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DELUGEOF STEEL STOCK Liquidation Very Violent and Over ???,??? Shares Are Dealt in During Hour, MONEY RATE REMAINS FIRM ?General List Resists Depressing Influence and Some Stocks 1 Gained in Price. (By Apsoclntcd Press.) NEW TORK, Nov. 6.-The stock mar? ket was submergod to-day tinder a uelugo J Of United State? Steel stocks. Tho gen? eral, however, icsponded much less readily to the depressing Influence of the ste'i! liquidation than was the caso ? yeat?rii?ay. Whenever tho severo pres? sure on the steel stocks was suspended, ? as happened at Intervals, .the railroad , Mocks rallied easily, so that their level of pr.ueg was abovo last night lor about sus much Of the time us It was below, Tho tnaikot closed in/ ono of the Intervals when there was no pressure on tho stool; j Prices e.sewhere were rlslr.f?. and wtre ??ell above last night. Union Pacillc and Pennsylvania show a gain of a point on the day and a number of the Now ?ork - corporation stoclis somewhat moro, The ?ar:y i."?.uldailon In the steel enares. v, as very violent, as is shown by the fact that the sales of tho pieforrou for the Bret hour alone were well above ???,?? ?nares. It Is not to be supposed that th.s enormous volume of dealings, was ??holly liquidation. - The room proiesslou ais traded In and out of the stocks ? on ? a very, largo scale all day. it wus said of one trader who was very active In ' the siocfc all day that he was long rtor short lor more than ten minutes at a. time, while the aggiegato of his Indi? vidual dealings amounted to many thou? sand shares. 1T?e low price touched for the common stock was 10 1-2; for the preterr?Vl,' l?, and for the bonds, $13-4. The heavy telling of the steels was the expression of a. tear that the announced cut of ti per ton In the price of steel : blliets was.a preliminary to a reduction ! or prltTos of all the products and a 'gen?? ? ?ral process of contraction tnroughout the trade. The ctock market seemod to ' face with equanimity the prospect of ? another poor ?ank showing to-morrow/ i In addition to tlUS losses to th? "flub ? treasury of iT.OOl'.OOO, the banks' have triado net shipments by di:net express to the West and'Bourn of up^atda of feuAi.OOO. further large shipments ot cur? rency were made to-day, and the rate of call loans touched as high us 0 pei cent., but sterling exchange fell weak? ly ip a? low aa tho low point of Mon tlay, when gold was engaged in London, and there can be no doubt that un in? flow of gold would easily result from any additional pressure for money. The bond market continued dull, but the price movement war, irregular. Total sales, par value, wore J2.4S..O00. United tita tes ??'s declined 1-1 per cent, on the last call. Total sales of stocks to-day were 593, <KO shares. - - MONEy ANT) EXCHANGE-CLOSE: > Money on call, strong, at 41-IifO per cent.; closing bid, 6 per cent.; offered, at ? per cent.; time loans, dull and firm, lit t l-r.'?Q*j per cent- for all perlo'ds; prime I mercantile paper. C per cent.; sterling ' exchange, weak, with actual business In bankers' bil.s at H.M.;i>"(?4>I.2j for de? mand and M.&J.4Olbl.fjli.70 lor sixty day bills; posed rates, JI.S11-2? 4.85 1-2; com? mercial tills, *4.m) l-4?f4.b03-8; bar silver, 41)3-8; Mexican dollars, 44 3-4. RICHMO:,*r> STOCK MARKET. Richmond. Vs., Nov. It ???. . * * Virginia ?5-I1.T00 at MJJ. B. C. Virginia Ceniuri??????/,?? at Vi. ?. C. ; 11.OJO at So; ?,*? at b?; ??,??? at %; ?7,000 at ?,,; IS.OOU at Wtf. STATE EECUUITIES. Bid. Asked. Nurtn Car-ilin? *?. C, 1910. IM Vn. 3s, New. C. und It., 1>3?. 94H ;.i) Va. Centuries. '-'-3. C. ulld R.. 80,j Se'.i CITY SECURITIES. Richmond City **. R., 151?-1330.. 10JW ... RAILROAD I10ND8. Atlanta ami Char. 1st 7s, R..... 107 ... A. C. L. R. R. t^JO. Tr. 4 p. c... 81H ... Ga.. So. and Flo., tali.Ui ??sorcio and Ala. ?Con. La, m:,.K5 N. and W. Ky. Pucahontas is. M B. A. L. Con. 1st ??. ?'a?. 07"^ ?SVi' ti. A. L. ?Collateral Tr. is, 1911. 97 ".v. RAILROAD STOCKH. Atlanta and Charlotte.100 115 Allunilo Ounst Lino "A' ?..ltw ??? Atiantlo Cuasi Line Cutn.1?0 ... lia Chesapt^k? and Onlo .li'J 23 ?in.. 60, and ila. 1st pfd.??? 83 Norfolk and Wi-Htern cum.?? 63 R.. P. and P. Div. Oulig-.Ko US Euaboard Air Lin? pfd.1U? II ?214 Seaboard Air Line cum.luO 13 H INSURANCE COMPANIES. .Virginia Hre and Mann?.2$ js >>t MISCELLANEOUS. Conuolldated Tob. 4 p. c. bonds..100 SI ... Ya_-Car. Chem. pfd ? p.c.iw &!?(, sjii Va.-Carohna Chemicul cum.??.O 19 io' Va.-Car. Cliem. Co. Col, 'ir. is.... W 91 BALTIMORE 8TOCK MARKET. BALTiM?Ht?, MD., .Nov. ?.?Seaboard Air Line 0,111.11 ...n, ia^i*l?.?i; m>, preterred, ?ii?i?? K> .iboaiu 4s, i?|iini?je. Atltunlo to^t ^in? cu.? nun, lu?iiiu7; uo. i?reieir?.il, not ?, COTTON i?HiiJv?TS. NEW "?ORK, Nov. e.-The cotton market opened Onu al u decline ut ? p.L.ta on the u ur puMiiuns, winch v. ?re aaei.tu? i.y ?a., her ultap P ?.iii.nj cables unu UquiUui.ou at un _dv.neu or i- points un tau (uiur iiiuuuis, \,ulcb Vturo lntluunced by contmunu bun ??i-pori und iti? ouuook fur culd weather in the western ..(?'it. I'.iKiu on the call tliu maiket bocamu oeniu tlona^f active and was s-on uuvancltis at almost as rupld a rat? us yes.? rday, uu . p.ucs lu mu tirsi ten or iwmvu nt.n.u??a some .J?15 points hlgber on tho activo bini support mut a /reSii tlutry of snoita, who were u.?umed over the orxinin; bulKo of M p?nts in c\hy/ orleuns and tnu faoan-jtiivo uuliu?.u of th? local . wl lender Tnu ttdvuuco wus ulso encou.ii ned by tho expectation of a bullish census buieuu ie p.irt on Smuruaj?. Klvlng tnu aatount of uuitun ir.nncii tnuu fur for thu eouson, and tho spread ot bullish crop nuws m conncct.on with ie|ior s that Europeun spinners tveru becoming 'evi:n more active blduers for spot Supplies. After tho opening spurt, bowuvrr, tulOo wero mtracted in great volume und tur timo ..o market, lnlluunced also by Wall Street beur pressure, worked doivnwaid until in ?