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The transformation in selling is wonderful. Old pat? rons surprised, new patrons stand amazed at the good quality and low prices ol goods fouud here. To make it worth your while to come to the Big Main Street Store, we have made Many Really Sensations! Bargains In Suits, Coats, Waist and Fun. We Eel. Pearbss Pap?r P.m.rns, they At i the Lest tha is m ids, none ex epted. Try if.em o ice and you wi I s.y so t.,o. onlf 6-IO-IBc, If y. ? cul by a h e?rless Paper Pat? tern, t r quira? ? g-eat. d? I lest goods t inn a y ?? use. Try them o~ce th.y ar? th > b.s , and 6*?0??6?. Ladies' Heavy Walking Skirts, marie of Riny repellnnt cloth, plain and circular flare, we sell ?fc i r\f\ Ladles' Blue and Black Walking Skirts, strapped seams and (PT ?? strictly tailored, for . *PA?.?U Ladles' Tailor-made Suits, of fancy Knickerbocker, long coat, blouse, front and velvet collar, <?j fWlO A completo assortment of Jackets, In all popular lengths and <? C fifi fabrics, from . ??"?"? Children's Monte Carlo Coats, In blue and tan, trimmed In silk braid, double collar and belt, &a no very stylish. ?P*f>VO Blankeis and comforts, tufted slllt ollne, comforts filled with pure sanitary cotton, $1.S9 value, tf | f\f\ We have Venetian Tweeds. Zlljollnen and Cheviots, one yard wide, and all wool, a complete range of M ?Qf< colors . OVC M Inch All?Wool Broadcloth, no/, in l-brv an-1 etlo'rs. for. /OC Infants' White Flannel, 27 inches wide, and strictly all-wool, 'y ; -, at S6 Inches wide White All-V Flannel, 40 Inches wide, White Silk Mixed Flannel, Cfi* White AU? Wool Shakers' EjAr? Ladles' Tailor-made Suits. In blue and gray mixture, long coat, blouse front and stole collar, Q? ? f\f\ a bargain, for . 4>IU.V/U Fine Black Norfolk Suits, of genuino la?les' cloth, a ?11 (\f\ few odd sizes, to go nt.. ? A <G?vrU Ladles' Black Monte Carlo Jackets, of heavy Zihellno cloili, In <J*C t\Q Oxford and bhick, at. ?PO.yu Misses' Box Coats, In all colors! entirely new styles, if CT nfi nt.tyo.yo 11-4 Heavy Blankots. strictly all wool, In white and red <G "2 ">5 for .$0.?0 Extra Heavy Marseiiles <t | f\f\ Spreads, for doulile linrls. ?P??vU Extra Heavy Gray Blan- Ci G\?\ kets. bo eure to see ours, for "P.* ?"" 50 Inch Mixed Suitings, thoffl (\(\ latest creation, for.F I ?VV Our stock of Gray Flannel cannot be beat. We have a leader Oip Heavy Fleeced Lined Cloaking, In pink, blue and cream, a thing | Cf of beauty, at . ?OW Bleached Linen Table Damask, In exquisite floral designs, ol A?f inches wide, at. tOC 5.0C0 yards of Turkey Red Table Damask, the usual 25c, qual- \iTSn Ity, for ., * '*-' 1509-1501-1513 j Easl Hain Street. PRIMARIES VIEWED EDITORS (Continued from First Page.) favor of a secret ballot, so safeguarded as to Insure fairness. Very truly yours, CHARLES P. SAPP. Editor Virginfan-Pllot. Norfolk Dispatch. Norfolk, Va., Nov. S. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,?In answer to your questions, would say; first, that j- do favor the primary plan for choosing candidates; second, that I d? not favor the viva voce system of voting either In pr.maries or in the genera] election. So far as the genera) sentiment of the Tidewater communities Is concerned, would say that 1 have heard absolutely no endorsement of the voce system of voting, and have not heard a single object.on to the primary plan of muk ng nominations. The ? va voce system has not had a fair trial in our section; but the objections expressed to it are funda? mental. I am Very truly yours, JAMES M. THOMSON, Editor Dispatch, Fairfax Herald. Fairfax, Va.. Oct. 31. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir.?Replying to your Inquiries, I would say. 1. I doubt if It will prove satisfactory, but am willing to give It a fuir trial. 