Newspaper Page Text
?ner winter in coming if you have koomh to rent OR WANT BOAttDKKS, PHONE 640, OB WRITE T1MB.H-DIBP ATOH WANT AD. DEPARTMENT. THEY WILL SEND AND TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT AT A SMALL COJT. AMUSEMENTS. THIRD ANNUAL Dog and Poultry Show, MASONIC TEMPLE. NOV. 23, 24, 25. 21. 27, 23. Ali the biue-U'WHlsof the tar an.i ti-atueruu t Iie. 10?Great Special Featuresr?10 h. aJe i by 5hedman's Famous Dogs and /Monkeys. Opont 10 A. M. each day. Peril rmftnc?'4:8i and u P. M. Goucvrts ? tilt 11 P.M. One ad m I slon ltioliule.all r-pcwi Feature. AD. 15. ION : A.ulti, 23c; Chil-ren und.r 12 year., 10c ACADEMY, iteo an.I Mgut, The Burgomaster 70?PZOPLE?79 DDIPCQ. ^l"1' 26-', tOc, 76o, $1. r nib UP. Night. 86. ?A fiOc.yi.M.liO /VvAUL/Tl Y, November83andK. THANSGIVING MATINEE.' ViEBER AND FIELDS' HOITY TOITY. D DIP C C ? Mat. CGc, ftOo, 76o and $1. rnlULO. Nii{hti?,86,6O,7o,tLU.60 WcLLS-DUHNE- HARLAN Musical Company, Presenting kies Night of the Fourth. Mae 'i'uei-day, ThuredayJ-aatiirJay. FOOT - BALL! VIRGINIA VS. CAROLINA, THANKSGIVING DAY, Broad-It. Park, 2 P. M, Admission, $1.00 nnd 51.60. SPIDER-WEB FARTY -AT 110 N. FIFTH STREET, Friday, Novemoer 11?4 3j P. M. ADMISSION, ... 6 CENTS. Cindy, Ciik- and Ice Cr.-nm for Sa'.t. The Valentine Museum ?i.&v?N'm AMI CUM B'l'hlubla. ov&k io a. m. ru e *?. at ADMISSION 25C. FREK JU ttATUBUAYsi Tha GxifeJania 4ijsej.ii '4tl?,L*> 414 4i.\U Lju.i1 a41iu.ii.ia. Opi-lis uaio Hum ? A. Al. to o r. &L Admission. '& cent*. r're* on 6?mrui>? Annual Thanksgiving bupper AT LAUBBL 8TREKT M. B. CHIHICH, Thursday, November ?6, from 4 to 11 P, a. kfcV. Dr<. JOHN hAN.NON will be present and deliver a humorou. lecture. ADMISSION. 2a CTS.. Including .upper. CANlAiAl E'THEI?, TM i.E->UI Ul QUEEN, BenttOt Violet Society West-View BaptJ.t Church. TUESDAY. NO VfcjmiBR J94TH. 1903. Admission. 25 cents. 6CHO0L9. SHORTHAND ?. It t. written In CONGRESS. Learn to write Shorthand as It I. wiuTi'EN by congressional REFOJt'l'. EH3. The short cuts ot Connies*!- iml re? poroi>?-.0u words a minute. A limited number, full scholars taught by MAIL. Corgressiotal W ufifll Ccrrcsporderice jUlUUlj Washington, O, Q, SS ??:,:;.--?-:?. -r.T: ? i?rrs?". ?,? ? ? . . " :?',??;-,??& Mills Having Linton TO OFFER PLEASE MAJL MB *AM pies and advise quantities on hand and prices deslied delivered at Amsterdam, N. V., or Now Yprlt Uty. Want Ujem In i/ressod balaa (not co-mpreasad). CHAS. W. MgCJLJiUt. Agent, AJMtWiftM, H, ?,i j_NQTlCb. _ | Manchester Taxes I ara now ready to receive the State ' Taxes for 19J3, also all City Tuxes unpaid ior 19U3. All persons who have paid tho itrut naif of tneir c.ty, school and sewer > tax July 1st laet should pay the other i imlf by December 1st, to save 6 pur cent. : penalty on last halt, and moee who have 1 t<aid none or their city taxes will, by pay , inn the whole of the same on or before i December 1st. save the 5 per cent, penalty I on tho ait half of the same. Five per l cent, will be added to all taxes, State, city, school and sewer, unpaid after De? cember let. i J. W. BRONAUOH. Jit., Treasurer ~iiy of Manchester. Henrico county, Va., Nov. let, 1MJ. I AM: NoTiuE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE now DUE, and I or my deputy w 1 be >n tny onics at County court ou^s dally from 9 A. M. to 5 P. .i-L to >e the same, delinquent lands may d? received be.oia sale. WM. U. BRAUER, nov.U-lOt . ,.T.eaguier. ""r ' MEETINGS. ? NOTICE Or STOCKHOLDER* MEETINO OF THE CHASE CITY MINERAL WATER COMPANY.?By order of tit* Board of Direo toie a apodal meeting of the BU,..lcholderi of the Chano City H.nursl Water >_,.n.pany is hereby tailed to tx" held at "The 'burg/' 111 Chase City, Mecklenburg- county, Va.. on FRIDAY, the 27lh November, lfttf, at I P. M. of that day, for the fol.oulnf purpose*, namely: To provlua funOs for tne payment of tha oulsiand ng de u- a tha Com^u.y and for the further prosecution i'f It* business, sad la case that la not uod* eatUfocturity. to auth r.xa a a?. o tne rights, franonlues and all tho property, rial and paraonal, nf tha Company, and to upply the proceeds thereof to tne payment of the Company'* debta, and to the distribution of the surplus, If any, to the parties entitled thereto, and the aald stockholders are hereby notified and requcated to attend said meet ng, Done by order of the B' ard of Directors this Wth da? of November, 1W1 THOMAS F. JEKFRESS, President. The Very Best Wood Heaters FLASH?Cast Iron bottom and top (In four sizes.) STAR?Sheet Iron, with oast-Iron feet (In three .lies.) For sale by leading dealers everywhere. SCUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stoves. RAILROADS. READ FlChmentl, Fre1eric<ti ? ?? (X It Lurg ot Potomac ri, ,4 i r?i...s t-guV* ii,?.n,ii o.. u?. ,?wrn,Wrtra Uld. At., HiHii. 