>) early afternoon It wns from U?lS points be.ow tho high point ot the morning. At the loiier lu.el the bull leader c?iitlnueil to buy peiiilsteiitly, and as the session pr.^ress-ni snorts ai,aln bod.anie panlo-strlcken, covered In volume und forced the maiket up to the ululi point of the session, which occurred Just tefore the chao, when iiecember sold at 10.1)0, January ut 10.&7, March at iu.90, nnd Muy at 10.U2. ?he market was filially Arm, ? ori points down troni tho bust. Sales wero cuitlmatod at uOO.uOO buns. The afternoon "advance wus nes.sted by the fact *.hal tho Intoslnht for the week, while lurser thon last year's, was below early esti? mates and tho full exports, while the South? ern apot markets continued steady with pikes 1 HlM?S BRAKCH & CO (ESTABLISHED 1638.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange. New York Cotton Exchango. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MA KITS. nveslment Securities ? ?? ? M ?????,? ? I ? *+-?+^?*^+++++^-?*+++<?+?+^*+^+++<??, + ' ??????? f t ?444444?4444 I Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York ?A-H44A-f ? + i ? ' ? ' ? ? 4 ? ? ? ??4444+??^??44444444444?44*4+44?4444444444? ?????????4-M4? By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Brokers. SALES) Open. High. ?,???. Ameri ESnufT, com. American Bnuff, pfd. . American Can, com.... ... ,,. 100 American Can. pfd.... 2>?>_ 26% 26% 100 American Cotton Oil. com., 81% 21 81% 1200 Amer. Locomotive, com,,,, 12% 12% 12% 415 Amor. Locomotivo, pfd. 75 ? 7fi 74% 300 Continental Tobacco, pfd,. 101 '/j 101% 1?1% 3300 Amer. Car and oundry. 1?% 10?%' is% 4226 American. Sugar .11 M? 116% 11 1% 24700 A? T. and B. Fe, com. (?l'A r,r, ?,|iB 1055 ?., T. and S. Fe, pfd. fOli PO 419C0 Amslgnmated Copper . .WA ?ov 12310 Baltimore and Olilo.74:!? 751,', 71 11030 Brooklyn Rnpld ?rnnsit.... 31% 35% Sift 1500 Cuuadlan Puclflc. 117f_ - 11R .. 117% 1400 Chasapc-ako nnd Ohio. 20% 30% 29% Canndn Southern . 200 Colorado Southern, com.... 12 12V, ' '" 4M Colorado Southern, 1st. pfd 64 DI 63 200 Colorado Southern. 2d pfd.. 20% 2114 20% 12920 Chi., Mil. and .S. Paul.?37'._ ?G?'? 137'i lSiaO Chi,,.?. T.. and Pacific. 24 . 24% ?V, Colorado Fuel and Iron. . ... .... 100 Chicaffo Great Western.... 15 15 15 Clev., CIn.. Chi. and S. L. j. 560 Consolidated On? .175 170 173'_ Delaware and Hudson. ... , ... Del,, Lack, and Western. 14747 Erie, com. 26 2<7% " 20 2415 Eric, lut pfd. 00 06% (?0 * 700 Eric, 2<1 pfd. ? 48 4? 400 General Electric .146 147 46 1045 Illinois Central .130% 130% 130% 1400 Leather. 7% 7% 7!, 4909 Louisville and Nashville.... M% ?/)'/?? ? 99'? 2400 Manhattan.12H4 134% 131% 2110 Metropolitan.109% 110%'' 10S*k Closing. Bid. Asked. " 00 110 80 60 2*i 27 81% --.1 MA SO 35% Sii 7l*i' 7? 31 12'/, ?o 101% 19% m?s 01% S9I..J ?% "?% 35% 117% 30 Olli 12'.i . ?_% 21. ISS 24V4 2<f% 14% f? ITU 152 230 4SI,.', 147 130' i 714 1?? 13' SALES: Open. High. - Low. ?KC0 Mexican Central . 8% 2580O Mlsourl Pacific . ?9 Mo., Kan. and Tex, com. 100 Mo , Kan. anrl T?;x, pfd. 1920 Now York. Central. 117% 7C0 N, Y., Ont. nnd Western.,.. 19% y??'\ 12.-.0 Norfolk ? nil Western. 76 BlfXfO Pennsylvania. 1011$ 1?20 Prcfed StePl " ?* 114',i 118 ?50% 65 1_% 54 1 15 178 let '20% Giii 4S% 153 131 7% I ioou.1 i 116% , 25% ffi% 92% 41 ir,.,. Pr-?sed Steel C-ir, pfd... 1100 People'? O.'iH Trust. 10C5O (tendili);, com. Hendln?,', let pfd. Reading, 2d pfd. 350 Republic I. nini S.. com.- 6% 12400 Republic I. and H., pfd. 49 Sloae. Sloss, pfd. 400 St. L, und H. ? 2d pfd.... 45 Seaboard Air Line, com. Seaboard Air Lino, pfd. St. L, and Southwest, pfd.. 5200 Southern Pacific . 9'? Southern Railway, com.... 1000 Southern Railway, pfd. 4220 Tennesse Coal andylron. 27 200 Texas Pacific . 22% 241900 Union Pacific, com.....71 VA Union Pacific, pfd. &5 F/17MJ United States Steel, com? 10% 220360United States Steel, pfd.... 54% Va.-Car. Chemical, com. Va.-Car. Chemical, pfd. 2S0O Wabashi com. ..?. 19% 41% 17% 109% 110 4100 Wabash. pfd. 245 W?etern Union . 110 Wisconsin Central. S'JO Wisconsin Central, pfd. Total, ?95,900. 32% ?3 15% 84% 9 ?9% "?15 117% 20 5?'?% 117% 27% 67 93% 44% 0% 49 41% 17% 73% 27% 22% ? ??? 51% 19% 32% 83% 16 34% 8% m* '35 116% 19% 56 116% 25 66% 02% ' 43% 6% 40 41% 17% 73 26% 22% 70?? ?5 ..10% 53 18% r31% S3 '15 33% 19% 56% 117% 27 07 93% &? GO 49^ 23 68 41% 12% 20% 29% 41% ?'? m 22% m 10% 1?% 15% 83% Readers will observe that In some ?toen? we give both the Ni'w York and hlcnwnd quotations. In the Richmond quota ins vi?-Iva "h<(i and a?kpd" nrlrfts nnlv In the New York quotations we ????? oponlne ?al<>. Irrnpst ?n'*?,n,"?n ,??,"_', aa cIOBlntT, hid and asked. Sometime? the clotting-: bid in inactive stocks is me vely nominal and does not fairly Indicai flor and the price of tho stock. U. S. refunding; 2s. registered.1WH U. 8. refunding: 2s, coupon. 107 Vi U. S. 3?, refrlatored .... losv? V. ?.'2s, coupon ..............G.'.".".*..;;.'.'..'.'liiSV? U. S. Now 4s. registered. 134'/j U. 3. New 4s, coupon. l?iVj U. S. Old 4s. reclstered. UtJ?j U. 8. Old 4s, coupon . 111% U. S. Cs, rcg-lstercd.1U1& TJ. 8. Ss, coupon (<-x Int.). ldlii AtchlEon general 4s .-. l:nj-3 Atchlson adjustment 4s. EO'.-l. Atlantic Coast Line 4s .?. 91 Baltimora, and .Ohio 4s..^,,^,,?.?. V-0 Baltimore andi Ohio 3?/jS. 95-H Contrai of Georgia d? .,....... i?4 Central of Georgia 1st Inc...-'.'...'.:.'.'..... e? Chesapeake and Ohio 4??s....-..-..,......:.. Vi\Vi Chicago and Alton tv^t....:...'..:.... ?3 . Chicago, B. and Qulncy new ? 4j.,iiv.,,. OSVi Cl 05ING POND QUOTATIONS. -Chicago, M. and St. Paul _en.' 4s...110 Chicago, P.. I. and Pacific'4a. 73% Chicago, R. I. and Pac. col. 5s. 73 C, C, C. and St. Louis _en. 4s. :C.? Chicago Terminal 4s . 