Newspaper Page Text
A WARM RECEPTION Governor AycocK's Welcome In South Carolina. NEGROES ARE GRATEFUL Commend Governor Aycock's Stand on Education ? Southern Education Board i-aid Their Fare to Ral eigr.?The Masonic Fair. RALEIGH. N. C. Oct. 31.-Governor Aycock expresses much gratification at the reception given him at Hartsvllle, S. C, Thursday, especially at the singing of "Carolina." by the great audience as he entered the hall to address them, die occasion being the decenial celebration of the High School. A conference of twenty of the most prominent negro educators of this State held last night adopted resolutions ex? pressing appreciation for the co-operation of friends in and out of the Stato In ad? vancing education among the negroes, commending Governor Aycock and other State officials for their helpful attitude, urging parents to send children to school regularly, emphasizing the benefits of education In Its broadest sense, urging that negroes pay their poll tax so that the schools may receive their portion 3f the benefit, arid in conclusion paying a i high tribute to Booker Washington as j t.he leader of the race. It Is announced that the recent Masonic j fair netted only about $3,000 for the tem? ple building fund, whereas It was expect? ed that there would be at least $6,000. GAY AT ASHLAND. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ASHLAND, VA.. Oct. 31.?The Henry Clay Inn was the scene of a gay and nappy occasion last night on account of the bi-monthly german of the Ashland German Club. Excellent music was fur? nished from Richmond^ and tho attend? ance was quite large, mere being a num? ber of visitors from other points. The following participated: Miss Chllds, Mi?s Cox, Miss McLeod, Miss McCullen, Misses Mllnes, Miss Evans, Miss Bridges, Misses Wright. Miss Hunter, all of Ashland, and and Miss Montague, Miss Kerr and Miss (Jarnette, of Richmond, Va; Miss Roe. o: Tennessee; Miss Thornton, of St. Louto: Miss Lyon, of Washington; Miss Easter, of Tennessee; Messrs. Vaughan, J. M. <-'Ox, Duel], Kerr, Fiank Cox, Blanton, JJoswell, Buchanan, Carter, Dr. Jordan, Koy, Catling. Fleet. Taylor, Rich, varughan. Pace, Robinson, Price, Var ner, Henry Carter, Wool fork, Mann Mo Meal. Blakney. Chape'qnes?Mrs. Addi? son. Mrs. Bridges. Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Allan Aiaury. The ladles of St. James Episcopal Church, of this place, will give an enter? tainment next Thursday evening, Novem? ber 6th, at the residence of Dr. Wlgnt man, near the college campus, at which time there will be some choice musical selections by local talent. Mr. Coleman Taylor, for many years a resident of Ashland, was burled In tho IochI cemetery last Thursday. Miss Minnie Mauze, tho affable and ef? ficient manager of tho Henry Clay Inn, has just returned from a visit to her homo In Rockingham county, Va. MISS LYONS' WEDDINQ Will Take Place Quietly, Tuesday, at tho Home of v rs. Carr. Tho wedding of Miss Loulle Lyons ond >Mr. Cunningham Hall will take placo very quietly Tuesday next at 12 o'olock. The ceremony will bo performed In the front parlor of Mrs. Carr'a home, No. lift jLasj, Grace Street. The Rev. Dr. \V. E. Evans, of .Monumental Episcopal Church, an old snd valued triend of the family, will olliciate. Mrs. Lyons will witness the ma. riage lrom her couch With the exception of her physician; Dr. W. T. Oppenneimer, oniy tlie Inme diate families will be present, as Mrs. Lyons' condition Is such that Dr. op,.eu heimer thinks ill excitement should be avoided. Miss Lyons will be gowned In hand wrought white crape de chine, and will wear a white lace picture hat Mrs. HQhmer axid Mrs, Swauson will istiend hei. The bride's cane will be cut, aud the bride's health drunk in champagne. The gnui'test ;*yrapathy has ooao ex? pressed' by* Mrs." Lyons' many friends for hor unfortunate accident, and everything possioie has been duua In tho wuy of SJndiy expeaalon towards relieving ber pain. Miss Lyons' bridal gifts are most beau? tiful, tne cut glans, sdvur, china and bric-a-brac being superb. She has not yat decided on taking a bridal trip, her anxietv tor her mother reuderhij her un? willing to be absent from her u>dsido. It has b*en Mrs. Lyons' intention bo fore her accident to spend a part of the winter with Mrs. Swanson in Washing? ton. As that Is now Impossible, and as It Is also impracticable for her to re? turn to her home on the Hermitage Koad, she will remain In Richmond. Miss Lyons, after her marriage, will tw at tha (.heatarnold. MA1NB TO SAIL General Fitzhugh Lee to Speak in Interest ol Jamestown. (Special to The Tlmee-Diapatch.). NEWPORT NBWB. VA.. Oct. 81.