Newspaper Page Text
SECESSION RECOGNIZED United Slates Government Has ? Its Eye on Route for Panama Cariai. NEW REPUBLIC ON THE MAP Thi? Country Will Consider It? self in Treaty Eound to Prevent Disorder. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C? Nov. 6.?The ?vente of the day as they developed here relative to the situation on the isthmus ?were the recognition of the de facto gov? ernment, tho receipt of dispatches from Commander Hubbard, of the Nashville the arrival In Washington of Consul Ckneral Gudger, ot Panama, and the Is ?ue of orders to Admiral Coghlan to pro? ceed forthwith to tho Isthmus with the consul-general. Commander Hubbard. cabled that the Colombian government troops, under Generals Torres and Tovar, 4M strong, at Colon, had departed on a merchant vessel. He stated that the Isthmus from one side to the other was in the hands of th? re voi ut lanista. This statement Is of the greatest lm DiTtance. The United, States government being bound by treaty to maintain order and preserve free traffic across the Isth? mus, Is now under the obligation to pre? vent any hostile collisions either along tbo line of the Panama Railway or at the termini. Panama and Colon. Thus tbe future attitude of the Colombian gov? ernment towards. the new republic of Panama becomes of little Importance, for It is practically Impossible for It to go to war with Panama. Officials here ia .. millar with-the country declare that It Is Impossible to move a Colombian army overland to the Isthmus, owing to the character of the country. On the other band, If an attempt Is made to bring troops either to Colon or Panama by water, the United States naval officers at those points would Interfere. A Protector. Thus by force of treaty obligations re? tiring the maintenance of order across the IsthmuK as a necessary condition to jfree transite, the United States govern? ment practically has been placed In the trillion of a protector to the new re? public of Panama, and that, too, regard? less of any bias on tho part of the United States government towards either party to the strife In Colombia. It was authoritatively slated to-day that though the recognition of the new republic Is of a business character at first, consisting of an authorization throughout our consular officilas on the Isthmus to do business with the new gov? ernment as they did with the Colombian government, this will, In due time, be followed by full political recognition. This latter form of recognition will be deferred until the government at Pan? iamo has Lcken a more regular form. It Is presumed hero that the Junta will very soon 'issue a call for a con vcntlon, which will adopt a constitution and provide for the selection of a Pres? ident Then It will be in order for minis? ters to be appointed between the two countries, the United States and Panama, which will constitute full political recog? nition of the new State. That condition ?111 enable the conduct of ncgotlaUons that may be necessary to the successful execution of the project of tho United States for the construction of the Isth? mian Canal, and it is a certAlnty that existing concessions will not suffer. Governor of Colombia. (By Associated Press.) COLONt COLOMBIA. Nov. 8.-9 A. M.? The government of the Republic of Pa? nama last night appointed Kenor Por? firio Melendez, civil and military gov? ernor of Colon, pending the appointment of new officials. Those of the old gov? ernment have been impotent since the troops left- The protect. Se?or Cuadros, and the alcalde, Senor Guerrlvo, are now nonentities. They have not been arrested. Governor Melendez has notified the offi? cials that they may remain at their posts for the present if they swear alle? giance to the new republic. A steam launch was dispatched last night to captiye Bocan Del Toro In the Interest of the new republic No difficul? ties are anticipated there. The American employes of the railroad and others have been armed with rifles and revolvers supplied by the United States cruiser Nashville. Together; with the latter's men, the volunteers presented % bold front Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to the Colombians, who were threatening the Uves of Americans. Thanks to the stand taken by Commander Hubbard, of tho Nashville, the situation was saved. AT THE HOTELS. Among the arrivals at the Jefferson Hotel last night were Rev. W. Hownll Taylor, Mrst Taylor and Miss B. M. Tay? lor, who register from this city, but who res de in Boston, and are here to spend the winter. Mr. Taylor and family, It Is understood, will lease apartments at the