7. Consolidated Tobacco is. C5 C'nlorailo and Southern 4s. SO D'.nvei anil Hlo Grande 4s. 93% 'Irle prior lien 4.1 .'. l?3 .?.Irle General 4s . S3'4 ??'ort Worth and Denver City lets. U6 Hocking Valley 4Va?.?. 1 4Vi LouiSM.le and Na.i.i. ITnlfled 4s. SS ? Manhattan consol gold 4s. U-% Meexlcan Central 4s. 70>/j Mexican Ccnual 1st Ine -. 12ft Mina und St. Louis is. 07 . Missouri. Kansao anil Texas 4s. V'ft ??.?.??????, Kansas and Texas .us. ?d ? National R. R. o? Mexico con. 4s. 76 New York Centrai gen. JVJs.,.. 5'jft' New.Jersey Centrai gcn. &s.ISO ? Northern Pacltlc 4a ..'.* 102 Northern Pacific 3s.4.... 70 Norfolk and Western Corj.' 4s. 96% Oregon Short Line 4s and'Partie.. 91V4 Pennsylvania conv. 314.?. 9 ft Leading Cenerai 4s .....;..-. 56% St. Louis and Iron Mountain <?n. "-. lit St. Louis and Son Francisco fg. 4s. 52 St. I.OUIS Southwestern lsts. S3 Seaboard Air Line 4a. ?58 Southern Pacific 4s. 87 Southern Railway 5s. 1V2 Texas and Pacific lsts....... 117 Toledo, St.- L. and Western 4s. 68 Union Pacino 4s. I'j-Wi Union Pacific conv. 4s. 93% U. S. Steel 2<2s is., 66% Wabash lfcts. 133'A Wabash Deb. Bs ._-..,. 55 Wheeling and Lake E ? 4s .,. ?? Wisconsin Central 4s . W Colorado'Fuel con. 5s _..:....;. 50 M. and p.-, ?sollatreal trust 4s. 93 Central of G'oorgla'2d Inc..;.,. 27 unchanged to t?c. higher. Receipts were heavy' and the estimato fof to-morrows receipts Lt leading points Indicated no Hailing off in the. movement. Cotton futures opened Arm and closed firm: Open. H.kU. ?m?. C?o?-?. November .ftv.iA 10.? 1? 63 lw-0 December .10.64 W.?. 10.97 10.t>8 Januaiy .lu.U? 1V.S7 lo.GI lo.h$ February .lu.7i . Ut* 10.M 1'. 5 March .10.7? W.tft> 1O.V0 I ...? April . 10.-S May .10.77 lCt.Si 10.72 lo.ti June .10.50 1?,H 10.7'J 1 .W July 1/.S2 ??. o August .10.63 10.? 10.M 10 6f - Spot cotton closed steady, M"porm*"hlsn?.r; middling uplund?, U-iA; middling?-, truif, JfeSV?rl sales. 1,(20 bale?. Cotton, steady: net receipts n9L. hehertrtd Cotton, steady; middling, 11 05; net le-upls. : 170 bales; grues. 4,600 bales; nales, 1,5:0 Laio*? stock, ?S.uBo bates. Toul t.>-day at u.? seaports?-Net recel .?. 61,151 baies; exiKjrt ? Great 3L&01 bales; to France, ??,&?? baUs; to the Continent. 17,eJ> bales; etc*:k. 613,511 balee. ' Consolidated at all seap^ris-Nc: receipt?. 4?"?,594 bales; ?export to Great Britain, lki.w? bules; to Frunce-, 7S.SIS baies; to tne Cua.lueu , 153.060 bales; to apan, 1.7.0 balof. Total since September 1st at all seaport*???t, receipts, 8,174,874 baleB: export to Grat ? I tain, 634,143 bules; ? Franc?, ;40,6i3; to ine Continent, 646,519 bales; lo Jeja?, 3,G40 bales. Estlmai/d receipts of cotton at the ports to-day. 60,??) balea against ?G,?-? last v.,.? k a..'l 45.654 last year. For the week, 415.0") bel? a against 4U1.S1? last week and 331,1 6 last year. To-day'* receipt? at New Orleans were 11.704 bales against 11.03: last year, and at Houston 22.4IS bale? aguinii 12,984 last year. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. ?.?COTTON?Spot cotton was In fair demand, but buyers : re kept In a condition of uncertainty on cccount of the steady advance In price?, making lim? ited buying orders difficult to Oil. hai s, S.SO0) bales, Including- 600 to arrive. Quotations I-lCc. higher. In the future market the upward cmfso of mice* were continued. At the opmlng tho board showed an advance of '.'?? ?-i ?.o.iu . Liv? erpool was eomewhat disappointing, but trfa Upward turn in New York quit?-over-ba'anced all 1 euri ?li features. Many traders sold ?hurt at the height of the advance, tully ox, eetins thnt the long deferred reaction would set in this morning and give them handsome prol't . Instead uf taking profits these elicits were nly too glad to cover at heavy losses. 1 heir cov? ering and fresh buying by lohsrs ?upported ta market well Into the morning, wh? ? '.he w Ight ot heavy print-taking begun to be felt, ?nt Prices sagged from 13??15 pointa from tho hlg'i ?st levels Of the earlier huurs. The flue ua tlons of the day were wide and served to ma's an Ideal market for the scalpar, who has b ?n much In evidence In tho last few days Attor the liquidation there wa? a recovery of Sii 10 point?, the list nt the close showing net gslna or from 515724 points. The trading was heavy. Cotton futiLT? steady: Novemb r, 0.5 31" 57; December, ?>>.?>2??10.?53: January, -10.Oi?l0,7?;_ February, 10.7effnu.77: March, 10.S7giO.CS; AtII. 30.93 ?IO. 04; May, U.01??U.03; June, 11.C5 if 11.07; July, lLl?fTU.14. .-. PPODUCE MAHKET. " ! NEW YORK, Nov. 6.-FLOUR-Qulet, but steadier. Rye Flour?Quiet Eu kwheat Fi ur? Dull?Cornmeal?Steady. Rye?Dull. Barley? Quiet. ? ? Wheat?Spot firm; ?a ! red. Hrv;e. Options ?were tlrmsr thle morning, led by Dcc.n.b r, which was difficult to buy, owing to the lght stocks here and bullish attitude-ot pr.minent epuratore. Later the big weekly ???eamne-a helped prices and they closed le, above mat night. May closed at SiZ^c.; July, 70 ??c; L)u cember, SS 5-lSc Corn?S])Ot firm: No. 2, 51!;c. Option market was lirmor also on further bulllah crop news, good bull support and light oiler,nie. ? ho ! close was Vic. net higher. May cj ?ed at 43Hc ; ? December, 51-,-iC Oats?Spot, dull; ??. I, 4i ???. Reef?Dull. Cut Meats?Irresular. Lord? ' Steady: western steamed, ?7.-I3:' refi ed, nulet; Contlnnnt, J7.75; compound, U.S1ft(f? 00. Pori ? Steady. Tallow?Steady. Rosin?Stfudy; ?train? ed, common to Rood, 33.7002.75. Tuipenttlne? Firm. Coffee?Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 6Vde } mild, steady; Cordova, 7*i<ll2Uc The market for coffee futures opened steady at un hanged prices to a decline of 10 pointa under heavy liquidation. The decline attracted - sup? porting orders from various sources, and pxit part ot the losa was regained. Tho nmrk?it was finally steady at unchansed prices tu a decline of 10 points. Sale?, 91,00.1 baga. Kug r? Raw?Quiet; relineil, quiet. Rice?Steady. Mo Iussch?Steady. Butler?Steady; extra creamery, 23Hc.; B'nto dairy, ??f???. Cheose-Qukt; State, fu.l cream, fancy small, cobrod, September, Uli-c.; October, lie; small while. September, 1H<.C. ; October, tic. Eggs?Strong; Stato nnd Penn bvi\ nnlu. fancy mixed, 2Sc. Fotatoes-Steady; Long Iidun I .7Sy2.12; Jer- , Bey, 11,756*3.00; Slate, Eastern and .Western, ! il.50ei.S7: Jersey sweets, Sl,C,0r?f>2.50. Poanu ?? Steady; fancy hanrtplcked, 4'1 ?5o, ; other do mestle, 3iTl">0. Cabbages-Steady; dome tic, pm? 100, 13fl?; per barrel, 75c.iif{l. Cotton?By steam to Liverpool. 15c, CHICAGO, ILL?., NoV, ?.?After ruling weak the gruuter part of ?> day wheat turned I mi on a better export demand an tloloxlng prie a showed a fuir advance. Bccumber bdug up ' c. December corn wus VJc. higher; outs were He uut provisions were weak, the January products closing from 51i7'/j to 12V??c lower. , iuv uuuimu hUUIJ ns r ? '??> ??; ?lluwv Open, High. Low, Close. ; WHEAT-No. 2. Soi ?:# lift 8?? ??SI. Mi ?S8?^?.*..m- ? ?? ?* SSS ::::::::::::. t ?S ?3 ? %"?t",V:. ? ??-* ? ?s May. 8t?H 3?9? ??!* U6-)? ! MESS PORK?Per bbl. ?Ian .?,.?..13.15 13.15 13.03 1?.05 | May .7..12,'.'7',4 Vi.'U^? Uli UM ? LAKD-Per 100 lbs. G)?. ,'......'11.95' 8.971". 6.771?, ?.77M Jan. ?.eaS ?.93? e.7S 6.7? Way .,.0.87H 0.06 6.75 0.?5 ? SHORT'BIBS-??? 100 lbs. Jan. '.,.*?.6.30 ?02tp 6.11V, 630 i May,..,,.?.S7V4 6,4J?? 6.37V? . Ulft Cash quotations were as follows?FLOUR? Busy. Na, 3 spring wh?at, 78??'?. Ni 3 corn, 44*4e. ! No- 3 yellow, 40*.c. No. 3 oat?, 3t?f!. ; No, 3 white, 34??33Ui)? No 2 rye, MVe. Good feeding barloy, SiS?Jiic.'j fair to o cica malting, 454t54<:. No, I tlaxseed, Uic.-t No 1 northwestern, &0c; prime Timothy seed, ,'j.ij. Moss pork, per barrel, fll.SfV?d7H-S0; lard, ? er I lui) pound*, 1?,77 U?39.85; rnort ribs ?Ides (looao), t; i~.-i7.7u; short clear ?Ides Cboxed), J5 75??7.CO. Whiskey, basis of high i>in<-s, *?,?...?5. ?..uvtr, contract graue, ?iu.w??lu.w?. ? ?.uuer?a&e> ; creameries. 15021 {?c.; lair'ieB, H?lste Egg~? Firm at mark, cases inciuued, 1?Vs????ji.c. Cheese?Easy at Willie. BALTIMORE. MD., Nov. ?.?FLOUR?Dull and uncnun.ted. v,heat?Firmer; spot, con? tract. ?;,?,? ?o4c: do. ??. ? red. western, i>45} M He; .NoveniLit-r, WA?f?lc; southern uy tatu ple, 7t(j:4c. Corn?firm; .-;"'-. Ut-^ii-UHe.; -?--. vember, 60 ? a ; southern wntte com, ???iB ?Ac. Outs?Quiet: No. 2 white, 41????41 ,c. Kyo firm; .No. ?. 5S???m. butter?3te<-dy anu un-., ? hi'.iieiil. ???????fcirm and unchanged. Cl?sele?: Easy und uftCnanged. Sugar?Steady ? end?un, changed. t ?r RICHMOND GHAIK^ARKE?r Richmond. Va., Nov. 6, 1503. QLOiAilONt?. WHEAT? l.on^i.erry (car lots).M Q51 Mi>.td tear lots).lu 4i?l Bnorlberry tear lois).W ?si No. - led tear ? Va.? bug'.OOO COItN Whlle (Va.) bag lots (new?)..;. 43 IJDO ? hIte (Va.) Lag lois (old).GO ?j52 No. - Wime ivur iuis>.61 <?)".',-? NO. 3 WllltK leur loin).?il'.jii-L No. : mixed tear i,ta).6 vjyul No. 3 mixed tear lula) .6t) 'ii^j'/j ??,? ' No. "? tuixc?l (car lots)...'....? ?3??.-&4J No. 3 mixed (car louj.i.'/ ^ yu, No. -' wmt? tear luis).iS U *-',j Winter seca tuts lotsi.43 ???> RYE? Va. uas low.W O'? CATTLE MARKETS. CHICAGO. ILL.. Nov. ?.?CATTLE?Receipts, 2.?OU, inciuuins luU lejt-iia uuu tw Uesi exns. oicuox- ??,?? tu pi*...? a....,ri, ,???.??;. lAhjr td rueiuum, jS.wilf4.~ii>? stockera und (teu? er.', Ml4.u; cows, <.t?-w': untura, .????..?; cannent, fli??.2&; uuhs, n.,aa4.-u; ..-ivts, .-'if 7.???; lexaa-ieJ bluets, ?,u?.^; i.edten v,eer., ?i.wtfl.l?. Hoe*-Hcceip.? i?-auy, H.vou i.?al; to-m^rrow, Li.ewi niuu. opened He. lower, closed strong. Mlxeu und L,uiv...r.6, ,i.5?j;..u,; gooa to eno?c6 heavy, *?-?5? ?.1j; .ough ?easy, 4>.lJi|t.6li; ligiit. Hou??-?! 0 -> "f *a?iiS ?4.c?-?f oneep?Kcocipis, &,vOe ..^^d. caeep, .-to. higner; unno?. l*c. h.gner. Good to m.a|ce, WeinoiS. o3. ?? M ?- ba ; fa.r lo ..twice, in.xeu,.?..t>^1i 3.30; native lumln, fci.6e.u?.io. NEW YORK. Nov. C?BEEVES?Receipts. 3,0.7 heud. s>ieers, steady to a snudo wuer; l> una cows, s.uw; toW cars uncoiu. Nail.o steers, ?a.i.-J'; oxen und stags, ,3. Liu?..-?.; bulls, ?J.tuns.w; export do., n%?\.?i; cjws, ,1.1o tJf3.L?j. Calves?Receipts, lit neua; iee,m? iir.i, \ eais, Jit/s; er^, (:.MwZ.M; nessln, ?3. City dressed veuis ??? at wLvt per po.mi. Sheep and Lambs?Receipts, l,8u3 ncod. o..eep, stow ana baiely steauy; umbu tf.eauy to v-c. higher. Snee^. fzifhtu; lames, ,^?.??; one d.vk, 16.16; ?~ana?la limit.?, ?? .??-3? \'?. ?.oes? ?.,???>1???, 3.S1D ncad. Market -?c. iiigatr. l*oii.i sylvunla and Slate hugs, ?j.ruu?.50. CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 6.?HOGS?Actove at ?ltr5.'.'&. Cuttle?Steady at ?.iul-jo.aneep? Steady at 91.5?'?i3.1J. Lambs?Sleudy at (3.i?yfjf MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. NORFOLK. VA., Nov. ?.?PEANUTS? 1'uiu.l??? wi'sei s'Mist, .-uc?, ..,,.., ?;?.,, untue, aue,. prtuii?, 3c; cuiuuiuu, ii^iuuc.; ?puuisll, per bu.uel, hue. No new crop couiiui; 111. FETERSBURO, VA., Nov. 6.?PEANUTS? V'lrifiuiu's, ii>;e. iiw DRV COOPS MARKET. FALL RIVE1?, MASS., Nov. 6?Sales on the .print cloth market Cor the week uro lisllmateil at from 160,(aKj to VMO.WXj piece? Altuough .lio market fur'the) week shows sumo impru, emeitt tho samo hand-to?mouth transaciloiis. iv-lch liuvo buon ttio chnructur of tno iraduv; In n.o local pr.nt ulutn iiuiiltui, |ik? Uoen willliiued dui Uu; mo present week, u ho Sensati < lutili cotton market has rerloctcd a mucn , r.i.?r tono In tnu murket for tuo nnlshed ?rtlctea, uispecliilly for vvldo b'ouds, which tiavu been uull for tnu past fVw iiioiiths. NEW YORK. Nov. ?.?Tho domnnd for dry Komi? Ima beoti restricted to it cvrtnln lit by tho leltictancu uf huyera wfl acvepilng cer tulii of tho onere which .ha.e. ten ni-uu. Lut buyers uro moro willing? tu anticipato their ro iiulruiiiunia to a certain extent und bblieed lo pay a limier senio uf prices than was ma cuso a fow days UBO. NAVA!. ?STUUEa. WILMINGTON, N. C, Nov. 6.