Zftc Strange Copyright, 1003. by W. It. Ilnnrit. Or?i n.ii.m (ii.m. i!n,,.rv.* . 1. You all know how on Halloween it fs tho custom for little children to pick apples out of water with their teeth. Well, on this day Pussy Pumpkin and Toadies were having great fun bobbing for apples when who should come along but the naughty BaBy Elephant ?/hr? was alwsvs nlavinci tricks on thdm. r 2. And what did the naughty animal do but begin taking the water out of the tub in his big trunk. And he kept this up until all the water was gone and the apples wero lying on the bottom of the tub. Toodles and Pussy seized him by the tail and pulled as hard as they could, but they were not strong enough to drag him away. 3. Then suddenly he turned around and squirted a lot of water right into their faces. Did you ever hear of anything so wicked az that? And when he saw how frightened they were he only laughed and said, This is what you get for not letting me play hookey fro^ school last month !" But Just then they heard the galloping or a large animal. 4. The next moment who should arrive but their old friend the Rabbit soldier riding on a big1 Buffalo. And the Buffalo came on, so fast and was so angry that he bumped the Baby Elephant high into the air. You would have laughed if you had seen the Elephant go sailing through the air, because he looked just like a big balloon. t. I 5. Then Captain Rabolt pointed his gun at the Elephant and said to him, "Now, you naughty animal, you must get a bucket and go to the pond and bring back water to rill the tub. And if you don't do it I will shoot you !" And as the Elephant did not want to be shot, he had to do it., And Pussy and Toodies laughed because he looked so funny. - ? - - 6. When the tub was full the Elephant ran off crying, because he had got a terrible bump and his back was sore. "Now," said Captain Rabbit, "I will leave you to play v/ith your apples, and the Elephmt will not bother you again. But before I go I want to give you each a nice bouquet of flowers because I like you 30 much !" And so Toodles and Pu&sy had a lovely Halloween after all. HLPHONSE END CHSTON HHiZ'E SOME ELECTION-DKY TROUBLE WITH RED JINKS HMD CRAFTY JONES. Copyrtchi. ISM. by W. R. ItfirtL Orejt Brlnio Rlgbu nntnil