Chesterfield, and make their home here tor several months. Mr. James Brown Potter, of Newport, R. I., a gentleman well known in social circles In all the large cities, Is at the Jefferson, having arrived yesterday. Mr. Pctter's visit to this city Is a social one. It Is understood. Mr. J. P. McCoy, of Shanghai, China, an American residing in the Flowery Kingdom, la in the city, a guest at the Jefferson. Professor J. L. Jarman. president of the .Btqte Female Normal School at Farm *' '\ and one of the best known young educators of the South, Is In the city. Ho Is at Murphy's. ?Hon. B. C. Jordan, of Frederick coun? ty, member of the House ot Delegates, arrived In the city yesterday, and Is at Murphy's. He has Just been re-?leoted tu the House for another term, and la re? ceiving congratulations on all sldea on his success. Mr. Jordan Is here to attend the meeting of the legislative Joint com? mittee on the oystor Interests, nnd Is ac? tive In advocacy of the. proposition to break the Baylor survey and loase tho depleted oyster rock of tho State. Mr. B. J. Wysor, of Russell county, an imp.oye of the State Corpoiatlon C mm b ?lon, returned tu the nlty last night from his home whH.her he went to oast hie vote (or the Democratic nominees. He is ?t the Powhatan; Shockoe's Big Night. .. The sons of Shockoe had a rousing ftlly Friday night, and bo pVnsantly were th? hours spent It was close onto the mltVilght hour when the congenial com? pany separated. The speeches of visiting brothers from New York and Portsmouth, and from hWNM Representative Bloomberg ana his son (of the* Good of the girder Com? mittee), Past Grand Regent Beck, Secre? tary Myer, Dr. Drown, of McCarthy; II. Lee Lorraine, chairman of the employ? ment bureau; Grand Guido,BUrkere, and others were well received. Executive Commlttecman D?bnoy pr?s.tied at the social passion. Mother Goose Entertainment. ? -Mother Douse entertainment will bo (five? at th? Firil Haptwt ????p?? tins afternoon at. 3 .o'clock. There will be a crowd of women and children, and doubt? less many men, to wJtn?HS lt. Tho en? tertainment Is given'Ufidill? tlio auspices of tho Dorcas Society of tho First Chuten, and the boys nnd Kirls to appear aro largely tho same onus who mude the Moiher Goose Market at tho Cavalry Ar? mory last winter ho attractive. wTc. A. Board. ? meeting of the Woman's Christian Association Board will bo held at 12 o'clock' Monday at the homo; No. 709 East Franklin Street. Preaching at Chester. There will be preaching to-morrow at the Presbyterian Church at Chester at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P.. M. The Sacrement of the ?x>rd'n. Supper will ?bo^admlnisteroct at the-moro'ng.servlc.e. . AUCTION BADE of Palms, Boston Ferns, Pandarms and other Decorative Plant?, Carnations, Roses, &c... on Sat? urday and Monday, 7th and 9th of Novem? ber, at 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M., at the store next to'E. B. Taylor's store, No. 7 Ea^t Broad Street. CUT FLOAERS, ROSES, VIOLETS The largest stock of Roses, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, Chrysanthemums and Cut Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and Designs "shlppivr to/ all points. Mail, telephone?-or-"telegraph orders promptly uttended to. . W. A. HAMMOND. ?o. 1?77 Bast Broad St. MEETING GRAND CAMP ROYAL ARCH MASONS, RICHMOND, VA., NO? VEMBER 10-11, 1903. Special low rates via Southern Railway from points within tho State of Vir? ginia. Tickets on sale November, Sth, 9th, 10th, with return limit November 16th. C. W. WESTBURT, District Passenger Agent. SPECIAL RATES VIA THE SOUTHERN ? RAILWAY. . Annual Session Virginia Conference, M. E. Church, South Boston, Va., November 18, 1903. Special low rates via the Southern Rail? way from all points in the State. Tick? et!? on sale November Mth, Uth, with re? turn limit November 19th. C. W. -WESTBURT. District Passenger Agent An article for sale can be exhibited to many thousand possible customers throug-h a Tee-Dee Want Ad. AUCTION SALE of Palms. Boston Ferns, Pandarms and other Decorative Plants. Carnations. Roses, &c, on Sat? urday and Monday, 7th and 9th of Novem? ber, at 10:30 A. M. and 3 P. M., ot,the store next to E. B. Taylor's store, No. 7 East Broad Street. If your fish-pond Is the public and you want to catch Its eye. bait your l'ne with a Tee-Dee Want Ad.; you'll land It high and dry. A small amount of money goes a long ways In Toe-Dee Want Columns. Results are sure. AMUSEMENTS. AC3d6mya MATINEE & NIGHT. HISS OIRTRUDE COOHLAN, In The Sword of Justice. So venir Photos at the Matinee Mat. :25c. 50c. 75o. SI. Night: i:5c. 8?c, ?50c. 75c. *1. 