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liller & Rhofe.ds. Miller & Rhoisds. "Life" For 13 Weeks, $1.25 With It Your Choice of a $1.50 Book Free! ANY BOOK IS YOURS for the choosing if you sub? scribe to LIFE for 13 vyeekl HC $i.2.v, "LIFE" as you may know te ono of tho oldest of the humorous publications in New York city. Gibson draws for "LIFE" each week. It sells for 10c per week and tho re'gu _ __ lar subscription price for 13 weeks is $1.26, Bv subscribing through our book department we give you the paper'and your choice of any one of about 100 books tot.SI.2S. A few of the titles as follows? Alice of Old Vlncennea. Tho Blue Flower, Contain Macklln. "L^nerr, rrom a Self made merchant to His Son. The Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Hearts Courageous, The Mississippi Bubble. The Right of Way, A Prince of Good Fellows. It's the best opportunity of getting a book for nothing that we know of. The Leopard Spots. A Gentleman From Indtctnn. Audrey. Ben Hiir. Tho Cavnller. 'Tho Crisis. UoroLliy Vernon. David I-Iarum. Ebon llolden. Kate Bonnot. Tho Virginian. / 8 Social and 8 {personal goooooooococoocxxxxxxxxxco The following complimentary mention made by Mr. John Temple Graves In re? cord to the recent appearance of Mrs. Bessie Miller Oton at the Georgia Con? federate Veterans' Home, will bo read with pleasure by Mrs. Oton's many Rich? mond friends. Mr. Graves says: "I could havo. listened to her all night. That was the sentiment of one of the veterans at tho Soldiers' -oim Thursday eliernoon. and tho sentiment was echoed to the fortunate guests who attended tho Beautiful recital afforded the veterans by Mrs Olon. A child ol the Confederacy? Fhe went among her father's comrade* tc recall a few reminiscences ol the ear? ly days when as a little one- she sang, "Open the gates as high as the sky, and lot Jeff Davis' men pass by." A tear drop glistened in her soulful eyes as sho recall? ed the scenei and sympathetic moisten? ing was exi ericneed by many ot those listening to her. When she recited Father Ryan s 'bword of RoLert Lee," the old soldiers' Joy knew no bound and with one accord they gave the charming reader the old-time "rebel yoll" and burst into song with organ accompaniment?"We Are Old Time Confederates." It was. indeed a happy hour for the men who fought for their country. After tho recital closed it was with pride that each soldier took the hand of their guest, and if tho ^entlo hand suf? fered a severe pre.-sure .. It was reverence for the noble woman that en? couraged it. , ?Mrs. Oton leaves tu a tew days for recitals elsewhere, and Atlanta may hear her somo time In November. She has hcen absent eight years, but her Incom? parable art has lost none of Its charms, end the public sho captured ten years ago will give her a cordial welcome. Tho Grace Episcopal Church School of Arts, originated by Mrs. Charles K. Grabowsltll -thrco years ago, has been wonderfully.*, success fill, and opens its fourth ses.?ton>. undiir tho most favorable auspices. It is a great work und open to till denominations, A recital In which tho programme will W presented bv Mrs. W, E. Thurston and her professolnal class, will take place in the Woman's Club, December 1st, at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. MaucU Porter Guntl will give some of her beautiful vocal selections and the Virginia Glee Ciub will also bo present to the enjoyment of the audience. Those taking part In the recital will he. Mrs. W. E. Thurston. Mrs. C. C. Walker, Miss Olliebell Harwood, Miss Lura and Miss Lily Hechler. A called meeting of ths Ladles' Masonic ?AuxUiarV will bo held ut 11 o'clock this morning In the Masonic Temple. All members are requested to be present, November 28tn will be Donation Day at the Children's Home, corner of Thir? ty-second and Clay Streets. The Home will be open (rom 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. to receive donations. The Kate Wheelock Whist Club will meet this afternoon at i o'clock in the borne ot Mrs. D. T. W - -ams, No. W8 Franklin street. As this if the first autumn meeting of th<- club, u)V the members are specially requested to be present. Invitations have been Issued by Mrs. Isabel Rive* Wolfe for the marriage- of her (laughter, MlSB Ileitis May, to Mr. John fihe-lton White, the ceremony to be performed In Christ Episcopal Church, Charlottesville, Va., by tha rector, tho P,cv. Harry B. Ln-. Miss Wolfe la a granddaughter of the late Mr. George C. Hives, and Is one of tin- irioM attractive young Indies In Charlottesville ami at the University oi Virginia, Mr, White is a s,jt> of Judge John M, Wh le and K extremely popu? lar. , ??