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REAL ESTATE. BRISK WEEK FOR REALTY Nearly All Property Offered Promptls Sold. OTHER CHOICE OFFERINGS Investor's Will Find Much to Attract in "Bill of Fare," Provided by the Real Estate Men?Three Great Buildings. Tha past week was all that the real ?state men who have open air auction ' Mies could posslDly wish. ' moderate temperature, the bright sunshine and ?very condition likely to bring the people out comb.ned for the aid of the man who had property for sale, nnd the man who had money to Invest. But one piece of the property, so far aa the record goes, waa put up and withdrawn on account of the price being below what the owners ? or agents thought as reasonable, una real estate agent sold on one afternoon not ' less than ninety-eight iota. This property was suburban, of course. A notable sale was that of the rosidence on Leigh Street, formerly occupied by the late Bishop Whittle." Property ortered and not bold Is at the Southwest corner of Eighth ut.d Grace Streets. One of the two residences Is occupied by Captain Andrew, Jr., who will move to the West End. A bid of J15.000 for tho two was promptly de? tained. WEEK TO BE BRISK. If conditions continue favorable this, week will be as brisk as last. A con? siderable quantity ot desirable property will be offered. Even to-morrow suveral offerings will be made. At 4:30 t/-morrow afternoon. Button and Company will offer No. 33-1 North Eighteenth Street. This Is a brick ?tore. At the same hour. J. B. Elam and Com? pany will offer No. 114 North .Seven? teenth Street. This is a well located three stors' brick store, and would ba d'islrible es an Investment or for use In tho conduct of most any retail business. At 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. J. Thompson Brown and Company will sell at auction on the premises two rmull farms In Chesterfield county. Ono con? tains ten and tho other eighteen acres, and are located'at the Intersection of the Cogblll and Old Hundred roads. TUESDAY'S OFFERINGS. As may be expected, Tuesday will see a number of valuable pieces on the "boards." Tuesday Is always a favorite. .J. B. Elora and Company will offer Nos. 1002, 10O4 and 100G Beverly Street, three frame dwellings. The time of tho sale Is 4:30 P. M. H. A. McCurdy will offer No. 3003 East Main Street, Tuesday afternoon at the name hour. Tno property is a largo two story brick residence, and tho situation on Libby Hill, Is desirable. ? Sutton and Company havo a sale Tues? day at 4:30 o'clock of a small frame house. No. S26 St. Peter Street. Each succeeding day In the ween de slrablo property will he put before the public. Real estate ruen aro making a point just now that real estato invest? ments do not fly away- In a night and pay a good rate of Interest when managed properly. THREE GREAT BUILDINGS. Contractor Anearrow Is making good progress with tho foundations of.the of? fice building of tho Virginia State In? surance Company. The walls, exterior and interior, are now on a level with the street. Bricks from the old Glbsun-Hoge residence have been usod mostly, so far. The erection of the hotel of Mrs. At lilnson on the old St. Clalre-Washlngton Tavern site, has so far progressed as to show what nn admirable hotel It will be. It has reached its proposed height?no loss than elgh; stories. The steel frame work of the sky-scraper et Tenth and Main, is now being put up, and before miny. days tho board fence about the site wilt no't hide this proposed 'magnificent structure. Property Trtnsfors. Rlohmond: W. II. Adams to Catherine lO'Sulllvan, 2S feet on west side llarvie Btreet. 1513-1 feet from Cary, $2,150. Caroline G. M. Bowo's trustee to Cassia ?J. Lyne, 3 feet on west bide Lombardy Street, 1GS feet north of Park Avenue. K75. Charles K. Coulllng Jo R. H. Bennutt. an 1-2 feet on south side lv-y Street. 