3h? Stima?
th^?KS S8t? (ft WHOLE NUMB2R 16,390.
Expressions Received
From Many Sections.
But a Majority is Opposed to
the 'Viva Voce System
Employed. >
Jrrom the General Trend of the
Replies Received it is Gath?
ered That the Primar)' Will
Prove Acceptable if the
Viva Voce Feature Shall
Be Abolished.
With & view to ascertaining the senti
tnent of the Virginia editora and th?tr
' (?constituency on the subject of primary
elections and viva voce voting, under date
of Octob?i 2Sth, The Tlmes-Dlspatch sent
to the editor of each paper holding mem?
bership In the Virginia Press Association
a circular letter containing the follow?
ing questions:
1. Do you favor the primary plan?
1. 0o you favor the viva voce voting?
8. What Is the general ??ntiment of the
poople In your community on these two
The replies so far as received are pub?
lished below:
Norfolk. Va.. Oct a.
Editor of The Times-Dlipatch:
Sir,?Replying to your three queries, I
would say:
1. I do; that I. was. associated with
others who secured a legalised prlnwry
for .Norfolk as far'back a? l?ti. '
?. Ido; 1. think thut a properly conduct?
ed viva voce election le preferable to any
other. . .,.,.. ...
8. So far'as the primary'plan le'con?er??.
eq>' there la no division of ?entlmenf
among the .great..body, o? .voters; thoy
have turned . their backs upon the old
wa:d-meeting system ar.d favor primerea:
As to the viva v?ce ey?tep, however, I
do not feel that 1 am competent to an-,
ewer the question, for the-'reason that
there has been no real discussion of .the
subject, I think that the system Is net
viewed with favor by the "practical poli?
ticians," who make a trade of politics,
but whether, or not the masses hold simi?
lar views 1 am unable to state. I will Eay,
In conclusion, that I have witnessed sev?
eral very sudden conversations on the
part of so-called leaders since Carter
Glass took up the fight of William
?hands, of Southampton county, (the
real beginning of the new era upon which
the Btate has entered), afew years ago
and I am satisfied that the "leaders" to
whom I refer would readily change the'r
views should they find the current run?
ning against them. As yet they are doing
most of the talking.
Yours very truly.
Editor Public Ledger.
. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot
Norfolk. Va., Nov. 2d, 1903.
Editor of The Times-Dispatch:
Slr.?I am Inrecelpt of your favor of
.recent date asking the following ques?
FV'IJ. Do you favor the primary plan?"
"l!,2. Do you favor tho viva voce method
pecj what Is the general sentiment of
?2?? people in your community on these
,1 questions?"
In roily thereto, I beg to nay:
' 1. The primary plan of making nomi?
nations seems to me as much a matter of
'course as the system of book-keeping em?
ployed, in ? business house. It would be
?s rational for a hustnees house to call
?together nt the end of the week Its em?
ployes and depend unon their statement?
for an estimate of the business done as
to rely upon the mass meeting for the
ascertainment of the party will. In a
country where government Is by party.
It Is a mere commonplace to say that
an accurate mem? of ascertaining tho
party will Is Just as Important ns an
accurato means of ascertaining the ne?
cessity of a primary.
2. I am onnosod to the viva voce sys?
tem of voting In primaries, because
under the organization of society as !*?
exists to-day, It Is not and cannot be
nn accurite means of ascertaining the
party will. The system suited a period Ir
which every voter prictleallv was hi;
own master well enough. Its reviva'
now Is merely an 111 advised attempt
to fit conditions to a system instead o*
fitting the system to conditions. We'
have no longer a snoletv of punctlliou?
planters, but a society largely composed
0f ,?,?.?^?-?? emninvf.? ??{| anythin
but punctilious employers. To Insist
upon the viva vooe nrlmirv undor the???
conditions Is to eschew elementary wie
dorn orni disregard the ordinary lessors
of exn?rlenee.