<? vounu couple have u host ol lt.c! ,)-i. Thanksgiving Service. A Thanksgiving service will bo hold at JtAAw M Glass TJ?*? World1! Beat Has recolvvd ihv hlxhett __<-/./> tor quuiilv "' if4r) campatlHm- txhtbit THE E. B. TAYLOR CO., Exclusive Richmond Afjents, 1011 E. Main St. e E. Groad 6t S o'clock P. M., Wednesday, November 33th, In the First English Lutheran Church, under the auspices of the Ladlos Aid Society. ; ' An Interesting programme, Including fine musical features and selections by Mrs. Yoamans, will add to the pleasure of all present. The congregation and all others who feel inclined to coma will re? ceive a cordial welcome. Each person la asked to bring a thank offering, great or small, as ability prompts, to help the poor and further other work In the church. Those who find It Imposslblo to attend may send an en? velope containing an offering or place ono In the basket the following Sunday. Mrs. Evan R. Chesterman and her sis? ter, Miss Mary Frayser. will bo at homo Informally.*'next Friday from 4 to 7 P. M. In honor of Mrs. Clifford Miller, for? merly Miss Lucllo Nelson, of Culpeper. Fancy Sale. At Mrs. Otway S. Allen's, No. 15 North Sixth Street, on Friday, December 4th, I there will be a sale of fancy articles for the- benefit of the Anno Bruce Page cot at the Sheltering Anns Hospital, ll may, perhaps, bo recalled that last year Mrs. Allen kindly offered her drawing rooms for tho samo charity, and quite a huge ' sum was realized. Tho articles offered for sale wore most rare and beautiful and much admired by all. This year many of the ladles Interested, having Just returned from New i'ork. Baltimore, Boston and other large cities, it Is safe I to predict that the articles will bo oven ' more unique and raro than usual. Just ! at tills time, wnen every one is anxious to secure Christmas presents which will bo pretty and dainty, but not beyond a modest purse, such an opportunity should not be neglected. It must be re? membered also that this Is n most worthy I charity, for It brings health and comfort 1 to many poor people who are utterly un? able to obtain either without this he.p, The mcfibers of the King's Daughters' Clicle who support this cot are .Mrs. E. T. D. Myers, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter, Mrs. Andrew II. Christian, Jr., I Mrs. F. \V. Christian, Mrs. James AV, Allison, Mrs. Henry Bask'oryllle, Mrs. Le? vin Jo'ynos, Mrs. E. L. Bcmiss, Mrs. W. Waller Morton, Mrs. II. Landon Cabell, ' Mrs. Otway S. Allen, Mrs. Thomas At? kinson, Mrs. Rodmas Paul Snelllng, Mrs, Arthur Scddon and Mrs. P, 11. Mayo, Carter?Carrico. Miss Ethel Paulino, the daughter of Mrs. J. \V. Carrico, of Norwood, Nelson county, and Mr. Frank W. Curtcr wero married in Pelham, N. C, Tuesday, No? vember 17th. Tho bride has frequently visited In Richmond, whore sho has many friends. Tho groom is also very popular. ? ? ? . Tho parlors at tho Woman's Club were unusually gay and pretty last afternoon, filled as | hey were with a, crowd of hand? somely gowned ladles and tholr gueFts. Mrs. James Crump poured tea. Mrs. George Cannon and Mrs. Pr.;ston Cocke dispensed chocolate. The lively talk and bright repartee went on during tho hours for calling, the appearanco of tilings showing that tho best of society gravitates always towards the club. Personal Mention. Mr. J. L. S. Scaddlng and bride have arrived In Richmond, and are now at No. 21ft East Fran'.'iln Street. Miss Betty Burw.Ml Booker has met with great euoceas In London, where she has numerous concert and drawing room engagements for tho winter. She Is at ths hotel Dysart and is most pleasanUy situated there. ? * > The Norfolk Vlrglniin-PIIot of Sunday has the following pleasant mention of Mr*. Landonln R. Dsrhlalli The tan given by Miss Susie Hitch on Friday afternoon In honor of her guest, Mrs, L. R. D-ishi.ll. of Richmond, vi.