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U.S. STEEL MADE GAIN An Inspired Rumor Responsible for lis Recovery After a Long Drop, CALL MONEY MARKET STIFF Per Cent. Rose to 71-2, Caused by the Demand, But it Was . Viewed With Equanimity. (BV Associated Press.) NEW YORK, November aWTo-clnrs stock market stood up well In he face of a number of untoward circumstances, and r?.Sed quite firm at tho top level of Hit oay. and on the most active market o the day. Southern Pacific assumed the leadership 51 an early advance, which was rather decidedly checked by an OUtpOUJ Iiir of United States Stcol pre el red, which .i-arriod the .lock down to 50 1-2 nnd , awakened renewed apprehension of is KfettlKSS 8wnB?nd Its way to the pubho to-day, with ^;T on the of toeW inspired, that a "diioUcm cm the ! )i,?7.hoii^ on the preferred wowu iSor'* poorly "will. , the coitoi^ non'q privilege to Issue fcjO.OOO.WU of "e^ond bonds to retire preferred stock, I denied t ohave a more rcassurring effect on th spculators and helped In the recov ?rV of United States Steel preferred, l.ho Bior-k closed with a net gain of a point. The stTffness of the call money market w^anottor deterrent ^.$^^ht? i-ise. Cull loans touched 7 1-2 pel cent ?While tho demand for raonojf^wWch ?caused tho rise was unmlsUUutb e It fseeffied to bo viewed ^Lh|oq^nlmlty, Th?- demand for money In regai ded us iiormal to the lost week of the monl\u i Another factor of possible dlstui'Dance Cwas the collapse In RW^'fhS da? ferred, which lost 7 points on the daj. There was no sympathetic response to l this, outside of a few other Iron Midjstee letooks. ClroumstanUal reports were In I circulation of the necessities of 'bo cot" ! pany for additional capital, vvli ohi it w s : mUcked would be met by a bond ssue, is i well as by reducing the dividend on the '. preferred stock. . A considerable sustaining; lnlluenco In i tlie market was the strong tone of-jtho i local traction stocks, led by Metropolitan ! hecurlties, with an extreme rise of 4-1-4, I The privilege extended the BrooKIjn Transit to extend its lines over the now East River Bridge and through a-NOW ,x'ork street in which Metropolitan Street ? Hallwav tracks already lie wo-s accepted i In- speculators as confirmatory of rumors i niuch prevalent lately of a general merger ' of New York traction companies: A more | r-heerful tone on the London murket was i a help to the local market. The bond market was more active but I quite irregular. Total sales, par value, j United States bonds wero unchanged on I ihe fast call. ;? ? , ' Total sales of stocks were 45?J(400 shares. NEW YORK, Nov. 23.?Close: Money on . <nii strong, 4 1-2 to 7 1-2; closing bid 3i offered at 1. Time loans dull and firm; sixty davs 6 per cent.; ninety days, six months 'j 1-2. Prime mercantile gaper G to 1-2. Sterling exchange steady with t-i-tuai business In bankers bills at to ?t.Sl.d.- for demand, and at 4.80.60 to 4.80.M 8or sixty dav bills. Posted rates -IS 1-S and 4.SI 1-2 to 4.S3. Commercial bills 4,80 3-S. Bar silver f,S. Mexican dollars 44 1-2. ,? # ?__?. RICHWO/'AT/ STOCK MARXIST. Richmond, Va., Nov. 23. 1904. STATE SECURITIES! Hid. Asked. TNortii Carolina 4s, C, 1019. 103 Virginia 3s, Now, C. ami It.. 1033.. 04 96 [Virginia Centuries, 2-3, C. and it... DlVi ??? CITY securities; Jtichmonn Olty -In. H, 1030-1030. 104 RAILROAD BONDS. Atlanta and Char. 1st 7s, R., 190".... 107 A. C, I-.. R. It. Con. Tr. 4 p. o. 93',-i ... Georgia ami l'ao. 1st Oh, C, 1033.... 130 Georgia, So. nnd l'lu., 1945. lit Cieorgin and Ala. Cou. 5b, 10-15. 10.', N. and AV. Ry. Pocahontas 4s. SO ? Rich, and Mock. 1st Is, 194S. 00 , Houth-Bouml 1st 0s. 1841. jor, Ih. A. I.. Con. 1st Is. 11150. 73>i 73'i IK. A. L. Collateral Tr. 5a. It'll. W i Western N. C, 1st lis, C, 1914...; Ufi RAILROAD STOCKS. , Atlanta and Charlotte.100 llfi Atlnntto Coast Lino "A".luO lor, Atlanta: Coast Lino coin.100 105 Chesapeake:and Ohio.inn 30 lila.. Ko. and Fltti 1st pfd.100 '.'7 I jPforfolk and 1#>'ste.rn -com.100 55 ill.. F. nnd.P. lUv.. orjllg.100 200 hfieabbard Air Line. pfd.100 35 . 31 I'Se&board Air Line com.ion I3\i I4la ? .Southern Rallwiiy pfd.JiO. 2h tfiouthern Railway com.100 18 DANK STOCKS. IClty Rank ..-.35 ... 33'i ' First National .WO 105 Merchants National .100 310 rState Bank ot Virginia.100 ... I'll i Virginia Trust Company .100... 3"5 INSURANCE COMPANIES. [Virginia lTro nnd Marino. .35 38H ... MISCELLANEOUS. .Continental Tobacco pfd 7 p. i-.PO 101 Consolidated Tob. 4 p. c. bonds..100 55 Ya.-Cnr. Client, pfd S p. c.100 KB S9 Va .-Car. Cheni. com.100 19 31 |>;v?_-Car, Cham. Col. Tr 6 p. e. 03 BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, Ml).. Nov. 23.?Seaboard Air J?lne common. )3',:1<13%; do. preferred, not i?luoicd. Seaboard 4s, Vi^lVX. Atlantlu Coast 13.inn common, l"7 asked, COTTON MARKETS. NEW YonK, Nov. 33,?Tlio cotton market Lopened linn ui nn advance of Ojil? points on better cables than expected, n bullish crop es? timate by a local house ami pr-'spoots for rather lighter receipts for the day. After a little furth. r firmness tin' market uectitno I'-ss Lftctlve and the estimate f->r tn-inoi row's re<-? pta nt Houston reflecting a very largo movement, the general ruling became rather easier, Then was liquidation, and soon tho advance had l,een cut down I" a matter ?