4>,>t'U i>L. XlliOUgU. U.w A. i>i., U.U.>. 4UU1U OU lLU Uu0ll. i .10 *ti u., n sua u?i o. I*iu4. Aaituuu UC CUtll.llUUUilUII. t>.w a. m? Sunday only. Byrd su Tiuuufih. Local eiopa. 6.10 <*. M ween. uui?. Byrd St- Through. u.? uuu.,, week days. Byrd hi. Thruuawi t.uv f. M.. uteiv uay'a. ojrd Si. * icu ei'tutvSUUi* UCi.dlU.nUu.KlOI.. 5:uu P. daily, w.*ui ou Through. ()?-? f. at.. ?udi? uuja. UtlUa. rtOi.iu.uil ac v-.>i.-.uuuaiion, 8:05 P. M., Byrd St. Through Local ?tups Sunday. ...... m/m..v4 a viiinoiiu?, t.?U rt. M., VtcHtL u?ji. til*. AaiiuUIti oU?A. M? tv?ok dnys, Byrd St. Pred Al H-noUulfc UllUU.tlUIUUUtlUll, a.36 A. W., d?uiy. oya du Through. Lucai ?iu,.? Bt.HU.tJ. u . . ... tl.Mit, ai? ???.? uaj*. Byidbt. Aliiuiibii bi/i.ul bitlwS* t;sH c <n? daily. Mam Su 'ihroutih. t>;vu 4'. Mm wuea uu^s, Liua, iwmuim un CUHMIIVUilUlMI. _ , ? 7:lo P. M., dally. Byrd St. Through. 9:00 P. ft*., do-hy. uyrd St. inrough. Lui_..i ?lOVo. iu..!< *. V, daily. Main St. Throuuh. tsoie? Pumnau Simpnig or Paiio, i-his ? in ail iiu.ii.* except iul-ui accoinuiuuuiitnik \V. L>. DUlvu.,'*;. vv. CULP, v., p. 'VA > iioiA Uvti'l Matir Vss't. Lien 1 Man'r. Tiat. Man l^WNoWWesten, ' LEaTE RICHMOND .DAILY, 9:00 A. M.-NUiti1 ULiv HMiiii,D. Al rives Noifolk U:Ai A. M. 8toi? only ut Petersburg Waverly and Sutinllt. P;05 A. M,-CHIC.aO0 EXPUMS. Q?Itol Psrior Car, Peteisburg to Lynchburg ai.c Ro-anoke. Pullman Sleepers lloanoku to Columbus. Bluefleid to Cincinnati: ;alsu Itoanoks to Knosvllls. and Knoavllle tu Chattanoosa and Memphis. ?3:10 PI V.-ROANOllE EXPRESS (or FtrmvlUe, Lynchburg and HoanoKe. 3:00 p, M.-0CEAN SHORE LlMll'ED Arrives Norfolk 6:30 P. M, Stopa only at Patarsburg, Waverly and Bultolk. Con neots with steamers to floston. Piovl denco. New YorU, BaUlmere ana Wash? ington* 7:V6 P. M.-Fcir Norfolk and all s tat Ions h%1t?lttJW? ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman 8leepers, Richmond to Lynchburg nnd Roanoke; patersburg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga. Memphis and Now Orlaana- ?^afe Dining Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A. Mm ?:05 P, M. and 9:10 P. M.I rrow ^QJ?foIk 11:00 A. M. snd 7:20 P. M. ? Office Nn. ^? East Main fitreat, W. B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLET, Gen. Paw, A?*n*- Vlt- r?'*' A*,nt The Rati (or Truffled Win! Advertliln* ft 1 cent per word Net Cash In ADVANCE, with a minimum cost of M cents for each Insertion. Tha same rata applies to deaths, marriages, obituaries and all other classified notices. No display type showed in tha classified column*. LOST AND FOUND._ LOST-YESTERDAY MORNtNO, BETWEEN 11 and U o'clock, on tha Oakwood and Main Street cur, west-bound, or bawu.n ,>lnth and Main and Posters Utuulo. a POLVtii' LOOK, containing- a (5 Kolil piece and it pas. from Richmond to Norfolk, marked Mr. J3. Quodwin. Finder will p,oa?? Mturn to r'oo TER'S STUDIO and rocelve rewaiu. LO^ST-fiUNDAY, NOV. 22D, BETWEB . 910 wust Oruco Street and Sl James' chur~.i, South Fifth atieet, a 8.1 ? PL' wltn dlumund center In cluster of turquoise A liberal rowuru paid Li- Its r?t i to tho fe..UTtIEBN;UUt,ENoWAKE UFFiCE, Uoo.n 18, News Leader Building. LOST-BBTVVBBN THE JEFFERSON AND 60s East Frnnklln Street, on Tnumday after noon, a silver BRuOOH, In the form ot a swallow, with a quid pun In Its beak. . Tnu finder leaving It at Una oftioo w.i, bu suit, ahiy rewarded iTdST-HOUND DOG! WHITB~ BROWN spots; Baltimore city license; will answer to name of "Sport." Leave at LI South Uasrry Street and (at reward. LOST-ON VVKS TFRA.VKMN STREET ON Sundar a email metal ear TRUMPET. _'l is retui n of same will be appreciated by ALSO W. ARCHiiR, Vrt South bightn Street. LOST-STRAYED ON SATURDAY. 