-is one of the prettiest of tha season. The home was most Mir-icMvn In Its decorations, the parlor bolng in white and green; large pilnis banked the cor? ners, and vttMa of white chry anil the. mums here aud there In Ihe room. The dining room vvas lovely, and thore the color of pink was parried out In the roses which formed the florvl center. piece nnd the shades of the candles, while sniilax wn? used also, which added gYftltly in the effect. Tlvj guesls were received by Miss Hitch and Mrs. pflSh|ol|, and thon.. nerving In the dining room were Ml?e?a Camp, Keeling, Iflt, Flora. FIlolso Brooke, Kllon I'awlhonie, Win Furnnl and Arabella Hitch. The ooffe.i was poured by Miss M?inv Conetnblo. s s s Among the RH IiuioimIits who went to Norfolk for the ball game Inst Satin day were: Mrs. Philip Taliaferro, Mrs. James Parkinson, Mr and Mrs. George AIiikII,?. Miss RIIko ParklllSOn, Miss Mabel Walk, er, Miss Aniii?- Kmlth, Miss Junta WlilgP, MIkh Ilo-sle llunler, Ml?n Annie Jones, MlSSes Yonuo, Ml-s Bophln White, Ml>s Una Shield-., Miss Btanlev Atkins, Ml-?s Jessie Jonea, Miss Louise Herbert, Mis* Lillian Ulnford; Messrs. William Feign eon, St. ilborge Bryan. Joel Perrln, Cotes. worth Plnckney, I_tlnei- Gordon, James McB. Stringfellow, Douglas Gordon, Henry C.-irrtngton nr.d Low is Brandor. s s ? The R-Y. JPr- and Mra, William M. GAROLENA PORTLAND CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S. C? Larg"st Manufacturers, Importer* and DlBtrlbtilorB of Portland ap \mmmn cement, lbws and s? BUILDING MATERIAL IN THE UNITED STATES. Tnweit delivered prices quoted, on nppll?itIon. on Bltitidard Brands, In car no lots rnrl nd lots, small lots, to any point In America. Full stocks at Interior mills-fatso" ?L Unit, nore, Md.i Newport News. Va.: Norfolk, Va.i Portsmouth. Vo ? W imlngton. N. C.| Charleston. 8.. C.| Savannah, Oa.; Fern and Inn. Ha.; Jnck-ionvino Kinii! Pcnsneola. Fin.: Mobile. Ala.; Now Orleans, Ltt.l aulvcaton. Tex.; BH-mlnghnm. Ala., nnd Atlanta, Oh. Write for our prices. Dnmn, of Baltimore, havo sent ot t Invi? tations for nn nfternoon reception, to be given at their homo on November ?llhT In honor of Mrs. Willow ?ngo Dam?, formorly Miss Josophlno Putney, ? This"adds nnothor lo the list of several elegant entertainments which havo boon given Mrs. Pago since hoi- marrlago here on November 12th. Miss Stanley Atkins, who has been vis? iting In Norfolk, has relumed to Rich* mond, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Bowdoln. Mrs. William E. Hatcher, who, with her husband, has recently boon attending tho General Association of the Baptist Church at Staunton. Va., Is spending a few days in Richmond as tho guest of friends. . * ? * Mr. Ed. Smith, of Fairmont, formerly nf Richmond, Is visiting here. * s * Miss Martha Mosby Snoad. the lending soprano of Greco Street Baptist Church who has beon visiting South Boston and Lynchburg, Va., expects to return to Richmond this week. ? ? ? Miss Page Booker will Icavo to-dny for the- University of Virginia, after .a visit of several weeks to Mrs. White, on East Franklin Street. ? ? ? Miss Jcssls .loner. Is visiting Mrs. K. Foster Murray, of Yarmouth Street, Norfolk. ? ? ? The birthday party ht Grace Episcopal Church this evening at 8:30 o'clock will b? one of the pleasantest events on tha week's social calendar. The reception committee have arranged a charming programme of music and recitations, and will do every thing to promoto the pleasure of all who at? tend. INVESTIGATION AND COMMON COUNCIL Tho Common Council will meet to-nlgHt at 8 o'clock tot- the purpose of conslderin . the ordinance regulating the t-x on tno the i i ipet-v of the company according to the State'plan,will be concurred ,in, and Romp other business may be taken up. The Commlttes on Municipal; Investiga? tion will meet to-morrow night, at 8 o'clock to proceed with the exnm'naioi of witnesses. II Is not known yet v.i.0 will be put on the stand._ To the High School. Governor Montague w II attend thfl assembly at the H?ijh School &???