45 ieet from southeast corner Meadow, 44.000. R. H. Chlldruy and fife to Samuel G. H*tt, ?5 feet on north side Pleasants Btreet, No. 2114. $900. Frances E, and Alfred E. Cohen to James A. Scott, Interest In 30 feet on ?outh side Main Street, between Twonty dlxth and'- Peaj-, Jli.O. Erasmus W. Gaten. Huram T. Gales and wife, S. Buford Adkitis und wife, Em ?ett XV. Gates and Carrie 'i. Gates' trus? tee to Littleton Fitzgerald. 11 11-12 |?ct on east side Lester Struut, 30 3-4 ftot south of Nicholson, $400. William J. Gilliam wlfn to Frank ti. Koontz. 22 feet on w, Bldo Walnut "Street. 110 3-4 feet north of Hanover, 14,200. 1.. C. Jenkins and wife to Prank Lel bermuth. 20 feet on east side Filth Street, 128 4-12 feet from Vtfln, J5.5C0. H. A. McCuuiy und wlni to Ann K. Wilkinson, 20 feet on smith side Duval Htreet, 14S fec-t east of Price, $050. U W. Ryland and wife to John 11. Chamberlayne. 3S feet on north Bide of Creek Street, 140 feet easi of Goddln, JSO/i, Jackson 13. Wood's executor and licir.i to Philip Gibson, 37 feet on ninth side Alain Street, southwest corner First, Henrico: Robert U. I.ang|ny's trustee bi.J wife to John P. Miller, north 17 f?-.-t of lot 2, all of lot it and the southern 22 feel of lot 4, block IX Barton Height*., KjEpO. Emory J. Llewellyn and wife to T. !?'. Herrln'J'on, 241-2 acres on road leading from NTsw Market to lying llrlilne. and pcrtronnlty, $9'0. Fred H. Vincent and wife to David J. Jones, lot IS in block 20, Hurtim Heights, 1230. Samuel P. Waddlll. clerk, to John A. Clarke, lot No. \ In plan of Holjjn Park, In name of W, F. Ross, for tuxes. Hotel York, Thirty-sixth Street and Seventh. Avenue, NEW YORK. Strictly fire-proof; steel construction. Now open for guests. STOKES h WILLIS, If Your Money's in Real Estate Wall Street Gan't Get Away With It AUCTION SALES?Monday. ~~~~ By J. B. Slain & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, TRUSTEE'S COURT SAIJE, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OF THE WELL LOCATED AND VALUABLE THUEE-8TORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, NO, 114 N. SEVEN? TEENTH, OR MARKET STREET, As trustee In the deed of trust from Alexander Jonathan and wife, dated June IS, U96, recorded In D. B. LIS B? pdge S9, Rlohmond Chancery Court, and In pur? suance of the decree of said court, en? tered on the 26th day of October; 1903, In tho suit styled "H. F. Jonathan vs. P. P. Teiser et als," 1 will sell by public auc? tion, on the premises, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M,, the real estate re? ferred to In said decree, It being the valuable lot with the substantial three story Brick'Store and Dwelling thereon, fronting twenty-two (22) feet on the west side of Seventeenth (or Market) Street, between Grace and FranVUn Streets, op? posite the Pish Market, and running back seventy (70) feet to an alley, designated as No. 114 North Seventeenth Street, nnd be? ing a well known and well-established business stand, with spacious and com? fortable residence over the store. TERMS-Cash. H. ST. JOHN COALTER, Trustee. The bond required by the above decreo of tho trustee has been duly given. CHAS. O. SAVILLE, oct 2S-5t Clork. By J. Thompson Brown & Co., H13 Main Street. Special Masters' Sale to the HIGHEST BIDDER, 2 10-AND 18-ftCRE FARMS, CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. In pursuance of a decree entered In the United States Circuit Court for the East? ern District of Virginia, entered August 11. 