21BT. white POINTER; liver-colored ears, bib ta.1. Hultablo for retur.i to JA-.'iv , / guy, 6 Ooddln Hall. Eleventh and Bank Streets. _ _ JriELP ^AlNfTEi5^-Male. ANT INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income fur newspap* s{ experience unnuc-i-sa-ry. bond f .r u?r.. PRESS SYNDICATE. Loekport, ?? ?? FIRST-CLASS INSIDE WIREMEV AT ONT", day: no second-ens men or help? ers need appi". tiL&C. & Cv.vo. CO. uP vA. PERoc,. TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE f.,r house; eatory 120, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary. STAAuAitii, Hi Lvarbuin street. Chicago. recruits Wanted for the u. s. Marine Corp?Auie-OuOled, unmarried men, between a?es of 21 and &, tor service aahuie unci siloat. Apply at Sharer Build? ing, next door to General Posiofllce. SALESMEN WANTED. PERMANENT POSI tlon. to SHI nuw map of tnu t.iniuil tut s and World, eue (16x16 mciies; two ,nup? in on??. ri-pr?sen.ullve? n.,w at ?urk , in. king. 14 to 150 per week, Adilreaa RAND. M'NALLs" & CO.. Hi frIfih- Avenue. New York. fJTENOORAPKERB-W ANTED, 8TENO0RA* phers'nnd bookkeepers at once. No. ? North Ninth Street. WANTED. AS SUPERINTENDENT OF AN Underground. Orv M.nins opera, on In Vir? ginia, a man exponent In handing labor and machine, y; tnu mine it located tn a healthy and weii-sottied country, and I, Al? ready In operation on a goui s.ale. Address MINING, care this ofllce. WANTED. HEBREW GENTLEMAN FOR work in Riuhmond. to whom the ProyliLnt Savings Life Amuranee S-eiety of New York will offer a contract on the vary best Ur.its obtainable from any company. a,/pi, at COMPANY'S. OFFICE, 1103 K. Main StreeL WANTED, A GRADUATE OF COLLEGE TO teach Mathematics. Latin and Chemistry; a graduate of military col.ege VjtiCired, though not required. Apply to J. w. TINS LEY. Martlnuburg. W. Va . _ WANTED. BbttlSTERED ASSISTANT PHAR? MACIST; young man preferred; a good posi? tion to the right young man. CO.-<uuu.s'8 PHARMACY. Phoabus, Va. WANTED. TO KNOW IF YOU WILL DtBV trlbuts advertising matter: rail, ble epe .. ity company; H5 weekly snd --sxpenses. TRI? UMPH CO., Dallas, Tex. - . WANTED, AN ALL-AROUND RESTAURANT man; one that has had In* cooking. Cail, with references, be? tween < and 6 o clock. HO E. Main Street: WANTED, REGISTERED ^DRUGGIST AT once; 6lve recommendations; s.ste time In business. Mr. FERHUM. cure Un.vero..y College of Medicine. SITUATION* ~WANTED?Male A WHITE MAN. 25 TEARS OF AGE. SOl EH, reliable and with good referencs. wunts and must have work In order to it-his family; understands the care of horses thor? oughly, and for a f . ears , s iwna ;d tho horses tor a large cun-ern In thL >lty: willing to do to ntivKe an holiest living. Address WORK WANToD, uare uiL ofllce._I REGISTERED PHARMACIST OF SEVEN years' experience desires ,.s I a e ing aaleaman for drug, Jobber or drug ..un-lau turer. Address "SALESMAN," etna this of floe._| WANTED, BY A PRACTICAL CUTTER AND tailor, -a position In merchant tall-rln e? tabllshment as custom cutter, or a posiuon as cutter and designer In pan.- or unroll factory; A-l references. Addresa S. R. T., csre this ofllce. HELP WANTED?Female. DRESSMAKER-WANTED, DRESSMAKER to go out by day; one thst can cut. fit and run sewing machine; state price wanted- Ad? dress P. O. Box a?7. ..-?_ gTENOORPATlBR WITH AT LEAST TWO years' experiences must be good speller ...., accurate, and with ability to become -a to secty; Oliver Typewriter will bs ?.urchaaed. j J. L W-. care this office.' STENOGRAPHERS-WANTED, STBNOGRA* J phers and, bookkeepers at ones. No. 6 Nor.b Ninth Stroet.__. | WANTED,_ A WHITE WOMAN TO COOK I for family of two In modern a, hou e; first-class referoncos required. Address E. T. CHISOM. box BM. city. WANTED, A PIRST-C1 ASS COOK ArPLY with references to 611 West Oracs Strest. SALESMEN WANTED, WANTED, TRAVELING SALESMAN TO ?ell as a side lilt* pure Oeorgia Cone Syrup fn Virginia. Address, MABbBTT ? OKud.- . ER. Qultinan, Ga., gMng ists.encei.^_^ | WANTED] a"" FIRST-CLAS8 SALESMAN, not now employed. Address AD?iiRiI6*vrt. i oars this oft it*. I IVIES-DISPATCH WANTflDS. JPENTTeDOORSOFBUSINESS A GENTLEMAN DEBIRtNO COMFORTS OP home (board, room, bath, etc l In irlvat* fsmilv can obtain samo near Monroe Pa k; SeterenceS exchanged. Addren A. W. A., ?ostofllce Box It, city. BOARDERS WANTED FOR TWO ROOMS, Second floor, fronti suiJ eonn>c ing nomi houso well furnished and steam heatln/r tii'-nnphonl, ?