*TO*j and will probably make an Infoimal talit lo the pupils. The.6 ;la no l.xed pio gramme, and His Excellency will slmnlj nay a call to see how the school Is pro? gressing, fe^llna: a deen Interest In lI.o subject of public education. ANIMAL STORIES FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS The Prize Mosquito. There was an old man Whose name I ne'er know. Who, tho older he got, Tho wiser he grow. He disliked mosquitoes; And thought it was fun, To kill all the tribe', And save only ono. And thi3 one It grew, Till It got such a size, It took all the premiums And many a prize. AND BIT QUITE DEEP. It fattened and thtckened, And lengthened out, too, And could send Us thick bill, Through tho solo of a shoo. While one day tho man. In a chair was asleep, The skeeter came up, And bit hhn quite deep. The mnn and the skeoter. Engaged in a bout, And when I last lu-ird, Thoy wero fighting It out. ESTABLISHED OVER A CEN? TURY. ISO 2-1.903. CHRISTMAS Less than 5 Weeks Off. \ A / E would impress noon our pa *? Iron: the advantages of earh Christmas showing, ana aavise se? lections io be moan new while stocks are ai (heir best. Hoods aelit 0I1 approval to all ri-spon slb.c parties- express prepaid. QALT & BRQ? JI;WELL IIUS, SILVER SMITHS. STAfiQNBRSi 1107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. c. J Js_sJtflBs__s_i__M_sW___Ms_ THE MAN about" -13 Y Harry Tucker. A funny Rule story Is told by Mr. 'John Doyle, apropos of the hunting sea ton. He used to live out In Arkansas or somewhere out that way, and one day ho wont out with a friend to shoot somo o ticks. When they got down by the rlvor, they ttund a crowd of people congregated thero, and upon investigation thoy loarnod that the body of a man had Just been taken from tho river. A justice of tho peace was In tho crowd, mid tho body, was searched to get some? thing by which the man might bo Iclanti lied., A pistol and $Iikj wero'1 found In His pockets, but nothing elso. Tho Justleo he'll! an Inquest and decided that the man came to his death by drown? ing. He then lined him $100 for carrying a concealed weapon, half of that amount to go to the dciurt. Accordingly the $100 was taken from tne dead body and divided, tho Stato getting half and the Justice the other. They aro hore and what a great treat they gave us. Wo found a lot of new faces In tho "hunch," but they are just as protty as the old ones und Just as charming. They corns fiom all over tho country, nnxi carry with them the different types of beauty, Tin-re Is Che luscious blond, Miss Bessyo Allele Glantz, "tho Baltimore Girl." who easily fills tho place of Fome of the oid ones, with her charming manner and her dash. And Miss Do I tie McCree. a pretty crea? ture fi/im Cincinnati, helps add up the 11st of new ones. Miss Fanny Frankel, from St. Louis, la cue of tho statuesque class, with a volco that takes her right Into the favor of the audience and puts her among tho leaders. Miss Frankel was with George Munroe last season. She has a volco that is bound to carry her to the top. Miss Frankel w-il| he seen to flno advantage In the "Knickerbocker Girl," when tho company comes back week after next. Then ctimos the old bunch whom every? body knows, nnd goes to tho Bijou night in tor night to see. ' It Is a good thing to have real friends, but a friend who Is a friend for effect or with a purpose in view Is to be avoided more than a mad dog In a narrow alley, A man never knows where ho Is at untu he gets married; then his wife never knows. The winter is always hard to the man | v.