1903. In the suit of Van Wyck Horton vs. Amsrlcan Homo Building and Loan Association, appointing the undersigned Special Masters, therein appointed for that purpose, will sell at publ.c auction, on ?tho premises, to the HIGHEST BID? DER, the real estate mentioned In said decre?. in the following order and time: MONDAY. NOV. 2D. AT 4 P. M., two Small Farms In Chesterfield county, on the Courthouse Road, Just at the In? tersection of the Cogblll Road and Old Hundred Road; the first containing 10 acres, more or less, known as the Hamp? ton Friend tract, and second, tract ad loinlng. containing 17 1-2 acres, more or less, known as John Irvtn trnct; both hav? ing frame houses nnd other Improvements thereon. TERMS?One-third cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Interest added, and title re? tained until all purchase money Is paid; or all cash. A. B. DICKENSON, S. S. P. PATTESON, Special Masters. The bond required In the above decree has been given. Brown & Co.. Auctioneers, on 3l-i!t FluR SALE AT Commencing Monday, 9 A. M. to 12 and 2 to 4 for ONE WEEK. FURNITURE and FURNISHINGS. Don't miss the chance for a Bargain Now Suits, with Spring and Mattress, from J1C50 to $22.00. 1 will offer for sale the following arti? cles: Range, Druggets, Counters, Show Cases, Wood and Coal Heaters, House Furniture nnd Furnishings of every de? scription; Electric Fans, Annunciator and Electric Appliances, large Safe, Toilets, Pipe, Gas Fixtures and Plumb? ers' Supplies; In fact, anything a well equipped hotel would be likely to have will be offered for sale. Everything must and will be sold regardless of cost and at an expected great sacrifice. EDGAR ALLAN, Jr. oct 29-3t By the Valentine Auction Co., C12 East Broad Street. SALE OF PARLOR CHAMBER. DIN? ING-ROOM. HALL AND LIBRARY FURNITURE. RUGSi KTtJ'/ES. CKUcK ERY. MATTRESSES. MIRRORS, RE? FRIGERATORS AND ICE CHEST. BUG? GY. &C, Wo will sell at our auction warerooms, 612 East Broad Street, TO-MORROW (MONDAY) MORNING, NOVEMBER 2D. AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, Handsome Walnut Chumbor Suit, hand? made Wardrobe to match, cost *u 0; ,i ?u 15 Good Walnut and Oak Chamber Suits, handsome Combination Folding Bed, Bookcase and Secretary Combined, White Enameled Iron Bed, with Brass Trim? mings; Walnut and Oak Wardrobes. 1 Walnut Hull Rack. Extension l:ules. Office'Desk. Coblet Seat and other Rock? ers, and Bookcases, Library Furniture, Oak and v\ alnut Sideboards, Rugs, Mat? tings, Carpels, Heating and Cooking Stoves, In fact, this salo comprises every? thing pertaining to housekeeping. The Furniture must be sold. Attend If you want bargains. The ladies invited to at? tend the sale. Will also sell Side-bar Buggy. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. Geo. XV. Mayo, Auctioneer, 110 North Sevontli Street. THIRTY-ONE WAGON LOADS OF 1 MEDIUM AND HIGH GRADE HOUSEHOLD Fl'lu... ~ *.E, &C. 1 w 11 soil at tnv auction room MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1503, commencing at 10:;;0 A, M., unit ual y lirga consignment cf IP toehold Furnltuio, Ko., embracing Walnut and Oak Chamber Sulis. Oak nnd Walnut Sideboard", Par? lor Stilt.s In Walnut and Cherry. Walnut Desks, Brass Antique Fire Grate, Oak and Walnut Extension Tables, Inigii assortment i>f odd Bureaus, Wushstat.da, Chairs, Tables, &o? 2u ItollH Extra Quali? ty New Matting, large ossortniont of Draping Portieres, Velvet Moquet ami \\ limn Rugs. Carpets. Majestic Music Stand, 1 \\ i.-.ul Hooltmsos ditd Ho'"clary 1*" Cooking and Heating Stoves and num? erous other articles. At private Hole?2 Beautiful Plate Olass PIit Mirrors cual {iu>. A. R. MAYO. Proprietor. Geo, II. Valentine, A, P. Montgomery, Salesmen. By Sutton & Co., Real Estate Aui'tione?)r?, Corner Tenth and Punk Streets, AUCTION SALE UP THAT BRICK. STORE AT TUP SOUTHWEST COR? NER OF KIGHTKKNTH AND MAR? SHALL STREETS KNOWN AS NO. 33i NORTH EIGHTEENTH BTREET, At the m.iuwol ut Uio oWlier, wa tihnll offer for bale, ut publlo auction, upon the premlces. on MONDAY- NOVEMBER 2. 