Newspaper Page Text
Miller ? Rhoivds. Mil?er ? Rhoa.ds. Heavy Underwear For Men and Women. Thursday night Summer tempora ture?Friday morning snow? Were you prepared for it with suitable Underwear? For Men. We have Shirts and Drawers In natural gray wool for 75c. each that eight out often stores sell for one dollar a garment. , Free from all the little imper? fections that you usually find in lower-priced underwear. ? Our $1.00 garments In natural gray or strictly nil-wool scarlet are tho best that one dollar will purchase? best in this case means good qual? ity, well shaped, well sewed seams, good buttons, put on to stay, and garments that launder well.? $1.50 for the Norfolk-New Bruns? wick Underwear. It's the kind that has no superior at the price. Wears as well as it fits?and it flts to per? fection. For Women, There's heavy fleece: lined Jersey Vests and Pants nil sizes, Including 8 and 9 extra sizes?23c. Spoetai values In Ladles Vests and Pants of Egyptian Cotton, fleece lined Jersey ribbed?39c. Heavy fleece lined Jersey ribbed Vests and Pants, Egyptian Cotton In white, and unbleiiched?50c Union Suits, Onelta Style, Jersey ribbed, fleece Uneil?50c.' '?'? "' ' Flannelette Gowns In fancy stripes, trimmed with fancy braids--76c. FInnnelete Gowns In all white? 85c. Children's henvy fleece lined cot? ton Vests and Pants all sizes?25c, zz^a^Ci/ Social'and ?Personal Mr. William Taylor McChesney has issufii Invitations for the marriage of his ijistor, MUs Fiances, to Mr. Isaac Cun i ingham Van Meier, the wedding to take place November lSth, at li P. M., in No. 212 Kalorama Street, Staunton Va.. ?.: ? ? Cards are also out for the approaching marriage of Miss Gertrude, the daughter of Mis. and the late Colonel W, C. iiiam, remembered In Richmond as the editor of the Wnig, to Mr. A. Frank Ogg. The ceremony will bo performed Wed nesilny, November 18th, in the home of the bride's mother, near Trevi'.lans, Va. The Rev. J. \Ylley .Bledsoc, of the Metho? dist Episcopal Church, will officiate, and those present will include the near rela? tives and Intimate friends of the con? tracting parties. The young irouple will make their homo ot Raleigh, N. C, after December 1st. .Donation Day at the Sheltering Arms Hospital, on Thursday, November 5th, was a great success, the Institution re- , ceiving over $i00 In money and a large quantity of groceries and household stores. ? ? ? Mbs Myrtle Knight nnd Mr. Herbert NewVrry were married in Washington Wednesday afternoon last, much to the surprise of their Richmond friends. They will return to Richmond In a few days. Personal Mention. Miss Josephine Slzer, who was ? brides? maid at the Mltchell-Aylett wedding, re? turned to Richmond last afternoon. Miss Stubbs and Mr. Sergeant accompanied MUs Slzer to Richmond. ? ? ? Mrs. Addle Denne Lyons has sent out announcement cards of the Hall-Lyons wedding, fakln? place at noon. November 3d. In the home of the bride's aunt, No. 100 East Grace Street. . ? ? Miss Louise Cnbell Living has returned from a visit of several weeks'- duration to friends and relatives in Washington, D. C. - r . m . Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williams nnd Master John W., Jr., have arrived In Richmond from Pearlsburg, Va. They ?will bo at No. 614 East Grace Street this winter. ? * ? Miss Mary Frayser has returned from Culpeper county, whero she was a guest at the Miller-Nelson wedding last Wed? nesday. .%. . . * Mrs. O. B. Hill has left for Baltimore to attend the wedding next, week of her. sis? ter. Miss Mabel Vaughan, to Mr. James T. Carneal. of this city. Miss Vaughan ts now at "The Plaza," corner of Wil? son and Park Avenue, a fnshlonible B'll timore apartment house, whore the wed? ding celebration will take place in the parlors of Miss Vaughan's sister, Mrs. J. Frank Slnton, who has her home there. ? ? ? Mrs. R. T. Hunter and Miss Bessie Hunter will not return Irom New York until next week. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Philip Powell are In Richmond after a delightful wedding trip of several weeks. The salesrooms of the Woman's Ex? change present ? very bright nnd attrac? tive appearance, with the fine stock uf fancy articles ?md household goods, with which they have made ready for the autumn demand. ? * ? Thanksgiving thlR year promises to be ?very gay and attractive, with the usimi complimentary lunches to the University boys and ? charming german as a finish to the day. b Quite a delegation of Richmond ladles ?will leave next week to attend the gen? eral convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, meeting In Chai l?s? ion, S. C., November nth. ? ? ? The one thing marring the pleasure of thp Dames' vltdt to Westover last Weil ne-sday was the fog. which prevented Urn bout from leaving Richmond on time. Con?enuenl)v the nrr'val nt We*tnv*r was late, mid visitor? had not the leisure to enjoy seeing the grand old m.inai'un nnd house uh they would have liealred. Mrs. Ramsey's gracious hospitality, as l?bers &* Glass The World's Best Brilliant, Sparkling, Exclusive Designs?AyrurdtdJligheHt Medals Tht /?JL Lstrt fitgrwtff on name tf<^?!z^ wry fiitce THE E. B, TAYLOR CO., Exclusive Richmond A,,cuts. 1011 E. Main St. ? E. Broad St usual, left nothing to be desired beyond the fact that the ladies' visit was cut short by the arrival of the hour for re? turn, which came nil too soon for their full measure of enjoyment. Mr. James T. Cameni will leave Tuna day for Baltimore. The rest of the Rich? mond guests to the Carnenl-Vaughan wedding will go on Wednesday. . * ? Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bllett are b<ick 'from Culpeper, whore they were present at the Miller-Nelson wedding this week. SCH?OL~FUNDS. The Annual Apportionment Has Just Been Made. The annual apportionment of school funds nt the rate of 27.5 cents per capita o? school population has Just been made, the? aggregate sum distributed among the counties nnd cities of the State being ?I9D.110.S0. The distribution of this fund among the cities and counties will givo them for school purposes the amounts slated; Accomao, $3,493.87; Albomarle, $3,139.40; Alexandria city, $1,328.63; Aexandrla coun? ty, $478.77; Allegheny, $1,236.40; Amelia. ?;.074.16; Amherst, $2,220.03; Appomattox. ??.20S.15; Augusta, S3.10S.2?; Bath. $M4.80; Bitlford, $3,3.71.05; Bland. $691.80; Bote trurt. $1,65!.9?.'; Bristol. J3C7.40; Brunswick, $?.',691.98; Buchanan, $1,141.80; Buckingham, $1.782.82; Buena Vista, $224.68; Campbell, $2,510-28; Caroline, $1.882.47; Carroll. $2,032.25; Charles City, $SG0.73; Charlotte, $1.753.12; Chnrlottesvllle, $619.18; Chesterfield, $1, ?>-6.S2; Clarke, $772.76; Craig, $432.03; Cul prper. $1,571.07; Cumberland, $1,017.78; Dan? ville, $l.ii88.7D; Dlikenaon, S83.5Z7; D|nw!d dle, $1,G91.08; Elizabeth City. $1,293.S0; Es? sex, $1,078.65; Falrfnx, $1,9S7.97; Fnuquier, $2.587.75; Floyd, $1.706.05; Fluvanna, J9?4.2G; Franklin $2,951.58; Frederick, $1,267.47; Fiedericksburg, $400,63; Giles. $1,092.30; Gloucester, $1,338.15; Goochland, $1,145.37; Grayson, $1,832.00; Greene. $644.88; Greenes vllle. $1,167.10; Halifax. $4.147.65; Hanover. Jl.904.05; Henrico, $2,677.95; Henry, $2,U).80; Highland, $576.63; Isle of Wight, $1.401.12; James City. $457.05; King and Queen, $1, 029.8S; King George, $S43 97: King William, $1.103.03; Lancaster. $1,012.32; Loe, $2,247.S5; Loudoun, $2,134.83; Loulsn, $1,937.38; Uin enburg, $1.282.60; Lynchburg, $1,865.87; Mad.son, $1,0*4.63; Manchester. $1,01S.67; Mathews, $1.056.92; Mecklenburg, $3,054.70; Middlesex, $913.82; ?Montgomery. $1,778.43; Nansemond, $2,301.12; Nelson, $1,744.05; New