-The battleship Maine, which was ordered here in honor of the Confederate reun.on, is I ?scheduled to sail to-morrow for u ten- I days' practice cruise, during which there | will be target practice and another tUor- j ough test of her suns. At the conclusion i of the crula*- she will report at the Brook lyn imvy-yurd. On appliesl.on of R. I.. Tennis, Judge T. J. Bat ham to-day granted a temporary Injunction ugumst tne town of Hamp? ton and W. J. Daugherty, restraining I fie latter from acting us hostler and en? gineer tor the Hampton Fire Denaitraent. The squabble grows out of a contested slfcction. General Fttzhugh Lee will speak at a Hampton masa meet.tig next Thursday everiiiiK in favor of the Jamestown Expo? sition. ..' HECLUB^D UP BlkUY'S FLAG-STAFF ?yy. J. Jawoe, of the county of Henrico, whloh Is otherwise distinguishing Itself Just now, yesterday accomplished the (eat of giving to 0, ii- Berry s tlagsnuf ? preliminary coat of white paint. Tho building is :&', feet high and tho pole ex iei,oa iu length sonv? 62 feet higher. But Mr. James, did It. the two hundred foet to the contrary notwithstanding. M-iln Street halted in dismay while he ha tile hlrntelf up U.- swaying i?..!.-, hut no niisnap disturbed his nonchaianre. j i.- ap? peared altogether jnconcei ne,j .ir.d care fcwly whistled to the wondering birds that soared around htm. It took about sn hour to put the flr?t coat of paint on. Then Mr. James slid down and went home. He wit) do the rest of thn job next wetk. Ap'omted by tlie Pri sidenl. (By Associated Press.) WAtSHINOTOX, D. C . Oct. 31.?The prtsldent vo-duy made the following ap ptlntraer.ts: Sanford D- Dole, to be UuiUd 6Ui*i district judge tor Hawaii, to succeed the late Judge Morris M. 'Ueoige R. Carter, Sncrntary of Hawaii, to bo Governor of the same, to suocoed Dole. .. Both appointments will be sent to the Senate soon nftcr Congress meets. A DULL CANVASS Llttle'lnterest in Conlesl3 for Legisla? tive C.wdidn'e**.. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FRKDERlCKSBUItG. VA.. Oct. Jl.~ Thc campaign now drawing to a close has been ono of the most remarkable ever known In this section. But tittle interest has boen taken In the election of mem? bers for the House of Delegates, whilst the fight tor some of the county offices have been the flereesLever known. In Spotsvlv-nnla county, Hon. J. H. BU> coe. the Democratic candidate for the House, Is opposed by M. H. Dickenson, independent, but the fight is entirely one slded and tho former will be elected by a big majority. In Stafford county, how? ever. Mr. M. K. Lowry, the Republican candidate for the House, will bo elected by a large majority, over R. M. Jones, the Democratic nominee. In Caroline. Judge B. C. Moncure. the Democratic nominee for the House of Delegates, has no opposition, fhe fight In that county between XV. E. Ennis pres? ent Commonwealth's attorney, nnd A. B. Chandler, his opponent, is very bitter and a similar contest Is In Spotsylvania coun? ty between Commonwealth s Attorney Lee J. Graves and E. II. De Jarnette, his opponent. , SPOOKS AUCTIONED OFF Successful Enterlainment In Behalf of Amelia f'onum?nt. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) AMELIA COURTHOUSE, VA, Oct. 31? The Amelia Chapter oC the Daughters of the Confederacy gave an Interesting enter? tainment here last night for the benefit of the Amelia monument "The Spooks' were the topic of the occasion, which, after their parade, were auctioned off at from one to ten cents each. Many other amuslrg things, such as apple biting, dumb suppers, fortune telling and candle blowing, were engaged In, all of which afforded much pleasure and applause. After these a sumptuous supper was served In the old Virginia style. A dance followed. t For Home Missions. (Bt Associated rress.l CHATTANOOGA, TENN., Oct. Sl.-To dav's sessions of the Board of Managers of the National Women's Home Mission? ary Socletv of the Methodist Episcopal Church were maJnly taKen up by the con? sideration of appropriations for the varl-. ous schools operated under the auspices of tho organization. This work was not all completed to-day. but S26.3U was ap? propriated for ten schools. ^ ? S hort In Accounts. (By Associated Press.) ST, PAUL. MINN.. Oct. 31;?James W. Johnston, local agent of H. H. Shufeldt and Company, tho so-called whiskey tru t, was arrested to-day on a warrant sworn out by a representative of tho firm. It Is alleged that he Is short in his accounts and that the amount Is close to $20,000. ? French Op;r.t Corman/. (By Associated Press.) NEW TORK, Oct 31.?M. Verando. manager of the French Opera Company, and seventy-one members arrived to-night from Europe, en route for New Orleans. -. OBITUARY. Mr. Norve.l's Funeral Mr. Ryland Harwood Norvell, who died October 23, 1903, at 2:30 o'clock at his res? idence, No. 522 North Fourth Street, and whose funeral servico was conducted by his pastor, Rev. George Cooper, trom the First .baptist Church on Sunday, tho 2olh, at 3:30 o'clock, was laid to rest in beau? tiful Hollywood. His pall-bearers were mostly those of his 'Saily companions, who will sadly misa him, as he was a kind and gentle associate. They were as follows: Active: Messrs. Warrener, Goodall. Gray, Broadnas, Dovlne, Perrln, Hulchor nnd jjtansbu'iy. Honorary: Messrs. Fourqurean and Temple, Captain Sullavan, Captain Whit lock, Mr. P. P. Winston. Mr. Edward Price, Mr. William