>( 689 IKilntA on til., prtivo monthe. Then camo a partial rnco ery Va. a roncwnl of covering by room shorts, but with th<= weather of a favorable aVftl'OBu and th'- pstlinaiet for to-morrow'? receipts m Ne.v ? >rl<-ana nnd QalveMun also very heavy, the iuark.-t soon liegan t" sag off. While more or lei>s irregular li ruled rather weak during llm Lain nee .if the session, The ch>?a was at n very sllglii recovery, the range being not l'u I trf.lnis lilglu-r w-lth the loan unlet and st.-ndy Hales were estimated ill 300.000 bale,. Trading was not ao active as the recent aver' m:,. mid thero still see'tili t? ho a d|Hpo?||lo|i une.n*.- Loth classes of trader a to await tin bureau report before operating. Cotton receipt" nt the pons to-day were .'.!*,. eu bales against TT.tW'i lu.-t week and SI,C0l laal IKdhiASBRAKGH&CO (KBTABlvlSUKU I8as.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS. Investment Securitie, ^H.,?t,WWW^teHWHHW4H4Watl.H'lll.>H.>"?| f Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York &^+4444>444-f<M-t>4' By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Broker*. BALES: Open. High. I^ow Snuff, com...? ifr) Hnuff, pfd. ItO American Cnn com..,. American Can, pfd." Amef. Cotton Oil. com... 10 OAmeT. Locomotive, com... 20) Amer. I.,oconiotlvp, ludiii. 215 Continental Tolmco. pfd., 900 Amur. Car nnd Foundry,.. 5400 Anierlpnti Sugar . IM.'WA., T. nnd 8. Fe, rum. 1.1VIA.. T. nnd S, Fe, pfd. I32f.ii AinnlRnmnted Copper . 7450 Itnltimnre and Ohio........ 14047. Brooklyn Rapid Transit.., Mm Canadian Fnclilc . nn Chesapeake and Ohio . 200 Cnndu Soiithoru . 150 Colo. Southern, com....... Colo. Southern, 1st pfd,... 100 Colo. Southern, 2d pfd. 1354(1 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul.... 2000 Chi.. Rock stand and t'nc. sou Colo. Fuel'and Iron. I860 Chi. Orent Western. Clov.V Cln. nnd S. L-. 7(0 Consolidated Gas ..'.. loonel.iwnrc nnd Hudson ... D'M.. Lnck. and Western.. MOO F.rie, com. ?175 Frie. 1st pfd.... 250 10rii\ 2d pfd. 450 General Electric . 1090 Illinois Central . 1000 Leather. ."?.??'?.'?',,.'"" nrr^i Louisville and Nashville... 4Son Manhattan. . 5024 .Metropolitan. Renders will observe that In 11mm wp elve "bid nnd nsked and eloslnir. hid and asked. tho price of tho stock. 82 8% .12 3% S3 eloslnir Bid. Asked. P0 1J0 -7!) ? ' US 3% m 8d% . 18% . 79% . 101 . 19% . 117 . US . ?>& . 3S% . 76% . :?% . us% . 20% . 64% . 13 . '?% . 13S . 23% . 28 . 16% '. 177 . 156 ! '26% . (AY, . mi . 164% , 120 . 7 . 101% . 138$ 1 i 70*4 101 10% 117% 89% 39% 70 89*4 119% ' 30H 04(5 13 *2t% 138% 24% 3S% is% 179 155 'ti\i 66% 4S% IBS 129 71.4 loovi 139% 116% 13% 79 101 1014 117 le?% ??% 118% 3S% 118% 29% 64% 13 'a% 1371-4 23% 29',* 28 13% 77i,4 100'* 10 % 117V; mi S9% 3 7% 6% 15 178% 165 20% 48% 153% 128% 6% 101Vi 138% U4 138% 26% 30 Ifl 71 30% 'll?H ? 13% r>2 21% 138% 24% 2Sf4 16ft 178% 179 lf>l 150 23.'., . 239 27 % 0.1% ' 67 4S>$ 49 1B4U 153 12X% 129% 7 7V4 103 103V, 13914 139% 11CW IWi SALICSi Open. iU?h. !??>*. 100 Mexican Central. 9 4IK") Mlsaltifl Faolflo ..<. 90 MW Mo? Kan. and Tbx.j com,, .17 . 010 Mo., Kan. and Tox., pfd.... 3d 1050 Now York Contrnl .117% 1100 N. y.. Ont. and WosteriL... 20% 9 no'A 17% 30% 117% 20% 56 Uj 114% '27% 67 - 9 89% ?17 36 11014 20% m 113% 26% Closing. Uld. Asked. 9% 90% 17% sm 117 20% 56% 66% 36% '27 P0% 17(4 37 117% 20% 41% 0% 47 24 93% 40 75% '"6% mi 13% 100 Norfolk and Wofltorn. 55% 78% 373-10 Pennsylvania.,. U3? 101% 200 Pressed Steel Cnr. 27% 19% 115 Pi-ohmuI Stenl Car, pfd...... ... .117% 500 People's Gas Trust . 93% 66% 73O0Readln?:. com..!... 40% 89% TOO Keadt tiff, 1st pfd. 75%. 3.0 Readme;, 2d pfd.,.....'.??'???,.. 76 2800 Keptiullo I. nnd 8.. com,,,, MJ 39% arson Ropiihllc 1. and 8.. pfd. 47 119% 420 Sloss. 23% 30% Sloss, pfd.:????;,.?'?' 64% ? 8. L. and S. F., 2d pfd. ..'.. 13V4 Bentie-nrd Air Line, dom.1 53 Seaboard Air Mne. pfd.... ... S, t,. and Southwest,, pfd, S7010 Southnt-it Pacific ..,. 1M0 Rotithorn Railway, com,. 2000 Southern Railway. Pfa.... 1300 Tonnessoe Coal ana Iron 2C0 Texas Pacific . 2G&75 Union Paclllc, com. 'Union Pnclc,'pfd.. 11570 IT. S. Steel, com,.... 27% 80900 IT. S. Steel, pfd... 300Va.-Car. Chemical, com.. Vn.-Cnr. Chomlcnl, pfd..., 200<Wabn?li. com. 4400iWabash, Jfd. 310 Western Union. BOO Wisconsin Central. so^stocurwe m hoVirtnelW T^^^^v&alfiB %u& J^S?^ 67% 91% 41 75% 51% I! 40% '-2 1' 31% 13% .23% 44 46% 18% 75% 28% 23 % 73% 86% 11% 62 19 89 19% 35% 84 16% 37% 60 94% 40% 75% 69% 6% 41 24 70' 03% 13% 2o 45 46H ISM: 7514 28% 23% 73V, sm .11% 52% 19% 91 19-y, 3514 84% 17 37% CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS 1 ._.'._ 05 O. S. refunding 2a, reglal U. S. refundlne 2s, coupon U. 8. 