Skirts of nil-wool Thibet Cloth, strap bottom, !*3.n8. Walking Suits, at all-wool melton, new yoke effect, S?i>. Others of cheviot, melton and ker? sey, in all the new designs to $:12.B0. SACQUES AND KIMONAS. $1 Eiderdown Dressing Saeques, fit? ted back, all colors and sizes, r.l?e. $2 Ripple Eiderdown Saeques. with satin bound saJior collars, lfl.ll>. Klmona.s of dainty German flannel, with- embroidered dots and edges, 91.2S. Full length KImona* In all the new designs. f?l.5(). Flannelette Wrappers, best 75c. ones for BIK\ The usual ?1 Wrappers of percale and flannelette, 7<5o. Newest Wrappers of perenle and flannelettes In stripes and Persian de? signs, sizes 34 to 40 Inches, for )j<2.r;0. SILKS THAT SAVE YOU EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN. It is not often you find a bunch of bargains in one stock like these. Silks from a manufacturer to-day at the prices we name you. You'll say We cannot buy these so, too, Monday I Fancy Dress nnd Wntst Silks, some In the popular pin tints and others la stripe effects, very soft and desirable for suits In the shirt-waist styles, bought to retail for $1 and $1.13, spe? cial for 00a*. Yard wide Black Taffeta, superb for linings, elegant for waists, in a soft finish, regular SI.-'5 value, for Silo. Find Corded Taffetas, In all tho rich fnil shades, also in cream, white nnd black, a splendid quality, worth 09c., feu- aviv,. a yard. . '?. Lustrous Pallet de Sole, in new s-hr.'H-.. >-t green, reseda, cardinal, blue, black, white and cream an ^excellent high-t'.Uiss silk for fall dresses and waists, worth Slic. for this sale. BOc, 36-inch Black French Pcau de Sole. made ot purest grade. slll<, a splendid weight, soft, lustrous finish; ibis is an excellent Jl.nO value; S pieces to be sold Monday at 80c a yard. Black Taffeta Silk. 27 Inches wide, Is a quick seller at !>5c, for fl?c. Lot of White Liberty Satins, soft, beautiful quality, this grade was made to retail at Jl.iio, on sale for 7Co. 27-inch Black Ixuiislne Silks, mndo on hand looms. In Japan, the regular price Is $1.19. special price SSc. Black Bengallue Crepo de Chines, In white and black only, those aro goods Imported to retail/for $1.75. spe? cial Monday price, fl.Ui. Pure Silk Black Liberty Satins, high class, lustrous finish, suitable for un? derlining* and shirt-waists, splendid t-'ic. value, Monday's prico '15a-. Every wanted shade In Crepe de Chine, a soft clingy all-silk, best 9Sc. quality, for ??e. in Store of Ri We have not room enough to tell of all the big- Curtain bar? gains or the pretty things you can find in our well equipped Cur? tain Department on third floor. A few details to give you an idea: Iland-liaOe Arab Ktco Curtains In handsome designs, full 3'/5 yards long. $5 value, s?:s.r.<> ? a pair; $11.50 value, ^tl a pair; JS value, if.'.OK a pair. Femine Lace Curtains in hand-made Renaissance and Russian lace, fi value, IJ52.51) each. Renaissance and Russian Bonne Fornme Lace Curtains, with medal? lion borders, ' very atUnetlee, JS.GO value, ifi.its each. Sash Curtains with hand-made Ren? aissance bordors and edged ruffles, jr..::". yalue, .f-.r.o a pair. Imitation of Arabian l?..e Curtains, full length and width, extra grade net. 9-.US a pair. $3.50 value. Nottingham Lace Curtains, six dif? ferent designs to select from, $1'.5U value to he closed out at 91.-5 a pair. Irish Point Lace Curtains, full :i% yards long, made on the very best grade of Imbblnet In olalxirate designs, $5 value, lfa.75 a pair: $8.60 value. $5 a pair; $9 value, *?<?.KI> a pair; $12.