11.50, PRICES. The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND Ci^AY 6TKE?T3. Opens dally frum f) A. M. to u r. M. Admission. 23 cents. Free ou Saturi! ? y s. HOT?L. Hotel York. Thirty-sixth Street and Seventh Avenu?, NEW YORK. Strictly fire-proof: steel construction. Now open for guests. i 'i Proprietors. HOTEL WACHAPREA1UE, W>chapraague, Vi. (75 Room Sportsmen's resort; auall season opens November 1st. rabbit 15th: ducks, start? ing In; geese and brandt later; bting your families; nice, quiet place; special prices to families by the month; acccommoda tions good. For further information, ref? erence, booklets, &c. Apply to A. if. G. MEAltS. Wachapreague, va. MEETINGS. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, OkTIue of til? Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT TUB regular annusi meeting of tut, Stockholders of tue ATLANTIC COAST LINK ItAILROAD COM ['AN Y ?111 be bulli ut the office of tue Company In the city of ttlcbmotut, Vs., ou TUESLV Y, tbe 17th day of NOVEMBER, A. D. 1003. it M o'clock A. M. Tuo transfer books of ' Company will be closed trom tbe Tin to thi ''b of November, bota tistes lu. elusive. i L. BORDEN, Secretary. Pated Octotii it, 1003. NOTICE OK ANNUAL MEBTINU.?THE AN nuiil meet Ine of the Stockholders of the WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RA'LWAY COM? PAN Y will be held at ita orfico In the city uf Richmond. Vs., en MONDAY, the l?tb day ?? KoTember, ?????. st I o'clock G. M. The transfer books will be closed from November 101b until November I7tb. 10O?. J. B. WINSTON. Secretary. Tbe Atlantic Laud aod Improvement Companj, Office of the Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE regular annual meeting of the Stockholder* of THE ATLANTIC LAND AND IMPROVE? MENT COMPANY will be held ut tbe office of the Ciuipiniy In tbe city of .Richmaud. Vu,, on TUESDAY, the 17th dui o< NOVEMBER, A, II. 1003, at 12 o'clock M. , II. L, B?RDEN,. Secretary. Hated October. 81*t.-l?03. :..??. ._ NOTICE OP ANNUAL MKB'fi.VG.--THE AN mini meeting ' of tbo Stockholder?, ot the RICHMOND. FREIlEHICKHBUItG AND PO? TOMAC RAILROAD COMPANY will b? held at Its uffici' lu the city of Richmond. Va., on MONDAY, ibe tOtn day-of November. 11108, at 12 o'clock tioon. The truimfor bonks will be' closed from November I0(b until November 17th. 1003. j p WINSTON. Secretary. The Very Best Wood Heaters flash?, uat iron bottom and top (in (our ????-Shect Iron, .with..?ait- ron feet (inline? 41?.'?,) ? ? ?? -? . . For *?leby eating dea'cr*everywhere. SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Manulaciurcr? ol all kinds of Stove*. Th? Reit for Classified Want Adv.rtUIn* I? 1 cent per word Net Catti In ADVANCE, with a minimum cost of 28 cent? for each insertion. The same rate applies to death?, marriages, obituaries and all other classified notices. No display type allowed In the classi ?led columns. LOST AND FOUND. LOS T-L AOTS DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, wltn monogram O. H. S. on ba k; leather fob, with same monogram, atta limi. Kinder please return to ?-?-?? North Elrhth Street and recelvo reward. L08T-A WHITE BULL TERRIER; B"TK ears cut; yellow tips on both "urn. Answers to name of Billy. Howard If returned to t*J East Broad. HELP WANTED?Male. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY ??1??, good Income corresponding tor newspaper?! experience unnecessary. Bend for ..auicu lars. PRESS SYNDICATE, Lockport, ?. Y. I BOY8-WANTED, BOYS TO EARN VAL nable premium? selling ?amdles; write for . samples. Address P. ?. Box 835, Richmond. 'Va. . Cuffr^i.a.u??titi? Wanted. cojjpf^sinii.h? and coppersmiths' helpers; pay from *2.? to W.2?S per diem and Jl.W to ?1.76 per diem, re3pectlve;y. Apply to BOARD OF LABOR, EMPLOiM^NT, Navy ? Yard, Norfolk, Va. > PERSONS TO MANAGE DISTRICT OFFICES for commercial houso; experience unneces sary; salary l?l, paid weekly; all ij.