Farrow, Mr. I. D. Cardoza. Mr. Gervas Storrs, Mr. Ford and Mr. Charles Lochr. Ho was a devoted and Indulgent hus? band and father, as a friend true ana sacrificing. Indeed, It can conscientious ly be said ho was a good man, of a mod? est, retiring nnd Inoffonslve disposition in all the relations of life. Ho had been for sovcrnl years an effi? cient employe of the firm of Fourquorean. Temple & Company, where ho wna al? ways nt his post, obliging, polite and patient under all circumstances. Ho was a member of Company H, ol the old First Virginia Regiment, and among the first to enter the service of his State In defense of his country when the call was made for volunteers In tho Civil War. He dearly loved to tell of the many Incidents which occurred during tho four years, whllo he and his loved comrades shared alike camp life. His funeral was largoly attended, many being the surviving members of Pickett Camp. Ho lived greatly In the past (and by request) was shrouded In his uniform of gray. His Illness and death, which waa sudden, has carried sorrow to many hearts who loved and respected him, both far and near. The floral designs were numerous and beautiful, brought by loving hands to deck his last resting place. Funeral Se vices. The funeral of Miss Louise N. McVeigh tcok place at 3:30 o'clock yesterday after? noon from the residence. No. 115 Wetit Clay Street. ?. Tho funeral of Mr. Thomas XV. Hay took place at 3:30 o'clock yesterday after? noon from the Third Presbyterian Church. Jime, A, Wnite. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) KING WILLIAM C. 11.. VA., Oot 31.? Mr. James A. White died at his home, "Green Level," near hero this morning at 5:30 o'clock in tho Blxty-thlrd year of his age. Mr. White was one of King Wllllurn'H moat prominent citizens, and was noted tor hlM Integrity and hpne?ty. He was a gallant Confederate sold t ; was mar? ried twice and loaves a wtayw and eight children, four by tho first marriage and four by the last. The condition "f Mrs. N. D. Winston continues unimproved. Politics are remarkably quiet consid? ering thn election Is so near. What with the new registration and pure elections law the excitement Is not so great. R.beri Haley. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ItEATHSVXLLE, VA., Oct. 3L-Mr. Robert Haley, of .Mathews C.'ourtnouse, one of the moat popular traveling sales? men, died here yesterday at the Arling? ton Hotel, about & o'clock. Mr. Haley has been traveling through this section tor several years In the Interest of WH- I Main A. Powell h Company, of Baltimore. I'hc decs ised leaves a widow, a young I daughter and two r.on?, who have been attending William and llury College, to mourn l>i? death. J. D. Pcnnick. (Hpo'-lul to The Tlmtfi-Dispalch.) HO AN OK IS, VA., Oct .11. -Mr. J. D. Pepnlok died this morning from a com? plication of diseases, aged forty?ilx years. I lift waa a native of Prince Edward coun ty, and had resided In iloanokii about ten years. ' He Is survived by hla wlf<i and eight children. DEATHS. SUOLE. Died oa Hit rati ??'. Octotsr, t;. ve. BI.AOl.B. ??('1 a-ltftatja jear. old. Hi- rnair!??l . Hsur of J. H. Ciut'.i.-li. ut .W?ablu*twi? ??lt>. *> \Vli*)llliKt(Hl fu|*l? plf??e ?ipjrj tVlocbesa bjr nleaae CQpr, C?luJ-b*sn?r ?f MftU Virginia f'aralr/. r-UNEHAL NOT! f?, CURRANT?? '1'Iib (uncial of Mn. 11. \. 11 .im. IUNT will tuko lilate In/in ill* lata r,?M,. .. No. 100 Kaat I'rmikilu hticet, ol n '..Vl u'i ?, * TU18 BVBNINO. lHlrrio?ut al Brmthi-iri! JCOIUI;_ ~MAN~ A Bill T TOWN riOAHH'.; E. A. fltumpf. November Brides During the past week we received the most beautiful assortment of Mahogany, Birdseye Maple, Walnut and Oak Odd Dressers, Ac, that it has ever been our pleas? ure to see. Perfect in finish, perfect in workmanship and solidity; and, above all, moderate in price. We have-also gotten in a line of Odd Wooden Beds to match. To give you an idea how the prices run, we have real mahogany bureaus from $20.00 each to $125.00 each. Any taste or pocketbook can be easily satisfied with our vast assortment. > Other New Arrivals Last Week. Picctures and Mirrors (you'd be surprised at what a really \ handsome picture you can get for a dollar or two), Ladies' Toilet Tables, Lamps, Sideboards, Inlaid Linoleums (see bottom of ad.), Wardrobes in oak, Odd Parlor Pieces and lots of new Rockers. S Don't know whether it's luck or looks, but we've never before in the history bf bur business sold so many handsome and medium-priced odd chairs arid rocker as we did last month. JURGENS' CJiAS. Q. . ? ? I aTasT ? ? ? i "%i ^-^ SON, The House That Never Deceives the Public, 419-21 East Broad Street, Between 4th and 5th The 'Crown,' Magic and Flash Heaters and Grand Helper and Royal Ranges are guaranteed stoves. We put up all stoves free and throw in floor boards. inlaid Linoleum $1.00 ffiyard No old, shoddy stuff, but new goods of first-class quality just come in. This price this week only. CREDIT IF YOU WISH IT. PREACHER SHOOTS AT SALOON KEEPER Missed His Mark, but Inflicts