1003, ut 4:30 o'clock P. M>, the property above dosorlbod. The utora has a dwelling above, with three or four rooms. The lot fronts on the west side of Eighteenth Street, and runs back between parallel lines to an alley, ono of which la the southern Una of Marshall Street. This property bus always ranted well and will pay as an Investment. Don't fall to attend this sale. TERMS?LlbaiaJ, and announced at gale. BUTTON & CO., ecUiO-lda, - . Auxiiunooro, PICTURESQUE COTTAGE FOR $2,800. This design is In a style which la pop? ular because of Its convenience and sim? plicity. It Is beautiful In Its appearance, and Is most conveniently and artistically arranged Inside. It Is a bouse well suited to a narrow lot. It Is Intended to be shingled, and stain? ed green, roof and walls, with white trim, though brown and yellow also make a good combination for It. < Its pretty bay dormer has a charming effect. There is a good square porch, from which you enter a pretty hall ,wltn an artlstlo staircase. This Is a wide ball, and has a corner seat and space for tables i and other furniture., At the right are the j parlor and dining-room, separated by ; sliding doors. These are well lighted rooms, and the dining-room has a glass corner cupboard. To the left Is an office or den. or sewing room as you may please. The house could* be adapted for a physician by malt? ing tho porch back of the office Into a pri? vate consulting room, thus forming a suite. There Is an excellent pantry and good kitchen, with closets, sink. etc. On the second floor ore four good bed rooma and a bath. Also ? storage apace over the kitchen, which could be made Into a room by raising the roof. In a great many places thia would coma with? in tha estimated coat. The closets are convenient and of a good size, and boxed stairs load to the attic, where there are two rooms. Cellar under tha whola house; hot-air heating. Finish of white wood stained and North Carolina pine flooring. First story nine feet high, second eight feet aix Inches. Width, twenty-four feet. Depth over all, fifty-eight feet. AUCTION SALES-Future Days By Sutton & Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers, Carner "entli and Bank Streets. r-OMMISSIONER'S AUCTION SALE OF ^ SIX TWO-STORY TENEMENTS. NOS. 1533 1635. 1001. 1603. 1605, 1607, AND A ONE STORY STORE AND DWELLING. NO. 1009 WEST CARY STREET; LARGE WT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND CARY SJREETB. WITH A SMALL STORE THEREON. FRi'NV'N-is ON CARY STREET. AND TWO SMALL FRAME HOUSES IN THE REAR.FRONTING ON WASHINGTON STREET: FRAME TENEMENT ON THE SOUTH ?SIDE OF CARY STREET, BE? TWEEN MADISON AND BELVIDERE STREETS NO. 303 j^WBST CARY STREET: SMALL TRACT OF LAND ON GROVE ROAD (WITH THE IMPROVE? MENTS THEREON). BETWEEN ROSE NEAT'l 110*3 AND THE BELT LINE RAILROAD: ALSO ONE AND A HALF ACRES OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF HENRICO. IN THB PLAN OF GLENBURNIE. In execution of the decree of the Rich? mond Chancery Court, entered on Octo? ber 27 1003, In the suit of Joseph Schepers vs. Josephine Vollenkemper and others, the undersigned Special Commissioner, appointed thereby, will offer for sale, at publlo auction, upon the premises, the above property, In the following order: Commencing THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1003, at ^OO o'clock P. M. , ^ First. That tract of land, on the south side of Grove Road, with a frame dwel? ling, and other out-bulldlngs thereon, con? taining, by survey C f,85-l,0OO acres. This property fronts on Grovo Road, nnd tho reair portion lies both sides of Floyd Ave? nue, extended, or the West Hampton car Second. Bav at 5:00 o'clock P. M., that lot of land In tho plan of Glenburnlo, containing about 1 1-2 acres. ON FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1903, commencing at -t:00 o'clock P. M. prompt? ly: First. That frame tenement. No. 800 West Gary Street, with lot fronting 27x100 feet to nn alloy. Second, Those seven frame dwellings on south side of Gary Street, Nos. 1533, 1535 1601. 