-i?.h llrat-clsss board: reference exchanged. Mrs A F. CRAIG, MT W. Gracs btroet._ j_ MAIN] JT JlS-FIRST-CLASS DOARD, bright rcoms, newly furnis ed: poroi.ain : bath; permanent and translen.s dcsi.e.i Wa"nTED. OCCUPANTS FOR TWO NICELY/ fumlshfd rooms, with or with u sbl b->n U ! Wist Grace Btreet, near Laurel. Address I "HOME," cars this ofllcs._ WANTED? OCCUPANT* FOR BRtOH-, sunny rooms; ?Insrt'i or sn sult# wit or ? without board; transients accommodated; tWI ? Wast Graos Street. 317, W. GRACE ST.?WANTED, BOARDERS; transients accommodated._ _ | ROOMSFOR RENT? FOR RBNT^TO GENTLEMEN OR ADI"LT% unusually attractive rooms: select'neighbor, hood; first-class board If desired. Addross , Mis. k., care this office., FOR RENT. FOR RENT-THtRD TLOOR, CONSISTING of two large rooms, with bath conveni nt; possession Immediately. 'Phone uu or apply at 315 South Fourth Birest _ REAL ESTATE?For Sale. POB~~8AUJ?mODRRN TWO-STORY 8TORE house and four seres land, on ma n in of NnrMk and Western Railway: convenient o. churches, schools; , with or wluo stock; excellent stand. Apply HAMF-EN W.L ON. Block Walnut. Va. FOB SAIE?Cotton plantation for isle, rtoh bottom laud*, lloufioki- lllvcr; MeHtnhoat ; Imullug on premises; attd aw*. 83 rollee from Norfolk. II, C. UAUlllKUTON. Palmyra. N. <?? _ | NOTICE. _ ROVAL TRIBE OF JOSEPH MEMB^RSHTr All those members if the above order who want assistance In their present predlcamont ami deslro to find a way a o 11 ,r trouble should write at once to ROUbRr ARMITAGE, care this He esn .ug .at d woy for all._ MfWTIClJl.LO HALL REOPENED FOR dances end private entertainments. Apply to R. FBRRANDINI. 615 Eaat broad Street. DR. P. P. BTARKE. 123 EAST BROAD j -?r i -ias iouo\erud and resuuietl hie practice._^^_ CUT PRICES IN TALKING MACHINE Records and slightly uSJd Uprlg > Pianos. Thr?e wooUs ago you were paying sue. tor the best moulded records for cylln ur la.kns machines. We are soiling them at 2Sc. \ou can afford to have music at ihls price. THE CABLE COMPANY. No. 311 E. Broad Street. GREAT BARGAIN TN FINE MOO CABLE PI? ANO: original purchaser has left the city. Tho plono will be sold to,a quick piirehaAHr at an unusually low*. , HE CABLE COMPANY. No. 213 E. Bmnd BtmeL DO TOU KNOW YOU CAN GET THE BEST Moulded Record at our store for 25c. ? /j other store will sell you at thl: price. THE CAI3LB COMPANY, No. 213 E. Br-ad StioSL. FRi:E!!~_WE WILL FOR "THE NEXT TEN days si va onn copy nf Mi-.,, muile to any one sending us the name and'address of owners of cylinder talking inachlnea Fo heir nam-i and address will furnish on S)c pi-o of music. THE CABLE COMPANY. No. 313 E. ? Broad Street ?"' " '.. 120.00 WILL BUY ONE COLUMBIA QRAPHO PHONE and one dozen an* on Uiie If desired. Invest ?ju In a Columbls Machine, including one dozen retforda. THE CABLE COMPANY,' No. 213 E. Broad Street IM* "NEW BLACK, MOULDED RECORDS for cylinder Talking Maohln.a; our prices jco. You can now afford to havo mude. Ko member this record fits -any cylinder ma chine. THE CABLE COMPANY, No. 2U B. ? Broad Street ONE QEAUTtFUL FULL-6I2H3 WEBER Grand Square PIANO, original price, toW. for tale this week st tJOO This Is a ice It. THE CABLE COMPANY, No. 213 E. Broad Sweet A NUMBER OF SLIGHTLY, USED UPRIGHT PIANOS to be sold this week at a sacrifice price. 8ee-us. THE CABLE tOMPAN X, ;\0. J13 E. Broad Street. ? FREE!!! WE WILL FOR THE NEXT TEN da?'a give one copy of Wc. music to any one sending us the names and address-s .f uwne < ' of cylinder Talking Machines. For their name and address one R>c. pi e f mu Io win be ilven THE CABLE COMPANY, No. 213 B. Broad Street. _ BPECLVL SALE LARGE FANCY DECO rated Lamps. $1. N. KLEIN & SON. 620 B. Biosd Street_ HURRY UP OR ALL THE BARGAINS WILL bei soldi STIEFF, 43] East Broad. _ STIEFF HAS A NUMBER OF BARGAINS! tot* forthem? STIEFF. 431 East Broad. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. QUOTATIONS FROM PARTIES who can furnish 60 to 100 sacks rtrst-o uss hsnd-plcked peanuts monthly for cash; JS0 Nostrand Avsnue. Brooklyn, N. _Y._ ~ ANTIQUES."" CALL AND BE CONV1NCED-A FINE Co? lection of original Antiques at low prlcea L N. ARNALL, 8W Brook Avenue, RIOKBOND AfTKiUE FURNITURE CO., dealer ? io mily origlual unthiues, brass goods sud I copper pint". 