Kent, $643.23; Newport News, $1, 153.35; Norfolk city. $3.323.85; Norfolk coun? ty, $4,820.37; Northampton, $l.33S.9S; North? umberland. $1,081.30; Nottoway, $1,4C0.S0; Ornnge. $1,?8d.4d; Page, $1,465.47; fatrlclt, $1.840.58; Petersburg. $2,094.95; Plttsylva nla, $5,053.12; Portsmouth, $1,282.00; Pow hntnn, $708.13; Prince Edwnrd, $1,618.10; Prlnco George, $777.42; Princess Anne, $1, 257.8.1; Prince William, $1,157.20; Pulaskt, $1,445.40; Rudford, $347.05; Rippahannock, $901.12.; Richmond city. 10.S57.67; Richmond county. $839.68; Roanoke city, $1,807.30; Ronnoke county, $l,69t-27; Rockbrldge, $2,36G.10; Roeklngnim, $3.274.43; Russell. $1.977.25; Scott. $2.717.00; Shennndoah, $1, 918.92; Smyth, $1,769.45; Southampton, $2, 6fw.6S; Spotsylvanla, $1,031.62; Stafford. $887.43; Staunton. $474.60; Surry, $8;2.57; Sussex, $1.244.38; 'iu.ewell, $2,339,15; War? ren, $1.065.90; Warwick, $495.65; Washing? ton, $2,99i.30; Westmoreland, $915.45; Wil liamsburg, $142.45; Winchester, $457.G,2; Wl?e, $1,9.17.75; Wytho. $2.010.53; York, ??50.85. Total, $190,110.80. Dr. Bruner's Subjects. ! The Rev, Weston Bruner, D. D., pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, has announced ! the fi Ilo wing subjects tor the ? Sundays: Morning topics, 11 o'clock?November i Sth. "Empty, Swept nnd Garnished"; No I vember ietti. "The Cave Dwellers"; | November 22d, "Stones Rolled Away '; j November 29th, "The Master's Call'; ,Dc cembor 6th. "The Burning Hearts." Evening topic, S P. M? five grout trag? edies of the Bible?November Sth. "The Tr.igcdy of the Wlclted Brothois'; No? vember 15th, "The Tragedy of the Scar? let Thread"; November'..a, "Tho Tragedy of ih?? Mud King"; Novomber '?9lh, "The Tragedy of the Plotting Politicians"; De? ceit.bei 6th, "The Tragedy of ihe Haunted Soul." Married in Washington. Mr. Herbert Newberry and Miss Myrtle Knight mirprlML'd their friends by tuklig a trip io Washington and being mar? ried, Mr. Newberry and Mi;is Knight left the city Wednesday morning and were married un thtlr arrival in the cap? ila] city, Hot li ure well known young peo? ple of I/a.rinount, but none of their friends or relatives knew that they wero contemplating matrimony, as ...ay are both very yutitig, .the groom belog only nineteen, wnlla the bride le a school? girl of fifteen Hummers,. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. George Knight, and Mr. Nowberry Is the ?dest son ut Mrs, Neltlo Nowberry. Asks for a Mandamus. An application was made yesterday to tin? SUpreme Court of Appells, of Virginia by Treasurer Alonso A. Patrick, of Kllsu. bfcth OUy county^ fura writ of peremptory rriindainus to compel farmer treasurer, Jisso Jones, to deliver to hi? eucceasqr all moneys and paper's In his hands. '['!,?> pi tltion will be. considered and acted on b> the court without delay, the regular term beginning next Tuesday. 'l'ti.s wjj| probably by one of the first cqme taken lip, Messrs, S. Gordon Cummlng and Fay ktt. Collier aro attorn?}? for Mr. Painuu LAYTON GOES TO THE U. I COURTS Charged With Postoffice Rob? bery, But Makes Denial, Police Court. Tho4>nIj' case of Internst on the crimi? nal docket in the Police Court yesterday v?as the he.irltig in the cane of Kniest Layton, alleged to be one of the gang of postnfflco and tmnk robbers operating throughout the country. Tho specific charge ngalnst him was that of complicity In the robbery of the postonico at Columbia, Va., boh?o timo ? ff o. Two others have been turned over to tho United States authorities on this charye, 1? red Davis and Tini Madden,, Layton lR from Cllftun Forge, mici is al? leged by thu ofticel-s to h.ive been mixed un with the big gang, years. It may transpire Hint he had a hand In the robbery of tho wllllamsburg Bank several years ago, for the olfleers are convinced that ho is one of the gang headed by lupeka Joe, California Shorty and Frisco Slim, whoso escapades aro well known In this vicinity, as well as other parts of the country. The man, Layton, was arrested by Ser? geant Bailey and Officer Wyatt. He de? nies having hud anything to do the lcUbery. but on general suspicion he was turned over to the United Slates authori? ties, and sent to Jail to await a hearing by the local commissioner, ? Other cases were trivial. 