2. No. 3. No special feeling has been manifest? ed On the sufcjeet. S.uch expressions as l have hoard? have been adverse to the viva voce plan. S. R. DONOHOE; Editor Fairfax Herald, Staunton Argus. Edltor of The Tlmes-Dispatcn: S r.?Eelow you will find my replies to your several quest'ona: 1. Do you favor the primary plan? Yes. 2. Do you favor the viva voce of voting? No. t. What If the general sentiment of the people in your community on these two questions! They favor the primary plan, but do not like the viva voce style of voting. In' the recent primary many business men failed to vote, for the reason that they and their clerks had friends among the candidates and did not care to make their preferences a matter of public re cord. Respectfully, J. ?. BER WELL. Editor Argue, j Franklin Graphic. Franklin, \Ta., Nov. 2. Editor of The TJmes-D spatch: S>.?Your letter received. It gives me pleasure to answer your questions. Answer to No. 1. Yes heartily. Answer to No. 2. Have always been and am now opposed to viva voce voting, Answer to No. 3. The great majority of people In this county and nectlon favor making nominations by primary, but are opposed to the uva voce method of vo? ting. Your* fraternally, J. PETER HOLLAND. Editor Grupnin. Clinch Valley News. Tazewell, Va., Nov, 2, | Editor of The Tlmos-D.sp?ten. S r.?Replying to yours of October '^thj ! Neither plan to which yo*i? letter refera j \mi t'een tri?] in this county and, there? fore, 1 am unable to say what the genera] vent Imeni" Is among the people. 1 do w|f ll?'nk, however, that viva vore vo |jig v>i,| be acceptable to our people. This Is im ru? ly a pcrtonal and private opinion. I used. upoo a few expressions heard from aoine cif our citizens. 3 have heard no particular objection? mide to the primary plan, Your?i vory truly, J. A. ?.E8L1E. Editor New?, Danville Methodist Dacvlll*. Vs., Nov. 2, iSiii, tiiXttt Of Tt6Ti?M-Dl*p*tCh: ??f.,rji*?*rrlr.g lo your circular lutter %t uwuU-y. dai?! ?etob?r '?Uh. I Wv*. thus to ??y: TUtt? Ufi? b**a no primary hud in Dan ville under tho new plan. I think St the test possible way of securing the will of the people In nominating candidates for office. 2. Personally, I very, much favor the viva voce voting, but It Is not a popular method with the masses. 3. The general sentiment In Plttsyl ania county ajtter the recont^prlmary held is decidedly against the primary plan. It has given general complaint among the voters of this county; Indeed, many say they will never take part In another primary election under the same plan. Yours ' fraternally, E. G. MOSELEY, Editor The Methodist Staunton Spectator. Staunton, Va., Nov. 2, 1903. I Editor of The Times-Dispatch: j Dear Sir,?In reply to yours of recent I date, will say that I am In favor of the ' primary plan?with the ballot. I The viva voce feature is, I believe, un? wise as a party measure and unpopu I lar. As far as I am able to Judge by a gerir ! eral expression of opinion, the people I of Staunton and Augusta county are ?very largely in fa\or of a primary for the selection of city and county nomi? nees. But in State and district politics there is* a, demand for the convention method of selection, as it is contended that none but candidates of means can meet the legitimate expenses of a gen oral orlmary. I Popular sentiment In this community | ?e opposed to the viva voce feature of ? the primary, and the publicity of It has, to my knowledge, caused many party men to decline to vote. Among the old- ' er population there Is a sentiment In favor of the viva voce plan, as that i feature revives the accepted method of voting In ante-bellum daye; but this clase Is of necessity a small minority of the party strength. Very, truly yours, A. S. MORTON, Editor Spectator. Claremont Herald. Claremont, Va.. Oct. 31, 1?C8, Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,?In answer to yours of October -Sih, will say:.".' 1. Yes. 2 No. 2. General eentlinent soems to be for primary, though a majority of the coun? ty Executive Committee opposed it. WILL H. STEVENS. Editor Herald. Salem Times-Register. Salem, Va., Oct. 31, 1903. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: fc'ir,?Answering your circular letter Just received, I beg to say; 1. I earnestly favor the primary plan. ;. I am opposed to the viva vooa sys? tem of voting, because I think It tends to lessen Interest In primary contests and materially decreuses the vote that should lie polled. 