-KH1UTS TURPENTINE?Steady m too. ; nc ipts, -.7 casks. Hoaln?Firm nt K'.-'O bid; receipts, 3iU barrels. Tur?Firm nt ??,??; recolpts, 105 ?,??? .rels, Crude Turiientliio?Inn at v-'.^oij3.b0; itj colpts, UU h.irruiH. SAVANNAH. OA? Noe. fi.?TURPENTINE? Firm at 66c. ; receipts, 334 casks; sules, . ::a ciudis; exports. 1,0:3 cualiu. lioain?tjulut; in? ri colpts, ?,??? barrels; exports, 1..43 1 ur < Is. CHARLESTON, S. C., .NOV. O.-'lL'iU'EN TINE?Steady at S6M|0. Rusta?Steady, COTTONSF.l?ll OU, MAUKI?T. NEW YORK. Nov. ?.?Cottonseed oil rather weak w|th sales uf spul at ?liji?, und till .,u vfmbor oiteiod at'S3>-jc. Pit nid erude, t. o. b. millo, l'SiiJ?VsC. ; primo cummer yellow, 3t:-jC. ; spot, November, Ssese^o. ? ore summer H'iiow, nominal) prime whttu, S7iffi.Sc. ; prime winter yoliow, 38?iiucv_ MAkli.i. i'h'-iivti.'iyi??CIL PORT OF RICHMOND, NOV. 6, 100?. ARrUVED. Steamer Horlvclu>, Guy, Norfolk, merchancllso and panuungers, Old Uumlnlon line. Tug ltii-.ii.iiu, Uultlmore, Utirfio of oil, Stand? ard Oil Cn. SAILED, tJleamor lierkeloy, Guy, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, Old bomlnlon line. Mounier I'ouunonlu?, Norfolk and Jiiini'ii in ver landings, inuiciiaiidlse and , usjeii gors, \u,;:niu .\u\ Untlon Co. Tue Radiant. Ilaltimore, uil bams. PORT OF -WEST POINT. NOV. 6, 1M3, ARRIVE?. Dsnvllle, Counutjy, IhiUliuuro, pssjangq?? sud general carso. SAILED. . Baltimore. '. Courtney, BaJtltnore, passensers and general cargo. ???? BERMUDA HUNDRED, NOV. 6, 100J. ?AILi7L>'%" Schooner Hester A. Waters, 8ulllvan, loaded lumbtr, Laitlmure, Md. Schooner Jessie Starr, Maxwell, loaded lum? ber, New Haven, conn. 'COTTON STATEMENT. i^cr?iary,\ Hester Shows an In? crease'Over Last Year. (By Associated" Press.) NEW O?LEANS, L.X., Nov. 6,-Secre tary Hester's weekly cotton Statement Is? sued to-day shows for ttlie. s:x days of November, an Increaso over last year of 42,100. and a decrease -Order the same period: year before last ?of 9,000. Por. the?, sixty-seven day's of the season that have elapsed tho aggregate Is beh nd the same days of last "year. 471,000, anil behind the same days.year before:last, 181,000. '' - ; j .?.The., amount brojjght ljto^ajght during j the past week has been, 643,000 against ' 476 3-"?S for the same "seven days "laut year, and 051,(35 year before last. ? j The movement since September ? 1st, | shows receipts at all United States ports | to be 2,375,2&1, against 2 545.876 last year;, overland across the Mississippi, Ohio, nnd Potomac Rllvers to northern mills and Canada. Gi &?3, against 209.1E8 last year; Interior stocks In excess of those held at the close of the commercial year, 305. S34, against 4?1,601 la;?? year; southern ml 1 takings, 404 030, against 435,500 last year. The total movement since September. Is 3,133,5XS. against 3,622.065 last year, and 3?MCG'year'before last. ..Foreign exports for the week have heen 230 772, against 343.677 last year; making the total thus far for the season, 1,600 915. against 1.745,624 last year. The total tak? ings of American mills. North and South and Canada, thU3 far for the senson have been 734,810, nga nst ?84.623 last year. Stocks at the Seaboard and the 23 lead? ing Southern centers have increased dur? ing the week 103,555 balea, against an in? crease during the corresponding period last season' of 109.977. Including; stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the last crop, and the number of bales brought Into sight thu? far for the hew crop, tho supply to d Ve is ''3,318.787. against 3.?37.139 for the same" period last year. BANK CLEARINGS. Table of Figures for Chief Cities of the Country. ? NEW YOHK, Nov. fi.-Tho following table comiJiiod by Bradstroet shows the tunk elea ings at a number of the prin? cipal cltiee for the week ended Novem? ber 5(h. with the percentage of Increase and decrease as compared with the cor? responding week laut year. Sixty-four other cities are Included In tho totals: Now York $1,041,765,322, decrease 26.4. Chicago fcl77i314,SOS, Increase 10.6,y Boston $146,i!)l,S'Jl, decrease 8,1. niiladolpiuu ii03 3.'i3,ui>. decease 4.6. St. Louis $47 3t3,!?i>, Increase 6.8. Pittsburg ?WM7j,227, Increase 07.6. ?un Francisco $32,i57,6l2. Increase 25.8. Ba,timore $19.518,131, decrease 3,9. Uinn.nnati $.3,001.300, decrease 1,8. Kansas City $25,i;S,i,91, increase 25.6. New Orleans ?18,6.6,434, Increase 32.1. LouUvllto iU,.lU,833, decreuse 11,4. Klclunoi.d ?3..o?,4iii), Increase 18,2. Wiisn,nuton $l,06t,i<42, Increase ,1, Suviiiinuh $5,1)10,172, iiitriinie 10,2. ?Memphis $?.918,?/??, increase 33,7. Fort'Worth ?4,l,>8 29J, increase 52.1. Atlanta 5B,t5S,70J, iiecrenso 1,1. Nashville $J,t>?l,!>51, Increaso 34.4,. Ncirfo.k *-,14?,601, Increaso 10.6. Augusta, ua., $i,SC9,903, decrease ' '?6.4. Bli-n.iugh-tm ??,???,???, Incte.iso 3.0. Little Koch $1.223,231, deci-cusa 16,?.. Knosville $1,120,110, Incranso 54.2, ?????? {-iSi.iOJ, aecre^Bu 13.2. t luutunoogii $750,'i33, decrease 1.0., Jacksonville. Plu,, *oUj,ou;i, increase 124.4. lloiistun $19.059,1)23, Incronso 76.1. liiilvoston $1j,i6j,<4i0, incrensu :4.?. Uiiirloaton, H. U? $l,i>6j,124. Totals, United States. $1,900.813,793, de. creuse 15.3. Uutstdo New York $$59,018,470, Increase 3.V. Totals, Canada, $(>0.513.E51; Increase 7.3. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW. Trade and Industry is, on the Whole, Quieter. (By Associated Press.) . NEW ?????, iNov. ti.?Hradstreefs to? morrow will say: Trade and Industry la qulot?r on the whole. Unseasonable weather affects re tall trade ut many tentera, and conser? vatism In providing for futuro require? ments restricts jobbing trade, Relatively, m".