8cveral drunks and colored women of questionable habits were fined nnd sent to Jail, and a long civil docket was disposed of. ALLEGED BRASS THIEVES. Four Men at First Station as Suspicious Characters. Special ??iicer W. H. Knleton arrested four men yesterday morning us suspicious churaciers. The Impression is that they have bven taking Iron and brass from the Trlgg ship-yards. In their possession was found a ban containine a large quantity ot lead a,.d brass. The men gave the names of Hugh Tur? ner, Luther Godsey. James Parks and Luther Barnes, and say they are from Petersburg;. They deny having stolen the stuff, nnd say they brought It here from Petersburg. A quant'.ty of brass has : been sto.en from the Trigg yards lately. PLACE CLOSED UP. Captain Shinberger Has an In? terview With Molly White. Captain Bhlnberger had an Interview with Molly White yesterday. The re ult was that tho woman bogan to pack up her goods preparatory to sending away, and she said that she would leave the city herself as soon as the-case agaln't her was disposed of-In the Hus? tings Court. The place is now closed. Rev. L. B. Betty to Leave. Bev. L. B. Betty will preach at Clay Street Methodist Church Sunday, both morning and evening, taking for his theme subjects appropriate to a closing pastorate. This is Mr. Betty's fourth and last year nt this charge, nnd as the annual con? ference will convene In Chnrlottesvllle next Wednesday, this Sabbath will, close his pR?lorate here. During his? piny In ?thlenity?iMr.tiB?;?*? has made many-warm -personal, frfen?!? among nil denominations, and no doubt there will bo ? inrcre congregation to bid him farewell on Sunday. BOARD OF STSTE CANVASSERS TO MEET The Board of State Canvassers -will meet here on November.23d to canvass the returns of the recent election and to Is? sue certificates to the members of the Legislature. The board Is composed of Governor Montntjue, Attorney-General Anderson, Secretary of? the Common? wealth D. Q. E'Tirlo'ton. Treasurer Har mnn nnd Auditor Marye. So fnr return's hive come In from fifty-nine of the cnuntles nnd cities of the State. It Is not known here that there will be nnv contests. Mr. J. G. Hnnklns Is clerk of the Board. Commission Did Not Meet. Owing to the failure of membere of th? eglslallvo Joint Committee on Oyster Legislation to arrive yesterday, the moot? ing was deferred until to-duy, or possi? bly until Monday. Only Senator Bryant and Delegate Cardweil nnd Clerk John J. Burke were In the city yesterday. Dele? gato E. C. Jordan nnd Senator A. D. V.utklns nre expected to-day, but Mr. Mathews, tho other member of the House, may not arrive until Monday. McCarthy and Henrico. McCarthy nnd Henrico Councils of the Roynl Arcanum held fino meet ngs on Thur. day night, and a number of candi? dates were initiated. Supreme Representative Bloomberg. Ex? ecutive Commi?eoman Dabnoy and Past Regent Nc gbbelir. of Portsmouth, pa'd Henrico an official visit. These councils are in superb condition. At Laurel Street. "Blinded by the God of This World," will be the thonie on which Rev. Dr. Homy E. Johnson, paslor of Laurel Street Method at Church, will discourse on Sunday night. He will tuko for his auV Jcet at the morning service "The Human? ity of Christ." ?Pf By the 'leather of whloh It's nitide; JuiIrq the ' lonttmr by the Inhel (abown boWwjti'Dt lilrntl? to? It a? Wolff? Ideal Lwitli'r, Tho I rather that keeps the feet cool I n en m meri wurm la Winter. S' .