239 Whi Broad StrsM. DON'T FORGET BIGGS' ANTIQUE 6TORB when looking for Chilstmaj wedding pr?s?m a l_6ts_K??t_ Ma. n- _ _,; r~'~r~ INSTRUCTIONS. DANCING,_ j inta Vannie thaw grtmes has re movsd to 313 E. Main Street; private lessons at noma: classes. Miuwnio Temple, balu.doy afternoon. THE CLOWN SATS HE1 CAN MAKE TEN OUT OT NINE MATCHES. CAN TOU DO IT? Solution of puB?Ie In yesterday's Times-Dispatch: She Is under hla rlrfht hand. I lilt: I Daily Business Directory | boarding. MISSES MARTIN b busralng house; permanent aud transient; nice roultls snU good (are; lull North Seventh Street _ ~* BOARD AND BOOMS. HANDSOME ROOMS. Bolt Uosrd. lasbloosble loi-Hllty: 6H8 West flrnce. ' 6HC83. CHEAPEST PLACE to huj shoes. H. SHIKET. 801 East Murubsll 8tre?t. STORAG ft. RICHARDSON A?? 0HAj?*i.IA. BeWIasie sn-1 Main Streets. Very cheap sud dry storst,-* r<ximi? 'I'hnne W3. BOARDER'. BOAHD'-ftS?M? E. Orses Strsjt. A roenj, a|. w?y? for trsnslonts. Ml*. J. A. WARFIbLD. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC. NEW LOT OP JAPANESE FANTAIL8. TELE scopes, Paradise Fish and rcgu ar Uold . ibb from oc. up; Globes, Plant and Fish Food. FANCIBRET SUPPLY CO.. 6? Wast Broad. CONKBY'S ROUP CURB, GUARANTEED TO do the business. FANCIERS' bUPPLY CO. INC., 517 W. Broad Street_ hORS a AM)"MULES. ~"~ FOR SALE-100 FIRST-CLASS MULES. AP ply st.JOR LASITTER'S STABLES, or 0. P. CLAY. Tlnrty-nrst and Lelrh Streeta WANTED, TO BUY TWO POOD HORSES and Muios. Wagon and Dray. INDEPEN? DENT TRANSFER CO. __' LEAKY "ROOFS." ~ DOLS YOUR ROOF LtAK Call up ARMITAOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 'pb-jue nil. or write u* a postal; we will e?niniue miiu? and reporl coM of putllne It hi eood order. DRAMA A LA SWEET. TIME-A. D. 1903. 8CENE--A NIN ? H-STREBT Confectionsi-y. CHARACTERS CALL-STAR CA8TE): MtSS Forty-Cent Mixture, a leader; Cream Mint, a plnk-complexlonod b au y; Sa.Ud A - monds. distant relative of Suga -Coatnl Al? monds; Soft Cream Candy, a twenty-cental-; Cho.-olate Almonds, s d.cky beauty, Old I-'anhloned Stick, a tavorlts; Salt Water a ? fy. suggestive of sea braes s; Llourlc Drops, a black-faced dialect ar 1st; Boh-_in*, Klrses, Taffies. :to., chorus. THE POWHATAN HOTEL IS NOW open, re? modeled and thoroughly equipped wltb n?w furnishings and with faultless beds Man* s menu GEO. L. PEYTON, of White Sulphur. Rockbridge and Jordan Alum Springs, and B. M. BERRELY. 20 years conductor on C i * o. a r. ENTER ONE SEEKING GOOD CANDY. The nnxlous look gives way to a a ?' e of al tafactlon as Miss Mixture, accompanied by other members of Ilia compwi.,. a.pesr be? fore the footlights. ______ ATTRACTED BT EJACULATIONS OF SUR- I prise coming from the au llenoe, the manager of the stops from ths wlnga THE READER MAY LBARN THE SEQUEL at KAEMPFS. 110 North Ninth. UQ North . Ninth. DENTISTRY. DR P- P. SHARKS. DENTIST. 123 E< BROAD STREET (SECOND FLOORX WOOD, GET GOOD WOOD; It will pay you; prompt delivery, reasonable price. A, E. DEUEL, 1203 West Main. _ WANTED, TO SELL SEASONED PINE Wood, sawed, at 44.76 per cord; North Cap}. Una heart plno. IS. "Paone 48,0. A. J. BOlo SBAU, Linden and Beverly 8tr?ets._ WAGONS. WAGONS TO SUIT YOU AT RICHARDiON BROS.', 613 Brook AvtrtUM. FOR SALE.__ NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT IN JEW elry. from diamonds to plated collar button), solid silver and plated ware, s did aulu. ,i lod and silver watches, etc., before buyins con? sult J. WICINSTEtN. the Wholesale Jeweler at 1601 Bast Main Street. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CALENDARS. UW4: fine views, with d?so. Iptlona; sola by Ludles' Socloty Episcopal Church; ixiatpald. 30 cents, Address Mrs. M. O. WALLACE. University Stntlon. Charlottesville, Vs. OUR NEW DEPATRMENT OF FINE MEATS. Fish, Oysters and Game should be teen t bo appreciated; finest selection snd r.aso.iaMe prices; they are the choices o. the best Goods that you con eat and enjoy. ALU. bT GROCERY CO.. 720-23 W. Cory. 'Phone 364. WANTED. A FEW MORE CUSTOMERS hard to please; these know when quality us well as pHce Is ,0. K.; beat quality obtsin ablo. A. R ROBINS. Wholesale 200 Bast Marshall Street'Phone I3SS. FOR BALE-ONE GOOD-8IZB WORK MULE; tkle s^AApply at SHEL. URNIi'S WAKE HOUSE, botweon 9 A. M. and 2 P. M.. Tues da- 24th,';; SIMS.' ]_; TOR SALE? SEXT5NTT-FIVE FINE LARGE MULES; would exchange for lumber or saw. mill property. Address 8. P. CLAY. 601 N Thirty-first Street _??