-!, activity is found In the South, wnere the growth of the cotton move? ment at the high pices ruling stimu? lates business ut many centers. In In? dustrial reports of curtailed produc? tions are? evidences of new demand/'not pressing- as sharply us heretofore. Food products- aro enmg off. and finished iron and steol are lendine the dawn ward movement of manufactured goods, JOHML WILLIAMS ft SOUS. BANKERS, Desiar? la IUCHMOND. VA, SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPECIAL/TX, Correspond eno? invited. but signs of reawakened foreign nnd do? mestic demand lead to th? hope that tho automatic check to demand, loner exer? cise, wil! be lemoved. Iron and steol bars aro active, nnd weetern Jobbers make $3 per ton by lin? ing orders from sto.e, rather than from mill, Wire products are. llkuwlse active. Report? of cuts In rail, prices lire not substantiated, but some export'business has been done-In rail?? for Asia. Lumber Is steady as a whole, though white pine Is rather quieter. Business failures for tho wo?k wero 21 fi, against 118 In tho same woek in mus?. THE TOBACCO MARKET. Season Opens With Fairly Good Prices?Big Breaks This Week. The season on the Richmond tobacco market has at last opened, and some heavy breaks are expected during the coming woek, Up to this timo only primings have been Bold, and "very bad primings at that. The quality of the tobacco has been poor end the prices correspondingly low. On Thursday, however, larger quantities of tho new crop began to appear. The weather, had been fine and tho farmers had hat! good opportunity to "make good." The famiiar eight of the high piled wagons just. In from the country began to be witnessed again and it was apparent that the long awaited opening of the season had occurred. Yesterday Shelburne's Warehouse sold seven or eight wagons and some of the other ware? houses made ? offerings. Everything Is now being gotten ready for next week ? when the warehousemen expect, to get I down to work In earnest.' The receipts ' during the week wih ' probably be very ( larfte. . Tho prices at the opening of the mar- | ket are reported to be good. Shelburne sold as low as 12.CO on Indifferent prim? ings, and'as high as {11.60 for some fairly good 'lots of sun-eured. ? As ' a general thing, the tobacco was rather light in body, and, therefore, poor In quality. Much dissatisfaction Is expressed by far mers at the prices being received. Many of them declared that they would stop raising tobacco altogether if their lands were good for anything else. A prominent member of the Legislature, who Is a large planter, announced.a few days ago. that he was seriously contemplating of? fering a bill designed to prevent farmers from raising? more than a certain quantity of tobacco. Then' the size of the crop would be' reduced and prices would go up again. In the bright belt, in North Car? olina, the same conditions obtain. One of the most prominent of -the tobacco rais? ing farmers writes that he has decided tr> stop planting tobacco and that he has locked up his present .crop until prices go up; ?. t . ?... - A notabe feature of the local trade con ditlons_ls_verx.remarkable.Tun of activity on the independent manufacturers. Each one of them reports an unusually fine trade. One manager declares, that ho has been forced by ordere to revive old brands that went out of existence five years ago. THE PRODUCE MARKET. Game Coming in Very Slowly. Turkeys Still Scarce. ..-An-excellent-run of business keeps the produce, market active, but uneventful. The trade Is good, but there is no spe? cial feature to It in any direction. Owing to the warm weather, ?vhich rather hindered the hunters, game Is coming In, but slowly. Much of It that comes, - owing to the heat, has been In ?bad. condition, The cold spell that has set In, however, will have a beneficiai effect here, as It will upon, the trade conditions in general. Rabbits ore sell? ing at 12 to is cents, according to the quality; partridges, at 12 to 15 cents; pheasants,, at 40 to 00 cents; wild tur? keys, at 11 to 12 cents, and whole deer, at u 'cents. . .'.-''-?..' Turkeys are stiUvery scarce. They are consequently higher than they have been for tx?v<?rfll seasons. Thanksg'vlns Day Is coming rapidly, and there Is a startling prospect of a gobbler that la absent. Large live turkeys are selling at 11 to 12.cents a pound. Small, thin ones are not much In demand; they go at 0 to 10 cents.. ,, Eggs are still very scarce. They are selling now nt 24 to 25 cents. Butter 1b selling moderately well at 13 to IS cents per pound. Cabbage are here in fine quality and quantity. They sell at 15 per 100 or $1? to $1? per ton.? There are Indications that the apple crop Is. about ? pin ved < out. The prices are expected to advance also, on account of' the cold weithT. Choice linolee In large lots are Bellina; at $2 to (2.25 per barrel; fair to good, JL60 to tl.75;. com? mon, $1 to $1.28, ? The Produce Association met last night and planned for the' fall and winter trado. The'prospects are for a very good busi? ness. ARE YOU GOING SOUTH? Low Winter Tourist Rates via Seaboard Air Line Ra.lway, Seaboard Air Line Railway announces special WINTER TOURIST rates to all the principal points In Florida and the Bouthwost. Tickets on sale October loth to April SOth, returning until May Slat, 11)04. The Seaboard offers a most attractive schedule; fast trains with Pullman's latest and most improved Dinlng-Room Bleeping Care; Dining Cut- Sorviuo south of Hamlet. Information as to ratea, tickets, etc., cheerfully furnished on application to the undersigned, or Richmond Transfer Co., No, S10 E- Main St., and Murphy's Hotel. W. J. MAY. City Ticket Agent. II. 8. Leard, Diet, Pass Agent, 'Phono 405, Richmond. Va CHRYSANTHEMUMS. American Beauties, pink and White