Wound on An Innocent Bystander (By Associated Press.) GAINESVILLE, GA., October 31.?Kov. W. O. Petty, a well known minister, shot at John B. Lipscomb on Athens Street this morning. The shot went wide of Its mark and struck Jones Jalnes, who was Inside tho store. Inflicting a painful wound, which, however. Is not serious. Tho shooting occurred over an excoria? tion in the public prints of this olty by Petty c? Lipscomb, tho former alleging that tho latter was running a vile dlvo and selling liquor Illegally. . Lipscomb re? turned Petty's Are, but missed. Each swore out warrants for assuult with Intent to murder against the other, r.nd their cases were called before Judge Dudley and Loden this afternoon, but were postponed until Monday morning. Much excitement was created by the shooting. . WILL ABANDON DOUBLE TURRETS (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, October 31.-A report has been made to the Navy De? partment by the experts who have been testing tho double turret system which will prevent the further construction of such turrets and will Involve the Navy Department In a large expense to defray the costs of changes necessary to strengthen the big battleships of the Vir? ginia class so that they may use their turrots with an ordinary degree of safety. Tho report shows that when the Kear sarge's four guns were fired simultan? eously in one turret the upsetting force of tho recoil was 2,300 tons. If the Vir? ginia class turrets wore build according to design the force tending to upset the turrets would be no less than 9,000 tons. HARVEY WILLIAMS WINS CHAMPIONSHIPi (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA, Oct, 31.?Harvey Williams, of Philadelphia, won the cham? pionship of America contest at the Amer? ican Telegraphers' Tournament, whloh onded early this morning. He sent 600 words of straight matter In eleven min? utes and thirty seconds. G. W. Conkllng, of Now York, was second, sending B00 words In 12:06. In the Phillips code contests tho awardg wuro as follows: , Sending thirty minutes, G. W. Conk ling, New York, won; he sent 1,000 words In fifteen minutes and fifty-five seconds. Receiving thirty minutes. F. W. Mc Clintic, Dallas, Texas, won; W. C. Mur ruy, Atlanta, G?., second. ? AURORA INTERFERES WITH TELEGRAPH (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Oct 31.-A brilliant dis? play of the aurora borealls early to-day Interfered with telegraphic service In this vicinity. Both telegraph companies re port wire trouble on account of the eloc trirai display, and all cablegrams were accepted mibject to hoavy delay. This WM tli? flrMt display of the aurora In this city for Uin years, and It lasted sev? eral hours. TWO PERSONS KILLED BY FIERCE TORNADO my AiMnclntoil Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Cot. 31.? Two ptrv/ns wire killed and nine Injured, two \-t.r: iii'? fatally, and half a dozen ;.>rrri bOUAM were rtemollshefl by a tor? nado that fr.nued thn-o miles north of Hydro, in caddo county, i??t night. I'm in lioij?*i*, barns and feni:os wnre compltUiy wre?.-k*d and crops ruined, Tlie prop?rty |o?? 1? ?Mtlmnt*)'! at 150,000. > Rev. Vr, Morgan III, 'I'll* runny Richmond friends of llio K?v, rii/?y K. Morgan, now of Paris, t. / . formerly p*i'?r of the Seventh h'ir.ri ? 'lirtstt.ui Church, will greatly ru mn to l.?.?r 6t his continued serious ill n**?. Awarding ui lilt* r?'port*. Mr, ii'-uiai. a ?..uiuini'iu trie ?UU critical The Week in Lexington. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.). LEXINGTON, VA.. Oct 81.-Miss Effle Strlckler, of Richmond. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. George H. Denny, of Washington and Lee University. Miss Rosa Tucker, daughter of Hon. Hepry St. Georgo Tucker, left this week for Washington city, where she will Join her father. She was accompanied by the younger children of the family. Mrs. William A. Anderson, wife of Attorney-General Anderson, left a few days ago to rejoin her husband In Rich? mond city, and will spned tho" winter in that city. Dr. A. H. Tuttle, of the University of Virginia, visited LexingtDn during the past woek for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Rldgeley and family, who have been residents of Lex? ington for the past few years, returned to their former residence, In the vicin? ity of BaHlmore,'varid will reside there In the future. Mrs. Frank H. Brockenbroiigh Is visit? ing her sister, Mra. Yon Pike, of Wash? ington city, and will be ansont for two weeks from home. Mr. and Mrs. John S. LaRowo. 8r., of Washington. D. C, are the guests of their son here. Mr. John S. LaRowe,, Jr., A RUNAWAY WASJOMESICK Another Finds a Fast Friend and Desires to Remain (Special to The Times-Dispatch.). CHESTER, VA.. Oct. SI.?Mr. A. F. Cog blll received a letter Wednesday from Ro? bert Cogblll, the aon who suddenly left the village last week In company with John Huber, sayln? that ho was at work In a mill at BurkevUlo, Va,, and that if his father wanted him to return home he must send money sufficient for his return. Mr. CogbiU concluded to go after him, and took the train at once for Burke vllle. He found his son with John Huber, at a hotel there, being kindly cared fo% and paying his bllla. brought him home. MR. NOEL'S NEW fcNTERPRlSE Old Richmond Newspaper Man Opens News Bureau in Saulsbury. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SALIBBMJii N. C. Oot. 31.?Rowan countv is a sttontrhold for Lutheranlem for th<s tart of North Carolina and the various churches ot this denomln.vlon aro observing tho 386th anniversary ot the beginning of tho Protestant reformation which begun with October 31, 1517. The historic event Ib attracting considerable attention especially among Lutheran peo? ple. A number of the churches in this section aro obsotving the anniversary with appropriate exercises. Among tho now enterprises for Salis? bury Is tho establishment of b. news bu? reau by Mr. P. R. Noel. He also proposes to devote a part of hie time to professional add writing. '_ BURGLARS AS TRAMPS They Dynamite a Merchants Safe and Ta'<e the C ntents. (Special to The *l!?e.?1"D!f,?atoh;L r.t CHATHAM, VA.. Oct. 31.^1'ne store of George D. Ingram, near Slatesville, In Pittsylvania county, waa entered by burg? lars Wednesday nlKht. and'tli* Baboon tatnlng about five .hundred and twenty dollars was dynamited and the contents "Tramps were seen early in the night gong In direction of the store, and It Is nolleved bhoy committed the robbery These same trampe called for someth ng to eat at a noarapy farm house, and when refused, replied that you had better gl-.o uh something. > RICHMOND BUSINESS MEN ON A TRIP WeM t0/^mOctD3^A? large party of Richmond and Petersburg capl tallsis accompanied Superintendent Mor ton Riddle here this ???"!? V^naneo! Atlantic Coast Line on a tour of ?mm> Hon. Among then. *cr? General FlU hugh Pred. Scott. John P. ***"**> William Habllston. 8. w. Travera. Judge Dew. Mayor Taylor. Thomae H. Ruther foord. p. b. Clary. ?rydonml,T*nim"t: Prank Davenport. J Taylor WaV"".'?* Richmond,' Bartlett Roper, A. .Wr4?ht, of the Virginia Military Institute Post band. Messrs. W. C. Stuart and J. Scott Mooro attended the annual meeting of the Confederate Grand Camp, hold in New? port News this weok, an representatives of Doe-Jackson Camp, Confederate Vet? erans, ot. Lexington. Cards have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wilson, of Fulrfleld, an? nouncing the marriage of their Uaughted, Miss Alyco Wilson, to Mr. Howard C. Fischer, of Washington, D. C, the ceremony to take place at high noon, Wodnesday, November 4th, 11X0, at the home of the bride. Misses Essie and Minnie McCray, of Indiana, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. R. O. Root, of Buena Vista City, Rockbridge county. Rev. Joseph A. Graves, of Bedford City, and a graduate of Washington and Lee University, has accepted the posi? tion of principal of Palmer Academy, located near Oxford Church. In this county, and will open the academy at an early date. Miss Scottle White, who has been the guest of her brother, A. S. White, of Lynchburg, arrived In Lexington a few days ago, and Is the guest of Mrs. Wil? liam S. White. H. P. Stratton, Nelson Patterson, of Petersburg, and George Elliott, of Wil? mington. FIRST CLASS CADE rS ARRESTED FOR HAZING (By Associated Press.) ANNAPOLIS. MD.. Oct 81.?First Class Cadets E*. W. Chaffee, of Wisconsin; J. H. Lefland, of Iowa, and J. D. Little, of onlo, -were placed on the prison sh'p Santee at the Naval Academy wharf to? day, charged with haalng certain fourth class men. Superintendent Brownaon de? clined to make a statement relative to the charges against the prisoners, but from other sources It was learned that the hazing consisted of personal Indignities. The charges will be thoroughy Investi? gated by Navat Academy officials. Present "B tw?en the Ac's." What will doubtless be a most enjoy? able entertainment will bo given next Thursday night, November 5th, at Cor? coran Hall, for the benefit of the Has ker Memorial Methodist Church. A select oast of city ta.'siit will pre? sent "Between tha Acta," which has become a Zavorlte with all who have ever seen It. All who attend are prom? ised an enjoyable evening at an al? most Infinitesimal coat. Professor Mommsen U conscious. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN. Oot. 31.?Professor Momm? sen the historian, who suffered a severe apoplectic stroke yesterday, still lingers unconscious. His bed has been moved to his airy work room, adjoining the library, ' because It Is one of the largest rooms In 1 the house and farthest from the bed-room of his wife, who is near death from drop ?