^) value. IJ.8.BO a pair. Handsome lino of Oriental Tapestry Portieres to be closed out at prices below: $4.50 value. ljt2.l)S a pair; J5.9S value, $:t.K<> jt -pair; $K value. ftf.7S a pail". S9.D0 value, sf?.5<? a pair, f,0 Inch width. Elegant LmbosRE-d Vclour Portieres, doutria faced, SIS value, special $23 a pnir. A full line of Sash Curtains In mus? lin. Irish Point and Renaissance. (Third Floor.) Lace Curtains at 25c on the Dollar A manufacturer had 673 pairs, returned for slight imperfec? tion in weaving?in mo:-~t the imperfection is almost'impercept? ible and not the slightest injury to their wear or appearance. $1.75 to $3.25 Curtains?choice, 75c. a pair. The 50c. to 85c. Curtains for 35c. a pair. Also Curtain Lace Ends, 8,600 pieces?choice, 4c, a piece. (Sale in Basement.) GLOVES. Woman'" 25c. Cashmere rieeced Gloves, in blacks, I5y, Children's and Misses' Qolf G)ovfi?, in plain ami fancy patterns, lOo. and Wuma pll all t If I '.:(?? Kid Gloves, und durable, .1 pair. Iipli :? III,i- of liner leiUll I I ,.-l,!'U:ihlf sluidlfS, 750. ur-.l Sovereign Kid Gloves, ?-l Ui l.,,1 an tha new ??? pi li fitted if desired, Iiik Glove*, In brown and red. sizes 5 3-1, i c 1-4, at llSu, a pair. MERCERIZED PETTICOATS We will not be able to get such a bargain again this sea sun. f>So.?Women's Black Petticoats, mads "t Imported mercerised mate* rials, three ruffles set on ll-lucli ruf? fle, each small ruffle hemmed and edged .ii top with feather bono, made to ret ill at $1.60. ?mo ?Women's Black Mercerised Pet?, uccordlpil pleated ruffle, edged with narrower ruffle. 91 ail?Women's Mercerized I'ettl .Its. patterned after $g silk Skirts, trliumed with ruehlng top and bot? tom of rufflo. [Socond Fl.-,) pflflPETS THAT SAVE YOU MONEY Cohen oan save you money on any kind of floor cover? ing you want. Our Carpet Store, on Third Kloor, has goino big bargains for lionsolvpopors mid hotel,-). SPECIAL LINING ITEMS. 2.000 yards Black Mercerized Sat? teen Linings, lengths 2 to S yards and worth ?5a, choico S)c. a yard. Lot of I'ercaline and Silesia Llninga in all colors, best 12Viic. cloth made, " a--to. a yard. Table of Black Percaline Linings, best 12%c. to 10c. quality, for S .'J-4-o. a yard. A Wonderful Linen Bargain. We take one item from our Linen stock to call your atten? tion to, and it is a sample of the values we give. A 60-inch German Grass Bleached Hemstitched Kmbossod Table Dam? ask, r>Oi\ a yard. Wo do not know any place where you can get its equal for 75c. a yard. Look at It Monday, for it will bear the closest inspection. HOSIERY. Some of the best Hosiery bargains Ave ever had. Oc, a pair? 300 dozen pairs of Girls' and Boys' Ribbed Stockings, full seamless, fine ribbed, double knee and Hole, .sizes to 9$. !?!/.?*.?Boys' Indestructible Heavy Bibbed Three Thread Stockings, every guarantee that goes with a l!)e. Stock? ing, sizes to 10. !)<?.?120 dozen Women's 12Vic Solid Black Seamless Stockings, combed Egyptian, spliced heels and toes. KNIT UNDERWEAR. Every item here is a bargain and some of them are half of regular values. 'Ale.?.Misses' Bleached Ribbed Vests or Pants, silk trimmed, punts with elastic bands. VS."i?\ ? Boys' 89e. Kxtra lloavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, silver gray, .sizes 21 to 8-1. (inc.?Women's Llght-AVelglit Puie AVooi Gauzo Vests or Pants, regular .fl-Wi gtvrmonts, but we took the run of Ilia* mill and you got the saving. lllo, each?200 dozen V omen's 2Co. Heavy Weight Vests. W)o,?Women's Wool Ribbed Non Shrlnkable Pants or Vests, lockstitch seams, white and slivers. H.S<\? Women's $1.26 Fine Light? weight Wool Vests, madu by Harvard mills. ?5c.~Women's Heavy Fleeced Peel? er Ynrn A'ests ifhd Pants, extra full large sizes, lllo.?Misses Fleece Itlbbed Union Suits, sizes 1 to ii. dl'PP seal, Irwv?Infants' Slid. Ribbed Wrapper Vests, silk scalloped odgo at neck. Flannellette Underwear. You cannot buy the ma? terials for the money we are ?asking fur these garments. 