Rosos, Carnations, Violets and Lilies of tho Valley In large quantity at MANN & BROWN'S. No. & West Broad Street EXHIBITIOn'bARNUIVI <& BAILEY'S CIRCUS. Richmond, Va? November 10*11, 1303. ??REDUCED DATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINB, For this occasion the Atlantic Coast Line will sell' round trip tickets from all pointa on Its line, In the State of Virginia, to Rchmond, at greatly re? duced tatos; tickets on sale November lOtti and 11th, with final limit November Tth, ymcI? and convenient schedules will bo operated to Richmond for this occa . ulon. Far full Information, apply to agents, or '.. . C. S. CAMPBELL. Division Passenger Agent. AUCTION SALO ' of Palms, Boston Fonie, Pandarm?). and other Decorative Plant?, Carnatlonir Roses, &c, on Sat? urday and Monday, Tth and Oth of Novem? ber, nt 10:30 A? M. and 3 P. M? at the store ndnt to ? ?. Taylor's store, No. 7 Ea?*ML . . vmaimu? Ntwroi?. eoteMAN woanr?? DAVENPORT & CO. INSURANCE. LONa DISTANCE TELEPHONE NO. 51. CENERAI AGENTS LIVERPOOL 4 LONDON A GLOBE, 1113 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, V*. SPECIAL ATTENTION Q1VEN TO IMPROVEMENT OF RISKS WHEREBV A LOWER RATE 13 OBTAINABL? AUCTION SALES?This Day. GKO. W. MAYO, Auotlonecr. Auction Sale j. ? ? OF - Palms, Boston F?rvis. Pandan us arid 'other pecora rative Plants, Carnations, Roses, &c, on SATURDAY and MONDAY, 7th and 9th of November, at 10:30 A M. and 3:00 P. M.,'at the store next to E, 3. Taylor, Store No. 7 East Broad Street. AUCTION SALES--Future Days Geo. VV. Mayo, Auctioneer '.'. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF-'WELL KULTIPPED PRINTING PLANT ?G AUCTION. 1 Till sell for account of O. W. Hanhlns, administrator of the estate of John E. Hannins, deceased, at No. 2 South Twelfth Street, at 11 A. 51. WKDM?SDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903. Threo Gordon Presses. Two Horse Motor. Pulleys. Belting; and Shafting. 1 Paragon Paper Cutting Machine. 225 Fonts of Type, Cabinets, 1 Drier, with 20 racks: 1 large composing? stone, RiXo Cases. Metal Fur? niture, Iron Safe. Paper Stock, Ink, and such other articles usually found In a well-established office. ?. .? ?? . This plant will be eold as ? Whole, and the good will Is.cfttlte an Item, as it has beon in its present location-for moro than twenty years ThiKMS: Cash. GEO. W. MAYO, Auctioneer. oct?O. nov 1,6,7,9.11 By C. L. & H. L. Denoori. Real Estate Auctioneers, 821 Main Stieet. -TRUSTEES', SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNIM? PROVED PROPERTY IN JACKSON WARD, AND FARM OF ?6 ACRES NEAR LAUREL STATION AND ONE MILE NORTH OF LAKE? SIDE PARK. By virtue of 3 certain deeds of trust, one dared Dec. 7. liOS, nnd of record in D. B. 161 C. p. #9. in Richmond Chancoiy Court; one dated Sept. 28, lt9S, and of record In said court, and the other dated July 17, 1S8S, and of record In Henrico County Court, D.'B.. 110 A.,'p. 266, default having; been made In the payment ot cer? tain notes the'ein secured, and. at the request of the beneficiaries, we will sell, by public action, on. tho premises, on THURSDAY NOV. 12TH, 1903, the property above mentioned, In the fol? lowing? order; First?at 12 o'clock M., the farm on the Hungary Road, contra, ng 66 acres, more or less, and lying about 1 mile north of Park. Second?at 1 P. M., tho vacant- lot on the east line of Hickory StieetT?-e82 feet north ?f Baker Street, fronting 28 feet, and running back between parallel lines ?0 feet to an alloy. Third?at 4:80 P. M., the brick store and dwe.llng. No. 3 West Leigh Street, lying on the south sido of Leigh Street, be? tween St. Jumes and Adams Streots. be? ginning -12 feet west of St. James Street, thence extending westwardly and front? ing on Leigh St ret 25 feat, and running back between parallel lines 100 feet to an alley 10 feet wide. TEKAIS?Cash as to expenses of exe? cuting these trusts; any delinquent laxes that may be due, and a ratable propor? tion of current taxes; and to pay the following amounts: $1.287.50, 11th Interest from Sept. 28, 1903, which 1b a first lien on No. 3 West Leigh Street; ?3?1.52. with Interest thereon from Nov. 1, 1931, which Is a second Hen, and $3C0. with Interest thereon from July 17, 1&98, which Is a first lien on said 56 acre? and the Hickory Street lot; balance at 1 and 2 years. \ C. L. DENOON. Trustee Under 1st and 3d Deeds. R L, MONTAGUE. Trustee Under 2d Deed. C. L. & H. L. Denoon. Auctioneers. Oeorge W. Mayo, Auctioneer. Peremptory Sale of Nearly New Fur? niture, Copper-Llnad Bir Counter, Stoves, Plumbing, and all b.her Furnishings of the Union Hotel at Auotion. I will sail, at the Union Hotel, comer Fifteenth and Main Streets, at 11 A, M? AlOA?AV, NOV. 8TH, 1903. <0 rooms of ne????, new Oak Furniture. Odd Bureaus a?.d Washstands, Enamel Beds, Toilet Bets, Wood and Healing Stoves, l'Ino Jefferson Range,, Rockets, Cots, Wa nut-Top Copper-Llnod Bar Counter, 9 Sanit?.y Closets and other i'liiinlilng, Chandeliers, Gua Arms and numerous other articles. These goods must positively bo sold and removed by November 10th. ?11?HIUS?Cash. ? . . ro?: ?? GEO. W. MAYO, nov 7-2t Auotloneor, CAPTAIN GENT BEATEN. Russell Goes Republican by a Sweeping Majority, Information received hora last n'ght from Russell county is to tho effect that Captain J,acob C. Gent, Democratic- nom? inee for the House, and the present mem? ber, was defeated for re-election by a majoiity of over 800 by J. F. Griff Uh. a fitraigbtout -Ropubllcttn. All the-South west ofllclnls ha?) ?returned liera and re? sumed ,tlie'r' iliitlus. and ..?'re .naturally rather blua over the result In their sec? tion. But Ninth Dletr.ct Democrats aro gui?o flghtors, und will enter the'con? gressional battle with renewed determi? nation next year. "Long? Tom" Hnynes' county, ?Dicken son, went Democratic, as did "Sand Lick" Precinct, where