8. The panerai sentiment here Is be?
yond ouesMon in favor of the primary
plan of makintr nominations. Indeed
there has not been, so far a> I have
he-<rd. anv eugerestion that the plan ti<
abandoned. It is. however, more or Je.s?.
dl^cuH to giueo the sentiment ?s to th<
ylva voce method of voting. The recent
pr'martes here have more or less con?.
fused the public mind, in that tho. pri?
maries were secret, though the ylva voe?
irothod w? u??rl. This much, however
can be said: that there were pumerour
protests apitrst compulsory public vot?
ing, whereas there has been no'apprecia?
ble demand for? such a system of voting
In shrtrt, If it were left to a poll qf Nor?
folk Democrats to determine the methor'
of makin? nominations thev would prob
ably ?isclare, bv a vote of two to one, In
?Continued on Second Page.)
Great Upheaval Expected. When
Conference Meets This Week
in Charlottesville.
This, Among Other Things,? Will
Serve to Make Session "Live?
ly?Many Rumors- Afloat.
Six Methodist pastors of Richmond win
leave the city. Tuesday afternoon ?with tue
certainty of'not'returning, to their pres?
ent charges. Each of th? others will be
prepared for.a change,that may'sweep
them away,? too. Both of the presiding
elders of the two districts into which
the city is divided will also come under
the law of the church that compels the
itinerant minister to change his field at
least once In four years.
The party of ministers will be bound
for the annual conference of Virginia
that assembles Wednesday morning In
Charlottesville for a regular session. For
the next week or ten days ...ey will be
busily engaged in the work of the body,
while the Methodists of the State look
on from all quarters. The attendance,
promises to be very large. Every Meth?
odist minister In Richmond will be there,
and there will be lay delegates, besides.
Trains will leave in the afternoon arid
at night on Tuesday. Special conference
transportation arrangements have been
made, Tickets at reduced prices will be
on sale for four days, beginning to?
morrow, and will be good until November
The Changes.
At each meeting of the conference the
matter of paramount importance is, of
course, the appointment of ministers for
the next year's work. There area always
several Incidental Issues, frequently very
lively ones, but the appointments come
always, and aro always of the greatest
Interest. Particularly will this be true
this year. It Is the talk of the confer?
ence that there will bo a great upheaval,
with some .sweeping and unprecedented
changes. Nearly ^very blpr church In the
conference will have a new. pastor.
Both presiding plrlprs will move from
Richmond. Rev. R. H. Bennett, of Rich?
mond District, will go to Randolph-Ma
con College. Dr. W. V, Tudor, of "West
Richmond, will take Mr. Dennett's place
at Richmond District, and Rev. Dr. R. T.
Wilson, of Petersburg, will probably come
to West Richmond. The vacancy In the
system caused by the removal of Mr,
Bennett will probably be filled by the
appolntmert of Rev. Bernard F, Llpscomb
to the eldership. It is now generally felt
that the proposed revival of two old
districts will not occur.
Six local pastors will certainly change,
Five of ?hem have served four years:
Rev. W. B. Beauchamp, of Broad Street;
Rev. f?eorge H. Spooner, of Trinity;' Rev.
T. T. Bosman, of Park Place; Rev. R. M.'
Maxey, of Asimry. and Rev. !.. B. Betty,
of Clay Btreet. The sixth man Is Rev.
T. O. Babcock, of Falrmount, who has
neked to be changed. Mr. Babcock is
what Is known as a "two-year man,"
ird he has already served three years at
Fnlrmount. apri hft.'iiow wuitH to nmvo,
Who will succeed the? six pastors
Is now the question. Several of the oth?
ers may change also, of course, but theso
are bound to go. There is a very strong
mobahlllty that Dr. W. J. Young, of
Dynchbnrg, will succeed Mr. Beauchamp
\t Broad-Street. This rumor has boon
laughed at time and again, but. there
have been things doing within, the past
week' or so, and It Is now very likely that
Dr. Young will conie here. Rev. E. T.
Oadmun, of Norfolk. Is prominently men?
tioned for Trinity, and Rev. George Wes
'ey Jones for Fairmount. Among those
mentioned for Clay-Street |6 Rev. T.