'They were a windfall, and you get all we saved. alio, fin- Women's 50o. Gowns, light stripes, full slues. (14)0. for Women's Clowns, fancy solid colored collar, with' scalloped edge, 7.1c.?Wouu-u's (Uiwiih, trimmed with solid color trim ruffle, oveivnjjt or scalloped edge. ???. for Petticoats, full width, of to m1 quality material, yoke bands. ?lie.?Petticoats, deep ruffle, over cist edge, pinks and bluet'. ilUo.?PotllcoutB, solid bubyifuinnels, nil cut. In full width*. Ulln.?Children's Gowns, In light col? or stripes. ."in*'. Mlssen! Gowns ..f the same, Bibles and Prayer Books Sale. Hymnals and other Devotional 'Works?all of. the last edition of THE TWO MOST PROMINENT PUBLISHERS. These firms combined their future operations and closed out their sample stock at 30c. pn the dollar to Cohen's. The' Books consist of the-'most superior publications and are subject only to slight defects from handling. More than half of them are perfectly fresh and have never been.shown at all. Bibles from 35c. to $8, that were made to retail at from 75c. to $18.50. Prayer-Books and Hymnals from 25c. .to $3.50, that were made to retail at from 50c. to $8.25. Imitation 'of Christ, Psalms, Proper ;Lessons, Testaments, The Christian Year, etc. All these in every form and style. About 1,300 Books oh sale. (Book Department in Basement.) NEW FURS ON VIEW MONDAY. Fine Furs get scarcer every year, and our buyer had more trouble than ever to get real bargains this season?but he got them. " ' The question is often asked why Ave can sell the same Furs so much less than regular furriers. The ansAver is easy. Our ex? penses for the department stop Avhen business is done for the season, but the others have expenses?rents, etc.?the year around,, and must get profit enough to pay them. The neAV ones will be on exhibition Monday?come and see them. NEWEST DRESS GOODS. We have just received 2,740 yards of All-Wool Imported English Serge, in black and colors, for 45c. a yard. The equal cannot be found in Richmond. In addition to the above Ave hav*: also received several cases of other Woollen Fabrics. A few details beloAv: All-AVool 40-fnch Self-Striped Mel? rose In all the best dark color?, a reg? ular tick;, value for -12c. a yard. Zlbelines. In all colors, for 48c. a yard, full double width. HIgh-Grado Panama Cloths, 40 inch? es wide, special at S.">e. a yard. All-AVool Slcllllan Suiting, 38 Inches wide, all colors, at .'Hie. a yard. All-AVool Novelty Dress Fabrics. 38 inches wide, new and nobby, at 50o. a yard. 5U-lnoh Scotch Suitings In all tho newest color combinations, are tha $1.39 and $1.50 grades, at OOc. a yard. Fall line 6R-inch Kersey Cloths for suits or" skirts, at 85c. to ipi.75 a yard. French Broadcloths In every color, for OSc. a yard. Have your Skirts made to order in our Dressmaking De? partment. A perfectrfjt is guaranteed. Prices arc $1.50 and up? wards for fabrics bought here. All goods sponged free! 27 PIECES BLACK MELROSE. Storm and Fo.ule Serges, Granite and other fabrics, that cost 69c. Full 40 inches Avide and all pure avooI, Monday's price 42c. AVIdo $1.25 Black Zlbeline will be on sale for 7&u. 273 yards All-Wool Tailor Clay Sergo, the usual $1.40 grade, for $1. Black All-Wool .Crepe Cloth* tho usual Sac. value, for tiiic. Black GO inches wide All-Wool Gran? ite Cloth that Is best and newest, $1.25 value, will b? sold for Ottc. French Serge, perfect tailor cloth, that was sold for $1.19, price 7Bc. The regular 35c. Black Cashmere to be sold for lfto. ART GOODS. KHF It is almost impossible to describe the profusion of beautiful tilings in on if Art Department. If you admire' pretty things a visit here will repay you. You can make a visit profitable by having our expert give you some ideas about fancy Avork. Conic and learn how to do the latest fads?Raffia and Indian Bead Work. All the necessary supplies to fit yon out for fancy work. MERCERIZED WAISTINGS SALE FLANNELS AND OUTINQS. These Waistings are Avorth?in fact, Avere made to sell?for two to three times as much. One of the accidents of merchandis? ing put them in our hands at a big saving?and you get it. 