-itii tho empty coal bin, but the fellow who has to run lo catch Lho owl car i can keep warm any time. j The new style overcoat covers a mulU I tudo of sins. tion't throw your straw hat In the ash I barrel. Somebodv might steal the ban el, and it will be worn again next summer. ?When a fellow goes to the depot to moot some friends and gets lost In the crowd, ho feols like swearing at the en? gineer. We lovo to get a letter from our friend, telling us she is coming and to Le .sure to meet her. and we love to stand around a depot for two hours waiting for a late tialn, and then miss the opportunity. In response to a large number of In? quiries, we will say that another edition oi the "Man About Town" stories, which received such a sp'.endld reception last tan. will be out eaYly In December, so thai those who wish them for Christmas gift.; can get them in lime for the holi ouys. Mr. Clyde Saunders is tho publish? er. H. T. IMPORTANT CASES. Gambling and Sunday Selling Charges to be Heard To-day. Two cases of. somo Interest will come up In the Police Court tills morning, tine of thorn Is tho charge against Pat Grlil'm of keeping his bar open and selling liquor on Sunday, and tho other is tho charge against C. Ciuccl for maintaining a policy joint at his pluco on upper Broad Street. Bourke Cockran Coming. nn Tuesday night of next week W. Bourke Cockran, the famous orator and statesman, will be heard at tho Acad? emy of Music, his subject being "Cathol Icl-'ii and Democracy." This will bo Mr. Cochran's rtrst visit to Richmond. Ho will be Introduced by Governor Montague, and a large part of tho Deglslaturo will be present at the lec? ture to hoar tho great Democrat. Mr. Cockran is giving the lecture gra? tis for the benefit of the new home of tho McGHI Union: His subject will be treated, ho say*. In a broad light and ono which will interest people of all creeds and political parties, ho believes. The down-stairs boxas and a large part of tho orchestra chairs have already been taken, and tho McGIII Union com? mittee desires those especially anxious to hear Mr. Cockran to havo their seats reserved thin week. The Academy prom? ises to bo filled from top to bottom. Boats ate now selling at Cox and Shea's, on Main Street, near Ninth, and at tho music house of Walter D. Moses, on Broad fit.-eet. Esther, "The Beautiful Queen." The sacred cantata or oratorio of Esther will be produced by a select cast of sixty voices at the West View Baptist Church to-night undor tho au? spices of the Ladles' Violet Society of tho chiiroh. The cantata will bo rendered under tho direction of Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Perkins, whose ability to conduct such oratorios Is too well known to need corn ' mem. The solo voices, as well as those i of tho chorus, have ,)t,on selected with I great caie, nnd It Is needless la say that I the cantata will be given In u select man i nor, and especially as It has boon given 1 In several of tho churches of this city bo ! fore, and wuh such pronounced success, i The ladles aro very anxious that thero shall bo a large nuilienco present, Ihuh '? much as it is tholr desire, to rah-.o funds with which lo place new windows in tho chinch building, With His Bride. Dr. s. m. Robinson, former member ot tin; lloi ?? from Carroll conn >, w B Oil Hi,, tloor of body yes enluy, no um puiilud by hl.s hf de, they having boon manloil u few days ago ami hoing now 011 their honeymoon, l>v. Robinson was Wttrmly congratulated by his lorinor col li-^m -. to whom ho Introduce;! M a, Robinson. The latter was a Mini Bryant, oi (Jru on mid la popular i" that county and In ( u roll, Norfolk City Case. The Hay Hhoro Terminal Company of Norfolk huvo petitioned the Cori>onitl"ii i'-.,.i ,:,,,, for tho right to coiiilmnii coi lain it-.,|. of thu Norfolk Hallway and J.I-.-i.t Company, and the bodv has IDoi PecsmUu Dili as the limp for th? hearing. Mr. .J. Edward Colo represents tla< Bay Bhore Company and Mr. It. 11, Tunsslall ih? defendants. NEW FACES IN PULPITS Mctliodist Ministers Take Hold of the New Year|s Work. DR. YOUNG COMES THIS WEEK Rev. Mr. Spooncr Receives An Ovation, as Did Several - of the Others. Now faces woro cnon Sunday In several of tho Methodist pulpits of Richmond. I?nrgu congrogatlons wero present In nearly every Inslanco to witness th.3 In? coming of tho recently assigned minis? ters and to give them a hearty wclcomo. Two or three of tlu pastors havo not yet arrived, notably Dr. W. J. Young, who will preach his first sermon at Centenary next Sunday. Tho majority