*n?? advanced COLONIAL CO., Chicago. RECRUITS WANTED FOR THE U S. Marine Corp? Ablerbodled, unmarried men, between ages of; 21 and 35. lor service ashore and afloat. Apply at Shafer Build? ing, next door to General Fostofflce. ?STENOGRAPHER?WANTED. AN EXPERI enced stenoeraprcr and typewriter (male) to take position. In railroad offices: salary t'A per month ; must furnish references: ornlth Premier operator preferred. Apply to M. A.? VONDERLEHR, 802 E. Main Street, cty. HELP WANTED?Female. COOK-WANTED, A GOOD COOK. NON? without refrr'Tices need apply. Apply at S02 West Franklin. COOK?WANTED. A GOOD WOMAN TO cook, make good bread and coffee and aist-1 with Ironing. P. O. Box 162, Ham. ton, ? a. WANTED, two servants? a jjood <a>ok and a good nurse. Apply to 1&42 West Franklin St. SITUATION WANTED.Female LADY OF SIX years' experience In hotel 1'nen room and housekeeper wishes position m ? hotel; can give best of reference; no ob? jection to leaving the city. IL S. P.. car? this orti?. STENOGRAPHER?WANTED. POSITION BY experienced. tady stenographer now at work; good references. Address Mite B., care this office. YOUNG LADY?WANTED, POSITION BY experienced young lady; general office woik or cashier In atore. Address CASHIER, this office. . ' : AGENTS WANTED. RELIABLE MAN IN EVERY COUNTY TO represent Eastern Corporation as general manager:' exclusive: very profitable; iitima nent. Address "INTERNATIONAL,' ?1 Broadway, New York._ SALESMEN WANTED. G TRAVELING SALESMEN on commission to carry three sample? of men's shoes to rrtaJJ at ?1.50: stai? territory covered, eip rlence, references, etc. Address ?1.50 SHOE FAC? TORY, Baltimore. Md.. TEE-DEE WANT ADS. SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS BRINGER BOARDING. GRACE, W., 317-WANTED, BOARDERS: two large connecting rooms, sec ?ml floor, front; best accommodatlcins. and house . ell furnished throughout; reference required and exchanged. Call_at 317 Weat Grace Street. b?^:rd^Xnt?d7 BOARD?Want?d. on Franklin or Grac? Street. In private family where there are no boarders, board for wife and self. Ad? dress, statin* terms, SELF, care this ofllce. ROOMS WANTED. ROOMS?Wanted, on Franklin or Grace Street*, two connecting rooms (unfurnished). \uth private bath. Address, stating terms, PRI? VATE, care this office. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOURTH, N., 10S-FOR RENT, ROOMS AT 103 North Fourth Street FIFTH ST.. S.. 1-FOR RENT. ROOM AT No. I South.Fifth Street GRACE ST., E., 320?Wanted, couple to oc? cupy a pleasant room on second floor at 3? East Grace Street REAL ESTATE?For Sal?T" -.--ju. FOK BALE?Cotton plantation for salt, rica bottom lands, Koanoke Hirer; steamboat Inndlng on premises, 33? seres. S3 miles from Norfolk. H. C. HARRINGTON. Palmyra. N. C._ - WiNDjW GLASS. IF YOUR WINDOW GLASS ARE BROKEN out call up Lee Ford, the fainter, No. 15 East Main.Street; he will put them in iur you. 'Phone 3658. ^_ ^_ _ removal. OLDEST G? CITY; ?etabllilied 1835. GEO, A LEO.VHARD. 800 S. l'Ine Btriw??. Richmond. Va., cabinet maker and upholsterer; antlune t?-i rk re?tored: new forniture made; all work Ctinranteert: manufacturer of GUt-Edge Fur? nltnre TOllslt. THE FRIENDS OF DAN ?'DONNELD, th? Plumber and Gas Fitter, who has- f..>iierly been located In the old Swan Tavern, Ninth and Broad, can find him In the . ase ment at No. M North Ninth Street, ready to serve them aa ot old. WINES AND LIQUORS. STRAIGHT WHTSKDZB?O-erbolt, $3,50 per r?l Ion: Clifton Spring. $2.00 per gallon; goods d: 'phone 185S. KELLY. 17 DRAMATA LA SWEEX dellrered; 'phone IMS. KELLY. 1703 Frank? lin. TIME?A. D. IMS. Bcene? A Nlinth-Street confectionery. ?. CHAHACT--BB (Ail-Stor Ost?): Kiss Torty. Cent Mixture, ? leader: Mi?? Cresm Mint, a plnk-complexloncd bcantj; Suited Almond?, distant relative ot Sugar-Coated Almonds; Soft Cream Candy, a twenty-center; Choco Iste dDckrhtautr; Old-Fash lourd Stick, a favorite; Salt Water Taffy, sugges tlre of ?os br?ese?: Licorice Drops, a black fsced dialect artist; Bon-Bon*, Kisses, Tiff!??, etc.. chorus. ENT.R ONE SEI KING 00OD CANDY. Th? nrxious look plvps vrsy to a smile of sstls faction ci Misi Misturo, accompanied by other members of the compau.v. appear be? fore th? footlights. ATTRACTED BY EJACULATIONS of surpris? ctimlng from the audience, the manager of tbe steps from the wings. THE KTADER may' team the s?qu*l at ??KAKMPF'8; 110 North Ninth. 110 North Ninth. 72 REPLIES. RICHMOND, VA., Nov. 3,1903. Manager Want Ad. Department: Dear Sir,?Having tried your want columns I wish to let your readers know and appreciate their effectiveness. A small want ad. in Sunday's paper brought me 72 replies in less than forty-eight hours. Hoping that others will receive as &ood re? sults as I did, J beg to remain, Yours truly, S. A. L. Ry. BURTON SMITH. 'Phone 549 for the Want Ad. Man. IF JOHNNIE REMOVES ONE OF THESE LETTERS AND ADDS ANOTH? ER HE WILL? SPELL SOMETHING THAT ALL CABINET-MAKERS USE. CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IT IS? Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Tlmes-Dlspatch: Looking from the top of the picture, the figure la under their feet. ..'