'ASk. fori Basket Woven Mercerized AValstlriKs, all the desirable colors. 11 :i-4a;. for Fleece Lined Mercerized Oxfords, light and dark grounds. ?I5e. for All-AVool Imported AVnist Ings in ?ol!d tints and fancy woven plaids. lfio. for Double Fold French Flan? nelettes. Persian, Dresden and other effects. !IX?\ for Gflo. and OSc. Morcnrlzed AValstltiKs and Vesting*, fancy woven colors, white, etc. n il-do. fur Persian Fleece Double Faced, light and dark grounds. J2H". for Double Fold Siberian Fleece, dark grounds, bright woven plaid effects. f ?4e. for Cropo Flannelettes, dark grounds, pretty colored printings. IBo. for 50c. to ? 09c. Mercerized. AValstlngs, white and fancy printed, 2 to 7 yard lengths. tl<*c. a yard for Silk Embroidered and Hemstitched SkirUng Flannels, 1 yard wide. ltn"c, for Skirt Patterns, ready for bolt, crochet edge, light and dark ones. l? 2-Ho. for 19c. All-Wool Red, Gray and Navy Twill Flannels. INFANT'S WE3R. The daintiest and prettiest line ever shown in Richmond. f<ir Ch.idron's AVhlto Bedford Cord Cloaks, long or short, collar trim? med with rows of silk braid, box plalted b;u:k, satteen lined, good $2,fiO value. iji.S for Beautiful All-AVool Bed? ford (.'nrd Cloaks, entire collar made of bro.ul satin ribbon and cluny lnco, long or short, special value. IM.ON for stylish A'elvot Cloaks, block nnd navy blue, large collar, trimmed with silk braid and api>U<iue, bIssob to five years, ijtil.isn for Now and Nobby French Flannel Clonks, large, stole ? collar. elaborately trimmed with fancy braid and applique, nil colors, exceedingly stylish. ijt.YDK for Handsome A'olvet l louks, black and navy blue, with real renals sanco collar, doublo-breuHtod, with penrl buttons, stylish and attractive. fide, for Dainty Vi'lvot CapB, black and Ulpo, neatly trlmmod with Bilk piping, nil sizes. 91 Mr. for llenutlful A'olvet Caps, va? rious kinds, elaborately trimmed, with Hlllt, Inr,. and mink heads. 9'<l for fhildrun'H Handsome Silk nnd A'olvet Bomwts, elaborately trim mod with ribbon mid cropo de olilno, stylish and altiartlvo. UNBRELLAS. V1.78 for -Women's $3 Silk Umbrellas, AVear-Proof, club sUtoh, silver knob handles. ?5o, each for a lot AA'omon's $1.60 Silk Umbrellas, some long silver, oth? ers long copper. handles. 7Bc, for Men's 28-Inch Gloria Um brellas, Walrus tusk handles, sliver ?wedges, beet $1 grado. filhi, for Children's Gloria Umbrellas, stoel rod, fancy handles, 2l>c,?iSngllsh Gloria Umbrellas, steel rod, Congo handles. SLUKBIR ROBES. Imported Silk Slumuor and Bntli RobOH, Roman stripes, for t?8o. and *U.2B, llandsonie Figured Slumber Robes, very heavy, all tho eastern effeotB, for fli and ??H.50. Modi- Proof Blankets,' Gerniun made, in fancy figured colors, also whlto with fancy borders, suitable for bath robos, slumber robes, for ajtf.TB. Moth Proof White Blankets, with colored borders, Tor (II.IMI. (Sale In Basement.) WE CAN HELP WEAK EYES. The most complicated prescriptions can be filled here. Any description of impaired sight can be improved. All kinds of re? pairing done. Everything at prices less than you ever heard of. . . Steel lilye-Glasses, straight temple nnd riding bow Spectacleit, best poro? scopy lonses, t?Oo. Allumlno Spectncles and Fyo-Gluss Frames, best lenses, a new metal r.omhtnallon that will not rust or tar? nish, 7(5?;, ... ? lo-karat Gold Filled Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, frames warranted for two years, all .styles of guards for eye? glasses, regular price $2.50, Cohen's price #1.SO,- Including .lenses. ? Double Refractive Dense*, made from the finest optical material, per? fect centers for distant and nearslght and the linn of separation scarce? ly perceptible; can be worn all day without change, both for near and distant vision, our price,"f2. SHIRT WAIST. Our new line is the cream of the season's make;iour prices the least Ave knoAv of. 1*Sc. for All-Wool Flannel Shirt? waists, hundreds to choose from, every Imaginable oolor, neatly made, new collar and sleeve,, real $1.50 value. $1.25 for French Flannel Waists, entire front and back tucked, trimmed with black silk buttons, new stole col? lar, all colors and sizes. 9'A for Handsome Broadcloth Waists, trimmed with brass buttons, plaited front, new and very effective. B?o. for Cmponette A\"alsts, variety of colors, striped effects, tucked with full sleeves, nil sizes. I'll for attractive Mercerized AVnlsts. yoke oifect, nil sizes to 41,. regular 91.60 value. $1.25 for Fleeced Dined Mercerized AA'alsts. broad plaited front, with largo pearl buttons, new stole collar, attractive and serviceable. BOc. for Heavy A\rhltn Mercerized AValsts, tucked bnck and front, full sleeves, the waist that sold this sea? son for ?1. $3.85 for stylish Peau de Cygne Shirt? waist, all new shades, tucked and hemstitched, various new styles, regu? lar 93 value. $2.25 for attractive All-Silk Taffeta "Waist, black only, entire front tuck? ed, trimmed with sdlk crochet buttons, stole rollar, all sizes to If. $5 for Handsome Creno de Chine Waist, embroidered In various attrac? tive designs, entirely new and effective, all colors and black. $3.t?8 for A'elvet Waist, broad tuck? ed front, trimmed with fancy but? tons, black and nayy blue, stylish and attractive. Big Bargains at Little Prices on Notion Thorougfare. Keel, Blue and Black Wrist 'Bugs, made of Saffian leather, special price 19c each. Black Silk Belts with large front and back pieces, all sizes, 24 to 31 Inches, special 25c. 15 styles of Automobile Bags, in every; color, 5<)c. apiece. 100 gross iiVfi. Black Bone Buttons for coats and voBts, for Be. a dozen. Tic. Elastic Corset Laces 2c. a pair. darks' O. N. T. Darning Cotton, 3 spools for Re. Palm Soap, special price 2c. a cake. Sttllsman Freckle Cream, 60c every? where else, here 37c. box. Dr. Maxe's Carbolic Mouth Wash, 26c. value, 18o. a bottle. 10 gross best 60c. Scissors made, spe? cial price 25c. a pair, overy size. Dutch Silver Belt Pins, with your initial. 10c. each.' I,ot of Hat Pins, assorted styles and kinds. Be. 10 gross 25c. Sterling Silver Thim? bles, 10c. each. 4 1-4-lnch wide Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, special price 13%c. a yard. Fancy Pillow Ribbons, all combina? tions. 10c. a yard. ' Finest Imported SaUn Taffeta Rib? bons, 4 1-4 Inohes wide, all colors, lOo. a yard. Every day is adding to the collection of ornamental as Avell as useful things in House Furnishings. Some of the most beautiful Ornaments and Bric-a-Brac for halls, par? lors and dining-rooms at prices that arc really wonderfully little Avhen you see the article. We can save you a fourth to a third on Imported China.' HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A new line of Imported Dinner Sets, In different decorations. ? $J?. 60. Sot of English China, with blue bands, for $12.5(). dame Sets In newest shape plat? ters, In nsportod colors, heavily gold stiples, worth 910. for ?7.50. Parlor I^amp, removable founts, best center draft burners, hand? somely decora tod. $.'1.50 from 95.^3. Decorated Lamps In pink and lavender, neatly decorated, for l??c. Regular 50c. Gas Shades. 2Bo. A full line of Lamp Ulobes from "5c, to ipa.OS. 12-plece Toilet Sets In a vnrle'.y of colorings.' extra large piece*, heavy gold stiple, for $0.75. 