1C05, 1007 and 1600 West Cary Street: also a lot at the eouthwcHt corner of Washington nnd Cury Streets, fronting 55 feet, on which there Is a small frame stor* and two frame tenements In tho rear. . ? A plat of most of the above properly can bu ?oen at the office of the auctioneer and nt the time of sale. All of this Is good property. In good or? der, and should commend Itsolf to theme wishing to Invest, or to purohuue moder? ate size homes. TERMH-Oue-thlrd cash, tho residue In three i?iiiiii Instalments at 0, 12 and 18 mouths, with Interest added, the pur? chaser to give his negotiable notes, and tho title retained until thn whole of th> purchase money la paid and a conveyance ordered by the court, or ull cash ut the option ot the purchaser UtUNK f. BUTTON, Jr., Special Commissioner, The of 111 te bond required ny the above rjocrno the Special Commissioner has been duly given. C, O. SAVILLE, ttcUMaX . Clerk, AUCTION SALES-Future Days By J. B. Elam ac Co., Roal Estate Auctioneers. /COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALE <_? OF THE THREE FRAME DWELLINGS NOS. 1002. 1004 AND 1006 BEVERLY STREET. FRONTING B0XS4% FEET. In pursuance of a decree of August 1st. 1903, In tho suit styled 'Augustine & Glover vs. J. H. Stout et als." In the Chancery Court of the city of Richmond, the undersigned Snecial Commissioners will sell by public auction, on the prem? ises, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., the real estate re? ferred to In the said decree; It being the threo. one story and basement, frame dwellings Nos. 1002, 1004 and 1008 Beverly Street, containing four rooms each, and fronting 50xK4% fcot on the north line of Beverly Street, between Linden and Beech Streets and now occupied by Jo per month each, the entire property rent? ing at the rate of *1H) per annum. This property will pay well bh an Investment, and parties Interested In It are urged to attend tho sale. ? ' ,. . TERMS-One- half cash, th* residue by negotiable note, with Interest added, and payable twelvo months from day of sale; or all caeh, at tho option of tbu purchaser, and the title to be retained until tho pur? chase money is paid In full a'ld a convey? ance ordered by tho cour.!vr,T,KTT?Tr.ri L O. WENDENBURQ. JAS. XV. ANDERSON, Special Commlsalnners. J. B. Elam & Co., Auctionsrs. The bond required of tho Special Com? missioners by the above decrte has been n^fe'r"- CHAS. O. SAV1LLE. oetM-tds__ork'._j By Sutton & Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers, Corner Tenth and Bank Streets. POMMIBSIONER S BALE OF THAT V- LARGE THREE-STORY, BRICh DWELLING. NO. 2918 EAST MARSHALL STREET, In execution of a decree of the Rich? mond. Chancery Court, entered May?i.i, 190.-1, In the suit of Lyne vs. llakor and others, the undersigned Special Commis? sioner, uppnlntud thereby, will offer for sale, at public auction, upon the preml '""? Wednesday. November 4. looa. at 1:30 o'clock P. M.i tho property above described. . ; .__.??? Tho house conUlnB about fourteen rooms, and tlie lot fronts <B wot run? ning back between parallel lines 165 feet to a wide alloy. , . . .. This property l? desirably located, and should commend Itself to those wishing u home or an investment. , ._ TERMH-One-thlrd oUsh, the bulanoo in two eiiiml pnyniontB at nix nnd twelvo inuntlis. evidenced by negotiable notes, with Interest nddod. and tne title retain? ed until all tlm purchase, money is paid and a conveyance ordered ?yt']_ court, or all cash, at the option of the pur? chaser. A MONOURE), Bpeolal Commissioner. The bond recpilrod of the Special Com? missioner i,y the above dec:eo has been duly given. _ _i,.,T . ? Teste: CHAB. O. SAVILLE. poWQ-Ul, ,&&> AUCTION SALES-Future Days s By H. A. McCurdy, Real Estate Auctioneer. ALB "~ OF No. 3003 MAIN STREET, FRONTING LIB BY HILL PARK. By direction of ownera I will offer for Bale, on the premises, on TUESDAY. NOV. 3TJ, AT 4:30 P. M., the large detached two-story brlok store and dwelling above mentioned. The improvements are well built and contains besides a large store-room about ten rooms, and could bo conveniently subdi? vided to make two dwellings. The lot has a front on Main, corner lister Street, of 86 feet si'd 6, and runs back to Dock Street, liaving two fronts. The Dock Street front could be Improved to advantage. TERMS?