McN. Simpson, of Danville; for Park
Place, Rev. J. N. Latham Is mentioned,
ind for Asbury, .Rev. W. R. Proctor, of
Groat interest is felt here In the mat*
tar of the Methodist Institute.- Superin?
tendent Wiley has served four, years, and
under the laws of the church will have
10 move. His case, however. Is an ex
optional, one.? and It is believed that
his removal at ..this time would be dls
?Btrous to the best Interests of the In?
stitute. : A widespread movement has
>J*en set afoot to Keep Wm here. Peti
tions will be sent to Bishop Hendrlx ;
tlons will be sent to Bishop HendrU,
signed by citizens from the Governor of
Virginia down, and a committee of min?
isters and laymen will wait on the pre?
siding officers In reference to the mat?
Three Special Matters.
The usual work of the conference- will
keep the delegates busy from the be
g nning of the session to the end. There
will, however,? be several special mat?
ters, and three of them will be of unusual
The Kellam sensation will probably
create a great stir If It get? on the floor
o? the conference. It is already arousing
a great deal of discussion, and signs of a
gathering . storm are very evident
Whether or not Mr, Kellam will prefer
formal charges against the Rev. W. A.
Christian la ' not known. Both of them
will be at, the conference, however, and
It Is very likely that their presence there
together *hiir.e;...''ilt In an explosion of
some sort.
The. matter of the Christian Advocate
will also create a tremendous debate. The
committee apolnted to !ook into the af?
fairs of the paper ^wlll make a report.
There Is a movement on fool looking to
conference ownership of- the Advocate.
The third matter is that of transfers.
Another big church,falls Into the hands
of an outsider?Divo. C. Kelley,?;of .Ten?
nessee? and the Virginia ministers ar?'
op ; in arms again. There will probably
?toe something doing In this direction alea..
The Presiding Officer.
The presiding bishop this year le R'ght
Rev. Eugene- SU. Hendrlr, of Missouri,
one of the strongest men In the church.
He le an exceedingly fine looking man,
with a commanding figure of at least
six feet. He Is one of the best executive
officers in the church. A man of high
culture; he is also a preacher of strength
and eloquence. He will be welcomed to
the conference, where he is already well
known. ?
' OWINGSVILLE, KY., Xov. 7.?Walter
and Arthur ' Watkins, of Paducah and
Ashland, Ky., have started for Philadel?
phia, where they claim they have fallen
heir to an estate which lies in the heart
of the city arid which is said to be worth
$150,000^00. .
tR?cbmonfc H>ost ?ff ice.
Office of tbc postmaster.
'Ri?mcmd. Henrico Co., ??.,.???., 6-,ia03.~;_~t90
The Tinos-Dls?itch,
Richmond, Vs..
Replying to your request of recent date^ ? beg to eay
that-!-have been instructed by the Honorable Third Assistant Post?
master General to inform you that during the six months from Feb?
ruary 1st 1T03 to August 1st 1903 the second class nail matter
dispatched fron this ofTice amounted to 860,594 nounds, and for
which this affice received $8,605.94. I am also instructed to
inform you that of this amount the rimes-Dispatch has paid $4,500.28,
showing that they have mailed ?ce^O?cT pounds of newspapers,
Resoect?\illy yours,
Enclosure >.AJJ N?~, ? , ...^., .,.
List 47 publications,
The Times-Dispatch is the people's paper. The official records of the postofficc, as well as our
subscription lists, show this. The letter from Postmaster Knight, reproduced above, tells its own
6tory?a most gratifying story of the wide and growing popularity of The Times-Dispatch.
The figures given in Mr. Knight's letter cover the period of six months from February ist to
August ist. The consolidation of The Times and The. Dispatch became effective shortly before
February ist, and the circulation of The Times-Dispatch has grown steadily ever since. It reaches
more people in Virginia and North Carolina thanany other paper, and the number is increasing con
Mr. Knight's letter shows that there are forty seven publications mailed through the Richmond
postoffice, and that The Times-Dis'patch pays postage on more matter than all of the other forty-six
combined. These fortvrsix embrace three other dailies, fourteen weeklies, including eight religious
papers, several of which have a very large circulation ; four semi-monthlies, seventeen monthlies,
two tri-monthlies and seven quarterlies.