_ T^OBT^'buR-PLUMBING. HEATING AND tinning done property go to F. 8. DALTUN & CO., 16 Governor Street. FOB BALE?Three horse-power Gasoline EX GINK. GEO. W. E0KER CO.. IS North _v entb Street. BRASS FENDERS." FIRE SETS. AND AN dirons. N KLEIN * SON. 620 E. Broad St GOOD SQUARE PIANOS AT ANYPRICE you want st STIEFF8.. 4J1 E. Broad. FOR SALE-A NO. I BAR LOCK TYPEWRIT? ER. No. 6 North Ninth Straot _ "^^Tt^sFHO-CT FURNITURE" ENTIRE HOUSEHOLDS of Furniture bought for ciisb?I'esther Beds. Bolsters. 1'1'low*. Car? pets. Sewing M'ichliii-a. Libraries of mis celluneous prompt utl-ullau to order*, Aildre** KUUNITUKIC. 3SW uruug Afeuu*. ' FBaTheT5'Hb_6_ WANTED, to buy Feat hor BEDS; highest cash nrlces paid: also Feathers Keuoruti-il. "I'houe 8781. CASt'Elt.BKOS.. 1203 Vt West Mulu Street, c'ltyj, STOVE REPAIRING. 6FLCIAL ATTi-MTION .Ivsn to repairing hot waler ranges mid Latrobe stoves; nrst-clasi city refi-iencts given If i squired. JAMES W. CARY, 72S Brook Avenue. _ PHOTOGRAPHS. FALL TRADh has or?nsd up moil:-, but we are not too bus) to sccoaiuiodute -on si TUK ELITE STUDIO, SH7 E. B,-u?d Sfvet. MILLINERY. FASCINATING FALL HATS-CORRECT shapes snd the artistic blending of shades and materials make our hats marvaia of beauty. Call and see them. Mrs. ANNA B. ROACH. 220 East Broad Street WINES AND LIQUORS. STRAIGHT WHISKEYS-OVERHOLT (FIVE years). IS.60 per gnllon; Monttrello llv? years). ?3.M per gallon: Carroll Spring (four years), 13.2$ gallon: Clifton Springs, best 13 goods on earth; Old Chaitor (full tjuait), bottlsd In bond, tl; goods delivered. KELLY, 1703 Franklin. _ WHISKEY?Four-year-old Duncan it per gal- I Ion- ahlpped direct to consumer In govern? ment inspected distillery s.aled bottles, pack ?d In plain case; Gibson X.\\X (3 or gall i Duffy Malt SOo. per bottle; Wllso i U per quart. L. E. ULLMAN. Ulstlllers' Agent. _Richmond and Manchester, Vs._. , WINDjW ULAoa._| IF TOUR WINDOW GLASS ARE BROKEN out call up Lsa Ford, lbs I alntsr. No. ? East Main Stroot; hs will put ihem In fur you. 'Phone SWfl. -?-? ' COLD FEeT. .'. !'."_' '' YOU WOW'T liAVt ctld feet if you b-y a fiasb , or Magic Wood Stove st JUUUKNS'. IT PAYS TO USE TEE-DEE WANT ADS. ?Phone 649 for ths Ad. man. He will coma. PERSONALS. DANIEL PINCHUM, WHO WAS A FIRB man on tho Southern Railway, whs killed In s uolllnlon In October, 39->3. and as none of his effects have been found, sn.l builovlng that he owned buth person.U and real prop* erly, I advertise to ask that an informa? tion relative to uny pro. orty r.jttus of hi* be given to my attorneys, Messrs URr'A'N & WILLIAMS. 1104 E. Man Street. Rich? mond. Vs. MARY I. HULME3. A mi, AFE \uU HONOR! r COME AND OET THB largest meal tn the city for 35c.. no less than 8 to 10 covers; also tho unent Porter tl use Steak for 25c.: finest Home llaro-r. Lynn* havon and York River Oysters on half-s.iotl fOc. dozen, single fry 3 o. dozen; ljual n toast 30c. Everything else In season; quick service and moderate prices; open nigm anJ day. The choicest Wines and liquors always on hand. ugg-Nog ami Apple Toddy on Thanksgiving Day. FRANCiuNB'B. ?o6-1 _ Broad Street. JOIN ~THE CROWD THAT WANT THEIR linen laundried correctly and sen I foi ths EMPIRE LAUNDRY. 303 N. vary Street. Discount on gentlemen s weekly or monthly wash; also dyeing, cleaning' aaj 'Phone 31M. __ SOMETHING NEW In donlstry. Hlgh-grnds bridge work: In my process there Is no pos? sibility of cracking or breaking off; fo?;ing nol submitted to heat In process of solder? ing. I can positively guaiuntee the worst Q. J. DAVIDSON. Seventh and Proad. W_MT_D, TO HAND all the lacs ourulns Us town and lay the carpets, maka th;? abides and put on the weather strlpx. C. B. Ntilt VELL. No. 21114 N. Sixth Streeti 'plume to*. ???Ojb_..&_._f_tve ?Have you say old rub? ber boots and shoes? We will buy ttieni: "? grind them up. 'i'boiie U48 aud sak for IIIUAM; 420 Urouk Aveuue. _ CALL AND B^E US, Ws buy ind sell ssoond hi. nd and new furniture, stoves aud beulers. Call and see what bargains you cull get T. B. HALL ANl> CO.. I_ N. Sixth Street BEAUTIFUL PAPER CHRYSANTHEMUMS for foot-ball, 6c. each; Ice, cups. b.n-..on Lox ? and Mowers tor uinner dec-rations; one ef? fects. Mrs. PULLEY. _9 West ur_~ btreot 'Phone 37:6._ WANTED. THE SICK AND AFFLICTED TO enquire of us when In want of medicines, chemicals and appliances for relief of suf? fering; beat quality ub?lnab.e. A. H. KU_ 1NS HOO East Marshall, 'Phons 1388. WE-"MAKE MAT FRAMF.S TO ORDER, wholesale or retail: new millinery, latest style. Mrs. PULLEY, 52S West broad. _V;, HATS AND OLOTHLS cleaned and pressed! work called tor delivered, No. 004 lisst Broad. ?I'hone 112L_ shoiTkep- ikhmi. __ AS INDUCEMENT FOR YOU TO TRY OUR new way to repair shoea, If you brln.t this advertisement with shoes we will socupt It for 24c. cash discount on wholesollng; mans shoes Jl, regular price; todies Roc. Every pair sowed: no nails nr pe*,s; best leat.ior. DREW'S ELECTRIC POivSr SHOE FAC? TORY. 718 E. Main. 