12-plec? Toilot Sets In blue nnd pink, beautifully decorated, $G.S(> from $7.9S. 10-piec-o Toilet Sets, worth J3.75, for ijtS.liS. Handsome. Decorated Bowl and Pitcher, In assorted styles, for 31.05. Everything new In noynl Bonn* Ornaments, from the smallest plecs to the most expensive, in the most elaborate designs and colorings.; Bronze Bust and Figures, from 91.2-5 to $12. Jardinieres and Pedestals, from BOo." to $M.50. A full line of Umbrella. Stands In every style and price, from, the cheapest to the most expensive gen? uine Book wood. 81.25 China 8rnoking Sets lor 50c. Comb and Brush Trays. 2?o. White Dinner Plates, Olio, a dozen. Decorated Cako Platas. 21c, Limoges China Qllvo Dishes, 20o. Regular $1.25 Thin Blown Tumb? lers. In assorted patterns, for 75c, a dozen. I'milatlon Cut Glass Tumblers for 75c.'a.' dozen. Heavy large Olass Nappies, 10c. A full line of Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware, worth a half more than Cohen prices. BEDDING BARGAINS. BLANKETS, 12-4 White AVool Blankets. Cali? fornia made, extra fine, deep fleece, for $12.50. 11-4 Size. $8.5?. 12-4 California White Wool Blank? ets, for $0.50. 11-4 Size. $5. 11-4 Australian AVhite Wool Blank? ets for $:i.r.o. 10-4 Slzo- for $.1. 11-4 Russian AVhite AVool Blank? ets for $2.50. 10-4 size, $2.25. 11-4 and 12-1 Siberian Fleece Blsuikcts, In tan, gray und white, for $l.Bt>. 12-4 and 11-4 Heavy Fleeced Blankets for $1.25. 10-1 and 11-1 Blankets, In fancy, i;ray, Ian and white, for $1. JO-I AVhite and Gray Blankets, for B(k\ 10-1 White Blnnkets for 25o. A largo assortment of Crib Blnnk? ets, from -45c. up to $1.50. COMFORTABLES. Down Comfortables, French sat? teen lined, with frill, for $8. Silk Covered Lamb's AVool Com? fortables for $0.50. Silk Covered Lamb's AA'ool Com? fortables, fancy figured, for $5; French Satteen Covered. Down Jomforts for $5. Sllkoline Covered Lamb's Wool Comfortables, for $3.50. SllKollne Covered Urab's AVool Comfortables for $2.75. t Sanitary Cotton Comfortables, sllkoline and satteen covered, for $2.CO. Sllkoline Laminated Cotton Com? fortables, with frill, for $2.25. Sllkoline Comfortables, laminated cotton, for $1. Sonne Chintz Comfortables ? for 54 ?c. Crib Comforlahles, sanitary cot? ton, for 45c. , Sllkoline Covered Sanltary^Cot ton Comfortables, with frill, for OBo. CUSHIONS AND PILLOWS. Cambrlo Covered Kown Cushions for a?c. Cambric Covered S.^s Floss Cush? ions for 2Bo. Tnree-Pound Tick Covered Feath? er Pillows for -iDo. Throe-Pound Uvo Goose Feather Pillows, art tluk covered, for $1.BD. Sale of Bleached Sheets, 72x00 and 81x90, 52 dozen choice, BOc. caoh. 42x36 and 45x36 Pillow Cases, plain and hemstitched, 140 dozen, choice, IliVjc. each. COTTONS?FLANNELS?OUTINGS. Biff bargains at Cohen's basement prices. 4 a-'lo, for tho best 8 l-4c Indigo Prints, _ . i , 0 {Mo, for 10c, Fancy Printed Fhinnolottes. Hffht and dark effects, B .'Mu, for yard wide French Per? cales, light and dark stylos. 7 !Mi>. for 12V4c. Crop* Flannel ottos, light and durk eftuots, I to 10 yard lengths. 0 H-4e, lor tlG 2-3c. Handsome Em hossed Persian Fleece, every con? ceivable color and design. sy,e. for 10c. and 13^0, Fancy Woven Dark Plaid Press Q'mh lams. U SMw, for Woven Plaid Striped nnd Cheeked Durk Outings. O H-iv. for Fancy Cannon Cloth nnd Hark Percales. So. a yard for 4-4 Bleached Cot? tons und Cambric, the 12c. kind, 18o. a yard for 0-4 Blenched Sheeting, the 21 o. grade. 4%o. a yard for Hoavy Fleeced Canton Flunnel. ' T il-4e. for Double Faced Toazia flown, In all the solid tints. n T-8o. ,W yard for 1 to 10-yard lengths Of 6c, Calicoes. In fancy gray and gnrtiols. . 8 !l-4o, ' for 12^0. Fleeced l.lnod Oxford Suitings, .light nnd dark grounds, 5 ?-4o. for yard wide Bleached Cottons and Cambrics, 4 I?-4fi. for flo. Fine Bound Thread Unbleached Cotton.