3s, rerlstered . U. S. 3s, coupon . If. S. New- 4s, registered.. U. S. Now 4a, coupon.... V. H. Old 4s. registered . U. 8. Old 4s, coupon . V. 8. 6a, registered. V. S. 6a, coupon (ex Int.), Atchison Kencrnl 4s . Atchison adjustment 4a ... Atlnntto Const Lino 4s ... Baltimore and Ohio 4s. Baltimore nnd Ohio 3^8... Central of Georgia 1st Inc. Chosnpeako nnd Ohio 4Vis . rhinmo nnd Alton 3Vis .. ercd. . 10CV1 , 101% . 107>4 . 107?. . 134Vi . J3-4VS, . UOVi . 110?, 101 Vi 101V, . 03T4 . 17 . 93',4 . 100 % . 04% . CO , . 101 j . 73V4 Chicago, R. and Qulncy now 4s Chicago, Mi nnd St. Paul'gen. 4s. Chicago nnd Northwestern con. 7s. Chlcngo, R. I. and Pac. ,4h..... Chicago, R. I. and Pac. ,col. 6s.. C, C C, and St. LoulS gen. -Is. Chicago Teir.lnal 4s. Consolidated Tobncco 4s. .;.....;-.v:.v: Colorado nnd Sonthcrn'4s .-....?.. Denver nnd -Rio Qrundo -Is .?. Brie prior Hen 4s . Erie General 4s .'~\'.'.l'iii'.. Fort Worth and Denver City lsts. Hocking Valley fAs ????,??????,??:'. Loulsvlllo and Nnah. Unified 4s....... Manhattan consol gold 4a. Mexican Central 4s. Mexican Central 1st lac. Minn, and flt. Louis 4s ;......... Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s... Missouri, Kansas and Cexas -tis. National R. R. of Mexico con. 4s. New York Central gen, 3Vjh..-.?;??-?? New Jersey Central gen. t>8. 9314 ll)!? , UO'4 , Iltt , 74>j , 97 , 75 63>i ," S?'A n OS 81 100% , 103K . !>8 , 102M , 7t'.i . UH . 97 .' 9S ? K% '. ns'i . 129V4 .Northern Pacific 4s .?" Northern Paclllc :is .3" Norfolk and Western coil 4s...,. Oregon Short Llni 4s nnd Pnrtlo. Pennsylvania con.. 3!t:S. Reading eGnoral 4x. St. Louis and iron Mountain con. St. Louis nnd Ban Francisco fg. St. Louis Southwestern lata. Seaboard Alr'LIno 4s . Southern Pacific 4s .?? Southorn Railway 6s . Texas and Pacific Ist.i . Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s. Union Pacific 4s . Union Pacific conv. 4s . U. S. Steel' 2d 5s . Wabash lsts.????? Wabash Dob Bs . Wheeling and Lnltn Krlc 4s . Wisconsin Central 4s . Colorado Fuel and Iron con. 6s... M. and O., collateral trust 4a.... Central of Georgia I'd Inc . year. For the week 400.000 bales against 4C.S97 in?t week and 302.540 last year, 'lo-iliiy ? re ?s,NatkNew Orleans were116,641^a^galnst 11 list bnles last year, and at Houston -i,J-u bales against .S,oG9 last year. Cotton futures oponod firm and closed qulot and steady: ^ H'1<rh a mv c,os, November .10.95 30.96 K=.:::::::::al : Kg 109, SB? ???:::??::::.:::":* &? a-d n-u' Aug^t ?::.:::;,93:-10.9s. 10.1.1 ^ Spot'cotton cosed steady: middling utfand;. 11.30; middling gulf. 11.65; saloJ, 9.900 bales. Cotton, steady; middling. 11.30; net recent3 100 bales; gross, 7,300 bales; sales, 9.900 bales, stock. 90,075 bales; export to the Continent. "'Tota'r'w'-day at all eeivports-N? Tocclpu. siVli bales- export to Great Britain, 10.3UO bnes; to France.'14,790 bales; to tho Continent. -i vTit bnles- stock, 836,1 SO bales, -'l.-onsohdnted at" all *?^?-$*&Z?etm ' r-o!isi nules; export to Great Britain, 46,687 , halcB! to France, 15.903 bales; to tho Continent. ? V$M*& September 1st at all H-port^>et receipts at all seaports?Net receipts. j.jsi.Sjo Halls /export to Great Britain. 1.002.801 bales tcFrance! ?*?.? ?alespto'the W? ?.J.w* bnles; to Japan,, S,k62 bales; to Mexico, bales. NEW ORLEANS, LA.. Nov. 23.-COTTON In th? siot cotton market there was a good Inntilrv and factors demanded a shndo nbo.a H turday'B figures. Tho improvement caused i,y be ter Liverpool and decreasing wagon re eli.ts at the smaller outlying porta Sales 0,40.) Dales! including 1.900 to arrive. Q notations 1 Puuir'sSlope,,ed steady. rrices were from ?l points above Saturday and soon gained -? i pVn ts additional. Liverpool cables were much, e'tte than expected. Shorts W??*??8Sg"* the advance ami rumors had It that jexas vers had land down on 20000 bales whIch tbev were under contract to deliver to Llver ?00 Tn consilience Liverpool was forced to enter the market ngal iifpr this amount. 1 ha n n.'nil nubile npears to have gone Into tho fiiritet on the long side, and buying orders July, lL42ffiU.?, ^_ PRODUCE MARKET. N-PVV YORK, Nov. "it-FLOCR-Market wns ouM but suadlly hold. Ryo Flour-iju.ei ?ioekwbeat Flour-Qul'-i- Cornmeal-Stondy. I, i- .it. Mo ?' western, C2?4c Bnrley-Easy. "ttM$A' easy No. 2 red fcT-.c. Option* opoieda shade higher for "% '^' ? '[J ! ? ! l.uvlng but soon eased on.- After a mld-nt > rally tn belter cash trade they declined-again imaor bear attack* mid close, easy a grW.0, net loss. No. 2 rod, May, 83%e.; July. .9'*.... December ?*? N ._, Wc. Option market TcTft^nsr^URfe, .toady; No 7 Invoice -to; hi....?Steady; domestic, ran lo ..,,,,,'.'-. ?.*?. ^^; !!uVan.* nominal. Molass^-Slead^M, Orleans, op.-.n kettle.;-???*? \,\c . ,mfttl) miry, """?y .y'inu'l ?Whit... h*eV?er, ISO.'- late ."'."/?.'TSS'stSMlv'' ''l.'ong' island, SU6?S.2?i KV "$i.r-_t?uin'-r '? '?'->>"?1' l0C' ,.,.,,..,.,, it.i, Nov. 23.-Bxtroine .iu||im-?h ;^:::-':,;;;^rva;.;.'vi^ns'^'sed fro,n 12^,1= io S2%e. lower. ?n,e b-udiiii imitation* ranged ai follows: WHEAT?NO, T9M 7*W '.? . Mny July . 