'Phono 3.67. U-od until November 231b. _ WANTED. WANTED. ALL SUFFERERS WITH CHAP-, ped hands and lips to try Robins' Soothing Balm; money refunded In HVsry failure; IB. ?6, Mo. bottle. A. H. ROUIaS. sou _a-t Mar? shall. 'Phone l.tsg. WANTED. TO REPRESENT GOOD, RELI able firs Insurance companies in Alex uiisi county. Va. Address ALEXANDRIA COUN? TY REAL ESTATE COMPAN., uver.tAik, ? Va. WANTED, ORDERS FOR CAKES OF ALL kinds for Thanksgiving and Christina*; trull cakes a specluUy. 60.cents pound; (list-class In every particular. Address or call on MLa SARA H. HARVIE. 1L S. Tlll.o Street WANTED. 20 oHARES RICHMOND PE -PET ual. Building. Loan and i rust Company's stock: stale lowest cash price. ??a._s "much.,' care this ortice. WANTED, TO BORROW 3160 OR $"00. TO PE paid back at $15, si'O or *_ per month; good scrurlty. CIVIL ENGINEER, care tills of M. SEIGEL BUYS AND SELLS .SEiOND lienil c it ling, mens ami ladles' shoes; 1W1I East Main Street _ GAS HEATERS. ALL STYLES. ALL SIZE3 and prices. N. KLEIN & SON. <SL Bast Broad. WANTED^" TO BUY TWO FOX HOUNDS; must be wall broken and s '"U si ck Aaure_ RICHMOND, VA., P. O. Box -6. MISCELLANEOUS^_ K-LP WARM! Wuod Heaters and Cooking Stoves. Bul'CE UAKUWAUB CO., 5UO bast ili.rshall Street. WIN COW GL-S6?oieop out the woat-er. Corns in mid It'll the BRUCE HAUUWA..K CU.'S . man to cuot around sud put .them la; 60S East Msrehatl. _'? SADDLtS, Bridles and Harness of all kinds; Farm Wagons, I'lotvi Slid Plow Castings. BRUCE HARDWARE CO.. (.OS E. Mar.liaU. GUNS AND F.-T0LS, loaned Suo.m sua Ammu? nition ut the BHU0B HAttDWAUB CO., o_ E. Marshall._ MiND YOUR LEAKY ROOF?i aud S-ply to* roofing paper. You can get it ut THE BUUCE HARDWARE CO,, 3UB E. Marshall._ CIRCULAR LETTERS DUPLICATED equal to original typewriting by the Im? proved mimeograph process: nanus filled In. to matah. THE SMITH PREMl-rt TYPB WR1TER. CO. 802 East Main 8trset. JUttuLNS 6LLI.8 the "Royal" and tbs "Grand Helper" Ranges; no repairs uecewary to theses t^U* c?re of themselves. YOU OAN'T BE boapltsbls and have a cold home; ?et the Cro?u Baan-Buruer libs most economical coal stove) or tus Msglc Wood 8tave from JUUOENS' and be happy. HA NO BARGAINS AT STAFF'S, 481 EAST Broad. W1CKLESS BLUE-FAME OIL KEATING; Stoves at N. KLEIN & BON'S. ?J? B, Broad. ' 'OIL STOVES. rtiUQtNB BELLB Oil STOVES. RAILROADS, SEABOARIi Air Line 1Lulvvv_ TRALNS L'JSaV'K KiLXIMUAD DAILY. ?:? P. M.-oeaboam ?ail-lu:S4 P. M. Bcuuoard ...spie&B-To Savam.ah, JuuK' aonvilW. Atiuntu and Southwest. ?:lt) A. M.-Local-Kor Norllua and tiara if.. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND PAILY. ?:_ A. M?No. 34??:? P. M.-No. W>~ From Florida. Atlanta and southwest. 6:*j P. M.-lTt'om NorUna and local VCuy' Ticket Ufflce. 630 K. Main Street. Phone ??*V _____ AiUsN.IUQOASrUi ,(V,,.?J MM,| | M ?WV??e?V(W 1.JXV*?a ? _ i4,_-.i. .,???,,\, ?t''i-_--*?* v **, oun. -16r. |l:uu *?? At. A. Wi L. Lx.uess to ull po.nts puuihi V;w a. M. Peter.burg and Norfolk. m;iu P. M. Peteisuuijj and N. <S \V West, ?UU P. M. Poieishurg und Nuifolk. tl-iu P. M. -oidsburo Local. 6-50 P; M, Petersburg Local. 7-? P. M, t'l'loriiltt and West Indian Lltji. Ited," 10 all pUnts South, 9'4o P. M- Petersburg and N- * W. West. U'30 P. M. Patt-iabuib' Local. "trains Arm-/Is hiciimond. J:? A. M., 7:53 A, M." *:-? A, Mi Sunday only 11:26 A. M.i 11.00 A. M- 1:05 P. 14 ?X(%pt 8un3ayi*iW *?. *+?? W * W- "? P. M.. 9:10 P. M. tEjtcepts8u^ay^ piv. Prt?.A?V \7. #. crajq. a?n. r*_. a*l RAILROADS, *s^s,s)*)s)ss*.i?ess?ss*?sw?*?^^.?*!"?? ? ?_U1H__ HAILWAY. t>wu*^^i*ti.u tvf't'bu NUV. l. l??. l:w A. M.?Uaily. Local tor cnariuue. l,;iio p, .U.?t.auy. Limned. Uuftet Pull? man to AHolU4 ana UlllllilibllUtll. .New ' unuaiiB. iuenujiiis. cnuttuiiuukH and ml tile aoutu. a;yu P. W.