3. Go far as I am ablo to Judge by expressions on the subject, the general eenllment of the people of this communi? ty on these two questions Is In favor of the primary plan and opposed to viva voce voting. Of cours?, some favor oth? er systems, but my impression Is that the prevailing sentiment is above out? lined. Wit., best wishes, 1 am Yours fraternally, UHAS. ?. DENIT, Editor Tlmes.Rogl3ter. Wytheville Dispatch. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Dear Sir,?In response to your ques? tions, ? reply; 1 am In doubt (is to the advisability of continuing the primary plan. While It d|spo3oa of much unfairness In packing muss-meetings. It deprives the party of tht enthusiasm engendered by these pub? lic m m Hing?, and puts the candidate to the uxpepge und trouble o. going mroiigh two campaigns. 1 heartily oppose the viva voce sys? tem of voting. It is antiquated, and Is a prompter of vote-buying and pyil (ln:'..i.g. The people ?G Wythe seem to huyo eli? oni; ed the primary plan by the, large turnout '" Hie recent primary. The gen | era| sentiment I? opposed to the viva I voce ?ystfcin. Very truly yours, ALEX. ioitlVABD, Editor Dispatch. Floyd Press. Floyd. Va,, Nov. i, lu*. Editor Of The Tim?s-Dlsp*tch: Dear Slr.-In reply to your? of ta? f?th vlu in rtc-ird to ascertaining the tri.'? (tntiment of th? ptopl? in thl* county ? on lbs primary pUn of choosing candi i <i?t*? ?nd ?..* viv?. voc? mod? of vot? ir.g. will ?ay that I am not v?ry well posted on these question?,' but will an? Mver them to tho best of my Judgment. 1 Yes. 2. No. S. The people in ?eneral favor flho primen,? system, as by It you get the pense of a majority of the voter?, 'ine viva voce plan of voting I? condemned, the people preferring to vote by secret ballot. Believing this to he the true sentiment of the poople ot.thls county, and trust? ing that this answer win serve your pur? pose. ? beg to remain Fraternally yours. W. R. SOWERS. Editor Frese. Nelson County Times. Lovtngston, Va., Nov. s, 1903. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch; Sir,?In answer to your queries: 1. Yes. 2. Personally, I see no good reason why the viva, voce feature should not b? retained. 8. Sentiment la somewhat divided, but I th.nk that In favor of the primary plan predominates; But a majority'seem to oppose the viva voce system, tjespectfully, Mi J. WEBB. Editor Times. FrederkksbUrg Free Lance. Frederlcksburg, Va., Nov. 3, 1903. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir.?Replying to your several questions, I would state, first, that whilst tho pri? mary plan Is objectionable for many rea? sons. It Is necessary to adopt some means for determining the choice of a party for ? candidate where are a num bet of aspirants for ine tamo position, and-no plan could probably ' be devised which would not be unsatisfactory In many Instances to the defeated candi? dates. Except-in cases wheio the minori? ty party would possibly -secure the elec? tion owing to the number of candidates of the majority party, a free-for-all fight seems preferable. In that case there can be but one election, whilst, with the primaries, when there are several can d.dates, there are frequently two elec? tions, with the primary a? the most bitter of the two. The primary r|lan has caused a great amount of bitterness within the party. In answer t? your second question, I do not favor the viva voce of voting, and do not bellevo that it will ever become popular with the masses. There are a great many quiet, deserving eltliens who do not meddle In politics, and many of them would stay away frptp the polls rather than publicly announce the names of the candidates for whom thoy vote The primary does not seem to arouse enthusiasm within' the party; as tho vote In tho counties In this section in the primaries has been extremely small. The people seem to prefer the old-fashioned style of convention nominations. Very truly, A. P. HOWE. Editor Free Lance. Falls Church Messenger. Falls Church, Va., Nov. 2d, 1903. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch; Sir,?In reply to yotfr favor of Octo? ber 28th, will say: I don't suppose my opinion on the pri? mary election plan will carry very great weight, as I am a Republican. I think, I however, the general sentiment of tho ? ??