* -. Sheltering Arms' Appeal. Thursday. November 6th, has been set apart as donation day for the Sheltering Arms Frao llospitni. The needs of wie lio.?r.Ual ?iro greater now than ?ver be ii?r.? an? "??? is crowded with runny waitlnit to oi.ter._ To Ous: Mr. i.laz. (By Associated Press.) HAVANA, Oct 31.?The Court of FirHt Instance has decided to oust Ray. A. Dtaa und the Cuban Baptist Church from pos? session of the cemetery established here by tha Southern Baptist Association. The suit of the latter for possession of the ohunih, property has not been decided, m Telegraphic drevati s, JACKSON. MISS.?State Superintendent of Education Whitfield has announced that a Southern educational rally will be held In Jackson In January. Promi? nent educators from all over the Bouth will be present and deliver addresses on educational topics. _ . LONDON.?The German steamer Pal lanra, from Newport News, for Ham? burg, passed the Lizard to-day and s g nulled that aha had two propeller blades broken, boats and poop dock smashed and sustained other damages during a ter rlPHILADELPHIA, PA.-S o h n o n o r Blanche Hopkins, from Fernundlnu, be? fore reported damaged by collision w.yb sohooner Marie Palmer, hence for B / ton, passed up Marcus HooH In lew U (a Sommeva n. Bmlth and James McCalWy. the Hopkins Is waterlogged, and has stern smashed, mlssen m?st broken off, cabin completely gone, mtssen sail and lifeboat gone. The Palmer returned to Philadelphia in tow._. MAN ABOUT TOWN CIGARS Sparks & Black'*, LARGE HAUL BY SAFE CRACKERS Postoffice at Mullen Looted by Some Expert ? Burglars (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON, N. C. October 31.?The safe In tlie postofllce at Mulllns, S. C, on the W. C & A road, between- Wilmington and Florence, was blown open and robbed at 2 o'clock Friday morning by export safe-crackers. The amount of money se? cured was WOO, of which about $300 be - longed to the postmaster, O. E. Smith. I The remaining 1600 wus government mon? ey. AIbo some stamps were stolen, but tho exact amount la not known. PLAYED QUALIFYING ROUND <e _ The Highest Score Made by Mr. E. T Orgain. A number of tho members of the Her? mitage Club assembled on the links yes? terday afternoon and played the quali? fying rour.u with a view of entering the tournament oontests. Not for seasons have so many been at? tracted to the links and the feats or "goltlc" skill were watched. with groat Interest. The highest score was made by Mr. E. T. Orga.n, which was 89. Among those who passed muster for the tourna? ment were: Mr. Orgain, Mr. J. B. Orgain, Mr. H. Stewart Jones. Mr. Granville Gruy, Mr. F. B. Moon, Mr. B. B. Valentine, Mr. H. A. GlUis. Mr. R. H. Meade, Mr. Clarence P. Cadot, Mr. F. XV, Powell. Mr. John G. Winston. Mr. Peter Winston and others._ Mr. Boaher at Grove Avenue. Mr. Edwin Bosher, a Richmond boy, who has been In Chicago for two or three years, completing his musical training, will sing at both services to-day at the Grove-Avenue Baptist Church, in the ab? sence of the regular basso. Mr. Crump. Mr. Bosher Is exceedingly well known and well liked here, and his splendid votce will doubtless attract unusually large congregations to tho church to? day. He will sing both morning and n.ght. At the night service he will slug a oarltone solo. AUCTION SALES-Future Days AUCTION SALES?Continued. Richmond, Va., Oot. 30, 1903. Southern Railway Company, Offlco of Agent. By direction ot the Freight Claim Agent I will sell at public auction, in the city of Richmond, Va., for freight and other charges, tho following unclaimed or re? fused freight, on Tuesday, Novumber 24, 1WXJ, oommenclng at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms, cash. ?.,?.. E. A. LEA Acent. 1. G. P. Applewhite, Ashburn, Va., X bdl. sticks. 1 bill, proofing, 1 pkg. mills; 2. F. M. Burton, Chatham, va., 1 bx. it. H goods, 2 bd ends, 1 bdl slats, 1 bdl. Iron 3. Chicago Crayon Co., Front Royal. 1 bx. P. frames: 4. T. W. Terry, Franklin. Va.. 1-2 bbl whiskey; 5. T. H. Gallagher, Haymarket, Va.. 1 sowing ma? chine; 6 R. Chumber Hetndon, Va., 1 bbl. casting; 7. IS. L. Dotwiler, Hern don, Va.. 1 bbl. water; 8. CM. Walkor, Herndon. Va.. I show case; 9. L. M. Spruse, Lynchburg, Va., 1 bx, trees; 10. No marks, Lynchburg, Va., 1 bx. hard? ware; 11. M. K, No, 4. Lynchburg, Va., 1 case sample tobacco; 13. M.; Lynchburg, Va., 1 case matches; 13. Miss C. Baum garten, Lynohbuvg, Va., 1 trunk; 14. D. XV. 3, Lynchburg. Va., 1 bbl. vinegar; 16. D. XV. Weah & Co.; Lynchburg, Va? 1 bx. glass; 18.' J. W. Echols, Lynchburg, Va., 1 t>x. drugs; 17. .1. W. Eohols, Lynch burg, Va.. 1 bbl. M. water; 18. D. guide, Lynohburg, Va.. 1 case whiskey; 18. Prof. B. A. Glass, Lynohburg, Va? I bdl. ptg. matter; 20. Mrs. F. B. Runner, Rocky Mt., Va., 2 boxes soap; 31. J. B. Fnrmor, Rocky Mount, yVa., 1 cad. tobacco; 23? Meadow & Welle, Rocky Mount. Va.. 1 iron safe; 23. G. F. Mitchell. Rocky Mt., Va.. I bbj, candy; 21. Mlckle & Brunley, Rio. Va., 1 cob mill; 15. G. W. Newman, Som ersett, Va.. 1 crt. and 1 bx. copper; 2fl. E. L. Gross. Somersett. Va., 1 crate; 37. D. Hughes. Vienna, Va., 1 kit paint; 28. Bos sit Lee. Vienna, Va.. 1 bbl. glass;; 20. Bal? lard Bros.. Vienna, Va.. 2 cs. Rlpans, 2 ca. "P. pans, 3 crts, bins: 30. J. A, Mlnltce, nltchers ?'33! J. k. Dorrell, Manassas. Vu., 2uxlos7l polo. 1 bdl. hatchets; 34. N. Y. Yeast Co.. Manassas. Va,, I case yeast: ?5. XV. C. Fltspatrlok. Arrlnglon, Va., 1 sack fertiliser; 33. C. B. Camdon,, Arrlng lon. V?"" sewing machine; 37. M.S, Gay, Arrlngton. Va., 1 oaae B. & S.; 38. J. L. Carter. Arrlngton.Va.. 3 kegs nails; 39. R, L. Watklns, Chase City, Va.. 1 case tinware; 40. R- M. Gaines, Chase City, Va . I cape A, goods; 41. J. D. fac tt. Cephas, Va.; 1 crt. syrup, 1 brl. bottled older" ?. D. Morella, CephaB, Vn., 21 cs7 maccaronl, \ os. groceries; 43, R. A. iCo., Clover. Va., 1 bx. P. framas, K Wm, Warnflr. Clover, Va,. 