The people?readers and advertisers alike?appreciate the fact that The Times-Dispatch is the
.eading paper in Virginia,.
Prominent American Badly Mal?
treated at Nanheim, Where He
Went for Hydropathic Cure.
She Was Induced ,to Try Lead
Cure and it Nearly .Cost
Her Her Life.
(Special : Cable , to The I Times-Dispatch.)
Wiley' :of : Buffalo, '?,,?,,' sailed Wed
nesday on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse,
carrying ? marks 'of: outrageous ' ill treat?
ment received \ .'at, ' Nanlielm 'recently.
Wiley la an. ex-Congressman and fot mer
consul? to.'Bordeaux. With hle:wife and
little ebrirhe'weht'to take the;hydropathic
cure 'for" rheumatism. at '.Nanheim. Net
content -with hotel,.' Wiley gave notice
and paid his bill, and In accordance with
custom of the place paid for eight days
more. .
The bonlface, claimed'payment for a
second term of eight days.. Wiley refused
to pay, arid the bonlface called officiali?
to seize luggage. This man, who Is the
bully of the town arid ' terror of for
e gners, attacked Wiley savagely, tore his
watch away, dislocated his finges.
bruised his face, and otherwise malt: ea.ed
h.m. Wiley'won his caso against the
bonlface, but the fact remains that Amer?
icans^ gpln*7?tO .I<fanhejnji. and ;.who are
less able to protect themselves are llab'.o
to be subjected to flagrant injustice and
official III treatment.
Wiley declaren Jhat vialtors get moro
faith' cure than hydropathic.
The fr'ends of Mrs. George Law, of New
Tor.., will learn with pleasure that she
Is fast recovering from her recent severe
Illness. Mrs. Law's Illness Is dup to poison?
ing by lesd cure. For same time she listen?
ed to the voices of quacks and other alleg?
ed healers One of these Induced her in
take the "lead cure." Her desertion of
regular physicians nearly cost her her
American society mourns the departure
of three of It? stars this week for New
Tork. Mrs. John W. Mackey has sailed
to spend several months with her eon and
daughter-ln-lnw, Mrs. Qrlswold Gray.
Mrs. Beach Grant haa likewise departed
for New Tork.
November 10th will witness the marriage
of Lucie Faure, daughter of the late
President Felix Faure, with Georges
Goyan, one of the editors of the Revue
Des Deux Mondes,
The bride is very tall, and the bride?
groom Is very small. One of the br'de.
groom's witnesses will be Ferdinand
Brunetere, the noted chief academician
and literary critic.
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)
BRIDGETON, N. J., Nov. 7.-Qeorge
W. Elwell went to Philadelphia yesterday
to- attend the wedding of his son. This
was the first steam-car ride he had taken
since the Atlantic City meadow disaster
of im.
He was In the train which was wrecked
at that time, when many persons were
killed, mostly residents of Brldgeton. He
had not been able to undergo the ordeal
of another railroad ride since.
fSpeo'al to The Times-Di?ten.
SHAMOKIN. PA., Nov. 7.-A goat en?
tered the parsonage of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Excelsior 'Wl day
during the temporary absence of the
pastor, Rev. James Poherty.
Arriving at the " preacher's private of?
fice, the goat Jumped through a big pane
of glas? Into the room, and. observing
a pile of manuscript strinone and Sun?
day-school commentaries, ate them all
liefere the pastor returned. Rev. ? Mr.
Doherty put the animal to flight with
/* broom-stick.
Legislature Opens Up on
Tuesday at Noon.
Law-Makers to be Here Prac?
tically all the
Their Report the First Thing itti
Order, But Much Other Busi??
ness Will be Transacted,
Something About the
Work of the New Body. r
Ryan a Winner.
Richmond will be flooded with state??
men nearly all the winter,. two session?
of the Legislature being booked te sit "
in the Capitol between now and spring. ?
The present body will meet at noon
next Tuesday, and will proceed at once
to the consideration of the report of
tho Committee on Final Revision ana
Adjustment, much of which Is now In
the hands of the printer. The report will
recessarlly be a long one, and will have
to be considered with the utmost care, ?
and this in itself will require a great deal
of time, though a great many bills left?
over from the last session and others
yet to be Introduced will ? be considered,
so that the prediction that the body?
will sit here until nearly Christmas is
jiot iar wrong.