8} ;tr,>-j :ih, *i?4 . I'.G'.-s :?'>'? MH 3h . -.u^ aa-, JJU 3*'-4 ill-ibd i'<JBIC-l'.r bbl. . .in,, .Ill" 114" 11.22 ll.SS May.ll-f." U.SS LAl:l>-l'.-r liA) Iba- ,. 1|,S5 , , . 11.11.?? Ml B.95 ?^luv . 0.11 11.17 ??"< tie." .'nsli uu.'lall.ins ?<ro ns Mloe. h? I--I .'.I'lt Steady. Butt. |--I'lnn: i-.reuilH'rleK, I'i'aia'-o N?. 3 spring wh'-ai, t.-r.(Sl..i-.. N.. .' r.-d lo.lUi.U-. No. "-' ?'"??? 1;'"- No. 2 yellow, ile K? J out?. :-!,<;; N'J- -' whllv. JVC N. : while". S.;-iio7?te. No. S rye, l3'-.o. (iuod feed Ing Liarloy, 2I'//3io.; fulr t" choice mailing isatiOc No. 1 lluxhted. '.'O'v''-; pi'lum 'I'linotb: n-.-d. J2.90. Mo** iJ1Ji'k. PW Jwrral. j:i.'.7;?< 11 M1 lurd, per 100 pounds. i}C .JM|6 67',,; shor iiu'si'lH* (loose), |6,}QS8.76j iborl eleur Bide (l.oxi. I;, JH ?;?;???!) 602',;. \Vhl:-key, l?o-lh of hl^I Wllle.s, J1.2i.. Clovtr, < ..HI Kla.le, tlli.6,r, Kggk?Firm ?t i&U'ite. i'1i>-'-m?i<i.-ndy ?t 1"{ If'ic Iluct.ii.ln-Wlaui, 1JV,60V lualu-li, corn 197.900 bushels; oata, 230,500 buahets: hogs, 66.000 head. B\LTtM6RB..MD., Nov. a.?FLOUR?Quiet and unchanged. Wheats-Dull; apot, contraot and the mouth, 84%4f85e.: apot. No. ^ red, west ern. SMfoSSHc; sotithcni by sample, i2SWc, Corn-Quiet; spot, old and tho month 49)V? 00c; spnt. new. 49^0.; "?w soiRher, whto corn, 42?'4!)c. Oats?Firmer; No. 2 whlteW,? bid Ryo-Klrmi i>o. 2. 59?B9?,c; Du??r-Flrm nnd unchanged: fancy Imitation. lS4|d9c.; do. creamery 28tf-'3%c.; do. adle, 160Wc. "'?? nacked lo'dlCc. Eggs-Firm and unchanged. . fresh 30o Cheese-Steady and unchanged )n?ge 12UC. small, B%0.' fliigar-Stronff and unchanged; coarso and lino granulated, ?4|90W. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. FLOUR-Recelpts very light, but the market continues dull. RYE?Quiet. ,, ,. ? .... , WHEAT -Active; light receipts. CORN?Continues very dull. HAV?aiarket:': active for best grades as re? ceipts nre running light; oft' grades dull. -; Btjas-Recelpta very light ami market aothe. BUTTEH?Receipts liberal, market quiet ex cent for sweet fresh stock. , . . poVLTlty-Recelpta ot both-live, and drcasod continue light and market actlvo. VIRGINIA BACON?Hama active, sides and ""l-OTVl'o'Ell-he.celpta very light and market StAPPLBH4teceTpts' continue, heavy nnd. mar? ket quiet? but In rather better, shnpu than IaOAME-RocelpU moderate and demand good RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK?Wheat, 67,M?. bushel?- corn, 24.038 bushels; oats, 88.200 bus.i cls- rve. T,0V! bushes; flour. 1,744 barrels; hay. 30STOCK TN%?LEVA'rOR-Wheat. l;078 bush els; corn, 27.334 buahels; oals, 62,3d? bushels. POULTRY-LIVE AND DRESSED. Turkey', largo, per lb...* \- <?? \fi Turkeys, small, per-lb. " f U Chickens, spring, sinnl . per b.. 3- W J Chickens, spring, medium, lb.. 11 W ? Chickens, spring, largo, lb.... 30 ?|) 11 HenB, per lb.??. ^ .. ,.?,, Ducks, large, per b. 1- f J-* Duck, small. P?r lb. J? ? " Roosters, per piece. ?;-? Geese ..-.,-,*?- ?., X. , Turkeys, dressed,, undrawn, lb.. 1J Q- >??> DuckB. dressed, undrawn, b.... 1- V w . Geese, dressed, undrawn, lb.... i W ". Chickens, dressed, undrawn, lb.. 11.* ?... Turkeys, dressed, drawn, lb.... ij w '? DilLks.'dressed, drawn, b... 14 g 16 Geese, dressed, drawn, lb........ JO ffl j Chickens, dre?Bed, drawn lb. 1- ?- ? uAaii,. Venison, -whole deer, per lb.... U Venison, saddles, lb... " f ? Wild trukeys, per lb....... U f ld Partridges, per doz., large. 3, J w z.uu Partridge.: per doz., small. ;!.??;? Lrf Pheasants, each. .... ., ?? ??. .'J. * ,8 Babbits. large, fresh, each. M: ? ? Rabbits, small, freah, each. ? W J... Squirrels, each pfc^jjftty.V . .? . Choice family packed ............ !?>. ?' ? Fancy dairy packed. ? O ^ Choice dairy packed . ^ W l? Choice atoro packed. ? w j? Medium . tl JjJ Xj ch^yeiiow^-oMHrper'ib:::::::: ?:;?? ? Mixed, white nnd yo'k^rolla, lb 13 a 14 Crates, nearby, fresh laid. 26 Orates; fresh Mock. n? w Barrels nnd boxes . j? Guinea .-.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. *Po'rLbbl7, faney hand' pk. 8.25 Q '2.50 I'cr bbl., choice hand pk. 1.76 to --0J Per bbl., medium".. 1J& Ml- }??* , Per bbl., common. ? ? ?? f/? ! OKANGBS-Jamulcu. 2.ig ? 8.00 | FlSriaalwnwllSnaa^ $ =:? LKMUNS-Per -box ............. ??J?-W-*? i G!!^S"iw 5-ib. bskt...:. a? or. is Catawba; pwr D-ln. Irnkt..?? -II--W 0> ! black pea's. . nominal Ul.ACKBYK PWAh-.,;??'?'? ? Prime to fancy. 1--5 @ 1.3s Common to Boot! . LIW 4f 1.16 CLAY PLAS-1'er bushel. noinlna Mixed pens'.... llollllll.ll -Navy^No. l w>"tB.'. 2'25 ? P Common, white.. HiK'H' f'S Mixed, per busnol....... ?? W }?? Colored .^........ 1.T5 W 1.8j , roTATOIJri? ... .?.?,,. ,n 1',-r bunml. car lots. t? <& 70 ONio.\.s--Per barry.l. l'? <<; -^ lltiHhel, -:ar lota... GO U flrf ,?a nt- Mil--?I'm- 10*J.. 4.00 iw 0.1.0 Burton .'.::.!...:.. 15.00 ?? 17.00 CFLEUY-LHrK.-. 1""' doMll.... W ? 60 small, p?-t uo?eu.....^;. 2j ?.(' ?J No. 1 Timothy, new.'.. 