>???????a?3 of this community? are In ! favor of the present, .primary election plan,\with slight mortifications, "tours very truly.. M. E. CHURCH. Editor Messenger. Blackstone Courier. Blackstonfi. Va., Nov. 2d, 1003. Edltor of Tho Times-Dispatch: Sir,?Replying to your quostl?ne In' the order asked, will say: 1. Am in favor Of tho primary plan, provided the viva voce feature Is re? tained. Shoul6 tho secret method be adoptei, am fearful that the charges of fraud would bo made, whether actually committed or not, and there would? cer-. tatnly be a temptation to commit where partisan fooling ran high between friends of opposing candidates. 2. Personally, am lp favor of viva? voce method In all elections, .but recog nlelng the many conditions, especially In the cities, and where largo corporations control many voters, there Is a ques? tion with me whether It Is best for the State at largo. 8. G believe the general sentiment Is In favor of the primary, but not for the viva voco feature. This latter objection is undoubtedly true a? to the lenders. ? think II was the viva voce f?;Uure tlmt caused our county committee to cV? not to hold a primary for county officers, but to leave th,e fight for these open to the regular election to-morrow. My vi'ws on public, questions are pub? lic property, as ? think all editors' should be. In the above cases they have been ropcntedly published by me In my own paper. W. A. LAND. "Personal."?I am glad you have taken the above step, as I? am much Interested in knowing what tho general sentiment Is, and I know no bettor method of get? ting It, provided all will report honest views of public Fe?t|rr)?pt. as well as their own preferences, This J am sure they will do. I shall await your pub? lished replies with much Interest. With klnde?t regards both for your? self and dau-rbtor. whom ? had the pleas ure of meeting at "Ocean View," and best wishes for yourself, ? ani, Very truly yours. . W. A. LAND. Editor Courier. Methodist Recorder. Blaekstone, Va? Oct. 31st, 1003. Editor of The Tlme?-DlsWclv." Sir,?Your letter of Ortohep 28th re? ceived, and ltv reply would say: First. I favor the primary plan of nom? inating candidates, believing- It Ito be the only fair method, Tt Rives to every voter equi) weight In the selection of a candi, dale. If he does not ohoose to exercise hi* right he qinwot complain that nomi? nations are marfe by a ring, ? I am sure there were a groat many more persons vqtlhP In "in? lest nrlmnry thin would have attended a pree.lnct mass meeting. Second. 1 favor the viva voce plan of voting. It |s Impossible to perpetrate fraud, If the people are watchful. Tf there Is any finest Inn as to whether fraud has been porpetriterj, the matter can ho positively F?-ttl?d hv Inspection of the its'?. It pn)tlvn*?n also Independence and given a death blow to the deceitful statements of ? two-fan??' man, U 'hows exactly where every man stands In every publie contest, ntid surely no mnn can ro'iBonnhly oblect to having people know exactly how he stnnds on any ques? tion which is worth voting upon. Third. I do not know how tho majority of the people stund on this subject. From what 1 have he'irA. 1 think (he people who have Independence inni the courage of their convictions believe both In the primary and In the viva voco method, but those who ?re unwilling to talte ? positive stand prefer tho secret ballot. Your* slnceroly. JAMES CANNON, Jr., Editor Southern Al?thodlst Recorder. Bedford Bulletin. Bedford City, Va.. Oct. 51. Editor of The TImes-DItpatch: Sir.?Your favor to hand. Besides an? swering your que*iiorii. I enalo&e you editorial that appeared In the Bullotlu som? time back. Fraternally ypure, JOHN $? RTLEY. 