-Will be exceedingly liberal and announced at aale. The greater portion of the purchase money can be made pay? able on monthly Instalments If desired. H. A, MrCURDY. oct 29-tds Auctioneer. By A. J. Chewnlng Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. COURT SALE OF 256 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED ON OR NEAR THE NEW MARKET ROAD, ABOUT BIGHT MILES FROM THE CITY. In execution of a decree of the Circuit Court of Henrico county, entered July 14th, 1903, In the suit of LawTonee. Execu? tor, etc., vs. Mosby et als, 'we will, as Special Commissioners thereby appointed, soil by auction, at tho front door of the Honrloo County Courthouse, on THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1903. at 12 o'olock M., tho land above mention? ed, whloh will be offered, first In five sep? arate parcels, via.: Two tvaota of 60 aoroa each, one of 80 acres, one of 16 acres and ono of 60 acres, then It will be offered On the 80-aore tract Is the old dwelling of Mr. D. B. Jordan, deceased nnd on the 16 acre nnd 68-acro tracts are small dwell? ings. Thoro are no Improvements on the two 60-ncro tracts, but they have on thorn a large quantity of wood. A plat of sur? vey can 1>? seen at the office of tho auc? tioneers, and will be exhibited at the time ?TERMS-One-thlrd oaeh, balance at six and twelve months, for note* with Inter? est added; or all cash, at tlie option.of tho purchaser, . ** Be prompt and aeoure a bargain. P. A. L. HMl*r?? C, It. SANDH, Special Commissioners. I hereby oertify that the bond required of the Special Commissioners by the above decree has been ??>J/_Jvg|*.0ADpUBi oot SMda Olerk, WANTEP-DWELUNOa ON CLAT OR Marshall Streets, west or Bropk Avenue, oast of Ilanpock Street; place it with us and look out for your check. ED? WARD S ROBE COMPANY, Real Bs, tatp and Loans. U North Eleventh "real. AUCTION SALES-FuturesDays Geo. W, Mayo, Auctioneer. A DMINlSTRATOR'S SALE OF WI5LL A EQUIPPED PRINTING PLANT AT AUCTION. T will sell for account of O. W. Hnnkins. administrator of the estate of Jnhnt E. Hnnkins, deceased, at No. 2 South Twelfth Street, st 11 A. M. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, I0"*. ? Three Gordon Presses. Two Horse Motor Pulleys. Belting and Shafting. 1 I'uiw.on Paper Cutting Machine 2','li Fonts.of Typo, Cabinets, 1 Drier, with '20 racks; 1 large composing atone, Rule Cases. Metal Fur? niture Iron Safe, Paper Stock. Ink. and such other articles usually found In a well-established office. This plant will be sold an a whole, and tho good will Is quite an Item, ns It has been In Its present locution for more than twenty years. TERMS? Cosh. GEO. W, MAYO, Auctioneer. oot 80,nov 1,6.7,9,11___?_._ By Sutton & Co., Real Estato Auctioneers, Corner Tenth o-h Bank Streets. fOMMTSSIONEIVj, AUCTION SALE t- OF A SMALL FRAME HOUSE ON THE WEST BIDE OF ST. PETER STREET, JUST NORTH OF BAKER STREET. KNOWN AS NO. 020. In execution of a decree of the Rich? mond Chancery Court, entered on tho 23d dsy of October, 1903, In the suit of James M. Jasper et als. vs. Miry E." Bullock et als,'the undersigned,-Special Commis? sioner, appointed thereby, will proceed to sell at public auction, upon tho premises, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., the above described property. The house contains five or six rooms, with city water and culvert connections. The lot fronts 25 feet on the west side of St. Peter Street, and runs back a good depth. ... TERMS?One-third cash, the balance in two equal Instalments at 6 and 12 months, the purchaser to give his negotiable notes, with six per cent. Interest adced. and the title retained until all the purchase money 1b paid and a convoyance ordered by the oourt; or all cash, at tho option of the purchaser. . TKOMAS )1Kv;iN Special Commissioner. The bond required by the above decree of the Special Commissioner ha<? been duly given. 