14.60 fc- 15.00 No. 2 Timothy. im?. W'M ? l?00 No 3 Timothy .new. ,,,S0,!?nuM No 1 clover inUed, new. I3-W w i4-0" NO 2 clover, mixed, new. i'"1"1"*1 ?J" ? clover, new. 1*00 J clover, new. nominal Vt mUed, WOW . nominal Ainvjlr yr iuiw.?. nominal s vks-ilaed. old. s.oo iv f.00 h IAW--C- ...t'SMMl . x.F,o q p.po hUSmw.pressed, large bal.a. Ml ? 0.00 ' ?y ?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8 I t8 ? pXnt. c"01? to runcy. tffl ? *10 I Cholte extra . ^Ju i Extra . f;rr. .... ?,,, Superfine .???;.-g <? -7u ri.KNMBAL-l-'Uy Hacked. t|> I Country, boltcl siuked ., bJ I Mll.l.KKEU- , ' .stili> muff, per ton, Backed "rau.Wl'lEAf: I No. 2 red, new . ?8 Ji; I No, 3 red, new. St. inner, new . : Rejected, pew .?. : ! Bug lou, fair to prh''''- m-.w... CORN. Winter send 0?u . ' i No. 2 mixed. i No. 2 mixed . t | No. 3 mixed .,???. i I unite corn, Va- bag l?l?. i While corn. Va. bag lots. new. OATS. H Winter seed oat*. <? ? . No. 2liiUv) . * ? No. 3 mixed . 37'/i? 3S No. 2 white . 40 <Q 41 Ryo, bag lots . 02 <B> 63 MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES. Dry flint, par lb. 11 iff 32 Dry salted, per lb. 10 ip 31 Green salted.. per lb. 6J4 Green, per lb. 6W? ? $ Dry flint, calf skins, per lb.... 0 Oj' 30 Sheep skins . 65 <f<> SO Green salted, calf sklna. 55 ? 80 Lamb sklna. 15 fit 50 COUNTRY PRODUCE?AVHOLESALE. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-Per lb, 2 ? 214 FE.YTHBRS Llvo geeso, per lb. 45 & 60 Mixet}, per lb . 30 ? 35 SEERS Clover, wholesale, per bua. 6.0) If 8-o0 Timothy, wholesale. 1.65 (if 1.75 Orehar grass, wholesale. 1.30 @ 1.60 Buckwheat, per bua. ST. & 90 Gorman millet, per bUB. S5 ?j) 1.00 BEESWAX?Per lb. 25 ;<U', !* DRIED APPLES?. Sllcer, per lb.v 3. Quartered, per lb;.. 2',at? 2* Common to good, per lb. I & 2Vj DRE1D PEACHES? I Peeled, per lb. U <H 3? Peeled, dark, per lb. 8 <8> 10 Unpeelod, per lb. 3 CHERRIES? . ?.; - Pitted (new), dry order. In SP IB | RASPBERRIES, p6r lb...".. W?' 1 i BLACKBERRIES..?-. Jtt 6 I WHORTLEBERRIES.... 10,? ,12, ', Tub-wnsh?d, free of. burrs. 26 & 28 ! Unwashed, froo of hurra. 21 & 2j i Merino, unwashed .,..,.... 13 W 14 1 Burr}'. 2. to 8 por .lb. less ROOTS- . ? _ ' '.'. ? Ginseng, per lb. 4.00 @ 4,50 j Senlca. per lb....,. 40 ? 45 Virginia snake. 20 *p 25 May apple, per lb. 2'/s? ? I Tmo pink, i>er lb.}. 10 ? -J Wild'ginger, free of fibre. 9 & U Wild ginger, natural. <j W \ ' PEANUTS?Farmers, per lb.... 2->?*I) 4 1 BACON? - ' ,. <' '':?'? Hams, small, smoked . 35 *I 17 Hams, lnrge. smoked . 13 <a 1J Sides, smoked. JJ *f ? 1 Shoulders, smoked . 'S.'.S . DRESSED HOGS. 6Hg ? LA RD-Country prime. 30 f 11 FLAXSEED?Per bus. 1.20 ? 1.40 CHESTNUE? Per lb .'.. ?',? ? TALLOW-Per lb.?????-,?/??? .V*? ' ? WALNUT KERNELS?Per lb... 14 ? 15 CHICKEN COOPS. ?? f ? TURKEY COOPS. 3.16 4P 1.25 'EGG CRATES. ? % 60 BUTTER BUCKETS-Per doz... 2..o <3> 3.00 RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Va., Nov. 23, 3901. QUOTATIONS. WHEAT? Longberry (cnr lots). jS <gW White, Vn. bng lota (old). 60 ?-50? Mixer (car Iota). 88 ?W Shortberry (car lots). fa ?90 No. 2 red (cnr lots).-.?-,. 88 #90 Va. bag lots.?. ?*' ?fs? White", Va. bag lots (new). 45 ?48 White, Va. bag lot* (old). 60 ?60.4 No. 2 white (car lots). SLSK*1 No. 3 white (car lots). }!'??K No. 2 mixed (car lots).. ??g$L No. 3 mixed (car. lots).s. 4J 0*?W No. 2 mixed (car lots)... 25.^!^ No. 3 mixed (car lots). ?I?EJ? No. 2 white (car lots). <0 ?41 RYE-Va. bag lots. ? Wl CATTLE MARKETS. CHICAGO. ILL,.. Nov. 23.-CATTLE?Re celpta, 2i.,0o0 head, Including 1,000 Western. Good to prlmn steers, 15.15^5.50; poor w me? dium, 13.60H-4.dO; Blockers and feedero, ?.#1.10, cows ?l 25<jt'4.00 heifers. *2.00?J?.50; cannot*, 81 26W2.40; bulls, - 81.76114.25: calves, S2g>7.26, Texns-fed steers.. .13-76173.60; Western steers, $3?f4.60. HoKs-Itecolula to-day, 65,0)0 head, to-morrow, 80,000 head. Market 16W-20c. low or. Mixed n?,i butchers, MjWfjHj ?ooa .fta&S? heavy J4.30W4.50; rough, heavy, 84.1504.25; light 1l.l5r.?<4V bulk of sales, ?4.20SK36. f)hnei>-Reeclpta. 30,000 head. Sherp and lambs,, steadv lo strong. Good to choice wethers, Mfc.1i3.75? fair to choice mixed, 12.76^3.60; na? tive lambs, J3.50ff6.50. NEW YORK, Nov. 23.? BEEVES?Receipts, 4,829 head. Medium to choice steers. M?16c. lower; common grades, steady; bulls and cows, steadv Steers, 84*76.20; one cur nt |n.3i); oxen, ?Sfr4 20; I %lis- 42.25*4.00: oxen, UfrfUQ. ns Itecelp a 1.W8 heal. Veals., steady; grosser*, BtSady to lower. Veal*. }4.W?9,00: culls, |4; i rrassers anil fed calves, l3,6O03,6uj western, I3.S0"it" ..-.???% veal* ?#IW". P?-r pound; 1 country dressed, f.?fl2c. Hhoep and Lambs-He I Mints! a 010 head. Sheep, rather slow; lambs, at. a lv closl ig alow and lower for heavey 1 waSrlfts .Sheep, 82.60lB3.86; fow extra. 104.1*! ' cu is ?";- lamb; 85* 6.15; one cnr nt 86.25j gen? era 1 sale's at ?MtfGi 0Ul8 at 81*14.15: no Canada , m'b" rtoK',s-Rfocelpts, 13.203 head; market lower at Jt'.finfll.OO; choice light, 16. riNPINN^TI. O.. Nov. 23.?HOGS?Active at I3 40W4 65 V'a lo-Stendy at ?J?4.85; Sheep Dull and lower at 81.50&a.2D. Lambs-Dull and lower at S2'i|3.26. UNION RTOCKSJARBH. iW^^J^'. ?., "J?CATl'LE?S10?