of thorn, however, wore on tho field and took hold at once. Rov. R. M. Mnxoy preached at Union Station nnd Rev. D. B.i Betty at Park Place. Tho Rov. Goorgo H. Spoonar received nn ovation nt'.Broad Street, his now charge. Dnrgo congrogatlons greotcd him at both ser? vices. DR. TIANNON AT TRINITY. Rev. Dr. John llannon. familiarly known as "Anion" Hannon, entered upon his pastoral work at Trinity Church on Sunday, Tho celebrated! minister preach? ed morning and night to large congrega? tions that wero very much pleased with tho Doctor's fine sermon. Ills morning theme was "Christ All In All," nnd was handled splendidly. At night he spoke on "The Works nnd Silences of Josus, and reinforced his deductions by the "so of unique nnd original metaphors. This, too, wns a flno sermon. Of course, tho Doctor wns given a cordial welcome by his new flock. Tho measure of strong attachment that ex? ists between him and his parishioners was strikingly Illustrated by qulto a number of Union Station's members com? ing down to Trinity at night to henr him nnd bid him Godspeed In his new told of labor. Tho Doctor does esculent work wherever ho goes, and Is not only bril? liant In the pulpit, but Is a very fine pastor. _.. DR. JOHNSON'S SETtMON. Judging from tho appreciative congre gntlon present and the warm reception given Dr. Henry E. Johnson at Daurcl Street Methodist Church by the mem? bers and friends of tho church yesterdiy, Bishop Hendrix did not mako mistake In again appointing this distinguished minister to this cltargo fof another year. . , In tho morning Dr. Johnson preached a sermon on "Tho M.ethocnst Itinerancy, and at night ho spoke from tho words: "Are the Demands of Religion Unreason? able?" Both sermons were eloquently delivered, and the Doctor was given tho' closest nttcntlon. The new conference year at Laurel Street Church begins most auspiciously. Large congregations are present at each service and tho members of tho church are organizing, for future work. There Is not a more 7.calous membership to be found In this city than at Laurel Street Methodist Church. The work of raising funds for the par? sonage Is well under way. and It s thought a largo sum will In all probabil? ity be paid on the si me during the year. SETTLING DOWN. Things are reaching the normal stato aeiln In Methodist circles, and every? thing will be moving smoothly again be? fore verv long. The meeting of the min? isters yesterday was largely attended. Manv of those who will leave were ?"??? ent to say their farewsi;-. Owing ?o tho ones yet to come In. the annual reor? ganization ? and election of officers was postponed until next Mondiy morning. MACHINE AN ADDER. One Hundred Profit Between West Branch and Cedar Rapids. Tho case of Hull vs. The Standard Adding Machine Company, appealed from Justice Cloan's Court, was tried yester? day before Judge Preston, the plaintiff ?again winning. Hull was agent, for the ! machine In Cedar county, whero the price was $1E0. J- Ij- Hardwlck was agent for Linn cpunty, where the price was Soo? the difference supposod to cover the. freight for thirty miles. Hardwick had tried to sell the city a machine Hull sold a machine to the West Branch Sav? ings Bank, and that Institution Bold It to Alderman Cushrnan for J1G0. Eventually It camo Into tho possession of tho city at that price, and the commission was paid to Hardwlck. Hull sued to recover tho commission and has boen successful. Aside from the law points Involved tho public will bo Interested In knowing that in Cedar Rapids, where thore was a prospect of more business, tho company was compelled to charge $100 additional profit, while the ordinary commission would Justify two law suits. That the machine should add $100 between Wost Branch and Cedar Rapids proves It to have been In good working condition. But tho city saved the money.?Tho Cedar Rapids Evening Gazstto. EDUCATION BOARD WILL MEET TO-DAY The State Board of Education will hold a session In the State Ubrary building to-day and several matters of public In? terest will be considered. Application will he made for the board's endorsement of the bill