-.l.t-.t heavy shone soit, (?gilt iliaca ?trous. Muda li Uhi, cilf, pont, celt or oow 1:1,1?. Wrllo fur booklet "IIqw to liny tuoos." WOLFF FRO0E55 LEATHER CO., PhiljdslphU. LEATMEf UNION MADE? VV. L. Douglas 53.50 shoes are wnrtli $.1.00wi<J$?.OO compared with other makes. They nrc the best $3.50 shosa In tho world. Made in Congress, Button and Luce, light and heavy soles, on latest style lasts. All sizes and widths. Best Fall and Winter shoes ever produced. ???*? ?han W. L. Douglas shoes have been leaders in style, fit and wear. They have earned a world-wide reputa tion by merit alone. They are the standard everywhere. W. L. Douglas . $3.50 shoes have the style and character of #5 and #6 shoes. They are made in all styles and most every kind of leather. The immense sales prove they are the best, be? cause W. L. Douglas makes and sells more men's $3.50shoes than any other manufacturer in the U.S. Every Gentleman Should Have Three Paire of Douglas S3.50 Shoes to Dress His Feet Properly on AN Occasions. Heshould have a pair of Viscolized, waterproof, heavy,?double-sole shoes for wet weather; a pair suitable for pleasant days, and for full dress, a pair of Patent Leather Eutton Shoes. Don't pay $15.00 to for these three pairs; you can get as much style, fit, comfort and service in three pairs of Douglas shoes for $10.50. d^ ? ? ???? 5\1 9 Asmo mid 1 rloe itsn r?<i on Hie l.otlom. UAU I SSji?? I Eir"ixke uoiuUtltute._JEl Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. That Douglas uses Corona Coli proves there isv value in Douglas $3.00 shoes. Corona Colt is the highest grade patent leather made. Boys wear G? L, D?nalas High Grado Shoes* Price, $2.00 and $1.75. Sold by 00 Douglas stores In the principiti cities, and the best retail shoe dealers eveiyviliere. W. L. Doublas $2.50 shoe? ere worth $3.SO compared with other make3. They are the best $2.50 shoes in tho world. W. L. Douglas $2.50 shoes tire made to meet the demands of those ?ho v. ant Rood, dres? sy, serviceable ?lire?, end are unable to pey hlfhtrr prlcee. BEST IN T&iE WORLD ^r . ? W. L. Douglas ?2.50 shoes are made of better leather, have more style, and will wear longer than any other $2.50 shoe. The same high grade workmanship as W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes ? the best in the world. Shoes by mall, 28 cents extra. Illustrated catnloR of Fall and Winter styles milled free. ??. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. ?23 :?st broad street. VA ?. WATKINS, Mansgar. BISHOP HENDRIX COMES TO-DAY ' ? t _ Will Preach,at Broad-Street and Centenary Churches To? morrow. Bishop Eugona B. Hendrlx, of Missouri, who win pr?s da.'over the session of tho Virginia Conference, which begins tn Cliailuttesvlllo next week, will reach Wchmond ut 3:30 o'clock to-day from the West. .,.;?.'. j The bishop will preach to-morrow morn- , Inn at Centenary Methodist Church, At nlsht he will fill ' the ? pulpit at Broad Street. The latter eervico will be epooiatly for studontH and young men. Abou Ben Adhcm. About Ben Adhem Lode?. 1. O. O. D\, held a very Jnte^eetlns meeting Thuraday night at Us hall In the Smithdeal budd? ing. That Odd-Fellowship l? ?Uve In Rich? mond, and particularly so In that lodue, was evidenced.- ., Among the gathering of nhoiit on? hun dred, there were pja'ny distinguished Odd Fellows, T. Wiley Davis, grand seer1? *K? ot Ylrf ?nU, ??4 *??1 QtmA ^Mt*r Tlerney, of Richmond, and others from different Blates were In attendance. The lodse give the Initiatory degree to ten cnnd'dates In full coutume by the decree learn of the lodge, under the ill: ec t on of Past Orand B. L. Smith, of Maino. Attor the business of the eve? ning the lodce adjourned to its din ng room, where Its regular monthly supper was perved, ani'd spicy tnlk? on Odd Fellowship by Brothers Davis, Tlerney, Ciarlio and others. Property Transfers, JUchmond? W, J. Oilman nnd wife to Allan D. Wharton. 