-. OhO CO, K,U6tf j...?. h^,;.. 'it ^.r,.oV: fain 13.83.60. Hogs-AUive. TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va., 'Nov. 22, 1903. >ivh?ravi-.nard Fired Tobacco-lRi-iirdeied)? OIF Qulelr light Jecolpta. New: ftm-eli.ta light flglii! Old! Seabon .'bout over and Utile or nothing doing. /?'?,:. The quututlons aro M-loimvrty DARK KII1BI1 TOBACLO-NLV,. pn..P. .:::::::::::' J:S I'sl sStomedimn'iea,::::.?;-.? *?0 J j.? Long leaf .??.' J kk y? ,n Sf SSife" a.n?..r:?j:r*.::::::::::*t.2o M 1 DABK FliiED TOUACCO-R^RDERED. rrlinlngs .?.J J'W S? ?'S I Lugs, common to good. J'"' f J^ Lugs, good to prime.??-. 4j5 A |W HhOM leaf ??.nit. ? SJ S S J Medium l??f .-. ',w ? ,,v* JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SONS. BANKERS. D?Mm IS IUCMMOnU. VA., SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. IIUNICIPAIi BONDS A BI'KCIALTl. Corrsjasondenc* Invite*. Long leaf ..1.'.'..'... 1.00 0 1.0* Wrsi'pnrs and selection. 10,00 i/. ll.w BRIGHT TOUACCOft 3MOKERS-Lomtnon. 6.0) a) l.ut Medium. 8.00 a 10.00 Mite -........'. ,.10.00 tT 12.0* CUTTERS?Common ............... H'i)0 0 13.30 Medium..'. 12,1.4) (y 13.00 Kino..,.16.00 (P 17.10 Fancy ...........i^.17.00 0 20.00 FILLERS?Common. 0,00 !U, ,.i)0 Medium . 8.00 up 9.0? flood. 9.00- 4f> 11.00 Fine . 12.00 *f H.C0 WRAPPERS?Common ....*... 14.10. ?J> 18.00 Medium .1. l*.00 11- 25.' 0 Mood .i.i.27,00 ? 35.00 Kino .,. 30.00 0 4(1.14) Fancy . 45.00. ?j> ie,ij? SUN-CURMO TOIIACCO-NKW. Primings, new . 3.00 iff a.yO Lugs, common to good.,. 3.60 ? 0. 4.60 Lugs, good to prime..,.,. 4.1.0 ?. fl.Oj Short leaf . ''.JO ?j( 7.0B Long leaf .;...:... T.po $:' ?.M Wrappors . 9.00 .0 .,.../_,_ LTNCIIBURG 'fOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg, Va,, Nov. 23, 1902. Sales of tobacco oh the Lynchburg market for the two weeks ending November 24, 1903, l-oportod by Johs L. OgleSby, of Lynch's Ware Bold' tvoek ending Novembor 14lh. 295,100 pounds; sold weok ending November 2lit, ;4S..0u pounds; docroasn for weok ending November 21st, 40,300 pounds. Sold from October 1, .(1902, to November 21, 1003, 1,400,201) ' pounds) sold from October 1, 1002, to November 21, 1902, 8.E3S,S0O pounds; decrease for 1903, 2,l3s,i.o0 Receipts larger, though much short of lost season nt this tlmo, but llttlo good tobacco op? ing offered. Prlcos rather .lowor than last season. . ,, The quotations aro as follows: ?? ? Primings .? 1-60 013-00 Dark lugs, common. 2.50 ?J S.OJ Dark lugs, medium . 3.00 0 3.50 Dark lugs, good . 3.50 ?? 4,00 Dark leaf, common . 4.00 fl 4.50 Dink leaf, medium. <-M 0 6..0 Dark leaf, good . 0.60 0 7,a* Dark leaf, line. f-00 0 1.00 Dark wrappers . Lt.50 0 16.00 ' MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT MARKET, NORFOLK. VA., Nov. 2.1.?PEANUTS? Fsrmers' market, fancy, 8Uc; strlct.y prlnit-, 2T?c.; prime, 2V403HC; common, 2Hc Spanish, 10c. New crop coming In freely. ??-?, - ? ? PETERSBURG, VA., Nov. 23.-PEANUTS Bpanlah. 9O092V4O. Market firm, stock light fancy: market steady._ DRY GOODS MAKKKT. NEW YORK. Nor. 23.?Values In dry goods ?cetn to bo hardening In a good many Instance..! and predictions ore not Infrequent that before long prices will show an advance. This out? look, however. Is not causing any greater In? terest on the part of buyers, who am still conducting their operations la u very conser vatlco manner, NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, , N. C, Nov. 23.-SP1RITS TURPENTINE?Firm at ,65',<jC; receipts, 60 casks, Rosin-Steady at $2.10. Tar-PIrm at 81.SO; receipts, 257 barrels. Crude Turpentine? Firm at 82.2G03.RO; receipts, l? barrels. SAVANNA!*, GA., Nov. H--TURPBNTINB^ Firm at 6?Kc; recolpts, 682 casks; aalos, 460 casks; export* 1?3 casks, Rosin-Firm; re? ceipts! 2,180 barrets: sales. 6,508 barrels; export*. ^CHARLESTON, g, C, Nov. 23-TURPEN? TINE?Steady at 65i,4c Rosin?Steady. COTTONSEKI) OIL MARKET. NEW YORK. Nov. 23.?Cottonseed oil was steady on spot and not freely offered, excopt at a moderate- advance in price. Prime crudii, fob mills. 26<226Vic.: prime .siummer yel? low 34a: spot, Decombor, 83*10340., off su-in inTr yellow; nominal; prlnw white, 3783?c; prime winter yellow, 88040c. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT O FRICHMOND, NOV. 23, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Pocahontas, Graves. Norfolk nnd James River landings, merchandise and pasaon ?era Virginia Navigation Co. Steamer Brandon. Rhodes, Norfolk, tnorchan rtlso and passengers, Old Dominion line. SAILED. - - Steamer Brandon, Rhodes, Norfolk, merchaa dlse and passengers, Old Dominion lino: "largo F. W. Cmmtskoy, Jr.. Egan, Peters? burg, light, PORT OF WEST POINT, NOV. 23, 1903. ARRIVED. Baltimore, Courtney, Uattlmoro, passengers and general cargo. SAILED. Baltimore, Coutrney, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, NOV. 23, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Etolla, Galveston. Schooner Eleanor A. Percy, Boston. Schooner