to establish a Bchool for the edu? cation of colored deaf and blind children, end the Dinwiddle case, where children alleged to have negro blood In their veins, wero excluded from a white school will cho cpme up. ...... Another case of Interest Is that of cer? tain Catholic patrons of a school in Fairfax county, who object to Protestant ministers opening tho sessions of the school with prayer. A teacher for the Indian school, In King Wlllnm county, i will be chosen and the coming fight for 1 the adoption of text hooks may bo In? formally discussed. Property Transfers, Richmond: Charles ft, Phtllllps, sped ll commissioner, and others to Byron Hear, 20 feel on north sldo Hrond Street, $13,000. II. 8. Roams und wife to Fulton Baptist Louisville Dressmaker. Miss N/mnlo Morgan, ono of Mm best known ilru:>siimkurs of Loulsvllh', Ky., wl|| he at The Jefferson Hotel, Nov, 25th, 26th and 27th, lo tako orders iindfiivo 11 rst littings. Miss Morgan's dresses havo a high re? putation for stylo, lit nnd finish. The luilles of Richmond are cordially In. vltMlrocnl! nnd son her. Every Day we're building more patronage through selling goods of evident superiority goods that prove their merit and their economy. Church's trustees, 80 feet on Graham Street northwest corner Fulton, $900. B. Gortrudo Tlmborlnko to William I* Cat-nenl, Jr., 6-1 foot on Leigh Street, north oast comer Bowo, $972, Henrico: John A. Connelly, Arthur EL Chapman and tholr wives, to F. A. Carter, 2S 3-4 acres 7 miles north of Richmond, nonr It. F. and F. R. R., and personalty, $2,700. William Ellyson, special commissioner, to Emll Pohllg, 32 foot on south sldo Now Brldgo road. H. A. Evans and wife to James H. Whitlow, 30 foot on north side Louslnna Stroot, 30 feet west of Marshall, to cor roct error, $200. Old Folks' Homo, G. U. O. True Ro forrnors' trustees to Rosa L. Whlto, lot 38 Brownsville, $50.61. Ellon II. Palmer to Anna E., wife of Phillip Wagnor. 97.4 acres 9 miles below Richmond, $1,000. Mary A. , Shllllngor to Joseph A. Tralnhani. 3 acres near Old Fairfield raco courso, $1,030. i S. P. Wnddlll, clerk Henrico County Court, to Tax Tltlo Company, 30 feet on road loading from Valley Street, to Mo chanlcsvlllo Turnpike, In nemo of Sarah Black, for taxes 1S89. Same to samo, 2511-2-12 feet on east sldo Thirty-first Street, 33410 1-2-12 feet, S. of 8. In name of Robert Jones for taxes 189V. Samo to same. 10 3-4 acres in name of Susan Jackson for taxes 1876-S3. Samo to D. J. Martin, lot 10 In block 23, Barton Heights. In name of E. A. Saun derB. for taxes 1J99. Same to L. L. Martin. 40 feet on east sldo Fulton Streot, 115 foot south of God din, In name of MIshak Jackson, for taxes 1S3?. Took Horse and Wagon. Mr. George A. Hundley's horse and j grocery wagon were taken Saturday night by unknown parties, and driven si/voral miles out Cary-Street Road, where It was abandoned. Mr. Hundley was notified nn. sent out for the vehicle yesterday morning. - s ? Finance Committee. The Council Commlfce on Finance held an executive soss on yesteriay afternoon and considered a large amount of routine business.._ W. C. A. to Meet A called mee'lng of tho Church Hill branch of the W. C. A., will be held t Is afternoon at 4 o'clock, at their home, No. 2G05 East Franklin Street. Lawrence Fined. In the Hustings Court yesterday a. ne? gro nnnrd Lawt;?nce was tried for at? tempted criminal assault and was found not guilty, but was convicted on the cl-argo of assault and battery and fined $25._ DAILY FASHION HINTS LADIES' COAT. TO RE MADE IN EITHER OF THREE LENGTHS, AND WITH OR WITHOUT CAPES. There have been eo many calls for a long coat to be made of cheviot or cravenotle, that we are showing a stylisu design, which can easily he copied by any woman who Is at all skilled in tho uso of her needle. The coot Is ornamented by three capes, which give a Jaunty air to tho coal, although their use is op? tional. The shoulder, undcr-arm and sklo-back seams extend all the way around, or may be stitched In tho under? arm Beams. With such a model to follow, throe separate and dlstlnot coals may be made. Ono, tho full length stylo, with