he spoke, but Wise gave a sufflo'ent majority to elect a Repub? lican trom tho ?1.strict, Long.Tom .Is happy that Dlckenson was saved from the wreck. Druids' Installation. This was InsUUlatioiV week among Druids, Other Installations will t.iku place next week, The officers of Jefferson and Myrtle Lodges have beon Installed, and tho schedule for next week follows: Vr g'nla Grove, No. IB, November l?i 190*1; lielvlctoro ?rovo, No. ri-t, November 11, 10O3; Liberal Grove, No. 2, November 13, 1908; Monroe Grove, No. 1, November 13, 10.3. Norfolk Suit Againi" The Chancery Court will hear the rase of L. M. Wlngfleld and others vs. Rob-ru C. QtTletl and others, involving considera? ble property In Norfolk, on November ll'h. The case grow? out of an old will and was argued in the Chancery Court last spring, but resulted la a buns Jury. G. W. Branch & Co. BANKERS and BROKERS Members of New Yorv Cottj. ?<? changa ani Cruci ta Jji.-J ?,?.? Ct.J??t New York Correspondents?. LADENBURG, TH?LMAMA A, CO PMNCE&. WHITL?lT."'; ' LEHMAN BROS. NEW YORK, Frivate Wires to J BOSTON. 1 CHICAGO, i toJ l? AUCTION SALES-Futurc Paya Wm, B. Plzzlnl Company. Real Estate Auctioneers, Tenth and Bank, bureets. AUCTION SAXE . I r.= .". .? '9S;.6i.? i.: -> ' Desirable brick Store Property in Fulton. At the request of the owner we will offer al ? public auction, on the premises; on WEDNESDAY. NOV. 11, 11)03. at 4.30 P. IM., "'the" splendid ' star? .end dwelling No. 3800- Lester Street, ac the corner of Denny; property being S4',f. fe.t front I y 115 feet deep, and the improvements consl ting of a splendidly constructed 2-story brick ? nnd dwelling of 7 roome and batn. In. nice ir dor. This Is a fine business location, on -h* car line. ?? a growing and Improving section, and should-command the attention of ? very, ono Interested In real estate investments. TERMS?Liberal and announced at .?ale, nov 6-6t '""".'? "'. By N. VV. Bowe, Heal Estate Auctioneer. CALE OF ? THAT MOST Attractive, Bay-Window, De? tached New Brick Resi? dence, No. 20C8 Han? over Street, IN LEE! DISTRICT. I -will sell by publie auction, ori the premises, on ?-<* <?*. WEDNESDAY, NOV.-'-ll," J803, at 4:30 o'clock" P. M.. thit well-built, hap-, plly planned and well two-st ry modern new .bay window detached urlcfc, residence above referred to. on Hanover Street, between Meadow and Ro-.ui d Streets, with 9 rooms. Latrobe rto.a, can try, store rooms, clo eta, cemented ce r nnd other modern Impro.e.nents. Lot 30x179% feet to a 20-foot alley. Can be', seen' any day between 10 and 2 o'c ock. TERMS-At sale This house was not built to te pu' On, the marke.. nw 6-tde ~* By C, L. & H. L. Denxu, Real Estate Acen.s and Auctioneer?, u:i Main Street.. ' AUCTION SALE /\ OP" Large 3-btory Brick Dwelling, No. 13C6 Ross ?tree!. We will sell on the premises, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 0. 1903. at 4:30 o'clock P. M.. the ano ve property. The house contains about ten lar^e roo s. and the lot has a front of 25 feet wl.h a good depth. ? TERMS-Very liberal. . c. L. & H. L/ DENOON. nov 0-3t .Auct-.oneer?. By J". Thompson Brown- & Co., 1112 Main Street Large, Centrally-Located Corner Brick Residence No. 916 Karshall, Cor. 10th St. 55-FT. t-ORlNER LOT, at public auction, on the nremises, TUKSUA*. NOV. 10TH, .?G 4:3? P. M., the COMMODluUS and SUBSTANTIAL PRESS-BRICK dwelling of S stories; con? tains about 12 room.??, private U.tha and toilet rooms, wide halls, &c.;.ls extra well constructed, high p.tened, double on massivo stone foundation; wmca maroie mantels, etc. The LOT fronts 66 leet, ubout 110 feet deep, alTordii'ff room, if desired, to build five, or mure, ' houses fronting Tenth Sireet, out ot ma? terial in pu-seht structure, which would , pay handsomely. The LOCATION for con? venience to business, colleges, churches? markets und public bu!.d?i>gs is unsur? passed. It Is specially adapted and lo? cated for a paying boarding-house ur professional purpose, the basement door being m ? a", ? y above ground; would make a lino suit ?? physician or dental ottltxa, and no better renting location could b.i had. Tt?K.MS?Liberal, and announced at sale. . - :,-.:: ., J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO.. ..... Auctioneer. By Button & Cor /-?OMTaiSSlONER?? AUCTION SALE v- OF A TRACT ?G LAND. CONTAINING 1S 4-10 ACRES. MOKE OR L1-?SS, LYING ON THE HUNGARY ROnJ. ABOUT ONE-HALE MILE EAST OF LAU1CEL. STATION. AN.; FOR MANY YEARS OCCUPIED BY ISIIAM L. FORD. DECEASED. In execution of a decree of the Clrcrlt Court of Henrico. entered pn t.'e. ?d diy of January. 1903. In the su t o? Isham U Ford. Jr., vs. Willie Ann Ford, the under? signed Special Comm ssloner. prMrted thereby, will offer for sale, at public euo tlon. In front of Henrico Cou..ty court? house, on . .? MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1903. (that being court day? al U o'c.ock M., the property above described. There is a small, cn.inorabe dueling and some outhouses on the placo. TERMS-Ono-thlrd cash, r s due tiv ? arid 12 months, the purchaser to give hu negotiable notes, wrh a ? ? t ?en .' ucej. and the .-..e retained until the whole ot the purchase money is paid and a. con.oy. unco ordered by tho court. ..?'?.; " CO N.VA YR. 3AND3. Spadai Commljsioner. I certify that tho bond required of *h? Special Commissioner lo the above men? tloned decree has ^en duly given. J. E. BROADDU?, nov4-tds_^._ ^ .. Clerk, REAL ESTATE?For Rent," FOR RENT. No. 1CO0 Flpyd Av<jnue;,$9iQ.O0 par annum} io rooms. Puss, at once. No. Itile Park Avenue; $120.00 per anrtumj g rooms, Posa, at one*. K.i. 1917 Ivy Si: ?et; *-<U0O. per ?nnuin; g rooms, i Puh?... at orice. , No, 2?9 \V. Cary Street; WiW.OO per eooumi S roonis.. Poss, at ones.? No. ?ll'w. Cary Stre?tf JidO-Cdper annual i rooms. 'Posa.- atonde. ? '"' Hc.EIGrt & GUM.