M- D. Crossy. Boston, SAILED. Steamer Etolla, Havre. DECLINE IN STEEL. Loss of Eleven Points in Few Days Give Rise to Rumors. (By Associated Pra?,s.) NHW YORK, Nov. 23.?A six point de r-Uno In the preferred stock of tho He publlo Iron naJd Steel Company on the stock exchange to-day made a. drop of n points since last Friday, wan accompan? ied by various riimors concerning the cor? poration's condition. It 1r said that ? a plan was undor way to secure additional working capital by Issuing new bonds, but of this a leading director said ho knew nothing, neither could he offer anv explanation for the severe slump n the stock. The rogular quarterly meotlng of the directors will bo Held. In this city on .Monday next, and it la expected that somo statement regarding the company a affairs will then be assured, -v. ? During the day the stock lost altogether 7 points, closing at 40 1-4. with sales oi upwards of 27,000. _ TEXAS MAN APPOINTED INSPECTOR COTTON FARMS (By Associated, Press.) HKHUIN, Nov. 23.-J. B. G. Rocker, of Hockley, Texas, has been appointed gov ornmont Inspector of cotton on the. plan? tations of Gorman East Africa. Ills Headquarters will bo at Oar-lvs-Salaani. Tho ofHcial announcement of Ins appoint? ment was accompanied by the statement Unit Mr. Rocker formerly hold ' tho hon oralile office of county commissioners. The German East Africa cotton crop last hcnson. produced under the directinn oi somo of Booker T. Washington's pupils, amcnititcd to liV) bales. Fresh- showings this year are expected to triple UiIb crop, logolaiid, Gorman West Africa, also yields several hundred bales. Tho German r-.liambers of commerce nro unorgetlcally supporting the development of cotton growing, but it is recognised that the growing of cotton In tho cjor man-colonies must remain Inconsiderable tintu railroads Into the interior aro built. WAGES ARE REDUCED. Cut of Ten Per Cent, in the New England Cotton Mills. lllv Asaocluted Press.) BOSTON, November 23,-Tlie first of tha numerous reductions In wages an? nounced In tho cotton mills of southern Now England and at Half a dojen points outsldo of that territory, went Into effect in all hot ono Foil River corporation to? day, and at a number of outside mills. Although about H2.000 operatives had their pay cut down, nn general strike occurred In any mill. To-day's cut avoraged ten per cent., and places the pay schedules on a basis with those paid .previous to tho advance of March. 10O2. The reduction affected sovon,ty-el?ht mills ill Fall River, employing nearly 2r>,0(x) hands, and about a score of cor? porations In New England, em? ploying about 7,000 operatives. The Fall River Iron 'Works, operating four print cloth mills, will cut down wages pext Monday, and on that day also nearly ell Rhode Island and Con? necticut manufacturers will adopt the low er schedule. A cut In New Bedford will go into effect In two week* FINANCIAL. VIRGINIA TRUST CO. imMMMB This Company la authorltcd under its charter to act as Executor and Trustee under wills. Administrator ot Estates, j Guardian ot Minor Children. Assignee and Receiver. Registrar and Transfer Agent of Bonds and St>Tcks. Trustee for the Execution of Trusts of every nature. Loans Money on approved real estate and collateral security. Pays Interest on Deposits. ? Issues Guarantee, Judicial and Contract Bonds. Rents Safety boxes and storey,silverware and other valu? ables. Vaults Burglar and Plrcfdroot; JAMES N, BOVD, President, -'m^Wn'-S. QUAhLES, Vlee-Prai. LEWIS D. AYLETT, Secretary. ... JOHN. H. SOUTH ALL, Treat-. >*4.?44H4++4+^4>4++*4*4y*+**4>*?4t,*<M ? ???????????; MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Capital $200,000, Surplus and Profits $672,445.15 Deslanat.d State, United State, and Cl^y Depository. Mercantile *r\4 Bank Account. I Large.t Bar.k Depository South respectfully .ollolted. I of Baltimore. 3 per oent; Intern! Paid on Dioosltt In Savings Oeparlmenl, Payablt on Demand. JOHN P. BRANCH, Pri.ldent. JOHN KERR BRANCH, Vlce-Prea. JOHN F. QLBNN, Ca.hler. t?444H44>?t* ?????? ??????+??????? ??*??? ???_?_? ?? ?????>????-??, ?'A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED." SAvo tho pennies at home?they'll grow Into dollars fast onough?thon bring tho tlol lnrs hero nnd see them multiply undor our careful supervision with our guaranteed 4 por cent, intcrost, compounded coml-minu ally I It's tho little beginnings that mako the big endings?begin to-dny! Buy your boy a bank book. Capitol Savings Bank, PEOPLE'S DEPOSITORY. DISBANDMENT OF MANY COMPANIES An Interesting Order That Has Been Issued by the Governor. By order of the Governor thero has Just boen Issued a call for the Inspection of seven companies of Stato militia, every ono of which will be dlsbnndod within sxty days unless It recruits its, membership sufficiently to moot the aver? age required. It Is possible that one of the acven-a Richmond company will fall to come up to the mark', and will bo disbanded. Tho others, somo of whom lack but one, or three, or five