triple capos, In cravenetto; ono of three-quattor I length, and having ono or two capes n hoiiio heavy mixture, to wear with a suit, and a third cont could be made of cov I ert cloth, In tho short length, and using I velvet for the collar. This last coat could bo made from somo old, discarded coat band- will bo found Just the proper thing' to wear when shopping, as most coats aro heavy things Indoors. In addition to cravenotle or Cheviot, the coat may bo made of tweed, sorgo, Venetian cloth, covert Kersey or Melton, and Is particularly smart where simply trimmed with buttons and machine stitch lug. No (1072,-Rlzos t?. Si, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 Inches bust measure. On receipt of 10 cents this pattern will ho HHiit to any uddrcss. All orders must bo directed t" the little folks I1 \TTFjRN CO., 78 Fifth Avenue, Now York. When ordering, pit-use do not full to mention number. No. 007'.'. Address.,,.,,,.,,,N This handsome Columbia Graphophon* will be given to the boy or girl of Rich mond or Manchester sending to the In? terstate Chemical Company, Baltimore. Md., the largest number of QUAKER Gelatine Coupons between now and No? vember 28th. Every Coupon sent tn during this time counts towards tho $200.00 Cash Prizes offered to the children sending In tha largest number of Coupons by Decem? ber 19th. On Decombor 6th and 7th we will pub llsh tho names of tho thirty children having sent In the largest number of Coupons up to that date. Watch for this announcement and see If your name ap? pears among them. Remembor $200.00 In cash will he given on December IBth to the children sending in the largest number .of Coupons. KELLEY & DUDLEY, Sole Agents, 1009 AND 1011 EAST GARY ST. Richmond, Va. COAL. You can't be happy if you are burning poor Coal. The Coal we sell is not a worry producer. It is a worry saver. We handle all kinds of Anthracite. Stove, Egg. Nut ana broken Splint. Lump. Fire Creek Lump, New River Lump and yteam CoaL ? COKE. Why not try a load of our Domestic Coak for cooking stoves i It will save you money. WOOD. We handle all kinds of Oak and Pine Wood, long and sawed; In any length to suit any stove. Give us a call and be convinced. Nelson & Ladd, ?Phone 1000; 1710 East Broad Street STOP THAT!! Cough with Dr. David's Cough Syrup, Pure Pine Tar. Horehound. Wild Cherry, &c. .X. few doses of this old time Coi-Kh Cure will euro you before your lungs be? come too much Involved. Large bottht 25 cents everywhere. PETITION FILED IN SCOTT JDOUNTY CASE A petition for a mandamus by C. C. Broadwater and others was filed In the Supreme Court yesterday to compel J. A. Noblln, R, L. Webb, C. C. Palmer, H. G. Morrison, W, H. Hensley, commie sionexs of eleotlon for Scott county Vir? ginia, and W. G. StephenBon, olerk of tha County Court, for said county and ex officlo clerk of the commissioners of election for Scott county, to reconvene and to again canvass the vote of Scott county at the election held on the 34 day of November, 1903, and In sa? can? vass to count the vote of Roller pre? cinct in said county at said election and make their return accorumgly In accord? ance with tho petitions, &c. Colonel James B. Richmond Is counsel for the The motion was heard and the application placed on tha docket. New Charters. The Corporation Commission granted the following charters yestorday: Lowls-Lankford-Tull Company (Incor. porated), Whealton, F. W. Lewis, presi? dent. Capital stock Incresed from $o0,000 'Vominmakor Club, Dorchester, Wise county. J. W. Hurmnn. president. lVsal estate not to exceed $5,000 In value. Tho Dragon Road Pleasure Club (In? corporated), Nnns-emond county. O. L, Volght, president, _ ",;. The Newport News Beneficial and Insurance Company (Incorporated), Now port News. H. A. Cephas, president; T, H. Clayton, vice-president: E. C. Brown, secretary and treasurer. Capital stock. $1,000 to $.10,ou>. Reul estato not to ex? ceed 250 acres. __ Tho Cryutal Ice Company (Incorpo? rated), Brintol. John C. Anderson, preel dent. Capital stock $30,000 to SSO.OM. Burnett's Extract of Vanilla Is tie b?st, perfectly pure, nnjbly concentrated.? i/dr,