?:", I THE TEE-kE? I I Daily Business Directory | CARUS uncsr' this head are taksa on ihre? months' conti act. Dully and Suuday, at ?l.M pvr moath. . , BOARDING. MISSES ??????? hoarding house; permanent and transient; nice rooms and good fare; lofi North , eerentb Street BOARD AND ROOMS. HANDSOME BOOM8. Bast Board. Fashloaabl? locality; ens West Grace. BICYCLES. NEW BICYCLES for $16,00 at BLENNEIt'S, 810 North Fifth Street. 6HOES. CHEAPEST PLACE to buy shoes. H. SHIBEY, 601 East Marsbsl) Etreet. ? ""storage. RICHARDSON AND 0HAPP?.L1, BeWidsi? ?ni Main Streets. Very cheap sud dry storage rooms. Thone S13. BOARDERS B0ABDT"RS?KB X. Grace Street. A room al? ways for transient*. Mrs. J. A. WA UFI ELD. _FOR SALE. SXEAD CRTJMBB for frying oyster?, outlet*, etc These crumbs are used by nil tbe princi? pal hotels in the country. Made frrih dally only by U. W. MOESTA. 157 Bust Mnlu St. WE SELL Or? Radiators, OU Heaters and Jewell On? Hanfes. Get onr price?; 'phone 036. RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL CO. TO BE SEEN AT THE CRAIG ART CO. !? enough to convince people' that you are a person of taste, culture and refinement, and come within the line of art connoisseurs. WANTED, to sell cheap for cash, good Con? fectionery STORE. Apply 104 West Broad Ht WANTED, to sell you a broken bird DOG?, set? ter or pointer, at reasonable price. CHAS. It. LINK AND CO., ChariotteSTitl?. V?. FOR SALE?New and second-hand Wagons, Truck?. Rubber-Tiro Hunabouls. H.-HARD BON BROS., ?? Brook Avenu?. POR BAUE?Thre? borsa-power assolta? EN? GINE. CEO. W. EURER CO., 1(1 North 8?f ?nth Street EXCURSIONS. RETREAT'S EXCURSION TO LUART CAV ?rn? WEDNESDAY. November 11th. See Pluto'? Chasm. Saracen'? Tent, The- On.nn, Crystal Spring. Flab Market Giant's HolL Tickets at THE RETREAT. INSTRUCTIONS. DANCING. MKS. FANNIE THAW OHTMEB will reopen her private dancing class at Masonic Temple, Sntnrdar/ afternoon. October 241b. Apply at 200 East Franklin Street; for term?. 8TEN0QRAPHY. MRS. BWINDL?, a graduate of the Pitman system of shorthand and an experience?! tench er. bus opened s night school for shorthand and typewriting at 1108 East Main Street. Special course Indlrtdnal Instructions given; terms reasonable. WANTED. WANTED?Use our Bread Crumbs for frying your meats and oysters', they are delicious; mide fresb dally only by H. \V. MOESTA, . 117 Esst Main Street. . , TO BE 8BEN AT THE CRAIO ART CO. is enough to convince, people that you are a person of taste culture and r-fln-ment, end come within the line of a-' connoisseurs. WE SELL Oas Radiatoti, Oil Heaters and Jewell Gas Ranees. Get our prices; 'phone 030, RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL CO. WANTED. A COMPLETE FILE OF THE Richmond Dispatch during June and July, 1901; a fair pria? will hu paid. Address J, ?. HANK?N8, Box $?6. Richmond, Vs. WANTED. MEN THAT ARE LOOKING FOR a position or men that want to ex hanno reni estate or personal property for a good, busl n <a; call and be convinced. Franklin Houso, Richmond. Va., C, P. RICHMOND. ? WANTED, TO BUY FOUR HEAVY. QUICK draft horses. Call "phone 20H, city. I1.S& TOR HALF CORD Klln-Drled Cooking and Kindling Wood, delivered; oak and Dine wood, cheapest cook fuel. See or. 'phon? J. B. LACY. WANTED, to know If you will dlstrlbuts advertising matter; reliable specialty .???? pany; 115 weekly and expenses. TRIUMPH CO.. Dallas, Tex. HIGHEST CASH PRICE8 paid for second? hand clothes, ahoes, eto. Send pasta, to LEGGE &. MORAN, 3314 East Main. POULTRY, BIFtDsi ETC. ~'? IMPORTED IIAKTZ Hountaln . Canaries, Jap auese Gold Fish. Cages, Globes, und full Hue of supplies. FANCIER'S SUPPL?* CO., BIT West Broad. CONKLY'S H0UP CUBE, guaranteed. FAN CIElt'3 SUPPLY CO.. BIT West Broad. LEAKY ROOFS, DOL8 YOUB. ROOF LtAK Call up ARKITA0E MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 'phone 811, or write us a postal; we will examine same and report cost of putting it In good order. IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. 'Phone 549 for the Want Ad. man. He will come, PERSONALS. EXPERT SHORTHAND by malt. 8t?nogr_ph? rapidly and correctly taught by former U. ?. Sonate employes; our method li si. per lor to class Instruction; each student' twelve* the personal attention of an expirt; only your spare Um?? required. Write lor particu? lars and free scholarship offer. F. I. PLUM? MER, Secy., 1241 L St N. \Y\. Washington, D. C. THE POWHATAN HOTEL IS NOW opon, re? modeled and thoroughly equipped with ntW furnishings nnd with faultless beds, .v.nna.