members, will probab y pull up and get through all right. Still the. prospoct openod "P I?a strlklnK one, and it will doubtless startle somo of the military commanders to . business. Tho requirements Is for at least fifty-one, members ln:each. company-Toe companies summoned for "tho inspection are B and C. of Richmond: D, of Charlottesville; I, of Fnrmvllle. and U of Fredericksburg, oil of tho Seventieth Regiment, nnd Com? pany D nnd K'of tho Sovonty-flrst. Thoy will bo inspected within sixty days, be? ginning November 20th. ? .' The olectlon of a major for the First Battalion of the Seventieth Regiment has been postponed from Thursday ot this week until December ICth. Throe companies of tho Seventieth, F. A nnd II. have Just been furnished with the. new army magazine rifle. All the other companies will bo similarly provided as soon as the aupplles can arrive. CAR ANd'bUGGY COLLIDE Messrs. Shepherd and Herrin Slightly Hurt. Through a collision with a street car, Mr W. H. Shepherd and Mr. Hunter Herrin, two residents ot tho county who were In their buggy, woro hurt by being thrown out, near Sixth and Broad Street"., yesterday afternoon. Tho buggy was bad v damaged. Mr. Shepherd was bruised In the side, and Mr. Herrin was. hurt on tl a head. The latter was taken to tho Vll Blnla Hospital, and treated. His Injury was not serious, nnd he later went to his home In the county beyond Barton Heights. Mr. Shepherd took the broken buggy Home. An Oak wood car did the damage; and it Is a question as to Who wus to blame. Henrico Notes. In tho Henrico County Court yesterday If B Crone, charged with stealing --foO from Annie Corrn. was given six months "Vo'h'n ?Mderedfu,.$1charged w.thstrlkbng nnd wounding T. A. Tallafprro with Intel aSSw disfigure and Wl 1. wll t? tried at 3 o'clock this afternoon boforo ?Squire James T. 1-^yvls. a marriage license was Issued yesterday to Scff Vrt.ner and Mary Bulhullor, both of Henrico;_ HOTEL. HOTEL YORK, NEW YORK, 7TH AVENUE, CORNER 36TH STREET, 7 JUST COMPLETED. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. ^nist n. sten from Broadway and all the big shops, thea'tres, surface and elevated SYLVAHUS STOKES, of Rlohmond, f SPKCIAL NOTICE. nound trip tickets, at greatly reduced raws" are now on sale to all the prm VioTi Winter Tourist Hesorts of tin South, via tho Atlantic Coast Lino. Till, fine offers the quickest and most cop,. XoTtable Wei "s tro ns ar? BUperb lr every appointment. Thoy are composec of the latest designed Pullman Sleeping Parlor Library, Observation and Dlnlni Cars For f,ull information, apply tc tlcketagent8.oi'c s cAMpBj2i^ ?, njvlsion Paesengor Agent, CUT FLOWURS, ROSES, VIOLETS The largest stock of, Violets Allies of the Valley, Chrysanthemum: and Cut Flowers, Bridal Souqitets an. l)eslBlia shipped to ell points. \/. A Hammond,^.. WT; is/Wad St. . / STOCKS! ' We are in a position to execute orders in Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions on easy margins. Service unex? celled. Direct wires to all prin? cipal exchanges. JOHNSON & CO., Murphy's Hotel, 8th and Broad St. Down-Town Office 4 South Twelfth Street. BALL&WINFREE 1114E. Main Street. Stocks, K; Cotton. Private Wins to All Markets. Correspondents? "W. E. "Woodend & Co., Members New York' Consolidated Stock Exchange. GET OUR MARKET LETTERS. C. W. Branch & Go. BANKERS and BROKERS Members of New York Cotton Ex? change and Ohicaso Soar J at Tr\?ii New York Correspondent.? LADENBURG, THALMANN & CO PRINCE & WHITLEY. LEHMAN BROS, NEW YORK, Private Wire, to J BOSTON, (CHICAGO. Business and Personal Accounts SOLICITED BY THE State Bank of Va., IIII E. Main. Richmond, Va. WINTER TOURIST RATES VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Seaboard Air I-ino Itallway lias com? pleted arrangements to put Into effeot ? Its usual splendid winter schedule. The best equipment has been secured, con? soling orthq most. Improved day coachca and Pullmon Drawing Room cars, lighted by gas and steam tioated, with every con- ' venlenco. Below please find round-trip raids from Richmond "to prlnnlpnlpolute In the South. Raton from other points quoted on application: Southern Pines, N. C.?l 25 Camden, S. C,,..,..16 35 Savannah, C-a.28 00 SI. Augustlno, Fla. 37 80' Tampa, Fin..*J W Manatee, Kla. 49 1U I'lneluirst, N. C.J1? Columbia. S. C. J* 35 Jacksonville, Fla.35 JO Miami, Fla. . 57 30 Palm Ileach, Fla?.M.WJ Sarasotu, Fla."J ?j Now Orleans, La. .** ?* H, S. LEARD. District Passenger Agent, W. J. MAY, ...City Ticket Agent. 'Phone 105, Richmond, Va. SPECIAL RATES VIA SEABOARD AIK UINE RAILWAY. Account Southern educational AmocI.. . tlon, Atlanta, Qa., December SO, 1903, January 1. 190+ On account of the above occasion the Beaboatd will sell tickets from all eta Fiona or? Its lines (o Atlanta und return at "rate o on" fare, plus ?2,2B .which ln !.i?rt?o membership fee. Tickets on sale fen Bl?">"J"?Ty3-i?* For tickets and other Information, apply tc-tho undersigned. ^ ^ LflARP, Dlstl'lcL Passenger Afloat, ; 106.. Richmond, V*.