1. Do you (?ver th? primary plan? Yes. 2. Do you favor tfa? v^vt vow of voting? The Glebe Clothing - Co. The Globe Clothing Co. ^mm?m???Hmmmmmmmfmmmmtm Ihe Globe Clothing Co. near and far indorse THE GLOBE by their patronage. Everybody likes to deal with a reliable and suceessful house. It will pay you welt to do so. Th? prevailing, phenomenal and timely values are distinctive of our usual remarkable offerings. We are manufacturers of Reliable Clothing made in sanitary, sunlit'shops. EXTRA SPECIAL. Very Stylish and Elegant Cut in the Very Latest Fashions. Every new and staple fabric is included in this vast as? sortment?All Pure Australian Wool Fancy Cheviots, Bigh Grnde All-Wool Black Thibet?, All Pure Worsted Black Clays and Standard Mills Novelty Cassimoro Suits. These garments are elegantly tailored by expert hands, and are made with broad, manly shoulders and close-lyiug collars. The trimmings and tho Unseen inside workmanship are per? fection. These garments are lined throughout with the best grades of double Warp mohair serge, Venetian and imported Italian cloth. Sizes 34 to 42. Boys' Knee Pant Suite in Ever; Style at $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98, $5. Very stylish and serviceable Knee-Pants Suits, in Double-Breasted, Norfolk, Blouse and Three-piece styles, new Cassimeres, Che? viots, Scotches and Worsteds, in all sorts of stylish patterns, in new effects. The assortments are so vast and varied it's quite impos? sible to describe them. . . . . mm DOUBLE FLYER WQKDAY ' ONLY Men's Flaeoed Underwear? Boys' F: my Sh'rts, ? ? I* DaiachadCufti. 49b All Clothing Pressed and Repaired One Yes>.r FREE. .BROAD AND LOBE SEVENTH ST5.. Money Instantly Re? funded if Requested. No. 3. What Is tho general sentiment of the people in your community ?? theso two questions? Same as above. , Editorial from Bedford Bulletin, Sop temper 24, 19U3: Tho primary plan has been used In Bedford county since 1SSS. It was de? manded by the people, and It has proven moEt satisfactory. There has never been a single .nstunce that we can recall where the result of a primary was not cheer? fully acquiesced In, and all factions gath r od to support tho nominees. In the old convention system there has been such dissatisfaction that -Independents have been encouraged to como out. In a con? vention, however representativo It may. be, a few leaders will control, while In a primary Ilio vote Hi' one section can off? set another, and a true majority rulo.. Euch man has the samo vote in a primary as another, and if he doesn't oxeiclse his privilege It Is his own fault. The people do not 1 ke the viva voce system, but even then tho-vote in Saturday's primary was nearly as large as usual. Take this feature away, and no more satisfactory method could be devised. Montgomery Messenger. Chrlstlanoburg, Va.. Oct. 81.' Edltor of Tho Times-Dispatch: Sir.?I reply to your c.rcular letter of October 2Sth, with great willingness. I am very much in favor of the primary plan of choosing eand dates. If there 1? any reason why that plan is lllog cal. It will apply equally well to our general system of elections. Tho nearer we get to tho body of the people the greater the s.ifety of our polit oal lnstltutons; and, certainly the farther away we get from them, the greater the danger. That Is my principal reason for favoring the primary, as against our former method of conventions, in which a handful of In? terested polit elans do tho whole work of selecting the men who are to represent the people at largo. I I do not favor the viva voce form of ??? , ting, and my reasons for not doing so nre, I that, in such a method of expressing one's rholco a man Is not loft, entirely frea in the selection of candidates, as the pub? licity of tho vote will causo the voter to lo more or less politic, bojng Influenced by various causea which would not apply If h's vote were secret, and not capable of being discovered. I have not heard any complaint against the viva voce method nf voting, but 1 think our people would greatly prefer not to voto audibly. They aro generally In favor of the primares, but some of them tho heavy ex? pense that some candidatos have been subject to, and besides this, there aro others who would rather cling to the old methods. Those men aro doubtless s ncero lu their choice, but aro op-? to the BUSn'clon of self-aggrandlaemont tliat is, that they think the r methods bet? ter for themselves than the now way. I have no objection to havo my opinions published, as 1 havo taken this stand in my paper. . - Very truly, JOHN R, EQi'F. Winchester News. Winchester. Vii; Nov. t, 1503. Editor of Th* Tlm*?tPt?P*tch: My Dear & r,?In answer to your? of October 2Sth. will say thttt I am certainly in favor of the primary plan, ae follows: That voting ?hall b? done by viva voce, and none but white Democrats allowed to participate. This I fcelleve to be the pio In this section, and has been over since the Norfolk Convention, and espe? cially since It had tho endorsement of the State Convention, Fraternally yours. GEORGE F. NORTON. Editor New?. Charlotte Gazette. Charlotte C. H. Va.. Nov. 3, 1903. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: ?Sir,?I have delayed answer to yours ot recent date because yesterday was our County Court day, and G thought ? might have opportunity to see leading men from all parts of the county and gain some definite Idea us to "primary," For myself, I am so wedded to old methods 1 am opposed to ''rings," anything like coercion In politica; an "all-day primary" Is expensive. AVith us It hag been pre? ceded by an active canvass. A clquo controls a majoclty of tho precincts, and thus nominates the candidates. With MS the "primary has been the cause.? of much troublo, and the election of House Delegates hag. represented the clique, and not tho peoplo, This Is the general sentiment of nil our people. Could the people ha.e a fair op? portunity to exprees their wish In each precinct, without price or canvass, a primary would be the thing. As they have been conducted here, sentiment le very equally divided. Respectfully, LEONARD COX. Editor Gaiette. Rockingham Register. Harrisonburg. Va., Nov. 8, 1003, Editor or Tho Tlmes-DIspatch: Sir.?Replying to your inquiry of the ?8th ult., I beg to say: 1. That I am heartily in favor of the primary plan for the nomination of all officers who are voted for by tho people. ?2., I am opposed to the viva voce meth? od of voting. It is calculated to deter the very element which we are trying to attract from taking part In primary con? tests, thereby turning the primaries over to tho quasi professional element. Our people here will never turn out generally to a primary, for local office?, partic? ularly, whcro the viva voce method is employed. 8. I believe that In the answers above given I have voiced the iprevalllng Dem? ocratic sentiment of Rockingham county, Very truly yours, A. H. SNYDER, Editor Register. Harrisonburg Free Press, Iiarrlsontiurg, Va., Nov. ?, 3903. Editor of The Tlmos-Dlspateh: Sir,?Replying to your Inquiry of Octo? ber 28th regarding primary plan of choos? ing candidates and vlvu voce modo of voting, I beg to say that our people gen? erally are In favor of the primary plan and want It legalized. As to whether tho voto should be by ballot or viva voce, there is a division of opinion, but ouir people are willing that this should bo settled by tho Leg suture. Yours fraternally, ?. B. MILLER, Editor Free Brcss. Bristol Herald, Bristol, Va., Nov. 4th, 4003. Editor of The Times-Dispatch:? Sir.?Your iettar ct the 2Sth ultimo, asking my view? upon the primary plan, the viva voce ?yattm of voting ana the I etrntlm?nt of th? peopl* of thl? com ? munity upon these two 'question?. ? J tavor the primary plan of selecting I candidates, and would ?ee every can | didate, from the high office of United WARROCM?CHARDSON ALMANACK '?IME ONLY ONE." Contains All the Political Information and Bevlsed Game Lavi for 1003-04. FOH INFORMATION WKITB CLYDE W. S?5JNDERS, Owner and Publisher. ?tates Senator down, ?o nominated. I believe that every nominee should rep? resent the will of his party as nearly as It Is possible to secure the popular ex? pression, and that no man who feels himself to be the choice of his people could object to having Ills name passed upon by them. Tho viva voce system of voting, 1 think, should be abolished. It appears to be the one obstruction to the complete eue ces3 of the primary plan. It does not prevent, fraud and does embarrass the voter. It Is impossible for me to say what the prevailing sentiment In this section le In this regard. I believe the prrnary plan if> popular, and that with the elimini lion of the viva voce system of voting it will r* given full and earnest support. The Herald advocates the primary plan. Yours very truly, JOHN WOOD, Editor Herald. Spirit of the Valley. Hnrrlsonhurg, Va., Nov. 4th, 1908. Editor of Th? Tlmnn-DlBpitch: Sir,?In a letter of the 28th ultimo you ask theso three questions; 1. Do you fnvor tho primary plan? 2. Do yoy favor the viva voce mode of voting? 