-lix. Saiidaj. Chase City local. lu:.v P. *.l?4..ttnj. LUiiiieO. I uu.imn ivwuy t*:*u p. M., lui u.l tne South, YL*.K *WVi_t LuMi. The (svyui' to.iw io AJrtitwniM'e and Luiiuin pViHW. Leave itiw....iu??u tivV P. 1 v;uu A. M. iv^opi oui.uuy. Local miaud I #J vifikWi lor Went Point. u. f 1 i;? p, .u.-i^Aucpi sunuay. t-ur West fuilll, coiutvvlting Willi etetwlieis lor uai Umoiw ,4i.u mw Irtuiutl' TitALsei ArMy*. mCHMUND, ?:M*.,'.u. and ?;.J P. u.-t'iuut ail the ?!sJUP. M.-r-from Charlotte and Durham. t>:tv <v, M.--*' I'otil Uiuse cuy. C. W. WBdTBURY. 1). P.'A.j Richmond, va. Clyde Steamship Co.'s * PHILADELPHIA. RICHMONP ANP NORFOLK LINE. Freight WSlved and delivered dally at C. <fc 0- Rw Qo.'s aepot, txsvwuuaiith swJ Rro*iJ ?tt??t? RAILROADS. !?%_*? Chesapeake _____! & t(|j0 Hy> 2 itcun and 15 ninnies to LbAVti laui-CvU-WaiLUCNU. 7:60 A. ?.?L?ll>? Local to .Newport New* aud Wof ?l.tllouo. ? ?;?? A. *???*"tii4??.mJlt?d?Arrives ttillluais. bui'k W.?0 a. Mm .tuwouri .\. a? io.ou A. to., oil) ruiui il.uu A. M., >ov<oi* tl:M A. Nn rol-taiiigutli I...U A M. 4:00 r. M,?viv<-fc usjs?Spiclul?Ai-rues Ull* l|uui?bur? -4:00 f. Al.. .Newport A.?* a,-;" I', Mn fid I'oliH o oo I'. M.. AoriuW ?.*? 1\ M., I'Ul'ISUlUUlli U.-lo I'. M. B;00 ['. M.?LMly?l.uc.1 lu Old 1'ulot. al.U.N LI.SK-Wliti'llliiUMJ. 10.10 A. M.? Loc-l?tsvspl ?" '-y. tu Lliftoq 8:00 i'!"Il?--Di.:iy -Bpecl.I |o CliicluustL : Loulsvllh, ot. Louis 4Uil Chicago. 0;1S P M.--.U'u?- iLos-L.ii.-sl lu * ivU?rl?lu 10:8" t'.*M.?Usil>--Llasttia to, Cleeiuimtt Louisville, m. I. ul. unci Chicago. JAMM itlVKU LINE. 10:20 A. M,?lisily?impress , lu LyucMm/s, CMUu l-urut) miU pilnclusl slatlmis. fills l>. M.--..VI* liuys? LwcJl n> I'l'i-uw, Norfolk and u|d I'uiut Ig.Ufl A. M. ds j, 11 46 A. M. lis. Sun., ami 7:00 I. M- dull/, Newport New. Local t'ty/vH'.^F'M dull. l-roiu Vine uuutl and tUtt 7:44 A. M. da If and liiHO'lt M. ds lb. Mslli Utw Uval f rutii Clftou Fori* S:10 V. >!_?! ?Wi|.Cr?W MftH Force. Fredericks' Usll Accutu, tt:30 ?. M. as. ""janits River Ut?s Local fan CH"on Fori* 0:86 f. M. dally. Bream Acconi. 8 .-to A. M. ?> B' Po.s-l,M*n?g?i , OUL Pat* Aft* ?\0T, 1. 1101. RAILROADS, MChiYQND AH, P.lEaS.Urtii UcTrtL fU.LrfM.. 1 e_in- m0 < >r,t i t, Ib02. Cars lo.i.o corner t-erry ami oaventh Slices. .uununu^iCi, eVvly hour ton Lne houn IIom ? A. *U. tu lu P, M., I_.t car U:uo P M. ' Cuts lu-ivo Petersburg, foot of Syca? more street every hour from titfO A. U Last cur connecting with No-1 folit tVuiini. Ua.tway, 10:40 P. U, STEAMBOATS, YtftGiriA llVIGATIOi QM?Ut iinfttid ?t* i **?? .-?.?. MliY^r*, b i ii.?..*?...? * oi.nMU,> * ft* loaic* ?uN >> *_<.? uowii ? anu i'i,i_<ti at I A. ?U. lor ,?Oi*u.?, Wittutwutu, uiu Nu?,.u.l ?N??Si Clum.uOlH tuiil JU.nsS Ri.ei lunuiuoi. una v?t..tU0nini ut w.u 1-onil tor \vual)<|l*;loli, uaniii.ois auU mo Noi'tn. ?Uie-ii,o..,? I'usMiveu lui mu u.c-.l at inudeiam pi.cua. _itfvu'iu vai*. u.??vt to wuai'L Pare only ?..ov and h to ^oi lulu. Aiusic by uiand ui'cne.iuiuu. Freight iscsived tor uouvs-uani.i places and au points in Lustern Viunnu _m North Carolina. IRViN WLisu_R. Guneim .U.tii4?vr. 11 AX LINE TO HALllaiUtta Vis U. Is o, 4>w/. ?.,u u... r.ut V. a M*?4i cuu Is., , ? Leant lilcbuwwl ?lu C, a u. dsil rivvpl Sundai, ?l 4 I'. Mm ceo uectlng at Old Point with .learners of old Uui Lliw. Uusiug: JU9 J , kl.. urrlvlug llaliluiuri- A. M-. ctluectlog North. Bsst snd West. *'?' Uc,fc,? atid'luforkustlos apply tu O. & 0. Kwy., stiee ood Trsb.fer Cuwpsiur. ? WU Heat Ua_ s)W _. A. BARSKR, JV-. iecrelary. STEAMBOATS, Merchants and Minors tianspor.a.ion Joim./, btetiiiisuip Liue, Daeot Uuiue to Usicn. hiafs., and??niViJ3no3, i. I. disunion, leave NoiiuU tor Uostou Tues> da>, >??iuiie_iat, i-uuui una ouuuu.j. t-ur Pi-ovldeiicvi .ttoi.uaj, iuHiau??- two, oatur day ai u P. M- rasstjiiiw a aim kiu.gut m?vll lor all .no.v po.pu. nett? ed on sale at i ' *i U, Mi. and .\. o; \V. My OtW, am. ?? .. MS nftal ilttlll sires*. R. II .*? ItiU.ll', ?Kt? NutlulK. Va. OLD D0M1NI3J STfAMiHii^J, Hig... lh> fir dorfiU, Leavs Sioiam...* a'"* svoulug llv?l ?( Ash Street! 1 H. ?*?? ^?l"?'? ?**?? *k (V"_* Sori howe ?0 ???" oirsu.on*. rare *.*>, mr.iuues stateroom *>?rihi meals, Wo, e.oii. ? ?????? FOR NEW YORK. . , ? Bv Chesapcaive and OOio Ly., 9 A. M.. 4 P M ; by Noi-.oik and Westum Ry... ? A id., 3 P H- -All Hues, connect at Nor* "8* CHilsKuiv^ fog Agent, JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. Wharf Pool of Ash Street. Richmond, Va JLBl WALKER. V. P. * T. ??? ?*?? ?'?*?.