1 < empty bs; #? Lelght Co.. Clover, Va.. 3 bdlii cradles 46. C. A. Greoory, Clover, Va,, 1 bx. W. glass; 47. A. L, Williams', Clover, Va., t bx. H. W.; 48.- W. 8. Coleman. Clover, Vn., t crate soda: 49. J. T. Corbln, Clark'i Gup, Vn., 1 bbl. paint; CO. Mtdlan Bron.? Clarksvllle, Vn.. 16 crates rolled oata; '61., City Mfg. Co., Clarksvlllo, 1 bx. m*v chine; 52. Finch Si Co., Clarksvllle, Va.. 1 bdl. clothing; 63. R. Ii; Compton, Cul? peper, Va.. enso books; M. W. 1. Sims, Vlowton, Va., 1 piece casting: 68, R, IB. McCoy, Culpeper. Va., 1 bdl. adv. matter, M. C, Carter, Culpeper, Va? 1 crate E. wuro: f>7. Jefferson School Board, Jeffer son. I cratns Iron. C crates wood, 2 bdls. wood, I bx. wood; 68. B. W. If lit, Hughoa Rlvor, Vn.. 1 sack fcrt*.. 1 bx. H. H. goods; 69. J. S. Mnck, Culpeper, Va? 1 sowing machine; 60, Bowman Hdwe. Co., Culpnner, Va., t wheel; 61. H. W. Snyder, Culpeper, Va.. 1 shafting; 62. Henry Lee, Vlowton, Va., 1 bx. clothing; 63. Homer Hdwe. Co., Culpepor. Va., 1 bs. notion*, 2 bdls. frames, 1 bx. casting; 64. L M. Armstrong Culpoper, Va., 1 brl. vinegar) 65, B. Sorigior Culpepor. Va., 1 bbl. S. ware; 66. J. McMesnlnger ^o.. Culpeper, Vu., 1 case shirts; 6*( C. & H. Miller, Cul? pepor, Va., 1 bdl. repairs: 68. Louis HItt, Culpoer Vn., 1 bx. piano. 1 H'.orlj 1.9. L. H. Hutt, Culpeper, Vn., 1 sUul and fnnk; 70. F. B. Bloom, Culpoper, Va., 1 coll wire; 76. N..H. Turbevllle, Danville, Va., 10 bbl. mols.; 77. Guirrant Bros., Dan vlllo, Va., 2 cs. paper boxes; 78. Chas. E. Jones, Danville, Va., 1 bx. books; 79. C. J Williams. Danville, Va, 1 bdl. pape* bgs; 80. Rlvorsldo Cotton Mills. Danv.llo. Vn., 2 boiler chains, bx. casting, 1. bdl. pipe; 81. Danville, Furniture Co.. Danville, Va., 6 pair rockers; 82. J. Goldsmith, Dan? ville. Va., 1 bdl. adv. matter; 83. J. Gold? smith, Danville, Va., 1 bdl ptg. paper; 81. H. Qreenburg, Danville, Va., 1 tobacco cutter; 85. J. N. Keck, Danville, Va., 1 bx. B. supplies. 86. Peed Hdwe. Co., Danvllio, Va., 10 bdl. 10 doz. handles; 87. J. T? Vaughan, Danvllio, Va., 1 pc. casting; 88, St. Paul N. Sch, Danville, Va., 1 roll leather; 89. H. T, Poters, Danv.lle, Va., 2 bx. glass: 90. H. W. Perry, Danville, Va.. 1 bx. books: 01. H. Hermann. Danv.lle, Va.. 1 roll paper; 92. P. R. Davis. Dan? ville. Va.. 2 cases P. matter; 93. F. N. Farrell, Danville. Va., 1 bx. parn* phlets: 94. Dallas Grocery Co., Danville, Va.. 1-2 bbl. molowascs; 95. D. J. Davis, Danville, Va., 1 bdl. samples; 96. W. H; Cobb. Danville, Vn., 7 bbls. syrup. 3 half bbls.; 97 G. A. Beaugh, Danvllio, Va.. 1 bbl. clothing; J. H. Lugger, Danv.lle. Va., 1 case licorice; 99. Victoria Bulzo. Dan? vllio. Va.. 1 rocking chair; 104. W. 8. Cordle, Emporia, /Va.. 2 crates stove; 106. Herbert Dodd, Emporia, Va.. 1 organ, t stool; 107. Jessee Harrison, Emporia. Va., 1 bx. cigars, 1 bx. tobacco; 109. C. .8. Lindloy, Emporia, Va., 1 keg lye soapj 110. A. M. Potter, Emporia, Va.. 1 bx. calendars: 111. Peart N. & M. Co.. Em? poria. Va.. 1 coil ropo; 112. Mrs. G. E. burgles, Edlnburg, Va, 1 bx. wall paper! 113. J. D Lamar. Edlnburg, Va., 1 bill, signs; 114. H C. Teller. Edlnburg, Va., 1 bx. poultry food; 116. Hlsey's Drut; Store, Edlnburg, Va., 1 bx. patent meal clno: 117. C. D. Square, LaCrosse, Va.. 1 bdl. fence wire; 118. Thornhdl Wagon Co.. Lynchburg, Va? 24 wheels, 6 bolsters, f? pr. trees, 12 gears. 6 tongues, 2 8. trees, I roaches. 1 bx. iron: 119. Clark Hdwe. Co., Lynchburg. Va., 4 bdl. steel tire: 121. ON. A. H. Ashwell Capmell Co.. Lynchburg, 1 kited S. machine; 122. Gladman & Har? rison. Lynchburg. 1 bx. D. goods: 123. Jamos Johnson, Lynchburg, Vu., 1-2 baa corn: 121- D. Kaufmunn. Lynchburg, Va., 1 bx. adv. matter; 125. C. M. Mtnnicks. Lynchburg. Va.. 1 S. range, 1 Vt. closot: 128. McManus Bros., Lynchburg, Va,, .1 bx. fittings; 127. M. B. D. Apperson, Lynchburg. Va.. I lamp post; 127 1-2. N. B, Handy & Co., Lynchburg, Va., 4 rolls pa? per; 128. The M Co., Manchester, Va.. t show cose: 129. The M. Co.. Manchester, Va., 1 tabic. 1 bx. catalogues: 130. S. A. L. Ry.. J. W. ? Gibson. Manchester, is reels B. wire. 1 bx. shafting; III. N. G. James, Midland, Va.. 1 crated S. much m?; 132. Natal Grace Co.. Motleys, Va., 1 bx. food, 1 stand: 132. Reuben Fame. New Market. Va., 1 bx. clothing; 184. Lee Bros.. Oak Ridge. Va., 4 cyclone churns, 1 bdu fixtures: 13S. Hulford & Co., Plains. Va.. 1 bx. nails: 136. N. J. Smith. Paces. Va., 2 bbls, flour. 