*? ment. OEO. L. PEVTON, ot White Sulphur. Rockbrldge and Jordan Alum Springs; nr?4 B. M. BERR.ELY, 20 years conductor am C ' & O, R. R. WE SiXL da? Radiators, Oil Heaters and Jewell Gas ?iLiisoii. Get our prices; 'phone '83* RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL? CO. TO RE SEEN AT THE CRAIG ART CO. !? enough to. con vince people that you aro *> person of taste, culture and r fin merit, an? come within the line of art connoisseur?.' WANTED, TO HANG all the lace curtain? 1st town and ley the'carpet?, make the ' shutai and pat on tbe weather strip*- C. B, NOK ? VELL. No. 211'(, N. Sixth Street: "phone 489. BEAUTIFUL FAVORS for card par'iesrJe? cups, bonbon boxes and flowers for ? r.n??? decorations, fina, effects, Mrs. r'ULLEY, _? West Broadi Struct 'Phono 872$. ...."' DjtPftOV ? adda tn tuadty: the improved DAVIS GALLERY. 222 E. Broad. 1? tnrnlnsj out euperlor quality photos; cabinet* $1 pet ?'. dosen. NEW LINE OF MILLINERY Just received n? -Mrs. PULLEY'S. 520 W. Broad. 'Phone 372$. DuN'T ABK ???/? iHIxKD for bis dog; writ? us for prices on hunters. CUAS. It. LINK AND CO.. CharlottcsTllle. Va. BETTER THAN CRACKER DUST*?Our Bread Crumbs for trying oysters and mo?ts; try them snd see tbe appetising flavor your meut* will j have. . Made fresh dally only by. H. W. MOESTA. 117 Esst Main. NOTICE. HAVE YOU TRIED Bread Crumb? to fry yon?' - oysters and meats*, they are flue. Mude? (rutili daily only by H. W. MOBSTA. 117 Kait Mata ? Street. ...',? '. FOR ? BEST PLUMBING. HEATING AND ...tinning go to B\ S. DANTON & CO., 1? Gov?' , errior Strcot. - ? MISCELLANEOUS. H. W. XOtBTA wUl make bread crumbs'daily after Wednesday for frying oystt-rs ?ne meat?; something good: try them: 117 Rest.Unie. ? TO BE SEEN AT THE CRAIG ART CO. 1_ enough to convince people that you or* _ person of taste, culture and r*fli?ment,?; ant? come within the line of art connoisseur?, Wi. StLL Oss Radiators, OU Heaters ?nd Jewell . Gas Range*. Get our prtiws: 'phone 03?. RICHMOND PLUMBING AND MANTEL CO. 02 MILLINERY. SEE OUR NEW styles in mlltlnery: beeeminc sbnpes m?i Just tho right thing: to wear; rea? sonable price?. Mrs. ANNA B. ROACB, 220 East Broad Street , CALL AND SEE ens of the handsomest linn'ef Trimmed and Unttlmint-d Hats; up-to-date stvies, at lowest prices. MUS. JULIUS ! BEAR. .142.1 East Main Street HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. U.f.-?-.?. " ' ? um ENTIRE HOUSEHOLDS of Furnitur? bought lot cash?Feather . Bed?, Roister*. ?'Plow*. Car? pets,' Sewing ' Machines. Libraries of ml*? ?cellaneous Books; prompt attention to orders. Address FURNITURE. 320 Brook Avenue. - COSY HOME MAKERS. 1 I,F, VAUOHAN CO., Fifth and Bread (entra?e?) 808 ?. Fifth). Everything In furniture, largest Btock of iron Hicls in city, ?wry kind of Stoni on eiirth, put up in your home complote; Fold-i ins Beds, nil steel, and fancy Parlor Quarter- ' ed Oak Mantel designs: up-to-date Kockers, every variety; enslest kind of term*; Chamber ' Suits, the prettiest you ever saw. Visit the' bljrcesf little store on earth; try our pay-easy plan. ? it li ? W. SMITH. Manaeer. ANTIQUES. CiVLL AND BE CONVINCED. A fine collectiog? S of original Antiques at low prices. L. If. ARN ALL. 318 Brook, Avenue. DON'T FAIL to call nnd see our select stock c' Antiques before buying elstrwhere; It will pay you. J. F. BIOQS, CIS ?. Main Street FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. .? HIGHEST PRICE paid fcr rumi tur? and Cos? nets; all kind of furniture and stove* reualreC. BROWN. S27 West Brond Street 'Phone 3550. PHOTOGRAPHS. FALL TRADE baa opened up nicely, but w? are not too bnsy to accommodate yon at TUB ELITE STUDIO, C07 E. Broad St-vet SEALED PROPOSALS. The City of Richmond, Va,, Office City Water Works, City Hall, Chas, E. Boiling, Superintendent, November 3, 11)03. SEALED PROPOSALS WILi, BE Re? ceived at this office until MONDAY, November 16th at 5 P. M., for build? ings and machinery as follows; One Annex Building and One Small Hnuso. both to be of granite, Hydraulic, dteam and Electric Machinery of 200 H. *?. ant! two (2) Electric Motor Pumps, each of 1.O.0 gallons per minute. Plans, specifications and full Informa? tion may be obtained at this office Pioposals for the whole or any part are to bo accompanied with a certified check of $?00.00. The Committee on Water reserve the right to reject any or all bids. CHAS. E. BOLLINO. Supt. nov ?,5,7,10.12 and 15. The Valentine Museum iiUJVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ADMISSION 25C. FRER ON SATURDAYa TEE-DEE WANT ADS. TEE-EE WANT ADS. TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ALWAYS AT WORK, < ALWAYS AT WCRK, ALWAYS AT WORK. THEY PAY BEST. THEY PAY BEST. THEY PAY BEST. YOU ??? ONE YOU TRY ONE YOU TRY 0N? AND SEE RESULTS. AND SEE RESULTS. AND SEE RESULTS. PHONE 649 FOR THE WANT AD. MAH. HE WILL COME! STEAMBOATS. o?d dominio;, steamship o j. D "* sigili Ih) tir Helio]?. Leave Kiohmcnu every evening (foot of Ash Strset) 7 P. M. bteamers ?top at New? port New? in both directions. Far? $2.60, Includes atateroom berth; meals, 50?. eacn. ???????? FOR NEW YORK. By ChesapeaKe and Ohio Ry., 9 A. M.. ? P. M.; by Norfolk and Western Ky.. 9 A. M., 3 P. M. All lines connect at Nor? folk with direct steamers for New York, sailing dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent, 80S E. Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER. Agent, Wharf Foot of Ash Street. Richmond, Va. ?. ?. WALKER, V. P. & T. M.. New.York. BAT LIKE TO BALTlfciuKA Vu u. fc ?. ?tw/. tu.u um ?tfiak U. B kAlL Muui't, Leare llicnuiotiil ila C. k t>. dallj ciwiit Nuniluv, at 4 1'. U., nun Dieting ut Old l'oint ?Uli ?teuuisre of Old Hay Uni?, leming 7 : la 1*. ti., srrtvlnc llaltlmnrv ?1:30 A, M.. cc?nuctlng Nurth. Ks?t arni West. Knr ticket? ind lufurinatlon apply to C. Se ?. Kwy.. liles ound Transfer Cuupsuy, ? 030 Eust Uelu m. VIRGINIA riVIGATIOM C1M?\i.Y JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. STEAiUiiK POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, uid Point, Newport News, Claremoni and James River landings, ant? connecting at Ulu Point for Washing-ton, Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved for tho ii,?iit at modqrato prices. Electric ears direct to wharf. Fare only J1.60 und ti to Nor? folk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-namel places and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVI? WEISGER. General Manager, E, A. BARBER, Jr., Secretary. * Clyde Steamship Co.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINE, Freight received and delivered dally at C, & O. R'w'y Co. s depot. Seventeenth and Rrond Street?._ dTvTdEi?dT not i ob's. Wllmln.tton, N. C. Nov, g, IMS Office of the Treasurer, Atlantic Const Line Railroad Company. THE HOARD OK DIRECTORS OF ATI AN TIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY have declared a DIVIEDNU OF TWO AND ONK-HALF PER CENT, on the Preferred Capital Stock.of that Company; dtvllend ?lue ??? payable ai the office of the Tress rer, st Wilmington, ? C., pn ani) after ????3? PER 10th, 1903. The transfer books wH at id - closed from the 1st to the 10th days of No? vember, both Inclusiva. james r. POST, Treaauraft RAILR0AD8. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 1, 1803. 7:00 A. M.?Daily. Local for Charlotte. 12:30 P. M.?Dally. Limited. Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and iJirminsrimn, New Orleans. Memphis, Chattanooga and all tho South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City local. 10:20 P. ??.-Dally. Limited. Pullman ready 9:30 P. M., for all the South. YORK RIVER LINE. The favorite route to Baltimore and Eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M. Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 2:15 P. M.?Local for West Point. 4:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For West Point, connectln_ with steamers for Bui timore otiti river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and 0:43 P. M.?From all the South, 3:35 P. M.?From Charlotte and Durham. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:15 A. M.?Baltimore and Wost Point. 6:10 P. M.-From "West Point. C, H. ACKERT. S. H. HARIJWICK. ?. M. O. P. ?. C. W. WE3TBURY. D. P. ?.. Richmond, Va. ATLANTIC COAST LI?E ?iv.ii.vo i..wi.vi_ ??*_?___??u UA1L?? t? i uva ? ntuiU ? .-?l'AitUiN. EFFtAJi'tVL Mur<U,\)?, Sh't'l". 21ST. 0:06 A. M, A. C. L. Express to alt points South. ' 9:00 A, M. Petersburg und Norfolk. 12:10 P. M. Petersburg und ?. & W, Wost. 3-00 P. M. Petoisburg and Norfolk. t4'10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. G?50 P. SI. Petersburg Local. 7-2R P. M. "Florida and West Indian Llm tted," to all points South. 9'1U P. M. Petersburg und ?. A W, West. 11*30 P. M. Petersburg Locnl. TRAINS ARRIVE BICIIMOND. S:i3 A. M., 7:35 A. M? i:J5 A. St.; Sunday only 11:25 A. M.: 11:00 A. M . 1.05 P. M.. oxcopt Sunday; 2:06 P. M., '? :20 P. M.. 7:45 P. M.. 9:10 P. M. tExcept Sunday, C. S. CAMPBELL. Plv. Pass.Agt, W. J. CRAIG. Con. Pass. A?t. Merchants and Miners Transportation Compmy, Steamship Line. Direct Boato to toiion, Misi., andProvidtnoa, 1.1, Steamers le?vu Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wetlnesduy, Friday end Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at 6 P. M. Passangora and freight taken for all Now En_(find points. Tlrk? . ete on sale at C. & O. Ryrand N, _ \V. Ry. Office* end No. SI? East Main Street. ' R, a. WRiatiT, a$l, Noriout, y?, RAILROADS. SEABOARD Ain. Line Railwav TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.?Seaboard Mall-lU:S5 P. M. Soaboard Express?To Savannah. Jack? sonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:B5A. M.?No. 84?4:55 P. M.?No. ?? From Florida. Atlanta and Southwest. 