When the House Is called to order next j
Tuesday., there will be? two new mem- 7:
bere. One: will- be Major J. W. Bruce, f
o? Danville, who .was elected on Tuesday r.
V> succeed Colonel, George C. Cabell,,Jr.; ?
kOstgned," and the otftar Hon.' Henry ?
E; Lee, of" ?ottoway, who takes '.the?.??
place of Congressman..R, G. Southall, of
Amelia.' ' They^were'both*aleo chosen for
the full term of .two years; "from' Jan?
uary 1st next. ;
In the Senate there "? will be a new
member to succeed the late Graham
Clay tor, of Bedford, but his term will
expire with the ? going out of the old.
Legislature,- unless he shall be chosen" .
for the full'term'to succeed'the. late'
Judge Galloway Brown, ' who died on'
Thursday last.
There will be ho delay Incident to'th?" \'
work. of the old "Legislature; All the1'
committees are organized, and will pro? '
ceed as though the recess had been only";'
for a week Instead of six months; '???.? ??
It Is likely, that the- Revision Com- *
mlttee will ask that the. report be con-,'?'
siderei] In sections, and that they be al?
lowed to elt during the sessions of. tb? '
Legislature, as their work Is not yet :
complete, though all the mils have been ,
Anally disposed 'of and placed In the
hands of the printer. The report has
been worked out up to a certain-"point, ?
and this can be taken up by the two
bodies and considered while the other la
being completed by the committee.
Those who believe the old Legislatur?
will not take up any business save the
report of the Revision Committee are
vastly mistaken. All the buls that went '
over from the last session will be con?
sidered, and numerous others are' to be, 3
The Revision Committee will rnftke re?
commendations as to each bill left over,
and. many of them are of vast lmpop- .
tance. The committee has prepared som*
bills, and will offer them as new meas?
ures In the two houses.'
One of these is- one relating to th?
subject of insurance. It provides for the
creation of the ofllee of insurance cora?,
missioner at a salary of $3.500, with
??,?? for expenses. The Insurance cotn~
mtssloner la to be elected by the present
Legislature, and hie term Is to be four '
years from February 1, 1804.
If the bill passes, Colonel Joseph But?
ton, Colonel Grenvllle Gaines, of Fau
miler, und Mr. E. G. Alters, of Lynch?
burg, will be the candidates. It seems
pretty well settled that no attempt will
he made to modify the Mann liquor bill
at the present session. Some amendment,
may be offered by some member who
voted against the bill, but the body is
manifestly In favor of It, and ? will not
permit It to be ohanged in any respect.
The Cumming-Sale congressional redis
trlctlng bill will be pushed, but will likely
fail. Senator Barksdale will press his
general primary law, and there will be
many other measures of public interest '
up at tho short session.
No one well posted on public affair?
expects the old Legislature to leave Rich?
mond until about December &rth, and
all those connected In any way with' '
the body are preparing to stay that
As It will be an adjourned session.
Governor Montague will not submit ?
message to the body when It meets next
The New Session.
Some lively times are expected when
the new Legislature meets on January
Uth for Its regulur session of sixty days.
Ft will be the tlrst elected under the new
Constitution, and that instrument will
apply to its proceedings In every re?
spect. Forty-six of tho House member?
will be new ones, and fourteen out Of
the nineteen Senators ..d not serve In
the present body, though the foltowlng
have hitherto been in one branch or the
otheri H. C. Lowry, Bedford; Dr. R. H
Powell, Brunswick; C. H Hsrrlson. Paw
hatan; T. E. Clarke, DlmvlddU; J. 7f.
fitubbs, Gloucester; Dr. Charles Smith,
Northumberland; Dr. S. R. Bayer?,
Wythe; Camm Patteson, Buckingham,
and A. A. Phlegar, Montgomery,
A new Senator will hava to be chosen
to succeed the late lamented Callow*jr
4ConUnu?4 on ??vsaih JP**?^