1 sack salt: 137. N. U. Pare, Somerset, Vn., 1 bed lounge; 138. C. M. McAjielly. Somerset. Va., 1 bx. I. tacks; 139. W. E. Morris. Somerset, Va., 1 crate; 140. Slate Bros. & Gordon. South Boston, 2 rolls matting; 141. Slate Bros. & Gor? don. South Boston, 1 bx. P. matter; 142. South Boston Furler. South Boston. 3 orates cribs: 143. Slate Bros. & Gordon. South Boston. 1 bdl. matting; 144. A. O. Moss Co.. South Boston. Va., 1 case B. & G.; 145. J. H. Dodson, South Boston. Va,, 2 bx soap; 146. J. J. Laughlln, Soutli Boston. Va.. 1 bbl whiskey; 147. E. A. Gray. Richmond, Va..'l bx. glass; 14S. W. Moses. Richmond, Va.? 1 bx. K. D. cut: 150. Wood Hayne, Richmond. Va., 1 cas? B.: 151. Buhd M. Co.. Richmond, lfi bags wheat; 1(50. O'N. H. Sullivan. Richmond. V.? J bx. dr. marble; 101. J. W. Martin. R.cumond, 1 bdl. W. S. back: 162. Burr Mfg. Co.. Richmond, Va.. 1 keg ciders 163. A. L. Blair Son. Richmond, Va., 1 keg fish;. 161. B. C. Morell. Richmond, Va., 2 rolls duck: 165. Richmond Locomo? tive Works. Richmond. 1 bx. P.; 1ST. Cudahy Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va., 2 cates C B.- 16S. C. I. McRae. Richmond, Va.. 1 bx. coal; 169. Vo. Pharmacy Co., Rich , mond. 1 bx. drugs; 172. Wm. O. Co.ndrey, i Richmond, 1 bx. A. food, 1 pall A. food, I 1 empty crate, 4 cases clay; 173. Miss M. Rollins, R.chrnond. Vo.. 1 bx. C. nuts; 174. R. K. Blair Co.. Richmond, Va., I bx. M. T.; 176. Burr Mfg. Co., Richmond. Va., 1 kes elder; 177. S. P. Muse, Sandy Level. Va., 1 show case; 178. Jacob Foi* well, Tye River, Va., 1 bx. books; 179. W. T. Grant & Son, Tye River, \a., 2 canners; 180. Aiehart & Co., Tlrabervllio, Va., I bag peas; 181. C. H. Branner. Tlm bervllle, Va.. 1 bx. traps; 182. Mrs. M. Jones, Vienna, Va.. 1 crate E. ware: 1S3. IT. C. Cockrall. Vienna, Va.. 1 roll wall paper; 184. C. H. Bowman. Vienna, Va., 1 bx. Iron L. pair ambers, 1 pkg. ? Iron, 1 pkg. wood, 2 pes. shingle ! 1 pkg. Iron; 185. J. T. Collins. West Point, : Va.. 1 crated machine; 186. W. H. Wil ' Hams Allmonds, Va.. 1 boxed showcase; 187. R. W. Ailsworth. West Point. Va., 1 boxed showcase: 1SS. O N. Porrard Bros., ? Cohoke. Va., 1 bx. hose; 189. C. C. Smith, & Bro., West Point, Va., I case A food; 190. C. Jenkins. Weihle, Vn., 1 stove; 191. Mary Harrison, West Norfolk. Vn., 1 case clothing; 1902. A. 8. Co., Alton; Vn., 8 colls wire; 193. Elmer Painter, Bow- ? man's, Va.. 1 bx. tel. outfit; 104. Jamea Delllnger, Bowman's, Va., 1 crated car* Huge; 195. W. G. MeKenney. Baskervdlf, Vs.; 1 bdl. castings; 196. J. D. Elam, Baskervllle, Va., 1 stove, 1 bdl.. 1 picture, 1 tea kettle, 1 skillet. 1 griddle; 197. Jos, Gholson, Baskervllle, Va.; 1 bx. .cast* lugs- 198. R. F. Klum. Baskervllle. Va., 1 whatnot; 199. Mrs. D. Harmsbergeni. Catletts. Va.. 1 S. machine; 200 W. R Frce, Jr.. & Co., Catletts. Va., car line: 201. J. T. Barham, Capron, Va, 1 boxed I showcase; 202. W, J- M. Holland, Frank ? lln, Va., I crate table top; 203. L. A. Ed? wards, Frankl n, Va.. 1 bag gorn; 2HL, T. P. Rogers, Glade Hill, Va., 1 bdl. bed? ding; 20o. H, Wise & Son, Harrisonburg, Va., 1 book case; 206. I. L. Golden. Har? risonburg. Vu., 1 costing; 207. R. II. Brad ! gord, Harrisonburg, Va., 2 cases adv. mat? ter- 2QS. W. A. Hullonall,' Harrisonburg, Va. 1 bbl. E. wute; 209. Logan National Gas and Fuel Co., Sugar Grove, W. Va.; 1 coll rubbor packing; 210. J. Wilton & ! Son, Harrisonburg, Va., 30 rolls rooting, 1-2 bbl. paint, 1 bbl. paint In cans; 311. '?B. Bloom, Harrisonburg, Vu., 1 bnlo call ' co; 212. The Massonetta Pottery Co., Har? risonburg. Va., 1 bx. emery wheel; 213. 8. : Locuner & Son. Harrisonburg. Va,, 8 pieces stone; 211. J. E. Wolford. Dry Run, W. Va.. 1 bx. bolts. 1-2 bbl. bolts; 21* Cary Bros. Cary, W. Va.. 1 bdl. awnings. 1 bdl. frames; 210. Whitfield Hdwe. Co.. Homevllle. Va.. 1 bx. hardware; 217. H 11 & Co.. Lester Manor, Vn.. 2 boxes drugs; 318. Sallle Smith. Linvlllo, Va.. 1 bx.. H. II. goods, I bag H. H. goods, 1 rockors 219. Mrs. J. Camper, Lynohs, Va., I bx. | dallies; 220, J, R. Dowell. Mannpsna, Vu., i skein bx.; 221. F. A. Cockrljl, Ma* ! nassas, Vu.. 1 cultivator; 222. Hynmoiv* 1 Co., Munassas, Va., 1 bx. umbrellas: 223. J. B. Barton & Son. Centrovllle, Va? I cotton planter; 224. Ella Roung, Mt. Jack? son. Vu., 1 bx. clothing; 225. G. W. Lyla. Pen Hook, Vu:, 1 bdl, sticks; 226. H. 1. Holllday. Rup.dan. Va., 1 casting; 227. j. S. Fonn. Rupldan. Va., 1 bx; books-, 228, U. M. Morris, Rio. Va? 1 case U rlngB: 220. Miss Ella B. Morgan, Randolph. , VaTi boxed showcase; 230. 'No Maiks,' Randolph. Va.. 1 tub lard: 231. Dr. Jamee ? Paters. Rocky Mt., Va.. 2 packages bed. ; stead; 232. j/j. & J.. P.**??y> .??*?? ' Mt.. Va.. 1 suck coffee: 233, H. J, 1 Simpson. Round Hill, Va.. I bdl, ousting-} 231. No Marks, Strasburg. Va., 1 bx. seed; 235. Frank J. Huto. Sayedge.^ Va., 1 piece . stove casting; 23Q. J. H. JS1IU tt. 8nv*dp i Va 1 bellows; 237. W. M. Codwell. Unlnri Hull, Va. 20 bbl, cement; 238. J. D. Price, 'Union Hall. Va., 2 boxes maps; 23d. J. ' w Simmons, Union Love. Va., V pc. oast; inif 240 Clins. Jones, Union Level, Va., t ? bdl.' stove casting; 241. T. M. Houchlns, oases B. powdori 2i_. Ynlo. Va.. 1 bbl. lime. I bx, B now.