8, What Is tho general sentiment of the peoplo In your community on these two question?? In reply to the first question, I say, I do. Secondly. I prefer a perfectly secret ballot, If It can be made secure fro-n fraudulent manipulation. If not, I would Ilk? to ??? the viva voce system adopted. In replv to the third question, ? have to say that I have never heard very much dlBeuKslon of the matter, but am of the opinion that a large nnlorlty of our people of all ports and conditions de? sire on honest ballot, and would prefer a secrot ballot, provided It ein be made honest. Yours fraternally, D. S. LEWIS, Roanolre Times. v. Roanoke, Va., Nov. 2d, 1003. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,?Replying to your recent fovor, I bue lo say that I strongly fivor the primary as a mode of nominating and that 1 am oppose?! to the viva voce plan of voting. In both respecta ? think I om so fortunate us to -agree with the pre? vailing Democratic sentiment in this city and section. Yours very truly, WAT TER E. ADDI80N, Editor Roanoke Times. Suffolkl?erald, B?ffolfk. Va., Nov. I, Editor of Th? rinjM-EXipat^h: . Sir,?ReHylni i? your? of the istb wit., I beg to answer your question? a? toi. lows: 1. I do not favor the primary plan tor all officer?, but I f >? opposed to repealing the present primary plan a? Its continua? tion will mean the defeat of many men,, who would ride Into onice as primary ad? vocates In caue the present primary should be repealed. 2. I do not favor tho viva voce method .0 of voting. fin 3. The sentiment of the people In ouri$?8t county la somewhat divided, but a ma-li"1 Jority seem to be against the prlmaryM1'*' plan. You will find in this county scarceb!??rrt? a man who favors the viva voce me-thod%"y of voting. **?;l5 Your? truly, Jfrijnn J. IE. WEETir'd w Editor Heralif" edl I-, ;?iat the Washingtonian Mirror. %%$ Leesburg. Va.. Nov. a. 1 Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: - |. Sir,?Your letter of tho 2$th ult. nrstL! dulty received, and would have had atjpou more prompt answer If I had not been/bo away from my ofllce In Leesburg. upomjlih? Jta receipt. an? In reply to your Inquires, I takAftlst pleasuro In answering them as follow?: \j la F.rst, as to whether or not I favor the? if* primary plan, will say that I most heurtl*y' ly endorse this method of selecting can?*/ dldates. as a genera) rule, but bellev?" that It can be made somewhat obnoxtou? If carried too far, I favor It, however for United States Senators, as It ? a dii?et Instruction from the people to the Legis? lature, but as I am opposed to doing away with convent on, and at the same time a believer |n uniformity In e'ectlon?, I have for a long time, advocated thai the least objeotlonable way to nominate a Governor Is by a primary election for delegates to a convention, provided all primaries are held at each pvoclnol throughout tho entire State, on the same day, I also am In favor of a primary for tho eloctlon of dologatoa to a congre?* ninnai convention, provided all such pr|? mares are hold at euch precinct In th? various congressional districts on the ?amo day. The reasons for the above, 1 think, will appear to nil, so particularly fair and impartial that discussion will be useless, As to your second Inqu'ry, regard ng viva voce voting, will say that I urn unquestionably opposed to |t In primai.? elections within our own party. I fall to seo any sound reasoning for this method between friends within mir own party while wo adhere to the secret ballot, when Democrats face Republicans. Third. I feel that the above is prac? tically the sentiment of the Democrats o? Loudoun. Yours very truly. THE WASKINTON?AN-MJRROR Per Robert N. Harp?*. Virginia Citizen. ?rvlngton, Va., Nov. ?th. 1808, Edltor of The. Tlmes-Dlspatch:_, iContlnued on Fourth Pate.?