5:80 P. AL?From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office. 830 E. Main Street. ?Phone 406. RICKMOND m PcTERSBURQ ELECTRI3 RAlLWA?. Eeginnlng Apri It, 1902. Cars leave corner Perry and Seventh Streets. Manchester, every hour ton the ?hour) from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M.. lost car 11:60 ? M. Cars lenvo Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from 6:30 ?. M to l,ii:?i ?' M. Lnst car connecting with Norfolk and Weetem Railway, M:*0 ? ?? ?at. 1, 1003. & Ghio Ry. 2 luit iiifiC Klagtettoserleli . .? i'tA><:' ??ClliiU.?i>? LASIHOUND. TiM> ?. ??.?bulij-?LocU to Newport News unii way statlous. ??? A. M.?Uuily?uuiUcd?Arrives Williams. ??"'? Ui.?U ?. U.. Newpori.N.srs 10:UU A. M? Old t'oint U:iHj A. M? Norfolk Uta A. M., I'oruiuuutli 11:46 ?. ??. 4:00 P. yj.?Week days?Spiclul?Arrives Wll? lluuitiburg <1;6U V. M., Newport ?.?. 5:W P. M., Old Point 0;OU P. M.. Norfolk li;? . ?? ?? J??? **ofi????eutU t?:4S P. M. O?OO P. M.?Dally? Local to Old l'oint ' .? ,? . ???,!? ?????WKSTBUU.m 10:10 ?. ?,?Loc?l?Except tjundjy, to Clifton I orge, 8;00 ?, M?Pally?Special to Cincinnati, l.ouUvlIK ot. l.unU and Chicago. B:15 P. M.?Woek days?Local to Fredericks' Hall. 1018^ V, M.?Daily?Limited w clucluuatl. Louisville. St. Lulls and Chicago. JAMES KIVHK LINK, 10:80 ?. M?Lall)?Kxpries tu I.ynchl'Uri, Clifton Porgo sud principal stations. 6;1S G*. M.?Week days?loi:?i| t?? Urvuio. Th.VI.Vu AlUIIVW KlCHMONl? FltOM Norfolk and Old Point 10:0a A. M. dally. ? :4ft A. M. Ex. Sun., anil T;00 |?. VI. dully. Newport News Local 8:00 P. M.. dully. Prom-Cincinnati and West 7:1"? A. M. dally and 8:30 P. M. dally. Main Lino Local from Clifton Forge N;I0 P. M. Ex. Sun. from Clifton Porge. Frederick?' Rail a-ccom. 8:.w A. M. Ex. Sun. James RlTer Line Local from Clifton Forge 8:83 P. M. daily. .Bremo Accani. 8:40 ?. M Ex. Son. O. B. POYLB. W. 0. WABTHEN. ean'l sfoaafag ?let. Pasa, Act, Mlk?lWesien. nwsxr.?mam? LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. . 9:00 A. M.-NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Nortolk Xl-.M A. Al. Stops only sit Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. i>:05 A. M.-CH1CAG? EXFtttSS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg %iA Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluetleld to Cincinnati: also Rcanoke to Knoxville, and KuoxvlUe to Chattanooga and Memphis. 13:10 P. M.-ROANOKE EXPRESS for F-vrmvllio, Lynchburg and Roanoke. 3:00 P. M.-OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P, M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Con? necta with steamers to Boston, Provi? dence, Now York, Baltimore and Wash? ington. * 7:25 P. M.-For Norfolk and all stations east of l-etersburg. 9:40 P. Bl.-NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanoke; Petersburg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga. Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe Dining Car. Trains arrive from the Weat 7:35 A. M? 2:05 P. SI. and 9:10 P. SI.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Office No. 83S East Slain Street. W. B. BBVILL. C. H. BOSLKT. Gen. Pass. Assent. Dis. Pasa. Agent < RE ?P Richmond. Fre-ls-rtA? ? G? 0( G? Lurg & Potomac ?.? ? rams u-java rttchmj.iu?.\orinward 8:61 A. M., daily. Byrd St. Through. ?:??, A. M., daiiy. ?Main St. Through. 7:1? ?. ??., Muti?, duys. Lloa. Aaniuua ao couiuiodation. h:iAt ?. M? Sunday only. Byrd Bt. ???? o ugh. 8:40 A. M? week days, Byrd St, Through. 12.U5 noon, week d?>s. _>rd Si. Through? 4:i? p. M., wmi days. Byrd Sl b'red erlcksburg accommodation. 5:06 P. M.. dally. Main SL Through. 6:26 P. M. week days. Elba. Ashland ao commodation. 8:05 P. St., dally. Byrd SL Through. 1 rains Arrive ? chmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashlar?. ftUl-OUUllUMatil'lIl. 8:15 A. M., week days, Byrd St. Fr?_ erlcKsburg accommodation. 8:3a A. Sl.. daily. Byrd SL Through. 11:55 ?. M . week da>s. Bud St. Thiuugkt, 2.05 P. M? dally. Alain St. Through. 6:00 P. M? week days. Elba. Aehlitml at? corninoci tttlon. 7:13 P. M? dally. Byrd St. Through. 9:C0 P. M., dally. ByriL&n. Through. 10:2? P. 61., daily. Majf St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cam on all train? except local aecomrac-aationa. W.D. DUKE.C.W. CUl,P.\,. P. TA?LO?, Goa'l lluu'c iKs't. Gen'l Man'r, Trat. ?___. ?JUNE li, ISt?*. '