20 I0tt-12 feot on east suie W.Unut Street, 1SS 10H-12 feet north of nor'lhenat corner Hanover, S4.150. James B. Kliirn nnd wife to Harvey C. mown, 18 S'.j-12 feet on north side Muln hireet, 43 ??-12 feet west ut Klghih, ?J13, UiO. Henrico?t?. 15. Briggs and wife to Uosa. Ilo lCoUogB, lnts IT nini IS In block 7, Bar? ton nnd lamb's Erooklnhd Pu.rU, U, And ew J. Jones and wlfo to It., F. and f. R. R. Co., 1.717 about 7 miles north of Hii'l ??????, ou oast sidu U., F. and F. U. it., $:>? Mainly About People. Rev. D. K. Wulthall, of Chestnut Hill, In In ilntiover tuunty ushilstilig Rev. F. W, Osbiirne In protracted boi vico at Sa? le?? i-'ifi -uyior un Church, Mrs. W. ii. i'lea.s uit.H, of Bon Air, has rei uri"ml fvo-? |/>niloun coun'v. and has goce, to Diltlmore to the yearly meeting of ? he "F ioiiiiK.'' Mrs. Edith White, of Port Royal, V>? Ih ? ?iilng friends ut Ko, ??15 Knut Graue Htreot. . . BURNETT'S ? XTRACT tip VANILLA Una takes gold iniatU ugnlunt ill ether Usndi,? ?It? , MR. BRAUER GETS MR. H. M. SMITH Will be Known To-day Whether a Contest is to be Made. There is practically no change In the Henrico political situation. Absolutely no developments cuma yosterduy to alter the aspect of things In any way. Mr. Brauer has onguged Mr. H, .M, Smith, Jr., to usalat CUy Attorney Pol? lard. Whotlier or not they will make a contest will bo known positively to-ilay, when the Board of Canvassers will meut airain nt the courthouse, "We are stli? studying tho situation, but liavu reached no conclusion," said Mr. pollanl limi night. A number of Mr. Brauer's friends aro ?trqiisly urging him to abandon tho ficht. The grand Jury moots Monday. Whether or not It will go luto the election matter la still In-doubt. The chantres in favo ?? ?? ?in Investigation, however, aro very strong. United States Circuit Court. The United Bt-ttes Circuit Court, of ??? peal? will not hoar argument to-day, but will holii ? conference tension. Judy? II. C. McDowell Is expected hero Mon? day. The court will probably be In aee slon about three weeks. The court yesterday granted the peti? tion for commission to take further testi? mony In case No. fil.V-Steamship "Char lotto," uppollant, vs. Robins, adminis? trator, et al., nppellees, from the Dis? trict Court at Richmond; The Gustonln Cotton Manufacturing Com piny, plaintiff in error, vs. W. L, Walls Company, defendant In error. In error to the Circuit Court at Charlotte, N. C. ; cause rein? stated for rparguincnt at this term. Tho following ons-o was argued and sub? mitted: John T. Tlolcher. plaintiff In error, vs, 13. W. Clark, et al., surviving trustons of Flit Top Coni Lnnd Associa? tion, defpiidant In ormi?; in error to the Circuit Court at niunflold. W. Vn. Ar? siteti by I"). E. French, of Koystnne, W. Vn.i A. P. Glllt>splo, of Tnstewell, Va.. nnd T. L. Henrltaei of Welch. W. Va.. for th? plilntlff In error, and by ?. W. Reynold, of Princeton, W. Va., for the defendant In error, unti submitted. Railway Y. M. C. A. The Sunday afternoon men's meeting at the Mnln Stroot Station ?. M. O. A, will bo nd'lres'iail by Dr. Levins Lmkford, of Norfolk, on "Personal Purity (From a Physician's. Standpoint." The newly organized malo chorus and arohCHtru will render music, AUCTION SA,LB'.of Paline, Boston Ferns, Pandarme'und other Decorative Plants, Carnations, Hose?, Ac., on Sat? urday nnd Monday, 7th and 8th of Novem? ber, at 10;!W A. M. and 3 P. M? nt th? store noxt to B. B, Taylor's store, Nt?. ? East Broad Street,,