7 S CHAS. O. SAVILLE. oct 29-tds Clerk. By T. M. Wortham & Co. and N. W. Bowe. Real Estate Auctioneers. /-?OiMMISSIONER'S SALE *<-? OF THAT _. ATTRACTIVE AND WELL LOCATED THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE NO. S'-M PARK AVENUE, BY AUCTION. In execution of a decree of the Law and Equltv Court of the city of Richmond 1n tho silk of "Wortham et als vs. Talley et als." entered November 16. 1S99. I will sell by public auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., that excellent, well arranged and thoroughly constructed three-story brick dwelling above referred to. containing about twelve; rooms, be? sides baths, store rooms, etc. in the matter of convenience and desir? ability of location and excellence of neigh? borhood this property Is hardly "celled by any In the city of Richmond, and should attract tho attention of those wish? ing to locate In that most attractive por? tion of the West End. , ?.?? . The lot upon which tbe house stands fronts 30 feet and runs back 163i feet, more or less, to an alley in the rear 10 feet wide. Tho house can bo Inspected by applying to either of the auctioneers. TERMS?Cash sufficient to pay the costs of suit and sale, and' one-fourth of tho purchase money In addition, and the resi? due at 4, 8 and 12 months for notes, with Interest added, and secured by a deed ot trust upon the O^-CHRISTIA^. Special Commissioner. The bond required of tha Special Com? missioner by the above decree has been o^ds6"- P. P- WINSTON. Clerk. pOR SALE, brick dwellings on West Avenua: rent to Two very attractive new light front good tenant. SUTTON & CO.. Tenth and Bank Streets. TpOR SALE. AN INVESTMENT NOW PAYIHG 7 PENCEMT. MET, THREE-STORY BRICK. SEVENTH, between Broad and Grace Streets; Includ? ing a Grace lot. A steady Income, with increasing value, and can bo made to pay larger dividends. J. THOftPSOH BROWN & CO, TpOR SALE. A new and modern brick dwelling, on Hanover Street, near Lombardy. "a" H. SKLDON TAYLOR & CO., 8 North Elovonth Street. ?<7 e'/Vft WILL BUY A MOST AT ?p/,0*U?J tractive, entirely modern, 3 story brick dwelling on Grace, near Sha fer.-.MustbeB0.d.jS|0i.L.AM&cO( 1113 Main. <F5 A(\f\ WILL BUY A DETACHED W'OvW 7 room, brick, modern resi? dence, nicely papered, and In good or? der, with large lot. and In good borhood. WM. B. PIZ/.INI CO.. Tonth and Bank Streets. pOR SALE, 63 7-10 acres of. rich levol land, all un? der cultivation, nlco C-room dwell ng, barn and thrifty orchard, near electric line and three miles of city: price, $2,000. R. B. CHAFFlk & CO., Inc.. ? No. 1 North Tenth Street. "ifiO *ftft W1LL~_BUY*~A MEDIUM JT?Z,OUU ?,_?,, vrlolt dwelllnB on South Cherry Street. \ H. 8ELDON TAYLOR & CO.. 8 North Eleventh Street. Best Location in Richmond. Monument Avenue lots. Wo havo two bound to go and can bo bought under market price, Wo moan buslnoss., POLLARD & BAGBY. V'Jflfk wTll buy an attrac I ,A.\IU t[VB |i(t.tB fnrm 0f four aores. dwelling of 6 rooms, stable ard other out-bullnlngs about ono and one half miles from tlio cll.v.ion a goo* routl. WM. B. PI55ZINI CO.. ? Tonth and Bank Streets. pOR SALE, HIGH GRADE RESIDENCES ON BOTH FRANKLIN AND OBAOEI ^TREETS. Real Estoito and Loans. $2,500, $5,0007*12,506 TO LEND ON CITY PROPERTY. a\ THO|PS0H BROWN I CO. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE?For Sale. J: REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, LOANS. FOE KALE. $2,600--A B-rooin dwelling fbav front], West Main, of brick. Good location: Al? ways commanding tenant. ? 1,000?Two-story (new) brick- 7-room dwelling-. In the West End; all modern conveniences. $3,000.ouch?Two. ft-rooin dwellings, wltli nil 'Modern conveniences, Just ? completed In Le.o District. $t,'45i%-Two'-Btofy :frame dwelling' of <i rooms, on East Clny Street, near Twenty fifth, 'Ronf-s for $lft3 per annum. $1,860?-Two-story frame (comparatively now) 7-room dwelling t on Thlrty-flftu Street. Rents $160 per annum, Spocial terms. - $40O?A 8-room dwelling, on Carrlngton Street. In flrst-clrtss condition, renting' at $80 per .annum. A 16 per cent. Invest? ment nnd on easy terms. Also some very denlrablo vacant lots on Church Hill in choicest locations. FOR KENT. Two verv desirable-and attracttvo dwel? lings on CHESTNUT'HILL, with Jaot.and cold water, bath, etc.. In houses; being n little Into In tho season, these dwel? lings will be rented very reasonably. Pos? session at once; also quite it number1 of small dwellings in the West End. Prompt and courteous attention to every Inquiry. fiOSEYI MONEY! In small or large sum's; charges reason? able. The Collection of Renls a Specialty. FIRE INSURANCE WHITEN. 13 H. Eleventh St. A Chanca to Make Big Mcnay. 20 WEST END ACRES, ONLY J1S0 per acre. Ripe for subdivision, and will yield 0,000 feet frontage on Franklin, Grace and other West End strcota. ex? tended; 5 minutes f.'ora trolley lino. J. THOMPSON BROWH & CO. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN, We are authorized to sell at a great sacrifice 100x170 feot with brick dwelling thereon on West Main. See us at once. J. B. ELAM & CO., 111.1 Main. ?1 flftO WILL BUY A COMFORT ?P*tuuu able, G-room brick dwelling, well located on West Cary Street._ H. 8ELDON TAYLOR & CO., 8 North Eleventh Street. SPECIAL. $7,000 to lend on city property. Can lend it In amounts of $3.C?JO, $3,000. $l,0CO for 8 yoais at 6 per cent., _? ??; M-cVBlGU & GLINN, jLiOR SALE. Choice building lots In the West End at prices vwhlch will bring you an ad V8t,CeEDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY. Real -Estate and Loons; No. 11 North Eleventh Street. ?pOR SALE, A BBAUTIFt'I, SUBURBAN HOME. -40 acres. BOtiil l?u<l. only 3 tnllwi from thn city, close to Farms, Mills, &c, For Sale. GEO. E. CRAWFORD & CO., Catalogues Kreo. 80.'l E Main Q.A HI l(\ WILL BUY A NICE DE JtiSUv tached brick dwelling on Marshall Street, near l-'lrst._ n. SELDON TAYLOR & CO.. 8 North Eleventh Street. Hare's Your Chance. ELEVEN MODERN DETACHED AND semi-detached white press brick LEE DISTRICT HOUSES. 7 to 8 rooms; $3,000 to $4,500. on EXTRA EASY TE^S.^^ will BUy J. THUaP.,lHt MM & CO. (C-> Ififi WILL BUY A 7-ROOM 4>A,?5*L?U detached, new. modern icsl dcrice. In perfect ordor, located in the West End, near the Cathedral. WM. B. PIZZINI CO.. Tenth and Bank Streets. tO *7fifa WILL BUY A GOOD 7 5/,iUV room brick dwelling on 8. Cherry Streot, rented nt $200 per annum. A good Investment. ' fc J. B. ELAM & CO.. 1H3 Main. lilflIN street" BUSINESS PROPERTY In good location: rented to desirable ten? ant under long least;; splendid Investment. CHARLES A. ROSE. Real Estate Agent. .. . 1 North Ninth Street, Grace Street Leo District lots A bargain In a large tract, fronting on Grace, near Meadow. McVEIIGH & GLLNN. TfeOisWcr BARQAiHsT SPEEDY PROFITS. STEAD IMPROVE MENTS. 15 per foot, trlangulm- lot, Park Avenue. $30 per foot; best on Park Avenue. $30 per foot; Ivy Street corner. SIS per foot; Franklin Street corner. $35 to $100; Grace and Franklin Street*, near Lee Monument, j; irapsof BROWN & CO. In choicest portion of Lee District and on Floyd Avenue. . N. W, BOWE. Real Estato anil Loans, Central Bargain. H.'iCO will'buy a ntco detached, p-roon, br ck house, on North Seventh Street: ?.r? ?.? |Ot| "l&fZZStfSggftBX^ NEW home; $3,000 will buy S-room dwelling-, Walnut Stveot. near Grove Avenuo; modern and up-to-date. POLLARD & BAGBT, WOK SALE, FAIRMOUNT DWELLING, LARG1 dwelling In good order, owner wishing to leave "Tty" can bo hought cheap; loc.tted In nn improving nelffhborhoodi lot fronts B0 foot by Iffi tool tfeptll, This property U within cue H'iiiui'q of car lino and. twu Kniinroa of schools and ohurohes. squares or "?,_Y)_,aj_Aa B, TAYLOR, , Ulfi East Main Street. I ^EAL ESTATE?For Rent VOR~RENT, Reduced to $500, ss; Grape Street, H rpoiuSL.